Shasta and Erin lesbian video shoot
- 2 years ago
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The women and children were led down below decks separately from the men. There guards weren't particularly rough, but they did a considerable amount of ass groping and tit squeezing on the way. At the first touch of a hand on her ass Shasta stiffened up and started shaking. The other three just ignored the assaults until one of the marines grabbed Sosho's breast a little too firmly.
"Ouch!" she cried. "That hurt! I'm a nursing mother, you moron! These are tender!"
"Shut up bitch," the one who grabbed her said as he backhanded her across the face making her stumble. "I don't give a shit if you hurt, slut. You're a fucking slave. Who cares what you feel?"
"Hey, that gives me an idea," he said turning back to his fellow marines. "The Captain didn't say nothing about not fucking them. Let's get them in the storeroom and knock off a quick piece. It's been a few weeks since we been in port."
"The Captain didn't say nothing about fucking them because he didn't think even you were that stupid, Srecko," one of the other marines said.
"What do you mean?" said Srecko. "These are some fine looking bitches. Don't see no reason not to plug 'em."
"You really don't know, do you?" the other said with a shake of his head. He sighed when he saw the puzzled look on his comrade's face.
"It's the collars," he continued. "Do you see the collars? Those things are made of magic or something. You stick your tiny little dick into anyone of them and it's apt to be burned off, or worse."
"You're just shitting me, aren't you?" Srecko said. "I've never heard of that."
"Nope," came the answer. "See that color? When it's that color it means they're bound and you can't touch them. Just their master."
"Shit! What a waste!"
Soon after that they were shoved into a small storeroom. The door closed and locked. Nesho, who had been almost emotionless throughout the ordeal suddenly sat down on a bag of rice and started weeping.
"It's all my fault," she sobbed. "I failed. We should have left last night, but I was so tired." As one, the rest of the women surrounded and hugged her. Each telling her in no uncertain terms that it was not her fault.
"You couldn't know!"
"It probably wouldn't have mattered!"
"All of us needed the rest!" After awhile they all lapsed into silence.
"I wonder how they knew to look for you?" Shasta mused. The others looked at her puzzled. She continued, "I mean, why would they think you might be trying to escape? Especially by sea. It doesn't make sense. They should have thought we would be surprised. If not surprised, then they should have expected us to go to ground in the village, or maybe somewhere up in the hills. Why would they think we would escape by sea?"
"Maybe they just guessed?" Sosho interjected. "Or were covering everything."
"Maybe," Nesho said thoughtfully. "But Shasta is right; it doesn't make sense. That ship -- and probably there were more than one -- were in position long before the actual invasion, and with our descriptions... No, there is something very odd here."
"They must have known we were planning for an evacuation," Clarise said angrily. "That means someone had to tell them. But who? Who could it be?"
"It could have been any number of people," Nesho added. "Most of the village knew what we were planning. We just didn't expect it to get to our enemies. Foolish of us."
"It might not be that difficult to find out once we get the chance," Sosho mused. "Its true that essentially everybody knew about the evacuation, but only a few knew that we weren't going to be heading to the village with everyone else. Only Daniel and a very few others knew what we were doing."
"Well," Nesho sighed, "we know there is at least one spy out there. Silly of me, really. I spent all my time having my people looking outward; I completely forgot to look inward. I'll certainly change that as soon as I can!"
"What do you think they'll do to us when we get back to Safehaven?" Shasta asked.
"Hmm," Nesho mused. "Good question. Probably lock us up. We'll find out soon enough. It can't be more than a half-day's sail around to Safehaven. We'll see when we get there."
True to Nesho's prediction sometime late in the afternoon they heard the anchor being dropped. Soon after they were taken from the storeroom and put into a launch for transfer ashore. A squad of marines escorted them. The male guards and Joska had their hands bound behind their backs; the women were left unbound.
At the dock they were hustled off the boat and marched up the very familiar path to the Governor's Mansion. As they entered the foyer Clarise gasped in shock. The place had been ransacked! Everywhere there were pieces of broken furniture, books torn and strewn about, papers lying where they had been casually thrown. There were even holes punched in the walls!
"By the gods!" Clarise whispered. "Why would they do this? There was nobody here! They could have just walked in and taken whatever they wanted!"
"You are only used to Dent and the type of soldiers he keeps around him," Nesho said grimly. "These are an entirely different breed. They destroy just for the thrill of hurting something. At least now we know what we are dealing with."
The squad leader had left them in the foyer when they arrived. As they were looking around in dismay he returned.
"We're to take the bitches up to the general," he said to the other squad members. "Take the male slaves and chain them up outside somewhere."
"Sir," Joska said tentatively, his hands still bound behind his back. "Sir, I am a free man. A citizen of Safehaven and Jeevel."
"Not anymore," the squad leader laughed. "Welcome to Malshall! Now, take them out back and chain them up."
Turning back to the women he said, "All right, sluts, let's go meet your new master."
Sosho started to say something but stopped as Nesho looked at her and shook her head. They followed the marine up the stairs and into what had been Nesho's office. There a big man was sitting behind Nesho's desk.
"General Andrisek," the marine said upon entering. "Here are the slaves you wanted to see."
The man stood up and grinned. He was tall and broad, bordering on fat, dressed in the rich garments, visibly stained, of a noble in Malshall's service.
"Yes," he said in a deep resonant voice. "They led us a bit of a merry chase. Strip. Now!"
"But Sir!" Nesho started.
"Shut up, bitch," he said angrily. "Yeah, I know all about those damn collars of yours. I'm well aware I can't fuck you yet, but I can sure as hell have you beaten! Now, strip I say!"
Nesho and Sosho handed the babies to Shasta. Then, they, along with Clarise, began to slowly strip of their clothes until they had nothing on except their collars.
"Nice," Andrisek muttered as moved close to them, looking them over. He reached out and fondled each one of their breasts while they cringed away from him "Very nice! You know, part of our agreement was to turn the two dark-haired ones over to that shit-head in Jeevel. But now I've had a look at you I think I'll keep you for my own. At least until I get tired of you anyway."
"What about this one, Sir?" The marine said pointing to Shasta.
"Eh?" the general grunted. "She has one of those damn collars? Figures, that bastard must have put them on every one of his slaves. Don't matter. He'll be dead soon and we can do what we want with them."
"Which one of you was the old governor's top bitch?" he said turning back to the women. When none of them said anything he continued, "Fine, take the young one here out into the courtyard and give her ten lashes. If they don't start talking after that then we'll give ten each to the others. Continue that until one of them talks or one of them dies."
"I am our master's senior concubine," Nesho said quickly.
"Now see, that wasn't so difficult, now was it?" he chuckled evilly. "That was your first and only warning. Now, when you answer me bitch you will refer to me as 'Master.' Do you understand, bitch?"
"Yes, Ma—" as she tried to say the word the collar tightened around her neck preventing her from saying the word.
"Well, bitch?"
"Mas--!" again she tried but the collar again prevented the word from leaving her mouth. "I can't!" she said when she was finally able to speak again. "It won't let me!"
"Shit! Fucking bitch!" Andrisek screamed, little drops of spittle showering the woman. Reaching out he backhanded her across the face, knocking her to the ground.
Before he could do anything else to Nesho, another officer entered the room.
"General Andrisek," this new officer interrupted. "I have the initial reports from the landing force for your review. What do we have here, Sir?"
"It's those three bitches we were supposed to hold," Andrisek grunted. "With these fucking collars on they are just about useless to me."
"Need I remind the general," the younger officer continued. "The ambassador was rather insistent that they be sent to him unharmed."
"Fuck that asshole," the general grumbled. "I haven't decided if I'm going to send them on or not. What is the situation in the village?"
"The situation is optimal, Sir," the Lieutenant continued. "The village is secured; the wharfs and warehouses locked and guarded. I estimate there are abut fifteen hundred living in the village, maybe an equal number outside scattered around. With the three-hundred troops ashore and the five-hundred still afloat we should fine. The population is not exactly welcoming us with open arms, but at least there is no resistance."
"Damn well better not be!" Andrisek snorted. "Just in case, round up about twenty of the women, make them young and as pretty as you can find. They'll be hostages for the villagers' good behavior. We can always use them for ourselves; got to better than some skanky whore."
"Sir!" the Lieutenant seemed shocked. "I said there was no resistance. If we start molesting the woman they're apt to start fighting."
"Then we kill them!" Andrisek roared. "These are our sheep now and I'll do whatever I please with them! Now Lieutenant Dekyska, do as you are ordered!"
"Yes, Sir!" Dekyska said snapping to attention. Spinning on his heel he marched out of the room.
"You!" Andrisek said pointing to the squad leader. "Take these bitches downstairs and lock them up in one of the slave rooms. I'll deal with them later."
The women were taken from the room; Nesho, Sosho and Clarise still naked with clothes in-hand, and marched down to the first floor. There, they were shoved into the first room thy came to.
Before he shut the door the squad leader said, "You bitches stay in here. I'll have a guard outside the door for now. At least until I can have a lock put on the door. Stay here if you know what's good for you. The first one I catch trying to get out gets those lashings the general promised out in the courtyard." Without waiting for an answer he slammed the door shut.
"They certainly seem to enjoy using the term 'bitches, '" Nesho said with a shudder as she carefully put her clothes back on.
"Yes, and that general seems to be a bit common for a noble high up in the military," Clarise added. "I would have expected a bit more polish from someone of high birth. Certainly not that kind of language!"
"What an asshole!" Sosho growled, then she shivered. "Mama, what's going to happen to us? Do you think he could really become our — master?"
"Well," Nesho said carefully. "Our situation is, not good, but not entirely desperate either. We know Dent is alive. He seems to be in good spirits. What that means I don't know. But certainly there is hope.
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Jack and I have been best friends since he moved in next door when I was six. My name is Burt and I’m 17 years old and Jack is the same. My story starts when we were both 14.Jacks Mom and my parents are also the best of friends. Jacks mother Faye baby sat me when my parents wanted to go out or attend some function. One Saturday three years ago Mom & Dad were going to a testimonial dinner for my Dads boss. They asked Mrs. Bernard (Faye) if I could stay over night at their house, because they...
Hi, I am Nasir, 24. My Mom Rasiya, 43 is a hardcore exhibitionist and a seasoned voyeur too. she loves to show off as possible as she can according to the occasion. And she is rejoiced where she can peep in and finger herself when I take bath or masturbate or watch a porn flick or so. ditching dad before seven years he is horny as hell too. Then she found me worth using for her pleasure.She always wears low cut blouses and transparent sarees like chiffon, nylon etc…when she is back home she...
Without conscious thought, my beautiful dazed servant obediently reached back behind her and took hold of the throbbing hard shaft, placing the swollen purple tip between her cunt lips. My huge inflated penis jumped in her hand and I thrust impatiently against her as she worked the bloated cock-head up and down the full slit of her naked pussy, lubricating the long stiff member with the warmly flowing sperm that still trickled wetly from her ravaged vagina. She still had not fully comprehended...
Hello Everybody main hun Sonam Sharma. I am a very bindaas girl. Main aj apke saath apni life ki ik tedhi moment share karna chahti hu. Mera rang gora hai. My size is 34D and my ass is 36 (bahar ko haibhut). Poori figure hai 34-28-36.aur main bilkul mast girl hu. I beleive in ejoying life. Mere mama ke ladke ki marriage a gyi thi. Wo ik gaun mein rehte the.mera bhi gaon mein jane ko bhut man tha kyunki us waqt main 8th mein thi jab pichli bar gyi thi. Phir studies ke karan time nhi mila tha. To...
Jeanette cleared her throat and finally spoke up when everyone had gathered for the office meeting, "Folks, I have a major announcement to make. The rumors are true. We have sponsors here at this office, and one of them is Lucian Butler. He has already agreed to take certain colleagues with him as concubines, three so far. That's Violet, Miranda, and Melina, I believe. The other sponsor is me, but I have already filled one of my slots. As it happens, Lucian and I have agreed to work...
A couple months ago, I obtained my real estate license to help pay off college expenses. It has gone well so far and I have made some great commissions. A few weeks ago my mother asked me to fill in for her, on a showing. I told her no problem. I loved real estate and helping people with their dream residence, especially this one. It was a $25 million mansion. She told me I would be meeting the client, his assistant and their lawyer. I was stoked! On the morning of the showing. I showered,...
For many years we had heard about the *** ******, a swingers motel in Denver. Then, on a ski trip to Colorado several years ago, we decided to see for ourselves. After checking in on a Friday night, we proceeded to our room. It was a standard room, with a king-sized bed and mirrors over the bed but no extra amenities. We had been told that nothing really happens in the room unless you first visit the large clothing optional pool and large hot tub in the main building. So we unpacked and got...
Group SexContinued From Part OneMy mind was in a blur. I could not believe the events that had taken place today. First of all, not seeing my little sister in five years then having with her the wildest sexual experience of my life. What a way to start the summer. After I had finished erupting all over my sexy sister's huge tits, I managed to stagger back to my bedroom. I no sooner had crawled into bed when I felt a presence in the room beside me. I looked up in the dim light and saw Jenny standing over...
IncestIt was two years after Nicola returned to Wales that she was recalled to Kobekistan with Prince Ghasaan, as the Ambassador said, “By the direct command of His Magnificence the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever.” The ‘phone call came at half past two on a Friday afternoon and the Ambassador added, “The aircraft will land at Heathrow by four and will be serviced and ready to leave by six o’clock. The Rolls will have to leave Cowbridge in the next half hour to allow for collecting...
The following morning I awoke, still feeling tired and lazy, thinking I would just llay there and cuddle with my wives. Suddenly, I heard the front door slam open, and what seemed like a stampede to the front of the house awaking all of my wives. Immediately they all turned pale and rushed out of the house to be sick. I thought ‘Well, there go my idea of some early morning playtime.’ Getting dressed, I went out to see what all the racket was. Finding the boys out in the front room...
Introduction: A new slut to use, told from his and her view point, first time posting a story all critque welcome ((story unfolds from his and her view)) Lessons Learned (day one) Disoriented and with a pounding head ache, I attempt to open my eyes, Twisting my head side to side I begin to panic as I see only darkness. My jaw throbs as I realize there is something hard between my teeth. My arms stretched over my head. I tug hard, my scream muffled as my wrists pop, but remain in place....
"What are you doing?" William asked. From behind her cluttered desk, Victoria looked up at William. She answered, "I'm browsing the information highway." "Are you looking for anything in particular?" "Honey, the trick in this business is getting a feel for where information likes to hide. I spend a lot of time looking in the nooks and crannies of bizarre little archives scattered here and there. It is a never ending quest," Victoria answered. She glanced at the screen hoping that...
The celebration party at Anne and Lizzie’s place was in full swing, but for some reason, I just didn’t feel much like partying. Maybe I was feeling my age, maybe I was just tired from all the hours in the saddle I had spent in the last month? And maybe I was feeling a little guilty about what we had done to John? Anyway, I was standing on the patio looking out over the surrounding hills when Melody, Jane, and Beth finally found me. “Here you are!” said Melody as she snuggled into my right...
I woke alone in bed with the smell of coffee wafting into the room. I started to rise when Pam walked into the room, carrying a tray with two cups of coffee and croissants.“Back in bed, you gorgeous hunk of man,” she said, smiling at me. “We’re having breakfast in bed this morning, and you are part of the meal.”“Now what did I do to deserve this? All that beauty and to gild the cherry, domesticity?”“How do you take your coffee?”“Black as sin. Though thinking about it, I think this morning I...
LesbianI came home from work and needed to get out of my work clothes and relax so I went out on the deck turned on the hot tub, I started to go up stairs when the phone rang it was Paul telling me he would love to see me tonight, I said sure come on over I will be out on the back deck he said OK and I hung up and went up stairs took my clothes off and slipped my robe on, I went back down stairs to the kitchen fixed me and Paul a drink and headed out back, I slipped my robe off let it fall to the...
Straight SexMy sister Allison woke me with an unceremonious kick to my bed. “Wake up,” she said. “Dad and Mom went to the store and he told us to wash the truck and the car.” I rubbed my eyes, stretched and yawned. The alarm clock on my nightstand said that it was almost eight thirty. I groaned. My senior year in high school was still two months off; I hadn’t been up before nine since May. Allison had always been a morning person, though. Two years in college had changed her personality a bit, but...
Incest‘I want to make love to other men.’ ‘What?!’ I had just arrived home from a long day’s work. ‘I want to make love to other men.’ ‘You want to fuck away our marriage, you mean!’ She smiled deprecatingly, put her hand on my arm and spoke as if to a child, ‘No darling, it won’t affect our marriage. You know you were my first and only lover. Now the children have left home, I just need to experience new things’ ‘Are you a complete fucking idiot …?’ ‘Now there’s no need to use that kind of...
Tammy's Revenge By Ciindi Chapter 1 It was in the summer of 1976. Tom has just turned fourteen.He was what could only be termed as average in every respect. He was five foot seven and weighed about 127 pounds. Tom's hair was shoulder length, straight and light brown. His big eyes were hazel and adorned with thick, long lashes. Tom was involved in baseball and was a relatively good hitter and an average third baseman. He loved baseball. He loved being out in the warm sun on the...