ConflictedChapter 13 free porn video

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Standing outside Amanda's house, we waved at Carynne as she took off in her Spider GT Convertible, which Amanda told me had been a gift from her dad for her sixteenth birthday. The wonderful brunette was on her way to Stacey's house to show off the new panties she'd gotten for the squad. Afterwards, she'd go visit Mikaela as well, and she'd vowed that all five girls would be wearing the new panties for my swim meet. I had no doubt whatsoever that they would; somehow I figured Carynne could get any girl—or man, for that matter—to do anything she wanted them to. It seemed likely that the sexual escapades she'd have with both Stacey and Mikaela would rival the one she'd just had with us.

After our fantastic sex romp, the four of us had trundled off to Amanda's shower, exhausted but utterly satisfied. It had been a very tight fit with four bodies in just that one small bathtub, alternating underneath the one small shower nozzle. To cope, we'd gotten very close together which had led to several rounds of pinching and tickle attacks, lots of laughter and squeals, and also some very sensual grinding and rubbing. Amanda had actually cum again from the heavy petting; then, we'd all taken turns fingerfucking Carynne with as many fingers as we could, to thank her for the wonderful fuck she'd given us earlier. The sexy nymph had practically screamed the tiles off the walls with her orgasms.

While Carynne was recovering, she'd experimentally tugged on my cock a few times, but when it had refused to get back up she'd just grinned, saying how much she'd enjoyed wearing me out. The goofy grin I'd gotten on my face from that stayed stuck on my face for hours. I couldn't believe how amazing she was, though of course Amanda and Kelsey still outshone her in my mind.

After the shower, we'd all had some lunch—or at least the girls had had some, while I'd had a lot—and then Carynne had said her goodbyes, leaving me alone with my sister and my girlfriend.

"It got cold all of a sudden," Amanda said, shivering slightly in the gloomy fall weather. All traces of the beautifully sunny weather we'd had for the past week seemed to have disappeared without a trace, and we quickly went back inside.

"So what are we going to do now?" Kelsey asked, a big smile on her face. She'd had several spectacular orgasms earlier, and she'd been in a positively beaming mood ever since. Squirting her cum on multiple faces always seemed to do that to her, for some reason.

"Well, I want to go by the pool first and do a few laps to warm up for tomorrow," I said.

"I thought you said you didn't have any swim practice on the day before your meets?"

"Not official practice, no. Our coach doesn't want us to wear ourselves out, but I like to get a few laps in, just to keep the edge. Besides, I need to see if my nose will be able to handle diving into the pool, or if I'll need to tape it tomorrow."

"How is your nose? Does it still hurt?" Amanda asked, a small look of concern on her flawless face.

"Nah, only if I touch it. Or if you two bump your pussies against it," I grinned lewdly.

"Somehow I doubt you're really all that bothered by that, sweet brother," Kelsey said playfully.

"Not at all. I'll gladly make some sacrifices to get to drink your pussy juice."

My beautiful sister threw me a wicked smile, and Amanda laughed too. "You're so noble," my girlfriend said.

"I know, it's a burden," I chuckled.

"Amanda and I would be happy to not hurt your nose anymore, you know?" Kelsey offered. "We'll just not have you eat us out until it's healed."

"What?! Nuh-uh, we won't!" Amanda exclaimed quickly, causing all three of us to laugh again.

"It's okay, sis. I appreciate the gesture, but I think I'll be alright," I said amicably.

"Okay, but I don't wanna hear any complaints when I grind your face, and it hurts!" she giggled, and we grinned at each other for several moments.

"Are we going straight to the pool, or do you need to stop at home first to get your Speedos?" Kelsey asked.

"Yeah, I do," I sighed. It was a bit out of the way, but with the whole thing with Dad yesterday I'd completely forgotten to put my swim gear in my car. I figured the swim club would frown on me swimming naked.

"Damon?" Amanda asked.


"Can Kelsey and I come to the pool with you?"

"Sure, if you want. Will it be all that interesting to sit in the stands and watch me do a few lazy laps, though?"

She shrugged and gave me a cute smile. "I like watching you."

My goofy grin got about twice as big as I stared at her, and I felt myself blush a little.

"Do you think Amanda and I could go swim too?" Kelsey asked.

I gave her a surprised look. "I didn't know you liked to swim?"

"Sometimes. Especially when there's hot guys in the water," she grinned, causing Amanda to laugh. "Do you think it'll be okay?"

"I'm not sure, to be honest," I said hesitantly. "It's the club's pool, and I don't know that it's ever open to the public."

"Will there be anyone there this time of day?"

I shook my head. "Nah. Most of the guys train in the mornings, and the four of us usually late in the afternoons. During the day it's pretty quiet."

"So there's nobody there?"

"Other than the security guy, I don't think so, no."

"So why can't we go swim then?" my sister grinned mischievously. "We'll just sneak inside."

I grinned as I shook my head at her. "You're such a bad girl!"

Kelsey licked her lips and gave me a sultry look. "You love it when I'm bad."

I groaned when memories of all the amazingly hot things she'd done to me flooded through me. As I stared off in the distance, visions of my naked sister bouncing on my cock drifted in front of me, and both girls giggled knowingly at my obvious distraction.

Finally, I nodded. "I guess we could try that. We're not gonna fool around in there though! I'm not risking getting kicked off the team the day before the State semis!"

"Awww," my sister pouted. "Would you fool around with us in the pool if you didn't have State semis?"

As much as I tried not to, I couldn't help but smile.

"That's what I thought!" Kelsey giggled.

"It really wasn't in doubt, was it?" Amanda grinned with a teasing smile.

"Okay, you two insatiable nymphs, that does it! Let's get going, because time's a wastin'!" I joked.

The girls quickly went to Amanda's bedroom to gather up some clothes, swimming gear, and the myriad of other things that girls always seemed to need whenever they were about to leave for somewhere, but fortunately they quickly came back out again. My sister was again wearing her outfit from last night: her white flippy skirt and her pink belly-baring tee, while Amanda had dressed up in an awesomely tight pair of white pants and a cute, blue t-shirt which hugged her breasts in a truly fantastic way. I could see the outline of a black bikini top underneath her tee.

"Do you like?" Amanda asked as she saw me staring at her tits, pushing them out a little for my benefit.

"Yeah, I like!" I said, almost drooling. "Do you have any clothes that don't show off that amazing body of yours so much?"

"Why would I buy something that doesn't flatter me?" she grinned. "I like my body, and I like buying clothes that fit around it tightly."

"We're very grateful that you do," my sister chimed in appreciatively.

Amanda smiled at Kelsey, and I saw my sister's eyes begin to twinkle with desire.

"Okay, let's get out of here before those clothes just get torn off again, and we wind up fucking until midnight!" I said quickly. I had to admit that it was a very tempting prospect, however.

Both girls gave me a sexy grin, then we all quickly trooped out of Amanda's house.

The drive home was uneventful, and the three of us chatted casually about minor things. As we pulled up into our home's driveway, I was relieved to see that Dad wasn't home; even though we had squared things up earlier, I really wanted some more time away from him. From the looks of it, I'd gotten lucky.

I got a huge surprise as I walked into the kitchen, though, with Mom flying into my arms the moment I stepped inside.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're back!" she said, her voice quavering. She kissed my cheeks several times, and I could feel the wetness on her face where her tears were flowing freely.

"Er, hey Mom, good to see you too. Can you let go now, please?" I asked, getting a little embarrassed.

She ignored me and continued to hug me fiercely, murmuring "my baby" over and over again.

"Mom! Cut it out!" I said, completely mortified as I heard both Kelsey and Amanda giggle behind me. "Amanda is here!"

"Oh, hello Amanda, dear. I'm sorry, I'm just so happy to see my son!" my mom said, looking at the girls over my shoulder.

"It's okay, I understand," Amanda said sweetly.

Mom finally let me go, and I smiled at her, my face still red as a beet. "Thanks for embarrassing me, Mom. There goes my cool guy image."

"Oh please, you never had a cool guy image to begin with!" Kelsey snorted. "A clumsy, shy, doofus image maybe!"

I gaped at her in surprise. "I'm gonna get you for that!"

"Oh no! Someone help me, my brother is threatening me!" Kelsey taunted, her face adorned with a giant, sunshine smile. "You don't scare me, you big wuss!"

Both Amanda and my mom started giggling as Kelsey and I grinned at each other. If Mom wasn't standing right there, I'd have spanked the hell out of my sister, then fucked her ass for good measure, and I'm sure she knew it. Just thinking about taking my sister's ass made my cock twitch, and I quickly shifted my thoughts to something innocent, before I popped a massive boner right in front of Mom.

Unfortunately, 'something innocent' apparently meant 'Amanda half naked in her cheerleader skirt' to my mind, and the bulge in my pants grew noticeably.

"I'm going to go get my stuff!" I said quickly, turning to hide my hard cock. Mom gave me a peculiar look, but as I turned around I could see both Kelsey and Amanda grinning proudly, their eyes locked on my boner. I fled the kitchen like I'd stolen something.

I came back down about five minutes later, my swimming gear stuffed in my backpack, to find Mom and the girls sitting at the kitchen table, talking quietly. Out of curiosity I snuck up to the kitchen entrance and hid there, listening in on what they were talking about.

"So did you really just order Dad to apologize? Just like that?" Kelsey asked, her voice full of wonder.

"Yes, honey, I did. He was so unreasonable, I have no idea what came over him! He'd been very distracted and tense since Wednesday for some reason, and when I came home yesterday he went off on this rant about Damon. I couldn't really even follow what he was saying, but I sure understood the part where he said Damon had left!" Mom said, her voice breaking up.

"I'm sorry, Mom," Kelsey said sympathetically.

"It's okay, sweetie. I just couldn't face the thought of another one of my children leaving my house in anger!" Mom managed to blurt out before she just burst into tears. I felt my heart ache at the sound of her pain. I'd never really considered what Melissa leaving must have done to her, but it was obvious that she was always going to be tremendously hurt by it.

Kelsey quickly got out of her chair and knelt next to Mom, giving her a huge, comforting hug. As Mom cried, Kelsey kept whispering to her; I couldn't make out what she was saying, but it was slowly having an effect, because Mom began to calm down after a few minutes. "He's not leaving us, Mom. Dad apologized and that's that," Kelsey said reassuringly.

"I know," Mom said softly. "I'm sorry, Amanda; I didn't mean to just lose it like that in front of you."

"Oh, no, it's fine, don't worry," Amanda replied, putting her hand on top of Mom's. "I'd feel the same way."

Mom smiled sweetly at Amanda, and the three of them sat quietly for a few moments, each lost in her own thoughts. Figuring I wasn't going to hear anything else, I made some noise and pretended to come down the stairs again, then I walked into the kitchen.

"Hi honey," Mom said. "I'm so glad you're home again!"

"Me too, Mom," I said, giving her a big smile.

"Will you be home for dinner tonight?"

"Eh, no, Amanda and I are going out to dinner, actually. I'll come home later tonight, though."

"Good, because I didn't like it one bit when you weren't here last night," Mom said, shaking her head for added emphasis.

"I'm sorry, Mom. You know I didn't mean to upset you," I said, my voice barely a whisper.

"It's okay, honey, I know you didn't. It's all sorted out, and we can get past it now, right?"

I hesitated for a second as Kelsey and I flicked each other a quick glance. In her eyes I could see that she was wondering the same thing I was: did Dad know about the two of us? All this was far from sorted out, but I smiled at Mom and nodded anyways. "Sounds good to me."

Mom smiled and stood up, coming over to give me another huge hug. I kissed her cheek softly. "I love you, Mom," I whispered.

"I love you too, Damon. I love you so much," Mom said, her arms wrapped tightly around me.

We stood there for a few moments, just holding each other, until Mom let go and turned around. "So, Amanda, you're going on a date with my son?"

Amanda shyly nodded, turning an absolutely gorgeous shade of red. Kelsey grinned remorsefully at her best friend, and she even softly kicked Amanda under the table. Amanda turned to Kelsey and quickly stuck her tongue out at my sister, then she giggled and blushed even more.

"Mom! Jeez, do you have to embarrass everyone today?" I complained, feeling sorry for Amanda.

"Embarrass her? Why? I think it's great you two are going out!" Mom retorted, looking confused.

"There's etiquette involved, Mom! You don't just blurt out that question right to people's faces!"

Mom stared at me as if I'd grown horns. "You're being serious, aren't you?"


"You teenagers are so strange these days," she sighed, shaking her head before turning to Amanda. "I'm sorry, dear. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"It's okay," Amanda said. Her face was still a bit flushed, but her gorgeous smile kind of negated the whole blushing thing.

"I'm so happy you and my son are spending time together!" Mom practically gushed.

"Mom! Stop it, or Amanda and I are eloping to Vegas!" I threatened.

"Fine, fine, I'll stop! I just think you two make a really cute couple."

I groaned in dismay; she just wouldn't quit! "I'm sorry, Amanda. Apparently we've walked onto the set of some lame dating show or something, and our hostess here is trying to fill up the awkward moments!"

Amanda and Kelsey both laughed joyously at that, and Mom actually got a cute blush on her face.

"Okay, okay, I get the hint! I'll be quiet now!" Mom said.

"Thank you!"

"Are you coming home for dinner, honey?" Mom asked my sister.

Kelsey hesitated for a second, almost imperceptibly glancing over at Amanda. Amanda, in turn, nodded ever so slightly.

"Yeah, I guess so," my sister said, though I saw a brief flicker of what appeared to be disappointment in her eyes.

"Okay honey, I'll see you then. I'm going to leave you kids alone now, as I have some paperwork left to do for the clinic," Mom said. "I hope you have fun swimming."

"Did you tell her we were going swimming?" I asked Kelsey after I'd given Mom another kiss, and she'd left.

"Yeah, while you were upstairs," Kelsey said, looking at both me and Amanda in turn. "I guess you two want to be by yourselves without boring old me along, huh?"

"Oh, Kel, you know that's not true," Amanda protested, her voice pained. "I'd just really like to spend some time alone with Damon, so I can get to know him better."

Kelsey sighed softly, then she nodded and looked Amanda straight in the eyes for a few moments. Amanda's face fell a little bit, but before I could even begin to try to figure out what was going on, my sister turned her attention to me. "Will you take me home after swimming?"

"Yeah, of course I will. What are you gonna do tonight?" I asked.

Kelsey shrugged. "I don't know yet. I may just stay home and read, or I may give Carynne a call and see if she wants some help in convincing Mikaela to wear those panties tomorrow."

I groaned at the thought of my sister and Carynne both fucking the big-titted brunette's brains out, and Kelsey gave me a teasing, playful grin.

Amanda came over and gently put her hand on my sister's shoulder. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" she asked, so softly that I could barely hear her.

Kelsey glanced at her and nodded with a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. You two just go and have fun later."

"Okay. I'll tell you all about it when we come back."

"Yeah, you better!" Kelsey grinned. " I'm going to go get my swim suit, I'll be right back."

"Want me to go with you?" Amanda asked.

Kelsey shook her head as she walked out of the kitchen "Nah, I'll just be a minute."

Amanda watched her leave, then she let out a long sigh.

"Are you okay, baby?" I asked, feeling a sudden chill run through me.

"I guess," Amanda said with a small shrug. She still seemed distracted, or even upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked, coming up behind her and engulfing her in my arms. She immediately grabbed my arms and squeezed me tightly, even as I kissed the back of her head.

"Nothing really, but I think that's the first time ever that Kelsey didn't ask me to go along with her when she's about to change clothes."

"I wouldn't worry about it," I said, trying to cheer her up a bit. "I'm sure she figures I'm in a hurry and wants to just grab her stuff and go. We probably don't have time for the two of you to ravage each other in her bedroom."

Amanda gave me a cute grin over her shoulder. "I wasn't talking about fucking her! I was talking about just watching her while she changes into her bikini."


Amanda looked pensive for a few more moments, then she shrugged again, more deliberately. "But I'm sure you're right, it's just her wanting to hurry."

I nodded at her, though I suddenly couldn't help but wonder myself.

Kelsey came down again a few minutes later with a few towels folded in her arms, wearing her bikini underneath a white t-shirt and an alluringly short, black skirt. "You guys coming?" she asked as she walked over to the kitchen door.

"Yeah," Amanda said, and we both followed my sister out the door.

"Hey Charlie," I said to the grizzled old security guy—a kind, black man who should have retired several years ago, but instead kept his cushy job since it didn't require much effort beyond him walking around the facilities every few hours. We'd caught him napping quite a few times but always kept it to ourselves; he was a great guy and the last thing we wanted to do was to get him fired.

"Well, howdy Damon," Charlie said, cracking a smile on his weathered face. "Gonna do a few laps before your State semis tomorrow?"

"That's right." I smiled. He always knew when we had meets, though whether that was because he was a fan of swimming, or just because he felt it was part of his job, I didn't know.

"Erik and Daryll are here too. They got in about twenty minutes ago."

"Oh, cool, thanks," I said, nodding at him.

"Who are these two pretty girls you brought with you?"

I gave him a big grin and turned around, pointing at my sister. "This is my sister, Kelsey; and that's her best friend, Amanda."

"Hi," the girls said simultaneously, smiling sweetly at the old security guard.

"Hello, ladies! Damon is a lucky fellow to have two such beauties as yourselves accompany him," Charlie gushed.

Amanda blushed, while Kelsey got a cute little grin on her face. "Thank you, sir," my sister said.

"Oh now, don't sir me, young lady. My name's Charlie. Been good enough for people to use for sixty-eight years, so it should be good enough for you too."

"Okay. Thank you, Charlie!" Kelsey laughed.

"So, what brings you two here? You gonna watch this fella swim?"

"Yeah they are, and I was hoping it'd be okay for them to go swim too? Just for a bit?" I asked.

Charlie gave me a sly look, then chuckled. "Well, normally it's against pool regulations, but seeing as how there's nobody here but you kids, I don't see what harm it'd do. You go right ahead, and y'all enjoy yourselves!"

"Thanks Charlie," I said gratefully, stepping past his desk as I motioned for the girls to follow me. Amanda thanked him too when she passed, but Kelsey leaned over the desk and gave him a gentle peck on his cheek.

"Thank you, Charlie," she said softly.

"You're welcome, young lady." The old man smiled kindly.

The three of us walked into the adjoining hallway, where Amanda and I both gave Kelsey a curious look.

"What?" my sister finally asked, grinning slightly.

"Why'd you give him a kiss?" Amanda asked.

"Why not? He was really nice and kind to us, and he seems to be a sweet, old man. What's wrong with being kind in return?"

"Nothing," Amanda said quickly, holding up her hands apologetically. "I was just curious, that's all."

Kelsey looked at her for a few seconds with an amused smile. "It's nice of him to let us swim. I figured it was only right to be a little bit extra grateful."

Amanda nodded. "Think I should go back and give him a kiss too?"

"Let's try not to give the poor guy a heart attack, okay?" I joked, causing both girls to laugh.

We turned a few corners and reached the locker room, at which point I looked around a bit helplessly for a few seconds as we stood in front of the door.

"What's wrong?" Amanda asked.

"Eh, I just realized I don't have a clue where the girls' dressing room is," I said, a bit flustered.

"You don't even know where the girls go to get naked? Some boy you are!" my sister grinned. Without hesitation she opened the door and walked into the guys' locker room. She looked around for a few seconds, then shrugged. "Nobody's here. It'll be fine."

I nodded with a resigned sigh, allowing Amanda to go in before me. I prayed fervently that Erik and Daryll wouldn't come back right as the girls were taking their clothes off.

I put my backpack down on the bench alongside one wall, and Amanda quickly ran off to the bathroom, saying she had to go pee.

Before I could get started on changing, Kelsey shrugged out of her white t-shirt, exposing her amazingly hot body. Her firm breasts were tightly enveloped in an orange-and-yellow bikini top, and her nipples were rock hard; I felt my mouth water at the sight of them.

Kelsey saw me staring at her tits and gave me a teasing smile. "Do you like what you see?"

I nodded with my mouth hanging open, probably looking like some drooling retard.

"Watch this," Kelsey breathed. She grabbed her skirt and slowly started to peel it down, exposing her bikini bottoms—which fit even tighter around her body than her top did. Her ass was stretching it to nearly its breaking point, and her pussy lips were easily visible in the thin fabric. I sighed in awe; every single time I saw her body I couldn't help but stare in stunned adoration at my sister's breathtaking beauty.

Kelsey slowly walked over towards me, with her hips swaying enticingly, and her tongue teasingly licking over her lips. I felt my cock stagger in my pants, and my knees wobbled as she drew closer. She couldn't have had a more pronounced effect on me if she'd been actually fucking my brains out right at that point. God, she was so fucking sexy!

"I know you said we couldn't fool around in the pool, but can we do it here in the locker room?" Kelsey whispered sensually in my ear while her hand rubbed across my cock.

"Erik and Daryll could come in at any second," I said, my voice squeaking several times.

"Mmmm, then you'd probably have to share us, huh?" Kelsey grinned.

"They don't know about you and I, and I'd kind of like to keep it that way."

"You don't think Brian told them already?"

"No, I don't. Look, Kel, we can't fool around here, okay?"

She gave me a longing glance, then she sighed, a little frustrated. "Okay, fine." She took a few steps away from me and sat down on one of the benches, looking decidedly unhappy.

"What's up?" Amanda asked when the came back out of the bathroom, giving us both a curious glance when she sensed the tension between us.

"Your boy toy really doesn't want to fool around at all, not even here in the locker room!" Kelsey complained.

Amanda gave her a teasing grin. "Awww, poor Kelsey, won't your brother fuck your horny little pussy?"

"No, he won't," Kelsey pouted. "And now I have to wait until tonight before someone will get me off!"

"I'll make it up to you, baby," Amanda said hotly.

"Promise?" Kelsey asked, staring at Amanda intently.

"Of course. I'll always fuck you whenever you want it, you know that."

Kelsey's got an absolutely ravishing smile on her face, and she quickly walked over and kissed Amanda deeply. I heard both girls moan as their tongues explored eagerly, and their hands slowly slid down until they rested on each other's asses.

I watched them make out with a big grin on my face, glad that Kelsey's little fit of annoyance was taken care of so quickly. Kelsey and Amanda were hungrily going at it, and I had to fight myself to keep from joining in. I knew that as soon as either one of their tongues touched mine all my reservations would fly out the window, and I'd be balls deep inside one of their wonderful pussies in moments. I shuddered with desire as I thought about it, but I managed to resist nonetheless, concentrating instead on putting my Speedos on. I grabbed my bag and pulled my stuff out, deliberately not looking at them.

I'd changed into the bottom half of my Speedos when the girls finally broke their kiss, both of them loudly gasping for air.

"I was afraid you were angry at me, about wanting to go solo with Damon tonight," Amanda said softly. My two gorgeous lovers were standing very close, their foreheads touching, and they had their arms around each other's waists, still touching each other's ass.

Kelsey smiled and kissed Amanda's nose. "I'm not, don't worry. A little disappointed, maybe, since I'd love to go with you two. I mean, I love being around you both, and I'd never say no to going out to eat! But I understand you two want some time together. So I hope you'll enjoy your date."

"Thank you, Kel. For everything," Amanda said, a tear slowly rolling down her cheek.

"No, I should thank you," Kelsey said. Her own eyes started tearing up as she leaned in and kissed my girlfriend again. I stared at them, wondering what they were talking about. Somehow it seemed to me they were discussing something quite a bit more profound than just Amanda and I going out to eat together.

They broke their kiss again after a few more seconds, then they gently wiped the tears off each other's faces with beautiful smiles. They hugged one more time, then Amanda stepped back, and she started taking off her t-shirt and those awesomely tight pants. Kelsey and I ogled her with delight every step of the way, and Amanda's grin was positively wicked as she showed off her curvy tits and ass for our benefit. Her bikini was no less revealing than Kelsey's, though it was black rather than colorful, and it fit her amazing body like a second skin.

"Do you approve of my swim wear?" Amanda asked. She struck a pose for our benefit, emphasizing the two small pieces of clothing and her flawless curves.

"Can I wait to answer until we're in the pool, so you don't notice me drooling so much?" I sighed, feeling my heart practically break at her beauty.

"You're so adorable!" Amanda said delightedly, putting her hand behind my neck and giving me a tender kiss. "But drool all you want. I love that I have that effect on you."

I hungrily returned her kiss, then I pinched her wonderful ass hard without warning. She squeaked and jumped a foot off the ground in surprise.

She got a dangerous look in her eyes, but before she could do anything I fled out the door and ran towards the hall where the official pool was located, with the rapid footsteps of two athletic, sexy girls dogging my every step.

I dove cleanly into the pool and immediately took off underwater; though the girls were initially right on my tail, I was a good fifty feet away from them by the time I came up for air. "You two need to swim a lot faster if you want to catch me!"

Kelsey and Amanda grinned at each other and set off in pursuit, their slender arms working vigorously to close the distance between us. I watched them get closer with a big shit-eating grin on my face; then, right before they could grab me, I simply swam away in a lazy backstroke.

"Come on, slowpokes! There's two of you and only one of me!" I taunted.

Kelsey said something to Amanda, and my girlfriend nodded. They quickly spread out, trying to flank me. I patiently let the two of them herd me until I was 'trapped' in the corner of the pool, and they had victorious grins on their beautiful faces as they slowly swam closer.

Same as Conflicted
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The dress Cassie wore today was a light floral print, fitting snugly at to top to accent her breasts and flaring into a short flouncy skirt that ended just above the middle of her thigh. She braided a loose ponytail into her hair, leaving her smooth brown shoulders bare. It all gave her the look of a delicate, graceful lady – an amusing contrast to how she’d appeared at the restaurant the night before. ‘You’re gorgeous,’ he told her as they exited the room together. ‘You make me just want to...

1 year ago
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Done in the Haunted House Part 2

Number One: I was to drop her at the house and seal her inside and come back two hours later. Number Two: No running lights or sound effects were to be switched on. I of course agreed to her conditions. We then had a lengthy discussion about a safety word, something simple that would not be misunderstood. We agreed that saying my full name and adding "stop" would cause me to cease any and all action. So when would you like to do this?" I asked. "How about tomorrow," she...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Joseline Kelly 24279

Snap! Horny little shutterbug Joseline Kelly creeps up on her friend’s brother Tony taking a shower, and takes a few naked pics of him from outside the window! But Tony hears her, and when he pokes his head out the window, the jig is up! Wrapped in a towel, he stomps outside to confront her and rip Josefine’s phone from her hands to delete those nudes of him. But while he’s destroying any potential ‘evidence,’ she unfurls the towel from his naked body to expose his big boner! There’s nothing...

4 years ago
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Roger came by my office to take me shopping. I was wearing a knee length skirt. He took my panties and bra off in the car. In the shoe store, the clerk had a hard time keeping his eyes on the shoes he was fitting on my feet. I had spread my knees to give him a glimpse. Roger selected several pairs of shoes and, after getting them in my size, the clerk returned for more glances up my skirt. He seemed to like changing the shoes and suggested that I retry a few when Roger wasn’t sure about which...

1 year ago
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First Fuck With My Girlfriend

Hey friends, well this this the first time I am sharing one of my stories.Hope you like it… It was 2012, kavya was one of my seniors and apparently like most other guys I also had a crush on her.She was way to frank and had guts to kick the balls of any guy who mistreated her due to which it wasn’t easy to hit on her… But apparently it wasn’t that hard at all, as the circumstances played their game and she took the first step to talk to me. Some how she like me and our chats began, for 3 whole...

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Meri Sexy And Hot Teacher

Hello friends ye meri pahli story hai ye bat us samay ki hai jab me 12th me padhta tha aur mr meri teacher ko passand karta tha kyuki wo utni sundar jo thi me unhe hamesha dekhta tha wo hame hindi padhati thi aor me class me kavel unko hi dekhata tha wo ye baat janti thi ab me apne bar me kuch Batata hu mera name vinod hai meri age 22 hai pyar se sab mujhe vini bulate hai aur ajj kal me jablpur me service kar raha hu jab ye baat hue meri age 18 saal thi aur teacher ki 24 saal wo marride thi...

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Holiday Romance

I sat on the balcony of my hotel and gazed out to the beach below, there was no doubt about it, the resort, the hotel was absolutely beautiful, the light blue water of the Indian ocean lapped gently at the golden sands of the resort's own private beach, "Good morning Miss Jane" I turned and smiled at Mai, a pretty little Polynesian girl staying in the next apartment with her husband Kim, "Hello Mai" I smiled, "I really wish you wouldn't call me Miss, it makes me feel like an old...

2 years ago
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Hair Salon Male Orgasm

Last week I went to a hair salon to get my haircut, my aunt works there so i can get a discount plus its a nice place. So I went there this time wearing no underwear, just a shirt and some baggy jeans. I put a cock ring on before I left because I thought if i get the opportunity to, I am going to be naughty and touch my cock in the salon. So I get there and an older lady maybe in here mid forties takes me back to wash my hair. She was an attractive lady that has kind of flirted with me before....

1 year ago
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My Best Friends Secret

My name is Kira and I am 19 years old. I am proud to say that I have quite a reputation at my college for being such an "all around person". I not only volunteer but also maintain a 4.0 GPA. Plus, all the guys find me to be drop dead gorgeous. I'm average height at 5'6, with long shiny brown hair and bright green eyes. My lips are pouty and full and the center of many guys oral fantasies. The thing guys notice first about me, however, are my large, perky breasts. It is uncommon for a girl with...

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Sorkanas Rise on Dragon Wings

Sorkana's Rise, on Dragon Wings By: Malissa Madison She lay atop D'ven, her body shivering in the aftermath of ecstasy like she had never known before. There had only been two other experiences in her life that made her feel this good. The day she had Impressed Gayleth, and the day she had risen in her first mating flight. His hand came up, his fingers gently tracing the lines of her face. "As much as I would like to do this all day, we need to get around. B'nard is due back with...

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Wifes First BBC and FUCKLICK

Wife's First BBC and FUCKLICKYou might think "How can a man watch another man seduce his wife and not stop it?" I asked myself the same question everyday, but I could come up with no logical answer. Karen is a beautiful petite blonde girl and had never had another cock in her since our marriage fifteen years ago. At 34, her eyes still sparkle and she's a prim and proper wife and appears that butter wouldn't melt to on lookers but she's a secret slut in the bedroom & especially when she's...

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Virgin Boy

In my early twenties, I dated a guy named Terry. He was a nice enough guy, very respectful and polite. He was my age and not the typical bad guy type that for some reason I seemed to attract or was it I was attracted to? I began dating him and soon realized he was on the more serious side. Honestly, I didn’t expect that he could hold my attention for more that a couple of dates. After somewhat of a wild start to my sexual journey I reached a point of self-respect and I had established a few...

3 years ago
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Watching My Step Mom

POV: Kirk I got off the elevator. "I certainly hope Danica can give me some good ideas. Tara is just unbelievably sexy, and I have to find a way to get into her panties," I mumbled, walking down the hallway. "Who cares if she is my step-sister? It's taboo, but maybe we can make it work. I got to see her boobs a few weeks ago, and they were remarkable. She's the one that assumed that I was asleep when she came into my room in just her underwear. So, what if I had your iPod, Tara, you...

3 years ago
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Peripheral Vision

Just for a moment I wondered if the red wine was going to spurt out of my nose as I coughed in surprise to the question that had just been put to me from across the table.As I rallied myself I reckoned that was an image there would be no coming back from! Of course, officially, this wasn’t a date per se. Just two friends/acquaintances having a meal together; that had been stood up by their best friends who were a happily married couple.I knew full well that Lisa had manoeuvred us into this...

4 years ago
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Full Physical Exam

I am a 45 year old male. I am part Asian and White. I was engaged to a beautiful white girl with an amazing body. She left me just before we were to get married. When she did contact me she told me she just had the fuck of her life from three young men all with massive cocks. She told me my little dick wasn't enough to please her or any woman and that she had been cheating on me the entire time we were together. Well...I was devastated! I never realized my cock was's tiny...

1 year ago
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Christmas party

I drove us to her Christmas party, it was in the countryside in a large barn conversion. We got there early , had drinks, it was pretty boring for me. Her two friends seemed very keen on a guy, he was dark, Spanish looking, goaty beard, open white shirt. With a woman who was petite and sat by the bar. I said I'll drive back and catch my mates in the local. I'll give you the money for a taxi. She said ok. I went to the car, the car park was packed and I was blocked in. I went back in to the...

4 years ago
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Love By The Side of The LakesChapter 4

Friday, August 22nd I blinked a couple of times when I woke up. The inside of the tent was bright. It obviously was way past dawn. Abby and I were facing each other, inches apart. I looked at Abby. Our legs were intertwined. My left hand was resting on one of Abby's breasts. My right arm was under Abby's head. It was completely numb. I didn't want to wake Abby, so I lay there enjoying the sight, sound and aroma of my lover. Her skin was smooth, without blemish. She had started to tan...

3 years ago
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Taking Advantage of Each Other

I moved my hand to the side of his neck and put my other hand on the other side of his neck. "I think we both know what comes next." I said to my uncle. "I think you don't know what you're getting yourself into." Derek said. Derek smiled an evil smile and then kissed me. * * "Lexsie, do you want to babysit the kids today? The daycare is closed today." My aunt Jaynie asked me over the phone. "Sure Jaynie. When should I come over?" I asked. I was asked to babysit Derek and Jaynie's kids at...

4 years ago
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Remember?Do you remember.... how I knelt on the bed between your sprawled legs and settled there, like a contented kitten, to place my lips softly around your engorged cock....Do you remember me raising my eyes to yours.... waiting... questioning... wondering about how you like it.... how you wanted this to go....Do you remember my hot, moist, tongue tracing circles around the head of your desire while I lightly fingered your tight, firm balls.... remember how it filled me up, to pleasure you...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable Vacation With Childhood Friend

Hi all. Hope everyone are enjoying well. Myself Venkat working as an software employee in reputed MNC in Hyderabad. I am 5″8 height and 85 weight not a gym body but bit pulpy. I was reading ISS since my B Tech and never thought that I will be writing one here. This is my first sex stroy and first sex experience. Please ignore mistakes and let me know for improvements and anyone can contact me without any hesitation privacy is guaranteed. This is real story happened to me in october.Heroine of...

2 years ago
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Her best friend carolyn 3

Introduction: My wife finally does her friend in front of me Her best friend Carolyn 3 I have had the best few months of my life since learning that my beautiful wife Michelle, had sex with her best friend Carolyn both when they were younger, and a few years ago when she went to visit in San Francisco, after we were married. I am totally alright with her sexual past, and her occasional fucks with her friend as well. I have told her that I totally understand why women would want to be together...

3 years ago
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ColumbiaChapter 6 The Road to the Future

Cooper Wilson's ultralight, as originally designed, could do about 130 miles between refuelings. It had been a single seater, but this modified version had a larger engine, tandem seats and a gas tank that was double the size of the original. The engine itself had been tinkered with considerably, making it run efficiently on the home-brewed fuel made from waste crops and rendered animal fats. It could still do 130 miles, 140 with a tail wind before refueling, and even offered a partial...

1 year ago
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Evil Teacher

It was the first day of high school for Alice and her brothers Josh and Mathew. They had heard that their scared. Finally its was time to MEET her and get to KNOW her. When they got there it was time.... When they walked in and shook her hand. she had this devilish smile. They found their seats. They had a POP QUIZ on the first day of schoundiesce said what the hell to her on accident. She madly yelled to them WHAT DID YOU SAY? Alice quickly said nothing miss sorry and tried to run but was...

3 years ago
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The Four Hour ErectionChapter 5

They lay side by side again, on their backs, with only their shoulders touching. Both were breathing normally. Oddly, after she had started paying attention to his cock, what he was doing felt wonderful, but didn't result in more orgasms. She hypothesized that was because she was distracted by trying to make him spurt. At first she had only licked and sucked, loving the feel of his hard, smooth flesh in her mouth. Then, as soon as she started using a hand to stroke at the same time she...

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This story is a mix between romance and magic. Can a Bunnies save a man’s tortured soul? Constructive comments are very welcome. EVERYONE in the story is at least eighteen years of age and willing participants. Thanks to Headitor for editing support and creative assistance. Without them the story would never have made it - any remaining errors we missed - we don’t need to be told. I was headed home from my cousin’s house; they had thrown their yearly Easter cookout. Food and drink had been...

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In the Shade

“Then we shall fight in the shade.” {Author’s note: I had this scene running through my mind, and I wasn’t gonna get anything else done until I wrote it down. Problem is, it’s the opening engagement of an interstellar war, and I’m not up to writing all THAT unless someone’s paying me for it. So, anyone who can use this is free to do so. -ZM} Final Report on the Battle at Enri 17, Appendix 7: Part 1 - The last transmission received from FS Lima before hostilities began: [begin...

4 years ago
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Like Mother Like DaughterChapter 2 Advanced Babysitting

Fortunately little Barbie's gaze was fixed on the TV screen but I took the cushion from beside me and put it on my lap to hide the bulge in my loose fitting sweatpants. Glancing at her out of the corner of my eye I tried to imagine what she looked like under the flimsy baby doll pajamas she wore. The top hung loosely with only minor hills on her chest. I thought I could detect a hint of baby fat at her waist but her hips had filled out nicely and her creamy thighs were well rounded. Had some...

3 years ago
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A Sensual Pay Back Time With My Colleague8217s Sister

Hey folks, Here I am pavan, again with my another experience with my colleague’s sister who was once a dejected married woman and now a successful fashion designer. All this happened with the motivation I gave her and how she paid it back in a sexual way as her gesture of thanks and our connection. People who don’t know me, well, I work for a reputed IT company in Bangalore, a budding actor and a counselor as my hobby. So women who are interested to get in touch with me and let their pain out...

1 year ago
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Cj and the PigChapter 2

That first Saturday night when she'd got in from work: tired but happy; she'd quickly showered and then stood in front of a mirror, willing her boobs to grow faster! She had some, and she definitely needed the bras her mum had bought her, but she remembered her friends saying that all boys like big boobs! She'd have to ask her mum if there were exercises that she could do, or something, to make them grow faster, and as big as hers! Of course, there weren't any such things, but over the...

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Head Above WaterChapter 14

I’d just finished my morning meetings on the sixth floor, and was headed back down to the call center when Addie appeared out of almost nowhere, grabbing me by the arm. “Addie, what the hell?” I said, looking around to see that no one had noticed that she’d snuck up to a floor of the building that she definitely had no authorization to be on. “Brian’s here,” she said, dragging me toward the elevator. “You need to get security to let him in.” “Who?” “Brian, Celine! Rita’s boyfriend? Of...

3 years ago
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Going Black

Once a white female goes black she never goes back equals BS or so I thought, but I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m a forty-year old single man who has always been successful with the ladies, successful enough that I bagged the hottest lady in the firm of Sterns, Sterns and Schwartz (SSS) a top Law Firm in Minneapolis. The lady in question was the beautiful and sexy Mrs. Gloria Finch. Soon after Gloria and I became lovers, she left her husband of ten years and moved in with me. Luckily there...

1 year ago
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The Life Plan Correction

In a world where finding personal purpose and success is guaranteed, how do people see those who — unsatisfied by everything — defy the odds to fail? With compassion and empathy of course. Seeing day-to-day suffering can only hurt an otherwise satisfied mind, can only do damage to a fragile psyche. Even for those who don't feel sorry for the social dropouts who can't find purpose, they can and do feel the pain of their fellow contributing citizens when those good citizens are harmed by the idea...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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A Afternoon Quickie

I came home early from work, not in the best of moods. So I decide to take a hot shower and relax my nervous a bit. It was a hot July afternoon. I got out the shower and dried off and laid across the bed to take a nap. I was in a deep dose when I felt a warm hand on my thigh. A sweet smoothing voice called my name. I thought I was dreaming. Until he pushed my hair out of my eyes and there sat my baby,Jesse. He said nothing just gave me that mysterious glare that he does so well.As I raised up...

3 years ago
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SequelChapter 12 Ryan And Ernie

"Did you believe those two fucking women?" "I never heard of anything like that. Also, I never fucked a girl and her grandmother before." "Shit, Ernie, how old do you think she is?" "In her sixties, maybe." "That's fucking OLD." "But nice and wet, Ryan." "Plus great fucking knockers; not a bit of sag in them." "Right; they couldn't hold a pencil under them." "Yeah, that's true. What do you want to do now?" "Is anybody home at your place,...

4 years ago
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Eva is a fictional character living in a fictional world. She is aware of that fact and that she was brought to life by her creator instead of being born like a real human. Eva doesn’t care about that. Everything she cares about, just like any fictional character would, is a good story. Each main branch (story) is governed by its own set of rules.

1 year ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 60 Phoenix Rising

Charlie POV: We quickly fixed Maggie and Sheila up with what they needed. Since we were flying by the seat of our pants, literally, we decided Bob and I would teleport to a secluded area in the campground that we’d visited last year in Sedona. Then Maggie and Sheila could just pop in behind us. That worked perfectly and within a minute we were walking toward Bubba’s biker bar. We decided to stop in and grab some coffee. When we looked up at the clock, it read 6:15 AM. I grinned when the...

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Mom Joins the team

Janet was an attractive 41 years old, shoulder length brunette hair, a pretty face 38g tits and tight curvy ass. She was a MILF, her son Lee was a nerd who was only concerned with watching porn and tutoring the cheerleaders so they could pass tests. He would tutor them he would always cop a feel the girls knew it but since he didn’t charge them, they figured it was fair. Janet had been divorced for 6 years she had three vibrators a large supply of batteries but lately this wasn’t cutting it...

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Sex With Aunty In Chennai

Hi All, Sexy Morning, This is a true story of me and my aunty. My name is Harish and sexy queen is Kanammal, we both are living in Chennai.I’m very excited to tell you my real sex experience with my aunty. I love to sex with aunties and girls but I never get chance to do it. Please reach out me with your valuable comments to I’m a looking good, 5.11 height and 6.5 inches cock. Now I’m going to elaborate you a very interesting story that totally belongs to me when I was 12th standard. This is...

4 years ago
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Found Out and Forgiven

FOUND OUT “Before you answer Gary, I think you’d better have a look at these,” I said as I opened the triple X file on my lap-top. Gary’s face was a sight to see as I flicked through the pictures that popped up on the screen, pictures of my wife sucking or being fucked by a variety of men. “Look Gary,” I said, “I don’t mind if you are fucking her but I would like to know about it.” I’d just accused my neighbour, Gary, of having an affair with wife and the pictures I was showing him were from...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Lya Missy My Hot Spanish Maid

This week I called up the cleaning service and they sent me a baddie. She showed up wearing some tight athletic clothes. I couldn’t take my eyes off her since she showed up at my door. Eventually, I had to do something. So after watching her clean for some time, I offered her some dough to clean my apartment naked. After some hesitation, she agreed. But naked she looked even better. So I couldn’t just stop there. While she was cleaning the bathroom, I pulled out my cock and asked her if she was...

1 year ago
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Story of my anal servicing with two guys

Hello all i am Meenu 22 yrs. old a slutty cross dresser. I like to flaunt my huge bubble ass to get myself fucked by huge thick body is quite girly. I have no hairs on my body my ass is my best weapon its huge round brown colored butt my penis is 6 inch but its thick. Now coming to my story as i told earlier my body is quite feminine and also i do cross-dressing.. But i love my cock as well.. So i more into being a shemale . Idea of being a shemale turns me on. I always wanted to be...

Gay Male
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Surprise Im LefthandedChapter 8

I went to supper at Mary O'Connor's, and it was the usual thing. The O'Connors were nice enough people, but it seemed to me that all Mary really wanted was a reliable source for sex. That was not the only thing I was looking for in a wife, so she was stricken from the list before we got to dessert. Martha did a good job of compressing the visits to the long list of potential brides by pushing them to Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. At least, we were through the first pass in a reasonable...

2 years ago
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fun with bhua in Agra

Fun in Agra .We left Gopals house to go to Agra to see Taz Mahal one of the beautifulbuilding. The King made it in the memory of his beloved wife who died giving birth. One the way we stopped at Mathra- Vindravan. The place of Krishna. It is said that Krishana hade more then 360 wives. Wonder how he managed 360 women? We stayed for one night. We seen many places there.We reached Agra in the afternoon. Checked in hotel and rested. Pari and bhua (aunt) started to do 69.I was getting excited...

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Alfresco Orgy

The summer after my seventeenth birthday, my parents let me go away on a week’s camping holiday with three friends: Mandy, Sam and Chris. We’d all been friends since primary school, and though we’d gone off to different secondary schools we’d still kept in touch. Mandy’s parents had an old VW Campervan (how cool is that?) and they agreed to drive us all up to the Lake District for a week. Some old friends of theirs had a farm by Ennerdale Water, and they often used to go up there and pitch a...

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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 4

Add “Black Mail” to list these women and their lust for abusive sex with black men have gotten themselves into! Catherine after what had happened was having a hard time doing her job, her thoughts kept drifting back to a week ago. Her and her best friend Kate had been abused and raped by a group of black men all with incredibly large cocks!. Well at least she had been raped!. Kate on the other hand went there willingly with the intention of getting fucked by black men and for her,...

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Another ChanceChapter 28

The mount for the U-Boat Bi'nocs was a 'weld on' clamp like thingy with a stick up post. The post fit the hole in the adjustable double ended pivot of a pair of Mr. Zeiss' finest. My railing was wood. So ... Daddy is pretty good with tools ... better than me ... but he has two hands, I have only one. A return visit to the Emporium and a unquick search of the premises disclosed a clamp on drill boring rig. Van Norman read the black riveted tag with white letters on the dusty red dirty...

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For him

This is the first part Lara and Jon arrived at the hotel in Edinburgh, he was going to the rugby match and she was going shopping. They checked in and left to get some food before going their separate ways. They met at the hotel later Lara had a power nap while he showered and dressed, then while she got ready he went to the bar to meet a couple of guys he had been talking to at the rugby. It was almost an hour before Lara arrived, he was chatting at the bar when his friend said “Wow” look at...

Quickie Sex
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The Party part 1

Tricia opened the connecting doors to Jo Jo’s room and found her still in bed. Walking over to the large four poster bed Tricia pulled back the curtains and gazed down at Jo Jo. She lay there bare as the day she had been born, her glowing chocolate skin looked delicious in the afternoon light. Tricia’s gaze moved to her massive EE tits and their big nipples then to her large round butt and her V shaven pussy. Jo Jo was a full figured woman of 28 and with a taut stomach, she stood 6 feet...

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Curious Case of a Horseless HeadmanChapter 7 SATAN BITE

Thomasina shudders involuntarily. Ferdinando tightens his grip on the woman he knows he loves as her legs give way. “Thank ye, Ferdinando, I am weak, not yet in control of this body.” “Worry not, my dear, my coach will take us home. You do want to come all the way home with me?” “Aye, I wish to, until I can gather my strength, I have hid from the Archangel and The Maker for too long here, which has drained me of my power, but it was a necessary part of my plan.” “Hiding and your plan,...

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Aboard the Lundrim Seksi Part 3

Aahh fuck it, it's time. He kissed his two fingers and put it gently on her clit. It was out of some sort of respect. Some sort of way to kiss that freshness, that sweet tasting, that clean virgin pussy goodbye. It was time to fuck this tiny 5'1" female body weighing just 95lbs. He was ready to see if he could fit into her 26" waist. He rested his hand on her baby smooth mons. He looked at her flat tummy. He admired how just her rib cage and hips bones protruded ever so slightly. ...

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The Affair Destined to Happen

The moment our eyes met I knew I would end up sleeping with this man. I was married. Such an act was forbidden but the urge to feel him inside me made me wet with anticipation. The way he moved, the way he cared and the way his eyes saw straight through me was irresistible. The desire was making every part of me throb. I would find myself playing with my clit wishing it were he who was doing it to me. My fingers would speed around my pussy thinking about him. When I came it was always with him...

Oral Sex
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18 Today

Julie had just turned 18 and was looking forward to graduation. She had just 10 more days of school and she would be going off to collage in the fall. She had a full summer planned for herself, which included a large amount of time with her older sister Kathy. Kathy was already in collage and they were going to be roommates again. Just like when they had been growing up. Their parents had never figured out why they did not mind sharing the room that had been their bedroom since they had both...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 1 IntroductionsChapter 11

The next few months were occupied with unremitting feverish activity, as we got settled in at our new barracks and started on a new regime of training. 3RGJ had been upgraded to armoured infantry, and was being equipped with Warrior Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC). The Warrior carried 7 men and a crew of 3 —- driver, gunner, and a commander —- all members of the 10 man section that I commanded as corporal. Courses for drivers, gunners and commanders were held at Warminster. I was on one of...

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