Hunter HuntedChapter 3 Revelations and Passion s Promise
- 4 years ago
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Kelly and Ed had discussed the kind of future Ed had in store for himself. Since he had never given it much thought, he had no clue and asked for her advice. Kelly suggested that he pick up a little college education. The idea of going to college had really thrown him for a loop and he decided that he should talk to John about the matter. John was in school and could possibly provide some insight into what he might study.
John was slowly walking up the street, chatting with neighbors. It amazed Ed at how quickly John had become widely respected in the neighborhood. Finally, John reached his house. Ed Biggers strolled over and greeted him, “Howdy, neighbor.”
“Hi, Ed. How are you doing?”
“I’m doing fine.”
“That’s good to hear.”
Nervous about imposing on John, he asked, “You got a minute to talk?”
“Sure, I’ve got all week. I just finished the second draft of my thesis, and I’ll wait a week before reading it over.”
Ed laughed at the idea of this discussion lasting a week. Most likely, it would last two minutes with most of it spent listening to John laughing at him. He said, “Well, I promise it won’t take a whole week.”
John gestured and said, “Why don’t we go out in my backyard and chat there? I have two lawn chairs, some iced tea, and a nice patio with a good view.”
Ed looked uncomfortable for a few moments. It took him that long to identify the source of his discomfort. He finally realized that he had never before been invited over to someone’s house. He answered, “Sure, that would be good.”
Ed followed John into the house. He watched as John took the pitcher of iced tea from the refrigerator and filled two glasses with ice. After taking a glass from John, he followed him outdoors.
After seating themselves in the chairs, John poured the iced tea. He set the pitcher on a cinder block situated between the chairs. Taking a sip of the tea, he sighed, “Oh, boy! That tastes real good on a hot day like today.”
Ed laughed as he realized something for the first time. He said, “You know something. I didn’t know that until a couple of weeks ago. I’ve quit drinking.”
“Was it tough?”
Ed was quiet for a moment as he thought about it. He nodded slightly, “It was a little tougher than I thought it would be. It wasn’t that I was an alcoholic. I guess drinking was more of a habit.”
John nodded as he said, “I understand. I had the same problem when I quit drinking.”
Ed looked very surprised to hear that. He had assumed that John had never had a tough day in his life. He asked, “You used to drink?”
“Oh, yes. I quit drinking the night my brother wrapped his car around a telephone pole.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” That revelation surprised him. It was then he realized that he didn’t really know much about John’s past other than the heroic activities.
“No problem,” replied John. “It took me a long time to come to grips with it. I guess the day I died was the major turning point with respect to my feelings about death and the death of my brother.”
“I guess it would tend to change your perspective. Of course, I wouldn’t know about that.”
John was quiet for a while as he thought about his past. He sighed, “I guess I’m not so afraid of dying, now. I don’t know if that makes it easier for me to do the things that I’ve done. I really don’t think about any of that. I just act.”
Ed thought about what John had said. Was a man any less of a hero because he wasn’t afraid of dying? He didn’t think so. The sunset ended as Ed finally said, “You acted in exactly the same manner before you died as you do now. That’s how you got killed.”
“I guess that’s true.”
They sat there for a while watching the stars come out. The dark Arizona sky made star gazing a wonderful pastime. Ed had never just sat and watched the stars with anyone other than Kelly. It was nice, sharing moments like this with someone else. His thoughts were interrupted when John asked, “So how do you feel now that you aren’t drinking?”
Ed laughed as he answered, “Pretty good. I’ve found that I have a lot more time than I ever had before.”
“So what are you going to do to fill up that time? Visit that nurse from the hospital?”
Ed laughed as he said, “Yeah, I’ve been doing a lot of that. Kelly’s very nice. She makes me think about things.”
“Like what, if I may ask?”
“Well, we’ve been talking about my future. It hasn’t looked very good for a long time.” There was a significant pause as Ed worried about how John would react. He added, “I’ve decided to go to school.”
John had just finished putting down his iced tea glass, which was fortunate because if he had been holding it he would have dropped it. He had never heard anything so surprising in his life. John took a moment to compose himself before he said, “That’s great. What are you planning on studying?”
Getting asked that question surprised Ed. He had expected that John would suggest something to him.
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”
John was taken by surprise again. He asked, “So what are you thinking?”
“I don’t really know what there is out there. Many things, well, they just seem out of my reach. I couldn’t be a lawyer or doctor, for example. I’m a little old to start down those paths.”
Ed waited for a long time for a response, getting more nervous the longer John was quiet. John finally broke his silence when he said, “Ed, let me ask you one question.”
“Go ahead.”
“What do you like to do more than anything?”
That was a question that he had never considered and didn’t understand what that had to do with going to school. He answered, “The only thing I’ve ever done is work cattle.”
John shook his head, “No, I don’t mean work you like. I mean, what do you really like to do?”
Ed’s face wrinkled in confusion. He asked, “When?”
“Imagine that tomorrow you get to do anything you want. You can take the whole day off with no worries. What would you do?”
The fact was that he was faced with a lot of free time now and didn’t know what to do with it. The weekends were almost torture now. He answered, “I don’t know. What would you be doing?”
“I’d be out hiking. I hike almost four months of the year.”
He liked riding out in the desert, but wondered how that would help. He said, “I didn’t think about stuff like that. What has it to do with deciding what you are going to study?”
John smiled as he answered, “I wanted to understand rainbows, and sunrises, and sunsets.”
“So you studied physics. Yeah, it makes sense.” It did make sense to Ed and he thought that John was fortunate to have been able to combine his interest and his work.
“What would you be doing?”
“I guess I would be riding around on my horse.”
John was silent for a minute or two. This line of questioning wasn’t going as well as he thought it should. It wasn’t natural for an adult man not to have some kind of interest in something. A sudden inspiration hit him, “What are you doing while riding your horse?”
Ed looked around a little embarrassed as memories of his father hitting him for his worthless daydreams returned. As a result of his father, he had hidden his interest since then. “Promise you won’t laugh?”
John made a boy scouts honor gesture and said, “I promise.”
Ed made a sucking sound between his teeth. This was one of the hardest things to admit aloud. Finally, he said, “I’m looking at rocks.”
“Rocks?” asked John.
“Yes,” replied Ed, happy that John had not burst out laughing.
“Any special kind of rocks?”
Ed answered, “All kinds. There are examples of sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous in the area.”
“Are you more interested in the geology of the area or the mineralogy?”
“Actually, I like the mineralogy. You know, I look at things like the shape, composition, and color. The geology just helps me locate them. You don’t think that’s weird?”
John laughed and answered, “God no. That’s wonderful!”
Ed looked shocked at the positive reaction. He asked, “You don’t think it’s childish?”
“Oh, Ed. You and I are going to have to go to Arizona State University. There’s something there that you really need to see.”
“What’s there?” He wondered what he could see at the University that dealt with rocks. He still felt that looking at rocks was a childish activity, his dad had beat that lesson into him well.
“Only one of the finest mineralogy departments in the country. It’s going to blow your mind with the kinds of things they’re doing there.”
Ed sat up straighter and asked, “Really? What kinds of things?”
John smiled and answered, “You’ll just have to see for yourself.”
“You know, I never thought of actually studying rocks formally.”
“Let me tell you something that I really believe,” John said. “If you are truly passionate about a subject, someone will pay you to work in it. It doesn’t matter what subject. I know of a guy who likes to review bad movies. He has a nationally syndicated column where he gets to review bad movies. Like I said, it doesn’t matter what subject you are passionate about, someone will pay you for what you know.”
“You’re serious aren’t you?” Ed said, amazed.
The idea that someone would pay him look at rocks sounded so ridiculous that he had to seriously consider it.
“You bet,” replied John. He looked up at the sky for a minute and then stated, “I’ll tell you what, let me make a call or two tomorrow and arrange a visit there. I’m not sure when the visit will be, but we’ll drive up there together. If you want to take Kelly with you, that’ll be all right, too.”
“John, you’re an amazing person. I’m really glad I talked to you.”
John shook his head as he said, “I’m glad I was able to help. It’s not going to be easy. You’ll have to take a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with mineralogy.”
“No problem.” Ed realized that he would happily sit through a bunch of other stuff to have a chance learn more about rocks. He was very happy about this prospect.
The next evening, Ed came over to find out about going to the university with John. In response to his knock on the door, John answered. He took one look at Ed and frowned. Ed was rather taken aback by the less than friendly reaction. John noticed the change in Ed’s demeanor and apologized, “Oh, Ed. I’m sorry. I’m expecting my girlfriend to drop in anytime now. I had thought you were her for a moment there.”
Ed knew about the big blowup between the two. It was a good sign that she was coming out here. Ed laughed in relief. He said, “Hell, I’d be disappointed if a man was at the door when I was expecting a woman.”
John smiled as he said, “Well, I’m sorry anyway. I set up a visit to the university for the day after tomorrow. If Kelly comes, that will make four.”
Ed grinned at the thought of going there with Kelly. He nodded excitedly and said, “Okay, I’ll talk to her tonight. We’ll both take the day off.”
“Great. I’m looking forward to it.”
“So what are your plans for your girl?” Ed was curious about how John treated the woman in his life.
“Oh, I was going to Maria’s for dinner, and then over to the bar to meet Shirley.”
Ed looked around and then said, “I’m going to head across the street. Don’t want to interfere with the grand reunion.”
“You don’t have to run off.”
“Now you’re just being polite,” replied Ed with a laugh. As he turned and walked away, he shouted out, “Good night, John. Have a nice evening.”
“Thanks. Have a good night!”
Ed walked across the street and started to do a little work on the yard. About the time that John had opened his front door and checked the street for a second time, Ed had worked out a plan. Ed shook his head when John waved and went back in the house.
Ed wandered down the road, calling out to people as they ran into their houses in a move to avoid him. The few that turned around, listened to what he had to say nervous at his attention. After he delivered his invitation, he went on to the next neighbor. Everyone he talked to was left confused, staring at him as he walked away.
Ed entered the bar and sidled up to the counter. Worried about what it meant, Shirley looked over at the smile on his face. She came over and asked, “Coke?”
Ed shook his head and answered, “No. I need to rent the place for the evening.”
Very surprised at the request, Shirley asked, “What’s the occasion?”
Ed answered, “John’s girlfriend is coming to town tonight. I want to throw a little party for them. I’ve invited everyone that I’ve seen so far.”
Shirley looked at Ed in wonder. He was actually putting together a party for another person. She asked, “What would you like to serve?”
Ed answered, “I figure you could serve soft drinks and ice tea. Anyone that wants a hard drink would still buy it from you. I was going to get Maria to cater it and some fresh pies from the restaurant next door.”
Shirley liked John a lot and the idea of having a party appealed to her. She shrugged, “Okay, I can let you have it.”
Ed asked, “How much?”
A usual night brought in about four hundred. There should still about two hundred in liquor sales, so two hundred seemed like a reasonable amount. She answered, “Two hundred plus the cost of beverages?”
Ed said, “Great. I’ll be back.”
“I’ll be here,” replied Shirley. She went to work cleaning the pitchers and getting the place ready for a crowd. She had doubts that anyone would show up, particularly if Ed invited them. Still, this was for John, and for some reason she really liked the man. Besides, she was curious who the woman was and what she was like.
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Me and my college. We went around our old elementary school, saying hi to our old teachers. We finished, but my hot 5th grade teacher wanted to talk to me. So Jasmine got in her car to go home, but I stayed at her classroom so she could talk to me. She asked me all of the usual questions about how life was, then walked over to me, took off her dress, revealing a perfect pair of C36 breasts. She took off my pants, took my rock-solid penis and her breasts and put my penis in between them and...
Cheating WifesBook Nine: Blossoming Danger Chapter Four: Fear's Chains By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Knave Angela – The Haunted Forest I blinked as Minx burst out of the tent she shared with Sophia, marching forward, her tiny body bristling. She was naked, her clothing thrown over her shoulder, her small breasts bouncing. I opened my mouth to say something, but I had no idea what to say. What was going on? It sounded like she was having a good time with Sophia. But now the halfling marched...
My fantasy: I wish I knew this MILF telling a story like this. She claims a woman is never too old for sex. Here is the story she wrote. ‘I’m about to turn to 60, yet it looks like if my hormones have shoot forth again making me gush with enthusiasm, love and affection. Despite I’m a widow I still attract males who constantly would court me. I like to read erotic stories as well as seeing pics and videos at your site. Yesterday was Saturday, and I still have memores of my first rendezvous with...
I met up with Mandy last Friday in a hotel that she had pre-booked.Normally I would be round her house but her husband had been home. I arranged to meet her around 12pm. Mandy had told her husband that she was going shopping and that she will be back later.We both got into the room and began kissing whilst removing our clothes, I was getting hard just looking at Mandy's naked body. We both continued to kiss whilst I grabbed her ass and began fingering her from behind. I could feel her getting...
After my friends left I got a call. It was a man. “Hey, birthday girl, please give me a minute or two. I have an offer you are totally free to turn down. But I ask that you listen. My name is Robert Felderman. I was the porn movie producer that came in after your mom’s modeling session. I am so sorry she died so young. I’m calling because of that boy you tried to give a blowjob to that afternoon. That boy is Brad. My son.” “I’m so sorry about that.” “No. Please don’t be sorry. His is older...
"I'm afraid things aren't going to work out between her and me," Kelly said after Jessica went upstairs, sadness flooding across her face. "She's too scared or too distrustful or too something, I don't know what, to relax and be comfortable with you... to be... to be..." "A part of the family?" Margo asked. "Yeah, that's it, that's it exactly! And she resents that I am a part of it. If she can't come to terms with it, I don't see much future for us." "You know that...
Kitchen SlutMy slut is in the kitchen preparing something for us to eat. I watch as she moves about the kitchen swinging that fine ass about. I feel my cock harden and my mood darken. As she moves in front of the sink with her back to me. I hasten to move quietly towards her. I move up against her and press my body to hers as I place one hand between her legs and her passive, waiting pussy and the other grabbing a fistful of one breast, squeezing it hard. My slut turns her face towards me,...
It's been awhile since the adult theater incident and I've not stopped hearing about it. My little slut became a full-blown whore in there and her pussy has been dripping with thoughts of me taking her to the theater once more.But she should know that Masters don't give into whims, in fact, we prefer to be creative. Which leads me to our casino getaway. My wife and I often go to the casinos near where we live -- I enjoy the gambling, she enjoys the free hotel room and all the toys I bring...
Billy’s Mother I am fourteen years old and the youngest child in my family. I was what they call a change of life baby. My mother and father are over sixty-five and retired. Most of my five older brothers have children older than me. I am the only child still living at home too. I am in the ninth grade and have a niece in the twelfth grade that calls me ‘Uncle Brian’ whenever she sees me in the halls. I have a fourteen-year-old best friend called Billy. He is the oldest in his family...
My butt hole was so sore and tender that with every little movement of Daniel's huge cock my thighs and legs trembled and shook violently and uncontrollably. Daniel's huge cock head, slowly and deliberately, inched painfully further into my anal cavity. I could not take full breaths due to the pain of my anal muscle being stretched wider than it ever had been. I found my self clawing at the air, since Bruce and Charlie firmly held my wrist, I could only claw at the air. Daniel painstakingly...
We had a great supper together then played with the kids that I missed so much. When the kids finally wore out and went to bed it was my time to make up for lost time with my mates. I was up early and went to the fitness center for an hour before the kids and my mates were up. I finished in time to join them for breakfast. Then we began getting ready for the trip to Atlanta for the debate. First there was a side trip to Lexington Kentucky for an afternoon rally and speech. Andrew and I had...
The President joined his wife and the other sightseers in a place of relative safety behind the fort's thick wall, and General Wright went back to his troops. Seth left the fort and crossed the crowded turnpike. The eager spectators pressed forward, excited by the increased activity. Seth elbowed his way through the mob, most of whom seemed to be in a holiday mood. He moved into the scrubby woods and past the piles of cleared brush where he had seen the New York soldiers disappear. He wanted...
I knew I was still sleeping next to Millie, holding Mom's hand in my bed, but I was also walking behind Dad, Ben, and Eliza, just those three. I couldn't figure out where we were until I recognized that we were near Eliza's and Bud's tombstone. We went behind the cedars, up near the sheer rock bluff, and stopped. Eliza looked at me and it seemed like she walked into the rock and disappeared. Ben smiled at me and followed Eliza. Dad looked at me, smiled, and walked into the rock, as well....
It happened few years ago... She was in her early twenties, and on a business trip to another town where she first met him. He was working on the same project as her and was a tall and handsome guy. He must have been around her age, maybe a bit older. It was all accidental at first, their eyes met and were instantly locked. From that day on, they would talk everyday getting more and more intimate. Even after their project ended, they stayed in touch, until ultimately they decided to meet up...
Love StoriesLogan pulled out a chair for me and I literally plopped myself down, thankful that I didn’t miss my footing. My hands were shaking so badly that I had to place them in my lap. I slowly bent my head down and peered at him. I was afraid to let him see my face which was masked with confusion. He cleared his throat and we both said each other’s name at the same time. Logan moved closer to me and whispered that I was younger then he expected, while moving my hair out of my face to behind my ear. His...
You are in the land of Kidemia, where the sword and magic rule. Your first object is to decide who you will be and from there enjoy. It is easy, do you want to be a brash and virtuos warrior, a rogue who will do anyting to advance himself, or even a wizard who's whole goal is to fight with his magic and make himself more powerful. The choice is your's, so think with your head and your heart get in to the character and enjoy.
Non-EroticThis story starts out one night when my parents go out and leave me and my little sister home by ourselves. But before I go into that let me introduce me and my little sister. My name is Keith and I'm 17 years. I'm very fit at 5'11 and about 160 pounds. I have jet black hair with deep blue eyes. My sisters name is Brianna and she is 16 years old. She like my mom has long strawberry blond hair and blue eyes. She's very sexy with 34C cup breasts and a nice heart shaped bubble butt. I've noticed...
IncestRaven haired MILF Alana Cruise is all about sucking cock. She dreams about it at night and fantasizes about it all day. So, when she shows up to gobble dick on camera, she cannot wait to get started. She whips out our studs big dick and jumps right in to her favorite sexual activity. She whispers sweet nothings as she wraps her fingers around his girthy shaft, stroking sensually while she works her tongue across the tip of his boner. Then, she slides his meaty dong down her hungry throat,...
xmoviesforyouEven with the shock and daring of The Blade, Rebecca considered her first gathering with the full circle on Lughnasad to have been a high point of her life. There were more celebrations, dancing, and even couples slipping into the shadows of the huge stones to make love. After the circle had dispersed, Rebecca and Mrs. Weed made their way back to the Bed and Breakfast in Keswick. Breakfast Sunday morning was a typical English affair with boiled sausages, beans, soft boiled eggs, and dry...
It all started when I was just about 8 or 9 years old, I don’t remember exactly. One day me and my friends were all playing outside together, I think the game was hop-scotch. This guy walked up to us and asked for some one. Another girl named Keri had her turn on and there were other 7 or 8 boys and girls turn before it would be my turn to play hop-scotch. No one wanted to miss their turn and there were still 10 minutes before it would be my turn so when one boy asked me to help that guy find...
Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing I have written other stories. You can follow the Author's stories above by clicking on adel5000 Introduction: A cruel woman brings her son to the Doctor and life changes for both the Son and the Doctor. . Let me say at first that I love my job. Being a Physician has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl. Needless to say my parents were thrilled by my success and were so proud of their eldest...