Ed BiggersChapter 14 free porn video

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With the coming of summer, life had settled into a nice routine for Ed. Mornings were spent in school, evenings were spent at work, and weekends were spent with Kelly. He was taking three courses the entire summer; a reduced load that left him with much more time to study, and less material to study.

His sex life had taken on a greater role than ever. Kelly frequently spent the night with him. On many occasions, Beth joined them for the weekend. When John was gone, Beth would spend a night with him and a night with Kelly. That had been the case this week since John had disappeared on one of his mysterious trips. The relationship between Kelly and Beth was growing closer all the time.

The only problem was that John continued to avoid sex with Kelly. Frustrated, she couldn’t understand why he politely rejected every advance that she made. Even Beth was working on John to get him to sleep with her friend, but still he refused. Ed knew that John must have a private reason that explained his behavior. While he didn’t know what the reason was, he gave his friend the benefit of a doubt. Still, there were times when he wondered if John felt that Kelly wasn’t good enough for him.

Returning from work late in the afternoon, Ed was surprised to see John’s Jeep following behind him on the street to his house. Pulling into the driveway, Ed wandered across the street to welcome his friend back. He paused when he saw John get out of the Jeep wearing a cloak and carrying his walking stick. The cloak was new and made him look like some kind of mystic. The long hair, beard, cloak, and staff give the definite impression of a wizard. He froze in his tracks when a huge cougar jumped out of the car and sat next to John.

Seeing Ed’s reaction to the cat, John headed over to him with the cat following. Surprised at the sight of the cat, Ed was unable to think of anything original to say. Instead, he just said, “I taut I saw a puddy cat. I did, I did!”

Laughing, John just shook his head. The cat looked at Ed like he was an idiot. Finally, getting his laughter under control, John said, “That’s the best reaction I’ve gotten yet. I’d like to introduce you to Rover. Rover, this is Ed. He’s my best friend.”

With a great display of indifference, the cat came over to Ed and sniffed him. Not knowing what else to do, Ed knelt down next to the cat and looked it in the eye. It was a magnificent animal. He said, “I expect we’ll be seeing a lot of each other from now on.”

Returning back to John, the cat sat down and just watched Ed. Ed looked at the cat, the cloak, and John. He noticed the solid white beard and white stripes in John’s hair. Thinking about what that meant, he asked, “Let me guess. A gift from the Gods and Goddesses?”

Nodding, John replied, “From the God.”

Looking down at the cat, Ed said, “He’s a magnificent animal.”

“Well, I haven’t figured out yet what I’m supposed to do with him.” Looking down at the cat, it just sat there looking around at the surroundings.

Ed suggested, “How about taking him into the house and letting him stake out his own territory?”

Laughing, John gestured to the house and said, “Come on. Let’s get some iced tea and watch the sunset. I have a feeling it’s going to be spectacular tonight.”

Together the two men went into the house. As John prepared two glasses of iced tea, Ed watched the cat scout out the house. He noticed the attention the cat was giving the bathroom. After a few minutes of watching, Ed asked, “Could you give me a big bowl?”

Shrugging, John handed him his large cooking pot. After filling it with water, Ed carried it out with him to the patio. John brought out the two glasses of iced tea and watched as Ed set the pot on the ground. Each man sat down in his customary chair as Rover came out of the house and drank from the pot. John said, “I think it’s going to be three of us watching sunsets together from now on.”

Laughing, Ed replied, “I don’t mind. I rather enjoy the company.”

The two men sat there watching the sun slowly set. The sky glowed with a deep red color tinged with gold and purple. The sight took their breath away, making each man feel small in the face of the glory that is nature. As the sky darkened, Ed asked, “Is that what the Goddess looks like?”

Surprised by the question, both John and the cat looked at Ed. John answered, “Yes. That is what the Goddess looks like.”

The easy quiet that was normal between the two men returned as they took pleasure in the undemanding presence of the other. Each man thought his own thoughts. If Beth or Kelly had been present, there wouldn’t be a moment of silence. The night sky slowly darkened and the stars emerged overhead. Ed said, “I could see serving the Goddess.”

John looked at his friend in surprise and asked, “What brought that on?”

“I was just thinking about the sunset.”

Taking a deep breath as he remembered his experience with the God, John said, “The God is more like a tornado, power concentrated beyond belief.”

The silence descended once more. Ed thought about the Gods and Goddesses, wondering what it was like to serve them. From his personal experience, he knew that John’s service to the Goddess served the good. In the year that he had had known John, the man had saved more lives than even legendary characters in the greatest of literature.

“What do you think your service to the God will entail?”

John answered, “I don’t know. I feel an urge to go to the FBI building in Phoenix, but I have no idea what that means.”

After a short silence, Ed said, “I think it will be a rewarding service.”

Looking at Ed out of the corner of his eye, John asked, “Are you thinking about joining us?”

Shaking his head in the negative, Ed replied, “Not really. I was just thinking about what the service to the Gods and Goddesses must entail.”

After a little more time had passed, Ed asked, “What do you say to dinner at Maria’s Cantina?”

The idea appealed to John, but a glance down at Rover made him reconsider. He said, “I’m not sure how Maria will react to Rover.”

Laughing, Ed replied, “I’ve got a feeling that Rover is going to be around for a long time. Might as well get folks around here used to him.”

Together, the two men headed towards Maria’s Cantina followed by Rover padding along beside them. More than one neighbor ran into the house at the sight of the cat emerging from the dark. After the third time that happened, Ed laughed and said, “I think they saw a puddy cat.”

At the restaurant, Ed went in first to talk to Maria. When he entered, Maria said, “Hello, Ed. Are you here for dinner?”

Looking out the door at John, Ed said, “That depends. John has a cat with him and is afraid that you won’t let him in with it.”

“A cat?”

Smiling Ed said, “Yeah, it’s a big cat, but it won’t let John out of its sight.”

Frowning, Maria asked, “He can’t leave it at home?”

“No, it followed him here.”

It was a slow evening and she needed the business. Deciding that if John could control the cat, then it would be alright, she said, “Okay.”

Ed called out the door, “It’s okay John.”

When John entered with Rover, Maria made the sign of a cross several times. Afraid, she squeaked, “That’s not a cat.”

John performed the introductions, “Rover, Maria. Maria, Rover.”

After making another cross, Maria took John and Ed to a table in the corner hoping that it was out of the way enough not to bother anyone. While Maria did everything she could to keep her distance from Rover, Rosa was just the opposite. She immediately fell in love with the cat and tried bringing out all kinds of treats for it. After a generous amount of raw hamburger she brought out a big bowl of ice cream.

John and Ed were basically ignored by Rosa as she pampered the cat. The food was good and the men enjoyed each others company, so the evening wasn’t a total loss. Only a few of the customers even noticed the cat. The general reaction, after the initial surprise, was one of curiosity, but people were polite enough not to bother them while they were eating.

As they were leaving, John stopped to talk to Maria. Edging away to keep as much distance between her and the cat, she asked, “What can I do for you John?”

John looked around the restaurant and said, “I was just thinking about how you might get a little more business.”

At that, Maria started paying more attention to John than to the cat. John said, “You might want to start a delivery service. When Ed suggested that we come eat here, I was about to say that we should call in for take out, except you don’t have take out.”

Maria turned thoughtful trying to figure all of the implications of introducing take out. After a minute, she said, “There are some details that I would have to work out.”

Understanding her hesitancy, John said, “Well, you can probably get Manuel or his son to deliver for tips. You won’t have to wash dishes or occupy table space, so that would be a cost savings.”

“Thank you, John. I’ll think about it.” Maria was quiet as she considered the implications from a business perspective.

As they were about to leave, Rosa popped around the corner and said, “If you see Maria, remind her that I’m coming over tomorrow.”

Both men turned to look at Rosa. She blushed, but looked back at them without guile. John answered, “Of course, Rosa.”

Absentmindedly, Maria said, “Don’t be late tomorrow, Rosa. I don’t know what you and her do, but you’re always late coming back from there.”

“Yes, Maria,” replied Rosa.

Watching the exchange, Ed realized that there was more going on here than met the eye. He didn’t know what it was and it wouldn’t take long to find out, but he chose to respect her privacy. Stepping outside, he waited for John while watching the stars.

It was a few minutes later when John stepped out of the restaurant with Rover beside him. The cat looked around for a few seconds and then headed over to a sandy spot. Squatting, the cat went to the bathroom. Ed said, “You’re going to have to get a litter box.”

Looking at the cougar, John asked, “What do you use for litter box for a cat that size?”

“How about one of those plastic pools for little kids?” replied Ed.

The cat stepped away and covered its pile with sand using its front paws. Looking at its behavior, it was clear that this was just a big cat. The cat returned to walk beside John. About half way home, the cat ran over to the side of the road and squatted. The two men stopped and waited. Ed said, “I think the cat has diarrhea.”

Nodding his agreement, John said, “I was afraid of that. Too much ice cream.”

The men waited for the cat to finish its business. Ed said, “I think you’ll have to sleep with your back door open tonight. The cat will need to go outside a couple of times.”

Watching the cat, John had to agree. He said, “I think you’re right.”

“We might want to let some of the neighbors know the cat is yours. I would hate for one of them to take a shot at him.”

“I hadn’t thought of that,” replied John. About that time, the cat covered its pile and rejoined them.

As the three of them walked back towards the house, Ed went from door to door letting the neighbors know that they weren’t to shoot the cat. Finally, he reached Maria’s house. Knocking on the door, he remembered the message from Rosa.

Carlos, Maria’s husband, answered the door and greeted him, “Hello, Ed.”

Nodding, Ed said, “Hello, Carlos. I came by to give you two messages. One for your wife and one for you.”

Scratching his stomach, Carlos wondered what kind of message Ed could have for him. He was seldom home, working long hours in Phoenix. He ran his own lawn care business with a crew of about thirty people working for him. The entire day was usually spent going from one place to another to make sure that everyone was working. He asked, “What do you have to tell me?”

With a little gesture towards John’s house, Ed said, “Your neighbor John has a cat. It’s a full grown cougar. I came by just to let you know, so that you won’t shoot it thinking it’s a wild animal.”

Laughing, Carlos shook his head in wonder. He had only met John once or twice, but Maria was quite taken with him. He said, “So he got himself a cougar? I’ve seen weirder pets in the city. I won’t shoot it.”

The comment about weirder pets made Ed wonder. He asked, “What kinds of pets have you seen?”

Carlos answered, “Some of those rich folk are crazy. They’ve got lions, monkeys, ostriches, and other animals that don’t belong around people. Hell, one bastard has a crocodile that attacked one of the men that works for me. My insurance rates went up on that one.”

Shaking his head, Ed said, “I guess one cougar doesn’t quite measure up to a lion.”

Carlos laughed and said, “I guess not. So what was the other message?”

The prompt reminded Ed of the second message. He answered, “Actually, it’s from Rosa. She just wanted to remind Maria that she was going to come over tomorrow.”

Carlos stepped back and asked, “Rosa? Isn’t that Maria’s sister from over at the restaurant?”

Nodding, Ed answered, “Yes.”

“I didn’t know that Maria and Rosa were friends. Hold on.” He turned and called into the house, “Maria, can you come out here?”

Wondering if he had just caused a problem, Ed suddenly felt uncomfortable. He didn’t really know Carlos that well and wasn’t privy to any details about their marriage. As far as he knew, everything was fine.

Maria came to the door and upon seeing Ed greeted him, “Hello, Ed.”

Carlos said, “Ed said that Rosa was coming over for a visit tomorrow.”

Smiling at Ed, she answered, “Oh, that’s great news. I was hoping that she could make it.”

The smile that Maria had given Ed reminded him of the day when she had told him that she knew about John, Beth, and Betsy. Carlos had noticed the smile also and asked, “Have you been seeing a lot of her?”

Looking at her husband, she winked and answered, “I would say so.”

Same as Ed Biggers
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This happened a few summers ago. I had shared my wife on two different occasions before trying a swingers club. I had thought it would be a perfect next step up from sharing my wife. My wife and I were in our mid forties and I wanted to try something different. I had seen an internet add promoting a swingers club about an hour from where we lived. I talked to the president of the club and he gave me all the details on what their club was all about. I was very excited the more he told me about...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 29

“Good afternoon Mr. President, Troy, how is the weather in Washington this afternoon?” I asked. “The weather is great, but on the other hand there is a political storm brewing.” “I got word that the IRS seized the assets of Senator Waxdeller last night. The Senate is unhappy and the rain clouds are growing,” the President said. “You will have plenty of grounds to replace me as IRS commissioner on the fifth; by then the thirty six other delinquent Senators and Representatives will have...

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A threesome with my sons

I got a phone call while I was visiting my mom from my younger son "Mom, do you care if I come visit you for a while on spring break" he asked."Sure honey." I replied. "But just out of curiosity do I need to come get you or is your dad bringing you over.""Dad's bringing me over if I want to go since he's going to be passing by on his way to Uncle Stephen's house for a three day fishing trip or something like that." my son replied."Ok, I will be home on Tuesday." I answered."Wait, if your not...

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Have you ever been so horny you just had to

Have you ever been so horny you just had to....... ........Masturbate, like immediately, right then and there?I would like to tell you a story that happened to me a while back.I was working in a grocery store as a produce manager, it was kind of a temporary thing, but it was a decent enough job. Well one day I was going through the produce section, checking inventory and straightening up the stock when I hear my name being called. A woman's voice and I turned around and it was an ex-girlfriend...

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Nurses in Africa

Karen Tanner and her friend Linda had been on a shopping trip to the bazaar in the small town near where they worked. They were both nurses working on a one year contract in a small west African country. Both women were very experienced and had been offered nearly double their pay at home to spend a year working with sick and extremely poor people.Both women were married although Karen and her husband were separated months before she left for this job. Karen had found this position, applied and...

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Fireflies Part Three

When I awakened, the sunlight that filled the room puzzled me for a few seconds -- I normally slept on the other side of the house, where the sun only put in an appearance in the afternoon. Then it all came back to me in a dizzying rush. My mother and I had made love yesterday; had shared our bodies, our souls. More that that, we'd fucked. I was alone in bed, but Mom had left a fresh-cut pink camellia on the pillow for me. Sitting up, I breathed deeply of its fragrance, then caressed my breasts...

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The BootleggerChapter 24

I awoke with the winter sun sliding through my window. It was about 7:45AM. I was not looking forward to that particular day. I had to finish moving the sprouts from the small hot house. They had to be moved to, and replanted into, the larger green house. The smaller Cub tractor would pull the small farm trailer up the sight incline. Almost everything I owned in those days was a miniature light weight model of a full sized farm tool. Most of the farm equipment had been either been built for...

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In den letzten Wochen , so das Gerücht, war in der Großstadt ein Filmteam unterwegs. Es klingelte in der Regel an Haustüren, wo zu dem Zeitpunkt nur Frauen daheim waren und brachte manche von diesen dazu, ihre sexuellen Fantasien vor der Kamera auszuleben. Jetzt stand das Team am frühen Nachmittag vor einem Reihenhaus in einem Vorort und klingelte an der Tür.

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indian mom and her 2 sons

Hi I am Abhay, 21 and have a brother Vinay, 20. Although we have a age difference of 1 years, we are very much like twins by our behaviour as well as looks. My mom Ravina is a 42yr old fair, typical Indian woman with the perfect layer of fat at the right places. My dad Rajesh works as a civil engineer and often remains out of town for projects. We live in Kolkata. Last November we were invited to our relative's wedding in Mangalore (Karnataka). As dad was out of town, it was decided that me, my...

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How I Became A Slut

I hope you like my story. It’s mostly true. If I get some good responses I’ll continue it.I was excited moving into my dorm to start freshman year in college. It took a lot to convince Mom to let me go instead of staying home and going to the community college. She was worried about my safety. I pulled all the crime stats I could find and showed her that it was safer at the University than it was at home. She finally relented and let me go.I was not very experienced sexually when I left for...

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Shower gifts

"Mom," Brenda yelled from just inside the front door while struggling under a load of wedding shower gifts, "you gotta come and see all of the cool things the girls gave me!!!" Her mother, still wiping her hands after washing the lunch dishes, caught a falling box that tumbled from her daughter's arms and replied, "My goodness Bren, you made quite a haul today didn't you!?!" "Uh huh," Brenda replied excitedly, "and you're just not going to believe it, but almost everyone there gave me expensive...

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Nothing I Can Do About It NowChapter 4

“I’ll leave you girls to talk!” I said getting up and leaving the room. I can’t say that I was ecstatic about the girls getting together, but after the way that vicar had gone on that day, I had it figured that it was on the cards. Over the next couple of months Katie and Christine spent a lot of time together. It transpired that Christine had found another mug and her wedding was well into the planning stage. She even had the gall at one time to ask Katie if I would give her away, but in...

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Sex and Yoga is life

The thought struck at a strange time. We were making love; she was on top, moving strongly, slowly, deliberately, and I was moving in time beneath her. My hands were on her waist, holding her as we moved and breathed as one. I inhaled as I arched my back, then crunched my stomach muscles and pulled my hips up to meet her as I exhaled, our bodies following our breath. We breathed together, moved together, our eyes locked together; getting so close, I could see it in her face and feel it...

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Her Puppy Shared Parts 78

Part Seven Kathy sat down beside me, taking me tenderly into her arms, wrapping them around me like a blanket of safety from the world, while my tears flowed down my cheeks, mixing with the cum humiliatingly smeared across my face. Not tears of pain or sadness, but tears of being overwhelmed, my mind struggling with the idea of being shared again and again with a man, my sense of self and sexuality unbalanced by the suspicion that I was going to enjoy it, and come to long for it. Yet even as...

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All my life I have been in hiding or learning to fight from one master or another. School was tutors and there was always Roger watching and more than once slapping my head. He was supposed to be my bodyguard but he always said learning came first. My parents were distant and emotionless when it came to me which is why I was named Demon. I was a younger son and not meant to rule and that changed on my sixteenth birthday. My oldest sister was killed and then both older brothers with my parents...

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Candice Parker Part 4

Candice Parker - Part 4 Chapter 11 - Veronica in Wonderland The following morning, Candice awoke to the beeping of her alarm clock, which she hadn't set. Startled, she immediately sat straight up. She instantly and clearly recalled every word that was said, every secret that was shared, every weakness that was exposed. "The wine hit me pretty hard, but the tea must've kept my memory clear," she opined. She had been undressed by Ms. Rockwell, who saw her drunk and naked. Candice...

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The Reception

Reposted after editing by Rexford Dam. Further screwing with it by me. As always, all mistakes and mine. Author’s note: The Bluetooth app mentioned in this story is a figment of my imagination and may not even exist. I received an anonymous video in my email that ended my marriage. I am Jeramy Weston, 45, once widowed and remarried, and am an inventor of many mundane little things that everyone uses every day, without even thinking about it. I have more money than I could spend in 3...

2 years ago
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Sultana Chapter 6 Discoveries

YounosThe Sultana sat down next to her husband, and cleared her throat. Everyone in the room was paying attention, including her ‘lord and master’.“They are using some manner of battle tactics,” she said. “Even a cursory examination of their sheer power will tell any of us that they could decimate our kingdom if that was their purpose. This means one of three possible alternatives. One. Someone inimical to our kingdom who has designs on its resources has managed to control them. Two. These...

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CarnivoreChapter 6

They drifted in and out of sleep, jerking awake when they did nod off. It seemed the night took a week to pass, but the eastern sky turned to a gray light and there was a red glow behind the mountain peaks. They could see the rock they were on and they could see the trees on the mountainside across the deep valley. Jerry knew that with light, the animal up there could see too if, in fact, it had stayed the night, waiting for them to make a mistake. The stench was gone and the morning breeze...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 268

Compliment of DomAbrazo ‎ A US Marine enters the Catholic Church confessional booth in Hendersonville, NC. He tells the priest, “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. Last night, I beat the ever-living crap out of a flag burning, Cop hating, Jihadist.” The priest says, “My son, I am here to forgive your sins, not to discuss your community service.” ✧ ✧ ✧ Compliments of a Friend of J & G. Vive la difference Bookseller conducting a market survey asked a woman – “Which book has helped...

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"Ouch." It hurt like hell when she rammed me from behind with that supermarket shopping cart. I was bending over, trying to get a can of soup from the bottom shelf of the display. I almost took a header into a mountain of cans when she ran into me. At first she was embarrassed and then there was a slight lilt of amusement in her voice when she said, "Oh, please excuse me." "That's quite all right." Now it was a little funny to me too. I assessed my attacker. Perhaps my age, mid to...

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A Sailors Tale chapter Nine

Chapter Nine   Walking back over to the couch I slipped out of my shirt, stepped out of the house shoes I had slipped into while I waited, and dropped my pants to the floor and stepped free of them as well.   My cock sprang up to an upswept 45 degree angle and a good two inches longer than Uncle Charles’ had provided.   I sat back down beside her just as I had been, and slung my bandaged hand onto the back of the couch to avoid the throb of blood that in truth was pretty...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 52 Meeting Halfway

January 19, 1991, Chicago, Illinois I found Ed, and he went to talk to my sister while I went to my study to call Bethany and let her know what had transpired. “Do you think she can successfully work with Doctor Fremd without revealing what happened?” I asked. “Keeping things from a counselor is almost always a very bad idea. You managed to do it, but only because you had very close confidantes who knew your circumstances and, fortunately, were able to help you.” “Are you going to revise...

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I told her part 2

Then yesterday a girl she met downtown told her she could make 10 times what she was getting if she would sell her body. At 18 she looked a lot younger due to her small size and little girl looks. She only stood 5’1” with straight blonde hair half way down her back. She had crystal blue eyes and a dazzling smile when she used it. She had perky little titties that had bright red nipples that always poked out. She had a tiny waist which made her butt stand out more. She had to face the fact...

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Her Public Transport

I have a job for the summer, it's just serving in a baker's shop but it'll do 'till I go back to uni. But it's the journey back home that I've found has made me want to do things I wouldn't have imagined I'd dare do for real before.I regularly fantasise about my body being on display for others' enjoyment, like being inadequately dressed in various situations; my shirt having no buttons for unexplained reasons and my big boobs swaying as I'm carrying a bag in each hand, unable to hold my shirt...

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Sandra is late getting home

All of these thoughts went through her head in less than a few seconds as her hands dropped to her sides and she began to turn around. “Don’t move” and she froze. She had never heard anger in his voice before. Oh they had argued and yelled at each other, but never had there been anger. She feels more than hears his presence come up behind her. She feels his eyes noticing the tight jeans that hug her ass so nicely, feels his eyes upon the tight shirt that shows off her breasts without...

4 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 2

Present – Mira – At the cabin Ms. Morgan and Ms. Donaldson have performed a most amazing act and I will be forever indebted to them. They have presented me what I have needed most: An end to my life with my twin sister Irina (who I will always hold dear in my heart) and the opportunity to start life anew. Hopefully I will commence my improved existence with the children I wish to conceive. I arrest the eyes of each individual and gratefully acknowledge their contributions, "Thank you my...

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