The BoxChapter 7
- 3 years ago
- 23
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Her body undulated, creeping around me, fat, heavy coils lined with scales so imperceptibly smooth they might as well be skin brushed against me. Her chubby tail encircled me in a prison made of taut muscle that flowed like liquid. I struggled impotently, my limbs bound tightly against my body, but it was pointless, I could no more escape from her clutches than a fly could escape a spider. Images of monstrous snakes played through my mind as the great animal loomed over me, its imposing shadow casting me into darkness. It struck with the speed and force of a moving train, bringing it’s vicious teeth down towards my face. I braced myself for the killing blow, hollow fangs puncturing my fleshy neck and injecting me with corrosive toxins, but it never came. Instead I felt large, soft lips press against mine, and a warm, wet tongue snake it’s way into my mouth. My tense body relaxed and I began to see stars, the kiss was deep and long, the thick organ almost covetous as it entwined with my own. She pulled back, a strand of saliva linking our lips, and those penetrating amber eyes burned into me.
I awoke with a start, sweat dripped from my chin and my groin ached. My sheets were damp with perspiration, the night air from an open window failed to alleviate the uncomfortable heat of my small apartment. I threw the sheets off me, and swung out of bed, wiping sweat from my brow.
Another dream. I had been having them for days. I walked across the cramped space in a few short strides and pulled a carton of orange juice from the fridge, taking a long draw. I hated this new apartment, my family’s farm house had been taken from me by ADVENT, the clinic my guest and her cohorts had been assigned to protect had been destroyed completely by XCOM terrorists in a daring raid, and in the fallout many of the surrounding farms and residences had been evacuated, mine included. My house was miles from that clinic, but it was all very hush-hush, they didn’t want anyone snooping around out there. The Elders, in their infinite grace, had provided me with a shitty 10x10 cube in the nearest residential district. I scoffed, and took another swig of juice. ADVENT took care of all your needs, your employment as well, and now they had me working down at the bottling plant, the work was more tedious and paid less than my assembly plant job had, and if I didn’t like it I was free to complain to the civil police and have them wave stun batons at me. I hated this apartment, I hated this city, I hated those XCOM rebels and I hated ADVENT for putting me here, I had been a good citizen, I had done everything I was supposed to do, and I had lost my property and my job as a result.
I couldn’t get her out of my head. That damn alien who had been foisted upon me, that girl who had intruded into my life and shown me experiences I didn’t know existed. She had left so abruptly, and by the time she was gone I had only just started to realize how much I wanted her to stay. Thinking about her made my head spin, the whole ordeal had short-circuited my brain and now all I could think about, all I could see when I closed my eyes, was that creature. There might be plenty more fish in the sea, but friendly Vipers were in short supply. Most nights she intruded into my dreams as she had my house, taunting me with memories of her unearthly grace and her ravenous lovemaking. I wondered if there might have been some way to stay in contact with her, but it had never been in the cards, she was tied to her job, as were all aliens, they had traveled millions of miles to be here, it was no idle undertaking. Still, I missed her terribly, and returning to my bachelor lifestyle after she had left had been jarring, I felt empty and alone. I looked at the wall clock, it was 5am, I might as well make some instant coffee and power through, I’d be due at work in an hour and a half.
My boots splashed on the sidewalk, the neon signs of the service district reflected in puddles as I marched, my head bowed, braced against the downpour. The smell of rain permeated the cool morning air, and the sun was slowly rising behind the buildings as I made my way to the factory. Every intersection here had a checkpoint, where ADVENT peacekeepers would demand your papers and push you around if you gave them any lip, and they weren’t exactly the highlight of my daily routine. I dug in my pocket for my ID card and walked up to the checkpoint, stopping at the barrier. One of the soldiers waved me forward and swiped my ID, scrutinizing it through his opaque visor. He babbled to his companion in some offworld dialect and handed my card back to me, motioning impatiently for me to continue.
Something caught my eye through the rain, a familiar movement that set my heart beating like a drum, rolling hips, a serpentine tail. I met the gaze of a Viper, tall and sinewy, black armor covering her torso and hood. My heart leapt into my throat and my eyes met hers. Her gaze was cold and predatory, she stared through me, not seeing me as a person but as a potential threat to her checkpoint, she fingered the trigger on her oversized rifle as she watched me cautiously. The troops had been placed on high alert due to the clinic incident, they had been displaying holographic WANTED posters of known insurgents all over the city and there were rumors they had been given orders to shoot on sight. I turned my gaze back to the ground, it wasn’t my viper. My stomach churned and I chided myself for my foolishness, I would never see her again, and jumping at shadows wasn’t going to help me deal with that fact. I trudged on, away from the checkpoint and towards the bottling plant, eager to start my day’s work and get it over with.
I clocked out, the sun was already getting low in the sky, painting it a deep orange as I left through the plant’s chain-link gates and began to make my way back to my apartment. My shifts were long and tedious, a farcry from the more complex and technical work I had done at my assembly job where I had been a valued employee. As I walked I wondered idly if any of the turrets I had assembled had been used to defend the clinic, and if so, had they scored any hits on the insurgents? I hoped I had at least wounded one in revenge for the loss of my property and my current sorry situation. I had thought long and hard about trying to find a new job, about advancement or promotion at the plant into a less menial managerial position, but in the end the concentration of soldiers and police in this district had kept me from making any waves. I just wasn’t comfortable around them, beat cops these were not, they were mean, heavily armed, and they had a propensity to harass pedestrians who loitered or made trouble. Wherever XCOM operated, so too did you start to see a larger concentration of what people liked to refer to as “X-rays”, a term popularized before the end of the contact war that referred to enemy combatants of an extra-terrestrial origin. The term had become somewhat of a slur by those with pro-rebel leanings, who saw them as a foreign occupation force, and much preferred to be policed by soldiers of human origin. My experiences had changed my position on X-rays, and I no longer saw them as alien monsters but as people like any of us, thrust into a hostile alien environment that they were not familiar with, which would absolutely account for their twitchy and hostile behavior. This was rapidly becoming their Vietnam, and as much as I disliked their temperament, I had my sympathies.
After a while I came back into view of the checkpoint, I cursed under my breath and subconsciously removed my hands from my pockets so as not to appear suspicious. What awful luck, there were a lot of checkpoints in this district, but to have one directly between my apartment and my place of work was just snake eyes, and after such a long day of tedium I was in no mood for a shakedown. I didn’t know this area all too well yet, but I wondered if there was an alternate route I could take to avoid it. I thumbed my phone idly, bringing up a GPS map of the local area. Yes! It looked like there was an alley that would lead me around the checkpoint and back out near my apartment, it might add an extra 10 minutes to my route, but it would be worth it. Trying my best to appear casual, I took the turn off the street into the alleyway.
The tall buildings cast deep shadows from the low sun, and the alley was steeped in gloom, trash bags and discarded litter covered the ground, and rusted fire escapes lined the walls. ADVENT were big on appearances, they kept the streets clean enough, but these forgotten alleys and old back roads seemed to have escaped their attention. Ever since they had taken over, crime besides sedition was basically non-existent, the penalties for things like mugging were harsh and disruptions to civil society were not tolerated, so I didn’t feel vulnerable as I made my way through, absent-mindedly kicking a crushed soda can out of my path.
Then I saw the viper. It looked like the same one from earlier in the day, and I cursed myself for my lapse in judgment as she had been conspicuously absent from the checkpoint, I had noticed but it hadn’t registered in my mind. She was coming down the alley from the opposite direction, her massive, winding coils pushing the trash aside as she passed. She was smaller than my viper had been, and I noticed her bust was less impressive, but she was still an imposing creature, her reflective eyes sending a shiver down my spine in the relative darkness. I panicked a little, of course ADVENT would patrol this alley, because it bypassed the fucking checkpoint, oh you moron, now you’re really in the shit! Trying to avoid the checkpoint I had passed through without incident this morning looked mighty suspicious, and she had been there to see my face, I had gawked at her like someone seeing an X-ray for the first time. Now I didn’t have any choice but to pass her, she would have seen me by now and if I tried to hide or I turned around to go back the way I came, she might just shoot me.
I was shaking, I braced myself and marched on, desperate to keep my eyes to the ground but unable to take my gaze off her, they darted back and forth like a frightened dog. I was walking stiffly and I must have been sweating, they could smell that, vipers could taste fear on the air. She approached me, cocking her angular head and slipping her long, gaunt finger into the trigger of her weapon. Her tongue flicked the air as her glare followed me. The alley was barely large enough for me to pass her, it would be uncomfortably close.
As I neared her, she moved her weighty coils to block my path, her massive bulk filling the space between the two buildings, and trained her weapon on me, scrutinizing my face. I could barely tell vipers apart, could she tell humans apart? I raised my arms slowly and deliberately, doing my best to appear inoffensive. I was a country boy, I had never been stopped by an alien before, what was I supposed to do? Somehow I doubted “evening officer” would diffuse the situation. I wanted to reach for my ID, but if she thought I was pulling a weapon she would kill me faster than I could explain myself. She warbled something into her wrist display, keeping me in her sights, then after a few moments I heard the pounding of boots on the moist ground. Two of the three ADVENT soldiers from the checkpoint had come running down the alley, she had undoubtedly called for backup, or perhaps she just wasn’t trained to deal with humans and needed their help. I remembered that my viper simply lacked the vocal organs for human speech and so was forced to use an unwieldy translator that she soon abandoned once our interactions became ... less verbal.
One of the soldiers pulled out a stun baton that fizzled menacingly, its blue arcs of electricity reflecting in his glossy red armor, and shouted at me angrily in some language I didn’t speak. I stayed motionless, and the second moved closer to frisk me, eventually finding my ID card. This one seemed to speak some broken English, and chewed me out for using the back alley instead of the checkpoint. Because of the recent terrorist activities nearby, a viper had been assigned to patrol this alleyway, I was told that I was lucky to be alive and that ADVENT would not have been held responsible if I had been killed for my suspicious behavior. They would let me go, but only because I was known to the security services at the checkpoint and their records showed that I lived nearby. I apologized profusely, and as the viper continued on her patrol route down the alley the soldiers escorted me back to the road and sent me on my way.
I rushed home and fell into my bed, grateful to be alive. Enough excitement for one day, I would use the checkpoint tomorrow and just suck it up. As I stared at the ceiling, my thoughts turned to the viper again, that was the closest I had gotten to one, or any alien really, since my guest had left and I had been moved to the residential district. As scared as I had been, her intimidating size and fluid movements had sparked memories of my past encounter. My mind seethed with half-remembered images and sensations, running my hands over her firm abs, her skin like silk, the soft swell of her hips tapering into a muscular tail, the weight of her on top of me, pressing me to the ground, those exaggerated, heavy breasts hanging in my face like two watermelons made of flesh, her probing kisses that turned my legs into useless jello.
This was becoming an unhealthy obsession, a fetish, but the things she had done to me, the way she had made me feel, the sensations she had forced on me, I couldn’t forget them, conflict wracked my mind as I tried to reconcile her aggressive sexual advances and my own poorly suppressed craving for them. The fact that I couldn’t experience those things again drove me insane, and my groin swelled with dissatisfaction and frustration. There was no solution, I had to find a way to deal with these emotions, but their nocturnal intrusions from my subconscious were impossible to suppress, no matter how much I busied and distracted myself during the day. Perhaps I would see a doctor at the local clinic, yes, I would tell him I was having trouble sleeping and maybe he’d prescribe something to induce dreamless sleep, then perhaps I could just focus on my work and I’d be free of these intrusive thoughts. With a potential solution to my problem in mind I felt a little better, and decided to chance sleep.
The next morning I passed the checkpoint as usual, and I was relieved to see that the guards had been changed since the previous night, they didn’t recognize me and gave me no special attention, merely impatiently hurrying me through. I noted that the viper was not present today, perhaps she was on a different rotation now, or maybe she was half way down the alley keeping an eye out for insurgents that might be rooting through the garbage. It was as good a start to my day as I could expect, and I continued on to the bottling plant feeling refreshed. I would make an appointment at the clinic during my lunch break and inquire about some sleep medication, and then maybe I would be cured of my obsession and I could live my life again, make a go of it here in residential and see if I couldn’t get a promotion. A less self-conscious man might have whistled a happy tune.
My work day was uneventful, at noon the lunch break whistle blew, and I walked into the parking lot to make my phone call. The clinics were always running efficiently and it was as easy as ever to get an appointment for later that afternoon, many of them even ran into the night. Public health was a huge concern for ADVENT and one of the things people appreciated them for. The secretary assured me that sleep problems were common and that there were many medications the doctor could recommend for different symptoms. I ate my lunch, elated by this, and returned to the production line once my half-hour was up with a positive attitude.
As I left the plant in the late afternoon, the sun was just beginning to bleach the sky a cool pink, framing grey clouds with a pleasant glow. There was very little traffic and few pedestrians as I made my way to the clinic, it wasn’t too far out of my way and didn’t add much time to my usual route. I entered through automatic doors and greeted the secretary, presenting my ID that also served as a healthcare card. She motioned for me to take a seat in the waiting room, which was fairly populated, many younger people took advantage of the new healthcare system to get gene therapy and cosmetic surgery to correct perceived flaws or hereditary problems. If you had brown eyes and fancied blue ones, the clinics could do that for you, if you had a club foot or a family history of heart disease, the doctors could fix that too. The technology being used was poorly understood by humans, far in advance of anything developed on our planet, but it’s effects were obvious to all. Again doubts about the origin of the vipers swam in my head, the oddly human mannerisms and scents of my viper had made me question if she had really come from space or if she was some sort of genetic chimera, created on Earth for some unknowable purpose. I banished it from my mind, soon such doubts wouldn’t matter, I was done with vipers, and if I could just dispel them from my dreams my normal life could resume. The lofty concerns of wars and political upheavals were not something I had time for. Eventually my turn came, and as I had hoped the doctor was sympathetic, he advised gene therapy to correct what he suspected might be a thyroid problem preventing me from sleeping soundly, but after I declined he was happy to prescribe sleeping pills, which he ensured me would bring on a refreshing, and dreamless, sleep. I left the clinic satisfied, and made my way home, anticipating the first good night of sound sleep since I had moved to the residential district.
The sun had gone down now, billboards and streetlamps illuminated the sidewalk with their incandescent glow, and my footsteps echoed between the tall buildings as I walked alone through the streets. The cool wind blew between them and ruffled my hair, and only one vehicle passed me on the road, it was a peaceful night. I saw the light of the checkpoint in the distance and it soured my mood. I had had a good day today, a great one even, and I didn’t want those damn jackboots giving me a hard time because I was out late. I toyed with the idea of taking the back alley again to avoid them, I had not seen a viper at the checkpoint this morning, and I had the morning before. ADVENT liked to stick to routine to the point that it could become grating for humans, and I doubted that she had been on patrol at that time, was it safe to assume there was no viper today? I didn’t want to take the risk after the scare I had gotten the previous afternoon and the talking down I had been subjected to, but maybe I would just stick my head around the corner on the way past, and if I saw her coming towards me I would just continue on my usual route. I crossed the street and made for the alley, and once I was close enough I leaned in. The alley was vaguely U shaped, inverted in relation to the street. There were two blind corners, I would have to enter to see past the first. I crept in, trying to minimize the noise I made, and peeked around the first corner. No vipers in sight. The alley was almost pitch black, only one inward facing window on an upper floor was illuminated and it cast a dull yellow rectangle across the floor and the opposite wall. I listened, and heard no telltale shuffling or scraping.
I mustered my courage and continued on, my shoes squelching on the moist ground. I got about half way down the alley when I heard trash bags rustling. My heart stopped, and I froze, listening intently. Shuffling, what sounded like something heavy being dragged across the ground. My body went cold and I looked around frantically for a hiding spot, it might be futile but it was better than just waiting to be shot. I spied a recessed door in one of the walls, perhaps the rear entrance to a restaurant judging by the dumpster just outside it. I hurried over trying not to make too much noise, I crept into the recess and tried the handle, it creaked audibly and I cursed under my breath, it was locked. I heard shuffling drawing closer and I pressed myself up against the door, hoping against hope that the viper, or whatever it was, wouldn’t see me hidden here in the shadows. My breathing grew heavy and fast, I tried desperately to slow it and stay quiet. I feared for my life, why hadn’t I just gone through the fucking checkpoint like I had been told to, why was I risking my life to preserve a fleeting moment of happiness? I saw a large shadow pass through the orange glow of the window, and the noise grew closer, slower now, cautious. It must have sensed me somehow, maybe it could smell my fear, see my heat, hear my heartbeat?
To my abject horror, a hooded, sinewy neck snaked around the dumpster at chest height, yellow eyes fixed on me, unblinking. It was a viper, a big one, and she had found my hiding spot. When she saw I wasn’t armed she brought her massive bulk into view, her head staying level as if it were on a gyroscope, overpowering in her size. I cowered in the recess, completely fenced in by the monster. She did not have her weapon out, and I wondered what she might do to me here, alone, unsupervised by the more restrained humanoid soldiers, would she crush the life out of me like a boa constrictor? Spit acid in my face? Swallow me whole? The great creature was poised like a cobra, and she slowly and deliberately brought her head down towards me, her tongue flicking the air. She sniffed me, and glanced her tongue across my face, tasting me as if I were a cookie on the counter of a bakery. In a flash her powerful tail coiled around my legs and up my body, compressing me painfully in it’s muscular folds, she whipped me out from the recess and dragged me into the light of the window. The viper held me slightly off the ground, had I been in this position before? Yes, when...
She brought her face closer to mine, not an inch away, and scrutinized my features, her eyes narrowed. I saw familiarity. Recognition. Was this my viper? She was certainly large enough, and she hadn’t killed me yet. As I waited with baited breath, her large lips parted, and a thick, slippery tongue twisted towards me, pushing past my lips and into my mouth. The metallic taste was familiar, the slick sensations of her tongue probing inside my mouth and throat made my knees weak. She brought her face in and her lips met mine, her tongue roving with renewed force, spiraling around mine as if she wanted to strangle it. My mind fizzed and popped, it was her! How? What were the odds of meeting her here? My mind flashed back to the plastic bag that contained my prescription, discarded on the ground. I had wanted to be free of this bewitchment, but what could I do against this renewed assault? I wanted this, I wanted this so badly, my body burned for her. She finally pulled back, and I let out a gasp, her tight coils now cradling me like cushions as she ran her long, gaunt fingers through my hair.
“It’s you! How did...” She purred happily, crooning at me in her odd reverberating speech. This time it was I who leaned forward, pressing my lips against hers almost desperate in my desire, and she accepted, rumbling softly as I ran my fingers under her fleshy hood and did my best to kiss her with my inadequate human organ. I hugged her tightly, and her metal chest plate frustrated me.
She must have been rotated in and put on patrol at the checkpoint, she might have been moving from checkpoint to checkpoint ever since I arrived here, after all why would they send her to another city or another remote facility when she was already here? My train of thought was interrupted by an affectionate squeeze, and my viper met my gaze, beautiful amber eyes glowing in the darkness. My cheeks were burning, and she ran her knuckles over them, hunger in her eyes.
“Not here, we have to-” She brought her head down again and soft, fat lips delivered another kiss, leaving me dazed. I couldn’t fight her, and I didn’t want to. This wasn’t an addiction I could beat with a prescription. Still wrapped in her tail, she angled me down, popping off her torso armor which fell wetly to the ground. Her breasts bounced out of their restraints, as huge and firm as ever. She pushed my head into them, and her scent filled my nose. They closed around me like silken beanbags, soft and bouncy, but made of firm tissue. I felt drunk, I had been ready to write off this chapter of my life and move on, but here she was again, hitting me like a freight train, all of the desires I had tried so hard to suppress came flooding back and blanked my mind, I kneaded, and she squirmed at my aggressive touch, rocking her hips. I probed for a nipple with my tongue and found one, sucking it into my mouth and chewing it gently, she groaned and her eyelids drooped. We knew eachother’s bodies well enough that communication was no longer a problem for us. She tightened her grip on me suddenly, and dragged me down her body. My face slid over her impressive abdominal muscles, her skin smooth and soft on my cheek. She leaned back, sitting on her coiled tail as if it were a couch, and dragged me further down still. She rested my face on her lap, her soft “thighs” cushioning me where her voluptuous hips tapered into her winding tail. She reached a long finger down, and pulled apart her genital slit, revealing slippery, pink flesh beneath puffy lips, a trail of clear liquid ran slowly from the opening. Maybe she had been thinking about me as much as I had been thinking about her? Did she have an intrusive human infatuation she couldn’t shake either? I glanced up, and she was looking down at me between her hanging breasts, eyes low, breathing heavily. I knew what she expected, and I complied, leaning in and pushing my tongue inside her. She let out a low, rumbling purr and placed a hand on the back of my head, pressing me deeper. Her familiar copper taste flooded my senses and I felt my stiff, almost painful erection pressing into the soft fat of her tail that still imprisoned me, she seemed to feel it too and gently rubbed against it as I traced her folds with my tongue, her occasional bucking and muscular contractions threatening to pull it from my head. I teased her for a while, sliding my tongue across her slimy walls, roaming deeper until I found the meaty papillae that lined the depths of her vagina with a forest of fleshy barbs, seemingly designed to drive her mate over the edge with little effort. She pressed one of her coils hard into my groin, and I groaned into her, which made her shiver and croon. I found a hard protrusion with my lips and sucked it into my mouth, flicking my tongue over it, she grunted, and took a handful of my hair, forcing my face into her groin. I felt the tip of her tail snake it’s way up my body and around my neck, I worried she might strangle me in her fugue, but it only applied a light pressure, keeping my head where she wanted it to be. The tapered end of it slid past my cheek and pushed it’s way into her opening below my mouth, it entered a surprising length, and then began to writhe rhythmically. I understood what she was trying to do, and began to suck hard and run my tongue in circles over her inflamed clitoris. She masturbated vigorously, and squeezed my neck, her squirming and bucking reaching a crescendo. Just as I felt as if I might be strangled, she came, every muscle in her body tensed, including the ones wrapped around me, and then in a slow, shivering wave she sank down into her bed of coils, murmuring in soft satisfaction.
Her grip on me waned, and I felt myself lowered gently to rest on her chubby tail, propped upright within the circle of smooth skin and muscle. Her chest heaved with exhaustion, her pert breasts bouncing with each inhalation as she eyed me, satisfied by my performance it seemed. Somewhat meek now, I rubbed her belly in circles with my hand, gliding my palm over her bunched abdominal muscles, now slick with a layer of sweat. She leaned her head back and rested her arms on her coils, reclining, and rumbled happily. As eager as I was for my turn, I was basking in the warm sensation filling my belly, I was back in the arms of my viper again as if by fate, and whatever happened next, in this moment I was utterly content. I leaned forward to rest my head on her stomach, and she reached a hand down to stroke my hair, the sensation sent shivers down my spine and I wriggled happily.
Our peace was broken by a buzzing and hissing from the viper’s communicator on her wrist. She snapped back into reality with a start and pushed a button on the holographic display, then chattered back in her indecipherable alien tongue. After a short reply she looked back down at me, her expression apologetic. She gave my hair one last ruffle then uncoiled, lowering me to the ground. I bent to pick up her breast plate and passed it to her, it felt metallic and was shockingly heavy, she clipped it back on and hoisted her giant rifle. They must be asking where she was, her patrol must be late reporting back to the checkpoint. I gave her a glance, concerned I might have caused her trouble, but she returned a sultry smile and prepared to leave. Almost as an afterthought, she turned and glided back to me, and crouched down for a farewell kiss, long and smooth. My mind clouded and I felt my knees go weak, as she pulled away she gestured using a phone’s touch pad. I understood and retrieved my phone from my pocket. She reached out a long arm and took it, she tapped on it’s screen for a few moments, then entered something into her wrist mounted communicator. She handed the phone back to me then leaned in and displayed her wrist’s screen to me. It showed a GPS coordinate, it must be my phone! Was she able to track my location now? Would we be able to stay in contact? I looked at her quizzically, but she seemed happy. She turned again and wound her way away from me down the alley to continue on her patrol route, pausing before she turned the corner to gaze longingly at me for a moment before disappearing from view. I tried to regain my composure, my legs were shaky and I was nursing a dissatisfied erection, it had all happened so fast, not fifteen minutes ago I had been ready to wipe her from my mind with prescription drugs, and now here she was again, never invited but always welcome. I didn’t care, I was euphoric, I eyed the discarded plastic bag containing my prescription, shrugged, then made my way home.
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100% fiction! This all happened on Halloween 2011, My daughter Christine is a good looking 20 year old hairdresser.. She always wears sexy clothes like miniskirts, low cut tops with no bra with a 'fuck me quick body,' Last night she was going to her works Halloween party with her boyfriend and she asked if I could drive them there and pick them up afterwards. I didn't have a problem with that.About 8 o'clock lastnight I drove them to the party, She was dressed as a Devil with a very short skirt...
IncestView notes please. Diana stepped out of the shower and snagged a towel that had been hanging on a hook. The clear glass walls of the shower and the tan tile and marble surfaces of the bathroom were damp from the steam. Brian had taken his shower half an hour before because her shower was larger than his. His basketball shorts, t-shirt and boxers lay in a pile on the counter where he had left them, he must've changed directly into his day clothes after his shower. Diana noticed a large wet spot...
IncestI took Melody out after church one Sunday. She was a rather nice girl, not exactly a playboy model though. Nice long, dark blond hair, with a pleasant complexion to her face, blue eyes, and her breasts were well proportioned to her body, She also had an appearance of being well-fed, but not chubby. At the restaurant, as we talked over our hamburgers, I noticed her blouse was a bit open, revealing a bit of her cleavage, as well as her bra was quite visible through the material. Her nipples...
This one is compliments of John Z Senior Love... I was in my back yard trying to launch a kite. I threw the kite up in the air, the wind would catch it for a few seconds, then it would come crashing back down to earth. I tried this a few more times with no success. All the while, my wife is watching from the kitchen window, muttering to herself how men need to be told how to do everything. She opens the window and yelled to me, “You need a piece of tail.” I turned with a confused look on...
At the time of this account my sister, Irene, and I were in our forties. She is a year younger than me. She had divorced her husband when he had gone off with another woman. A month or so after that my wife was killed in a car accident. So Irene and I now had no spouses. She bought a house in the village where I live and we often visited each other in the evening when we not at work. I wasn`t expecting her that fateful evenig and was watching a sex video on my computer and was stroking my...
IncestFeb 12, 2011 10:24 Am You were supposed to have checked out of the hotel by 11 am. The bags were packed but you had needs that must be tended to before leaving. A long flight awaited you at the airport and knowing you couldn't stand to be this horny all the way home you decided to take matters into your own hands one more time before leaving. I had been given the key to your room from the hotel manger. This was a room that was scheduled for remodeling and my contracting firm was putting in a...
So it was way back when the old mid-summer hippy festival used to happen in the fields adjacent to Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain ( that's in England - for our overseas readers ! ) . The current fairy had persuaded me to go to the festival with her and her ex, strange maybe but he had a car ....... We got there and pitched the tents, grabbed a beer and proceeded to skin-up and get nice and mellow. All was going well and she asked me to go for a wander about the site to see what was happening. I...
The year was 1969 and there was all this talk in the news about a music festival that was going to be happening on a dairy farm in Sullivan County. Max Yasgur was going to be opening up his quiet dairy farm for what many were already calling one of the greatest festivals to ever be thrown. Not only was this festival the most ambitious to date, this was a weekend that would change the state of music and define a generation. This would be known as “Woodstock.” An Aquarian exposition of three days...
HistoricalKerri's Transformation By Jojo ----------------------------------------- Last winter I moved back in with my parents after a bitter divorce and losing my job. My step-father and sister were not all that pleased with the situation but I had little choice and little money. For the first few weeks I regularly went out job hunting but as the results were a constant stream of noes and the weather grew inclement I began to stay home. Wandering around the place where I had grown up...
Hi these is santhu back again with another real story with happen in my life, I really got only few response to my previous stories, but I waiting for more response to continue to writing my stories, I need more encouragement and response to continue to share my experiences with you all. So please send me your valuable comments and suggestions to my mail that is So that I can continue to share my stories and experiences with you which it happen to me in my real life. So coming to story as I am...
IncestI've been having a lot of wicked thoughts and dreams about my stepfather lately. I’m thinking that this summer, I’m going to try and seduce my stepfather, Michael. I just find him amazingly handsome. My stepfather is very sexual and enjoys sex. I know he likes me because he's always smiling at me and running his eyes up and down my body. My stepfather is 6’2” and has brown short hair. He’s very athletic and has an amazing body. He works out and is pretty muscular in the right spots. I love his...
TabooAfter a long, busy day, I finally undressed, sank into the comfort of my mattress and settled down under the duvet. Alone at last. I could hear the low hum of the TV downstairs and felt safe in the knowledge that my boyfriend had never come up to bed before the end of Match of the Day in the three years that we'd lived together. Which left me plenty of time for some self indulgence. I let my hands wander, stroking down my body, feeling the curves of my full breasts and gently pinching my...
MasturbationThe world changed at the end of 2012. The increasingly destructive natural disasters, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and super storms cause by the warming of the earth?s atmosphere in the two or three years preceding 2012 had decimated the world?s population. The solar storms that started early in that year, steadily increasing in ferocity, had plunged the remaining civilization into chaos. The cluster fuck of solar flares in December 2012 and the resulting geomagnetic storm knocked out c...
Judging by the look of skepticism on 20 year old Latina Erica’s face, she clearly isn’t so sure about what she is walking in to. A job audition at 11 at night in a bare-bones office, cheap bright lights, and 2 dudes eager to get her naked – well these porn jobs better be worth it, she might be thinking. Well, the late night time slot was actually her request – something about not wanting to alert her not-boyfriend-just-a-fuck-buddy about her imminent porn plans. Why porn...
xmoviesforyouEveryone has their so called “home” doctor, the one that they always go to when they need an MC or when they are legitimately sick. I have mine too. But recently, they expanded, and now I have a new doctor - Dr Jillian (not her real name). The first time I saw Dr Jillian was when my “home” doctor was unavailable and I was automatically queued to see the new doctor instead. I was down with a flu and thus dropped by to get some meds. As I walked into room for the first time, a beautiful,...
One night when in bed with my ex longtime partner Shirley after making love having been watching porn on the laptop l noticed that she got excited when watching interracial porn she admitted to me after a bit of questioning that she may enjoy sex with a well hung black guy, trying to sleep with this on my mind had me feeling really excited so i decided to start a search for what i hoped she would enjoy.Next day after reading several ads from guys nothing stood out as exceptional, not wanting to...
He laughed when he was told where he was to be sent, Mummy and Daddy would get him out of this,but what Chase did not know was that his parents had met with the Abbot at The Monastery of Repentance,and in their despair had begged the Abbot to take their son and chastise him.Chase had been out of control for a few years now,but each time he had done something wrong his parents were there to sort everything out ,but now that was going to change,Chase was finally going to get what he...
I had showed up to work, it was just another regular day, or so I thought. I have been converting over the complete computer system for a rather large clothing company office space for over 300 employees, and nearly as many work stations. I was just about a third of the way done with the project on this day. When I arrived, I was instructed to go to the bosses office he was having major issues with his PC. I walked into the bosses office and standing before me was a tall stout gentleman in a...
Mark's Diary Part 2 By Mark Dayette (This is the continuation of the true account of my strange life) Before I explain how the story website Fictionmania has impacted my life I will describe some of the key events that took place to me in my mid- 20's. As I said previously, after graduating from college I moved back into my mother's house to live with her. I had an English degree but I wasn't really pursuing any employment in that field. I started working part-time at a Hallmark...
This story is a work of pure fiction. I hope that you find it arousing and fun to read. I would appreciate any and all e-mail on what you have to say. Any suggestions would also be greatly appreciated. **** My name is Jackie; I had my son at the young age of 15. The boy I was dating at the time told me that nothing would happen, but it did and my parents were livid. They talked with the boy’s parents, and told him never to come near me again. My mother wanted me to have the baby and then adopt...
IncestZoe brought the first pan of fish out to Troy, battered and ready to fry up, and told him they needed to talk. Kristi was finishing up the rest of the fish, filleting them out and battering them up in the kitchen, and Troy took a sip of his beer and asked Zoe what was up. Zoe explained about Lauren, that she had been fucking one of the boys in the neighborhood, and how she had found out Zoe was fucking her dad, Lauren’s Grampa. Lauren had later gone to Grampa to fuck her as well, then...
After a morning filled with fucking, Dallai Eveline, Kiara Lord, and their boyfriends are called to the apartment buildings main office by the manager. David, the manager, proposes that they play a game, but what hes actually trying to do is to fuck these two sexy girls. Since the two ladies are horny sluts Davids plan goes off like clockwork and within minutes he has both girls sucking on cock while their boyfriends watch. Of course, the boyfriends can only sit by idly while they watch their...
xmoviesforyouGabrielle was far from below the average highschool boy standards of excellence. For starters, he was way shorter than any boy he knew, he was a stout 4 foot eleven inches, making him even below or barley on par with women. He was very curvy and feminine growing up as well, attempting many sports like track or swim had only decreased his hope in attempting to achieve true masculinity; he was not only as tall as a girl but looked like one too what a terrible fate. He would often be left alone...
FetishTerms and Conditions 2 Authors note: Part 2 of a story I wrote a few months back. Forced transformation, sex, and generally dark(ish) themed There was a knock at the door. Al jumped and gasped as she considered the implications - how did they get here so fast? She - she had to think of herself as a herself now - stood still a moment, that felt like an eternity, as the door went again, and then simply grabbed a full body towel in order to cover her new form and naked self. She...
Now I was driving the car over to Jill’s house for our date. I had planned to stop by my house before my date, but having Cindy shave me followed by her spanking me, took more time than I expected. With my pubic hair being freshly shaved off, I felt more vulnerable and exposed. At the same time, I also had this strange warm feeling in the lower part of my body, and it actually felt good. I had never been spanked by a woman before, and to feel the warm of her body next to me, to smell her...
For years my wife and I have enjoyed imaginative role-play. Usually I was her Master, ‘forcing’ her to submissively please me in many ways. I guess I went a bit too far when I suggested another woman, our neighbor Karen, join us. Oh, not for real. We just pretended she was there and my wife had to play the passive role, describing how good her tits felt, and begging to eat her pussy. It was pretty hot for me to listen to my normally shy, demure wife get into the lesbian thing, and I thought she...
My son dumped Mary about six months ago. I now meet up with her once a week at random hotels. She still likes having anal sex with me. Lately, she wears those cute little fox tails that have a vibrating anal plug. She’ll usually be wearing that and her heels and wait for me by the door like a little kitten. It drives me fucking wild when she does that. I don’t know what it is about that girl, but she drives me nuts. She loves to get my stiff cock up her ass. She orgasms like a faucet, when I...
CheatingPenny, your mother, was, without a doubt, a stone cold fox. She had voluptuous green eyes that complimented her curvy figure. Her body was that perfect hourglass shape that remained pristine even after pumping out you and your sister. With a sway of her peach fuzz ass cheeks, she could get any man she wanted in town. Despite this, she carried herself with an air of conservatism. She was maternal, caring, and had never done wrong by anyone. As far as you knew, she had never strayed from her...
Hi everybody, Myself Rahul from Amritsar. I am 27 years and just an average looking guy. Infact I am a bit short in height as boy cause I am 5’4″. The incident stated is true and happened yesterday only ie. June 29,2008. Mujhe apne client se milne Jammu jaana tha so Amritsar Hall gate se maine subah 6 bajhe bus li. Its hot now a days here. Meri delux bus mein seat thi and seat was no. 10 , iske saath wali seat 9 no. Jo window seat thi khaali thi. Maine conductor ko bola ki mujhe window seat de...
She is 5ft 6in tall and average colour and 40years of age, but looks like a 30yrs hot chic.. our houses are beside since many I call her as atha(aunty) Now coming to the story. Actually this story started in a marriage,where we all the members of our families are in marriage hall..she came to me and asked ” i was busy in marriage works, I forgot some important ornaments in home..if u come with me,we both will go home and i will get them” Me: ok atha..that isn’t a...
It's been sixteen long months since Paisley's husband passed away. A car accident had taken his life leaving Paisley with a large house and a lot of bills to take care of. Help came just in time as Paisley's funds were almost depleted. Most of the household furnishings had been sold off and she had been living in a near-empty house for quite a while. Luckily Paisley's best friend Amanda and Amanda's husband Jeff agreed to take her in while she attempted to rebuild her life.As Paisley began...
TabooSo i have this ladyfriend we will call Charlie who, like me, tends to go long durations without sex. Funny that some pansexuals such as ourselves will be open to anything and then end up with nothing. It's a matter of standards, it's a matter of wanting to be single and it's a matter of simply not being the desperate kind, believe me!Charlie and I met through friends a few years back and found it funny that not only did we share the same birthday, we were both single for the same duration and...
To any outside observer I might have seemed to be mumbling. But I never mumbled. I was reciting, as I had every day since I was six years old, the Code, the code my uncle had taught me, the chivalric code. A good man's duty was as follows: to protect the weak and defenseless; to despise monetary rewards; to avoid unfairness, meanness, and deceit; to speak the truth at all times; to honor one's vows; and to respect the honour of women. The Code, the Chivalric Code, oh yes, I knew it by...
Changing Channels: Through the Looking Glass by Zouscha Sam went out to XXXXstatic Video early Friday morning. All the guys were jealous; they'd heard that the porn stars there were unbelievable. Lou told him not to take too long, and gave him a stern look. Arriving there, the door was answered by a guy, much to Sam's disappointment. No one else was around. He unloaded the equipment out of the truck, then picked up the items being returned. Checking through the list, he saw that he had...
“So where are you taking me for dinner?” Melody asked sweetly. “Sergio’s,” I replied, as I buckled up. I leaned over and kissed her cheek before she got us underway. Sergio’s was a nice family restaurant that I’d been to a few times. I liked the food, but Beth had never been happy with the place, so we rarely went there. I was hoping that Melody was the exact opposite of Beth in every way. Melody had never been to Sergio’s, so she asked a lot of questions on our way, with me giving...
NOTE TO ALL! This is a re-submission of an older story. The original story CANNOT be edited, therefore, I ask 2 things. READERS AND WRITERS: Please IGNORE the original story and add any new threads to this version. CHYOO ADMINISTRATORS: Please DELETE the original story of the same title! THANK YOU... Retroguy You're an up and coming executive. Under 30 and already being considered for a partnership in a major financial firm. You're already making a 7 figure salary and have everything going for...
My date with Daddy was amazing! First off, the weather couldn’t have been any more perfect. It was a bright sunny day, not too hot out and with the slightest hint of a breeze. A few light fluffy clouds broke up the beautiful blue sky adding a lovely contrast. Daddy took me to this new clothing shop where they had the most wonderful clothes! Clothes that made me feel so grown up and even sexy and Daddy let me pick whatever I wanted. He would tell me how he felt about them, but as a man, not as...
Love StoriesERIC'S DILEMMA BY TOXIS The music kept the beat. The girls on the stage shimmied as best they might in their stilted heels. Oddly, the audience was filled with women, not men, and the dancers showed none of the exhibitionism linked with topless dancers. The bulge in their g-strings looked a little too full. Alexis wondered what that meant. The back of Club MALES was dark, some booths filled with shadowy...
Six months later... The concert was a smashing success, of course. So many pop and rock acts, even some country, though a disproportionate number of those got Raptured, made a point of performing in the nude or close enough to it. I also enjoyed watching several divas twerk with each other, too, especially the sight of Miley Cyrus do that with Britney Spears and Ariana Grande. When a vast menagerie of divas all formed a naked conga line to twerk together, it was truly glorious. The best...
Hello aunties and everyone……. Mai is site pe 10 sal se hoon per ye meri 1st story hai…… Mujai bacpan se aunty log bahot pasnad hai……… Ye bat 3 sal pahle ki hai jab mera transfer Mumbai hua tha… Waha mujai 1 flat mila tha company ki taraf se.. Flat apartment me tha or wahan swimming pool bhi tha…. Mera ghar ganga ke kinare tha to mai bachpan se bahot acha swimming karta tha…. Office se ate ate mujai 8 baj jata tha to mai 8.30 ko swimming pool me swimming karne jata tha…. Utna late ho jane ki...
Note: At this point in my life, Jesus was very much a part of me despite all the sinning I had done. My faith will play a significant role in my attempts to balance my desires with my morals. Don’t take my discussions on the Bible and my faith as anything but my internal struggle to find my own way. I’m not trying to convert or persuade you from your own beliefs. Believe me, I couldn’t care less what you believe.) My life story isn’t about religion. Once I resolve my stance, you needn’t...
Midwinter’s day was rapidly approaching. John had been working in the FBI office in Phoenix every day. He was investigating a pattern of abductions that looked suspicious to him. He was pushing himself as hard as he could to identify what was going on. The urge to solve this case was pushing him to work day and night. He stared at the bank records of a number of individuals that had been arrested for abducting young kids and women. They all had significant deposits about every three months...
Chapter 51 - The Truth Revealed ~~~***~~~ With the help of Gabriella, Harry wore a two-piece black pinstripe suit and polished black shoes. Unfortunately his hair, which started out the morning better than normal, was now as disheveled as ever. The manager at Marley’s Men’s Shop had told him that a black handkerchief was a poor idea, but Harry thinking it appropriate for a funeral didn’t listen. Now, he understood why it was a poor idea. It was strange being fitted for a Muggle suit...
I had James in a predicament; well in bondage actually. I’d emerged after dinner, dressed in an outfit of matching bra-top, hot-pants and arm-length gloves and told James I had a bondage session in store for him; he glowed with enthusiasm. Our previous ventures had been playful stuff; blindfolds, restraints, butt-plug teasing which James cock was throbbing for now. But I had something more demanding in store for him on this occasion. Now he was spread-eagled naked on his bed. Each arm and...
“Let that be a lesson to you,” said June. “I don’t want any more of this vulgar talk about getting ... having sex. And suppose you get pregnant?” “I’m on the pill, obviously!” yelled Lara, twisting and leaping up. “OW! That stings!! Right!!” Freddie, Sean and Mark watched in disbelief as Lara counter-attacked. She pushed her mother down on the seat. June tried to fend Lara off with her long, slender arms but Lara grabbed them by the thin wrists and forced them back over her head. June...
"I can’t believe I still live at home with my parents!" she sighed. She quietly locked her bedroom door, and found herself lying on her bed in the darkened bedroom. This was her favorite part of the day, being alone, in her bed, at night. She reached over to her nightstand and retrieved a small silkened pouch and her mini tablet. Kayla took a deep breath and sighed as her body relaxed. She was in her favorite sheer nightgown and it was now time for her nightly routine. Kayla swiped the...
It was the summer of ’67 when it happened. I remember, because it was about six months after my seventeenth birthday. Momma and Daddy had died in a bad car accident, and I was left to run the small family farm by myself. My older brother Bobby, was off fighting the war at the time of the accident and with no one to help me, I was in real trouble. Fortunately our neighbor, Charlie Perkins, came to my rescue. Our small farm sat on the outskirts of the city of Nowata, Oklahoma. It wasn’t much,...
I sat there scratching my head, with all consonants and no vowels. And the fact that sweet Kaitlyn was rubbing her foot up and down my leg, under the table, didn't help my concentration, not at all. Richelle just sat back with a grin, as Kay and Suzy made yet another trip to the dictionary, to verify a word she'd played. I hadn't yet forayed into that arena, mostly because I didn't want to admit not knowing some of the words she'd used. "C'mon, Rob! You're not gonna let her get away...
Keith and Maddie were awake before 8:00 in the morning. It was only an hour time change, but they had slept little the night before. Unfortunately, their stay in the luxury hotel was to be short. Keith called the driver and gave instructions. “We’ll be ready to depart at 9:30. We need a store that sells mountain gear and cold weather clothing. Can you be ready?” He waited while the driver gave him instructions and then hung up. “Cold weather clothes and mountain gear?” Maddie asked. “Adana...
One night I happened upon a website that sold nipples clamps and thought to myself that must feel pretty sexy. Then I saw it... nipple pumps! My curiosity got the better of me and soon I had the mighty credit card out and had ordered some. It was a long 2 weeks before their arrival, and as soon as I was home I had the box open. I put one pump on, then the second one and pulled on the bulb to create some suction on my nipples. OMG! these things work! My nipples immediately felt like they were...