Conflicted In ParadiseChapter 2 free porn video

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Damon reluctantly woke up in a groggy haze while his body angrily grumbled at him to go back to sleep. He'd been up nearly the entire night, just holding and comforting a nearly inconsolable Amanda. Utterly exhausted, she'd finally fallen asleep somewhere around four in the morning, and he hadn't been far behind. A quick glance at the bedroom clock showed it was just a little before eight, though the sun was already streaming in brightly through the open bedroom window, and the soft tang of the ocean filled the bedroom. He debated getting up and going for a swim, then decided against it. He was still too tired, and he could always go later. Instead he just listened to the waves slowly crashing on the beach as he watched the slow, never-ending rotations of the ceiling fan.

He smiled at the feel of Amanda sleeping closely against him, her head on his chest. She was naked, like him, but that was only because the villa's AC absolutely froze them if they turned it on, so instead they just left the windows open and slept in the nude. They hadn't made love at all the night before—one of the few nights in a long time that he could remember that happening. She had not been in the mood, of course, and to be fair, neither had he. She had actually apologized to him for not sucking him off like she'd promised, and he'd practically felt his heart break at the sadness in her voice.

Despite the fact that they hadn't had any sex, he loved waking up to find her lying against him like that; the only better way to wake up was if his sister was also there, on the other side of him.

He sighed as a sharp pang of pain rushed through him. His sister ... He loved Kelsey more than anything in his life, even more than Amanda if he was truly honest about it. He'd already loved his sister like crazy before the two of them had gotten romantically and sexually involved, and that had undoubtedly caused his love for her to grow even more. But something had changed since she'd begun to date Carynne, and the romantic and physical aspect of their love seemed to be slowly dwindling away. Not just between the two of them, but between her and Amanda as well. The spectacular threesomes they'd had seemed a distant memory, since the last time Kelsey had even joined their bed had been well over a month ago, and even then she'd been nowhere near as enthusiastic as she normally was.

He'd figured it was just a temporary thing, born out of Kelsey dating Carynne and being continuously ravaged by the incorrigible sex-goddess; God knew that Carynne could wear anyone out, with maybe the exception of Amanda, who was utterly insatiable. He'd hoped that Kelsey would join them again on their vacation, but that hadn't happened either, and with her continued absence he began to wonder if there was something else going on. While he was sad enough himself about Kelsey no longer being in his bed, he knew it was really hurting Amanda, and that she believed it had something to do with her. He'd tried to convince her that wasn't the case, but he was certain she still harbored those fears. Deep down inside, he felt those fears too. Was it something he'd done?

A loud knock on the door interrupted his train of thought, and for some reason he just knew it was Kelsey. He gently slipped out from beneath Amanda without waking her up—a skill he had slowly picked up over the past ten months—and walked out of the bedroom, down the stairs into the absurdly luxurious living area. He marveled again at the villa Stacey had booked for them for the vacation. It was practically the size of his parents' house, and absolutely filled with high class furniture and every imaginable kind of luxury. There were no fewer than three plasma TVs in the house, as well as a lavishly appointed kitchen, a separate dining room, three bathrooms, hardwood floors, and all kinds of appliances whose purpose he was still trying to figure out. In many ways it reminded him of Stacey's own home.

The knock on the door was repeated, a little louder this time, and he muttered, "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming!" as he continued walking towards the front door.

He briefly considered putting on clothes, then he shrugged. Kelsey wouldn't mind seeing him like this, and if it was someone else, it was their own damn fault for knocking on his door so early. He partially opened the door, at least making sure it still covered his most embarrassing parts—modesty didn't cost anything, after all.

Like he'd surmised, it was Kelsey. "Hey," she said. "Sorry to be here so early, but I wanted to talk to you before you went swimming."

He gave her a big smile and opened the door to let her in. She was wearing a pair of white shorts and a pink t-shirt; in and of itself her outfit wasn't all that impressive, but on her amazing body everything looked sexy. His cock staggered at the sight of her breasts straining her t-shirt, and the swell of her perfect ass in those tight shorts, and he hoped she'd changed her mind and would let him at her again. Just the thought of fucking her ass made him shiver with anticipation.

Noticing his cock rising, she gave him a little smile. "I'm not here for that, Damon."

A huge wave of disappointment surged through him, and he barely managed to clench his teeth before he said something he'd likely regret. He'd sworn he'd never get angry at his sister again, for anything, and he wasn't about to break that promise. It didn't do much to stop him from feeling like shit, however. "Okay. Let me go put on some clothes, and we can talk outside," he said in an even voice, trying his best to hide his unhappiness from her.

"No, I need to talk to Amanda too."

"She's still asleep. We didn't get to sleep until around four."

Kelsey gave him a small grin. "She must be slipping, seeing as how you're still able to walk."

"We didn't fuck, Kel," he said curtly. "She was up crying all night, and now she's exhausted."

Kelsey closed her eyes and sighed. He saw a quick flash of pain on her face, but she immediately suppressed it again. He felt his heart hammer in his chest when her eyes opened. He loved her eyes, and the way they'd change color with her mood; they seemed to be a fairly neutral blue at that moment. A powerful wave of attraction swept through him, and he suddenly realized he missed her far more than he'd ever even imagined.

"Why was she crying? Was it ... was it because of me?" she asked softly.

He clenched his teeth and just nodded.

She sighed again, and her body just seemed to slump. "I should have realized it earlier. She was practically beating me over the head with it, and I didn't see it. Or maybe I did, and I just pretended I didn't."

"So why did—"

"Hey," Amanda said sleepily as she came down the stairs and into the villa's living room. "What are you two talking about?"

"You," Kelsey grinned at her best friend. Damon was looking straight at her, and he saw Kelsey's eyes light up at the sight of Amanda naked. They turned the most beautiful blue he'd ever seen, and he almost wanted to scream at her, to ask her why she seemed so hell-bent on breaking up the wonderful relationship the three of them had.

"Do you want me to leave? So you can talk about me, I mean?" Amanda asked, a little hesitantly.

"No, of course not!" Kelsey said immediately, walking over and taking Amanda's hand. She pushed her lips against Amanda's, and Amanda melted right away, wrapping her other arm around Kelsey's neck. Their kiss was slow and unhurried rather than hungry, and Damon smiled at them.

"I'm sorry for making you cry," Kelsey said softly. "I never meant to."

"Kel, is it ... did I do something wrong?" Amanda asked, her voice breaking. Damon felt his own eyes get moist again, and he angrily wiped at them with the back of his hand. He wanted nothing more than to go over and hug the girl he loved, but he stayed right where he was, waiting to see what was going to happen. Kelsey and Amanda needed the moment to themselves.

Kelsey rapidly shook her head. "No, you didn't! Oh God, Amanda, I'm so sorry that you think that!"

"Then why won't you join us anymore?" Amanda asked. Her voice was so soft that it was barely audible, and Damon could see her heart and soul in her eyes.

Kelsey sniffed and wiped away several tears. "That's what I'd like to talk to you two about, actually. Can we? Talk for awhile, I mean?"

Amanda nodded, and she walked over to one of the leather couches in the living room. She sat down in the biggest one, wrapping her feet beneath her. Seeing his girlfriend sitting there like that, completely naked, nearly made Damon's knees buckle. Kelsey sat down beside her and took Amanda's hand again.

"I'll leave you two alone for awhile," Damon said, swallowing hard to get the lump out of his throat.

"No," Kelsey said. "This is about you too! Come sit with us, please?"

"Okay." He walked over and sat down beside Amanda, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her close against him. He could see his sister's eyes checking both of them out, and for a moment it seemed like she wanted nothing more than to jump them and explode in one of those incredible, mind-blowing sex-marathons they used to have. The moment passed quickly, however, and she just sat there, not making a move.

The three of them stared at each other until Kelsey finally said, "I'm sorry that I haven't ... that we haven't had this talk before. I really owed it to you two to come talk to you about this sooner. I just ... I've been kind of scared to."

"Scared? Why would you be scared?" Amanda gasped. "You can tell us everything, you know that! Kel, if there's something wrong, or if there's something we did that's bugging you, please tell us!" Her voice was pleading, and Damon felt her shiver in his arms.

"No, you guys didn't do anything wrong! It's all me, or ... well, it's ... I..." Kelsey began, then she sighed in obvious frustration. She gathered herself for several moments while Damon and Amanda just sat quietly, watching her, then she said, "I love you both with all my heart, you know that. But I love Carynne too."

"Right, and we're happy for you," Amanda said with a soft smile.

"I know you are, but it's ... look, I understand that you two are exclusive, and I fully supported it when you made that decision. And I was thrilled that you'd still let me be a part of you."

"You're not just a part of us, Kel," Damon said quietly. "You are us."

Kelsey looked at him for a second, then she giggled. He felt himself blush, and he mumbled, "Well, what I mean is—"

She reached over to put her hand on his knee and gently squeezed it. "I know. You see the three of us as one couple."

He nodded. "Yeah, I do. And so does Amanda."

Amanda eagerly nodded her agreement. "'Us' is not complete without you, Kel."

"Right. And I love that, but ... but it's really unfair to Carynne," Kelsey said slowly.

"What's unfair? We're not keeping you from her, right? We've never held you back," Amanda said.

"No, you haven't. It's not that you keep me from her, it's that ... well, you keep her from you."

Damon and Amanda looked at each other, seeing their confusion mirrored in each other's eyes. "What do you mean?" Amanda asked.

"I get to be with you two whenever I want, but she doesn't."

"So she's jealous of you getting to be with us?"

Kelsey sighed as she shook her head. "No, she's not jealous, though I think she's probably sad about it, to be honest."

"You think? Hasn't she told you?"

"No. She'd never say anything about it, but I'm pretty sure she feels left out."

"But ... you're with her whenever you two want? We want you to be with her whenever you want! We just don't want you to no longer be with us," Damon said.

Kelsey shook her head. "Let me start at the beginning, and I'll see if I can explain it a bit better that way, okay?"

"Okay," Amanda and Damon said simultaneously.

Kelsey cleared her throat. "It was a few weeks after we started having sex again, after I'd gotten out of the hospital, near the end of February. You two were off to dinner with your mom, Amanda, and I was home by myself. Carynne called and asked me if she could come over. I was pretty horny, so obviously I said yes. I couldn't wait for her to get her hands on me again!

"When she showed up, however, she was very quiet and not at all herself. I asked her what was wrong, and she took me to my room and made me sit down on my bed. Then she sank to her knees in front of me, and she told me she loved me!" A smile popped up on Kelsey's beautiful face at the memory.

"I told her that I knew that already, of course, but then she said that she was in love with me, and that really surprised me. I asked her when it had happened, and she admitted that she'd felt that way for a long time. She just never said anything because of ... well, you know..."

"Because of you and me," Amanda said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah. She said she never wanted to get between us, and that's why she never did anything about her feelings. But she also said that it broke her heart to see me in the hospital, knowing that I might die without her ever having told me ... that ... that she loved me." Kelsey burst into tears, and Amanda quickly wrapped her in a warm embrace, even as she started crying too.

Damon sat silently, his heart aching at the sight of the two girls he loved most in the world in such grief.

Kelsey looked at Amanda through her tears, and she gave her best friend another slow kiss. "I love you, Amanda," she finally said.

"I love you too, Kel. I love you so much!" Amanda replied, biting her lip to keep from crying more.

Kelsey looked at her a bit more closely, and suddenly she gasped. "What did you do to your lip?"

Amanda shrugged. "I bit it. It's not important, don't worry about it."

"Did you do that because of me?" Kelsey asked with a sad look on her face.

"No," Amanda lied, shaking her head. "Just go on."

Kelsey gave her a penetrating stare for a few moments, but when Amanda didn't budge, she continued. "Alright. After Carynne told me that she was in love with me, I cried for awhile, hugging her and kissing her. Then I asked her if she wanted to be ... you know, my girlfriend."

"Which she did," Damon said with a smile.

"No, she didn't," Kelsey said quietly.

"What? Why not?" Amanda asked, frowning. "She loved you, and you were available."

Kelsey smiled. "Was I? Was I really? That soon after everything that had happened?"

"You mean ... you weren't ready yet."

Kelsey nodded. "Carynne said that if I became her girlfriend, she wanted me completely, a hundred percent. She didn't want to be just the rebound, and she didn't want to play second fiddle to you guys."

"But we never would have—"

"I know," Kelsey said quickly. "But she was worried about how much of myself I could give to her. So she said that I should think about it, and that if I decided I couldn't give her the attention and love that she wanted, we'd still just be friends like we'd always been, and nothing would change."

"So you told her no?" Damon asked.

"Yeah. It really hurt me to have to do it, but I just couldn't make that commitment, not that soon. And I didn't want to do that to her—she deserved more than for me to just sort of be her girlfriend at those moments when it suited me."

"What did she say?" Amanda asked.

Kelsey let out a little laugh. "She smiled at me, gave me a kiss, and said she understood; then, she fucked me."

Both Damon and Amanda smiled at the thought. The image of Carynne fucking Kelsey mere seconds after she was essentially turned down fit so well with her.

"So how did you two get together then?"

"She and I just continued playing, same as always. She gave me all the space I wanted, but at the same time she was always there for me when I needed her. And of course she continued to make me cum over and over again. About a month before we graduated I went over to her place one night—I'd had a good while to think about it, and I wanted to talk to her again. She was very happy to see me, and we talked for a long time. In the end, I asked her if she wanted to be my girlfriend again, and she gave me the same answer as she had before: Yes, but not if it meant she was going to be the sub on the bench.

"I promised her she wouldn't be, and she smiled and gave me a really long kiss—I was seeing stars by the time she let up. Then she said she'd love to be my girlfriend!"

"And we love that she is your girlfriend," Amanda said earnestly. "Damon and I both love her to death. So why is there ... why aren't we together anymore?"

"The one thing I was worried about with Carynne was how much she loved being with others, to be honest," Kelsey said, seemingly ignoring Amanda's question. "I love having sex with multiple girls myself, but I knew Carynne had a long list of multiple conquests. And a part of me was scared that she would keep doing that, because I knew I wouldn't handle it very well.

"Fortunately, it turned out that my fear was totally unwarranted. From the very first day she said yes to being my girlfriend, Carynne has always been faithful to me. She turned down every offer at school, she said no to all the phone calls she got from old hookups, and she was just with me, only with me. Of course, we both still had sex with Stacey, but I knew that she wasn't seeing Stacey on her own anymore. The only way she'd ever have sex with someone else is if I was there too. She shared everything with me from day one, and never, ever did anything without me.

"When I asked her about it at one point, she just smiled and said that I would never have to worry about her cheating on me, because she would rather die first. At the same time, though, she never said anything about me going to be with you guys. She never complained or made a comment other than to tell me to have fun. She never tried to get me to change my mind if I told her I was spending the night with the two of you." Kelsey let out a deep sigh, smiling as she thought of her girlfriend.

"So then why is she upset over you being with us?" Amanda asked.

Kelsey shook her head. "She isn't. She isn't upset over it at all. All she wanted was for her to be my main focus, and she is. She's not jealous about the three of us."

Amanda's voice turned both sad and confused. "Then why does it seem like there is no more us?"

"Because I feel bad about it," Kelsey said softly. "Carynne will never say anything, but I know that deep down she wants to share what I have with you guys. She and I both know you two are focused on each other, and we're happy that you are. But she shares everything with me, and it..."

Damon bit his tongue when his sister began to cry again. Amanda tried to console her, but Kelsey shook her head, her nose sniffling as she wiped away her tears. "I love you both more than anything. I never realized when we started out with this that I'd ever have to make this decision, but it hurts me so much that I have something with you two that I can't share with her! And I don't want to do it anymore; I can't ... I can't keep doing that to her ... Every time I go to be with you guys and leave her by herself, I feel like I'm cheating on her, and it's making me miserable! I'm sorry, Amanda ... I know I'm making myself choose between you and her, and I'm choosing her, and I feel horrible about it!"

Amanda didn't say anything, instead just wrapping Kelsey in a deeper embrace while her tears ran freely. They hugged for a long time, until Amanda finally said, "It's okay, Kel. I understand."

"Do you really?"

Amanda nodded. "Yes, I do. You're happy with Carynne, and all I've ever wanted is for you to be happy. I'm glad that you and Carynne are doing so well, and I ... I know that you can't keep being with us if Carynne can't be a part of it. You wouldn't be you if you felt differently about that. I know if Carynne and I were in opposite positions, you'd do the same thing for my sake."

Kelsey sniffled, then she nodded slowly. "I love you, Amanda. I love you so, so much."

"I love you too, Kel."

The girls both smiled at each other, and they wiped the tears off each other's cheeks even as fresh ones kept streaming down. Kelsey leaned over and gave Damon a soft kiss. "And I love you, doofus."

"I love you too, Kel," he said, nearly choking on the words. His gut felt as if a dozen red-hot swords were running him through, and his head was woozy.

"I'm sorry that I'm hurting you both, and please believe me when I say that I miss you two every single minute of the day..."

Damon's voice was a barely audible croak. "We miss you too, and—"

Before he could say anything else, Kelsey quickly got up, tears streaming down her face. "I ... I have to go. I'll talk to you guys later!"

Before either Damon or Amanda could say anything else, Kelsey quickly ran out, the sound of her sobs trailing behind her.

As soon as the door closed, Amanda threw herself in Damon's arms. "Oh, Damon!" she wailed, then she began to cry in earnest.

It was about an hour later when Amanda had finally recovered. Damon had held her throughout her grief, continuously kissing her and telling her he loved her.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" he asked gently.

She gave a small, noncommittal shrug. "I don't know ... I guess. It's my own fault, anyways," she said, her voice hoarse from her grief.

"What? Why would you say that?" he exclaimed.

"Because it's true. I wanted everything! I wanted you and her, and I wanted you both to myself! I loved our little deal where you and I were exclusive, so that I never had to share you, and getting to have Kelsey whenever we wanted her too."

"You know Kelsey wanted that as well; it's not as if we were forcing her to accept it. She loved it just as much as we did."

She nodded. "Yeah, but I should have known it wasn't going to last. Our threesome was great for the three of us, but it pretty much sucks for whoever Kelsey was going to wind up with. We should have realized that her girlfriend, or her boyfriend, wasn't going to be happy with Kel just going off to fuck us whenever we felt like it."

"It's not Carynne's fault," Damon said quietly. "Kelsey's the one making the decision not to be with us anymore."

"Really?" Amanda asked softly. "I know Carynne would never complain because she doesn't want to see Kelsey unhappy any more than I do, but I also know that Kelsey would take the blame herself if Carynne was the one who said something about it."

"So you think that's what happened?"

"I don't know," Amanda said, her face a sad smile. "Even if it was, who could blame her? I feel horrible that we never once thought about how she'd feel about Kelsey coming to fuck us, and her having to stay home."

Damon felt his cheeks blush as he looked at the ground, embarrassment coursing through him. "Yeah..."

Amanda cuddled up a little closer against him, and she sighed deeply. "It's all so ironic, isn't it?"

He gave her a puzzled look. "What's ironic?"

"That Kelsey and I were always joking about how jealous you were going to be once she found a guy for herself, and how hard it would be for you to handle seeing her with someone else. Then she hooks up with Carynne, and it turns out I'm the one who's jealous!"

"You are?"

"Yes," Amanda said, almost angrily wiping away another tear that ran down her cheek. "It's funny, when Carynne was in love with Kelsey while Kel and I were together, I thought it was so cute! I just loved that about her, that she couldn't resist Kel any more than I could. And I got to be all noble about it too: 'Oh, no, I don't mind Carynne being in love with my girlfriend!' I'd say, and I'd feel all proud too at how mature I was. But now she has my girlfriend, and she's indirectly the reason why I don't have Kelsey anymore, and I'm so fucking jealous I could scream!"

Damon stared at her almost as if in shock. He didn't even know Amanda was capable of jealousy. "I ... I just don't know what to say, honey," he finally stammered.

She gave him a melancholy smile. "I'm sorry. I know you never expected this of me; I don't think that I ever even expected this of myself either."

He searched for something, anything to say. Finally, he just said, "I love you, Amanda."

She gave him a sweet smile, then she closed her eyes and kissed him. He could feel her tears slide down her cheeks again, and his entire being ached with misery over her sadness. If only there was some way he could make it better for her!

"I love you too," she said softly. "Thank you for being so strong during this. Without you, I don't know what I'd do."

He grimaced slightly. "I'm not that strong, you know. The thought of not getting to make love to Kelsey anymore is making me sick to my stomach, and my head's so woozy I feel like I've got a concussion."

"I know," she sighed. "But you're obviously much better at dealing with it than I am ... why is that, anyways?"

He shook his head. "I don't really know. I mean ... it hurts me, of course. All I can think about is holding her in my arms, or kissing her, or having her cum on me ... on us!"

Amanda gave him a small, encouraging smile, but she didn't say anything, instead waiting for him to continue.

"I guess ... I guess that, deep down inside, I've always kinda had this thought that Kelsey and I would never be a permanent thing. That it would end someday."

Amanda sighed. "Really? I always thought we'd be together forever."

"I'd have loved it if we would have been, but I just never was able to wrap my mind around that. I figured she'd still get with us from time to time for some awesome sex, but in the future, I thought it'd just be you and me."

Amanda nodded sadly. "I guess I'll have to try to get used to that thought as well." Her lip started wobbling, and she was on the verge of crying again.

He couldn't take it anymore; Amanda's grief was like a chainsaw in his gut. "Amanda, go be with her!" he said, forcing the words out of his throat while mentally yelling at his heart to shut the fuck up.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Go to Kel, and tell her you want to be with her and with Carynne!"

Her gorgeous green-blue eyes flashed, and she gave him an absolutely astonished look, rapidly blinking away her tears. "But ... why would I ... what about you?"

"Don't worry about me. You two love each other so much, all three of you do, and you should go be together!" he said earnestly, trying his hardest to ignore the flares of pain that tore through him at the thought of not being with Amanda anymore.

Amanda closed her eyes, and she let out several deep, slow breaths. When she reopened them, they were shining brightly, filled with her love for him. "You can be so silly sometimes! What good would that do me if I didn't have you?"

"But you miss Kelsey so much..."

She nodded. "I do. I miss her so much I can't even describe it, but any solution where I wind up without you just isn't gonna work."

He felt himself practically melt inside. "Are you sure?"

She fiercely kissed him, practically devouring his mouth as she climbed on top of him. His cock staggered to attention at the feel of her incredible body, but he knew she wasn't mounting him to fuck him. He wrapped his arms around her back and just held her close while they kissed in an almost insane frenzy.

They were both panting heavily by the time they stopped making out. Their foreheads were touching, and they looked deep into each other's eyes.

"Yes, I'm sure," she whispered. "I want you. I will always want you, and I will never not want you to be a part of anything I do."

His relieved smile sent butterflies soaring through her stomach, and she gave him another kiss. "I love you, Damon."

"I love you too, Amanda Linnea O'Sullivan."

She smiled at him. The way he said her full name just sent shivers down her spine, and she took shelter in his love. They sat together for a few more minutes, until she finally asked, "Damon?"


"Would you mind if I ... if I want to be by myself for a little while?" she asked softly. His look of worry was cute, wonderful and frightening, all at the same time.

"You're not going to do something silly, are you?" he asked, a bit nervously.

"No, of course not," she said reassuringly, shaking her head. "I just found out some things about myself that I don't really like, and I'd like to get my head on straight. Just go swim, and I'll see you in a little while, okay?"

He sighed softly, then nodded. "Okay. Let me know if you need anything."

"I will," she said, kissing him again before getting off of him.

Damon got up and started walking towards the front door. He couldn't believe that he wasn't going to be able to make love to Kelsey anymore! His mind felt as if it was packed in wool, and he hoped an hour or so of vigorous swimming would at least let him think clearly again.

"Damon!" Amanda called after him just as he was about to open the door.

"Yeah?" he asked, looking at her over his shoulder.

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ConflictedChapter 2

The week rolled on, as weeks usually did. I'd sneakily listened at the door to my sister's bathroom every night, hoping to hear her going at it again, but either she was being a lot more quiet, or—much to my disappointment—she just wasn't playing with herself in the shower anymore. I wondered what it had been that had gotten her so excited that day. I'd quickly made the connection between her exuberance during her cheer competition and her unbelievably hot masturbating session in the...

2 years ago
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ConflictedChapter 3

After turning off my alarm with an annoyed grunt, I got up and drowsily trundled over to my bathroom. Taking a cold shower woke me up immediately, and after getting dressed and grabbing my stuff I went downstairs to get some breakfast. I nearly yelped with surprise as I walked into the kitchen to find Amanda standing in front of the open refrigerator, wearing nothing but one of my sister's sleeping shirts which covered very little of her magnificent butt. She was very evidently not wearing...

2 years ago
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ConflictedChapter 4

The wall of noise hit me like a sledgehammer as I stepped through the door onto what appeared to be an utterly packed dance floor. Dark purple neon lights hung interspersed from the ceiling alongside a bunch of colored dance lights and strobes. Together with the heavy techno vibe, they created a dark, almost trance-like atmosphere. I was unable to see exactly how far the dance floor reached, but the entire room must have been huge. Hundreds of people were crunched together like sardines as...

2 years ago
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ConflictedChapter 5

It was about a thirty minute drive from downtown to Greek Row. Brian had given me fairly specific directions, at least as far as he was able to, but Stacey knew her way over there pretty well. It took us a few more minutes to find the specific sorority house, though seeing as how it was the only one with a huge crowd of people in front of it, it wasn't that hard. Stacey left her 4Runner parked on someone's lawn, and she just shrugged when I asked her if that wasn't going to get her...

2 years ago
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ConflictedChapter 6

"Damon, are you awake?" my sister's voice came from somewhere in the distance. I grumbled a bit as I turned around, snuggling deeper in my blanket. "Come on, sleepy, wake up," Kelsey said again, sounding much closer. I sighed and rolled over, grimacing at a wave of pain that tore through my stomach. "What?" I asked gruffly. "It's almost noon, you dope!" she said in amusement. "I figured you'd want something to eat." I opened my eyes, smiling at my sprightly sister standing...

2 years ago
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ConflictedChapter 7

I was wide awake more than an hour before my alarm was set to go off, and I was utterly unable to get back to sleep. Over and over again I'd thought about the real possibility that my sister had been drugged at the college party, yet I had failed to find any evidence. I'd called Katie again, and she'd told me that Jennifer didn't really remember much of the sex, but she'd admittedly been pretty drunk by that point. With that lead a dead end I'd convinced Kelsey to finally call Stacey...

3 years ago
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ConflictedChapter 8

I was having a wonderful dream involving Kelsey and Amanda sucking my cock when someone jumped right on top of me. I sat up with a startled snort, looking around in confusion while rapidly blinking my eyes to try to clear them. "Wakey wakey!" Kelsey grinned, giving me a quick kiss. She was wearing a small pair of white, lacy panties and a deliciously skimpy, cut-off T-shirt that managed to cover her boobs and not very much else of her sexy body. "Damn it, sis, you scared the crap out of...

1 year ago
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ConflictedChapter 9

I was practically delirious as I followed Kelsey and Amanda into our house. What had happened in Stacey's car had completely blown my mind, and now I'd just found out that that wasn't even what my sister and my girlfriend had originally planned for me. Just thinking of what other things they might have in store for me made me grin stupidly in anticipation. Mom looked up from behind the kitchen counter when we came inside, and I had to suppress a grimace of disappointment. I was happy to...

1 year ago
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ConflictedChapter 10

I had amazing dreams that night, visions of Amanda and Kelsey sucking my cock and fucking each other over and over again as we lay in bed together. The dreams seemed extremely vivid and almost lifelike, making me extremely horny. When I woke up, I blinked several times in confusion, unable to figure out where I was at first. It finally dawned on me that the three of us had tried to sleep in my bed last night, but we'd quickly figured out that despite the fact we loved being really cozy and...

4 years ago
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ConflictedChapter 12

My heart pounding, I sat straight up in my bed, having awoken with a start. I'd been having a disturbing dream in which both Mom and Dad were yelling at me for things that weren't my fault, and I could feel chills running down my spine. "Hmm ... Damon? Are you okay?" Amanda's voice came from beside me, and I looked over in surprise. How had she gotten here? For that matter, how had my bed suddenly gotten so large? Slowly the fog lifted from my mind, and I began to remember where I was....

3 years ago
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ConflictedChapter 13

Standing outside Amanda's house, we waved at Carynne as she took off in her Spider GT Convertible, which Amanda told me had been a gift from her dad for her sixteenth birthday. The wonderful brunette was on her way to Stacey's house to show off the new panties she'd gotten for the squad. Afterwards, she'd go visit Mikaela as well, and she'd vowed that all five girls would be wearing the new panties for my swim meet. I had no doubt whatsoever that they would; somehow I figured Carynne...

3 years ago
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ConflictedChapter 15

Of all the times I'd woken up in my life, none of them had ever been as awesome as waking up on Stacey's bed, surrounded by four incredibly beautiful, naked girls. I'd watched the four of them fuck each other passionately and insatiably for over an hour, loving the experienced ease and wild abandon with which they made each other cum over and over again. After a short rest, I'd joined back in, fucking both Stacey and Kelsey before finally sliding my cock back inside Amanda's...

1 year ago
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ConflictedChapter 16

Understanding is a three-edged sword. Your side, my side, and the truth. -J. Michael Straczynski. The monotonous whir of the breathing machine was like a needle in my brain. It fluttered at the edge of my consciousness, always there. Every four seconds, the fucking thing would inflate and release, inflate and release, inflate and release; an endless cycle. I hated that goddamned machine more than I had hated anything before in my life. Not because of the way it simply annoyed me,...

3 years ago
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Conflicts In The Heart A Tormented Passion

We share a quiet time together… two new friends getting to know each other better and when I sense that you are physically a little tense and tired I offer you a shoulder and neck massage. “Come sit here in front of me,” I say as I move slightly closer to the sofa’s edge. You respond quickly and seat your self on the floor between my spread knees. You are wearing a simple, silky white blouse that is which is a favorite of mine from some photos I’ve seen and I note that it is loose fitting...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Conflicts of Divine Interest

The world of Aesyr is a brutal, unstable world that holds no quarter. The only consistency is the cosmic rules that all msut follow...including the gods themselves. Every century there's a divine lottery in every pantheon. And only few among them ever get to win the jackpot. Those who do...rise above their brothers and sisters, to become the ruling chosen and assert their will upon the world with no challenge. And this, is going to be one hell of a century. The gods of sexuality, lust,...

4 years ago
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Conflicts In The Heart A Tormented Passion

We share a quiet time together… two new friends getting to know each other better and when I sense that you are physically a little tense and tired I offer you a shoulder and neck massage. “Come sit here in front of me,” I say as I move slightly closer to the sofa’s edge. You respond quickly and seat your self on the floor between my spread knees. You are wearing a simple, silky white blouse that is which is a favorite of mine from some photos I’ve seen and I note that it is loose fitting...

2 years ago
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Conflict Resolved

My intention was to surprise her by coming home early and taking her out to dinner and a show. I parked on the street and walked around to the back house quietly in order to sneak up on her so that it would be a complete surprise. I was the one who got surprised. As I peeked in the sliding glass patio door, there was Susan completely naked kneeling on the family room carpet in front of Steve. Steve was the young single guy who had moved in next door to us last month. At the moment I looked...

3 years ago
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Chachi or uski bahu ki chudai

Mai chander mohan aap logo ko kafi sexy stories baiz chuka hoon or aap logo ko kaafi pasand bi aayi hongi.Aaj mai apko nai story suna raha hoon.Yai baat koi 2 saal pahilay ki hai,mujai kuch kaam sai punjab jaana para or raat ko mai apni chachi kai ghar par ruka.Chacha ki death ho chuki thi,chachi apnai ek baitay kai saath rahiti thi,jiski shadi huai 2 saal ho chukai thai.Chachi ki 4 larkiya thi jinki shadi ho chuki thi,un mai sai teen ko mai chod chuka tha or chachi to kai baar muzsai chud...

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Sugar Cane Plantation

She always felt so much at home when she visited the island. Silly really since she spent almost all of her time elsewhere – working long, tedious hours at the law firm. Still, her vacations always brought her here – to the warm breezes, the smell of the ocean, the lush foliage. So it seemed that each time she was able to visit, she was coming home. This time it would be a little different. In the past she had always stayed at one of the big resorts. The ones with the private beaches, and golf...

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The Shop Girls

“I can’t believe how chilly it got!” Dakota exclaimed, as she peeled off her leather jacket inside the warm shop. Her normally pale cheeks were rosy from the brisk November winds, and her long, wavy blonde hair, never exactly styled, was even more wild. “And to think last week it was 80 degrees out!!” She hung up her jacket in the closet in the office, and came out the counter, where one of her closest friends, and co-workers, Tereza, had buried her nose in a cup of tea and had yet to take off...

1 year ago
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Next Door Neighbors 4Chapter 10

“Fuck me Derek. Loni has my digital camera between your legs and she has a perfect view of your cock entering my pussy. Hurry and put it all the way inside me, then, please kiss me. I’ve been without a man’s cock since Kylie was born. I want to feel loved when you plant your seed inside my womb. This isn’t some medical procedure – this is me wanting your huge cock as deep inside me as my body will allow you.” “Jae, please come around here and kiss Marguerite’s pussy and make it slick for...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 70

Lena and I talked about the previous night's events on the train in to work. She made it clear that although she enjoyed the actual physical side of the act, she was still uneasy with the emotional aspect. Lena was unable to see Alan, or anyone else for that matter, as anything other than a means of achieving orgasm. On the other hand, her feelings for me when indulging in the sexual act or just being in my company, were very profound. She described it as a sincere and genuine lesbian love,...

4 months ago
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Naughty at Saba U 3

Oh my God Paul is such a good lover…….. Oh my God Paul is such a good lover, as he was thrusting into me his flash I found that he had a beautiful rhythm that I was riding also even though I was underneath him at the time my legs spread open and practically in a splint as he was thrusting into me. When he was in love he was in love and he was passionate about it I've never been this way since the first time I met Trey about two years ago. When I ended up making love to him I held him close to...

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Der Brautraub

Die achtzehnjährige Braut Mandy sitzt nach dem traditionellen Brautraub in ihrem weißen Hochzeitskleid zwischen ihrem ehemaligen Verehrer Mirko und ihrem älteren Bruder Peter eingekeilt auf der Rücksitzbank eines auf einem unbeleuchteten Parkplatz geparkten Autos. „Ihr müsst mich gehen lassen“, kichert Mandy atemlos. „Mein Ehemann wird mich bei der Dunkelheit doch niemals hier finden.“ Der zwanzigjährige Mirko grinst sie frech an. „Bevor wir dich gehen lassen, musst du mir aber erst einen Kuss...

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The GovernorChapter 11

“A wise move. After, urggh, after, erggh, I get this one over, uahhg we’ll see what we can do to give you some enjoyment too” He was impatient to spend in her. He had been very busy with the defences and the new staithes he had ‘persuaded’ the merchants to fund, and the boats he had liberated from the wreckage that was the city of Thewlis and its docks. Now they could ship food fifty miles up river before transhipping it on horses. He had also been busy getting a scribe to provide two...

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Strip Poker Blacken Cuckold Pregnant

My marriage was getting pretty bad. We were fighting all the time, and mostly about stupid things. My wife Jill and I met when I was 19 and she was 18. We didn't get married until 10 years later, and then waited another five before we started a family. Our one son is great, and is now 5 years old. A lot of the trouble started when Jill said that she wanted another baby. I thought that at 38 I was too old for another k**, and that started a long fight. She got back at me by not having sex with...

2 years ago
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Happy Hour

‘Are you almost ready?’ Chris called from the living room. ‘I’ll be done in five minutes!’ I yelled back. ‘You need to hurry up Natalie, the bar isn’t open forever!’ He called back, but I could hear the joking tone in his voice. Chris and I have been together for four years, since we graduated college. Most people say you cannot make a relationship from a one-night stand, but our relationship has been nothing but fantastic. I applied a rich, chocolate eye-shadow to my deep blue eyes, and made...

4 years ago
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While your at work

I watch you go to work from your backyard. A few moments later your wife opened her side door and grabbed my hand and pulled me in her living room. Your wife locked the door, and quickly again grabbed my hand and led me to her bedroom. Once your wife closed and locked her door, your wife pushed me down onto her waterbed. Your wife went to her stereo and turned on some music. When your wife returned, she went to her knees, and started to unbuckle my belt. Your wife unzipped my pants and started...

3 years ago
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Romantic Sex With My Woman Night Morning sex

It was fun last night. I fucked my woman last night. She must have liked it really well because I made her cum. By luck would have it we found our special romantic restaurant to go to. I am sure there are a lot of upscale restaurants in the my area but we had never found one that was as unique as this one. I had done a lot of thinking and planning for the nights activities. I had not had sex with my woman sense Monday. Me and my woman always have sex at least twice a week. I have come to...

2 years ago
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FlintkoteChapter 61

Drudge ... Drudge ... Drudge... I forgot how repetitious cabinets can be. Gee ... was it only a year ago I was building them at Gold Coast? At least I had fun teaching the stations building the Farr’s. Not all my help stayed. I ended up with half... 13 employees ... with 13 wives and 26 children. I sunk a ton of money into the first year ... and then I sold the first boat... 14k ... for boat and trailer. The breakthrough came at a University of Michigan Law School Alumni Reunion. During...

2 years ago
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Marys Guardian Angel

Mary’s Guardian Angel By Beagle9690 July 2016 Her name is Mary.....Mary Susan Brown to be exact. Mary is a good and charitable woman. She was born and grew up in a small coal mining town in Western Pennsylvania. Her father was a dentist and her mother his dental assistant. His dental office was located in their spacious brick home. An only child, Mary lived a happy and tranquil life. Perhaps a somewhat sheltered life with parents who loved her. She adores music and dancing and the...

2 years ago
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Candy is always good when you share her

Introduction: Another threesome with Candy, per request of a friend. As you tilt your head back to finish the rest of your beer, you notice the dark sky above is scattered with stars. They are kind-of hard to see through the rising steam coming from the hot water bubbling around you. Candys giggle brings your head back down and you notice she is holding a fresh opened beer out to you. Smiling at her, you take the cold bottle, with beads of water dripping down the sides, and hand her the empty...

2 years ago
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Guitar Man A True Story

They are a couple living in mid-western Tennessee. Her name is Kandy, she is 54. His name is John and he is 57. They are married and although they have a great sex life, they are interested in meeting couples, men and women for some adult fun. They want people who can go out with them on outings during the day with sexy interludes in the evening. She is what you might consider a full figured woman standing at only five foot five. Her round face has a cute button nose, lips the color of roses,...

1 year ago
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Political Correctness

Political Correctness The Politics The political context of this story is important and increasingly real. Depending on your proclivities it may offer hope or despair or perhaps fantasy will become reality. I will leave you to judge. The UK Government seemed to be attracting more and more politicians who wanted to impose theoretical principles and social engineering techniques on its unsuspecting population. It was doing this whilst disregarding issues of infrastructure, good...

4 years ago
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Cult of Incest 2

Introduction: more incest Sorry about the confusion in the last story. Moms name is Cathy, Dads is Johny, my sister is Kassie and mine is James. Ill go ahead and say the story still has spelling problems, I havent sprung the cash to get word yet so I will try to fix em for you. Please only good comments ————————————————————————————– Nympho –Someone, normally female, that eats, breathes, & lives for sex. She dreams about it, often playing it over so much in her mind that something she...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Riley Reid Fourth Appearance

Listen to Riley Reid! One of the world’s most popular porn stars is talking directly to you! Riley’s about to give you a “JOI” session…and if you don’t know what that means, pull out your pecker and start beating him up! Cause there’s nothing Riley loves more than watching her biggest fan — you — jerk off! It really turns her on. But we’re lying…a little bit, anyway. There’s one thing Riley loves more than watching you beat...

4 years ago
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Little Filly

© Copyright 1998, 1999 Friday night is bar night for us single yuppies, and, I was out trolling, as usual. Mostly, I go home alone but sometimes I let a man pick me up. This Friday, I was working my way through the crowd, stopping to talk to everyone there. The men all looked the same in their tight pants and lacquered hair, the yuppie crowd on the prowl. Then, I saw him sitting alone at the end of the bar. He was unique in this urban setting of twenties and thirties. I guess he was...

3 years ago
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For angelica

You wake up to the sound of voices murmuring in the distance. Your eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness that surrounds you. You try to stretch out but you realise you can’t move; your hands lightly bound by what feels like leather straps behind your back. As you stretch you realise they’re attached to a strap around your neck. You feel your surroundings. Velvet cushioning, darkness, very close proximity; almost as if you’re in a box. You smile; you know where you are and what you are. You’re...

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You Always Sleep With Your Hairdresser Dont You

I sleep with my gardener as well. I hadn’t really thought about it much until we moved locally about a mile to our present area. The new garden needed a lot of work and effort put into it to change it from wilderness to respectable. Me, I just like pottering, my wife likes ‘gardening’ as she puts it. The family joke started when, early that spring, I was doing some of the heavy work Jan couldn't manage. It was early evening and I was on my own out the front of our plot. It’s a reasonable size...

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Love in Chat

Hello friends, Mera naam Ansh hai aur mein Lucknow kaa rahne wala hoon. Mein humhesaa jab bhi free rahtaa hoon desi stories jaroor padta hoon. Aur stories padne ke baad muje lagta hai ki mujse koi ladki kyu nahi sex karti hai muje mein koi kami bhi nahi mein 5’6″ smart handsome ladka hoon aur kisi bhi ladki ko sex mein satisfy karne mein ekdam saksam hoon. Lekin muje laga ki mere paas ladkio ko pataane ki himmat nahi ek darr rahtaa thaa muje ki khai koi ladki muje manaa naa kar de warnaa mera...

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hotel colleagues part one

I work at a hotel/resort as a manager. Since I’m a manager I live on property. The office is open 24 hours a day, so sometimes I’m called to help guests in the middle of the night. It works out best that I stay on property. There’s an employee that’s been working at the hotel for almost a year now as a front desk clerk, named Colton. When I first met Colton he seemed a little bit different than the rest of the guys that worked the front desk. Not in a bad way, he was just quiet and not as...

3 years ago
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The Hurricane

Melissa cracked her knuckles, rolled her head from side to side, and twisted around in her chair to pop her back. She was starting to get a little tired after hours of sitting in the same position, but the breeze from the nearby ocean and the sound of the waves made working almost bearable. Melissa’s sanity had nearly reached the breaking point and she was desperate for this change of scenery. Not that it was her fault. The issues in Melissa’s life would be enough to crack a diamond. Her father...

2 years ago
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My College Friends

During my second year at university I shared a house with three other girls. First there was Virginia, known by all as Ginny, a slim tall girl, brunette and very outward going. There was Anne, she was the sensible one of the group, very homely, she was quite short but well proportioned and with jet black hair. Lucy was the shy one, but she was the one all the boys fancied, at just under 6 feet tall, with long blonde hair and ample breasts, she could easily have been a model. And then there was...

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Introduction to Sissies VI

Introduction to Sissies VI By latexslut John Phillips was dressed now, and on his knees. The high heeled boots, all of 4 inches tall, were too high for him. The stockings caressed his shaved legs gently and the corset gave a support to his back and stomach that he had never felt before. He was sure he didn't like it, though it felt embarrassingly comfortable, and his cock said different, and kept trying to push out against his panties. It embarrassed him. Get down, get down!...

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Refreshing My Sex Life

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers. Never thought I will ever write to indian sex stories, but here I am with my life experience that I can’t live nor forget. At least writing it down will allow me some peace of mind. My name is Rani, 34 years old. Married and have 1 son 6 years old. Just like my name, I lived my life on my own terms. I got married to my own choice boy, Prasad and always get what I want. Everything goes on fine, we both working in Malaysia. On 1 unfortunate day 2 years back,...

1 year ago
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Sissy and College Jock

It was not the sort of occasion when you would expect anything exciting to happen. The job I had for the summer vacation meant I had to travel around doing interviews all day and staying in Guest Houses at night.So it was evening and I had just found this B&B. The landlady had shown me to a twin room which seemed fine. I was relaxing in the garden at a table with a parasol and enjoying a cool drink while she chatted to me about the problems of running the place.Presently we noticed a large...

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The Traveling WizardsChapter 5

Rachael balanced the tray carefully as she knocked on the door. What she was about to do turned her on as much as what she had already done today. While she waited for the door to open, her mind drifted back to the wondrous afternoon spent with the Queen. "So, my little pleasure giver, does my pussy taste better than Megan's?" Those words had sent two powerfully but completely different feelings racing through her body. The first was fear of what the Queen would do to her for her...

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Intro to Sissies XVI

"Spit!" "Spit my come out now!" Mistress Mandy declared. She hit him lightly. John Phillips, aka Joan Useless, aka sissy useless, heard. Reluctantly, he drooled out Mandy's come onto the tiled floor. He knew he would have to suck it up later. A little bit of it dribbled down his chin and onto his leather dress. Drip. "Two minutes," Mandy said. "Any last questions?" He looked up at her, mind scramble, "Why would Marie do this do me? That's so much money, no one could spend...

1 year ago
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Forced to be a Pansy

FORCED TO BE A PANSY BY CHERYL LYNN This is a story of pure fiction and is copywritten by the author. No one under legal age should read this story. May be downloaded for personal use or posted to other free access sites is authorized. Pat strolled into the kitchen sweat dripping from his sodden hair and discoloring his clothing. Grabbing a dishtowel, he turned on the cold water and stuck his head under its flow. He washed his face and the back of his neck, and then sipped the cool...

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Uncle Ki Anokhi Bhukh

Mera Naam tulika hai mai Varanasi, uttar Pradesh se hoon. Meri umar 21 saal hai. Mai aaj jo kahani likh rahi hoon wo sachhi hai. Ye karib 5 saal purani bat hai. Mai apni garmi ke holiday me apne uncle ke yahan gyi thi, wo mujhse kafi pyar karte hain and meri kafi care karte hain. Uncle ko sare ghar ke log kafi mante hain and respect karte hain, but unhone mere sath kuch aisa kiya ki meri lfe badal gayi. Mai aapko ye bat abhi se bata du my uncle is a feet lover and very dominant in sex. Mera...

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Eds New Life Original versionChapter 05

I put my left arm around Janey and fondle her left breast, Judy watches this with interest. I use my right hand to place Janey’s left hand on Judy’s right breast, and give it a squeeze. Janey takes the hint and fondles Judy’s breast. Marie gets the message and shifts in her seat to reach across to fondle Judy’s left breast. Judy moans. Melody is becoming a bit preoccupied, as Lisa is rubbing Melody’s groin now. In a loud voice I say, “Melody, Judy, I think you may have noticed we’re very...

4 years ago
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PlushChapter 14

Molly and I stopped at my apartment for a quickie after rehearsal before heading to Sarah's studio. Molly had been more than ready. When her pussy became uncovered it filled the small apartment with her sweet and musky odor. Both of us naked only below our hips, I managed to slip my hands under her t-shirt to fondle her breasts and squeeze her nipples. Our lips sealed throughout the five minute missionary fuck until we gasped for breath. I came first, but continued thrusting until she...

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