Geneva School For GirlsChapter 2 free porn video

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“I can’t wait for tonight, Daddy.”

Hedge fund founder Chris Hart looked down at his 18-year-old daughter sitting beside him, the warmth of her whispered comment tickling his ear. He saw his daughter catch his eyes as they flicked from her pretty face to her prominent bustline. She purposely took a deep breath, causing her ample breasts to teasingly fill out the front of her school uniform blouse. Those tits looked so big and soft as they stretched the white cotton blouse taut, but then, Gabby had always been on the verge of being ‘chubby’. Not ‘chubby’ in a gross way, but chubby in a way that made you want to reach out and get your hands on her lush soft body. When she was a little thing, that little bit of chubbiness had made her look cute and adorable. Now, it made her look dead sexy, especially for an older man who fancied sweet young things. And his daughter was definitely a sweet young thing. She was slightly over five feet tall, and with that trace of baby-fat on her robust little form, she was more than any wickedly attentive father could ever ask for.

Hart looked his daughter up and down, a knowing smile coming over his face as he looked at that pretty face and vivacious little body he’d become all too familiar with lately. His daughter’s shiny brunette locks were pulled back in a ponytail, accentuating her plump cheeks and button nose. Her big brown doe-like eyes looked up at him adoringly, and he couldn’t help but smile. That mouth of hers, that sinfully sweet and deliciously hot mouth was a thing of beauty. It was a wide mouth, perfect for making a nice round opening when necessary. And her lips, those plump, velvety-soft petals of sin were just made for ... Gabby shifted on the couch as a noise came from behind the office door across from them, snapping Hart out of his trance-like state. It was only the third week of Gabby’s first year at the Geneva School for Girls, and yet he’d already been called in for an emergency parent/teacher conference. Professor John Davis had been the one who’d summoned him, and he wouldn’t say what it was all about, but Hart really didn’t care. The reason—over the summer, he began fucking his loving daughter. He’d missed her sweet pussy these last few weeks. He’d received permission from the school to take her off campus tonight for what he’d informed them would be an innocent father/daughter dinner, when what he’d really be doing was taking her back to his hotel suite for three hours of delicious fucking. He thought of it as a wonderful present from fate on what was his 42nd birthday.

Hart smiled as he looked over at his daughter, both of them sitting on a luxurious tan leather couch in the hallway outside the professors’ offices. Both he and Gabby looked up as the door to Professor Davis’s opened. Hart hadn’t known what to expect from the professor, but what he saw before him was a craggy-looking but fit man of about 65.

“Mr. Hart, thank you so much for coming,” Davis said as he reached forward as Mr. Hart rose from the couch, the two men shaking hands.

“No problem, Professor. I’m happy to be here,” Hart replied, still wondering what this was all about.

As Gabby started to rise as well, the bespectacled professor put the open palm of his hand towards her. “Gabby, if you could just wait here right now, it’s best if I speak to your father alone for a few minutes.”

“Certainly, Professor.” Gabby settled back down into the couch, but as the men turned to go into the professor’s office, she quickly reached out and gave her father’s hand a quick squeeze. He turned and gave her a little wink before following the professor.

Once inside, the aging professor closed the door and gestured to the two plush leather guest chairs facing his large desk. “Please, Mr. Hart, have a seat ... have a seat.”

“Thank you very much. This is a beautiful office you have here,” Hart said as he settled himself in the seat and looked around, impressed by the aged look of pure academia that the man’s office had. Rich wood panelling, shelves stacked with books and curios, tasteful art on the walls. It was this kind of thing that had sealed Hart’s choice of the Geneva School for Girls for Gabby’s continuing education. It had been both the look and atmosphere of the school as well as the glowing testimonials from some of the world’s wealthiest families that had cinched the decision for Hart.

A fellow CEO of an esteemed Wall Street firm had told Hart that his daughter had attended the school a few years previous. He said his daughter had loved it, loved the personalized care the school took when it came to educating its students. The man went on to say that his daughter was currently engaged to a man who owned a number of Swiss banking institutions. Hart’s friend said he was thrilled, not only with the education his daughter had received here, but how her life was working out for her, even if the man she was engaged to was considerably older. He knew his daughter would be well-cared for, and live in the style to which she’d become accustomed. Apparently the Swiss banker’s first wife had died some time previously, a victim of a bizarre boating accident of some kind, but now he was ready to take on a new spouse. Hart’s friend’s daughter had met the man through a meeting personally arranged by Headmaster Walker. Hart’s friend had been both surprised, and overjoyed, that the Headmaster himself had been the one responsible in setting his daughter on such a wonderful path for her future life once she’d graduated from the school. He couldn’t say enough good things about the school, and when their conversation ended, Hart knew exactly what he had to do.

Hart immediately requested a person meeting with Headmaster Walker, who insisted that Gabby attend so that he could meet his potential student in person. Hart’s private jet had whisked both he and his daughter to Geneva. The meeting had gone better than Hart expected, and was followed by Headmaster Walker requesting a one-hour personal interview with Gabby, in private. Gabby emerged from the headmaster’s office flushed and excited, and while Hart wrote out a check, Headmaster Walker signed the approval letter for Gabby’s admission request on the spot.

Hart’s wandering thoughts were brought back to the present as the professor responded to his comment about the man’s office.

“Thank you. Yes, Headmaster Walker does provide for us very nicely,” Davis replied, nodding as his gaze followed Hart’s around the room.

Hart turned back to the professor, his thoughts more on what he wanted to do in that hotel suite with his daughter than what the professor might have to say. Had she skipped a class? Not worn the proper uniform? Had a disagreement with another girl? Whatever it was, he wanted to get it dealt with so he could get his daughter away from here and into his bed as soon as possible.

“Professor Davis, I think you can appreciate that I’m a busy man. I’m wondering exact—”

The professor held up his hand, using the same ‘STOP’ gesture he’d used when Gabby was about to get off the couch. “I realize what an imposition it must be to make time in your schedule to come here on short notice, but I wouldn’t have called you here unless it was a matter of the utmost importance.”

The professor really had Hart’s interest now. Hart wondered if Gabby was in more serious trouble. Could drugs somehow be involved? She’d never gone anywhere near anything like that in her entire life, as far as he knew anyway. But who really knew everything their child did, especially when that child was now living away from home. “What is it? What’s happened? Is Gabby in some sort of trouble?”

The professor looked calm, now that Hart was listening intently. “The answer to that question is both ‘yes’, and ‘no’.” He saw the anxious look on the hedge fund founder’s face. “Don’t be alarmed, Mr. Hart. Your daughter’s not in any immediate danger. It’s nothing like that. She’s very safe here.”

Hart held up both of his hands questioningly. “Then what is it? What’s the problem?”

“Mr. Hart, I’m going to need to speak frankly with you. Would that be all right?”

“Of course.”

The professor sat forward in his chair, steepling his hands before him as he rested his elbows on his desk. Hart saw what looked like a dark cloud cross over the old man’s craggy features. “I’m afraid I have to inform you of a various serious matter that’s come to my attention.”

“Serious matter?”

“Yes, sir. I personally overheard Gabby speaking with two of her classmates. Apparently they’d been telling each other how they’d spent their summers. When it came to Gabby’s turn, I heard her tell the other girls, very boastfully mind you, that she’d, in her words, ‘spent the summer fucking her father’.”

Hart felt his blood pressure sky-rocket as his heart started racing in his chest. “What the fuck had his daughter been thinking?” he thought to himself.

“Mr. Hart, I have to tell you that here at this school we have a very strict policy on reporting alleged incest, and so I thought it was best if I contacted you immediately so this issue can be addressed in the most expeditious fashion for everyone involved. Of course, the school’s immediate concern is Gabby’s wellbeing.”

Calming himself, Hart steadied his voice and spoke, as if he was speaking at a shareholder’s meeting, his voice smooth and full of confidence. “I agree with you wholeheartedly, Professor, and understand completely the school’s position on an important matter such as this.” He paused and looked the professor in the eye before he shook his head as he let out a derisive chuckle. “But seriously, sir, you believed what she was saying?” He waved his hand in the air. “I have no idea where she would have come up with something like that, but it must have just been some kind of joke with her friends. It sounds like some kind of misguided school girl prank to me. Pure nonsense.”

Hart was happy to see the professor nod in agreement, but he wasn’t so happy after what the professor had to say next.

“Yes, that was my first inclination as well, until Gabby said something else. She told the girls that, again I’m quoting her exact words, ‘her father’s erect cock is exactly nine and three-quarters inches long’. She told her friends that she’d actually measured it herself. I wonder how the authorities would feel if they were given that type of precise information?”

Hart almost snapped back in his seat, but tried to keep his face as calm as possible. “Well, that’s just ridiculous. Like I said, she’s just making things up to have some kind of joke with her friends. Girls will be girls. Maybe she even knew you were listening. You know, playing a joke on you at the same time.”

“And what about the fact that she said her father has a ‘cute little birth mark near the base of his cock where he shaves his pubes. A birth mark shaped like a heart’.” The professor paused as he looked over at Hart, who sat across from him, stunned into silence, his face beet red. “I don’t mean to be rude, Mr. Hart, but we could possibly straighten this matter out right now if you’d be willing to drop your trousers for a moment so we can verify that the words I heard Gabby speak have no merit.”

Hart looked at the older man sitting across from him, knowing he was fucked. Fucked but good. He was rendered speechless, knowing there was no way out for him, and his daughter, at this point.

Professor Davis could see the defeat in Mr. Hart’s eyes, and rather than sit and wait for the man to speak, he decided to break the icy tension in the air. “Mr. Hart, I’m not here to make trouble for you, or your daughter.” He made a palm down calming motion with his hands, hoping to alleviate some of his guest’s anxiety. “As I said, we here at the school want to ensure Gabby’s wellbeing as the number one priority in this matter.”

“I ... I appreciate that.” Hart was finally able to mumble out some words, his mind racing for a way out of this, but coming up empty.

“Sir, as I mentioned, the school has a very strict policy regarding something like this, but I will tell you, when Gabby was speaking those words, it was apparent to me that she wasn’t confiding some dark twisted secret of abuse. No, she was clearing boasting about it, about how much she liked it. How much she liked having sex with her father.” The professor paused, seeing a new brightness in Mr. Hart’s eyes as he continued to sweat. “I think it’s quite possible that if we reach some form of agreement, I might be able to forget about this matter entirely.”

“So there it is,” Hart thought as he looked across at the craggy old man behind the desk. It was as a simple as that, a simple case of blackmail. He looked at the gray-haired man with the wrinkled suit and plastic-framed glasses, wondering how much he made per year as a professor. It was nowhere near the astronomical figure that Hart was worth, and both of them knew it. Thoroughly defeated, but now knowing what his adversary wanted, Hart spoke. “Okay. How much will it take to keep this quiet? I can write you a check right here on the spot.”

The professor held his hands up, shaking his head slowly from side to side. “I apologize if I’ve confused you, Mr. Hart. I don’t want a dime.”

Hart looked across at the older man, totally confused. “Then what do you want? A new wing put on the school? A new library? Just tell me what you want and I’ll take care of it.”

“Nothing like that. Headmaster Walker has taken care of all the resources we need here.”

“Then what is it? You must want something, otherwise you wouldn’t have called me in here to go through this whole song and dance.”

The professor slowly nodded, once again steepling his fingers in front of him as he looked over at the exasperated Mr. Hart. “There is one thing. Based on how I heard young Gabby telling her friends how much she loved ... well... ‘getting fucked by my father’ were her exact words ... well, I thought that during this school year, while she’s living here and away from home, I could perhaps fill in for you in that capacity.”

Stunned by what he was hearing, Hart stared across at the older man before him, not believing his ears.

The professor, seeing the perplexed look on the man’s face, continued. “It’s obvious from what your young Gabby was saying, that she appreciates the attention of an older man. And since that’s what she seems to enjoy, I thought I could help see to her wellbeing and state of mind while she’s here, away from home, and out from under your, shall we say, ‘tender personal care’.”

Hart felt himself steaming inside, wondering how this wizened old bastard could talk to him like that. “Are you fucking kidding me?” What kind of sick fuck are you?”

“I think this would be the appropriate time to use the old expression, ‘that’s the pot calling the kettle black’, don’t you think, Mr. Hart? Of course, as I said, we can always discuss this situation with the authorities. Who knows, perhaps they’ll take a different view of the things you’ve done with your daughter.”

Resigned and knowing this was a fight he couldn’t win, Hart shook his head before pointing his finger right at the old professor. “All right then. But if I ever hear of you mistreating her, I promise you I’ll make it so you never fuck anybody again in your entire life. Do you understand that, SIR?”

The tone of Hart’s words spoke volumes, and the professor graciously nodded, although inside, he was feeling indignant that the man would even think he might do the girl harm. “Of course, I wouldn’t even think of mistreating such a sweet young thing. I think it goes without saying that that will never happen. I promise you, sir, I will personally ensure Gabby’s safety and wellbeing while under my care.”

Burning inside, but knowing he was defeated, Hart could only shake his head.

The professor held up his hands questioningly. “Then do we have an agreement, Mr. Hart? I will keep your personal relationship with your daughter a matter of the utmost confidence, just between the two of us, but in the meantime, Gabby and I will become, shall we say, intimate friends?”

Resigned to his fate, Hart reluctantly nodded. He noticed that the dark cloud that had appeared on the professor’s face earlier had vanished. It was all sunny days now.

“I can imagine how difficult this is for you, Mr. Hart, and in appreciation of your kindness in agreeing to this proposal, I will respect your wishes if there is anything in relation to Gabby that I should treat as being ‘off limits’, as they say?”

Hart looked the man dead in the eye before answering. “Her ass. Her ass is totally off limits. I’ve been saving it for a special occasion.”

The professor nodded as a knowing smile crossed his face. “That’s perfectly understandable, Mr. Hart, and I will respect your wishes. Rest assured, you will be the one to go through her ‘back door’ for the first time, you might say. Now, as a token of good faith, and to allay your fears that I might mistreat or harm your daughter in any way, I invite you to ‘chaperone’ the first encounter between Gabby and myself.”

“Chaperone?” Hart responded, wondering if his ears were deceiving him. The sick bastard really expected him to stay and watch the old geezer fuck his daughter?

“Yes. I’d like to get started right away, and while you’re here, you can stay and make sure things proceed as you’d like. Of course, we could always call the whole thing off and contact the author—”

“All right, all right,” Hart said, waving his hand in the air. “Fine. Let’s just get it over with.”

The professor went to the door and summoned Gabby to join them. Hart noticed that the man deftly threw the lock after closing the door behind her. He did have to admit his daughter looked adorable in her school uniform, the crisp white shirt and pleated skirt making her look teasingly innocent. But at the same time, as he’d thought earlier while sitting next to her on the couch, those huge tits of hers made her look like every man’s wet dream of the ideal school girl, one who would satisfy every perverse whim the man had, and still want more.

The young girl looked from the professor to her father, an innocent smile on her face. The stern look on her father’s face turned that smile upside down in seconds. “What is it, Daddy? Did I do something wrong?”

Hart was on the verge of huffing and puffing, but calmed himself enough to speak without raising his voice. “Gabby, you’ve put us—especially me—in a very difficult situation.”

“What, what did I do?” the busty young girl asked, her hands crossed over her sumptuous chest defensively.

“You told a couple of friends here what’s happening between us.”

With her face quickly turning to scarlet, Gabby’s eyes flicked over to the professor before looking back at her father. “I ... I never. I don’t understand what you mean.”

“Just stop, Gabby,” her father said, putting the palm of his hand towards her. “The professor overheard exactly what you said to your friends. And there are certain things you told them that we can’t deny.”

The girl was starting to tear up as she looked guiltily between her father and the professor, who remained stoically silent. Her father continued. “Gabby, I could go to prison for this. They’d take you away from me and we’d never see each other again.”

A tear slid down her cheek. “I didn’t think—”

“OBVIOUSLY YOU DIDN’T THINK,” Hart unconsciously burst out, unable to control his rising voice. He shocked even himself. He took a deep breath and then nodded towards the old man behind the desk. “Be that as it may, there’s nothing we can do about that now. The professor and I have been talking, and he’s being more than generous by deciding that he’s not going to get the authorities involved.” Hart looked over at the professor, who gave a simple nod. “The professor and I have reached an agreement regarding this matter.”

Again, Gabby looked from one man to the other, noticing that the professor was looking her up and down hungrily. She’d seen that look in the eyes of boys, and men, before, and she knew exactly what it meant. Her father looked at her that way now too, and she liked that look from him best of all. “What sort of agreement, Daddy?”

Hart coughed to clear his throat before continuing. “While you’re here at this school, the professor is going to continue teaching you some of the things I’ve been teaching you over the summer.”

Gabby’s eyes flew wide open as she realized what her father was saying. “You mean ... the professor?” She pointed at the grizzled older man. “You mean the professor and I are going to...”

Hart nodded. “That’s right, Gabby. To put it bluntly, the professor is going to fuck you whenever he wants.”

“But Daddy, NO!” Gabby all but shrieked. “I ... I only want to be with you that way.”

The rich man had to grit his teeth. His heart went out to his daughter, while at the same time he was seething with anger over the predicament her careless words had put them in. “I’m sorry, Gabby, but you should have thought of that earlier before you let your mouth run off with your friends. We don’t have any choice. Would you rather see me go to jail?”

The girl shook her head vehemently. “No, of course not.”

“Well then this is the way it’s going to be. Basically, the professor here is going to take my place when it comes to what you and I have been doing over these last few months.” He paused, letting his words sink into the girl’s spinning mind. “Now, I need you to do this for us, Gabby ... for me. Like I said, I could go to prison for a long, long time. Can I count on you to hold up our side of the agreement with Professor Davis?” Again, Hart looked over at the professor, who gave another gentle nod of understanding.

“I ... I guess,” Gabby uttered, her voice quivering.

“You guess?”

“Yes sir. I will.” Gabby looked over at her father, her eyes echoing the pain she was feeling inside.

“All right, then. That’s better. The professor is suggesting that the two of you get started immediately.” Gabby looked at her father, her eyes opening wide. “Don’t worry, I’m going to stay right here. The professor promised me that he wouldn’t hurt you, and he suggested that I ‘chaperone’ your first encounter to ensure he stays true to his word. Don’t worry, Gabby, you’ll be fine. I’ll see to it.” He gave the professor a look that told him he hadn’t been fucking around when he said he’d see to it he’d never fuck again if he abused his daughter in any way.

“Besides asking me to do this, will YOU be punishing me, Daddy?”

Hart waved his hand in her direction. “That can wait.” He gestured towards the older man sitting across from him. “Now, go do as Professor Davis says.”

Gabby slowly walked around the desk as the professor swivelled his seat sideways. She stopped when she was standing right in front of him.

With a kind, yet firm, voice, the professor gave her his first instruction. “Take off your blouse and bra, Gabby.” The young girl hesitated as she looked over at her father. “Your father can’t help you now, young lady. You heard what he said about what could happen if the authorities get involved.”

“Pleeeease, Daddy,” Gabby begged, her eyes filling with tears once more.

“Do as he says,” Hart responded without hesitation. He found it both intriguing and disturbing that he’d answered her pleading request immediately in the way that he did. He realized that once he’d allowed his mind to accept what was going to happen to his daughter, he had no reluctance when it came to ordering her to be taken by the older man. For some reason, he found the idea of his sweet young thing fucking the old codger perversely arousing. He just hoped the old guy didn’t have a heart attack while his cock was buried inside her.

Resigning herself to what was about to happen, and realizing she had to do whatever was necessary to please her father, and keep him out of jail, Gabby reached up and undid her blouse. She noticed both men locking their eyes on her chest as she undid the buttons and her big boobs started to come into view. She undid the last button of her blouse, peeled it off and set it on the professor’s desk.

“Splendid,” the professor said, his eye’s feasting on her bra-encased tits. She looked down herself at her frilly white bra. It was one her father had gotten her from Victoria’s Secret. It was wickedly sexy and yet delicately feminine at the same time. The lace-trimmed cups barely covered her nipples, giving a sinfully teasing view of her greatest attribute. The bra was heavily reinforced, the structural support absolutely necessary to carry the sizable load. The slender straps over her shoulders were stretched as taut as bridge cables, evidence of the heaviness they were carrying. Her cleavage was deep, dark, and sinfully enticing.

“Now the bra,” the professor said, gesturing to Gabby to continue undressing.

Knowing there is no way out for her, Gabby reached behind her back and undid her bra. She drew it forward, the straps sliding down her arms and off. She placed it on top of her blouse on the desk. Dressed only in her pleated school skirt, white knee socks, and black patent Mary Janes, she faced the professor, standing with her massive tits on full display in front of the seated instructor.

“Come here, girl,” the older man said as he sat forward on the edge of his chair.

Gabby did as she was told, her boobs wobbling teasingly as she took a couple of steps forward and stood between his spread thighs.

“They’re perfect,” Professor Davis muttered before leaning forward and slipping his lips over one protruding nipple. As he started to suck at the sweet red bud, his wrinkled hands came up to cup her huge tits. He pressed the heavy orbs together, further pushing the stiffening nipple into his mouth. After working on one nipple for a couple of minutes, he switched to the other, his lips and tongue working over the sensitive button salaciously.

“Nnnffff...” Unable to control herself, Gabby gave off an unintelligible moan. The professor’s mouth felt wonderful on her boobs, his mature tongue lashing teasingly over her sensitive young flesh. Almost unconsciously, she slid her hands around to the back of his head and into his wiry gray hair. She pulled him closer to her chest, her heaving breasts wanting more attention from his experienced hands and mouth.

As Mr. Hart watched, the professor groped and suckled at his daughter’s mammoth tits for close to fifteen minutes. Hart felt himself getting strangely aroused as he watched, fascinated by the old man’s face pressed against his teenage daughter’s soft young tit-flesh. Finally, the old man sat back, admiring the girl’s voluminous breasts, her pink skin glistening with his saliva. Hart watched as the man got to his feet, the front of his trousers tented obscenely.

“What the fuck?” Hart thought to himself, his eyes focussing in on the enormous protuberance. He saw his daughter look down at the old man’s crotch as well, her eyes opening wide.

Gabby felt the professor’s hands push down on her shoulders as she looked at his tented-out crotch. Without a word being said, and mesmerized by that gigantic bulge, she willingly dropped to her knees.

“Take off my pants.”

The words came from above her and, as if in a trance, Gabby reached forward and silently undid the man’s belt and opened his pants, pulling them down to his ankles. His cock was at full-mast, tenting out his boxers obscenely.

“You’re as big as my dad,” Gabby said, finally able to pull her eyes away from the professor’s cock and look up at his weathered old face.

“You’re a lucky girl to have a father as big as me,” the professor said, a smile on his face.

Feeling herself starting to salivate, Gabby reached for the waistband of his underwear and drew those down as well, his huge gnarled cock unfurling and rising up before him.

“Fuck me!” Mr. Hart muttered to himself as he gazed at the old man’s cock rearing up in front of his daughter’s face. “The guy’s hung like a fucking horse!” As those thoughts went through his head, he saw his daughter’s tongue slip out and circle around her lips unconsciously, her eyes never leaving the drooling head of the gigantic cock before her. It was bobbing up and down slowly with each beat of the old man’s heart, the big mushroom head engorged with blood. Hart thought the man’s cock looked like a deadly club, capable of doing severe damage. Hart had thought he himself was well-hung, but even he had to admit that this old bastard had him beat, both in length, and girth.

“That’s all for you, sweetheart,” the professor said, flashing Gabby’s father a quick smile before turning his attention back to the eager young girl kneeling before him. “Go ahead, take it in your mouth. I want you to keep sucking until I feed you a nice big load. And then we’ll move on to something else after that.”

Again, Mr. Hart felt himself getting almost dizzy as he listened to the old man’s words. Was this geezer really good for more than one load?

Gabby opened her mouth wide and slid her lips over the old man’s prodigious member. It felt sinfully hot as the broad flared head slid between her parted lips. Her tongue moved over the pebbly glans, coating it with her slippery saliva. When her lips slipped over the pronounced ridge, she gave a little purr of pleasure, and then started bobbing her head up and down, just like her daddy had taught her.

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I Cant Go to Reform School

When I was 16 years old I was going through a delinquent phase. I had started smoking, skipping school, and my grades where shitty. One week I got suspended for hiding out in the girls' locker room. After my mom had left to drop off my two younger sisters to school, I snuck back into the house. I went into the kitchen, made a sandwich, went up to my room, and started watching TV. Before I knew it, I started thinking of the girls from the locker room, their small perky tits and round bubble...

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Reform School GirlChapter 2

When we left off this story two years ago, Jesse Brown was an old for her years fifteen and now she was an almost adult reform school girl of seventeen with all innocence rubbed off the hard way by just trying to survive the day to day existence of an incarcerated white girl in a definite minority incarcerated for telling the truth until she turned the magic age of eighteen and was released into society as a full grown adult ready to meet the world on her own terms. Jesse had learned how to...

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Reform School TutorChapter 9 The twins

The hospital released me ten days later, on the Tuesday. Had I been a NHS patient I'm sure they'd have kicked me out before but the school had medical insurance so I was in effect a private patient. My face looked a mess with vivid bruises still covering most of it but the swelling had gone down and I could talk and eat fairly well although with facial muscles still sore, I had difficulty in getting some words out properly. The rest of my body was not much better; I walked like an old...

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The Real Stepford Wives Lizzies Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Sophia, along with some of the characters in the other two stories make cameo appearances here. *************************************** I...

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The Real Stepford Wives Vickys Story

The Real Stepford Wives - Vicky's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This is my third entry in the Stepford Series. This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Lizzie, along with some of the characters in the original two stories make cameo appearances...

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The Real Stepford Wives Sophias Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Some of the characters in those stories make cameo appearances here. ********************** I was four years into my career as a Big Four accountant. Two years ago, I had been promoted to senior associate and was hopeful about...

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

Introduction: Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron get lost in the forbiden forest and finaly let their feeling for each other show. Ron and Hermione were strolling around the black lake, they werent actually dating but they were doing all the normal couples stuff except for the kissing and sex. They saw two people in the distance walking towards them. Is that Harry and Ginny Hermione asked. The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were...

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Schoolgirl and schoolboy

This story is a two part. We did it my way, then her way. Enjoy The first part is about how a schoolgirl fantasy, that I wanted to do with my girlfriend. The second part is how my girlfriend did the same kind of fantasy, but she had a twist of her own to do it. It all started, when we looking up costume on what to be for her Halloween company party. She wanted to be something sexy because everyone in her office think it's kind of boring, and she wants to change that. We were looking online and...

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The Real Stepford Wives Sugar Plum Fairy

The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy By VI This story is based on my favourite piece of TG fiction, which was written by the author Sarah Barndt. If you have never read 'The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies' then please do so, as it is an imaginative and well told story. Thanks very much Sarah. ************************ I had been performing ballet since I was eight, and for the last six years had been with one of the American ballet companies. I think the fame...

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were dating) walked up to them. "Hey guys" Ginny said in a bouncy giddy voice she always used now it got even giddier when she was with Harry. "Hey" Ron replied "we were just heading back to school for lunch" "Bah that's dull" said Ginny almost actually bouncing now "come with us we're going to the forbidden forest" "You know the forest is forbidden for a reason" Hermione...

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The Chelmsford Stalker

The Chelmsford Stalker By Michele Nylons The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer...

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Sex Reform School Probation more Sex

We lived in a small seaside resort town that had a good tourist 'clientele', and I use that word because my single parent mother was a hooker and I was her lookout.When the bars emptied around midnight, she made sure the drunks saw her as a sexual release, mother,s prices were on the cheapish side and her ability to pull a dozen or so men for quickies, was legendary, well in my eyes.She was affectionately known as the 'Milking Maid', and could move smoothly from a hand-job, to a blow-job, to a...

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The Stepford Children

Once upon a time.... All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Introduction: Jessaica and her father take a road trip to the small california town Stepford to try a special kind of exotic meat, Bassed on a fictional town (Stepford) in the game SecondLife. Stepford Meat Swap Story: #47 Copyright 2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the...

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The Chelmsford Stalker

The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer flesh-toned hose. He thought he could make out a subtle seam...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Story: #47 Copyright ©2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the game Second Life called Stepford, I would like to thank Ariana RoeCastle, Emilie Muggins & Jerrol Jarvinen of Stepford for thier approval of this...

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TwinsChapter 8 The Quest for Clifford

Clifford sat up in bed feeling the warm body lying next to him. He looked down at the shape in the near darkness. Janet. Christ, why did it have to be this way? He had loved Tracy, he still did. So why was he in Janet's bed? Why did he have sex with her? Four times? Not one of them was anything like the times he had been with Tracy, and yet... He got out of bed and made his way to the window, padding in his bare feet across the carpet. He slowly pulled open the curtains and looked out at...

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The Real Stepford Wives

The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmeceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I...

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Reform School Mistress

                           Reform School Mistress!                                FM1041                               TJ Ryder              *******************************************************    Ballbusting Beauty    Franchot leaned her shapely hip against the doorwayas she regarded the new apprentice for the guard positionin the interview room.  She was torn between thinking howcute the voluptuous blonde was and also how young she was!She knew she would...

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Stuck at an All Girls Reform School

"John Doe to fit in with normal society, you have been sent to a reform school to make sure that your troublemaking ways are dealt with before they get out of hand. As normal failure to go to the pick up point for your school will result in a warrant being issued and a ten year jail sentence will be issued to you. We understand that this may seem unfair but we remind you that this has worked for our society for many years now and we have now the lowest crime rates in recorded history. You have...

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The Stepford Children

All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't feel fear anymore, just...

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St Annes Reformatory School for Troubled Girls

Look above to see Victoria. A short while ago ago she would have been horrified by anyone seeing her topless let alone photographing it. Now instead she's smiling for her new school photos. Why you might ask? Because as part of her education at "St. Anne’s Reformatory School for Troubled Girls" she's been kept completely nude for the last three months and with good behavior she has finally earned a skirt. She only gets one but she gets to wear it everyday with continued good behavior. She has...

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The Real Stepford WivesBrown Sugar

The Real Stepford Wives Brown Sugar by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmaceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I visited 'the...

2 years ago
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Reform School TutorChapter 8 Nearly killed

My relationship with Paul improved slightly over the coming weeks but was never more than cordial. I refused to call him Mr. Manning as that would give him a degree of superiority and after the first week he stopped referring to me as Miss Lewis. He also stopped sending students to me for the strap but several times I reprimanded a student for lack of effort or some other minor misdeed without being told. I'm not sure if he appreciated it, but I wasn't castigated for it. However, an...

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Romys Sexual Journey from Schoolgirl to Schoolgirl Part 2

The final day of term was mighty hectic. A lot of tears and taking of phone numbers, addresses, future education plans, ‘I’m sure going to miss you ladies. It’s been a real gas. We’ve had some fabulous times together and I just hope we’ll bump into each other sometime in the future,’ I said. And then it hit me! That’s what it was - Paul. I had really been missing him since our liaison and, stupidly I didn’t even know what his surname was! Later that day I would be even further away from him...

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Erin Ashford

Reddit Erin Ashford, aka r/ErinAshford! Erin Ashford is not a pornstar from a bygone age, nor is she a famous modern-day pornstar. She’s also not a semi-famous Twitch streamer gone nude, not an Instagram model that promotes flat tummy tea, and definitely not a XXX cam model. So who is she exactly, and why should you care about her? Truth be told, she isn’t really known outside of Reddit - she made her XXX debut on /r/GoneWild after posting a large selection of XXX pictures (and some videos) on...

Reddit NSFW List
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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 05

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

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Stepford Brothers Change to Sisters

Stepford brothers (change to sisters!) By bojok71 Author's notes: this story serves to plug a hole, in my view, of the credibility of the Stepford stories. What if someone came looking for a lost relative? The answer is simple, and forms part of this story. Story notes: this story is very close, for obvious reasons, to the original Stepford story. However, it's new enough to be considered a new read. It's as sexual and interesting as my other stories. Thanks again to Sarah Barndt for...

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Reform School TutorChapter 5 Further problems

"NO! Don't do it. It's unfair, it's unjust!" I screamed as the principal prepared to thrash Kate with the strap. A hand over my mouth temporarily silenced me and others kept me in my chair. My turn would be next and in a way, it was my fault we were both getting punished; I rebelled against Paul's bullying but he'd twisted it so I was in the wrong. A month at the reform school and I was getting on well and fitted in with the other staff and the students. My arse still showed the cane...

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Reform School

"Is this really necessary?" I said to my parents "Yes, reform school is the only answer, we're sorry" I watched the car drive of until it was out of sight. The principal of the school told me that the head of my dormitory would escort me to my bed and get me settled in. "Well, I don't even have to ask why you were sent here and by your clothes alone I can see you are a tomboy" said the head of my dorm (Tegan) "I know exactly were to put you". She had allocated me to a bed in the corner and...

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Forrest Part 2 Chapter 3

The next morning Forrest woke up at about 10 and woke me with a kiss on the lips. I surprised him by throwing my arms around him and deepening the kiss. I reached down under the covers and grabbed his balls. I played with them as I felt his dick start to harden. He did the same to me, squeezing my balls and moving them around in my loose sack, causing my dick to harden. Without a word, I grabbed my cloths and beckoned for him to do the same. After checking that his sister was still...

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Stories from Reform School Slut Confessions

My sister got sent to reform school after my dad found a tape of her on the internet.Tiff's Tale "Time to lube you up," he said. His tongue explored my ass crack. He even stuck it right up the asshole. Then he kneeled behind me and put the head of his cock right next to the point of entry. We were both breathing hard. "Do me," I said. "Just fuckin' do me." He jammed his cock in my tight ass. Oooh, fuck yeah, it was good. My pussy gushed for him. He grabbed my hair and pulled hard.His dick went...

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Reform School TutorChapter 2 Abed with Kate

"She didn't take her punishment very well, Paul." Through my tears and the noise of my crying, I didn't see or hear David enter the room. My body began shaking with fear again. Kate cuddled me and I calmed a little. "Not surprising Sir, that was a harsh punishment for a woman to take." "She committed a similar crime to you so, in all fairness, she had to have the same punishment. You know we try to keep things equal for boys and girls in this establishment." "That doesn't take...

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We waved bye to Forrest’s and my parents as they drove off. It was summer break and they would be gone for several days. My friend Forrest and his 9 year old sister, Scout, were staying at my house for the time they were gone. None of our parents wanted us to be home alone, but they were fine if we were together. I was 15 and Forrest was 14, but he looks 10 or 11. I live in the middle of nowhere, but we found plenty of things to do during the day, but my favorite time was at night. My...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 12

Peggy Sanford stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby of the Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel. As she walked across the lobby she noticed several males obviously checking her out. She smiled to herself as she walked across the long spacious lobby. It always pleased Peggy that she could still attract such attention. Not that she should be surprised, for a married mother of two in her late forties, Peggy was still a very beautiful woman. Her long brown hair framed a face that belied her age,...

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Mrs Sanford

It was the summer before my second year of high school when I got a call from Darci Smith asking me to meet her at the high school the next day to help her clean out the costume room. Now Darci is the drama club teacher and the art teacher. Every guy in the school wants to fuck her and masterbates to her. Darci is in her early thirties, married, and looks like she is still twenty one. She has nice mid size tits, a fine ass, big blue eyes and blonde hair. She has a pert little hard body and...

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Mr Forrester

"There's a man here to see you, Mr. Forrester; he says he's a detective from the Denver Police Force." Oh-oh, thought John. "Ok, send him in, Angela." "Hello, Mr Forrester; my name is Paul Donohue, I'm a detective from the Denver Police Force." "What can I do for you, Detective Donohue?" as I pressed the intercom so Angela could listen in discreetly out at her desk. "Well, Mr. Forrester, sometime last year I was handed a case in Denver that has us all baffled. It seems that two...

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Stepford Househusbands Chapters 13

Chapter 1 Stephen sighed as he watched the world go by. "I still don't see why we have to move," he told his wife as he turned to look at her. "Because honey, the company is opening a new store in Stepford and they asked me to run it," Emily replied, not taking her eyes off the road. "Besides, the offer was too good to turn down and the house came as part of the job," Emily continued. "I'd thought that you'd be proud of me," she added. "And I am. Really," Stephen added as his wife...

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The Foremans Foreskin

I had been working in the construction industry a week when the foreman called me to his office. As I made my way over I wondered what I could have done wrong. As it had gone clocking off time I was annoyed that the meeting would be eating in to my free time. 'Aah, come in.' he said as I stepped through the door. 'Have a seat.' His office was much neater than I thought it would be. As I looked around the room I noticed that there were no girlie pictures like I had seen plastered up everywhere...

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Foreign exchange sweeties make for a perfect high school year

Note : This story is completely fictional! Being a 42 year old single guy, never married and no kids didn't stop me from beating the system for the prize of three high school foreign exchange students from three different countries. I had done a little research into the likelihood of actually sponsoring three foreign exchange girls for a year and it appeared that it was not only easy, but actually encouraged. The process was somewhat of a nuisance with all the background checks and passport...

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Meeting at Bedford Mills

Meeting at Bedford MillsI had often thought about my friend Simone in the years since we had been at school together. After I graduated, I had moved to New York to pursue my career and with a husband and children, I had lost touch with Simone, but I knew that she had married a rich man whom she had met at college, and that they lived in Greenwich, Connecticut, but they had no children. I had also heard from other former classmates who had met her, that she had a glamorous lifestyle, with...

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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE ONE Nashiko Giancona had graduated from the high school five years ago, and...

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Reform School TutorChapter 11 The new secretary

With David on sick leave, we were once again, short staffed. June temporarily took over as principal and I did some of her work but that left me less time to teach and I found answering correspondence and dealing with domestic matters, extremely tedious. Mid term and the governors could not find even a part-time replacement to relieve some of the pressure. However, Roger came up with a partial solution. "I was at the old Goodman factory today to see if there was anything I could salvage for...

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The CollectorChapter 2 Welcome to Chelmsford Hall

Mary Pilson knew that her ‘uncle’ Walter was grooming her. ‘Uncle’ was a silly term that Mary’s mother used to describe the men who moved into their home to take advantage. Mary had no time for her uncles; she saw them for what they were, parasites and users. Mary’s mother could hardly make ends meet working as an usherette at the local cinema. Her good looks, curvy body and long legs ensured that she was well tipped by the male customers but she also attracted the sharks. Mary mostly...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e18 Sylvia Distin 55 from Chelmsford

We’re cruising along a wide and quiet suburban street. Green lawns stretch back from the pavement to the nice semi-detached homes. There’s a slim woman walking a large dog along the side of the road, and we pan around to look at her as we pass – it’s no-one we know, but we kind of wish we did! Then we’re looking forward again – seeing an intersection infront of us ... Then pulling up, looking out of the side window right at a single story, flat-roofed building. A sign outside reads,...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 9 A Trip to Milford Part I

September 1981, Milford, Ohio Friday was routine until lunchtime. Afternoon classes had been canceled for both Elyse and me because of the Labor Day weekend, so I drove back to the apartment instead of having lunch on campus. Elyse and I packed our overnight bags and waited for Kathy and Bethany, who arrived as planned, and we left Chicago just before 4:00pm. It was my goal to make the trip to Milford in just under five and a half hours, which I could do if we grabbed fast food on the way...

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Husband Wife and Schoolboys

THE HUSBAND, THE WIFE AND THE SCHOOLBOYSPart OneLet me explain. My name is Justin. I am a healthylooking 40-year-old married guy and in quite good shape. Not film star shape but I can still pull acompliment or two. I was lucky to marry an extremelypretty, little women called Carrie. She is still 30and we have been married for 10 years so you haveprobably guessed that she was 20 when we married. Iwas lucky, O.K? She has certainly stayed in shape andher slim body pert little upturned breasts and...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 13

It was the electronic chirp of a cellphone text message that first stirred Peggy Sanford from a state of excessive alcohol and strenuous sexual activity induced sleep to a state of semi-conscious awareness. The first thing she recognized was that she was not the only one lying in the bed. She felt the warm embrace of a delicate arm draped across her chest, a set of soft full breasts pressing up against her back, a smooth hairless pelvis nuzzled up against her buttocks and a tone fit leg...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 01

Author’s Note: These stories are a continuation of member/author Walterio’s excellent 12 part series, Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman and his extra story Peggy Sanford and the Secret Society. After I read his stories all I could think was ‘That was hot! I wish I was her.’ Walterio wrote these in response to member/author Peggy46’s invitation to anyone to continue or add to the stories that she wrote about herself and her wild sex life. I tried to fill in enough background information to make this...

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Crossdressing Charlie Vol 1 Episode 1 The School Uniform

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Volume One Episode 1 THE SCHOOL UNIFORM The thump of the car door made Charlie open his eyes. The sound of a second door slamming made him sit upright in the bed like a startled squirrel. He listened carefully. The ignition jerked several times before the engine started up. He was still as a statue as he listened to the low rumble of the car reversing out of the driveway. He scurried across the blankets, jumped off the side of the bed and stumbled over a pile...

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Earths CoreChapter 36 Formations

“Thank you ... Zax”. A middle aged woman with a combed black hair and a bit of weight around her waist walked toward him with hands down and holding one another. “You shouldn’t, Mrs. Inoki “. Zax shook his head. The woman was the mother of his childhood friends, Weysey Inoki. Mrs. Inoki came to stand beside him, but her view was on the large group of children having the time of their life fighting the living snowmen. “Our home is at the periphery of us, newcomers’ huts. The hut next to us...

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