Past LivesChapter 3 free porn video

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"Grace," I said, "you will make every other woman at the opening green with envy. That dress is stunning, but what it packages makes the dress, not the other way around."

She blushed, but just under the flush or her embarrassment, I could see that my words had thrilled her. What made it easy was the fact that I hadn't exaggerated at all.

"And Mom, if you looked any more alluring, Dad would need to carry a stick to beat off the men that would crowd around you instead of my paintings."

Mom beamed. "Paul, listen to your son and learn. He knows how to compliment a lady."

"Hah!" I said. "Dad's a man of few words, but his love for you shines like a beacon. Look at him. He can't take his eyes off you, unless it's to glance at his beautiful daughter."

"Boy speaks truth," Dad said ponderously, which cracked us up.

With large smiles, the ladies took our arms, and Dad and I escorted them to the limo waiting at the curb in front of our house — Dad's contribution to the cause. One of many.

Inside the limo, Mom said, "I like your new look, Brent. It ages you slightly. You look eighteen, not sixteen."

The beautician had given me a razor cut that looked wild, but framed my long face perfectly, giving me a mysterious appearance, like I kept secrets. I'd clipped a picture from a magazine to give her an idea of what I wanted. She did a good job of it. My trousers were black linen. The black shoes were Bally loafers. Thin black dress socks. A thin, black leather belt. My shirt was bright red, knit, cut like a t-shirt but with a slight v-neck. I wore a Kenneth Cole black three-button leather dress jacket, with a red silk handkerchief in the pocket. I'd raised the lapel at the back of my neck. I looked good, and I knew it, which was important for an artist at an opening.

"Thank you," I said as I watched Dad push the cork out of a bottle of champagne.

"You're both too young, but one glass won't hurt you," Dad said as he poured the bubbly into the flute Mom held in her hand. She handed the glass to Grace, and Dad continued pouring until we all had our drinks.

"A toast," Dad said. "To the ladies first, Brent. Sweet Rose, you were my first love, and my last, and I've never loved you more than I do tonight. Grace, tonight you fit your name. You are grace and beauty, and I'm very proud of you and love you more than you'll ever know."

"Man speaks truth," I said ponderously.

Grace choked. It's difficult to drink champagne when you're laughing.

"To you, Brent," Dad said. "You are my son, and I love you, but you confuse me. I've decided that that's a good thing. You confuse me because your maturity approaches mine. You're just sixteen, but you create astonishing paintings superior to artists who have labored at their craft for many, many years. But my toast isn't about how mature you are or how great you are as an artist. I toast you, Brent Carson, because you are a good man."

"Man of few words like hell," Mom said. "Paul, that was beautiful but I want to add good luck for your show tonight, Brent. May all your paintings sell. As hard as you've worked, including many all-nighters, you deserve all the success I'm certain you'll achieve." She started to take a drink but stopped. "Oh, and I love you, too."

"I wanna make a toast," Grace said after drinking to Mom's, "but I'm out of champagne."

"That can be remedied," Dad said and poured a little more champagne in Grace's glass and mine, and then filled Mom's and his.

Grace raised her glass and said, "To Brent, who more often than not ends up being more like my big brother than the little brother he is. I'm not sure how you do everything you do, Brent, but you never cease to amaze me. I might add that you look very dashing tonight." She paused. "Oh, and I love you, too. You, too, Mom and Dad."

A happy bunch spilled out of the limo when it stopped in front of the gallery.

I've mentioned the importance of a buyer list to the success of any art opening. The buyer list is a gallery owner's lifeblood, but a competent gallery owner can't rely strictly on his buyer list. Non-buyers are invited, some related to the business of art, like art critics, but some merely because an art opening is also a social event.

As we entered the gallery, I heard live music filling the cavernous space. The music was background sound, in this instance a string quartet with a piano. I saw pretty waitresses dressed in finery circulating and offering wine and hors d'oeuvres to the guests.

"Are we late?" Dad asked when he noticed a number of small groups standing and talking in different areas in the gallery.

"No, we're early," I said. "You're looking at the pre-opening guests, Frazier's serious buyers, for the most part. The bulk of the business end of this opening took place before we arrived. Now it's party time. But not for me. It's time for me to go to work, to take center stage, so to speak, and talk about my art with the buyers and critics and other guests. We can't leave out the other guests. Non-buying guests occasionally become buyers.

"It's a staged affair, Dad. First I've gotta impress the buyers, especially those who purchased one of my paintings, and then Frazier will introduce me to a critic or two. Finally, close to the end of the evening I can relax and briefly join the party like all the other guests."

I patted Grace's hand. "I hope my repetitive hyperbole doesn't bore you because it would be best if you stayed on my arm or nearby most of the time."

She nodded.

I didn't truly need her by my side, but she was so stunningly beautiful that I worried about smooth predatory males turning her head and taking advantage of her naivety. Not that my sister was overly naïve, but the world of art at this level drew men with money and power, and men with money and power used both to get what they wanted. If these men had eyes in their heads, and they did, they'd want Grace.

Frazier noticed us and broke away from the group he was with. He hurried to us with a large smile on his face, a good omen, I hoped.

"Brent, I'm glad you're a little early," he said and extended his hand. I shook it, and when I started to end the handshake, he held on and added, "I've put sold stickers on seven of your paintings, and I'm certain the remaining three will be purchased before the evening ends. Congratulations, young man!" He shook my hand with both of his. "Come. I want to introduce you to around. You look good, by the way, very... ah, arty." He laughed.

That's when he noticed Grace. "And, Grace, you are... well, you're simply gorgeous." He laughed again. "This is going to be fun. The two of you will be a bigger hit than your paintings, Brent."

I talked about micro-landscapes, color, form, composition, texture, balance, all the tenets of my art, until I was blue in the face. I grew tired of my repetitious narratives before Grace, but my flowery hyperbole convinced three other buyers to part with their money.

Early in the evening, Terry arrived with her guest, a woman named Vicki, Terry's new roommate and lover, Terry whispered in my ear after leaning to kiss my cheek.

"Call me," she said in parting.

I was pleased that she hadn't been more demanding than the brief greeting she'd given me. Perhaps our friendship could be saved and fostered. I altered that opinion later when I suddenly found myself standing alone. One of the predator males I wanted Grace to avoid had captured her attention, and they were talking quietly in the far corner of the room. Almost as suddenly as I'd found myself alone, Terry stepped in front of me.

"Hi, handsome," she said.

I grinned. "Hello, friend."

"Congratulations. I noticed the sold stickers on your paintings. You sold out!"

I nodded.

She glanced toward her new roommate who was standing with a group looking at one of my paintings. "She's beautiful, isn't she? I told her about you. She wouldn't say no if you joined us for a naughty evening."

Vicki was indeed beautiful, and to say I wasn't tempted would've been a lie, but as I'd predicted, Terry hadn't given up on me. She was using Vicki as bait.

"Terry, that gentleman in the navy suit standing over there with two women is a gallery owner from San Diego. One of the women with him is a gallery owner from San Francisco. Both want to show my work. Frazier wants to do another show for me next December, and galleries in Denver, Los Angeles, and Santa Fe have expressed interest in presenting one-man shows for me. I'm buried in work, and I can't neglect my education. Socializing must take fourth place to work, school and sleep. I can be your friend, but I don't and won't have the time a heavy relationship requires."

Anger briefly flared in her pretty eyes, anger that quickly changed to disappointment.

"Terry!" Grace said, returning to me. "It's good to see you again. How have you been? Have you noticed that all of my little brother's paintings sold?"

Terry nodded. Grace took her by the arm. "I have someone I want you to meet. Like you, he's an art lover. In fact, he purchased one of Brent's paintings."

As Grace dragged Terry away, Terry turned her head and mouthed, "Call me."

After Grace made the introductions, she quickly extricated herself and came back to me.

"Thanks, big sister. I owe you," I said.

Grace laughed. "Yes you do. That girl is not about to give up on you, Brent."


I met Sherry Crane while Grace was across the room talking with another predator male. I'd stopped worrying about my big sister. After a few whispered comments, Grace told me in no uncertain terms that she could take care of herself. After that conversation, I watched her, and she appeared to hold her own with the powerful, rich men who hit on her.

"Brent," Grace said, "I try to ignore the charm, the flash, and look underneath for the real man, but if I raise my eyebrows at you, please come running to help me escape anyone who refuses to accept no as an answer."

"That works for me," I said.

So Grace was testing her alluring feminine appeal with predator males while I stood in front of a beautiful woman who'd just introduced herself as Sherry Crane. If Grace had a rival at the opening, Sherry would be that woman. She was tall and slim, wore a slinky black gown held aloft with what looked like a diamond-studded necklace. A matching bracelet wrapped her feminine wrist. Her soft shoulders were bare, and the gown plunged at the back. The elegant silkiness of the garment offered hints of an incredible body underneath — a naked body, I figured, because I could see no evidence of a bra or panties under the dress. She wore her black hair long. It was sleek and luxurious, styled a little like mine, giving her a wild, dangerous look. A panther came to mind. Her dark eyes glinted like the necklace that held up her dress.

A compulsion to kiss her shoulders nearly overwhelmed me. The urge also surprised me. I'd never considered shoulders as replacements for kissable lips, but then there wasn't any part of Sherry Crane that wasn't utterly alluring. I tried and failed to guess her age because I couldn't decide whether she was in her early or late twenties.

When she introduced herself, her sultry voice captivated me almost as much as her soft shoulders.

"Your work presents a degree of maturity that doesn't conform to your youth, Mr. Carson," she said.

"I have this urge — it's almost a compulsion — to rain kisses down your long neck and over your soft shoulders," I said quietly, my eyes never leaving hers.

Her eyes widened, and then she smiled, and her smile took away her dangerous, wild look.

"Young man, that gorgeous young woman you're with should have you on a leash. You're dangerous."

I laughed. "Thank you — I think. That stunningly beautiful, young woman I'm with is my sister, and if anyone should be on a leash, it's she. The predator males in this place keep trying to steal her away from me."

Sherry glanced at Grace. "If I were a male, I'd whisk her away and hold her close." Her sparkling dark eyes returned to mine, and she looked dangerous and wild again. "But I'm not a man."

"That's the understatement of the evening. I didn't believe any woman at the opening could possibly rival my sister's beauty and grace. I was mistaken."

Sherry frowned and shook her head. "You can't be the teenager written about in the printed hype for this show."

A distinguished man joined us. Was he Sherry's date? Husband? Lover? Her father was a possibility. He was old enough to be her father.

"There you are, Sherry," he said, his voice deep and commanding. He nodded at me.

"Uncle Harry, have you met this remarkable young artist?" Sherry asked.

"I have not," Harry said.

Dr. Harry Crane was not only Sherry's uncle, he was also an art critic who wrote a weekly column for the Arizona Republic & Gazette. What's more, he was also a professor of art history at Arizona State University. Sherry didn't tell me all this when she introduced him. As soon as I heard his name, I recognized him. I read his column every week.

"And this young man is Brent Carson," Sherry said to her uncle. "He painted the large acrylics showcased at the opening tonight."

"Which I haven't had a chance to see. Frazier corralled me when we arrived, as you know. Join us, Mr. Carson, and tell us about your work while I take a look at your paintings."

"All right," I said. We turned to the painting hanging at our right. "My work appears non-objective, but it's not. I paint micro-landscapes." I described each painting as we stepped from one to the other. Crane didn't comment, nod or shake his head, and my descriptions became terse with less hyperbole. When we finished the tour of my work, I didn't know whether he liked or detested what he saw.

"Humph," he muttered. "Thank you, young man. Excuse me, please. Two other artists at this show expect my attention, I suspect." With that, he walked away with Sherry on his arm.

Frazier sidled up to me. "What did Dr. Crane say?" he asked.

"Not one word."


"Not a word. That is a frustrating man."

Frazier laughed. "He's that. We'll know what he thinks on Sunday morning when his column hits the newsstands."

"What do you know about his niece?" I asked.



"Be careful with that one, Brent. She's a piranha. She chews up young artists, spits out their bare bones, and moves on to her next meal."

I laughed. "If she wants me for dinner, I might let her munch away."

Frazier grimaced. "That evokes images I'd rather not have skipping through my mind. Darrell wants words with you." Darrell was the gallery owner in San Diego. "He wants to know how soon you can provide him with twelve paintings."


"Twelve. Ten is too few for a one-man show. Fourteen would be too many for his gallery. He also wants to talk about pricing."

"All right, but find my father." I grinned. "I am, after all, a minor."

"Humph, in age only."

"After our success tonight, the prices for my paintings should increase fifteen to twenty percent," I said.

"I agree," Frazier said.

"I'll want Darrell to pay for framing and any and all photography and prints needed, also to crate and ship my paintings to San Diego for the show."

Frazier shook his head. "That'll be up to Darrell."

"No, Gary. You'll be getting your cut. Earn it. Get me what I want and we'll have a long and mutually beneficial business relationship. I can ship twelve acrylic paintings in two months, but the show after San Diego, wherever it is, won't take place until four months after Darrell's show. I'm switching from acrylics to oils. Oils will give me a greater range of color depth than acrylics, something I'll need with the direction I'm taking with my art. I'll be renting a studio so I can work on a dozen paintings at the same time."

Frazier nodded. "I agree. Oils would be a better medium for your style of painting."

"Go ahead. Find my father, and the two of you can negotiate my deal with Darrell."

Prior to the show, I'd had a private conversation with my father about future shows. He, too, knew what I wanted. I'd given him a few scenarios based upon the success of my first opening.

A little later, Dad found me. "You're set for San Diego near the end of February. Darrell caved on every issue."

I grinned. "Good job, Dad. You're a wonder."

"Thanks." He beamed.

I beamed, too. My first show had exceeded my greatest expectations, and my second show was in the hopper, a one-man show this time. That Sherry Crane left without speaking to me again was the only downer of the evening. That, and Terry's attempt to rekindle our relationship, I added as a thought a few seconds later.

Monday evening following my show, I received a call from Sherry Crane. My mother answered the call and passed the phone to me.

"Uncle Harry liked your work," she said after I said hello.

"I noticed." I'd read his column early Sunday morning moments after the paperboy threw the newspaper into the bougainvillea bush in our front yard. A couple of the critic's comments were: a good command of the medium, and an artist with a vision.

Sherry said, "My uncle hosts a cocktail party for local artists every year during the Christmas season. He doesn't discriminate. He invites artists he praised in his column, as well as artists he vilified. Most fall between the two extremes. Because the invitations were sent weeks ago, he asked me to call and invite you this year. The party is Saturday evening. It starts at six o'clock. Drinks and hors d'oeuvres only, so don't expect to be fed. You're welcome to bring a guest."

"Tell your uncle that I'm pleased he thought of me. I'll be there, of course. I do have one request."

"You do, huh? What?"

"I'm too young for booze, and my soft drink of choice is root beer. I like it served in a frosted glass mug."

I listened to a second or two of silence, and then she laughed gaily. "I'll pass on your request, Mr. Carson. Whether he'll comply, I won't venture a guess. Bring your sister. She and I can compete for the most male attention."

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Pastor Sarah Ch 13

Pastor Sarah was sitting having her morning coffee when she heard Jack’s truck pull in her driveway. “Well Jack, this is a pleasant surprise, I didn’t expect to see you till tonight.” Sarah said as she invited Jack in for a cup of coffee. “I hope you are not here to tell me that Brenda has changed her mind about our threesome tonight.” “Bill Johnson is sending a crew today to work on the offices at the church. Movers are coming to pack everything in boxes, and then removing all the...

2 years ago
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Pastor Love

My name is Will Kane, and I'm a Minister by trade. I happened upon this job shortly after my wife of seven years decided to leave me. Why exactly, I was never told, but I suspect her affair with the wife of a church elder had a lot to do with it. Normally, the candidate for a small town pastorship would have a wife, perhaps a couple of kids and maybe, even a pet beagle. But not me. The fact that I even got a second look surprised even myself. I don't know exactly what I said or did to the...

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Pastor Johns private thoughts

Since Angela (Ange babe) started giving John head at every opportunity,his thoughts were turning more and more to how the women in congregation would look underneath their very prim and proper dress. Most were covered right up to the neck the few that weren't didn't show any cleavage, just a little of their flat chest above their tits (when having those naughty thoughts John called them breasts rather than tits lol).From his elevated position in church John could look over the women and see who...

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pastor wife

This is a story my friend cheryl told me and word for word its as she told me. Rex and cheryl have been married 30 years have two girls 29 and 27 both married Rex has been a pastor most of that time in a small southern town. About 6 months ago his church burn down along with the home they live in next door they lose everything there was no money in the church to help them so they decided to move north. they moved in a large town but had to move in lets a lower income part to afford the rent Rex...

3 years ago
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Past The Point of Pain

Since I have been with my Master we have explored many limits and why I have them. One activity I have struggled with for a long time is due to past abuse from my ex-husband Dick, anal sex has not been an easy boundary for me to have tested. When Dick and I first began our sexual relationship we each had an open mind about many things, exploration with new activities was never an issue. We both seem to always enjoy testing ourselves and each other, and never had we considered anything we...

4 years ago
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Past is Gone Part 2

On the way, I had a bout of sneezing. Cold breeze and wet clothes had affected me. I had caught cold. As luck would have it Sameer’s bike broke down barely five minutes after we started. After dragging the bike for about a kilometer, Sameer managed to park it in a safe spot. We waited for a bus at a bus stop nearby. No bus stopped as they came fully overloaded.We tried to hail taxies but none would stop. It was frustrating. However, looking at our pathetic condition, one car stopped by. The car...

3 years ago
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Past lifeA mother and her daughters boyfriend

For most people, life generally plods along at a fairly mundane and unexciting pace. For another breed of person, life is altogether more exciting, with the continually travelled highway producing many a twist and turn along the way. Kate Howard, if asked would place herself in the first category. For the most part this was how it had always been for Kate. She neither asked nor expected of much and in may ways was as happy as she could be with her life. All in all a few ups and downs, yes, but...

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Past is gone

 I was a petite 32 years of age, happily married for the past seven years with Raj, who had a managerial job in a company that required him to look after two offices; one in Mumbai and another in Pune. He had to visit each office once in a week. Raj loved me a lot. We did not have any children. After seven years of marriage, we did not have a great sex life; but I was pretty satisfied with my husband as he did not spare any efforts to make me happy and feel comfortable. I craved for a child and...

1 year ago
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Past LivesChapter 6

If my luncheon with Dr. Crane proved anything, it was that we could never be friends. My advanced maturity to the contrary, he couldn't get past the age gap. What's more, he was thoroughly ensconced in academia. I wasn't, which made me an inferior outsider, and with the exception of our discussion about Jane Wilson, he treated the luncheon as an art critic interviewing an up-and-coming young artist. Neither of us brought up Sherry and Vivian. After lunch, he followed me to my studio to...

2 years ago
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Past The Point of Pain

Past The Point of Pain By True?s Doll-AnnSince I have been with my Master we have explored many limits and why I have them. One activity I have struggled with for a long time is due to past abuse from my ex-husband Dick, anal sex has not been an easy boundary for me to have tested. When Dick and I first began our sexual relationship we each had an open mind about many things, exploration with new activities was never an issue. We both seem to always enjoy testing ourselves and each other,...

3 years ago
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Past LivesChapter 10

I didn't think. I ignored my sister's warnings. I ignored my own reservations. I knew I couldn't have a casual relationship with Mary, but she was looking at me with such longing that's all I saw, all I thought about. I kissed her. I kissed her and she melted. Her lips melted into mine, and she twisted her lithe body until her breasts melted against my chest. She moaned into my mouth, and our embrace deepened but still remained soft somehow. I felt the tip of her tongue on my lips, and...

3 years ago
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Past Perfect

The ease with which Jacqueline Manceaux breezed through life provided a perpetual source of annoyance for Denise. She shone like the sun, even in her darkest hours, and to be fair, she had more than her fair share of them. Denise strove not to take any sort of snide comfort in the misfortune that often befell Jacquí, as she was affectionately called by the hordes of her closest friends. In contrast, Denise felt like an ogre in Jacquí's company. On those rare days when she felt well above...

3 years ago
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Past LivesChapter 7

The air was cold and wet, the stars obscured by heavy clouds. I shivered and put my arm around Liz's waist, pulling her close, as much for her body heat as a friendly gesture. We were walking toward the pickup after going to a movie. "Hot chocolate," I said. "The night calls for hot chocolate." "Sounds good," Liz said. "My studio. We can warm our insides and talk." "All right. I would like to take another look at your paintings before you ship them to San Diego." Twenty...

3 years ago
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Past LivesChapter 15

We all swam ashore at dawn for tai chi, and James and I sparred while the ladies prepared breakfast. When we finished, they applauded our efforts and flashed their tits from afar. We fished; we did some water-boarding behind our new jet skis, and we explored Lake Powell. Mary and I made love often, and James and Deanna, or James and Grace, or all three of them went below for privacy from time to time, and the three of them slept together at night in the V-berth. James must have got the hang...

4 years ago
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Past Revisited

I was in my late thirties, college graduate and up and coming accountant, I was at my desk in my cubicle when the mail boy arrived. He handed me a package that had obviously been opened, nothing unusual about this save the fact it was clearly marked "..PERSONAL..." Items that were clearly marked for the company was usually opened and inspected for content and quality as well as to how to process what was inside. But mail marked "...PERSONAL...'was never opened, or it was, it was closed back...

3 years ago
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Past Life

I am a 32 year old heterosexual male. This is a dream unlike any other I've had! The realism was INCREDIBLE! I was in a nightclub or cabaret from the 30's or 40's. I was sitting at a table having a drink when I realized that I was a woman! I looked down at myself and noticed a pair of very large breasts coming out of my chest! I was wearing a VERY tight silver gown that had LOTS of cleavage! I actually felt their weight on my chest and I also felt them as I cupped them with my now...

2 years ago
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Past made Perfect

Past made perfect "So lets assume I wanted to make a man dress and act like a woman. How could I do it?" "Against his will?" "Yes." "Well, if you were being crude, you could kidnap him, drug him, and use threats of rape or other bodily harm." "I would rather something more subtle." "LIke what?" "Hypnotics." "Not terribly effective, or so I've heard." "It depends on how they're used. For example, did you know it was possible to plant a memory? To make a man remember...

4 years ago
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Past experiences My first love

Past experiences - First love This is a story about my first love, I will write more of my experiences in time and share them. Feedback will be dearly appreciated and I will write back. [email protected]   I was only 16 at the time and I enjoyed going to clubs with my older friends. Though I was clearly underage somehow I always managed to blag my way in without needing fake Id, besides I was only two years away from the legal age. With so many places to go in London we would often...

2 years ago
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Past LivesChapter 4

When Grace and I walked into the house after leaving Dr. Crane's cocktail party, Mom was waiting for us, and she didn't look happy. She said, "Grace, a young man named Troy Crawford called you, and, Brent, Sherry Crane wants you to call her. They both sounded upset when they called, but neither of them would tell me why." She gasped. "Grace! What happened to your face?" "You explain, Grace," I said. "I'll call Sherry. Did she leave a number, Mom?" "Yes. It's on the pad next to...

4 years ago
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Pastor Love Part 2

Standing over the prone teenager, I smiled and said, "Did that satisfy your 'needs', Janie?"Rearranging her clothes she smiled up at me and replied, "And then some, Rev.! I don't think I've ever cum that hard before! You were amazing."I wiped her juices from my beard, but the scent lingered making me uncomfortably hard. Coming to my senses, realizing the depth of depravity I'd just visited on this impressionable young girl, I stammered, "I..I don't know what came over me. I should never have...

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Pastor family 19

The next morning, I wake up to Luke shaking me and telling me wewere running late. I had forgot to set my alarm. Luke had already showeredand was standing beside the bed wrapped in a towel. I so wanted to suck hisdick but I know he hates to be late. I took a fast shower and dressed.Breakfast was a banana that I grabbed on there way out the door. We raceoff in the car. We get close to my school and all I see are fire trucks everywhere.Luke gets as close as we can and the fire and smoke seem to...

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Pastorrsquos family 13

13We get to the bathroom and Luke starts the shower. He waits until I get inand he follows. He kneels behind me and says grab your ankles. I reach downand grab my ankles. This spreads my ass as he starts feeling my hole. Goddamn Mattie, you are still gaping open. Your little hole is bright red. Ifeel his fingers as he pushes around my hole. He stands up and grabs thesoap. He starts lathering my ass and cleaning me up. He reaches between mylegs and soaps my dick and my nuts and then does my...

4 years ago
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Pastor family 11

..Saturday morning I wake up and go pee. I peeking my bedroom and Luke's isstill sleeping. He is shirtless and my sheet is covering from his waistdown. I close the door and go back to Luke's bedroom. I open the door tothe hall and John's coming out of his bedroom. He has a huge duffle bagpacked and says good morning. He tells me to come on down and letstalk. We get downstairs and John throws his duffle on the floor near theback door. We sit at the kitchen table and John says we need to talk...

3 years ago
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Pastor John and the boss wife

John was at a party comprising pastors, deans cardinals and all sorts of other religious men and their wives. There was a lot of chatting with pompous men and very prim wives.Janice was different. Janice was dressed in a scarlet dress that finished just below her pussy. (I bet she caused a lot of gossip amongst the other wives) Janice was a free spirit. John could not figure how she became the wife of such a boring, pompous dean of the cathederal (John's boss).Janice's dress was low cut in a...

2 years ago
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Past Imperfect

The girl walked confidently into the bar. She strode up to the stool next the guy on the end and sat down. He’s an older guy, around fifty, about six feet tall, blond hair, blue eyes and a wide-brimmed straw hat shading his light complexion. Once seated at the bar, she removed her sunglasses and ordered a margarita on the rocks. When her drink arrived she smiled demurely at the man to her left as she raised the glass to her lips.The guy she sat down next to and smiled at is me. I live alone in...

4 years ago
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Past Desires The Beginning

Alex and Angelina met in an internet chat room for practicing pagans. Alex was 20 and Angie had just turned 18. Alex always presented himself as a strong, brash, brave character, this was what he wanted to be, though in reality, he was not. Angie too, was a timid, shy young woman, she wanted to be a strong and powerful, as her new devotion to the Goddess had inspired her to do, but given her history with rape she knew she wasn’t strong. Upon meeting with Alex, studying magick with him, they...

1 year ago
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Past Desires

The sunlight gently creeps through the window in the early morning. The room is silent, all but for the gyrations of Angelina, sitting on the lap of her lover, Alex. Both of them drunk, Angelina is moaning and panting, rocking back in the chair, her hands on top of Alex’s on top of her breasts, trying to grind her clit into his hips, despite having her back to him, she vainly ended up trying to fuck the air around her. I hadn’t seen her in three years. Three fuckin’ years. She was like a drug....

2 years ago
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Past Perfect

The ease with which Jacqueline Manceaux breezed through life provided a perpetual source of annoyance for Denise. She shone like the sun, even in her darkest hours, and to be fair, she had more than her fair share of them. Denise strove not to take any sort of snide comfort in the misfortune that often befell Jacquí, as she was affectionately called by the hordes of her closest friends. In contrast, Denise felt like an ogre in Jacquí’s company. On those rare days when she felt well above...

3 years ago
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Past experiences My first love

Past experiences – First love This is a story about my first love, I will write more of my experiences in time and share them. Feedback will be dearly appreciated and I will write back. [email protected]   I was only 16 at the time and I enjoyed going to clubs with my older friends. Though I was clearly underage somehow I always managed to blag my way in without needing fake Id, besides I was only two years away from the legal age. With so many places to go in London we would often move...

2 years ago
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Past And Present

On line dating never conjured up any sort of romance or eroticism for me. It was a means to an end, to find that someone as my life moved forward, ever closer to the stage where no-one would ever be interested. At least for the moment, however, someone was interested. Matt was an attractive forty five year old. He was tall, which was just as well as I was no short-arse myself. He looked after himself, but was at that stage when paunches were becoming a fashion accessory. He was a quiet,...

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Past Sexual Encounter

Sometimes I like thinking back about my past sexual experiences - replaying them in my mind can really turn me on. I've a few favourites and I've decided to make note of a few of them by writing them here. I remember once, in my mid 20's, I had just broken up with my first long term girlfriend. It was thrilling to be single again, not knowing who I may meet next.Shortly after the break up, I was at a local nightclub. I spotted a girl within my circle of friends and thought she was pretty hot. I...

4 years ago
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Past Revisited part 2

I found myself being black mailed at work by the mail boy and his friend(s)....I had been told to get a room at a motel and await their arrival...once they arrived I asked... ".. is this all you are gonna want...nothing else..." they looked at each other and turned to me saying " our bitch, when we want you you are to come, do what we want you are to do, you are never to refuse us nor deny us. If you do, we tell your secrete, no one at work will ever know unless you spoil our fun..." I...

1 year ago
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Past Life

I've been very happily married to Kate for the last five years, sex was terrific if a little predicable. Kate was still very beautiful with a slim but curvy figure; great legs and a small by shapely bust. Things changed when Kate had to go and stay with her mother because she was having her hip replaced operation and needed someone to look after her for a few weeks. I was looking for a receipt so I could finished off my monthly expenses, I had looked everywhere, so now I was looking in places...

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