Shasta's TaleChapter 11 free porn video

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"You're what?" Nesho and Sosho exclaimed simultaneously. From then on a constant flow of questions, accusations, recriminations and demands came with such rapidity it was almost impossible to determine who was saying what at any one time. Throughout it all Dent merely grinned and nodded occasionally; Clarise simply sighed and nuzzled into his neck tighter. During the first lull he craned his neck to whisper in her ear.

"Clarise, darling," he said, "aren't you getting tired holding on like this?"

"No," she murmured blissfully.

"Well," he continued. "Would you mind getting down so I can hold the babies?"

"You are holding a baby," she said, lifting her head and nipping gently at his neck.

"Yes, my love. You are my very precious baby. But I meant Makro and Nilsen, the other babies."

"Well," she said with a sultry smile, "I have a baby in me, and you are holding me, so you are also holding a baby."

For a moment his mouth hung open and incoherent squeaks were all that seemed able to come out. He closed his mouth, swallowed hard and was finally able to say, "Really?"

"Really, da," she said as she untangled her legs and stood up on her own. Her arms were still around her neck when he grabbed her and gave her a hard long kiss.

"That's wonderful, love," he said when he was finally done.

"Yeah, yeah, you knocked her up," Sosho chimed in sarcastically. "What a surprise. Enough of that; what is going on here? Are you really this king thing? If so, how did you get it?"

"Good questions and I promise they will all be answered, but not right now." As he spoke he plucked Makro out of one carrier and Nilsen out of the other. Holding his two babies, one in each arm, he turned back to his three women. "I though you would want to get cleaned up first; besides I want to play with my children for a while. I don't know if the baths are ready yet, but they should be soon."

Looking up he saw Shasta and the rest of the household staff standing behind her.

"Oh, hello, Shasta," he said with a smile. When Shasta looked into his eyes she felt something snap in her head and a flash of light went across her vision; she rocked slightly as if dizzy. Immediately there was someone there, holding onto her arm, keeping her steady. She looked up at Dent and noticed Clarise and Sosho were holding onto him also. Looking to her side she saw it was Nesho.

"That was strange," he muttered. Shaking his head he look at the rest of the household staff and said, "Welcome home! I'm glad to see all of you made it and are well." As one they bent down at the waist and murmured, "Thank you master, we greet you."

"We have another surprise for you," Nesho said as she pulled Shasta over to stand right in front of Dent. Suddenly Shasta had no conscious control over what she did. Reaching up on tiptoes, she hugged both the babies and the man, pressing herself against him and attacking his lips with her own. At first he seemed somewhat reluctant but soon he was kissing her back as hard as she as kissing him. Her mouth opened in a moan and she felt the fleshy invasion of his tongue snake in to taste her. Instead of being repelled as she normally would she was suddenly quivering with desire. She wanted nothing more than to drop both of them to the floor and have him mount her right there!

Somebody must have had a little more sense as she felt herself being dragged back away from him. She whimpered as she felt their lips part. She tried reaching for him again and was gently, but firmly, pulled away.

"That's enough for now," Nesho said kindly. "The rest we save for later."

"Ah, ah," Dent gulped for air. "Ah, Shasta, that was, very, nice, but I don't think, my, ah..."

"Your wives wholeheartedly approve," Nesho said with a slight chuckle. Dent looked at her blankly. "We will tell you later, not that you don't already know."

"But I don't think..." he started.

"We've gone over this before," Sosho chimed in. "That's why we're here."

"But... I don't want..." he tried to continue.

"Can you honestly look at this woman and say you don't want her?" Clarise said sweetly from his other side.

"I course I want her, but..." he sputtered again.

"Then it's settled," Nesho said as she reached over and patted his arm. "You go play with your babies like a good little king or whatever, and we will get cleaned up. We are fifthly and that's a fact."

As the four turned to go Shasta heard him still muttering, "But, but..." Then she heard laughter and turning her head she saw the two Guild members laughing out loud, their hands still on the hilts of their swords and their eyes scanning every corner of the room.

"Oh, this is heavenly," Nesho sighed as she leaned back in the big tub. Two of the bathing tubs had survived the occupation and had been filled with hot soapy water. The tubs were big enough for two and Shasta was sitting across from Nesho trying to rinse the soap and tangles from her hair.

"It is nice," Sosho groused, "but this hot water is making my tits leak."

"You want me to help?" Clarise grinned as she pretended to reach for Sosho's breasts.

"Right," Sosho said slapping playfully at Clarise hands, "and just who would be feeding that bottomless pit for milk in the shape of our son? You perhaps? I don't think so, not for a long time. Besides he'd take care of you in one or two gulps. For that monster you need something a little more substantial." She hefted up her own rather impressive mameries out of the water to demonstrate.

"You mean like cow tits?" Clarise teased.

"Exactly," Sosho agreed, "big cow tits."

"Ladies," Nesho interrupted, "enough of the tit talk. We have something to talk to Shasta about."

"Oh, yeah!" Sosho moaned. "That was so hot! I though you were going to fuck him right there on the floor!"

"Sosho! You crude slut!" Clarise giggled. "She wasn't going to fuck him; she was going to make intense, passionate love to him right there on the floor."

"Ladies, this is serious," Nesho said glancing at them. "We have things we need to talk about, like tonight for instance." The other two quieted down and turned to look at Shasta. "Shasta," Nesho continued, "do you think you can wait for one night to be with him?"

"I don't think he will accept me," she whispered, avoiding the question.

"Nonsense," Nesho said and waved off the answer. "It is a forgone conclusion. The deal is done, and you are signed sealed and delivered. The only question is when is he going to open his present?"

Shasta blushed bright red.

"So," Nesho continued, "considering your past I think it would be best if he, and you, would be able to take some time. No reason to be in a rush and to be honest, tonight neither he nor you are going to have that luxury. The three of us are horny as hell and I know I won't be able to wait and I'm sure these other two won't either."

"It doesn't matter," Shasta said softly, biting her lip. "If he is to take me, he can do it whenever he wills it."

"That's just it, darling," Nesho said rubbing her foot along Shasta's leg. "He's not taking you, he's claiming you by making love to you. I know you don't understand the difference. I wouldn't expect you to, but afterwards you will. You're just going to have to trust us on this. Can you trust us?"

"With my life," Shasta sighed.

"Good," Nesho smiled. "Then it would be best if we three stayed with him tonight and brought you to him tomorrow night."

"That doesn't sound fair," Sosho said with a frown.

"Its not," Nesho agreed. "But it's the best we can do. Can you honestly say Shasta will get the time and attention she needs and deserves, tonight?" Sosho paused for a moment and shook her head. "Neither do I. Besides it will give us time to have our little talk with him while he's too tired to really think about it, let alone try to say no."

"You're right of course," Clarise sighed. "The way I feel right now I'm not sure but that tonight might start right after noon meal, if not before!"

"We all feel that way," Nesho said nodding. "It is the best of a delicate situation."

"I can wait," Shasta said, trying not to look at the other three women.

"Can you?" Clarise asked. "What are you feeling right now? I know, the three of us usually can sense what the other is feeling, but even so it sometimes helps to say it out loud. Also our bond with you is still new; I think I know the answer, but I want to be sure." Nesho and Sosho nodded when Shasta looked at them.

"All right," Shasta said taking a big gulp of air. "I'm anxious and needy. I've never wanted to do something so badly in my life, and I've never, ever, been this scared before. There were times when I knew I was going to die, and I wasn't as scared as I am now."

"No reason to ask why," Nesho said. "That's why it has to be this way. Now," she said standing up in the tub, "we had better go find our man and rescue him from his, by now I'm sure, screaming daughter. Sosho, you need to find Nilsen before he finds himself another tit to latch onto."

Laughing they all dried and dressed in the finery they found waiting for them.

They found them out on the lawn where a number of large blankets had been spread out. Makro was happily cooing curled up next to the rather ignobly sprawled king as Nilsen gurgled and gnawed on the hilt of Dent's dirk.

"You shouldn't let him play with that!" Sosho scolded, giving him a quick kiss before sitting down and picking up the baby. Without any hesitation she opened her blouse and offered one of her full tits for his use. Latching on like a leech, Nilsen began sucking hard, grinning around her nipple until a little milk leaked out, then he settled down for some serious feeding.

"He's not old enough to even pick it up!" Dent protested, getting a kiss from Nesho and Clarise. Nesho looked over at Shasta until she too bent down and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Wrong," Nesho said sternly. "Give him a real kiss." Blushing furiously she bent down and presented her lips to him. She felt a flutter in her stomach when she saw he too was blushing and looking extremely shy as he rose up and kissed her chastely on the lips. As their lips touched Shasta again felt a jolt run through her body and heat, starting somewhere south of her belly, flowed out to fill her entirely. Breathlessly she pulled back as they broke the kiss and she panted slightly as she wobbled her way over to sit next to Nesho only a few feet away.

"That's better," Nesho said patting her arm. She already had her own blouse open and Makro hungrily sucking at her breast. "Now dear, husband," she said to Dent, "what has been going on and what is this kingship you seemed to have acquired?"

"Ah," he said seemingly a little out of focus. "Did I mention how much I've missed all of you? And how lovely you all are? Shasta, I see your tattoos are almost completely gone. As pretty as you were, you are much lovelier now. I never did like the idea of marking women; it detracts from their natural beauty."

"And have I mentioned how you change the subject when you don't want to answer a question?" Nesho said sweetly.

"Fine," Dent sighed. "I can give you the short version now, but the rest is going to have to wait for some of the other involved parties to get here. A large part of the story is really theirs and they should be allowed to tell it.

"Anyway," he continued, "it was all a trap, of course. Set up by deClover and that Malshall's bastard ambassador. Luckily for me deClover sprang the trap a little too early and some friends of ours were in the right place at the right time. It might not have mattered to tell the truth; we were expecting something, the whole setup stank like a day-old fish on the beach.

"But that's neither here nor there since he didn't capture us. After that first attempt we were on the run for a few days, hiding out here and there, gathering our forces as it were. I was able to make contact with the Guild and our men on the ships. Festou, by the way, was absolutely invaluable when it came to sneaking around."

"Festou was with you?" Sosho asked. "What was that little scamp doing with you there? He was spying for you? Shame on you! He's awfully young to be doing something that dangerous, don't you think?"

"Actually it turns out he's not that much younger than you are, darling," Dent chuckled. "Given his naturally small size and how they fed him on board the ship he just appeared much younger than he really was. We figure he's about fifteen seasons, give or take a half."

"Fifteen?" Sosho gasped. "But he saw us dressing... and everything... on board the Grip!"

"Yes, and he and I have had a talk about that," Dent smirked. "I'm not sure if he really wants you to know this but he is eternally grateful to both you and Nesho."

"Why that little..." Sosho fumed. "I'm going to wring his scrawny neck when I get a hold of him!"

"I don't think you have to worry about that," now Dent started really laughing. "He got his comeuppance all right. Wait until tomorrow when he and Vel are due in. You can meet his two wives, and let me tell you, they keep a pretty short leash on him, that's for sure!"

"Festou married?" Nesho looked like she was stunned.

"True enough," Dent chortled, "but wait until you see who it is!"

"We know them?" Sosho also looked stunned.

"Well, you know one of them," he said slyly.

"All right. Give it up before I have to come over there and get rough," Sosho said trying to sound aggravated but having it come out more as intense curiosity.

"Peace, woman," Dent chuckled as he raised his hand in mock surrender. "All right, I'll tell you. It's Kelei, Marie's daughter. You remember her, don't you?"

"Kelei?" Sosho whispered as she stared at him amazed.

"Kelei? Really?" Nesho was almost as surprised as her daughter.

"Who is Kelei? Shasta asked. "For that matter who is Festou?"

"Festou was the ship's boy they met on the Death Grip," Clarise answered. "That was the privateer that first took them. I met him a couple of times. Cute little lad. But he was just a boy," she protested. "Scrawny, all arms and legs, just a little thing."

"Oh, he's still on the small side," Dent admitted. "Probably will be even when he's got his full man size. But his heart's as big as anyone's I've ever met and he fights like a cornered rat when he has to. He, Kelei, and Belinda are one of the reasons I'm able to be here today. But that's his story and I'll let him tell you after he gets here."

"But he's too young to have a wife!" Nesho protested. "And just who is this Belinda that she is with our Festou?"

"Wives, dear heart, wives," Dent softly corrected her. "He is young I will admit, but not mush younger than someone else we know who is not only a wife, but a mother."

"That's different!" Sosho protested. Nesho added a harrumph in agreement.

"It always is," Dent said calmly. "But before you rush to judgment you should met them and see them together."

"Who is Kelei?" Shasta demanded again.

"Oh," Nesho mused, obviously thinking about something else. "You remember the girl Sosho threatened? The one she got spanked over? That was Kelei. She worked in the inn where we stayed when we first landed in Harv'el. How could you let this happen? Besides, she is a slave; he can't marry her!"

"Of course not. No slave may marry in Jeevel, can they, wife?" Dent said slyly. Nesho's face clouded up for a second and then she let out a little laugh and nodded, acknowledging his slight jab. Taking pity on her he continued, "Besides, one of my first royal decrees was to suspend that particular law and have it allowed on a case-by-case basis. For his service he asked me a favor, Kelei was that favor. Before you jump to any conclusions, Kelei asked, no, demanded, that she be sold to him. Vel and Maria agreed."

"Royal decree? What do you mean by 'royal'? For that matter what is all this 'king' silliness we've been hearing about?" Nesho demanded. "So you're in charge of Jeevel -- can't say as I'm all that surprised -- but why not as Putram? That's what everyone is used to."

"A lot of reasons," Dent said with a shrug, "most of which you can discuss with Vel when he gets here. He is now the de facto Minister of Protocol. He tells us all what we're supposed to do and say."

"He would certainly enjoy telling everybody what to do," She admitted. "But why change everything? Why not keep it familiar? Why 'king' instead of Putram?"

"Well," he said rubbing his chin, "when everything was over and done with none of us were feeling to kindly about any putrams let alone our ex-putram."

"DeClover is no longer Putram?" Clarise exclaimed.

"Too short," Dent snorted, "nobody would take him seriously."

"Too short?" Clarise said wrinkling her nose in what Dent thought was a rather delightful way. "The way I remember him was as rather ordinary, maybe not tall, but not all that short."

"Well, now he's too short," Dent said without expression, "about a head too short actually."

"Oh," Clarise said, turning slightly green. Sosho laughed and even Nesho smiled.

"So, not wanting much to do with the old ways we thought it best to completely break from them," Dent continued. "I suppose we could have made up new names for everything, but Vel said he had everything we needed all ready. So the term is king, which by the way makes you my queens."

"What does the Jeevel Citizen's Counsel have to say about all this?" Nesho asked.

"Probably a lot," Dent admitted, "if there was one. Unfortunately a lot of them picked sides early: the wrong side. The ones who followed us and survived the slave revolt are mostly trying not to lose everything they have and aren't as interested in politics as they were before."

"Slave revolt? Now this I have to hear about!" Sosho said eagerly.

"All part of the story, darling," Dent said with a smile. "When everybody gets here... How about now we go find something to eat?"

It wasn't that late but Shasta knew it was bedtime. Apparently so did everyone else. The babies were fed, nestled into their cribs and now the tension between Dent and the four women was becoming intense. Nesho, Sosho and Clarise could hardly keep their hands off him and Shasta just barely control her own urges to do the same.

"I know, it's time," Shasta said biting her lip. "I'm going to sleep in the nursery with the babies tonight."

"I understand," Nesho said sympathetically. "I know this is hard for you, Shasta, but I still think it's the best way. Your night will be tomorrow, I promise."

"I know you believe it," Shasta said with a brave smile. "But I don't want you to be disappointed when he turns me away. I can live with that now."

"Maybe you can," Nesho said after leaning over to give her a kiss, "but we can't. Tomorrow, you will see."

Shasta didn't argue any further; there wasn't much of a point anyway. After checking on the babies one last time she snuggled down in the nanny's bed.

Sleep was impossible. It might not have been so bad if she had only to imagine what was going on in the room down the hall, but she didn't have to imagine it. She could feel every caress, every kiss, the parting thighs, his cock first resting on the lips of someone's vulva, the feeling as he gently pushed his way inside her. Three times she felt that, three times she felt him inside her like she had never felt a man before. She was wet, she was needy and she cried herself to sleep when it finally seemed the four of them were done. Waking up a short time later she felt someone slipping into bed with her.

"Who? What?" she muttered, trying to see whom it was using the dim light coming through the window.

"Shhh," someone hissed and then a short, naked body with large breasts pressed up against her. Shasta knew right away who it was.

"Sosho, what are you doing here," she whispered. "You should be with him!"

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This took place in the South around 1992 and I was 29 years old. I was in a brand new house that me and this fucking idiot I was with then had had custom built. This bitch decided at the last minute she didn't want a big house note and bailed. Never spent one night there. So basically I had a house I couldn't pay for on one income. I soon began selling my personal stuff to keep the note paid until I could unload the house. In the meantime, I soon found it to be a place where many mostly young...

3 years ago
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Seduction of Laura BransonChapter 6

"Better get a move on, the party's at seven," chided Charlie good naturedly. The last two weeks had been difficult ones for Laura. She had spent several days in near depression after Jullian's departure. She had tried to act as if everything was normal for Charlie's sake, but several times he had asked if everything was all right. She had concocted a story about a close high school girlfriend passing away, but then had to make up additional excuses when Charlie insisted that, since they...

4 years ago
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Harry and His Friendcontinued

My feet and legs embracing his waist and my arms around his neck as he covered my lips as I cried out. We did not hear Harry as he came in and stood at the foot of the bed. I had clinched my eyes closed as Gary was kissing me, I was terrified when I heard Harry say '...damn cousin, you fucking my whoe...' I tried to get loose but Harry grabbed hold of my feet and held them around Gary's waist saying '...UN HUH, ain't no stopping now. Breed that pussy cuz. When you finish I'll hit it too. Gary...

3 years ago
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The Island Chapter 1

We had checked into the hotel only an hour before and already we were stretched out on the bed trying to get our breathing back to normal. Her soft blond hair lay against my arm, a soft smile played across her lips. Languidly she arched her back, stretching to ward off the sleep that threatened to invade her. "Let's eat," she laughed, "Good sex makes me hungry". I struggled with the euphoria that had washed over me, trying to bring myself back to life. "Care to join me in a shower?" I asked...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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My Chechi

I am Rajesh, aged 23 and working as a Physical Education Teacher in a higher secondary school in Kerala. I am 5’ 10” tall, weighs 74 kilos with an athletic body. I have two elder sisters. The eldest is Leena. She is 34 and has a son aged 7. She is an English Lecturer in a college. My second sister is Lucy. She is 29 and is a nurse and is settled in the USA with her husband. They had a daughter recently. My mother is with them, looking after the child. Both my father and mother were teachers. My...

2 years ago
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Getting to know the neighbors Part 2

After the rough treatment my wife received that morning we both had to get to work. We were only able to discuss the situation that evening. A few texts during that confirmed that she was okay, but I was still distracted from my work.Back at home again, Debbie reassured me that she could handle anything Jeremy gave. She expected me to find it exciting. I had to admit there was nothing dull about what they did. Not knowing she got up to with Jeremy was the hard part and it would only be worse...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Christmas CheerChapter 2

Saturday dawned bright and clear. I was up by seven, and Mike joined me shortly after I began moving around in the kitchen. I wondered if he'd been awake, courteously waiting until he heard me, so as not to disturb me too early. I scrambled eggs and cooked sausage for both of us while Mike manned the toaster. I'd cut up fruit the previous morning, so by the time we were through, we had a nice little buffet. After the dishes were cleared, I suggested an excursion, eager to get out of the...

4 years ago
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The Best

Introduction: Hope you like Anna was ready for her first day at her new job on 42nd street. The subway station was very crowded and she was afraid that she was being jostled a little too close to the edge of the platform. Anna was always a little afraid that she would be accidently pushed onto the tracks just as a train was pulling into the platform. She had seen that in a film a few years back and the very thought terrified her. This was the first time she was riding the Eastside line and it...

3 years ago
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Give her the slip on the Euston Road Part 4

Give her the slip on the Euston Road Part 4: I took a long drag on my cigarette as I sat there in my neglig?e.. Hayley was wearing a white shirt and black jeans. She looked like Patti Smith on the "Horses" album cover. What had matters come to? I asked myself. I had always been on top when we had had sex before whether I had taken Hayley from in front or behind. I had been the one who wore the trousers in our relationship. Hayley would always wear sexy lingerie when we made love ...

1 year ago
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The Utterly Exhausting Beguiling CassieChapter 3 Thursday Morning

The cell phone rattled and rang stridently on my bedside table drawing me out of a deep sleep. I'd gone to bed simply exhausted from Cassie. Rolling around, I grabbed the cell. "What?" I growled, picking up my wristwatch to check the time. Eight fifteen. Who the hell calls me at eight fifteen? "Finn, it's Jerry." Damn. "Jerry it's early," I complained, setting the watch back on the side table. "Early? It's eight fifteen, Finn. You're usually up with the roosters, aren't...

2 years ago
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The Bounty HunterChapter 6

I puzzled over when this threatened attack might come. I was only relieved of my worry when we arrived back in dock. Captain's Log: Our meeting with the Admiral went as well as could be expected. He was most troubled by the presence of Rouge, as well as having his granddaughter wearing a black market bounty on her head. Well, at least he had the satisfaction of knowing that some hotshot wouldn't try anything. Million credit bounties were not normally placed on rookies. As such, rookie...

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Transformation of LindaChapter 8 Couplings 1

As Linda drove slowly toward her home her mind was flooded with images of what she had seen earlier. All those people doing all those marvelous things. She could still feel Brother Bob's hands on her bare ass. She seemed to "remember" his hands on her bare breasts, in her cunt, but that was dream-like. Now as she thought about it she wanted his hands on every part of her. Wanted his cock in her... every way possible. For a brief second then she was shocked with herself, felt strange,...

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I wake up one morning and

I Wake Up One Morning... I wake up in my wife's body in a changed world of dominant and aggressive men and submissive and horny women. How and why did this happen? Will things return to normal and if so, how? And will it happen before I lose myself as Melissa? And how many violations at the hands of men will I have to suffer on the way? James Smith - The Husband Melissa Smith - The Wife Ms. Jameson - The head of Clerical and Admin VP Carl Angstrom - The head of the...

3 years ago
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Lekha my beauty my luscious colleauge

My name is ajit and working in an office where there are more than 2000 staff and 60% are ladies.iam married with a beautiful wife but am interested in beauties who are of my age group,40`s especially with medium sized boobs and fair texture with lots of hair and a hairy cunt and hairy armpits all sweet smelling and sensous lips.i met my dreamlady lekha,one of my colleague who is married with two children and a loving husband.on the very first day i met her i wanted to suck the juice out of...

3 years ago
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Maggies Family Part 3

 The following morning, Mike awoke with a hard-on he had not experienced in a while. Maggie was just coming back from the bathroom and crawled into bed beside him.“Wow! That’s a nice one,” said Maggie as her fingers tenderly stroked his cock.“Hmmm I’m a bit on the horny side.”“Maggie – How did all this start?”“Well it’s a long explanation, Mike” she said.“We have all morning.”Maggie started to tell the story of how it all began-“I had come home from work early, and as it turned out, a little...

3 years ago
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Young Mother from garage sale fucked rough

I waited until Friday and then called Katrina's cell number.I told her who it was and asked if she was still game for a good time. She was nervous, somewhat hesitant, but she said, "OK, I will do the same as last time for $500" I told her "No, you will do the same as last time and I will fuck you for $500 dollars"She asked where and I told her to slip away from her friends (see earlier story) and to meet me at a nice hotel where I would have a room reserved. She was to go to the desk, ask...

3 years ago
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Morning Neighbor Part 2

I watched Devon walked out of my room. That made one of us. After the pounding he put on me, I could barely think straight. It had been years since I’ve been fucked for real. Years ago Evan’s mechanic came by to fix my car. He fixed my oil leak and made my pussy leak all in the same two hours. I showered and got dressed thinking about how great this morning was. I rubbed my clit reflecting on our amazing session. As I put on my clothes for the day I heard the door open.“ Hey Hon, “ Evan’s...

3 years ago
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Life In a Metro Part 8211 2

Hello friends mera naam mohit hai. I hope aap logo ko meri pehli story pasand aayi hogi. I guess kuch logo ko bore lagi hogi because woh toh bas introduction story thi. Asli maza toh iss story mein aayega. Jisne pehli story nahi padhi ho woh iss link se padh sakte hai. Lets start the story. Toh mujhe sangeeta ka call aaya. Mujhe pehle hi late ho raha tha meeting ke liye. Usse bhi job pe jaana tha lekin meri harkato se woh already garam ho chuki thi. She wanted more. Usne kaha usse mujhe milna...

2 years ago
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The Slave PrincessPart 5

What raiment does the breeze wear On this first day of spring? A fine spun, fragrant mantle Borrowed from the swaying blooms! - The Canticle of Menkeret. Night. I lie in my pallet and, as is now my custom, I listen closely to the nocturnal sounds of the house of Heshuzius. But, after an hour or so of this, my mind inevitably wanders to former times, to the days before my enslavement, to the house where I grew up and its life of happy, carefree idleness. In...

4 years ago
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Occasions that started to happen

Pleasure can be quite addictive. Especially when solid ground is a bit shaken. Morals. Integrity. And so on.It wasn't an appropriate way to fight boredom, yet still... Somehow it didn't seem like anything new to them. Moreover, at certain point they both looked as if they have totally forgot an initial intent not to repeat all the thing again and again 'till it was too late to stop. They both been kinda exhausted from unevenful days of complete sultriness. When the evening brought nice fresh...

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On the bathrooms floor

Friday night I was home alone; my loving hubby hone fishing with some of his buddies. I felt stressed after a long week at my office and, worst of all, Victor had not fucked me properly during the last days…So I was horny as hell; but not in the mood enough to go out and pick up a good hard dick. Tonight I wanted some woman’s lips all over my body.First I called my sexy girlfriend Helena; but she was busy with her brand new black lover and she would not come to my home tonight.I then called...

1 year ago
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My Boyfriend likes to expose me Part 102

or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans Part 10 – Life goes on --------------------------- Orthopaedic Mannequin -------------------------- A couple of weeks after the party at our place Emma phoned me. She told me that she’d bumped into her Nursing Tutor and mentioned that she might know a volunteer for the plaster casts application training. The tutor had begged Emma to follow it up and Emma wanted to know if I was still interested. Emma’s phone...

2 years ago
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Claiming His Magic

I've always wanted to have sex with a guy who is utterly gorgeous on every level, but for years I've held off because of my moral principles. I was in a faithful and committed relationship with my boyfriend, Andy for six years. Things were good between us, but kind of tame—I'm not going to lie. Two months ago, however, we mutually agreed to end our relationship after drifting apart.As a 27-year-old woman who was raised in a conservative family, I've never had the greatest sex life. I've...

Quickie Sex
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Older is Better

As a young good looking man of only 20 years old Carl has had a couple of partners but nothing steady. His choices in women was always what everyone else thought he should have, tall, blonde, thin, and absolutely sexy. Though he as always had the stereotypical woman he has never found one that could truly satisfy his sexual drive. Now standing naked in front of this much older non-stereotypical woman he has to wonder if he can finally be sexually satisfied or if he can satisfy her. Jill is an...

4 years ago
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DARK CARNIVALA STORY OF HORROR AND RETRIBUTIONFICTION BYAMANDA WRIGHTERCOPYRIGHT © 2012, WWW.CRAZYXXX3DWORLD.COMCHAPTER 6 Kelsey O’Neil “Would you please quit stressing out, mom? You’re making me nervous!” I complained as my mom dug through my boxes…again. “I just feel like we forgot something!” “It’s fine, mom…really! I will be fine!” “Oh, I know you will be honey, but you know how I worry.” She reached to give me another hug and finally I managed to shoo her out of the door. She’d...

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Lads Holiday Chapter 7

I heard a knock at the door behind me and then the sound of it immediatelyopening and footsteps coming into the room."Don't dare move" Charlie ordered. He was holding the leash close to myneck, keeping me in position and his piss started to flow. I was consumedby the salty test, the need to swallow quickly like I was downing a pint.I could also feel the jizz drying on my face and the tightness of the tailplug in my ass."What. the. fuck" I heard Dan's voice saying, but all I could do...

4 years ago
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The Final Fantasy

Chapter 1: Need More Gil Cloud needed money badly but he was tired of fighting for it. Most of his competitors lost under a minute even when he didn’t use his sword. That money had felt dishonorable in his hands and he was tired of hurting people for his own survival. There weren’t many fit jobs in Midgar, but the pains in Cloud’s stomach moved him to fighting once again. After winning another fight and collecting his Gil, some kids ran up to Cloud and asked the same questions the young...

2 years ago
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She Got It Hot in Honolulu

They were in Hawaii, on a trip that was part business, part holiday. Em was feeling neglected. She didn’t like that, it wasn’t really her. It was inevitable, however, because the business part of it involved Ambrose and he was only around for a bit of the playtime Em had imagined they would have. That would end soon. Ambrose had only a few more days of talking to people (that’s what he did) before he could relax properly too. Em knew he wanted to relax and that it would be nice when he did,...

3 years ago
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Back Seat

"Shit! It's so fucking hot tonight." Such was the eloquent commentary of Chad, my sister Tammy's boyfriend, flowing backward from the front seat. We had just parked at the overlook, the city spreading out beneath us, lights twinkling on as dusk crept in; it looked like a fake scene from an old Los Angeles movie. Until he opened his mouth, the only sound was the ticking of the car engine as the metal contracted after the engine was turned off. We were at the make-out spot favored by everyone...

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Dancehall BBC

It's a short story on how I got fucked by a dance hall artist. I really like dance hall music. It has rhythm. it's colourful, and it's easy to get approach by guys. I can feel the size of all the guys dancing with me. But, above all, when there's a dance hall event or even soca event , it's mostly black guys and girls that go. I'm not talking about big artists that are known, but small artists that comes from Non black girls that go there are looking usually to meet black guys to have some fun...

4 years ago
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Dish Of Trish Tribute Film

I was once asked, 'Do you like to watch Porn?' I replied somewhat enthusiastically, 'Of course I do, I am a woman after-all'. My questioner, was somewhat taken aback, as he was studying me face intently, hoping for a shock-like reaction, instead.In my early years you tended to accept Porn as it was back in the 70's, and very Swedish, the country that made Porn with a story, which sadly lacks in todays mechanical, spitting, gagging, full of sexually demented females, when wound-up utter 'Oh...

3 years ago
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Dessert the morning after your dinner party

I wake up to find myself on your couch. I remember the dinner party you threw last night. I remember enjoying the party and the company, perhaps a little too much wine, but enjoyed that too.I look around and you are not up yet. I use the bathroom, then clean up a little and head towards your bedroom to see if you are awake.I quietly open your door and peak in. You lie in bed, I can tell you are naked under the single sheet, lying on your side, looking so beautiful. Without a thought, I enter...

4 years ago
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Amrita Teacher Teach Me

My name is Sunil from Bangalore. Let me tell you about my incident in my school days. When I was studying PUC.Our family was very conservative and talking about sex was taboo thing in that time. Frankly I never had much knowledge of sex at that time. The information was limited to the casual talks with friends. But I had confusion and doubts about many things of sexual act. At that time my class teacher was the mothers close friend, and they used to stay nearer to our house. Our family was very...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend My Cousin and Me

Him and I both grew up very close to each other. He was kind of like my twin. We always knew when the other was hurt or upset. He was either always at my house or I was always at his house. Their was no separating us. We also had the same interest. We would always watch Power Rangers together when we where younger and as we got older we became Spongebob fans. We where typical little tikes Him and I are very competitive people. We always played video games against each other and fought...

2 years ago
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Fucking The Sexy Neighbor When No One Is At Home

After completing my college i came back to my new house where my parents have shifted on my birthday, my dad lives outside the city and visits us every weekend so mom is generally alone and thus she joined kitty parties with my neighbor aunt, once when they had to go for this kitty party i happened to be at home and aunt gave me their house keys to pass it over to anybody from their house who comes early. It was a normal day for me as i was home and watching TV enjoying my days. The bell rang i...

1 year ago
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Fun for My Wife

My wife is turning 45 this year. She is dreading it and I’m telling her it is just a waypoint. Her periods are behind her, she still looks great, and her health is excellent... I booked a seven-day adults only cruise for her birthday present. I had to show her once and for all that she was still the hottie I married so many years ago. We met under somewhat unusual circumstances. I was at a fraternity party and a buddy tipped me off that there was a chick upstairs doing a gang bang. I got in...

3 years ago
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Trying Threesomes part 2

Over the course of the next four or five months we had threesomes with some of the other guys we had been in touch with. A couple times a guy would call and ask her to see him with out me there. We talked it over and I brought up the point that we were doing threesomes only so far. Jean and I worked different shifts, me early till almost mid night she worked mid afternoon till eleven or so at night. That did her alone on her days off for almost twelve hours. For the time being we decided to...

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