Window Dressing
- 4 years ago
- 20
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I simply didn't know, during those days, what I should have been expecting. After the first time we'd "met" Miss had simply disappeared. I hadn't seen her on the street, nor had I even been able to find the storefront where I'd been displayed as some kind of fetish trophy. But she had come back, and she had had me prepared, I thought. Readied for something.
Replaying those scant two hours or so over and over in my head, it all felt so much more humiliating, degrading than it had in the moment. I knew I had felt the opposite of my current overwhelming ache of emptiness during each moment - her eyes had filled me, body and soul, with a sense of joy, fulfillment and destiny. Sure, I knew at the moment that spa employee looked back at me that I was not acting like a normal man but I still would have done anything she asked.
Actually, the "anything" part scared me for a while. Would I really have done anything? I didn't dare think of what "anything" might have been, or might yet be - though even that fear didn't for a moment dampen my wish that I could see her again immediately; that I could lose myself once more in those eyes.
I said "those days" but in honesty I went through life in a daze for at least six months. The memory of her eyes glowed in my mind each time I closed mine - sometimes I think they flashed into my subconscious with each blink.
I didn't bother to reschedule the date with Rebecca, my previously promising blind date. It wasn't because I still couldn't explain my new tattoo; it was because I didn't have a free thought to spare on anything or anyone but Miss.
Even recalling her previous disappearance, I fought to stay optimistic, thinking that she would come back for me. It might only be a day or two before I would again see her eyes twinkling in my doorway, before my own gaze would alight on her perfect silhouette, before I would hear the music of her exotic voice echoing in my ears.
It is embarrassing to admit, but I went so far as to keep myself ready for her. I started wearing women's panties instead of my normal boxers, having ordered quite a few and varied pairs in styles and colours similar to those she'd left me with.
I kept myself shaved as well. I tried it on my own at first, with razors or Nair (a painful mistake), before I resigned myself to the humiliation of returning to the spa. I became a regular client of Lucy's, the petit brunette who had first serviced me. She got a great laugh out of my tattoo upon my return to her, though she grew more like a sister to me over time. She seemed to appreciate my consistently generous tips and I think she sensed my deepening sadness as yet another session would come and go with no contact from Miss.
Rebecca stopped calling after a month or so and even my closest friends got tired of my malaise. Acquaintances at work would ask now and again if I was okay but that petered out as well, no doubt since my monosyllabic responses gave them nothing to work with. Perhaps they were afraid one day I would actually tell them.
I had been so sure she would return at first, but than certainty faded as the weeks went by. Hadn't I been good? Obedient? She had come back before so why not now? Was she testing me?
I didn't give up hope all at once, but rather as a very slow awakening - something akin to deep-sea divers floating slowly back toward the glistening light of the surface ever careful not to ascent too quickly, lest they succumb to the bends. Sometimes, by then, it would take me nearly five or six seconds to conjure up the detailed memory of her eyes.
My visits to Lucy became more infrequent, finally stopping altogether. I sent her another $200 in a sealed envelope addressed to her at work when I came to the realization I wasn't going back - realizing only then that I had never learned her last name, despite the fact that she shared some of my deepest secrets.
My collection of panties went into the back of my drawer, replaced once more with boxers. I didn't quite have the heart yet to throw them out but I knew that day would come. Three dial-and-hang-up phone calls later, I even managed to make an appointment to have my tattoo removed.
By now, my own mental reaction to what I'd been doing, how I'd been acting, and what I'd found myself contemplating doing for Miss had changed from excited, fearful anticipation to unbelief - almost to a kind of disgust at myself for allowing my wants, my desires, even the fabric of my life to fall under the sway of a woman I didn't know, no matter how lovely. It was like I was slowly remembering my own actions the morning after a night of drunken debauchery, feeling disgusted with myself. There were times that only the tattoo, now days away from removal, kept me from believing it had been a bad dream.
Somehow, though much begging and pleading, claiming a mental dark period due to a death in the family, I even managed to get Rebecca to see me again. I had to start over with a lunch date, moving up to drinks, then finally agreeing to a dinner out on a Friday night. I had splurged on her each time, choosing the finest establishment I could get us into.
The dinner date with Rebecca was wonderful from start to finish. The first time I heard myself laugh with her the sound from my own lips seemed so foreign, almost forgotten, that it took me a moment to recognize it. Rebecca's laughter was special too. It was it a joyous sound to hear and it lit up her face, as well as causing some wonderful tremors in the generous amount of cleavage her body-hugging dress exposed to view.
Dinner turned into drinks, and drinks turned into an invitation up to my place for a nightcap. The offer was accepted and let to a flirtatious cab ride with the adolescent high of making out in the back seat. I had to keep myself under some control, since my incriminating tattoo wasn't due to be removed until the next week, but I was definitely in the cocktail-fuelled mood for a little under-the-bra groping.
I tipped the smirking cabbie generously and led her, arm in arm, up to my condo. I showed her the view, got her settled in the living room and showed her the stereo, suggesting some mood before heading into the kitchen to open a bottle of wine.
I made my way to the kitchen to pour the wine, smiling as I heard that Rebecca had chosen a moody R&B album that was both soft and slow. As I turned into the room, my smile turned into shock.
Miss was there.
Black leather boots with spike heels stretched up to her knees, and the tight leather skirt she wore hugged her hips. Her matching corset top was laced tightly for full effect. Her lips glowed red, as though a light source powered them. She looked so out of place on the tile floor, half leaning against the countertop - out of this world, even.
And her eyes. In that fleeting moment, the months melted away. Gone was my depression, frustration, along with the resolve I'd built up. When I had gotten back with Rebecca, earning her trust once more, I'd made myself a promise to turn away from those eyes, should they ever return, but it was hopeless - I didn't even remember the desire to fight. All I wanted was to see them forever.
Her gloved finger on my lips silenced my attempt at speech. She had opened a bottle and poured two glasses of wine already, using a set of glasses I'd received as a gift years ago - they were a simple, classic shape, but each was a different coloured glass.
She leaned into me and whispered into to my ear. The touch of her breath was like honey. "Enjoy your drink with Rebecca, my Edward, and I'll be here waiting. Be careful to drink the right wine - yours is the pink one."
She turned me towards the living room and I moved out in a daze. It just couldn't be real. I needed to go back and see; surely the kitchen would be empty if I returned - besides, if she was there for real, how could I not simply stand or kneel before her, gazing into those eyes?
There had been firmness in her eyes, even as her tone teased me. I had been given a command, and I dared not disobey. I dared not disappoint her - would she disappear again?
I forced a smile as I saw Rebecca half-relined on the couch, waiting and smiling. Her dress, and her body in it, was truly dangerous but my thoughts had been redirected completely onto the beauty and power that was currently residing in my kitchen.
She giggled a moment when I handed her the blue glass, keeping the pink one for myself. I felt the heat rush to my face - I felt as exposed to her as if she could read the tattoo that marked me - yes, under the power of Miss's eyes, I was just a sissy slut.
I was fighting to concentrate on the beautiful woman in front of me as we talked and laughed. I couldn't stand to look at her face - her eyes seemed so empty and lifeless in comparison - so my eyes drifted over her body, from the cleavage that had fascinated me only moments before down to her smooth legs even more exposed as her dress rode up as she moved on the sofa.
She interpreted my looks as growing interest and leaned forwards even more, like she wanted to tease me with her assets. A giggle escaped her lips then a broad, almost confused smile spread across her lips. She managed to get the nearly empty wine glass to the coffee table before she slumped over sideways, though just like her, it slowly tipped and fell onto its side. Her eyes were wide and in their glassy wetness I saw the reflection of Miss approaching behind us.
I turned to her, almost standing for a second, but then sliding off the couch to kneel before her instead. I think I felt just a flash of anger - all the feelings over the last months bubbling: those miserable times of hope, depression, rage at how my life had been nearly destroyed - but then it all vanished, gone in one slow blink of her luxurious lashes as my knees hit the carpet.
I wondered for a moment if Rebecca was lucky enough to register the beauty, the power of those eyes - to gather up the pure joy and peace they offered - but then all my thoughts were of Miss.
She looked down on me, exposing no emotions, and in my trousers, tan shirt, loosened tie and summer sports coat, I felt completely bare before her. Finally, she spoke.
"I've been watching you, my Edward. Keeping an eye on you, and what you've been up to."
Even with these words of implied reprimand I could hardly feel the fear I should have, since watching her eyes move, slide over me and come to light with her words was sending warmth all through me. I felt like I had come instantly from winter to summer, without ever really knowing I had been cold.
"But we will discuss all of that later," she smiled, as though she had simply moved on to a more pleasant thought. "Go to the bathroom, take these and return with only them on. Oh, and my Edward, I think that based upon my conversations with Lucy that you had better touch up your legs while you're in there." She dropped a couple of items of clothing before me; I gathered them up quickly and raced to the washroom.
I decided to jump into the shower quickly, to best shave my legs, and while the water warmed, I examined the clothing she had chosen for me. It was a bra and panties, both were shockingly pink, but rather than fine silk or lace, they were made of thick, stretchy latex.
I had no time to think as I was quickly into a delicate job that I wanted to be thorough with. Even in my eagerness to return to Miss's view, I was in no mood to rush a razor around my privates. In minutes I stepped out of the steamy shower, once again as hairless below the waist as I could be without assistance.
I stood at my bedroom window, stunned by the sight of a naked, pregnant girl, framed in the neighbor's window 20 feet away. Way back then, when I was 17, you never saw a naked woman, let alone a pregnant woman, for chrissake; but there she was, standing just quietly with her hands on her hips and her big gut pushed forward. After a few frozen moments, she smiled at me, then slowly reached a hand up, making her breasts lift and swing, and pulled down the blind as deliberately as a theater...
It was a midsummer Friday night after my graduation. I had just turned 18, but still hadn't really taken advantage of my newly awarded freedom. I was rather quiet and would always take spending a night at the gym for pilates class over the wild party down the street. This just happened to be one of those nights. I walked into my living room around 8 pm. I had just finished a 45 min jog and needed a shower. I tossed my water bottle in the sink and turned to bump into my older brother Josh. "Hey,...
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Hi everybody, I hope you people didn’t forget me this is your Krishna from banglore banashankari. First I would like to thank the readers you reply positively which was a great encouragement and for those who missed my first experience find it And coming to the recent experience and sex story which actually started at my next door . As said in the title it’s a very interesting and exciting story which is like a window shopping. Yes it’s just seeing and enjoying without even owning it (in my...
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Emily leaned back in her chair, kicking the front legs up as she sipped cabernet, the deep purple wine clinging to her lips. “You seeing anybody yet?” I rolled my eyes and poured myself. “No, Em, I haven’t got time for that.” “It’s been six months. Don’t you think it’s about time you made time.” “You know how my job is. I’ve got three projects going right now, and we’re bidding on the new library.” Emily leaned forward and plucked a Gitane from the cobalt blue box. It was like her to smoke a...
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It was a midsummer Friday night after my graduation. I had just turned 18, but still hadn’t really taken advantage of my newly awarded freedom. I was rather quiet and would always take spending a night at the gym for pilates class over the wild party down the street. This just happened to be one of those nights. I walked into my living room around 8 pm. I had just finished a 45 min jog and needed a shower. I tossed my water bottle in the sink and turned to bump into my older brother Josh. ...
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Beth came home to an empty apartment. It was nearly seven o'clock on a Friday night. Her roommates, Jen and Melissa, were out. They probably wouldn't be back until the small hours of the morning, if they came home at all. It was just as likely that they'd spend the night at their boyfriends' places. After such a long day, Beth was actually glad to have the place to herself. She'd been working in the library all afternoon on a paper about the social-history of American impressionism for her...
ExhibitionismShe blew in through the door like a gust of fresh air. She strode towards the back of the line and looked around as she walked. I looked down at the newspaper spread on my table and sipped at my coffee, hoping that she hadn't seen me staring. I glanced up, looking across the room so that I could see her out of the corner of my eye. Seeing that she was standing side on to me and looking the other way, I relaxed and looked at her more closely. Today she was wearing a short denim skirt that...
She blew in through the door like a gust of fresh air. She strode towards the back of the line and looked around as she walked. I looked down at the newspaper spread on my table and sipped at my coffee, hoping that she hadn't seen me staring. I glanced up, looking across the room so that I could see her out of the corner of my eye. Seeing that she was standing side on to me and looking the other way, I relaxed and looked at her more closely. Today she was wearing a short denim skirt that...
She blew in through the door like a gust of fresh air. She strode towards the back of the line and looked around as she walked. I looked down at the newspaper spread on my table and sipped at my coffee, hoping that she hadn't seen me staring. I glanced up, looking across the room so that I could see her out of the corner of my eye. Seeing that she was standing side on to me and looking the other way, I relaxed and looked at her more closely. Today she was wearing a short denim skirt that...
She blew in through the door like a gust of fresh air. She strode towards the back of the line and looked around as she walked. I looked down at the newspaper spread on my table and sipped at my coffee, hoping that she hadn't seen me staring. I glanced up, looking across the room so that I could see her out of the corner of my eye. Seeing that she was standing side on to me and looking the other way, I relaxed and looked at her more closely. Today she was wearing a short denim skirt that...
She blew in through the door like a gust of fresh air. She strode towards the back of the line and looked around as she walked. I looked down at the newspaper spread on my table and sipped at my coffee, hoping that she hadn't seen me staring. I glanced up, looking across the room so that I could see her out of the corner of my eye. Seeing that she was standing side on to me and looking the other way, I relaxed and looked at her more closely. Today she was wearing a short denim skirt that...
She blew in through the door like a gust of fresh air. She strode towards the back of the line and looked around as she walked. I looked down at the newspaper spread on my table and sipped at my coffee, hoping that she hadn't seen me staring. I glanced up, looking across the room so that I could see her out of the corner of my eye. Seeing that she was standing side on to me and looking the other way, I relaxed and looked at her more closely. Today she was wearing a short denim skirt that...
She blew in through the door like a gust of fresh air. She strode towards the back of the line and looked around as she walked. I looked down at the newspaper spread on my table and sipped at my coffee, hoping that she hadn't seen me staring. I glanced up, looking across the room so that I could see her out of the corner of my eye. Seeing that she was standing side on to me and looking the other way, I relaxed and looked at her more closely. Today she was wearing a short denim skirt that...
She blew in through the door like a gust of fresh air. She strode towards the back of the line and looked around as she walked. I looked down at the newspaper spread on my table and sipped at my coffee, hoping that she hadn't seen me staring. I glanced up, looking across the room so that I could see her out of the corner of my eye. Seeing that she was standing side on to me and looking the other way, I relaxed and looked at her more closely. Today she was wearing a short denim skirt that...
I'm getting quotes done for the windows in the house, and the sales rep that comes round is a late 30's early 40's woman. She has her black hair tied back, a thin loose and fairly low cut blouse with a tight pinstripe skirt, mid thigh length. She has cream coloured high heels that have seen better days and either tights or stockings. She looks utterably fuckable.So usual double glazing bullshit for a while and then she goes to measure up the windows. I follow her around, checking out her ass...
It had been a little over a month since Beth (under the screen name emmahott4u23) had first encountered razr242 on the amateur webcam site. Since then, they'd kept a regular Friday night ritual. Beth, always competitive, had made a game of it. If she was able to get him to cum before she did, she considered it a win for her. If, on the other hand, she came first, then the points went to him. So far, she was ahead three to one (and that one had been close. Seeing her orgasming on camera had sent...
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As bizarre as it seems, my life settled into a kind of normal over the following weeks and months. Miss redid the decorations of the master bedroom once more, to suit her own tastes and wishes, as it became her domain, even though she did not spend every night there. The guest room, remaining as a princess room, was now mine. My new wardrobe, consisting of the kinds of outfits I had been dressed in so far for Miss's amusement, as well as various humiliating uniforms and various implements...
I have been the owner of a video store for ten years and the turn around in staff is huge. You mostly get young girls working until they finish high school and then they move on. For the most part I have limited my feelings to fantasy and masturbation until recently. Ashley has worked for me for three years and she just turned eighteen. She is one of those girls that developed very early and used it to her full advantage. Ashley stands a full six feet with breasts and an ass of a fully...
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In the late 70’s and early 80’s I worked for an industrial cleaning company, we cleaned windows etc in many heavy industries and companies in and around our area. We also did a few private houses; we did everything from clearing gutters to clearing basements and everything in between. I was in the office one morning when we got a call from a Mr Andrews he had recently moved into a large house in its own grounds and he wanted a quote for cleaning the windows inside and out, clearing all the...
It's the little things that fuck your life up. I mean you know that the big things might happen so you try to prepare for them. You try to squeeze a little bit out of every paycheck to put in savings against that rainy day you get laid off or the company you are working for goes bankrupt. You cover your house with insurance to protect you against fire, flood, and hail damage or some other disaster. You are always looking for the big things, hoping that they won't happen, but trying to be...
I stood frozen in the doorway, balancing atop six-inch pink plastic hooker heels, dressed in nothing but a sheer shortie robe with pink chiffon trim. Her presence, her voice, her beauty, and her eyes: they were the last things I had expected to find in my newly sissified bedroom. She handed me a scrap of fabric, which turned out to be a pair of panties to match my robe; they consisted of little more than a scrap of sheer mesh with a poof of chiffon and some string that might be generously...
Beth crossed the street, and entered the door that led up the flight of stairs. As she climbed, she filmed herself with her iphone, unfastening the buttons of her jacket. On the screen, razr242/Jessup was no longer lying on his bed, but sitting straight up at the edge of it. By the time she reached the top, her coat was hanging fully open. 'Let's see him ignore me now,' she thought to herself as she knocked loudly on door B. She saw him in the window of her phone stand and scurry out of the...
ExhibitionismMy cock was raging, feeling like it wanted to explode but never quite able to. I could feel a pulse of pain come with the throbbing against the hellish steel cage that came with each heartbeat. I wished I could be free of my erection but at the same time I wanted to - needed to - cum after being that hard for so long. My legs were in agony, spread and straining for so long in this position, atop the stiletto heels. I was feeling the weight of the immense fake breasts wear upon me as well. My...
Introduction: Old fashioned babymaking Cadee crossed and uncrossed her legs on the bar stool, looking nervously toward the front entrance. She was early, she knew, but she picked up her phone for the third time anyway to re-check that she had gotten the time and location correct. As excited as she was to get to know this new heartthrob, meeting a guy offline for the first time always gave her butterflies. She fidgeted, re-adjusting her dress again, this time looking up to see a pair of dark...
Sharon and I first met at a party, something neither of us had bothered with since our surprisingly civilised divorces. From the moment we met, a rapport began to build, and when it was time to leave, I asked if she'd like to come home with me. She did, and that was five years ago. We lived in a small but adequate house on a secluded farmlet, an hour out of town. With the house surrounded by scrub, it gave us the privacy we enjoyed. We had installed lighting through some of the closer areas...
XTits calls itself The Big Boobs Club, though I’m not exactly sure they’re looking for basement-dwelling members of the Reddit community. In fact, I don’t see a single virgin neckbeard with manboobs anywhere on the landing page. You fedora-heads are free to sign up for free accounts, though, especially if you’ve got some videos of big-titty sluts to share with the rest of the class.Unless you were in the retard class yourself, you’ve probably already figured out what I’m talking about....
Big Tits Porn SitesAuthor’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-100”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… If you read my last...
Disclaimer: This is part of a larger adventure story. If you reached this page as part of a reader’s choice from a previous page, continue below. If not, CLICK HERE to start at the beginning of the SexVenture. = = = = = Page 11 = = = = = You are a happy man, smiling a big smile. ‘That was wonderful, thank you. Let’s do this again soon. Until next time,’ you say softly, and then you head to the closet and find some fresh clothes to put on. When dressed, you open the door and make your way...
CHLOE'S EXPERIENCE It was one of those LA summer days where you just want to wake up, get tothe beach and just leave the whole world in peace. It was one of those wormdays where you could just wake up without worrying that something bad is gonnahappen to you. And even though the semester grades were due today, Chloe didn'tworry about them because she knew they where gonna be bad and realized a longtime ago that she gonna be punished for it. Chloe was this beautiful young girl with long blond...
Jori quizzed me as we rode, asking about my hunting experience and making sure I knew how to stalk game—and men. I assured him that, not only could I stalk game, but had brought my hunting clothing. I had clothing dyed in various colors to provide camouflage in different terrains. I even had black for hunting at night and white for hunting in the snow. The clothing had also been waterproofed in case of rain or snow. He asked about our clan’s history, and I told him the tale of them leaving...
2001 I was impatient for the lady to call me. The school was small, but that’s what we, Stacey and I, were looking for in a high school. No public school for our baby, well she wasn’t exactly a baby anymore, she was thirteen, gonna be fourteen soon. “Mister Carter?” she called. I rose from the waiting room seat I’d been occupying and went over to her. She handed me the papers: Jenna’s class schedule and a short list of other things we had to get taken care of: the standard health clearance...
(The clock points to just past eleven. Kenshin falls silent, his head bowed.) Megumi: Ken-san? Kenshin: Let me take a breath... Sanosuke: Yeah. He's been talking for over three hours. (Another heavy silence falls.) Tsubame: Um, I'll--I'll go get some more tea. Megumi: You shouldn't have to do all that yourself. I'll help. Tsubame: Thank you. Sanosuke: I'll go get us some snacks. I'm kinda hungry. Yahiko (trailing along behind him): How come you know where we keep the...
As the shuttle lifted off from the resort with Leann's and Muireann's groups, Leann looked at Muireann and said, "I didn't expect this." Laughing, Jason of Muireann's group said, "I don't think anyone did. We only have about 20 minutes to figure out what we are going to do." "Let's link with the Engineering-AI and Systems-AI like we did this morning," added Madison of Leann's group. "Makes sense," responded several. In their discussions with the AIs, they learned that only...
Earth Hillside Lake Dungeon, Ontario August 18, 2019 07:43 EDT I pulled my sword free of the goblin and looked up to see an axe flying towards me. Dodging to the right, I reached up and grabbed the axe in mid air. Flipping it around, I threw it with all my strength while activating one of my newest abilities. The axe quickly crossed the distance and lodged itself in the hobgoblin’s chest. The ability was Unerring Throw, which allowed me to throw objects with extreme accuracy, though it came...
Hi ISS readers, this is Vishal again after my sex experience with my class friend whom I have already posted in couples column, this is my next posting of sexual feelings with my cousin Chitra. Chitra is my auntie’s daughter who is 20yrs of age she must be 5.4″ tall fair and slim with good body shape must be 34-30-36 residing in Chennai. She is doing her UG in an well known ladies college in Chennai. Her house is nearer to our home and she used to come to home whenever their is a get together...
IncestSwap Week: Nicole Prepares for Swap Week By RogerGirl The next morning Nicole woke up eager to spend her first fill day as a girl. When she went to the bathroom to pee she instinctively stood in front of the toilet for a moment before remembering she was a girl now and had to pee sitting down. After finishing her business and washing her hands, she went back to her room and signed into Nick's Facebook on her laptop. As she looked through the newsfeed she found that many of the...
Chapter Three: ‘When the dealin’s done’ Nikasha threw open the door with a huge grin and launched herself out into the hall. ‘Jesse!’ She squealed with delight, wrapping herself around her husband, lean thighs gripping tight to his waist as she kissed him longingly. He laughed playfully as she smothered his face in kisses, his strong arms holding her tight to him. There was such a close resemblance to his half-brother, although with certain differences. Jesse was a few inches taller and...