The bitch in a divorce party celebration
- 2 years ago
- 51
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So, the time’s right I try to convince myself for the umpteenth time. My divorce is through and I’m a free woman for the first time in twenty three years. It’s time for my celibacy to end, to take a new man into my bed, or his bed or any bed for that matter. The difficulty is that my husband, or now ex-husband is the only man I’ve been with, and to give myself openly to another is a somewhat scary thought. But I’m ready, I tell myself, to be loved again.
There is no turning back, for tonight I have accepted a date with a man whom I’m physically attracted to, and have been for some time. The man in question dated a friend of mine Claire for a short time a few years back when I was still married, and we had sometimes socialised together as a foursome. The fact that Claire had once told me Nick was a very good lover was not lost on me and her lurid other tit bit comments had lay dormant in my mind ever since, well until now.
I had run into Nick at a charity event a few days back and we got talking about old times. I noticed him look at my left hand where my wedding and engagement rings had once been proudly worn, and during the next few minutes of us catching up he knew I was now single. I smiled at the glint in his eye, for there had always been a little mutual attraction. And later in the night when he asked if I would like to go out for a meal, I hesitated politely before accepting.
What would it be like to be seduced by a new lover I asked myself as I prepared to get ready for our date? Would he even want to seduce me? I smiled to myself as I lay my chosen clothes on my bed, but there was no doubt that he was interested in more than my intellect. Should I even let him seduce me on our first date? But I’m on the wrong side of forty I told myself, and I shouldn’t have to play those silly games. Anyway, I wasn’t interested in a relationship, I just wanted to get laid. I wasn’t actually sick of my well practiced fingers or my battery operated toys, I just needed the touch and feel of a man again. Then more doubts crowded my emotions, would I be any good in bed I asked myself? My ex told me many times I was, but we all know how men lie.
I took off my clothes and stood in front of my full length mirror. I lifted my breasts slightly up to where they used to sit and cursed god for letting me get old. My dark pubs had thinned a little over the years, but didn’t look too bad since I’d trimmed the edges earlier that morning. My legs were still good I told myself, long and full with trim ankles and calves. I opened my legs slightly so my lips were exposed and ran a finger over my clit. I considered taking a vibrator to it to take the edge off my excitement, but decided against it. If I was going to orgasm this night, then someone was going to help me.
Stepping forward I looked into the mirror and played face lift games with my manicured fingers, and then cursed god again. Stepping back, I gazed again at my nudity and noticed that my summer tan was beginning to fade.
After showering, I began to dress. I had gone for the casual look, a nice green top displaying just a little cleavage, my jeans were tight showing off curved hips and thighs assisted by sleek high heels. Beneath were matching cream slinky bra and panties. I’d considered black but thought they might be a little sluttish under the circumstances. Keen and interested I confess to be, but certainly not sluttish.
After half an hour in front of the mirror applying my makeup, I was ready. From a bedside drawer I retrieved a packet of condoms which I’d purchased sometime back but never brave enough to use. Well, that’s not quite true, for I’d used one on a lucky broom handle as practice. Anyway, I put the remaining two in my handbag just in case.
I met Nick in a bar as arranged but a good old fashioned ten minutes late just to show I wasn’t too keen. His face broke into a smile when he noticed me arrive, he pulled out a chair for me and signaled to my favorite cocktail which ready and waiting. He obviously remembered what I was drinking when we last met which I took as a good sign.
We only stayed for a two drinks as the bar became busier and noisier making it difficult to converse, and then made our way to a French restaurant that Nick had booked. It was quiet and intimate and I quickly relaxed in Nick’s company.
Nick wasn’t a hunk of a guy, but he was still easy on the eye, tall, wide shouldered and dark haired with a smattering of flecks of grey at the sides. His shirt and jeans hugged his frame very nicely. The attraction I think was more about his personality, friendly, outgoing, confident and funny. In other words, he was easy company. His big blue eyes seemed to have their own personality and they almost smiled as we conversed.
The food was delicious and we chatted about all sorts of things as we ate. It was while waiting for dessert that it sort of changed. He gazed over at me and grinned mischievously.
‘What?’ I asked.
‘Well, I never thought there’d be a day when I’d be sitting across the table with you on a date.’ he commented.
‘Me too.’ I answered. ‘But here we are. Anyway, you shouldn’t have been thinking about dating a married woman.’
‘I know, but I always had a thing for you, married or not. There’s just something about you that’s irresistible. I’ve always liked talking to you whenever we got together. You were like a little magnet to me, married or not.’
I smiled graciously, for it felt good to be complimented like this, but I couldn’t let him get away with it.
‘You sure you don’t have a thing about married women and it was my wedding ring that was the magnet?’ I asked.
Mick sat back in his chair and put his hand on his heart, ‘Promise, I’ve never chased a married woman in my life. And I didn’t chase you back then. But now you’re single and I still want to chase you, so your theory doesn’t stack up.’
I smiled again, ‘Didn’t think it would. But the feelings mutual anyway. I’ve always liked you too, but like a friend. I never was never interested in other men when I was married.’
‘And now?’ he asked coyly.
I shrugged my shoulders, ‘I’m a free woman and I can do what I want with whom I want.’
‘I’ll drink to that.’ he said raising his glass to mine. ‘Actually, I wasn’t sure whether you’d date me cause I’d dated Claire.’
‘It was a long time ago, and I spoke to Claire. She’s got no problems.’
‘What’d she say when you told her we were going out for a date.’
‘She told me to go for it, that you’re nicely hung and great in bed.’ I replied most innocently.
It was the first time that I’d seen Nick lost for words, and I laughed loudly at his shocked face. Then he started to laugh which set me off again. In seconds we were giggling like two school children. When we finally got ourselves back under control, he asked me what it was like to be single and dating again. His question brought up all my emotions and it took a few seconds for me to answer.
‘Scary.’ was my first comment as I began counting off my fears on my fingers. ‘Fear of rejection, not attractive enough, too fat, too old, not being good enough between the sheets to please a new partner. The list is long.’
Nick thought about his reply, ‘I can understand the rejection thing, but not being desirable is a load of bollocks. You’re one very attractive and desirable lady. Don’t understand about the not being good in bed thing, what’s that all about?’
I looked around the restaurant making sure that we couldn’t be overheard. ‘Cause I’ve only slept with my ex Tony. So it’s a big thing for me to climb into bed with someone else. It might not be for other women, but it’s all a new start for me. It’s different for guys, I mean how many partners have you had?’
Mick refused to answer that which surprised me, most men like to brag about their conquests, he just gazed across the table at me for a few seconds.
‘Do you like sex?’ he aske
This time I hesitated before answering, ‘Sure I do, or did cause it’s been a long time since I’ve done it. It’s just that I’m real nervous about doing it with someone else. Probably chicken out at the last moment.’
Nick leaned across the table, ‘Well I think you’d be hot in bed.’ he whispered. ‘So I’m going to invite you back to my place with the sole intention of seducing you. If you do come, you can say no whenever you want, but I intend to give you the best sex you’ve ever had.’
I was sort of shocked at Nick’s proposal, not because I didn’t think it was his intention in the first place, but because he was so open and honest about the whole thing. The fact that I knew and liked him convinced me that I didn’t exactly need to slap his face. Anyway, wasn’t this exactly what I wanted, I reminded myself?
‘I’ve got clean sheets too.’ he offered with humour as I contemplated his offer.
‘Okay.’ I heard myself whisper as I gazed back into his eyes. ‘I’ll go home with you, but take it slowly, okay?’
And there the sex discussion ended. It was if a deal was done and there was no more to say on the matter. We chatted as we ate our desserts and passed on coffees. But I could feel the dampness of my arousal in my panties as we walked to his car knowing there was no turning back. In the car he turned and kissed me gently, and I allowed his tongue to enter my mouth. The kiss became more passionate until he pulled away and grinned cheekily as he started the car. I was nervously happy, but there was one more secret I had to overcome, but his car wasn’t the place or time.
Nick’s townhouse was surprisingly well decorated, furnished and tidy for a single man, it almost had a woman’s touch. While he made me a gin and tonic, I looked around at the photos on display looking for a bit of his history, lots of family photos but none of his old conquests, which was good.
I was surprised how calm I felt, it was if I had accepted my fate and what would be would be. I was still excited and mildly aroused, but there was no thought of running for the door. I can do this, I told myself. We made ourselves comfortable on a large comfortable couch with our feet up on an ottoman as we sipped our drinks. The mood was set with pulled curtains, dimmed lights and quiet music. We chatted aimlessly for a few minutes.
‘You’ve got great legs.’ he offered out of the blue. ‘I’ve always been a leg man, a lady in tight jeans and high heels does it for me.’
I laughed and kicked my shoes off, ‘Don’t want you to get too carried away.’
Nick took my glass and placed it on the floor, then took my face in his hands and kissed me.
I always liked being kissed and a few seconds into it I found out what a great kisser he was. We leaned into each other as we became more passionate, our tongues dancing as our hands began exploring. When our kiss eventually broke, Nick nibbled gently at my face and neck which was having the desired effect as my arousal mounted. Again his lips found mine and we slid sideways onto the couch and made ourselves comfortable. I was now pinned between the back of the couch and Nick, and I lifted a leg over his body to give us more room. I could feel the hardness in his jeans and pushed gently against it.
‘Can I go home now?’ I asked cheekily between kisses.
‘No, do you want to?’
I giggled and pushed harder into him for a little encouragement, ‘Nope, just asking.’
For the next few minutes, we continued kissing passionately as our hands got a little braver. I sighed deeply as his tongue slid down my neck and into my now pronounced cleavage. I raised myself slightly as his hands reached and found my bra catch which was released in less than a second. He then gently eased my breasts out of my top. I heard myself moan as his tongue teased around the edge of each nipple in turn and then take them into his mouth.
After a few seconds he pushed both of my breasts together so he could suckle on both nipples at the same time. I tried to reach his shirt buttons but couldn’t and pushed back against his hardness to show my appreciation. Nick slid his face upwards, his hands lifting my top and now twisted bra over my head. His lips found mine and our tongues again met. His hand caressed my breasts for a short time before moving down over my thighs and began to explore. While waiting for him to get braver, I unbuttoned his shirt exposing a slightly hairy chest, which is exactly how I like them. I tweaked his erect nipples just as his wandering hand slid up the inside of my thigh, I turned slightly on the couch raised my leg a little making it easier for him.
After a few gently caresses, I felt the button on my jeans being released and the zip lowered. Nick broke from our embrace and placed both hands over the top of my jeans and began easing them down over my hips as I raised myself from the couch. To maintain a little modesty, I took hold of my panties to stop them sliding down with my jeans. After disposing of them, Nick gazed down at my nearly nude body.
‘Wow.’ he commented.
‘Can I go home now?’ I asked innocently.
He laughed, ‘Nope, not a fucking chance.’
‘That’s good, cause I don’t wanna.’ I murmured as his hands began to caress my thighs.
Nick lowered his face to my breasts and licked and nibbled, then kissed his way downwards. Unashamedly, I parted my thighs as he reached my panties and licked and kissed his way around the elastic edges. He positioned himself between my legs and kissed his way up each thigh teasing me, after a short time I took hold of his head and guided his face over my waiting pussy.
I’ve always loved a good pussy licking, my sensitive clitoris always keen for that little game. And when Nick seemed quite content to just tease it through my panties, I simply reached down and pulled them aside. I cried out loudly as his tongue found my clitoris for the first time, and squirmed against his face as he began to lap gently over it before sucking it into his mouth. He then changed tactics and began running his tongue up and down my slit and pushing hard into my opening. Just like kissing, it took a very short time to realise what a good licker he was. I felt a finger slide up inside my wet pussy and began to look for my G spot, I sighed deeply in appreciation.
‘Wanna go home now?’ he asked between licks.
‘Noooo.’ I chuckled. ‘Wanna stay here.’
Nick settled into a nice little finger and mouth rhythm and I could feel the first inkling of an orgasm.
‘Before you go too much further, you might wanna get a towel. ‘ I suggested. ‘I’ll make a mess on your couch if you make me cum.’
‘Don’t care.’ he mumbled with his mouth full of pussy.
Knowing what a mess I made when I cum, I locked my thighs tight on his head and twisted my pussy away out of his reach, ‘I do, please get a towel.’
I relaxed my thighs and he gave me a last slow lap of his tongue before climbing from the couch and heading from the bathroom. I stood and had just stepped out of my now twisted and uncomfortable panties as Nick returned and placed a towel over the couch. I stepped closer and kissed him while removing his shirt, our tongues played as I reached for his jeans and unzipped them. My hand gently caressed the substantial bulge before releasing his belt. My hand slid inside and I grasped his erection for the first time. It felt rock hard and very thick and I squeezed it gently causing him to sigh. I pushed his jeans and shorts down exposing his erection for the first time.
My friend Clair had been quite correct, Nick was certainly well hung. Not so much long, but very thick. I knelt down in front of Nick, his erection bobbing dangerously in my face as I removed his boots, socks and jeans. I then took his shaft in one hand and kissed the head and then licked the eye before taking it into my mouth. After a couple of seconds I dropped his cock from my mouth and examined it in more detail. The pink head was large a
nd circumcised. The shaft was slightly darker in colour a little thinner near the head but quickly thickened, so much so that my fingers and thumb were a long way apart at the base when encircling its girth. Thick veins were visible along its length. I released it and watched as it angle down slightly under its own weight. Reaching under, I cupped his balls which were also large and tight. I then lifted his cock and ran my tongue along the shaft on both sides for a little lubrication before taking the head in my mouth.
For the next few minutes I demonstrated my oral skills which had been honed in my marriage. I licked kissed and stroked Nick’s fine cock as he stood before me. His little moans of appreciation became more frequent, and I could feel his legs trembling as the seconds past. Then Nick eased me to my feet and turned me towards the couch.
I managed to straighten the towel before sitting down and unashamedly opened my thighs wide as Nick knelt before me. I eased my buttocks forward as his face dropped and his tongue again parted my slit. I jumped as my clit was sucked into his mouth and flicked over a few times by a rough but warm tongue, then Nick raised his head, shuffled forward and pointed his thick cock right at my pussy.
He gently rubbed the head up and down my lips a few times before letting it drop to my opening. I reached down and parted my lips to assist, and then heard myself moan as the head popped in. I leaned forward as far as I could so I could watch it enter me. Little by little, Nick rocked back and forth, each time pushing deeper into me. I could see the glistening tidemark around his shaft each time he pulled out and eased back again. My pussy was stretched to capacity but his cock felt nice and warm and so very very hard. I could see my lips bulging outwards as the base of his shaft pushed into me.
Nick soon settled into a nice slow rhythm but kept changing the angle and depth, and it felt so good. I rolled my buttocks against him and my ample lubrication making his attack easy and noisy. After awhile I slid my finger down to my clitoris and began to massage it. A thoughtful Nick shortened his stroke as to not hinder my now busy finger. I raised my legs from the floor and wrapped them around his buttocks pulling him into to me at the speed I needed.
I knew it wouldn’t take long for my first orgasm to arrive and I was soon trembling with excitement. Seconds later I cried loudly as my orgasm wracked my body and felt my ejaculation gush from me. My lover held me tightly as I squirmed, the ecstasy took over my mind, sole and body as I frantically pushed back on his hard cock jamming my fast moving finger on my clitoris. My pleasure was exquisite and I savoured the short seconds as it soared through me, but eventually I felt myself begin to relax.
I opened my eyes and looked into Nick’s smiling face and then dropped my eyes. His navel and thighs were slick from my ejaculation.
‘Sorry.’ I offered reaching for the towel and attempted to clean him up.
‘Wow, never seen that before. That was fantastic.’ he relied as he pulled out his cock and rubbed it over my thighs and pussy a few times before sliding it back deep inside causing me to moan.
He then eased me sideways onto the couch and mounted me. I reached down and adjusted my pussy lips before wrapping my legs tightly around his body. His lips found mine as he began to ride me deeply and hard. I settled back and let him do his good work.
I so was relieved that my ejaculation hadn’t put him off. It was something that I had always been embarrassed about. In marriage, nothing is sacred. But being with a new lover I was nervous that it might have killed the moment but it hadn’t fazed him one bit. On the plus side, my pussy was well lubricated after orgasm and Nick would have no problems riding me as long as he wanted to.
He lifted my legs over his shoulders and slid deep inside me, I put my hands on his chest warning him to take it easy, well at first anyway. He began sliding all the way in and out, and I reached down to guide his cock to make sure he didn’t do me damage. We lost track of time as we made love, the kissing, caressing and his cock taking me to another place. I tried my legs in several positions and settled for around his buttocks. I loved how his large body smothered me, my hands caressed his arms and chest as he rode me. My pussy met his every thrust, his thick cock slapping noisily into me bringing so much pleasure. Our bodies were by now glowing with sweat, but we cared not. Eventually Nick collapsed on me and nibbled my neck.
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"So John you have to decide where you want to go and live." You father tells you but you aren't listening you're staring into space thinking about what has happened in the last few months. Six months ago you were all happy you lived with your mother and father everything was great until your father had an affair with another woman, someone he worked with. Your mum found out and wanted a divorce immediately she could not forgive him. They we amicable in the divorce hearing they decided to sell...
MILFI could see she had been crying, and as soon as the door closed behind Gloria, Jenny practically threw herself around my neck, soaking my shirt with her tears! "Hey!" I said, as soothingly as I could, "What's all this about?" "I just didn't know where to go!" she sobbed, "Or who to turn to! You've been so nice, I just... just... !" Another burst of crying interrupted whatever she was going to say. I guided her to the sofa that Gloria had insisted on having along one wall of my...
Nick’s divorce was immanent as he was standing in front of a window on the sixth floor of an office building listening to Craig, his lawyer go over details contained in his wife’s divorce papers. He was glad it was almost over, but not about how greedy she was being about things. He hated having to be mean. But she was getting terrible advice from her lawyer. They were upping the demands after every meeting. She sued for the divorce and thought he would just give her everything she wanted. On...
After twenty one years of marriage, and of being with the same man since I'd lost my virginity to him, I found myself faced with divorce papers. Attracted to a young assistant in his office, she and my husband had an affair, resulting in the slut getting knocked up. Choosing the young pussy over mine, the bastard had divorce papers served on me a short time after he discovered he was going to be a daddy again. Not only was I crushed, but so were our three kids, our twenty-one year old...
SeductionHi, myself Riya. I am 32 years old. This is my first story and you will get a lot in the coming days. I am divorced and I have had a lot of experience before and after divorce. This story is about 1 month after I got a divorce. I had to get a job to look after my needs. To give you brief of my beauty. I am 5.6 height 38 32 38. I like to wear revealing saree, tight top, and jeans, tight leggings, skirt and yoga pants. I like when guys stare at my assets. I love to get grouped in public. Without...
October 1997I could not believe I had this beautiful twenty-five-year-old on her hands and knees with her legs spread wide with my attorney’s cock in her mouth while my prick slid in and out of her pussy. Oh, what a wonderful slut, and I like sluts. Let me give you a little background.A week prior:Although the upcoming divorce caused my heart to twinge occasionally, I was prepared. In the three weeks prior, I had started a new job with a sweet deal and was ready to close on a nice lakefront...
TrueMy name is Becky, I’m a 26 year old secretary. I’d been going out with Brian for a year. I knew he was married and was going through a divorce. However his divorce was coming through within a month and I was planning something special for him.Little did I know during the planning that it was going to change our lives forever.His divorce was coming through on a Friday and so I had planned a sexy present for him: a foursome! Me, him and a couple I know who swing. I know that Brian has always...
Divorce lawyer Beverley Clark said her client, Judy Sexwale, "now had no choice" but to bring an urgent application for an interdict against her husband.Sexwale, who is locked in a bitter divorce from his wife of 20 years, is alleged to have phoned a family friend of Judy Sexwale on Monday, accusing her and a former security guard of using hardcore pornography.On Friday, Sexwale is said to have repeated the story to a second family friend - this time showing him "evidence" he claimed to have...
It was strange, I have never been invited to or been to a divorce party. It was Renee's divorce party, I could tell she could be wild, she was always flirting with me, and we even talked sometimes about fantasies that we had. She had such a curvaceous body, nice full breasts and a round ass, that made me squirm every time I saw it. We had even fooled around, but we never had sex, but we had seen enough of each other, it seemed like we had. She had an erotic revealing picture of me, which...
Bikini Beach: The Divorce By Bashful Cecil Mathers, 'Cec' to his friends, was a real S.O.B.. He was ready to end his three-year marriage just because he was tired of his wife. He had to figure some way to get out of paying alimony though. "Jack, you avoided the alimony bit, how?" Cec asked his best friend. Jack Carson had successfully gotten out of his five year marriage without paying his former wife a dime. She was now working at the all night waffle house as a...
Hey friends, Mera naam Abhishek hai, main punjab mein rehta hu, Main ab apni mumma ke saath rehta hu , unka divorce ho chuka hai, pehle papa paas rehta tha. Meri Mumma ke boobs bahut bade bade hin and gaand bhi gol hai and bahar ko hai. Rang gore se thoda k hai, aur sharir thoda bhaari hai. Bahut sexy hai. Ye baat tb ki hai jb mumma ke divorce ko 3 saal ho gaye the. Aur hum naani ke ghar reh rahe the. Ghar mein Naani, Mama, Mumma and main rehte hain. Ek din Mama and Naani Mausi ko milne kisi...
To my dedicated readers: You will find that this story is completely different from those I have written in the past. I will be giving the point of views from almost all of characters involved. The main story revolves around a family of four: The McLean's and two Marriage Counselors A Better Solution Than Divorce Part 1 By Jennifer Allison CAST OF CHARACTERS: Dr. Richard McLean: 38 year old Pediatrician, father. Helen McLean: 37 year old high school teacher,...
Samhain Night The night air chills. Northern leaves glow golden and fall with the sun. Our nipples stiffen and touch sensually before our lips join. Our fire-dance is nigh, my sister. The scent of damp and decaying leaves fill the air, as the nights shorten and darkness comes ever earlier. Bodies are fevered with expectation, nipples swollen and lips moist as the greatest night of the Pagan year, draws ever closer, my dearest sister. The fire burns hot in the sylvan glade, warming our naked...
LesbianI’ve been divorced for a number of years and although many men browse through the internet finding articles for women written by women regarding dating after a divorce, I have yet to find any articles that dealt with the issues of dating for men, written by men on how date or avoid these personality types after a divorce. After a few years of extensive research by myself, I have categorized some women into some very recognizable groups that many of you haven’t articulated in your own minds...
By the time the divorce was final I knew Carol and I were truly finished. During those early months the kids might stop by to see me. They never stayed long because there wasn't a lot to talk about. Their conversations were usually with their mother. I was just a listener. Once in a while I might order in a pizza if they brought the grandkids. They did like the hot tub. I lived alone. I'd have dinner out most nights and sometimes meet friends for dinner. I was going to live the remainder...
"I want the boat!" Rashida roared, pounding the table."Why? You went on one trip with me last summer, and every other time that it touched water was me fishing with my friends. You never wanted to go with me, Rashida.""So, what? I want it!""Mr. Conner, would you please ask your client to calm down?" I asked, peeking at him. "Let's just get through these proceedings as civilly as possible. Your client yelling is not helping us get through this at all.""Well, Miss Stewart, your client...
TabooIntroduction: We returned to our our previous duty station and In 1977 Dot and Ted returned to the California High Desert in for for his final stateside assigment and retirement from the Air Force. They re-united with Frank and his new wife Maxine. Maxine was a happy-go-lucky-type that loved to laugh. A true party girl, she enjoyed good times and as it turned out was cut from the same mold as Dot. They became fast friends immediately and sooner or later she would share that lovely cunt with...
In 1977 Dot and Ted returned to the California High Desert in for for his final stateside assigment and retirement from the Air Force. They re-united with Frank and his new wife Maxine. Maxine was a happy-go-lucky-type that loved to laugh. A true party girl, she enjoyed good times and as it turned out was cut from the same mold as Dot. They became fast friends immediately and sooner or later she would share that lovely cunt with Ted. Dot always shared new pussy with him when the time was...
Wife LoversThe bonfire was burning strong in the barbarian village. A celebration was being held and hundreds were gathered to dance, feast, and most importantly, find a mate. The heat spread across the pavilions and the beats from the drums were intense and could be heard all the way in the crop fields outside the walls. The young viking prince Jaro had seen battle for the first time and emerged victorious. His father, chief Mordin, sat high atop of a small rise overviewing the fire and village. Next to...
The bonfire was burning strong in the barbarian village. A celebration was being held and hundreds were gathered to dance, feast, and most importantly, find a mate. The heat spread across the pavilions and the beats from the drums were intense and could be heard all the way in the crop fields outside the walls. The young viking prince Jaro had seen battle for the first time and emerged victorious. His father, chief Mordin, sat high atop of a small rise overviewing the fire and village. Next to...
ReluctanceAna gangbanged on her Birthday celebration My sweet wife Ana wanted something special to celebrate her Birthday.We reserved a suite in a very nice hotel nearby.I brought her some red roses and later we went on our night out. We checked into the hotel first. Ana put on a simple black dress, her shoulders mostly bare, with thin straps holding it on, that went about halfway down her thigh making her legs show up nice atop her high heel shoes. It wasn't too revealing but very sexy, showing off her...
My boyfriend had been asking me for weeks what I wanted for my upcoming birthday. After a few pleading attempts to at least give him a clue as to what I might like, I finally got up the courage to ask for something that I had been wanting for quite some time. A spanking. I told him that I wanted a birthday spanking, an actual spanking. Not just a few passionate swats during sex. I wanted him to give me an actual punishment. I had only been spanked a handful of times as a kid but for as long as...
SpankingMarcus and Mina watched their parents enter the jetway and waved goodbye. Marin and William waved back and turned to board their plane. As they watched their parents disappear among the crowd, Mina inched closer to her brother until her fingers grazed his. Marcus slipped his hand in hers and squeezed it. Mina sighed.While walking through the airport terminal, Mina pulled her hand from his and looked around with a guilty expression on her face. Marcus took her hand again and threaded their...
Birthday celebrationTo give you some background, Kate and I married 3 years ago, she is a very sexy 33 year old curvy blond, 5ft 7, looks wise she is stunning and has always had a lot of attention, 38g breasts that create a cleavage to die for and a lovely tight ass She always dresses very smartly and sexy. I am 32, 6ft 2, quite muscular build dark brown hair, I don’t think a lot of my looks but Kate says other wise. We met about eight years ago and a one night stand later here we are, she has...
A few hours later I was woke up. I could hear birds chirping and other a****ls from outside as a beautiful sunshine was shining into my small house. It was not the only beauty I could see. Jill’s head was laying on my chest and her arms across my stomach. She had a great smell and I brushed her hair with my hands. Last night was fantastic. First my visit to Ménage, then seeing Mrs. Day-Sea masturbate, and popping Jill's cherry.I had her crying, moaning, grunting, screaming, and cumming in a...
December 22nd, last day of school before Christmas vacation John Finn was in the midst of a test in class and was lost in thought. It was just three day away from his son Michael's wedding to Courtney Bollinger. John had just turned 38 and couldn't believe that in just a couple of months he would become a grandfather as well a father-in-law to two amazing people as his beloved daughter Jaimie would marry her fiance Rick Samuels and take Rick's newborn daughter as her own child via...
It took me a while, but I’ve finally discovered what’s wrong with women. Men; no doubt about it, men are the problem. As I sit here in this bus stop shelter, smelling the leftover piss, from the derelicts that sleep here when no one is around, I can see all of my mistakes, and they’re crystal clear in the rear view mirror of my mind. I’ve got about an hour, so I can tell you about this chunk of my life. My life isn’t exactly going the way I’d hoped. In fact right now it’s an absolute...
After discovering his wife’s infidelity with their landlord, Ashok was dead serious about divorcing Savita bhabhi! “Judge Shan, I’d just as soon get this over with quickly”, Ashok said with a sad face as he was devastated after hearing about Savita bhabhi from Mrs. Thakur. Savita was also sad. She had little tears in her eyes. She said, “Ashok! Doesn’t all these years together mean anything to you??” Ashok got furious. He angrily looked at Savita bhabhi and said, “They didn’t seem to when you...
This story was written in collaboration with GabrielSweet, my husband, he wrote the group scene, I want to thank him for all his help.The divorce is final today, I just got the papers. Came Special Delivery, still can't figure out what is so special about it. Bob called to see how I was doing, it was Friday night and I was home alone, again. I told him about getting the final divorce papers and he decided there was no way I was staying home tonight.It was four days before Christmas and it would...
Group SexJIM I awoke to the smell of a freshly showered, naked woman sitting on the bed staring at me. I said, “Good morning, Sunshine, how do you feel this fine morning.” Ellen whispered in a sad voice, “I don’t want this to end, Jim.” “Ellen, it was certainly a night I will never forget. You said yourself that you’re not marriage material. I respect that honesty. That also means you couldn’t be faithful to just one man. I certainly am not ready for another relationship. Especially, since I’m...
As divorces go, mine wasn't exactly one for the record books. We managed to settle things without getting the lawyers involved for anything except using the right words on the papers. That's not to say there was no rancor or hurt feelings - there was plenty of each on both sides. Over the last few years, though, we had gotten so used to avoiding conflict, simply because it was too draining, that we just let most things slide. I didn't really want anything out of the property except my...
I knew the coming discussion would change my life, yet I debated with myself whether it was for the better or worse. My wife decided that we could not live together anymore and filed for divorce. The court served papers on me today.In recent weeks, maybe the past three months, one of my neighbors, single and in her early 30s, spends a lot of time helping around the property and helping with garage sales. We enjoy having dinner together, having a couple beers or glasses of wine together. We have...