MaquisChapter 44 free porn video

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Southport, West Lancashire. April, the same year

The sound of rubber-soled shoes on the concrete step was inaudible to anyone more than two feet away. To each of the four men waiting there, their own heart-beat seemed louder. One man was carefully listening at the door, while the second and third were carefully watching the door itself so that the team wouldn’t be surprised if the door opened suddenly, the fourth kept watch behind them.

No words were said, but after nearly a minute of listening using a simple medical stethoscope, the listener held up his thumb and forefinger, circled. Okay, he was saying. The second gave him the thumbs up. All four knew what was supposed to be behind this door, and knew their role. Number three now bent down and began to fiddle with the lock, which came open very quickly.

One and three eased the door forwards and, when no noise was made, pushed it farther open, moving quickly in and to the left and right respectively. The darkened room, lit only by light coming in through the windows, was mostly empty. Even when it had been a police station, this room had been nothing more than a waiting and meeting room before bobbies went out on their beat. Now, used by the Patrol, it was dirtier and a lot messier, with large quantities of litter on the floor. It was still used for much the same purpose, and had just as little in the way of furniture or other obstacles.

Numbers two and four quickly entered, number four closing the door, and bolting it from the inside. It was a single bolt, and slid easily, so would allow the men to exit fairly quickly if needed, while preventing anyone from following them in. Number two glided quickly to the only other door, number one quickly following him, and once again listened.

After just three seconds he stiffened, still listening intently. He signalled the men behind him to drop back and spread out, while he moved to his left. The door would open inwards and onto him, so provided whoever was coming towards the door did not slam it open, he would be safe behind it.

He held up two fingers on one hand, pointing to the door with the other, and indicating coming in. Number two nodded. All four men crouched down and got their weapons ready.

The door opened. “ ... ord Street. We’ll walk it in five.” A male voice was talking as the door opened.

“Better not be another fuckin’ false alarm,” grumbled a second voice. “Oh bollocks, the light’s gone again.”

The door began to swing closed. The small amount of light coming through the external door was more than enough for the four men, but not enough for the two patrollers. There were four “phut” sounds in quick succession, followed by the sound of bodies falling. Numbers two and four quickly dragged the two corpses out of the way of the door, while number one again settled down to listen.

After a while he signalled that there were about four people on the other side of the door. All were alert and active. Number two gave the nod. The door pulled open this time, and number one pulled it open slowly but silently, lying almost prone. Like the others, he was dressed completely in black, with a black balaclava, and dark goggles to hide any glisten of eyes. The door had a safety spring, designed to close the door once opened, and number one, trying to keep as far back from the door as possible to reduce the chances of being seen, was struggling slightly to keep the door open against the strong spring, yet still hold onto his weapon with the other.

The “phut’s” were even closer this time, as three men all fired two shots each from silenced pistols.

“What the?” another startled voice, the speaker just out of sight of the men in the dark room, started to say. Numbers two and three were out through the door, and four more silenced shots quickly followed. Five more corpses were quickly dragged back through the door, just as the outer door rattled as someone tried to get in.

“Shit,” whispered number four to himself, but everyone else ignored both him and the sound of the door. It was bolted, so whoever was trying to get in would have to go to one of the other entrances. It did mean that someone might investigate shortly though.

Number two quickly investigated the second office. There were two other doors, plus a corridor leading away. In theory, if their information was correct, the door closest to the corridor was a stationery cupboard.

Number two pointed at the seven corpses, then at the hoped for stationery cupboard. “There, now.”

Luckily the stationery cupboard was unlocked, and the four men quickly moved the seven corpses into their new hiding place, and not a moment too soon.

“ ... s flamin’ bolted. How we s’posed to get in or out? Bloody tossers!”

Peering carefully through a crack in the barely open door, number two saw two men storming through the main office, and into the darkened outer office.

Moments later they were back again.

“Bloody idiots,” said one. He paused and looked around, frowning. “Where’s Squad Leader Schildt?”

“Probably gone for a leak,” said the second. “I’m sure he has the tiniest bladder ever.”

Both men laughed and left the way they had come, and the four hidden men quickly came out of hiding, numbers three and four heading back into the outer office to bolt the outer door again.

Numbers one and two quickly investigated the other door leading off, to find a small darkened office. That it was occupied during the day was obvious by the desk clutter: this was the office of someone who only worked during normal office hours.

They moved back to the corridor just as the other two rejoined them. Number one, down on his haunches, carefully held a small mirror, little bigger than a dentists mirror, around the corner. He watched for about three seconds before giving the all clear. Number three put his head around the corner for all of about two seconds before drawing it back again.

“Stairs, five yards on left; opening opposite, couldn’t tell what sort. Two more doors, one each side another ten yards farther down, one door at end, another five yards,” he quickly whispered. Their information from this point on wasn’t as detailed as any of them would have liked.

Number two nodded. The stairs were where they had been told they were. He hated having to do something like this without a proper reconnaissance, and without a detailed plan of the building. It was only because the operation was being done at two in the morning, and the place would be much emptier than normal, had he, reluctantly, agreed to go ahead with the highly risky mission.

The four men moved silently into the corridor, then moved quickly back again when voices were heard once more. There was no rush on the mission, so they weren’t worried on that score, but the longer they were in the building, the more chance there was that they would be discovered.

“ ... passed them on the way out?” came one voice.

“If they headed direct there, yes,” came a second. The four intruders recognised the voices of the two men who had come through here minutes earlier.

“Well there’s no other logical way of getting to Lord Street from here.” This was a third voice, and the four men tensed.

Number two quickly pointed at number one, and sent him over towards the empty office, where he crouched down beside the limited concealment offered by a large bookcase and a filing cabinet. Number four he sent into the tiny recess by the stationery cupboard door, while number three he sent back to the door into the outer office. He himself crouched down behind the large desk. The four men waited, tense, but alert.

The three Patrollers strolled into the room, oblivious to anything going on around them. The four intruders were not seen, despite the fact that they were, to all intents and purposes, in full view. The intruders were stationary, wearing black all over, and were in the darker corners of the room. The first any of the Patrollers knew they weren’t alone, was when number three moved his arm to raise his silenced pistol. Movement draws people’s attention.


Each Patroller received two bullets in the head as numbers one, two and four each fired a double tap into their nearest patroller. With number four coming forwards to keep a look out, the other three men dumped the three new corpses on top of the previous seven. Ten men down, and still no signs of alarm. If number two’s limited intelligence was correct, there were probably no more than another ten men in the building, and probably about forty or fifty out on patrol. Since the ‘incident’ the previous month, all patrols were now done with a minimum of four, and sometimes six or eight people. It meant there were fewer patrols, but those patrols were bigger.

There was a clicking as number one quickly checked his pistol, and replaced his partially used magazine with a full one. Number two nodded, and the other three men quickly followed suit. All the men had a number of loose cartridges in pouches or pockets, so quickly topped up their used magazines, and slipped them back into velcroed pockets. They were professionals, and the smoothness and speed showed that this was something they had done many times before,

Number one again used his mirror to check the corridor was clear. He held up thumb and forefinger in an OK sign. Number four slipped silently down the corridor and paused by the opening, which turned out to be a set of swing doors, set back slightly, into another room. The doors were solid wood, so number one again got out his stethoscope and listened, while the other three ranged around him, keeping watch. After less than a minute he held up a thumb.

“Clear,” he whispered.

Number two nodded and indicated the stairs behind them, which was their destination.

Directly opposite the top of the stairs, which did a one-eighty degree turn to the left half way up, was another set of swing doors. Unfortunately one of the doors had been held open with a chair, in which sat a heavily built individual wearing the shoulder boards of a squad leader. A sergeant by any other name. He held a clipboard in one hand, and a steaming mug in the other. Beyond him was what appeared to be a staff canteen of some sort. No one could be seen, but a number of voices could be heard as could the very distinct sounds of plates and cutlery being used. At least three, possibly four. Should the squad leader turn his head, they would be seen, so the four intruders pulled back to the bend in the stairway.

“No way we can get past, Sarge,” whispered number one.

“Gotta take him out,” added number three.

The sergeant, number two, nodded. He knew this, he was just setting out a plan.

“We’ll go up on the left hand side. He’s more likely to spot us sooner, but we’ll also be better hidden from others in the room.” He indicated number one. “You’re point. Take him out when you get to the top, or as soon as he starts to turn. He pointed at number four. “Keep an eye out behind us as usual, but I don’t think there’s anyone else here to worry about.”

Number one had hardly gone up three stairs when the squad leader at the top casually turned his head. He was lifting his mug to his mouth, and number one knew that if he fired now, the mug would drop and shatter. Noise and a slippery floor would hamper them at least, and almost certainly raise the alarm. He raised his pistol and pointed it at the squad leader. Raising his left hand at the same time, he crooked his fore-finger. Come here, he was indicating.

The squad leader got over his shock, but now fear replaced it. He stood slowly, and moved jerkily towards the intruders.

Number one pointed at the mug. “Put it on the floor,” he whispered, pointing to the edge of the wall.

The squad leader managed to get some of his composure back.

“What do you want,” he muttered nervously.

“Your silence for one thing,” murmured number one. “And put what you are carrying down. Do it. Now.”

The squad leader’s eyes widened as he realised there were four, identically dressed, intruders. “Who are you?” but he did as he’d been told and slowly bent to place the mug and clipboard on the floor. He was only half way down, his movement uncompleted when there was a scraping noise as the pressure of the spring on the swing door finally overcame the resistance of the now empty chair and began to close, pushing the chair. It was enough for the squad leader and he tried to shout a warning. Number one, who had been waiting for something like that, promptly shot him in the throat. The mug fell, fortunately less than a foot, and though it spilled the still steaming drink, it didn’t break.

The squad leader wasn’t dead. But he would need medical attention soon if he was to survive. Number one made that unnecessary by putting a second bullet between the man’s eyes.

“You okay Dicky boy?” came a shout from inside the room.

The four intruders raced up the rest of the stairs. Number one used the dead squad leader’s body to help to contain the spilled drink, while the other three raced past the now closed door, where they all paused, backs to the wall, and waited, crouched down.

Nothing happened. After a few more seconds, number three reached up to the strip light and gingerly removed both tubes. Behind him, number four was doing the same farther down the corridor. There was now light from the stair well and from the other end of the corridor, but where three of the intruders were was now darkened.

They waited for a short while, but eventually they couldn’t wait any longer. “You two,” the sergeant pointed at numbers one and three. “Wait here, guard that door.” They nodded. The sergeant nodded at number four and the two hurried off up the corridor looking for the records room, which was their ultimate target.

“These doors push open from the other side,” whispered number three.

“Yeah? So?”

“Block it.” Number three pointed at the corpse.

Number one nodded and grinned. He dragged the corpse of the squad leader in front of the now closed swing doors. Number three had already moved the lightweight metal chair to one side. “Won’t hold them for many seconds, but it’ll give as that extra warning time.”

They waited, tense and alert.

Along the corridor, numbers two and four had come out of the first office, where they had set a small booby trap in one of the desk drawers. Probably not enough to kill anyone, but certainly enough to blow the hand or even forearm off anyone opening the drawer.

The second then third offices received the same treatment. The fourth office, while not the records room, was a big open plan office with desks for about eight people, and lots of paperwork. What they were looking for was probably not in here, but they couldn’t be sure.

“Shit,” muttered number four. Number two agreed, but for a moment said nothing.

“We’ll have to come back here if we can’t find what we’re after in the records room. Leave it for now.”

Number four nodded and the two men left, the office untouched.

The two searchers passed the two watchers, number one holding up an OK sign as they went past him. Number four removed the strip lights from that end of the corridor, while number two went into the first office. Another large, open-plan office.

He moved out again quickly and onto the next. “Bingo,” he muttered. He indicated to number four to check the last office, while he went into the records room. A fast look around showed that all the drawers had an alphabetic label on the front. None had names, none showed that they might hold anything particularly important.

Number two started on the drawers marked with an ‘A’, there were at least eight of them, and a minute or so later number four started on the half dozen drawers labelled ‘H’. Either might hold details of Adnan’s whereabouts. He’d been arrested locally, this was the best place to start.

Number four found what he was looking for quite quickly.

“Sarge. Found him,” he called softly.

The sergeant moved quickly over, and the two men scanned the brief notes. There wasn’t much. If this was correct, no interrogation had been done here. Not that surprising in one sense, it wasn’t a huge place. Even when it had been a police station, there hadn’t been much call to investigate truly serious crime locally.

“Bugger.” The sergeant pointed at a line about three quarters of the way down the second sheet.

“Ah, no. This has been a complete waste of time,” number four murmured. “He was taken to Liverpool the day he was captured, and if this is correct, was probably executed within hours.”

“Okay.” The sergeant quickly folded the record up small and stuffed it into the belt of his trousers. “Come on, part two.”

They each picked a draw at random, and went through every file in it. If it was a genuine criminal record, it was left where it was. If it was a record of a political crime: speaking out against Thorn, Earth First, Truth And Freedom, or the Patrol, or anything else that might relate, the entire record was removed and dumped on the floor.

They went through about three drawers each before the sergeant called a halt. By far and away the majority of the records were for ‘political’ crimes.

“Look at this one,” number four said. “Someone got arrested and charged because they stopped a shop lifter. Turned out the shop lifter was a member of the Security Patrol. Seems preventing a member of the Patrol from committing a crime is itself a crime.”

“Jeeze,” breathed the sergeant in disgust. “Come on, we’ve got more than enough here. Too many, perhaps.”

They quickly scooped the paperwork they had selected into a couple of large, heavy-duty, plastic sacks and left the room, dragging the sacks behind them.

Just as they left, they saw numbers one and three turn suddenly and raise their pistols, pointing them at the swing doors.

“What’s going on out there? Squad? Dicky? You okay mate?”

All four could hear the call from inside the canteen.

The two men dragging the sacks got them as far as the top of the stairs, then went to see what their colleagues were doing.

“They’ve only tried pushing so far.” Number one said softly. “No handles on the inside to pull, but they’ll either find something shortly, or they’ll all push together. So far me an’ Grant haven’t had to do anything to hold them.”

Grant, number three, just nodded his agreement, keeping his eyes on the doors.

The sergeant nodded. “Okay, let’s see if we can get down and out without any more bloodshed. We’ve got rid of eleven. There’s probably about nine in there. If there’s not, then there’s more elsewhere in the building.”

“If they’ve put anyone in the cells, then there’ll be at least two in the cell block. Or should be.”

“If they are, we don’t go near ‘em, and hopefully they’ll stay there. It’s the ones in there,” the sergeant nodded at the blocked doorway in front of them, “and the ones out on patrol that worry me.” He pointed at number one. “Point,” then at number four. “Rear. Let’s get going.”

“We could just kill all the ones in there, then we wouldn’t have the risk of anyone on our tails,” Grant suggested

“No guarantee we could get them all before someone in there managed to raise the alarm. And for all we know, there’s already someone in there on the phone right now.” The sergeant shook his head, and the three others accepted his decision without further discussion.

Number one headed down the stairs first, waiting at the bottom until the others had caught him up. The sergeant and Grant dragged the full and heavy sacks down the stairs. There was a chance they would rip, but if they did it would be merely irritating. Anything that came out would have to be left behind. Behind them, number four watched the doors into the canteen as long as he could.

The four men were just hurrying along the short corridor to their way out, when they heard noises behind them. No one needed to be told what had happened. They just carried on. There was nothing else to do anyway. When they got to the final, darkened, room, Grant found a rubber wedge that was obviously used to wedge the door open, and instead used it to wedge the door closed, just as number four slipped passed him.

They couldn’t bolt the final door closed, so number one squirted a full tube of superglue into the latch, then shut the door, while the others kept watch. It wouldn’t stop anyone for long, but hopefully it would slow them down enough.

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I cannot remember what drove me to it. Cruising bars for sex had become a habit. Success can do that to you, but even steady success make you yearn for something different. I looked at her from across the bar and acknowledged her stare. She definitely looked hot and hungry, with eyes that seemed to size me up as a meal. I was about to approach her, when, surprisingly, she got up and approached me. We chatted for a while and downed a few drinks. The last one went to my head, so I turned down her...

She Males
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 173

Their three kids, all successful, agreed to a Sunday dinner in their honor. "Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad," gushed Son No. 1. 'Sorry I'm running late. I had an emergency at the hospital with a patient, you know how it is, and I didn't have time to get you a gift." "Not to worry," said the father. "Important thing is we're all together today." Son No. 2 arrived. "You and Mom look great, Dad. I just flew in from LA between depositions and didn't have time to shop for...

2 years ago
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I Was Sitting At My Wedding on a Friday NightChapter 8

We managed to finally get dressed with no further physical or sexual distractions. I put on a nice pair of slacks and a dress shirt, in an effort to impress as many swimmers and parents as possible, Kendi was wearing an ankle length white skirt and a loose-fitting navy-blue blouse. “This should work, Mick. I wore this to make a presentation at a conference.” “Are you wearing underwear?” “I’m wearing a bra.” “OK, I guess that is as good as it can get.” “Seriously, do I look OK? Do you...

3 years ago
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House Slave on Hopkins Plantation 3

Thank you and enjoy...I am thinking about writing more. Johncrinshaw1 October 19, 1861 Wilmington, North Carolina Planter James Hopkins Plantation Laying on her back on the workbench with her arms stretched over her head is Hannah. Surrounded by three others, her hair is tangled and matted and she is drenched in sweat. The tears streaming down her face leave salty trails out the side of her eyes; she has a permanent grimace showing her stark white teeth. Her plump mother Adena, the head...

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Dating leads to Fun with neighbour

Hello Guys and Girls I’m Naren 23 years old from Chennai. I am a student. Well I don't like to praise my own personality by my own words but my friends opinion about my personality is that Dude, you can impress any female of this world whether married or unmarried, whether sound character or unsound by your personality with in no time.I am here to narrate the best encounter of my life. I am eagerly waiting for the response and suggestions of my story readers and readers post your feedback or If...

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This is maybe 20 yrs old but still funny

The other day my friend Jay comes over to my house and he wants to show me that his bald spot has grown so much that he has completely shaved his head. My son Mark comes in to say hi, soon as he sees Jay he runs out the room screaming. I thought that was odd but I figure he was just playing since he's known Mark since he was in diapers. The next day Jay comes over to help me work on my car, Mark comes out to hangout with dad, takes one look at Jay and again he goes running away yelling and...

4 years ago
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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 24 Public Games

Mindy's trance felt different than her first trance of so many nights ago. When Mistress had first hypnotized her that night, she had collapsed, going limp and falling into a deep hypnotic sleep. This time, she had not been told to sleep. She had simply been told to close her eyes. And she had obeyed. As she drifted in trance, she imagined what she must look like to anyone in the restaurant who happened to look her way. They would see a young woman in a nice dress sitting still with her...

2 years ago
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Sisst Slut Fantasy Part 1

I'm so excited for you to get here. Our chat online turned me on so much and the pics of your thick cock had me shivering, I don't know how I'll react when you get here.I'm waiting nervously for you to knock, you just messaged me and you're nearly here, I'm wearing my sexy thong and baby doll, I'm freshly shaved and smooth all over. I've got some basic makeup on, just enough to make me look like your slutty little sissy girl.You're finally here. My heart is fluttering. I open the door and I see...

3 years ago
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Mai or meri factory ki larki

Hi friends its me from Pakistan Karachi aaj mai aap ko aik apni real story sunata ho mai aik garment factory mai kam karta tha or wo bhi wohi kam karti thi dekhnai mai to wo mujhai bohat shareef si larki lagti thi magar thi intihai kameeni meri us k sath dosti bari mushkil sai hoe kio k wo kisi sai bat hi nahi karti thi isi waja sai wo mujhai bohat achi lagti thi mai us sai sirf dosti karna chahta tha kisi bhi keemat pe or mujhai aik din mooka bhi mil gaya us ki birthday thi mujhai us ki dost...

2 years ago
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I know you're married and you have k**s and stuff, but sometimes I wish you didn't so that you and I could be together." I was speechless and unable to respond. "Do you ever think about me that way? I mean, what it would be like to be with me?""Yes," I finally admitted. "I do sometimes."Jenny closed her eyes and lifted her face closer to mine. I knew I should push her away, tell her no, take her home and forget all of this had ever happened. But feeling this nubile teenager so close to me,...

3 years ago
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The Turkish truck diver

The Turkish truck driver.She burst through the arrivals door at the airport and into the lounge, I could tell that she was horny because she tried to explore my tonsils with her tongue as soon as we connected, I managed to disengage and said “hello” we hugged close again and she tried to bury her face in my neck attempting to bite me but having experienced this before I was ready for it and managed to hold her off while I picked her bags off the trolley.This by the way is my current girlfriend,...

1 year ago
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In a World Where All the Women Want Me Help

Yuri Althaus was your typical teenager with way too much time on his hands and more money than he knew what to do with. Honestly, this was not where he thought he would be when he was 19 but here he was, at the age of 19, and in a position that just had him in a state of boredom. His family was filthy, stinking rich, and had been that way since the time of his great grandfather, at least. Unlike most rich brats, Yuri was spoiled but didn’t really act like it, granted he got almost everything he...

2 years ago
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Little Blonde CUNT

Faggot! Sissy! Bitch! Cunt! PUSSY! Now that I was hanging out at the ABS on a regular basis, I was getting used to guys calling me these names. Back then I was still married to Dani, and was still partly in the closet. So when I went out I would always wear a tank top and cut off jeans shorts, trying not to attract too much attention. One hot afternoon I was walking on San Pablo Blvd. and because it was really hot, I took off my tank top and stuck it in my waistband. A cop pulled over and told...

1 year ago
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State of Mind

Again, I woke up in a cold sweat. I was really getting to hate these dreams. On the surface they seemed perfect. In them, I was a beautiful young girl. I had curly, shoulder length brunette hair and when I saw myself in the mirror after a bath, nice young breasts and a body just getting its beautiful shape. In various dreams, I would be ice skating, doing ballet, and gymnastics. I had a loving family, and a very rich dad. He was a scientist and inventor. It was the ideal life. Then,...

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Sampling Some ItalianChapter 3

“So, Claudia, a model, eh? A nude model, no less. My husband knows how to do nudes very well, doesn’t he?” Marilyn engaged her husband’s mistress in light and friendly conversation to break the ice over wine, cheese, crackers, and summer sausage. “Si, signora. Your husband is a very gifted man. And John here is very helpful, too. What do you do for a living, Jacob?” Claudia made sure to address her lover’s wife’s paramour. “I’m retired, but I used to be a federal judge. Never got above the...

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Thias MemoryChapter 4

"Hi" Shane said softly the moment he saw her face "can I come in?" he asked not sure if she would let him in after the way he left yesterday. "Yeah sure." She stepped back a little. Shane passed her then stopped and turned to look at her "these are for you." he said as he gave her the daises. "Thank you I love daises." "I know." Shane said. He knew how much she adored daises, and he couldn't find any other way to apologize for what happened yesterday. "You do? Well thank...

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Assfucked by Ex Son in Law

This "mother in law Fantasy" ex mother in law actually is more an ex son in law story and differs from most you'll read in two ways. One it's coming from the Mother in Law, two, it's actually true.First, quick background. I was a fairly young mom and my ex son in law was a few years older than my daughter so the age diff is only 15, I am now 58 he is 43. She left him for another and nothing other than some flirting ever happened when they were together.I always thought he was attractive and in...

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"What a misfortunate event I'm in.'s so hard to breath and the smokes is entering my lungs with each breath. The's hurt so much and I can't feel my legs. Im so tired right now. Mom, sis, I'm so sorry. I won't be able to spend Christmas with you this year." Terry looks at his hand. "So much blood. I'm I destined to die this way?" Tears shed from his eyes. "No, I will not accept this. I will not die a unsatisfying life, there still so many boobies to touch. So many sexy girls...

4 years ago
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Hot Sex With Our Maid Shalini 8211 Part 2

Hi.. This is Viraaj again. this is the continuation of my earlier story. I woke up in morning at 8:30. As soon as I woke up, I remembered my sexual advances with my maid. Whole picture just flashed in front of my eyes. I was eagerly waiting for shalini to arrive. I woke up from my bed, did my chores, & was watching TV. Bell rang. I thought it must be shalini. I hurriedly rushed to open the door. But it was Milkman. I was disappointed. I was waiting for her. 2hrs passed, still there was no sign...

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Hot Nepali School Girl Fucked In Her Sexy Ass

Hello everyone, you can call me supernova for now. Coming into the story, this girl was one of the hottest and cutest girls in our school. She had an ass that men would desire and a figure that even girls were jealous of. She was a bomb. She could speak with her eyes. And oh, how she made me hard with those winks. She was my girlfriend’s best friend and a Nepali by origin. She was hardly 5’4, with petite boobs and a grand ass, and milky white would be her complexion. The best part was her...

2 years ago
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Teasing the Older Men Part 1

I grew up in a big city. There were lots of porn shops near our house. When I was 16 I got a genuine looking fake ID and that got me into almost every porn shop in the city.At first all I wanted was to jerk off to a good lesbian 8mm loop in privacy. But a cute young boy gets no privacy in a peep show joint. I would walk in and every man in the place would stare at me. The shy ones would stare and do nothing else. But there weren't many shy older men in those places. They walked up to me with a...

1 year ago
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Sexy Underwear Heaven

Some years ago now my Wife was asked to baby-sit for her brother and his wife. I had always had a fierce attraction to his wife Debbie. I always desperately fantasized about fucking her in all different ways. Well this day arrived and we drove over to their house. My wife was going to stay the night and I was to return home at the end of the day. When we arrived Debbie looked as scrumptious as ever and my dick immediately came to life looking at her and my mind began shooting in all different...

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Her Special Place For Innocence

When you live in New York City, downtown represents, the up and comers, or the new money, as its called. Uptown represents the established and entrenched, the old money as its called. Bob had always worked downtown, he loved the narrow and crowded streets of Wall Street. Loved to grab a kinish or a hot dog from a vendor as he rushed down the bustling streets, reading the latest financial news while speeding down the street. A break from the hectic work day was a fresh ocean breeze at the...

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Louise and Sherry

This is a work of fiction intended to entertain and nothing more. It is contain cross dressing as well as sexual intercourse. I would love a thumbs up if you enjoy the story, it encourages me to continue writing.“We are like clay when we are young,” Louise said, “and our life’s experiences mold us into a shape in our young impressionable years.”“I am so sorry,” I said as she looked at me standing in her bedroom wearing her full slip. What she hadn’t noticed at this point was the fact that I was...

2 years ago
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The Hungry PetChapter 5

Lying prostrate and defenselessly naked on her belly beneath him with her legs obscenely scissored open by his cruelly placed knees, Laura Garrett was more appalled and shamed than anything, even though the man lewdly positioned above her vulnerably exposed buttocks and loins was her very own husband! She couldn't believe it was happening! Rape... that's all it was, depraved rape! And he was drunk... had to be! She could even smell the liquor now! "I-I'll never forgive you for this,...

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20 October 2007Chapter 2

Dan, Karen, Wendy, and Brad’s sisters arrived at the sound of the siren’s echo off the building. “Are you alright Brad?” Dan asked, seeing the bloodstains on his hockey uniform. “I’m okay, it was Pete. I think a skate must have slashed him across the neck above his neck guard when we were on the ice. It happened so fast, at first I thought it was me who was cut. Are you guys going to the hospital?” “I’m not sure, we should.” They looked at his blood-stained hands and uniform, growing...

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MaryAlice and her Brothers

Mary-Alice now lived her life to the fullest. Enjoyment was uppermost. It had not always bee so. When she was younger, Mary-Alice had often been left out of her brothers' activities because, being older and boys, they played games that held little interest for her. Except for the usual childhood teasing, her brothers treated her decently. Eventually, her three brothers, Tommy, Nicky, and Ronny, who were respectively 14, 15, and 16, began to include her in their life. The fun commenced when...

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The Game Of Sex

Hi mera name Vidya hai me 24 years ki vivahit aurat hu mera ek beta 2.5 years beti 4 years mere pati mahesh mnc me job karte hai aur kam ke silsle me jayad tar gar se bahar hi rehte hai mera ek dever hai mahendra jo 24 sall ke hai jinka business hai wo rojana samay se jate aue samay se ghar ate swabhav ke bade hasmukh aur dilchasp insan hai hamesha majak me rehte par kuch dino se unka swabhav mere prati kuch Badla badla sa lag raha tha wo mujhe aise dekte mano abhi pakad kee kuchal masal de...

1 year ago
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Amanda and me

I would ever class myself as a lesbian. fancying other girls just isn't my thing. I have known Amanda since I was at school over 7 years. We left school together, past our exams together and even got a Job at the same place together. Amanda and me are prity close, now as we are both 19 and without boyfriends we decided to go out to a club. The club is over half an hour ride from my house. We both got dressed for the night and called a taxi to come collect us to take us out for the night. Amanda...

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New Career1862Chapter 5

I took a few minutes to calm the women down and to get them to understand that there was considerable danger to them. Fortunately, they all could ride, so we collected enough horses to get them to Branson. I gave each one a Double Eagle and sent them toward town. Before they left, they helped me burn everything we could. They left, and I headed for my camp up on the hill. I had just reached my camp when the first group of Harlow's Raiders rode in. They kind of froze in position when they...

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"God, you're such a freak. Why don't you just go talk to him and get it over with?" Missy says, obviously a little sick of my growing obsession with the mysterious stranger who lives above our apartment. I just can't help it though. He's so.... mysterious... and strange. I gaze eagerly through my peephole as he approaches. I have to strain to make out his dark profile through the gloomy dusk but his silhouette is distinct. He walks with an easy confidence and a purposeful stride, as...

4 years ago
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Sallys first time

Sally?s first time Sally?s first time By Excalibur Sally checked that she had all the things she would need. Ropes, cuffs, gag, blindfold, spreader bar, vibrator, vibrator. Yes, everything was here, and she was ready to go for it. Sally had been reading about self bondage on the net, and has tried a few easy ties, and was now ready to go for total immobilisation. Her sister Mary had been the person who had mentioned the site to Sally, saying she often did self bondage, sometimes...

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The Bitch and the JerkChapter 3 The Big Apple

It was almost five o'clock when we arrived at the Hilton Millennium. Jennifer had not talked to me since the "kiss". When I asked her if this was her first time in New York she nodded. When I asked her if she had ever seen anyone from Roger & Wilson she shook her head. I started to worry not only that the presentation would be a failure, but also wondered if we could make a safe trip back to Chicago. We had adjoining rooms. I could sense her uneasiness when she learned that. After the...

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BadDaddyPOV Carmen Callaway Needs Some Cash

Carmen is getting ready to clean her young petite body in the shower when her step dad walks in on her. She needs money to go shopping and is happy to do whatever it takes to earn it. The teen drops to her knees and goes to work on the cock of the man in the house with all the money. With great excitement and glee, she bends over and fills up her shaved pussy. By the time she is on her back with her legs spread open, the young girl is begging to feel this cock inside her anytime her Mommy...

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Black Magic Genie

"Black Magic Genie" As I looked out of the window at the depressing landscape before me, I could barely hear the weather report on the radio deliver more of the same news as the day before. "A high of 85 is predicted in the valley and the desert". I thought to myself, "It's January, and should not be so goddamn hot" I was uncomfortable and I was pissed of. And as I looked out of the window at the urban blight of the homeless people pushing carts, begging for money, and offering to do...


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