How I lost my virginity to my girlfriend
- 4 years ago
- 24
- 0
The next day I placed a call to Control, and they said they would have somebody come see me the next day to discuss arrangements. But they told me I already had a file opened, and it had been given a provisional green light, depending on cost and complications.
Wow, Di must be higher in the organization than she claimed! About 2 years before I had gotten my phone destroyed in a fight, and it had taken almost 2 weeks to get it replaced.
The next day I was startled to see a couple walk into the store minutes before I went up to lock the door for the night. One was a handsome looking guy in a 3 piece suit, the woman was Chinese in a conservative but stylish business outfit, a dark gray with a black pencil skirt resting just above her knees. She also had a guide dog.
“Diana?” I asked. Not sure of what I was seeing, and if it was real. She smiled, and had Fang bring her over to me where she gave me a big hug. “Hiya, Chris. This is my husband, Doug.” I shook hands with Doug, and said I was glad to have them over. “I think we have a solution, if you have time to hear us out.”
I told them I had all the time in the world, and locked the door and led them up to my apartment. After pouring them both some coffee we sat in the living room. Dianne and Fang changed to Dire Wolf and Fang after going into my bathroom, and she had on a pair of shorts and large t-shirt when she emerged.
“There, I thought this might be more comfortable for all of us. Doug here is one of the supervisors for Paladin Relations, and I got him involved in this case.”
“Actually it was rather easy, to be honest,” Doug explained. “In over four years, you have never requested anything from us other than a single replacement phone. I already got a preliminary approval for $120,000, possibly more depending on needs.”
Thankfully, I had already been thinking this over. “Well, I had already considered part of this to tell you the truth. There’s a closed place several blocks away I had already considered buying, and turning over to Bo for use as a safehouse. It was once a garage, so the bottom floor is perfect for this use. The top floor was an office, and I was considering doing like this, and making it an apartment for my alter-ego, since he is not a secret. The only problem I had is that getting from there to here is a lot more open than my usual way.” I looked at both of them, and continued.
“As Bohica, I generally use the rooftops to get around, and I can mostly move from 3 to 5 blocks in any direction unobserved that way. But this place is almost half a mile, and no easy way to get from there to here without dropping to the street. If I did that, it would only be a matter of time before somebody realized Bo was moving from a single direction every time. That direction being from my place here. That is why for the moment I am parking my car behind the lot where I bought it.”
“OK, so that simplifies things a lot. Give me the address of this safehouse you were looking at.”
I told him the address, and he pulled out what looked like one of those new tablet computers and typed on it for a few minutes. He spent about 5 minutes, bringing up various files and images, then showed one to Di. She nodded, and he then turned to me and smiled.
“OK, I think this can work. There’s an old sewage main that covers most of the distance from here to there, an old main that has been rerouted and replaced about 30 years ago. Next week, we will have a crew start laying in a connection from that place to the main. Then redo the main, and give it a flat floor. Once that is completed, we will then do the same to here. The work here will be at night, but it should be completed before the end of next month.” He smiled at that point.
“OK, here are our standard conditions now. First, you must set up both properties in a trust. If you ever, ahhh, die or decide to stop working as Bohica the title of the properties revert to us. You can still live here, but we are concerned with somebody discovering our secrets. Trust me, this is not to get your property.” He looked sincere, and Di nodded.
“Second, if you ever decide to sell, we agree in advance to pay the going market rate for the properties, as agreed upon by three independent estimators. We choose one, you choose one, the third will be picked by the PMC (Paladin Members Co-Op, essentially our “unofficial” union). It has only happened once so far, but in that event, they paid the average of the two highest estimates. If you do retire, you can pick one of them as your permanent home, and live there as long as you want. We will pay you the market rate for both properties, and you pay us back at an arranged rental fee. If for some reason the rent equals the amount of what we paid you, you only have to pay the real estate tax and insurance. Essentially a reverse mortgage. And if you die, the same thing happens and we pay the compromise between the highest two to your estate. Once again, we are not trying to take money from you. We simply need to safeguard our interests and try to not lose money.” Wow, I had no idea!
“Rest assured, if we were to ever take possession the property, the intent is to put it on hold for several years, then turn it over to a future Paladins. We are as of yet unsure if this gift is genetic, and we do not know if it will ever occur again.”
“Wait, genetic? You mean there may be future generations like us?” I felt a bolt of panic rise in me, remembering my mom.
Di reached out and placed her hand on the back of mine. “Honestly, we just do not know. As I said, I am involved in statistics involving Mutants. We have never found a mutant younger than puberty that ever had the power, but we do have 35 cases where individuals who were pre-pubescent at the time of the Night of Madness later developed powers. It is going to be at least another 10 years or so until we know at the soonest if this is actually genetic, and if it can be passed along to children, Chris.”
Great, another thing for me to consider before I let myself get knocked up.
“But as Doug said, Control is thinking long-term on this. If you buy the other building, this will probably be a slam-dunk. The cost will still go over the budget. But with us ultimately having 2 safehouses, it should be no problem in getting it approved. Baby, tell her about her car!”
“Oh, that is easy. I know I can get approval for that, it is a separate funding pool. It will take about 2 weeks. But we can return it with Kevlar panels in the body, a turbocharged engine, bulletproof glass, suspension upgrade, voice activated computer with full features, and active matrix on the body.”
“Oh Chris, you will love it!” Di squealed. “That’s even better than what I have in many ways. The computer even includes an auto-control, so you could have the car come to you if you are on foot somewhere by giving it a voice command on your phone. I could not go full active matrix, the van is simply too big. But with it the car will be almost invisible so long as it is parked or in an open area and you are driving slowly. And you can give it voice commands, even telling it to say ‘Call Control and have a pick-up for three perps at this location’, and it will make the call for you and tell them where you are. Within minutes of making the request, the cops will be there.”
“Why can’t our phones already do that?” I asked.
“Processor power,” Doug replied. “Phones are pretty smart now, but they still lack the complexity of a full voice controlled AI that can interact with other AIs at that level of sophistication. The computer that goes in the car is still classified, but let’s just say it makes a 16 core Terahertz CPU look like a computer from the 1970’s. And just so you know, part of the protocol includes the ability for Control to wipe the system and fry the thing remotely, to keep it out of the hands of others.”
“What, I would be driving around in a moving bomb?” I asked, horrified.
“Oh, not at all Honey!” Di explained. “It only fries the computer into melted plastic bits. The car would still work, you just loose the other functions. Same with the other features. The active matrix coating would melt down, which looks like an ugly splotched black. This happened to me about a year and a half ago, when some punks stole my van, thinking the boxes in the back were worth something. It was only camouflage, they were empty. When we recovered it, they fixed it back up again at no cost.”
“OK, I’m sold. So what’s next?”
“Get the other building, and bring your car and the paperwork to Control Headquarters. The PMC will see to all legal requirements. It will be in a trust, so that will be largely anonymous. About 4 days later or so you will need to come down to sign the transfers and titles, and that will be it. Oh, the same will go for your car. If you ever need to sell it, we will buy it. At full retail price, even if it is totaled. We are more concerned with the upgrades falling into the wrong hands than we are about money.”
“Honey, you are stepping up into an entire new level now,” Di told me. “Doug, Clint and I have actually been wondering why you did not come to us before with this. But I did some digging since we talked and now that makes sense. Your net worth is over $2 million dollars. So while not independently wealthy, you have obviously not really needed our help before. Most Paladins come to us long before this asking for help, but you always did things on your own. But expect your life to also get a lot more complicated. More than once, I have called Control and said ‘Get me Bohica’. Only to be reminded that you are not mobile, and tended to stay within a 5 mile radius of Darktown. With this, now I can make that request and know that you would likely be there within 20 minutes if you can.”
“Di, if you ever need me I will be there for you, I promise. You know why that was a problem before. But it looks like it will not be a problem ever again.”
Doug stood and reached out his hand, I stood and ignored his hand and gave him a big hug. “Thank you Doug, this is more than I ever dreamed a few months ago.”
He hugged me back and Di came over and hugged me as well. “I only have one request first,” he then said, smiling as he did so. Di laughed as he said this.
“What is that?”
“Well, on my wall I have a signed picture of every Paladin I have helped. If not for Di, we would have had you come to Control to handle this. But it’s more than vanity. A Paladin or Mutant seeing the photos on the wall knows I have their best interests at heart, and will do all I can for them. If you can give me one, it would help a lot. You may not know it, but to many you are one of the most elusive Paladins in the country. We have had little contact with you, and most were not sure if it was because you are afraid of us, or had resources we were not aware of. We already knew your official net worth, but none of us until after you met Di understood that you were simply not aware of all we could do for you. If you had still been working at Super Duper Mart, you likely would have been aware within a month of what we could do, because you would have needed us more. And I admit, I’m impressed with how much you had done on your own for so long. Now, do I have your permission for a photo?”
I laughed, and led them through the secret door to Bohica’s Bunker. I pulled out a photo that I already has taken of me (made at the suggestion of the Control PR Department). “You’ll have to excuse me a moment, I will need to go upstairs and change. I cannot sign as Bo does.” They both laughed, and I returned shortly as Bo, in a pair of sweats.
Doug took a double take, and shook his head. I took the photo from my desk, and signed “To my friend Doug, you really made my dreams come true”, then signed my name. Di smiled when she read the autograph, and Doug did as well, saying “This will be the best one yet. Thank you Bohica, this means a lot to me.”
“Any time,” I replied, smiling and reaching out to shake his hand. “But please, Bo. Now let’s go on upstairs, I have a bottle of wine that this is well suited for!”
Back as Chris I poured the wine, and we chatted like old friends for the next 2 hours. I even took out the steak I had planned for dinner tonight and gave it to Fang, earning a wet lick across the entire side of my face as a reward. I watched it disappear, and once again marveled at the incredible animal.
“Di, have you ever had the intelligence of Fang tested?” I asked.
“Actually, we have. His intelligence is much higher than any other dog, roughly that of a chimp. It is really hard to tell, and we’re not sure how much is his connection to me and psychically getting from me, and how much is his own intelligence. But even when I am not around, he remains much smarter than any other dog ever tested.”
“I believe it. Something about his eyes, when he looks at me, it’s like he knows who I am.”
“Fang, go to Chris,” Di said softly. Fang stood up and walked right in front of me. “Fang, walk to Doug.” He then did just that. “Fang, walk to Bohica.” Fang turned and he gave Di a look, then walked in front of me. We all laughed at that.
“Baby, if that is not a ‘Make up your mind silly human’ look, I will eat my hat!” Doug exclaimed. I gave Fang a big hug around his neck, and said softly into his ear “Buddy, you and I will be seeing a lot more of each other from now on.”
I swear to this day he grinned as he looked me in the eye. Then he did not blink, he winked.
The last of the wine finished, we said our goodbyes and Fang and Dire Wolf changed back into Fang and Di. And with hugs exchanged among all of us I led them back downstairs where they got into their car and headed home.
It was almost 11, so I made a TV dinner and made plans for the next day. I hung a sign in the window saying I was going to be closed the next day. I then changed to Bohica and after getting my car went to a real estate broker and said I was interested in the property. She made a few calls, and soon I was walking inside the garage for the first time. I only had an idea, having seen it from the outside. But inside, it was perfect.
The four doors were automatic, two in the front and two in the back. The ground floor was of double height, and there was already a grease pit and lift inside. Upstairs was divided into three offices, a break room, a bathroom, and a storage room. An easy conversion into a bedroom, kitchen, and living room in addition to the bathroom. The latter only needed the shower replaced with a tub and shower.
And I also found out it included the building next door. They were attached and shared a common wall, but this was common in buildings in this area of town of this age. I was not aware that they were both being sold together.
We tended an offer before noon for $375,000, and it was accepted an hour later. It seems that the owner was wanting to sell. And since it was Bohica that was interested, he knew that there would be no problems in financing. A call to Control, and $100,000 was withdrawn from my account and the remainder guaranteed by a loan from the PMCCU (Paladin Members Co-Op Credit Union) sealed the deal. This was something Doug had told me to do. I could afford to pay it in cash, but he said a loan would be a benefit for tax purposes and other reasons.
I called Di at 4, and told her it was done. Twenty minutes later Doug called me and said construction would start on Monday. “Just write out on a piece of paper your rough ideas, and we will do the rest,” he told me. I spent about two hours doing that, even throwing in a few “pie in the sky” ideas, like linking the network here with the one in my home, and including a secret vault for my new “Bohica Bunker”.
The next day after work I changed, then walked over to get my car. I excused myself in Bob’s bathroom, and emerged 15 minutes later in my suit. “Dang brother, you going on a date or something?”
“Yep,” I said, and threw the bag with Bo’s usual clothes into the trunk and climbed into Blue Beauty. Yea, so I already named my car, so sue me. The Green Hornet had “Black Beauty”, the Brown Hornet had “White Beauty”. Bohica, he would have “Blue Beauty”.
Shortly afterwards, I was standing nervously in front of Gloria’s house and rang the doorbell. As many dates as I had been on as Chris, this is the first time I had actually gone to pick up my own date and not the other way around.
A rather distinguished looking lady answered the door, and looked shocked when she saw me there. “Oh, it’s true,” she softly said, then gave me a smile and said Gloria would be down in a minute. As she was saying this, Gloria came down the stairs.
I admit I had done the same thing in the past as Chris, but the effect still floored me. Her dress was midnight blue, and fit her like a second skin. It reached almost to her knees, and I suspected that she was wearing stockings under it, and not hose. She gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, and told her mother we would be back later that night.
To say I was stunned was an understatement. Her hair was perfect, falling to her shoulders in soft waves. The cut of the top revealed the tops of her breasts, in a very enticing way. Taking her hand in the crook of my arm I led her to Blue Beauty, and realized her dress was a perfect match for my car.
This was obviously the Chris part of me. Bo was mostly thinking of the glimpse of her thighs he saw as she slipped into the car before he closed the door. We chatted about our week on the drive to Smokey’s, and she marveled at my “new” car. “This fits everything about you Bo,” she said. “You don’t seem like a sports car guy, or an SUV guy. Definitely not a mini-van guy. A classic muscle car just screams you, sweetie.” But why was I questioning her calling the car “classic”?
When we got to Smokey’s, I held the door for her and the sound of sweet saxophone jazz greeted us. We walked to the podium where a young woman asked us if we had reservations. I said we didn’t, I had not realized they were needed. The only time I had been here in the past was once with my dad. And suddenly, I realized I felt foolish.
“Honey, they are always needed on the weekends. Let me have your name and I will let you know as soon as a table is open, probably in about 45 minutes I think.”
I had just told her that we needed a table for two for Bo when a portly man came up and whispered to the girl. “Please Mr. Bohica, we can seat you right now if you will follow me. I apologize for the confusion,” he said, giving the girl a dirty look which she seemed to cringe from.
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"You have opened this web site because you want sexual gratification.Read on as you masturbate. It is even better when you are a couple, as you are now." It is just past seven A.M. "You are both dressed as if you are about to leave for work in a high end office. You are supposed to be retired or on vacation. You haven't made love in years. In order for this to work you must become my slaves. You will do as I say or I will simply walk out and not come back." You say,"Yes, master. We will be your...
Group Sex"The guy's got chutzpah," I told Sandy in our second phone conversation from Carol's house. Instead of Jordan, I referred to Jordan's brother, Cole. "The name listed as the owner of the red Mustang is Maxim M. Greene from Olympia Washington. Maximum green! Can you believe that? They faxed his driver's license. Of course I can't be sure it's the brother, but he sure looks more like him than he doesn't. I tried the phone at the listed address. It's disconnected, probably because...
It had been a rough year for Dennis Boggs (Coach) since the Madisons died. In the warped thinking of their little town, he somehow ended up being blamed for the mass upheaval that befell the town's leadership. Not that the three years before had been great, either. Less than five years ago, he had been, he thought, happily married, and moving along nicely in his coaching career. Janice had been his high-school sweetheart, even though she was three years behind him. The eldest daughter of a...
Hello people.Greetings of the day .This is Raj from Goa. I have always wanted to speak my heart out about my real sex story and yeah I guess today I will share it out with you guys.You could sure get back to me on my email id Looking forward to make some great friends. Well to begin with I would like to tell you guys about me. This incident goes way back to the time when I was a kid.I had just hit puberty with a trail of moustache beginning to sprout above my lips, a 18 year old cute guy...
Gay MaleRaquel boarded the bus, put her money into the coin box, and looked to see if there was an empty seat available. To her surprise and delight, this was her lucky night, there were only a few people on the bus. “This will be a good ride”, she thought and made her way to the back of the bus. She was tired. Her job took a lot out of her and then having to go to school afterwards didn’t help. All she wanted to do was sleep. She plopped into an empty seat, set her knapsack next to her, straightened...
SeductionThe Perfect Girl By Jennifer Richardson When I first found that my husband was a habitual crossdresser I admit to being hugely shocked. It also excited me, something that I certainly hadn't expected. After a little while of me ignoring his dressing, I decided that I should do a little bit of research and used the wonders of the Internet to discover more about the subject. I found that there was far more interest in crossdressing than I had imagined. Not just guys dressing as...
My name is Joan and at the time of this story, I was thirty years old and married to Ed, who wasthirty-two years old and a successful marketing director with a company in the sporting goodsindustry. We had been married for five years and had a beautiful four-year-old daughter, and haddecided to have another c***d, so I had recently stopped taking my birth control pills. I don’t mean to brag on myself, but just so you know, I'm very attractive with short and sassy,dishwater blonde hair and...
This is a story of me. I am Mallika and I am 43 now. It all started when I was about 42. I was happily married with my husband and our only son Ramesh. On an unfateful day I lost my husband due to an illness. I was pretty devastated as is my son Ramesh. We could not live anymore in that town so we sold our house. My son got a transfer to a remote village and we both moved and settled there. My son was 21 then and he is already working and earning well. Since Ramesh started working he gave us...
IncestIt is said that beauty of a woman can save the world. The beauty of Queen Catherine, however, is not that kind of beauty - it is not the beauty of a caring mother that settles disputes between men and cools their passions, or a youthful, tender girl that can make a boy's heart bloom and the man inside him awaken, or the beauty of a wife that gives her husband the strength to carry on. No, hers is the beauty of a huntress, a seductress, a vile she-demon. Hers is the beauty of a that dooms, that...
I must admit that did not have a girlfriend since I left college and was busy making a name for myself at work and with the money I was making. Ok so I found myself in AL and got this really nice apartment in a high rise that was very classy. My first day of work saw me get my own office and had a personal tour by my superior. Things went well as I settled into my new job and I was as busy with work as can be. About 3 months in I got my first project completed and it sure did make me proud...
“Be safe! We love you!” My family yelled as I maneuvered my silver 2001 BMW down the driveway of our 2 story brick house on my way to freedom. I gave one final wave as I pushed on the gas and started off to college. Finally! I thought as I started off to GT where I planned on making my dream come true… being and actress. Now, don’t get me wrong, I could care less if I’m famous… I just wanna act… to be on stage and in the spotlight. The college campus was only about 45 min away from where I...
LesbianGetting Debbie to agree to sex with Ace wasn’t hard. She had already said before that she was willing to try anything, even if it meant with a dog. Hilda is the perfect teacher too. While Alan has had much support from his therapist, Jessie and Cathleen, she was the one that provided the much needed encouragement to actually go through with taking the next step. And the one time last night wasn’t the only time. Alan had taken Sandy once more by himself before it became an all-out human/dog...
The whole time I have been married to my wife I have shared her body with any one she wishes . This pasted summer we had a weekend with nothing to do so we loaded up our camper and headed to the lake. Just before we left the house my wife had me put on my CB3000 and she said that if there wasn't any fuckable guys at the lake that she would remove it so I could have sex with her. We found a nice spot and set up camp. My wife was wearing a bikini top and a pair of very short cut off blue jean...
This is a rough draft of my latest erotic short story. It is a sequel to my first story, A Limo Ride to Remember, which can be read on Literotica, and continues the relationship between Brittany and Jordan, one year later. I will upload the final draft on Literotica.********As another day comes to an end, the sounds of the office die down with the setting of the November sun. What normally is the whirring ambience of printers, fax machines, and telephones becomes the usual hallway chatter of...
Saturday Night. Jennifer had a pit in her stomach. This was the first date that she had been on since her husband was killed in a car accident. She didn’t know what to expect. Her friend Rita had set her up with a guy that she knew from her office. Rita told her he was the type of guy that all women lusted after, but, was very sweet, and was looking to please a woman. Something Rita thought Jennifer needed. It had been over a year since her husband died. Jennifer never imagined herself ever...
It was meant to be a one-night thing. I was between boyfriends—though that was a bit of a misnomer, as I wasn’t usually the sort of girl who got boyfriends anymore. Having hit my thirties, it seemed like men were like parking spaces: all the good ones were either taken or handicapped. Not that I knew what a “good one” actually was; my last boyfriend had been anemic in bed, to put it generously. And I hadn’t had sex in ... well, far too long. Even counting that. So I had an idea. There was a...
Sally and Billy's Romance Grows It was a little before nine AM when Sally knocked on Billy's door. He had been up for a little more than two hours and was happy to see his girlfriend. "Sally, I am so glad you came over this morning. I am looking forward to spending the day with you. I have just finished my homework. Are you done with yours?" "Yes, Billy. I did my homework as soon as I got up this morning. Now, if you don't mind, I would love to go somewhere where I can show off my...
After my ordeal with Sally and Luka I had to get out of there. I couldn't believe what happened. I went straight home and took a long hot shower and went to bed. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't get the images of that afternoon out of my head. Before I knew it, I was getting excited all over again. My hand slipped down to my pussy, as I touched myself, the pain was unbearable; I was raw and swollen. I was scared at first that something was wrong. I remembered a few times before after...
I shut and locked my truck and briskly walked towards the collection of handsome brick buildings, dropping my keys in my jeans, and taking a deep breath, I was nervous and excited. I have never considered myself a ladies’ man, and up until this point, online dating had been a fools errand. I will be the first to admit my online flirtatious skills are somewhat lacking which made the events of the past week leading to this moment all the more surreal. A week ago while lying in bed I had...
I was 20 years old, working but still living at home with my parents and my 18 year old sister Rachel. Ever since she was small she would have a bath, then come downstairs and get dried in front of the fire and then put her pyjamas on. One night, our parents were both out (as happened about 3 times a week), and I was sat watching TV. My sister was having a bath, and as usual came down stairs to dry off. Now up till now, I had never EVER thought of Rachel in any way sexual, but tonite, looking...
I had to somehow sidestep the whole feelings portion of my "relationship" with Kristy. We were friends with benefits, or fuck buddies, or whatever. Nothing further would happen between us. She wasn't happy about that. Someway I convinced her we weren't compatible. We were total opposites in everything. Sometimes that can be a good thing. However, if two people cannot have a united front on any issue then your relationship is fucked. Simple as that.Once she was over that, we resumed hooking up....
Group SexAnita had asked me about having a third guy while fucking…I finally agreed with her and then she posted some asks for a third.We looked at all of the replies to our post until she found the one she wanted… The guy was black…; with a large, thick, uncut cock. Ana wanted to suck a big black dick and give me a good show…We finally met at a local bar, not so far from home. We had some drinks to get to know each other and later I left them alone a few times so they got to talk and be together....
It all started a while in a small nothing of a town I don't really care to say exactly where. I was jut a baby and we lived out on a ranch that was owned by some friends of my mother's family. I have been told that my father was worse than useless, and even after my grandfather spent several thousand dollars on equipment so that he could work on the oil wells around the ranch and other property that our friends owned my father spent most of his time and money in the living room or in various...
I love having my tits sucked. Some one that would suck my thick nipples for hours. I want to hold the naked man in my arms like a baby and let him suck and expand the nipples, stretching them. I would always be without a shirt at home so he can attach to me and suck. The perfect fantasy is to have a female with nice full tits join us and I would suck her nipples as he sucks mine. Then I would fondle her tits and we both are topless to suck nipples any time we like. Maybe they would both suck...
"What the hell happened here?" Waking up at almost the same time, Brandy and Jordan looked at me, then at each other, then started giggling. Then one after another, they winced. Jordan laughed, and brushed some of Brandy's hair out of her face. "I guess we were a bit over-enthusiastic." Brandy giggled. "Yeah, but it's not like we could help ourselves." She gave me an obviously-playful glare. "What are you two talking about?" "I know they took out part of your brain, campione,...
Introduction: sex on high school times pictures of my girlfriend Brooke: My name is Randy and I am a 22 old male. My girlfriend, Brooke, can be super jealous at times and she really hates it that one of my best friends from back in high school is another girl. What makes matters worse is my friend, Jayden, has great tits and a cute ass. She is a little on the curvy side but in no way even close to being fat. She is a certified Hottie. Still we never hooked up, but I...
One day, while I was shopping at a local electronics store, I caught a glimpse of a nice looking young lady. She had long waves of rich black hair,a smooth tan and a body like,"BANG!" Now,I wasn't the only one who noticed. Brumfield and Vick (my room mates) got pissed as I caught up to where they were waiting for me. I must have been blocking there view.;P When I turned around to rear-view my golden find, we all agreed that this chick was hot,hot,hot! Then one of them got this...
Hi friends, nenu me kumar, idi na rendo sex story, kotthavallaki na previous story kavalante “Na thoti Teacher Sravanthi” chadavandi, na details kuda andulo unnay. Ika Kathaloki vasthe aa story ki sequel idi, aa story lo na co teacher ni dengithe, e story lo na principal name Srinidhi sizes 38-32-40, (heroine of the story) ni denganu. Actually thana mida naku a interest ledu paiga kopam undedi, endukante timings vishayamlo naku thanaki chinna godava jarigindi. taravatha set iyyindi. Thanu...
Well, here it is, I hope you enjoy... As we sit on the couch in the early evening the movie we are watching has just ended and we are curled up together. I run my hand down through your hair, giving it a light pull when my fingers reach the end and whisper quietly, “I have a surprise for you tonight, one I am sure you will enjoy.” Then, as you look up at me, I can’t help but grin and pull your hair a little more, causing you to arch your head back so I can kiss you and, give...
Jack was running like hell, he just stole a chip with very important information for a mob leader. As a cop in disguise, he was lucky enough to infiltrate the depths of the mafia and get vital information about its structure. All he had to do now was to deliver them to the FBI, but there was one problem. The Mafia found out that he was a traitor and sent killers after him. And they were getting closer. Jack knew that there's no way he can get the HQ. He had no money, no car, nothing......