T.R.E.SChapter 26 free porn video

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Something happened at lunch that rarely happened. Antonio acted without thinking about what he planned to do before he did it. So, when he reached and covered my hand with his, I was ill prepared for the rushing warmth that suddenly flowed from my body to his. I turned to observe his expressions at he experienced my past, but he looked serene and his eyes were closed.

Soren smiled, and I sensed pride in him for his friend. He said nothing. Liz prattled on about art in the decorating process, but the four of us weren't alone in the booth at 21. Josh and Nicole were very involved. They'd wanted front-row seats, so to speak, when Antonio viewed my past.

It's like fast forwarding a film, except it's running backwards, slowing briefly at major events, Josh commented.

Antonio jerked his hand off mine, and his eyes snapped open. They looked feral, without fear but still wild, and so many emotions were ratcheting through him they were difficult to capture and experience.

He found our TRES, Nicole said.

Which didn't' disturb him, just the opposite. A plural marriage intrigued him, Josh said. What sent his emotions into overdrive was the discovery of our secrets, which made him realize that you... we were aware of his secrets before the luncheon started. He also learned that you believe you remember your past lives, but he broke his connection with you before sliding back to your life as Sir Edward in England.

Antonio's eyes lost their wild look. He fixed them on mine. "We need to talk."

I nodded. "After lunch."

"Now, not later." He slid from the booth and moved to his feet. "Soren, please entertain Liz. Sandy and I need to talk privately. I'll call you later. Enjoy your lunch."

Soren looked confused, but his confusion didn't approach Liz's dismay. I stonewalled her. "I'll call you later, Liz."

Antonio helped me out of the booth and we walked away.

"My hotel room is nearby," he said as we left the restaurant.

My apartment was closer, but if our discussion stretched out, Liz would interrupt us at my apartment. I nodded.

Are we having fun yet? Nicole quipped.

"Have a seat. Would you like a drink? I'm having one," Antonio said as we entered his hotel suite.

"White wine, if you have it, but don't go to any trouble," I said.

He dialed room service, placed his order, and then sat across from me.

"Are we alone?" he asked.

I smiled. "I'm never alone."

"So I gathered. Are you in my mind right now?"

"Yes, all three of us, but because you think in Italian, Nicole and Josh must translate your surface thoughts into attitudes, which lose some clarity in translation. I speak Italian, so I can read your thoughts. Because we're empaths as well as telepaths, we're also experiencing your emotions and sensations. How far back in time did you go when you touched me?"

"Not far. When I discovered you knew my secret, I backed off. Knowing I could look into your past, why did you ask me to lunch?"

"For a number of reasons? I'm attracted to you as a man, and because you had a secret you don't want broadcasted, I felt comfortable allowing you to discover my secrets."

"In other words, if I honor your confidence, you'll do the same."


I watched him visibly relax, which mirrored his emotions.

"You have a deal," he said.

Is he telling the truth, Josh? I asked. Before the luncheon started, Josh told me that he'd established a baseline for truthfulness for Antonio and would know if he lied.

Yes, Josh said. He brought you here to make the same deal you offered.

"You do more than read my thoughts and sense my emotions," Antonio said. "To know what you know about me, you had to dig into my memories."

"Memories involve thoughts and emotions."

Tell him the deal includes Soren Thorsen, Josh said. Soren knows about his paranormal ability. That's fine, but we don't want Thorsen to know about ours.

I relayed Josh's comments, and Antonio agreed to the additional condition.

"He just spoke with you?" Antonio asked, referring to Josh, I assumed.

"Yes, and because you translate Italian into English before you speak to me, he hears what you say. Nicole, too."

"He is your brother?"


"And your husband?"

"Yes, and Nicole is my wife."

I listened to his next thought. "Yes, we know about you and your sister. Someday, I'd like to meet her. Your memories about that weekend are both heartrending and heartwarming."

He sighed and tears welled in his eyes. "I still love her."

"I know. As Nicole would say, 'Love is.' Does she love Soren?"

"Yes. Deeply, I believe."

"Which upsets you. Why? Love isn't limited."

He frowned.

"I love my husband deeply, but I love my wife just as much. Regina can love Soren and still love you."

Room service interrupted us. I soon sipped chilled chardonnay; Antonio gulped at some scotch.

"You misinterpreted me earlier," he said when we were alone again. "I'm not upset because Regina loves Soren. I'm happy for her."

He's happy for her, Josh said, but the first part of his declaration was a lie.

I passed on Josh's comment, and added, "Besides being an empath and telepath, Josh turned his ability into a lie detector. It's impossible to lie to him. He's also a psychic healer."

"You love your husband, your wife, but you said you were attracted to me as a man. I don't understand."

He's ashamed of his jealousy, so he changed the subject, Nicole said.

Use his jealousy to explain our TRES, Josh said.

Our TRES isn't explainable, I said. It just is.

Hah! If anyone can explain our TRES, it's you, Sandy, Nicole said.

I smiled knowingly, and said to Antonio, "It sounds to me like you're equating love and sex."

"What? Are you talking about free love? An open marriage? Are you swingers?" His tone of voice reflected his agitation.

"None of the above, but possibly all of the above, depending on your mindset."

"That's double-talk."

I laughed. "True. You're ashamed of the jealousy you feel for Soren and Regina's love for each other. You are happy for her, but you want her to love you, not Soren." I paused. "Talk about double-talk. Your memories include many incidents that demonstrate how much Regina loves you. That you doubt her love for you is shameful. You've fallen into the classic trap that stipulates if Regina loves Soren that she can't love you, which is hogwash. Love isn't limited, Antonio, and you know this fact of life. Why are you ignoring it?"

Because she makes love with him, not me, he thought.

"What about Maria and a dozen other women? You made love with them while Regina stood on the sidelines. Was she jealous?" I asked.

"No." He snorted a laugh. "Sometimes she'd get angry with me when I'd choose a women who was inappropriate."

"Why? I'll tell you why. Because she loves you and worries about your happiness."

He nodded.

"Have you told Regina how you feel?"

"No!" His shoulders slumped. "She'd be angry with me. She'd say I was being childish."

"You're intrigued with my plural marriage because you see it as a possible solution to your dilemma. Correct?"

He nodded. "But Soren and Regina would never go for it."

I believe he's wrong on this point, Nicole said. The hard part - the love - is in place. The three of them love each other. The love between Soren and Antonio isn't romantic love, but it's deep and real.

I agree, I said to Nicole. And because I agree with you, I believe Antonio is not the man of the world I seek.

Perhaps, if he clears up... , Nicole started to say.

Sandy's right, Josh said, interrupting Nicole's thought. Sandy's man of the world must love her as deeply as she'll love him. Sandy carries baggage to the love affair - you and me, Nicole. If the man of the world also carries baggage like Antonio's love for his sister, a possible love match with Sandy is highly unlikely.

You and Nicole are not baggage! I shouted mentally. Any man of the world I meet who considers the two of you baggage will be shown the door, past haste. I believe Antonio is not the man of the world I seek because he must resolve his love triangle before he can deal with ours. If his resolution is positive, he'll have no incentive to deal with ours. If the resolution is negative, I won't want to deal with the emotional free-for-all he'll surely slide into that can and will fly off in every direction for a while. The question I have for y'all is whether we should help him realize his dream or leave him to his own devices?

That's your call, Josh and Nicole said simultaneously.

Uh-uh, I want your advice.

Help him, they said at the same time, which made me laugh.

"What?" Antonio said.

I grinned. "We've decided to help you. Let's start with our TRES, our plural marriage."

Antonio and I talked about love and sex and marriage for an hour or so... no, make that Antonio, Josh, Nicole and I. Then we spent another hour applying the principles to a possible plural marriage between Antonio, Soren and Regina. Antonio's dilemma wasn't unsolvable. The key elements of a plural marriage were present. Soren, Regina and Antonio loved each other. Soren knew about Regina and Antonio, how they felt about each other, how their love for each other went beyond a brother's love for a sister. Soren, however, didn't know about the heartwarming weekend so many years ago.

Josh and Nicole connected with Soren and probed his attitudes, but he thought in Danish, sometimes in Italian, but never in English, so they enlisted my help. We searched for attitudes that would reveal his likely response if he were told about the weekend. Incest wasn't a huge negative, but the results or our search weren't conclusive.

Finally, I said, "You need to speak with Regina about Soren's probable response."

"Maybe," Antonio said.

I pushed this issue because I believed he needed to discuss the subject with Regina before moving forward. "Now, Antonio. Call her."


I laughed. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Call her."

"You're serious."

"Yes. Her attitude is key. If she's interested in a plural marriage, you can move forward. If for a host of possible reasons, she's adamantly opposed to the concept, you'll need to back off and get on with the rest of your life."

He nodded. "You're right. My feelings and Soren's don't truly matter very much. In the end, Regina will decide."

I grinned and said, "But she can't decide if she isn't aware an alternative exists. Call her."

He reached for the telephone and pulled it to the coffee table in front of him. He started tentative, but before he finished dialing, he'd resolved himself to follow Regina's lead.

They spoke Italian. I listened to Antonio's end of the conversation. Josh and Nicole were digging deep inside Antonio's mind to translate his attitudes.

After a warm greeting, Antonio told his sister about meeting me and what he'd seen when he touched me. Her speech impairment hampered the conversation, but they were used to each other, and although halting, the conversational atmosphere seemed relaxed.

"Yes, she's here with me now," Antonio said. "We've been talking for the last two hours about her plural marriage, and the principles that govern their union." He went on to describe the myths we'd exploded and the new morality we'd created that allowed the three of us to love each other.

His pauses became lengthier - because she's responding, I guessed, and her impairment required the extra time. He remained patient and didn't try to put words in her mouth. After one pause, he said to me, "Regina says you are a lucky woman."

I smiled and said, "That's for sure. Tell her how you feel about everything and what you want."

He frowned.

"It's time, Antonio," I said softly.

What followed brought tears to my eyes. He handed her his heart with an outpouring of love that equaled how I felt about Josh and Nicole, and he included the gentle giant. He made sure she understood that she didn't need to make a choice. He wasn't asking her to choose between Soren and him. The pauses were short.

They're short because I think she's ahead of him, Nicole said.

Josh laughed. Yeah, she's saying, 'Go on, ' or words to that effect.

After one long pause, Antonio said, "I love him. He's like a brother to me, but more... It's romantic love without the romance, Regina. I love Soren like I love you... Yes, that's precisely what I'm proposing. Before you marry Soren, I want the three of us to have a private ceremony and form a plural marriage similar to Sandy's. If you are adamantly opposed, I'll back off now, but..."

I watched his eyes light up. He listened for about a minute without speaking. Then he said, "We'll meet you at the airport. I love you... Goodbye."

He hung up the phone and smiled at me. He radiated with happiness. "She's coming to New York on the first available flight. She wants to sit down with Soren and me and talk about everything face to face. She also wants to meet you."

Josh, Nicole, I said, can you break away, join me in New York for a couple of days? I think it would be helpful to demonstrate in person how we are with each other.

Of course. We'll let you know our schedule, Nicole said.

"If she wants, Antonio, she can meet all three of us. Josh and Nicole are flying to New York, probably from Las Vegas tomorrow morning."

"I can't decide," I said. "I've missed you both so much."

"Then do us both, for heaven's sake," Nicole said and started taking off her clothes.

We were in a limo en route to my Manhattan apartment from the airport.

In seconds, we were naked. I rolled atop Nicole and felt her mouth cover my excited vulva as mine covered hers. Then I felt Josh enter me.

So good! I gushed silently.

We'll key on you, Sandy, Josh said. I love how you feel when I first enter you.

Yeah, me too, Nicole said as her tongue and lips moved around my pussy finding all the places that sent my arousal soaring. I love how Josh feels when he first enters you, too.

Antonio, Regina and Soren won't have this, I said.

Hey, two men loving one woman can't be all bad, Nicole quipped, which made me laugh.

If Antonio and Soren love each other, I said, it's possible that they'll succumb to a bisexual relationship.

Is that what you expect if you find your man of the world and he joins our plural marriage? Josh asked. His thrusts were coming quicker, matching my needs, my arousal.

No, not with four of us, but with a two-man/one-woman combination it's likely that over time the two men will throw off their conditioning against homosexual activity and enjoy each other. Soren will lead the charge. He adores Antonio. I can see him licking Regina's pussy while Antonio is fucking her, and he's licking Antonio's cock as much as Regina's pussy. If Antonio's cock slips out, Soren would take it into his mouth and suck on it.

Ooh, that's hot, Nicole said.

Josh laughed. No, it isn't. If I weren't inside Sandy's wonderful cunt, I would've lost my erection.

He's homophobic, Nicole said.

Yup, I agreed, but I love him anyway.

The scenario you described, Sandy, Josh said. You experienced it in a past life when you were a man. Correct?

Oh yeah, more than once. Whether I'm a man or a woman, I prefer a man.

If I'm reborn a man, I'll be bisexual, Nicole said. I love the feel of a man's cock in my mouth.

When I was a man, I loved being fucked in the ass while the man jacked me off, I said.

Yuck, Josh said.

Nasty but sexy, Nicole offered.

As a woman, do you prefer two men for a threesome or a man and a woman? Josh asked.

It was a tossup until the three of us found each other, I said. With how we are now, the question is silly, Josh, and you know it.

Is she telling the truth, Josh? Nicole asked.

Yes, as our TRES stands.

I admit it. I want another man in our TRES, I said as fantasies of a foursome including two men and two women wandered through my mind. The fantasies, I was gratified to discover, didn't put Josh off, just the opposite. Of course, the fantasies didn't involve the two men getting it on.

That I can handle, Josh said.

Nicole giggled. Me, too. Hoo boy, Josh, that sounds like fun!

Josh agrees, I said. He's happy with whatever makes us happy, Nicole. I'm getting very close.

Tell me about it, Josh said. Picture this, Sandy. You're riding your man of the world, and Nicole and I walk into the room.

Yeah, Nicole said. I strip and, facing you, lower my pussy onto his mouth. We kiss and play with each other's breasts.

And Josh moves behind me and pushes his long one into my ass. You lean back, Nicole, so I can help the man with your pussy. He stabs your hole with his tongue while I lick your clit.

And you have a couple of cocks plunging in and out of you at the same time, Nicole added.

And we'll all key on you, Sandy, just like Nicole and I are keying on you right now, and we'll all come together like... ah!

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As soon as we stepped inside the door, he grabbed me and threw me up against the wall. It was kinda scary, but wildly arousing at the same time. Without a single word he lifted my little black dress, pulled my wet panties to the side and slid his thick cock deep inside my pussy. We groaned simultaneously and quickly found a rhythm. With one hand he covered my mouth, and used the other to pull down the front of my dress so he could put a nipple in his mouth. The furious pounding of his...

1 year ago
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The Busy Milf

When summer happened, Grace Anderson gave her nanny time off.  She cancelled all her usual appointments to keep herself pampered.  She became a full-time mommy who cared for her kids.  She arranged daily activities and took the tots to the beach for the weekends.She cooked and cleaned and did all the chores that her hired staff usually did.  She played the role of mom for the summer.  Her husband got a kick out of his wife, who was usually pampered hand and foot.  She wanted her children to...

2 years ago
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My First

He posted on 'CL' looking to 'service' older guys. He is around 40, about 6'2", and at least 230 pounds. A nice looking bear of a man. I had been watching porn and got horny, thinking about a no-recip blowjob.I'm 70, 5'10", and overweight at 240 pounds. I am aware that most guys want the young hardbodies to play with. I also occasionally use a penile injection when I'm going to be with a sex partner, male or female, because I stay rock hard for 45 minutes to two hours after I cum. Allowing me...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Amazing blow job with ass play

Last night I was so horny after a few sexy phone sex sessions. I called up a dear friend of mine. I met him a few months back. I had attended a formal bachelor auction. The last gentleman was a fireman. Mmmm I realized my ex was a fireman, but I never wanted him like this. I placed an ad for a sexy fireman and this sexy guy was nice and answered my ad. I love how sexy his pictures were. Tall and suck an awesome strong man that could carry you away from danger or into his amazing bed. We...

3 years ago
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The AccidentChapter 2

Through the shooting pain in his head and most of his body, Harris could see the lights overhead and thought he could hear voices coming from a speaker somewhere. He tried to open his eyes without much success, so he stopped for a time, trying to get some idea of where he was. As he stopped fighting, his memory began to return and he could almost hear the crash of the truck hitting the car and the screams from Nicky just before she hit the window. He remembered now, with a vengeance. He was...

4 years ago
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Silly Jenny showing up at the wrong time

That afternoon I really needed a good relief for my stress. I was totally exhaust after a long week; but still I had to complete Friday at work…My Boss Andrew called me to his office. When I went into, he was on the phone. He motioned me in quietly and I shut the door behind me. After listening for a few seconds, it was clear he was talking to his wife. He was telling her something about how he just still needed time to build his trust in her back up. I walked around his desk and got down on my...

4 years ago
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The Boys in BlueChapter 9

The taxi stopped by the gate. After he had paid off the driver he picked up his case and greatcoat and descended the four steps down to the pathway which led to the large old oak front door. A brass plate with engraved lettering announcing that this was Lark Hill Cottage was screwed into a Purbeck granite block, the material used in building the cottage. It was old; the concrete lintel above the door had the date 1825 cast into it. The cottage had been built for the manager who ran the estate...

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Red Room

Prologue The long, sleek, black limousine seemed almost out of place as it made its way along what appeared to be a simple country road. The tree-covered lane served as a three-mile long driveway leading to the mansion of Harlan W. Box, one of the wealthiest men in the world. Dr. J. Rexford King stared out the limo window as the green canopy of majestic maples sheltering the road passed overhead. He smiled as he reflected on the remarkable journey that had brought him to this moment. Rex...

1 year ago
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Analized Riley Reid Gaping

Riley Reid loves to show off her sexy body. She doesn’t need to do much to turn men on. With a look over her shoulder and a shake of her nice ass, everyone goes crazy for Riley Reid. Today is Riley’s ANALIZED.COM debut. This sexy porn star is ready for the big leagues and wants to be treated like an anal whore. A big cock is shoved deep into her ass, shocking the brunette beauty. With her make up running down her face, Riley warms up to the sensation and soon is cumming from her...

3 years ago
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Elizabeth, awfully feels guilty putting her limiter thru so much she knows that she has to make it up to him. It is the one few times that we are to be alone with there partners, she looks around and gets ready for the trip. She sees Satallizer and says, "You are going to be alone with him, so you better get ready to make your partner happy or would rather Rana go instead." The angry blonde says "Just because went thru hell, from ..."

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Jennifers Shame

Jennifer returns to her old school to see how it has changedAt the age of 37, Jennifer Carson still had it. Her face was unlined and she was fitter than she had ever been in her life. Appraising her naked body in the mirror, she allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction. Her breasts were still pert and her bottom was round and smooth. On this sunny Monday morning, she would be visiting her old secondary school to appraise its current standards and decide if she was going to send her own...

2 years ago
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It Gets Complicated

At not-quite-thirty, I was still the youngest lawyer in Robert’s office, and so when we had the opportunity to take on a four-year contract with a large legal publishing company, those duties got dumped on me. It turns out, I was okay with that. Though it did complicate my lurid daily teasing with Julie, Robert’s newly hired receptionist. Wow, was she ever hot. And she loved to play games with my head, in a sexy way. But that’s yet another juice-covered story I’ll think about telling you...

4 years ago
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Teenage boys are so Cruel

I was in the tenth grade, about six months after the incident with Daniel, Charlie and Bruce, it was the fourth period English class that we were introduced to Ralph T***. Our class had been instructed that we would have a new arrival and that he had been in trouble, so we were to extra nice to him. As he was being introduced, whispers were circulating as to what he had done and where he was from. My desk mate leaned over and whispered a very funny accolade that cause me to snicker loud. The...

3 years ago
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Seduced by sister in law

We were two brothers – my brother younger by 5 years than me. I could not get married due to heavy business preoccupations, but I ensured that my younger brother got married at proper age of 26. They could not conceive for almost two years – god knows why. However, after about two years, my brother informed me about the happy news that he is going to become father. But unfortunately for all of us, he died in an accident, when his wife already 9 moths pregnant and only a few days for delivery....

1 year ago
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The paperround what now

The paper-round - what now? Fear ran through Suzie's body, as for the first time in ten years, she was face-to-face with her captor again. What could she do? Run, John didn't look all that healthy, he'd been in a Hong-Kong jail for ten years so he wouldn't be, but he may still catch up with her and then what? "I'm sorry, I don't know who you're referring to, Mr. err..." "John, you can call me John. I'm sorry for disturbing you then Miss." "That's perfectly okay John,...

2 years ago
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Green Berets for the Sexual RevolutionChapter 7

"It just happened that Mara and Gerri were in the dressing room when you met them. We do have a more comfortable lounge where we can chat. "Before you do that, love, has it occurred to you that we haven't talked about your own character, Cara the Cheerleader?" "Oh! Yes!" It was Cara, not Carol, who covered her mouth in surprise. This was going to be more complicated than learning of the other characterization, because there was a whole harem inside the head of the wonderful woman next...

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Going to the Gym

“I’m headed to the gym, baby,” the six-foot-three-inch two-hundred-sixty-pound Black man said to his wife of seven years.“Ok,” she replied barely looking up at her beefy, brown-skinned husband. “I’ll be at the hairdresser by the time you get back.”“Alright. See you later,” Darius Woodham smiled.The former Division One linebacker started his black metallic 2012 Ford Expedition and backed out of the driveway. At the end of the street, he stopped at the intersection and pulled out his phone. He...

4 years ago
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Lauras First BBC Part One

Janet asked Laura who it was that first brought up the idea of her fucking a black guy. Was it Laura herself? Or, was it her husband, David, who had broached that subject. Janet had a suspicion that it had been David who had done so, and Laura confirmed this with her cute, and slightly bashful smile."I thought that might be the case," Janet replied, also smiling. "So," she went on to ask, "did that upset you? Or surprise you in any way when he did that?"Laura smiled again, flashing those...

3 years ago
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Cam Chat Leads To First Time Threesome

Most of you would have read my earlier post on getting lucky with a lady while her kid was sleeping and this is a sequel to that and I used to frequent to her house as a booty call when she feels like having it or when I want to everytime I get there she is mostly chatting with her young study whom she was her boy toy when he was around. That day, I went to her house and immediately we started to kiss like we have never done before. She had not had sex in a long time even though husband was...

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Teachers Pet1

I stood there and watched for nearly a minute. Emily seemed completely unaware. Her attention was completely on her phone as usual and David kept looking, staring right up her nighty, the bulge in his sweats showing his interest. I couldn’t blame David for looking for a couple of reasons. My daughter hasn’t quite figured it out yet. She’s still a little young, but also, her figure isn’t perfect. She’s not the skinny model type, nowhere near fat, mind you, but her legs are thick, mostly...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 177

Friday night's orgy after our work meeting was refreshing and recharged the body and soul. Saturday and Sunday I divided my time up between my five mates. I had been gone all week. I felt they and I had been short changed out of our private intimate times together. I reinforced how much I loved them and missed them. We spent time together at home and over at the gym working out as a team. I made sure that all of us stayed proficient in the self defense training and the offensive skills I...

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Along Came Jane

This story is total fiction and dedicated to a wonderful member here janebbw54. I was finishing off a story to publish on Xhamster when I took a break to see if there were any new stories of interest. I noticed I had a message. It turned out the message was from a very nice woman named Jane commenting on one of my stories. She was still on line so I thanked her for her comment and we started talking. As it turns out we had a lot in common we are both married. We are only a year apart in age,...

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Anita Hot Village Mom Part 4

Hi everyone thanks for your love and support I thank all the ladies who appreciated my story and motivated to write more.Here the next part of the saga and please feel free to send your criticisms or appreciation I thank a very special person who reviewed this story for me and her input and support was critical.Aunties and Bhabhis please feel free to mail me at Raj opened his eyes it was morning so much had happened in past week.He went out of his room and went to the kitchen he saw his mom...

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Tracy and Dad Chapter One

John was working in his office when Tracy got home from school. He heard the front door open and called out, “Tracy is that you?”“Yeah it’s me,” she answered. She walked down the hall to her dad’s office and stuck her head in. “What’s up?”“Not much,” John replied looking up from his laptop. “Waiting for a call and catching up on my emails. How was school?”“Boring. Glad it’s over.”“Any homework?” “A little math but that’s it.”“Well better get it done. Let me look at it when you’re finished,” he...

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please mom let me

hi this is don.my mom left me and my s*s when i am 4 years old and she married another man.so my dad married another women she is so good and she is so close to me.my dad was died 3 years before.my sister marriage was over.so me and my mom was only left in home.we have so much money.my step mom loved me so much.I also loved my step mom very much and never thought anything wrong about her in the beginning. But when I grow and learn more about intercourse. Then I thought of many girls around me...

2 years ago
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Susan becomes a whore

The first time was in my parents attic. I fucked her on the floor and saw the blood drip out of her pussy, so I knew she was telling me the truth when she said she was a virgin. She was the most submissive girl I have ever fucked. I can't tell you the number of times I would have her strip stark ass naked and ride that way in our car. I would drive down the interstate, slowing down when I was pulling beside a semi, just so they could get a good look at her pussy and her firm little tits. She...

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Young GordyChapter 3

The morning passed relatively uneventfully. As it neared noon, the clapsticks began a beat. Different from yesterday's but I couldn't describe the difference. Just before noon the biggest, lowest of the didgeridoos began to sound. People began to crowd, leaving a large space. The nungungi stepped into the space. It became very quiet. "There are those from several tribes here. "In the past, some of these tribes attacked other tribes. In the past, tribes stole maidens from other...

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Within You Without You

At first, I thought my trip was a disaster. I had driven three and a half hours for a series of meetings in Center City, Philadelphia. I had a room booked and was planning on spending three days in conference and two nights in the hotel. The first meeting was Monday morning. When I came back from lunch, I learned that my schedule had been cleared. It seemed the manufacturing complex of Sterling Enterprises was on fire. Not knowing how much damage they would suffer, or even if they would be in...

4 years ago
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Darcys Adventures 01

With her errands completed, Darcy pushed through the door of the woodworker’s shop on High Street. It was a small space, displaying only a few of the pieces Cooper had created, and was dominated by a long counter stacked with binders full of drawings showcasing the work he was capable of. Darcy knew his actual workshop was out back, and everything he created was made to order.“Well, hello, Darcy. How are you today?” The clerk greeted her.“I’m fine and healthy, and hope you are as well, Lanie....

Straight Sex
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Secretary Day after Day

Monday – Giraffe on Rollerskates There are a million ‘secretary’ stories and fantasies out there. I have often used varying scenarios to help myself cum. Here is the beginning of one… (there will be more as I’ve completed Tuesday and Wednesday) She had just started the new job. A secretary. Well below her station, but the unemployment was running out, there were no jobs that fit her degree. She could copy, and email, so figured she was qualified. She wasn’t sure exactly what her new boss did,...

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Home Invasion Ch02

Which, he thought, was particularly odd, given his situation. He thought he would've had a lot of new material for his anxieties to work off of. Desperate for money he broken into what he had thought had been an empty home seeking to steal anything he could sell, but had, to his immediate terror and his eventual, albeit confused, pleasant surprise, ended up face to face with a tall, thick ebony goddess, who had, in turn for his would be crime, captured him, used him and ultimately,...

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Erica vs Cindy death match

Erica vs. Cindy death matchI had met Cindy on-line and we became friendly and messaged each other often. We both had some interest in extreme fighting, and each of us was proud of her abilities. Well, we were friends but one thing led to another and I began to feel that Cindy was a bit too cocky for my tastes. So I challenged her and she took me up on it immediately. More trash-talking between us, and I suggested that it be a match to the death and be conducted in public and Cindy readily...

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