Stupid BoyChapter 4: Holy Shit, Batman free porn video

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The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. I did stretching and rehab thru Thursday. On Friday, the doctor cleared me to play. We had a rare Saturday afternoon game, so on Friday we did a quick walkthrough, and then were told to keep out of trouble.

I had every intention of doing just that, but tonight I was to escort Tracy to her birthday party. Tracy met me at the door of her house and I stood open-mouthed. She was wearing a sundress and it was obvious she didn't have a bra on. Dear lord, her breasts should not be allowed anywhere near a 15-year-old horny guy. They were spectacular and when she moved they would give a slight jiggle that had Mr. Happy suggesting all kinds of naughty things. I was starting to think he had some good ideas. No wonder he did my thinking every now and then.

She looked at my reaction and gave me a tight smile. I figured I better recover before I became the lecherous walking hormone I was acting like. "Tracy, you take my breath away."

I gave her a peck on the cheek and walked in the house, leaving her standing at the door wondering what just happened. Her Dad had seen the whole thing and was trying not to laugh at his daughter's shocked reaction.

I stepped forward and introduced myself. "Evening, I'm David Dawson."

Now it was his turn to be shocked. I doubt any of Tracy's friends had ever walked up to her Dad and introduced themselves.

He took my hand and said, "Tom Dole, are you the Bemoc my daughter has been talking about."

I gave him a mock look of surprise. "Sir, I am surprised your daughter would tell you her pet name for me."

"Touché, I really don't want to think about that." Hopefully the Big Man on Campus thing was laid to rest. "I hear you got promoted to varsity after you set the freshman rushing record last week."

"Yeah it is pretty cool, but I got my head handed to me in the first practice."

"Really, I saw the hits you were putting on Washington last week. I wouldn't think the step up would be a problem for you."

"Have you ever met Kevin Goode? We met head-to-head in a goal line drill. I think he outweighs me by 35 lbs," I explained.

Mr. Dole got a pinched look on his face as he remembered high school football. "I remember those drills. Did you fumble?"

"No, I fell on the ball." Mr. Dole cracked up.

I heard Tracy behind me. "Oh, David! Come here!"

It sounded like I was not supposed to spend all my time talking to her Dad. Someone needed a little attention. Her Dad recognized the same thing. "Sounds like you have been summoned. I'm in charge of the grill, how do you like your steak?"

"Medium rare," I answered.

"Okay, I'll pick out a nice one and save it for you. Now go make my daughter happy."

I got a big grin on my face. "That is my sole goal tonight."

I was never great with parents, but that went pretty well. I walked up to Tracy and said, "What's up?"

Tracy was standing with a good looking guy I didn't recognize. He was a little taller than I was and had on preppy clothes. His sweater said Doers Academy. It was an exclusive boarding school in the next town over. Before Tracy could introduce us, I heard a familiar female voice say, "You never called me."

She walked up to me and put a steamy lip lock on me. I went bright red and I heard the guy and Tracy gasp. It was Robbie King from the sandwich shop. Once the kiss broke, I just stood there with a dumb expression on my face and Robbie decided to have a little fun with me.

"I mean seriously, you leave a girl all hot and bothered and then don't call. What kind of guy does that?"

I shook my head gathering my thoughts. "I guess I deserved that, but I just figured you were too old for me."

I got slugged by both Robbie and Tracy who said, "David!" in unison.

I gave Tracy a staged whisper, "Hey I can't help it that she's old."

The guy was cracking up. "Yeah, my sister is old."

"Darryl!" He got the same treatment from the girls.

"Hey, Darryl, I am David. I hope you're not offended I hit on your sister?" That got me a look from him as he tried to put two and two together and hoping it wasn't four. No brother really wants to think about his sister in a sexual way, but this was too good of an opportunity to pass up.

"Actually you would be doing the family a favor. We can't seem to marry her off."

"So you hit on Robbie? When did this happen?" Tracy asked wanting to get some dirt.

"I went into her sandwich shop. I asked for her phone number and she gave me a bogus number."

"The VD clinic," Darryl asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"Yep ... she felt I needed it."

Robbie was looking for a little revenge. "Well after seeing the girl you were with I figured you might need it."

"You hit on my sister while you were with another girl?" Darryl gave me a look of awe.

I was so going to get Robbie back. It might not be right now, but I could be very patient, so I decided to own it. "Yeah, the girl I was with wanted a threesome so we asked Robbie." Robbie's eyes got really big so I finished. "And that was when she gave me her real number," I said with a satisfied grin.

"You slut," Tracy said. "I guess things are different in college."

"Big boy, anytime you need a third for a threesome you give me a call," Robbie said as an evil glint came to her eye.

The look on Darryl's face got everyone laughing. I knew when I was beat. "You win, you win," I said as I waved my hands in surrender.

I was surprised to find that Tracy's birthday party was not a full blown bash. She told me later the confrontation with Bill Rogers made her decide to invite just a few friends. It turned out the only other guy was Darryl. Besides Tracy, there was Robbie and three of Tracy's cheerleader friends Mona Wingman, Kelly Goudy and Kim Sun. I was at least acquainted with everyone but Darryl, but I was starting to warm up to him.

After everyone got there, Tracy moved the party out to the pool. She had teased me about wearing my X-rated shorts at Beth's, but I decided I would wear my board trunks. Darryl surprised me when he came out in a speedo with the Doer Academy Crest on his ass, not a good look. It wasn't that he was fat, but he was a solid guy. In my opinion if you are going to wear a speedo, you needed the body for it.

Tracy put on a nice one piece that highlighted her best assets. Robbie wore a bikini. She had an athletic body but her thighs were a little heavy. It looked like the college freshman spread had visited her. Mona had the best ass in school. She was only five feet tall, but dang, she had on a little bikini that left half her butt cheeks exposed. Kelly was wearing a very cute one piece. She was an attractive girl, but she had no curves. Kim was wearing a very sheer bikini. She was a very sexy Asian. When we got into the water, I could have sworn she was nude because the suit matched her skin tones.

We all jumped in the pool and Darryl and I found ourselves in the deep end while the girls looked our way and giggled. I really didn't want to know what they were talking about, so I decided I would take the opportunity to see how Darryl knew Tracy. I guess the big question I had was did they have anything going on. I observed him checking her out in a way that told me they were very familiar with each other.

"So are you going to have a problem if I hit on your sister?" I think I surprised him, but I wanted to see if he took the bait.

He didn't seem comfortable, but guys learn early not to cross the women in their lives when it came to their relationships. I knew his answer before he even said it. My goal was to make him think we were not interested in the same girl.

"I guess that would be okay."

"Hey man, if you would rather I didn't just let me know," I offered.

He thought about it for a while. "Honestly, I would rather you didn't. She is in a new relationship with a guy I like, they are good together."

"Fair enough, which girl are you interested in."

He did not hesitate. "Tracy."

"So you guys are going out?"

"No, but our families have been close for years and this is the first time we have both been free. It is time we got together. Plus it is her birthday and I plan on giving her some Darryl loving."

Well, so much for liking the guy. Seriously, 'Darryl loving'? I really did like Tracy, but we had no claim on each other. I didn't think she asked Darryl to come in order to hook up with him, but she had to know he had a crush on her. Girls were much better at picking up on those things than guys are.

Before I got a chance to watch Darryl put the moves on in the pool, Mrs. Dole called us to dinner. They had a large outdoor table setup. Tracy sat down next to her dad and I think she was expecting me to sit by her other side, but Darryl slid into that seat. She had a funny look on her face, looked at me and I just shrugged. I wasn't suffering because Mona and Robbie grabbed me and put me between them.

Mr. Dole looked at me and gave me a wink. "Hey, David, help me get the steaks."

I got up to help him. When we got to the grill he said, "So Darryl is cock blocking you."

I burst out laughing and everyone turned to see Tom and me cracking up. "Daddy you be nice to David," Tracy said.

"We're fine, honey." He then lowered his voice so only I could hear. "You want to trade seats?"

"Thanks Tom, but I think I have a great seat to watch this show. Darryl has a serious crush and only Tracy can decide what to do about it."

He looked very surprised. "You're not worried?"

"Not really. I don't think he is as smooth as he thinks he is. Tracy has been hit on by the best of them. She'll eat him up."

"You know, I think you're right. Okay, you're going to play waiter." Therefore, he started loading up plates of fish, chicken or steak and telling me who got what. Tom was pretty cool for a parental unit.

Over dinner, I decided I liked Mrs. Dole even better. Man could she cook. Mrs. Dole had a garden and most everything came from that. We had corn on the cob, green beans with new potatoes, sliced tomatoes with fresh mozzarella and a zucchini casserole. For desert, we had layered butter pecan cake with fresh sliced strawberries between the layers with a butter cream frosting. Everyone sang happy 16th birthday to Tracy.

I will give Darryl credit for trying. All during dinner, he worked to get Tracy to talk to him. At one point it looked like he tried to touch her knee, but she snatched his wrist and put his hand back on the table. To her credit, she did not embarrass him. He gave it one more shot after we sang happy birthday when he leaned in to give her a kiss. She deftly turned and all he got was her cheek.

After dinner, I helped Mr. and Mrs. Dole clear all the plates. We then brought out her presents. While gathering them up Mrs. Dole took me aside.

"I want to thank you for allowing Tracy to handle Darryl's advances. Tom and I talked about what you told him. Darryl and Robbie's parents are dear friends of ours. It has always been a pipe dream that Darryl and Tracy eventually would get together to join our families closer. But it is obvious Tracy doesn't have the same feeling for Darryl."

"I had an idea there was more to their relationship so I wanted to give Tracy a chance to figure out what she wants. I will have a quiet word with him and see if it is okay if Tracy and I show each other some affection. If he is not comfortable can I give you a wink and you let Tracy know so she doesn't think I'm acting weird."

"You're a very considerate young man. You have no idea how happy Tom and I are. Just knowing you two are getting to know each other is a relief. Some of her recent boyfriends had us worried."

"I know what you mean."

By the pool, there was an outdoor fireplace. Tracy had started it and gathered everyone around so she could open her presents. Everyone seemed to be having a good time except Darryl. He drifted to the back of the crowd. I saw Robbie look over at him in concern and she started to get up. I caught her eye and indicated I would take care of it.

I edged up to Darryl and asked, "Is everything okay?"

He gave me a dirty look and said, "Everything is fine."

I just smirked, "Yeah right, you don't look like everything is fine."

He shook his head and looked down. "Tracy and I are not going to get together."

"Sorry to hear that. Are you mad at her?"

That surprised him. I think he was just thinking about himself. "No, I think I'm feeling more like a fool."

"Did she give you any inditation before today she might be interested in being more than good friends?"

He took a while to answer. "You know no, not really. Sure when we were much younger we played some of the games like you show me yours and I will show you mine, but that was just curiosity between friends. Over the summer, she was going out with some real jerk and both our families were concerned. I think it was just assumed I would step in at some point."

"Sounds like a lot of pressure."

"It is. Now that we are talking about it, I think I'm somewhat relieved, but I'm disappointed. Every girl I date I compare to her, and frankly they come up short."

"Yes she is lovely and fun to be around."

He gave me a funny look. "Can I ask you something?"


"Are you and she..."

I thought for a minute and smiled. "Yes. Are you okay with that?"

He smiled back, "Actually I am."

I looked over at Mrs. Dole and smiled. Robbie had been watching and I could see her relax. Tracy caught my eye and I winked at her. She mouthed, "Thank you."

Darryl caught it all and he smiled at me, "I want to thank you also. I see you were concerned about not only Tracy but also everyone else."

"I learned a valuable lesson the hard way recently. When you have people that care about you, if something happens to you it affects them also. You have people here that care about you."

"Things turned out bad?"

"Yeah, my best friend didn't speak to me for months. All our friends have had to choose sides like in a bad divorce. I found out they liked her better."

"Do you think you will get it worked out?"

"Yes. We've made a good start."

"Well give it time. I'm sure you will figure it out."

"Darryl, seriously, will it be okay if you see me with Tracy later tonight?"

"I'm never comfortable thinking about Tracy with another guy, but with you I'm fine. To be honest all I ever wanted is for her to be happy. David, be it today or two years from now, I will have to see it and work through it. I would just as soon get it over with."

"Okay, but promise me you will have some fun tonight. Did you see the ass on Mona?"

Darryl's eyes lit up and said, "Unbelievable!"

Mona turned around and gave Darryl an appraising look and he said, "Shit! I think she heard us."

Everyone broke up. I think they all heard the whole conversation. I just threw my hands up in surrender when Mona gave me a dirty look. Then she broke into a big smile so I figured I was safe. Girls really do like hearing they have a nice ass. They just don't want to admit it to the jerk brave enough to state it publicly.

Tracy made quite a haul on presents. Her Dad got tackled when he gave her a set of Mustang keys and told her they would go down on Saturday to either pick it out or order what she wanted. Shortly thereafter, the party broke up. Tracy and I did not rub our relationship in Darryl's face. I think he appreciated it. Tracy told me not to leave.

We went out by the fire and found Tom and Mary Dole lounging in a large recliner made for two. Tracy and I claimed a love seat. I put my arm around her and she pulled her legs up and folded her body into my embrace. She put her head on my shoulder. It was so natural and comfortable it felt like we had been doing this for years.

She smiled at her parents. "Thank you, this was the best birthday ever."

Mary was still concerned about how Darryl felt. "Was he okay when he left? I saw you talk to him as he and Robbie were leaving."

"He is actually. I guess David had a positive impact on him." She giggled and looked at me. "He said if you didn't treat me right he would kick your ass. Robbie said if I dump you to have you give her a call."

I perked up. "I will keep her number on speed dial just in case."

Tom smirked as he said, "Tracy tells me you offered yourself up as her birthday present."

Poor Tracy, it was obvious that she was Daddy's little girl and that she told him everything. "Daddy!"

I tickled her and she squealed. "I think someone is sharing too much information with the parental units. I heard you told your Dad your pet name for me!"

She got big eyes and stuck out her tongue. She was embarrassed for getting caught, but she wasn't sorry for it. "If the name fits."

Mary looked at Tom and asked, "What nick name?"

"Bemoc." She looked confused, "Big Man on Campus."

She nodded, "It could be worse."

"Don't give her any ideas." I continued the attack as she giggled and made a half-hearted effort to fight me off. She changed tactics and pulled me into a sizzling kiss. That distracted me and I heard her Dad snort. I have to say Mr. Happy was very close to taking over my body after that kiss. It was a good thing her parents were there.

I broke the kiss and looked into her eyes, "Girl, you are going to get me in so much trouble. You keep that up and your Dad will be chasing me out of here with a shotgun."

Her Dad played along, "Mary, where are the keys to the gun safe?"

"In the jewelry box on my dresser," Mary deadpanned.

Tracy eyes got big and then she realized they were kidding. Her parents and I had a good laugh and she eventually joined in. I don't think she was used to her guy friends joking with her parents. We spent another 45 minutes getting to know each other and then I yawned. I needed to get going because I had a game the next day. I had to admit I had a really good time with both Tracy and her parents Tom and Mary.

Tracy walked me to the door. "Do you want me to give you a ride home?" That's right. She had a legal license to drive. I would have to make some plans that took advantage of this new freedom.

"No, I feel like walking. I need to stretch my back out before I go to bed." She stepped out on the front porch and closed the door behind her. She gave me a lusty look, wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in for kiss. Everything about Tracy was comfortable. I was not nervous or out of sorts and I enjoyed being with her. We pulled our lips from each other. Soon our innocent little kisses picked up in temperature and intensity. If I had not promised to protect her virtue tonight, God only knows what I would have done.

As we came up for air I said, "Wow. That was a great kiss. I wish I didn't have to leave."

She gave me a lusty gaze. "Don't. Spend the night with me."

I was a little confused now, but I had made a promise. "I thought you wanted to get to know each other and take it slow."

That was the exact right thing to say. "I said that because I figured you would be like all the other guys I have been out with. They would have been all over me, but you ... I don't know ... it's as if we are doing a slow dance and the lust was building. I don't know what to do with you. All my friends love you. If I wasn't interested in you they all would be dumping their boyfriends and begging you to go out with them. And my parents! What did you do to them? They are so excited you are seeing me they would probably allow you to spend the night! I don't know if I want you to throw me down on the stoop and fuck my brains out or run from you. I'm so scared I'm going to mess this up."

Before she could have a complete melt down, I kissed her again. Greg had told me once that a great kiss would short circuit a girl's brain. I know it does mine. I wrapped my hands around her until I found her ass and pulled her tightly into me. I wanted her to know I wasn't a total wimp as I squeezed her perfect little butt. If she was worried she didn't turn me on, I was sure she could feel the evidence that was pressing into her crotch. I slowly ground my member into her. We were dry humping each other and I felt like I was going to explode. She was making little mewing noises as we plastered ourselves to each other.

The next thing I knew she had pushed me up against the door, groping and kissing heatedly. The teasing had gotten us both worked up, and suddenly the dam broke. Tracy climbed up me and wrapped her legs around my hips, moaning softly and grinding her sex against mine while she tried to put her tongue down my throat.

I decided to enjoy the pleasure and worry about everything else later.

She pulled at my shirt up in the front so she could have access to bare skin. She rubbed her hands over my chest, before returning to kissing me. I recognized we might actually have sex on her front porch. I think if my back were not starting to hurt, we would have. "Oh ... Ouch... , Baby you have to get down."

She got a look of concern. "Did I hurt you?"

"No. I'm okay. My back is still a little tender. Tracy, if we don't stop I'm going to ravish you right here -- parental units be damned! And I promised I would not let this get too far. But if you continue, you have to understand I am a teenage boy who wants nothing more than to be with you in every way I can."

She seemed to realize what a near thing it had been. I said, "Look it's getting late and I have a big game tomorrow. Are you free tomorrow after I get back from the game?"

She gave me a one of her best smoking hot looks and said, "Yes I would love to go out with you."

"You just made my whole week." I gave her a quick kiss and left before she lured me to her bed. I almost turned around and went back when I hit the end of the drive. It took every ounce of my willpower to leave.

When I got home, I took a long, hot shower. The water beating on my neck and back felt wonderful. When I jumped out, I took one of my muscle relaxants. I did not want to take too many of them because I was afraid I liked them too much, but I wanted to be ready for the game tomorrow.

Saturday September 14, 2013 – Freshman Year

The pills were giving me vivid dreams. I was watching Tracy and Darryl by the pool. I was sitting on the love seat. I could see her lips engulfing Darryl's penis. It looked like it was nine inches long. She was making grunting noises as he slid it to the back of her throat.

Tami was sitting by me trying to reassure me as I watched my girl have sex in front of me. Cindy and Suzanne were laughing at my discomfort. Tracy started to take Darryl's cock to the hilt. Tami and Mary were cheering them on and Darryl started to moan.

How could everyone just watch this happen? Somehow, I was in that ambiguous state where I knew I was in a dream, but I wasn't waking up.

When I looked back at Tracy and Darryl, they were gone. Tami crawled off the love seat and knelt before me. Somehow, I was suddenly naked. She was stroking me and looking into my eyes, watching to see what I would do. She gave me a mysterious smile and sucked the head of my dick into her mouth. I threw my head back and moaned. The feeling was unbelievably real.

I could feel the dream start to fade. I was fighting to keep it going. I was so close. I looked down again. For some reason Tami was gone and Tina was blowing me. Cindy and Suzanne were now sitting right behind Tina. Every few moments they'd look up and smile at me as if I was missing something.

The dream started to leave me. I could see the morning light through my closed eyelids. I was waking up to of all people my dream girl Peggy. Then all the girls left my dream addled mind.

The lips on my dick did not.


"Oh God!" I yelled. My eyes snapped open as I felt my orgasm surge and several days of pent up sperm flooded the bobbing mouth working to drain me. I jerked fully awake and looked down ... into Tracy's sparkling eyes.

"Did you like that?" Was she kidding? Did I like that? Dear lord this had to be the best way to wake up ever invented. Did I like that?

Between pants I got out, "Yeah ... it was okay."

If a girl was cupping your balls after giving you the best blow job of your life, do not joke with her. I felt her slowly tighten her grip. OH CRAP! "Tracy baby, that was incredible. You are the light of my life ... uhmfff ... pleeeease..."

Thank God, she felt merciful. "I think I like you begging me." She smacked my thigh. "The bus leaves in twenty minutes. Get your cute butt out of bed and get moving."

I just grabbed my shorts and t-shirt. I had already packed my duffel bag at school so I was ready to go in under 5 minutes. Tracy had borrowed her Mom's car. It turns out this was her first trip driving unsupervised. She was making me nervous because she was driving like a little old lady, but I didn't want to put any pressure on her and get us killed. We got to the parking lot with ten minutes to spare.

"Are you coming to the game?"

"No we have a JV game here today and then I am going car shopping with Dad."

I gave her a kiss, "Thank you for this morning. That was the best way to wake up ever. I wouldn't be going to this game if my Dad were buying me a car. Are you going to pick me up?"

"Not sure. Text me when you head back. I want to hear how many records you break today."

"For you baby, I will try to break them all."

Well it turns out, Coach had a rule of no practice, no playing. I found out right before kickoff. We were playing a new school that had been put into our division. They moved down from 6A to 5A over the summer. Which might not have been so bad, but they had made it to the semi-finals of state last year.

It was one of those perfect fall days to play football. It wasn't too hot and we had a huge crowd. Everyone had marked this game on their calendar, as the game of the year. The only bad thing was it was so early in the season. You want a game like this to be towards the end. We were decided underdogs, being the away team and with all the injuries we had. They had tuned up on one of the better teams in our division, beating them handily. All the papers were predicting a rout, but you still have to play the game.

It was apparent they have a great defense. They were reading our veer as if they played against it all the time. The poor guy that had taken my spot had ten carries for two yards and three fumbles. Two of which were deep in our territory. They took advantage of those turnovers and scored twice. We were down 0 – 14 at the end of the first quarter.

The good news was our defense was playing lights out. If we had not given them the ball in the red zone this game would have been tied. I saw Kevin and Magic both in a heated discussion with Coach Lambert. He seemed to relent, turned my way and yelled, "Dawson, get in there."

The refs got the ball set to start the quarter. We were third down and eight on our own 22 yard line. When I trotted out to the huddle, Luke smacked me on the helmet. "Are you ready to kick some ass?"

Magic settled us down, "Okay, veer left on two. And David, the ball is coming to you."

I felt my adrenalin start to pump. "Down ... Set ... Hut Hut..."

You could hear the lineman grunt and the crack of pads as they dug in to influence their block. Magic slapped the ball into my gut and read the linebacker scraping off the nose man to fill the hole. I jerked the ball out of Magic's hands. The linebacker went very low. In football, the man that could get lower and bring some power had a huge leverage advantage. I didn't hesitate. I went over him, stepped right in the middle of his back and broke out of the hole untouched. At first, I thought I had broken free, but they were well schooled and their pursuit caught me. As I went down, I saw the down marker I felt I was short so I stretched to reach it. It was going to be close.

The crowd was going nuts. You could feel this was a big play for both teams. The refs brought the chains out and the stick kissed the football, first down for the good guys. The next play called was veer left. This time Magic pulled the ball out of my stomach. The linebacker was pissed and intended to lay me out. Little did he know what was coming for him on the other side of the line of scrimmage. He should have talked to Kevin before he tried to bury me.

Have you ever heard the term 'heavy hands' in boxing? It was where a certain boxer's punches have much more impact than others' do. This was especially true with body blows. George Foreman was a classic heavy hand boxer. His body punches were devastating. It was the same way in football. Getting hit by certain players just felt like every bone in your body was rattled. I do that. When I hit you, you know it.

I think most of it was attitude. I just get in a zone and I know I was going to drive right through a player. I didn't just hit them; I exploded through them, so when the linebacker went to crush me, I coiled up like a taut metal spring and exploded through him. You could tell when one of these hits happened. There was a distinctive crack of the pads that could be heard above the crowds roar all the way up to the press box.

Same as Stupid Boy
Chapter 4: Holy Shit, Batman Videos

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Best Friend8217s Hot Wife Shital

Dear readers, this is my true story. My name is Santosh. I am working in private limited company. My friend’s name is Nitin, he is my best friend. We are friends from childhood. We were living together as a roommate during our college period. We know each other’s each and every secret, all affairs etc. there was nothing hidden thing between us. Since we were best friends, we took our new flats in same society and on same floor. We got possession of our new flats in June 2010. We both started...

3 years ago
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Ishita Ki Kahaani 8211 Part II

Hi friends…Ishita ki kahaani – part 1 pasand karne ke liye bahut bahut thanks….Ye usi kahani ka second part hai….Waise to ye kahani mr.A* ke naam se publish ho rahi hai, par kyunki mujhse bahut se logon ne poocha hai ki ishita kaun hai, to main aapko bta doon ki ye kahani maine likhi hai aur ye meri hi kahani hai..Bas acchi story banane ke liye kuch baatein add ki hain….Agaar aapko ye second part bhi utna hi pasand aaya hai to please mujhe inform kijiye…Meri email id hai Ishita ki kahaani –...

1 year ago
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Three Nights With Ishita

Hi all my ISS reading fans, this is Atul once again. Today is the last day of my annual leave and now today I will narrate the story of Ishita, with whom I spent 3 nights last week. So here I go. I meet Ishita in Mumbai and spent one night with her in hotel, I promised her that we will meet once again during my annual leave. She also promised me to call me up when her husband will be out again during my annual leave. So, one day, I was sleeping in my bedroom and my mobile buzzed. I opened my...

1 year ago
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Meri behan Shital 1

Hi mera nam Rakesh hai. Meri age 25 hai aur meri sister ki age 20 hai. Meri sister ka nam Shital hai. Mai Thane mai rehata hu. Humare gharme sirf hum 4 log hai mai, maa, pitaji auri meri sister Shital. Shital bahut hi sunder aur sexy hai. Who jab bhi ghar mein jhadoo lagane aur pochha marneko jhukti thi to uski nieghty se uski gori gori chuchi ko dekhakar mera lund tite ho jata tha. Ji kar tha ki abhi jakar dono chuchi ko kaske pakadar mooh me bhar loo. Lekin ghar mei sab log hone ke karan mein...

2 years ago
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Ishita And Raman8217s Second Honeymoon

Hi Guys, This is my first story of the most popular and hot couple Raman and Ishita. Due to so many issues and problems, their sex life has gone haywire with both of them now bored and unsatisfied. So the story goes like this… On a Friday Morning… Ishita: Raman, Get up now otherwise you’ll be late for office. Raman: I don’t want to go to the office. I just want to spend this whole day cuddling you. I: Oh come on Raman, Now it’s not the time. Besides, I have so much work. Need to prepare...

4 years ago
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Beautiful Sex In Resort With Voluptuous Girl Ishita

It was a Saturday morning. My friend Adhira had brought her friend Ishita to our trekking. We were three guys with three bikes. There were three girls including my friend and Ishita. Ishita had got on my bike as those guys were couples and I was the only single guy in that group. Ishita must be around 24-25 years old, with beautiful oval shape face and high cheekbones. Her fair skin was glowing in the early morning sun. She was lean and strong. She was wearing a grey tank top scooped a little...

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Hot And Horny Married Woman Ishita

Hi, ISS readers, this is Atul once again with a new story. This incident has happened about 3 years back when I was on my annual leave and went to New Delhi for my friend’s marriage. So here I go and I stayed in my friend’s house who was getting married in Northern area, they treat the bride’s friends with total respect and generosity. I was getting a real royal treatment from their family members. There were 5 days for my friend’s marriage and in the afternoon after having our lunch and we...

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Deflowering My Colleague And Girlfriend Ishita

Hi folks, This is a story about me “Sam” and my colleague who used to work in my call center.I was managing the team of 25 girls who used to sell credit cards and insurances.I am a 31-year-old bachelor.Well built, 5’8″ in height and fair in complexion and hail from a rich family.I am philanderer by nature and love date and flirt but never had any serious relationship before. But this story is about a girl Ishita who joined my office for the same job.It took me a lot of time and efforts to...

3 years ago
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Incidental Sex With Ishita

Hello girls and guys. I am Shivang here with another incident. Thanks to your love and praises for “Saath Chudwaana Saathiya”. I am Shivang, early twenties, from Mumbai. Tall about 6’2 with a few extra kilos and my tool measuring around 6″ . So friends, you know now this story is between me, my neighbour’s cousin sister and her mother! First a character introduction- my neighbour’s cousin Ishita. She is a busty girl, not an hourglass figure, having extra pounds around her body. She is 21,...

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Hot And Horny Married Woman Ishita 8211 Part II

Hi ISS readers, this is Atul once again with the second part of how I chatted with Ishita, a sexy and horny married woman and led her below me. I am sure that my reading fans must have read my earlier story Hot and Horny married woman Ishita and I am also sure that they liked it. So here I continue with the second and concluding part. I and Ishita went to a nearby mall and we kept her car in the hotel parking only and we walked upto the mall, which was 10 minutes away from our hotel. Ishita was...

3 years ago
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Ishita In Mumbai

Hi my ISS readers, this is Atul with a brand new story. This was happened just a couple of days before and is purely fresh in my mind. I therefore thought that I should pine it down for my ISS reading fans and so here I go. Currently, I am on my annual leave, as my leaves are accumulated in too much volume and my boss told me that if I don’t take atleast 15 days off, then those leaves will go waste. So, I am on leave from 24th December, 2011 until 15th January, 2012. I had not planned anything...

2 years ago
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My College Fantasy Queen Shital 8211 Part 1

Hello, I am Andy here back again. I had posted 4 stories in the past, 3 with my maid Karuna and one my incest experience with Aishwarya. Now I have entered the age of 40, but still my passion for women is very fresh. I like women, their body, hair, softness and unpredictable nature. Sex is my passion and woman is my weak point. I had fantasized them without watching any porn movie or reading any sex story. Here I am going to tell about the fantasy queens in my life – some of them whom I had a...

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Ishita Or Shivanya Ki Sexy Batein

Ek bar ishita sing or shivanya mile ek dusre ko dekh ko voh khus ho gyae or dono shopping karne chale gaye or sarree try karne lage lekin shivanya ke boobs bade the to use sarree pahen ne mei taklif ho rahi thi to ishita trial room mei jati hai or uske boobs ko dabake use saree pahenne mei madad karti hai or fir bolti hai sali chut kitna dabata hai tera rutik ke itna bade ho gaye dekh to sahi kitne bade hai sari bhi nahi ati to voh kahti hai kya voh to ghar pe hi nahi milte meine khud ne hi...

1 year ago
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Yoni Puja Worship Of The Holy Vagina

YONI PUJA (WORSHIP OF THE HOLY VAGINA)In short and abstract terms, a Yoni Puja, or worship of the holy Vagina, can be defined as a sacred ritual during which the Yoni (Vagina) is worshiped. This can occur by using a sacred Yoni (Vagina) shaped sculpture, a painting of the holy Yoni (Vagina), or a sanctified natural object as a focus of veneration, or, better yet, by worshiping the holy Yoni (Vagina) in Her actual living form. The Yoni (Vagina) Puja mostly takes place in a vast compound, hall or...

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The Anomaly Volume Two the Schemes of the Unknown UnknownChapter 11 Holy Contemplation 3755 AD

There were two pleasures that Archdeacon James XXVI enjoyed more than any other. One was to have his anus penetrated by a monstrous cock, preferably one belonging to a black man. The other was to penetrate the anus of another man: preferably a youth who'd never been so violated before. These refined pleasures, like many others the Archdeacon enjoyed, he'd discovered through the example of his father, Archdeacon James XXV. He still loved his father, but he'd loved him most when he squeezed...

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Holy Godfather Of My School

Its Seema . so much to tell about Godfather. Its old story of my school days. Some where in 2005-06. I was in seventh standard. So much excited to tell this story that I forget one thing. Many asked for my all stories links. Click on author name , in my case seema930, you will get all my names. So where we were …….. Old school days. Wow !!!! What days were those. All freshness in atmosphere, cool head, no knowledge of sex and bad things. I was so decent in those days. I love those days for many...

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Holy Father Visits the Commune

The Holy father of the Sect of ‘Divine Path’ was visiting the commune in Selayur. It was a very special occasion as he does only once or twice a year. The leader of he local commune Sri Arumugam and his wife Srimathi Bhavani were busy making all the arrangements. ‘Abba’ as he was called by every one was coming by him self. He usually stays at the place of the local leader. There were more than 30 communes spared all over the south India. The local leaders are called by the followers as ‘Sri’...

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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 9 The Holy Liberation Army

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Nine: The Holy Liberation Army Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Sunday, June 12th, 2072 – Queenie Glassner – Ashland, OR I woke up on the outside of the bed. Sleeping in the tent with three others was an interesting, and fun, experience. Rex, Reina, Sarah, and I were constantly squirming about. You never knew where you were going to end up at. My big boobs were pressed up against Reina's naked, brown back. I nuzzled at her hair for...

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The Preacher ManChapter 54 The Holy is Greater

Time: August 11, 8244 9 AM The geneticists' ramjet landed at Bandar Arenas in the early pre-dawn light at 7:07 AM, a half hour before sunrise. As per our agreement, they would be led to a secure conference that was part of my inner quarters complex. They had insisted that our first meeting be both face-to-face and secluded, attended only by myself and totally unrecorded. After considering the benefits to stopping the carnage at Giza and also that these were the top three Glorious Mufeto of...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 57 Holy Week and Pascha Part II

Great and Holy Thursday, April 11, 1985, McKinley, Ohio I slept in Thursday morning, then ran, showered, dressed, and then, because Elizaveta was in school, drove directly to the church. Elizaveta would be there, but her mom would pick her up just in time to get to the service, then take her back to school immediately afterwards. Attendance at the service, which commemorated the Last Supper, was usually sparse as people had to work or be in school. The same would be true for the Friday...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 68 Holy Week and Pascha

Palm Sunday, May 1, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Where are your palm branches?” Clarissa asked when I returned home from church. “Just how many palm trees do YOU think grew around Moscow and Saint Petersburg?” “Probably not too many.” “Which is why I have pussy willows in my hand!” “It’s Palm Sunday and you’ve already been to church Friday night, Saturday morning and night, and this morning.” “It’s only just begun,” I chuckled. “Tonight is the first Bridegroom Matins.” “If I wanted to see the...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book1 Chapter 1 The Ritual of the Holy Virgin

Book One: The Quest Chapter Two: The Ritual of the Holy Virgin By mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – Shesax, the Kingdom of Secare I was bored as I waited in the antechamber to the High Virgin Vivian. She was the leader of all the Temples of Saphique, our Virgin Goddess. I wasn't afraid of the trouble I was in. So I blew off prayers to play with a pair of novices. I didn't break their cherries. They were still pure enough to be...

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Holy Cock Ch03

Hijab- A head covering worn in public by some Muslim women. Essentially a scarf. Burqa- A outer garment worn by some Muslim women that covers their whole body when in public. Kuffar- Arabic for "Non-believer". Quran- The religious text of Islam. Imam- spiritual leader of the mosque and Muslim community (essentially a priest). Shalwar- are loose pajama like trousers, worn traditionally by some women of South Asian and Afghanistan/Central Asian decent. Usually worn with a...

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Holy Abstinent Priest

Holy Abstinent PriestLondebaaz ChohanAmanda recognized the voice of Father Suczewski from the St. Patrick’s community church calling this number. He asked for Mr. Norton or Mrs. Norton but when Amanda told him; they were out for the day; Father took a breather and informed her that both of her parents were at the church that morning and informed him that Amanda was rapidly growing and she was no more a girl but a very pretty, innocent and young woman. Amanda blushed to hear this although she...

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Sir Roberts Adventures in the Holy LandChapter 6

It was when a small female child pointed to me and called me “Greybeard” that I suddenly realized I had spent far too much time in the Holy Land. When I sat down to contemplate my status, I realized that I had a sizable harem of a half dozen females, all young and nubile, and that I was able to poke them whenever the urge hit me without any fear of conflicting issues. I was no longer a young warrior, but a seasoned knight with lots of battles under my belt. The fact that I had spent most of...

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Friday Detention at Holy Submission School

Unable to establish any evidence against her brother, she continued with her replaying of events that morning trying to figure out who might have been able to access her book bag before this class. As she was performing her mental audit of the morning's events, Mr Meyers called out her name. "Melissa, you're assignment was the refutation of the heathen theory of evolution." Melissa froze at the mention of her name and report topic. It was as if a white-hot spotlight had just been...

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Holy Cock

Introduction: Muslim Mother wants sons Holy Cock to cleanse her. Introduction: This is a three part story that I first posted on another site, I thought I would share my work on here too. This story is purely fictional, therefore it shouldnt be taken too seriously, its a tongue and cheek story so do enjoy it. It contains incest so if its not your thing then do not read. Also please forgive me if there are any typos or grammatical errors. I hate her, I absolutely fucking hate her. The woman...

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Holy Cock

"I hate her, I absolutely fucking hate her. The woman just gets on my nerves," The woman Javed was talking about was his mother Farhana. They just had one of there big arguments, and as usual it ended it with Javed leaving his house in anger. Javed wasn't the type of guy who would get angry often, in fact amongst his friends he was known for his calm and collected demeanour. But when it came to his mother that calm and collected demeanour usually went out the window. The woman...

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Highschool DxD The Holy Devil King

My Name Is Jao Van Adaire, My Mother Is The Archangel Gabriel and My Father A Former Exorcist Of The Church Who Was Himself A Quarter-Angel, Thus Making Me Half-Human and Half-Angelic. But Ten Years Ago, My Father Disappeared During The Madrid Church Bombing, No Body Was Ever Recovered and His Soul Was Never Transferred To Heaven Nor Hell. Without His Presence My Relationship With My Mother Fractured, and I Began To Take On An Extremist View, Because I Was So Angry At The World For Taking My...

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Drinking From Holy8217s Grail 8211 Part II

Hi to all ISS readers. I am Amit and I live in Berhampur. I always read stories of this site and I just love it. Here I am going to share a incident of my own. At the first day of our college I saw a girl and something happened to me at the first sight. She was a beautiful girl with ample boobs and a tight round ass. She had such great figure that nobody can look to her without lustiness. Her name was Holy. Many days passed and I always used to see her, see too saw me in passing. Then on a...

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Having My First Sex With The Unknown Ishita

Hi ,this is Anindya. I am regular reader of ISS but this is my first story. The story is true (but it depends on the reader ultimately to believe or not). So before going into the story, I would like to state some facts. I am from South Kolkata, Rashbehari. I am college student, 2nd year. My height is around 5’11 , quite fair in skin tone and average build, and a bit above average dick size. So coming to the story, it happened a few weeks back . The girl, in this context is Ishita( name changed...

2 years ago
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Friday Detention at Holy Submission School pt 2

Worse than just seeing her get spanked, the detention students had been required to remove all their clothing during the punishment and so they saw her completely naked, over the disciplinarian's lap, being spanked. And then the school disciplinarian had one of the boys, a sophomore named Robert, finish Melissa's punishment by spanking her over his desk. In the middle of that punishment the disciplinarian left the room and there was no faculty supervision. Then she remembered the other...

3 years ago
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MAN WITH PLAN After the busy day, Jeff goes to bed early. The erotic moments with Maria play over in his mind, more vividly than on a movie screen. Big Jeff throbs with excitement. As soon as Jeff starts stroking, “Oh! Ohhh!!! Eeh! Ahhhh!!! Ohhhhh!!!! Oooo! Ahhh! Ahhh. Wow. I did… “Are you alright in there!” Rachel calls. “I’m definitely alright, Mom!” “Oh! Sounds like you reached a new stage in your life. I guess you figured it all out.” “Mom, can you come in here?” “Are...

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The Alien Within or Holy Crap Theres An Alien In My Bed

The Alien Within or Holy Crap, There's An Alien In My Bed! (c) 2002 By Lorraine B. All Rights Reserved Chapter One I moved in my semi-sleep state, I thought I had heard a baby cry. Perhaps what I heard was a dream. Wait a moment I never had children, if I had they would be adults now, gone from the safety and security of the nest. I was alone in this immense house having had no wife in many years. I couldn't remember if I had brought anyone home from that bar I went to last...

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Holy Smoke

Holy Smoke Chapter One: I Meet Ruth The clouds opened up and rain bucketed out of the sky as I ran for the first shop door I could find. I had come to Hayward because I had heard its town square was one of the most picturesque in northeast Ohio. It had been cloudy, but I bet myself I could get some good photos before the storm hit. I lost. My shirt was drenched, and my glasses were streaked with rain, as I turned the handle of the first door I reached. I pushed the door...

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The Devils Pact the Tyrants DaughterChapter 9 The Holy Liberation Army

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Sunday, June 12th, 2072 – Queenie Glassner – Ashland, OR I woke up on the outside of the bed. Sleeping in the tent with three others was an interesting, and fun, experience. Rex, Reina, Sarah, and I were constantly squirming about. You never knew where you were going to end up at. My big boobs were pressed up against Reina's naked, brown back. I nuzzled at her hair for a second before I felt something poking my butt. I reached back and found the...

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Sir Roberts Adventures in the Holy LandChapter 7

The somewhat jaded Crusader back from the Holy land had decided that he would take the youngest of the three daughters of his closest neighbor, Squire Holliday to wife because she was most likely a virgin and he desperately wanted a fresh start. The girl was terribly shy and self-conscious but in a way it was endearing to see her confusion about matters of a physical nature. He had fondled her exceeding hard in the kitchen that first day the family visited under the watchful eye of her...

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Sir Roberts Adventures in the Holy LandChapter 8

It was some ten months later that the halls of Sir Robert’s castle reverberated with the sound of a baby’s wails and maids were seen scurrying hither and yon in search of adequate cleaning cloths to keep the male baby in good stead for presentation. His blushing bride was blushing no longer. She had been introduced to his rough and tumble ways of copulation even unto the end of her pregnancy and she made no objection to the constant use because she preferred keeping Sir Robert’s huge cock...

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Sir Roberts Adventures in the Holy LandChapter 10

The battle-hardened veteran of the Holy Crusades stared down at the hardness of his cock standing outright ready for action. He was in the lower levels of his castle and was employed in the art of interrogation of a fine set of gypsy females accused of poaching on his family estate. There was a definite age disparity between the two females, but they looked like two peas in a pod in all other respects. The experienced cocksman noticed that the older one’s breasts drooped slightly whilst...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 56 Holy Week and Pascha Part I

April 5, 1985, McKinley, Ohio When I got up on Friday morning, I ran, then said my morning prayers, including an additional petition, a very rare one for a very specific thing - ‘For a quiet and blessed Holy Week, Lord have mercy!’. Under normal circumstances, the only changes I made to my petitions were to add anyone who wasn’t on my regular prayer list but who was struggling or suffering, but in this case, given everything else going on, a quiet and peaceful Holy Week was just what the...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 2 The Ritual of the Holy Virgin

I was bored as I waited in the antechamber to the High Virgin Vivian. She was the leader of all the Temples of Saphique, our Virgin Goddess. I wasn't afraid of the trouble I was in. So I blew off prayers to play with a pair of novices. I didn't break their cherries. They were still pure enough to be inducted into the priesthood. I really didn't see what the fuss was. My mother would have to give another donation, and that would be that. Then I could go back to relaxing in the arms of a...

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Holy Whore

His questioning eyes pierced through my defenses.I lifted my eyebrows and shrugged, not willing to lower the rest of my barricades.I saw his gaze dropping down and the light in his eyes changing. His gaze no longer held a question but something like worship shone in his eyes. When he looked in my eyes again, the worship was still there. I thought it would be filled with lust or desire, but his eyes revealed something like adoration or gratefulness.I wasn’t used to that kind of treatment. Most...

Oral Sex
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Holy Fuck Ch 02

Author’s note: The first part of this was recently posted. You’re advised to read it before you read this. My thanks as ever to my muse, for her inspiration and editing, and to raconteuse, who has greatly assisted with editing. And of course, to my readers, whose support and interest has helped sustain my writing. If you’re new to Melanie, there are two earlier chapter stories about her, with lots of red Hs against them. Do please have a look: I know that if you liked this, you’ll like them...

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Holy Hollies School of Purity

Alicia had never been as mortified as she had been when her father had walked in on her having sex with a classmate from her high school. She had always been very promiscuous, but had always succeeded in keeping her indiscretions a secret from her highly religious parents. Her father had caught her with the boy pounding her from behind, and her father’s temper had quickly overtaken the situation. The eighteen year old had been terrified, and had covered herself up quickly. Her parents had...

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Holy Hollies School of Purity

Alicia had never been as mortified as she had been when her father had walked in on her having sex with a classmate from her high school. She had always been very promiscuous, but had always succeeded in keeping her indiscretions a secret from her highly religious parents. Her father had caught her with the boy pounding her from behind, and her father's temper had quickly overtaken the situation. The eighteen year old had been terrified, and had covered herself up quickly. Her parents had...

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Sir Roberts Adventures in the Holy LandChapter 5

First, I was properly shriven by the good and godly man of the church that had accompanied us on this trek into the Holy Land with sincere desire to right the wrongs of the followers of Islam. Then, I was blooded by the rigors of battle against the unholy heathen in the gory rock gardens of their sullied landscape. Finally, I came to rest with sword still in hand lamenting the necessity of snuffing out so many souls without hope of redemption in the next kingdom because they had not accepted...

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Sir Roberts Adventures in the Holy LandChapter 9

Author’s Note: Decided to continue this story because the content was in need of more description. When we left the story, Sir Robert was in the company of the former nun called Lady Rebecca who had fallen from her horse in his riding fields. She was the guest of his pregnant again spouse Millicent. The two women had formed a close and satisfying relationship whilst discussing the savage treatment the nun had received from the heathen hordes in the Holy Land. Even now, they were in the...

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Sir Roberts Adventures in the Holy LandChapter 11

The following few months were a series of setbacks for the newly arrived Crusader forces in the Holy Land. The lack of proper training for the foot soldiers and the undeniable lack of quality in the arms distributed to the common soldiers was so apparent that he made himself a nuisance in the royal tent loudly shouting his dismay at the disinterested rear echelon fops that seemed only interested in establishing firm connections at court and getting their share of the pie of gold and rare gems...

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Sir Roberts Adventures in the Holy LandChapter 12

The moon that was in the sky that night over the Holy Land was a strange shade of reddish purple and the pilgrims crossed themselves and the followers of the prophet prayed to mecca to chase away the demons unleashed on humanity in a self-fulfilling spectacle of suffering and pain. Sir Robert considered the wisdom of flagellating his back and buttocks to offer contrition for his many sins but decided that could wait until the next battle was finished and he knew if God was still on his side...

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Holy Holi

I have two blessed organs, my cock and my mind. Soon some of you will agree too. I am Vijay a 35 old man from Chennaii. I am 5’10 ft tall, 80kg weight, clean shave, fair and I have a very athletic body. The story I am going to tell you was of the days when I was 20, living with my parents . During those days, one of my mom’s brother, whom I called uncle Raj,got transferred too our city. Initially he lived with us for a transitory period until he could find a house of his own and brings his...

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Rhubarb Horseshit

He had been standing at the bottom of the croft for years, a silent watcher of the tides, a startling vision in long johns and a second hand kilt, topped by a shocking pink shell-suit jacket, a nasty reminder of the diabolical eighties fashion trends. Rory was a friend to the animals, none were afraid of his radical dress-sense, or his slightly uneven facial features. His long straggly hair offered protection for birds, and his belly, a warm safe place for the creatures that were brave enough...

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Shital Mami Ke Sath Meri Rangin Raat

Dosto mera nam vikas hii meri age 20 years hiiiiiii mera rang gora height 5.7 hi aur land laghbhag 6.8 inch ka hii aur miii Bhopal mai rahata hu. Ye kahani meri aur meri shital mami ki hiii meri mami mere ghar se 4,5 ghar chodh ke Reheti meri mami bahut hi sexy hi unka badan doodh jisa gora aur figure to aisa ki jise katrina kaif chali ja rahi hoo. unki abhi abhi shadi hui hii 6 months pahle Dosto meri kahani todhi badi hii par aap log ise jarur padhaiye ga aur mii aap ko gurrentee deta huu ki...

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To the reader: I’ve always known that lies are never good, even when done for the right reason. This little story shows what can happen when the truth is hidden by fabrications and lies. Thanks to jo for editing. There is no sex in this story. This is fiction so, well, you know the routine. Enjoy. ******** ‘I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life but this takes the cake!’ I remember that thought flashing through my mind that as I ran head long down the alley. Then I don’t remember...

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