FireworksChapter 2 free porn video

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Dave stared at the blowjob coupon from Jen in his hands. Not a mistake?

"I'll let them explain," Will said.

"Remember when we discussed what could happen this trip?" Jen said. "We said Will couldn't touch Jennifer, but no one said I couldn't touch you."

Dave stared at Jennifer, his mouth agape.

"It's what she wants," Jennifer said quietly, "and it's okay with me."

"Is it okay with you?" he asked Will.

Will hesitated, and then nodded. "We've discussed it, and I'm okay with it."

Dave frowned. "Nobody discussed it with me."

"That's what we're doing now," Jen said. "I wasn't sure I was going to give it to you until you guys started dancing."

Dave sighed.

"You don't have to cash that now," Jennifer said, getting off the couch and coming over to Dave. "You don't have to ever cash it, if you don't want." She sat beside him and wrapped her arms around him. "I said we'd talk about it first, remember?"

He sighed again, but returned Jennifer's hug. The room fell silent for a moment.

"Well," Will said, "I'm thirsty after all that dancing. Who wants a beer?"

"Why not?" Jen said.

Dave looked at Jennifer, who nodded. "We're in."

Will hopped up and headed for the kitchen area. As he pulled some beers out and popped their caps, the rest of them slowly arose and went to join him.

"I thought it was particularly good of us," Will said, "to get all three songs from ZZ Top."

Jennifer rolled her eyes. "Tube Steak Boogie?"

"Hey," Will said, "it fit. It's about sex."

Jen snorted. "Everything by ZZ Top is. Pearl Necklace. Tush. I've Got the

Six, Give Me Your Nine. She's Got Me Under Pressure."

"She's Got Me Under Pressure isn't about sex," Will said.

The conversation quickly turned to which songs were about sex and what weren't. Not only ZZ Top, but other artists. It didn't take too long for some jokes to start flying, leading Dave to just smile at the incongruity. The conversation would have fit perfectly in a bar, but instead they were all standing around drinking their beer naked. It was hard to imagine that they'd just had sex, but he suspected that a distraction was exactly what Will had had in mind.

Unfortunately, Dave couldn't keep his mind off Jen's 'tip.' Was it really okay with Will and Jennifer? If he accepted, would that mean that at some point, he'd have to give Jennifer permission to fool around with Will? Why did Jen really want to do this anyway? As much as part of him raved at the idea of her lips around his cock, the rest of him had far too many concerns to let him relax.

When they finally called it an evening and went to bed, he brought up his concerns with Jennifer. Cuddling in the dark, life didn't seem as surreal as it had during their naked beer time.

"Why?" he asked. "Why does Jen want to do this?"

"That's hard to say," Jennifer replied, gently stroking his chest as she spoke. "She said she wasn't sure she was ready to settle down."


"Will started talking about spending their life together," she explained, "and Jen, well, she freaked out a little. She does love Will..."

Dave snorted. "Normally it's the guy that flips out about that."

Jennifer patted his chest lightly. "True, but not Will. Or you."

"I already said 'forsaking all others once," he said with a tinge of bitterness. "I hadn't expected that to change. But I'm glad it did." He gave Jennifer a tight squeeze, which she returned.

"Jen hasn't been married," she said. "And she likes to flirt and tease."

"But Will doesn't mind her flashing other guys."

"True. But sometimes she wants to do more than flash."

"Ah," Dave said, remembering a similar comment from Jen on their Santa Fe trip.

"So she and Will talked and they decided that, if they were going to have an open relationship, they should start with someone they liked and trusted. You."

"And you agreed?"

"You know I don't get jealous."

Dave fell quiet. While it was true that Jennifer didn't, he knew he did. He wanted to be more open-minded, but the fact was, the thought of Jennifer screwing another guy made him sick to his stomach. Maybe it was residual from Claire's cheating or maybe it was just who he was. But it was hard, really hard, to put himself in Jennifer's place and imagine giving permission for such a thing.

"Besides," Jennifer said, as if reading his mind, "I love her. Not in the way I love you, but I want her to be happy."

"Yeah." That he understood, even if he wasn't sure what he thought about it.

But he did think about it some more, Jennifer waiting patiently, cuddled into him.

"So," he finally said, "do you think Will really wants this?"

"I don't know. He says he does."

"But he was also very nervous earlier. And not in a good way."

"Well ... maybe you should talk with him."

"Uh huh." He lightly stroked her back. "But ... what if I don't want to do it?"

"Get a blowjob from Jen?"

"Yeah. I'm not sure it's really a good idea."

"But if everyone else is okay with it..."

He grimaced. "But I'm not. I mean, I've gone along with the flashing and the showing off. I admit I kind of even like it when you do it." He gave her a squeeze for emphasis, which she returned. "But won't this set a precedent?"

"What do you mean?"

"What happens when Will says he wants a blowjob from you?"


She didn't add anything after that, which unsettled Dave a bit. Did she want to give Will a blowjob? Or more?

Jennifer sensed his tenseness. She lightly stroked his chest. "I love you," she finally said, "and I'm not going to risk that. Not even for Will or our friendship with them."

Dave let out a long breath, and Jennifer hugged him tight.

"I love you too," he said, "and, well, I'm just not ready. I may never be ready."

"And I'm not asking you to be."

He squeezed her tight once again and kissed her forehead. She tilted her head up, and they kissed again. After a few more kisses, each growing a bit more passionate than the last, she slid her hand down to his cock. It didn't take long for her to stroke him erect.

She slid on top of him then, straddling him. She leaned forward on his chest so they could continue kissing as he gently moved within her.

"I love you," she whispered passionately in his ear. "I love you with all my heart."

"I love you too," he said, kissing her hard to emphasize his point.

They continued to slowly make love until he sensed her beginning to tire. As much as he didn't care whether he had an orgasm or not, he knew she'd want him to, so they rolled over onto her back. He speeded up, still kissing her as best he could. Finally, with a gasp, he came.

Afterward, they cuddled until they fell asleep, all thoughts and concerns forgotten.

They came back in the morning, though. Dave drifted awake with the morning light. He lay quietly, listening to Jennifer's soft breath as she slumbered on. As his mind drifted to the night before, he became just a tad more awake, just a tad tense. And with mixed feelings.

He knew that Jennifer loved him, but he couldn't escape the nagging sensation that she'd be happy to fool around with Will, if it came to that. She said she wasn't going to risk her relationship with him, but hadn't she done that once already, with her former husband?

The problem was, it too easily 'came to that.' It hadn't taken much to go from refusing to let Will see Jennifer's special sexy Valentine's Day video to inviting him to watch her strip. And if Will's girlfriend was fooling around with Dave...

He tossed to his side, pulling away from Jennifer. It already had 'come to that.' He hadn't even thought through all the possibilities when they'd talked before this trip, and Jen had explicitly asked if anything else was okay. He'd just gone along with it.

Much as he'd gone along with all of the women's exhibitionism games. The Panty Game. The Drive-Through Game. The 'No-Underwear-But-Not-Flashing Game.' He wasn't sure he even knew what all the games were, much less the rules. But he still went along...

He lay there, brooding, until Jennifer turned in her sleep, murmuring. Fearing he'd wake her, he slipped from the covers, found his robe, and padded to the bathroom and then the kitchen.

The refrigerator door stood open when he entered the room, but he didn't see anyone until he rounded the counter. Jen knelt, reaching for something in the back on the lower shelf, her naked ass thrust out toward him. He paused, admiring the sight, until she found the grapes she was looking for and dropped back onto her haunches. She grinned at him as her kimono settled back into place.

"Good morning," she said. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah." He avoided her eyes and started making coffee. She straightened up and set the grapes on the counter.

"I hope last night was okay with you," she said, sensing his mood. "We probably shouldn't have surprised you, but..."

"You weren't sure you were going to give me that 'tip.'"

"That's right."

"So why'd you do it?" he asked as casually as he could.

Jen sighed and leaned back against the counter.

"Because it felt right. Because we were all having fun. Because I thought you'd like the surprise."

Dave nodded. "Okay."

"I do like you and find you attractive," she said. "I'm not interested in you romantically, but..."

"Neither am I. I love Jennifer."

"I know," she said with a smile, "and I'm glad. But anything we did would just be for fun."

Dave snorted softly. "Just part of a game."

"A game you enjoy."

"What makes you so sure?"

She smiled, and casually loosened her kimono sash, letting it gape open. Dave's eyes immediately locked onto the growing gap, flicking back and forth from her expanded cleavage to her now-exposed pussy. His eyes roamed for several seconds before she adjusted and tightened her sash once again. He looked up, his face flushed, to meet her twinkling eyes.

"I'm sure," she said.

Dave snorted and shook his head. He retrieved another mug and filled it with coffee, fully aware of Jen's mischievous eyes upon him. When it was full, he raised it and smiled.

"I'd better take this to Jennifer," he said. "It'll help her hatch faster."

"Take your time," Jen said. "We're not doing anything until later."

Dave nodded, as the hike was the only thing he knew was on the calendar, and then headed down the hall back to the bedroom.

Jennifer stirred when he entered and then cracked one eye. Seeing Dave, she smiled. He waited until she'd sat up and then handed her the coffee. She smiled appreciatively and took her first sips.

"I've been thinking," Dave said, once Jennifer appeared fully alert, "and I'm still not sure about this."

"What are you worried about?"

"The slippery slope, mostly."

Jennifer raised an eyebrow and took another sip of coffee.

"I mean," Dave said, "think about Santa Fe. We started out with some simple exhibitionism and ended up all in the same bed together."

"But you enjoyed that, right?"

He nodded. "Yeah, but we're already that far, this time. We did it all together last night. So where are we going to be in a few days?"

"Where do you want to be?"

Dave let out a frustrated sigh. "I don't know. Well, not watching you and Will together. I know that much."

Jennifer gave him a reassuring smile. "That won't happen, my love. I couldn't do that to you."

He sighed. "I know that, but it's hard to believe, you know?"

Her smile turned bittersweet and she nodded. But then she took a breath and met his eyes.

"But it's okay if Jen and I touch, right?"

"Uh ... sure." He furrowed his brow, anticipating her next question, so he decided to answer it. "I think that's different because I don't see Jen as a threat."

"But Will is?"

"Will's too close to, well, being me. Jen's just too different."

"That she is."

"Besides," he admitted, setting his coffee down and sliding next to her on the bed, "like most heterosexual males, I find the idea of two women together hot. Really hot."

"Good." She put her arm around him and hugged him.

"Is that what you two have planned?"

She chuckled. "I'm not going to tell you and ruin the surprise."

"Humph. Well, as long as it's a good surprise."

"It will be." She emphasized her words with a hug.

They held each other for a few minutes, just enjoying each others' touch. It was reassuring, more than Jennifer's words, he realized. Much more than the words.

Eventually, though, they had to get going. Once they'd dressed, they met Will and Jen in the main room for breakfast where they discussed where to take their hike that day. Will argued for something long, but the women were clearly more in the mood for a stroll than a marathon. In the end, they decided on the Baker's Tank Loop up off the Boreas Pass Road. It didn't take too long to pack after that, and soon they were out the door.

They parked at the trailhead among a handful of other cars, to Dave's disappointment. More cars meant more people on the trail, when he wanted to be able to believe it was just the four of them alone in the world. Even worse, the first part of the loop was a dirt road, and twice they had to move to the side so Jeeps could pass. A couple of mountain bikers also passed them, calling out 'on your left!' as they flew by.

Surprisingly, they didn't encounter any other hikers until they arrived at Baker's Tank, an old abandoned water tank from when the road had been a railroad route. Two guys in their twenties sat under an aspen, drinking from their water bottles. They nodded hello as Dave and his friends approached.

"Nice day," Will said as he unshouldered his pack and fished out his water bottle.

Dave thought that was a good idea and went for his own, noting the women setting down their packs as well.

"Yeah," the blond guy said. "A bit hot, though."

"Not yet," Jen said, "but in an hour or two..."

The black-haired guy grunted agreement.

"Seen many people?" Will asked. "The parking lot was crowded."

"Fourth of July weekend," the blond guy said. "But mostly it's been bikers."

"Probably headed up to the pass," Will said. "It's supposed to be a good ride."

"Great view," the blond guy said, but his eyes weren't on Will as he spoke. Dave followed his gaze, and realized he was staring at Jen.

Which wasn't a surprise, really. Jen had placed her pack on the ground in front of her and was bent over, rummaging through it. The two guys probably had a nice view down her shirt. She also seemed to be taking a great deal of time finding whatever she was looking for.

"Found it," she said, standing up, holding a tube. She looked at Jennifer. "The back of my neck's getting hot. Can you put some sunscreen it on for me?"

"Sure." Jennifer's smile contained just a hint of mischief. She took the tube and the two women moved to the shade, where Jennifer sat behind her friend and made a show of oiling her hands.

"So, are you guys headed up to the pass, or doing the loop?" Will asked.

"Uh," the blond guy said, still not looking at Will, "the pass, I think."

"Oh, that feels so good," Jen moaned as Jennifer lotioned—caressed, really—her neck and shoulders.

"I'm glad you like," Jennifer replied, her voice husky.

Dave stifled a laugh. Nothing the women were doing was overtly sexual, but the way Jen rolled her shoulders and sighed, and the way Jennifer lightly touched and slid her hands over the other woman ... Well, he half expected them to start kissing, and he was sure that wasn't going to happen.

Meanwhile, Will continued to chat with the other hikers, whose answers quickly became more terse, until they were simply "yeah" and "nah." Dave did grin then. The glint in Will's eyes told him he was as much of a player in this game as the women.

"All done," Jennifer said, making a show of pulling her hands back and rubbing them together.

"That was so good," Jen said, leaning back into her friend and looking back over her shoulder. "Thank you."

"Anytime," Jennifer said, folding her arms around Jen and smiling down.

Then, to Dave's shock, they did kiss. Just a quick smooch, like a greeting kiss, except on the lips. They were getting to their feet before he really had time to register what had happened. He glanced over at Will and the other two men. Will's eyes danced with merriment as he grinned. The two men's mouths hung open.

"We're ready, Will." Jen said, grinning.

"Enjoy the pass," he said to the other hikers, "we're going to take the loop."

Dave shouldered his pack again and they strolled down the left fork of the trail. Jen and Jennifer held hands as they walked. At a curve just before they disappeared from sight, Dave looked back. The two men still stared, watching their retreat. About twenty yards later, the ladies let go of each others' hands and started giggling. When Will joined in, the giggles turned to full fledged laughter.

"Did they even hear what you were saying?" Jen asked Will between her giggles.

"Enough to know which way we're going," he said. "We should probably get a bit further down the trail."

"Do you think they'll follow us?" Dave asked.

Will shook his head. "Not immediately. It'd be too obvious that that's what they were doing. But I wouldn't be surprised if they came up with an excuse for changing their route in the next hour or so."

"They've got to be wondering what we'll do next," Jen said, still laughing.

"What are we doing next?" Dave asked.

"Getting further down the trail," Will said. He picked up the pace, and soon the laughter tapered off with the extra exertion.

A few bends and a good fifteen minutes later, they paused at some rocks under some pines. They drank quietly from their water bottles, with Dave needing to catch his breath more than he wanted to admit.

Will gestured up the slope at some more rocks, near a small fold in the hill. "Would that work for you?" he asked.

Dave looked at him, confused.

"If you and Jennifer went to the other side," he said. "No one could see you from the trail and Jen and I could keep watch."

Dave got it—and blushed. His fantasy about having sex outdoors hadn't really considered how close they might be to the trail, or the risk of others stumbling upon them. He'd just imagined the sunlight on Jennifer's nude body, and her hair blowing in the breeze...

Jennifer looked at him, expectantly. He made a small snort and smiled. Then he nodded.

"Keep watch," Jennifer said to Jen, before extending her hand to Dave. He took it and they hiked up the slope.

The other side of the rocks was, unfortunately, even more rocky. Scrub brushes occupied most of the spots that held dirt and Dave didn't like the idea of twigs scraping his ass anymore than granite.

"We can make this work," Jennifer said, pulling a small thin blanket out of her pack.

He smiled. "You think of everything."

She grinned back before kneeling down to spread the blanket out near one of the larger boulders. Dave joined her, and when they'd finished, he leaned back against the stone. She slid into his lap and their lips met in a passionate kiss.

One kiss led to another, but Dave just couldn't keep from being distracted. Phantom footsteps seemed to fill the ground between the trail and their hiding place. Every rustle in the breeze drew his attention, if not his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Jennifer asked, pulling back.

"Just nervous about getting caught."

"We won't get caught. Not with Jen and Will as lookouts."


She paused, her eyes growing serious.

"Are you really worried about it?"

He shrugged half-heartedly. "Those two guys..."

"Would only just watch. Probably."

Dave nodded, conceding.

"But doesn't that ... doesn't that possibility make it more exciting? Them watching?"

He snorted and smiled. "I suppose it does for you. You're the exhibitionist."

Jennifer laughed. Dave started to tense, but then realized she wasn't laughing at him. With him, if that made sense.

"You really aren't, aren't you?"

He shook his head.

"So your show last night didn't turn you on?"

He shrugged. "Not any more than other things we've done. Watching you and Jen react, though—that was fun."

She chuckled. "We did want to encourage you."

He blushed, thinking of the sex that had followed. "Well, it worked."

Her eyes glinted with desire. "So how can I encourage you now?"

"Hmmm. Perhaps by letting me watch?"

She smiled. "Sure. Let me sit against the rock."

They shifted around until Jennifer sat with her back on the stone, her legs spread across the blanket. Dave stood a couple of feet back. He glanced around. No one could see Jennifer without him seeing them first. No one was around anyway.

When he looked back, she'd removed her shirt and arranged it behind her as a buffer between her skin and the stone. Her bra lay discarded to one side, and he couldn't help let a sigh escape at the sight of her breasts jiggling as she moved.

At the noise, she smiled broadly. She then ran her hands up her torso and cupped her breasts.

"You like?" she asked, smiling since she already knew the answer.

"I always like."

She just posed, letting his eyes soak in her beauty. Then, after a dozen heartbeats, she unsnapped her shorts. With a little bit of wriggling and raising of her hips, they and her panties soon lay in a crumpled pile next to her. Jennifer then dropped one hand to her inner thigh, while the other lightly stroked one breast.

Dave nervously glanced around. He couldn't see anyone else, and he hadn't heard anything. When he looked back at Jennifer, her eyes danced with amusement.

"You're supposed to be watching me," she said.

He chuckled and nodded. Then his eyes dropped lower, where her finger now made lazy strokes up and down her labia, lightly circling her clit when she reached the top.

He was hooked. He couldn't look away as she continued to play. Slowly, gently, she raised both her own arousal and his. Her fingers danced across and even into her body. Her breathing deepened and her eyes fluttered until they were mostly closed.

The pressure was just too much. Dave tore his eyes for one last glance around. They truly were alone. He unbuttoned his jeans and let them drop to his ankles. Shoving his underwear down, he began to stroke his own cock as he watched.

Jennifer's head tilted. She watched him through hooded eyes, but didn't let up her own play. It didn't take much longer for her to gasp and arch her back, then let out a moan as her orgasm coursed through her.

Dave stopped masturbating, too enrapt to continue. But once she'd caught her breath, Jennifer beckoned with her finger. He had to step out of his clothes, and by the time he'd gotten untangled, she'd moved the blanket from the rock to a nearby softer patch of ground. She knelt, on her hands and knees and smiled back at him, waiting.

He let out a sigh of appreciation and moved behind her. The ground was hard under his knees, but the heat of her body overwhelmed those sensations. He slowly sank his cock deep within her.

Jennifer moaned and pushed back against him immediately. He steadied himself and started to thrust. They quickly established their familiar rhythm, but the teasing had been too much. In only a few moments, Dave felt the boiling pleasure explode up from his balls and through his brain. With a gasp he collapsed, using his remaining strength to steady himself. When he could breathe again, he leaned back, letting his softening cock slip out of Jennifer's pussy. She rolled and smiled back at him.

"You like?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah." He chuckled. "I'm a little surprised, but I liked."

"Surprised we went through with it?"

He nodded.

"Well, it is your fantasy."

The smiled a bit more, and then he leaned forward and kissed her. They exchanged a few more kisses before, with unspoken agreement, they reached for their clothes. Once dressed, they held hands, beaming at each other, as they returned to the trail.

There they found Jen, well, 'holding court' seemed to describe the scene best. She perched on a rock on the upslope side of the trail while Will and the two guys they'd met earlier sat near her feet. Will saw them and waved, leading Jen to twist around to see them.

"Hi!" she called. "Have a good time?"

Jennifer and Dave nodded.

"Oh, good. We were just talking with Kent and Mike about the good times one can have in the mountains."

"Uh, yeah," the black-haired guy said.

"We realized we didn't have enough water to get to the pass and back," the blond volunteered, holding up his mostly-full bottle.

Dave resisted rolling his eyes.

"What type of good times?" Jennifer asked as they drew up with the rest of the group.

"Oh, mostly my visits to Valley View. It turns out that neither Kent nor Mike have been to a clothing-optional camp."

"Uh..." the blond guy said.

"You really should try it," Jen said, turning back to the guys. "It feels so good to be naked outside. Feeling the sun on your body. Or the breeze across your bare breasts." She turned to Jennifer. "Don't you agree?"

Jennifer gave Dave's hand a squeeze. "Absolutely."

"They don't have breasts," Will pointed out.

Jen shrugged. She made a show of pulling her shirt out with a shake, as if fanning herself. "They don't know what they're missing."

They probably know exactly what they're missing, Dave mused, a view of Jen's bare breasts.

"We might just have to go to, uh, Valley View," the blond guy said, nudging his friend. "Right?"

"Uh, yeah," his friend added. "When do you guys like to go?"

Jen laughed, good naturedly. "Oh, I go when I can get away. No specific time." She hopped to her feet and looked at Dave and Jennifer. "Shall we get going?"

They both nodded in response. Will held out a water bottle to the two guys.

"Here. We won't need this, and now you'll be able to make the pass."

"Uh, thanks," the blond guy said without a great deal of enthusiasm. He still took the bottle as he and his companion scrambled to their feet.

"Nice talking to you," Will said, as the foursome gathered toward one end of the trail. "Enjoy your hike."

With that, they turned and left the two guys standing there. Dave fought the temptation to look back as his friends chattered about nothing until once again they were out of sight.

Then Jen and Jennifer started giggling.

"I can't believe they followed us," Jennifer said. "We weren't that provocative."

"I'm not surprised," Will said, "given how beautiful you are."

"Aww," Jen said, putting her arm around him and giving him a hug.

"I'm glad they didn't come up the hill," Dave muttered, unfortunately not quietly enough for Jen not to hear.

"They wouldn't've," she said, her tone serious.

"How would you have stopped them?"

"By doing what I did," she said. "Providing a distraction."

"They wouldn't have known you were there anyway," Will said. "We couldn't hear you, and there would have been no reason to believe you'd left the trail."

Dave nodded, but Jennifer found his hand and gave him a reassuring squeeze anyway. They continued to banter about the guys and their easy distractibility until another group of hikers—a family this time—came toward them. They fell quiet as the two groups passed, just giving friendly hellos. When the conversation resumed, Will asked what they wanted to do for lunch and the topics changed from there.

The sexual tension returned a bit during lunch, which was a simple meal at a sandwich shop on Main Street. They'd taken a table near the back despite the restaurant being nearly empty, since it was almost 2 pm. As they finished eating, Will passed Jen one of the 'tip' bills from the night before. She read it and shot him a salacious smile before excusing herself to the ladies' room.

When she returned, she shifted her chair so that her back was to the rest of the shop. Then she slowly, teasingly, lifted the front of her shirt. Will sighed at the sight of her bare breasts and Jennifer squeezed Dave's hand for the four heartbeats that Jen remained exposed. Then Jen lowered her shirt and casually asked about the afternoon's plans, as if nothing had happened. Will fumbled for an answer, before Jennifer bailed him out and said she wanted a shower next.

"That sounds like a great idea," Jen said. "I'm feeling sticky." She waggled her eyebrows at Will. "Want to join me?"

He chuckled. "I think it's time to go."

It didn't take too long to return to the condo. Once again, Jen started stripping the moment they cleared the door. This time, though, Dave just watched for a moment before following Jennifer down to their room.

Same as Fireworks
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So me and a few of my friends have all got a part time job at a function club in our town. We’re all sixth form college student so are all young 18 year old lads. Anyway, so a couple of times we’ve been asked to go shirtless for Ladies nights at work as we serve drinks. We’re all quite toned and muscly and enjoy going to the gym a lot, so we don’t mind showing off what we’ve got, especially seeing as it gets us plenty tips. A short while ago when a few us were working one of these ladies...

2 years ago
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Now this is Therapy

“Bye Dad”, she said while bounding down the steps and walked to her car. He stood looking out of the storm door to enjoy the view as she walked away. Trying incredibly hard not to be obvious he snuck peeks of her every single chance he could. Standing just at 5’ and weighing around 105lbs she was slight and slender to say the least. Her tits were a small handful each, belly curved out ever so slightly and her ass was small but pronounced and so soft to squeeze. The sundresses she...

1 year ago
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Beauty Contest

"That is not correct." Sherry collapsed back in her chair. So close! The usual hushed assessments rustled around the circle. Six of the girls, including Sherry, were only a point away from winning. Five of the others were only two away. Tran, the new girl, silenced by stage fright, had forfeited her last question, and was short by three. It was the most evenly matched game anyone could remember. That was partly luck, but also skilled play; one of the goals was to get as many players as...

1 year ago
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Finding mom

My father was the biggest prick to ever walk the earth. For the last sixteen years he had down graded my mother to the point that, she was thinking of killing herself. It was nothing for him to look at her and say things like, " Damn you’re a fat fucking pig," or " I wish you would learn to fuck so I didn’t have to go out and find pussy." The one that really hurt Mom was, " I guess I could fuck you in the ass so, I don’t have to see your face." Many night I sat up, holding Mom, rocking her and...

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Emma Survives on Horse Cum Extended Edition

I must find shelter, or I will freeze! There was nothing around. It was an undeveloped part of land, so she decided to go searching off road. Come on, I must find something! Emma walked for several miles before she collapsed and passed out. When she awoke a herd of wild horses had gathered around her. Some had laid down next to her to keep her warm, saving her life. Horses! So many of them! There were 20. Mostly brown, some spotted, black or white. Emma pets the horse that slept with...

2 years ago
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Hotel HookerPart 2 Sue sinks deeper into depravity

Sue was on her way home from work. She was driving in heavy rush hour traffic, but her mind was in turmoil. Since meeting Tim a few weeks ago, she had begun to question everything about her life. Sue Henson was a twenty something college graduate, who worked for a rapidly expanding Midwestern company. Her upper middle management position gave her a respectable income, and plenty of room for advancement. She owned a pleasant two-bedroom condo in one of the city's best high-rises. Although her...

1 year ago
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The Reluctant Couple

Chapter 1Standing at the kitchen sink in the small duplex she shared with her husband, Roger, Diane Slater stared gloomily out through the window at the cold, rolling fog which had come in over San Francisco's Richmond District from the ocean. Damn, but she hated the fog! It made everything so dark and cheerless, so lonely.She finished washing the last of the breakfast dishes and put them in the rack to drip dry. Then she emptied the dishpan and wiped her hands on a dishtowel. In the living...

3 years ago
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My Sisters and MeChapter 8

Danny an' I were on our usual Wednesday early mornin' huntin' trip when we came upon a large camp at the edge of the woods jus' off the main trail toward Mobile. Not bein' the naive soul that I used ta be, I asked Danny ta keep the dogs with him an' ta guard my back while I went ta see what wuz the story at the unexpected camp. "Howdy, Gentlemen. My name's Joe McSwain, an' this is my usual huntin' territory. Ifen y'all don't mind my askin', I wonder how much longer y'all will...

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Waking From The Nightmare

“Shoot me,” he said, pressing the gun into her small hand. “Go ahead,” he said, “Shoot me!” She stared at him, not understanding. “If you don’t, you’ll be sorry.” She shook her head, holding the gun, heavy in her hands. He sighed. “Okay, then. Have it your way,” he said brightly, and took the gun back, pushed her hard against the couch, starting pressing himself into her and laughing. Laughing. It hurt. It hurt. Like knives cold gun at your head. Like suffocating being strangled...

1 year ago
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The Journal of a Young Escort

Prologue: When I was eighteen I choose to work as an escort, I preferred to call myself an adult companion; but that was not where my companionship for money started.  It started when I was sixteen. Before I start some things about me you should know.  I grew up in Savannah, Georgia, and grew up rather privileged with material things and social standing.  Social standing and family pedigree can still be a big deal in a city like Savannah and I had both.  From my mother’s side of the family, I...

2 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 10

As if to prove Molly wrong, Hailey seemed excited about the party when she called Phil in the early evening. She looked amazing as she exited the elevator to meet him in the lobby. She wore a tight black miniskirt and a matching bolero jacket over a low-cut white blouse. “Wow!” Phil said, feeling significantly underdressed in a pair of tan slacks and green pullover. “You look, well, sexy.” “That was the goal,” Hailey said, smiling broadly at him. He noticed that she wasn’t wearing much...

4 years ago
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My Horny Chachi 8211 Tiny But Fucking Awesome

Hi all. About me – simple but horny always. I feel to fuck every girl / aunty with a nice pair of boobs. I love boobs. This sex story is about me and my chachi who is around 42 years old but looks just 30 years old. Yes, it’s true. She is small with big boobs which cannot be held with one hand, brown nipples and wet pussy. The sex story is little long but I have tried to explain and bring in imagination so that you guys can enjoy. Coming to the story – the awesome day came just 1 week back. It...

2 years ago
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Jessies Awakening

Jessie felt horrible as her head bobbed back and forth on Jack’s massive dick. This was the last time, she told herself. One more time, and she’d get it out of her system.She felt horrible being used like a slut on all fours, but she needed some release. She made up her mind that she'd let loose for tonight. Just then, Jack scooped up a fist full of hair and shoved her head down the whole nine-inch shaft. As she gagged and choked up spit three or four times, lubing his cock, he leaned back in...

3 years ago
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The Ring Ch 02 Consent

Some days went by after the meeting. Days when I held in my mind her face, her voice, her words, her tone, her assurance, her nuances of expression, the look on her face as she spoke. Days when I was sure that I'd failed, then hopeful I had not.Days when I wished I'd not said what I had, and had said what I hadn't. Days when I cringed at my clueless presumption when I asked for her name.Days of sitting in front of the screen and the keyboard, pressing Refresh in the hope of her answer, then...

3 years ago
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Trading UpChapter 4

I wasn’t interested in hearing Barb’s smug self-congratulations about the house or Cecilia, but I didn’t feel like avoiding the house, so I reluctantly went home. Fortunately, she wasn’t home from her afternoon with Brad, so I changed and went to the gym instead of sticking around. There was a lot of congratulations from the staff and a few of the guys who’d been there to see the carnage. I found out that Hastings was still in the hospital, but was assured that he wasn’t in any danger, just...

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Sebastian The Male Escort Part 2 of 6

Chapter 6 As I have already remarked earlier, by an extraordinary stroke of chance, I was born on January 1st , New Year’s Day, so my final term at Sheldon commenced more or less on my eighteenth birthday. I left the school forever in June of that year at the age of eighteen and a half. Sheldon had no career’s master or advisor and did not seem interested in what any of us would do once our schooldays were over. We all left Sheldon with or without our high school diploma, as the case may be...

Gay Male
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my dad has a chemists shop and i go to help sometimes, there a lady there that helps too. she is so fit about 30 and very nice .i had dreams about her . one i went to see my dad and he was out .and i was loo king at the lady serving someone and shock ! see put the cash in her bag .i did not say anthing that day but i had a plan . the next day i ask here to meet me nin a country pub .she just look at me shaking her head no your to young . then i ask her about the cash and how i may tell my...

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A Christmas Carol

(((((Re-written))))) It was the Christmas after my visit (related in Hotel Antics) to Jason’s fraternity that he came to stay with me at my Charleston hotel for the holidays. Jason's biological mother had moved on after divorcing his dad and had another husband, chi*dren and life four states away. Except for the occasional call and a card on his birthday she pretty much ignored that she had a son in South Carolina. With his dad and both sets of grandparents dead, so far as anyone knew it was...

1 year ago
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Incest Buddies Part 2

*** Note : This story is completely fictional! Lara pulled Lesley into an unused classroom. She shut the door and said ‘Holy crap! That was the hottest thing I have ever seen! I can’t believe I got to watch your dad take your anal cherry. I must have came 3 times! And you look so sexy naked.’ Lesley said ‘Well, I am glad YOU enjoyed it. That hurt like hell. My dad really seemed to like it. I am glad you didn’t get caught. You did a great job hiding.’ Lara said ‘Don’t worry about how much it...

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Angel Beckys FUN Placer MiningDay 7part 1

As usual we got up Saturday morning about 7:00am & went out to see how thegirls were. We had told the boys before going to bed NOT to fuck them thismorning. As soon as we got to them we took the blankets off of them & got agood look at their naked backs & exposed asses. Man were they kind of cute tosee in a way too. Both Angel & Becky were covered with nice red welts & a fewdried cuts on their backs & butts. We untied them from the tables as they wokeup & allowed...

1 year ago
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Nympho Lola Mai Dicking Down Lolas Pussy

Slutty, long-legged Lola Mai is here to get your dick hard & get herself off! She wants a good dicking, so down her throat it goes as she works up long streams of drool! She eats some ass then takes some dick right up her pretty pink pussy. She gets the fucking she came here for & she loves to swallow!Slutty, long-legged Lola Mai is here to get your dick hard & get herself off! She wants a good dicking, so down her throat it goes as she works up long streams of drool! She eats some...

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ClubSeventeen Vulva World Cup 2022 11202022

When you’re part of a World Cup, it’s always now or never. Soccer provides so many emotions, different feelings every day. Our players dream of winning the Vulva World Cup 2022 but there are very few who are fortunate enough to actually do it. Luckily our teams are pro and always win. When we’ve asked one of the players what their mindset is she said “We have a great sense of togetherness. Our team spirit has taken us to this World Cup!” but in this case, it smells...

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Ajas Delight

I live with my uncle, who happens to always be away on business. My parents, well, let’s just leave it that they are not in the picture. Something I would rather not talk about. He is in the Information Technology Sales something; all I know is he travels a lot, sometimes internationally, so he is gone for several days at a time. He makes good money so we live a rather cushy but modest life. I’m happy, he’s happy, life is good. Anyway, when I turned 15, my uncle decides that I don’t...

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MagicChapter 23

Sean picked up the video tape labeled intermission. When the credits finally rolled past, he stopped the VCR and popped out the Dr. No tape. He put in the intermission tape and hit play as quickly as possible. It was getting rather late for his mother to be honking the horn. He looked up as a film started a countdown to the end of intermission. It looked like something that had been made thirty years ago. Shaking his head, he said, “I wonder where she got this.” He looked over and spotted...

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Beast Feast SisterChapter 5

When Tony had left Karen's apartment, bitterly ashamed and embarrassed by his inability to get another hard-on, the pitiful fellow had turned into the nearest bar and ordered a stiff whisky--as if to compensate for his less-than-stiff prick. He had drained the glass at a single gulp, but unlike his balls, the glass could be instantly refilled, and he ordered another drink. Standing at the bar, he thought wistfully about the beautiful woman he had so miserably failed. He'd had plenty of...

3 years ago
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Arranged Bride to Be Ch 02

Lunch in the gardens was not as torturous as I assumed it would be, in fact it was even slightly pleasant. David introduced me to his wonderful family. The father is a little rough around the edges, however he seemed nice enough. Right now, I am sitting in the carriage waiting for David whilst he talks to the horsemen. I never realised that people could become so fortunate with their arranged marriages. I completely understand that I could be a lot worse off. I mean, I could be a slave girl who...

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My Slut Wifes Day Off Part Two

It was in the middle of August on a Friday when I was scheduled to work from seven a.m. until one p.m. Then from one p.m. to five p.m. I was to go do some special training in the next town. I told my wife I would probably be late and I would call on the way home. She knew these training exercises always take longer than scheduled. She warned me that it was supposed to be a scorching hot day that day, and for me to drink lots of water. I packed up all my gear, loaded up my truck, gave her a...

Straight Sex
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Virgin Marwari Ipsi

Hi, I am Pankaj and this story is about a Girl from Delhi who approached me after reading my story. But first, those who are interested in contacting me ping me at kik “pkgargxx” or mail at “” Let’s begin with action then. The best part of the incident is Ipsi. She read my story at Indian Sex Stories and KIK’ed me. IP: Hi PK, ur stories are great ☺ Me: Thanks and Hi, where are you from IP: From Gurgaon why are u asking Me: Just trying to know you IP: Hmmm so where are you from Me: Mostly in...

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Not sure how to put thisMother in Law

The first time I ever met my future mother in law was when my future wife took me to her mum's card shop. I learned the second time that my MIL (Mother In Law) had a back office being the manager of the shop, if memory serves correct we only went back cos my wife was skint and needed to borrow some money.The third time we went in, my wife was in a hurry to get back to her 18 month old son.I can't deny that despite her mum being 50ish and probably a size 20 or more. Being short round and...

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The twin sisters of the cross dresser policewoman

(This post is a fictional story on a bondage forum in China, and I am the prototype of the story. I just translated it into English. The copyright belongs to the original author, and the portrait right of the photos in the original link belongs to the original author and me)In the middle of a gloomy and horrible room stood a woman with a shawl. She was wearing a sexy red cheongsam, a pair of sparkling flesh-colored stockings like cicada wings wrapped around the beautiful woman's slender legs....

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Poor Barkha

This is a real experience with my poor Maid Barkha. I was a bachelor, working in a reputed company, and had a part time maid Barkha who was responsible to cook, clean, and wash in my apartment. Barkha was a young woman about 27 year’s old, dusky complexion, just over 5 feet, but a neatly packed body. What I liked about her was her ever smiling face, and clean appearance. Under the smiling face, however was a much oppressed woman, whose husband was a drunkard, and always looking for a chance to...

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Twelve Boons of the FaeChapter 5

“Damn, that was rather intense!” Princess Theodora of Greece told me as I spent my load inside her juicy royal twat so as to impregnate her if possible. “Oh, well, we’re far from done with you, babe. It’s time for other men in my family to take their shot at knocking you up. I want to create a permanent bond between my family and yours, you see, by mingling our DNA with yours, my dear Princess. Don’t worry. Your fiance will get his turn breeding you, as he will with other girls,” I explained...

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Innocence To Obsession

There I was enjoying my 20th birthday party at my house. It was a girl’s night out. My best friends (Shalini, Ruby and Nisha) were spending the night at my house. We had enjoyed all day in the city watching movies, eating in restaurants, shopping and what not!!! After the evening party in my house we went back to my room at around 10 pm to sleep. However, we strated talking about boys. It was Ruby the sluttiest of all in our group who started the dirty talk. She started with her fantasy about...

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A Nudge to the Gray Matter Ch 01

Just so you know, this tale involves women being tricked into giving blowjobs and having sex. Just because our hero is a perverted guy doesn’t mean he is heartless. Thus nobody gets pregnant and there are no STDs to be passed around. Enjoy, just don’t believe. * I guess the first time I thought it was on August 2 of this past year. I was studying out by our pool when my mom came out to swim and sun bathe for a while. When I glanced over at her as she dropped her huge towel from around her...

4 years ago
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Interactions With The Neighbours Part 3

Zack and Stacy get to stay with Suzie and participate in her hobby Zack and I wake at the same time, his morning hard on pushing firmly against my stomach. My hand goes to it and I slowly jerk him off, he responds by trying to pleasure me. I stop him and make it clear that would have to wait until tomorrow, today my body belongs to Stacy. He leans back and enjoys the sensation between his legs; he orgasms hard and the cum trickles down my stomach and over my pussy. We meet Stacy in the shower...

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One Lucky White BoiCHapter 5Training Caleb

One Lucky White Boi—Chapter 5—TrainingA couple of weeks had gone by now—still at the motel. Caleb was still hanging around—like me, he didn't know what to do next either. I took him out shopping one day—got him some jeans, and a few tees, plus some kicks—Nike's were the thing now—hi-tops. We had worked out a routine—I kinda acted as 'pimp' for him, just making sure he didn't sell himself short, or get roughed up. Like me, he preferred the construction dudes—said the bikers and truckers were a...

1 year ago
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Ana and a black guy in the back seat

That long weekend Ana and I had travelled several miles to another not so far town; where one of my wife’s girlfriends had moved.Samantha had invited us to spend a while at her home.On our way back, another old friend, a black guy called Aaron, asked me if he could come with us, since Savannah was fine for him as a midway destiny. He added that we could leave him at the local train station and he would get on his own.Before I could accept, Ana told him we would be glad to take him with us. I...

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the education of Caitlin part 1

Ed looked at the guide as he flicked through the channels on TV. There was nothing that caught his eye as the clock on the mantel chimed out 9pm. " There will be something to watch soon, Caitlin will be home ." He mumbled as he switched the cable off and headed to his workshop. Ed had a small computer repair business that he ran from his house. He knew his way around computers and over the years he has managed to place hidden cameras in the shower stall and Caitlin's bedroom. He turned on...

1 year ago
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BDSM Wala Revesrse Gangbang

Hello this is ajit back with another story …. As u all how I fucked my teacher asha with her husband in teacher ke saath bdsm wala gangbang ……. After that session I and asha were in constant touch through whatsapp or calls . So one day I said asha that I fantasise of a ffm so she said that u arrange the place and I will arrange the 2nd lady . So the place was arranged by my end and it was scheduled for saturday . Now lets get to the story …… Asha reached the place on saturday and I was shocked...

1 year ago
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Sexy Bhabhi Ko Choda Unke Home Town Main

Hello friends, myself Rohan(name change) from agra my real place. this is my first story but its real and true only place and name change now I come to story bat aj se 3-4 sal phele ki hai ki mere ek friend ki shadi pakki hui tab usne meri bat apne hone wali wife se phone tab se hi hum dono ki achi tunning hone lagi humne no bhi exchange kiye dost se puch ke but tsb mere man main unke liye aisa kuch nai tha bec tab main bhi apni gf ke sat kafi serious affair main tha or main une babi hi bulata...

3 years ago
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Sex park 3

Introduction: Alice comes to the park with a hunger for cock Sex park 3 This will be another story about Alice but different night. You dont have to read sex park 1 and 2 to read this one but I do recommend it to get the descriptions of the park and Alice. Alice walked again to the park. She headed into the pirate ship but this time went down the other staircase. I walked down the second staircase. I have never been down here so I decided to check it out. What I saw completely surprised...

2 years ago
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Subjugation of a Siren Pt 2 The Office Party

Minidevilette© 2012 “I’m having a quiet affair at work.” Grant said. “I’ll bet you are,” I answered sarcastically. “Behave,” he admonished. “I’d like you to play hostess for me.” It had been five days since he had demonstrated to me just how ineffectual my defiance was in the face of his determination and I had relived that afternoon over and over in my mind as I waited to be with him again. “Nothing major, just a small business thing at the office on Thursday evening. Few drinks and a lot...

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London Lover

I met Hollie on the internet, and we had chatted for a number of months. It isn’t usual for me to just talk to random strangers on the internet, but there was something different about Hollie. After a few days, we discovered we both had an interest in writing – and a few days after that we found we had a shared interest in erotica! I’m in a relationship and so didn’t try anything on with her, even though she sounded like exactly my kind of person. We never stopped keeping in touch though and...

1 year ago
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The Pump House 2

For the next few days all I could think about was Joshua’s huge black cock. I would steal a cucumber from the refrigerator and pretend it was his big cock fucking me while I moaned and squealed with pleasure. Although the cucumber was close to the size of his enormous cock, it wasn’t quite the same. It didn’t feel warm, nor did it have the ridges that would form when the veins on his cock became engorged with his pumping blood.I made up my mind. I had to have the real thing thrusting between my...

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BEHANCHOD KI KAHANI Hi I am Mridula wity a new story, sent to me by one of my readers Kishna,” NAME CHANGED) who accidentally fucked his sister an they became lovers since then. Series of this story shall follow id the readers like it. It is a hot incest series of story. You may email me your comments at Thankx for your encouraging response to my earlier stories. Main Banglore ke nazdeek ek chhotey se kasbe mein rehta hoo. Naam hai Kishna, umar 20saal aur main apni ek medicine ki dukan karta...

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Mujhe Randi Ne Gulam Banaya

Hi aaj jo main aap sab ke sath share karne ja raha hun wo mere liye ek bahut hi chawkane wala experience tha baat 18 January 2012 ki hai. Main apne office se nikal raha tha ki tabhi maine ek ladki ko ek ladke ke sath ladte hue dekha main thoda pass main gaya to ek aadmi ne mujhe bataya ki ye randi baaji ka chakkar hai ladki paise maang rahi thi aur jor jor se chilla rahi thi tabhi maine dekha ki wo ladka ekdum se Ladki ke pairon main gir ke haath jodne laga aur ladki apni saari utha kar uske...

2 years ago
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The Consequences

The ConsequencesI looked down to see my cock standing straight out in the summer sun. It was as hard as it could be. I just was so turned on. I didn’t know what was turning me on more. Was it the fact that I was stark naked in front of several strangers in broad daylight or was it from looking at Julie’s incredibly sexy naked body standing next to me?That old familiar excited thrill was stirring deep in my gut. It was that special tingle that exhibitionists feel when they are naked in places...

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BetrayalChapter 50

Liv helped Finn mount the treads to the Grand Cherokee, while sparks from the furious welding and metal work going on around them flew in every direction. The Jeep was quickly transforming from a luxurious SUV to an armored monstrosity that looked more at home in a Mad Max film than in an upscale, gated community. After bolting on the last MATTRACK, Finn pointed to the shrinking wheel well clearance. "We're going to need to beef up the suspension. All that armor is adding a lot of...

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The Warehouse Part 1 In the beginningChapter 16

Sunday morning started in a rush, Rita had woken us at 6.30 as asked, and as predicted, when I woke I found all four of my gorgeous ladies with me. Somewhere in the night Beth had left us and I found her cuddling into Tommy when I went in to wake them. Waking in a room with four women is devastating where the bathroom is concerned. You soon find that you are bottom of the priority list so I got busy going to make coffee and preparing juice which I brought up and placed on the balcony with...

1 year ago
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Love Lies and Lust Part 1

The diary of a prisoner of love As I put on a sexy silk number I knew my boyfriend would love to see me in, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirrored headboard of the bed. Still resembling myself at the age of sixteen, I couldn’t help but realize the slight changes my 5’3” cocoa colored petite body has made during the past ten years. I love that my breasts and ass have gotten a little bigger, but my once wash board stomach has now become a little bit of a tummy. Realizing women are...

3 years ago
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My Experience With My Sister And Neighbor Family

Coming to the story………… I am Raju,18 yrs old maintaining good physique.i’m from a small village from Karnataka .about my family my father,mother,sister 7 me.My sister was 22 years old and to illiterate.she married with my brother-in-law (son my mother-in law).so generally we called him as bava. My BIL(bava) worked in army. After 1year he got transferred to Bangalore.So my parents decided me to send with my sister to helping her and also to join me in some reputed degree college.My BIL also...

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