Sunday Bruinch With Honey free porn video

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Chapter 5 – Sunday Brunch

We pull into the Holmstead’s long driveway and when I see the neatly manicured lawns and big house, I’m glad we chose to bring the sports car rather than the van. Mike greets us at the door. “Come in! Come in!” he booms. “Gloria’s out back”. He leads us through the beautiful high-ceilinged open great room to the lanai where Gloria is fussing over a large table laden with food and two covered stainless steel food warmers.

“You’re here! So glad you could come” she shrieks, and hugs us both like long-lost old friends. “Let Mike get you some liquid sunrise. It’s just Florida orange juice and champagne” she confides “but soooo refreshing.” Mike is right there with tall, slim, stemmed glasses. It seems perfectly natural as we lift our glasses in a toast and Gloria exclaims “to a wonderful friendship”.

We settle on comfortable patio chairs to sip our drinks and chat about the weather, the magnificent view of their back yard, the price of gasoline and the latest nonsense from Tallahassee. While we chat I take a closer look at our new friends. Mike is clean shaven but with a hint of shadow setting off his glistening white teeth. He’s still wearing the heavy gold chain but is minus the big rings. I’m silently grateful the rings are gone because they were so big, they looked like they might hurt a girl if those hands happened to get anywhere intimate.

Gloria is magnificent! She has a silken white blouse, gathered in folds to a deep v-neck displaying her creamy cleavage, silk gathered under the breasts to thrust them upward, the silk flounced at the bottom almost like a skirt emphasizing the tops of her generous but curvaceous hips. Hardly concealing her long shapely legs, she wears diaphanous toreador pants, split down the sides so each step she takes flashes a glimpse of flawless skin. Silver heeled slippers coordinate with huge silver hoops in her ears, barely concealed by her thick, cascading blonde hair, just about three shades darker than mine. She outshines me by a thousand candle power but it is her vivacious personality and flashing smile that makes her so outstanding.

Still, I notice as we chat that Mike hardly takes his eyes off of me. As he replenishes my glass of Liquid Sunrise, he touches my hair and says “you look even sexier today than yesterday. You exude musky sensuality from every pore.”

I glance quickly at Gloria, but she smiles “I agree with Mike, Honey. You give off more heat than a hot tamale”. I look over at Paul but he seems to be enjoying the exchange and the big bulge in his dress shorts tells me he’s a happy man.

Suddenly, we’re all famished and taking plates from the sideboard proceed to fill them with selections from the wonderful smorgasbord. Eggs Benedict, golden pan-fried potatoes, crispy bacon, salty lox, thick buttered toast, outrageously delicious strawberry jam (from the local farmer’s market Gloria reveals), full rich coffee – and even honey. We chat sporadically over the scrumptious meal, but near the end, Mike picks up the container off honey and remarks, “I’d like to lick some of this directly from a hot honey-pot.”

Instantly, the sexual tension that has been electrifying the air between us ever since our arrival snaps. Gloria rises from her chair, slides onto Paul’s lap, puts her arms around his neck and kisses him full on the lips. His arms go around her and then I lose sight of him as Mike is pulling me to my feet and escorting me into the house. There he kisses me deeply, cups my bottom to pull me close against his crotch and lets the heat build before laying me back onto the big oak dining room table which is covered with a white linen table cloth. “Just like a banquet” he smiles as he drops his shorts and pulls his golf shirt over his head. Then he pauses to admire his intended feast for a moment before bending over me.

Speaking earlier of musky sensuality ! I don’t know if it is a cologne or natural but as Mike’s odor fills my nostrils with man-scent, I do indeed feel totally like the slut Paul senses in me, just a bundle of unquestioning sexual demand. Mike senses it too, but is gentle enough to remove my clothing without tearing it and placing it neatly on a chair. I hear his sharp intake of breath as he removes my panties and discovers my tg-girl clit. He spreads my legs out to the edges of the table and takes my clit gently in his mouth. I lay back luxuriating in the multiple inputs to my senses: musky man smell, hard table under my back, the sound of Mike’s breathing and of his licking tongue, the sight of the heavy crystal chandelier hanging over me – and then the exquisite feelings as Mike’s tongue moves downward.

First he moistens the sensitive outer folds of my tg-pussy with his tongue, then sucks those tissues into his mouth, exerting such suction that I can feel them becoming engorged with blood. Only when my outer folds are fully extended does Mike allow his tongue to enter my pussy which by then is screaming for attention. All the while his mouth is attending to my pussy, his hands are touching, caressing, stroking my inner thighs, my tummy and my wide-spread legs.

I just lie there and enjoy and am hardly aware when my hips begin an involuntary, undulating, grind, Mike’s unmistakable cue to mount me. I’ve never been a great fan of the missionary position, but when Mike slides his cock into my wet, gaping pussy and supports himself on his arms above me, his strong man-scent is almost over-powering and I suddenly think this position the best ever, I bring my legs up over his back and link my ankles just above his butt. We hump like this for awhile and I come several times, squealing, crying, even swearing but Mike just keeps humping, an enormous grin on his face. He pauses and even stops a few times, apparently to regain control. Obviously his intention is to withhold ejaculation, at least for now.

I hear Paul and Gloria enter the room and glance over to see Gloria buckling herself into a fairly large, black strap-on cock but am really too occupied to wonder much about it. Paul comes over, kneels on the head of the table and slides his sweetly familiar cock into my welcoming mouth. I can smell and taste Gloria’s scent all over it and he is only at half-mast so I know he and Gloria have already had a pleasant encounter. I feel pleased. Now Paul is just holding his cock in my mouth, letting me do the work, but Mike’s humping moves my body up and down so Paul’s balls slap my flushed cheeks with Mike’s every thrust. Suddenly though, his rhythm changes and I look down.

Gloria is standing at the foot of the table behind Paul. She lubes and fingers his anus, taking her time before sliding the big black cock into his backside. Now his rhythm is really off but as Gloria begins to pump him, he takes her beat until we three are humping and I’m sucking Paul’s cock, all in time to some wonderful celestial drummer. It doesn’t last long though. Gloria picks up the beat just a little and without warning, all that enormous load of semen he’s been holding back bursts out of Mike like the Old Faithful Geyser. When that huge hot load of Mike’s bursts inside of me, I involuntarily suck on Paul’s cock so hard he cries out in surprise or pain.

Paul covers my boobs with his hands and squeeze to settle me down and I go back to my job. Mike slowly pulls out of me and calls softly “Here Bobbie”. I don’t know where he’s been all this time, but Bobby’s suddenly there at the foot of the table. Gloria leans over and takes a couple of licks of Mike’s cum from my pussy and then says “You clean her up nice now Bobby”.

Of course Bobby never needs a second invitation and my body on the table is at just the right height for the big Afghan hound. His long tongue laps the excess cum from all around my pussy and off my pubic mound where some has spilled from Mike’s cock, then that long tongue snakes its way inside my pussy for more of the delicious stuff. Well, I’ve been having nice, rolling orgasms almost from the time Mike put me on the table, but that long, agile tongue roaming around inside my pussy sends me into a paroxysm of writhing, thrashing, thundering orgasmic climax. My wild sucking and sexual ecstasy has even caused Paul to find some reserves of semen to pump into my mouth after his doubtless explosive encounter with Gloria.

Wow! I sigh and smile. When I open my eyes, Gloria and Mike are standing together, arms on one another’s shoulders, smiling at me. “I think we’re going to become very, very good friends.”

“I certainly hope so,” I say looking up at Paul and his grin tells me he hopes so too.

That tableau holds for nearly a minute, none of us wanting to break the spell of wonder about how good the sex has been. Finally, Gloria says “Come, we all could use a shower.” We follow her into the master bedroom suite and indeed, their walk-in shower is large enough for the four of us with shower heads on three sides. Gloria and Mike begin to adjust temperatures and soon we’re all soaping one another down. Mike is fascinated with my little clit and delights in washing it thoroughly. Gloria clearly admires Paul’s whole body as she uses her lathered self to suds him all over. He responds by washing her inner thighs with his soapy cock. She responds by sliding soapy fingers into Paul’s sweet butt hole. “We need to get clean inside and out” she quips. Finally Mike and I rinse off and step out to dry each other with big, fluffy towels.

Bobby is whimpering outside the bedroom door so Mike lets him in. “Just let him sniff you” Mike advises. “He won’t do anything when you’re fresh out of the shower. He’s trained to recognize and respond to the pheromones we give off and judging from his reaction to you, you give off a lot more than most people.” I blush and he gives my bottom a slap before sending me off to retrieve my clothes.

When I return fully dressed, Paul is sitting on the bed, still naked, with Gloria sitting on his lap while he sucks on her boobies. Her breasts are large, at least as big as my DDs but they’re swollen-looking, her nipples are big and erect like mini-penises. Mike is taking a video. I can’t help myself and go over and plant my mouth on her other boob, the one Paul is neglecting for the moment. Gloria moans and uses her hands to lift her heavy, swollen breasts up to our mouths. “God, she can’t be lactating” I think. But her nipples are certainly exuding a sweet, creamy nectar. Lovely! I suck and lick one while Paul gives full attention to the other.

Gloria moans some more and Bobby comes over to sniff between her legs. “Sorry to interrupt,” interrupt’s Mike, “but even though I know we all want more of each other, may I suggest some food and drink will enhance the experience. Besides, I want to show you my tool shed later.” I think that passing strange but let it go for now.

“Nooooo” moans Gloria as we release her, but reluctantly she stands, takes a short skirt and a tank from a drawer pulling them on while I retrieve Paul’s clothes from the lanai and lovingly tuck his cock and balls away for awhile. Although we do fool around with her boobs a little more and Bobby expresses increasing interest in Gloria’s pussy, we eventually get everyone re-dressed and go to the lanai. I’m usually interested only in studly men, but there’s something about Gloria – a kindred spirit perhaps – and I wonder . . .

On the lanai, Mike has already whisked away the remains of our brunch and set the table with bright yellow placemats, pretty luncheon dishes, a big plate of dainty sandwiches and a bowl of potato salad. I’m suddenly ravenous as apparently we all are because we tuck into the late afternoon repast with gusto and very little verbal conversation, though the looks and body language speak reams. Mike had served only iced water and lemon with the meal but now brings out a fresh bottle of champagne. “To celebrate a wonderful day” he proclaims. When the bottle has been drained we all sit back with a feeling of contentment – but also of expectation, though we know not what. Finally, Mike speaks. “Now I’d like to show you my tool shed” he says.

I’ve noticed an extraordinarily large tool shed, the size of a big two-story garage about 30 meters behind the house and off to the side but as it’s at least a 5 acre property probably needing lots of maintenance equipment, haven’t thought much about it, except to wonder a bit about the large AC unit visible at the side. Mike shepherds us out the screen door of the lanai and we stroll across the thick lawn toward the tool shed. The shed seems to have no windows and a remarkably small double door for such a large and tall shed but, other than the AC unit, there is nothing else remarkable about it. Until Mike unlocks the door.

Fluorescent lights blaze on and we step inside. Paul and I stand mesmerized. Mike and Gloria stay silent, letting us drink it all in. A raised, padded platform about the size of a king-sized bed but about 30 inches off the floor stands nearly in the center of the large room. From narrow trays along the sides hang towels on rods. At the bottom, there appears to be a narrow pull-out, the width of a gynecologist’s table and indeed it appears equipped with gynecologist stirrups. Above the platform hang multiple ropes, cables and straps extending up above the open rafters to mysterious pieces of equipment somehow reminiscent of the flies above a stage for live theatre productions. A control module hangs from a gooseneck pod at one corner. Another pod supports a narrow, high-intensity light, while another supports what seems to be a camera. Other cameras are mounted on a track above. I’m stunned!

Beside one wall are two tall, white-enameled rolling cabinets each with multiple drawers. A rolling instrument table is next to a countertop with sink and basin. The rest of the walls seem lined with horizontally grooved panels equipped with clamps and hooks holding an incredible array of paraphernalia: gags, hoods, masks, restraints, cuffs, paddles, whips, quirts, halters, bridles and a host of other items whose purpose I can hardly guess. The closed door in a corner I assume leads to a toilet. An open closet reveals a variety of clothing including frilly short nighties, corsets, girdles, body suits, leather and rubber outfits and even, incredibly, a white lace wedding gown. A stack of drawers contains smaller more intimate items, I surmise. Finally against the wall on my right, mounted on a wheeled trolley, is a machine whose purpose I can’t immediately discern, until suddenly, in a flash, I do.

Scissor supports obviously make its height adjustable and a foot brake will anchor it to the floor. A shiny piston rod projects from one end, but it is the contents of the tray on the side that tells the tale. On a sanitary white cloth in the tray lie a selection of dildos ranging from small to enormous and from white to black, each with a fitting at the end which I can see will connect handily to the end of the piston. OMG!

The floor is spotless, shiny white linoleum. But what causes an uncontrollable shiver up my spine is the floor drain just at the end of the platform with a hose nozzle hanging from above, the possible need for which I refuse to let enter my mind.

“You, my dear, have no need for special training; you’re a natural, although you may sometimes wish to experiment with the extremes?”. It’s Mike speaking. “Just let us know when.”

“For sure” I respond, knees quaking. And we step outside into the early evening, pausing while Mike locks the door.

We’re all a little drained from our earlier excesses and I’m starting to think we should say our thank-you’s and good-byes but when Gloria leads us back into the living room, reclines back in the center of the sofa, legs slightly apart and raises her tank above her breasts, I can see that Paul’s not ready to go yet, and the Holmsteads would like us to stay a little longer as well.

Paul immediately seats himself beside her and begins to suckle her right breast. His right hand fumbles with his belt to free himself from your his shorts and he throws them aside. In spite of my usual antipathy to sex with women, I find myself seated on Gloria’s left eagerly lifting her left breast to my mouth. Her plump breast tastes both sweet and salty and I suckle eagerly hoping for another taste of that delicious fluid. In no time at all, Gloria is moaning again, her nipples become erect and that mini-penis squirts a drop of sweet milk into my mouth. I milk it with my lips and get more.

Gloria takes my left hand and guides it between her legs. Under the short skirt, she is pantyless and my fingers easily find and enter her juicy opening. Behind me I hear Mike say “Bobby no! Stay!” I glance around and see Bobby sitting erect beside Mike who is busy video recording everything. But right now I don’t care. Gloria reaches up and gently guides my head down to her lap and before I can think twice, I’m on my knees, head under her skirt and my face buried in her capacious pussy. God she tastes good! Her plentiful juices wash over my face and flood my mouth. I lap with my tongue like a kitten at a bowl of milk. Gloria moans louder and lets her knees fall far apart.

Her pussy is so large and juicy I want to put my whole face inside, and then I discover her hard little clitoris. Much smaller than mine, of course, but fully erect and out where I can caress it with my questing tongue. I’m vaguely aware of Mike lifting my skirt and pulling my panties back over my hips; I think I even cooperate as he works them under my knees and off my ankles and I know I cooperate when he spreads my knees further apart and pulls my buns open. But I just keep on suckling the sweet juices from Gloria’s cunt.

Mike applies some lotion to my tight little butt hole and slides in a finger which he works slowly in and out. Then he adds another finger, and then a third. Mike is not a small man and has large hands so when he attempts a fourth finger I flinch in pain. He adds more lube, opens me more with three fingers and slides in the fourth. My God! I climax and my anus squeezes his fingers so I doubt he could pull out if he wanted to.

The muscle spasm passes and with more lube he massages my interior more with his fingers before withdrawing (I later learn) to shoot some video of my gaping hole. He might have captured a half minute clip but Bobby has had enough sitting around watching my delicious cunt open and waiting. In a flash his front paws are up on my back and his long slim cock slides into me. He humps me hard about three times and his knot pops inside and starts to expand. Once locked inside my cunt, the big Afghan hound starts pounding his cock into me with his incredible high-speed humping. Of course this makes me go crazy with my mouth and tongue inside Gloria’s gorgeous big pussy and she goes crazy, pulling Paul’s face between her big swollen breasts so tightly he can hardly breathe.

Mike comes over and distracts her by standing on the couch and sliding his cock into her groaning mouth. Released from her grip, Paul slides down onto the floor beside me and says “Honey, you’ve got to let me taste some of that too”. So I back off with Bobby still furiously humping my butt and let Paul in between Gloria’s plump thighs. She promptly grabs his head and pulls his face deep into her wet epicenter.

Bobby’s enthusiastic humping has me roiling again in a wash of orgasms so I scarcely notice when Mike steps off the sofa and begins lubing Paul’s anus. I doubt that Paul notices either as engrossed as he is in Gloria’s glory pot. He does notice however, and stiffens for a moment, as Mike prods his bum with his very respectable but well-lubed cock and then works it inside. Once inside Paul’s rectum, Mike begins to pump with slow, regular strokes and Paul seems to relax and go with the flow, his cock swinging back and forth under him like a pendulum. After awhile though, the pendulum action seems to have got Pierre Elliott thinking there is something more important for him to do so he rises up and slides into Gloria’s open chasm. Mike rises with him and keeps on with his masterful smooth strokes.

Bobby cums in me like Old Faithful and I collapse on my tummy, exhausted for the moment while he stands over me and dutifully licks my pussy and ass clean. I roll over on my back and watch Paul and Mike and Gloria fuck each other to a final cussing, groaning screaming climax and I smile lazily. It’s going to be a great winter to be in Florida.

Wow! Chapter 6: The secrets of the tool shed
To be continued.


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Sunday Services

Harry Andersen couldn't understand why his mother tells him every Sunday that she doesn't need a ride to church on Sundays into the city. He even offered to take her because he goes to the same church. She doesn't have a car. There was no big deal. She told him that the minister comes by every Sunday afternoon to give her cummioun. Harry spent a couple of hours thinking why she would do this to him for the fourth time in a month. He wanted to know what was so important to receive commiun at...

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Hentai Honey

characters created by Honey Moon "Wow, Yuri, look at that!" Honey pointed to the shining new Comic Store across the street. "C'mon, let's go check it out!" It took them a while to cross the street in the heavy afternoon traffic. They had just gotten out of class for that afternoon, and decided to do some shopping. They stood at the corner, holding hands and waiting for the light to change. They had to wait for the Friday afternoon traffic. It was nearing summer now, and it was getting...

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This is a very long piece - 16 pages of A4.It's three stories - fantasies.The first two are lesbian stories of sensual pleasures rather than full bore sex.The last one is a re-telling of an ancient sex story about a king who tempts a maid with tasting 3 types of honey.There is a central character in all three stories - she is young and virginal and she enjoys woman's bodies, hard cock, blndfolding and light bondage.Enjoy!PART 1 – WOMAN AND YOUNG GIRLTo the outside eye Nathan seemed to have it...

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Nic Romanschak's StoriesHoney by Nic Romanschak HoneyMy life had become somewhat tiresome, always the same people, the same sex, the same feeling of emptiness. I suppose I was like every other man, searching for that one perfect woman who would do anything I asked, but I had resigned myself to the fact that there was no such woman. I wanted rough sex, humiliating sex, violating sex, the kind of sex where a woman screams "no" at the top of her lungs. But to no avail, it just wasn't happening....

2 years ago
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Sunday was great Pt 5

Introduction: Risk was btter than his dad in bed We all slept well, waking fairly early, Liz saw Grants cock standing up, and without saying any thing, took him in the bath room and lay him down, sitting on his cock, she let her morning pee loose, as it run down his cock and over his body, he smiled and with a bit of effort pushed up filling her pussy with his piss, seeing this set me off, so standing over him I aimed my first squirt at her boobs and then worked down onto Grants chest, when we...

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Sunday Morning

It is the early hours of Sunday morning, midsummer. A crack of sunlight pours through the window and there is a freshly cut grass smell in the air. It's that blissful split-second when you wake up and nothing matters. I lie next to my lover. My favourite place. There is nothing I like better the lying on his chest, the smell of a man, the little bit of hair, the mix of bed sweat and pure manliness. I snuggle in to his chest, wanting, yearning for his cock. I kiss his cheek, he doesn't react. I...

Straight Sex
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Sunday morning real life

This is not a story, this is as it actually happened, how we made love on Sunday morning, as requested by a friend on XH. (Jane tells the first part and Billy tells the second part).I opened my eyes slowly as I awoke. There was light behind the curtains, and I lay in a relaxed half asleep, half awake state, thinking that it was Sunday morning and there was nothing pressing to do. I could tell Billy was awake from the sound of his breathing. One of us will make the tea, normally decided by who...

2 years ago
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Sunday night ripe pussy session

So Sunday night she came over around 11:30pm. I was already pretty tired but I honored her request to only answer the door wearing my cage. She grabbed me by the balls and squeezed them really hard till I was sort of bent over and said to me “I love the control you allow me to have over you.” She released a bit, but still held on to them and locked the door behind us. She led me to the bedroom by my balls but not the room we normally play in. She said we are doing this in your bed tonight. She...

4 years ago
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SUNDAY- CHURCH LADY SUCKS OFF A VARIETY OF MEN ON A SUNDAY!So I have been pretty horny. Not allot of cock since the demise of Craigslist personals months ago. I decided it was time to hit the Adult Book Store scene. Their are 2 in the area, one in MA and one in Seabrook, NH. Last weekend I went to the bookstore in MA. It is seedy, a hit and miss ABS, which makes it even better! It is frequented by gays and marrieds, occasionally by a Tranny or CD type like me. One of the best times to go is...

3 years ago
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Sunday porno

Hello again. This story from Ms diary relates to a Sunday when she wrote, V picked me up at ten in the morning, went to his place, straight to bed and he put a blue movie on, good fuck. As usual I like to lie next to M and ask her to tell me more while I wank myself off. She tells me that on this day her black rasta boyfriend, the skinny one with the big cock, arranged to pick her up early one Sunday morning to take her out. She said this was strange for a number of reasons, for starts where...

3 years ago
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Sunday Sunday

Sunday, Sunday. After the pain had slightly subsided, I began to enjoy the feeling of him taking me. We had struggled for over a month to get to this point of no return, each evening we would lay together and try. For me, the pain was always too much to bear, but mostly I was scared of letting myself be hurt. Over the weeks we had tried quite a few techniques to eventually get to this point, one was him spitting onto his fingers and slowly rubbing his it against my hole, fingering me...

2 years ago
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Sunday Afternoon

On Monday I bet my boyfriend John that if my football team lost on Sunday I would be his sex slave for the day. And if my team won ,I could do the same. We teased each other mercilessly all week long on what we were going to make the other do. Now what he wanted to do more than anything was to tie me up and fuck me. If he said that once he said it a hundred times that week. The thought scared me a little but at the same time turned me on. Everyday I would hear “ Come Sunday I am going to tie...

3 years ago
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Sunday fun day

Every day on the way out to my office in Saddar, I past Sana Haq.We lived in the same apartment building and were neighbors, my flat was above hers. I have to say that the 5ft 3inch Chokri (babe) gave me a hard on whenever I saw her. Her well tailored shalwar Kamiz was in the height of Desi fashion. (Short, sleeveless Kamiz and shalwar stopping teasingly just above her very nicely shaped ankles)She had shoulder length black hair, slightly frizzy (jungle-bhal like this, is my favorite) a round...

1 year ago
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Sunday Morning

For a tantalizing second it hung, suspended by the tiniest thread, a perfect teardrop, before dropping, glistening orange-amber in the morning sun. Just a second later, it splashed against tanned skin, rivulets spreading over the dark brown of a hardening nipple. I giggled and lunged forward, sucking the piece of mango out of your fingers. It was Sunday morning. Sunlight streamed through the windows and across the bed. Sunday papers were spread out amongst the rumpled sheets and our naked...

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Sunday Family Dinner

It was a normal sunday me and my whole family went to church for our regular family get together. And as always we meet at my grandparents house for dinner. This Sunday was extra special. I was sitting the pew with my family when my aunt Andrea walked in. She looked so stunningly beautiful and sexy as always. She had on a black dress and pressed tightly against her 36d tits, she was 46 yrs old and could make me horny as hell. The dress was cut pretty high, that i could almost see her cunt hair....

1 year ago
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A Bear His Honey

** As always, thanks for inspiring me.. this story’s for you, as are they all ** I walk into the lounge, scanning the room and the faces for you. As my eyes adjust to the dim lighting, the music and voices of the dense crowd fill my head. I make my way through the lounge towards the large back room. This has become our place, and I know you’ll be there waiting for me… I make my way to the small bar in this room and see you from behind, your golden hair cascading down your back. I weave...

1 year ago
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Dukes Hardcore Honeys

Ever wish that porn comics weren’t so vanilla? I mean, come on, we’ve all seen comics of a couple of lesbian bitches scissoring a hundred times by now. It’s nothing new. And it leaves fetish fanatics like me craving for something different. I want to see hardcore porn of sluts getting wrecked, but I want it in comic form. It seems like it’s a tall order to get that lately. Hentai has it. Animations have it. But sometimes I want to settle down with a comic and bust a nut that way. I did some...

Premium Porn Comic Sites
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Gabby cheery and honey

Hi friends . Here gabby again . I hv told u in my previous story that hw i fucked by my love honey than i call him at my to have sex again . Here whan we taking the shower we cought by my cousion cherry. And she in return want to have sex with my love honey. I have no other option left so i agreed to share my love with cheery Cherry is a beutiful sexy girl with height 5.4 feet, slim with figure 34-26-36 nd nice curves.. Fair colour, beep eyes long neck and hairs up to ass. With round ass....

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Honey By Jaded I had a set routine that followed a regular pattern. I'd get up around 10am and then after coffee, a cigarette or two and maybe a slice of toast, I'd head through to the front room, roll a joint and usually catch the last half of 'Trisha'. Ah, the joys of morning television - praise the lord for giving people the need and desire to humiliate themselves on camera for all to see. Trisha offers 'oohs' and 'aahs' and 'uh-huhs' at all the right points and then...

4 years ago
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Missing my love honey

Hi friends its gabby again with my second sex experience at my maternal grand parents house in moga with my loving boy friend honey. As i told u earlier about my 1st sex with honey at his room . That was so nice awsome. After that we come more close that we strart talking dirty with each other with no limits .nd i start rubbing my red soft pussy every night while talking 2 honey. And honey also massage his peenis . We both imagine each other .. But we both were satisfied with that as we have...

3 years ago
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Horny Cousin Sister Treated With Honey

Hi, friends, it’s Aryaanandh with an another sex story…Hope you guys are fine… It’s a sex story based on my life and it’s a true sex story. I am basically from a middle-class family who likes to explore a lot from my childhood… I like to travel a lot and would like to experience new things. I am a kind of person who likes to believe that the experience is the best teacher and a person who has a clear vision on his surroundings can find a new experience from a single piece of a flower. I am just...

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A Touch of Honey

A Touch of Honey Lizzie got up from bed with her husband still half asleep. She thought about waking him and making him get the breakfast, but in all honesty it was her turn. So she did the decent thing and got out of bed. She went downstairs and made the coffee and toast for both of them. Marmalade on her toast and honey for Steve. A smile crept over her face and she gathered an important item from the kitchen before she started back upstairs. Lizzie was hoping that Steve would have a bit of a...

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Mrs Honey

This story is graphic because it is true."Are you ready for this, Mrs. Honey?" Professor Vanessa Barnes asked, with barely concealed excitement."Y'all know I just come off a double-overtime shift, right?" warned Mrs. Maxine Honey, the middle-aged chief custodian at Urban University. "Didn't have time to shower or even change, so I'm pretty sweaty an' maybe a bit stinky. Just sayin'.""That will serve as a fine lesson to this little cheater, as to what honest hard work really means!" replied the...

3 years ago
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A Touch of Honey

A Touch of HoneyLizzie got up from bed with her husband still half asleep. She thought about waking him and making him get the breakfast, but in all honesty it was her turn. So she did the decent thing and got out of bed. She went downstairs and made the coffee and toast for both of them. Marmalade on her toast and honey for Derrick.A smile crept over her face and she gathered an important item from the kitchen before she started back upstairs. Lizzie was hoping that Derrick would have a bit of...

2 years ago
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A Touch of Honey

A Touch of Honey Lizzie got up from bed with her husband still half asleep. She thought about waking him and making him get the breakfast, but in all honesty it was her turn. So she did the decent thing and got out of bed. She went downstairs and made the coffee and toast for both of them. Marmalade on her toast and honey for Steve. A smile crept over her face and she gathered an important item from the kitchen before she started back upstairs. Lizzie was hoping that Steve would have a bit of a...

Straight Sex
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A Taste of Honey

Alternate ending to the movie ‘Honey.’ I don’t know why they didn’t do this originally. ***** ‘Look, I don’t know, I mean, a job’s a job, right?’ Honey Daniels asked hesitantly. Things hadn’t been going great financially, and with Michael blacklisting her, she was lucky to even get to the audition for most video shoots. ‘Trust me,’ Chaz replied, sipping her Kahlua, ‘it’s no big. I think my brother used to know a guy who worked at that place, and he seemed pretty cool. You can’t expect every...

3 years ago
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Sundays Tonic

Sundays afternoons are always twinged with twilight. The setting of the weekend, drawing long shadows of an impending Monday. As days of the week go it’s my least favourite, reminding me of my own middling years, overwhelmed by the dawning considerations of old age. These are symptoms that need self medicating, a gloom only cured by a specific light. My prescribed treatment? The pursuit of sexual gratification, willing or otherwise. To humiliate others distracts from my own inadequacies and...

2 years ago
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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

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Sunday morning with Brad

It was close to 4 am Sunday morning, Brad turned over and pulled me to him. I was on my left side as Brad snuggled me close to him. His penis was rock hard and throbbing. I moaned softly as Brad pinched my nipples and whispered 'I like tight ass in the morning, relax, you're going to have a ruff morning.' Than I remembered what he had said last night '...some of my friends are coming over in the morning...' Before I could say anything Brad slipped his hand between us and guided his rock hard...

4 years ago
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Sunday With My Aunt

Sunday lunch time was always my favourite time of the week because it meant lunching with my mother's sister, my Aunt Rose, so punctually on the dot of twelve thirty I rang the bell on the front door of her imposing old house in one of the better parts of town. At forty two she was two years older than my mother and a senior partner in a well respected accountancy firm, she's never married and was often quoted as saying that she never would. "Ah David" she smiled on opening the door,...

4 years ago
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Sunday Love SongsChapter 2

Now here I was years later listening to a Sunday morning sloppy 'lurve' programme, which was telling me she wanted to contact me again. I was not in a relationship, though I had a couple of girlfriends who were friends-with-benefits. They felt it was too early for them to be committed long term to anyone. Beth and Julie were good friends and each knew the other was sleeping with me, and I was happy as I was, who wouldn't be? I wondered what good it would do to see Nicola. Why did she...

3 years ago
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Surprise honey

Introduction: Are all surpises good? This is my entry to MrFors Calling All Writers Challenge. Oh! I yelped as I stumbled on the steps. Please slow down. Now honey, he said in a hoarse whisper. Youll have to trust where I lead you and keep up. I dont like this one bit. You said there was a surprise, but you never told me Id be blindfolded. He dropped the hand he was using to lead me and moved behind me at the bottom of the stairs. His arm went around my waist and his breath was hot on my...

3 years ago
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Sex with honey

Hi dear readers. Sameer is back with his new story. So enjoy it and keep mailing me. In last summer vacation I went to kerla. As I was having vacation. My cousin bro is leaving and working in a city of kerla. I like visiting my relatives in vacation. So I went to kerla. My cousin bro came to railway station. I saw him and told hello and then went to his house by his car. He is a business man and earn very much. He is usually going to various places because of his business. He is 26 years old...

2 years ago
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Its Okay Honey

Boys who grew up with her would tell you that Jenny Marie Stephens would not be the first girl in the room that you would notice. Growing up, she was not the eye catcher that a number of others were. At a school dance, she would be one of the last girls taken. She was tall for her age, kind of knock-kneed, skinny, flat chested, thick glasses, and a bit stoop shouldered. Her teeth were a little crooked and her nose was a thin, slightly crooked one. To say she was not popular was an...

1 year ago
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Nothing is as Sweet as Dark Honey

I met Honey through a Christian dating site. I’m a Christian and it’s an unfashionable thing to be, so it made sense to look among kindred spirits. We hit it off immediately, as you can do in cyberland, even though I know you never really know until you meet in the flesh.She was thoughtful and kind, had a sense of humour I liked and seemed like a decent person.On the physical side, she was right up my street. She was black, of Barbadian origin, and full-bodied, which is the kind of thing they...


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