Homeward BoundChapter 2 free porn video

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His phone echos through the house. He no longer dreams so he wakes instantly and moves unhurriedly down the hall to the kitchen.

"Hello you," he says.

He looks at the refrigerator. On it is an old yellowing clipping. It reads:

"Deborah Andrews

"Saturday, Sept 14, 1985

"Greenwood -- The funeral of Deborah Andrews, late of Oakland, California was held at Edwards Memorial Funeral Home in Greenwood, Friday, Sept 13, 1985. Followed by cremation and burial in the School St Cemetery as was her wish.

"The organist was Virginia Wagner.

"Ms. Andrews, 55, is survived by a daughter, Susan Montani, of Boulder, Colorado and a son, David Andrews, of Atlanta, Georgia. Neither were able to attend.

"Her mother, Mrs. Stephan Andrews, lived for fifty years at 25 Oak St before being stricken in her home, Friday, September 6, 1985."

She sits naked on the sand. The man is stretched on his back beside her, an arm thrown over his face against the sun. He is asleep, dead to the world. The wind blows in her face, causing her hair to weave about her head. Back in the dunes away from the beach, it's quite hot.

"You just made love again," he says.

"Yes," she admits, then "Why didn't you marry me back when you had the chance?"

"I asked, if you remember," he says, "And you said no."

"You never pressed."

"You said no pretty firmly. You said you didn't want to spend your days in a hick town."

"You could've argued, gotten upset. You just said 'Oh'."

"You said no. I didn't want to make it any worse than it was. Would it have made any difference?"

"I don't know," she says, "I was always so restless. And your family was so crushing. Remember when we went to the cookout at your Uncle Doug's? My God, there were so many of your relations there! And you were so proud. You led me around and around, holding my arm. You introduced me to aunts and uncles and cousins and you had five brothers and sisters and a mother and father as well. And three grandparents. There was a great great Aunt if I remember right with skin like white parchment. Afterwards whenever I'd walk uptown, I'd be sure to be greeted by some complete stranger coming out of like Jones' Market who'd press me to come over with you for dinner. They'd turn out to be some damned second cousin twice removed on your mother's side."

"We never went though. We always roamed by ourselves."

"I still felt like I was being crushed flat."

"We didn't have to stay in Greenwood. I'd've gone with you. I'd've gone anywhere with you."

"Yeah right. You never left that town once your whole life."

"That is not true. We drove all over. We went over to Cedar Point, up to Cleveland. We saw the Indians twice."

"And after I left?"

"Well, not so much."

"You just mowed lawns and did yard work and when your Dad retired you took over the business. You never went more that 5 miles from Greenwood center. You never dated another woman."

He looks silently at the refrigerator door.

"I remember I asked you what you did for amusement, you remember, at like our 20th class reunion. You said you'd joined the local chorus, had been singing with them for 10 years."

"It was fun," he says, "I liked to sing. So did you. You sat across from me in the altos all through high school."

"I'd often notice you were staring at me and not singing."

"You had such a fine clear voice."

"That's what you were interested in, not."

"It was, I can still hear it."

She laughs suddenly, "That group still in existence? We could join up."

He sighs sadly, "You're not around enough, you'd miss most of the rehearsals and probably the performance, and when you're not here, I just can't get up the energy to leave the house."

The man next to her says something indistinct. "Bye," she says and closes the cell. She gets on her hands and knees, straddles him and looks down into his face. She moves his arm so she can see his eyes. "Hi," she says, "You'll like get sunburned so I've got to be like your canopy." She pushes at her hair so it falls on either side of him. She bends and kisses him hungrily.

He looks up at her. He is in her shade. Through her hair he can see the blinding white sand and the sharp brilliant green of salt grasses and beach roses and scrubby bayberry bushes. They have wandered back into the dunes, past the signs warning them to keep out so as not to disturb the piping plovers. If he looks down his chest, between her thighs he can see through a dip in the dune the blue of the ocean where it meets the horizon. Her breasts as they dangle before him are soft creamy white, their nipples dark.

He feels her fingers on his cock, "Sand," she murmurs, "That won't be so nice for you."

She drops down on him quickly. The light is suddenly blinding, the colors around him become supersaturated and pale. He feels her lips about him, her tongue licking him. He looks down and sees her lick her fingers, then she reaches for her bag, takes a condom and pulls it down over him. He is again in her shade. She shifts on him, he feels her fingers placing him, then he is in. She is so tight. She shifts her legs so they rest on his, thigh to thigh, knee fitting just over his knee, he feels her toes sharp against his ankle. Sand rubs abrasively between them as she squirms on him, her eyes, below his, are tight shut. She lays her forehead on his chin and twists her bottom about. He runs a sandy hand over her thighs and up, he feels her muscles working. He wishes he could reach around and touch and caress where they join, but his fingers are all sand. He lifts his hand to her lips and pushes his fingers into her mouth, he feels her tongue hot against them. "Yum, salt" she murmurs. He sends his now hopefully sandless fingers back down, hovering so as not to touch her skin. He feels his hard cock through its plastic, he feels where she is stretched about him, he rubs her clit. She gasps and drops her knees to either side of him and begins to bob up and down hard. When she cries out, it is like the sound of a bird, some bird of prey, quickly lost in the sun, the sand, the grass and the wind.

She collapses on him, gasping. He can't wait. He rolls her, oblivious of sand, and crouches over her. He begins pumping. She lies still, spread beneath him, unmoving. His feet clinch and his climax is sharp and again it hurts. As he lies panting on her, he trys to remember when he's come so many times in a 12 hour period. Probably never.

"Shall we walk back?" she asks, "I'm getting hungry again."

As they stroll back, the spent waves foaming about her ankles, occasionally as high as her knees, he cannot imagine any connection between her youth and beauty and himself.

The next day, the day after the park experience, he'd made sure to go to the supermarket with his friend from accounting. He hadn't seen her at all and'd eaten his lunch sitting with his fellows around the conference room table unable to listen to their chat, unable to think of anything but her. Going to the restroom after lunch, he'd seen her coming up the hall with several other young women, in high spirits, laughing at something or other. They'd all said hello and she'd smiled at him.

The day after that he'd seen Mark Raposa, the manager of the in-house sales team, and a handsome, aggressive thirty-something to boot, standing at the front desk, grinning and talking to her. Going to his car at lunch he'd seen the pair of them climbing into Mark's Cadillac Escallade.

He'd felt a sharp pain in his chest such as he'd not felt since right after college when he'd first met his wife, well the woman who would become his wife, and'd learned she was living with some guy, some guy who'd seemed in every way his superior. Like then, he felt that if he only had a gun, he'd start shooting.

As he watched the red SUV roll away past the building, its reflection gliding along the office windows, he'd felt a deep pang of nostalgia for that moment long ago. When he'd first seen his wife, at a party thrown by a co-worker, she'd been drinking a margarita and his eye'd met hers and the future'd seemed wide open.

He turned and went back into the building and sat hungry in his office.

An hour later, when he felt'd the need to get a breath of fresh air, he saw she was back at her desk.

At 4:30, as he passed the front desk on one of his several trips to the restroom, he saw the pair, Mark and Deb, pushing through the glass doors into the hall. Deb saw him staring and her eyes met his and she shrugged. He went to a window facing the parking lot and watched as they walked to the guy's SUV. They weren't holding hands, but they were close to each other and walking in step. Mark was leaning to her and talking animatedly.

He was tense at dinner, snapping when his wife'd suggested that he might want to mow some of the lawn before it got dark. Then in the fifth inning of the Red Sox/Indians game, a boring rout, the camera'd panned the crowd. There she sat, a beer in one hand, a baseball cap on her full hair, Mark sitting right next to her, his arm around her shoulder. If she was paying attention to the game, he wasn't. The camera lingered, as if glad to have found such an attractive couple. In fact, it returned to them in the middle of the sixth. Neither was watching the game, they were talking cheerfully. One of the announcer'd had said, 'They've got something better to talk about than this dog of a game'. He'd felt torn up inside.

That next Monday, driving to work, he'd told himself he'd been a reckless idiot to let himself get as wound up by her as he had. That she was young and wild and could have no real interest in him and that any interest he had in her could be nothing more than masturbation, pleasurable, but solitary. That he had a wife and a family with whom he was going through the motions. That his life would run its course to an essentially satisfactory end. That all his hopes and expectations were now centered on his daughters, on their test scores, on their choices of colleges, on their successes and not his own. That he was a fool to feel lonely, trapped, and lost.

At 11 that morning he got an email from her, all subject, no body, "Lettuce at 12 o'clock?"

He'd stared at it. He imagined ignoring it, simply deleting it. It would remain in the company's email archives, possibly glanced at by auditors or lawyers who might wonder if it was code for some kind of insider trading, until they checked out the people involved and realized how outside the loop they were. He would go about his business, perform his family obligations, would remain outwardly blameless.

He'd emailed back "Sure." He'd felt a surge of excitement, his cock'd stirred, he'd felt liberated and scared.

When his friend'd stuck his head in the door and said he was thinking of going to D'Angelos for a sub, he'd replied, "No, I think I'll just go to the caf. here in the building. I've got work to do."

"You drive," she said as they came out of the supermarket. She wore a striped sundress, thin red and green stripes on light white summer material. It had thin straps over her shoulders. The skin of her shoulders and arms shown in the sun. She wore sandals, just slightly higher in the heel than the toe. From the way her breasts moved he wondered if she was wearing a bra.

He looked stupidly around the parking lot, unable to remember where his car was.

"It's over there." she pointed at one of the little neglected kiosks for shopping carts. "I saw you park as I drove up." She took his arm and all but pushed him, like one of the workers rounding up scattered carts.

"The park?" he'd asked as he started the car, glancing over at her as she'd leaned back.

"Those mom's'd show no mercy and I think someplace more comfortable is in order. I'll give directions."

Her hand reached over, rested on his thigh, then slid to his zipper.

"Listen," he said, almost croaking. He was going to tell her to stop, but then felt her fingers about his cock and couldn't get the words out. With his peripheral vision he could see the motion of her white hand. She got him out straight, the darkened head of his cock just touching the steering wheel, it slid against it as he turned the car onto the exit drive, heading toward the light on the highway.

"Right at the light," she said and she tipped his cock hard over so it lay against his right thigh. When he had the car on the road, she straightened him up, her fingers fiddling idly.

"Right again at this little street," she said tipping his cock so it pointed toward herself, she stretched over and kissed it and gave it a little lick, removing the pearl of fluid that had gathered on its tip.

"Where are we going?" he managed, barely able to recognize his voice.

"Oh, we'll know when we arrive," she said. After passing a slow children sign she bent him away from her, aiming him at his door. "Hey! Left turn here!"

He'd braked hard and turned onto a winding subdivision street.

"Pay attention!" she'd ordered.

When she'd next tipped his cock towards herself, he'd obediently turned the car onto another little street. His breathing came hard, he felt amazed that he could keep the car on the asphalt, only vaguely aware of the large houses and grassy yards they were passing.

She tipped him to the left then to the right. He felt lost, aware solely of her fingers caressing him.

"Hey," he exclaimed, "We passed here a minute ago!" He only knew this because of a large dumpster planted beside the house. Men were on the house's roof, the noise of nail-guns was muted by the car's closed windows.

"Yup, I'm just having so much fun. But OK."

She pressed his cock hard against his belly. "Are you a slow learner or what! That means slow down! This means speed up!" and she pulled him forward till the angle hurt. She laughed when he lurched the car forward, tromping on the accelerator. She pressed his cock back again against his shirt and belt and he let the car slow to a crawl.

She peered at the houses. They were all deserted, everyone at work, school or day care. She saw one with a plethora of bikes and plastic bats and hoops and things in its yard. He turned with her guide up its driveway. He felt so very nervous.

She got out and walked around back of the house. When she saw he wasn't following, just sitting in the car, she called, "Hey come on!"

"This is your brother or sister's house?" he asked catching up to her. She had the backdoor open and was standing watching him.

"Did you bring our lunches? Go back and get them!"

Inside, holding both their plastic supermarket bags, he found himself in a family room. Everything was neat, there were two large boxes filled with toys, a couch, a fireplace, a large flat screen TV with a Playstation.

"Deb!" he called.

"In here." He found her in the kitchen. She'd set two places at the kitchen table. Poured two beers.

"Sit," she said, taking the plastic bags, setting the heaping salad at one place, the turkey sub at the other. When she saw he wasn't moving, she said, "Your fly's still unzipped by the way. Come on. Eat."

She sat on his right, digging into the salad with her right hand. Her left in his lap.

The kitchen looked like the one in his house. This despite the fact that each detail was different, the refrigerator was a side by side, the stove electric, the counter granite, yet if his family were swapped into this house, like harddrives switched from one computer to another, they'd live exactly the same life, hardly noticing the change. The sense was so strong that he half expected his wife or daughters to troop in through the doors.

He shifted uncomfortably and looked at the girl. "I saw you at the game Friday night."

"You were there? Why didn't you come over?"

"On TV. They showed you and Mark."

"Really! Cool!"


"I have a friend back in Ohio, that's where I grew up, he watches all the games. Wonder if he saw me."

Then she said, "You know, those tickets cost like $145 a piece? When I was a kid, my boyfriend took me to the Indians, for like a $1.50 a head and you got better seats too."

When he was silent, she said, "Look, that Mark seemed like a nice guy and he offered to take me to the game. I am such a sports fan. The Indians too! They're like my team. However, he was such a jerk afterwards. I guess if I'd just spent $145 plus 2 beers at $6.50 each and a $5 hotdog on a girl I might expect something too. He wanted me to go back to his apartment and when I said no he got ugly and insistent and I had to take a cab back to the office to get my car. I really didn't have much of an evening and I've got to see the guy every day now in the office."

He looked at her. "And the Indians lost," he said.

"And the Indians lost. They always do. They are such losers."

"What do you see in me?" he asked, "I'm not handsome, never was, and my job is boring."

Her eyes met his, holding them, "Ask me that again in a little bit, when I'll have a more informed opinion."

She stood up, took his arm and said, "Come on, we'll clean up later."

She led him from the kitchen into a hall. There was a neat living room to one side, a dining room to the other, and the stairs leading up. At the top of the stairs there was another hall. She led him down it and into a large sunny bedroom. There was a large bed, an easy chair, two wooden dressers, one with a mirror, there was an open door to a large bathroom. One bedroom wall seemed all glass with a sliding door that led onto a balcony. There was a view of a huge flat expanse of grass in which other houses seemed to have been planted at random. On either bedside table there were lamps and alarm clocks. Opposite the bed on the wall was a flat screen TV. Between the pillows lay the remote. The girl, bent and pulled the covers back.

She turned to him. She pulled the straps of her dress over her shoulders and let it fall. She wore no underwear. "Took it off in the office ladies room." she said.

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Confessions of a smoking TV tart Part 1

"What did you feel like tonight, in the car park?" he asked. It was uncomfortable for me, tied to the back of the chair, upside down. 'It was such a buzz, the adrenalin was incredible. I've never felt more alive.' I answered, the rubber bonds gently squeaking in my discomfort. "Why?" I pondered for a while, before answering. 'I love knowing that when I dress in all my heavy makeup, the plastic and rubber, and the come fuck me boots, it gives guys a big hard on. It's a big compliment that I'm...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Lyra Law Mona Wales A Firm Hand

Lyra Law comes home after a long day to find that her neck is killing her. Tired of the aches and pains she decides to book a massage. Not knowing where to go, she googles the nearest place and calls them immediately. When they inform her that they can take her as soon as she’s ready, she’s thrilled. When she arrives at the massage parlor, Mona Wales introduces herself as her masseuse. Armed with a firm grip, Mona is going to make sure to get all those knots out. She asks Lyra to...

1 year ago
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A Maid Story

It had been a long day and Paul was tired.   After a week of traveling and a full day of meetings, Paul was ready to unwind with his wife, Marie.   They were what many people might describe as soul-mates. They were best friends who shared their deepest, darkest secrets with one another and who regularly consulted with one another on a wide variety of topics. Their love life had suffered lately and had grown somewhat predictable but that didn’t bother Paul too much.   There was so much else...

1 year ago
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The Rich Arrogant College Slut

I cannot believe my luck when I walk into the wrong room in my dormitory. It is three in the morning and I must have been too tired from studying for the test that I end up on the wrong floor. When I turn the door knob I cannot believe my eyes. They must be having too much fun that they forget to lock the door behind them. In the bed is Jennifer Freeman with her legs spread, on top of her Phil Michels, the 220 pound captain of our college football team, pumping his huge black cock in and out of...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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A Drunken Tale Ch 03

‘Mmm, that was the most wonderful dream,’ Grant said to himself as he happily rose to meet the morning. Mary had made herself part of his dreams and was a constant figure in his thoughts. He was so excited. He hadn’t felt this giddy over a girl in as long as he could remember, and this girl brutally shut him down. He jumped into the shower and spent much more time primping than usual. Grant decided since he didn’t get her number, he simply had to make a house call, one that included flowers....

1 year ago
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The Beach Bus

The Beach Bus by Lothario Cassanova I was a bit dingy from the sun as I climbed up the steps of the bus and worked my way to the back. The bus that would return me to the city was crowded with beach goers and there were no seats left so I stood in the aisle in the swaying mass of bodies, smelling the scent of seawater and coconut oil as the bus lurched off down the rough dirt track that was the beach road. After several more stops, the already crowded bus was becoming more like a college...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Mostly Ghostly The Summarised Ending

I've written myself into a corner with this story and can't seem to find a way out so here's the plot in a nutshell. Jack and Regan continue to grow closer and eventually fall in love. Regan wants so desperately to be with Jack that she attempts suicide by overdose. Jack sees what he's doing to Regan and decides to leave so she can move on. Two years later Regan is now Engaged to a man she met at work named Kyle. Jack is a wandering spirit who suddenly finds himself drawn back to town. It turns...

1 year ago
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The Fireplace

I walk into the room. I see you standing by the fireplace.You sit down by it and I join you.I bring my hand over towards yours brushing against it ever so gently.You reach out and brush yours back against mine, letting your manly hand linger for a few minutes. You then grab onto my hand and hold onto it bringing it down onto your cock.I turn my head noticing this. I start massaging your cock slowly with my hand. I hear you moan.You then turn towards me slightly. You bring your free hand over to...

4 years ago
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Ch 5 Eva truck drivers wife watches as I fuck my sister

My mom, stepdad and stepbrother were spending the weekend in Vegas. My older step sister had moved out 6 months ago, she had moved in with her best friend. I had the house to myself for the weekend, I was going to spend the night drinking my step dad's beer, watching Eva’s video and playing with my cock. Watching Eva take my cock in her ass while sucking on a stranger’s cock was making me hard as concrete, I was stroking my shaft hard and fast. I was drunk and was having trouble cumming, I...

3 years ago
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The Estate of Master David

Chapter 4Eric was pleased to hear that Kate had decided to move into his father’s mansion.  It would be a shame to sell the home in which he had grown up, and which had been in his family for many years.He was less enthusiastic upon Kate’s decision to maintain Julie as the maid.  Everyone knew Julie was far more than a live-in maid to his father David.  He didn’t trust Julie, but ultimately he left the decision to Kate, following a plea for her to reconsider.Kate really seemed to be coming into...

4 years ago
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A New App for My iPadChapter 4

The rest of the day included a lot of walking around the room to work on my balance and coordination but mostly it was relaxation as my new body continued to fine-tune itself. Beginning the next morning, my days were filled with activities. I began the day with another large nutrient drink. After that it was exercise and classes, classes and exercise. We took the elevator – I suppose it would be more accurately called a shuttle since it seemed to move in any and all directions - to a large...

3 years ago
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RapeBetrayal 11 My Daughter my Cunt

I guess I've always had a thing for rape. Not the violent sick kind. I just like nice, normal rape stories. You know what I mean? I always thought it was cruel to pierce a woman's nipples, or cut them off, or punch her in the face and slap her around--I mean c'mon, why? I don't want to make her fuck a dog, lick a cat, or drink cum from a horse. I certainly have no desire to see her 3 yr old abused. The things I read on the internet can be quite disgusting. Beastiality, torture,...

2 years ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 66

Day 4: 'Hero Warship' "This will do just fine sir, let me out here." The young man offered politely, while gazing critically at the Misaki residence. It was certainly smaller than expected, given even the sketchy number of residence supposedly living there. With a laborious whine of carbon on metal, the old green flatbed slowed ponderously to a halt roadside of the split rail fence. Well-used hinges made an indifferent sound as the olive drab farm truck's door swung open. Dropping to...

2 years ago
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My WarChapter 5 Living With the Admiral

Tony 's allocated accommodation was not one of his choice, he was in fact dreading it but he knew it was a requirement of his job, as Sadie had explained, and it was necessary to be seen as one of his Admirals aides and confidants, which they hoped would eventually make him a prime target for any enemy agents wishing to discover Admiralty secrets. His accommodation was with Vice Admiral Ralph Manning who spent a lot of his time in the City as well as sittings with the war cabinet, and so he...

2 years ago
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Not What You Expected 2

Not What You Expected First Afternoon By Joannebarbarella This is a short chapter to let people know about obedience and maids. Things need planning you know. What a morning! First my plane was delayed and then when I came home expecting to surprise my husband I don't know who got the bigger surprise. It's amazing but already I have trouble thinking of him as (him). She makes such a lovely girl and given my sexual predilections I just about wet myself thinking of taking...

3 years ago
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Life Of Slutty Shabana

Hi, this is Hrishi again. I live in Guwahati. I am an executive in an IT company and obviously, it involves a lot of traveling across North East India and the occasional visit to Kolkata. Though I am from NE region, as an Indian I am average with a height of 5ft 8 ½ inch and 32 years old and living alone. I will appreciate all of your feedbacks. I was a regular reader of ISS and after reading and jerking for about 7-8 years, I thought to pen down my sex stories and till now I have written four...

2 years ago
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family FUCK

It was 1 A.M. and I was about to go to sleep but first I decided I was going to jack-off. I was home from college for summer break and it seemed in the only time I had to myself was in the middle of the night. My 19 year old sister and my parents seemed to constantly be knocking on my door asking various things. I pulled off my pants and boxers and sat at my computer. I turned on some porn and started stroking my cock as it stiffened to its 8 inch length. Normally, I close and lock my door...

2 years ago
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Conquer and Suck Seed Part 2 Vicky

Jay sat his desk, reviewing some policy revisions sent in from the contracted photo agency when he heard a knock at his open door. Glancing up, he saw Steph carrying an armful of binders, looking busy as she scribbled something on the paper on top of the stack. "Well, here are the project proposals, in need of your approval before execution," she said, laying them neatly at the edge of his desk, pushing them toward him slightly in the process. "Seems like a handful.. looks like you really are...

Office Sex
1 year ago
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The Nieghbor

I recently moved into a really nice high rise apartment complex in New York. Rent is way too high, however my friends keep telling me I need to start enjoying life a little. I have been single for a quite a few years and I am now on my 8th vibrator. Hopefully someday they will make a vibrator that can outlast my sexual needs. I need to find a man soon though before I lose my mind with this constant sexual desire I have 24/7. It’s getting to the point where I can’t even function at work...

3 years ago
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How to Use Erotic Hypnosis

Erotic Hypnosis can make sex even more fun than you already know about. It is very erotic to be either directed or do the directing. Especially if the actions are without prejudgment. First, let me make one thing very clear. You will not do what I do in my stories. What you will do is take most of the anxiety out of sex. Men or women can take either role and, indeed, can rotate roles. Everything you do must be done with consent. The consent will be to start the process. You do not stop in the...

1 year ago
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A Misunderstanding

I was sweating, my hands were shaking, and my knees weak. I had never been so nervous in my entire life. My heart was beating so fast I worried that I was going to have a heart attack. I had just received a text from my girlfriend that had chilled me to the bone.I couldn’t believe she was actually doing this. I thought it was a joke, a heat of the moment thing in the throes of passion. We had been having very hot and heavy sex. She had been dirty talking to me, saying the naughtiest things,...

2 years ago
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An Adventure

I was home alone and very horny, decided to check out some male sites and see what was going on. I found a site that would let you register for free, so I signed up and started to surf. I came upon an ad that was close to the campus, the ad read "want to have some fun call (7**)***-***9..." Using my throw away I called and a very pleasant voice answered I explained that i found the number on a web site and asked if he placed it there, his answer '...yes, are you interested and want to have...

4 years ago
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Her Night

Eva stared at the wall of toys before her, still unable to believe that she was actually here. For months she’d delayed visiting any adult shops, she was just too afraid she would run into someone she knew. If she ever needed a new vibrator or some lube, she just sent Jake. He’d run the errands she was too nervous to run herself and she’d treat him to a night of whatever he wanted. It had worked- until now. She couldn’t send him for this one, since he was creating the problem she needed to fix....

3 years ago
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ONE As I sit here in my cell, I feel compelled to write down the events of mymiserable life over the past long months. It is late at night and my cubicleis lit by a flickering pale light bulb, giving me just enough illuminationto see my words as I scratch them on the cheap paper. Perhaps they will maketheir way back to the States and someone who knew me will come to get me. Yesand pigs can fly. I steal this brief moment to record my thoughts before theycome to get me. I pause and a shudder runs...

3 years ago
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Fates Prey

Their names were Jackie, Alice, Rachel, and Michelle. They were ordinary girls, for the most part. But something strange seemed to follow these girls all of their life. None of the four girls could seem to keep their clothes on for long, leading to all sorts of embarrassment at their seemingly inescapable nudity! It seemed that these girls were Fate's Prey, and that's exactly what everyone called them! Jackie was 21, a daring and outgoing girl who wanted to be part of something bigger than...

2 years ago
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For Once in My Life

I used to think that there must be something wrong with me that I liked being spoken to roughly and crudely, not to mention having the wild fantasies that I often indulge in. I've since though, come across other women who have the same desires, so I now accept it as being quite normal after all. Anyhow, on with my new story... Once in a while I'd received messages from men who had read my stories; some just expressed their enjoyment, while others proposed chatting in one way or...

3 years ago
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learning i liked it

The room was dark with only candles illuminating the tables as I walked inside the restaurant. My heart was racing as I contemplated what I was getting myself into. I had agreed to meet a couple at the restaurant to see if I met their screening criteria to join them in a rendezvous for sex. This meeting was set up via an online chat room and we had never seen each other. We planned to have dinner together and then decide if we were compatible and we would take it from there.My eyes almost...

2 years ago
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Tales of Lotus Island The first anniversary

Lisa and Alex were surprised when they arrived for dinner with her parents to find Alex’s parent had been invited and even more interesting their house keeper Stella particularly as they had a ménage a trois with Stella.“Hello darling would you like an aperitif.” Said her mother Sophie. Notching that her daughter was looking at Stella for once modestly dressed in a cocktail dress. “Did you think we didn’t know about Stella? Well to be fair we didn’t but Stu and Fliss quickly worked it out and...

3 years ago
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EXIT 33 Trusting More

EXIT 33 — Trusting More After chatting with you over the computer and ‘hearing’ a story that you made up on the spot, I turned back over and drifted back to sleep. I had a smile of satisfaction on my face as your sweet countenance once again occupied my dreamy sleep. The aftereffects of your story on my body soon had me ‘asleep’ and once again dreaming. After releasing your hands, I help you descend from the upper bunk. You now stretch out, on your tummy, on my lower bunk. While we are just...

1 year ago
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Uncle Bob Me

All characters and terms including boy and lad refer to people age 18 and over.My Mum had gone away for the weekend with her mates which meant me and her boyfriend had the house all to ourselves. He’s brill, my Mum’s boyfriend. He’s like a mate. He’s in his 40s but he’s well cool.Anyway, it was Saturday and we had a great night in, lots of cans, a spliff…brilliant. Round about 11 o’clock I said, “Right. I’m off to bed. See you in the morning, Uncle Bob.” I always called him Uncle Bob.“You off...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 107 The Nude Section Begins

The whirlwind of events for that final show of the Redsands Teen Beauty Pageant began with the final full nude section of the parade. This was probably the part that had caused the most contention when the Teen Beauty Pageant was first mooted as being sponsored by the National Trust For Lifestyle Nudism. That was almost a year ago now and so much had changed in the little 50,000 strong community of Redsands, Georgia, USA, since then. The original concept of a Teen Beauty Pageant involving...

2 years ago
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My Husband caught me pt 3

His cock was huge, massive and he was pushing it deep inside me, I moaned as his cock was withdrawn.Grabbing me by the hair, he pulled me towards the bedroom. I was trying to get free, but he just carried on walking.'Sit down bitch', he said, 'Suck my cock and then I have a surprise for you' !He was forcing his huge cock into my mouth, making me gag, and kept telling me to take it all.He was pumping it so hard and I was having trouble breathing.I felt something slide up my back, then across my...

2 years ago
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One Strange Night On The Town

Forgive me, one and all, dear friends, for my lapse in attendance. I had thought Fictionmania was extinct, and didn't know it had been resurrected until now. Anyway, the following is 95% true, as I've changed certain details to protect the innocent, to soothe bruised egos, to rescue stranded kittens in trees, and to teach little girls not to dress their Barbie dolls like hookers. In short, it contains the occasional random babblings as before. One Strange Night on the Town By...

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