- 4 years ago
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I turned around to face Silus, who was standing by himself. “I’ll ... I’ll give you gold, just let me live.”
“I am a woman of my word. In the name of Uriel Septim ... FUS RO DAH!” Silus flew backwards off the ledge, sailing through the air for close to a hundred feet before hitting a rock outcropping. I stood still, watching him die.
From behind me Lydia shouted, “Okay, you got the revenge for your family. Now will you give us a hand?”
That broke my concentration. I turned to see the Dremora trying to get through the shield wall of Lydia and Jordris, sorely testing them. Serana and Madena were standing back using spells against the Dremora, while Erandur was busy casting healing spells upon my ladies.
“Sorry about that!” I drew my sword and jumped onto the altar, then down, behind the Dremora. I skewered one through the back, killing it immediately. Another turned towards me.
“I honor my Lord, by destroying you!” it yelled.
“Better beings than you have tried, and you will suffer their same fate!” I backed up my comments with a twist of my sword that sliced the head off the Dremora. When that happened, it gave Lydia and Jordris the opportunities they needed, to make the killing blows against their own targets.
Madena collapsed to the ground. Serana was at her side in an instant. “Are you all right, Madena? Erandur, come here, help her!” Madena was simply fanning herself and breathing in short gasps.
After a couple of moments, she said, “I’m ... I’m fine. That’s just ... that was just the ... the most excitement I think ... think I’ve had in years!” Erandur gave her a skin with some wine in it. She quickly took a gulp of it. “Ah, thank you. By the gods, how do you ladies do this every day?”
Serana helped her to her feet. “It helps having someone to follow, to believe in. I mean, look at me.” She smiled, allowing her fangs to show. “I was ... was being the key word here ... a vampire. Literally the treasure that Silus was talking about. I still have the fangs, maybe I’ll always have them. But following Martina has returned my humanity.”
Madena looked down where Serana was holding her by the hand. “You’re ... you’re warm. She made you this way? I can tell there’s no glamour, this is ... unbelievable! And your Majesty? What was it you said about your grandfather? The last Septim, Uriel Septim was killed more than two hundred years ago.”
“I’ll explain later. We still have some unfinished business here.” I made sure all of the shards and pieces of the Razor were still on the altar to Dagon. “Erandur, would you be so kind as to ask Mara to destroy this Daedric artifact?”
From above, the voice of Dagon shouted out, “No! This cannot be! I will send a legion of Dremora to stop you! I will reward you with countless treasures if you stay your hand, priest of Mara!”
“Mehrunes Dagon, hear now the word of the Dragonborn, the word of the daughter of the heroine of the Oblivion Crisis, she who was there when you were banished from Cyrodiil, the word of the daughter of Martin Septim, the living avatar of Akatosh, who sacrificed himself to banish you from Cyrodiil, the word of the daughter of the Lady Sheogorath herself!”
“Two hundred years have passed here on Mundus. Your schemes with Lord Molag Bal have been disrupted. His power from Coldharbour has been weakened with the death of the Volkihar Vampire Lord Harkon. Your schemes with Mephala has been disrupted. Her power from the Silver Skein has been weakened by the intervention of Sithis, acting through me as his agent. Your scheme with Vaermina has been disrupted with the destruction of her Skull of Corruption. Your schemes with Malacath have been disrupted, he has named me his Champion and awarded me Volendrung! The Four Corners of the House of Troubles are no more!”
Erandur jumped when I said that. He was Dunmer and knew exactly what I was talking about. He still kept up the chanting to Mara.
“I am the Champion of Meridia and can wield Dawnbreaker in her name. And I have the blessing of Talos. Your influence here in Skyrim will be no more! Your influence in my realm will be no more! You are the prince of revolution. There is no more civil war here, no more revolution. Your influence here is finished. You are banished to your realm. Contemplate your failure there.”
“I shall have my revenge upon you, Dragonborn. The Dragonfires have not be lit, cannot be lit again! I shall find you, crush you, render you...”
“Oh, shut up already. I know the truth. You’re trapped in Oblivion. The barriers were sealed permanently when my father sacrificed himself using the Amulet of Kings, while he was the King of Tamriel, a true Septim King. Just as I am a true Septim Queen. You have failed, Dagon. Miserably.”
The scream of anguish from the Daedric Prince who had come so close to conquering all of Tamriel a mere two centuries ago was loud, strong, and at the same time, pathetic to hear. It was also abruptly cut off when Erandur finished his prayer and the shards of the Razor crumpled to dust. Erandur was sweating profusely from the power he had just channeled, and sat down in a hurry himself.
“My, that was ... exciting. Even more so than everything we did in Nightcaller Temple. I felt the hand of Lady Mara working through me in that prayer. Amazing!”
I could see the wind start to pick up. “Lydia, the dust! Gather it quickly.” She obeyed without question, brushing all the dust from the Razor into a bag.
“Did I get it all?” she asked as the wind died off again.
“So long as you got most of it. I think it will make a good mix for mortar, perhaps in the base to a new Shrine to Mara.”
Jordris had removed the hearts from the Dremora for later and found something. “My Queen, one of these Dremora has a key. Any bets it’s for that door over there?”
“Well, Madena, up for a little treasure hunting? I’m quite certain that the Shrine to a Daedric Prince, even one who now has no influence in this realm, has a bit of wealth inside.”
“Um, you’ll be going in as well, right?”
“Of course. Come on, follow us.”
There were only three Dremora inside. They all died from arrows before even drawing their swords. I had Jordris give Madena the hearts from the ones inside, then made sure the two residents of Dawnstar had all the treasure within. Erandur commented, “This will go a long way towards establishing a proper Shrine to Mara in Dawnstar. I ... I just don’t know what to say.”
“I do.” Madena said. She walked over to me and gave me a kiss. “Thank you.”
As we were leaving the Shrine, I looked back up at the figure of Mehrunes Dagon, the stature carved from the rock. “Serana, I know you know all the frost spells. Madena, do you know the flame spells?” She looked puzzled but nodded.
“Good. Come with me.” We climbed up the side of the mountain until we were even with the head of the statue of Dagon. “I have half a dozen restore magic potions. Here, take them. I want to try something.” The rock was hard, almost granite.
“Madena, you and I will send concentrated flames right at the neck of the statue. We’ll keep that up for a bit. I want to heat that rock up as hot as we can make it. When we’re about exhausted for magic, Serana, hit it with freezing.”
“Isn’t that a smithing technique, heating and quenching?” Serana asked.
“Yes, but just as soon as you’ve sent the cold towards it, I’m then going to hit it with a lightning bolt. Be ready, because if what I think is going to happen, there’s going to be flying rocks everywhere.”
It was spectacular, more than I expected. I was hoping only to decapitate the Shrine. There must have been a flaw within the rock ... or perhaps a little influence from the Shivering Isles. When my lightning bolt hit, the head simply exploded. I felt shards of rock bounce off my armor, with a couple making slight cuts on my face. Then, with a cracking sound, the torso of the statue split in half straight down the middle, breaking the arms off, and suddenly the whole thing collapsed in a heap of crumpled stone, half blocking the door we’d recently used, and a huge chunk of the left knee fell forward, smashing the altar to bits.
In the cloud of dust, Madena coughed out, “Was that what you were expecting?”
“Not in the least. Quite a bit more, actually. But I feel better.” And I did, I felt energized and charged, my cuts healed themselves as the power of the gods flowed through me. From out of nowhere, a voice I was quite familiar with came from behind us. “You have made your mother a very happy woman, child. You learned my lessons well.”
“Uncle Haskill!” I ran to him, trying to give him a hug. My hands went through him.
“I’m sorry, child, I cannot physically be there. But you and your companions have earned a boon with your actions. I think they’ll all be happy. Farewell.” He vanished.
“Um, Martina, who or what was that?” Serana asked.
“Uncle Haskill. Well, he’s not really my uncle, but he’s my mother’s chamberlain. He taught me ... well, a lot. I remember him doing the fire, ice, and lightning trick on one of the Obelisks that needed to be moved so we could build a bridge. Mother could have just willed it away, of course, but ... gods, she’s tricky. I bet she let him do that just so I would know what to do today.”
We gathered around the remnants of the altar, gathering our gear so we could depart. I felt that it was time to talk about some things, after this victory.
“I said I would explain things to you. So as way of explanation, Madena, I grew up in the Shivering Isles. My mother was the heroine of the Oblivion Crisis, but fled Cyrodiil after the death of Martin, pregnant and expecting a child, me. The Imperial Council would never have let her rule as my regent. The place she fled to, well, she ended up replacing Sheogorath, and thus ascended to becoming the Daedric ruler there. In the realm of the Daedra, the will of the ruler applies. So while in one respect I’m more than two hundred years old, I’m really not.”
“The things you talk about so lightly ... I’ve never heard of anyone living who talked back to a Daedric Lord like you did ... and lived.” Madena looked stunned.
“I’ve been her Thane and followed her into battle after battle. Trust me, this isn’t the first time she’s been mouthy with a Daedric Prince. Thing is...” Lydia smiled, then shook her head. “Thing is, one thing I’ve learned is that this isn’t their realm. They basically have unlimited power in their own realms. But this...” she spread her hands wide. “Nirn is our realm, given to us by the Aedra from their very essence. They created us, this world, for us.”
“In case you’re wondering, my Thane, Surgus loaned me several of his books while you were busy. Serana and I spent many hours studying those books, because the Psijic Order has an interesting theory about just why we’re all here, one that we argued about, but the more I’ve seen, the more I think is right.” She got quiet then, looking pensive.
Serana sighed. “Yes, as much as I didn’t want to think it, I’m also coming to the same conclusion.” She also didn’t look happy.
Both Madena and Erandur looked between my companions, waiting for one of them to continue. When neither did, Madena finally asked, “Okay, what theory is that?”
I spoke up. “That we’re all just pieces in a game.” Lydia and Serena both looked shocked that I already knew what they were thinking.
“What in Mara’s name are you talking about?” Erandur quizzed.
“It’s simple, really. I’m certain you’ve both seen a game of chess being played or played it yourselves.” They both nodded. “The two players move their pieces, in accordance with the rules of the game, seeking a strategy for victory. The pieces are moved, maneuvered, jockey for position, for power, for control, and engage in combat. Eventually one side or the other wins. And even the lowliest piece can become the most powerful should it survive and gain promotion.”
“Fuck, you’re saying that Surgus was right all along?” Lydia cursed.
“For what he and his Order know, yes. Only this realm, Nirn, isn’t a board set up with two players. It’s a board with nearly four dozen players, some major, some minor, all jockeying for position, for power, for control of the board, control of everything. Yes, I’m talking about the Divines and all the Daedric Lords. And to a certain extent, we’re their pieces, their pawns, in whatever game it is they’re playing.”
Erandur blinked several times. “That makes ... a twisted sort of sense. I’ve ... well, I’ve sensed many different things since I changed who I worship. I wondered WHY I would change my way of thinking. I thought perhaps I was afraid. But from what you say now, I think perhaps that Lady Mara put that fear in me then, so I would be her instrument now.”
We started back towards Dawnstar, continuing to talk while we rode. “It’s possible. It depends how far out the players think, and how desperate they become. Molag Bal had a plan in the works for thousands of years to conquer Tamriel and maybe all of Nirn with vampires. Fortunately...” I smiled at Serana, then rode closer to her, to take her hand. “it failed. Some of the same things apply for the other plots. Because there’s...” I stopped suddenly.
Serana gave my hand a squeeze. “There’s what, Martina?”
“Of course. Now it all makes perfect sense to me. Surgus, I hope you’re around, I think this is something we need to talk about.” I received no response. “Figures. The one time I need to discuss something with him, he’s not watching.”
Madena looked puzzled. “Who is this Surgus you’re mentioning?”
“A Psijic monk. You’re a mage, you know how the Psijic Order tries to see how things happen, what’s going to happen, almost like Mephala spinning her webs. That brings up something I’m curious about. Your field of study was the destruction arts, yet you seem to abhor violence. Why?”
“I’m from Wayrest. Many of my friends were killed when raiders sacked the city, and my magic just wasn’t enough to help them. I vowed to learn more, sharpen my skills, so it wouldn’t happen again. I did, I became well versed in destruction. Then, during the Great War, my magic ... I killed so many. It sickened me, the amount of violence I saw then ... the bloodshed. I decided then and there to change my life, to help people and to not engage in war. It’s been more than two decades since then. That’s why I was asking Skald for permission to return to High Rock. I could see the war coming to Dawnstar, and I didn’t want to kill, not again.”
“There’s another war coming. This one will also be against the Thalmor. I won’t ask you to kill in anger again. But ... if need be, defend Dawnstar, the people there.”
“I can and will do that, Your Majesty. But what was it you said you wanted to discuss?”
“Simple. What would happen to a game of chess if the pieces decided to play the game themselves, taking over from the players?”
Serana thought she got it first. “Of course, your mother. She was human, but now she’s a Daedric Lord. She’s completely messing with all sorts of plans by you being here. Her own agenda seems to be winning.”
“You’re only partially right. My father also was Akatosh, and ... think about one other. The Ninth Divine, Tiber Septim, now Talos.”
“To what end?” Her face became puzzled. “I don’t understand.”
“Simple. Free will for the people of Skyrim, of Tamriel, possibly of all Nirn. An end to these ... prophecies. An end to manipulation by the Daedric. We live our lives, do what we want ... without any strings being pulled. And speaking of strings, now that we’ve arrived back in Dawnstar, let me go make my farewells to the Jarl. We must be off to Solitude.”
“You’ve given me a lot to think about about. Your Majesty. Thank you.” Madena headed inside.
“If I may ... I would like to see what you talk about in person. As a priest of Mara, this discussion about the influence of the gods in our world ... disturbs me. May I come with you?” Erandur asked.
“It’s doubtful you’ll come with me, but you may accompany us.” Erandur looked puzzled while my ladies laughed at my joke. “Never mind, a lot of my philandering ways are behind me now. Follow me, let’s go talk to Brina.” Jordris pulled Erandur aside to explain my sense of humor while Serana, Lydia, and I went inside. Madena headed in as well.
“Welcome back to Dawnstar, Your Majesty. From the sounds that managed to reach us, I would guess since you returned alive that you were successful in your endeavor. I was able to get a town banner for your shield-maiden to carry, and pen a quick missive explaining our support for you to anyone you may meet. I don’t expect ... well, Captain Jod here knows most of the Stormcloak troops that are stationed in this area. Other than a few hotheads, I don’t think there will be much trouble when the Imperials move in.”
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“HASKILL!” “Yes, Lady Sheogorath? How can I assist you today?” “Have I told you how much I hate this job?” “In the last year as they measure time on Mundus, that would be one thousand, three hundred, and forty-two times. Forty three if you count Sun’s Dawn the 2nd twice, since you seemed to enjoy that day enough that you lived it twice.” “Well, it IS the traditional summoning day for Sheogorath, after all. But I digress, as I find myself wont to do after these centuries of either filling...
I was glad to see it was still daylight when I finally left the cave. I knew how easy it was to lose your sense of time while underground. In the distance, to the north, I could see the roof of a building. I guessed that to be Riverwood, based upon what Hadvar had said. From where this cave entrance was located in relation to the town, it would be easy for the bandits to spy on the town and prey on unwary travelers. I’ll tell the city guards about it so they can make sure it doesn’t happen...
The sign over the door read ‘Riverwood Traders’. Simple and unimaginative, like the rest of the town seemed to be. Time to see what the locals know about Bleak Falls Barrow. I opened the door and walked in, right into the middle of an argument. A blonde Imperial woman wearing simple robes was standing in front of the counter, talking loudly to the man behind it. “Well, one of us HAS to do something!” she said. The man behind the counter shouted, “I said NO! No theatrics, no adventures, no...
I emerged into daylight, looking around as it was nearly mid-day. You can truly loose track of time while underground. I was on a ledge, about halfway up the side of the mountain, overlooking the river. I could see my breath, which is not what I usually expected for any day in Last Seed. Further south this is usually the hottest month of the year. I carefully climbed down the ledge, to get closer to the river so I could follow it back towards town. I presumed this was the same river I’d seen...
I wasn’t paying attention to what Irileth said to her troops, instead I was thinking back to some of the children’s stories I’d heard while growing up. In the old days, even before the First Era, there had been a war between man and dragon. But that was thousands of years ago, and it was said that Akatosh himself had intervened to end the war. But what about today? Certainly we still worship Akatosh as the first of the Aedra, and I’m living proof that he exists now, but still... I realized...
The next morning we left early, before dawn. A good rest before what would be long journey was always the best preparation. But I didn’t totally sleep well. My dreams were of the people I had met since arriving here in Skyrim. Perhaps it’s because of the life here, but in all the months traveling through Cyrodiil to actually get here, I never felt close to anyone I had met there. In just a few days, I had met and fallen for Camilla, I felt an attraction to Irileth, and in my last dream, the...
We awoke early. My plan was to start up the mountain while it was still dark down at ground level, but where the rising sun would illuminate our pathway as we neared the top. That’s what I hoped would happen, anyway. Before we dressed, I took Lydia in my arms, kissing her again. “We have many wonderful adventures awaiting us, my dear. I’m glad to share them with you.” She blushed. “It is my duty, my Thane. And ... my pleasure.” As quickly and quietly as possible, we donned our armor. The...
It was late afternoon when we reached Ivarstead again. I saw Klimmek fishing by the river. “Your delivery has been made.” “Quite a climb, isn’t it? Thanks again for the legwork.” He tossed a bag of coin my way, and went back to fishing. “Let us get something to eat at the inn again, and rest a bit. I’m still a bit upset with Arngeir, I am not his lackey to go hither and yon at his beck and call.” Lydia responded, “So what do you think, My Thane?” “Back in town again, yes, you’re correct...
The circular mound rose from the moor, open at the top, with a set of stairs set into the curved wall descending to the bottom. The body of a bandit we had not killed lay sprawled below. “My Thane, I’ve never heard of bandits cooperating with wizards before. We should be careful, we could be walking into a war zone.” I smiled. “Excellent. Let them kill each other, and we can walk through unhindered.” I paused. “Of course, if this is like every OTHER crypt in Skyrim I’ve been in, I’m sure...
The fire in the center of the main room at the Kynesgrove inn was cheery, as were the regular patrons of the inn. They had been scared by the dragon but were now drinking and singing because it was dead. Things were not as cheery at the table where the three of us sat, bottles of mead and plates of food in front of us, free and courtesy of the grateful innkeeper. The shock at my revelation to Delphine had been too much for the grizzled warrior, and she had fainted. Since the inn was so...
“So, my Thane, what do you think Delphine will tell us when we get to Riverwood?” We were talking as we left Whiterun. “She’ll probably have some detailed plans figured out whenever we finally get there.” Lydia started when I turned left at the intersection instead of right. “But she’ll have plenty of time.” “We’re not going to Riverwood, then?” “Not just yet. And it’s not that I don’t trust Delphine, I do. It’s just...” I paused in both speech and in step. “I ... I don’t think I’m ready....
We beheld the College of Winterhold before us, across what could charitably be called a stone causeway. The problem I saw was that massive chunks of that causeway were missing, such that for several yards, no railings would prevent someone from falling hundreds of feet to their death, and in one spot the pathway itself was barely wide enough for one person. The building itself resembled a giant fortress, stone walls rising high into the sky for defense. Yet the rock it stood upon narrowed...
The sun was starting to go down as Lydia and I left Whiterun. “You’re very bad for me, you know. Going to lead me all astray, make me forget things, and end up at some point or the other have me doing all sorts of strange and perverted things.” “My thane, if you’ll recall, you’re the one who got the jam out and spread it over my breasts and started licking it off.” “How can that be true? I thought it went well with the honey that you had dripped into my slit and hair and then licked...
Lydia looked bothered as we climbed the pathways of Markarth, heading for the alchemy shop. She continued to look upset after I purchased some supplies from Bothela, and agreed to deliver a potion to the steward. It was only after we left the Understone Keep and were walking back to the stables that she finally broke her silence. “Martina, my love, what happened? In the Warrens, I mean.” “Why don’t you tell me what you saw and heard, so I can explain if possible.” “We went into the...
If anyone ever tells you that getting hit in the back by a frost troll is a pleasant experience, they’re lying to you. I slammed face first into the rock wall of the cave and felt blood gushing from my nose. I saw stars for a moment. The troll apparently simply ate whatever bodies that the Thalmor threw down here and must have thought I was another easy meal, which meant that for a moment, he simply, stood bellowing his thanks for the food presented to him. His mistake. I got turned around,...
The narrow canyon walls would have been perfect for an ambush, or to hold off a determined enemy. Whoever chose this as a location did well, presuming the enemy couldn’t fly. The canyon went on for quite a while, which caused me concern. Where were the guards? As the canyon opened up into a valley with a glacier fed lake ahead. I could see the high and impassable peaks of the Velothi Mountains beyond the lake, reaching far into the sky. A young farmer was sitting alongside the path. “Oh, hey...
“I’m really getting tired of this mountain. Now I understand why Klimmek wanted us to bring supplies up here.” “Look at the bright side, my Thane. It’s doing wonders for our legs and thighs.” “True. Yours were very nice when wrapped around my face last night.” Either Lydia was blushing, or the cold from climbing the mountain was bringing color to her cheeks. “I could say the ... Watch out!” A bear rose from where it was resting beside the path. I quickly ran to my right. “FUS RO DAH!” One...
As we were walking back, Lydia was curious about something. “I don’t understand something, my Thane. We can SEE the College of Winterhold from here. Why is it that if Urag or any members of the College were concerned about Septimus, they didn’t just go out and look for him themselves?” “It’s simple, really. Think about yourself for a minute. About the you that was, before you met me. How far outside of Whiterun had you actually gone?” “Well, I’d been to the meadery, and ... that’s ... I’d...
The gates of Whiterun lay behind us. We had spent a day and a half getting ready to go back underground, and I thought it was time well spent. I’d made some slight improvements to our armor, even finally getting Lydia a Blades sword to match her armor. She was so happy with that present we had to delay our preparations for an hour while she thanked me properly. I had also taken some of the things we’d found in Alftand to Dragonsreach and learned their enchantments. That enabled me to use the...
“I’m pleasantly surprised, Lydia.” “I bet Arngeir has no idea how close he came to, uh, having issues.” “That’s what I mean. He didn’t actually piss me off this time. I wonder if he made this trip to talk to Paarthurnax and got told something by the one being he respects.” “We’ll find out soon enough. There’s Paarthurnax waiting for us.” We got closer and with his deep voice, the dragon spoke. “You have it. The Kel – the Elder Scroll. Tiid kreh ... qalos. Time shudders at its touch. There...
It was two days later before we entered High Hrothgar again. Arngeir was in mediation near the entrance. “Arngeir, we need to stop the war. And while I am Dragonborn, the Nords respect you.” “You misunderstand our authority. The Greybeards have never involved themselves in political affairs.” “Ah, but you you misunderstand why we need to stop the war. Jarl Balgruuf won’t assist me while the war rages.” “I see. The dragon will lead you to Alduin, but without the Jarl’s help...” “Exactly....
I didn’t know that a vampire could faint. You learn something new every day. Lydia was laughing a bit. “ Remember Delphine? Seems like every time you get with an older woman, they have this reaction to you.” “Technically I’m probably older than Delphine, but not really, so I suppose you’re right. Here, hold your dagger tip out, so I can prick a fingertip.” She did, and I let a drop of blood well up. I held my finger under Serana’s nose. That worked like I hoped. “Oh, my. Sorry about that. I...
The entrance to High Hrothgar was before us. I couldn’t delay things any further, so I opened the door and entered the home of the Greybeards. The four of them were waiting in the entrance hall. To my surprise, two familiar faces to me had apparently walked in just ahead of me. Delphine said, “So, Arngeir, is it? You know why we’re here. Are you going to let us in or not?” “You’re not invited here. You’re not welcome here.” Arngeir said, true to form. “We have as much right to be at this...
I wasn’t sure what to expect, being a living being entering the halls of the dead. I knew from my reading that I was no longer on Mundus, I was probably on the plane of Aetherius. I found myself at the top of a long flight of stairs. Half a dozen statues of someone in robes lined the stai.rs down. It had been midday when I entered the column of light. Now it appeared to be twilight. A rainbow colored aurora lit the sky, and when I looked straight up, there were clouds rotating in a circular...
Well, even though there had been no formal coronation, it appeared that suddenly a lot more people were ready to follow me and accept me as their Empress. “I accept you into my service willingly and without reservation. Arise.” Elise yelled out, “Three cheers for the Dragonborn!” Everyone joined her. “Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!” “Okay, enough. But now, who’s going to explain this all to me?” “It’s quite simply, milady. We followed Balgruuf in battle either during the Great War or when he...
“Martina, I ought to apologize, I think. I don’t know what came over me last night.” “Well, Ysolda, if I were to make a guess I’d say Lydia, then me, then Lydia again, and finally me.” “You’re ... you’re not upset?” “Love, that was just pure fun. Now, how about we get some breakfast, and talk about your new responsibilities.” “I am hungry enough to eat a horker. Wait, what new responsibilities?” “As my personal merchant and trader, of course. Come on, let’s go see what the Bannered Mare...
We left our horses outside the entry to the canyon leading to the fort. The weather was slightly bad, with a light snow falling. Annekke looked around in awe as we walked through the canyon, then at the lake and what lay beyond. “I was a ranger, but we were never this close to Morrowind. This area is a fortress, you could defend it from attack with only a few troops.” “Unfortunately, that’s all there are right now. I’ve talked to ... someone ... and I’m sure the vampire attacks are only...
“This is a nice home, Argis. You’ve done well in maintaining it.” “It is my sworn duty to protect you and your property, my Thane. You ... well, your exploits are those that will be sung about through the ages. I am honored I was allowed to swear to your service.” “Very good. This is Lydia. Just as you are my housecarl for Markarth, she is housecarl for me in Whiterun. And this is Annekke, someone who is following me as we, as you put it, have exploits.” “I was told to expect the three of...
We ended up spending three days in Whiterun getting everything ready to head out again. Argis got to meet Irileth and Jarl Balgruuf when we had dinner with the Jarl the second evening. Proventius was unhappy at the influence I had in the Jarl’s court, and did a poor job of hiding it. Farengar, on the other hand, was ecstatic that I was able to provide him with some samples of dragon blood and bone, courtesy of the dead dragon just outside the walls, and begged for me to do that more often –...
Wolfskull Cave opened into a natural tunnel that then descended into the mountainside. There were a few torches guttering along the hallway. We’d been walking for several minutes when I saw a draugr patrolling ahead. I shot him with an arrow. We continued past his corpse and soon the passageway opened into a larger chamber. There were two figures warming themselves at a campfire along one wall of the chamber. I quickly dispatched both of them. We checked their corpses, they were both human....
The guards in Riften were a bit jumpy. A dragon had flown over the town recently and while it hadn’t attacked, they were concerned. I did my shopping, then we went back to the Bee and Barb for the night. It was peaceful inside the walls, and we weren’t expecting trouble the next morning right when we left town. More vampires were waiting in concealment for us just outside the city. And there were a lot of them with their thralls. Two master vampires, three fledglings, and half a dozen...
We arrived at the gates of Solitude in time to break up a vampire attack. “Okay, that’s enough of this. I thought that helping Sybille would take care of the issues locally. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised to find the Thalmor helping the vampires in this.” It was early evening, so we grabbed something to eat, then I sought Viarmo out at the Bards College. “Here’s the verse about King Olaf you were seeking.” “Ah, let me see. Oh, no! It’s aged such that parts of it are unreadable. And...
It wasn’t quite at a run that we made it to the stable but close. “Jordris, grab a horse. Giemund, you know us by now from caring for our horses. We need another.” He nodded and told me a fair price that I immediately paid. “Okay, mount up and ride as if Elisif’s life depends upon it. Which I suspect it does.” We left at a gallop. “Lydia, Serana, this is the way we first went when we headed for Castle Volkihar. Be ready in case of animals, don’t stop, just ride over them.” We actually did...
Climbing down from the ledge was relatively easy. Relative being the operative term, since it was snowing, late at night, and we were all tired. Somehow or other, Annekke Crag-Jumper did not live up to her name and managed to fall and break her leg. “I swear, if I didn’t know any better, I think you did that just so you could share my bed when we get back to Proudspire Manor.” She looked pale from the pain as she took the healing potion I handed her. “Any time you let me share your bed is a...
If Astrid didn’t become pregnant that night, it wasn’t due to lack of trying. After two hours, I was exhausted, and fell asleep with her sprawled across my body, with the toy still impaled inside her. Elisif and Serana had been incredibly supportive, keeping Astrid always at the peak of release while also keeping me supplied with either a drink for energy, or a taste of their own juices for ardor. For the first time in ages, my sleep was not troubled by bad dreams. I did dream, but it was...
“I thought Gelebor was going to try to force things earlier,” Serana said as she finished removing her gown. “I think if it was any other day than today, he might have. But this is one time that my ... what’d you call it, love, adventuring ways ... will not get in the way of family.” Elisif looked up from where she was crouched between my legs, gently stroking my private hair and starting to rub things. “Something like that. But do we have to have this conversation now? I totally drenched...
A very wet and cold group entered the Nightgate inn. “Oh, my, surely you didn’t all fall into a lake?” the concerned innkeeper asked. “No, stupid Dwemer construction, having a water pipe rupture and flood the chamber you’re in is not a good way to stay dry. We’ll need towels and the fire built up a bit to dry off, as well as warm food and drink. Lydia, get dried off first, I want you to get to Irkngthand and bring our party back here.” She quickly stripped her armor and underthings off,...
I don’t mind waking up stark naked in bed if I’m wrapped in the arms of someone I love. Finding myself naked, with my arms and legs tied down, gagged, and with nothing covering my modesty or lack thereof isn’t something I think I care for. That, and seeing a man sitting in a chair near the bed just reading a book. If I’m going to be tied up and on display, at least he could be leering at me, after all. I tried to speak and the gag felt like I was spitting dry sand out of my mouth. He heard...
Everyone at the table sat in deep thought after my last comment. Brunwulf broke the silence. “Seems to me that you’ve been doing what you can to unite it, at least under your own rule.” “It’s not of my original choosing, I’ll tell you that. All I came here, to Tamriel, to do was to find out about my own history. If I had my druthers, I’d have a simple life, work metal, bone, and leather in a smithy, maybe do some alchemy, and be content with the love of my wives as we all grow old together....
“You know, I’ve lived in this town most of my life, and I’ve never been here. This is all new to me and ... what is this? Are you sure this bridge is safe?” “Not really, no. If you mean, do I think it’ll collapse under us, no, there’s magic in play keeping it up. If you mean, am I afraid that we’ll fall off the damn thing because these idiots have never bothered to fix the rails, then no, it’s not safe.” He chuckled at my comment. “That’s ... not what I expected to hear the Dragonborn say...
“I can’t believe you’ve only been here a week, Your Majesty, and accomplished so much for our community, for all of Solstheim. How can we ever repay you?” “Continue leading my subjects as you have, Councilor Morvayn. With the mines open again and the cultist threat eliminated, I think you should be able to keep the Northern Maiden very busy traveling back and forth with trade goods to Skyrim. Hopefully before too long we’ll have more ships plying this route.” Captain Gjalund nodded his...
The lead element of the first column of the Redoran Guard stopped at the rebuilt Traitor’s Post. The bandits that formerly occupied the building had quickly left when the Dragonborn’s Own returned from Winterhold and took to the rebuilding of this post with a vengeance. We had stocked it with food and refreshment for the incoming troops and our cooks were ready. “I am Captain Merano of the Royal Army. My first contingent of troops will be here shortly. From the tables I see you have set up,...
“Pardon my ignorance, but I’m confused. I know that we had planned on going to war against the Aldmeri, at least eventually. We discussed that at your wedding. But you’ve ended the civil war here, and you’re the Empress. Doesn’t that mean something?” “Oh, it does, Jarl Siddgeir. It means that I have a responsibility to all the citizens of the Empire. So while I’ve been successful here in Skyrim, there’s still Cyrodiil, Morrowind, and all the other provinces that are part of the Empire. And...
The warm water in the pool was relaxing to my muscles. I was sitting on the steps, the water up to my shoulders, with Serana in my lap leaning back against me. Astrid was to my left, with Elisif in her lap. They laughed as Serana finished telling them the story of how the brave Njada Stonearm had collapsed in fear. It was rather quiet in my Luxury Suite. Leah was sitting off in a corner, playing soft and gentle music on her lute. Elise had placed a tray of drinks and light snacks near the...
The road leading south from Bruma was packed with soldiers. By now, there were civilians fleeing ahead of them, so the army would no longer have an uncontested march deep through Cyrodiil. But that army was being led by two competent leaders, so while I knew they would have losses, I had no fear that they would see defeat. In the meantime, four companies of troops, five hundred men and women total, were making their way west, away from the main body. Depending upon the resistance we met, the...
“Are you sure about this, Martina?” “No, my love, not really. But it’s the best idea I have at the moment.” With our success in the city, I had a few of the residents of Chorrol that were actually related to members of the Imperial Legion company stationed at Battlehorn Castle and Fort Rayles with our small group, as well as Honditar. The main army had continued on to the west after two days of rest and replenishment to join the Cheydinhal forces. The battlements of the castle were visible...