Clair N Jo free porn video

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Anyway her I was single again and on the market, sat in our local with the “lads”.

As we sat drinking, in the corner, one of the local girls came over to us, drink in hand. “Can I join you?” she asked as she took the spare stool next to mine. “Yeah Jo why not”. replied Paul, lust in his eyes.

Jo was a 17 year old local hotty, unfortunately taken with a long time boyfriend, whom was stood talking to his friends at the bar. She was rather well stacked 38DD ish, or had a nice rack as our American cousins may say. Hair, Jennifer Anniston style and although no raving beauty she was attractive and not just for nice tits.

Jo sat and turned to face me. “Your not going out with anyone at the moment are you?” she asked. I gave her a puzzled look in return before replying “Not if you are offering?” which brought a huge cheer from my friends, for my witty response. “ it’s not me” she replied. Deep groan from my friends. “It’s my sister, she really fancies you and wants to know if you are interested?”

Now other than seeing Jo occasionally I didn’t really know much about her, her family had moved into the village a couple of years ago and I certainly didn’t know she had a sister. Jo, I assumed was about 17, so I also assumed that her sister must be 18 or 19 at the least? If her sister was anything like her then she was certainly worth checking out! “Well she obviously has the advantage over me as she has seen me but I have never seen her, so I’d like to have a discrete viewing before agreeing to anything” I cleverly informed her. Jo looked me straight in the eye, she was actually, now that I had the chance to have a good look at her face, rather than a stare at her tits really quite a lot more attractive than I first thought, she thought for a moment and then replied. “Well we go riding tomorrow and normally rest for a while at the bridge on Long Lane, why don’t you casually go past and have your discrete look then?”
“Good idea” I said “But don’t tell her”.

Tomorrow was Saturday, no football as it was out of season so I had nothing special planned. We arranged a time, Jo returned to her boyfriend as Friday night continued in it’s normal fashion, drinking and staggering home to bed.

Saturday morning, I spruced myself up and instead of driving the half mile to Long Lane decided to take my push bike, after all I could make out I was going for a ride, which I often did, and get a longer look at Jo’s sister rather than going by in my car, I reasoned to myself. I donned my tight vest top and my tight cycling shorts, I must admit, even to myself that I looked good. O.K. I wasn’t the tallest of blokes but I worked out and was muscular on top as well as having muscular thighs from cycling.
Off I set, being careful not to build up a sweat. Sure enough, as I approached the bridge, on Long Lane, there was Jo astride a large chestnut horse and next to her must have been her sister, sat astride a grey. As I got closer I waved to Jo and steadily pulled to a halt barely 5 feet away from the two of them. Jo returned my wave and smiled. “Hi, nice day for a ride”. I pathetically said. I was then able to turn to look at Jo’s sister. She had a riding hat on, long black hair, as apposed to Jo’s brown, a pretty face, slightly smaller breasts, I would guess at 36C but unlike Jo, who was really curvy, her sister was slim which made her breasts actually look even bigger and quite pale, considering the sunshine we had had this summer. “Hi I’m Dave” I said as I introduced myself, holding out my right hand to shake with her sister. (Not the best chat up line in the world!). “I’m Claire” she replied with the biggest smile on her face which revealed perfect white teeth. As her hand extended it also revealed that her jodhpurs were soaking wet at her crutch, her hand had been holding her reins, at crotch level so I hadn’t noticed the damp spot before. Claire must have noticed me staring at her crotch but made no attempt to cover up, the only problem was that I had an instant boner and in these tight shorts I couldn’t hide it if I had wanted to. A quick glance up to her face, before returning to her crotch revealed she too was staring at my crotch.

It seemed like ages before either of us could draw our attentions away, it was probably only seconds. “Eh… so your Jo’s gorgeous sister” I enquired, trying to lay on some charm. Clare was now looking at me rather than my hard on and replied, “Well yes, I mean I’m Jo’s sister, I don’t know about the gorgeous bit though”.
I twitched my head and said “Well you sure look gorgeous from here”. She coloured up and to attempt to cover her embarrassment I looked at Jo and asked “You going out tonight”? I then realised that Jo too was staring at my hard on and was chewing her bottom lip.A quick glance to her crotch also revealed her to be wet down there.

Suddenly realising that I had spoken to her Jo looked up “Eh yeah, me and Alan are going to a Barn Dance, why don’t you come? Claire needs a date”. I looked back at Claire “It would be a pleasure” attempting to be all polite. We arranged a time and I said that I would pick Claire up but she insisted it be down the road from where she lived, strangely.
As I waved and cycled away I heard the girls giggle to each other and overheard “Did you see the size of his cock? It’s huge, it looks much bigger than Alan’s”. I didn’t look back but had hoped that it was Jo that had just said that. Although I didn’t consider myself “huge” I was about 7” erect but was as thick as my wrist at the base and only slightly tapered to my “bell-end”.

Saturday night arrived, I duly arrived at the arranged meeting place and saw Alan’s car, with Claire standing at the side of it, I flashed my lights and pulled up. Claire was wearing a halter neck yellow top and a short denim skirt and suede cowboy boots. As I got out my car and approached her I could clearly see she didn’t have a bra on!!
“See ya later” Alan shouted out of his car window as he sped away. I gentlemanly walked Claire around to her door and opened it for her, as she climbed in she raised her leg and I was just in the right place at the right time for once, I could see right up her thigh and clearly see she wasn’t wearing panties either, a shaven haven! Was I in for night or what? I thought to myself. “Ready to shake your booty” I asked as I climbed behind the wheel. Claire looked across at me and smiled “ I don’t really fancy going to the dance, do you want to go down Long Lane for a chat instead”? she replied. A chat, I thought to myself give over, dressed like that and she wants to go down a lane and chat!
Casually, not letting on what I thought about the possible implications of her suggestion I replied “O.K. if that what you’d prefer to, er, chat”? We set off and I drew to what I knew to be a quiet spot down the lane. It was still fairly light, it being summer but I could see dark clouds heading our way. It wouldn’t be long before it got dark and started to rain.

We both removed our seat belts and turned to face each other as best we could. Clare lifted and bent her leg, nearest me, slightly but not enough for me to get the same view as I had previously. “So what would you like to chat about” I asked. Claire shrugged her shoulders and replied “ I dunno really, how about telling me about you”? I shrugged my shoulders back at her and said “There’s nothing much to talk about really” all modestly. Claire lowered her head and looked me straight in the eye up through her long lashes and said “Well what are you doing for sex now you’ve finished with your last girlfriend”? she asked. I was rather shocked at her question and could only come up with “Probably the same as you since you finished with your last boyfriend” as a reply and a question at the same time.
“Oh I have to masturbate” she giggled and blushed “And I have to do it a lot with Jo and Alan going at it regularly in the next bed to mine”. Instantly an image of her playing with herself whilst watching her sister fuck sprang into my head, the inevitable consequence of blood flooding to my member causing an uncomfortable erection. I wasn’t used to such openness from a girl and could only blurt out in response “Well I’d love to see that”.

Claire looked around the car, also checking out if we would or could be seen. “Shall we get in the back?” she asked and without waiting for a response got out the front door and onto the back seat. Wanting to appear cool I slowly did the same.
“Tell you what” she said “I’ll masturbate in front of you and you can do the same in front of me, that should be really horny”. I had never heard of such a suggestion and certainly never done anything like it and to be honest was rather embarrassed by her suggestion but there was no way I was going to refuse, after all I was sure it was going to lead onto us shagging.

“Fine” I said “Would you like to start”?
Claire raised her hands up and cupped her breasts and slowly massaged them, looking me straight in the eye. My jaw must have reached the floor as she smiled at me. “Do you like my boobs?” she asked “There not as big as Jo’s but they probably will be”. The “probably will be” stuck in the back of my mind but not for long.
“I think your boobs are magnificent” I responded. With that she lowered her head and removed the halter over her head to reveal the most perfect pair of boobs I’d ever seen. Pert, firm and pink nipples that pointed slightly out and up. She reverted to her boob massaging, rubbing her thumbs over her nipples causing them to become even more erect. I could feel the saliva building up in my dry mouth. I could see that she was enjoying my appreciation of her touching herself and she gave me a wicked grin as she slowly lowered her hand down over her stomach and onto her thigh, just below the hem line of her short skirt. She proceeded to slide her hand up and under her skirt, again looked at me with a wicked smile and asked “Aren’t you going to join in?”

I started to lean over to her, my hand reaching out towards her boob. “No,silly, your supposed to be doing yourself”. Disappointedly I let my hand fall to my lap. I undid the button of my jeans and started to slide the zipper down. It was her turn to let her jaw drop as I slid my jeans and boxers from under my ass, exposing my raging hard on. I could swear her mouth filled with moisture as I saw her, eyes wide, lick her bottom lip. I grabbed my cock at its base, my thumb and finger hardly managed to meet, and proceeded to slip my hand up and down my rock hard cock, Claire, eyes ever wider, jaw ever lower, raised instinctively raised her leg a little higher and I now had a clear view of her hand rubbing her pussy mound. Her middle finger slipped between her bare pussy lips and parted them, clear fluid soon enveloped her now rapidly moving finger and it slid deep into her love tunnel. She gasped, I gasped at the sight, it was incredibly horny.
Claire raised her leg even higher, let her head fall back a little and slowly asked “Why did you finish with your last girlfriend?” as she closed her eyes. Looking across at this teenage temptress, one hand massaging her breast and one deeply embedded into her sopping pussy I replied “Because she caught me fucking her sister up her arse!” I made a mental note that I had mentioned anal sex and she hadn’t batted an eyelid, in fact it seemed to turn Claire on and the hand she was rubbing her pussy with now had two fingers deeply penetrating her. She smiled, still with her eyes closed and asked “Would you like to fuck my sister?”. She then added “ But I don’t know whether she’d let you fuck her up the bum”. I had to think carefully, was this girl was getting off on the thought of me fucking her sister? Strange!

After due thought I replied “I’d rather eat that pussy of yours at the moment and then fuck you”. Instantly Claire opened her eyes, pulled her fingers from out of her pussy and jerked forward towards me. “You want to eat my pussy and fuck me?” she asked with a quizzical look on her face. “Well lick it at least” I replied “It looks very tasty”. Claire put the two fingers which were covered in her own juices into her mouth and said, “It is but why would you…..?” I looked at the puzzled girl, skirt ridden up to her waist and top that had fallen down to meet it. “Havn’t any of your previous boyfriends ever gone down on you?” I asked. Again she looked puzzled, thought for a moment and then replied “No….er …I havn’t ever had a boyfriend”.
I couldn’t believe this! A stunning 18 to 19 year old who openly plays with herself and never had a boyfriend? This was getting more puzzling as it went on, where had she been living, in a convent?. Not wanting to belittle her I said “Well I’ll be your first boyfriend then and the first to lick you pussy and if you like the first to fuck you, O.K?”
Claire, rather unexpectedly and excitedly leapt over to me, flung her arms around me and gave me a deep and long French kiss. “Will you?” she asked “ Do you want to fuck me?” “What a stupid question” I replied “Why wouldn’t I?” This girl was indeed a strange one, pretty, gorgeous body but strange. “ because” she seemed to think for a moment “Because I’m a virgin” she suddenly cam out with.

“Well we can soon change that, if you want?” I replied. “First let me suck on those nips of yours” I said as I lay her down onto the back seat. Outside it had gotten really dark and I knew it was about to pour down with rain, the static in the air seemed to increase the speed of both our hearts as both could be heard to beat loudly. I lowered my mouth over her boob, she seemed to turn in order that I could get in my mouth quicker. My it was firm, much firmer than I had expected and the nipple was as hard as rock. Keeping my mouth over her boob I flicked her nipple with my tongue. Claire’s breathing got deeper and deeper. I administered the same treatment to her other boob. She was now audibly panting. There was now way that I could lower myself to lick her pussy unless I opened the car door, her lay prone across the seat. I quickly flicked the latch and kicked it open, a sudden gust of wind blew up my bare ass and my legs started to get wet from the raid outside. I pushed Claire’s skirt high and ogled her pussy in the semi darkness, oblivious to the fact that the wind was blowing the rain into the car. I started to kiss her inner thigh, just above her knee, peppered it with little kisses as I slowly made my way up towards her pussy. She opened her legs wide, started to pant faster and as I placed my tongue onto her clit she grabbed the hair on the back of my head and pushed my face into her pussy. She screamed and juices flooded out of her. My god this girl orgasmed with just one flick?
“Oh my god!” she screamed, desperately trying to get her breath back. “That was incredible” she added. A sudden frown appeared on her face. “You are still going to fuck me aren’t you?” she finally asked. “Too fucking right I am” I replied.

With that, somehow she managed to pull herself up and fling herself at me, causing the both of us to fall out the open rear door and onto the grass outside. It was still raining hard and it didn’t take long before we were both soaking wet. As we had fallen Claire had somehow managed to land straddling me, me on my back. She ripped my jeans and boxers down below my knees, looked up at me, then my cock, her wet hair tickling my stomach, then grabbed my cock and engulfed it into her mouth. Now it wasn’t the best of blow jobs I had ever had. Teeth catching me and she seemed awkward at it. I was going to say something but there is no such thing as a bad blow job, so I let her carry on. “Are you still sure?” she asked as she removed my cock from her mouth and positioned herself to squat over me. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” I replied, craning my neck to see her place my member at her pussy entrance. She didn’t reply, she lowered herself and I felt my cock head penetrate her pussy, my she was tight! She grimaced as she attempted to lower herself even more. “Argh” she said as my cock spread her pussy to new widths. Again she pressed down, I was now half inside her, the driving rain assisting with lubrication. “I can’t take any more” she said. I wasn’t sure if it was tears or rain streaming down her face. “Just relax and lift off a little” I instructed her. I didn’t want her to pull me out completely as she may not have let me back in, selfish bastard, I thought as I said it.

Claire raised her hips, I placed my hands on her waist to stop her pulling me completely out. “Lean forward” I instructed her. Claire leant forward, her wet hair dangling in my face, she rested her elbows above my shoulders and as we kissed I massaged those beautiful breasts. I could tell that my member was hurting her but she was determined to finish what she had started, rain pouring over us I slowly and deliberately started to push inside her as we embraced. It was difficult, even though fully erect pushing my cock into such a small hole was not easy. However taking my time and with short gently thrusts I managed to penetrate her until I was almost completely inside. Clare raised herself onto her hands and managed to push back onto me. Soon we, although slowly, were fucking. “Just like riding a horse” I said to her. “No, much better” she replied, at last smiling. The tightness of her love canal, the rain, her wet hair in my face, the fact she was almost laughing with pleasure, as we fucked, soon brought us both to orgasm. I felt my balls tighten, her vaginal walls tighten and bam! My cum shooting up inside her, leaving a hot wrap around my cock.

“I did it.. I did it” she cried out, “Finally I got fucked” she exclaimed, a grin from ear to ear. “You most certainly have” I added “And you’ve waited until you were bloody 19 years old” I added rather sarcastically “Even your younger sister has been getting fucked regularly before you!” Claire looked at me confused and then said “I don’t have a younger sister” questioningly. “What about Jo?” I asked. “She’s older than me” Claire replied “I thought you knew that?” Now it was my turn to be confused. “Well how old are you then?” I enquired, remembering I still had my cock inside her.
“14” she replied “Last month”. Shocked I didn’t know what to say until I blurted out “Fuck me!” as I banged my head back onto the wet grass. “No, you fuck me” she replied as she once again started to ride me. Now my cock should have behaved and gone flaccid but instead the shock of having just fucked a, just turned 14 year old must have had its’ own involuntary contribution. I was as hard as nails.

I grabbed her by her shoulders, twisted our bodies so that I was now on top and drove my cock into her, all the way! “You conniving little minx” I growled at her as I thrust myself into her time and time again. Gone was the look of pain on her face, now she was enjoying this as much as I was, no thought of the possible consequences. I lifted her legs up so that her knees were bent over my shoulders as I pummelled her pussy. “For this deception young lady, next time, if there is going to be a next time …. I’m going to fuck your arse!” I told her. She groaned in mud covered orgasm, grabbed my face, kissed me and said “I look forward to it”.

To be continued.


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My pretty Asian stepsister, Lulu Chu, is always fooling around online, but when she films herself taking off her clothes on my phone, she’s gone too far. I tell her that if she wants to keep this a secret from our parents, she’s going to have to suck my cock in exchange. Later, Lulu needs to borrow my phone again, so for our second sex video, she slides her cunt up and down on my veiny cock. A couple days later, Lulu drops my phone in the bath. To make it up to me, she sucks my cock and lets me...

2 years ago
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Sister Finally Finds Love pt5

"Oh honey, lick me. Lick mommy's clit baby. Make mama cum, oh ah yes there baby dont fucking stop!!!" Kari slipped a finger into her mother. There was no resistance as her fingers joined her tongue's assault on her mom's love hole. As her finger came out, Kari would lick her finger and taste her mother's juice before sliding it back it. Sandy was going crazy. She loved getting her pussy licked and the finger wiggling inside her was just adding to her excitement. Sandy removed one hand...

3 years ago
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Tempted Church Teens 1

As limited as my youthful sexual experiences were, I had several encounters worth remembering – even reliving. First, a little background – I was raised in a strict religious environment which I still abide by for the most part. I just have a large sexual appetite and enjoy having sex to much not to. So, for me to have sex before marriage at all is taboo among my friends and family. I think it’s one of those things where you want to do something even more because you know you aren’t supposed to...

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Nichole8217s extreme sex story part 12

Nichole couldn’t believe what had happened to her. A month ago she had been a top notch sales assistant for her company, but she was so good that today was her last day and tomorrow she’ll be at the unemployment office. She had been with the company only a couple of years as a sales assistant, mostly a personal secretary for a half of a dozen sales people or so. Most sales assistants only had two, or at most three, sales people that they worked with, but Nicki was very good. She...

1 year ago
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Friend or Mistress

I was never very good at talking to girls, especially pretty ones I was interested in, when I was young. I think it had something to do with the constant bullying I took throughout highschool. I was an easy target being a skinny (105lbs when I graduated), scrawny (could barely bench 80lbs), with long blonde hair (at the time, I thought it was cool...but looking back it was terrible and I was constantly mistaken for a girl), and I had pastey white skin. What made it worse was that I hadn't a...

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Retroactive Lifetime Manipulation

Roy looked down the stairwell into the light of the basement of his best friend's house. Not that Sam owned the house. They had known each other since elementary school, and while Roy knew Sam wasn't a bad guy, he always seemed more concerned with his experiments than getting out of his mom's house. Even now that they were in college, he hadn't even bothered trying to get a dorm. True, the college was like twenty minutes away by car, but still. Knowing Sam, one of those ridiculous experiments...

4 years ago
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3 December 2006Chapter 4

The third period was already five minutes old, with Brad doing his best to shadow Jake Campbell and working hard to check him off the puck without taking a penalty. Brad’s three-inch height and ten-pound advantage helped to contain him, and he could tell Campbell was growing frustrated, and it would likely lead to a penalty. Brad continually gave Campbell good, clean hard checks against the boards. He tried to avoid hitting the numbers, stopping his progress with bodychecks to either shoulder...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 616

The Lounge on the Pocket Planet Aboard Ship ... Jeff took a slow look around the big room. Granted, I don’t know what these ... people do for relaxation, but none of them look as if they’re relaxing, and all the games are standing vacant. Even though the women have a long way to go before they’re fully with it, I still expected them to be in here too. Come to think of it, the First acted odd when I told him that Ship had provided a rec room with several of our games and a counter where they...

2 years ago
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Touched for the Very First Time

This is hopefully the first of many stories. Before I begin I want to make it clear that all these stories are 100% true and if I ever make a fictional story it will be clearly marked as such. So... to this story. At this time I was 16, so yes i was legal to be doing it before anyone thinks different. It was my first time with a guy but its a little complicated since he was once considered my uncle although legally we are not related and never were. He was 36 at the time. To describe him he was...

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The diary of an actor

Chapter One All he wanted to do was to get on and make a start. It was dark in the wings of the theater, he was nervous and, to make matters worse, a pair of arms slid around his waist and a whispered "Ready?” reached his ears. Not daring to speak, he turned his head sideways and nodded once firmly, as he did so a gloved hand reached up and caressed his cheek and then the cue and he was on, into the bright lights of the stage where nothing else mattered except the audience and the words of his...

Straight Sex
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Enslaved Entrapped 1416

Just a heads up: These next few chapters are relatively mild compared to the previous update. I most likely wont be able to update soon, at the soonest probably in august. I would like to ask any interested readers: What would you like to see happening in the 'scene' in the upcoming chapter 17? Let me know in the anonymous and register free comments at the bottom! Thanks for reading, Enjoy! Chapter 14) Cleaning up I knew I had gone too far. But I couldn’t help it. I had...

2 years ago
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Paddling to My DestinyChapter 4

When I finally came to, it took me a few seconds to get my bearings. Someone was holding my head. When I moved to see who it was, I noticed that the face and hair were shimmering with light. Later, when I regained my senses, I realized that the sun had been directly behind the person, giving the impression of an aura. Two hands were cradling me gently. I quickly took a survey of my injuries. My head was throbbing, my side was aching, and my ankle was in a great amount of pain. It didn't...

3 years ago
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Horny Memories

During the early years of the 1990's I was fortunate to land on my feet after a rather disastrous few years of the previous decade. Due to work travel commitments I had to move to the north side of our city. I answered an add for house share accomodation- 'guy or girl wanted to share three room house, Brisbane North'. I spoke to one of the current housemates there and after some talk he suggested I come look at the place. I loved the place even before I went inside. It was of an old colonial...

3 years ago
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Gone FishinChapter 2

I really didn't understand what was going on. I was sure that Watkins had something in mind, but I had no notion what it was. When I got home, I found him on the CSIRO internal site. He was a "Sr. Scientist" at Wembley. Not much. I got myself a beer and sat down. After a while, I heard Weena's car in the drive. "Hi, sweet." "Hey." "Bad day?" "OK till after lunch." "And..." "Some chap in Wembley's angry with me." She sat on the arm on my chair and picked up my tin....

2 years ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 14

The taxi was well worth the expenditure - we got back to the flat very quickly, rushed upstairs, and rather rudely dashed past Adrian who was drinking tea in the sitting room. "Hello Jon, nice to see you - what brings you up here? Is Julie with you?" As Sheila was pulling me along by the hand, I didn't get much chance to answer him. Sheila made our excuses. "We'll catch up with you later, Twin, sorry - we're in a hurry!" We headed into the bathroom and rapidly stripped off. Gustav...

3 years ago
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The Life GuardChapter 3

Matt went home after dropping off Erin. There was a phone message from Patty's mom. Matt could not imagine what that was all about, but it couldn't be good. Reluctantly, he returned the call. Mrs. Allen, Patty's mom, said that her neighbor needed someone to cut her lawn, that it wasn't a very large lawn, and that she was willing to pay to have it mown. Mrs. Allen thought that Matt might have time to do this, and be interested in the extra money. Matt took the information and told her that...

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Scary Stories Cursed Items

Mia was so glad she was able to find a job at the mall. She loved the mall, but she had no cash to shop there. All her money was tied up in student loans. Law Enforcement Degree my ass... They hire people straight out of high school because they are men with huge muscles and ignore us women who actually have a degree. Either way, she was actually happy where she was. The older man and woman who ran the little shop were extremely nice to her. The store was decked out like one of those goth/gag...

2 years ago
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Redbook escort AshleyMature Meth Queen Part I

I first met "Ashley", who's real name was Wanda, in September of 2008. After searching Redbook for a mature, sexy lady who liked to have a drink or two, I called Ashley to set-up an appointment the following day. Her voice was very upbeat and cheerful yet very soft and sexy sounding. We agreed to meet at 9 the next morning so I offered to bring a fresh cup of Starbucks for us and some Bailey's to add to it. I always enjoyed ladies who drank and smoked as I saw that as a sexy and naughty...

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A Private Tour In The Museum

Amethyst looked around and realised she had been too long in the toilets. Her high heels echoed with each step as she walked in the huge hall of the museum. She had lost her friends and she’d have to look for an officer for help. She frowned as she thought about the one who greeted them at the entrance – a tall and tanned man, in his late twenties, who had looked at her from head to toe like she was a fugitive. She’d turned her eyes away under his scrutiny. Her small frame had made her feel...

4 years ago
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A Little Too Much Spice for KatChapter 2

Evan left and I put on a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and my sandals. I put a fresh disk in the video camera and started it up again. Then I grabbed another beer and headed next door. I didn't ring the bell. I entered, walked through the house and quietly stepped out onto the patio. Evan had Kat bent over a table, facing the patio door I had just come out of. I came to a sudden stop when I saw what was happening. He was plowing into her pretty hard and she was grunting with each stroke. Her...

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Geoff And Melanie Married Siblings

SOUTH BEACH 2006 I'd met Geoff and Melanie Snider some seven or eight years ago. The fall of 1998 I think. They'd come into my photography studio with their two young daughters wanting some family pictures on a sunny, humid Miami Beach October day. They looked like a nice family. The parents had looked about twenty-eight to thirty, around my age, although I remember thinking at the time that the wife might have been a year or two older. The little girls, just nine and eight, were adorable;...

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2 1 Wheeee

About 2 months ago, I was contacted on xhamster by a young man interested in c2c play online. I responded, we chatted, and discovered we were about 2 hours from each other. After a couple of cam & cum sessions, we decided to meet. Our first encounter was pleasant. He's quite young (22), though fairly experienced with cocks. It was a mutually-satisfactory playtime, and we engaged in a pretty deep conversation about all things sexual in our lives. As a mature bi guy (since age 14), I was able...

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Christmas Kisses

Sarah asked if I wanted a coffee and when I said yes she made it and bought it over to my desk. It was fun to watch her as she walked towards me; the almost transparent white blouse covered but emphasised her small, nicely formed tits in their white lace bra. The very short, split mini skirt she wore flaunted her legs which were quite chunky but incredibly sexy, for all to see. Sarah had just turned thirty and it had worried her for some reason that I couldn't understand. She was still as...

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Dream of Destruction

Note: This is how a dream can destroy.Some people think that dreams are suppressed wishes of the mind or a bridge to our emotions. The only thing I know is that this dreams destroyed my life. This dream is between me and my wife's 'play sister' (Wendy). My wife name is Vanessa. We have been married for awhile but Wendy is a single Mom. Her k**s are grown and on their own. Vanessa and Wendy had been best friends for many years but their was a heated race for a man when they were both single. Now...

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The cottage by the sea

He knelt beside her, caressing her breasts while she masturbated herself. Their eyes looked intently into each other. She lifted her buttocks as she rubbed her clitoris. David leaned down and his lips locked with hers in a deep kiss. He placed his hand onto hers and moves it away from her crotch. David crawled up until his penis was almost touching her face. Hilary looked up and knew what he wanted from her. Her fingers wrapped around his hot and turgid penis and he could feel the...

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Whitewash High Ch8

Nik quickly composed himself, breathing in deep, making sure to remain calm. “So Gale knows my secret past. It is okay. I never did anything i*****l. No one else knows it. But I made a pact with Michelle and Valerie to always be truthful to one another, always sincere, even if it was negative or would create a problem.” Running a hand through his hair, Nik kept speaking. “Think...think...think...what am I going to do?” he whispered. “I’ll just tell them after I speak to Gale. I’m not lying,...

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Flying high

Reaching around his body, I didn’t want to let go. I wanted to stay there all day but I couldn’t. I had to work in a matter of hours. Staring out of the hotel window at the waves lapping at the sandy beach made it seem so unreal. I couldn’t believe I had fallen for a guy just by talking for a few months on the phone. It had been every night for three or four hours for those few months, but still it wasn’t like me to fall for someone so easy. I had been with James for 8 months and not felt this...

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My Best Friends Dad

I had always had a crush on my best friend’s dad. I was quite confident to have sex with any other guy I met, but somehow, when it came to Bill, I was extremely shy and became tongue tied. Often, when I went to her house I became wet as soon as I saw him and had to excuse myself to the bathroom to relieve myself. Imagining riding him kept me awake at night. One night she invited me to sleep over at her house. I gladly agreed, hoping to see her gorgeous father in nothing but his boxers. I...

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Long Drive and sister

Everything was normal until one day everything changed. We were about to move to a different city. We bought a new place and my parents started shifting things. Now one week before moving, my parents left to finalize the new house. Me and jenny were left alone at home. One night i woke up and was feeling thirsty. I went out to have some water and i heard moans from Jennys room. I put my ear on her door and it was clear she was masturbating. I dont know why her moans made me hard. I pulled down...

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Katrina Ch 0304

This story is seven chapters. I am posting two chapters at a time till all are posted. You may want to read the first and second chapter before this one. Thank you to Linda62953 for taking the time to edit my story. Chapter 3 I finally arrived home and my mom was waiting for me. She helped me bring in all of my and Alecia’s things. She had my old bedroom ready for me and had Alecia’s crib already set up in there. I hugged and kissed my little baby. I had to wonder what kind of future she...

1 year ago
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My first Gang Bang part 1

Ok so I know a lot of people want me to post about my experience Fri night, I am not a goo writer, so don't expect this to be really good, it will be in 2 parts,this is part one,anyways here it goes... My boyfriend DJ and I have been wanting to do a gang bang for a while, so he called up some friends that he had another gang bang with a while ago, and asked if they wanted to. Needless to say, they gladly agreed and we met up at my house, to have some fun. There were two white guys( Guys A and...

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horny sister

Hello everyone, On Saturday I went to the house of Raffaella, my older sister, her husband had left a piece for 5 days as there is a lot of work in the holidays.We went on vacation earlier than planned, due to lack of work, I do a lunch with friends, drink a little too much, then a greeting and chatting away. I I go home, she calls me and tells me if I could raffy andargli to help him to arrange the objects (you can not make it because she is pregnant) I get home, and we salute you, I greet the...

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Anniversary Presents

He had desperately wanted this present more than anything she could ever give him. This Anniversary he would be getting it, she just didn’t know it yet. He lit the wicks on the slim tapers, fat pillars, and quietly colored votive candles resting around the bathroom. He smiled when he heard the car door slam, then tested the temperature of the softly scented water one last time. Perfect. There was nothing worse than working on an Anniversary, bosses had no sense of proportion about these...

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The very strange story

The very strange Story.“That's it!” I put the brush in a glass and covered the canvas.“Have you already finished?” She asked."Not. That's all for today. I need to think a little, but this is already without a model. ”“Do you not need me anymore?” She asked.“I think yes. Money on a table near the window. ”“I'm not tired at all today. Only my hands were numb. ”She said. She got up and waved her hands several times, like a bird.«Do not look at me. I will get dressed."“Don't look, I'm shy,” she...

1 year ago
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BetrayalChapter 19

Finn brought the wrecker to a halt, crawled over Liv and looked out her window. "You must've hit your head harder than you thought ... but I guess I did too. Looks like headlights or something. Wonder what the hell anyone's doing down there?" He turned off the engine, grabbed the flashlight from behind the seat and opened the door. "Probably some high school kids having a kegger." He clicked on the light. "Hey, you wanna go scare the shit out of them? I'll run down yelling about...

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