AfricaChapter 4 free porn video

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A welcome surprise came after we had all cum during the inevitable orgy always accompanying the more libidinous parts of Nick's tales. "I think you could use a break," Nick pronounced, his eyes' focus on Lindy and me, the only mortals in the room (if my wife and Eva weren't after all), made it clear to whom he addressed. Angels were inexhaustible. "And some fresh air. You two shower and dress. Wear something comfortable and light for the heat, but bring a change of warmer clothes and a windbreaker."

"Maybe a clue as to where we are going might help us choose what to wear," Lindy suggested.

Nick only smirked and shifted attention to Alexandra and Rosa surrounding him on the couch.

Pulled to my feet by my wife and into the bedroom where our clothes from the night before lay scattered, I asked her while we dressed, "You must know his plan."

"I don't actually, except being assured there will be plenty of pleasant surprises."

And there were for mortal and angel alike.

Like some sort of entourage of diplomats, black Lincoln Continental limos awaited us outside the mansion doors. Lindy and I and our lovers climbed into the first of them, another Buzz clone its driver, and we set off for Boston Harbor. The two other limos took different directions after we left the tony neighborhood.

After arriving at our destination, the limo driver walked us to a huge and elegantly appointed sailing yacht docked at the end of the pier. Climbing the ramp, a beautiful blonde woman in her thirties, dressed casually yet smartly, greeted us with a relaxed smile. "Welcome to Pegasus," she announced. "Please follow me."

I enjoyed her tight, shifting buttocks that filled her khaki pants well, a perfect match for her breasts that filled her navy blue tennis shirt, the tan cleavage a tantalizing hint of scrumptious dugs as she brought us to the main cabin of the yacht. "Haven't you got enough women to please you?" Helena smirked after a nearly bruising sock on my shoulder.

"You have to admit, she's pretty fucking hot," Eva responded after my apologetic shrug.

"I know, but still... ," my wife said, and the two beauties giggled.

If I had an answer, it vanished like the flash of a camera when we stepped into the huge cabin and saw the company already inside.

My brilliant and beautiful youngest sister Debbie immediately stood from her seat beside an unknown young man and rushed into my embrace. "With all the mystery, I had an inkling it might be you behind it," she grinned up at me.

"Great to see you, Debbie," I told her.

"You, too, Joe."

"What brought you?"

"Like I said, a mystery. I got a phone call, an e-mail and snail mail when I got home a week ago all telling me I had been awarded some kind of prize, an overnight cruise on a yacht. I guess they'd figure I'd think it was junk mail or worse. I happened to be with my friend, Albert there."

"Your boyfriend?"

"I didn't think so, but I'm not so sure anymore. We'd been friends, schoolmates, and I sensed he wanted more the way I'd catch him gazing past my clothing several times. I got horny and went with it after an end of school party. Ended up removing his virginity. Even then, his jealousy surprised me when I told him about my little affair in Las Vegas. I found it actually endearing, and the make-up sex ended up being pretty spectacular, especially with some of the things I learned fucking my Vegas stud." She giggled, a first from her in my experience.

"Anyway," she continued, "while I resisted the invitation, Albert begged me to take him with me. Seems he always wanted to sail and never had the opportunity before. It's actually sort of his focus in physics."

While pondering the coincidence, I looked around the large room and saw several happy greetings. Vance was there, as was Sam and Barnaby, all greeting Miwa and Lindy with joyous embraces. Eva enjoyed warm greetings as well.

The only one not participating in the warmth managed to give me a small, worried smile and a nod of the head as she remained sitting in an armchair. Natasha looking unsettled gave her an unusual vulnerability. Even her smile, though slight, had none of the arrogance of her tough Goth façade.

"Give me a second, Debbie," I said to my sister, "before you introduce me to your ... uh ... friend."

She smiled, nodded and even giggled again before returning to her seat beside her lover.

Kneeling in front of Natasha, I smiled at her. "Hey."

"Hey, Joe."

"It's good to see you."

"Good to see you, too, actually."

We laughed quietly, hers a bit restrained. I took her hands in mine. "They'll be here soon," I told her.

"Why aren't they with you?"

"Don't know. Errands?" I shrugged.

She nodded. "I miss..."

"Naomi? I don't blame you. She's beautiful and utterly unique."

"To say the least," she grinned broader and shared a chuckle with me. "It's weird. I never felt like this. I never felt so..."


"Got it in one, Goofus," she responded using her slightly cruel nickname for me which I had gotten not only used to, but actually had come to enjoy as a sign of an ever growing bond of friendship. Her saying it at that moment with her soft, vulnerable smile made me feel even closer to her. I called her Tish, a mash-up of bitch and Tash. She liked the nickname even when I explained its derivation. She told me it had been the name of one of her heroines, the owner of a punk rock boutique in the East Village along with her partner Snookie, the first of such stores by several years, at least in the US, before punk became a jaded fashion concept, and punk boutiques appeared in suburban malls of all places.

I stood and kissed her forehead, something I never thought I would do, and told her, "She misses you, too."

"Thanks," she murmured.

I went around shaking hands with my new friends, the lovely half Chinese dancer Sam choosing to embrace me instead, before standing before a standing Albert, being introduced by my sister.

It surprised me when I had to look up a little bit to meet his eye. He had an inch at least on me, which didn't happen all that often what with my 6'6" height. Even with his slim, gawky body and his kind, pale, bespectacled face, I couldn't help feeling a moment of intimidation. You'd think it would be his obvious brilliance, having that nerd feature of ignoring his physical presence because his mental capabilities became his sole focus, but brilliance I could handle. I lived with it all my life. No, it was only his height that did it. Looking up at a man made me nervous. But his smile disarmed me. Women would probably describe it as cute. Kind of like the way they described me.

After introducing them to my friends, leaving Albert in the seductive presence of Eva who flirted with him shamelessly, I tugged my sister aside. "Doesn't he remind you of someone?" I asked her.



She blushed, avoiding my eyes a moment before bravely gazing into them. "I have had incestuous thoughts about you, Joe. Seeing you on stage or reading poetry, so handsome, so confident, so radiant, I wished I could ... love you that way, the way I fantasized."

"Me too, Debbie," I admitted. "You, your beautiful face, your ... body, have fueled many of my fantasies."

"Really? What about all your past girlfriends?"

"I guess before and between girlfriends."

"When have you been between girlfriends?"

"I'm not the stud everyone thinks I am," I chuckled.


"I spent two summers sans girlfriend before moving to Hawaii, remember?"

"God I wanted to sneak into your bed. I often brought you to mine, at least in my mind."

"Me too, especially the way your breasts and butt grew into your tight one piece swimming suit on your tall frame."

"And you with your Speedos!"

"I only wore them for like a couple weeks."

"I wished it had been longer. Yum." We shared a chuckle. "You're probably right. It's probably why I succumbed to Albert's need. Probably that hunk in Vegas too. If I could synthesize those two: the big confident presence of my Vegas beau and the scrawny, gawky Albert, it'd be almost like I could finally fuck you." She chuckled at my surprised look. "I'm not shy about speaking my mind, Joe. Not anymore. I spent too long shying away. Albert wasn't my first lover, but almost. I've always liked sex, but was afraid to ask. In fact the three lovers I had before Albert only lasted because of the sex, and it wasn't even all that great. Albert at least was enthusiastic and quick to hardness. But Roger, my Vegas hunk, showed me what I have been missing as well as encouraging me to vocalize my need. That in itself blew my mind. I love talking dirty! And when I brought those desires home, Albert soon lost all jealousy and thanked Roger."

"You mean figuratively?"

"Nope. I called Roger and gave Albert the phone. If I hadn't been blowing him, they'd probably have talked for hours. He ended up inviting Roger for a threesome!"

"Your suggestion?"

"Of course, but I think Albert wants it too. He said he did. He said he wants to see me turned into a puddle of ecstasy by the two of them."

Nodding towards Albert and Eva, Simon's angel seeming to attach herself to Debbie's lover as they moved from conversation to conversation, I asked my sister, "Ever played with a girl before?"

"Never thought about it. She's making me think about it."


"Should I be?"

"He's her type."

"I don't think so."

"You don't think he's her type?"

"Aren't you more her type? Are you fucking her?"

"It's ... complicated."

"And Helena doesn't mind?"

"She lust after her, too. But in the end, it's Helena I love. And Lindy."

"Lindy too," Debbie giggled. "But that's what I meant. I can understand him being her type: young and desperate and tall, with a cock to match. I found that to be quite appealing myself. But in the end, he'd want me sleeping beside him, talking intimately with him on a similar wave length, you know?"

"I do," I smiled.

She smiled back with a touch of horniness. "You know we could use this situation."

"How do you mean?"

"We ... could join your little harem. I ... could watch you in action and maybe..."

I looked carefully at my sister, not just in appreciation of her luscious curves on her long body or the lovely face smiling at me, but her eyes, catching the gleam, the hope, the lust and found nothing that reflected the taboo of incest in them.

"We can find out how close to reality our fantasies have been," I said.

"We could. If you want me."

"Come join us tonight," I told her. She actually squealed with joy, and I could see her body resist flinging itself against mine. I chuckled. "But Debbie."

"Yes, my lovely brother?"

"Let's play it by ear. We are brother and sister. It is a forbidden thing amongst our culture."

"I'm on the pill, so..."

"I understand, but it may go deeper than the fear of creating a freakish child."

"Like pheromones clashing. I've heard that. But I've smelled you. It only attracts me more. Maybe Mom fucked around. Maybe we're only half siblings."

When I laughed more than her quip seemed to warrant, she asked why.

Remembering my first conversations with Nick a few weeks before, though seeming much longer, of him being my biological father, I told her, "That possibility has been brought up pretty recently."

We looked into each other's eyes in contemplation and both exclaimed "Nah!"

Except that I swear I heard, or my mind contained the image, of Snake chuckling. My mother the minion. "Shit," I mumbled not quite quiet enough.

"What?" asked my sister.

"Nothing. Let's see how Eva's succeeding with your boyfriend."

"Let's," Debbie grinned, pulling me to them.

She didn't see me shake my head in wonder, thinking, "Only in Nick's world would my sister not want to tear a hole into Eva, the temptress, extraordinaire; the succubus."

In the largest bed on the yacht, Nick again allowing us the use of it while occupying a smaller bed in a smaller cabin, it being round suggesting the rich minion who owned it had a taste for orgies, we started with just the four of us: Lindy, Miwa, Helena and me. Others in the large party used other rooms on the ship or were brought back to shore, staying in a hotel in the nearest coastal community, Martha's Vineyard.

There had been many surprises in what consisted of others. It seems, upon relocating from his base in San Francisco to Boston, his angels had made quick use of their charms in finding fresh geniuses to amuse or bemuse or immuse or whatever. In a week, they all had found someone, excepting Miwa and Helena of course. And Naomi remained focused on Natasha, creating a most loving reunion.

It was interesting seeing the angels at work. Except for the eye opening party where I first saw most of the angels in Nick's San Francisco suite playing sexually with their men (I'm not even sure most of those had been geniuses. The way Betty and Naomi had shoved aside the men after they had lost their nut, it seemed clear they were johns.), aside from Miwa with Lindy and Naomi with Natasha, I had only witnessed the twins work their magic with Steve Schwartz. Even with the rather unpleasantly corpulent man sleeping in Salomé's bed that first evening we met whom I figured had been her genius at the time, I certainly saw nothing of her work as muse.

The diverse group of lucky men (and one woman) had two things in common, an unmistakable aura of intelligence, and awed devotion towards their angels. One revealed exuberant extroversion, while another's introversion to all but his angel, Rosa, made for a reluctant greeting. The rest could be placed variously within that wide spectrum.

I did enjoy their company, even Rosa's introverted young man when he thawed a bit. And a couple, well, sort of couples I found most amusing, mostly because of the peculiarity of them.

The first was a traditional couple, a husband and wife. They were the oldest of the geniuses by a decade. The youth of the other geniuses, in their twenties or even younger, probably had as much to do with avoiding a cheating spouse problem as it did breaking open their cocoon of potential and encouraging their brilliance to fly. With the couple, that worry had obviously been avoided, as the wife studied Betty as lustily as her husband.

At the party, I found out both were writers, their specialties opposite to what would be expected. The wife wrote true crime articles (and had hopes, too often dashed, of getting books published) focusing on the fecund swamp of activities in the Boston area, while the husband wrote romance novels of all things for a second tier publisher. With Betty entering their lives, their marginal success would end, and they would reap great benefits, of that I was certain. They would also rekindle their sexual heat which years together had dimmed to a near cold extinction. I sensed some of this in our brief conversation and their body language, but Betty would flesh this out. She let me know much later that she did more than coax heat into what had become a sterile marriage bed, actually bringing a child into what had been an empty nest, their two kids off to college. She also had them create books from collaborating, and the books, both true crime and romance, benefited so greatly they became best sellers. It seemed all they needed for success was each other, the wife needing warmth and humanity in her writing, and the husband needing more toughness in his.

The other amusing couple matched Maddy and Maggie as identical twins. They even sported red hair, though a deeper red than the twin angels' strawberry blonde. And they stood not much taller than the diminutive cuties. The only real difference came from their personalities, quiet and reserved unlike the Irish angels' perkiness, though by the end of the party the angels had their geniuses relaxed and often laughing and having as much fun as anyone else.

I discovered early on two people conspicuously absent amongst party guests. If Eva had been absent along with Albert, I might have suspected flirting had reached a more intense stage, but I eventually found her busy flirting with Rosa's introvert. When I asked her where my sister's beau might have gone off to, she shrugged and then decided to attach herself to me as I drifted from conversation to conversation.

My sister soon joined us, equally baffled. She had witnessed Miwa grab him and haul him away after they had had an enthusiastic conversation about sailing, Miwa's experience impressing him thoroughly. I began speculating, and found Lindy, hanging with Naomi and Natasha, to confirm it.

"They're busy with the sails," she told us, laughing. "She was almost as excited as he was to show him the ropes so to speak."

"That's great," Debbie grinned.

"Are you relieved?" Eva asked her, scrutinizing her response.

"I'm not jealous or worried, Eva," my sister responded, sidling up to the blonde vixen, leaning down and kissing her. "If it had gone that far, I'd be more than willing to join you."

"Cool," said Eva, embracing her and kissing her deeply.

Helena joined our little entourage during the kiss, getting a kiss from Lindy and I. We kept drifting into conversations for a while until we found a little nook to have our own conversations. Eva and Debbie ended up kissing and fondling more than chatting, so we three others chatted together with some casual fondling of our own.

"Don't you think it's strange?" I said quietly, my two main lovers cuddled next to me on the couch making our conversation private even from my nearby sister.

"What?" asked Lindy.

"What happened to the marathon tale telling?"

"Oh, I think it's still on, just delayed," Helena told us.

"Did Snake inform you of his plan?" asked Lindy.

"No. I think he's enjoying his little surprises, even for me. When are we flying?"

"A fucking red eye late tomorrow," I grimaced.

"And what would be the best way to deal with a long late night flight?"


"And what condition might you be in if, say, we had a long night of debauchery tonight," she nodded towards Debbie and Eva, Eva in Debbie's lap, legs wrapped around my sister's waist, groins pressed together as they kissed, hands caressing tits or places lower.

"You know about Debbie's incestuous fantasies?" I choked out.

"I could guess, and yours for her, my perverted husband. I could see looks exchanged, not very sibling like in their love."

"And ... you're okay with that?" I said, addressing Lindy in a way more than Helena. I somehow knew Helena had no problem with it.

Confirming my thoughts, Helena said, "I'm the product of a much more taboo incest, and I have no problem with that."

Lindy smiled and purred and kissed my neck. "I think she's adorable."

"She's a female you, only prettier," Helena added.

"Much," I said.

"I didn't say better looking," my wife explained. "You're at least her equal in that regard." When I shook my head, she finished with, "You're beautiful to me Joseph, so live with it. Anyway," she continued her earlier point, "after the nearly all-night orgy, I bet Nick wakes us ungodly early and we spend the rest of the day with his marathon. I bet we finish Africa before we have to catch the plane."

I sighed and nodded. It made sense. I wasn't unhappy about it though. Quite the opposite. I loved the tales. I loved the sex. I loved imagining my wife and I together in Greece. I sighed at the exhaustive pace. But I looked forward to it. It had been exhausting in San Francisco, and I loved every minute of it. I loved that very moment being embraced by my two amazing lovers.

One of the very professional minions, a pretty stewardess (not the airplane kind) interrupted some lustful intimacy, kisses and caresses of hardening and dampening parts that followed my loving thoughts for several minutes, not unlike the intimacy shared on the nearby loveseat, with an invitation for dinner. She offered to bring us plates where we were, but in such a way that the preference was for us to join the party at table. Knowing the professionalism she exhibited, I figured Nick encouraged the subtle nudge and had nothing to do with laziness on her part. And so we agreed.

The large yacht ran smoothly through the water most of the time, but the sea must have gotten choppier just before the invitation to dinner, and we had an unsteady walk to the dining room, which featured a pair of very long tables. I figured things up top might have gotten a little hairy, because not only had the captain not joined us, neither had Miwa and Albert.

Standing at the end of the table in a place farthest from the door, Nick watched us fill the seats. It didn't take long. He tapped a full wine glass with a familiar color, Helena's mother's wine, and toasted.

Same as Africa
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She knocked on my hotel door and I let her in. She was even more stunning that I remembered. "So, how about a movie then dinner on Calle Ocho?""How about we stay here and get room service?"I didn't have to get hit over the head. I moved closer and wrapped my arms around her. We kissed in a way that would have scared me a few years earlier. My hand drifted down to her lower back and she reached around and moved it to her zipper. I opened her pants and they dropped to the floor. Sliding into her...

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naughty little brother syndrome

I was back from college with half the day still available and my parents were predictably out so I had the place to myself. great. I could sneak guys back here and fuck on the sofa even! Or wank myself in the kitchen - that type of adventure, and roam the house naked when I wanted to. I had assumed little brother worked a normal shift but I was to find out about his midweek day off. So what the fuck was all that noise cum-ing from the living room? sounded like an orgy in there! His...

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LimitsChapter 22

Session C8: “Tell me what the article is about, Richard.” “It said that...” There was a pause, and for a moment I thought he was going to wake up. That would be awkward - I didn’t really want to implant a memory of me getting him to randomly read a sexuality textbook. Fortunately, the hesitation passed, and he answered in a deep monotone that I was getting increasingly familiar with. “ ... it said that the subject’s happiness is increased when they have sexual intercourse more...

3 years ago
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My First Time OutThe First Night Part 2

My first time being rapped By Dedra Post This story is true, however I have changed the names and places so not to offend or embarrass anyone. This story contains material of a mutual nature, anyone not of age to read adult material, stop here and read no more. This story is the property of the author and maybe copied, downloaded, and forwarded, but it must stay in its original form. It may not be sold or reproduce...

3 years ago
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Intoxicated Ch 03

A/N: Part III of intoxicated. Naomi seems pretty weak willed and emotional at this point. But she’ll get it together. Or she’ll try. Greenwich, Grey village (Hemingford), etc. are inspired and named after real UK places. But I tend to hate proof-checking, so I’ll just wing it. Some places are real, some aren’t. Don’t be surprised if you recognize anything. Enjoy. oOo Grey Village: Stone Residence: ~L~ When Lisa decided to walk home alone instead of tag along with her best friend and her...

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Fucking Miss M

This week was not going to be like any other week. This was my birthday week and I wanted to do something very special for myself. I haven't had a really decent blow job in a while, so what I decided to do is make a plan on finding a woman that I can get a really good blow job from and maybe some good sex. So I went searching an adult dating site to find a woman of my taste that could fulfill my sexual need. I really like really busty women, BBW’s to be exact .So after searching I met this...

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CattailChapter 20

John's words put a new twist to Roger's thinking about the land. If John was right -- and Roger had to assume the old man knew more about it than he did -- it put a different spin on things. Up to this point they'd been going on the six hundred and fifty thousand dollar figure that had been thrown around for months. John's words meant that it could be worth closer to a million! It was hard for Roger to believe that a hundred and sixty acres of farmland could be worth that much. The...

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Hot girlfriend in Bangladesh cheating

Hi, all the readers & fans of this site. Here shomel again with my new sex experience. 1st let me introduce myself for the new readers. I am 22 years old. I am from dhaka city of bangladesh. I’m smart, attractive & 5’9” tall. I’ve fit body & fair complexion. I’m very much friendly, naughty and fun loving boy. I like girls who want to waste no time in developing a hot friendship & relationship . . I can fuck girls by my 7″ large & very much thick cock in many ways for a long time with true fun,...

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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 43

The caves were well hidden from anyone looking for them from the direction of the lake. There were three in total and they were all situated in a cluster hidden behind a large flat boulder and obscured by a grove of tall oak trees. We approached them with care. The first thing we did was look about for any sign that they were occupied. Unfortunately, the rocky ground and the fact it was covered by fallen leaves proved a detriment here. There was little in the way of bare earth near the...

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Brody Michelle Ch 02

Author’s Note: Thanks for those who read and favorited! Hope you keep on enjoying it! Happy reading! Also… this a slow burn story. No sex for a few chapters. ___________________________ The next Wednesday Brody picked Michelle up at her house for their trip to the mall. She got into the car and said, ‘Thanks for picking me up. It wasn’t necessary, though.’ ‘You were on my way,’ Brody replied. ‘Besides aren’t we all supposed to be reducing our carbon footprint or whatever?’ ‘I guess so. Do...

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25 days of Christmas

This is a collection of 25 erotic short stories of different genres. Each day from December 1st to December 25th I will add a new chapter, so you have something to enjoy until Christmas. The first story is about Matt, who starts a new job and meets an old friend.

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My Berlin SummerChapter 2 The Club

Luckily, there was a car - a stretch limousine - waiting to take us to the club. The driver opened the back door for us, staring pointedly at my body all the while. I did my best to avert my eyes. Once in the car, Cristina pushed me to my knees on the floor. "You will lick my boots until we get there," she said simply. I crawled in front of her on my knees, carefully lowered my upper body to the floor so that her black leather boots were just in front of my face, and delicately opened my...

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My YouthChapter 4 Youth Part 3

Paula continued... I offered Paula my elbow and she took it as we walked the 50 yards or so over to our humble little caboose. “Wow, a real gentleman!” I held her hand, helping her up the steps leading to our back porch. Once inside. I showed her the amenities we’d installed to make this real living quarters. “So, you turned the old lower seating area into a full bed and the ‘observation’ deck into a queen sized bed ... interesting. You never worry about falling out of bed?” she...

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MommysGirl Kit Mercer Indica Monroe Sex On The Brain

Indica Monroe is jealous that her father is spending all his time with his new wife (her new step-mom), Kit Mercer, rather than having any time for her anymore. Her jealousy leads her to hatch a plot to get Kit to fall in love with HER instead so that she can get all the attention from both of them that she’s craving. Indica innocently lures Kit in to spending time with her, but during each activity, Indica drops suggestive hints about sex into the conversation to get Kit flustered and...

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My Life as a Teenage Girl

It has been a week since the traumatic events that led up to my real parents coming back into my life, and my time spent pretending to be a girl had ended. However, things did not exactly end the way I had hoped. Sure, I have my real parents back, who are desperate to make up for not being in my life for twelve years. Sure, I now have two amazing sisters, Lucy and Lauren. But now, I'm not pretending to be a girl, I am a girl. The story of the strange dress that had changed my body...

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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 28

XXVIII ‘We’ll have to get a whip’ Like the good and attentive wife she was, Wendy instantly recognised the symptoms. (Maybe they were not so hard to detect. I was standing there stark naked, red in the face and panting for air, a hand against the wall for support, with my dangling cock coated white with spunk dribbling in little gobbets on the floor.) ‘Hello, darling,’ she said brightly, ‘lovely to see you home so early. And how is young Kylie?’ I corrected her misapprehension. ‘Wendy,...

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Sharing a Room

Introduction: This is about two girls who discover each others secrets. This is my first so be kind. Teenagers are lustful. Some would argue that boys more than girls. I was one of those teenage girls who always needed a way to please myself sexually. I was not too obvious, however, I did try to conceal myself in my room where I could have my private time. I discovered the beauty of masturbation when I was merely 13 years old via the detachable showerhead in my bathtub. I would lay on my back,...

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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 50

12:40 Monday, November 18th, 1991 San Mateo County Hospital 222 W. 39th Avenue San Mateo, CA 94403 Jack Kostowe felt his head had cleared enough; they'd stopped the really heavy narcotics midday Sunday. "Deb," he'd asked last night, "Please find for me a spiral-bound notebook and some pens that are easy to use." She looked at him steadily, and then nodded. Now, he was writing in the pages, and filling them as furiously as he could. He had to take breaks frequently, and often...

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KarlaChapter 13

Helmut called me after ten days. He wasn't worried overmuch about the cost of Karla's stay, said she was much more stable now, yet he felt that she needed more treatment sooner rather than later. What should he, what could we do? I invited him over, told him that we had come up with a plan and wanted his opinion. When I showed him into my library early that evening, he was more relaxed than at any stage before. He carried a calm aura, a confidence hitherto lacking. "Berthold, I go...

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Kinky KatelynChapter 7

The happy look on Katelyn's face told me she was nicely stoned, and it also signaled to me it was time to move on. Okay; I'll admit I was feeling no pain as well. Since I decided it was time to try and get things started, I asked her stand up and turn with her back to me as I continued to sit on the massage table. I had decided it was easiest for me to keep siting on the massage table and not have to trust my legs any more than necessary. I was getting stronger by the day, but my knees...

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Boy Slut In Train 8211 Part 1

Hey guys! This is Vijay with yet another experience which happened while traveling. I’ve been gay for a while and am used to it. I’ve seen and had a good number of cocks and am always eager for more. I’m getting fleshier and have been developing softer boobs and a plump ass slowly. This is an experience which happened while going to Pune by train. A train to Pune from Salem takes around 24 hours to reach. I made that journey because I wanted to meet some friends who stayed there. I told a...

Gay Male
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My Virgin sister

My Virgin sister indian sex storyI've been spying on my sister for about two months watching her change her clothes through her bedroom window. I never thought I'd take it any farther than just spying. She is my sister, after all. To me it's just a good way to see some tits, ass and pussy on a regular basis.My sister and I are twins. We get along great, not like some brothers and sisters. Our dad is in the Navy, so we've never lived anywhere long enough to develop close friendships with other...

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Mom blackmails

Chapter 1 - My elder sonMy name is Susan, and I had been brought up in the deep south, by deeply religious parents, so i****t was something I'd been brought up not even to think about, let alone get involved with. But that all changed in a morning, and i****t took over my life.I'm married with two sons and twin daughters, which I had early in my life, and over about as short a period as was possible, as I guess that both my husband and I were unusually fertile. My husband is a successful...

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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 40 Epilogue to Book 10

Dave came down the stairway of the Cessna Citation and broke into tears as he reached the ground. He got down on his knees and kissed the tarmac. He hadn’t been on Circle soil since June first, and here it was a Sunday afternoon a week-and-a-half before Thanksgiving. He’d been gone almost six months. He couldn’t imagine what some of the military men felt like when they got home after two back-to-back yearlong tours in some godforsaken place in the Middle East. He had a new appreciation for...

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Dungeons Dragons 4th Edition

Dungeons & Dragons: 4th Edition Creation Page (Only the Creation Pages are in 3rd Person's Point of View, the rest is 1st Person's Point of View) First it shall be decided, WHICH world of D&D your character will be made in, there are many a different types of universes for dungeons and dragons, it is open to make your own world, but it will require a good deal of work for it to properly work. now, here's a list of the campaign settings of Dungeons & Dragons. 1 Al-Qadim 2 Birthright 3...

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Dirty Girls and a Camera

This story takes place about a year after me, my little cousin Stephanie, and my girlfriend Johanna’s first sex romp together. I wouldn’t say the three of us got together frequently over that following year, but we had our share of liaisons. The girls liked to dress up and show off their bodies. I certainly didn’t mind. Johanna and I were living together by this time, and we invited Stephanie over to our place on a Friday night for a night of drinks and fun. Johanna had cut her brown hair...

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Blackmailed continues

Note : This story is completely fictional! The first day my father in law and my wife left for a three week trip it was decided by my mother in law "by a threat by my sister in law" To introduce her in a threesome, So she can have sex and we would be all happy,So my mother in law puts it. On that day it was all settle and we were all off to have our first session as a threesome. The three of us enter the bedroom,my mouth went dry thinking what is this going to be like, I have heard that my...

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Nellie and Nolan p6

I licked and sucked his cock, getting faster and sucking a little harder. I could hear his moans getting louder and his breathing increasing in speed. This turned me on so much that I took all of his cock into my mouth and sucked it the best that I could. “Oh fuck Nes,” he moaned loudly fucking himself up against my mouth, “I am gonna cum ....” I took all of his cock into my mouth and he moaned loudly, thrusting his hips hard up against my mouth. I gagged slightly, but I took control of the...

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Caught in the MiddleChapter 3

Janet and Allie didn't work and they stayed over during the week. I never got much rest as one of them always wanted my cock in one of their delightful holes. By Wednesday, I looked haggard but what a way to go! I didn't lack for food as Janet turned out to be an excellent cook as well as being one of the best looking women I had ever seen. Allie only suffered a little in comparison. Both of them had a strong sex drive and only wore clothes for temptation or protect their bodies while...

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CherryPimps Skylar Snow The Special Client Treatment

Sexy, curvy Skylar Snow brings a new selection of toys to one of her top clients, Mason Lear. He’s in the market for some new toys, and she says this one slides in like a hot knife through butter. Mason is clearly interested in this toy, and Skylar happily invites him to try the toy out, himself. Since he’s such a loyal client, she’s willing to let him try it before she buys it. She slips into it herself, and they can see how it fits. She strips down, ready to help Mason experience the ultimate...

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Spirit Ch 08

Aug 30, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Eight Prime Suspect Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on June 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...

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The Real Deal

Mrs. Bramm was in her late thirties. I’d only met her a couple of times previously when she’d come over to our house to play backgammon with my mom and a few of her other female friends. I tried to avoid them as much as possible by staying in my room playing video games. On the rare occasions I had met the backgammon crowd, they’d made me uncomfortable by telling my mom what a handsome young boy she had and how I’d make a young lady very happy one day. That, and questions about what I was...

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Angel S1 E11 Motherland

Angel S:1 E:11 "Motherland" By G.M. Shephard Copyright 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover Episode 11 "Motherland" ---Kolyma Gulag Hard Labor Camp, Siberia--- The prisoners were led by chains out into the still harsh wintery landscape of Siberia. All were rather dangerous looking men, imprisoned for murder, kidnapping, theft, insubordination within the military. Most had been in the camps for years and were serving sentences ranging from a couple of years to life. ...

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A Tale of two kitties

My wife and I are very aware that she finds women attractive, she has been open about this since we first got together, but she has never done anything about it. She is also a little bit of the jealous type and didn't want me to ever do anything with another girl, or even see one naked playing with first. Her resolve on that had waned a bit over time. She remains firm that she doesn't want my cock inside of any woman other than her. I was pretty much resigned to the fact that girl on...

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Forge of StonesChapter 13

Tyrpledge had been unavoidably spenting the past few days inside his minute office, sitting at his desk with piles of reports and inventories stacked in front of him up to his neck. The minutiae of a preparation for complete mobilization were indeed innumerable. Personnel manifests, rotation forecasts, matériel inventories, requisition forms, count practicals, soldier and officer levies, clothing requests, workshop and mill necessitation orders, movement and guard formations, and forced...

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That Girl Chapter 2

I sprung out of bed and quickly went through my morning routine. Downstairs, after finishing a delicious breakfast made by Maria, I was about to leave and I said, “Aunt Jennifer, I’m going to a friend’s house for a while.” “When are you coming back?” She asked after coming to the door. I shrugged. “After lunch or something,” “Okay good because we’re going to go out to eat for dinner okay?” “Okay,” I nodded and began to open the door. “By the way,” she stopped me. “Are you going...

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Being Disciplined

I was standing at the window holding my wife Susie close to me as the clock ticked. The alarm went off at exactly the right time, but to our horror the world didn’t end. We held each other for a full five minutes but still life went on. We had to accept the truth of it. The world was still here, our world. Susie looked at me and spoke first. “Shit,” she said. “Crap,” I replied. We both pondered what was now going to happen. What our situation was going to become. The one of our own making. It...


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