Three Square MealsChapter 14 - The Pirates Sowed The Wind, Now They Reap The Whirlwind! free porn video

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The elevator swished open quietly and John, Alyssa, and Calara darted into their respective positions on the bridge. Sparks turned to face them as they arrived on the Command deck.

“We’re getting an incoming distress call from a freighter. They’ve been disabled by pirates and are being boarded!” Sparks said with alarm.

“Alyssa, plot a course to their location. Calara, shields up and weapons armed, we’re going to need to strike quickly,” John ordered decisively.

The girls sprung into action as they responded to his commands. Holographic images sprang into existence in the middle of the room, as Alyssa rapidly charted a new course in the system map to the scene of the battle, and Calara activated the Invictus’ weaponry. The rotating image of the assault cruiser showed the armoured hull sliding back, revealing the formidable arsenal at their disposal.

“Weapons hot Commander!” Calara reported, as the Mass drivers, laser cannons, beam lasers and point defence all glowed menacingly on the weapon loadout display for the Invictus.

“Two minutes until we’re in range,” Alyssa stated calmly, as the assault cruiser swung in a smooth arc to adjust to the course change.

Sparks turned her attention back to the long range scanners as it began to display the information it had gathered from the initial sensor sweep.

“I’m picking up five ships John,” the redhead called out. “Only one has an active transponder. That’s the freighter Calypso. The rest have their transponders switched off.”

“See if you can hail the freighter, Sparks,” John asked.

Calara activated a couple of controls on her console, and the weapon loadout of the Invictus disappeared, replaced by a glowing hologram showing the local system map instead. John leaned forward to study the image as more details were revealed, the ship scans becoming more revealing the closer they got. The Calypso had suffered damage to its engines, and a sleek looking corvette had sidled alongside it, now attached by the docking collar to the freighter’s starboard flank.

A shocked gasp interrupted the quiet focus of the bridge. “That’s the Griffon!” Calara exclaimed.

“Are you sure?” John asked. There were hundreds of Corvettes in the Terran Federation Navy and they looked largely the same to him.

“Yes, there’s no question. It’s a Marlin class Corvette, and look at the rear stabilisers! They were upgraded just before the ship left Port Heracles!” the Latina insisted.

Before they could react to this startling bit of news, the vid-feed crackled, and an image of a panicked woman filled the screen.

“We’re being boarded!” the brown haired, middle-aged woman shouted as gunfire echoed in the background, followed by shrill screams. “Please help us!”

John leaned forward and replied in a steely voice, “This is Commander Blake of the Assault Cruiser Invictus. We’ll be with you in just over a minute, so try and hold out as long as you can!” More gunfire drowned out the Calypso Captain’s response and the line went dead.

The three remaining ships, two battered looking Lexon class frigates and a blunt nosed corvette, were providing cover for their pirate colleagues who were performing the boarding action. The pirate vessels had picked up the incoming Assault cruiser on their scanners, and the worn looking ships were turning to engage.

Sparks watched the unfolding engagement with awe, the pivoting pirate craft looking menacing as they turned in their direction, with many weapon barrels being brought to bear. On the other side of the holographic map, the Invictus surged forward with deadly purpose, looking like a sinister predator as it descended on the smaller vessels.

“Thirty seconds until we’re in range!” Alyssa announced.

“Lieutenant take them out fast, so we can save the freighter!” John urged.

Calara’s eyes narrowed in concentration, as she focused on the holographic targeting matrix floating in front of her face. “Yes, Sir!” she responded grimly.

Sparks watched the tactical map with bated breath, as their assault cruiser bore down on the weaker enemy vessels. The long cones displaying the fire arcs of their weapons brushed over the approaching Pirate ships, and Calara sprung into action. The map illuminated brightly as the ship’s vibrant coruscating beams blasted out, caressing the frigates lovingly. Three beams hit each craft squarely, overloading their shields in a crackling instant, and followed through to gouge glowing trenches in the thick armour on the front of the pirate ships.

“Firing main guns!” Calara called out a second later and the ship trembled with the recoil, as the 200 metre long magnetic rails of the Mass drivers launched their shells at Hyper warp into the burning frigates.

The first frigate shuddered as both shells slammed into its port side, knocking it sideways. The shells detonated a second later, and the entire left side exploded outwards, showering the area with debris. The second frigate was hit head on, the impact from the shells devastating the bridge and instantly killing their command crew, even before the enormous explosive force obliterated the front half of the frigate.

Sparks could see icons showing that the Mass drivers were reloading and that the beams were cooling, as the Invictus finally closed to laser cannon range. Now in range to fire back, the blunt nosed frigate opened up with its two pairs of three laser cannons as it charged in bravely. Half the incoming laser fire sailed past harmlessly as Alyssa half rolled the Invictus but the other three blasts of energy all hit squarely, and were harmlessly absorbed by their shields.

“Shields at 97%, John!” Sparks said excitedly, and John glanced at her, smiling at her enthusiasm.

With Alyssa’s skilful roll, the Invictus now faced the passing corvette with its bristling top deck, sixteen turreted laser cannons now able to track the target as it appeared in their firing arcs. Calara opened fire with a ferocious broadside, and the corvette’s weaker shields shorted out after the first few impacts, leaving the lightly armoured hull exposed to a blistering barrage. The hull lit up as laser cannon fire tore it to pieces, ripping the ship in half with explosions.

“Nice work ladies,” John congratulated them both, as they neutralised all active pirate ships in just under ten seconds.

Alyssa brought the Invictus around to flank the Griffon, and she smoothly docked the two craft, their assault cruiser dwarfing the corvette.

“Do you want me to disable their engines?” Calara asked John cautiously.

“There’s no need, I can keep them immobilised with the tractor beam!” Sparks interjected.

Her fingers pressed a number of controls on the console, and the corvette was enveloped in a shimmering purple field, locking it in place.

“They aren’t going anywhere!” Sparks grinned happily.

“Nice work” John grinned back at her, before turning towards Alyssa, and rising from his chair. “XO you’re with me, let’s get suited up fast!”

The young woman nodded, and darted down the illuminated steps of the command podium to call the elevator.

“Calara, keep an eye out for other pirates. Separate the ships if you have to fight, but we need to protect the Calypso from any further attacks,” he ordered, as he jogged down the steps to the waiting elevator.

The Latina nodded, but looked over at Sparks as they shared a worried expression. The last thing they wanted to do was to abandon their friends with a horde of angry pirates.

John and Alyssa raced down the corridor on Deck Two, and darted into their walk-in-wardrobe to hurriedly suit up in their combat armour. John finished gearing up first, and after picking up an assault rifle from the weapon rack, he slammed a magazine home in the bullpup slot, and sighted through the scope. Alyssa had finished getting ready, so he handed her the rifle and a couple of spare mags, before picking up the second matching assault rifle and loading it. Grabbing a few spare mgazines for himself, he turned and followed his lover out of the room as they made their way back to the elevator.

He could feel the pre-combat tension building and he glanced over to Alyssa to check she was ok. The teenager looked back at him confidently with a sparkling smile, and he felt reassured that she would be able to handle herself. The door swished open, and they both got in, taking the lift down to the lowest deck, where they jogged up to the airlock, and John placed his hand on the DNA reader. A flickering green light travelled across the panel, and scanned the DNA in his hand, beeping quietly in recognition, followed by the airlock door spiralling open in front of them.

They stepped inside the airlock, with John closing the inner door to the Invictus behind him. He produced the small chrome decryption device from a container on his belt, and feeling a strong sense of déjà vu, he hooked up the device. It hummed happily to itself when he placed it on the airlock door to the corvette Griffon, and they hugged either side of the doorway while they waited for it to do its work. After a few moments there was a dull thunk from the door in front of them, and the sturdy airlock door rotated upwards, granting access to the ship. John cautiously peered out but could see no welcoming reception from the pirates, so he retrieved the device and stashed it back on his belt.

The two of them stepped out into the corridor and followed it around the corner as it led deeper into the ship. John could see that the ship was already looking like it had seen better days, after nearly a month in the pirates less than tender care. He listened carefully for the sound of any nearby marauders, but the only noise he could hear was the muted sound of distant gunfire, coming from what he could only assume was the freighter. They performed a quick sweep of the ship, and John confirmed his suspicions; that the undisciplined pirates had all joined the boarding action, and were probably not even aware that their colleagues had already fallen prey to the Invictus.

They found the airlock on the other side of the Griffon already open, as was the interconnecting airlock on the freighter Calypso. John took point, and moved quickly and steadily down the first corridor, listening out for the marauding pirates, and following the sounds of combat. To an unknowing observer, John and Alyssa moved fluidly as a single unit; he moved up to the corridor and covered the right, the blonde moving simultaneously to cover the left. What that observer would be oblivious to, was the silent stream of thought commands John was giving to Alyssa as he led her into the ship.

We’re approaching another cross section. I can hear sounds ahead, but check the left in case the pirates split up, I’ll cover the right.

Nicely done. Check our rear every twenty paces or so, just in case anyone slipped around behind us. I’ll cover ahead.

They stopped at the latest intersection, as John tilted his head slightly, listening intently. I can hear people talking to our right. I’ll take the lead, you follow but face behind us and watch in case it’s an ambush.

They walked quietly down the corridor, seeing an open doorway to the side, sounds of talking getting louder.

“It’s seems like such a waste,” a voice said, as it drifted into the corridor.

“I know, but that’s what the Captain ordered,” a gruff voice said in return.

“They wouldn’t mind if we had a go first would they?” the first voice said lecherously, followed by the sounds of female voices sobbing in despair.

“How would they know?” the gruff voice chuckled evilly.

John clenched his teeth with anger and got in position by the doorway. He peeped his head around for a split second before ducking back, glimpsing two figures standing over three kneeling ones.

Kneel and take the left, he thought to Alyssa. He hugged the wall, making room for her to crouch and ready her weapon, while he sighted his rifle on the pirate to the right.

“Brrt!”, “Brrt!” The two assault rifles chattered simultaneously as caseless hollow point rounds slammed into each brigand from behind. Their heads exploded, showering the opposite walls in gore, and the pirates slumped over lifelessly. John walked into the room, checking for any more pirates he might have missed.

“Oh thank you!” one of the kneeling women gasped. “They were going to rape us!”

“You’re safe now. Take their weapons and barricade the door” John said, nodding towards the pistols the pirates still grasped in their nerveless fingers.

One of the other terrified women looked up at him with wild eyes and sobbed, “But you can’t leave us!”

“We have to save the rest of the crew,” John replied brusquely.

“Don’t worry! We’ll be back to check on you, once we’ve rescued everyone else,” Alyssa said, smiling at them reassuringly.

Leaving the women to follow his instructions, John and Alyssa moved back into the corridor, and headed back to the previous intersection.

Be careful now, the others might have heard our gunshots, John warned Alyssa, and she nodded as she glanced at him.

They could still hear the sounds of a gunfight around the corner to their right, and after quickly checking the other corridors, they moved to follow the sounds again. A set of double doors was wide open, and the flash of gunfire could be seen coming from in the room. John darted silently across to the other side of the door, so that both he and Alyssa could get into position on either side of the doorway. He glanced into the room and saw that the freighter crew were in a dire situation.

“Surrender and we’ll spare your lives,” a hulking pirate barked, his voice sounding harsh and strangely metallic. The pirate boss, and around a dozen of his men, were spread out behind overturned tables in what used to be the ship’s mess. They were armed with a variety of pistols and rifles, and were shooting at the kitchen sporadically.

“Fuck you, slaver!” came the reply from the far side of the room, where two men were huddled behind the kitchen unit, firing wildly with their pistols. Blood was sprayed over one side of the kitchen, and John could see a body on the floor to their side. He spotted a door behind the brave freighter crewmen, and terrified faces peeked around the corner, watching the exchange.

There’s a lot of them, John warned Alyssa. Take the right side and work your way to the centre, I’ll take the left.

The resolute teenager crouched to avoid crossing lines of fire with him, and sighted the far pirate on the right through her scope.

OK, go! John thought, giving the signal to his young lover.

They strafed along the row of marauding pirates, round after round slamming into unarmoured flesh, turning this end of the room into a charnel house of red ichor, as blood sprayed in riotous abandon all over the upended tables. The pirates were taken completely unawares, and were unable to react in time to the shocking appearance of the attackers behind them. One of them close to the middle leapt over the table, in a desperate bid to escape being killed by Alyssa, only for the two freighter crewmen to shoot him as he exposed himself from cover.

John blasted the last of his pirate targets, bullets stitching their way across the man’s chest as he whirled to face him. The man cartwheeled backwards and crashed into the tables, accompanied by the sound of an ominous click as John’s magazine ran empty.

Alyssa had taken out five of her six designated targets, the Calypso crew shooting the sixth, so she targeted the burly pirate leader. Aiming for centre mass, she fired two bursts at his chest as the pirate Captain whirled to face them. The bullets ricocheted harmlessly with metallic sounding pings, leaving the hulking brute unscathed. Now they could see him clearly for the first time, it was apparent that the pirate leader was a heavily augmented cyborg. His torso and right arm were blocky and armoured, his normal body parts changed for bionic replacements.

“I’m gonna fucking rip you apart!” The enraged cyborg bellowed with a synthetic roar, as he charged towards the two of them.

John was reaching for a spare mag to reload his assault rifle, when the Pirate Captain barrelled into them. The pirate clipped Alyssa’s arm with his bulky shoulder, knocking her sprawling down the corridor before he then slammed into John. The impact of the cyborg’s four hundred pound frame sending him sailing through the air, before crashing into the wall opposite, knocking the wind out of him.

The furious pirate Captain stalked after him, before reaching down with his cyber-arm, to grab him with his massive metallic fist. The powerful servos whirred loudly as he hauled John up off the floor, and slammed him repeatedly into the wall.

“You little insect!” he roared in John’s face, before hurling him down the corridor.

John groaned in pain, his back and shoulders throbbing from the brutal battering, and he desperately tried to reach for his rifle and magazine that had been knocked just out of reach. The cyborg stomped up, and booted the rifle out of his outstretched fingers, before leaning down again with his bulky augmented arm to pin John to the floor.

“Brrt!”, “Brrt!”, “Brrt!” Alyssa’s rifle barked as she fired three bursts, all aimed for the Pirate captain’s head this time, but again the rounds ricocheted away harmlessly.

“Hahahaha!” The cyborg chortled insanely as her shots bounced off his skull. “Armour plated cranium bitch!” he snarled defiantly.

The murderous pirate levelled a broad barrelled grenade launcher in Alyssa’s direction and looked down at John, as he writhed futilely under the cyborg’s pinning hold. “Say goodbye to your whore!” the Captain snarled, grinned evilly, as he savoured the desperation in John’s eyes.

“I’ve got to save her!” John thought frantically, as he fought with all his strength against the relentless power of the Cyber-arm.

“Raaaarrrrhhhh!!!” he bellowed, as his vision seemed to narrow into a tiny tunnel, completely focused on the homicidal cyborg’s arm that was preventing him from protecting his woman.

Alyssa stared at the blunt muzzle of the grenade launcher, feeling a chill run down her spine, knowing she had nowhere to hide. When the Pirate Captain charged them, she had been knocked back along the corridor, and the nearest doorways were too far away for her to dart to safety. She watched helplessly as John flailed away under the pirate’s implacable grasp, the Cyborg narrowing his eyes and grinning malevolently, as he prepared to end her young life.

Suddenly the pirate lurched to the side, tottering over to slam head first into the wall. She could see his dazed expression turn to one of shock, as he was suddenly twisted again, and slammed into the wall on the opposite side of the corridor with overwhelming force. John rose smoothly and with deadly purpose, the pirate’s cybernetic arm clenched in his hands. He put his booted foot against the pirates torso, and hauled back with both arms, ripping the bulky cyber arm away from the pirate’s torso to the accompanying screech of twisting metal. The pirate was unbalanced at having the weighty limb ripped so unceremoniously from his body, and he crashed over on to his side with a noisy clang.

John casually tossed the hundred pound arm aside as if it weighed nothing, and the cyborg watched him incredulously as the man bore down on him.

The Pirate Captain still had the grenade launcher clenched in his fist, and he swung it around, preparing to fire at point blank range. John caught his arm in his right hand, just below the wrist, and then chopped down with his left, breaking the marauder’s forearm with a sickening crunch. The cyborg stared at his ruined arm in horror as John knelt on his chest.

“Time to die,” John said, his voice low and menacing.

He grabbed each side of the Pirate Captain’s head in his hands and pulled. The Cyborg’s strangled metallic death screech echoed down the corridors, as John ripped the slaver’s head clean off his body. Suddenly exhausted, John slumped backwards, letting the pirates lifeless head slip from his fingers and roll off to the side.

Alyssa dashed up to him, her face full of concern. “John, are you ok?!” she asked, her voice full of worry.

She cupped his head in her hands and looking into his eyes, but she couldn’t pick up any thoughts from him and he seemed to be dazed. Alyssa shook him gently, and he gradually regained full consciousness, his eyes becoming bright and focused again.

“What happened?” John asked, bewildered.

“Let’s discuss it later,” Alyssa said firmly, as she helped him to stand.

John picked up his assault rifle and magazine from the floor, wincing at the sharp pain in his back and shoulders from where the cyborg had tried to insert him into the wall. They walked back to the mess hall, where the two crewmen from the Calypso were cautiously checking on the pirates that John and Alyssa had gunned down. More freighter crew were coming out from the storage area behind the kitchen, looks of relief etched on their fear drawn faces.

One of the crew, the brown haired woman who had spoken to them earlier, stepped forward holding a makeshift trauma bandage to her left arm.

“Thank you Commander! You saved us!” she said passionately.

The rest of the Calypso’s crew had gathered around, and they echoed their Captain’s words, thanking John and Alyssa profusely.

“We rescued three women in another room back there too,” Alyssa said. “We were going to let them know when the rest of the ship was safe.”

“Oh thank God! Bless you, the pair of you!” one of the men blurted. “I’ll let my wife know the coast is clear,” he added, heaving a sigh of relief as he moved to leave the room.

John waved away the thanks from the crew of the Calypso, nodding graciously.

“We better get back to our ship,” he told the freighter Captain. “Will you be ok here?”

“Our engines took some heavy damage, so we’ll have to wait for assistance from Port Heracles,” the Captain replied. “You go ahead though. Terran Federation patrols responded to our distress beacon, and said they’d be arriving in two hours. We never would have survived that long, if you hadn’t arrived in time, though!”

John smiled and said reassuringly, “We’ll return to the Invictus and cover you.”

He turned to face Alyssa, smiling at her as he said, “Come on, honey, we should let the others know we’re okay.”

The beautiful blonde nodded and waved goodbye to the Calypso crew. They clapped and cheered as the two of them left, the applause echoing down the corridors as they walked back to the Griffon to get to their ship.

“Are you ok?” Alyssa asked him as soon as they were alone, her voice tinged with concern.

“I feel drained and my back feels like I just wrestled a bull and lost, but other than that I’m fine,” John said honestly.

“You managed to rip apart steel with your bare hands,” Alyssa said, feeling awed as she remembered John tearing the cyborg’s arm off his body. “I’ve never seen anything like it!”

“Adrenalin rush I guess,” John shrugged. “I just knew I had to stop him from hurting you and then I sort of blacked out.”

“Well thank you for saving me,” she said as she smiled at him gratefully, realising that John had no answers to explain his mighty surge of strength.

They arrived at the docking collar between the Griffon and the Invictus, and John activated the airlock into the Assault Cruiser by placing his hand on the DNA reader. The airlock door spiralled open, and they headed into the ship, with Alyssa sealing the airlock behind them.

“We’re back on board,” John said into his watch communicator after he got through to Calara. “Disengage from the Griffon and provide cover for the Calypso. Relief will be here within two hours. We’re going to our room to get out of this gear”.

“We were so worried about you two!” the image of Calara said, forgetting to call him Commander she was so overwhelmed with relief.

John smiled at her affectionately, and said, “We’re fine, honestly. We’ll catch up with you soon.”

Calara grinned at his smiling face and waved goodbye. “Executing your orders, Commander,” she said cheerfully, ending the call.

John slumped, having put on a brave face for the Latina, and walked wearily to his quarters with Alyssa watching him closely as she kept him company. They entered their walk-in-wardrobe, where the beautiful blonde helped him gingerly peel off his armour, trying to be careful not to hurt his back or shoulders.

Sparks walked in on them just as Alyssa had taken off the last of John’s armour from his upper body, exposing his muscular chest and arms.

“Oh my god! What happened to you?” Sparks gasped in alarm, seeing the black and purple bruises covering his back.

“A run in with an insane cyborg,” John said, wincing as Alyssa helped him remove the armour from his legs.

“I got bashed about a bit,” he admitted, downplaying the encounter.

“It looks like you got run over by an ore hauler!” Sparks said with concern, as she gently ran her fingers over the mottled bruises on his back.

Alyssa quickly stripped out of her own armour, leaving it all in a jumbled pile on the floor.

“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up, and then you can have a rest,” the beautiful blonde said comfortingly.

Sparks went ahead of them to turn on the shower, and stripped off to join them, as John and Alyssa stood under the soothing warm water. The girls cleaned him up tenderly, washing the gore from the fight off his face and hands. Sparks looked puzzled at how he got so drenched in blood, but a glance from Alyssa told her not to ask.

John stood under the relaxing streams of water, letting the girls clean his body. He realised that Alyssa still had questions about the brutal melee onboard the Calypso, but he had no real answers, and was too weary to care at the moment. Alyssa moved into his line of sight as she washed his chest and he noticed the angry red welt on her left arm, from where she had been clipped by the cyborg.

“Honey, you’re hurt!” he said in alarm.

“It’s nothing serious,” Alyssa said, shrugging it off.

She smiled as she read his concerned thoughts, and said placatingly, “Okay, you can give me a full tummy after the shower, I’ll be good as new in no time.”

Nodding languidly, John let the girls lead him from the shower, and he stood swaying as they gently dried him off. He followed them into the bedroom, and gingerly lay in the centre of the bed, being careful not to aggravate his sore back and shoulders. Alyssa moved between his legs, and began to suck on his cock expertly, soon having him rock hard and ready for action. John ran his hand through her soft blonde hair as she made love to him with her mouth, urging him to fill her stomach with his load. John wanted his potent cum to get to work on her immediately, so he made no effort to hold back. In record time Alyssa brought him to orgasm, and then sucked hungrily to make sure he gave her every last drop of his spunk.

She saved the final mouthful for Sparks as she crawled up the bed, pushing the redhead on to her back, and moving in to give her a loving kiss so they could share John’s cum. Both teenagers then carefully cuddled up with John on either side, bracing him with their firm, warm breasts. He smiled contentedly, and fell asleep almost immediately.

Sparks reached over John to rest her hand on Alyssa’s swollen belly, stroking the heavily rounded sphere with a gentle touch, and enjoying seeing her blonde friend’s blissfully happy expression. This was the first time in quite a while that Alyssa had been able to swallow down a full load of John’s spunk, having shared him so generously with Calara, and then Sparks, over the last few weeks. The beautiful blonde girl relished the contentedly full feeling, and Sparks loving caresses of her sperm stuffed stomach was the icing on the cake. The girls were tired after all the excitement that morning, and they soon dropped off to sleep as well.

John slept and another dream disturbed his rest. This time he dreamt that he was kneeling before the luminous figure that had saved him in the previous dream, bathing in the soothing glow that emanated from her. He did nothing but soak in her radiance, arms spread wide to welcome the gentle warmth, his body feeling like it was tingling pleasantly all over.

He started awake, and a glance at the ship’s chronometer told him he had slept for just over an hour. He stretched, being careful not to wake the girls, and was pleasantly surprised to realise that the soreness in his back and shoulders had disappeared. In fact he felt like he had just had a full night’s sleep and was raring to go again.

Remembering that Alyssa had been injured in the fight too, he looked over at her left arm with concern. Seeing nothing but unblemished bronzed skin, he thought he might have misremembered which arm had received the angry red welt, so he carefully extricated himself from between the girls so that he could take a better look at Alyssa’s right arm. He scrutinised her limb closely, but it matched the left, with a smooth expanse of fresh young perfect skin.

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River PiratesChapter 7

The cannon was small, but Capt. Johnson had bought some grapeshot and cannister rounds for it. Either one would play hell with attacking pirates. I made a point of getting to know the three cannoneers, Jim Anderson, Bill Jackson, and Hiram North. They were all veterans of the Indian wars and knew how to handle cannon against gangs of attackers. We all felt a lot more secure when they signed on to the Lovely Louise. Between the cannon and our fast-loading rifles, we would be able to outfight...

1 year ago
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Pirates of Caledonia II

Chapter I: Tara and her visit The sight of the Sun rising majestically in the east was a fascinating sight from my room window. I had a good view on the third floor, and the orgy of bright reds, shimmering oranges and incredible yellows reflected gloriously on the choppy sea and the still harbour. The ship bobbed up and down gently as I watched in awe as the Sun came into view.It was inevitable for me to wonder how I had managed to be the first guy in over a century to make it on a pirate boat...

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Pirates of Caledonia I a Journey Into the UnknownChapter 3 Tabathas fight

Putting Commander Helen's hostility from the back of my mind, I tried on the uniform. It was, surprisingly a good fit. I had a skimpy white T-Shirt, a pair of very short black shorts, a jacket like Tabatha and the girls had, short socks and calf-high boots, that were probably a size too big but fit well enough. There was a small mirror on the wooden wall and I admired myself. I have never looked so smart in all my life. I noticed the jacket was a little dusty and brushed it off before...

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Jasons TaleChapter 11 Pirates II

I assume that everyone who could hear the cry and see the channel turned to watch, but I don’t know. I was too busy watching Gertrude cycle, and the rock arching up, out, and down. It was a good shot, and the lead ship slowly slid right into the target area. That first shot didn’t sink the ship, but it went through some rigging and smashed into something on the far side of the ship. Now, THAT caused pandemonium! The ship turned some, and then stopped moving. If they’d come at dawn they’d...

2 years ago
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Stanly Bromly The Channel Island PiratesChapter 4

Stanly wanted his wife, Elizabeth, to know where he was going so that she wouldn't worry if she didn't hear any news of him for a while. They sailed to San Diego and spent a few days there while Stanly got to "know" his wife, again. The seamen enjoyed their liberty among the cantinas, so there were no complaints about the short vacation. They sailed north, with a stop in San Francisco to visit the gunsmith who was making the special shotguns for Stanly. Three were finished already, so...

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River PiratesChapter 6

We made it! We managed to beat the ice, but it was close. We could see small chunks of ice floating passed us as we traveled down the Missouri River below the Sioux River. Capt. Johnson was pushing as hard as he could to get to St. Louis before other shippers had gotten there and depressed the price of furs. Again, we made it, though we were not the first ones there. Capt. Johnson got a very good price for his furs, but the word was that this might be the last year for the high prices he was...

3 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 12 Pirates III

What we were planning was a sucker trap for the pirates. Whether they attacked our men or not, we were planning to leave the gate open after they marched out. Why? Who knew? Maybe we wanted to give our men a safe place to run back to, if our attack failed. Maybe we were idiots and simply forgot that the pirates could rush in. While the Captain’s force was drilling one last time in the morning, we were going to assemble barricades inside the gate. I had cheerfully volunteered the shop’s two...

3 years ago
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Reap What You Sow

REAP WHAT YOU SOW The girl appeared in the nondescript hallway, facing one closed door of the many. She was small, standing about five foot two, and appeared to be in her mid teens. She was dressed casually in a light weight, yellow knee length dress with cap sleeves; a pair of semi-sheer, ruffled ankle socks and sandals with a one and a half inch wedge completed her outfit. Her long auburn hair was held in a single braid and fell like a thick rope down to her lower back. She looked...

3 years ago
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Reap What You Sow part II

REAP WHAT YOU SOW PART II Before long, all seven of us were finished with the transformations. Dr. S allowed us a few minutes to chatter and compare our transformations and to adjust to the changes before she called the session back to order. We quickly settled down into our seats waiting whatever she may have for us next. I could look around the conversation group and see the obvious signs of stress and trepidation in the eyes of the other six girls. It kind of made me feel a...

1 year ago
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Pirates of the Caribbean

Pirates of the CaribbeanA work of erotic fiction by Wolf Ferret ([email protected] )This is entirely a work of fiction and all characters and events are products of the author’s imagination.Chapter 1. A Dangerous VoyageLady Maria Gomez gave a sigh of relief when she woke and found that the ship was no longer tossing in the storm. She and her two teenage daughters might finally be allowed on deck.  Their cabin reeked and needed airing because all three of them had been seasick.But when the...

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PLEASURE ISLAND THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 10AA Theme TripsToursPirates Planning and Plotting

PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 10AA Theme Trips/Tours-Pirates Planning and Plotting "Let's claim my first treasure ship." There is no hesitation for Wendy. "Yes, Captain. We will set a course for the primary shipping routes at once. The treasure ships are heavily armed and sometimes escorted by other vessels. It may get dangerous. It will be tomorrow morning before we are in position. Is there anything that you require tonight?" "Send in a bottle of rum for now. My...

3 years ago
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ShipwreckedChapter 12 Chasing the Pirates

The first ship the two Captains swam around had several lines, and wreckage hanging over the side. As the two swam around the vessel, in addition to what was hanging over the sides, they could also see lots of debris hanging down from the masts and yardarms. Looking up through all the wreckage, they were not encouraged by what they could see. Finally they picked what they felt would be the two easiest ropes for them to climb, and then started the long crawl up to the deck. Once they climbed...

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Jasons TaleChapter 10 Pirates I

It was only a few days after Eric had come through town that second time that the pirates arrived. Our first warning was the signal fire from the headlands watch post. Soon after that, one of the watchers galloped into town with details. They had seen four ships standing in for the channel and, as agreed, felt that there was no legitimate reason for four trading ships to all arrive at the same time. The moat was nowhere near dug deep enough to stop anyone, but it was at least down low enough...

1 year ago
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River PiratesChapter 9

I sold every one of my shotguns at Rock Island. They were much more popular than the rifles. Even an Indian band pooled their resources and bought one of the shotguns. That was the kind of thing that was going to kill the nomadic life of the Indians. Once they learned how much easier it would be to obtain food with the shotgun, they would be buying powder, shot, and caps. That meant that they would locate near a trading post and not want to wander very far away. We didn't pick up much...

3 years ago
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Cum Pirates of the 97th Century

The Monastery Get. Get. Get. Get. "Get me a blanket son." "Get one of the Brothers to drop by my room at 7." "Get another bottle of wine for me young man." I headed down into the wine cellar thinking, 'I got your GET right here old man.' You have no idea how much it sucks to be raised as an orphan on a monastic planet... no idea. All day long, 'do this son' or 'could you get that for me youngster?' Running around for a bunch of old farts telling other old farts how to live, what...

1 year ago
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Stanly Bromly The Channel Island PiratesChapter 2

Captain Joseph McFadden, the man hired by Stanly to captain the Elizabeth, was a firebrand when in a fight, but was cool and calculating when presented with a sailing problem. In between the two extremes, he was a good fellow and the best kind of leader for his men. Everybody liked him, but, also, everybody obeyed him without hesitation. He and Stanly held a meeting aboard the Elizabeth to discuss their next move. They planned to take on the smaller of the two remaining pirate gangs the...

1 year ago
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Star Trek miles and the female orion pirates

As a new member of the crew, you are assigned to engineering. It is a busy department that keeps the ship operating at all times. Your duty is to stand a watch on the engineering station each day, helping the ship’s engineer keep the ship’s warp drive running smoothly. Your watch partner is a female engineer who has been assigned to monitor the warp core. She is a little older than you and she seems to enjoy showing you the ropes. "gee thanks for the help i just didn't guess that this was so...

3 years ago
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River PiratesChapter 8

The Ohio River could and would be very treacherous if it was ever given the chance. Sand bars abounded and the channel was almost impossible to find when the river was in flood. Capt. Johnson had a man on the bow taking depth readings every few yards. The Lovely Louise was barely moving just fast enough to keep up steerage. Any faster and they would not have been able to correct for changes in the channel. Fortunately, the Lovely Louise drew very little water, even when heavily loaded. She...

4 years ago
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Stanly Bromly The Channel Island PiratesChapter 3

Elizabeth knew what the boredom of living in San Diego was doing to Stanly, so she was easily persuaded to agree to his plan to spend the summer chasing pirates. Stanly spent as much time as possible with Elizabeth while he waited for Capt. McFadden to pick him up. Elizabeth was actually glad to see him leave; she'd had about all the "mothering" she could take from Stanly. Stanly had them head for San Francisco; he wanted to order more of the special shotguns and shells made by his friend...

2 years ago
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River PiratesChapter 4

The toll road ended at a little town in the middle of nowhere. From our point of view, this was a good location, because we were now in the rolling plains that we had been told about. We turned west and headed out. Except for some big rivers where we would need a ferry, we were supposed to be free of major travel hazards, except for bandits. But we were not afraid of bandits! The trip through the rest of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois was pretty quiet, but we were in a hurry, now, since we...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 20 Pirates

Wednesday, August 4, 1971 “Absolutely not!” Catherine said. “I am afraid I cannot support you in this, Michael. While the company has sufficient cash flow at the moment, most of it is earmarked for other projects. A wild-goose chase looking for buried treasure is not something that would be easily explained to the board, and...” I was seated at a conference table in one of the many small meeting rooms Kalani had in her office suite, along with my grandmother, Catherine, and my sister,...

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Jasons TaleChapter 15 The Piratesrsquo Response

While an alarm could come at any time during the day, it was most likely at dawn when all of our lookouts first got a good look at the sea. And, until the sun was up, the eastern lookouts couldn’t see any signal-fire smoke from the western towers. We had an alarm gong at Jayport, hanging next to the docks. It had been hammered out of brass and it didn’t make a loud noise that could be heard over cars and trucks and all the sounds of a modern industrial Earth city. It was plenty loud enough...

3 years ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 2 Playtimes Over

Four days later, my Father called from Tokyo International. "How soon can you be in the office?" Honda, Joey and I were sprawled across their living room. "Four hours." I answered. I had a private charter plane retained at the local airport. "We have a new situation developing." "I'm not at liberty to speak now. May I call you back in thirty minutes?" "Don't bother. Just put your efforts into getting back to the office as soon as possible." His tone changed. "And leave your...

2 years ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 12 Pharaoh

One week after school started, Honda-sama went back to work. By then, the trip to the bathroom wasn't so exhausting. I could spend the entire day in the living room sitting up reading – if I didn't tax myself too much trying to do things for myself without Honda-sama catching me. Just before Honda left for school, there was a knock at the door. "You sit." He ordered. "I got it." Mutou and Pharaoh entered together. "Hi Kaiba!" Mutou was as cheerful as ever. More so – the hint of...

2 years ago
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River PiratesChapter 11

Most of the passengers we had brought from New Orleans booked passage for the return trip. The few new passengers we picked up were almost all women. Capt. Johnson asked me to check discretely to determine whether or not any of these women were prostitutes. I did find one of them was a prostitute, so Capt. Johnson met with her before we left Kansas City. He told her that he personally had nothing against prostitutes, and, if she was traveling with us as a normal passenger, she was welcome....

1 year ago
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Passion of Pirates

I was not what you would call feminine, though in many ways I was. I wore dresses and cared greatly for the state of my hair, in which I carried so much pride. Groomed to perfection it was, shone in the light with shades of pale blonde and light brown. It was my eyes that my father always said he loved, a pale grey-blue, but they changed in the light. Sometimes they looked as pure blue as the sky above them; for they only showed that particular shade when the sky was clear and the sun was...

3 years ago
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Scourge of the Air Pirates an Aerocities Adventure

Prologue Following the development of the Flettner Ion Drive in the late 22nd Century, United Mankind's interstellar explorations began. Initially, exploration vessels crewed by pilots, scientists, soldiers, technicians and medical personnel were sent to star systems that were determined to have planets capable of human colonization. Many were never heard from again. Such was the case of the exploration vessel 'Copernicus' which discovered an Earth style planet the size of Jupiter in the...

2 years ago
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Captured by Pirates

Held By Pirates Tanya and I had been trying to keep out of the way of the men on the Pirate Ship ever since we stowed away after they sunk our ship. We had climbed aboard during the night 2 weeks ago, stole some simple clothes so we would dress like men and threw our dresses overboard. The Pirates figured we were just some young boys from the powder magazine and didn’t pay much attention to us but that was not to last. It was a very humid day with no breeze, the ship was becalmed and one...

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Fuck. This obviously wasn't going as she'd hoped. The cannon were low on ammo, though they'd ingeniously improvised with some chains, and even cutlery, doing a fork load of damage to the Royal Marines' vessels (pun intended). They hadn't been expecting an attack, and HMRM had been far more informed than the crew of the Ascent had thought. Rounding into the cove, the Ascent was stuck between three HMRM ships - one on either side and a third blocking their exit. Marisol had been on the stern deck...

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Furry pirates on Monster Islands Sea

The Monster Island Sea was largely ignored by the great naval powers of the world. It was too far away and too dangerous. The Canine Empire was far to the west, the Feline Theocracy began leagues to the east and the Equine Collective positioned far to the north. The sea had temptation though. Each of the three powers denied engaging in any trade with one another but if for whatever reason they did want to send a merchant vessel or two, perhaps carrying silk, spice or salt, then the Monster...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

2 years ago
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Pirates of the South Seas

Introduction: Real pirates I heard the bell ringing. I knew that the boat would be here in a half hour or so. I noted my bank balance on the computer, our only outside contact with the world. Double checking the recent deposits totaling well over $135,000 dollars silently cursing to myself, that we were not charging enough. As it would barely cover our monthly expenses. But, it had been a slow month for sales, vowing that next month I must raise our sales price to increase our profits. My...

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Donjeta and the SeaDonjeta and the Pirates

The wind gave such a boost of speed, those last miles, we shot right up on the beach. The crew lurched forward, and the ship stopped hard. Then over the side, the men leapt to the sand. "Praise Poseidon! Praise Zeus! Tonight we make an offering." Several dropped to their knees, grabbing handfuls of sand and letting it spill through their fingers. They looked with rapt eyes at the firm earth beyond. Captain Miltiades released his tight grip on the railing. He smiled at me. "Have you any...

3 years ago
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Traitor Book 1Chapter 6 Pirates

The alarm in Jason’s ear began to blare loudly. He dragged himself out of bed but was quickly fully awake. “Alert pirate warning, imminent attack in seventeen minutes, report to weapons console on the bridge. This is not a simulation or an exercise.” Jason looked at his watch. It was 3 AM. Jason stood in the battle dresser, as it put him in his combat armor and helmet. Someone must have communicated where they were heading, must have accessed the navigation plan, and communicated the...

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The rising sun's warming rays glinted off the ocean waves. Her eyes flickered open, squinting to see her surroundings. She lay upon what remained of the ship, bobbing lightly with the swells of the turquoise ocean. There was no land in sight. Something inside her clung to hope, like a newborn clings to its mother. Hope that she would see land or that a passing ship might see her. But part of her also knew that the sun and the lack of drinkable water would most likely get her first.During the...

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Deputy MorpheusChapter 16 Pirates

I glanced at the door when Simon stopped in it. He smiled and leaned against the frame, “I have a mission for you.” I sat back and pushed the data films away as I reached for my ready bag, “Tell me it is off world.” He laughed and nodded his head, “A prisoner transfer to Graham.” I stood as Dragon leaped from her perch and flew towards me, “Let Amanda know I went out?” He chuckled, “She is down in dispersing getting your vouchers.” I stopped when I reached him and sighed, “Simon...” He...

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Three Pirates and a Mermaid

Today, Henry finally answered a great question that has preoccupied his mind ever since he took to the high seas as a young sailor-turn-pirate: exactly how do you have sex with a mermaid?Once he had captured her in an unbelievable stroke of luck, he excitedly turned his canoe towards the island, not the ship. And away from the camp. This was one booty he didn’t want to share with just anyone.He unwrapped her from his net and watched in awe as she brushed her fiery orange hair from her lovely,...

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Maa Er Sathey Amar Birthday Celebration

Aj ami apnader amar birthday tey maa key neye ki korechilam setai bolbo Apnara nischoi janen je amar er amar maa er sexual relationship er kotha ,er eta je amar dujon dujonkey khub bhalobeshe er khub enjoy kori dujoer company Sebar amar 22 bochorer jonmodiney ami bhablam cholo aj ektu maa key neye moja kora jak sedin er ami college gelam na babao sokaley office choley galo,baritey amar maa er ami -ei ja snan kortey ja -hay maa jacche – tartari ja aj tui ja ja khetey bhalobasis tai ranna...

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Shobhana Jothey Shobana

Hey girls, aunties and boys also i think u dint like my previous story .Its ok for that but its continuous part of that chapter shobha As my email is so i was saying abt my shobha chikkamma she is short height 36-32-36 what a fig and myself praveen 6ft with 7inch long and 3inch thick penis. Coming to the story as i said we left the move hall to village and later went in the bus from there i was again sitting next to here she was not seeing me tc came gave the ticket and went from there it was...

1 year ago
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The YNC welcomes you to watch some extreme content! Let’s fucking face it; people are different and not just because others are cowards, filthy freaks, intellects, geeks, and shit, but ultimately because we subscribe to completely different stuff that literally sets us by far apart from each other. I am talking about the desire or guts to view shit like people bleeding to death, getting stabbed, extremely lethal accidents, or people behaving like scavengers eating and drinking each other’s pee,...

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They Are Huge! If you are a giant titty lover like I am, then you probably find yourself hitting the ‘big tits’ categories and relevant tags every time you visit a tube site. You have an unquenching appetite too, and it’s probably not enough for you! You want to see videos that only feature big boobies!They Are Huge has heard your cries. That is why they provide only videos featuring big tittied women getting as nasty as you want them to be for your stroking sessions. Oh, you seriously think...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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Thevidiya Thangaiyai Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en sontha thangaiyai epadi oothen endra kudumba tamil kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar prathap vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangi irukiraal aval peyar mala vayathu 26 aagugirathu, avaluku innum thirumanam seiya vilai Avaluku thirumanam seithu vaikum alavirku engal idam ipozhuthu panam ilai, loan apply seithu atharkaaga kathukondu irukirom. Naan oru kama veriyan eppozhuthu pen kidaikum avargalai...

2 years ago
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PLEASURE ISLAND THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 11AA Theme TripsToursPirates Satisfying the Crew

PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 11AA Theme Trips/Tours-Pirates- Satisfying the Crew With Wendy's announcement you go ahead and down your glass of rum. "Well this is going to be a busy night. There had better be a lot of lube available." Wendy comes to you and kisses holding you behind the neck. Then she begins running her fingers over the shaved part of your head. "You're going to be getting a lot of lube baby, don't worry." Then she looks at the officers around...

4 years ago
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College Pennai Toiletil Vaithu Veritheera Seithen

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en nanbanai kathal seithu emathiriya pennai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En tamil kathaiyai inaiya thalathil pathivu seithatharku nandri, en peyar pradeep vayathu 21 aagugirathu. En nanbanai oru pen kathal seithu matter mudinthathum kayati vitu vitaal, athanaal naan avalai usar seithu hardcore seiyanum endru mudithu seithen. En nanban enaku nanban endru kanbithukolamal aval idam muthal muthalil pesi pazhaga aarambithen. Aval pathini pola en idam nadika...

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Kanavanuku Theriyamal Kala Kathal Seithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kanavanuku theriyamal ilamaiyaana kaal kathalanai eppadi love seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar jaya vayathu 36 agugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan pinbu en kanavanuku vayathu 42 agugirathu. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vaazhnthu vanthukondu irunthen, naan oru teacheraaga velai paarthu varugiren. Naan velai seiyum classku arugil oru veedu irukirathu, antha veetil oru...

4 years ago
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Story Treatment TerriTerry and the Cross Time Pirates

"Satirizing reality, since time travel is impossible! and we needed to make a few bucks" Terry and the Cross Time Pirates is a twisted reality show. The plot line fills in what they are trying to do in bits and pieces that are made up situations involving advertisements that bookend the show all being for none existent products and events. A skewed sense of absurd paradoxes presents this crew of would-be crooks trying to run a scam and make lots of money off of it, but they are also...

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Theateril Auntyai Kaai Adithen

Hi friends, indru sex kathaiyil auntyai usar seithu eppadi matter adithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Seenu. Vayathu 21 aagugirathu. Naan ithu naal varai entha penaiyum sex seithathu kidaiyaathu. Naan engineering padithu varugiren, enathu nanbargal oru naal theaterku ennai azhaithaargal. Naangal neraga bar seithu saraku adithom, appozhuthu bagubali padam oodi kondu irunthathu. Naangal oru gramathil irukum theaterku sendru irunthom. Angu pothuvaga pengal athigam vara matargal,...

3 years ago
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Somali Pirates and Their Prey

Introduction: A young English woman in her last year of college is recruited along with other young women into a clandestine naval intelligence program that promises technical challenges travel and adventure! But end up seeing and experiencing several heart stopping bound sexual situations that take them to the very edge, and beyond perverse humiliating sex, much more than most women can imagine much less experience in a lifetime! The fact that several are drop dead gorgeous and two of them...

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Simone and I decided to take a long sailboat ride we had been having some difficulties in our marriage and we felt that we needed to reconnect and being alone together on the open sea might be just the thing for us...We have a nice sailboat that we used to use all the time back when we were first married but it has been docked in the marina for a long time now so when we uncovered her and went over her bow to stern cleaning and making sure she was ship shape for our journey through the...

1 year ago
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Pirates of the South Seas

Leaving the office, I walked outside heading for the dock. I noticed that the workers in the hemp fields were diligently harvesting the plants. When one of the workers broke a plant, the crew chief was instantly chastising the older woman. Reminding her that survival depended on her not damaging the crops. Our ropes made of our hemp were famous for their, strengths and durability. Breaking plants means shorter fibers, means weaker overall rope products. I smiled as the crew chief...

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