Sulfur SpringsChapter 3 free porn video

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The hour came and went. She decided to give the infantry sergeant another half hour before she went looking. The crowd behind the fence acted different with the sun up. Some of them rattled the fence with even more fervor than before, but others just stood there. A few had even wandered off. One of them pounded on the windows of a car in the outer lot.

The unmistakable sound of a chaingun echoed around the parking lot. It was joined by another and several automatic weapons. Melody snatched at the handset. "India-Charlie-Three, this is India-Charlie-Two. Status. Over." She tried again, and again, as the fire dwindled, faltered and finally stopped all together.

Someone broke squelch on the freq, then after an agonizing pause, she heard the same voice as before over the speaker. "Ch-charlie-two?"

Melody did her best to project a calm assurance she didn't feel. "India-Charlie-Three, this is India-Charlie-Two. Status. Over."

"Charlie-Two, the refugees ... they..." The voice trailed off, but over the open mike, she thought she heard sobbing. She realized she was holding her breath, and forced herself to a slow steady rhythm. "India-Charlie-Two, I am inside Track Three-One, hatches locked. The ramp was down on the other track when they hit us. Some of the refugees came running out the main doors, followed by more rioters." The voice paused, but continued, although shakier. "They just walked right over us. Everyone else is dead. They ate them."

Melody felt the stares of the others on her, the drivers had come over to get whatever word she might have to give them. "Charlie Three, we are going to extricate you in thirty, I say again Three-Zero Mikes, Hold tight with what you have. Over." She hoped the pounding of her heart didn't show.

"Charlie-Two, I understand hold position, be prepared to move in three-zero mikes."

"Specialist Roland, go find out who the rankinest man here is."

He snorted at the old joke. "Yes, sergeant."

Melody keyed the mike again. "Make a radio check every five mikes. Break." That should give the soldier something else to worry about, and she needed the time to find out for sure what had happened. "Move to the driver's station and make the checks from there. Over."


"Hang in there soldier, Charlie-Two out." She hung up the mike, and bent down to where she could see the driver. "Come on out here, stock up on ammo."

Eckert, the PV2 who'd shot up her truck crawled back to the crew compartment. She made sure his ammo pouches were filled, then sent him to get extra from ammo point in the loading bay. Roland was back first.

"I've got date of rank on the other guys."

"Right. Post a guard on the doors leading from the bay to the rest of the stadium, I think it's been overrun. Load up all the ammo, and all the food you can. Put as much as you can on the outside of the vehicles. You have thirty minutes max."

Roland looked nervous. "What are you going to do sergeant?"

"I'm going to see if I'm right, and find Top if I can, he wouldn't leave us behind. If I don't come back, head up to my place." She gave him directions to the mine.

In the warehouse, she used Five-Fifty cord, green nylon parachute line, rated to hold five hundred and fifty pounds, to tie all but one set of doors shut. For the last, one of the sets that opened in, she used a forklift to move a pallet stacked with five gallon cans of coconut oil close enough that there was just enough room to slip through. Eckert followed her around like a lost puppy.

Occasional shots still echoed down the maintenance hallways, but either things were almost back under control, or ... She didn't even want to think about that. A last look around the room showed her that Roland had everything under control. He'd taken the drivers out of the Hum-Vees and had one of them helping him shift the reserve ammunition while the other watched the doors. She almost reminded him to make sure he was there for the radio check, but realized it was only her nervousness. Instead she checked the shotgun, and satisfied squeezed through the door, beckoning Eckert to follow her.

Fortunately the lights were still on, the generator was located in a room off the loading bay, and still had half a tank of fuel. The floor was coated concrete, shiny, but not slick. She took a guess and pointed "This way to the CP?"

Eckert seemed startled by her question. "Yes, sergeant, the freight elevators go up to the infirmary and the CP is next to that."

Melody had a vision of the elevator doors opening to reveal a crowd of them and shuddered. "No, we need stairs." Their footsteps echoed down the corridor, she didn't know what she'd expected, but it wasn't this emptiness. Fortunately there was a stairwell, next to the freight elevator. She listened at the door, distant thumps echoed inside. Opening the door just a crack, she saw several bodies on the floor, they'd fallen from the stairs to land in the middle of the stairwell.

The red paint on the floor was tacky under her boots. It took her a moment to realize the 'paint' was blood, much more than could be explained by the bodies on the floor. Bloody footprints led up the stairs, and the walls were smeared with dull red handprints. Shots again, sounding from inside the arena, M-16s on full auto, then nothing but a faint moaning roar.

The skylights in the arena concourse made it easy to see through the windows in the stairwell doors without exposing herself. Scattered bodies and blood smears littered the tiled floor. A few of them wandered aimlessly. Eckert pointed past her, and she jerked away. Her heart pounded so heard she didn't catch his first words. " ... corner, and the infirmary was set up on the other side of the main lobby."

"The CP?" she whispered?

He moved to the side and squinted, voice very low. "I can see some tables we were using, nobody around them."

"You set up the CP and infirmary in the corridors?"

He nodded. "I don't think that those things would be wandering like that if anyone was still there."

He was right. Melody tied the door to the rail. Normally it would need a key to open, but someone had pried it loose from the frame. She started up the stairs, towards the pounding. She stopped at Eckert's whispered "Sergeant?" The kid's face was pale and he held his rifle in a white knuckled grip. "Where are we going?"

Melody pointed up the stairs with her shotgun. "I figure if anyone is alive in this place, they'll be up there."

"Those things are trying to get to someone?"

"Only one way to find out..." She took the stairs quietly, one at a time, stopping to listen on each landing. The five flights of stairs seemed to take an eternity to climb. Several times, she had to step over bodies, the tops of their heads blown off. Someone living had definitely come this way. The lights at the top threw crazy shadows down the stairwell, they shifted as whatever waited moved.

As she rounded the last corner, she was grateful that whoever had built the stairs had made them 'wrong' they spiraled up counter clockwise, making it easy to aim across the gap. She stepped over another body and fell across it as it grabbed her leg. The M-16 was deafening in the close confines of the concrete shaft. The bullet blew through the skull of the woman she'd stepped over ricocheted off the concrete stairs, the wall and the steel rail before its deformed shape skittered across the black painted tread just under her nose.

The shadows stopped moving on the far wall. Melody held her breath trying to hear over the ringing in her ears. She thought she heard a vague moaning, then saw a bloodstained sneaker move on the landing above and behind her. Wishing she had time to put in earplugs, she rolled over into a crouch, shotgun ready. A gentle squeeze on the trigger rewarded her with an even louder report, and the sneaker's owner falling to the landing. She moved to the next landing, opposite, and fired three more times as the zombies stumbled down the stairs.

She yelled at Eckert, hoping he could hear her. "Headshots! Shoot them in the head!" She emptied her weapon, and reloaded. Eckert fired with a steady precision that she hadn't even hoped for. Bodies tumbled down the stairs and the landing opposite became a seething mass of writhing limbs as the zombies struggled to reach them. One fell over the edge in its haste, but the rest either realized they couldn't walk on air, or the railing stopped them.

They had to have been packed like sardines on the landing above Melody's head, they just kept coming. She emptied her shotgun twice more and switched to the captain's pistol. Their fire was joined by the booming of a .45 above them, and suddenly it was over. She reloaded and gestured for Eckert to watch behind them. A shadow moved on the wall, at fist she thought it might be another of them but she held her fire as Top limped into view. He said something, but she couldn't hear it.

Melody tapped Eckert on the shoulder to get his attention and they picked their way up the stairs. She prodded each corpse as she climbed, making sure it was really dead. She had to stifle a hysterical giggle at the thought. The stairs led to a maintenance area for the lights, catwalks led from the room to racks of spotlights around the circumference of the arena.

In the shadows of the room, it took her a moment to make out the figures as people. She recognized one of them as the woman they had picked up. Sandy held a baby in her arms and a little boy slept next to her, his head in her lap. Next to her, a woman cradled a toddler, and tried to reassure an older girl. Several people argued with Top while he secured the door, but she couldn't hear what they said. She counted heads, thirteen, including Top. It would be a tight squeeze, but they could do it. If half of them weren't kids, there wouldn't have been enough room in the vehicles.

Melody moved out to the catwalk, and looked down into the brilliantly lit stadium. It was full of tiny figures that wandered aimlessly, except for a moaning mass at one end. She could hear them, a good sign because it meant her hearing was returning. They pressed in towards the center of the mob, tiny hands held up, reaching for ... Melody pulled a small pair of binoculars from her breast pocket, and trained them on the basketball hoop in the middle of the crowd. A child, probably a boy from the close-cropped hair, sat inside the metal hoop suspended only feet above a straining mob of zombies.

"He's still alive. I don't know how he got there, but I think we can get him out." Top's voice sounded dull and flat, she didn't think it was all due to her ringing ears either.

"We don't have enough ammo to take them all out."

Top shook his head, "No but we have some cables that should support someone small and light." He pointed to a kid in scruffy clothes who whispered reassurances to a white-faced girl about his own age. They were probably fifteen or so. "Paco was going to try..."

Her stomach sank, she knew what he meant. She looked into his eyes and saw what it was going to cost him to ask. "No, I'll go. I'm smaller and we did that rappelling last year." While they made a safety harness and climbing ropes from Five-Fifty cord and electrical cables Top cut with his bayonet, she filled him in on the situation. "This is going to take longer than we have." she finished. "The way should still be clear, we could start the civilians down."

Top agreed, and organized it while she finished up. The safety harness was tight, with no give in it at all. It bit into her thighs as she walked over to Eckert. He had the boy who'd been asleep on Sandy's lap on his back, tied there so his hands were free. "Eckert, you get everyone out safe and we'll call it even on the truck." She put out her hand and after a moments hesitation he took it. "Be careful."

"You too Sergeant." He seemed about to say something else, but Top called him over and gave him some final instructions before sending him on his way.

Top barred the door behind them, and nodded to the man who'd stayed behind. "Lets get this done." Between them, Top and the man in coveralls carried the heavy cable to a point above the backstop. The drop was probably only fifty feet or so, but it seemed a long way down to Melody. After Top tied it off to an overhead girder, she attached the climbing ropes then the safety harness. She hung on the rubberized cable with all her weight and bounced to make sure both that she wouldn't slip and that the cable could take the weight.

While the other man lowered the end of the cable an arms length at a time, Top took her aside. "Be careful down there, don't get bit. That's what happened down there, the ones that came in bitten died and turned."

The tug of the cable lifted her off the catwalk. She eased herself over the railing, and stood in the climbing ropes. She'd set up a three rope system to be safe, one for each foot, tied securely around her boots, and another for the safety harness. The ropes could be moved, but if they were supporting any weight at all, they wouldn't slide over the cable. She went down slowly at first, shifting her weight from one foot to the other and sliding the ropes that didn't have tension on them. After she got the hang of it, it went faster, but the slight swing she started with increased as well. Before she knew it she was level with the pole supporting the backstop.

She'd heard the moans increase in urgency as she descended, now they echoed from walls in an overwhelming wave. Her hands shook as she grabbed the pole and eased herself along the top bar. At the end, she lowered herself directly behind the backstop, and balancing against the pull of the cable, bent over.

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Cousin Erica girlfriend Leslie my erotic tale

Note : This story is completely fictional! For the better "real world" realms, I'll not name real names. This story when I turned 21. This story is Erica's, Leslie’s & mine grips on our sexual adventure with my love. Erica was 10 months older than me. She was my “older cousin”. Oh, I so hated that. Erica was a super hot, head cheerleader when she was in High School. She had the brains to match. She was a blonde, so she was a little bit ditsy too. Everybody had the hots for her in High School. I...

4 years ago
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Marta had walked in the room and immediately became the center of it. Everyone knew who she was and she knew it, but despite her reputation, she wasn't shunned. She was graced. Her skin was fair, and her hair was just the opposite, but both exuded and otherworldly glow that demanded attention. Her make up was striking in the same way that a siren's voice was. Deep red lips curled into a smile as a man offered to light her cigarette. Her looks combated Cyd Charisse and won.Everyone knew how...

3 years ago
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The Mist of Time Ch 0506

CHAPTER FIVE With Tina away I had a quiet day that Thursday. I busied myself looking on the internet for any property auctions that may be coming up. These auctions usually offer re-possessed property, where the Bank or Building Society tries to recoup their outstanding debt. They put on a reserve that matches their debt so if they have a property with a debt of say three hundred thousand pounds that’s their reserve price, even though the value of the property was much higher. As long as they...

1 year ago
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The Rise and Fall of Marcy DentonChapter 14

Marcy concluded early on that Kamon was a lot like his brother. She and Nikki were playthings to him. Oh, he didn't use denigrations like Jamal, in fact he was constantly complimenting her on her face and figure, but he was into her pants daily and there had been several foursomes. Marcy had asked Jamal about finding a place of their own but he seemed content, at least for the moment, especially with both Marcy and Nikki available to him any time he wanted. It was several days later that...

1 year ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 199

In the afternoon, Laura and Deshona Reed did manage to pull it together long enough to complete about three hours of work before they wound up in bed again, 'fucking like bunnies, ' as Deshona put it, giggling. In all, it was an unexpectedly orgiastic day for both of them, and they were exhausted, but still tingling with love for one another, by the time Laura left at nine p.m. She sang in the car all the way home. Thoughts of April, Rhonda, Randi in bed with Rob, only returned as she...

2 years ago
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A Clockwork Pink

A Clockwork Pink (With apologies to Anthony Burgess) By tame tom "Who's it to be then, eh?" There was me, that is to say, Cole, and my three moogs, Wall, who was as his name jexed, a true wall, as in, "", and, "", Tame, who plucked his true name from the ol' flickerbox, a quiet, sinny, giggly sort, and Malevick, the wicker baddy who might well be pointer of our little gang had Your Humble Narrator not been. "Who's it to be then, eh?" We were sitting in the Lactos Marvo,...

3 years ago
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Granny neighbour part 1

After what seems like an eternity of fantazing over kissing(sexually) and fucking hot 60+ grannies the fantasy finally turned into reality last night for me and I’m still on cloud 9 and needed to put into words what happened and how I felt.The granny in question recently became a widow called Gwendoline or Gwen as she likes to be called. I’ve known Gwen for just over 2 years after she bought the bungalow next door to me mainly due to the ill health of her husband who suffered from Alzheimer’s...

1 year ago
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Crime PunishmentChapter 10

Silvia Keenan was normally a woman who exuded confidence, but in her fifty-seven years, she had never come close to committing a crime before. As she walked through the doors of the Commerce Bank and Trust, she was sure that everyone would see how nervous she was. Certain she would be stopped and arrested. The safety deposit boxes were across the large lobby next to an immense vault and secured behind a set of great steel barred doors. In front was a young bank clerk at a desk with a sign...

3 years ago
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The Fire Within Sachu

Hi guys, here I am writing my first erotic story for you all. Though I have written lots of short stories this is the first in the erotic genre. Now before boring you let me get the details soon. My name is Ajay staying in Mumbai with my wife. I work for a software company and my wife works with a pharma company. Like all other men out here, I too am attracted to females either with a good face, good ass and good boobs and anyone with all three criteria was a fab for me. I had experienced...

1 year ago
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The Weekend My Wife Was Away Part 8211 1

So let me start by saying my name’s Arjun. I’m 28 years old more than smart to look at and my body status is as follows 5’9/32/70. I sport a beard on a regular basis. Well, let’s dive right into the incident. My wife and I had been married for a year now, our sex life was normal as any couple. We had recently moved to Mumbai and were adjusting to the fast-paced life of the city. It was early Jan and my wife had already informed me of her plans to visit her home city Delhi for the weekend. When...

Gay Male
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I could tell something was wrong with my programming from the very start. I'd been brought to my clients' home on a warm Sunday morning, probably delivered in a truck. The delivery man must have unboxed me, showed my clients how to care for my body, and what to do if something goes wrong — all that must have happened, but I wasn't yet around to observe it. It was still a warm Sunday morning though when someone turned me on.I found three humans looking at me. One was a middle-aged man...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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working in a massage parlour

It was hard being a single mum.Money was tight.So when my best friend Diana offered me a bit of work,cash in hand, I grabbed the chance. She worked in a local massage parlour,but on the front desk. I knew what went on in those places,those filthy men,but Di just took appointments and did some paperwork.So when she booked 2 weeks in Hedonism,wherever that is,I got a bit of work.100 quid a day,cash in hand,happy days.When I got there, I expected all the girls to be long legged blondes with big...

1 year ago
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She Gave Him Power Part 2

Morning sunlight awoke him once again. “Morning again?!” Aaron groaned. His head jerked up as he realised he was late for work. “Shit!!” Aaron leapt from his bed. He managed to take three steps in the direction of his door before slamming to the ground. Letting out a weak yell as he fell down, in confusion Aaron tried to move and get up, this time he screamed. His entire body was on fire, a burning sensation travelling from top to bottom no matter which limb he moved. Tears streamed his...

2 years ago
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Prodigal SonChapter 4

After leaving Wilkins, Lt. Hobson rode next to Colonel Anderson. “Sir, I didn’t want to bring this up. In front of the civilians but we have already cut their trail. They did indeed head north out of town. But about 5 miles out, they tried to hide their tracks. From there, they turned due east and headed out at a gallop. When they turned south, our trackers broke off. Except for one rider. He will keep to their trail. I have a bad feeling that they may be headed for Mexico. We would play hell...

1 year ago
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Dalia and the king

The head of the king's harem is a perfect whore and a perfect madonna, a perfect slave and a perfect mistress. Her name is Dalia and she is a loving, caring and mild tempered woman with great self-esteem and a great drive that comes from within her self. She is great in balancing care of her self and the harem and she is meticulous in everything that she does.She is gorgeous with her perfect smile and beautiful hair. She has a healthy feminine body that always smells great. She is always...

2 years ago
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CastawayChapter 39

I'd pretty much forgotten about the two Homeland Security guys. We hadn't heard from them again, and the week was being both busy and an unalloyed delight for me. The next two Traviatas went off without a hitch. Camilla's performances were as glorious as her first; every note she sang was like a little jewel floating through the house. Forgeron continued to complement her well, and even got a little stronger for his aria early in Act II that's supposed to delineate his character more...

4 years ago
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Furry Holiday in the Sun

"I have client meetings during the day", Samantha explained as she and Brent sipped their orange juice," but we’ll have our evenings together, and once the weekend rolls around, you and I can do whatever we like" She grinned across the table at him, that wicked, toothy grin that only a tigress can get away with, copper hair framing her feminine but somehow slightly intimidating visage. Brent smiled back, she was his wife after all. He’s seen that grin many times before. "Sure, whatever works",...

1 year ago
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A New Pair of Playmates

I live in a fairly conservative region of my State. As such, one might think sexual encounters are few and far between. Perhaps I am fortunate - lucky - or observant and focused. I believe it's more the latter than the former.I spend a fair amount of social media time on sexual chat sites. Over the past month, I met a guy - married - who has been discussing varietal sex with me. He has been discussing 3-way sex with his wife, and revealed that to me. I encouraged open, frank discussions - to...

1 year ago
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AbuseMe Brittney White Takes it Hard

The ladies always want life to be more like the bad movies they enjoy. Luckily, Brittney White saw a different kind of bad movie that gave her some ideas. The movie made ropes and rough play seem so sensual and romantic. Well they’re not, but they are fun. In this update, you’ll see Brittney get her wish of being tied up and fucked like a rag doll. Brittney White has an amazing body and a beautiful face. She’s black, short, slender yet curvy, incredibly busty, has a great pussy, and a fat...

3 years ago
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7e hemel en daar voorbij

Ben vanmorgen tijdig vertrokken om maar geen moment van je te hoeven missen. Via Skype hebben we elkaar al flink opgefokt. Op de parkeerplaats naast je huis neem ik de groene pil. Het duurt over het algemeen een minuut of 10 voordat de eerste werking start, een warm gevoel over mijn wangen. Het duurt nog even voordat je er bent maar het geeft mij de mogelijkheid om voor te bereiden. Ik vind de sleutel onder de bloempot en open de deur. Je geur is het eerste wat ik ruik en mijn opwinding neemt...

2 years ago
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Third Wheel Blues

Snow crunched under the tyres of the four by four as Tim pulled up onto the driveway outside the chalet. “Here we go,” he said. He leaned over to Fiona in the passenger seat and kissed her on the cheek before they both giggled and flung the doors open. In the back seat Lilly pulled her shawl closer around her shoulders. Why had she even bothered to come? She was selfish, that’s what it was. The boot flew open, letting in a gust of crisp, alpine air and she gasped. “Come on Lil,” Fiona said,...

Love Stories
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God is a Slut Chapter 3 Getting in Touch With Your Masculine Side

Rachel, God and I were sitting naked in a hot tub, enjoying the scenery the underworld had to offer. I felt guilty about putting the poor mortal through emotional trauma when I tempted her with an eternal sibling romance, so I decided a spa day would be nice before her next test. I couldn’t help but let my gaze linger on her wet, pale breasts. Rachel was oblivious to my staring, but God caught me. She scooted next to Rachel and wrapped an arm around the mortal, before giving me a little...

3 years ago
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One Long Hotel Stay

“Our bags should be at turnstile 3” Janet told Jim as she was still struggling to walk in a straight line, little lone find turnstile 3. Jim knew all of this already but let her take the lead so as not to upset the professional relationship. He couldn’t help but think about the tryst in the bathroom on the plane 25 minutes ago. “I’ll grab our bags while you get the paperwork for the rental car” Jim replied as he headed over to where the bags were dropping down from the conveyor belt. ...

1 year ago
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Beauty 3 in a first time

He lied down beside her and held her in his arms. He wanted this moment never to last. All he knew is that he loved this woman and that he never wanted to let go of her. She was nervous. He was madly in love with her . She was madly in love with him. She never wanted him to hurt her. "You know that I love you more than life itself, right dear," the man said to his love as he looked lovingly into her eyes. "Of course , and I love you more than the earth and the universe and everything that we...

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Its Only Sex Part 2

Sally cried out,’Mmmmmm, oh yeah baby thats it, right there, fuck me harder,’ arching her back off the bed, as her fingers pinched her hard, erect nipples, while her best friend Pam, laid between her spread legs, working the large pink dildo in and out of her soaking wet pussy. Pam’s hand pushed the dildo in harder and faster, as she fastened her mouth around Sally’s clit, sucking it hard into her mouth, while her own finger, worked her own clit, rubbing herself into ecstasy. She monad into...

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The Honey Dew ListChapter 7

If Damien thought that his day would be even halfway normal, he was dead wrong, of course. Tara having gotten busy reviewing her material for her article about the mall Santa, Damien expected that he would be mostly left alone to do his editing, but that just wasn’t to be. Almost immediately, there was a knock at the door of the Volunteer’s office building, which with the Chief and other seniors still absent, resulted in an irate visitor showing his face, and he wasn’t alone. Lauren stood...

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