Honey Dew pt 1
- 2 years ago
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December 24, Christmas Eve
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Frank Pezzo Residence
“God, it’s been a wild holiday!” Damien Martin exclaimed as he left the massive shower on the morning of Christmas Eve, not yet sure what the traditions were in the Pezzo household of which he was now part.
“Yes, well, I got an early present for you, hon!” Cassidy told him excitedly as she showed him her home pregnancy test results.
It read positive ... his wonderful fiancee was knocked up! Damien didn’t even stop to ask who the father was, biologically speaking. They had all exchanged bodily fluids with so many different folks since the whole “honey do list” business started that it could be any man’s. It could even be Eddie’s, as he had finally tried fucking some ladies, including Cassidy. Who the fuck cared about physical paternity? Sooner or later, Cassidy would be quickened by his seed, and even if he became sterile tomorrow, so that he didn’t, he would be a proud papa among several such in the tribe. After all, there was a good chance that he had already impregnated other men’s wives and girlfriends, too.
“Wow, I’m a Daddy now!” Damien grinned at the news and kissed Cassidy passionately on the mouth to reassure her that he meant it.
“Even if ... the baby wasn’t strictly speaking yours? Not saying that it isn’t, but we don’t know that it is,” Cassidy openly worried, but Damien was having none of it.
“Hush you! Do you think that I’m gonna bother with a paternity test, hon? Whatever for? This baby is a part of you! I love it because of that, because you’re its Mama, so I’m Daddy now. As your husband, I’ll be legally the father, anyway,” Damien pointed out, much to Cassidy’s relief.
“Well, for the record, if you ever want or need a paternity test, I’ll be happy to consent to it. Obviously, with our lifestyle, there’s a decent chance that I’ll have a baby or two that’s not biologically yours, so I’m more than a little relieved at your enlightened attitude, honey,” Cassidy practically somersaulted by now with delight.
“Only if we need an organ or blood donor, dear, and I hope that never comes up,” Damien resolved.
“Deal! I can understand in that context. I just hope that it never happens, either, and even if it does, that it never alters how you view our youngsters,” Cassidy agreed with even more appreciation at how loving Damien truly was, “to think that I nearly lost you for my own stupidity.”
“Oh, stop worrying about that! It’s in the past. Leave it there, babe,” Damien urged his girlfriend.
“See, I told you so, sis, on both counts, didn’t I?” Tammy rushed to start a group hug that wasn’t exactly PG, not least because all three of them were bare-assed naked.
“Wow, you three lovebirds are truly inspiring!” Alice declared as she entered the room, “in any case, you guys don’t want to miss breakfast, trust me! Christmas Eve breakfast is gonna rock this year, just like the rest of Christmas has!”
“Sounds great, Alice ... by the way, we have great news! Cassidy’s pregnant!” Damien proudly pointed to his fiancee’s naked belly.
‘Sweet! Be sure to announce it at breakfast, dear! Trust me, Frank and the rest of us like news like that! It makes our day! I’ve already discovered that Lisa and I are knocked up as it is,” Alice informed them as they all exited the master bedroom of their section of the palatial estate for the grand kitchen and dining hall.
By now, everyone was used to the idea of eating in the buff, of course. Even pajamas were a thing of the past as the entirely nude residents of the household took their seats at the long dinner table in the hall. Frank sat at the head of the table, but Damien sat opposite him, which wasn’t a bad place to be these days. Yes, even Frank Pezzo, the patriarch of the tribe, was naked as a jaybird at breakfast, and no one thought to worry about it at all. Jim sat at his right hand, whereas Harold was to Damien’s left and Eldritch to his right.
Most of the other spots were held by women, but there were obvious exceptions, such as Howard and Eddie, Amos, Julio, Will, Eric, Philip, and Bert. Still, the men were definitely outnumbered and none of them minded at all. After all, who was gonna object to such a sizable display of naked flesh, especially the female kind? The widespread nudity was one of the definite benefits of sharing a household with so many lecherous adults.
“So, before we begin to eat this excellent breakfast prepared for us by none other than Sandra and Katie, please be sure to thank them in whatever way you find most suitable, do we have any announcements?” Frank spoke clearly and authoritatively, as one might well expect from one jokingly called “Godfather Frank” at times.
“Yes, Cassidy’s pregnant!” Tammy blurted, and then looked a little sheepish, but Frank roared with laughter.
“Damien, you dog! Way to go! Congratulations, both of you!” Frank stood up, walked over to Damien, and even high-fived him, not even mentioning the prospect of other men siring the spawn in Cassidy’s womb.
“That’s kinda our thing ... presume paternity based on the law, guys. It’s the simplest, most practical approach, if you think about it, though as a lawyer, I am rather biased in its favor,” Alice blushed and winked at the happy couple.
“That was more or less my attitude, anyway, so I’m glad to see it encouraged,” Damien admitted.
“See, cousin, we’re all on the same page, aren’t we?” Frank chuckled now, even as he noticed that Cassidy grinned from ear to ear.
“See, babe, we all love you, no matter what!” Eldritch interjected, getting howls of approval from around the table.
“Got that right! Who the fuck doesn’t love Cassidy? How could you not love this face?” Maryam played the proud mama to a tee.
“Agreed. We all love Cassidy Lassiter, soon to be Mrs. Damien Martin!” Tara shouted with absolute conviction.
“That we do!” Marlene coughed now, “by the way, I’m pregnant, too.”
The Devil's Dew By Persephone Joe was about average in the male equipment department but like most men wouldn't have minded being a little more than just average. Actually, he would have preferred to be a lot more than just average. Nothing huge mind you. Just better than average. He would also have been happier if he were a lot more appealing to the female half of the population. He had seriously considered plastic surgery to improve his appearance and make him more...
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Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies, if you are old enough to know who they were, and you will catch on. If you can’t appreciate this then exit right now, please. Melba Mae Takem addressed a question to the boy pumping between her thighs, “Billy Bob, whah dew Ah need tew fukk sew much?” Her fourteen-year-old-brother paused his...
“So, Tara, welcome to our humble abode. Well, we’re all moving in together soon. If you want to be part of that move, be sure to let us know. If you’re still involved with Damien, that is. I’d be disappointed in you if you weren’t, but there’s no accounting for taste. Damien’s the best,” Cassidy told Damien’s colleague, Tara Harmon, in front of the others. “So ... you’re intimate with your girlfriend, her sister, and her mother? And you still had enough left to fuck me that well earlier...
The editing took a bit of time, as did reading Amos’s report, and then Tara’s to boot. Damien, Tara, and Amos all huddled for a bit as they revised, edited, amended, etc. to their online reports and editorials. Damien concluded in his column that the Volunteer wasn’t going to run and hide from the corrupt, racist, meth-dealing little empire that the Klan had established in that part of East Tennessee. They were bound and determined to break the power of the racist terrorist organization by a...
Damien wasn’t really sure where Lauren went after Amos, Tara, and he returned to work, but he figured that she had some loose ends to tie up, so he wasn’t going to sweat it. He still had a job to do, as did the other two, of course. Tara went back to the mall to gather more information that way about the mall Santa, while Amos compiled and organized the data that he received from Lauren a little better, after which he got cracking on his article. It was probably almost done by the time that...
I remember a year or so after we'd moved into the house, I'd risen late one Saturday morning, sleeping in after having been rudely awoken by Tanya bouncing up and down on my morning wood. You spurt under those conditions, you just gotta get another couple hours sleep. The late rising put me a little behind in the stuff around the house I needed to get done. I know, it was nuts. Before a single sip of coffee I was trying to remember and sort out and prioritize tasks. I stumbled into the...
Damien awoke the next morning, a Monday, surprisingly early all things considered, but he still had but only so much time before he had to get ready for work. He was about to shave before he showered, but right then, a hand ... a very feminine hand, intruded. It was Cassidy and she had other ideas. “Honey, why bother with that? I think that you’re a brand-new man, so maybe a brand new look is better. Besides, if you don’t waste time shaving, you can have more time to shower with me. Oh, and...
Damien had resumed his editing work and he didn’t really think much else about the whole Lauren Harris business, but he had forgotten to make sure that she had actually left the Volunteer’s offices. It should not have been too shocking, then, when Amos Clark knocked on his door and Damien opened it to find Lauren with him. It was fascinating, in a way, that Amos was such a handsome guy and yet Lauren didn’t show more than a cursory appreciation of his appearance. She kept her eyes on Damien,...
Damien didn’t quite understand what was overtaking him, as he found himself pumping Charlene with a vengeance, his body and hers rocking with the fury and force of his penetration, this time doggy-style. Now he gave the cashier what she had craved from him for so long, this time in a third round (the second had been missionary-style, with her legs on his shoulders). It was incredible, of course, the ease with which he now recovered his hard-on, with no need for stimulants, for blue pills, for...
Everyone in the group was more than a little hungry, between the sex and the weed, so Damien went ahead and ordered some pizza for the whole group, although Maryam insisted on paying for it (she was probably the richest person in the house at the moment). The tribe ranged considerably in their tastes where pizza toppings were concerned, so each pizza had different toppings on one half from the other. Damien went with pineapples and Canadian bacon, for example, while Cassidy opted for black...
Damien awoke Tuesday morning to clear evidence that he had been used all night long in his sleep. He looked to his right on the bed and there was Tara, naked as the day that she was born and quite stunning as ever. Since she had to get to work, too, he tapped her on the shoulder and she woke up, rather groggy, limping to the nightstand for her glasses. The dried cum on her thighs told more than a tale, as did the lipstick on her buns. Realizing that she had been intimate with Damien and his...
If Damien thought that his day would be even halfway normal, he was dead wrong, of course. Tara having gotten busy reviewing her material for her article about the mall Santa, Damien expected that he would be mostly left alone to do his editing, but that just wasn’t to be. Almost immediately, there was a knock at the door of the Volunteer’s office building, which with the Chief and other seniors still absent, resulted in an irate visitor showing his face, and he wasn’t alone. Lauren stood...
When Damien got to work, he arrived just in time to find everyone in a very dark mood. It was quiet ... too quiet. People couldn’t look each other in the eye, or in some cases they hugged each other, as Amos quickly did with him. He didn’t even try to hide his need for solace. He also hugged Tara, who was as confused as Damien, but still embraced people all the same. “What ... what’s going on?” he finally asked Amos, who had to wipe his eyes of tears. “The ... bosses, the editors, they’ve...
Supper turned out to be a Middle Eastern beef kebab with plenty of rice, pitas, falafel, and hummus, as well as a very excellent Greek salad (including kalamata olives, yogurt sauce, and feta cheese). Unlike Damien, who was newer to this, Cassidy and Tammy had grown up eating a lot of kebab, shawarma, falafel, and similar foods, because of Maryam’s Syrian origins. Even so, Damien being Damien, he had a fondness for exotic and foreign cuisine that allowed him to embrace this cosmopolitan...
“That was ... Harold Bird. He’s been a hostage of the Klan and their associates, including, believe it or not, Roger Harmon. Evidently, Roger provided them with a safe house, between himself and Wanda, his wife. The divorce was a smokescreen to confuse and trap you ... and her. He also let the Klan know where Tara and I ... and you, were. He somehow got his hands on a phone and sent me a picture text to prove that it was him. I’m providing the coordinates to the authorities, so they can...
Damien and Amos both found things to occupy their time, mostly in terms of Amos going over the details in a careful review of what information he gathered, especially in light of the bomb threat. He did his best to put anything romantic or sexual on the back burner for now, wanting to focus on work during his typical workday hours. He wasn’t honestly sure what to say or do about the bomb squad chief and his apparent interest in him. The guy was cute, not to mention brave and smart, but did...
The promised orgy had been one for the record books, or so it felt to Damien, especially with the daemon inside him giving him such stamina, such serious sexual vigor. It also became a bit hazy to most of the participants, not that anyone minded much. They lost track of who fucked whom and so forth, stopped counting, worrying, planning, and suggesting, etc. It was a fantastic clusterfuck and so they indulged in it every bit as much as they could. He fucked one woman after another, plus...
Damien spent much of the late morning and early afternoon in a tangle of sweaty flesh, his cock pumping vigorously in and out of each of the girls as he took full advantage of the pills that Maryam gave him to help with his stamina. It was one hell of a Sunday, of course, getting to screw not only his girlfriend, but her sister and ... her mother. At various moments, he had the irrational fear that his cock might quit on him, or perhaps his heart, and he wasn’t sure which would be worse. When...
Damien was balls deep inside Cassidy again, just after he had fucked Tara, when her cell phone rang. It was Roger Harmon, and the freshly fucked Tara was only too glad to speak to him while Damien’s cum still leaked from her twat. Evidently, they had something still to say to each other, and the conversation quickly became both heated and romantic, alternating between expressions of love and declarations of outrage. Finally, however, about the time that Damien spilled his seed inside his...
“Do you, Eldritch, take this woman, Nicole, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, cherish, and protect, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, for as long as you both shall live?” Lacey now inquired of County Commissioner Eldritch Haynes. “I do,” Eldritch told her enthusiastically. “Do you, Nicole, take this man, Eldritch, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love,...
“That’s one hell of a headline and scoop for a newspaper that doesn’t have any offices lately and just exists online, wouldn’t you say?” Eldritch Haynes, the lone surviving county commissioner for Hamilton County, Tennessee, thought aloud as he looked at the news report about the bombing, as the sun set and he prepared to go home for the night. This included the detail about how the Editor-in-Chief of the Volunteer had just returned from his dental appointment to join the meeting between...
“County Commissioner Eldritch Haynes, how nice of you to join us!” a voice spoke as Haynes came at last inside Nicole. Nicole slid off her newest partner and he rose to face Damien Martin, a man whom he never met before in his life. He wasn’t alone, either, as he was accompanied by the entire tribe, as it were. By now, even the newest members of the group, such as Morgan, were present. Alice was even there, though she was still an enigma to everyone to some extent. They had all entered the...
December 21, the Winter Solstice Chattanooga, Tennessee Frank Pezzo Residence “I’m glad that you guys agreed to move in with us, friends! We’ve decided that this is your wing of the building ... or rather part of the west wing, but as you can see, it’s pretty darn big itself. I’ve taken the liberty of expanding things more than a little. We even have a massive nursery and birthing center for all of the little bundles of joy sure to be created during our many amorous adventures. It’s a...
Next summer... “Do you, Damien, take this woman, Cassidy, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, to love, cherish, and protect, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, for as long as you both shall live?” Lacey, formerly Sister Lacey, now an ordained minister in her own right, asked Damien. “I do,” Damien grinned as he took the plunge with Cassidy. “Do you, Cassidy, take this man, Damien, to be your lawfully wedded...
“So, are you ready for your early Christmas present, Damien?” Frank asked him as they fucked girls side by side on the master bed. The girls in question were Cassidy and Tammy, Damien’s fiancee and her sister, even as Frank’s Aussie wife Becky got it rammed deep while bent over a dresser with a strap-on dildo by their mother Maryam. The six of them kept swapping back and forth, though Frank was buried deep inside Cassidy as Damien was inside Tammy now. In another room, Lisa, Jim’s wife, was...
Dena woke up to a warm sensation between her legs. Paul was lying between her legs licking her pussy. She didn’t move, enjoying his tongue plunging in and out of her hot hole. His hands found their way to her tits and pulled on her nipples. Dena took his fingers and simulated a blowjob with them. Moving up her belly, Paul began to lick her full tits. He squeezed them tightly together and licked. Straddling her, he slid his cock between her tits and started moving his hips. Dena took...
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Incest Porn SitesThanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...
Motherless.com! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
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The Fappening‘To me it’s not really a green. When I think green, I think of grass. That’s more like lemonade color.’ Erica’s nose was far too close to the glasses for my taste. Pouring the nearly clear absinthe over the rough-cut, cane-sugar cubes I favor, I tapped my spoon for a second to get her to back up. I wished I had my full setup here like I have at home, my Absinthe fountains water drippers are missed when I began to try and slowly pour water over the sugar cube. ‘Don’t you light it on fire?’ she...