MaquisChapter 36 free porn video

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Rural Oxfordshire. Halloween

With an area of fifteen and a half square miles and, due to the very strange shape of that area, a perimeter of almost twenty one miles, the whole estate would be impossible to protect. There were nineteen gates onto the estate. Most were just tractor access to one or two fields, but there were also seven gates of various sizes that led, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, onto the estate as a whole.

The boundary itself had nearly a mile and a half of eight foot high brick wall, another four and a bit miles of four foot high brick wall, plus seven and a half miles of hedges between four and six foot tall. The remaining eight miles of boundary was all four foot high wire fencing, none of which was either barbed or electrified. Most of the brick wall was closest to the house, though a short, five hundred yard section of high wall separated an important piece of woodland from a local thoroughfare that led from local villages down to the main A40 road.

Over half of the total border was next to a road of some sort, ranging from good, fairly well used ‘B’ roads, down to farm tracks. The remainder all bordered land belonging to other farmers, and this was where most of the hedges were. Two of the three most important gates, known by the owners and the occupiers as the Main and Back gates respectively, were protected by high walls. The third only by low walls.

The remaining gates mostly only had wire fences. The majority of the gates were simple iron or wood five-bar gates, however the main gate was a huge, old, solid wood and iron affair and the back gate was a similar sized and equally solid iron gate.

It was a sod of a place to defend, if the owner had wanted to defend the entire property. So it was just as well that the first ‘attack’ came in broad daylight, and amounted to just ten security Patrollers, led by a Chief Assault Leader.

Two cars and a Land Rover came to a screeching halt by the front gate. As was usual these days, it was closed, though three or four years earlier it would have been open from about seven AM through to about nine PM every single day. Later some days.

A section leader hopped out of the front car and went to try and open the gate. It was locked. After nearly a minute or so of futilely trying to find a way to open it, he spotted a small electric speaker box and press button. He pressed the button.

“Yes,” came the reply many seconds later. The voice sounded female and out of breath, “sorry, I was busy and couldn’t get to the phone.”

“You need to open the gate. Now,” ordered the Section Leader.

“Who is it?” came the puzzled reply. “We’re not expecting any deliveries, and in any case, you’ve come to the wrong gate. You would be better off going round to the back gate.”

“Just open the gate. This is the Patrol. We are here to see Mister Neve.”

“Oh right, sorry. I’ll send someone down.” The intercom clicked off. The Section leader looked at it crossly for a moment, then turned and stared at the adjoining gatehouse.

It took him a few moments to realise that it was unoccupied, and probably had been for a great number of years, so he turned his attention back to the gate. He didn’t spot the three tiny cameras looking out at him and his colleagues from the gatehouse. Half a minute later he pressed the button again. Nothing happened.

Across the road, and hidden inside a small clump of trees thirty yards away, two men who were watching what was happening, had already alerted the main house to the number and disposition of the ‘attacking’ force.

The Chief Assault leader chose that moment to climb out of the second car.

“What’s going on?” he asked mildly. He didn’t seem at all cross or irritated.

“She said she’s gonna ‘send someone down’ sir,” responded the section leader. “But it’s takin’ ages.”

“Well don’t worry, she’s got a mile to come to get to the gate. It’ll take her a good fifteen minutes to walk, or she’ll have to get a bike or car out. Either way it’ll take a while.”

“How do you know sir?”

“I’ve been on the estate in years gone. They used to open the estate up from late spring to mid autumn. They’d have classic car fairs, music festivals, local craft fairs. At other times you would come just to wander around parts of the land, or for picnics and so on when the weather was nice. During November and December time they would open up for a couple of yule fayres. I used to come here as a kid. It’s beautiful inside.” He shrugged. “Most of it is working farmland. The house itself is only small, not a true manor house so there’s no tours inside, but it’s attractive from the outside even so.”

“Yes sir,” said the Section leader matter-of-factly. ‘Bloody toffs,’ he thought. In this he was including both his Chief Assault Leader as well as Sir Michael Neve.

In fact it was nearly eight minutes before a small wicket gate opened in the main gate and a young woman stepped through. “Hi. Can I help? Dad is somewhere around the estate and won’t be back until later.”

In the time from the initial report by the outside spotters, to the time that Millie had arrived at the front gate, the people inside had swung rapidly into action stations. It would take a minute or two more yet for every single thing to get buttoned up properly,

Although there were now nearly one hundred men and women on the estate, most were well away from the main gate. The section that normally protected the main gate, which included the two men currently outside, was in position before Millie arrived. The remainder of ‘A’ company were hurrying to get into position farther up the long drive. This was one of a number of standard plans. They wanted to take out the entire patrol before it reached the house, though that required the ‘visitors’ to be on foot. In reality they hoped Millie would be able to just send them away again.

A few hundred yards down the road, around a slight bend, two men hurriedly crossed the road into the field opposite. They pushed their way through a narrow gap in the hedge, and then hurried along it, back towards the main gate. The hedge stopped about forty yards short, and the two men went to ground in a shallow pit that had been dug months earlier just for this purpose. The two men closest to the gate both held L85 rifles, one of which had an underslung grenade launcher attached. The two men in the tree line had larger weapons, one an L129 sharpshooter rifle, the other an L108 light machine gun. All of them were prepared to use their weapons, but they hoped not to have to.

The Chief Assault Leader smiled at the pretty girl in front of him. “It’s very important that we see your father. Can you take us to him?” Millie smiled, just managing not to hit him for his condescending tone.

“He’s somewhere out on the estate. I don’t know where exactly. Can you come back this evening? He’ll be back by about six probably. Certainly back by seven. Can I not help?”

“No. It has to be your father.”

Millie shook her head slowly. “There’s nothing I can do.” She looked at her watch. “It really will be at least six hours before I can guarantee he’ll be back.”

“And there’s no likelihood of him being back before then, or of contacting you before then?”

“He’s out working. I really don’t know whereabouts exactly. There’s four or five things he could be doing, in different parts of the estate. He might come back in the next hour or so but I doubt it. He took a flask and some sarnies with him, so he probably won’t be back for lunch, if that’s what you were hoping.”

The Chief Assault Leader looked frustrated. “We have to see him now. There’s no waiting. This is more important that you can possibly imagine.”

“Look. If you tell me what it’s about, maybe I can help. I know as much about what’s going on on the estate as my father does.”

“It’s got nothing to do with the estate,” came the irritated reply. “It’s about your father.”


“You wouldn’t understand.”

Although it wasn’t said out loud, Millie ‘heard’ the ‘you’re only a girl’.

“Look,” she said, barely managing to control her irritation. “I don’t know where my father is. He is unlikely to be back for at least six hours. You can sit here and wait if you like, or you can come back later. Your choice.”

“Can you let us in and we can look for him ourselves?”

Millie burst into laughter. “This estate is nearly ten thousand acres. You would be quicker just waiting.”

“But he can’t be just anywhere, surely? You must have a rough, approximate idea of where he is?”

“I’ve already told you. He has a few jobs he needs to get sorted. I don’t know what order they are being done in, but I know they are spread around the farm. I could send you to a couple of them, but you would need escorts for the others, and you couldn’t drive. You would have to walk.”

“This is getting silly,” muttered the Section Leader. The Chief Assault Leader nodded minutely.

“Very well. Open the gates, we’ll wait, but we’ll wait by the house.”

“Ah you sure? It’ll be a long and boring wait.”

“Quite sure Miss, now open up at once.”

Millie shrugged. “Very well. Follow me.”

She went back through the wicket gate, leaving it open. The two Patrollers got back into their cars and waited. The main gates didn’t open, and a few seconds later Millie stood through again, and looked at them. “You need to come through here,” she called.

The Chief Assault Leader opened his window. “Just open the gates.”

“I can’t. I’m not strong enough to do it on my own. I would need a couple of you to help me. It would be better overall if you and your men just walked up.”

“Oh for fuck sake,” muttered the Chief Assault leader to himself. “You and you,” he said to the two Troopers in the same car. “Go and help the stupid cow.” It was as well for him that Millie didn’t hear him, but she was disappointed that she was going to have to open the gates.

The two Patrollers got out reluctantly, leaving their weapons in the car. Although it was a sunny day, it was cold, and there was a brisk wind. The two men huddled into their heavy jackets for warmth, barely noticing that the young woman they were following had on a much lighter wind cheater and didn’t seem to notice the cold. They were too busy looking at her backside in her tight jeans.

They were knocked unconscious as soon as they were through the door. The four men of Delta fire team, two of whom were dressed similar to the two patrollers, overpowered the two real patrollers before they even knew there was a problem. They were placed onto an electric golf buggy which drove off at speed and was out of sight within thirty seconds.

The two heavy wooden bars, which really did take two men to lift clear, were then lifted out of their rests, and placed on the special trestles on either side of the roadway. Millie and the two dressed most like the Patrollers then slowly pulled open the heavy gates, while the other two faded back into the wood.

The cars drove through. “Well get in,” snapped the Chief Assault leader to what he thought were his men.

“I need them to help me push the gates closed again. It’ll only take a moment. I won’t put the bars on.”

“You can leave them open,” snapped the Chief Assault Leader.

“I can’t. You could be here for hours and our cattle could get out if we leave it open.” He wasn’t to know this was complete rubbish, of course. During better times the gates were regularly left open during the day. There was no livestock anywhere near the gates, and never had been.

“Oh very well then. You two stay here and guard the gates.” He looked at his driver. “Drive on then.”

The three vehicles moved off. Millie sighed and retrieved her hidden bicycle. She had half expected them to do something like that, so had come down on her bike, but had deliberately come down slowly so that they thought she had walked down.

Behind her, the four men of Delta quickly put the two great bars back in position, then joined the four men outside the gate, the other half of the section. Their job was to watch out for reinforcements. Not that any were expected. Not for a long while anyway.

The trees only went for thirty yards or so, before opening out to fields on either side. It wasn’t a straight road to the main house, but eventually curved around a small lake on one side, over a small bridge across a stream, and then turned sharply towards the house. There were a number of road humps along the way, forcing the drivers to drop their speed to little more than a walking pace, but since Millie, on her cycle, could go around them, she was actually quite close behind when they reached the house.

“Come on in. It’s cold out. You might as well wait inside. I’ll sort you out some hot drinks if you’d like.”

“Yes please miss,” said a couple of the troopers. It was bad enough coming out here in the cold, if they were going to be given hot drinks, and by a young lady as ‘cute’ as this, then it would make all their lives easier. Or so they thought. Millie had quite easily put them all at their ease.

“You two stay out here with the cars,” ordered the Chief Assault Leader.

The two troopers so ordered looked quietly mutinous, but just nodded. “Yes sir,” muttered one.

“It’s okay,” whispered Millie conspiratorially. “I’ll bring you some hot drinks out.”

“Thank you Miss,” said one gratefully. The other nodded and smiled his thanks.

“This way.” Millie led the six men onto the house, and into the small kitchen. “Take a seat guys. It’ll be a while so you might as well get comfortable.”

All six were facing away from the door leading to the utility room off the kitchen. The chairs had been set that way deliberately only a few minutes earlier. Millie had a tiny microphone attached almost invisibly to her jacket, so her father, who wasn’t and never had been out and about the grounds, and the others knew exactly what was going on.

Millie turned and filled the huge kettle, the noise of the old tap hiding the tiny noise of the utility room door opening. Within seconds all six men were unconscious, rendered so by stingers.

“The men outside are just too far away from the house to easily sting them from inside,” Millie told her father. “And we’ve not got anything we can put in their drinks to just knock them out.”

“Tell you what,” Tony said. “Take them out a huge flask, the biggest we’ve got. Bet you anything they’ll drink it all in the next hour. It’s bitter out and getting colder. They’ll need the loo. When you take the flask out, tell them where the loo is. Bet you any money you like, within the hour one or both will come around to use it. Get them then.”

“Knocked unconscious with a full bladder. I can do without having to clean that up,” muttered Millie sourly.

“Do it on the way back out then,” said Simnall sharply.

“Agreed,” said Sir Michael. “Do it.”

Forty minutes later, the first of the two men left to go to the toilet. When he didn’t return within five minutes, his companion began to get annoyed. Another five minutes later and he still hadn’t returned.

“Bastard,” the remaining Patroller muttered. “Bet he’s inside with the others. All nice and warm.” This was in fact true, sort of. It took him another ten minutes before the pressure in his bladder forced him to go to the loo himself, and see if he could wangle his way back into the warmth.

It was nearly twenty minutes after that, that a Merlin helicopter clattered noisily in to land not far from the house. Twenty-eight fully armed men and women hurried out, a full platoon, and the ten unconscious but fully bound and secured Patrollers, plus nine civilians who were being evacuated, took their place. The Merlin was on the ground for just seven minutes before taking off again and racing northwest, keeping low.

The officer in charge of the new platoon, saluted the slightly startled Lieutenant-Colonel Neve. “Lieutenant Todd Williams reporting as ordered sir.”

Colonel Neve returned the smart salute. “Thank you lieutenant, but I wasn’t aware of your imminent arrival? What’s your unit?”

“We are number three platoon, A company, first battalion the Hampshire Regiment, sir.”

“Hampshire hmm?” He turned. “Captain Simnall. Get these people some hot food, then get them out to the back gate to relieve the men there.”

“Yes sir.”

Sir Michael went back into his office, and picked up the secure phone. He pressed two buttons, then waited.


“Tim, it’s Mike. Did you send those folks up?”

“Mike. Hello. Yes, I did. I thought you might need them, and they were available.”

For security purposes, even though no-one believed that the TaF or the Patrol could monitor what they were saying, in long distance calls like this, they always used their first names, rather than ranks. For the same reason, they never referred to military units.

“Thank you. We’ve sent the first ten back to you, along with some er civvies. When, or even whether they’ll send any more, I don’t know.”

“That’s fine. You’ve got them as long as you need them, provided I don’t need them elsewhere.”

“Understood, thanks.”

“Good luck, and try and keep me informed.”

“Will do.”

The two men hung up, and Sir Michael went out to reorganise his troops. With Todd’s men, he now had over one-hundred and twenty. Whether that would be enough, he didn’t know, but it would allow him to more easily spell his men while they waited for the attack all now knew must come sooner rather than later.

He went outside to find Tony was arranging for the three cars to be towed away.

“What do you plan on doing with them?”

“The cars I’m gonna put through the replicators to provide more ammunition. The Land Rover I’ll use the replicator to revamp slightly and keep it.”

Sir Michael nodded. “Where’s Sergeant Neve?”

“She’s taken the support platoon,” they weren’t yet big enough to have a full support company, “up onto The Breach.”

The Breach was a natural raise in the ground towards the centre of the estate where, in the early eighth century, a small church and wooden motte and bailey had been built. The motte and bailey had lasted until 1078 when William The Conqueror’s men had it burned down. The church had lasted just another century, until some of King Richard’s men had burned it down, mistakenly believing it was a hideout for some of his enemies. Over the centuries since, many of the stones had been removed by local people for their own buildings, though the stone foundations had remained generally untouched. It had unprecedented views of the entire estate, and though most of the estate was out of range of any sniper fire originating there, the main house wasn’t, nor was the central area where most of the men and women were, and where the Patrol would be attacking.

Sir Michael frowned. The Breach was an obvious point. If the Patrol commander had half a brain, as soon as he found his people were being sniped, he would guess where it came from. And even if it was only used as an observation point, it was such a good observation point that it would have to be suppressed early and quickly.

“Call them back,” he said abruptly. Then, “did you send them?”

“Yes sir. Just to plant some cameras and the like.”

“Uh. In that case, let them be.”

“Yes sir.” Tony frowned slightly. Having Sir Michael’s daughter in the battalion hadn’t yet caused any problems, but if he kept trying to keep her ‘safe’, whilst perfectly understandable in a father, it was going to cause them. And if he kept jumping to conclusions like this, that she was going off on her own, or that she couldn’t use her own initiative, that too would cause issues. He sighed silently. Now wasn’t the time to bring it up, but he might have to soon.

The second attempt came just twenty four hours after the first. This time there were twenty attackers outside the front gate and another ten outside the back. Fortunately the ‘attackers’ still didn’t realise that there were a number of other gates, harder to defend, that would allow them easier access to the estate. Sir Michael had stationed a complete company of men to guard the four most important gates. In two cases, because the terrain outside the perimeter allowed it, this included stationing a section outside each.

The ten attackers at the back gate did not attempt to enter. To the watching defenders it was obvious that they were there simply to prevent any escape by the people inside.

“Complete amateurs,” muttered the sergeant who was leading the section outside the gate, watching from a few hundred feet away.

Nobody responded, but they all knew what he meant. Although there was a high wall either side of the heavy gate, it only went a few hundred meters in each direction, where upon it became a low wall. If anybody had really wanted to get out, they would have gone farther along the boundary. But all the Security Patrollers were stationed by the gate, watching it and paying little or no attention to anything that may be happening not far away.

“Knock em out,” he ordered once he was satisfied that no one else was coming. There was a thumping noise as the lance-corporal fired his underslung grenade-launcher. This was followed moments later by a loud crack, a bright light, and lots of smoke as first a flash-bang grenade went off, followed instantly by something similar to a pepper-spray grenade. Both were new variations of old munitions, designed specifically as non-lethal weapons for the Maquis.

The combination of the flash-bang and the spray had all ten men down, rolling on the ground and moaning in terror and pain. The ten men were very quickly trussed up, before one of the privates sprayed compressed air into the faces of the injured to try and remove as much of the irritant dust as he could.

The front and back gates were nearly five miles apart as the crow flies, so no one at the front gate saw or heard the commotion at the back gate. However they probably would not have heard it even if it had been right next door, as they were trying to use chain saws to cut the gate down.

There was a lot of old cast and wrought iron in the gate, the wood itself was nearly five hundred years old and very, very, solid. This all made for slow progress with lots of starting and stopping and lots of noise. Here the attackers had set themselves up slightly more professionally. About seven men were attempting to break through the gate, the remaining men were not just standing back and watching, instead they had set up a defensive perimeter about twenty meters away, making sure no one approached them from behind.

“We need more men outside, urgently. Over,” the sergeant in charge of that section, part of B company, spoke urgently into his radio.

“D company is en route to your position,” came the immediate reply. “ETA seventeen minutes. Can you slow down the Patrollers any? Over.”

“Negative. Not without revealing our position very quickly. And there’s only eight of us to their twenty odd. Over.”

Inside, Sergeant-Major Tony Goodwin grimaced at the implied rebuke in the reply. He was well aware of the disparity in numbers. He didn’t need reminding. “Roger that,” he said simply. He wasn’t going to rebuke the man for his mild show of insubordination, he was under enough stress as it was. Instead he would have a quiet word later.

Outside, the sergeant nodded to his designated sniper. “Can you take out the man holding the saw? And not be seen?”

“Taking him out isn’t going to be a problem sarge. But not getting spotted? That’s not so easy.”

“All right. We’ll give it five minutes, then you take him out.” He lifted his radio mic. “All stations, we’re going to snipe the man with the saw in five minutes from my mark. He paused for a few seconds to let everyone check their watches. “Mark,” he said as the digital second counter on his watch read ‘45’.

Forty yards away, the lance-corporal in charge of the other fire team in that section, nodded. “Carson. Can you take out the officer type at the same time?”

Carson, his designated sniper, looked through his scope. “Not likely Lance,” he whispered. “He’s too well hidden by his men.”

“All right, take out anyone who looks to be fairly senior. A non-com if not an officer.”


There was a pause. “Okay, found one who I think is their equivalent of a sergeant.”

“Good. Wait till Staffly shoots, then you shoot immediately after. Should totally disrupt them.” He turned to his other two men. “Spread out a bit. As soon as Carson and Staffly have hit their targets, you open up on the men nearest us. Don’t waste ammo, make sure of your targets before you fire. Three round bursts only, and try and make sure of your target. Got it?”

The two men nodded and slithered slowly off to set up a firing point about fifteen meters away.

When Private Staffly fired, he hit his target. Rather than just dropping the chain saw and it switching off as his grip relaxed and the switch released, his grip on the trigger tightened as he slowly toppled over. The saw, still at high speed, hit the ground first and instantly kicked up small amounts of very rapidly moving concrete before the chain itself suddenly shattered, sending bits of very sharp high speed metal everywhere. Three other men went down with injuries from the high-speed flying shrapnel.

Amazingly, no one had heard or seen the shot and if Carson hadn’t then fired, none of the Patrollers would have realised it wasn’t just a tragic accident. But Carson did fire. He hit the Squad Leader square on in the chest. Killing him instantly. The confusion lasted only seconds, but the Patrollers now knew they were under attack. This was confirmed just moments later when the two other men of Delta fire-team opened up as requested.

The sporadic return fire went high at first, but then fifteen men were firing back at where just two men were. The Maquis sergeant, realising the trouble, ordered his own fire-team to open up as well.

The Maquis section was well dug in and very well hidden, but with only eight of them, it always was going to be awkward. One man of Delta fire-team died within seconds by a stray shot through the head, his friend getting three bullets in the arm and leg, effectively putting him out of the fight also.

Carlson and Staffly both attempted to take out the Assault Unit Leader, both failed, but now the Patrollers knew there were snipers up there as well. When Alpha fire team opened up, the patrollers, who by now had lost seven men, simply turned on them.

The patrollers had nowhere to retreat to, they had a high wall and a solid gate behind them; the Maquis couldn’t retreat, there were too few of them and not enough cover. The firing very quickly died down to sporadic shots as someone thought they might get an advantage, or thought they saw something. The patrollers were all now hiding behind their two mini buses and two cars.

It could have gone either way at this point. There were more Patrollers and they had more firepower and ammunition. On the other hand they were not very methodical or organised. Nor, despite hitting two Maquis men, were they very good shots. The Maquis were more skilled and in better concealment, but they were fewer in number and had only limited firepower. And that running out. The rest of B company chose that moment to put in an appearance. They had raced down the inside of the wall and climbed it about one hundred meters farther down, out of sight of the Patrollers. They had then sneaked back, keeping close to the wall.

The lance corporal spotted them first, quickly opening rapid fire on the Patrollers to try and keep their heads down.

“What the hell’s he doing?” asked the Sergeant, who still hadn’t spotted the rest of the company.

“The LT’s here with the others,” came Staffly’s response a few moments later.

“What? Oh. Open fire. Anyone you can see, get them.”

“Sarge,” grunted Staffly. There was nothing to be seen. Instead he took out a tyre, wondering if the vehicle moving like that would make anyone move. It didn’t. Instead he set to, pumping shot after high powered shot through the vehicles at about knee height, or maybe a little higher. He had no idea whether his shots would go right through and hit someone, or whether they would just ricochet around inside.

Whatever happened, it kept the Patrollers heads down. Now there really was stalemate. This was broken a few minutes later when a hand grenade came flying over the gate and landed in the middle of the Patrollers. There was a brief moment of panic before it went off. A second and then a third came over the gate in slightly different positions, the third still in the air when it exploded.

There was a brief pause.

“SURRENDER,” called out the lieutenant in charge of ‘B’ company.

There was a moments silence, then a hand appeared above the bonnet of the car and waved a white, actually dirty yellow, handkerchief.

“Throw out your weapons.”

There was another pause then a few weapons were thrown out.”

“And the rest.”

“They’re all dead or injured,” came a quavering voice.

“Well you can still throw their weapons out.”

Same as Maquis
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Sunday Obedience

Master cannot always be with me and although it saddens me, He usually sets me small tasks to complete in His absence. He asks that i then tell Him in detail how i obeyed His order. This weekend, when we were apart His command was that i was allowed to orgasm once, but only as i drank my own urine. i adore being Master’s toilet, and i wanted Him to know that even when He is away, He is always on my mind. Let me explain what happened and show You how i responded to my command.When i ...

2 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 15

Steve I rolled over and almost rolled off the bed. My movement, while catching myself at the last minute, woke Sue who looked at me funny. She smiled at me and asked, "What are you doing up? You were on duty until two this morning! Sleep a little more." I looked at the clock and said, "It's already six and we should be near port by now. I want to be up when we enter that lagoon at the yacht club. Chuck probably won't have a problem but I should probably be there to help tie up. Let's...

3 years ago
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To be or not to be A Cuckolded question 2

Jed’s dominance of Stella and Jim continued apace; Jed was now living rent free and supported by Jim’s income; while Stella’s pregnancy developed she became less able to cope with the length and thickness of Jed’s powerful cock. This resulted in Jim having to literally become a male prostitute to Jed’s wishes. Now he had no difficulty in taking the full length up his arse and even managed when necessary to press his nose to Jed’s pubic bone when sucking his cock. When Stella was seven months...

2 years ago
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Before The Night Was Through Part II

April‘s tongue instantly and obediently lapped, cat-like, at her puddle of cum there on the kitchen table. John kept his grip on her hair, holding her in position and watching his pet obey his command. His fingers toyed along his wife’s still quivering labia. He pinched each lip between his fingers, spreading her and running his fingertips around her wet entrance. April moaned into the wooden top and wiggled her hips happily. She smacked her lips when the table was clean and looked up at John...

1 year ago
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Hentai Bros! Back in the day, when I was just A dude, the entertainment world was divided into cartoons and not cartoons. One could watch colorful, moving images all day long without having to worry about the trajectory of an alien tentacle monster. The world of porn was divided into Jenna Jameson and Pamela on the yacht. No amateurs, freemium, premium, amateurish, semi-professional bullshit! Then THE dude era began!Some nerdy fucker invented the internet, and soon enough, things got hectic....

Hentai Streaming Sites
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An Exception To Feudalism

An exception to feudalism By Ekul J Prologue The Hindley Family moved to Blueport, Maine while mourning the loss of a wife and a mother. Now only Dr. Jack Hindley and his seven year old daughter Beverly remained moving to Blueport to escape murder accusations on Jack's part from their old town of Cedar Bayou, Illinois. Dr. Hindley was at one time the CEO of Benit Co. which he inherited from his Father being the fourth generation Hindley to be in charge of that company. Until,...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 25 Second Helping

The next morning the same formal process of punishment was followed. Martha started by saying to Jacqui, "You were sentenced to thirty strokes of the cane and you had three yesterday. Today's count, therefore, will start at four. If I think you can take more than three a day I'll carry on, so don't move until I say so." 'Christ on a bicycle, ' thought Jacqui as she lay over the whipping bench, 'She really knows how to torture someone. I still don't know how many I'm getting today....

5 years ago
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My Girlfriend Made Me A Sissy 2

My Girlfriend Made Me A Sissy – 2 Thank you to everyone who sent me messages about the last story, I’ve tried to include things people wanted to see in the sequel. Hope you enjoy ————————————————- I woke up, stretched out and smiled as I felt the familiar sensation of my girlfriend’s panties rubbing on my cock. The feeling instantly brought back memories of the night before: I had gone to a party with my rather dominant girlfriend, been coerced into her panties, sucked my very first cock and...

4 years ago
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SleepwalkerChapter 66 A Night to Remember

Originally posted on: Mon Feb 05, 2007 5:27 pm Prom night was one week before graduation. The four of us; Tim and Cindy, Angie and me, doubled for dinner and then headed for the big party. The night before I had a long talk with my dad and he set up a room for me at one of the hotels that we 'worked' for. I explained that I didn't have any expectations but that I didn't think that was a good excuse for not planning ahead anyway. If something was going to happen between Angela and I there...

3 years ago
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Sara Becka and me Chapter 8

Sara, Becka and me. by Teddie S. Chapter VIII The Second Week Monday - Dresses and the Girls Tuesday - Some Glue Last week was really a roller coaster. On Saturday when I woke up I was a typical geeky boy. And now I look more like a pretty teenaged girl. I even talk like a girl, act like a girl and walk like a girl. Being a cross-dresser...

1 year ago
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Taken But not Robbed

I should have never cut through the park but I was in a hurry to get to my girls house. Just thinking about the pussy I was going to get caused my cock to start to get hard. So wrapped up in my thoughts of the fucking I was going to get I never realized anyone else was around until they grabbed me and stuck a gag in my mouth. They pulled me off the path and into a spot surrounded by high bushes. I noticed there was some sort of old table setting in the middle of the place. "Quit struggling or...

Erotic Fiction
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Becumming a School Girl rewrite

Be-cumming a School Girl - RewriteFrom the time I was 5 or 6 I would sneak into the lodger’s bedroom after she had left for work. I would dress up in her lingerie and climb into her warm bed. It just felt so good wearing silky clothes which felt so delicate against my skin. I just loved to feel feminine. If anyone looked in I would pull the covers up to my neck to hide what I was wearing. A few years later I would be wearing my elder sister’s panties and occasionally my mother’s when she was...

3 years ago
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Joeys Ultimate Exposure

Joseph is a shy college student, seemingly your textbook nerd at first glance. He's on the short and skinny side, making him appear much younger than he actually is. This isn't helped by his utter inability to grow facial hair and his limited wispy, pale body hair, much to his embarrassment. He has curly red hair, freckles, thick coke-bottle glasses and braces. He manages to fly under the radar, but he has two big secrets! The first is his penis. His overall childish appearance made him...

2 years ago
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 68

"We can only put it to them, and let them decide, as a family. Wait until we have eaten, then we can take them aside and put it to them." The Lubbock family arrived mid-afternoon, father driving the tractor, and mother and Susan in cushioned benches in the trailer. The seats were complete with restraining belts, for protection from the many bumps and hollows in the farm tracks being used. On their arrival, they were offered a comfy seat on which to recover, and a cup of tea or coffee plus...

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HobyBuchanon Vanessa Vega Vanessa Vega Rough Anal Sex Squirting And Ass Eating

Sexy tatttooed Vanessa Vega stopped by to see the Face Fucking King for rough anal sex. We start off with her blindfolded, collared and leashed. I fuck her face and she starts gagging. I finger her and she squirts everywhere. I start fucking her tight pussy roughly. I stand on the couch and fuck her face and have her eat my ass. She says the cock is too big for her throat. I bend her over and pound her from behind before flipping her upside down on the couch and throating her repeatedly. I...

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If Its All Done in Love

The marriage of Howard and Chyna took place by what might be called an unexpected piece of good luck. Howard had been casually dating Chyna’s older sister Maureen, and Howard on the chance that she might be free for the evening had called at her place. It was Chyna who opened the door to him and she informed him that Maureen had already gone out on a date. Disappointed because he had hoped to release some of the pressure that had built up in his boiling, anarchic and self-indulgent Id, he...

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It is time for your yearly check up so you call your gynecologists office to make your appointment. You are surprised to be told that your doctor is now semi-retired but that there is a new doctor now taking over his practice. You agree to see the new doctor, Dr. Bill, and are given an appointment for the following week. The morning of your appointment you are feeling quite horny and debate pulling out your vibrator. A glance at the clock assures you that you don't have time so as you are...

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family Guy Was it a dream or was it real

As they stepped into the shower Quagmire watched as Lois’s hair became wet, water cascading all over her, dripping down her slim body. He couldn’t believe it his best friend Peter Grrifin’s wife was in the shower with him. “giggity” “giggity” “giggity”, Being naked, he could not hide how hard and horny he was, and Lois’s pussy moistened when she noticed the size and thickness of it. she had heard about it’s size but now she could see it for herself, She smiled at him, putting her arms around...

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Kate Bishop and the Tracksuit Mafia

“Why the hush hush? You said that the city was free of the archer.” the goon replied to his boss, referring to the first Hawkeye, Clint Barton. “Yes, but there’s still a Spider crawling about, a devil, and the other archer.” Dmitri replied. The only vigilante he was worried about was the other archer, Kate Bishop. She had foiled his last few attempts to regain a foothold back in NYC for the Tracksuits. Other 22-year-old girls were out having a grand ol time, but Kate found her happy place in...

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It was porn on tv

I felt for the key in my pocket. With a grocerybag in one hand as i finally entered the key and unlocked the door. Prior to lay a little heap of advertising. I put down the bag with the food and pulled off my jacket, picked up the bag and advertising. Inside the kitchen, threw the advertisement on the table and began to pack the food in the fridge and freezer.When i was finished i settled down on one of the chairs around the table. I checked quickly through commercials before i became bored and...

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1015 Special Jill Joins The Family Fun

For the last three weeks leading up to Jill's Sixteenth birthday, she had driven her father and brother mad with the non-stop teasing and flashes of her hot body. So much so that on three occasions her mother had to speak to her about the serious health risk to the male members of the family. She stressed that if Jill continued both her father and brother would end up in hospital with high blood pressure or worse a heart problem. Finally Jill agreed to cool the flashing until after her...

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Deep and Lovely Dark Chapter 9

"This is not your fight!" Said Vlad. "I wont let you get hurt in a battle that has nothing to do with you!" "Eckhart will try to hurt you by getting to me! Like it or not, this is as much my fight as yours and I have a right to try and deal with it!" "That's how it starts! That's how it always starts. People get to close to me, they feel that they need to prove something to me! Then I see myself standing over their grave! It would have been better if you never met me!"...

3 years ago
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Lynn wants more of shaunrsquos dadrsquos cock

After leaving Shaun’s house I went home and took a shower and as I was rubbing my tits and pussy all I could think of was the dad’s big black cock and the way he pounded my pussy it felt so fucken good. He fucked me the way I like getting fuck he made me cum several times and I could not believe he was so fucken deep inside my pussy fucking me hard and me telling him yes fuck me harder. His cock was so fucken thick and long I never had a cock that big and my pussy loved every inch of it. I...

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A Secretary Cum Slut

Tonight I was all alone in the office. Since the past week, I decided to do overtime to earn a little more. I was nineteen years old and was working hard to be an independent girl. I was feeling tired, but I had to work more. As there was noone in the office to keep an eye on me, I decided to take a few minutes rest. I got up from the chair and went to the washroom to freshen up. I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I looked tired but still fuckable. I always find myself quite sexy...

Office Sex
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Twin Escapades

Cara and Tara had always been inseparable twin teenage girls, but now that they were fresh out of high school, they decided to get part time jobs for spending money when the time came that their parents would send them off to college. Cara got a job at a shoe store in the mall. The interview was easy, and she knew she would be hired. The Manager could not take his eyes off her legs. “Now that you’re nineteen, Cara,“ he said, “I would expect you to wear pants in the store, or at least skirts...

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The Crucifixion Whipping

Melissa's parents had been killed in an automobile accident, and she had been placed in foster care at the local Catholic Orphanage. Melissa had been depressed about her parents recent death, and had wanted to die as well, so as to join her parents. The priests at the Orphanage were very strict, and this had depressed Melissa even more.Melissa was eleven years old, and was already quite the sketch artist. Melissa's pictures had changed of recent since her admittance into the orphanage. She had...

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Introduction: Ali has related many of her sexual experiences to me over the last couple of years. But the one she told me last night was even by her liberated standards – extraordinary. I had left for the University a little late one morning in late spring, due to a late lecture and some student tutorials later in the day. I left Ali to her morning workout and steam. She worked regularly out on her Stairmaster and Cardio Glide machines for half an hour. She has lost an enormous amount of weight...

4 years ago
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Magnificently Lusftul Seven Ch 1

Rathgar groaned in pleasure, his muscular arms wrapping around Shakara’s toned body. Both of them warriors, Rathgar’s and Shakara’s muscles rippled and flexed as their bodies slammed together over and over again. Shakara faced the wall of the tiny cottage, her hands pressed firmly against it as Rathgar penetrated her from behind. Her long, blonde hair, usually tied into a tight braid to signify her female warrior status, hung wild and disheveled in front of her beautiful, twisted face. ...

2 years ago
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The Finishing SchoolChapter 3

In the morning, after breakfast, the school's guidance / career counsellor showed me to my new office. I would report directly to Miriam, not to Gloria or Julie, a chain of command that I could both understand and live with, and was quite a bit happier with. Apart from anything else I was very keen to not poach on anyone else's hunting grounds; this is known to often lead to chest-beating (first phase), followed by fisticuffs (phase two), and ultimately pistols at dawn or any number of...

2 years ago
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The Sexual Awakening Part 2

Saturday: I sat at the Breakfast table with my head down, as I shovelled a spoonfull of Cheerios in my mouth mom broke the silence. "So how was tits?" she asked. "I'm sorry what?" I asked not sure what I heard was right. "How was it, your birthday I mean? Get any good gifts from you friends at school?" My mind flashed back to Mrs. Macy forcefully fucking me in her office and I must've smiled because mom said "That good huh?" "Yeah it for the record books." I said with a smile....

5 years ago
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The Girl In My Dreams

The Girl in My Dreams By Andy Hollis I woke, sweating up a storm. The stench of smoke and flames from my dream still lingered in my nose. With a groan, I rubbed my mouth with the back of my hand and rolled out of bed to hurry to the bathroom. The light turned on, and I squinted throughsleep-encrusted eyes to see my mother standing in my bedroom door. ?Are you okay, Will?? ?Bad dream,? I mumbled and tried to get around her. ?I?ll be right back.? I stumbled down the hall to...

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Aunt Karen www

Aunt-Karen (found in www) author unknownWhen I was 14, my parents went away for a 2 week vacation and made arrangements for me to stay with the next-door neighbors while they were gone. The neighbor had a son close to my age, that I was good friends with, so it wasn’t bad for me. My friend’s name was Dave, and he lived with his single mother who I called Aunt-Karen. She wasn’t my aunt, but that was how I had been brought up to refer to her. Aunt-Karen was attractive, although certainly not...

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An Incest Birthday Chapter 12

NOTE: THERE ARE SOME SPOILERS ABOUT THE MOST RECENT “FRIDAY THE 13TH” MOVIE THAT CAME OUT, SO IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT AND DON'T WANT IT TO BE RUINED FOR YOU THEN SKIP THE MOVIE SCENE WHERE THEY WATCH IT.I woke up against my will to the sound of a door opening and then my phone ringing. I looked at the caller id and saw it was mom, so I forced myself awake and pushed talk.“Hey mom, thanks for the wake up call,” I said sarcastically.“Its 10:00 in the morning, you should be getting up anyway,...

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Kidnapped Sex SlavesChapter 8

Devon's third show had not been with Brigitte. Instead, wearing the same schoolgirl outfit, she'd been raped and ass fucked by a tall, muscular black man. The man had roughly stripped her, pushed her flat on the low stage and spread his weight on top of her. Then he'd roughly sodomized her as the men stood around and watched in amusement. He had been so much bigger than her that he'd crushed her beneath his weight. His cock had been long and thick and had hurt badly as he'd pumped it in...

2 years ago
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The Orlando Trip Part 1

I finished packing about 7 pm as I put the suitcase on the floor leaving it open because I needed to add a few last minute things in the morning. My plane left for Orlando, Fl at 7:30 in the morning. I went to my bedside table and took my favorite dildo and some ky jelly and dropped them in and just stood there, thinking. I met Mack on the internet and we have chatted for quite some time but now it was time to actually meet him. I really had mixed feelings about it but the good news was...

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BangBus Amirah Styles Fit For Fucking

This week on the bus, we got Amirah; she was walking to lunch. We offered our classic deal tits for cash; this intrigues her. She stops to chat with us for a bit. We learn she’s not like a regular girl; she’s a cool girl. We let her in the bus, and after giving her a lot of our money, she flashes her boobies. They are pleasant and big and natural. She jiggles them around; Tyler wants to touch them. He gets an instant hard-on. He whips out his juicy cock, and she starts sucking the...

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Cinema Slut

I wandered the streets of London in torment, desperate for a fuck. My sex drive, you have to understand, is immense. I could go quite a long time without it, but once I was aroused it needed far more than a quick grope to satisfy it. Right now I needed cock like a diabetic needs insulin. I walked past the crowds in Piccadilly Square doing my best to catch the eyes of men, but to no avail. I was beginning to feel lost and unwanted, in a way I hadn't for years. I managed to board the tube and...

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The Chastisement of Richard Hornsby

The Chastisment of Richard Hornsby The Chastisement of Richard Hornsby This is the story of a young man who had it all, who drifted into a life of crime and suffered painful correction before coming through to become a model citizen. At the age of 25 Richard Hornsby was on top of the world. The young man, the son of a successful businessman had plenty of wealth, good looks that would attract the hot babes, and a playboy image that was well deserved. He liked to use the girls and discard...

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BlacksOnBlondes Jessica Jones 09052017

Jessica Jones is a VLOG’er. If you don’t know what that means, welcome to the 21st Century! Jessica creates “video blogs” for her fans. They love her “channel”, mainly because Jessica is a hot blonde with nice tits and a beautiful ass, and she loves to show them off. Her fans also love The Jessica Jones Channel because she interviews porn stars. Not just any porn stars. She goes after the “black male talent” in the porno biz. She finds them...

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TandraChapter 25

"I saw in Samantha's mind, that there was a large pen that was used to house almost 27 of you. I think we will take a little trip and see what we can do about this. If you haven't guessed by now, I take exception to people hurting others for fun." "That is somewhere around Leitchfield I think," said Patty for the first time. "Thank you Patty. We should be there in a few minutes." "Mom can you piece the views each of them has of the area and other information to make a good guess...

2 years ago
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Leda and the SwanChapter 4 Zeus and Leda

Rick answered a knock at his door. Brenda handed him the legal pad. "My second draft," she announced. "That was quick. How late were you up?" "All night." "You haven't been to bed?" "Nope." "You must be exhausted." "I'm invigorated," she replied, "energized. If the first draft came out like a torrent, this one came out like a tsunami." "Such an effort deserves immediate attention. I'll read it right away." Brenda bit her lip. "I'll be in the apartment..." He...

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Spirit QuestChapter 11

I sent a missive to Clovis requesting permission to purchase large tracts of the just conquered Eastern Roman Empire. Along the coast in what would be modern Lebanon I wanted to grow bananas. Along the coast in what would be modern Israel I wanted to grow sugar cane. Along the Nile valley, it would be cotton, sugar cane, and bananas. Land around Constantinople would be for growing a delightful spice as of yet unknown in Europe, Asia, and Africa. My query received a positive...

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Neha Bhabhi Ko Choda Ghar Bula Ke Choda

Hi dosto main ajay main main 24 saal ka hu main agra main rehta hu, main is site ka bahut bada fan hu aaj main apni story aap se share kar raha hu (meri id hai pasand aaye toh rrply karey koi bhi bhabhi ya aunty mujhse chudwana ya sex chat karna chahey toh mere emil id par msg karey main sab secret rakhunga)( sirf agra ). Toh story pe aateyhai pls puri padey maza aa jayega, mere pados mein ek ladki rehti (aarti) hai jo mujhse umar mein kuch saal badi hai main ussey ghar bula ke kai baar chodta...

4 years ago
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Jungles of AwanilChapter 8

Standing in the bedroom, Gavril was pulling down the sleeves of his jacket one last time as he tried to compose himself in the mirror. He heard the doorbell ring and knew that all good things must come to an end. The last 36 hours had been one of extremes — from memorization and drill to delicious debauchery. How a young lady of better society knew so much about great sex was a mystery that Gavril hoped would tease him for years to come. Being a boy-toy for a few hours had many worthwhile...

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The SisterhoodChapter 3

As she had been away from home for several days, once back in her house in Pacific Grove, Jane took a long hot, luxurious bath. But the package on her table seemed to call to her. She ignored it as being a figment of her imagination. She went to bed. She awoke in the morning feeling very odd. Something was inside her. In her vagina! It hurt like hell! What the fuck? She managed to get hold of the jagged edge with her fingers and remove the object. It was the rod from the cavity. As she...

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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 22 Together

Helen was not exactly drunk or even tipsy, but she’d consumed enough wine to make her relaxed. In Danny’s room she undressed before him without a hint of self consciousness and slipped a short nightgown over her head. She blew him a kiss and then swayed into the bathroom. Danny made use of the time and undressed to his shorts before he stowed away his tuxedo in the closet. He fluffed the pillows and switched on the bedside lamps before killing the ceiling light. With the shower going in the...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 224

The fifth soon became the tenth and then the fifteenth. The last of the employees for the security division, the last of the office equipment and the last of the cars were on their way to their destination. The final college was now fully staffed. Two hundred and fifty full time employees and an annual budget of over 32 million with a responsibility for the safety of over 12000 students were now on JBG Security. After five months of planning and a grueling training schedule, it was coming...

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Testing my wife8217s fidelity

Manisha and I have been married nearly two years and everything was great. One morning we were just waking up when Manisha said that she had strange dream. I asked her about it and she said that she dreamed about someone from work. That caught my attention. I asked, “you mean a guy? Is it somebody you know?” “it was a guy from work. I don’t really know him; he is just someone I see at the office occasionally.” Even through my sleepy eyes I could see Manisha was blushing. “and what were you up...

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Girl With A Dick

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers, I am Rahul, a bisexual top, I like getting sucked especially by cd’s , shemales and bottoms, once I was in Mumbai, when after work decided to check out the nightlife, I went to a bar in Colaba, I was like on the bar stool sipping my drink when I met a girl, Reshma . She was fair, good looking with her nose pierced, she had a deep voice, long hair and fantastic breasts that could be seen from her low cut blouse and an ass to die for. I bought her a drink...

Gay Male
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To Really Know Someone Chapter 2

To Really Know Someone: Chapter 2She starts to shift in the spot she woke up in, the cold dampness of her surroundings becoming more obvious the more she moves. Suddenly, something rattles and a weight on her arms seems to shift when she lifts them. Looking down at her hands, the feeling of the shackles fastened tightly around her wrists registers in her head.“What the...?”“I'm sorry...”* * *“We're coming up empty Buff.”The three main screens of the Slayer Command Centre show various live feeds...

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