Ms Americana's RescueChapter 5: Heroines Continue To Lose free porn video

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Anita and Lydia awoke at 7PM and quickly dressed in their costumes as Got Chic and Flag Girl and headed for the Great Illusionists apartment. On arrival, they found no one home and decided to talk to the landlord, there had been no announcements of him appearing anywhere and Lydia was sure he would be home. They knocked on the landlord's door and he opened it, surprised to see the two heroines standing there.

"Flag Girl, Cot Chic, what are you two doing here?" he asked.

"We were looking for the Great Illusionist," Flag Girl replied.

"I'm sorry, he doesn't live here anymore. I think he left town about a week ago," he replied. Got Chic looked at Flag Girl,

"Well I guess we can't ask if he's seen Ms Americana recently then," she said.

"Ms Americana was here the Sunday before last to see him. She had a kid named Max with her and he now lives in that apartment," the landlord said.

"Max lives here?" Got Girl asked.

"Moved in the day the Illusionist left," he answered. "Works for Ramon Prize apparently as he's bringing strippers from the Waterfront home every night" he informed them.

"I think maybe we need to come in and discuss everything you know about that Sunday Ms Americana was here until now," Flag Girl said.

"Sure, always happy to help cute young things like you" he said as he stepped aside for them to enter. The girls both looked disgusted at his remark but decided to ignore it in the hope of getting information out of the man and correcting him on that chauvinistic remark might make him clam up or lie to them. They stepped into his apartment and he closed the door with a smile on his face.

As those two heroines entered the apartment, Green Specter and Specter Girl were creeping through the Prize warehouse looking for anything that might tell them what had happened to either of the missing heroines. Unknown to them infrared cameras were showing their presence and movements through the warehouse to a monitoring console at the Waterfront. Tony received word of their actions and went to Ramon to see what the boss wanted to do. There was nothing at the warehouse for them to find in regards to any illegal activities so their being there was harmless unless the boss wanted to add them to his collection of heroine stripper/whores. He found Ramon in the club watching as Got Gal and Ms Americana engaged in a 69 on stage for the customers. A quick word on what was happening at the warehouse and the two men left the club and got into Tony's car as a van rolled from behind the club with 10 goons in it. On the three block ride to the warehouse Tony's cell phone rang,

"Yeah," he barked.

"I just wanted to tell you that Flag Girl and Got Chic are in my apartment wanting to talk about Ms Americana, Max and the Great Illusionist," the landlord told him. "I faked an emergency in a unit to get out and call you."

"Stall them, keep them there. I have another matter to take care of and then we'll deal with them," Tony told him and ended the call. He told Ramon of this new development as they rolled in, lights off, behind the warehouse. The two men checked their dart guns, entered through the back door and waited. The van had stopped out front and the 10 men piled out and unlocked the front door and entered, throwing a light switch to illuminate the warehouse floor. Specter Girl and Green Specter were caught in the bright lights and quickly scanned the area for the threat. They saw the men approaching and quickly dropped into fighting stances.

"You bitches are trespassing," the goon in the lead said. Green Specter scanned the approaching group, no Ramon Prize, although she didn't expect the boss himself, but there was also no Tony, who she did expect to be handling this.

"Keep your eyes open and stay alert," she said in an undertone to her daughter, "Tony isn't with them and I expected he'd be here if we were detected." As Specter Girl scanned their flanks for any other presence, Green Specter addressed the men, "We are here looking for a couple of friends who supposedly came here on the last two Friday nights. If you want to tell us about them, what happened and where they are now, it won't be necessary to beat it out of you."

"Yeah right," the lead goon said. "Ten of us and the two of you and you think you can win. I was going to let you surrender and then call the cops to come and arrest you, but I guess we can beat on you awhile first. Get them!" he said as he charged. Specter Girl and Green Specter met the attack head on and quickly eliminated two opponents apiece when Green Specter heard Specter Girl cry out.

"Ouch" she cried as she felt a prick on her ass. A moment later she felt woozy and never saw the fist that buried itself in her belly. "Ooof" she said as she bent forward to meet an uppercut. The uppercut combined with the animal tranquilizer in the dart that was stuck in her buttock caused her to be out before her body hit the floor. Green Specters turning at her daughters cry caused Ramon's dart to miss her but her inattention caused her to be grabbed by two men and wrestled to the floor. The others quickly piled on to help pin her to the floor. She struggled valiantly but the six men were too strong and then she saw Tony as he jabbed her thigh with a hypodermic. A minute later her struggles started to subside and within two she joined her daughter in lala land.

"Get them tied up and back to the club," Tony ordered as he headed for the rear of the building and his car. He and Ramon went back to the club and Tony got a hold of Max, took him to the office and informed him of the two new prisoners and the others in his building, waiting to be captured. Max was to go home, they were sure the two young heroines would confront him and as he told them a story the trap would be sprung and they too would join the club employees. As they finished up the two bound and unconscious women were brought into the office. Tony supervised their untying and then their securing by wrists and ankles to the legs of the chairs they were put in. Looking at his watch he crossed to a cabinet and retrieved a bottle of the animal tranquilizer and carefully drew two injections into his syringe and then injected half the contents into each woman.

"That will make sure we have about 8 hours before they come back around. We'll get Flag Girl and Got Gal here and you can turn them when they came around in about 4 hours and then have these two when they come back." Ramon Prize had entered the office as Tony was administering the injections and listened to the plan and then spoke,

"Have the landlord come back with you. I want to reward him for his help."

"I think his dog Bruno was the first K9 to nail Ms Americana that day at the apartment," Max said.

"Bring Bruno back also; maybe he'd like to get reacquainted with the bitch or one of the others. Maybe Bruno and Sam could do a show for the customers with Ms Americana or two of the girls," Ramon said.

Max Tony and four goons left the club in two vehicles as they didn't want to be seen together. Max pulled his Mustang in front of the building entry entered the building and went up to his apartment. Tony and the helpers parked their van on the side street and awaited the signal from Max to go in.

The landlord had followed Tony's instructions and kept the two heroines at his place by telling them a laundered version of the Sunday in the apartment. He explained Ms Americana's fear of spiders and that she had been hypnotized to relieve her of that fear. The fact that he, Max and his dog had fucked her while hypnotized, he left out. He heard the door to the street open and close and two stamps outside his door and someone stomping up the stairs and figured it was Max, letting him know he was there and to send the two up.

"Hey ladies," he said, "I think that may have been Max. Maybe you should go see if he's home, want me to go with you?"

"No that's fine," Got Chic said, "we'll go by ourselves." She touched Flag Girl's arm as she appeared to be deep in thought and wasn't paying attention to the current conversation. "Come on girl, let's see if Max just got home." The two young heroines got up and left the apartment. They went up the stairs and Flag Girl pointed to the floor where a strip of light showed under the door, indicating someone had the light on. They knocked on the door.

Inside Max came to the door and checked his peephole and seeing who it was hit send on his cell phone, sending Tony a text that the girls were there. He opened the door,

"Wow! Got Chic and Flag Girl!" he exclaimed, acting surprised to see them. "What are you two doing here? I'm really so lucky, I've met Ms Americana and Got Gal and now I get to meet their sidekicks."

"So you are Max, can we come in and talk to you?" asked Flag Girl. "Ms Americana told me how much she enjoyed your friendship and we'd like to talk to you about it."

"Got Gal also told me how much she enjoyed meeting you last week," Got Chic added.

"Yes, please come in," Max said as he waved his arm to indicate they should enter. He carefully closed the door, ensuring it was not locked. He waved the two teenagers to his couch as he sat in the chair. "What can I tell you?" he asked. Downstairs the landlord was peeking out his door and saw Tony and the others enter, Tony and two other men holding dart guns. He watched them start up the stairs and quietly closed his door. He could guess what was about to happen upstairs.

"You saw Ms Americana two Thursdays ago and the next night is the last anyone has seen or heard from her. Last Wednesday Got Gal saw you at your home and you contacted Tanya O'Donnel about Ramon Prize and Friday night she also disappeared. Do you have any idea why you talk to a heroine and they disappear?" Flag Girl asked. The two knew that this boy had something to do with the disappearances, it was just too apparent he had set them up for the disappearances to be a coincidence.

"I told Ms Americana that Ramon Prize had a drug shipment coming into his warehouse the night she apparently disappeared. The Great Illusionist gave me the information saying he had overheard it at the club while on break and telling me because of my friendship with her. After meeting Got Gal I called him, told him Ms Americana was missing and that I was coming to see him. When I got here, he was gone. The landlord said he had seen him leave with several suitcases so we came up and found all his clothes gone. I knew he had gotten the reward from Brenda Wade for the information and so figured he fled town because Got Gal was looking for Ms Americana and didn't want to be here when she arrived. Since I was his friend and the rent was paid through the end of the month, I decided to move in. I called Tanya O'Donnel about the drugs and I thought Ramon Prize had something to do with it all then I went home and got my stuff, left my folks a note and came back here. The next morning I read my mother had also left, running off with a lover, and my dad had committed suicide. Really that's all I kn..." The door burst open as Tony and his men poured into the apartment. Both heroines jumped to their feet and charged the thugs, only to feel the needles puncture their bellies as Tony and the others shot them with the animal tranquilizer filled darts. They both got one punch thrown at two of the underlings before their vision dimmed and they slumped to the floor unconscious. The landlord chose that moment to make his appearance and stepped into the apartment.

"What do you want?" one of the men growled as he pointed his weapon at him. The landlord hurriedly raised his hands in surrender.

"That's okay, let him in," Tony ordered. "Get these two tied up and out to the van."

"Are you parked on South Street?" the landlord asked.

"Yeah," Tony replied.

"I have a side door there and I can show you the way to it. You wouldn't have to take them out the front going that way."

"Okay boys follow Mr. Landlord here and get them in the van and back to the club and the normal place. I'll go with Max to your apartment and wait for you, we need to talk," Tony told the landlord. When the landlord joined them, Tony told him to get his dog and come to the Waterfront, pull around out back and someone would meet him there, Ramon wanted to reward him. Tony and Max got into Max's car and returned to the club.

Entering the club they met the goons exiting the office and Tony told one to wait for their guests and bring them into the office. They then entered the office and saw that extra chairs had been brought in and the new heroines had joined the other two in their bondage. Ramon stepped to Tony and whispered instructions to him. Tony gave his boss a questioning look and getting a positive nod that he was serious, left the office. Ms Americana and Got Gal entered and saw the new prisoners but gave no sign of concern that their sidekicks and friends were now apparently going to become stripper/whores. They took the other two chairs as Tony looked at Max.

"Did you do as I asked?" he wondered. In response Max turned to the two heroines.

"Ms Americana and Got Gal, you are getting sleepy, very sleeping. You will sleep and await my commands," he said in a monotone. Both women's eyes closed and their heads slumped forward. Max looked at Tony, "Yes sir, I implanted the post hypnotic suggestion that allows me to quickly put them under and without the pendant."

"Good, I think we have persuaded so many of Delta City's heroines to come to work for us that it's time to find out who they really are, have them unmask for us."

Same as Ms Americana's Rescue
Chapter 5: Heroines Continue to Lose Videos

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Hatching a Heroine Chapter 10

Hatching A Heroine Chapter 10 Written by Emilie Ember Edited by Talia Elliott Belser Melissa walked behind her guard in silence, largely staring at the ground as the dark furred rabbit guided her down a series of hallways. The guard, who looked menacing with a spear in their hands, eventually came to a stop in front of an unadorned wooden door. It was when the guard reached for the doorknob that Melissa noticed something that had escaped notice thus far. "You have...

2 years ago
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Heroine Overdose 2

A hard rain was falling down on the crime-ridden streets of San Alvaro. I’d love to tell you that it was washing all the scum off the face of this city. Unfortunately, that was my job. The rain was hitting my costume hard. The added body-armor padding, which had seemed like a great idea when Phil had suggested it to me, was getting soggy and heavy. It was like running while wrapped up in a full carpet. I drove through a puddle, splashing the brown-ish water back onto the diminutive woman...

3 years ago
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Win or Lose

After an interminable wait, my wife called for me to come down the hallway to the door of the master bedroom. Hanging from the door knob was something black with a bright post it note attached. I pulled off the note and read it, my excitement reaching a peak. ‘Put on the hood and come into the bedroom. Speak only when spoken to.’ The black object was a leather hood with a zipper in the back and holes for the eyes, nostrils and mouth. I pulled it on and zipped it into place before opening...

2 years ago
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Win or Lose

[Authors note: This story has a dual ending. You can read through the whole story, pick your preference or if you’re feeling adventurous, grab a quarter and play along. Each outcome starts at either “*** I Won!” or “*** I Lost!”. Enjoy.] My wife has the most incredible ass. Firm, round, with just enough padding to make it wiggle when she walks but splays open enough to show me her tight little pucker when she’s bent over. I’ve been trying to slip my cock in that entrance since our honeymoon....

2 years ago
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Win or Lose

[Authors note: This story has a dual ending. You can read through the whole story, pick your preference or if you’re feeling adventurous, grab a quarter and play along. Each outcome starts at either “*** I Won!” or “*** I Lost!”. Enjoy.] My wife has the most incredible ass. Firm, round, with just enough padding to make it wiggle when she walks but splays open enough to show me her tight little pucker when she’s bent over. I’ve been trying to slip my cock in that entrance since our honeymoon....

1 year ago
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Win or Lose

[Authors note: This story has a dual ending. You can read through the whole story, pick your preference or if you’re feeling adventurous, grab a quarter and play along. Each outcome starts at either “*** I Won!” or “*** I Lost!”. Enjoy.]My wife has the most incredible ass. Firm, round, with just enough padding to make it wiggle when she walks but splays open enough to show me her tight little pucker when she’s bent over. I’ve been trying to slip my cock in that entrance since our honeymoon. She...

4 years ago
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Hot Girlfriend Ke Saath Virginity Lose

Hello friends mera naam akhil hai and i am from delhi. Ye meri pehli story hai and meri email id hai ‘’ . Meri age 22 hai aur meri girlfriend ki age hai 21. Ab main apne baare mein bta dun meri height 5’8″ hai aur lode ka size itna hai ki kisi ko bhi satisfy kr skta hai aur gym jata hun to body bhi ekdam fit hai. Meri school mein ek girlfriend thi jiska naam tha megha (name changed) bhot he hot and hadd se jyada sexy. Ekdam proper figure and ekdam gori with huge assests. Ham dono school time se...

4 years ago
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Sure Loser

Sure Loser By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 "I feel like a fuckin' idiot," complained twenty-one-year-old Dalton Foster as he looked at himself in the mirror. "No, no, you don't; actually you look very nice," replied Melissa. "Don't you agree, Kelsey?" The pretty brunette nodded in agreement. "I doubt if anyone will suspect that you're a guy, Dalton... or should that be...

1 year ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues Nadias wish for her friend

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues, Nadias wish for her friend Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 54 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigails sister, white, 52 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7 cock Jolene, 16, 54 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns...

2 years ago
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Lightburst The BeginningChapter 4 The Heroine

"... and it was at that point that the new costumed heroine known only as Lightburst flew in and stopped the two would-be bank robbers." Grainy video from the bank's security camera played behind the pretty television news reporter, showing a glowing young woman, possibly a teenager, flying into the bank through a shattering window. She was clad in a yellow sweatsuit with white stripes down the sides of the arms and legs. The hood of the sweatshirt was pulled up and her face was partially...

1 year ago
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The things Were The way things Are The way things Will Continue To Be

(I could not think of any kind an hypnotic induction. Here are some suggested post hypnotic suggestion that would come after any kind of an induction) You seem to be deeply confused as to who you are, who you have always been, and who you will continue to be. You trust me and only me to bring clarity to your confusion. You trust me and only me when I clarify to you the way things are, the way things have always been, and the way things will always be. You have never thought of...

3 years ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 12 Training Continues Nadias wish for her friend

Characters Introduced: Abigail, 27, Pharmacist, white, 5'4 Blond Deep blue eyes 36DD, swan like neck Mandy, 18, Abigail's sister, white, 5'2 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts, swan like neck Fred, 55, Ford Dealer, white, 7” cock Jolene, 16, 5'4 Blond Blue eyes, 36D breasts daughter of Fred Dr. Emily Johns 28, friend of Nadia, white, 5'8 Black hair Green Eyes 36D breast. Swan like neck Julia Johns, 13, daughter of Emily, white, 5'0 Black hair Green Eyes 32C breast. Swan like...

3 years ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 8 Hawaii Trip continues and return home

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 8 Hawaii Trip continues and return home Character Introduced Dr. Shannon Smithson, 43 58, Blond with Green Eyes The next morning Kiki arrives around ten for a massage session for Ben. She brings in her table and instructs Ben to disrobe and get on the table. Ben is wearing a towel around his waist so that she does not get a few of BIG FELLA. He cannot take anymore sex right now...

4 years ago
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The Workout Partner Story Continues

“What the fuck Dawn!!!?” Shocked back into the throws of reality, I quickly look to my left. Sporting a countenance that is filled with anger stands Chrissy, with her hands on her hips and left foot tapping nervously. Now I’m in trouble… Mike pulls his cock out of me and sets me down. He is as stunned as I am as we stand there, arms still around each other. Chrissy has abruptly left the pool area and slams the front door of the gym as she stomps out. Knowing I must leave finds me quite...

2 years ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 8 Hawaii Trip continues and return home

Character Introduced Dr. Shannon Smithson, 43 5'8, Blond with Green Eyes The next morning Kiki arrives around ten for a massage session for Ben. She brings in her table and instructs Ben to disrobe and get on the table. Ben is wearing a towel around his waist so that she does not get a few of BIG FELLA. He cannot take anymore sex right now and does not want to take on anymore slaves. He lays on his stomach and adjusts BIG FELLA. Becky puts a sock on BIG FELLA as he shifts BIG FELLA...

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Hidden Agenda Discontinued

To Potential Writers, I've come to find that the wonderful world of Chyoo2 is more the pulseless slab of bittersweet satisfaction than I had previously thought. As such, I will leave this story as "open" as possible for future writers. I'll approve anything you'd like to submit in the status of quality fiction so that you can become a moderator for this story. It's not very long, entrancing, or particularly detailed, but it's there if you want it. It's not getting deleted, so it may as well be...

2 years ago
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Double Debut One has to win and fuck the loser

Please don’t copy and or redistribute the story in anyway without the consent and the person of the author and the main character herself. This Work Is Completely Fiction. I am not gay or bi-sexual what so ever. I’m straight and loves ladies. I’m expanding my writing to become a better writer. This story is about wrestling and male on male sex. Hope you enjoy this story and make yourself cum while reading. -------------- It was a cool summer evening and it was a good night for some good private...

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Gamblingrsquos for losers

Gambling’s for losersTonight was usually Poker night for my husband and the guys but tonight it was date night and I was making a real effort. Little black dress, garter belt and stockings with sexy high heels.I was in the process of completing my hair and makeup when the door bell rang.My husband went to downstairs to answer the door when I heard the voices of his poker buddies walk in. I heard them go through to our kitchen diner where they normally played poker. I could hear beer cans being...

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Winners And Losers

WINNERS AND LOSERS by Throne I'm a man in his early 30s, with an attractive wife and enough money that I'll never have to worry about anything as mundane as a paycheck. My bride Laurie is several years younger than me and quite a beauty. I have the time and money to indulge my hobbies, which include collecting antique art prints, fine dining, and the occasional concert of light classical music. But I also have another avocation, which is a longstanding and deeply ingrained interest...

1 year ago
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Continue The Legacy

Wealthy lesbian woman befriends and helps a homeless woman. They called her the cat woman, albeit she only had three cats. Maybe, they called her cat woman because she fed stray cats and a cat or two always lingered by her back doorstep meowing for her attention and affection, hoping for some food, too. Her name was Jenna Charles. Ever since her long-time lover and companion, Ruth Charles, died of breast cancer three years ago, she lived alone on Beacon Street, near the corner of Charles...

3 years ago
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Unfortunate husband has to foot the bill for the numerous pairs of panties his wanton wife loses

Tom and his wife Sharon were shopping and Tom was wishing he could die. He was the only man in the lingerie department of the department store. Sharon was buying panties to replenish her dwindling supply. She mumbled to herself as she browsed rack after rack, dropping the names of various men at the warehouse where she was a shipping clerk. Such-and-such a guy liked yellow, such-and-such liked lacy panties. Tom noticed other women looking at Sharon and at him. He sidled over and murmured,...

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