The Wilsons
- 2 years ago
- 25
- 0
The next day I placed a call to Control, and they said they would have somebody come see me the next day to discuss arrangements. But they told me I already had a file opened, and it had been given a provisional green light, depending on cost and complications.
Wow, Di must be higher in the organization than she claimed! About 2 years before I had gotten my phone destroyed in a fight, and it had taken almost 2 weeks to get it replaced.
The next day I was startled to see a couple walk into the store minutes before I went up to lock the door for the night. One was a handsome looking guy in a 3 piece suit, the woman was Chinese in a conservative but stylish business outfit, a dark gray with a black pencil skirt resting just above her knees. She also had a guide dog.
“Diana?” I asked. Not sure of what I was seeing, and if it was real. She smiled, and had Fang bring her over to me where she gave me a big hug. “Hiya, Chris. This is my husband, Doug.” I shook hands with Doug, and said I was glad to have them over. “I think we have a solution, if you have time to hear us out.”
I told them I had all the time in the world, and locked the door and led them up to my apartment. After pouring them both some coffee we sat in the living room. Dianne and Fang changed to Dire Wolf and Fang after going into my bathroom, and she had on a pair of shorts and large t-shirt when she emerged.
“There, I thought this might be more comfortable for all of us. Doug here is one of the supervisors for Paladin Relations, and I got him involved in this case.”
“Actually it was rather easy, to be honest,” Doug explained. “In over four years, you have never requested anything from us other than a single replacement phone. I already got a preliminary approval for $120,000, possibly more depending on needs.”
Thankfully, I had already been thinking this over. “Well, I had already considered part of this to tell you the truth. There’s a closed place several blocks away I had already considered buying, and turning over to Bo for use as a safehouse. It was once a garage, so the bottom floor is perfect for this use. The top floor was an office, and I was considering doing like this, and making it an apartment for my alter-ego, since he is not a secret. The only problem I had is that getting from there to here is a lot more open than my usual way.” I looked at both of them, and continued.
“As Bohica, I generally use the rooftops to get around, and I can mostly move from 3 to 5 blocks in any direction unobserved that way. But this place is almost half a mile, and no easy way to get from there to here without dropping to the street. If I did that, it would only be a matter of time before somebody realized Bo was moving from a single direction every time. That direction being from my place here. That is why for the moment I am parking my car behind the lot where I bought it.”
“OK, so that simplifies things a lot. Give me the address of this safehouse you were looking at.”
I told him the address, and he pulled out what looked like one of those new tablet computers and typed on it for a few minutes. He spent about 5 minutes, bringing up various files and images, then showed one to Di. She nodded, and he then turned to me and smiled.
“OK, I think this can work. There’s an old sewage main that covers most of the distance from here to there, an old main that has been rerouted and replaced about 30 years ago. Next week, we will have a crew start laying in a connection from that place to the main. Then redo the main, and give it a flat floor. Once that is completed, we will then do the same to here. The work here will be at night, but it should be completed before the end of next month.” He smiled at that point.
“OK, here are our standard conditions now. First, you must set up both properties in a trust. If you ever, ahhh, die or decide to stop working as Bohica the title of the properties revert to us. You can still live here, but we are concerned with somebody discovering our secrets. Trust me, this is not to get your property.” He looked sincere, and Di nodded.
“Second, if you ever decide to sell, we agree in advance to pay the going market rate for the properties, as agreed upon by three independent estimators. We choose one, you choose one, the third will be picked by the PMC (Paladin Members Co-Op, essentially our “unofficial” union). It has only happened once so far, but in that event, they paid the average of the two highest estimates. If you do retire, you can pick one of them as your permanent home, and live there as long as you want. We will pay you the market rate for both properties, and you pay us back at an arranged rental fee. If for some reason the rent equals the amount of what we paid you, you only have to pay the real estate tax and insurance. Essentially a reverse mortgage. And if you die, the same thing happens and we pay the compromise between the highest two to your estate. Once again, we are not trying to take money from you. We simply need to safeguard our interests and try to not lose money.” Wow, I had no idea!
“Rest assured, if we were to ever take possession the property, the intent is to put it on hold for several years, then turn it over to a future Paladins. We are as of yet unsure if this gift is genetic, and we do not know if it will ever occur again.”
“Wait, genetic? You mean there may be future generations like us?” I felt a bolt of panic rise in me, remembering my mom.
Di reached out and placed her hand on the back of mine. “Honestly, we just do not know. As I said, I am involved in statistics involving Mutants. We have never found a mutant younger than puberty that ever had the power, but we do have 35 cases where individuals who were pre-pubescent at the time of the Night of Madness later developed powers. It is going to be at least another 10 years or so until we know at the soonest if this is actually genetic, and if it can be passed along to children, Chris.”
Great, another thing for me to consider before I let myself get knocked up.
“But as Doug said, Control is thinking long-term on this. If you buy the other building, this will probably be a slam-dunk. The cost will still go over the budget. But with us ultimately having 2 safehouses, it should be no problem in getting it approved. Baby, tell her about her car!”
“Oh, that is easy. I know I can get approval for that, it is a separate funding pool. It will take about 2 weeks. But we can return it with Kevlar panels in the body, a turbocharged engine, bulletproof glass, suspension upgrade, voice activated computer with full features, and active matrix on the body.”
“Oh Chris, you will love it!” Di squealed. “That’s even better than what I have in many ways. The computer even includes an auto-control, so you could have the car come to you if you are on foot somewhere by giving it a voice command on your phone. I could not go full active matrix, the van is simply too big. But with it the car will be almost invisible so long as it is parked or in an open area and you are driving slowly. And you can give it voice commands, even telling it to say ‘Call Control and have a pick-up for three perps at this location’, and it will make the call for you and tell them where you are. Within minutes of making the request, the cops will be there.”
“Why can’t our phones already do that?” I asked.
“Processor power,” Doug replied. “Phones are pretty smart now, but they still lack the complexity of a full voice controlled AI that can interact with other AIs at that level of sophistication. The computer that goes in the car is still classified, but let’s just say it makes a 16 core Terahertz CPU look like a computer from the 1970’s. And just so you know, part of the protocol includes the ability for Control to wipe the system and fry the thing remotely, to keep it out of the hands of others.”
“What, I would be driving around in a moving bomb?” I asked, horrified.
“Oh, not at all Honey!” Di explained. “It only fries the computer into melted plastic bits. The car would still work, you just loose the other functions. Same with the other features. The active matrix coating would melt down, which looks like an ugly splotched black. This happened to me about a year and a half ago, when some punks stole my van, thinking the boxes in the back were worth something. It was only camouflage, they were empty. When we recovered it, they fixed it back up again at no cost.”
“OK, I’m sold. So what’s next?”
“Get the other building, and bring your car and the paperwork to Control Headquarters. The PMC will see to all legal requirements. It will be in a trust, so that will be largely anonymous. About 4 days later or so you will need to come down to sign the transfers and titles, and that will be it. Oh, the same will go for your car. If you ever need to sell it, we will buy it. At full retail price, even if it is totaled. We are more concerned with the upgrades falling into the wrong hands than we are about money.”
“Honey, you are stepping up into an entire new level now,” Di told me. “Doug, Clint and I have actually been wondering why you did not come to us before with this. But I did some digging since we talked and now that makes sense. Your net worth is over $2 million dollars. So while not independently wealthy, you have obviously not really needed our help before. Most Paladins come to us long before this asking for help, but you always did things on your own. But expect your life to also get a lot more complicated. More than once, I have called Control and said ‘Get me Bohica’. Only to be reminded that you are not mobile, and tended to stay within a 5 mile radius of Darktown. With this, now I can make that request and know that you would likely be there within 20 minutes if you can.”
“Di, if you ever need me I will be there for you, I promise. You know why that was a problem before. But it looks like it will not be a problem ever again.”
Doug stood and reached out his hand, I stood and ignored his hand and gave him a big hug. “Thank you Doug, this is more than I ever dreamed a few months ago.”
He hugged me back and Di came over and hugged me as well. “I only have one request first,” he then said, smiling as he did so. Di laughed as he said this.
“What is that?”
“Well, on my wall I have a signed picture of every Paladin I have helped. If not for Di, we would have had you come to Control to handle this. But it’s more than vanity. A Paladin or Mutant seeing the photos on the wall knows I have their best interests at heart, and will do all I can for them. If you can give me one, it would help a lot. You may not know it, but to many you are one of the most elusive Paladins in the country. We have had little contact with you, and most were not sure if it was because you are afraid of us, or had resources we were not aware of. We already knew your official net worth, but none of us until after you met Di understood that you were simply not aware of all we could do for you. If you had still been working at Super Duper Mart, you likely would have been aware within a month of what we could do, because you would have needed us more. And I admit, I’m impressed with how much you had done on your own for so long. Now, do I have your permission for a photo?”
I laughed, and led them through the secret door to Bohica’s Bunker. I pulled out a photo that I already has taken of me (made at the suggestion of the Control PR Department). “You’ll have to excuse me a moment, I will need to go upstairs and change. I cannot sign as Bo does.” They both laughed, and I returned shortly as Bo, in a pair of sweats.
Doug took a double take, and shook his head. I took the photo from my desk, and signed “To my friend Doug, you really made my dreams come true”, then signed my name. Di smiled when she read the autograph, and Doug did as well, saying “This will be the best one yet. Thank you Bohica, this means a lot to me.”
“Any time,” I replied, smiling and reaching out to shake his hand. “But please, Bo. Now let’s go on upstairs, I have a bottle of wine that this is well suited for!”
Back as Chris I poured the wine, and we chatted like old friends for the next 2 hours. I even took out the steak I had planned for dinner tonight and gave it to Fang, earning a wet lick across the entire side of my face as a reward. I watched it disappear, and once again marveled at the incredible animal.
“Di, have you ever had the intelligence of Fang tested?” I asked.
“Actually, we have. His intelligence is much higher than any other dog, roughly that of a chimp. It is really hard to tell, and we’re not sure how much is his connection to me and psychically getting from me, and how much is his own intelligence. But even when I am not around, he remains much smarter than any other dog ever tested.”
“I believe it. Something about his eyes, when he looks at me, it’s like he knows who I am.”
“Fang, go to Chris,” Di said softly. Fang stood up and walked right in front of me. “Fang, walk to Doug.” He then did just that. “Fang, walk to Bohica.” Fang turned and he gave Di a look, then walked in front of me. We all laughed at that.
“Baby, if that is not a ‘Make up your mind silly human’ look, I will eat my hat!” Doug exclaimed. I gave Fang a big hug around his neck, and said softly into his ear “Buddy, you and I will be seeing a lot more of each other from now on.”
I swear to this day he grinned as he looked me in the eye. Then he did not blink, he winked.
The last of the wine finished, we said our goodbyes and Fang and Dire Wolf changed back into Fang and Di. And with hugs exchanged among all of us I led them back downstairs where they got into their car and headed home.
It was almost 11, so I made a TV dinner and made plans for the next day. I hung a sign in the window saying I was going to be closed the next day. I then changed to Bohica and after getting my car went to a real estate broker and said I was interested in the property. She made a few calls, and soon I was walking inside the garage for the first time. I only had an idea, having seen it from the outside. But inside, it was perfect.
The four doors were automatic, two in the front and two in the back. The ground floor was of double height, and there was already a grease pit and lift inside. Upstairs was divided into three offices, a break room, a bathroom, and a storage room. An easy conversion into a bedroom, kitchen, and living room in addition to the bathroom. The latter only needed the shower replaced with a tub and shower.
And I also found out it included the building next door. They were attached and shared a common wall, but this was common in buildings in this area of town of this age. I was not aware that they were both being sold together.
We tended an offer before noon for $375,000, and it was accepted an hour later. It seems that the owner was wanting to sell. And since it was Bohica that was interested, he knew that there would be no problems in financing. A call to Control, and $100,000 was withdrawn from my account and the remainder guaranteed by a loan from the PMCCU (Paladin Members Co-Op Credit Union) sealed the deal. This was something Doug had told me to do. I could afford to pay it in cash, but he said a loan would be a benefit for tax purposes and other reasons.
I called Di at 4, and told her it was done. Twenty minutes later Doug called me and said construction would start on Monday. “Just write out on a piece of paper your rough ideas, and we will do the rest,” he told me. I spent about two hours doing that, even throwing in a few “pie in the sky” ideas, like linking the network here with the one in my home, and including a secret vault for my new “Bohica Bunker”.
The next day after work I changed, then walked over to get my car. I excused myself in Bob’s bathroom, and emerged 15 minutes later in my suit. “Dang brother, you going on a date or something?”
“Yep,” I said, and threw the bag with Bo’s usual clothes into the trunk and climbed into Blue Beauty. Yea, so I already named my car, so sue me. The Green Hornet had “Black Beauty”, the Brown Hornet had “White Beauty”. Bohica, he would have “Blue Beauty”.
Shortly afterwards, I was standing nervously in front of Gloria’s house and rang the doorbell. As many dates as I had been on as Chris, this is the first time I had actually gone to pick up my own date and not the other way around.
A rather distinguished looking lady answered the door, and looked shocked when she saw me there. “Oh, it’s true,” she softly said, then gave me a smile and said Gloria would be down in a minute. As she was saying this, Gloria came down the stairs.
I admit I had done the same thing in the past as Chris, but the effect still floored me. Her dress was midnight blue, and fit her like a second skin. It reached almost to her knees, and I suspected that she was wearing stockings under it, and not hose. She gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, and told her mother we would be back later that night.
To say I was stunned was an understatement. Her hair was perfect, falling to her shoulders in soft waves. The cut of the top revealed the tops of her breasts, in a very enticing way. Taking her hand in the crook of my arm I led her to Blue Beauty, and realized her dress was a perfect match for my car.
This was obviously the Chris part of me. Bo was mostly thinking of the glimpse of her thighs he saw as she slipped into the car before he closed the door. We chatted about our week on the drive to Smokey’s, and she marveled at my “new” car. “This fits everything about you Bo,” she said. “You don’t seem like a sports car guy, or an SUV guy. Definitely not a mini-van guy. A classic muscle car just screams you, sweetie.” But why was I questioning her calling the car “classic”?
When we got to Smokey’s, I held the door for her and the sound of sweet saxophone jazz greeted us. We walked to the podium where a young woman asked us if we had reservations. I said we didn’t, I had not realized they were needed. The only time I had been here in the past was once with my dad. And suddenly, I realized I felt foolish.
“Honey, they are always needed on the weekends. Let me have your name and I will let you know as soon as a table is open, probably in about 45 minutes I think.”
I had just told her that we needed a table for two for Bo when a portly man came up and whispered to the girl. “Please Mr. Bohica, we can seat you right now if you will follow me. I apologize for the confusion,” he said, giving the girl a dirty look which she seemed to cringe from.
Chapter 1 If you've read my earlier stories on here, you know I'm very taken with Katarina Witt's sexiness and her awesome hotness both as a young woman and as a world class and Olympic gold medal figure skater. In my opinion, Katarina is probably the sexiest woman ever to strap on a pair of ice skates and skate competitively in the history of the sport. If you never had the privilege of actually seeing Katarina skate, I wish you get the chance. She was extremely talented, extremely...
Finally i dare to express a beautiful time of my life for you all. Njooy the story and let me know through email. With the computer safely placed in my bedroom in the upstairs, it was convenient for me to do my office work. As soon as i return from office, after freshening up and tea, i sit on the computer and start my work. My own statements, power points excel sheets regarding marketing etc. Keep me busy. Uncle when returns from his office comes straight to my room and sit watching my doing...
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"I can't believe I'm going to meet my sister-in-law," I said, shaking his arm."Why are you so excited, Abby? She is my sister, I'm the one who hasn't seen her in a few years, and you haven't even met her.""Well, she is practically my sister too, that's all. I just feel like I'm meeting another member of my family. I already feel like I love her, and you love her, so I'm just anxious, Jeff," I answered before I smooched his cheek. "After seeing her pictures, I'm horny."He slowly...
IncestI’m already smiling as I knock on your door. "I wonder how you will react to what I have planned for you," I had said teasingly during the phone call earlier in the week, wanting your imagination to work overtime. "You should know me well by now, it's always a surprise, a good surprise." You open the door and stand there smiling, a questioning look on your face. I show you the bottle of champagne, condensation covering the cold green glass in blisters of water. You follow me into the kitchen, I...
Straight SexGregg & Maxine had disappeared. They were no longer in the museum. But, thought Gregg to himself, where were they? Where do things go to when they disappear? If something has gone, where has it gone to? Gregg was beginning to wish that he had paid more attention during Philosophy 101. He wanted to get back but if you don't know where you are how can you know where back is? Certainly he didn't want to be back in the museum. "Where are we?" Maxine whispered. "I don't know. We...
Somehow, I awoke in the hospital, anyway. I just wasn’t sure why. Kara stood over me in my bed and she had this sigh coming out of her mouth just as the tears streaked down her face. She was obviously very worried about me and her eyes showed far more love than I ever realized before. “The moment that I got you out of their sight, I stopped the bike and checked the stitches. They were a little loose from what little riding we did. I also didn’t trust that quack friend of yours if his bias...
SynopsisFor those with ‘the gift of seeing’, the mirror takes them into a dark satanic world of pain and sex. Dianne finds she has that gift. For the background to this story read Satanic Mirror-Its Acquisition. This time she is caned for committing adultery and trained to become a pleasure lady.Satanic Mirror: Punishment for Adulteryby obohoboWarningsThe text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking, If you are underage or offended by...
Before you begin let me start by saying I decided to write this because I wanted to see how well I could depict the situation it involves. As you lay there naked next to me, the only thought that passes through my mind is, ‘I want your long hard cock, so I can lick it from shaft to head and then slide it in my mouth and suck on it, while you rub on my clit.’ Just after you get off I climb on top of you, while I’m dripping wet I slowly slide down on you, remembering every little sensation as I...
The water was cold on my body, causing little goose bumps to rise all over me. I loved the feeling of the sun against my skin, then the feel of the cold water rinsing the suntan oil off. Nude beaches were my particular thing. I liked being a female and naked against the elements. I loved the feel of the wind, the sun, and the water against my naked body; my breasts always became super sensitive on these occasions. It excites me to be looked at, too. I like looking at other people too. I had...
Demi Sutra was on the side of the road making some money by selling some fresh oranges. This is when Sean noticed her and called her over. However he wanted more than just oranges. As she walked up to his car, he pulled his cock out and started jerking it in order to surprise her. This surprise turned her on. He offered her to get in the car to have some fun, and she jumped right on. In the car, Demi sucked Sean’s cock clean. Soon after, they reached his house, they walked in and the real fun...
xmoviesforyouRebecca Hart Allen, PhD, Professor of Sociology. The name was on the door in bold black letters. Wayne could no longer delay the dreaded meeting. He had not been Dr. Allen’s favorite student last term and he found that genuinely regrettable. His grade point average showed as much. At least he didn’t have to base his chances for graduate school on that single pass/fail class. He was generally a good student and enjoyed school, which was unusual for people in theatre. But it hadn’t shown in Dr....
Making our way back to camp, the girls were quiet and looking at me strangely. "Are you a Smith?" one of the older women asked. "No, I'm a student. I'm still learning." "You were able to make the bow and these wonderful knives that cut so effortlessly." "That was the use of technology. I have the design of many things in my template, I apply some power and out comes what I have selected. Any one could use one with training." As I said 'technology' they all cringed and made a...
Hi All, I am a regular reader of ISS and this is my real time story happened 2 years back. I am Ritesh Taneja, 40 years old and living in Delhi. I am 5’7″ and with a good body. I live in a group society and there are around 200 families living in the same society. The incident happened between me and Sneha (Name Changed). Sneha is around 32 years old and mother of 2. She is around 5’4″, very fair, long hairs and having 36D-30-38, figure. She is always so well dressed and that everyone in the...
Introduction: Wedding and aftermath ,) Authors Note* I read a comment that gave me a good idea. But I have to say when I started this story I wanted it to be realistic. And slowly Ive been drifting from that but its all good. But Ive gotten suggestions for bestiality and pregnancy and I think someone asked for piss. Any thoughts or comments on these? Anyway&hellip,. REJECTS AND SHEJECTS&hellip,&hellip,I know pronounce you&hellip,. The moon glowed bright and the wind chilled my bones. It had...
I didn't know I was gay until I was seventeen. I grew up in a rough area of Brooklyn. Sex was all mixed up, there were no rules. A lot of guys in the neighborhood were getting their cocks sucked by queers. It was no big deal to anyone, except maybe a neighborhood priest ranting about going to hell for shooting cum in some bodies mouth.Yeah, they had sex education in school, but it was a joke. It was a bunch of bullshit really. Every five minutes they are telling you to put a...
Gay Male"Are you all right?" The cool question made Doris pause as she was hurrying through the hall at Romily Manor on her way to her room to freshen up, and compose herself, after George had dropped her off at the front door. "W-why yes, Missus Wynton," Doris stammered. The mistress of Romily Manor surveyed Doris's flushed face, over-bright eyes and keyed-up manner. "What did--" she paused, "the doctor want to see you about?" "Oh," Doris's flush deepened, "just--just some tests."...
Have a happy and safe Independence Day. I hoped that I had chosen the right cord and that it was the slow burn type and not mislabeled. It was one hell of a chance but I did not like some of the things Robert was sending me from his intelligence gathering. They had a couple minutes to change their mind but no more. I had walked fifty feet when all kinds of screaming erupted from behind me. Gus wasn’t saying anything, just staring at the burning cord, but his three accomplices were saying...
They all seemed to get along so well. As a band we all are supposed to get along well. All of them were hot. Keith was the shy one of the group and rather the clumsiest, but he was the best lead guitarist there was. Cliff and John were half brothers. Same Dad, different Mothers. Cliff was the polar opposite of John. Cliff was the serious lead singer/keyboardist. He was not much of genuine humour, but sarcastic phrases. While on the other hand, John was the playful, carefree type. That was one...
Before we start I want to tell you that this story features use of the game mode. It is recommended that you turn on the game (press start game) for their are scenes that can only be accessed with certain scores that would otherwise be unavailable if not enabled. __________ The light of the room clicked off plunging me into darkness. I sighed and rubbed my eyes, glad to finally get a break from bright lights. I stumbled my way to the unkempt bed, my feet slipping on some of the mess of my room....
GayThe lovely Angeline is back! You might remember her from the threesome she shot with us a couple months ago. Cam liked “the short haired girl” so much that he requested she come back. In order to convince her to return, we told her the footage from her threesome video was lost. She was reluctant to come back, but we made it happen :-). In the scene, Angeline is just as bubbly and eager to please as before. This girl doesn’t balk at anything we throw at her and even suggests an...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: a great start to the holidays Holiday Hump Sometimes experiences happen in the most surprising ways and a young married hottie certainly surprised me by taking advantage of my sleeping erection. It all came about when a friends married daughter living overseas needed someone to look after her dog while she and her hubby along with their 2 kids went for a 2 week holiday. It just so happened that I had some holidays due but a lack of money to go anywhere too far, they offered me...
Rekha aur Lekha dono behne thi. Rekha ki umra 18 saal aur Lekha 19 saal ki thi. Dono dikhne me bahut sundar thi. Wo apne maa Rukmani aur bapu Kalyan jo ek kisan tha is gaon me saalo se rehte hai. Unka Baldev Singh se achi banti thi jo apni Maa aur beta Vikram se saath unke pados me hi rehta tha. Baldev ek chota vyapari tha isliye ussey jyadatar ghar se dur rehna padtha tha aur uski Maa ki bhi kafi umar ho chuki thi. Jab Vikram 10 saal ka tha Baldev Singh ki patni ka dehanth ho gaya. Tab se...
Annie said, “What’s in this for me? You two have bet money on the outcome, but what about little old me?”“What do you want?”She licked her lips. Dare she ask, she wondered, and then expressed her desire. “I want the three of you to take me simultaneously.”“Done!” Joe said shaking his head in surprised approval. Agreement had formed on the lips of both Bea and Perry as well, but went unspoken.“All right then,” Annie said and raised her dress to her waist. Her purple thong seemed to sparkle in...
NovelsThe pain in Ana's head pulsed hard against her forehead and brought a flush of sweat to her cheeks and brow. She opened her eyes gradually, blinking in the additional pain inflicted on her sensitive constitution by a bright shaft of sunlight illuminating the bedroom and shining on the satin sheets that covered her legs and the mattress beneath her. Where was she? What was this strange bed? Suddenly aghast, she remembered details of the night before and her lovemaking with Bezaffa. How could...
Wednesday, April 20, 2005 It was dark when I woke. I eagerly looked at my bedroom clock/radio, to see "2:10am". So just over four hours of sleep then. Cool! I jumped out of bed, and decided that I felt fully rested and energetic. I dressed in my best, impress-the-girls-at-school, speech-making clothes, grabbed my schoolbag and the essential snack ingredients from the kitchen (it was important not to forget those). Seeing as how I was in the area, I snacked on something else I found in the...
A London Suburb. August 1940.The Germans were bombing hell out of us -- or should it be into us? I was eighteen and was awaiting my call up into one of the armed services; in the meantime I was working as a messenger for the Civil Defence. There was just me and mum because my dad was with the Royal Engineers in the West Country where they were laying beach mines and building defences against the anticipated invasion.Mum was understandably scared of the air raids, and it was made worse because...
Gee arrived to start shaking in the morning, only to find all his picking crews waiting for him. Around him, other shakers and their crews converged on the last remaining area of the forest to pick. “We’ve got all little trees this morning, but there are a lot of them,” Jonathon said. “They shake fast, but the picking takes just as long, so all the crews will be working.” “Your pickers are waiting for you, Gee. You’ve worked with over a hundred children this week and they all adore you,”...
Hello all, this is Preethi. I am 26 years old, fair, and with 5’7 height and 52 kgs weight. My sizes are 34C-28-30. All my stories will have a mix of reality and fantasies, I encourage you to decode to me which is which. I will send my personal replies back. Coming to my story, this happened when I was 23 and I was in my first job. I and my four friends (Arun, Sanjay, Deepak, and Hari) regularly fuck and we always keep it exciting. And I love typical where I am the only girl and everyone’s...
I didn’t fall asleep. There was too much going on in my mind. But I was glad to hold Jess as she slept, and to sit and think in the silence. Katelyn wanted me to be the guy she lost her virginity with. Part of me was giving myself a mental high-five. I mean, what guy wouldn’t jump at the chance of bedding a willing teenager? And Kate was willing. Or at least Jess said she was. And then there was Jessica’s story of her own experience. I hadn’t asked for all that information, and wouldn’t have...
Hello once again to all readers out there. This is Kumar from Bangalore sharing a new story with you all. I am glad for all the feedback from the readers for . Let us jump into the current story. This involves my sister-in-law Deepti who is married to my cousin. She is in her mid-30’s and has two kids but looks much younger than her age. She maintained her body well. It’s been a few years since their marriage. I had a good understanding of her. She would not mind if I shared adult jokes with...
IncestIt was near to closing time when I served you the other day. You had a cheeky smile on your fresh face and I soon learnt why as you proceeded to give me a few glimpses of your legs as I tried to help you with your choice of footwear.Every time I lifted your foot to check the fitting, innocently caressing the back of your leg and feeling the smoothness of your skin, you would open your legs slightly and temp me with a view under you skirt and towards your barely visible panties.I'm sure you must...