Shasta's TaleChapter 2 free porn video

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The walk to the governor's mansion followed a gentle climb and the road surface was well tended but Shasta's foot began hurting nonetheless. At one point it caused her to stumble and without thinking she grabbed at the only thing nearby to steady herself; that happened to be Nesho's arm. Nesho wasn't expecting that and with her very large pregnant belly she also stumbled slightly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, mistress!" Shasta cried.

"No harm done, child," Nesho said as she regained her balance.

"Is everything all right back there?" the governor asked over his shoulder, stopping short and looking back.

"Everything's fine, dear," Nesho said absently. She frowned and looked down at Shasta's foot. "What's wrong with your foot? Shasta, isn't it? Can you walk on it?"

"It's fine, mistress," Shasta said pulling her foot back under her skirt and out of the woman's view.

"We'll see about that," Nesho said with a huff. "Dent dear, would you please help me here?"

"Of course, love," he said walking back to them. "What do you need?"

"I need to look at her foot," Nesho answered. "I saw her limp of course, but now she seems to be having trouble walking. I'd like to see what the problem is."

Embarrassed Shasta looked around for somewhere to sit down since it appeared she wasn't going to have any choice in the matter. Seeing nothing was immediately available she had decided to squat on the ground when she suddenly felt an arm lock around her back and another under her knees as she was lifted off the ground. She squeaked as she was held aloft and turning her head she found herself only inches away from a pair of pale blue eyes the color of winter ice. For the second time in less than an hour she felt pinned by his gaze

"Well, that's one way to do it," Nesho chuckled as Clarise and Sosho giggled.

"There wasn't anywhere for her sit," The governor said affably. "This seemed the easiest solution."

"It doesn't hurt you get to carry around a pretty girl, now does it?" Sosho said from behind him.

"A bonus of the job," he agreed.

"Actually this works out very well," Nesho said as she worked off Shasta's sandal. "Gods, girl! What did you do here?" The sole of Shasta's foot was almost one continuous bruise.

"It's nothing really mistress," she muttered, turning bright pink.

"Nonsense!" Nesho barked. "How did you get this?" Nesho's vehemence surprised Shasta and she unconsciously pressed herself into Dent's chest. When she realized what she was doing she started shaking and moved back away.

"It's all right," he said kindly. "She didn't mean to scare you."

"I'm sorry, dear," Nesho said contritely. "He's right; I didn't mean to scare you. But I do want to know where you got this. Is your other foot the same?" Without waiting to hear Shasta's answer Nesho started to peel off the other sandal. The sole of that foot was discolored, but not the same extent as the first.

"Hmm, not as bad," was Nesho's verdict. "Now, where did you get these bruises?"

"As I told you before." Shasta was doing her best to ignore the fact she was being held up off the ground by a man to whom her weight seemed little more than a child's. That and the distracting warm breath of his that seemed to tickle her neck. Pushing those thoughts aside she continued, "Mongue enjoyed giving pain. One of his favorite ways of doing it was to beat the bottoms of our feet. It was painful but I've lived through worse. I can walk on my own!"

"Hmm, maybe..." Nesho started thoughtfully.

"Doesn't matter," Dent broke in. "It's only a kilometer or so to the house. We'll get you up there and find you somewhere to sit and Nesho can have a proper look at it." With that he started walking up the road still carrying the protesting woman.

"I can walk by myself!" she shouted.

"Master," Clarise said walking beside them.

"What?" The interruption surprised Shasta enough she stopped protesting long enough to ask.

"I can walk by myself, Master," Clarise repeated.

"Clarise," Dent chided. "Now isn't the time or the place."

"But Dent..." Clarise started, but with a look from him she just gave a little "harrumph" and "Of course, Master."

Dent looked down at Shasta and grinned. "It's amazing. With all three of them it's 'dear, ' or 'love, ' or even 'sweetheart, ' until I do something they don't like. Then it's Master this and Master that, until it's coming out of my ears."

"Well, you have a position to think about," Clarise sniffed. "You aren't just any meat-headed warrior gallivanting off to wherever he chooses; you're the Governor of Safehaven, a highly responsible and respected station. You deserve proper respect be shown you and that includes your servants addressing you properly."

"Like when you called me a ham-fisted buffoon last night?" he said teasingly.

"I did not!" she exclaimed with mock anger. "I called you a clumsy, ham-fisted buffoon. After all you did break my hand mirror."

"Yes, but that was only because you didn't put it away and then jumped on me..." The bantering continued as they walked with Nesho and Sosho joining in from time to time. Sometimes the three of them ganging up on Dent; other times it was two against one, or all three against each other. It was obvious that it was all in play though.

This confused Shasta almost as much as anything else had on this very baffling day. For the ten years she had been held captive she had never seen this kind of interaction between slave and master. It reminded her of how her parents used to act between themselves back before her world had been ripped apart. Lulled by the gentle rolling gait of her "mount" coupled by the letdown of her post-adrenalin rush she actually drifted off to sleep...

"The poor thing." Shasta woke not knowing where she was. Startled, she opened her eyes and realized she had been leaning her head against the young governor's chest. Struggling upright, or as much as one could when being carried, she looked around. They weren't moving and she was surrounded by three pairs of eyes looking at her anxiously, all right, four sets of eyes, but she tried to ignore him.

"Let's bring her inside," that was Nesho talking. "At least we can get her a seat and give your arms a rest."

Shasta felt more than heard his rumbling chuckle. "She barely weighs anything. But you're right, of course. We should get her inside so you can get a good look at her feet."

"And everything else," Nesho sniffed. "If her feet are this bad I hate to think what else we might find."

"Then best be at it quickly," Dent said and he turned toward the mansion Shasta just now noticed. It was big, or at least it was going to be big when finished. To Shasta's untrained eye it looked to be about two-thirds complete. One wing appeared completely finished while the other wing still had framing showing here and there. It was going to impressive when finished, but without the gaudy distractions found on so many of the noble houses in Harv'el.

With no fanfare at all the four walked up to the front door, the fifth still being in transport as it were, and entered. There didn't seem to be anyone in the foyer, but there were a number of overstuffed chairs. Dent gently lowered Shasta into one and stood up stretching his arms and flexing his muscles.

Nesho squatted down in front of the girl until Dent pulled another chair over for her to sit. Nesho looked at the girls feet again and then scanned her hands, neck and face; everything that wasn't covered.

"I'm going to need to examine her," Nesho said finally. "I need somewhere private."

"Why don't you wait until the O'Tech technician gets here and fits her with the salidin?" Dent said.

Nesho looked up at him sharply. "Why? You couldn't possibly think she could be a danger, do you?"

"Not with the salidin," he replied firmly. "This one has the fire, and remember just what she was on trial for."

"But..." was all the Nesho got out before Dent raised his eyebrows at her. She gave a little sigh and just said, "Yes dear."

Dent nodded and smiled. "It won't be very long. I sent for one before we left and they usually respond fairly quickly." Just as he finished speaking there was a sharp rapping on the door. Dent started towards it but was almost bowled over by a young woman running through the entrance hall.

"I'll get it, Master," she said breathlessly.

"All right, don't mind me," he said with a chuckle.

The maid opened the door and in strode an elderly gentleman. He had a smile that seemed to fit his face like it had never left and when Sosho saw him she squealed and rushed over giving him a big hug.

"Don," she said gleefully, "I didn't know you'd be coming." Nesho walked over to him at a somewhat statelier pace and was also graced with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Dent was right behind her, greeting the old man with a firm handshake.

"Don, Sosho's right. We certainly didn't expect to see you come for this little task." Dent grinned, "But I'm certainly glad you did. We don't get to see you often enough."

"Well," the old man said handing his bag to the maid, "when the governor calls it's best we answer quickly. Besides it gives me a good excuse to get away from the youngsters and see all of you again. We have been busy getting the new station set up and I'll use any excuse to get out for a while. Now I understand you want someone fitted," he said looking over at Shasta still sitting on a chair.

"Yes." Dent followed Don's look and nodded at Shasta. "There's a little story behind this one..."

"Oh, I heard all about it from Clem." Don shook his head and chuckled. "Interesting things do seem to happen around you; that's for sure. Killed her master, did she? I think we can take care of that. Do you want to do it right now?" Dent nodded and Don motioned for the maid to hand him his bag again. After retrieving it, the four of them walked over to the seated girl. Shasta looked up in dread and tried to scrunch back into the chair as much as she possibly could.

"Hmm, you do seem to pick the pretty ones don't you?" Don looked at Dent a raised his eyebrows, Dent blushed while Sosho and Clarise giggled. Crouching down he looked her in the eye. "Now don't you worry, sweet thing. This won't hurt a bit, not you anyway." Looking back up he asked, "To whom do you want her bonded?"

"Given the circumstances, I think it better be me," Dent said.

"Fine. Stand up here, little one," Don said to Shasta. "Let's make it easy on an old man."

"Can you do it with her sitting?" Nesho asked. "I'd rather not have her standing right now."

"Well, we could. But it would be easier..." Don glanced down at her bare feet and noticed the heavy bruising. "Oh! Oh my. Yes, well, we certainly can do it with her sitting. My dear, where did you get those?" he asked Shasta, pointing at her feet.

"Her previous master," Clarise hissed, making the word master sound like a curse.

"Hmm, yes, I understand a little better now," Don muttered, the smile completely erased from his face now.

"Shasta," Dent began, "this is Don teNeigho, an old friend of ours. He will be fitting you with your salidin. It won't hurt you but after you have it on there won't be any question about having you in our household. I understand why you did what you did, but without this I can't allow you in my household. It would please me if we could do this without trouble."

Shasta's face clouded up like the mere thought of doing something to please her new master was against her very nature. Looking up at Nesho she saw the older woman nod and smile. For some reason she felt she could trust this woman and, biting her lip, she nodded.

"Excellent!" Don said. Rummaging through his bag he brought out two boxes. From the first he retrieved what looked like a long thin ribbon of metal the color of dull pewter. From the second box came another box the same color as the ribbon.

"Dent," he said, "would you do the honor?"

Dent nodded and took the metal ribbon from him. Nesho bent and gathered Shasta's hair together and held it away from her neck. Smiling and looking Shasta in the eyes Dent leaned over and wrapped the ribbon around her neck. Shasta couldn't see what was happening but suddenly the ribbon was snuggly fitted on her skin. She expected it to be cold, or at least cool, but surprisingly it felt warm and soft, not at all like she thought metal would feel. Don plucked a large needle out of his sleeve and Shasta involuntarily grimaced.

"Don't worry my dear," Don said soothingly. "This isn't for you." Dent stuck out his thumb and grunted when teNeigho jabbed it. A large drop of blood welled up and Dent smeared it on the metal band around her neck.

"Almost done," Don said. Holding the smaller box next to her neck he placed his own thumb in an indention on its side. Immediately the box turned a beautiful golden color, the same color as the salidin around the necks of the other three women.

"That's it," he said standing upright. "Now it will take awhile. I don't think the bonding will be quite as easy as your other two. But hopefully not quite as long as someone else's we know of." Clarise turned red and looked a bit sheepish at this.

Shasta started to feel a bit funny. Certainly no pain, but it was still very strange, almost like she had drunk a couple of glasses of wine and had it go straight to her head. The feeling started around her neck, she reached up to touch the band around her neck without thinking, but it quickly spread throughout her entire body. In fact, not only was there no pain but the pain in her feet soon receded until there was only a dull feeling; like there should be pain, but it didn't hurt any longer.

"You should probably take her somewhere to rest," Don said. To Shasta his voice sounded like it was coming from far away. She could hear and understand him, but it was as if she wasn't part of what was going on anymore. It wasn't a bad feeling; in fact she felt kind of silly and started giggling.

"She looks like she been drugged," Shasta heard. She thought it was Sosho, but she couldn't be sure.

"Very likely." That voice she recognized; it was the governor. How ridiculous, she thought, a governor as young as she was. She almost laughed at the thought. Looking up at him she tried to focus on his face; she could but it took some effort. Try as she would, she couldn't remember why she had been afraid when she first saw him.

"I think she needs to get some rest." That was the older woman, Nesho. Nesho was leaning over her as best she could and looking into her eyes. The care and concern that look conveyed reminded her of someone, but she couldn't remember whom. "Where do you want to put her?" That question was directed at Clarise, the young blonde standing next to them.

"Well," Clarise said thoughtfully. "I believe Katern has an empty bed in her room. We can put her there for now at least."

"I still don't want her to walk for awhile," Nesho reminded the crowd.

"No problem," Governor Dent said. Bending down he scooped up Shasta and again followed Clarise as she led him deeper into the house. They passed workers cleaning up or putting finishing touches on trim who greeted them with a "Mistress Clarise," or "Governor." The work on the residential side of the house was almost complete, Dent insisted on that before allowing the construction of the "public" wing to proceed past the initial framing. Dent could feel the girl in his arms relax moment by moment as they walked down a well lighted hallway reminiscent of the dormitory where the live-in students stayed at his old academy. Clarise stopped at a door and knocked. Hearing no reply she opened the door and beckoned Dent to follow her in.

The small room contained two beds, wardrobes and a small table. It was very neat although one half was obviously occupied since numerous items were visible. A vase with flowers, combs and even a book were arranged neatly on the table or next to one of the beds. The other bed was made up with linen already, but seemed empty compared to the other.

"Lay her down there," Clarise said pointing to the unused bed. "She can rest here. I'll have Katern see to her in a little while." Clarise picked up a blanket that had been folded on the foot of the bed and shaking it out pulled it up over the dazed girl when Dent laid her down. Shasta looked up at her puzzled.

"You just rest here," Clarise said patting the cover. "I'll be back in a while; we have some things to discuss. But that can wait until you feel up to it."

Clarise moved over next to Dent and giggled when he pulled her into his side and gave her a kiss. Putting her arm around his waist she tugged him toward the door.

"You did well today, Master," she said as they moved out into the hallway.

"I hope so," he replied as they walked down the corridor.

Shasta barely heard their footsteps as they faded away. Then the emotional drain of the day and the bonding finally caught up with her and she dropped off to sleep.

Shasta woke with a start suddenly afraid deMongue would find her lying down and asleep, a guarantee of rougher punishment than was the usual. The memories of what happened came rushing back to her and she struggled to sit up, her eyes darting around the small room. Wide awake now she realized she wasn't alone in the room. Sitting with her legs crossed under her on the bed across the room was another girl staring at her intently. The girl was about her own age, Shasta guessed, brown hair and rather petite, pretty in a rather ordinary way with a heart shaped face and very large brown eyes.

"You're finally awake," the girl said. "Good. I was afraid you would sleep the day away and miss the evening meal. How do you feel?"

"Ah, fine I suppose," Shasta answered slowly.

"Good. Mistress Clarise wanted to talk to you when you woke up, but..." the girl giggled and covered her mouth with one hand. "She's, ah, busy right now. I guess that leaves just the two of us for right now. I'm Katern, by the way."

"Uh, I'm Shasta."

"Pleased to meet you," Katern said unfolding her legs and letting them come to rest on the floor. "The mistress said if you felt up to it you would probably want something to eat. Are you hungry?"

Shasta's stomach rumbled at the thought of food and she smiled involuntarily when Katern giggled again.

"Well, supper for us will start soon, so why don't I show you where the privies are and then we can find out what the cooks have come up with tonight?" Katern jumped to her feet and gave Shasta a questioning look. "Ready?"

"Ah, yes, I suppose so," Shasta said getting to her feet slowly. "Hmm, are we allowed to leave the room?"

"Allowed?" Katern gave her a puzzled look. "How else would we get supper? Oh, I see. You had one of them before, didn't you?"

"Them?" Shasta asked as she smoothed out the wrinkles in her skirt.

"You know, them." Katern said over her shoulder as she walked towards the door. "One of those bastards that wouldn't let you do anything without getting permission first. I was with deBabear before Master Dent took us. From what I hear he wasn't as bad as some, but it was still bad enough. The mistress said you had a bad one but she didn't have time to completely fill me in. You can do that while we eat."

True to her word Katern took Shasta to the privies first, for which Shasta was very grateful. Next she was led into a large room with a number of long wooden tables. A few people, mostly women, were already sitting and eating.

"They're the ones serving dinner tonight," Katern said pointing them out. "I was supposed to be on tonight but the mistress pulled me off so I could show you around."

Shasta thought back to the times she had been forced to serve her prior masters dinner and shuttered. "Will I have to do that?" she asked."

"I don't know what they're going to have you do," Katern answered with a shrug. She shepherded her charge through a door in the rear of the room and into the kitchen proper. She demonstrated where to get the plates and utensils. Shasta watched in amazement as one of the cooks filled her plate with vegetables and some kind of roasted meat with gravy.

"Oh, yummy!" Katern smacked her lips as they exited the kitchen back into the eating area. "Roast beef, my favorite!" She leaned over and in a conspiratorial voice said, "Don't tell the cooks but I do get kind of tired of the fish stew. I mean it's good and everything, but after you've had it three or four times a week it gets kind of old. Sometimes I wish Master Dent would be a little more demanding in his choice of foods. I swear he could eat hardtack and salt pork every day and not complain. But unless Mistress Nesho or Clarise gets peeved it's pretty much up to the head cook, and she likes fish stew."

"Why," Shasta asked between bites of the rich dark bread. "Why would it matter what they're having?"

"Because we have what they have," Katern answered. "I know, I know, that's not common, but you will have to get used to a lot of things around here that aren't common. So, what's your story anyway?"

"I... I... killed my master and the governor sentenced me to death," Shasta said looking down at her plate.

"Really?" Katern said with disbelief. "You'd better not try that crap around here!" Shasta looked up quickly surprised at the intensity in the young woman's voice. She saw Katern looking very intently at the band around Shasta's neck. "Who are you bonded to anyway?"

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I work second shift at a company, and am often coming home late at night, after spending an hour or two at the bar. On my way home from work there is a sex store on the highway, and I had previously heard from a friend that guys would sit in the parking lot there and have sex. When my nagging desire finally became to much to handle, I decided to stop and sit in the parking lot. It took me a couple of days to do it. I would get off the exit, only to get right back on, scared of what would...

3 years ago
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The Story

The StoryWhile I and my wife already had an amazing sex life and loved each other dearly, I knew Nancy’s sex drive was unquenchable. So, instead of her feeling it necessary to go behind my back for her needs, I suggested she occasionally seek other people (both men and women) when her ravenous libido needed some strange. When, broaching this subject to my wife, Nancy initially became defensive and put off. She asked if I was no longer attracted to her or had I found another woman. I quickly...

2 years ago
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Love Never ChangesChapter 5

Danny Sullivan looked at all of us entering Diamond City and simply shook his head. “Welcome back, Mister Valentine.” Nick nodded at him in passing. While we were climbing the steps, Nick looked at me. “I need to go meet up with Ellie. If you could give me a few minutes before you come to my office, I’d appreciate it.” “Not a problem. I think we have a few things to trade. I need to stay stocked up on ammo, anyway.” At the bottom of the steps that entered the city proper, Nick headed for...

2 years ago
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Sex In Venice

I had been to Venice several times and was never disappointed by its magic. Yes, there are hordes of tourists throughout the year, but what can you expect if you seek out such a preposterously over-the-top, baroque city-on-an-island? A man-made fairytale confection, doomed to eventually sink into the lagoon that surrounds it, like a latter day Atlantis.I had met Alicea on a European dating site. We 'clicked' from the word go and when I suggested a long weekend in Venice, she didn't need asking...

Love Stories
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A Story For A Rainy Day

A STORY FOR A RAINY DAY A STORY FOR A RAINY DAYEDMUNDO SLOTH  I know that you are feeling playful. You have locked the bathroom door but not before selecting your favourite outfit from the special wardrobe. You had polished the latex on the outside so it gleamed as it caught the light and talced the inner layer so that you will be able to easily slide into it.You adore the black latex maid?s dress with its high top and short puff sleeves, elasticated waist and pleated skirt that is so...

1 year ago
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a new bench

My wife got a new bench it's amazing. She told me she wanted to try something new I agreed and she told me to be at home on Fri night at 8:00. I asked why and she said youll see. I got there at 8 and she met me at the door and asked if I was ready and I replied I guess. She said heres the deal me and some friends are having a toy party and we need someone to demo toys on. I was a little nervous then she said oh you will enjoy it and if you want you can back out. Well I couldn't let her...

1 year ago
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My Fetish For Panties CH1

I LOVE dirty panties! Yes I have a panty fetish........BIG TIME!! I would like to share my experiences on xhamster here with like minded individuals or those who are just curious about panty fetishism. This is one of many chapters I would like to share, so I hope everyone enjoys! I would like to start from the begining, the first time I ever held a pair of dirty panties in my hands...........I was 8, and being an only c***d, never had the opportunity to check out girls undies before going over...

3 years ago
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I had finished school but still hadn’t landed a design job so, while I still worked the night shift at a downtown hotel, I decided to take a second job at a telephone marketing outfit. We sold a coupon booklet over the phone, discounts on things at various businesses in town. I would call from a list of phone numbers given to me, hopefully taking down an order, and then one of the delivery people would take the booklet out to the person and collect the money. It was a crappy job and I hated...

2 years ago
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I was so excited when she buried her face on my chest and I could sense she was inhaling deeper. My hand moved slowly away from thighs and upwards and smoothly caressing her belly. I pulled her more closer and tightly held her and kissed her cheek and took a deep breath. The natural aroma of her skin mixed up with the perfume that she wore was so exciting and intoxicating. She changed her posture by sitting on my lap facing me directly. Now, it was easy for both of us hug each other and...

3 years ago
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One A Day Serial Rapists Long Weekend

SERIAL RAPISTS? LONG WEEKEND ONE A DAY (SERIAL RAPISTS? LONG WEEKEND) He had planned for this weekend for a few weeks. As always, he stalked his victims for days at a time while planning his attacks. The serial rapists? m.o. had always been the same. He would pick out potential targets, and then he would find out everything about their daily habits before planning and executing his assault. His assaults were usually brief, rarely longer than 1 hour, and most lasting only about 30-45...

3 years ago
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The Torture Club

          The Torture Club(incest,bdsm,piercings, body mod,extreme,dog/f, ws)    The story was made with the help of Brian(Which I used his outline), and Kris(Adding his commits, adding more character to the story) Even those the basic outline wasn't as extreme, the added parts takes it alittle to the extreme. THe story is pretty rough especially with all the body modifications- you have been WARNED!    I was enjoying my sister's warm mouth around my cock, as I watch the TV.     I yank on my...

3 years ago
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Being Submissive To Your Lady

First of all, thanks to Indian Sex Stories for publishing my sex story, and I thank you all the readers for your wonderful response I got from my last story, Roadside fuck. So as I told you I am a doctor, a central government employee. This happened during my initial training period of getting my job.All the trainees stayed together, it was a sort of college going experience after college. So, as it happened, it was tough training during the initial days, days went by we all got used to...

4 years ago
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Satanic Mirror Its Acquisition

Synopsis: For those with ‘the gift of seeing’, the mirror takes them into a dark, satanic world of pain and sex. Dianne finds she has that gift.Satanic Mirror: Its Acquisitionby obohoboWarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any...

3 years ago
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ComrieChapter 15

After breakfast Sarah's clan returned to their compartment on Dóchas. Once inside their suite Aoife and Maeve put their arms around Rusty, trapping him between them. "Rusty my love," they said as one in a soft sweet voice, "come and lay with us." Together they guided him toward the bed, their arms around each other, hands cupping and caressing each other's ass cheeks. Once on the bed, they lay alongside one another, caressing each other. Aoife coaxed Rusty onto his back then straddled...

2 years ago
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The Perfect Husband

Previously, I told a story of how I cheated on my ex-boyfriend, at his request I might add, but he refused to believe it occurred. Needless to say, that opened a few doors for me. He lived about 7 hours away and after that I had no qualms about hooking up with who I wanted, when I wanted, but the fact was he never asked again, and even if I would say something about it he would ignore it as me trying to upset him. Finally, he caught me in the act. It was my Junior year in college. He was home...

1 year ago
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The Girl Next door

Introduction: Newly wed neighbour is taken in a fit of insane lust The young couple had bid farewell for the evening and returned to their house next door. And once again I was relieved and yet a little frustrated to see them go. With our children now grown we had time on our hands and regularly whiled away the hours with people in the neighbourhood. The couple next door were newlyweds and had moved in six months earlier. The husband Dave was pleasant and down to earth, a real honest guy. He...

1 year ago
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Watching my friend8217s mom having an affair

Hi everyone, I am Sarfaraz Khan, and I am back with another story. I’m a 23-year-old male from a South Indian city belonging to a Muslim family. I have had experiences with various women from different backgrounds and cultures. Those who haven’t read can read them here. I don’t believe in forcing or blackmailing a girl for sex but in letting her seduce you. So coming straight to my story. This incident happened when I was 19 years old and in college. Ankit was my good friend and was the same...

1 year ago
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Draining Daddy Chapter 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! This is another daddy/daughter incest story, so I hope it does not bore anyone. I doubt it will, at least. The Beginning..... Liam O'Shane was casually relaxing in his bathtub, taking his wife's wise suggestion to soak for a while, when he saw the door open, and his wife enter the bathroom, with a hairdryer, and plug it into the socket. Okay, he thought, she is going to dry her hair, but, then he realized that her hair was not wet. Was the dryer for...

3 years ago
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My sister and Me recent

Not too long ago my parents decided we hadn't spent enough time at home and planned on having a family dinner back home. I live about 2 hours away from home and my sister lives about half of that. So we all get the arrangements to head home and the next day I head out in the afternoon. I had gotten drunk the night before so I got up late but that is neither here nor there. I'm heading home and I get the urge to give Stephanie a ring and see if she may want to fool around before we get...

1 year ago
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In need

Luanne was going crazy, it had been nearly two days since her last orgasm, and if she didn't get one in a hurry she would lose her mind! Even though she was only a eighteen year old junior in high school, Luanne had been having regular orgasms for over two years, and once you start, it's like potato chips, you can't eat just one!!! She picked up the phone and hurriedly dialed Lennie Webster's number, and said out loud, "Please be home Lennie, please be home!" The receiver was lifted on the...

1 year ago
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Hallelujah Ch 03

A gurgling sound, and then it’s done. The last of the juice leaves the tube, other than a few driblets clinging here and there, and the thick, dark, mush at the bottom of the bucket is all that remains. It’s thick, purple sedimentary looking, and it almost seems biological. It’s pretty gross. I turn and lean in and tap the large glass carboy…big enough to hold six gallons…and frown. The directions that came with the kit say that after transferring the wine from the bucket where the first...

2 years ago
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Incomplete ArchiveChapter 4 Pain in the arse

Welcome to the year 2010, a future where corporate mogul's have set themselves above governments and above the law. Into this future we find Richard Whipstaff the fifth who is what the English would call "a right bastard" he is also the chairman, CEO and largest stock holder of the R'Sup corporation. Richard is 45, married, with two children as well as several mistresses. R'Sup is a multi-national mega corp that sells food to rich countries and guns to poor ones. It also pays poor people...

3 years ago
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Partners a Tiger Team StoryChapter 2

The following characters appear through out the story: Hanson, Robert J. Marine Sergeant, 5’-10’’ tall, 165 pounds, 28 years old, very short brown hair, blue eyes. Epps Marine Lance Corporal, 5’-11’’ tall, 160 pounds, 22 years old, short black hair, brown eyes Tyler Army Sergeant, Military Policeman, 5’-9’’ tall, 165 pounds, 27 years old, short blond hair, gray eyes “All right, let’s get this operation organized. We need to leave here quickly, since we don’t know how fast those who...

2 years ago
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Holiday with Mom Part 2

Continued...2nd day:[/b][/i]It was Christmas Eve had a great sessions last night, mom & me got up late from bed. We were expecting some guests, family relatives & mom's friends coming over to our house for a get together. Dad was coming back from his Mumbai business meeting and will reach home by 1pm noon before the guests arrive. Mom had said me that we will get back to our normal life style for next 2 days, since people and family are gathering. It...

2 years ago
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After a request that part .2. was too much tease and something sexual should have happened between alan (16) & Dotty (57) i`m giving in but there`s a twist.HERE IS PART .3. OF...50P I HELP AN ELDERLY LADY WITH HER STOCKINGS/TIGHTS...THIS TIME I WEAR TIGHTS WITH DOTTY. After the last disastrous helping session with "dotty's" tights, I abandoned my 50p bob a job style Saturday afternoons, as i didn't want to give in to temptation of knocking on her door, which i would of, it certainly...

3 years ago
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Mistress Hannahs Pathetic Husband Part 6

Having accepted the riding crop, Mistress Leelee seemed to understand that she was being given the opportunity to do something to me, but she was clearly lost. ‘He’s yours now Leelee. It starts with the first order. If you’re going to turn your cheating husband, a little experience with Michelle here will give you confidence. I suggest you order him to stand in front of you and work from there. wouldn’t you like to inspect him?’ Mistress Leelee seemed to understand the gravity of her situation...

2 years ago
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Adventures with Gwen Chapter 1 Thursday night

I lay in bed, head buzzing with the events from earlier, while my wife of 20 years slept beside me. She had sat beside me on the couch earlier while I was Skyping with my sister, but due to her obsession with baseball she’d had no idea that I was looking at my sister’s boobs and making plans for when we could have sex. Actually, Gwen is my half-sister, and I’d only known her for two months. She’d known about me for a few years, but had only recently gotten the nerve to introduce herself to...

1 year ago
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His Pregnant Lover Ch 11

‘That was beautiful darling,’ Matron said as she rolled out of bed. She stood in front of the mirror, ‘thank god you haven’t left too many marks. Those wives of yours love to tease. I don’t want them distracted at tonight’s meeting.’ Dave lay back and watched as she strode around his bedroom. ‘Put some clothes on, or come back to bed,’ he called. ‘I’m getting horny just watching you.’ ‘Your impossible,’ she smiled, ‘we have been up her for hours. Any way we don’t have time.’ ‘Let’s make...

3 years ago
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Meeting Ashana

I know it’s been a long time ever since I came up here to submit (although I did promise sooner). Work keeps me busy these days and equally does pleasure. And Fun and Pleasure in real world is more alluring than that of the virtual kink. Am 6ft 1inch tall, good looking guy from Pune with an athletic body. I’m humble about the fact that I do get hit a lot by girls and women, but wouldn’t mind telling it here since it gives me a kick to have a raunch with a stranger. This story is about such an...

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A Caribbean Vacation

The sun was high on this hot July afternoon. Taylor’s parents had brought her to this wonderful ocean resort as a reward for completing her first year of college. She was thrilled with the pool area and preferred it to the beach. Because she was in Mexico she could enjoy adult drinks and loved having a waitress wait on her as she lay lazily in the sun. Her young 19 year old body was already brown and her golden blond hair had become much lighter in the Caribbean sun. As Taylor stepped...

3 years ago
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Twin Switch Chapter 32

Twin Switch Chapter 32 This is a work of fiction featuring female domination and mature subjects if such stories offend or you should not read do not do so. Explicit sex is depicted beginning with this chapter again you have been warned. This work is copy written by the author and permission for personal enjoyment downloads is authorized. Any other use of this material is strictly forbidden without my permission. I can be contacted at [email protected]. Twin Switch...

4 years ago
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Peeping Mom

----- Her eyes fluttered open as she awoke. she sat up slowly, propping herself up on her elbows. Smiling happily as her eyes drifted down to her bare chest, pleased they were still perky at her age. Biting her lip, already feeling that tingling sensation that had awoken her in the first place. Glancing to her side, watching her husband sleeping peacefully. Sara tentatively reached over and brushed her fingers along his hip through the thin sheet covering his body, but all she received was...

1 year ago
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Slave to passion chapter 1 new slave

My name is sky. I'm 18 a surfer and a slave. My master is mr. Casaway but i'm to only call him sir or master or any other submissive name other than his true name. he may call me whatever he wishes. He keeps me in his basement where I have a small bed and a table where I can eat. there were a lot of torture toys and oher objects used for sex. especially chains. oddly enough we live in hawaii. He let's me go out to surf but on occasions he forces me to bring home somone that needs a good fuck. I...

2 years ago
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Pleasure Island The Bikini Chapter 7A

Hours and days of feeling the vibrations through your clit, the soaking of your panties and the pool of juices that had formed on the blanket of the bed you finally hear your release commanded from the other room and you are all too happy to comply with her wishes. "Cum for me now!" Wendy demands. You scream out into the ball gag as loud as you can. The explosion that happens inside of you is as physical as the mental release of the orgasm. You feel jets of cum pour out of you the same as...

2 years ago
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Chrismas Carol

Good morning Mr Scrooge, I’m Bob Cratchits daughter Carol my father is poorly this morning and as sent me to apologise. The wrinkled old man looked the young girl up and down, he new she was eighteen from his employment papers, fuck she looked good bright blue eyes juicy red lips and what a pair of tits she must be DD looked just great for a good tit wank.Humbug was his reply, more than likely too drunk with all that Christmas booze again humbug. Well young lady your just going to have to take...

3 years ago
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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 18

John was intrigued and curious, among other reactions of puzzlement. “I wish I knew the reason for this migration of wanderers. If they were really part of an army, I would expect them to have some expertise in fighting as a group. The ones we have encountered don’t seem to have that expertise, unless.” Maranga looked at him inquiringly. “Unless what?” “Unless they started a very long way away from here, and have lost the ones with the expertise and collected new blood as they went along....

3 years ago
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Her Petite Possession Pt 1

Kate and Emma were kneeling on the floor of their flat looking at the glass jar, both with a look of amazement on their faces. In the jar was Kate’s boyfriend, now standing at only one inch tall. Of course they hadn’t believed the woman who claimed to be able to shrink people and Kate had certainly been joking when she’d asked for her boyfriend to be shrunk for the weekend. The woman hadn’t been joking and now here they were, two twenty five year old women and a naked one inch high guy. “Are...

3 years ago
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The Monastic Court

At precisely 9 a.m, they were led into a small room and ordered to undress. They knew the Nun was watching them. She kept repeating that they were naughty fornicators and deserved a good thrashing. Once they had removed their clothing and under garments they were ordered to kneel in front of a large painting of the Abbot;they stared at the painting,at the face of the Abbot who looked very stern,his eyes seemed to bore into their very souls,searching them and probing them,they stared at the face...

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