AlifChapter 21 free porn video

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The pain in Ana's head pulsed hard against her forehead and brought a flush of sweat to her cheeks and brow. She opened her eyes gradually, blinking in the additional pain inflicted on her sensitive constitution by a bright shaft of sunlight illuminating the bedroom and shining on the satin sheets that covered her legs and the mattress beneath her. Where was she? What was this strange bed?

Suddenly aghast, she remembered details of the night before and her lovemaking with Bezaffa. How could she? How could Binta ever forgive her? How had she allowed herself to be so led? It must have been the alcohol. She looked around the room. It was empty, but from a room further down the corridor she could hear the sound of a man talking on the radio and the relentless hum and roar of a washing machine. How much had she had to drink? This unpleasant nauseous feeling in her head and noxious sharp taste in her mouth must be what was known as a hangover.

The nausea rose inside her chest, making her belch in a revolting way that brought small fragments of digested food to the back of her mouth. She placed a hand on her chest to restrain herself, but it got no better. Indeed, a sharp pain focused itself between her eyes, sweat burst out on her forehead and her stomach burst into an unpleasant life of its own. She realised with horror that this was a prelude to being sick. God! Where was the toilet? She must get there before she soiled the sheets. She jumped out of the bed, covering her mouth with her hand and dashed naked into the corridor. She looked up and down its length, and saw a door marked by a small floral plaque which she somehow remembered as Bezaffa's toilet. She ran in, knelt down in front of the latrine and spent several uncomfortable minutes relieving herself of surprisingly little vomit. She coughed and spluttered, the small foul-tasting solids she'd brought up refusing to be dislodged from her mouth.

She eventually felt able to leave the bathroom and gingerly eased the door open to see Bezaffa, in a voluminous silk dressing gown, standing by the kitchen where the sounds of the radio and washing machine came from.

"Are you all right, love?" she asked with a tone of concern.

Ana nodded, covered as much of her breasts and crotch as she could with her hands and ran back into the bedroom to look for her clothes. They weren't there. Not on the floor. Not on the chair. Ah! They must still be in the living room, she thought, hurriedly dashing out of the bedroom to come straight up against Bezaffa who had wandered down the corridor towards her bedroom.

"My clothes..." she explained embarrassedly, vainly trying to disguise her immodesty.

"They're in the wash, dearest."

"The wash?"

Bezaffa smiled. "You probably don't remember, you poor little child. You were terribly sick last night. All over your clothes! So, I've put them in the washing machine..."

"But what do I wear? I can't stay like this!"

"Nonsense, Ana. There are no secrets between us anymore. You don't have to hide your pretty assets from me!"

Ana wasn't at all convinced. "I must put something on."

Bezaffa took Ana by the shoulders and pulled her close to her breasts. She gently kissed Ana on the cheeks and lips, while firmly pushing Ana's arms down.

"Don't be such a silly! You can't put on your clothes until they're clean, can you? And anyway, how is your current nudity any different to that which I got to know so very intimately last night? Don't trouble your pretty head about them. Do you want some breakfast?"

Ana shook her head. "I don't think I could. I'm sure I'd just be sick again."

"You might be right," remarked Bezaffa thoughtfully. "How about some coffee and orange juice? That'll make you feel better. I'll get some paracetamol as well. Your head must be really splitting. You really aren't used to alcohol are you, cherry?"

Ana had no spirit to argue, so she allowed Bezaffa to lead her to the living room and sat naked in the sofa while her hostess disappeared into the kitchen again. Out of sight from her hostess, she was more able to relax and concentrated her miserable thoughts on how she had betrayed her trust to Binta. She must never know! It had been such a ghastly mistake. It was all the fault of the whisky. She would never have succumbed otherwise. All she wanted to do was collect her clothes and return home. She bent her head down to examine her sore and powdery crotch. She would run the bath water, and just lie in it until the water was cold and every last vestige of her transgression washed away.

Bezaffa returned to the living room carrying a tray with several glasses and cups on it. She placed it down on the coffee table, her dressing gown parting slightly to reveal her own nakedness underneath. Ana blushed at the thought of the close intimacy with it she had so recently enjoyed. She was no better than a slut, she reflected with self-hatred. Bezaffa handed Ana a glass of water and two powdery tablets, which were gratefully taken and swallowed with almost the whole of the glass of water in a series of very rapid gulps. She wasn't sure whether it was the water or the tablets which began to relieve her nausea and the dryness in her mouth.

She smiled gratefully at Bezaffa and picked up the glass of fruit juice, holding it in two hands, her body crouched forward.

"Feeling better, dear?"

Ana nodded, and was about to reply, but was abruptly halted by the sound of the doorbell which rang through her weakened frame in agonising spasms of dread. Who could this be? Bezaffa silently got up and wandered into the hallway at the end of the corridor, while Ana relaxed slightly. It must be the postman or someone like that, she reasoned. She needn't feel so alarmed by just a doorbell.

However, her fears seemed well-justified when she overheard the sound of women's voices of which one was clearly Bezaffa's, and the other she wasn't at all sure. Perhaps just a friend of Bezaffa's. Surely she wouldn't let this woman into the living room. She became aware however that this was exactly what Bezaffa was going to do.

"She's a little worse for wear!" Bezaffa remarked with a chuckle. "And her clothes got into a frightful state. She just couldn't hold her drink at all!"

"And she's in here, is she?" the other woman replied.

Ana's heart leaped violently into her throat. She grasped the largest cushion on the sofa she could find and huddled it against her chest in the hope that it would afford her some modesty. It was Khedra! What was she doing here?

Khedra strode into the room, wearing what must have been her casual clothes, but still very smart for that. A silk blouse and tight trousers which came short of her calves. Her hair was tied back in a green bow.

"Hello, Ana dear. Bezaffa told me you might be here. And goodness me! Not a stitch on you! Indeed, just like your friend, Binta."

Ana nodded slightly, her cheeks red and a fresh flush of nausea rushing to the back of her eyes. "I'm terribly sorry. This must be very embarrassing!"

"Not at all!" replied Khedra with a broad grin. "I've often wondered what you might look like underneath your office uniform. And I must tell you, I'm not at all disappointed. You're a very pretty young girl. You may even be an Alpha Minus. Undeniably a Beta Plus."

"I'm neither of those things!" Ana retorted bitterly. "I'm a secretary. Those grades don't mean anything to me."

Khedra twisted her lips into a crooked smile and without a word lowered herself into the sofa opposite Ana. She had a briefcase and a robust plastic carrier bag overflowing with bulky items which she placed on the cushions beside her.

"An Alpha Minus for appearance definitely," remarked Bezaffa amiably to Khedra. "And if her performance is as good for more normal activity as it is for the more exotic variants, I'd say a Beta Plus there at least."

Ana's eyes opened wide. What was Bezaffa saying? Wasn't she confessing to Khedra what they'd been doing? Why was she doing that? She looked up at Bezaffa with alarm, who nonetheless smiled at her amiably. "Drink your coffee, dear. It'll make you feel much better. It'll certainly wake you up." She grinned conspiratorially at Khedra. "Ana really didn't get that much sleep last night, you know!"

"What an active girl!" Khedra remarked approvingly. "That's what we like in our girls. Stamina! Technique comes with practise, but stamina is rarely improved on. Have you got any coffee for me, Bezaffa sweetheart?"

"Why, of course," said Bezaffa, rushing off to the kitchen abandoning Ana to Khedra, who leaned back in the sofa, smiling contentedly and with amusement at Ana's obvious plight.

"You really mustn't think I'm bothered about your modesty, Ana. I see working girls every day in all states of undress and quite often in activities far more immodest than nudity in itself could ever be. If your clothes are in the washing machine, that's quite sufficient to me. I would never construe your nudity as an invitation of any kind." Khedra scratched the back of her head. "And anyway, I don't share your predilections, dearest. The law is quite wasted on me."

Ana looked down at her bare feet on the carpet. If only Khedra would leave. If only she could leave. She was so embarrassed. Perhaps if she looked away from Khedra long enough, this humiliation could end.

"And you still won't consider part-time work in the Brothel, dear?" Khedra wondered, taking no notice of Ana's attempts to ignore her. "Or perhaps our delightful hostess has convinced you otherwise. Surely, she's told you of the very many advantages of it. Has she, Ana? Tell me. Don't pretend you can't hear me!" Ana raised her head and glared at Khedra. Go away! Her thoughts commanded. "Goodness! Such a mean stare! You don't like me talking to you about these things, do you? Did you like it more when Bezaffa spoke to you about it? Answer me. Did she speak to you?"

Ana nodded.

"And have you changed your mind?"

Ana shook her head.

"Well!" sighed Khedra. "You are a stubborn girl, aren't you? Quite willing to break the law when it suits you, but not willing to gain honest extra employment!"

The doorbell rang again. It echoed through Ana's numbed skull and jolted a spasm from her throat which again threatened to introduce undigested matter into her mouth. She swallowed hard, and looked anxiously towards the door. She was horrified to hear the sound of a man's voice when Bezaffa opened the front door. Her horror was further exacerbated when she recognised the voice as belonging to her boss, Mr Madir. What was he doing here?

Bezaffa escorted him into the living room, carrying another tray holding three cups of coffee. Ana realised with another shock that both the Director and Khedra had been expected. Why was that? Had it anything to do with her being there?

"Well, m'dear!" remarked the Director, bareheaded but wearing a suit, carrying with him the sweet smell of cigarette smoke. "Fancy meeting you here! And so delightfully turned out, don't you think, Bezaffa? I told you I thought she'd have a good pair of tits on her. Not as truly magnificent as yours, but good all the same. If you like them small and pert that is!"

Ana hid her breasts as well as she could, and felt utterly humiliated. She was imprisoned behind the cushion she grasped to her chest, and quite incapable of standing up and leaving the room.

"What are you doing here?" was the only response she could muster.

"Is that the best way in which you can greet me? I must say, Ana m'dear, you haven't learnt the respect that a man of such a position as I has come to expect. Perhaps your dykish tendencies have also perverted your sense of respect and good manners. And take that silly cushion off your lap. If you think, m'dear, that you've got something to hide I've never seen before you are most sorely mistaken."

"Don't be so hard on the girl," remarked Khedra amiably. "She's not used to meeting men in the buff..."

"Doesn't stop her hanging around with Binta or Ketaba, does it?" sneered the Director. He sat on the sofa next to Khedra and took a cup of coffee from the tray. He took three or four teaspoonfuls of sugar from a sugar bowl, and stirred them vigorously in his cup. "So, Ana m'dear, here we all are! Such a delightful gathering don't you think? And you so well turned out, if you don't mind me saying so. Couldn't find your knickers, then?"

"They're in the wash," Bezaffa explained. "She was very sick last night."

"Too much booze, eh? Honestly, m'dear, if you're going to break yet another law of this land, you really should ensure you've got the stomach for it." He stubbed his cigarette out in an ash tray that Bezaffa placed in front of him. "So, m'dear, I dare say you're wondering why we're here?"

Ana stared at her boss. What was the reason? She couldn't find enough of her voice to confirm his conjecture. She nodded her head.

"I like a challenge, m'dear. That's the truth of it. I don't like things to be too easy. It doesn't give me enough pleasure. It's better to climb a mountain than a hill, as they say. When I'm confronted with a challenge, I'll persevere. I won't give up. Inta, your predecessor, was a challenge at first, but in the end she succumbed all too easily. Much more easily than you, m'dear, I'll give you that." The Director took his silver cigarette case out of his waistcoat pocket and carefully inserted a cigarette into his cigarette holder. He lit it with his petrol lighter and asked Bezaffa, while puffing out a fresh cloud of grey smoke: "And was our little prude a challenge for you last night?"

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SIX YEARS LATER "Kevin! How long has it been?" said Eric, rising from behind his office desk to shake hands and motioning the other man to a seat. "A little over six years," answered the other. "What brings you to L.A.?" "My firm is expanding. They sent me out for a start up of the new plant." "How are you?" "I'm fine. Married now. Two kids," he responded taking out his wallet and showing the family photo. "A great looking family," said Eric, noting that the wife was...

2 years ago
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Lick me clean

It was about 2 am when I got her message. “I’m on the way back.”I was sitting in the dark living room which was only lit by the television. I thought the time would pass faster if I watched TV, but I didn’t even look at it. I couldn’t stop thinking heavily on the current situation I am in – or we are in. It has been almost three hours since we parted in front of the toilets of the night club. “Are you sure, honey?” she said while awkwardly acting that she is worried about me. However, I could...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 04Chapter 18

[Preservation – Janice] The next morning, we had a quick breakfast and set out with Amy to have a look at her horses. She actually had a small herd of ten with a stallion, mares, and colts. There were also two geldings in the herd. One of them came up to her nickering softly. She grinned at us and said, "This is Billy. I usually ride him or one of the mares." Billy was a fine looking horse and all of the horses in the herd were looked like they had been kept well. Amy obviously knew how to...

1 year ago
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Homeschooling My StepsonChapter 1

Like most girls growing up, I guess, I had all these dreams and ideas and plans about the man I would eventually marry and just how it would be. Those ideas and dreams changed, of course, as I grew up, changing from the Prince Charming stories that seemed to be ubiquitous for young girls to teen movie and music video stars to a more mature, sane approach, a Prince Charming with a big job on Wall Street. Well, maybe not Wall Street, but a man capable of providing for you if you wanted to take...

2 years ago
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A Twilight KnockoffChapter 21

It was dark when I awoke again and I knew I'd have a hell of a time setting my clock right again. My watch said it was almost three am. I laid there for a while, drifting in and out of sleep, finally rolling out of bed when I realized the voices I'd been hearing weren't coming from the television. I walked through the open doorway and saw Morgan and Chadwick sitting side by side, gazing at her sketches as she added details. Neither of them looked up as I entered, focused upon their...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Casey Calvert Pay to Play

Sexy Casey Calvert is living the good life in her big fancy mansion. She spends her days lounging topless by the pool drinking chardonnay and napping in the sun until one day she gets a call from an old fling demanding money he is owed. She doesn’t have it but that doesn’t stop Small Hands from taking what is his. He ties Casey up and crams his huge cock down her little throat then fucks her tight ass and pussy until she is screaming with pleasure. Small Hands brings fresh and...

4 years ago
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An Immodest Proposal

Chapter 1 ‘I saved you a seat,’ called out Chandra as she saw Vanessa walk into the classroom. ‘Thanks.’ Vanessa walked quickly to the desk that Chandra had indicated, put her backpack down between her own seat and her friend’s, and sat down with a relieved sigh. ‘The prof here yet?’ ‘Not yet.’ Vanessa reached into her bag and pulled out a pen and a pad of paper. A guy sitting behind the two co-eds leaned forward and said, ‘So… D’you girls believe stories they tell about this class?’ ...

1 year ago
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Wife The Doctor

My wife is originally from India. When I married her, she was in her early twenties and her family had just immigrated to the US. Having been raised in a conservative background, she was always very shy about her body. I was always looking for ways to make her less inhibited. I wanted her to wear more revealing clothes, and to show off more of her body. I always found it a turn-on to have other men look at her. She had a slim, tight body and never failed to get attention from men wherever she...

2 years ago
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Surprised by Doctor

I am 37 years old and have been married to the same woman for 17 years.  Our sex life is what you would expect after 17 years of marriage, no anal and very little oral.  I find myself looking at almost every woman with a half decent face or body that passes me.  I like watching porn and masturbating.  A couple of moths ago I notice what looks like a freckle on my cock, I thought nothing of it.  Over the next few months it started to get a little bigger.  I though to myself I should go to my...

1 year ago
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The Hen Weekend

When she first got invited on the Hen Weekend, Sophie had some serious doubts about whether she should go or not. She had been friends with Helen for a long time, but she was a bit of a home bird, and didn’t much fancy the drunken revelry that she anticipated would take place. And now she was actually on it she realised that she had been right to have doubts. Helen had decided on a school uniform theme for their Saturday night on the town, and now she was in her hotel room, short tartan skirt,...

3 years ago
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Jamies Recroom

I was over Jamie's house with Fred, another kid in Jamie's and my class. Jamie's dad was off on business and her mom had just gone to town when Fred showed up with his cousin, Ron. I'm Sue, a five and a half foot freshman. We were all in the rec-room listening to music. This is a big family gathering place in the basement. It has a TV along with the stereo at one end and the opposite is furnished with a couch, a couple recliners and a futon mattress. The futon frame broke some time ago...

2 years ago
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Inside me Ch1

This is completely fictional and everything in this story is for pleasure onlyI closed the book in my hands after staring down at the last page for a few seconds. Mom looked over from the driver’s seat to my lap while she waited on the vacuum tube to return with her money. Visiting the bank with mom before grocery shopping; my life was on the verge of explosive excitement.  “Isn’t that book a bit mature for a sixteen year old”  “I think I’m a bit mature for a sixteen year old, mom.”  “Not...

3 years ago
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I got up early enough to walk to her bus stop. She was pleasantly surprised and gave me a big smile upon my arrival. She showed me the flyers she made after she got home. They were wonderful. Since I was not on my usual bus, I got up and made the same announcement as before. I included the November performance. When I sat, she took my arm and leaned into me. On our way in, Jenn dropped the flyer masters off at the administration center. At school, I was invited to the choir class as well at...

4 years ago
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My Stepsister Part 5

Senior year of high school I began fooling around sexually with my step-sister, Chrissy. Once I had popped Chrissy’s cherry, we were fucking every day. As soon as our parents left for school we would meet in my room or Chrissy’s. She loved to try new things: me on top; Chrissy on top riding me; me fucking her from behind; or me standing on the floor fucking her from behind as she knelt on the bed (my favorite, especially when I stuck my thumb in her ass to boot). Chrissy’s favorite was when she...

2 years ago
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Authoritarian Woman Puts Me in My Place

It was my first time being in a wedding and although I was nervous about it, I was more nervous about staying at the bride’s future mother-in-law’s house. I would have stayed at a hotel, but the mother-in-law had insisted. I had never met her, but had heard she was a little intense. Despite my hesitation, I agreed since I lived out of town and was already paying an arm and a leg to get to the wedding. After grabbing dinner with my friend, she drove me to her future mother-in-law’s house and...

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A Visit to Tripps ClubChapter 10

The second half of the orientation started out a bit boring. We learned about the Club's emergency and medical facilities. About the housing facilities for the women (located on another area of the island). And about all the luxury amenities for the guests; hotels, spas, golf course, gym facilities, and restaurants. Eventually, Vadim and Kira came back around to the girls, the 'club members', also known as Companions. "All the female staff are under the influence of Org-X or one of its...

1 year ago
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What the Hell

Well Came home from work early the other day and caught my bitch cheating for the second time.. And this time with her Uncle.. No shit well he was married to her aunt at one time no blood there but still nasty as fuck if you ask me.. But thru it all I kept a level head cause we have a 1yr girl together...and Was not about to ruin me being in her life because her mother is a stupid whore.. My first thought was to snap and kill them to be honest.. But That would serve no purpose.. I instead did...

2 years ago
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A Helping Hand

It's been about two years now since Mike bought the house next door, and about a year since we became jacking buddies. And what an incredible year it's been. Mike is straight; however, as I've shared in some of my other my stories, he comes over every other week or so and we masturbate together. Mike is in his early thirties and is very cute. He is about 5'10, 180 lbs, with black eyes and black, close cropped hair. He has a nice size dick, and his erection is very firm with a slight curve...

Gay Male
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Asha My Horny And Voluptuous Wife 8211 Part II

In continuation to the previous part, Asha my horny and voluptuous wife and I were living out one of her horniest fantasies- Shiju the driver was licking her hairy and really wet cunt vigorously. Asha’s pussy was so wet due to the licking that Shiju’s nose and mouth was literally inside her hairy hole. Asha kept on telling him to lick faster and was spreading her legs even wider. This is all happening in the fields under a tree. It was about 8 now and dark but ample moonlight was there for my...

2 years ago
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The Harley Rider

Driving along, Fran heard a motorbike coming up behind her. She pulled over slightly to allow him to pass. Then looked on with pleasure and a little lust as she saw a very sexy looking guy on his Harley. “Mmmm” she thought, “he could park that in my garage any time and not necessarily the bike.” “Hell why don’t I ever meet guys like that.” She was heading to her friends house in the Sunshine Coast hinterland. She thought she would surprise her with a visit as they hadn’t seen each other for...

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A Journey to the Amazon

Part 1 By: Dinomagick ([email protected]) Codes: [MF, M/F, wife, jungle, tribe, captive, cuckold, bd, nc, reluc, mc, intr, rom, preg+++] Description: “After winning the lottery on their wedding day, a newly-wed husband and wife decide to go to the Amazon to learn what it is like to live as the native tribes do. What they thought would be an epic adventure of discovery, turns into something much different than either of them could have possibly...

3 years ago
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Britney Episode II Training Day

Britney "Episode II: Training Day" By Britney Kandey [email protected] Intro: I had almost forgotten about last nights episode (refer to Britney "The Transformation"). But then my phone had rung with Jess on the other end asking "Hi Britney", I had been god smacked for a moment before I realised she had dialled me, Troy, after all. I had no real idea of what to expect when I arrived at Jess's house approximately an hour after that phone call. Also too...

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The Gay Casting Couch

I am John Henley and a sophomore in college and have been struggling to come up with money to pay tuition and fees. I have no income and no one to help me with my financial crisis.I grew up in abject poverty on a small farm in the Midwest. My parents tried hard to make a living on the farm, but with little success. Near the end of my senior year in High School, both of my parents passed away leaving me alone.I had a small savings that I had earned working for nearby farmers starting at the age...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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SwapChapter 26

I visited the gym I wanted to join and spoke on the telephone with the nutritionist I'd hire to design my diet, but I could neither join the gym nor hire the nutritionist. I didn't have any money. Also, my Honda was running on fumes. I needed my own bank account. I opened my cell phone to call my father to find out if he could meet me at a bank close to our house, but before I could dial the cell phone, the house phone rang. I answered the call. "Hey, Eric," the caller said. "Hey,...

2 years ago
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Cultures and Customs

It's got to be the most absurd invention of the romance writers. The idea that with one look you can find the love of your life, your soul-mate. Now I'll admit that the first time I saw Stefania I couldn't take my eyes off her. But it wasn't that she was gorgeous, or love at first sight. It was more like watching a train wreck. You know it's wrong to stare, but you can't help yourself. She was wearing baggy tattered jeans that had at least four different kinds of stains and an equally...

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