Conflicted The Fuckbots Run Amok
- 3 years ago
- 25
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"I think I need to have a long talk with Miss Winterton," Kelsey said darkly.
Before Carynne or Amanda could reply, Kelsey gave Amanda a reassuring kiss on her cheek and set off after Stacey, with the two girls quickly following her. The busy crowd made it difficult for her to gain much ground on her friend, however, and she was unable to catch up until Stacey and Siara had already reached the town square where they'd left the guys.
A huge crowd was surrounding the Bossa Ball playing field, and there was a very noticeable buzz coming from the assembled gathering. Rather than the buzz they'd noticed earlier, when all the spectators had been cheering and laughing, this one seemed rather more ominous.
Siara let out a small "Oh no!" before quickly setting off into the crowd, struggling to get through, with Stacey following closely on her heel. Kelsey gave Carynne and Amanda a confused glance, then she set off after the two tall girls.
Her slender size helped her flit through the massed crowd a bit easier, and she'd just caught up with Stacey and was about to grab her when they all reached the end of the throng and saw what the commotion was all about.
Ryan and Damon were standing just beside the massive trampoline-like playing field, being confronted by a group of large guys, several of whom were clenching their fists. Damon had a worried look on his face, likely on account of being outnumbered six to two, but Ryan seemed more angry than anything else.
"I don't like losing to a cheater!" said a tall black guy, who seemed to be the leader of the group confronting the two swimmers.
"And I don't like being called a cheater!" Ryan said heatedly. "You lost! Whining about it isn't gonna help!"
The black guy took a step forward, loosely rolling his shoulders. The crowd held its collective breath, apparently waiting for the blows to start raining down, but Ryan just stepped forward himself, coming to stand within an inch of the taller guy, a menacing scowl on his face. Both Damon and the other guys stepped forward as well, and a fight seemed inevitable.
"Bugger!" Siara groaned.
"What's going on?" Stacey asked.
"I don't know, but he always gets into situations like these," Siara sighed. "He always refuses to back down, even over the smallest bloody things!"
"Hang on, I'll get my bodyguards," Stacey said, looking around for the group of men that she knew would be close by. When she couldn't see them, she frowned in annoyance, then she rejoined the crowd of people in an effort to go find them.
"We need to do something!" Amanda said anxiously, obviously worried over Damon.
"Yeah. Let's go and see if we can get this resolved peacefully," Kelsey agreed.
Siara, having heard the two girls, turned around and shook her head. "Don't worry. Ryan and Damon aren't in any danger."
"That's not really how it looks," Carynne said with a determined grimace on her face. She'd never let a friend down when they needed her, and she wasn't about to now, especially not when it concerned the brother of the girl she loved. She took a few steps towards the group of quarreling men, but Siara gently took hold of her arm and pulled her back.
"You don't have to go over there. Ryan can easily handle these guys," Siara said.
"Are you sure?" Amanda asked doubtfully. "They look awfully big to me."
Siara smiled in a resigned fashion. "Trust me, Amanda."
The girls fretted for another moment, then they returned their attention to the confrontation in the midst of the town square. Apparently Ryan and the black guy had traded some more verbal jabs, and the black guy was now clenching his jaw and his fists, obviously spoiling for a fight. "I think I'm going to beat the shit out of you and your boyfriend!" he sneered. "Maybe that will teach you not to just come here and ruin everyone's fun."
Ryan shrugged in an unconcerned manner. "Are you sure you have enough of your buddies with you to try it? There's only six of you, after all."
The blow came quickly, though it wasn't the black guy who'd thrown it. One of the guys right behind him had stepped forward and swung a right hook at Ryan's face.
Ryan stepped aside so smoothly that it seemed like his opponent was moving in slow-motion. He caught his adversary's wrist, somehow wrapped his hand around it, then twisted it violently; with a loud scream of pain his opponent practically flipped in the air and landed on the pavement with a loud thud while Ryan kept holding on to his wrist and caused the guy's arm to be extended just a little further than it should, at a very uncomfortable-looking angle.
Two of the other men rushed forward, but Ryan just squeezed the wrist a little harder, and the ensuing cries of anguish caused the two of them to back off again.
"Now, how about you all just walk out of here, I'll let your buddy go, and we can all just forget this ever happened, okay?" Ryan said calmly.
The black guy and his friends looked at each other as if to ask the others what they thought they should do. Before they could come to any kind of conclusion, however, several policemen broke through the cordon of spectators. The guys bolted at the first sign of the cops, leaving Ryan and Damon standing there while the policemen walked up to them.
"What is going here?" the officer in charge asked, his gaze alternating between the guy on the ground who was still being held by his wrist and the group of men who had already vanished into the crowd.
"Just a minor misunderstanding, sir," Ryan said politely. "There was an argument over who'd won the last game. It's nothing worth getting excited over."
"Then why are you holding this man?"
"Because I want to make sure he understands that it's nothing worth getting excited over as well," Ryan said pointedly.
"Yes, yes! You guys won fairly, I agree!" the guy groaned, his face having turned white from the undoubtedly painful position he was in.
"Thank you," Ryan said, letting go of the guy's wrist. The guy winced in agony as he got up, clutching his sore wrist, then he scampered off in the same direction his buddies had gone.
"I apologize for the disturbance, sir," Ryan said to the officer after the guy had left.
The policeman shrugged. "Winston and his friends are known to us; they tend to go around looking for trouble. I would advise you not to stick around and to return to your resort as quickly as possible, however."
Ryan nodded. "We will. Thank you, sir." Without saying anything else, he motioned for Damon to follow him, and they quickly walked off towards the girls who were waving at them.
"What the hell was that?" Damon asked, a little in awe.
"Nikkyo." Ryan shrugged. When he saw that Damon didn't understand, he added, "It's Aikido."
Damon waited for him to say something else, but apparently Ryan wasn't in the mood to share more. The two of them reached the girls, and they both went to hug their girlfriends.
"I was really worried about you," Amanda said after kissing Damon. "What happened?"
"I'm not really sure. One moment we're playing the game, Ryan scores an awesome point, and the next thing we know, these guys are accusing us of cheating," Damon explained.
"Well, I'm just glad you're okay!" Amanda said in relief.
"Me too!" Damon grinned at her. "Though I think that Ryan could have easily held them off. I've never even seen a move like that before!"
They both looked over at Ryan, who was having a rather different sort of discussion with Siara.
"Why can't you ever just back down?" Siara asked in a seemingly resigned tone.
"Come on, babe. It's not my fault! They just jumped us after I scored and won the game!" Ryan said defensively.
"Did you cheat?"
"No! One guy on the other team had done the same thing not five minutes before, and nobody bitched at him about it!"
Siara sighed, after which she gave Ryan a huge hug. "I just wish you wouldn't get caught up in all this nonsense."
"Me too, Sia. But it's not like I go looking for this kind of shit..."
"I know."
The two of them looked at each other for several long moments, then they kissed.
Kelsey smiled at them both, then she looked at Damon and Amanda kissing, and her smile grew even bigger. She wanted nothing more than to kiss Carynne, but she figured there had been enough excitement for the afternoon already. The crowd was bound to go wild at seeing her and Carynne make out; after all, every other group of people that had ever seen the two of them kiss had gotten pretty excited too.
Stacey walked back up to her group of friends, her four bodyguards in tow. "I'm sorry that took so long! We kept missing each other!" she said, obviously annoyed. All four men looked decidedly chagrined, perhaps angry that they had managed to lose sight of their charge.
"It's alright, Ryan took care of it," Siara said with a wry smile. She looked at her boyfriend and was able to resist his silly grin for almost five seconds before she broke out laughing.
"I do think we should go, though. I don't want that joker to come back with twenty of his buddies in tow," Damon said.
"Yeah, let's go. You guys want to go get changed, and then we can meet up for dinner later tonight at that grill just down Main Street?"
The girls all nodded their agreement, and the group set off back towards the resorts.
As soon as Stacey closed the door to their villa behind her, she was confronted by an obviously angry Kelsey.
"I need to talk to you," Kelsey said curtly.
"Okay. Here in the hallway, or do you want to go into the living room?" Stacey asked calmly, though she felt her stomach twist in a knot. She had a pretty good idea what the talk was going to be about, and she'd prepared arguments for both Damon and Amanda if they were to confront her. Kelsey being the one who was upset because of it had never occurred to her, however.
Kelsey turned around without saying a word, storming into the living room. She saw Carynne settling into one of the leather couches and preparing to turn on the TV, and she walked over to her girlfriend. "I hate to do this to you, hon, but would you mind leaving us alone for a bit?" she asked.
Carynne nodded and quickly got up. "I'll go take a shower. Just promise me you won't do anything you'll regret later, okay? I can tell you're pretty angry," she said seriously.
"I won't, I promise," Kelsey said softly.
Carynne gave her a long kiss, then she squeezed Kelsey's amazing ass. "And if there's going to be any make-up sex afterwards, you two better come have it in the shower with me!"
Kelsey tried not to, but she couldn't help but giggle. Carynne just gave her a quick grin as she scampered off up the stairs, happy with herself for making Kelsey laugh again. She knew her well enough to know that making her laugh kept her from staying angry. She made up her mind to take an extra long shower, because the prospect of having sex with Kelsey and Stacey in the hot water made her pussy practically leak with desire.
As soon as her girlfriend disappeared from view, Kelsey's smiling face turned back into a scowl, and she turned around and faced Stacey, who had taken a seat on the largest couch.
"What did you say to Amanda?" Kelsey demanded angrily, her fists on her hips.
"The truth." Stacey shrugged. "Nothing more, nothing less."
"And what's your idea of the truth?"
"That you miss her, she misses you, and you're both miserable because of it."
Kelsey ordered her heart to stop messing around, as it skipped several beats before it began thudding quite heavily—which was nothing compared to the churning in her stomach. "Well, of course we miss each other, but that doesn't make it right for you to trick her into coming into that dressing room and fuck me and Carynne!"
"Trick her? I didn't trick her. I just told her what you and Carynne were doing, and I asked her if she missed it. She said yes, and she joined you two."
"There must have been more than that! She wouldn't just break her promise to Damon like that without something else!"
Stacey gave her a hurt look. "Why are you so angry at me, baby? Isn't getting Amanda back what you wanted?"
"I'm the one that chose not to be with her and Damon anymore. It wasn't her decision, or even what she wanted, so why didn't you come talk to me? You're acting like it was her fault!"
"Because you were absolutely right. For you to go off and be with Damon and Amanda while Carynne can't join is completely unfair to Carynne. Talking with you about that wouldn't really have made much sense, would it?" Stacey said in a reasonable tone of voice. She curled her knees up on the couch in front of her, locking her arms around her legs and resting her chin on her knees. It was a position she always took when she had an argument with her dad, or with one of her brothers, since she knew it made her look cute.
"Stop trying to talk around the issue. I made a decision, and you went and talked with Amanda and tried to change her mind about what she'd decided. Why did you do that?"
"You were all so unhappy, anyone could see that! All of you have been sad and mopey during the past couple of weeks. You're crying all the time, and I hate it! I hate seeing everybody in pain and so dreary; you most of all, Kel ... I love you too much to not try to help when you're unhappy," Stacey said, her voice on the verge of breaking.
Kelsey felt her heart ache for her friend, and though she tried to maintain her anger, she could feel it melt like snow before the Bahama sun. She let out a deep sigh. "I love you too, Stace, but you didn't have the right to interfere in Damon and Amanda's lives like that."
"I didn't interfere, I swear! I just talked to them. All I said was that they'd already made an exception in their exclusivity for you, and it wouldn't hurt them to make one for Carynne as well."
"Wait ... them? You talked to both of them?"
Stacey nodded.
"That doesn't make any sense. Why was Amanda so upset that she hadn't talked to Damon about it, then? If you'd already talked to both of them..."
Stacey blushed slightly. "Eh ... I might not have told them that I'd also talked to the other one about it."
"So you snuck around behind both their backs?"
"I didn't sneak! I wanted to see how they both felt about it before I got them together to talk to them."
Stacey frowned. "Because I figured it was easier to talk to them separately first, and—"
"No, I mean why did you feel the need to talk to them in the first place?" Kelsey interrupted. "Why did you take it upon yourself to mess with our decisions?"
Stacey lowered her head until her face touched her knees. "Don't you love being back with Amanda?" she asked softly.
"Yeah, but not if it means..." Kelsey started, only to quickly stop to bite back the tears that threatened to well up in her eyes. "Not if it means she and Damon are going to have trouble because of it!"
Stacey lifted her head again, her eyes also filled with tears. "Trouble? Why would they have trouble?"
"I'm not sure, but Amanda seemed really worried. I could just tell."
"Kel, they both want this!"
Kelsey gave her a doubtful look. "Really?"
Stacey nodded rapidly. "Yes. When I talked to Damon on the beach, that morning when you came back crying so hard after talking to them, he was pretty close to agreeing that having Carynne join the three of you wouldn't hurt them. And then Amanda felt the same way when I talked to her in the bikini shop!"
"You should have told them, Stace. Now Amanda is scared to death over what Damon will think!"
Stacey sighed. "I didn't mean for that to happen! I just wanted you all to be happy again. I hate seeing you all so miserable, and I've missed..." she stopped suddenly and hung her head, blushing furiously.
Kelsey's curiosity was piqued as she tried to figure out what that meant. She sat down on the couch beside her friend and wrapped her arm around Stacey's shoulders. "What did you miss? Us being happy?" she asked, pulling Stacey close against her.
"Yeah, but also ... I..." Stacey stammered, her face still pressed against her knees.
"Is it Amanda?" Kelsey asked. Her voice was full of compassion as she added, "Do you miss her?"
Stacey didn't respond for a few moments. Eventually she raised her face just a little and whispered, "Yes. You and Amanda were the first girls I'd ever gotten close to, and I just have a special place in my heart for you two. I miss not being able to ... to do anything with her anymore."
"I didn't know you felt that way," Kelsey said sympathetically. She began stroking her hand through Stacey's blonde hair, trying to comfort her friend.
Stacey turned to face Kelsey, blinking away a few tears. "I do. I've just really missed having her come over and hang out, and fool around, and all the fun stuff we used to do together."
"I'm sorry. Carynne and I have really tried to make up for her absence."
"I know, and you two are so wonderful. But ... I just ... I dunno. Maybe it's not even so much that I miss her, and it's more that I'm just kinda lonely."
"Awwww!" Kelsey said while squeezing Stacey tightly against her, trying to think of what to say. Now that she knew, it made perfect sense that Stacey was lonely; of the group of friends, she was the only one who didn't have someone of her own. With Ryan and Siara having joined them, it just reinforced the fact that she was by herself.
"And I've missed your brother too," Stacey whispered, almost inaudibly, after almost a minute of silence.
Kelsey did a double-take, and her hand froze. Had she heard that right? "What?"
"I miss Damon."
Kelsey gazed at her friend in amazement for several long moments, pondering what she meant. Did she miss just having sex with him, or was it something more? It seemed unlikely it was just the sex, since Stacey could have basically any boy she wanted. "Stace, are you in love with Damon?" she finally asked.
Stacey turned her head away, but Kelsey quickly drew it back, forcing her friend to look her in the eyes. "Are you?" she repeated.
"Yes," Stacey finally said. "But I swear that I'm not trying to break up him and Amanda, Kel. I know that with my meddling of the past few days it may look that way, but I just want everyone getting back together and having fun. I didn't do it to wreck their relationship! Please, you have to believe me!"
"Sshhh, I believe you. But why didn't you ever tell me? Or him?"
Stacey shrugged, her face a little sad. "What good would that have done? He's happier than anything with Amanda, and then he had you too. Even if I wanted to, how could I've ever competed with that?"
"Well, you could have kept buying him awesome cars," Kelsey said with a smile. "Get him one of those Veyrons he keeps talking about, and he'll likely forget all about us."
Stacey stared at her for a second, then she started laughing. "To be honest, I don't even know what I feel for him. There are days when I think I genuinely do love him, and there are other days when I'm sure I just feel this way because no other guy has ever treated me as wonderfully as he has."
"Oh Stace," Kelsey said affectionately. "There's a guy out there for you too; or a girl, whatever. Just because you haven't found him yet doesn't mean you never will."
"I hope so. It's just hard when the four of you are so obviously wonderfully happy together, you with Carynne and Amanda with Damon, and ... and I miss being part of that. I miss being together with all of you, and having all of you come over to my room. That Saturday, when Damon swam his semi-finals, was the greatest day of my life! I want that back. Remember how happy and carefree we all were?"
Kelsey swallowed several times, loudly sniffing her nose. "Yes, I do. I miss it too. A lot has changed since then, though."
"I know, but I figured if you and Carynne could join Damon and Amanda again, then maybe..."
"Maybe what?"
"Maybe I could too," Stacey said, so softly Kelsey could barely hear her.
Kelsey's heart ached again, and she wrapped her arms around Stacey as her friend began to cry even harder. She leaned her head against Stacey's, trying to give her some comfort.
After several minutes, Stacey lifted her face. "I'm sorry for interfering."
"It's okay," Kelsey said. "You meant well."
"Do you think I should go talk to Damon and Amanda, and tell them what I've done?"
Kelsey shook her head. "No, because I don't know if she's talked to Damon about it yet. If she hasn't, then you showing up would just force her to deal with it when she's not ready. I'll talk with her tonight, and we'll figure out what to do then."
"Please let me know if there's anything at all that I can do to help," Stacey said, biting her lip.
"I will," Kelsey said. She drew a deep breath, then she kissed her friend on the cheek. "I'm sorry I got angry at you. I just couldn't figure out why you'd done all that. It makes more sense now."
Stacey shrugged, and she gave Kelsey a wan smile. "I think it's better for me if people get angry at me once in awhile. Maybe it'd finally stop me from doing so many stupid things!"
"I dunno about that, Stace. Even if I got angry at you more often, you'd still be blonde!" Kelsey said with an impish grin.
"Oh ... you little brat!" Stacey exclaimed, before bursting into happy laughter. She quickly turned to face Kelsey, grabbing her by the wrists and forcing her hands over her head, even as she pushed her down into the couch.
Kelsey giggled and tried to struggle free, but Stacey's size and strength made it pretty much a lost battle. Not that she was really trying very hard to escape, anyways.
Stacey leaned over Kelsey and bent down to give her best friend a deep, lingering kiss. She felt Kelsey's legs lock behind her back as her tongue slid inside Kelsey's mouth, and they spent several wonderful minutes making out. After Stacey let up for some air, she snuck her hand down Kelsey's tummy, inching it towards Kel's skirt. Her fingers were practically dying to get at that incredible pussy.
"Stace, wait!" Kelsey gasped.
"What? What's wrong?" Stacey asked, her face turning decidedly unhappy at the prospect of being rejected.
"I promised Carynne that if we were going to have make-up sex, we'd join her in the shower for it," Kelsey said with a luscious grin.
Stacey's worried look quickly evaporated, to be replaced with one of pure desire. "Think she's up for another round of 'Stuff the Carynne?'" she asked with an evil smirk.
"Why don't we go find out?" Kelsey suggested.
Both girls laughed and giggled as they practically raced upstairs, and Carynne's happy squeal when the two of them joined her in the luxurious shower was heard by beach-goers in a wide radius around their villa.
The beach club was packed as always, and Kelsey smiled at several admirers as she and her friends made their way across the wooden floor towards the bar. She had certainly dressed to impress, wearing a short, black skirt that made her ass and legs look amazing. She'd debated on wearing a t-shirt, but had finally settled—with a lot of urging from Carynne—on just wearing a lacy, black bra. Over that she was wearing an open, cream-colored jacket. Her ensemble certainly got her the attention she wanted—and loved. Plenty of guys were just openly staring at the sight of her tits so proudly on display.
Carynne and Stacey had done their absolute best to wear her out in the shower, with amazing success, and afterwards she'd taken one of the most comfortable naps she'd had in ages, warmly wrapped in Carynne's arms. She'd felt fantastic when she woke up, but of course the reality of the situation came crashing in again pretty quickly.
She'd kept an eye on Damon and Amanda during dinner and the walk over to the club, but so far the two of them seemed to be behaving like they always did, which was to say that Amanda was constantly touching and kissing Damon, and he acted goofy because of it.
They were both dressed very nicely too. Amanda had decided to go casual; she was wearing her favorite pair of jeans, which made her ass look absolutely incredible, though Kelsey knew full well they took her several minutes to put on. To go with it she'd chosen a tight, dark blue top which exposed a nice bit of her tummy and left her right shoulder completely bare all the way to her breasts. The neckline was plunging, and it showed off a delectable amount of cleavage. She'd finished her simple-yet-utterly-sexy look with a pair of comfy sneakers.
Damon, on the other hand, had really dressed up, wearing a very nice pair of black slacks that he normally only wore with a suit, over a stylish pair of black leather dress shoes. He'd also chosen one of his more expensive dress shirts, in dark red. He looked very chic, Kelsey thought. As she was watching them, Amanda whispered something in his ear, then nibbled on it. His already goofy grin got even bigger, and he looked at her with undisguised longing.
Kelsey smiled at her brother. She loved that he was so obviously smitten with Amanda, and she endured the pain in her tummy at the memory that, not too long ago, he used to be the same way with her. For the first time, she seriously began to wonder if her decision had been simply wrong. She'd convinced herself that she could get over both Damon and Amanda with a clean break, but after what had happened with Amanda in the fitting room she was nowhere near as sure anymore. If anything, her desire for the two of them had simply multiplied tenfold. Though she knew it wasn't her decision, she began to hope and even pray that their relationship could handle Carynne joining in along with her.
Of course, before she could even think of something like that, she had to deal with the ramifications of earlier that day. She'd run over a thousand scenarios in her mind to try to talk to the two of them about what had happened in the bikini shop, but her uncertainty over her brother's reaction and what would happen after that was keeping her tight-lipped so far. She didn't think he'd go so far as to feel that Amanda had cheated on him, but she wasn't completely sure either. Amanda had joined in, if only briefly, to drink Siara's pussy juice, after all.
Kelsey sighed and figured she'd get a few drinks first—hopefully the alcohol would give her the courage to talk to Damon and Amanda. She knew they had to talk it all out, for everyone's sake, and she was firmly determined to do so that night. She just needed to wait for the right time.
"Carynne?" Siara asked from behind as the group approached the bar. The British girl was wearing a short, black, low cut halter dress which looked very glamorous and sexy on her slender figure, and her four-inch pumps were giving her ass an incredibly perky look. Kelsey briefly thought back to how amazing it had been when Siara's cum was spraying all over her face, and she felt a little twitch in her fingers at the idea of tearing that dress right off Siara's body.
"Yeah?" Carynne asked, turning to face her new friend.
"I hate you!" Siara grinned.
Carynne laughed happily, and she gave Ryan a coy look, winking at him and throwing a few air-kisses his way for good measure. Ryan returned her faux-flirting with a good-natured grin, then he shrugged his shoulders as if to say that he couldn't help it. He'd dressed pretty nicely too, with a navy colored pair of Dockers, a forest-green Ralph Lauren polo and black leather dress shoes.
Kelsey laughed at the joke. Carynne was wearing one of her favorite t-shirts, and Siara had obviously only just seen what was on the back of it. The front of it read: "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful," while the back added: "Hate me because your boyfriend thinks I am." Carynne loved trotting out the tight, black t-shirt just for giggles every now and then. She'd paired the t-shirt with a small and deliciously tight pair of dark blue boy shorts, as well as a pair of sneakers. She looked like a high school freshman, sweet and innocent. Kelsey grinned at that thought. Sweet, yes, but innocent?
"It's not just her boyfriend, baby. I think you're beautiful too," Kelsey said as she drew closer to Carynne.
"Awww, so are you!" Carynne said happily, giving Kelsey a hungry, wet kiss, to the obvious delight of the crowd around them.
"Are you girls going to put on another show for us tonight?" a good-looking white guy, perhaps in his late twenties, asked eagerly.
"Maybe," Carynne grinned. "Be nice to us, and you'll find out!"
Kelsey took hold of Carynne's wrist and gently pulled her towards the bar. "Come on, Captain Flirt! Time to leave your admirers alone."
Carynne giggled and gave Kelsey another kiss. "Okay. You're more fun to flirt with anyways!"
"You did a lot more than just flirt with me earlier," Kelsey said, pretending to be coy, to her lover's delight.
"Mmmm, I know, it was so awesome! I couldn't believe how hard we got you to cum!"
Kelsey blushed slightly, but her grin was undeniably proud. They made it over to the bar without any other disruptions, where Stacey ordered rum and cokes for everyone; they all toasted to their trip the next day, which Ryan had confirmed was all set. Stacey had dressed pretty casually as well, wearing a pair of jean shorts, a white t-shirt and a white, sleeveless vest—adorned with a variety of dazzling rhinestones—which she'd left unbuttoned at the bottom.
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The week rolled on, as weeks usually did. I'd sneakily listened at the door to my sister's bathroom every night, hoping to hear her going at it again, but either she was being a lot more quiet, or—much to my disappointment—she just wasn't playing with herself in the shower anymore. I wondered what it had been that had gotten her so excited that day. I'd quickly made the connection between her exuberance during her cheer competition and her unbelievably hot masturbating session in the...
After turning off my alarm with an annoyed grunt, I got up and drowsily trundled over to my bathroom. Taking a cold shower woke me up immediately, and after getting dressed and grabbing my stuff I went downstairs to get some breakfast. I nearly yelped with surprise as I walked into the kitchen to find Amanda standing in front of the open refrigerator, wearing nothing but one of my sister's sleeping shirts which covered very little of her magnificent butt. She was very evidently not wearing...
The wall of noise hit me like a sledgehammer as I stepped through the door onto what appeared to be an utterly packed dance floor. Dark purple neon lights hung interspersed from the ceiling alongside a bunch of colored dance lights and strobes. Together with the heavy techno vibe, they created a dark, almost trance-like atmosphere. I was unable to see exactly how far the dance floor reached, but the entire room must have been huge. Hundreds of people were crunched together like sardines as...
It was about a thirty minute drive from downtown to Greek Row. Brian had given me fairly specific directions, at least as far as he was able to, but Stacey knew her way over there pretty well. It took us a few more minutes to find the specific sorority house, though seeing as how it was the only one with a huge crowd of people in front of it, it wasn't that hard. Stacey left her 4Runner parked on someone's lawn, and she just shrugged when I asked her if that wasn't going to get her...
"Damon, are you awake?" my sister's voice came from somewhere in the distance. I grumbled a bit as I turned around, snuggling deeper in my blanket. "Come on, sleepy, wake up," Kelsey said again, sounding much closer. I sighed and rolled over, grimacing at a wave of pain that tore through my stomach. "What?" I asked gruffly. "It's almost noon, you dope!" she said in amusement. "I figured you'd want something to eat." I opened my eyes, smiling at my sprightly sister standing...
I was wide awake more than an hour before my alarm was set to go off, and I was utterly unable to get back to sleep. Over and over again I'd thought about the real possibility that my sister had been drugged at the college party, yet I had failed to find any evidence. I'd called Katie again, and she'd told me that Jennifer didn't really remember much of the sex, but she'd admittedly been pretty drunk by that point. With that lead a dead end I'd convinced Kelsey to finally call Stacey...
I was having a wonderful dream involving Kelsey and Amanda sucking my cock when someone jumped right on top of me. I sat up with a startled snort, looking around in confusion while rapidly blinking my eyes to try to clear them. "Wakey wakey!" Kelsey grinned, giving me a quick kiss. She was wearing a small pair of white, lacy panties and a deliciously skimpy, cut-off T-shirt that managed to cover her boobs and not very much else of her sexy body. "Damn it, sis, you scared the crap out of...
I was practically delirious as I followed Kelsey and Amanda into our house. What had happened in Stacey's car had completely blown my mind, and now I'd just found out that that wasn't even what my sister and my girlfriend had originally planned for me. Just thinking of what other things they might have in store for me made me grin stupidly in anticipation. Mom looked up from behind the kitchen counter when we came inside, and I had to suppress a grimace of disappointment. I was happy to...
I had amazing dreams that night, visions of Amanda and Kelsey sucking my cock and fucking each other over and over again as we lay in bed together. The dreams seemed extremely vivid and almost lifelike, making me extremely horny. When I woke up, I blinked several times in confusion, unable to figure out where I was at first. It finally dawned on me that the three of us had tried to sleep in my bed last night, but we'd quickly figured out that despite the fact we loved being really cozy and...
My heart pounding, I sat straight up in my bed, having awoken with a start. I'd been having a disturbing dream in which both Mom and Dad were yelling at me for things that weren't my fault, and I could feel chills running down my spine. "Hmm ... Damon? Are you okay?" Amanda's voice came from beside me, and I looked over in surprise. How had she gotten here? For that matter, how had my bed suddenly gotten so large? Slowly the fog lifted from my mind, and I began to remember where I was....
Standing outside Amanda's house, we waved at Carynne as she took off in her Spider GT Convertible, which Amanda told me had been a gift from her dad for her sixteenth birthday. The wonderful brunette was on her way to Stacey's house to show off the new panties she'd gotten for the squad. Afterwards, she'd go visit Mikaela as well, and she'd vowed that all five girls would be wearing the new panties for my swim meet. I had no doubt whatsoever that they would; somehow I figured Carynne...
Of all the times I'd woken up in my life, none of them had ever been as awesome as waking up on Stacey's bed, surrounded by four incredibly beautiful, naked girls. I'd watched the four of them fuck each other passionately and insatiably for over an hour, loving the experienced ease and wild abandon with which they made each other cum over and over again. After a short rest, I'd joined back in, fucking both Stacey and Kelsey before finally sliding my cock back inside Amanda's...
Understanding is a three-edged sword. Your side, my side, and the truth. -J. Michael Straczynski. The monotonous whir of the breathing machine was like a needle in my brain. It fluttered at the edge of my consciousness, always there. Every four seconds, the fucking thing would inflate and release, inflate and release, inflate and release; an endless cycle. I hated that goddamned machine more than I had hated anything before in my life. Not because of the way it simply annoyed me,...
We share a quiet time together… two new friends getting to know each other better and when I sense that you are physically a little tense and tired I offer you a shoulder and neck massage. “Come sit here in front of me,” I say as I move slightly closer to the sofa’s edge. You respond quickly and seat your self on the floor between my spread knees. You are wearing a simple, silky white blouse that is which is a favorite of mine from some photos I’ve seen and I note that it is loose fitting...
Love StoriesThe world of Aesyr is a brutal, unstable world that holds no quarter. The only consistency is the cosmic rules that all msut follow...including the gods themselves. Every century there's a divine lottery in every pantheon. And only few among them ever get to win the jackpot. Those who do...rise above their brothers and sisters, to become the ruling chosen and assert their will upon the world with no challenge. And this, is going to be one hell of a century. The gods of sexuality, lust,...
FantasyWe share a quiet time together… two new friends getting to know each other better and when I sense that you are physically a little tense and tired I offer you a shoulder and neck massage. “Come sit here in front of me,” I say as I move slightly closer to the sofa’s edge. You respond quickly and seat your self on the floor between my spread knees. You are wearing a simple, silky white blouse that is which is a favorite of mine from some photos I’ve seen and I note that it is loose fitting...
My intention was to surprise her by coming home early and taking her out to dinner and a show. I parked on the street and walked around to the back house quietly in order to sneak up on her so that it would be a complete surprise. I was the one who got surprised. As I peeked in the sliding glass patio door, there was Susan completely naked kneeling on the family room carpet in front of Steve. Steve was the young single guy who had moved in next door to us last month. At the moment I looked...
(Many special thanks to longonenow2004 for his contributions, feedback and wonderful encouragement. Without him, this story would never have been written…) Mark and I sat by the pool long into the night as we talked and learnt more about each other. The bottle of Cava was replaced by another and it was very late when we finally made our way up to the bedroom and cuddled up together in Mark’s huge bed. We were both so tired, emotionally and physically, and sleep came quickly. In the morning we...
It was a Saturday night and after a long hot day at work, I decided to go to the local pub/hotel for a well-deserved drink. It was a busy night with wedding guests mulling around before the evening disco got in to full swing after a big wedding from that afternoon. Holding on to my pint, I headed outside in to the beer garden to see if any mates were about, it was as busy out there as inside and very little space left to sit. I spotted a table with a lone woman, her dress telling me that she...
The adventures of hubby and hubby. . . . . (chapter 20) On several occasions I have said that, our mistresses, in order to make a bit more money would contract Yanni and I out. The different ideas of our contracts would be in accordance with our mistresses imagination. They had a couple of girls that they contracted out also. My impression is that since the contracting out business was small and with very restricted individuals we never got into legal problems. I will relate, here, a couple of...
Porn HD 8K? Is this real? Well, greetings out there in porno land. I’m writing to you from the future. Most of you are still beating off to that crusty old 4K HD, but here in the year 3001, we’ve got something much better. You may be able to experience it firsthand if you have your brain, cock, and fist cryogenically frozen for the better part of a millennium. Alternately, you could check out PornHD8k.Joking aside, a free porn tube with nothing but 8K clips is a tall order. Most of the sites...
Free Porn Tube Sites“I’m lying here on my sun lounger oiled and naked.”“Oh Really?”“Uh huh, and I’m going to watch you getting all hot and sweaty for money. I’m aching for you. When I can’t take anymore, I want you to come over and stick your hard cock right up me. No words, no foreplay, just fuck me hard.”“You know how hard I can fuck, right?”“Oh yes, I’m counting on it, pump me hard and fill me up. Then I’ll dismiss you leaving me full of your spunk.”Hearing Scott’s laboured breathing on the other end of the...
TabooCarol’s job was hosting a Christmas party. She decided to wear a skirt and no panties. I was turned on by the idea. The company party was being held at a hotel about a half hour from where we lived. She said that they expected about 30 people to show up.We arrived at the hotel that evening. The parking lot was almost full but we found a place towards the back. We entered the lobby and made our way to where the event was taking place. As we entered the room, one of Carol’s co-workers, Darnell,...
Once Upon A Time In Las Vegas by The Rebel Adam Hughes checked into the Starglow Hotel in Vegas and he found his room dull, and without charm. Two Double beds, TV set chained to a bureau, bathtub, bathroom and a couple of nightstands. Done in a tacky turquoise shade of blue green, God. "All the rooms in rooms in this town look alike," he sighed as entered. 5'11" and just a little overweight at 32 he felt his body complaining about the weeks constant on- the -go activity. He...
Hello everyone! This is Neeraj and I am back after like a year. A lot has happened over the time and I hope to share all of my stories with you here. I stay in Bangalore. Feel free to contact me anytime for feedbacks, chatting, hangouts or anything. ;) This is a multi-part story, so stay tuned for the next parts. * * * This happened some 8 months ago. I was in Bangalore and had to go to Mumbai on a short notice. Reluctantly, I booked sleeper bus tickets as flight and train tickets were not...
Crossroads. Places where a choice has to be made, where the paths one may travel diverge to different destinations. Everyone has many of these intersections in their life; many are of small significance, small details, or that’s what we think at the time. Then, with the experience of hindsight, we look back and wonder ... what if? Let me say that I am happy about how my life turned out after passing one particular crossroad. I have been married for many years, and I have absolutely no regrets....
After sharing passionate kisses with my maid, I got very desperate for sex. I insisted her a lot for sex, but she did not agree. After continuously persuading her a lot of times, she slapped me and said she can’t fuck me but will try finding someone for me. I got all excited that I will soon be having sex. In excitement I kissed her. She looked at me angrily but later came towards me and kissed me even more passionately. I spent a few sleepless nights thinking whom will Bai find for me to have...
I felt like a fool, a complete and stupid fool. There I stood, naked except for my socks, in front of the doctor who had known me since I was born. I had to get a physical so I could play football; I mean go out for the team. "You're too skinny," he said. "They'll kill you, those big guys." 'I'm pretty fast." "You'd better be." He looked at some papers on his desk. "You've grown, haven't you? Five eleven now. But only a hundred and forty-two." I nodded. "This summer, about...
Warning: This is a long story with a slow build-up.1980 was a long time ago. A lot of history has happened since then, but there are parts of that year I remember like it was yesterday. I remember being a shy, seventeen-year-old kid, in my second-last year of high school, and I remember that I was not exactly Mister Popularity, either. I remember that feeling of not always fitting in, although I still had a few friends of my own, and I wasn’t a total misfit, and I remember being a virgin, even...
First TimeI met Christoph at the park while he was walking his dogs and I was jogging. I was scared of dogs, and I disliked almost all dog owners; but he came up and talk to me and as I got to know him, I found that he was a pretty cool guy and we shared a love for movies. When he told me that he could get me any movie I wanted from his home I didn't believe him. I didn't own a computer and thought he just wanted to take me to his place because he had realized I was into him. I didn't mind. He was...
Part One When the second edition of the Survivor reality show, Survivor II the Australian Outback, started, the contestants were advised that they would be filmed around the clock, and that the camera crews would not involve themselves in any way, not even if someone got injured. If an injury did occur, they would call homebase and a paramedic team would be dispatched. From the very beginning of the competition, Jerri Manthey was the Survivor everyone loved to hate. As the game progressed,...
Well, due to the feedback I received about my first reminiscences of my relationship with my step-mother, and my panty fetish, I realise you might be interested to hear more about us. I'll start the very next morning.You can imagine I had a very pleasant night, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Really I'd been overwhelmed by it all, and I had to sort of explain it all to myself. I reckon my Mum (I'll continue to call her that, as I have ever since) had begun by indulging me over...
As I wake up the next morning with a sore throat courtesy of my son relentlessly face fucking me a few hours ago, Trevor is in the shower. Yesterday afternoon, I was looking forward to a lazy Saturday after a stressful week at work. Then last night happened and I'm immediately nervous that Dylan or I will somehow accidentally reveal our secret to my husband. That makes me feel sick to my stomach with anxiety. Then, I sit up and Trevor opens the bathroom door with a cloud of steam...
Grandma and the Bear By Ricky Grandma was right. She used to say to me "Sherry honey, there ain't nothing so bad it don't have a ray of hope hiding down deep inside it and there ain't nothing so good that it don't have a little devil hiding somewhere to make you feel just a tiny bit nervous about the whole thing." So the good news was that after waiting far too many years to be sure the wonderful man I married had really and truly and irrevocably become a world class jerk...
"Luis, please go ask the next door neighbors if they have some duct tape!" "Yes mom," came the reply. 13 year old Luis Rodriguez crossed the yard of the new house he and his family were moving into towards the neighbors' house. The tall house with large windows was indimidating but Luis strolled up the driveway and rang the doorbell. Luis, a handsome young latino with brown hair and brown eyes, was stunned when a pale, blond haired and blue eyed beauty opened the door. "H-hi, I'm Luis the new...
GayTrish ventured, “I’ve never even considered swinging, or partner swapping, or whatever it’s called these days. The idea was even so far out there it wasn’t even part of the liberal course in sex ed that my parents put me through.” Pam asked in an astonished tone, “You had a liberal course?” “Well, kind of. When I was sixteen, my parents sat me down and mostly my Mom gave me the ‘this is how it works’ talk. My Dad was more concerned with the motivations of the young men I had started to...
Valerie was frustrated and angry with Atlanta. She didn't answer any of her questions but expected Valerie to reply to hers. After a quick breakfast of two pills. One was for nourishment, the other to quench their thirst. Altanta moved the stone with ease and put it back into place. They started off in the direction they were going before stopping for the night. "How long will it be?" Valerie asked. "It depends on how fast you keep up with me," the tall girl said. Yesterday she had her...
I woke up in a haze, everything seemed so far away. I was surprised to find that my pussy was dripping wet, it was that same old dream again, Jeff comes up to me and says, "Hey, you're pretty hot, want to get some dinner?". We go to this little nook in the wall in the city-ish part of Anywhere, USA, he takes me to his place after and then he fucks me all night. It's a good thing I sleep naked, or else I would have ruined a good pair pf panties. I got up slipped on some pink cotton panties and a...
"Hi Claire!" "Hi Kimberly!" I got up to say hello to my little sister, coming home from her keyboard lessons. On the stairs, I stopped and stared. "I was over at Jenny's and I figured I'd try something new..." She'd had her hair cut, and she'd made blond spikes out of it, giving her a boyish look. She was wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt with a large black bat printed on the back, tight enough for her small but firm breasts to be just visible under it. She looked even more attractive than...
IncestMera nam rahil hai mai patna se he meri first story apne padhi hogi ke kaise maine apne kirayedarni ke beti ko pata ke choda jis kisi ne bhi pehli story nahi padhi hai wo pehla part pad le . Mujhe aaplogo ke kafi sare mail mile please sry gar mai kisi ko reply nahi kar paya kyki mai kafi busy rahta hu ar ye ek real story hai isme wahi hai jo hua hai mera sath Ab aage batatu hu age kya hua farhat niche chali gayi mai upar hi rah gaya uski bahan upar ayi usne mujhe upar deka to pucha ke kya ho...
The behavior that my sister and I exhibited after our last erotic encounter was a Xerox copy of every other time we'd come together with the energy of two freight trains in the night. We had pulled back a little and our old approach-avoidance dance was played out one more time. Oh, we didn't ignore each other and we certainly didn't engage in the silent treatment, but there was a certain tender, eggshells-tip-toeing around with us. The morning after our last unplanned sexual tussle, I'd...
Tiana just turned 21 and moved to a new town and wants to explore where will she go to the hospital, the park, downtown, or stay at home. What will happen to her does she become a mistress or a slave. Maybe she gets transformed into something it's up to you to decide. What will you have her do.
Mind ControlNames have been changed to protect the guilty. The innocent can count on God. =========My first serious long-term relationship was when I was a student. I’ll call him Mike. He introduced me to smoking weed and quite a few other vices along the way. He was also responsible for one of the sluttiest, sleaziest things I have ever done. Well, partly responsible – most if it was down to me. Let me explain. One Easter break we caught a cheap flight to Amsterdam for a long weekend, spent the nights in...
Lovely Lisa is now my student slave till she will get her degree and set free.She is very embarrassed how fast I found out that her sexual fantasies got in the way and blocked any progress in the final fase of her academic studies. She clearly needs to learn to control her needs and concentrate to write her thesis.Our first few hours together and her four hard orgasms exhaust both of us.We slowly doze off in her big bed as two spoons. Her hot bums warm my belly and arouse me. She feels it. She...
After being fucked and bred by the first 2 strangers and watching my sissy hypnosis videos I was definitely ready for at least one more deep fucking. It was around 10 p.m. when the next guy knocked on my door. I opened the door to find a very large black man about 6'8" and a smaller black man who was about 6 feet even. I invited them both in and was very excited that I was going to be tag teamed by 2 black cocks. These two guys were very demanding and knew exactly what they wanted. I knew that...
That evening was one for the ages. June was so horny and decided that it would be sex all night. It would be a "no holds barred" evening.She carefully took off the silver dress that had driven me into frenzy at the Mexican restaurant. Now, she only wore her vibrating panties, black stockings and stilettos. Just looking at that outfit, got me highly aroused. I was in my boxer briefs. We got into bed and the party began. June whispered, "I want to do everything tonight and not miss anything. It...
MILFJENNIFER’S STORY Rachel led me straight into the playroom, turned around, and planted her mouth firmly against mine, her tongue diving deep into my mouth. We passionately exchanged kisses for a few minutes. When we finally broke the kiss Rachel said, “You don’t know how badly I’ve wanted this.” “Really? I don’t want to do anything that you don’t want.” I was still nervous about her age, although in some ways she was more sexually experienced than me. “Don’t worry about that,” said the...
I must share this one from about 5years ago. It wasn't my birthday but that of some friends of my pal's wife, who's also become a great friend.The particular girl called Annie was sharing a party with two gay male friends at a hall quite a way South from me & my pals. They were going by car later, so I got 3 trains down, intent on having a lift back that night.I'd arrived earlier on & picked up a gift along the way, plus it meant I could drink plus it was a bash where I could take my...
The next morning, we heard that Eamon would be meeting with everyone after lunch. So I donned my armour and went down to the practice yard, and spent the morning impressing Wayne with how much I had learned. He grudgingly admitted that I wouldn't be completely useless in a fight, and might even have a chance of defending myself. It was high praise coming from him. I had a quick bath before lunch and then ate in a rush, eager to finally meet Eamon and figure out The Plan. And I was curious...
Compared to my wife -- actually, compared to any woman -- Jackie was the consummate source of brightness in my life. I was captivated by her independence, her classiness, her beauty, her smile, her poise, her maturity, her humor, her confidence, the way she walked, the way she sat -- and by her breasts and her eyes and her feet and her waist and her hands and her lips and her knees and her shoulders and her ass and... Oh, was I bewitched by her! We had been a foursome: Jackie and Sam,...
Parents sent u to pretty expensive private university, situated on unknown small island in Atlantic ocean. U make 1st step from ship to the beach, take a deep breath and have a wide smile over face, meeting the new chapter of your life. -No parents, no more control. Freedom! Tehee! - University personal aid u with moving stuff to your own room in common hostel for students, so your hands are free, there is no need to be in a hurry - it's a good day to look around. The weather is sunny and very...
BDSMOne thing nags me even after all these years, and writing this memoir brings it all back: did we somehow rob our daughter of her childhood by our actions? I know that it's a silly fantasy of many parents, many of them in positions of influence, sadly, that if they don't say anything about sex their kids won't learn about it, won't experiment, won't hurt themselves, and won't get pregnant or diseased or raped or whatever. This is a little bit of a rant, but bear with me. Or, heck, skip...