RuneswardChapter 24 free porn video

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“Wait here,” Radu commanded the two guardsmen. The guards were dressed normally: a long-sleeved burgundy surcoat and pants covered by fitted, studded-leather armor. The two carried no weapons but kept a short sword in a scabbard at their waist. As usual when accompanying the emperor, the swords were unknotted so they could be drawn quickly if the need arose. “Guard the door. Only Werten is to enter.” He reached for the door, paused and drew back. “Not even my Right Hand is allowed to enter, is that understood?”

The man and woman looked at each other, their faces troubled, but they nodded. Eventually.

Radu sighed. As his Right Hand, Vondi was Lady Praetor – commander of the entire military: army, navy and red guard. His guards – the Emperor’s Guards – were technically a part of the army but, while Vondi seemed content to allow the Praetors of the respective military branches to run their troops, she was far more ‘hands on’ with his Guard. Vondi could be a vindictive bitch when she wanted to be. Emperor or not, he couldn’t be certain the guards would follow his commands if Vondi showed up.

Sometimes he wondered if it wouldn’t be better for Vondi to take lessons from his Left Hand. Lina Velesta was in charge of the Kingdom’s finances – his Right Hand was his might and his Left Hand was his money. The woman was brilliant with numbers – but he was lucky if he saw her twice in a month. The empire was on very sound financial footing.

“Fine,” he capitulated. It was one of the things he’d learned in his years at Emperor: never give orders you are absolutely certain will not be followed. He finally knew what his father was talking about when the man suggested he not ‘command pigs to sprout wings and fly.’ “At least hold her off for a moment or two and give me some kind of advance notice before she just pops through the door. Can you two at least do that?”

The guards had the good grace to look abashed as they nodded.

Not that anyone besides he and Vondi – or Werten himself – would be able to open the heavy, thick oak door to Werten’s private quarters. Werten used some kind of spell to keep the door locked but the wizard had made sure Radu and Vondi had unfettered access. Anyone else, however, would find the door pretty much impenetrable.

Well, he supposed someone could take an axe to it but he didn’t put it past Werten to spell the entrance secure even from that.

He opened the door, the familiar tingle running over his hand, and stepped into the room. He closed it behind him and just leaned against it for a moment. This was one of the few places in the castle he felt truly secure. Even Vilka would have a hard time getting to him in here.

When he was much younger, he’d always thought being Emperor of the Empire would mean he would no longer have to listen to anyone. The emperor was, after all, called the most powerful man in the world – and originally, he’d believed it. It was only as he’d gotten older, once he’d actually become the emperor, when he was confronted with all the restrictions of his office. In some ways, he was less free than the subjects he governed.

Radu pushed off the door and looked around. The room was made with a bright, gray stone – brighter than the rest of the palace. Most rooms had a light layer of plaster over the stone walls but Werten opted to keep this room bare; he reserved the warmer layer of plaster to the walls in his private quarters. This room was his workshop and the frequency with which it was burned, blown up, or otherwise destroyed would have cost an extravagant amount had it been layered in plaster.

He liked the arch-wizard’s quarters. Of course, he should; he spent enough money rebuilding them every few months. The last time had been particularly difficult; the man had somehow created trees in his quarters. Not a tree – trees. With roots that had grown down two full stories and trunks which had grown up three. He’d had to basically remove all the stone from this whole section of the palace. It had cost a veritable fortune to have it rebuilt. The sad part was he’d gotten to the point where he never even bothered to ask why. Werten always had an answer and it always seemed to make sense – at the time.

The workshop wasn’t very homey. It had a single long table in the center and workbenches along every wall with shelving neatly above them. A door on his right led to a small library and a door on the far left wall led to his personal chambers. The room was part phylacterum, part alchemy lab and part wizard testing ground. It was filled with tubes and cups, metals and alloys, exotic animal flesh, strings and things he couldn’t even pronounce, all carefully labeled and stored on particular shelves in a specific, logical order based on a system so arcane it was almost magical itself; at least Radu had never managed to figure it out. The arch-wizard might be dangerous but he was certainly neat.

He moved to one of the workbenches along the far wall. He ran his fingers over the jars and tubes on a particular section of shelf; this was the one part of the room he actually understood. Werten used this particular shelf to hold all of the paraphernalia he’d recently purchased, which he had not yet had a chance to organize. These were the arch-wizard’s new prizes; new chemicals, compounds and the like. He picked up the first one, looking at it curiously.

“I wouldn’t touch that if I were you,” came a gravelly voice from behind him. It startled him so much, he almost dropped the glass container filled with some sort of black sand; he hadn’t heard the door open, hadn’t heard the arch-wizard walk in. He clutched the canister tightly before it could slip free.

Werten rushed to the emperor, carefully taking the painstakingly stoppered glass container from him and replacing it gently back on the shelf. “Vitam Mortem. Very rare – and very deadly. A touch on your skin is enough to bring you an agonizing death.”

“Really?” Radu questioned, pulling his hand back and rubbing it. “Why do you need something so deadly? Is it for one of your spells?”

The older man sighed and shook his head. “Sometimes, my Emperor, I wonder if you listen to me at all.” He walked over to the middle table and pulled out a chair, sinking into it wearily. “Contrary to those stupid tales, most spells don’t require any component other than a focus, will power and eldritch energy. Rituals often require components – but usually just the thing you’re trying to ensorcel. Potions and alchemy are, generally, all that require esoteric components. Well, and wizardry – the summoning of demons.” He shuddered. “We won’t even discuss that.”

“Why not?” Radu asked, fighting a smile. He’d asked countless times before, but he enjoyed needling his old friend. “Aren’t you an arch-wizard, after all?”

“A colloquialism, I’m afraid,” Werten chuckled, shaking his head. It was a game the two played; a simplistic banter which laid the groundwork for further discussions. It had started when the emperor was little more than a boy, always questioning. Back then, Radu had asked the question over and over to needle him; now, it was more a sign of friendship and respect. “As you well know. Isolated, pretty much, to the Empire of Kortho. In most other places, I would just be called an arch-mage.”

“It seems I’ve heard that before,” Radu mused disingenuously, his grin getting away from him.

“Yes. You have,” the wizard sighed dramatically, completing the little play. “From me. Several times, honestly, in answer to one question or another. It’s one of your greatest failings, my emperor – and probably why it’s a good thing you have no magical affinity. You only seem to remember things you find relevant.”

“That’s why I have you, old friend,” Radu shrugged with a laugh. He pulled out a chair near his advisor. “So, how did the interrogation go?”

Werten winced. “Not as well as I’d hoped. Bishop Quarley insists he never penned the missive which instructed the priests to urge their flock to denounce you. Most Esteemed Emerson claims the message he received stated clearly he was to promote sedition. Holy Sister Marunis received her orders from Emerson.”

“Which one is lying?” Radu asked intently. He had no proof the Church of Tyln was moving on his empire, but he believed in the old adage ‘if you smell smoke, there’s probably a fire’.

“That’s the crux of the problem,” the old man sighed. “None of them are lying; at least, the truth spell can find no lie.”

“How is that possible?” Radu probed. He was positive one of the worshippers of Tyln was lying.

“It’s a limitation,” the arch-wizard shrugged. “Truth is subjective. What is true is what you believe to be true. Bishop Quarley believes in the truth which says he never penned a message for the Priests and Priestesses of Tyln to stir up the people. Emerson believes he received a letter from Bishop Quarley in which the man told him to do exactly that. Marunis was just following the orders of the Most Esteemed Emerson. All of these are true because each of them believes in their own truth.”

“So, we’re nowhere?”

“I didn’t say that,” Werten smiled. “The truth may be subjective but we can still use it. We just have to combine all the subjective truths piecemeal. With a little luck and some effort, all of the ‘subjective truths’ will direct us to the ‘objective truth’.”

Radu’s head dropped and he groaned. “I firmly believe you do that on purpose. I’m positive the words you’re speaking are in either the Korthan or common tongue. I’m positive there is no way to put those words together in the way you just did and make them have sense. I’m also damned sure you’re going to put the lie to that last and explain it to me so I eventually understand it. I also believe my head hurts.”

Werten chuckled. “Apologies, Radu.” He paused, his lips pursed. “I just said we can take what Quarley, Emerson and Marunis believe and, by combining their statements, come out with the truth.”

Radu’s eyes rose to his chief advisor. “Then why didn’t you just say it that way in the first place?”

The mage began to explain but Radu waved his hand in dismissal. “It doesn’t matter. As I suspected, you proved your words make sense to someone who isn’t me; I’m good with it. What is the ‘objective truth’ you’ve derived from all of their ‘subjective truths’?”

The gray-haired man laughed. Radu was one of the most brilliant students he’d ever had the pleasure of teaching. In matters of history and tactics, the man was virtually without equal. He was, however, a bit unpredictable at times and his attention had a habit of wandering.

“I believe someone either changed Quarley’s words sometime after it left his hands,” Werten responded, “or had him sign something without reading it. I’m not certain which and I have no clue who was involved. It’s possible there were multiple conspirators, but I consider it unlikely.”

“So, we’re nowhere, then,” Radu re-iterated accusingly.

“Patience, my Emperor,” the wizard replied calmly. “I was able to successfully wring Quarley’s true agenda from him. Through carefully worded questions, I was also able to determine where the agenda originated. There’s also Quarley’s true agenda, however; an agenda provided him by Arch-bishop Durzi which likely ultimately came from Arch-bishop Romer.”

“What is the agenda?” Radu inquired, his eyes narrowed and his voice tight.

“Why, treason, of course,” the older man grunted. “It took me a while to get that out of him. I had to couch my words very carefully to overcome his ‘plausible deniability’. The agenda was provided by Arch-Bishop Durzi. I doubt it started with him, however. More than likely, the orders originated from Arch-Bishop Romer, the Prince of Tyln – but that is unfounded speculation, of course.”

“Of course,” Radu agreed wryly.

“It proves we were right,” Werten shrugged. “The Church of Tyln is working to destabilize the empire by stirring up the common people. It just hadn’t reached a point where they were comfortable trying open sedition. Everything at this point was supposed to be carefully worded to paint you in the worst possible light without overtly turning on you. Someone started before they were ready.”

“I don’t understand,” Radu grimaced. “What does it matter how they worded things? How were they subverting my rule without subverting my rule.”

“Very carefully,” the mage sighed. He paused for a moment, looking at nothing in particular. “Take, for example, your mandate denying the people the ability to leave land to the churches. If we just state it in that way – ‘Emperor Radu limits church grants’, then it paints the picture one way. However, if we state it as ‘Emperor Radu is grabbing land from churches’, it reads another. Both are true – or at least factual. However, one paints with a clear brush and the other tarnishes your standing.”

Radu groaned. “Wonderful. So now it is not enough to have my operatives listen to what the Church says but also how they say it? And even if they use the words vituperatively, there’s nothing I really can do because they’ve broken no laws?”

Werten sighed. “It will have to be enough to listen to how they’re saying things. If you condemn them for what is, on the face of things, a true statement, you’re basically attacking a church. Their speech is subjectively incriminating, not overt, so you really can’t limit it without abolishing one or more of the churches outright...”

“Which will lead to either a revolution or civil war,” Radu interjected.

“Which will lead to either a revolution or civil war,” the arch-wizard agreed. “But, by assessing the words, you’ll at least understand where they’re focusing their attacks. It will give you early warning on what they’re planning, if you listen.”

The two men sat for a moment, gathering their thoughts. Finally, Radu broke the silence. “Arlade Tinsto is dead.”

“Really?” The old man asked brightly. “That is good news.”

“Not really,” Radu grunted. “Arlade Tinsto has been dead.”

Werten’s bushy, white brows drew together, his face reflecting his confusion. “I’m not sure I understand.”

Radu looked up and blew out a long breath. “When we found out Arlade left aboard the Sea Nymph – the merchantman he chartered – we started investigating. We didn’t limit the investigation to where he’s going or where he’s been, we also decided to dig through his past.” Radu paused, a pained look on his face. “Well, that’s not true. Vondi decided to dig through his past.”

“You’re lucky to have her,” the gray-haired man chimed in.

“I am,” Radu agreed. “I’m not sure we need to mention it to her, however. It’s always difficult to deflate her head when she gets too many compliments in too short a time.”

“She’s not that bad,” the arch-wizard chuckled.

“No, she’s not,” Radu nodded. “And I’m lucky she’s my Right Hand. I really am. I still think she needs a husband or wife – or maybe a few of each – but she claims to be fine as she is.” Radu shook his head. “Anyway, Arlade’s past is fairly straight-forward for the past decade or so. At least, it was until our operatives took a look at Shizo, where Arlade claimed to be from.”

“He’s not from Shizo?” Werten asked, his eyes wide.

“Oh, no,” the younger man shook his head, raising his hands dramatically. “Arlade Tinsto is from Shizo. As a matter of fact, he’s buried in their cemetery. Choked on a turnip or something. He was a third child, unmarried, so no one paid much attention. The Tinsto family still lives on two small farms down that way.”

Werten gasped and his eyes grew owlishly large. “So who is the man who claims to be Arlade Tinsto, then?”

“I have no idea,” Radu remarked, blowing out a deep breath. “Worse, no one does. Beyond twelve years or so ago, we cannot find a single person who’d ever seen our Arlade Tinsto.” The emperor rubbed his hands across his face wearily. “It’s one of the reasons I’m here, to ask if you know of any way to track down his past.”

The emperor’s advisor looked off in the distance, thinking hard. “Well, if we had something of his from before he came here – maybe something he’s had a long time – I could read it.”

Radu sighed. “We have nothing like that. He cleaned his rooms before he left our company. Actually, that’s an understatement. It’s almost as if he rebuilt his room with completely new furnishings before he left. It’s so pristine, we can’t even find an insect in the room. We’ve ransacked his quarters and there’s nothing there – not even a brush with his hair. His bed, bedclothes, bed table – they’re like new. It’s as if he never even inhabited the room.” Radu looked thoughtful. “And, given all the time he spent in The Pub of the Fair Maiden, that very well may be true.” He shook his head. “His rooms are immaculately clean – there’s not even a toothbrush or soap.”

Werten looked concerned, his left hand stroking over his long, white beard. “That’s troubling. I wouldn’t expect something so pristine from anyone – unless they knew enough about magic to understand its capabilities.” His eyebrows raised even as he shook his head. “There’s a reason we call some of our ranks ‘Mystery’, though. We don’t advertise magic’s capabilities or limits to the uninitiated – present company excepted, of course. However, there’s almost no other reason to leave a room as clean as you describe.”

“I don’t understand,” Radu frowned.

The wizard shrugged. “It’s not that difficult, really. Most spells affecting a specific person require an object the person has had in their possession for a while – or a part of them, like hair or fingernails.”

He dropped his hands to the table and began drumming his fingers. His face looked thoughtful. “If Arlade was aware of all that mages can do, we’re unlikely to get anything we can use. Though it’s speculation, of course, I can think of no other reason for him to be so meticulous.” The old man’s eyes narrowed. “Unless he’s made a mistake somewhere.”

“If he has, I can’t find it,” Radu groused. “I swear, it’s like we’re fighting in quicksand to find a ghost.”

The wizard looked at Radu sharply. “What was that? What did you just say?”

“I said I can find nothing he might’ve missed,” the emperor replied.

“No, after that,” Werten requested.

Radu thought for a moment and shrugged. “I was being facetious. I just said it was almost like we were looking for a ghost.”

“Not looking for a ghost. You said ‘fighting in quicksand to find a ghost’.” The wizard’s eyes lit and his face broke into a deep smile. “Exactly. Fighting. That’s it.” He jumped up, almost toppling the chair over, and ran to the small library. He came back in less than a minute, his hands flipping through a book that appeared to be very old. He continued flipping through for a minute before stopping, his finger running down the page. His smile turned beatific. “I think he’s finally made a mistake!”

“Are you sure, Werten?” Radu asked, concerned. “What mistake?”

“Was Arlade – our Arlade, whatever his name might be – was he still teaching Audette? Before he left?”

Radu shrugged. “Yes. He sparred with her about once a week. I wished I’d never agreed to it, but she doesn’t seem to be harmed at all.”

“No, be glad she did,” the old mage chortled, closing the book, his finger stuck in a section. He waved the book back and forth. “Transference. With transference, we can scry him!”

“I’m sorry?” The emperor inquired. “What is transference?”

“We all have – an aura surrounding us,” the older man shook his head. “It isn’t, honestly, but explaining it a different way would take all day – and you still might not understand. Anyway, when we’re close to someone or something for a long period of time or over a long period of time, part of our aura or essence or our life force or whatever you want to call it, rubs off on them - or it. Mages call it a ‘transference’ – a part of a person’s energy co-mingles with the other person or object. It is that aura or essence we require as a focus for spells targeting a particular person – the object is immaterial, only that it has been in the person’s possession long enough for their aura to have co-mingled.”

“Scrying,” the mage continued, “involves using an object to guide us to watch the owner of that object. The longer the person has had the object in their personal possession, the easier it is to scry. As I’ve said, the object really doesn’t matter – it’s the person’s energy which guides us, transferred to the object. Only it doesn’t have to be an object. Although it isn’t often done because it’s hard as chaos, it can be a person instead.”

“So... “ the emperor started.

“We should be able to use Audette to scry on Arlade!” Werten chuckled gleefully.

Radu smiled widely, a chuckle beginning before it faded away. The smile was quickly replaced with a look of concern. “Will it pose any danger to Audette?”

“Not at all,” the older man laughed. “It’s difficult because separating one person’s energy from another is so difficult – but the person we use shouldn’t feel a thing. Audette will be fine!”

“I don’t like this,” Vondi said yet again. She was standing next to her brother in a darkened room with her almost fourteen-year-old niece lying on a small mound of pillows atop a table in the middle of the chamber. Werten sat next to her, his eyes closed. For one of the few times Vondi could remember, the man was without his signature blue cap. His head was bald on top but with long, white hair in the back and on the sides. His nose was sharp and prominent amid a face lined with concentration. The old man and girl had been like this for over an hour, neither having moved in the slightest.

The room itself was non-descript. It had once been a sitting room – or maybe a storage room. Vondi couldn’t be certain. Until that day, it had remained unoccupied for years, judging by the amount of dust and the hideous, out-dated yellow drapes; maybe even decades. The walls were all soft blue plaster with a few squarish areas where the blue was slightly lighter; paintings or small banners had likely adorned the walls, though where they’d gone was anyone’s guess.

In a bit less than an hour, her brother’s commands had transformed the room. Chambermaids came in and thoroughly scrubbed the walls and floor. The old, tattered yellow drapes had been removed and new, modern burgundy drapes had been hung in their place. A sturdy, six-foot long, wooden table had been brought in and carefully set in the middle of the room, and dozens of pillows had been piled atop it.

At the arch-wizard’s request, a large, white marble pedestal had been brought from his quarters and set to one side, about five feet from the wall. A single, padded chair had been brought and set at the side of the table. A small step stool had been placed on the side opposite.

“To be honest, I’m not sure I like it myself,” her brother replied. His words were soft but filled with concern. “If I could think of any other way to determine what Arlade is up to, I’d not put Audette through this. Like it or not, this is our best chance at figuring out what is going on.” He glanced at his younger sister. “Werten assures me Audette is in no danger.”

“He also said he’d try not to destroy his rooms anymore,” Vondi replied evenly, rolling her eyes. “Not two weeks later, we had some kind of trees growing THROUGH the palace. Not in, through. It cost a small fortune to repair – and we’re still finding strange roots in odd places.”

“This is different...,” the emperor began but he was interrupted before he could finish.

“Please, my emperor,” the mage grunted. Both Radu and Vondi could see perspiration dripping down his forehead. “This is very difficult. I need quiet.”

“Sorry, Werten,” Radu replied, giving his sister an arch look. Vondi snorted and shook her head – but she stayed quiet.

It was almost forty minutes later before the wizard stirred. Radu and Vondi had remained silent throughout, though Radu could tell Vondi’s patience was wearing particularly thin; she’d already taken to nibbling on the ends of her hair, a sure sign of an impending explosion. Before she could, however, the arch-wizard shifted and rose, his eyes closed tightly. He was sweating profusely and even the collar of his robes were drenched with sweat.

“I have it,” he said softly. “Chaos help me, I have it. I’m getting far too old for this.”

The old man shook his head, breathing hard. “My Emperor, if you would be so kind as to guide me to the pedestal.”

“Get Joric,” Radu instructed his sister before turning and walking to the old man.

“Just don’t start without me,” Vondi insisted before opening the door and walking out.

The emperor reached his old friend and carefully placed his hand on his right forearm. He was surprised a bit when the mage leaned a bit.

“Sorry, my emperor,” the wizard gasped, his breathing uneven. “I knew it would be hard but – I never expected it to be quite this intensive.”

“You just seemed to be sitting there,” the emperor protested.

“I was,” the old man nodded. “What I was doing, though... “ The wizard’s voice drifted off for a moment before returning. “It was difficult. It was like taking water colored purple and trying to separate it back into its red and blue components. For a bit, I thought I might just go mad instead.”

The two shuffled across the floor, the wizard relying on the emperor for both direction and strength. Radu looked down and was surprised at how thin and old Werten’s hand looked. He’d always seen the man as something larger than life, a rock which would never grow old. Looking at him now, though, he saw a small, frail old man, his face lined in age and weariness, his hands trembling and weak. The emperor swallowed, suddenly realizing how much this task had cost his advisor. He silently promised the old wizard a long, restful vacation after they stopped whatever Arlade had started.

The mage had been quite clear with his instructions to Radu, making the emperor repeat them several times. When they reached the pedestal, he took the arch-wizard’s frail hands and placed them carefully on the sides of the marble bowl. He held the old man’s hands there for a moment before releasing them and taking a very slight step back.

Werten swayed for a moment even as his hands found purchase. Taking a deep breath, he caressed the sides of the bowl, from the point where the pedestal flared into the bowl all the way to the lip before cycling his hands down again. Taking another deep breath, the man brought his hands to the lip of the bowl, hands clenched and thumb extended. He pressed his thumbs down on the lip, one on each side. Then, he ran his right thumb around the lip of the bowl, all the way around until his right thumb touched his left. Then he lifted his right thumb and placed it back where it started before circling the bowl in the opposite direction with his left thumb. Three times he did this, taking three separate breaths, one before each cycle.

When he finished, he stood still for a moment, his hands returning to the sides to grip the bowl. Again, he took a deep even breath, then another. Finally, he spoke up. “I’m ready.”

Radu glanced at the door. “Can we wait for Joric and Vondi?”

“I-I can’t,” Werten swallowed, his voice weak and fresh perspiration breaking out on his brow. “A person’s essence is – ephemeral. Holding it is like trying to hold the blowing wind. It wants to be free and I have to wrap my will around it completely to contain it, to make sure there are no cracks through which it can escape. The concentration required is intense.” The old man swallowed, his teeth gritted tightly. “I need to release it. Once the scrying pool contains it, though, I can hold it there – at least, for awhile.”

“Alright,” Radu agreed.

“Take a deep breath, hold it, and then unstopper the vial I gave you earlier,” Werten instructed, his voice strained. “Don’t breathe until you’ve poured all of the liquid into the pool and re-stoppered the vial.”

Radu searched through the pockets of his pants, looking for the vial. In a panic, he tried them again – sure he’d had the vial not two hours earlier. His thoughts went back as he fruitlessly searched his pockets a third time. He clearly remembered coming into the room with Vondi, Werten and Audette. He remembered the arch-wizard giving Audette a sleep draught. As his daughter had laid down on the pillows, the mage had handed him a vial, explained he needed to be careful it not break or crack. He was to use it when the older man instructed. He remembered it, remembered holding it in his hands. He even remembered watching Audette nod off to sleep. He just couldn’t seem to remember what he’d done with it after.

“Now, please, my Emperor,” the arch-wizard said tightly.

Radu placed his hands into his pockets again, front pockets first and then in his back pockets. No vial. He looked around the room but he saw nothing at the table and it was the only surface in the room. Absently, he patted down his shirt – and felt the vial sitting in his shirt pocket.

With a deep breath of relief, he pulled the vial out of his pocket. He glanced at it, raising it to his eyes. The liquid was white, but a pure, unfiltered white. Brighter than clouds, brighter than parchment or linen, brighter than anything the emperor could remember. It was completely clean; completely unadulterated. It mesmerized him for the barest of moments and he found he was almost unable to break its grasp over him.

Same as Runesward
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The bathhouse was quite full , men of all ages and shapes , sucking and fucking each other everywhere you looked . Hot guys jacking off and sucking cock in the mini theater , in the sauna , the hot tubs . Men sucking cock and getting ass fucked poolside . My cock was so hard that It was about to melt my zipper as I made my way to my room . The smell of cock and cum was overwhelming as well as the moaning and groaning of hot men . I was naked within seconds , my cock oozing precum as I walked...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Emma Hix Spreads Her Pink Pussy For Big Cock

Emma Hix is an alluring blonde who loves to pamper her man, Charles Dera, every time she has the chance. Charles just closed a huge deal with his company, and Emma has the perfect idea of how to reward him. The slim blonde performs a bit of striptease for Charles while wearing her sexiest lingerie. She then drops to her knees and gives her man a blowjob. Emma can’t help but gag as Charles rams his cock deeper down her throat. After the sloppy deepthroat, Emma’s shaved pussy is...

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My mom the slut non fiction

My mom use to be a church going lady that was always involved in fund rising and helping out at my school. All that changed when her and dad got a divorce when I was eleven. It was a nasty divorce. My mom walked in on ole dad at his office with his cock shoved down a co-workers throat. After mom stopped hitting my dad over the head with her purse, she stormed out at went straight to the lawyers office. Now I don't know if mom was trying to get back at dad or she had been hiding the slut inside...

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Something a Little Spicy

Henry Garcia loved to dance. He was Hispanic and had all the right moves. Friday night was the best night of the week to hit the clubs. He liked going to the higher-end clubs that brought in all kinds of people. Lots of hungry women would be looking for a good time. Dancing and sex went hand in hand. Henry found that if women were good dancers on the dance floor, they’d be phenomenal in the bedroom. He never met a woman who could dance that wasn’t good in the bedroom. He liked to search for...

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Milk 8211 does the body good

Hi all, this is Uma Kristi again. I am back with another adventure of mine. Thank you all for great comments on my previous stories, Uma learns a Lesson, My Sweet Revenge, British Airlines and One hour lust. I hope you all can add this one to the list of great stories. This incident happened during my first pregnancy miscarriage, as you all know, I have a huge pair of boobs about 32DD size and a well shaped ass. Now due to miscarriage, I was lactating and boobs increased in size to 36DD. I had...

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Motorcycle MILFs GangFucked in Sturgis

 We have all heard about men and women, somewhere between the ages of forty and sixty going through a mid-life crisis. This can be caused by many things and manifests itself in a variety of behaviors. In our case, we were just trying to recapture some of the excitement of our youth and ward of the loneliness of our children being grown, by purchasing motorcycles and riding and socializing with other like-minded mid-lifers.My name is Jason, and my wife, Emma, and I were forty-seven years old at...

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Job HuntChapter 3

I was up at six thirty, showered, but ate a prepared breakfast before dressing in color co-ordinated clothes Shirley handed to me. I tied the tie and checked out the stranger in the mirror. Some guy I didn't know. Shirley asked, "I have a key so I can clean this place up. You can give me twenty-five a week for housekeeping now that you have a job. That way I'll have your supper ready for you when you get home, okay?" She already had the key, but I was having some misgivings. Were we...

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BHAI RAJA I am Huam at your service. This is my new story of brother sister incest. Hope you will love it. So straight to my story. Main Pooja, umar 22 saal, kad 5 feet 5 inch, rang gora, chuchi badi badi, chuttar bhari, janghen kele jaisi, choot par ek bhi bal nahin, (main roz shave karti hoon. Mere ghar mein mere ilawa bhai, Raja aur bhabi Sudha. Bhai ki umar 26 saal aur bhabi 22 saal. Bhabi aur main saheli hain hum dono mein sirf ek farak hai, mere bal cury hain aur bhabi ke nahin. Kahani...

4 years ago
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Kendras First True Submission Part 1

For the past several months, my wife, Kendra, has mentioned she would like to be more submissive in the bedroom. While I wouldn’t classify Kendra as extremely dominant herself, she has always taken more control in the bedroom, especially when it comes to getting her pleasure. One Tuesday night, we were out with some friends for Happy Hour. Kendra had a few drinks, and on the way home she brought up the idea of being submissive once again to me. During the evening, we talked about it a little...

1 year ago
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Sex Discipline and Sodomy

I have always been, above all, an exhibitionist. That’s why I didn’t have a problem with being in porn films/videos, it’s also why even my first little gang bang (at the age of thirteen) didn’t bother me one bit. If I thought even for one minute that I could get away with it here; I’d be filming some of these encounters that I post about or – better – do live feeds when I’m being fucked. Especially when it’s more than one guy!I’d love to do a video of something like the cops collecting the...

2 years ago
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A Vacation Resort 13

One of my friends told me about an interesting website. She knew my husband and I had been trying to make a baby for sometime now without success. We had all the usual medical tests which only confirmed the fact that my husband has a low to basically non-existent sperm count. The website advertised a resort hotel. Let me tell you about it.It's located, ironically, in the Virgin Islands--a little out of the way tropical paradise. It's staffed by professionals that cater to every wish and desire...

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Daddy makes me bring home my boyfriends so he can

It's true. At 20 years old you'd think a young man like me would gain some control over his own life. But no. Daddy tells me what to do, when and worst of all, how. All last week he pushed my out of the house at night and told me not to come home without a subby twinky with me. I gotta work the next day, early! He even made me tie them to the stairway balustrades, naked but with their shoes and socks still on, and jerked off on me while I licked their assholes and balls. It's not that I dont...

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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 14 Rangers

[Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place at Dunharrow. Aragorn, who Éowyn has unsuccessfully tried to seduce, and the rest of his Rangers will depart for the Paths of the Dead in the morning.] Sweat. Heat. Need. Panting with lust, she nevertheless forced herself to remain still. She needed to think. Her encounter with Aragorn ended terribly, it was true, but as she fled blindly through the night she was surprised by the swift onset of numbness, both to her feelings and...

1 year ago
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Java Lust Rock N Roll Style

This story is fiction: My name is Kelly, and to simply put it, I’m a Valley Girl. I’m the poster child of the typical LA blonde. From my 34C no tan lined chest to the designer clothes I only where once. So now that you know me, it’s time to know me better. It was a hot summer morning in Beverly Hills as I had just paid for my over priced coffee. Wearing my short black skirt, heels, and white tube top, I was ready for a day of shopping. I was just leaving when I collided with somebody coming...

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True Friendship Part 4

Sorry for the screw up, but part 3 was saved as part 4 and pt 4 ended up being deleted, so I am trying to rewrite again, as I had stated the facts the first time, having tried to be as concise as possible. I know I rushed the last one to get it out and I apologize for all those errors.Going on the assumption that you have read the previous 3 parts of this story, you would be up-to-speed on why I am fucking my husband’s long time friend, Reef, and do so with hubby’s permission, and no, I do not...

3 years ago
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Sex With A Hot Nurse

Hello friends, I am Kabir, 30 years old, an athletic, fun loving guy from Delhi. This is a story of my nurse cum friend Manisha whom I met through another nurse friend. As you all know, nursing girls are hot, sexy. They like to enjoy their lives freely because they are tired of studies and hectic duty hours, long night duties etc. Some nurses like to flirt, having sex with doctors etc. This incident happened 1 year ago. After the completion of graduation from Russia, I came to Delhi and started...

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Bla Book 5 New BeginningsChapter 7

They were miles away from anyone. Macario aimed the laser cannon at his wife as she flew by, a hundred feet up. He pressed the trigger. Lisa exploded into a giant fireball, then resolidified back into her flying form. She banked and flew back down, landing in front of him. “Did you flare first or let the laser do it?” Mac wanted to know. “I let it happen,” Lisa insisted. “It evaporated my body and I rematerialized it.” Her mind was sealed and Mac knew she was lying. There wouldn’t have been...

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It Started On The Bus

When my car broke down and I was told it wasn't fixable, I just wanted to scream. I was far too broke to even think of buying a new one, even a used one. I had no choice, other than to start taking the bus to work. I hated the idea, but I wasn't about to ask my parents for help. They would somehow attach strings to it, I didn't need the hassle. I’m twenty one, I can handle this on my own. It’s been three weeks of taking the bus to work. It’s funny how quickly you start to fall into a routine,...

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Explicit Change

He stared at the vial in his hands. Was this really what he wanted? What was he thinking? Of course it was. He had spent the last six months working on it. How could he suddenly not want it anymore? He gazed off into space, swirling the vial of clear liquid. Once he took the plunge, there was no going back. With great mental effort, he pushed the doubt from his mind. Resolve filled him; he knew he was meant for this. Standing at his kitchen sink, near the make-shift lab that he had...

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Private Winnie Horny MILF Enjoys Interracial Threesome

The big tits of Winnie are an incredible sight to behold and today on, we’ve recovered a scene from Private Specials, Cum Hungry Eurobabes where we get to see this awesome MILF in action! Winnie took full advantage of Kid Jamaica during a break from the office, but what started as a solo gagging blowjob, soon turned into a full blown interracial threesome as Nick Lang joined the party for a wild fuck fest that had Winnie sucking, fucking and enjoying a hard anal and DP pounding...

2 years ago
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Split Tails RanchChapter 7 The Battle Of The Bathhouse

Jessica and Sabrina rode along, smiling back at “Long Tom”, their self appointed minder while their father was gone. He got his nickname because of his buffalo rifle, and his ability to hit targets at incredible distances. He had coached Jessica a lot, helping her with her rifle. He called her Sunshine because of her blond hair, and he called Sabrina Shadow because of her raven curls. “Besides,” he’d grin, “If you saw Sunshine, you know she always has a Shadow.” They had bonded, girls raised...

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Welcome By A Good Neighbor Bhabhi

Hello My name is Appy and my email address is . About myself, I am 26, Male and have recently moved to Bangalore to work as an Engineering Manager in an IT giant. My company helped me with all the relocation and I was allocated a 2BHK apartment to live in a very posh society near Kormangala. Once I got completely settled, I decided to explore all the amenities of the society. I came to know that it has a swimming pool in it. At around 6 o clock in the evening, I packed my swimming kit and...

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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 7 Escape

11 July, 1686 Evening She stood a moment on the steps of the house entry, looking back with fear at the path she had just crossed and allowed the pace of her anxious heart slow down. Moment's passed then she drew a long breath as she threw back the front door and stepped into the house. She groped moodily forward carefully crossing the room, millimeter by millimeter, over the wood floor. She knew where she was going. She had heard him tell her mistress of the room below the...

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MY sexy mom Mamtaritu

DEAR FRIENDS HIS A REAL STORY WHAT I FACED & ENJOYED SEX. My name is raj . I would like to tell you a story. Actually it happened with my own mother. So first let me tell you about my mother . She is around 48 years old. Very fair lady. With short height she is fatty her boobs are very big. She wears all kind of dress like a Bengali lady. Her buttocks are very big round , very big boobs. My father most of the time remain on tour. As I got 19 years old my sexual feeling started growing. And the...

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I Dont Want The World I Want You Part 2

*** Authors Note: Welcome to part 2. This continues from part 1 of this series “I Don’t Want The World, I Want You!” so if you haven’t read that yet, I recommend that you do before reading this. Enjoy... *** ...Adam didn’t keep him waiting any longer. He was satisfied that Harry was ready to be fucked. He firmly grasped Harry’s raging hard penis and jerked it up and down vigorously, feeling it twitch and throb in his warm hand. The two men shared a brief kiss before Adam hastily...

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Korean Schoolgirl ndash Chapter 4

Korean Schoolgirl – Chapter 4After our first sex experience, things got a lot harder to control sexually. Everyone that had their first experience know the feeling I’m talking about. It's like from not knowing what sex feels like, straight to what can I possible try next! As a boy growing up by this age you would have most likely overdosed on pornography. Regardless whether you have been exposed to the main stream western porn, filled with busty blonde porn stars or the more exotic Japanese...

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Seize the Moment

First name should be male; last name female The bedroom in Doe's dorm room shared a wall with the bathroom in the adjacent unit. She was in her bedroom one Saturday afternoon when she heard the shower turn on. A guy named John lived next door and she had been wanting to hook up with him for a while. She had been going through an extended break up with her boyfriend but was now sure that it was over which would leave her free to pursue John. From talking with him she knew he was unattached and...

1 year ago
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My Last Summer At Home With Sis

100% fiction! I have to tell you about my sis who I honestly haven’t really noticed over the last three years since I went away to college. I was 18 and she was 18. Then she was just girl with braces just trying to get a life in junior high. I left for college about 3 hours away and for the most part because of school and work I have not been home since. The family has been to visit me a couple of times but, that’s it. This year though, all that changed. This last semester things started to get...

4 years ago
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My First Time

Well, hello. I’m Sameer… and well this might sound a little awkward but this is the first time when I’m confessing about my sex life. It all started when I came back from Canada after a few years after the major incident. And well, to be honest, things changed a lot. But some things can never be changed. India seemed like an alienated place to me after a few years. I went home and nostalgia kicked in. It was the time of night when I got there and when I reached the gate of my home, my cousin...

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A Friend in Need

A Friend In NeedIt was about a month ago on a Wednesday (I know it was a Wednesday, as my girlfriend Louise was attending her evening church group)  when I heard a knock at the door. Not expecting anyone, I was surprised to find my friend Jane on the doorstep, her face flushed red and streaked with tears. I quickly ushered her inside and placed a tender arm around her. ?Are you ok? What’s happened?? Jane didn’t answer for a moment and instead clung to me, sobbing into my shoulder in huge...

2 years ago
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Fucked A Neighbour Virgin Girl

So this is the sex story which was held 4 months ago between me and vidhi. I was in 12 and she was also on the same standard but she was in another school. She seems to be intelligent in studies and other things. I like her a lot. I like her round ass and big tits. She was like my friend and I was also like a friend with her. One day there was heavy rain and I was going to left the school for home, on the way to home I found her on the road and told her for the lift which she happily accepted....

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Best RegardsChapter 8

Then on your stomach and spread, now listen carefully. You will use your mouth, hands and your words to excite and please me. And under no circumstances is that ass to stop moving! That is your only warning, slut." He covers her and guides his cock into frightened vagina and slowly inserts it. Fortunately, he is patient and uses short strokes at first. Then a little deeper on each successive stroke until his stomach rests on hers and then a warning, "bitch!" Suddenly his warning comes...

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My best friends mom needs a massage

My best friend Tony and I grew up next door. We have been best friends since the first grade. Tony and I are both 19 now. My mom and dad divorced when I was very young and I lived with my dad. Growing up without a mom was hard. Tony’s mom, Mrs. C. always insisted I call her mom, I think she felt sorry for me and tried to be the surrogate mom that I didn’t have since my own mom remarried and moved out of the country. I was over Tony’s house every day since my dad worked long hours. Mrs. C....

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 19

EARTH It has to be someplace high Isheeni. Aricia spoke as she leaned back against Isheeni's thick foreleg. A cave of some sort like your mother had on Enurrua. It was an amazing sight really, an azure blue scaled dragon and a gamboge yellow scaled dragon resting comfortably on the tarmac of the airfield. Their hind legs were drawn up under their powerful bodies, ready to spring into the air if needed. And sitting casually next to them were a male and female Lycavorian, dwarfed in size by...

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Fucked My Petite Cousin And Her Best Friend 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, Ankit here, I will give my introduction again to the people who don’t know me, I am doing my final year of engineering and I live in Kolkata. This story is the continuation of how this incident is one of the most cherished moments in my life. Thanks to everyone who was kind enough to send me a mail and acknowledging the story. I will pick the story from where I left it. Sania seemed to be in pain but she was enjoying my piece of meat inside her and so was I, we were kissing and I...

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True Story Best Anal Sex to me

True Story – Best Anal sex I ever hadI’m now in my early 40s, I started getting fucked when I was about 24. I can still remember the first time I tried it, the guy was very gentle, average cock and yet I recall crying my way home with a sore ass. I bought a few toys ranging from butt plugs to a 16” double dildo. It took me a few years of practice and even now my hole still gets tight right before I get fucked.Ok to the story, I had been chatting with this guy I met on A4A for a couple of...

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The Bound Queen A Halloween Story

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if...

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Mummy Ka Chudai Interest 8211 Part 1

Hi mera name rajesh he mejaypur se hu.12class ki padai kar rahahu.Ye kahani klapnik he.Apko pasandayeto muje mail karna …… Ab me kahani par ata hu . Mere parivar me 3 log rahtehe.Me ri age 20 sal ki he.Mre papa ka name kishor he vo jaipur ki mnc copny me kam karte he uski age 48 he.Vo jyadater out of stat rahtehe .Meri mom ka name vrsha he uski umar 42 ki he lekin vo 28 ki lagti he .Mere paa out of stat rahte the isliye mummy ko beseni rahti he.Mom bilkul malika sheravat jesi lagti thi.Uska...

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The Voodoo Bimbo Curse

Jan Jefferson had always been a bit of a tomboy never having developed very feminine features as she grew up. It had bothered her that she was not blessed with a sexy body when the boys had ignored or insulted her calling her a{if Fashion

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Lake District Holiday part 5

It was way too early in the morning. Saul had called up from the lobby at 6:30; Jen and I were supposed to be ready to go, but we were far from it. I told Saul we’d meet him, Mike and Lisa in the restaurant. We got down there by 6:45, wolfed down some tea and toast and off we went. We all piled into Mike’s car (Lisa in the front with Mike, me and Jen either side of Saul). Mike claimed that the walk we were doing today was a stroll in the park. What a joker! It was a short drive to Ambleside,...

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Voyeur Boy

This story is based on a true incident. We rented a villa abroad, somewhere hot. My wife and I had a room which shared a broad balcony with another couple's room. We had 2 fully windowed doors to the balcony with shutters for privacy, the en suite door was in the left hand wall. There were several little indications that the son of one of the families was having some fun - one of the daughters couldn't find a pair of her knickers one day, once when my wife gave me a blowjob I went on to the...

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A Fantasy that goes too far Part 10

We had both drifted off to sleep yet it was not that late. I estimated that it was only around 9:00 or 9:30pm but with the travel day, anticipation of the meeting and then the intense fuck-fest, we must have both been exhausted. I awoke feeling refreshed yet alone in the bed. I then heard the shower and, in a few minutes, my beautiful and naked wife appeared from the bathroom.“Ah, Good morning” said my wife, “How do you feel this morning?”“I feel wonderful” I replied, “but the real question...

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My daughter passed the pencil test

She is 5'6" and only weighs around 120 pounds. She works hard at staying in shape and is one of the star runners on her high school track team and one of the top scorers on her soccer team. She has shoulder length blond hair, milk white skin without a blemish on it and C-cup tits that hardly sag at all. If any of you do not know what the pencil test is, let me tell you. If you place a pencil under one of her breasts and it does not sag enough to hold the pencil in place she passes. I...

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The House In The Woods A Sexual HistoryChapter 30

I awoke in the late afternoon. Margaret was fully dressed, lying on the duvet facing me, watching for the moment I woke up. When I opened my mouth to speak she put a finger to my lips just like she always used to, and then put her arms around me. We lay like that for a long time. When I rose from the bed and followed her downstairs, the gun was no longer on the table. Still without speaking, we began to clean the house. I called the office and in a curiously calm voice told my colleagues...

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Nina Finds Love and Discipline

It was a chance meeting. 38 year old Nina was doing her favourite pastime, shopping for clothes, when 18 year old Ella came up behind her and asked “How have you been Nina?” Nina spun round, recognising immediately the stern voice of the teenager. “Fine erm thank you Ella” she stammered, looking around to see who might be within hearing distance, knowing she was blushing. Luckily no one was nearby so she continued “Fine, and well behaved” she added with a more confident smile. Ella wasn’t...

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My Brother and I Get Closer Chapter 2

Previously, I described that I was a sexually frustrated senior in high school. I could hear my older brother, Tommy, masturbating through the thin shared bedroom wall at our old house every night. It aroused me and I began to imagine things. I masturbated to his sounds. This cycle of unfulfilled near-sex drove us both crazy until we finally broke the ice and did it in front of each other. Masturbating for each other was incredibly hot. Little did we know that it would turn into a...

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The Truth About Oral Sex Clubs

The Truth About Oral Sex ClubsBy billy69boyBeth and Mary have a half sister named Katy, who we don’t get to see very much since she moved away. She visited with us last weekend, and I’d forgotten how adorable she was. Her long, light brown hair frames her big brown eyes in a way that melts your heart. She is tall and thin, with a skinny little waist, which accentuates her formidable ass and hips. It’s hard to believe she has a three year old daughter, who stayed at home with her...

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Sam and Amy Vegas BabyChapter 12

Sean flew in the following weekend and every weekend after that. On each visit Mel allowed him to take a few more liberties with her but never allowed things to go beyond the touchy-feely stage and remained fully dressed. Mel had been living with Sam and Amy for many months. Her schooling was going well indeed thanks to Sam. She had become very proficient on the computer. Her hunger for learning was almost as great as her hunger for blood. Sam had released her to spend time on studies that...

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Cheating Piece of Shit Sluts

Deb opened the garage door and drove in, bringing the wide ranging thoughts she had been having during her drive home back into focus. She sat in the car and gathered herself while the garage door closed. When she thought she was ready she walked into the house. She was coming home late from work, again, and found me sitting in the kitchen. I was wearing my bath robe, having a sandwich and a beer, and listening to smooth jazz on the whole home sound system. “Mike! Turn that shit down. It...

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Married Indian From Australia

I am jord from Delhi. And the lady in the story is Rita (name changed). This happened a few years back when I was 21 in college. I got a friend request on my social network site. I couldn’t recognize her first but then recalled that we studied in the same school and she was my senior about 3 years ahead. In school days she was not so popular with I knew her because we used to go to same tuition classes. We used to talk but not so much as she used to hang out with different friend group. I...

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Innocence Lost Ch 30

In Which Kedi rediscovers Innocence by choice, Chastity by circumstances, and meets Honore who is herself reunited with Innocence. Kedi knew that Innocence was soon due to arrive to spend a few days with her, but she wasn’t exactly sure when she’d arrive. She had been quite surprised to hear from her, although they’d kept in touch all the months since they’d lived together with Chastity and Mouse in Wonderground. Innocence didn’t say why she felt the urgency of the visit, nor why she felt it...

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A Gentle Soul 4 of 4

The company made its way into Southfarthing, where they broke up. The hobbits left for Fangorn with the pony cart containging the wood (and Entwives) while Ruth rode her little donkey cart pulled by Hansel and Gretel on towards her home. Just prior to getting home, the Grimms bought a pair of horses with their pub earnings from a farmer Ruth recommended, and headed into the capital, where they hoped their stories would be as popular as they had been on the road. When she arrived home,...

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you were sitting on the couch watching me undress. i unzip my pants and the back down, revealing my round, plump ass. you like that im wearing a lace thong, think its sexy. i took off my pants and bend over infront of you. i pulled the thing crotch to the side, exposing my hairy glistening pussy. you told me to pull my ass cheeks apart so you can check my holes. i followed as i was told. you ripped off my undies and proceeded to finger my holes. you slap my ass and told me to get on top of the...

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