Internal AffairsChapter 15 free porn video

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Peter awoke with a terrible need to use the bathroom. There was absolutely no schedule in his life of late. I didn't help that he was unable to sleep through the night for some reason. It might have to do with two women in the bed with him moaning all night.

He had at least slept well the night before. He went to bed early and even Trish fell instantly asleep. Neither of them seemed to have missed their goodnight kisses.

They took turns in the bathroom that morning beginning with Peter. After his shower he dressed in very casual clothing. He wore very cheep work clothes from Walmart's house brand line.

After the shower he used the ten dollar electric hair trimmer on his hair and beard. When he had finished every visible hair on his body was the same length. He looked like an egg which had been dropped on a the floor of a house with a short haired dog.

He and Trish left the motel room with their luggage. He hoped he would have no need for the room at the end of that day. Since they only had one car the decision to work together had been easy. They could work together on the interviews, if they didn't step on each others toes. The first decision to make was where to start. Their first decision of the day was to decided, not to decide till after breakfast.

Since Trish was driving, she found a fast food joint for breakfast. From the drive thru window, her GPS directed them to a neighborhood park. The two of them sat in the park and ate breakfast inside the small car. The view was of a few mothers watching thier small kids play on the jungle gym.

"So which of the camera crew do we go for first?" Trish asked.

"Let's get Jerri first. She, Silvia and Ada Fine share a common alibi. Hers is going to be the least likely to have changed. That is if she was telling the truth and can remember it." Peter said.

"You know Miles was shot. so either of the women could have managed it. I'm sure there was conflict, since Miles wasn't likely unhappy with Jerri. After all, according to Louise, Miles knew that Jerri was the one who turned her on to women. Her uncle was mostly likely old school." Trish said.

"True, but that seems like a pretty weak motive," According to Peter.

"If she is a radical feminist, she wouldn't need much of a motive," Trish said.

"Well we can assess her probability, but my money is still on Silvia somehow," Peter repeated.

"Trish when we get to the house you make the introductions," Peter demanded.

"Sure boss," she said.

They rang the twist bell handle sticking out a hole in the door. That handle was attached to the bell hanging inside the door. It might have been more turn of the century than the forties, but it was old for sure.

"Good morning," Trish said to the plain looking woman dressed in a kind of smock over her dress who answered the door.

"Come in, we have been expecting you," The very modern looking woman holding the video camera said.

"I assume you are Jerri," Trish said. "I'm Trish and this is my associate Peter."

"Nice to meet you both," she said.

"We need you to concentrate, could you put that camera down please?" Peter asked from behind the thick rimmed glasses he wore. The glasses had been supplied by the DOJ equipment room. They were tinted just enough to distort the color and shape of his eyes. He also wore a hard rubber molar guard in his mouth which distorted the shape of his teeth and cheek bones. Both items were uncomfortable, so he hoped they could finish the interview with Jerri Quickly.

"Sure, so what do you need," Jerri asked aiming her question at Trish.

"How did you and Miles Adair get along?" Peter asked. He was trying to ruffle her feathers just a little.

"I had very little to do with Miles. I knew him of course and I filmed him a very few times when Eddie couldn't. Mostly Eddie did the out in the woods filming and I filmed the office work and the planning." Jerri said.

"We are going to see Eddie after we leave you," Peter said.

"How did you and Louise get along," Trish said.

Jerri looked at her a long time probably trying to decide what she knew. "Louise and I got along fine. So did Professor Fine and I."

"Did Miles get angry when he discovered you had seduced his niece?" Trish asked.

"Not at all," Jerri said. "I stayed with Louise several night, and he never said a word. You really don't think I killed him do you?" she asked.

"Right now everyone and no one is a suspect. You know it does seem strange that three people, who had close contact with the victim, all have the same alibi," Peter said.

"It might seem strange to you, but that's just what happens sometimes. As Freud once said, 'sometimes a turkey Sandwich is just a turkey sandwich." she said. "Sometimes it just happens."

"Not as often as you might think," Trish said.

"So, do you have any idea who might have wanted Miles dead?" Peter asked.

"I thought that they had about decided that it was a moonshiner or pot farmer," Jerri said.

"I don't think so, but it's possible. We are going to give it a few more days then call it a lost cause," Peter said. He stood abruptly then added, "Thanks for your help."

In the car Trish said, "So is she a suspect."

"Everyone is. On a scale of one to ten, she is about a three based on motive and alibi. Maybe we will have better luck with Eddie, but I doubt it. We are just covering all the bases."

"They are fully invested in the Moonshiners/pot grower theory," Trish said.

"It has an appeal on many levels. It is a better TV angle than mistaken identity. Of course no one wants it to be one of the crew. That would be really bad for business," Peter said.

"I guess. So where too," Trish asked.

"According to Silvia, Eddie is filming the removal of a tree. The star of Homefront is a landscape contractor," Peter said. When thy arrived on scene he added, "He doesn't use reel type mowers or hand saws I see. So he isn't all that authentic."

"Eddie," he said to the man holding the camera.

"Yes you must be Trish and Peter. Silvia said you were coming to talk about Miles." he suggested.

"Yes we are," Trish answered. "So what can you tell us. Did Miles seem to be worried about anything near the end?"

"No he seemed confident, but careful. He mentioned that there were strangers who might be dangerous. I was surprised when someone managed to get close enough to shoot him," Eddie said.

"Yes we are working on the theory that someone he knew pulled the trigger." Peter.

"Could be anyone," Eddie agreed.

"It's a good thing you were on the road when it happened. Since you were spending a lot of time with Miles. All retired cops think they know everything," Trish said. She was getting the feel for the interrogations.

"He was very knowledgeable about the gold mining. He also kept me in the loop, so I didn't have to drag shit out of him. He was one of the better people I have worked with," Eddie said.

"So who killed him?" Peter asked.

"Just some random moonshiner," Eddie said. "That's what I think. Miles always said that if we had trouble it would most likely be from moonshiners, pot farmers, or a pissed off land owner. Since he had paid the land owner for the mining rights, it seems likely to be one of the others," he said.

A few more questions and Peter gave up. Eddie knew very little it seemed. Since he was a video man he might be able to doctor his alibi file, but he just didn't seem to be hiding anything. Besides he thought Miles was still at his house. They were suppose to drive up together the next day, but Miles left early.

"So Silvia is the next one for us to interview," Trish said.

It was almost time for dinner when Peter and Trish arrived at the hotel room belonging to Silvia. She most likely realized how the interrogations were run. Being on her home field, even if it was a rental, made it much easier to refuse to cooperate.

The first thing Peter did was to move the interview to the coffee shop. It was empty enough inside the coffee shop so that they could sit alone far from the other customers.

"Now you have your coffee, can we get on with it," Silvia demanded.

"Did you kill Miles Adair?" he asked.

"Of course not," she said. She stopped just as soon as she answered. She obviously intended to volunteer nothing.

"So, do you know who did kill him," Peter asked.

"If I knew who killed Miles, I would tell you. I really did like him," Silvia. It also cost us a lot of money. We had to take a dead loss on all the cost of production. We managed to salvage the first shows but we won't have a second season. That's a big deal.

"Do you have any idea who we should look at?" Peter asked.

"Not a clue," Silvia said.

"Well, there is one thing I need to ask you about. I'm hoping we can solve the problem before I need to get the Police to look into it," Peter said.

"Are you threatening me?" Silvia asked.

"Yes," Peter said then shut up.

"What do you think you know?" Silvia asked.

Well I know for a fact that you drew 50k from the bank. You don't seem like a drug salesman, so I have to assume it was most likely to pay someone to kill Miles. It wasn't found because the timing was all wrong for the local police. Once I put them onto your finances it will all unravel," Peter said.

"You can't prove I had anything to do with Mile's death, because I didn't." Silvia said. She also opened her purse and showed him fifty k in cash. It was for a business investment that got canceled. I was going to produce the show's second season myself.

"Well, I'm going to have to let the DOJ or the local police figure out about the money. No cop likes that much cash in a handbag. They are going to turn your life upside down looking for that money. The reason they will do that is I am going to claim you are giving aid to a terrorist organizations."

"Do I have your word that if I tell you, you will keep it in confidence," Silvia asked.

"Of course," Peter said.

"Like you said Miles was a former cop. I asked him to pay a man to keep a secret. He did that and a few days later he was killed. The man he paid lived three hundred miles from where Miles lived. He also lived seven hundred miles from where Miles was killed. I don't see how he could have had anything to do with Miles' death," Silvia said.

"Write down where I can find him. I don't need to know what you were paying him to keep quiet, just tell me where to find him. I will try to interview him and if it checks out, you have seen the end of me." Peter said.

"Then I'm sure I won't be seeing you again," Silvia said.

"Did you know Jerri and Louise were sleeping together. She seduced Louise," Trish said.

"That has nothing to do with me," Silvia said.

"Unless you planned to use her as a way to add drama to the show. Louise told me that you guys were all about the drama." Trish added.

"What has that got to do with Miles' death?" Silvia asked.

"Truth is you just never know," Peter said. He had no idea what difference it made, but he was not going to allow her to intimidate Trish either.

Trish was back behind the wheel of the Lincoln when she said, "I think she is lying."

"Hell they are probably all lying. This trip was all about gathering information. What we do with it once we analyze it, is where the art comes in," Peter said.

"I have a feeling that you aren't kidding. You have a feel for this shit don't you?" Trish asked.

"Well I have some unique incidents in my back ground that makes it possible to weigh all the possibilities," Peter said.

Two hours into the drive home they stopped at an economy motel. The owner seemed to be Persian. The motel itself seemed to be more upscale than the mom and pop version of a middle eastern motel. The lobby didn't smell of exotic food for one thing, thank god.

Peter and Trish finally made love that night. Since the mission was accomplished, Peter wasn't nearly as wound up. Relaxing was the secret to making love, at least it was for Peter.

The next morning they took turns in the bathroom. With Trish it took over an hour just to get her in and out of the bathroom. Since the interviews were over, they were in no hurry to get out the door of the motel and on the road.

On the way back to the highway they almost passed a Waffle House. Instead of driving by it Trish did an abrupt turn into the parking lot. Peter found the food adequate, Trish on the other hand ate like a lumberjack. She usually did he active sex mused.

"At least you have a good appetite," Peter commented.

"I like breakfast, after sex," she said.

"I'll bet you love the Sunday brunch in those fancy places in your usual world," Peter said.

"What do you mean by that?" Trish asked.

"Go into any breakfast restaurant, especially high end ones, on a Sunday morning. You well find several couples where either the man or the woman is in jeans. The other half of the couple will be in his or her fancy date outfit. " Peter said with a laugh.

"Ah I see. I will have to remember to carry a pair of jeans and sweat shirt when I go out henceforth." Trish said very seriously. "So now do we go home?"

Trish often changed subjects abruptly. The new subject never failed to catch Peter off guard.

Well it's either that or we push on to the south-land again. The murder site is two hundred miles closer than the university was. Unfortunately both are almost a thousand miles from Michigan," Peter said. "We can go home and rest up and help Iva with the work for a while. We can also make better plans after I have digested this latest stuff. There is almost certainly something I'm Missing," Peter said.

"Something we are missing, I'm a full partner," Trish said angrily.

"What has got your cage all shaky?" Peter asked.

"Oh, Just the blank future after all this time. For some reason nobody wants to hire me," she complained.

"I certainly can't understand that," Peter said looking out the window. "You do know your people skills need work."

"I know but I'm just not good at that kind of thing," she said. They began their drive for home late that morning. The two of them spent one more night in a trucker's motel along the interstate highway.

Peter held her all night the night. She didn't give up a thing, but he knew she was hurting. She cried but it was very ladylike. Tears leaked from her eyes but she remained calm.

Since Peter's plans for the investigation's future were very fluid, he allowed himself to over sleep. The two of them left the motel around 10am. They had coffee in their room from the brewery machine supplied with the room. It made one cup of coffee at a time, so it was a time consuming process for Peter.

"This coffee in this wasn't bad just a lot of trouble," Peter said to no one at all.

"This from the man whose coffee ritual is more labor intensive than the whole gold digger operation was," Trish said.

"True, but I make several cups of coffee at a time. This is the whole thing for one single cup of coffee," Peter explained to her.

"Yes but each cup is fresh," Trish said defending her position.

"How stale can your coffee get in ten minutes," Peter said.

"We should decide to disagree before world war three breaks out," Trish said in her dead voice. Even that harmless comment was out of character for her.

"Fair enough we have a long drive home, so let's get to it," Peter suggested. The drive wasn't all that long at all for a trucker, but it was for them.

They drove most of the day to arrive in Detroit in time to advise Iva in person that they would be returning to the office the next day. They also really wanted to see Helen.

"So did you miss us?" Peter asked Helen.

"Let's see. I had time to clean my house, So not really. You have only been gone a couple of days. Now I might have gotten horny, if you had been gone longer," she said with a smile.

"Do you want to go out for dinner or should we bring something over?" Peter asked.

"Let's eat take out," Trish suggested while standing in front of Helen's desk. She looked like a kid called into the principals office.

"Find something other then pizza and you have a deal," Helen agreed.

"I need to go by the apartment to be sure it hasn't been broken into or anything," Peter said.

"Then you two do your little thing, whatever that is, then come be a geek bearing gifts. I will throw the junk in the corner to make room for our feast. You Peter Sims can play with your computer and plot after dinner. Trish and I will find some way to amuse ourselves," Helen said smiling at Trish.

"Have I just been told to sleep alone tonight?" Peter asked with a smile.

"Not at all, just to allow us some girl time," Helen explained.

"We need some structure once this case is finished," Trish said.

"What kind of structure, like a schedule?" Helen asked.

"Yeah, am I allowed to be here on odd days of the month," Peter asked with a laugh.

"Nothing like that, I just think we don't need three separate apartments," Trish said."

"Trish you don't even have one apartment," Helen said.

"Well I want one now," Trish said. "I passed the bar, I'm sure I will get a job soon. In the meantime I have a little trust fund income. I would pay my share of the expenses. I just think we should all move in together. We can get our itches scratch safely."

"Well it would solve that awkward first date thing," Helen said. "I don't know about Peter?"

"Yeah what about Peter. What's in it for me." Peter asked.

"Clean clothes, hot food, and hot and cold running sex, what more could any man ask for?" Trish commented.

"Well, I have to admit it sounds good. It's not like I'm giving up my dream apartment or anything," Peter said. The truth was that it was a small upgrade. The downside was he would be expected to fix the dripping sinks and her house badly needed painting. He would also likely need an automobile to get around. For him it would be a lot of trouble for sure initially, but it did have the washer and dryer. The move also had the hot meal thing going for it. Peter decided to leave it to Helen, he would just go along.

Helen said, "The problem is that there is only one full bath."

"If we are all going out to dinner at the same time, that could be a problem," Peter said reasonably.

"There is that half bath in your bedroom," Trish said to Helen. "So there won't be any accidents."

"You are persistent, but if we do this we are going to need rules," Helen said.

"My god do you intent to have a no shoes in the house rule. If you do it's deal breaker," Peter said.

"No but one rule is you keep your shit in your own space. You also must clean up after yourself," Helen informed Peter sternly.

"Oh I see," he agreed. "So what do you think?"

"I don't know it will probably work," Helen said. "But you two get this straight I'm your lover, not your mother."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Trish said.

"So sit down and figure what it's going to take to make this work money wise," Peter demanded.

"I can tell you right now the fixed expenses run just under $1,500," Helen said.

"Part of the appeal was home cooked meals," Peter said.

"It might have been home cooked meals, but there was nothing about me being the one who cooks them. You can use my kitchen, if you want. But only if you clean up after yourselves," Helen said.

"Why are you being such a hard ass Helen?" Trish asked.

"Because I have raised two kids and now I'm free. I am willing to have you two as roommates, but like I said I'm not going to be your mother."

"Works for me," Peter said.

After a week Peter enjoyed everything about his new living situation. That only thing he didn't like was giving up the apartment. He had a feeling that he would be regretting it. He might even have kept it except that the women talked about a lack of commitment as if that were a bad thing.

The three of them lived and worked together for several weeks mostly because he couldn't seem to catch a break at work. The volume of new cases was just awful. Since he didn't have a clue where to go next on the gold digger murder, he just kind of drifted along until deep in February.

All that changed when Helen came to his cubicle on the last day of that short month. It had been over two years since the murder. "I found were that dude who was blackmailing Silvia can be found," she said.

"Well give it up," Peter said.

"The not so gentlemanly friend of Silvia's was killed in a holdup gone wrong, He was only twenty two at the time. The convenience store clerk must have looked like easy pickings to him. When demanded the clerk give up the money he didn't expect the clerk to resist," Helen said.

"Let me guess," Peter said. "He wasn't a clerk at all, he owned the store?"

"Exactly and he made up for his inability to fight, or chase down mischief makers in other ways," Trish guessed, since she was standing behind Helen.

"You two take all the fun out of giving you the news. The seventy year old man Said, and I quote. 'I whipped out my piece and shot the punk, ' "Helen explained.

"Good for him, but bad for us," Trish suggested. "Dead men tell no tales."

"I didn't have much faith in him as a suspect anyway," Peter revealed. "He would have no way of knowing when, or where he would find Miles. I think our best bet for a next move is to visit the scene of the crime."

On Friday Peter dropped the news on Iva. At the end of the day he would be leaving for a visit to the spot where Miles' body had been found.

"You know, you really need to decide whether you want to work here or not. I mean, you just take off for a week or two at a time," Iva said.

"Okay, I'll give it some thought during this trip," Peter promised. He did not change his plans.

Trish came walking out of her cubicle at the sound of their voices. "What is going on?" she asked.

"Are you going on the road trip as well?" Iva the terrible asked.

"As a matter of fact I am. We aren't sure how long we will be gone. The good news is after this one, we don't have any idea when or where we will go next," Trish said honestly.

Iva walked away in disgust. If Trish's family were not so connected to JustAct, she might have given Trish the veiled ultimatum as well. Instead she made noises as she walked away.

Peter and Trish had worked diligently since their return a couple of months before. That being the case, Peter didn't feel any guilt at all, and if Trish did, she didn't show it.

Since Helen's kids were on the way home from college for the weekend, she wanted the three roommates to take at least at least a couple of nights off from their relationship. She planned to spend to spend the weekend with her kids in her house.

Trish agreed to attend a fancy dinner party at her parents mansion on Saturday night since she had to be away from Helen's. She grudgingly agreed to allow Helen's son to sleep in her bed Friday and Saturday nights.

"Trish can be so strange," Helen admitted with a smile. "I had to agree to clean her room completely after the kids left."

"Well, they can use mine and won't even need to clean it when they leave. Hell they can even leave a couple of their stray girls behind," Peter said.

"Easy Peter," Helen said with a grin. "Term will be over in a couple of months,"

"Well I can find a place for the summer," Peter said. "Trish can always move home for a couple of months."

"I was hoping you would might do something like that. You do know you are the bestest," Helen replied.

"I will probably need a break from all this free love by then," Peter said trying to downplay it. It actually played to his benefit, since he was trying to keep the relationship as casual as possible.

Since Peter and Trish had gone to Helen's during lunch to pack, after work they went directly to the Days Inn to check Peter into the motel for the weekend.

The plan was simple. Trish and Peter would spend Friday night in the motel. Then go to breakfast Saturday morning before Peter dropped Trish at the mansion on the hill. He would have the use of the car until Sunday, when he would pick her up again for the road trip.

Since Trish was a bit of a clean freak, Peter drove to a real restaurant Saturday night. If there were going to be any take out stains in her car, they would be hers not his. He also no longer drank, so the car was not likely to have any serious damage, he rationalized.

When he left her at her house, he realized that he hadn't driven a car in several months. It was nice to just drive where ever he wanted without doing any calculations about how far he could make it. Gas engines were good for that at least. They had even come a long way as far as reliability. Even so the small engines were still basically unreliable.

After dropping Trish Peter went to the hardware store. There were several other errands he used it for as well. Finally he ended with a trip to Helen's. Once there he had dinner with Helen and her children. He willingly submitted himself to an interrogation.

The boy and girl college students spent most of their time sending and receiving text messages or checking on their facebook pages. It was ridiculous and he decided right there to never go out if public with them. It also didn't help that he had nothing to say to them after "Hello".

Peter was in bed by 11pm. It wasn't the first time he had slept alone since 'the arrangement' but it was one of the few.

He was surprised how easy it was to sleep knowing Helen and Trish weren't in the house. The three of them seldom shared a bed. There was usually a random pairing based on nothing at all.

After lunch on Sunday Peter drove to the mansion on the hill. He called her while on the road, "So you ready to return to the great unwashed?" he asked.

"I am so ready," she said. "However there is a problem."

"Oh?" Peter asked.

"My dad insists on meeting you," Trish said.

"I don't do 'meet the parents'," Peter said. It had as much to do with his personality, as it did with protecting his cover. The cover ID was the important consideration.

"Peter, if you don't do this he is going to hire private investigators to research you. It would be best to just meet with him and convince him we are just work colleagues," Trish assured him.

"Five minutes, no more," Peter said as he pulled into the drive.

It was twenty minutes later when he placed a suitcase into the trunk of her car. "What's that?" she asked pointing to the closed box.

"It's my coffee making kit from the apartment," Peter explained. "I thought I would take it on this trip. If you don't have some warm clothes packed, you should maybe pack them."

"You told me that already. That's what is in the suitcase which you just put in the trunk," Trish explained.

They were almost at the motel when she asked, "So what did you think of my father."

"He was what I expected," Peter said.

"I'm sure I will hear his opinion of you whether I like it or not," Trish admitted.

"Of course you will. You are his daughter after all," Peter explained.

The plan had always been to leave for the mountain where Miles died immediately. They were well on the road when Trish got the call from her dad.

"Peter watched her make faces as she listened to his opinion of their relationship. Her father didn't like it of course. Peter wonder how her father would react, if he knew the extent of Trish's depravity.

"It's official he hates you," she said.

"That's strange it usually takes at least two meetings before people hate me," Peter said with a smile.

"No, that's a good thing," she said with a giggle.

"If you say so," Peter agreed.

"They drove until midnight, then checked into a highway motel. They slept in the same bed but kept their distance. It had been a long trying weekend."

Over a late breakfast the next morning Trish asked, "I wonder how Helen's weekend went?"

"The kids seemed curious about our relationship," Peter explained.

"So what did she tell them?" Trish asked.

"She told them that, I was in Detroit temporarily to help review cases for the DOJ. I asked to be a housemate for a while and she agreed." Peter replied.

"What about me," Trish said.

"You, she explained. Needed to get away from your parent for a while. She explained to the kids that she knew us both from work, so she was sure we were harmless. She needed the help with their college expenses. I think she added that god knows their father was no help," Peter explained.

"Yeah, that sounds like Helen for sure," Trish said.

They rode in silence for a long time. The introspection passed too quickly for Peter. It was interrupted by Trish's speaking.

"Iva the terrible gave you an ultimatum didn't she?" Trish asked.

"Yes she did," Peter said. "It wasn't quite that strong, but it pretty much was. She just lacked the courage to deliver it with the strength needed. It is what it is though."

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1 year ago
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Internal AffairsChapter 8

He still had the patrol car parked outside of the insurance agent's office at night on his mind. He should bring in all the officers, of the squad on duty at the times of the complaints. He had a feeling that since it was a morals issue that would never happen. He could get a general warning about girlfriends and sex on the job issued, but he wanted to target it a little closer. He also wanted it to come from the desk cops, if they felt the brass badge group felt it had to come out at all....

2 years ago
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Internal AffairsChapter 13

Friday came and went, much like Helen. Helen proved to be funny, forward, and sexy. For a woman over forty she was very attractive even without her clothes. Peter enjoyed her company as much as the sexual experience. Helen was just good fun whether in or out of bed. Saturday morning the weather turned just plain nasty. It was snowing almost hard enough to be a white out. The twenty five mile and hour wind off the lake made it just plain brutal. Since it started to snow the night before...

2 years ago
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Internal Affair

In the late 70's I worked as a computer programmer for a company that supplied accounting software to small businesses. Our company was located in a research park next to the campus of a state university. Part of the business model for my employers was to take advantage of that location by hiring interns from the university. Internships were a good deal for both the students and our company; the students got valuable job experience to put on their resumes when they graduated, and we got cheap...

1 year ago
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Internal Affairs Ch 05

Rose decided that she should use her cell phone to order take out pizza. She also decided that they could stop to pick it up on the way to her apartment. After roger retrieved the pizza, she drove straight to a tall concrete condo building near the Governmental plaza. ‘Nice place,’ Roger said upon seeing the inside. ‘Corporate welfare,’ Rose explained. ‘It’s owned by the company. When someone higher up the food chain comes along, I can be asked to move out. In the meantime we can enjoy the...

2 years ago
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Internal AffairsChapter 5

Rose decided that she should use her cell phone to order take out pizza. She also decided that they could stop to pick it up on the way to her apartment. After roger retrieved the pizza, she drove straight to a tall concrete condo building near the Governmental plaza. "Nice place," Roger said upon seeing the inside. "Corporate welfare," Rose explained. "It's owned by the company. When someone higher up the food chain comes along, I can be asked to move out. In the meantime we can...

2 years ago
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Internal Affairs Ch 03

‘Hillary I need a couple of hours off this morning,’ Roger said. ‘Of course is everything alright?’ she asked. It was obvious to Roger that over the course of the past month, she had developed a bond with Roger. A bond between the high school nerd, she had been a nerd without a doubt, and the kid nobody liked. They bonded from the necessity for human contact. They would have never been friends, if not for their mutual outsider status. ‘My sister is going to be passing through town. It will be...

3 years ago
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Internal Affairs Ch 10

The night sitter replaced Jan Saturday night at 9pm. They spent two hours watching the TV provided by the Residence Hotel. He was an opinionated prick, Roger thought. At 11pm Roger went to the bedroom showered then went to bed. He left Tate watching the late news shows. Roger didn’t want to discuss politics, which was why he left. Roger slept pretty well. He felt like he knew what was going on. The had him to disappear pretty well. They were also hiding him just as well. Roger seemed to relax...

4 years ago
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Internal Affairs Ch 11

The next morning Peter awoke not really sure where he was. He was still under thirty so it was more that he was just disoriented than any else. Sleeping on the floor in a totally different place left him shaky, even after three safe houses. It was just too much for his sleep drugged mind to process. After he rolled off the bed it took boiling water poured through coffee grinds to finally remove his head from his ass. Whether it was manipulating the non electric coffee maker, the time it took...

3 years ago
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Internal Affairs Ch 07

Roger worked up until 5pm on Friday, reading complaints and writing follow up reports. Most of them were simple ‘complaint unfounded’ type reports. Sometimes when he felt there might be some misconduct, but it was so minor as to be insignificant, he would make a ‘lack of hard evidence’ report and move on. Roger had to be careful because all his reports, regardless of the findings, moved up the chain. As Roger left the office Friday night, Hillary suggested they go to dinner. Not at a greasy...

1 year ago
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Internal Affairs Ch 02

The bust went down just as Roger expected. The vice unit rolled up on most of the gang before the word got out. They were processing the scene using the lab people, who had managed to avoid being tainted by Roger’s investigation, so the evidence was solid. Mark had lied about the timing in order to keep the drug house raid a secret, even from Roger. Roger didn’t mind. ‘The word is out that you were Vice’s secret weapon on that abandoned house,’ Hillary suggested. ‘How did that happen,’...

2 years ago
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Internal Affairs Ch 14

When Trish and Peter left on their trip to the small university town a couple of hundred miles from the mining site, they were going to be looking for Louise. The drive was eight hundred miles from Detroit to the town where Miles had lived. It took the best part of the day. Even in the big fancy sedan Trish furnished. Peter first found out about the big Lincoln sedan, when he met Trish in the parking lot of his place early in the morning. He stood looking out the window of the apartment...

2 years ago
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Internal Affairs Ch 15

Peter awoke with a terrible need to use the bathroom. There was absolutely no schedule in his life of late. I didn’t help that he was unable to sleep through the night for some reason. It might have to do with two women in the bed with him moaning all night. He had at least slept well the night before. He went to bed early and even Trish fell instantly asleep. Neither of them seemed to have missed their goodnight kisses. They took turns in the bathroom that morning beginning with Peter....

2 years ago
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Internal AffairsChapter 2

The bust went down just as Roger expected. The vice unit rolled up on most of the gang before the word got out. They were processing the scene using the lab people, who had managed to avoid being tainted by Roger's investigation, so the evidence was solid. Mark had lied about the timing in order to keep the drug house raid a secret, even from Roger. Roger didn't mind. "The word is out that you were Vice's secret weapon on that abandoned house," Hillary suggested. "How did that...

2 years ago
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Internal AffairsChapter 3

'Hillary I need a couple of hours off this morning," Roger said. "Of course is everything alright?" she asked. It was obvious to Roger that over the course of the past month, she had developed a bond with Roger. A bond between the high school nerd, she had been a nerd without a doubt, and the kid nobody liked. They bonded from the necessity for human contact. They would have never been friends, if not for their mutual outsider status. "My sister is going to be passing through town. It...

3 years ago
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Internal AffairsChapter 6

He met Rose in the park across from the headquarters building. She brought the Walmart bag with his clothes from the previous day. "So do I kiss you, or pretend we didn't have sex last night?" he asked. "We didn't have sex last night," she said emphatically. "Okay, if you feel like you need to deny it, I will play along," he said. "You might not want to talk like that with most people. They might have you locked away in a padded room," Rose said seriously. "Ah well, no cerebral...

4 years ago
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Internal AffairsChapter 7

Roger worked up until 5pm on Friday, reading complaints and writing follow up reports. Most of them were simple 'complaint unfounded' type reports. Sometimes when he felt there might be some misconduct, but it was so minor as to be insignificant, he would make a 'lack of hard evidence' report and move on. Roger had to be careful because all his reports, regardless of the findings, moved up the chain. As Roger left the office Friday night, Hillary suggested they go to dinner. Not at a...

4 years ago
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Internal AffairsChapter 9

Roger had given it a lot of thought. All he had was Hillary's vague confession to him. There was no real evidence against her. It was just the time line. I was the wake up call he needed to convince him it would take years to be safe, if he ever managed it at all. Having the cops that pissed off at you wasn't like having your neighbor pissed. Cops could do all kinds of things to a guy. They weren't likely to kill him, but they would likely have no problem killing his dog. He didn't have a...

1 year ago
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Internal AffairsChapter 10

The night sitter replaced Jan Saturday night at 9pm. They spent two hours watching the TV provided by the Residence Hotel. He was an opinionated prick, Roger thought. At 11pm Roger went to the bedroom showered then went to bed. He left Tate watching the late news shows. Roger didn't want to discuss politics, which was why he left. Roger slept pretty well. He felt like he knew what was going on. The had him to disappear pretty well. They were also hiding him just as well. Roger seemed to...

2 years ago
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Internal AffairsChapter 11

The next morning Peter awoke not really sure where he was. He was still under thirty so it was more that he was just disoriented than any else. Sleeping on the floor in a totally different place left him shaky, even after three safe houses. It was just too much for his sleep drugged mind to process. After he rolled off the bed it took boiling water poured through coffee grinds to finally remove his head from his ass. Whether it was manipulating the non electric coffee maker, the time it took...

3 years ago
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Internal AffairsChapter 12

"So what did you want?" Peter asked Trish. "I wasn't kidding. I want to be part of your group," she answered. "Don't you get it? There is no group. I'm just looking into this case in my spare time. Which you are taking up. I had permission to work till on it till the end of the day. Anything we do after today is off the books and will screw up your recommendations from Iva. This is not some glamorous revolution. It's just a lark," Peter replied. "Deacon, it's something that...

4 years ago
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Internal AffairsChapter 14

When Trish and Peter left on their trip to the small university town a couple of hundred miles from the mining site, they were going to be looking for Louise. The drive was eight hundred miles from Detroit to the town where Miles had lived. It took the best part of the day. Even in the big fancy sedan Trish furnished. Peter first found out about the big Lincoln sedan, when he met Trish in the parking lot of his place early in the morning. He stood looking out the window of the apartment...

3 years ago
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International Cowgirl

If your intention was to escape the roar of the crowd packed into the giant stadium, the best place to be probably wasn’t the changing rooms. But this was the only place Lulu knew where she could find any degree of privacy. Of course, she wasn’t the only one collapsed head-down on a wooden bench, her arms draped over her knees and hands dangling loosely down. Women from events other than hers were slumped in a similar state of post-performance blues. Unsurprisingly it was those not celebrating...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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International Cowgirl

If your intention was to escape the roar of the crowd packed into the giant stadium, the best place to be probably wasn't the changing rooms. But this was the only place Lulu knew where she could find any degree of privacy. Of course, she wasn't the only one collapsed head-down on a wooden bench, her arms draped over her knees and hands dangling loosely down. Women from events other than hers were slumped in a similar state of post-performance blues. Unsurprisingly it was those not...

2 years ago
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International Dating Agency II

INTERNATIONAL DATING AGENCY II By Roy Del Frink Well, thanks to that altered batch of six young college men, my agency has all the ladies it needs. You'd be surprised how many men would like to hire a beautiful young lady to accompany them to a party, restaurant, night on the town, or other social function. Some of them even ask for "special favors" afterwards, which I naturally charge extra for. But my girl has to agree to it; the welfare of my employees is my biggest concern. If...

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International Dating Agency

Not one of my best, but still another work from me. The most difficult part, actually, was scouring the World Wide Web for translations. INTERNATIONAL DATING AGENCY by Roy Del Frink It was another slow day. I was waiting for clients to show, but since my brand-new International Dating Agency only had a couple escorts and no ads out, there really wasn't much to do. I was about to fold shop when I saw six college-age men enter the shop. "Hi," they told me, "we want six of your...

4 years ago
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International Dating Agency The GoldHearted Copper

International Dating Agency: The Gold-Hearted Copper By Roy Del Frink 10:30 AM: Well, it seems I, Officer Colin O'Brien, have my first case for the day. Actually, it's not a case so much as an order of business. The longest arm of the law in the city, Police Chief Billy Vincent, has asked me to investigate this escort service called "International Dating Agency." He feels an organization, which allows men to pay money for sex, is illegal prostitution, even if the sex is...

2 years ago
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Intern Wanted

"It all depends on whether I am in the right mood, you know? Sometimes I just need to get wet to relax." John looked up from his working bench just in time to see the new intern Sarah walk into the part of the office he was walking in, followed closely by two other colleagues of him. Within seconds he found out that this particular day turned out to be just another one of those days where jokes had spun out of control in the presence of the 23 year old Sarah. It seemed never directly her fault...

2 years ago
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International Womens Freedom Front Part I

The International Women's Freedom Front Part I By Katie Dale John Tallon's father Paul was a successful doctor, so successful that John's mother Beth was able to stay home and not work. She was happy with that. They were a traditional Christian family with traditional - maybe old fashioned - Christian values. They went to their local church every Sunday, and were always volunteering for various church charity functions. Paul was considered one of the best Gynecologists in...

1 year ago
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International Espionage An insiders tale

I’ve been a member of the SIS (Secret Investigative Services or MI6 as its been called) for over 15 years and was recently promoted to second in charge, Deputy Director with special responsibility for international terrorism and security. The job comes with a lot of perks not the least of which a full time Gulfstream with crew. Since my advancement took on new energy 5 years ago I’ve had a personal protection team assigned to me, 4 agents two male and two female. They usually work 48...

4 years ago
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International Relations

My oldest son, Alexei announced his intention to us over breakfast. He wanted to be an international exchange student. I took it in as I ate my fried eggs and toast. I, too, spent time as doing what he has mentioned.My name is Oleg Ursu. I was born and raised in the eastern European nation of Moldova. I live with my wife, Valentina, and three c***dren in the city of Comrat. I am a general practice physician. I swallowed a gulp of my tea as I recalled my youth. I speak Romanian, Russian, English...

3 years ago
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International Womens Day

International Women's Day: It was International Women's day. I did not know this as I woke up to find my wife Christine standing over me. She had something like a pencil in her hands. I had just about realised this when she said: "Hold still Chrissie and don't blink!" Why was she calling me Chrissie? I should explain that I have always had a tendency to do what I was told. I also had been brought up to always tell the truth when I was spoken to even when telling the truth...

3 years ago
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Intern Meant Tramp

Intern Meant Tramp An Athena Corp Chronicles Side Story ----------------------------------- It was his first day on the job and Josh was struggling to adapt. He'd spent the first three hours of the day scanning through the giant syllabus and surfing the network of databases and GUIs that compromised the company's content deployment system. It was a dizzying amount of information to take in and Josh quickly realized he was in over his head. In truth, he'd exaggerated the...

3 years ago
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International Incident Ch 01

The Honorable Brian Smith was furious, as his wife’s body lay on the bathroom floor, the victim of a suicide brought on by constant flashbacks of her rape by Ambassador Geoffrey Maxwell, the Canadian envoy to the UN. The worse thing was that Maxwell had diplomatic immunity, so nothing could be legally done to him. Here he was, a federal judge, and he could do nothing about the crime. The law he loved so much had failed him here. What more could Judge Smith do, if he could not punish a rapist...

2 years ago
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Intern Temptation

Not a whole lot, Hugo realises. His intern hasn’t put his iPhone down for the last five minutes, just endlessly scrolling something he’ll probably tell Hugo he’s too old for, with his stupid pretty face a mix of sass and sympathy. “I wouldn’t let anyone else catch you staring like that,” Ellis is looking at him now, looking like he knows everything there is and that Hugo’s a fool. ...Hugo is a fool. “No one else catches my eye,” he responds, setting his face in an attempt at...

3 years ago
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International Sex Fight

You are a student at an international university, attended by students from all over the world, and you're kind of low on cash. A pink haired Danish punk girl you know, Sasha, tells you about a contest some of the more "liberal" girls have occasionally, an attempt to prove which of their nationalities has the sexiest, sassiest, strongest girls. The girls compete in a leauge, having what she calls "sex fights" with guys, and moving up or down the league if they lose or win. She tells you that...

2 years ago
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Interns First Blowjob

It was tax season and I had to work until midnight to get the tax data for our corporate tax returns. My boss Phil went up to my cute young nineteen year old intern Tim and told him he was worried about a women being alone in the building that late. He asked Tim if he would mind staying in the building until I was done. Phil added the admonition “Tim you walk Carol to her car to make sure she’s OK”. Tim was a nice k** and said “sure, I’ll just study for my exams here, no problem. Well several...

3 years ago
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International fucking

International fuckingIntroduction: This milf was full of surprises, on a trip to Oslo, Norway.Every word of the following story is true, the woman I shared this experience with was absolutely wonderful, both in and outside the bedroom.I was, 24at the time this happened, black man on a trip with his friends in Oslo. She's Lori, 48, around 5'8 a bit on the chubby side but beautiful with it and looks to kill. Caurasian, a beautiful round ass, gorgeous smile and what I would later find out to be...

4 years ago
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International fucking

International fuckingIntroduction: This milf was full of surprises, on a trip to Oslo, Norway.Every word of the following story is true, the woman I shared this experience with was absolutely wonderful, both in and outside the bedroom.I was, 24at the time this happened, black man on a trip with his friends in Oslo. She's Lori, 48, around 5'8 a bit on the chubby side but beautiful with it and looks to kill. Caurasian, a beautiful round ass, gorgeous smile and what I would later find out to be...

3 years ago
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Intern Ko Jam Ke Choda

Dear friends, I am Raj Kashyap, born and brought up in Bhubaneswar, young 6ft tall of well built handsome man always have workout in gym. I work as Asst. Manager in a reputed firm in Noida. Being a reputed firm, most of educational institution sends students for internship. The story I want to share with you, of my affair happened with me 2 years ago, when newly promoted to my current position. An intern named Preety a sweet sexy and fun loving girl, anybody can go latoo on her curves. Her...

1 year ago
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Intern Reaction

Chapter 1 Chelsea was in her early 20s and she'd been rapidly budding into a young woman. She'd been in early adolescence when her father, Bill, had moved into the Oval Office and while Bill and her mother, Hillary, didn't think she was aware of his dalliances with other women besides her mother, Chelsea was much more insightful into his behavior than they could have imagined. Chelsea was very pleased when she began to develop a budding womanly figure. It had seemed forever before she...

3 years ago
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International Relations Ch 04

The annual school awards presentation this year was being held in a function room of a nice hotel in Birmingham, traditionally while the whole school attended the awards, as the function was always towards the end of the school year the sixth form usually organised a social to immediately follow the awards. Previous years this had been at local Rugby clubs or anywhere we could hire cheaply, but this year because the school had already paid for the function room we took advantage and decided to...

4 years ago
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International Relations

This is the prelude to a short series of stories based around a love lost. Please be gentle with comments this is my first attempt. * The beginning of innocence lost. It was the summer of ’89, and although my memories of a few precious hours with you still seemed clear and crisp in my mind from the previous year, my imagination was working overtime as to how you would react when we would be together again. For a year, in fact almost fourteen months, we had been writing to each other...

2 years ago
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International BJ

Our roommate said he was going to take a shower. He said he’d make it fast, but Justin told him to take his time. Justin and I were lying in our own beds, about 3 feet apart. I was on my side, looking at him, and he was on his back, head tilted toward me. As the shower water started, Justin said, “You look uncomfortable. Move over here.” He tapped a spot on the bed, right next to him. He sat up, back against the wall, and legs stretched across to my bed. I moved over and sat the same way,...

1 year ago
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International Espionage An insiders tale CHAP 59

Chapter 5 Everyone but Betsy was seated around the Conference table and the stewardess, Becky was beginning to put different types of food out. Plenty of appetizer-type items were being served family style and she was taking drink orders. I wanted something strong so I ordered Bushmill on the rocks, the other two guys ordered liquor as well and Allie wanted a glass of wine. Betsy was in the main cabin keeping watch on the prisoners although there wasn’t much to watch as they were shackled...

1 year ago
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International Exchange Concert

Robert Jabez put his computer on the empty seat next to him and stepped into the aisle of the tour bus carrying him and his fellow musicians north toward Buffalo and the Canadian border. He glanced at the bus they were trailing and started back for the rest room, ignoring the whist game going on across the way between the director of music, Dr. Paul Sella, aka ‘Don Paolo,’ aka ‘the Godfather,’ Mrs. Dunnigan, one of the chaperones, and two of his fellow students. He passed the rear door on the...

1 year ago
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Internation Relations

For the love of my life… I wake up in the morning, and you’re not next to me. It’s kind of weird, because normally I have to wake up and go to work before you stir. Even though you are normally sleeping, I appreciate the opportunity to put my arms around you… Rub myself against you… Thrust my nose into your hair and smell how delicious it is. My fingertips crave your nipples. The palms of my hand are addicted to cupping your breasts. I am addicted to you. Waking up in the morning and doing...

4 years ago
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International Relations Ch 05

The party was starting to quieten down, so I suggest we go somewhere a little more private. Smiling you suggest your hosts parents wouldn’t like that but take my hand anyway as I lead you quietly out of the function room and into the waiting elevator. Once again with mock innocence in your voice you ask ‘Where I am taking you?’ – Your smile and the eagerness to stay close to me completely contradicting your mock concern. Playing your game I inform you I just need something from my room and...

3 years ago
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International relations

 I thrust hard into Jutta as her body tensed for her final climax. Her impeccable hair and makeup contrasting with the lust in her half-closed blue eyes pushed me onward, upward, and inward as I caressed her erect nipples and small breasts through her silk blouse and lacy brassiere. I thrust harder, knowing the stage she was at, and without fail it pushed her to the edge. Her eyes closed, blue irises replaced by light green and blue shaded lids, and then her head fell back as wave after wave of...

College Sex
4 years ago
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International Interracial Part 1

After my night with Marie I was feeling good, she put some strut back in my step, just what I needed before heading to Europe on a 2 day business trip.My Personal Assistant was on the trip with me to help manage e-mails, calls and the usual but she was mainly along to sightsee. My PA is my wife’s bothers wife (yeah that’s right...) so I can’t fire her, can’t complain about her work and usually end up doing her task’s myself. I won’t k** you; she has an erotic quality and a fantastic body. ...

3 years ago
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International Love With A Foreigner

mail me at This is a true incident that I wish to share and this is about a female with whom I had a wild sex experience at India when she came. Myself Vicky (name changed) with an average body and working in a MNC IT firm at Manchester. This incident took place when I was at Noida, India. I used to chat with many of people over internet and I found this female once in nimbuzz which is a chatting website in phone. Initially I was not able to chat with this lady whose name was tita. Time passed...

2 years ago
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International Dating Agency The Managers Secret

IDA: The Manager's Secret by Roy Del Frink It's me again, the fellow who manages the IDA agency. I've been in business for nearly three weeks, and by now I've seen everything. Well, almost everything. Just yesterday, I had my first female customer. Let me tell you about it. She walked up to the front desk, a raven-haired beauty in a red dress. Her shoes were matching flats. She strutted towards the front counter in a most sensual style. I felt aroused by her. Every single movement...

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