ConflictedChapter 6 free porn video

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"Damon, are you awake?" my sister's voice came from somewhere in the distance. I grumbled a bit as I turned around, snuggling deeper in my blanket. "Come on, sleepy, wake up," Kelsey said again, sounding much closer.

I sighed and rolled over, grimacing at a wave of pain that tore through my stomach. "What?" I asked gruffly.

"It's almost noon, you dope!" she said in amusement. "I figured you'd want something to eat."

I opened my eyes, smiling at my sprightly sister standing next to my bed. She was wearing white shorts and a cut-off tank top that left her midriff exposed. Her hair was trailing loosely over her shoulders, and it was still wet from a recent shower. In her hands she held a plate piled with food, as well as a huge glass of orange juice.

I sat up with some effort, leaning my back against the headboard as I eagerly took the plate, while she put the glass on my nightstand. She had made me toast, boiled eggs, ham and sausage; my stomach rumbled loudly at the delicious smell. "Thank you, Kel," I said gratefully.

She smiled as she sat down on my bed, crossing her legs beneath her.

"How are your hands?" I asked her as I munched on a slice of ham.

"They're a little sore still, but they're okay. What about you?"

"I'm alright." I shrugged. Though my stomach was doing pretty well considering the circumstances, my nose had actually been annoying me most of the night, throbbing with a dull ache that intensified every time I turned on my side. I didn't want her to worry about me, however.


"Did Amanda make it home safely?"

"Yeah, she did. She texted me once she got there. She said Brian had been a real gentleman."

"We didn't have to worry about that."

"Yeah, but still—it's not like she wasn't dressed to fuck, you know?"

"Brian's a good guy."

"I know. I really like him, Damon."

I grinned. "He's too old for you."

"I meant as your friend! I didn't mean I 'like him', like him!" she exclaimed as she punched my arm. She got a pensive look on her face. "Well, maybe a little. He's very good looking, and he's got a killer body."

"He also bangs everything that wears a skirt! He wouldn't be right for you," I warned.

She gave me a pert grin. "So it's fine for you to mess with my best friend, but I can't fool around with one of yours?"

"That's right," I said shamelessly. "Got to draw the line somewhere."

Kelsey laughed. "I can't help but notice that the line gets drawn heavily in your favor!"

"One of the perks of being older."

She snorted. "By all of ten months!"

"Older is older, Kelsey," I deadpanned.

She grinned and stuck her tongue out at me. I chuckled as I grabbed one of the eggs and ate it in two bites, then followed up with a slice of toast that I inhaled in a single gulp. "Thanks sis, it tastes great," I said appreciatively.

"It's the least I can do for you," she said glumly. "It's not fair! You're getting punished for things I did myself. Why won't you let me talk to Mom and Dad and admit it?"

"Then we'll both be punished and you'll get grounded for two weeks as well. What's the point?" I said with my mouth full.

"The point is that you wouldn't be grounded for two weeks."

"Yes, I would. Dad is much more angry about me getting in a fight than he is about those clothes of yours that he thinks I bought for you."

"Dad may be angry with you, but Mom is livid about my outfit from last night," Kelsey said sadly. To my surprise I saw her eyes beginning to tear.

"Hey, come here," I said, putting my plate beside me and holding my arms open for her.

She sniffled a few times, then she crawled over to me and gently embraced me, being careful of my stomach. I felt her softly cry against me, and it tore at my heart.

"Why are you crying, sweetie?" I asked gently.

"Because I tried talking to Mom again this morning, and I never get anywhere with her," Kelsey said quietly.

"About what?"

Kelsey cried quietly for a little while. "Some kind of an understanding," she said after a few minutes as she took a tissue from one of her pockets and blew her nose.

"An understanding? You mean about your clothes?"

"Yeah, and other stuff. I hate that I have to hide so many things from them, but they're just so old-fashioned! Though at least with Dad, when I talk to him, he listens and tries to understand, sometimes. He'll try to see things from my point of view."

"Mom doesn't?"

"No, she doesn't. I think she expects things to be like when she was young, and that's just stupid. I love her, I really do, but it was thirty years ago when she was our age. All my friends wear sexy clothes; all girls do! Well, maybe not exactly like what I wore yesterday," she said, blushing brightly, "but at least sexy stuff. I want to be sexy too!"

"Why do you think Mom's so tough on you about that? I mean, I guess Dad is just worried about you looking too hot and getting attacked by a group of horny guys, but do you think that's what's bugging Mom too?"

"I don't know," she sighed. "I just don't know what to do. I like to think I'm a good girl. I don't smoke or do drugs, I have great grades, I never ask for anything, or at least not anything too extravagant. Yet when I asked her this morning if we could talk about my clothes, she just flat-out said no. Not just no to allowing me to wear sexier clothes, but no to even talking about it!"

"There must be a reason for her being so stubborn?"

"It's probably because of how she was raised. Apparently her mother never let her wear anything but long dresses, and maybe she just figures that's the way it's supposed to be. Did you know that up until she married Dad, she had never worn a bikini? Or a short skirt?"

"You're kidding?"

"No, I wish I was. I feel sorry for her that she was so cooped up all the time, but it's not fair for her to take that out on me."

"No, it isn't," I agreed. "You know, if Mom refused to have this kind of a talk with you, how exactly do you know all this stuff about her?"

"Melissa told me awhile back."

"Mel, really?" I asked, surprised. Our older sister had never really seemed all that interested in what happened with the family life after she'd left.

"Yes. I talked with her on the phone about it one night, when Mom had again brushed me off. I was so angry! She tried to explain why Mom does what she does, at least as best as she could figure it out anyways."

"So you called Mel to let off some steam?"

"No, actually I called her to ask her if I could move in with her."

"What?!" I exclaimed, my mouth hanging open in shock. I remembered the day, a little over five years ago, that we'd come home to find out Mel had run away. I had seen her maybe half a dozen times since then. She and I hadn't been anywhere near as close as Kelsey and I were, but it had still really hurt me. If I'd lost Kelsey the same way, I would have been devastated.

Kelsey nodded. "I was really pissed off at Mom. I mean, I always sort of understood why Mel left, but now it was so easy to see. It seemed like a good idea at the time."

"So what happened?"

Kelsey smiled wryly. "She told me to stop being stupid and to keep my butt in school. She's been working during the day and taking classes at night, and she's exhausted all the time."

A suspicion came over me. "Is this why she chose to leave? Because of Mom being so stubborn about things?"


"She never told me that."

"She figured you wouldn't understand, so she didn't bother."

"Did she explain it to you?"

"Not at first, no. I wasn't even thirteen yet, I probably wouldn't have understood either. She told me a few years later when we were over at her place during our summer vacation."

"I miss her," I said, somewhat sadly.

"I do too. We should both just go to UCLA. Mel said she's not gonna leave L.A. anytime soon, so we could see a lot more of her that way."

"Yeah, I'll think about it. Do you still talk to her a lot?"

"We try to call every other week or so, but we've just missed each other the last few times."

"Does she know about you and Amanda?"

"Yes, she does." Kelsey nodded.

"What does she think about it?"

"She says that as long as Amanda makes me happy, then she's happy. I just wish Mom would have the same attitude," Kelsey sighed wistfully.

"About you and Amanda? Mom doesn't know about you two, right?"

Kelsey was quiet for a few moments. "No, she doesn't and neither does Dad. I've really wanted to tell them about Amanda and I, for several months now. But I'm too scared of how they'll react."

"Why do you want to tell them? Why not just keep it a secret?"

"Because I'm tired of having to hide it! I'm tired of not being able to kiss Amanda when she's here. If I had been dating a boy for over a year, Mom and Dad would understand he and I would kiss and maybe fool around a little. But with Amanda, I always have to be so careful and quiet."

"How come you never told me about you two, by the way?"

"I'm sorry. It's not that I didn't want to tell you, but I was worried you'd go and tell them," Kelsey said sadly.

I nodded. "I understand, sis. I don't think either one of them would be very happy to hear you're a lesbian."

"Would you stop saying that?!"

"What, that you're a lesbian?" I grinned.

She gave me an annoyed pout and poked me in the side.

"Ow!" I yelped.

"Just because I'm not dating boys right now doesn't mean I'm some kind of raging bull-dike! I just love being with a smoking hot girl! Big deal!"

"You're not just messing around with one girl, though, are you?"

She glared suspiciously at me, with her face pulled into a puzzled frown.

"I heard you were quite prominently involved in this all-girl sex party last night?" I said slowly.

Kelsey gave me a dismayed look. "How did you find out about that?! I made Amanda promise she wouldn't tell you!"

"It wasn't Amanda who told me, it was Katie."

"Who's Katie?" Kelsey asked, looking baffled.

I grinned somewhat smugly. "She's the redhead whose pussy you ate last night."

"Oh my God, you talked to her?" Kelsey said, her hand going to her mouth.

I nodded. "I ran into her in the hallway, right after she came out of that bedroom. A few minutes later, she told me about what was happening, and who she'd been having sex with in there."

Kelsey turned her head away, her face miserable.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"Nothing," she muttered.

"Kel, you're obviously upset about something. Tell me what's wrong, please?"

She sighed and mumbled something.

"What? I didn't hear you."

"I said I'm embarrassed about it," she said tersely.

"Embarrassed? Why?"

"Because I didn't want you to find out! It's not something I normally do."

"What, having sex with girls?"

"No, I mean have sex with girls I don't know. It's the first time I've ever done that, and then I did three all at once and..." her voice trailed off as her face turned even redder.

I wrapped both my arms around her, pulling her more firmly against me. I could feel how tense her body was, and I gave her a soft kiss on the top of her head. "Come on, Kel, don't worry about it so much."

She sighed as she squeezed my arms. "I'm not that I'm worried about it, but I don't want you to think that this is, like, normal for me."

"Well, I kind of figured that."

"I don't ... I'm not..." she started, then she sighed in frustration and remained quiet for several moments. I was about to speak up myself when she spoke again, "I don't want you to think I'm just some dumb slut with the morals of an alley-cat, who'll fuck anything that moves! I'm still trying to figure out how the whole thing got started in the first place."

"What do you mean?" I asked, my face pulled in a frown that she, of course, couldn't see.

Kelsey sat back a little, looking somewhat disquieted. "After I'd gone to find Amanda, when you and are Brian were talking, I met up with Stacey and um..." she hesitated for a few seconds. "Well, I met up with Stacey, and these two college girls started talking to us. They invited us to go upstairs with them, obviously to have sex. I could tell Stacey definitely wanted to, but I really wasn't sure."

"Didn't you want to go have sex?"

"Kind of, but I've just never had sex with a stranger, you know?"

"You really haven't?" I asked, still a little surprised at that admission. She glared at me, and I quickly backpedaled. "Sorry, go on!"

"The girls seemed a little disappointed, but then they asked us to come upstairs so we could just talk in private. Before I could say anything, Stacey had already agreed for both of us, and she glared at me to be quiet, so I went along with them.

"They took us to one of their bedrooms, and we all sat down on the couch, a little packed together. They asked what school we were from, and if we knew which college we were going to go to, stuff like that. One of the girls, Samantha, said she was going to get some Sangria for all of us and left for a little while. When she came back, she asked if the hot blonde in the white fishnet top she'd run into downstairs was one of our friends and if Amanda might want to join us. I told her that Amanda was with you and probably didn't want to be bothered."

"Yeah, she and I were pretty busy at that time already, I think." I nodded.

"I figured. In any case, Samantha poured some Sangria for all four of us, and we drank and talked about their college and such. They asked if we were thinking about going to Oregon, and if we wanted to join their sorority if we did. After awhile, I was starting to get really hot, and I grabbed a magazine from the table and fanned myself with it. Samantha asked if I was alright, and I said I was feeling really hot and flustered.

"Samantha put her arm around me and asked if she could do anything for me. I wasn't sure what she was referring to, so I asked her. She said she'd be happy to do whatever I wanted."

"And by that, I'm assuming she meant sex?" I asked.

"Yeah, that was my guess as well. I shook my head but doing so made me feel pretty woozy, so I leaned my head back against the couch and closed my eyes for a bit. After a few moments, I could hear kissing and moaning; I looked over and saw that Stacey and the other girl, Jennifer, were making out and feeling each other up."

"What did Samantha do?"

"Nothing. At least, I don't think she did. She just had her arm around my shoulder and sat really close beside me, our bodies pressing against each other. She was quietly talking to me, but I wasn't really listening. I closed my eyes again, and I think I drifted off for a little while. Next thing I know, I'm waking up and Samantha has her fingers under my skirt, in my pussy, and she's sucking on my neck. A very small part of me wanted to tell her to stop, but what she was doing felt so good, and my mind seemed like it was packed in wool. Then she touched my clit, and a few moments later it was like fireworks going off everywhere in my mind and body."

"You mean..."

"I mean that she made me cum, Damon. She made me cum so hard. I have no idea how long she'd been playing with me, but from the way I came I'd think it was hours! Then she kissed me and said she wanted to fuck me so badly, and I couldn't resist anymore."

"So you fucked her?"

"Yeah," Kelsey said softly.

"The whole time?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, were you in that bedroom until you came outside and beat the shit out of Kim?"

"Yes," Kelsey said, almost inaudibly.

"Did you feel like your mind was 'packed in wool' the whole time?" I asked quietly. I was starting to get a bad feeling about my sister's story.

She shrugged. "I guess. To be honest, I was out of my mind horny for pretty much all of it, and that doesn't exactly make me think very clearly to begin with."

"But you've been extremely horny before. Did this feel the same?"

"I ... I'm just not sure. It felt a little strange, but I'd also had a lot to drink," Kelsey said softly.

I swallowed in an effort to wet my mouth a little, as it had gone as dry as sandpaper. Suddenly I thought of something. "You also seemed to be very, very angry when you were fighting with Kim?"

Kelsey nodded. "I got outside just as I saw her kick you in the face, and it was like this red haze of anger came over me. All I could think about was just beating the crap out of her!"

"Fuck," I said grimly, my face pulling into a scowl.

My sister looked a little worried. "You're not angry at me for beating up Kim, are you?"

"No, of course not! I'm just worried that one of those girls spiked your drink."

"What?" She gave me a look of utter surprise. "You mean like a..."

"Like a date rape drug," I finished for her, my expression set in stone.

"Are you serious?" Kelsey asked. She seemed a little scared.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I can't be sure, sweetie, but it does sound like it. You did seem to show some of the symptoms."

"Don't those make you go out of it, though? Like, everything's just a blur, and you wake up six hours later?"

"I don't know. I'm not exactly an expert on them."

"Because, I mean, I do know what happened and everything."

"Like going to the hospital?"

"Well, yeah, but I mean, I can also remember all the sex."

"You remember all of it?"

"Yeah," she said softly.

"Well, then it probably wasn't a drug," I said hesitantly. "Or maybe there is some other kind of drug with different symptoms."

"Or maybe it was just the alcohol getting to me, and I got horny and wanted to get fucked," Kelsey said reluctantly. "Besides, they all drank from the same pitcher I did. So if Samantha had spiked it, they would have gotten the same drug, right?"

I nodded. It seemed logical, but I still couldn't shake the feeling that something had happened. "What do you think, Kel? Do you think it was just you?"

She sighed. "I don't know. It was weird, the way I felt, and how hazy my mind seemed, and so a part of me wants to believe you and say it was a date rape drug. On the other hand, I know full well how horny I can get and the things I do when I'm that horny."

I swallowed again, my cock involuntarily twitching in my boxers. "Would you get so horny you'd have group sex?" I said, my voice cracking a little.

"It's happened before," my sister said quietly.

"Are you serious?" I gasped.


"But you said you hadn't had sex with strangers before this."

"I hadn't. But I've had sex with ... with some of the other girls."

"You mean from your squad?"

She nodded, blushing slightly.

"Oh my God!" I moaned.

Kelsey gave me a brief flicker of a smile, before she sighed dejectedly. "So I think that trying to blame it on a drug is just taking the easy way out."

"I think we should tell Dad," I said seriously.

Kelsey's lower lip trembled. "No! Absolutely not!"

"Look, if you did get drugged, that's rape. We need to tell Dad about this so he can investigate."

"Damon, I swear, if you tell Dad about this, I am never talking to you again!" she said vehemently.


"No! There is no way in hell that I'm going to admit this to him, or to Mom! In any case, it doesn't matter because I didn't get raped."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I remember enough to know that I fucked those girls just as hard as they fucked me!" she said, blushing fiercely.

I sat quietly, almost unable to breathe as I stared at my gorgeous sister. I hated to admit it, but her admissions of what she'd been doing were making me horny as hell.

"You probably can't believe what a slut I am, huh?" she said sadly.

"Don't be silly. You're not a slut!"

"No? What other word would you use then? Whore?"

"Kel, stop it!" I said sharply. "Just because you had sex with a few people doesn't make you a whore! And I'm still not convinced that they didn't drug you!"

She sighed. "Whatever. In any case, you can not tell Mom and Dad about this!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. As far as they know I'm a good little school girl, and I'm not going to do anything to ruin that image any further than I already did last night."

I shook my head. "Yeah, you're definitely a good little school girl," I grinned teasingly.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" she asked, her voice cold as ice as she frowned at me angrily.

I gulped as I looked at her. "I mean, you've had sex. Quite a lot," I stammered hesitantly.

"So? You've had sex! And they think you're their perfect little darling!"

Yeah, right, I thought to myself, though I didn't say it out loud. "There's a bit of a difference between having sex with your girlfriend and having sex with multiple girls from your cheerleading squad, Kel," I said matter-of-factly. "And I still can't believe you did that."

She blushed fiercely, but looked me straight in the eye. "Why not? Why is that so hard to believe?"

"Because..." I started to say, then hesitated. Why exactly was it so hard to believe? Try as I might, I couldn't come up with an answer. Finally I sighed. "I don't know. I guess it's just unexpected. I never figured you'd do something like this."

"Because, as your little sister, I'm supposed to be this sweet, innocent little angel, right?" she said tartly.

"I don't know if I'd go that far, but I just never expected you to be into group sex. Especially with girls."

"Well, I am," Kelsey said defensively, her voice rising. "I'm sorry that I've lied to you about it all this time, but now I can see that that was definitely the right thing to do."

"Kel, I—"

"Would it have been better for you if I'd gotten myself fucked by several guys instead? Maybe your team mates could have gangfucked me and covered me in cum! Or should I go into the locker room at school and let the guys from the football team pull my skirt up onto my hips, and then take turns fucking my ass? Would it be better if I was just a normal high school cheerleader slut rather than the obvious lesbo I am now? Huh?"

"Would you please let me—"

"I am getting so sick and tired of having to pretend to be someone I'm not! It's bad enough that I have to lie to Mom and Dad, now I have to lie to you too? I like girls, and I'll be damned if I'm going to let you judge me for it, Damon!" she fumed as she got up off the bed and took off towards the bathroom.

For a second I sat completely stunned by her anger, then I jumped towards the bathroom, ripping my blanket off the bed with me and sending my plate sailing across the room. As it clattered against my desk, I slammed the door shut in my sister's face just before she could go through. "Will you just listen to me?"

"Get out of my way!" Kelsey hissed angrily.

"No, not until you let me say what I have to say!"

"Let me out!"


"Asshole!" she yelled, turning around and running towards my other door.

I took two giant steps after her and grabbed her by the arm, yanking her back against me firmly.

"Ow, that hurts, you shit!" she cried.

"Sit down," I said curtly, pushing her towards my bed.

"What? Who do you think you are?"

"I said, sit down, Kelsey!" I snapped.

She glared at me angrily, but sat down on the edge of my bed anyways. I waited a few moments to make sure she wasn't going to try to run away again, then knelt in front of her.

"Look at me, Kel," I said gently.

She turned her face away.

"Look at me, please," I repeated, cupping her chin with my fingers and moving her face back my way. As I looked into her beautiful blue eyes, I could practically feel my heart break when I saw the pain and doubt in them.

"Kel, I am not judging you. Don't be angry at me for something I'm not even doing, that's not fair."

She sniffed dismissively, but kept her eyes locked on mine.

"Try to see it from my point of view. Six days ago, all I knew was that you were this perfectly sweet girl who was happy all the time, had wonderful friends, got great grades, was wonderful to her parents, and all that. Then in the space of a few days, I find out that that's just an image you show to everyone, and that in reality you're into having sex with girls, you're in love with your best friend, you have sex with the other girls on your squad and that when you go out you dress up like this ridiculously hot ... tease."

She opened her mouth to say something, but I raised my finger and cut her off.

"I understand why you feel you need to keep it a secret from Mom and Dad, Kel. I really do. They probably wouldn't understand. But you also chose to keep it a secret from me. You built up this perfect girl image of yourself in my eyes; then, in a matter of a few days, you just completely tear that image apart."

I saw her lower lip begin to quiver, but I continued on. "I never had any reason to expect anything like this from you, Kel, so what exactly am I supposed to do when you confront me with it, head-on? How did you think I would react?"

"You weren't supposed to find out," Kelsey said quietly, tears forming in her eyes.

"But ... you told me about you and Amanda."

"No, all the other stuff. I never meant for you to learn about that."

"But why were you trying to hide it from me?"

"Because I didn't think you would accept it," she said, her voice breaking. "I thought you would despise me for it!"

"Why on earth would I ever do that?" I asked gently. I took her into my arms as she burst into great big sobs, her small body wracking from her crying fit. I kissed her forehead and held her against me, feeling her cling to me fiercely in return.

"You're such a sweet guy," she wailed, her voice halting and breaking. "I just didn't think you would agree with me being such a ... slut."

"You never gave me a chance to agree, sweetheart. And stop saying you're a slut!"

"It just seems I'm so different from you," Kelsey said softly.

I sighed as I hugged her closer, kissing her forehead again. "You're not that different from me, Kel."

"Right, because you had sex with three complete strangers last night too!"

"No, but I did have sex with one," I said, swallowing loudly to try to get the lump out my throat.

"What? Are you serious?!" Kelsey gasped as she looked up at me, her eyes wide open in disbelief.


"But you were with Amanda? With who did you ... what happened?" she asked, shaking her head as if trying to dislodge the idea.

"I don't know. Last night was just so ... overwhelming, I guess. First I fooled around with Amanda, then we watched Carynne get her face fucked, then Amanda sucked me off and swapped my cum with Carynne. I was so horny it drove me fucking insane!" I groaned.

Kelsey stared at me intently, hanging on my every word.

"Amanda and I ran into Katie in the hall, and she told us about the girls fucking in that bedroom. Amanda went inside, and Katie..." I trailed off.

"Katie what?"

"I guess I want to say that she seduced me, but she didn't really have to try very hard. I wanted to fuck so badly, and she wanted to fuck me. Amanda was in the bedroom with you, apparently having sex with you while I was waiting outside for her, and—"

"I'm sorry," Kelsey said softly. "I didn't know you were waiting for her. If I'd known—"

"It's okay, I'm not begrudging you getting your hands on her," I said with a slight grin. "But when Katie told me that's what was happening, I just lost it."

"So you went and fucked her? Katie, I mean?"


"You actually, like, fucked her?"

I nodded, feeling myself blush.


"Yeah," I said, letting out a loud breath as we looked at each other.

"Damon?" Kelsey asked after a long period of silence.


"When you heard about me being in that room, having sex with a bunch of girls ... What were you thinking?"

I sighed and lowered my head. My temples were pounding. Did I dare tell her?

"Were you disappointed in me?" Kelsey asked in a very small voice when I didn't answer her immediately.

I gave her a puzzled look. "Disappointed? About you having sex with girls?"

"Yes. I mean, I know I've built up this web of lies with you and Mom and Dad, and then last night you find out what I'm really like. How did that ... what did that make you think of me?"

I sat back on my bed, leaning against the headboard. "Come here, honey," I said to her, holding my arms open. Kelsey eagerly scampered over and pressed herself against me. "I am not disappointed in you; far from it. I love you, Kel. There is nothing you can do that could ever change that."

She looked at me with sadness in her eyes. "Do you mean that? Nothing at all?" she asked hopefully.

I nodded as I tried to figure out what she was getting at. "Nothing at all, Kel."

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The morning had started off beautifully,the heat of the day was already rising and Brandon and Gill decided they would go for one of their long bike rides. They were fit,very fit,both were Gym instructors and loved nothing more than riding their mountain bikes . They had been riding for almost twenty miles when the weather began to change and soon Brandon and Gill found themselves caught in the midst of torrential rain. "Head for those tress,!" Brandon shouted,pointing at some trees at the side...

4 years ago
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Chaos Calls 05 Island GirlChapter 02

We all enter the vault and I immediately move to my lock box to start handing out weapons as soon as the rest of my team are all through the portal. Several minutes later we’re all armed so we enter the main bank room where we stop so I can open accounts for everyone and I have them rent their own lock box for later use. This will ensure they all have access to weapons and money, regardless of what happens. It will also mean the new Heroes will have an easier start when they begin their own...

4 years ago
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Mums Birthday Present to Me

My name is Mark and my fithteenth birthday is tomorrow. I’m glad tomorrow is Saturday so that I don’t have to attend school and mum will be home. She usually comes home from work to make dinner, does house work and then goes to bed. But tonight, I noticed she had been to the beauty parlor to have her hair done and she put on a dress. Evidently she wanted to look nice when she gave presents to me. I gave her a small gift and she hugged and kissed me to thank me. I think she is a little depressed...

2 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 13

I checked out of the hotel and was at the restaurant a little before eight, getting my Anna fix. Just as Anna was bringing my coffee, Jorge and Giuseppe walked in together. While we were eating, I reminded them I had to get my horse and mules from the stables, and then make a few stops in town for supplies before leaving. I paid for the breakfasts, said my goodbye to Anna, and walked over to the stables. I spent a few minutes talking to Mr. Mendoza, while the stable boy got my horse and...

1 year ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 73

I could tell she was nervous as we walked into my office. I pulled a straight-chair over close to my desk chair and pointed for her to sit. She looked at Sheila, then Shelly, before she smiled and looked at me. I knew when she raised her arms to hug me again, Rondo and the others were getting a nice view of her naked butt. She whispered - as she snuggled closer, “I love the way my titties feel pressed against your naked chest.” I put my mouth against her ear and whispered, “I wish you had...

3 years ago
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A Farewell to Last

Oh God, Brad is moving to the west coast.  There was so little time left, and work was bound to interfere with what I had in mind.  I had had a crush on him from the time I met him.  It had turned into a wonderful friendship, but he was more like my brother.  I was going to miss him, that is for sure, but I was also determined to have my way with him before he left for the coast.    He was out there now, finding a place to live, and finalizing his job.  I called him on his cell phone, and I...

Straight Sex
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Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 16

Mark had flown a few times, back when Paul still had the good job. That had been before 9/11, though, and he was unfamiliar with all the new rigamarole. This was a first for Lindsey, but there had been so many firsts lately that she took it pretty well in stride. Being with Mark made it all more exciting than frightening, and she was able to get into the spirit of adventure. The relationship between the two teens had changed dramatically, and it was not just Lindsey's long-overdue...

1 year ago
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The Party Started After Labor Day

My stories are all based on real events and people except this one. This one is pure fantasy suggested by my LushBuddy Ladybugg. This one is for her and anyone who likes a threesome with two randy bisexual women. That would be me, of course!The end of the Labor Day weekend is my favorite day out here on the East End. When the cars are all bumper to bumper streaming west on Montauk Highway, I like to watch the kids skateboard along Newtown Lane, now free of any traffic. For all the summer...

Group Sex
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Succubus Summoning 101Chapter 9

Phil was lying naked in bed and wondering how the hell he was going to get out of his current predicament when he heard the chanting. It caught his attention immediately because the voice was male and the chanting sounded a lot like the spells he used to hear at Wargsnouts College for Warlocks. 'How the hell' was quite appropriate considering Phil was currently trapped in Hell. Rosa and Verdé, a pair of succubi, had spirited him here after he and a friend had botched a summoning...

1 year ago
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Around and AroundPart 3

The bus with 48 very horny freshmen stopped in front of Bellman Center. It emptied quickly with most of the men hurrying to find the source of the music, and maybe a female that would go with it. One person in that bus was already lucky—I was his girl and maybe more. I didn’t wave or even move. This was the first time we had seen each other since before semester break, and that silly little college sex game that never left my dreams. John stepped off the bus and looked left and then right;...

3 years ago
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Josies Visit to the Salon

Josie's Visit to the Salon ? by: Josie Girlyc This was bringing tears to my eyes, as I saw what Holly had done to me. Holly was smiling from ear to ear. But before I finish telling you what I looked like let me start from the beginning of this humiliating day. I knew that I had my normal Tuesday salon visit; every Tuesday and Friday I have a standing appointment with my wife's girlfriend Holly. Holly owns a salon called the 'Big Teeze'. Part of my wife's revenge is that I have...

2 years ago
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Copyright© 2003 I am lying face down on the ground. A dog is nuzzling my neck. It feels good, but seems rather strange. Why would a dog be licking my neck? I don't own a dog. I then awaken to feel you kissing me on the back of my neck. The kissing stops and your fingers start massaging my neck under my hair. Gently your fingers glide up and down. Then lifting my hair you let it slowly fall back on to my neck. Through half open eyes I can see the clock. Good! Over an hour before we have...

4 years ago
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My New Girlfriend0

In Australia the weather here gets rather hot in summer. During summer you are either down at the beach or at the local pool. For me it began at the beach. I was down at the beach with a few mates one day after work. The beach was a fair way from any town. We all had our surfboards and we all had our towels and whatnot. I have never been physically attractive nor have I ever been in top condition regarding my health. I was chubby but not overweight, I had a fairly decent amount of...

3 years ago
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Prissy the whore

“Hey, that sounds like a logical thing to do – forget her, that is. I ain’t no honey gold blonde between my legs, my flat tits sag and my hair is a dirty brown but some people have sworn that my pussy tastes like honey. I can be over there in two hours. I’ll be glad to do what I can to help you forget her.” “No, you don’t understand. This was two months ago when she left me the note and disappeared. Like a fool, I didn’t take her advice and went...

1 year ago
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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 43

The wind began to blow before dawn and even though it was late July there was a sudden chill in the air. Tom looked to the east and saw the sun glowing red through a bank of low clouds. He looked to the west and saw another bank of clouds, darker than those that had drifted overhead. Somewhere in the gray clouds, Tom heard the sound of geese. He listened and the sounds moved south. “Cal, it’s time to go,” he said as he looked at his friend. “I’m ready Tom, which we heading south or...

2 years ago
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My thick Latina mom

Just my fantasy My mom is pretty hot in her mid thirties big ass and medium sized tits. She is the neighborhood fantasy. One day in the summer I'm sitting on my computer chair when my mom calls me upstairs. "Mijo ven" I go up to her room and there she is on all fours. "No has visto mi zapato" the whole time I'm just looking at her ass and she turns around "no" I say and quickly leave. The same day she comes into my room to talk. "Hijo es normal que seas curioso" "si mama ya Lo se" she let's out...

3 years ago
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Submission Commitment

[ This is a story written upon request of BigDaddyJ. I hope this does justice to what you were suggesting! The over all theme is the inner, emotional (and sexual) dynamic between an alpha male, and a beta male. ]After all the numerous on-line chats Jay and I had had (beginning over a year ago), we'd never managed to meet face to face. But that was about to change; and as I drove to the small town several hours from where I lived in order to meet him, I was very excited!The plan (or so I was...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Jenna Sativa Eliza Jane Ivy Wolfe A Flapper Girl Story

Jenna Sativa’s mother has found an old family heirloom: her great-grandmothers’ chest. When Jenna opens it up, she finds an old diary. Glancing at it quickly, it’s clear that it belonged to her great-grandmother. As she reads the words out loud, she’s transported back to a time when her great-grandmother was in her early 20’s and hitting the dame’s only club. We get transported back in time as Jenna plays her great-grandmother and is flirting with all the...

2 years ago
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My joke on my husband backfired

Troy had been home and leave for a week and it was so good to have him home, we fucked for the whole week and then on the Saturday night his old mates form his school days decided to come around for some drinks and catch up with him, the guys arrived about 7pm and by that time Troy had already had a few beers too many but was in a really good mood, five of his mates turned up, John, Ross, Will, Andrew and Ben and Ben’s girlfriend Sharon, Sharon was nice but easily lead, she did exactly what...

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Horny Student Hot Professor

She walks briskly into class a few minutes early and sits in the front row. She pretends to look over her notes from the previous class. She sits up straight, her eyes down, swinging her crossed leg rhythmically. She has a big secret and she’s deathly afraid someone will surmise. She’s wearing a short, flirty summer skirt and her legs are bare, no tights. The professor comes in and class begins. He notices that she is sitting in the front row, notices her posture and her big black Mary Jane...

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An Afternoon During Spring Break

Daryl, my long time college roommate, and I was talking about taking a trip for our spring break. I confided in him that I had no funds, my job at the burger joint had ended and I was subsiding off student loans and housing. Saturday and Sunday went well no overt actions by Daryl, matter of fact he was so understanding, as to even take me out to brunch on Sunday and spend the day with me in bed. We mostly cuddled and watched DVD's. Daryl did take me and perform oral sex till I shot my load, so...

1 year ago
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A pastoral tale

holiday, anal Cycling holiday turns out for the bestLast summer I cycled through Britain, sticking to the less traveledroutes. Overall the weather was kind, in fact, even when it poured itturned out for the best.I was laboring through some hilly but very open farming countryside, apatchwork quilt of green fields separated by winding hedgerows, when theskies opened up. Now, I don’t mind a little rain and it does keep thecountryside pretty, but this was coming down in buckets and the wind...

3 years ago
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Adventures With LindzChapter 4 Girls Night

"Your whole attitude changes when I infuse your balls," Lindz remarked a few weeks later as we were getting ready to head out for lunch. We'd just finished up our latest play session and this time I'd insisted that she only infuse 250cc's of saline so that I could wear loose fitting pants. It was late summer and I doubt anyone would notice that my cargo shorts were just fuller than average. While disappointed that she couldn't test my limits, Lindz still had trouble keeping her hands...

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The Whore part 4 by Tommy

“Tom, I want to raise some money for a charity.” She said. “Do you have any ideas?” ‘I don’t know.” I joked. “You could always raffle off my pecker.” We giggled at that for a moment. “Yea and make sure the mayor’s wife wins.” She chuckled. “Trouble is, I would probably have to fuck her on the spot.” I continued. “You know, that might not be such a bad thought.” Brenda said after a few minutes. “I could select a few women that I know, and explain it to them. I know just who to...

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Hijacked College Girl

(BITTE AUF DER TITELSEITE EINEN WEIBLICHEN VORNAMEN EINGEBEN!) William Parker Jr. ist mit sich und der Welt rundherum zufrieden. Er ist der beste Football-Spieler der gesamten College-Mannschaft, er hat von seinem stinkreichen Daddy einen superschicken brandneuen SUV zum Geburtstag geschenkt bekommen hat, und er hat das bei weitem hübscheste Mädchen des gesamten Colleges neben sich auf dem Beifahrersitz sitzen. Nur das Allerbeste ist gut genug für ihn, und nur die allerhübschesten Mädchen haben...

4 years ago
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Mummys true passion part seven

Half an hour later mum and I arrived in our cozy hotel room. Mum had held my hand on the long way though the hotel and I had enjoyed having my sexy mother by my side. We were exhausted like hell after that day we had left behind us. So I didn’t wonder that mum let herself fall on the bed as soon as the door had fallen in its lock. I watched mum laying there in the big and soft bad in her brand new dress which already had this phenomenal mark on its front side. I let my thoughts moving around...

3 years ago
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Number 67 Story by MrsAnaC Part Two

NOTICE: This story is fiction, no resemblance to RL context/characters/names so on doesn't apply. It is my intellectual property and any individual or institution is NOT allowed to redistribute it without my written permission. I didn't plan to write more so soon, but hey, inspiration hit and it hit me quite good (rofl)... Enjoy the second part here, let me know if you do, and stay tuned for more! This part is... a bit more special... you'll see why :) Part One here (Introduction, so that you...

2 years ago
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TransparenceChapter 15

His mouth attacks hers. His tongue slips between Yulia’s parted lips. Erlos squeezes her breast tight, running his thumb over the hard pink nipple, letting the coldness of his hand penetrate her hot skin. Just to the side of them lies Curtis ... dead. When Yulia get here she was left by Sabina to face the monster alone. She understood. The girl was afraid and has every right to be—after all she has gone through and the things she was made to suffer, she deserves to sit this one out. And...

1 year ago
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Body of Art

Isabella was very excited about her project for art class. She started putting up flyers looking for a model, mainly male. After school, she went and bought herself lunch before going home to her apartment. Once she ate her lunch, she set up her art equipment, easel, colored pencils, and all. Then, she heard her doorbell ring. She opened her door and noticed this tall guy standing there. He had light brown hair and blue eyes. He wore a button-down blue-striped shirt with darkwashed jeans and...

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making sexual progress

I would like to start out by telling you that I am a 48-year-old married male, I have always had a fairly perverse mind while my wife is more on the prudish side. Over the years I have slowly gotten my wife into watching the odd porno together playing with sex toys and on occasions talking about her sexual fantasies, to those of you reading this who have a wide and varied sex life this achievement wont sound much but taking into account of how far she has come it’s a milestone in my book. Over...

3 years ago
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Journey to EdenChapter 16 Explanation

Brgghhh Jord sat in stupefied amazement as Jona hurried to Leana’s side. “What are you talking about? You’re not seriously considering this, are you?” Yet even as she spoke, she realized just how serious her friend was, and suddenly she knew who the fourth person must be. “Meta? Nooo!” Speechless, she turned to Jord, as Leana nodded. “And they must go alone, without any help from us,” said Seth. “I understood that, from all the things Ylva told us,” he shook his head, as if trying to wake...

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me andthe girlfreinds mum

as i ly i my girlfreinds bed quickly tossing my slef off as she nipped of to work. i was getting quite nar to the max until BANG!!! the door swings open. it was he mum. as quicky tried to pull te covers up the mum just jumped on me. i then started to kiss her therousialy. she was begging me to slip it in her ass. DING dong!!! MY MISSUS HAD finished work and was already on ay up the stairs. we just managed to hide all the evidence. and to this day sh still does not no :)

2 years ago
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Second Timothy A Sequel to STOPWATCHChapter 11 Second Timothy Mother Daughter Mother Banquet

"Tim, that was fun!" Wendy was laughing. "I've never tried anything like that before. Leaving your training bra was a great idea." Tim thought it was a great joke. "I thought she was going to pop a blood-vessel." Wendy wasn't concerned though, it sounded like a good idea. "Me too, I'm afraid the police are going to have a long night though." Tim was a little thoughtful. "And tomorrow ... they'll have divers under the pier by Tuesday ... the last time I remember them going...

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Wicked Show

© Copyright 2003 by Cyan "Oh, look at that one," said Talee. When I turned to look, there were lots of people around, but it was very clear who Talee was talking about. Very clear. "You know who that is?" I asked. She turned her eyes to me quickly and I saw her searching my face. "You're kidding," she said, looking thoroughly amazed. Brax can have that affect on people. It's hard to put your finger on it: sure, he's good looking, and he knows how to dress. And of course, you...

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Tim the Teenager Part XVI

Tim, the Teenage Part Sixteen By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter V: 9th Grade, Spring 1986 - The North Mansion Part 3 - Chains of Slavery (mc, mf) "Holy Shit. Tim, you better see this," Joey said as we started down the drive. "What. Did some servant take pity on them and hold their leash so they could follow us?" "Tim, stop the car and look!" Suzi pleaded. "What.." I said, not stopping the car, but looking out the back window. The twins were at the top of the steps. It...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 15

Maiden by Decree Chapter Fifteen By Maggie Finson Chalmnessa or, So This is Where You Grew Up ... "What were you thinking?" Garret asked almost plaintively once he had gotten Deirdre back to her cabin and in relative private. "Risking yourself in a shipboard battle? You could have been captured, or worse, killed!" "It seemed like the thing to do at the time?" she...

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Vickie Tries a New Cock 7

The guys decided to load up the boat and head out for some fishing. Spending the day on a boat did not sound like fun to the girls. Dee and Vickie decided to let the guys have some time to themselves and they would go shopping. After several hours of shopping, they decided to take a break for lunch. The two girls had really enjoyed catching up with each other. Then the conversation turned to sex. Dee told Vickie "Frank sure has an impressive tool. Thanks for sharing his big dick with me the...

2 years ago
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A Welfare Fuck

I was once at a fancy restaurant with my husband and two daughters. When the waiter put down the plates of food my daughters both made faces and added an “eww”.The waiter smiled and said, “You don’t eat with your eyes, but with your mouths.”That stayed with me because he was right. Many times we see something that we don’t think we will like, but what we don’t know and would never find out was if it tasted good; that was the case with Josh.****Fifteen years earlier, somewhere in...

College Sex
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Dark Encounter

Dark Encounter © Elaine 2006 Chapter 1 - Dark nights and policemen It was a Friday evening and I was in a hurry to get home after working late at the office. With a new job I was determined to keep it so I'd worked late and money was tight as always. I looked for a cab but there were none around and despite it raining hard I decided to walk home. I'd just purchased some new shoes that day and I was soon cursing their tightness and the pain in my feet. Cramming feet into a shoe...

3 years ago
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A sadists fun night with a true pain slut

This was originally written as a response to member "sluthole" who wrote me and asked;"I love my tits to be abused, how would u use my tits and cunt?"The following is my response. It took on such a life of it's own that I decided some of you other kinky pain sluts might enjoy it as well. So, originally intended for the eyes of "sluthole" this is being share with all of you.(Yes I asked her if she would mind it if I shared and she had no problem.)I hope you all enjoy.Imagine if you will:I escort...

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By the Way

The steamy water from the hot tub warms my naked body as I immerse myself up to my shoulders. I tilt my head back and rest it on the edge of the tub as I take in a deep breath of the crisp evening air. I reach one hand up to caress my nipple the other stretches down between my legs as I begin to lose myself in a sexual fantasy. Feeling a presence I turn my head and see you standing there. With a big smile you raise up a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. I push through the water to the...

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Tracy in TroubleChapter 37

Mr. Frank came back with what appeared to be a sucking machine. He said, “OK, let’s see if this cow can give us some milk!” He started attaching the suction tubes to Rachel’s udders and positioning the tubes so that they would go into a bucket. Then, he turned the machine on. Rachel’s nipples started getting longer as they were sucked into the cups, which were transparent so that everyone could watch. The more suction that was applied, the more her nipples went into the tubes. They were now...

2 years ago
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Tale Of The Virgin Pussy

I stood in front of the mirror for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. Everything had to be perfect, that night was too important for anything to go wrong. That night was the night that I was going to finally lose my virginity. I had been dating my boyfriend for about five years and I had decided that I was finally ready to give myself to him. I turned my attention back to the mirror and was finally happy with what I saw. My curly brown hair cascaded down my shoulders and laid gently...

First Time
3 years ago
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One Penis Too Many

I was taking a short cut through an abandoned apartment complex, the city had recently ordered that every one move out, most of the buildings were unsecured. Being adventurous I decided to check some of the units out. To my surprise, I found more than one unit with left over furniture. In one it seems that whoever had lived there just took their clothes and left most of their furniture behind. I was coming down from the second floor when I was startled by two young men that had stepped in to...

4 years ago
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UnfaithfulChapter 4

Rebecca didn't make a lot of money at her job, so she made a little extra cash by house-sitting for friends. Sometimes I'd visit her at the places she was sitting. One I remember particularly because the back yard was so beautiful. The house itself was not out of the ordinary, but the back yard had been land- scaped with so many trees and colorful flowers. Even though there were neighboring houses, the trees and bushes hid the back yard from view. So we could be as amorous as we liked...

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Asia In Vespa con Lo zio

Il racconto che sto per farvi nasce da quanto accaduto anni fa. Vivevo in un piccolo paesino del sud , ultimo figlio di una numerosa famiglia. Mio padre quinto di sei fratelli faceva il contadino. Tutti gli zii erano persone con il fisico robusto temprato dal duro lavoro dei campi. Il secondo fratello era uno scapolo è raggiunti i 50 anni ne dimostrava qualcuno in più , braccia forti e colori scuri peloso quanto basta.Fin da quando ero ragazzino si divertiva a farmi giocare sulle sue ginocchia...

1 year ago
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Skulduggery Pleasant Chapter Three Double Trouble

Fletcher felt the world stop. {This can’t be happening} he thought as Valkyrie stormed towards him, shadows curling around him and pinning him to the wall. “Shit, Val I didn’t know” he said as she glared at him. “Of course you didn’t” she growled though closed teeth, shadows writhing like angry snakes behind her. “You know I wouldn’t cheat on you on purpose!” Fletcher tried, then remembered China and gulped. Valkyrie thought for a second then looked at the Reflection who...

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Adventures of my ex The nine inch dick

I need to preface by saying the my ex was 5'4", 115lbs, brunette, brown eyes, with a perfect heart shaped ass. Her breast were not large but they were shaped nicely and well proportioned to her body. She was very pretty, with shoulder length hair most of the time we were married. For some reason she would fuck like a mink for men that would flirt and buy her drinks, as long as the man was not me of course. Needless to say she drove me nuts! I have some details of some of her escapades, which...

4 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 21

Present – Ben – At Bob's country bunker Something tugs at my attention and I order, "Stacy stop firing." She stops and now there's very little firing at all going on - and most of it is from us. What the hell are the fuckers doing now? I call Bob on the radio, "Bob, I don't know why but they've stopped firing at us." Bob questions, "I hope they aren't regrouping?" I begin to scan the area with the rifle scope and notice for the first time that trucks are rolling past the road...

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3 Clan Amir Falcon FledglingChapter 14

In September, 2007, Colonel Gordon Mannheim, acting Regimental Commander of the Protector’s Own, the Shields, has the full regiment on the Carmel bluffs exercising. In company groups they’re rappelling down the three hundred metre cliffs to the sea drenched rocks and climbing back up. They’re using the half kilometre long central section of the bluffs. This area is restricted access because it has a thirty degree downward slope for half of its length which is followed by a sheer drop making...

3 years ago
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Exotic vacation

I ve been working as a software dev for the last 2 year non stopI had plan everything and coudnt wait to relax on the beach and drink rhum n coke all dayi got to the hotel and drop my thing in my roomspent the day drinking and chillin at the beachthey where walking to me in sexy red full body swimsuitI was on my long chair looking at them smilling both hot teenage ebony chix offering massage the cute smaller girl discretely rubbing my legs up to my crotch finding my cock over my swimsuit''you...

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A Genius in King Arthurs Court Ch 11

Ch. 11 – History in the Balance “What say ye, David?” Merlin asked. “Mordred’s men are heavily fortified within the walls of Camelot; it will not be easy for Arthur’s forces to attack them. And from most accounts I have read, the Battle of Camelot takes place in the surrounding fields rather than within the castle itself.” “I see. Then perhaps we ought to give history a nudge in the proper direction, yes?” Merlin grinned. From their perch atop the highest tower in Camelot,...

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Curse of the Day

Author warning: I wrote this story for another site that allows the use of HTML. There are words that are emphasized and generally thoughts are italicized as well. None of that will show up on this version which must be .txt only. I think it is still readable, but it is not quite as clear when a line is a thought instead of part of a normal paragraph. I'm not going back through and re-adding "he thought" to the entire story, as it is 100 pages long, roughly. General guideline: If a...

2 years ago
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In the Locker Rooms

"Nice job tonight," Jacob said to Carl.Carl smiled at Jacob. "Nice job yourself. You scored the winning touchdown,""Yeah but you made the awesome pass. Hey, need a ride home?""Yeah but first I need a shower. Wait up?""No problem,"Jacob smiled his warm smile with his perfect white teeth. Jacob was a very hot eighteen year old boy. He had long black hair and kind brown eyes. He had a deep tan and he was extremely tall. He had a six pack and was one of the strongest k**s in school. All the girls...

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