crystal procknows story
- 2 years ago
- 29
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Her body undulated, creeping around me, fat, heavy coils lined with scales so imperceptibly smooth they might as well be skin brushed against me. Her chubby tail encircled me in a prison made of taut muscle that flowed like liquid. I struggled impotently, my limbs bound tightly against my body, but it was pointless, I could no more escape from her clutches than a fly could escape a spider. Images of monstrous snakes played through my mind as the great animal loomed over me, its imposing shadow casting me into darkness. It struck with the speed and force of a moving train, bringing it’s vicious teeth down towards my face. I braced myself for the killing blow, hollow fangs puncturing my fleshy neck and injecting me with corrosive toxins, but it never came. Instead I felt large, soft lips press against mine, and a warm, wet tongue snake it’s way into my mouth. My tense body relaxed and I began to see stars, the kiss was deep and long, the thick organ almost covetous as it entwined with my own. She pulled back, a strand of saliva linking our lips, and those penetrating amber eyes burned into me.
I awoke with a start, sweat dripped from my chin and my groin ached. My sheets were damp with perspiration, the night air from an open window failed to alleviate the uncomfortable heat of my small apartment. I threw the sheets off me, and swung out of bed, wiping sweat from my brow.
Another dream. I had been having them for days. I walked across the cramped space in a few short strides and pulled a carton of orange juice from the fridge, taking a long draw. I hated this new apartment, my family’s farm house had been taken from me by ADVENT, the clinic my guest and her cohorts had been assigned to protect had been destroyed completely by XCOM terrorists in a daring raid, and in the fallout many of the surrounding farms and residences had been evacuated, mine included. My house was miles from that clinic, but it was all very hush-hush, they didn’t want anyone snooping around out there. The Elders, in their infinite grace, had provided me with a shitty 10x10 cube in the nearest residential district. I scoffed, and took another swig of juice. ADVENT took care of all your needs, your employment as well, and now they had me working down at the bottling plant, the work was more tedious and paid less than my assembly plant job had, and if I didn’t like it I was free to complain to the civil police and have them wave stun batons at me. I hated this apartment, I hated this city, I hated those XCOM rebels and I hated ADVENT for putting me here, I had been a good citizen, I had done everything I was supposed to do, and I had lost my property and my job as a result.
I couldn’t get her out of my head. That damn alien who had been foisted upon me, that girl who had intruded into my life and shown me experiences I didn’t know existed. She had left so abruptly, and by the time she was gone I had only just started to realize how much I wanted her to stay. Thinking about her made my head spin, the whole ordeal had short-circuited my brain and now all I could think about, all I could see when I closed my eyes, was that creature. There might be plenty more fish in the sea, but friendly Vipers were in short supply. Most nights she intruded into my dreams as she had my house, taunting me with memories of her unearthly grace and her ravenous lovemaking. I wondered if there might have been some way to stay in contact with her, but it had never been in the cards, she was tied to her job, as were all aliens, they had traveled millions of miles to be here, it was no idle undertaking. Still, I missed her terribly, and returning to my bachelor lifestyle after she had left had been jarring, I felt empty and alone. I looked at the wall clock, it was 5am, I might as well make some instant coffee and power through, I’d be due at work in an hour and a half.
My boots splashed on the sidewalk, the neon signs of the service district reflected in puddles as I marched, my head bowed, braced against the downpour. The smell of rain permeated the cool morning air, and the sun was slowly rising behind the buildings as I made my way to the factory. Every intersection here had a checkpoint, where ADVENT peacekeepers would demand your papers and push you around if you gave them any lip, and they weren’t exactly the highlight of my daily routine. I dug in my pocket for my ID card and walked up to the checkpoint, stopping at the barrier. One of the soldiers waved me forward and swiped my ID, scrutinizing it through his opaque visor. He babbled to his companion in some offworld dialect and handed my card back to me, motioning impatiently for me to continue.
Something caught my eye through the rain, a familiar movement that set my heart beating like a drum, rolling hips, a serpentine tail. I met the gaze of a Viper, tall and sinewy, black armor covering her torso and hood. My heart leapt into my throat and my eyes met hers. Her gaze was cold and predatory, she stared through me, not seeing me as a person but as a potential threat to her checkpoint, she fingered the trigger on her oversized rifle as she watched me cautiously. The troops had been placed on high alert due to the clinic incident, they had been displaying holographic WANTED posters of known insurgents all over the city and there were rumors they had been given orders to shoot on sight. I turned my gaze back to the ground, it wasn’t my viper. My stomach churned and I chided myself for my foolishness, I would never see her again, and jumping at shadows wasn’t going to help me deal with that fact. I trudged on, away from the checkpoint and towards the bottling plant, eager to start my day’s work and get it over with.
I clocked out, the sun was already getting low in the sky, painting it a deep orange as I left through the plant’s chain-link gates and began to make my way back to my apartment. My shifts were long and tedious, a farcry from the more complex and technical work I had done at my assembly job where I had been a valued employee. As I walked I wondered idly if any of the turrets I had assembled had been used to defend the clinic, and if so, had they scored any hits on the insurgents? I hoped I had at least wounded one in revenge for the loss of my property and my current sorry situation. I had thought long and hard about trying to find a new job, about advancement or promotion at the plant into a less menial managerial position, but in the end the concentration of soldiers and police in this district had kept me from making any waves. I just wasn’t comfortable around them, beat cops these were not, they were mean, heavily armed, and they had a propensity to harass pedestrians who loitered or made trouble. Wherever XCOM operated, so too did you start to see a larger concentration of what people liked to refer to as “X-rays”, a term popularized before the end of the contact war that referred to enemy combatants of an extra-terrestrial origin. The term had become somewhat of a slur by those with pro-rebel leanings, who saw them as a foreign occupation force, and much preferred to be policed by soldiers of human origin. My experiences had changed my position on X-rays, and I no longer saw them as alien monsters but as people like any of us, thrust into a hostile alien environment that they were not familiar with, which would absolutely account for their twitchy and hostile behavior. This was rapidly becoming their Vietnam, and as much as I disliked their temperament, I had my sympathies.
After a while I came back into view of the checkpoint, I cursed under my breath and subconsciously removed my hands from my pockets so as not to appear suspicious. What awful luck, there were a lot of checkpoints in this district, but to have one directly between my apartment and my place of work was just snake eyes, and after such a long day of tedium I was in no mood for a shakedown. I didn’t know this area all too well yet, but I wondered if there was an alternate route I could take to avoid it. I thumbed my phone idly, bringing up a GPS map of the local area. Yes! It looked like there was an alley that would lead me around the checkpoint and back out near my apartment, it might add an extra 10 minutes to my route, but it would be worth it. Trying my best to appear casual, I took the turn off the street into the alleyway.
The tall buildings cast deep shadows from the low sun, and the alley was steeped in gloom, trash bags and discarded litter covered the ground, and rusted fire escapes lined the walls. ADVENT were big on appearances, they kept the streets clean enough, but these forgotten alleys and old back roads seemed to have escaped their attention. Ever since they had taken over, crime besides sedition was basically non-existent, the penalties for things like mugging were harsh and disruptions to civil society were not tolerated, so I didn’t feel vulnerable as I made my way through, absent-mindedly kicking a crushed soda can out of my path.
Then I saw the viper. It looked like the same one from earlier in the day, and I cursed myself for my lapse in judgment as she had been conspicuously absent from the checkpoint, I had noticed but it hadn’t registered in my mind. She was coming down the alley from the opposite direction, her massive, winding coils pushing the trash aside as she passed. She was smaller than my viper had been, and I noticed her bust was less impressive, but she was still an imposing creature, her reflective eyes sending a shiver down my spine in the relative darkness. I panicked a little, of course ADVENT would patrol this alley, because it bypassed the fucking checkpoint, oh you moron, now you’re really in the shit! Trying to avoid the checkpoint I had passed through without incident this morning looked mighty suspicious, and she had been there to see my face, I had gawked at her like someone seeing an X-ray for the first time. Now I didn’t have any choice but to pass her, she would have seen me by now and if I tried to hide or I turned around to go back the way I came, she might just shoot me.
I was shaking, I braced myself and marched on, desperate to keep my eyes to the ground but unable to take my gaze off her, they darted back and forth like a frightened dog. I was walking stiffly and I must have been sweating, they could smell that, vipers could taste fear on the air. She approached me, cocking her angular head and slipping her long, gaunt finger into the trigger of her weapon. Her tongue flicked the air as her glare followed me. The alley was barely large enough for me to pass her, it would be uncomfortably close.
As I neared her, she moved her weighty coils to block my path, her massive bulk filling the space between the two buildings, and trained her weapon on me, scrutinizing my face. I could barely tell vipers apart, could she tell humans apart? I raised my arms slowly and deliberately, doing my best to appear inoffensive. I was a country boy, I had never been stopped by an alien before, what was I supposed to do? Somehow I doubted “evening officer” would diffuse the situation. I wanted to reach for my ID, but if she thought I was pulling a weapon she would kill me faster than I could explain myself. She warbled something into her wrist display, keeping me in her sights, then after a few moments I heard the pounding of boots on the moist ground. Two of the three ADVENT soldiers from the checkpoint had come running down the alley, she had undoubtedly called for backup, or perhaps she just wasn’t trained to deal with humans and needed their help. I remembered that my viper simply lacked the vocal organs for human speech and so was forced to use an unwieldy translator that she soon abandoned once our interactions became ... less verbal.
One of the soldiers pulled out a stun baton that fizzled menacingly, its blue arcs of electricity reflecting in his glossy red armor, and shouted at me angrily in some language I didn’t speak. I stayed motionless, and the second moved closer to frisk me, eventually finding my ID card. This one seemed to speak some broken English, and chewed me out for using the back alley instead of the checkpoint. Because of the recent terrorist activities nearby, a viper had been assigned to patrol this alleyway, I was told that I was lucky to be alive and that ADVENT would not have been held responsible if I had been killed for my suspicious behavior. They would let me go, but only because I was known to the security services at the checkpoint and their records showed that I lived nearby. I apologized profusely, and as the viper continued on her patrol route down the alley the soldiers escorted me back to the road and sent me on my way.
I rushed home and fell into my bed, grateful to be alive. Enough excitement for one day, I would use the checkpoint tomorrow and just suck it up. As I stared at the ceiling, my thoughts turned to the viper again, that was the closest I had gotten to one, or any alien really, since my guest had left and I had been moved to the residential district. As scared as I had been, her intimidating size and fluid movements had sparked memories of my past encounter. My mind seethed with half-remembered images and sensations, running my hands over her firm abs, her skin like silk, the soft swell of her hips tapering into a muscular tail, the weight of her on top of me, pressing me to the ground, those exaggerated, heavy breasts hanging in my face like two watermelons made of flesh, her probing kisses that turned my legs into useless jello.
This was becoming an unhealthy obsession, a fetish, but the things she had done to me, the way she had made me feel, the sensations she had forced on me, I couldn’t forget them, conflict wracked my mind as I tried to reconcile her aggressive sexual advances and my own poorly suppressed craving for them. The fact that I couldn’t experience those things again drove me insane, and my groin swelled with dissatisfaction and frustration. There was no solution, I had to find a way to deal with these emotions, but their nocturnal intrusions from my subconscious were impossible to suppress, no matter how much I busied and distracted myself during the day. Perhaps I would see a doctor at the local clinic, yes, I would tell him I was having trouble sleeping and maybe he’d prescribe something to induce dreamless sleep, then perhaps I could just focus on my work and I’d be free of these intrusive thoughts. With a potential solution to my problem in mind I felt a little better, and decided to chance sleep.
The next morning I passed the checkpoint as usual, and I was relieved to see that the guards had been changed since the previous night, they didn’t recognize me and gave me no special attention, merely impatiently hurrying me through. I noted that the viper was not present today, perhaps she was on a different rotation now, or maybe she was half way down the alley keeping an eye out for insurgents that might be rooting through the garbage. It was as good a start to my day as I could expect, and I continued on to the bottling plant feeling refreshed. I would make an appointment at the clinic during my lunch break and inquire about some sleep medication, and then maybe I would be cured of my obsession and I could live my life again, make a go of it here in residential and see if I couldn’t get a promotion. A less self-conscious man might have whistled a happy tune.
My work day was uneventful, at noon the lunch break whistle blew, and I walked into the parking lot to make my phone call. The clinics were always running efficiently and it was as easy as ever to get an appointment for later that afternoon, many of them even ran into the night. Public health was a huge concern for ADVENT and one of the things people appreciated them for. The secretary assured me that sleep problems were common and that there were many medications the doctor could recommend for different symptoms. I ate my lunch, elated by this, and returned to the production line once my half-hour was up with a positive attitude.
As I left the plant in the late afternoon, the sun was just beginning to bleach the sky a cool pink, framing grey clouds with a pleasant glow. There was very little traffic and few pedestrians as I made my way to the clinic, it wasn’t too far out of my way and didn’t add much time to my usual route. I entered through automatic doors and greeted the secretary, presenting my ID that also served as a healthcare card. She motioned for me to take a seat in the waiting room, which was fairly populated, many younger people took advantage of the new healthcare system to get gene therapy and cosmetic surgery to correct perceived flaws or hereditary problems. If you had brown eyes and fancied blue ones, the clinics could do that for you, if you had a club foot or a family history of heart disease, the doctors could fix that too. The technology being used was poorly understood by humans, far in advance of anything developed on our planet, but it’s effects were obvious to all. Again doubts about the origin of the vipers swam in my head, the oddly human mannerisms and scents of my viper had made me question if she had really come from space or if she was some sort of genetic chimera, created on Earth for some unknowable purpose. I banished it from my mind, soon such doubts wouldn’t matter, I was done with vipers, and if I could just dispel them from my dreams my normal life could resume. The lofty concerns of wars and political upheavals were not something I had time for. Eventually my turn came, and as I had hoped the doctor was sympathetic, he advised gene therapy to correct what he suspected might be a thyroid problem preventing me from sleeping soundly, but after I declined he was happy to prescribe sleeping pills, which he ensured me would bring on a refreshing, and dreamless, sleep. I left the clinic satisfied, and made my way home, anticipating the first good night of sound sleep since I had moved to the residential district.
The sun had gone down now, billboards and streetlamps illuminated the sidewalk with their incandescent glow, and my footsteps echoed between the tall buildings as I walked alone through the streets. The cool wind blew between them and ruffled my hair, and only one vehicle passed me on the road, it was a peaceful night. I saw the light of the checkpoint in the distance and it soured my mood. I had had a good day today, a great one even, and I didn’t want those damn jackboots giving me a hard time because I was out late. I toyed with the idea of taking the back alley again to avoid them, I had not seen a viper at the checkpoint this morning, and I had the morning before. ADVENT liked to stick to routine to the point that it could become grating for humans, and I doubted that she had been on patrol at that time, was it safe to assume there was no viper today? I didn’t want to take the risk after the scare I had gotten the previous afternoon and the talking down I had been subjected to, but maybe I would just stick my head around the corner on the way past, and if I saw her coming towards me I would just continue on my usual route. I crossed the street and made for the alley, and once I was close enough I leaned in. The alley was vaguely U shaped, inverted in relation to the street. There were two blind corners, I would have to enter to see past the first. I crept in, trying to minimize the noise I made, and peeked around the first corner. No vipers in sight. The alley was almost pitch black, only one inward facing window on an upper floor was illuminated and it cast a dull yellow rectangle across the floor and the opposite wall. I listened, and heard no telltale shuffling or scraping.
I mustered my courage and continued on, my shoes squelching on the moist ground. I got about half way down the alley when I heard trash bags rustling. My heart stopped, and I froze, listening intently. Shuffling, what sounded like something heavy being dragged across the ground. My body went cold and I looked around frantically for a hiding spot, it might be futile but it was better than just waiting to be shot. I spied a recessed door in one of the walls, perhaps the rear entrance to a restaurant judging by the dumpster just outside it. I hurried over trying not to make too much noise, I crept into the recess and tried the handle, it creaked audibly and I cursed under my breath, it was locked. I heard shuffling drawing closer and I pressed myself up against the door, hoping against hope that the viper, or whatever it was, wouldn’t see me hidden here in the shadows. My breathing grew heavy and fast, I tried desperately to slow it and stay quiet. I feared for my life, why hadn’t I just gone through the fucking checkpoint like I had been told to, why was I risking my life to preserve a fleeting moment of happiness? I saw a large shadow pass through the orange glow of the window, and the noise grew closer, slower now, cautious. It must have sensed me somehow, maybe it could smell my fear, see my heat, hear my heartbeat?
To my abject horror, a hooded, sinewy neck snaked around the dumpster at chest height, yellow eyes fixed on me, unblinking. It was a viper, a big one, and she had found my hiding spot. When she saw I wasn’t armed she brought her massive bulk into view, her head staying level as if it were on a gyroscope, overpowering in her size. I cowered in the recess, completely fenced in by the monster. She did not have her weapon out, and I wondered what she might do to me here, alone, unsupervised by the more restrained humanoid soldiers, would she crush the life out of me like a boa constrictor? Spit acid in my face? Swallow me whole? The great creature was poised like a cobra, and she slowly and deliberately brought her head down towards me, her tongue flicking the air. She sniffed me, and glanced her tongue across my face, tasting me as if I were a cookie on the counter of a bakery. In a flash her powerful tail coiled around my legs and up my body, compressing me painfully in it’s muscular folds, she whipped me out from the recess and dragged me into the light of the window. The viper held me slightly off the ground, had I been in this position before? Yes, when...
She brought her face closer to mine, not an inch away, and scrutinized my features, her eyes narrowed. I saw familiarity. Recognition. Was this my viper? She was certainly large enough, and she hadn’t killed me yet. As I waited with baited breath, her large lips parted, and a thick, slippery tongue twisted towards me, pushing past my lips and into my mouth. The metallic taste was familiar, the slick sensations of her tongue probing inside my mouth and throat made my knees weak. She brought her face in and her lips met mine, her tongue roving with renewed force, spiraling around mine as if she wanted to strangle it. My mind fizzed and popped, it was her! How? What were the odds of meeting her here? My mind flashed back to the plastic bag that contained my prescription, discarded on the ground. I had wanted to be free of this bewitchment, but what could I do against this renewed assault? I wanted this, I wanted this so badly, my body burned for her. She finally pulled back, and I let out a gasp, her tight coils now cradling me like cushions as she ran her long, gaunt fingers through my hair.
“It’s you! How did...” She purred happily, crooning at me in her odd reverberating speech. This time it was I who leaned forward, pressing my lips against hers almost desperate in my desire, and she accepted, rumbling softly as I ran my fingers under her fleshy hood and did my best to kiss her with my inadequate human organ. I hugged her tightly, and her metal chest plate frustrated me.
She must have been rotated in and put on patrol at the checkpoint, she might have been moving from checkpoint to checkpoint ever since I arrived here, after all why would they send her to another city or another remote facility when she was already here? My train of thought was interrupted by an affectionate squeeze, and my viper met my gaze, beautiful amber eyes glowing in the darkness. My cheeks were burning, and she ran her knuckles over them, hunger in her eyes.
“Not here, we have to-” She brought her head down again and soft, fat lips delivered another kiss, leaving me dazed. I couldn’t fight her, and I didn’t want to. This wasn’t an addiction I could beat with a prescription. Still wrapped in her tail, she angled me down, popping off her torso armor which fell wetly to the ground. Her breasts bounced out of their restraints, as huge and firm as ever. She pushed my head into them, and her scent filled my nose. They closed around me like silken beanbags, soft and bouncy, but made of firm tissue. I felt drunk, I had been ready to write off this chapter of my life and move on, but here she was again, hitting me like a freight train, all of the desires I had tried so hard to suppress came flooding back and blanked my mind, I kneaded, and she squirmed at my aggressive touch, rocking her hips. I probed for a nipple with my tongue and found one, sucking it into my mouth and chewing it gently, she groaned and her eyelids drooped. We knew eachother’s bodies well enough that communication was no longer a problem for us. She tightened her grip on me suddenly, and dragged me down her body. My face slid over her impressive abdominal muscles, her skin smooth and soft on my cheek. She leaned back, sitting on her coiled tail as if it were a couch, and dragged me further down still. She rested my face on her lap, her soft “thighs” cushioning me where her voluptuous hips tapered into her winding tail. She reached a long finger down, and pulled apart her genital slit, revealing slippery, pink flesh beneath puffy lips, a trail of clear liquid ran slowly from the opening. Maybe she had been thinking about me as much as I had been thinking about her? Did she have an intrusive human infatuation she couldn’t shake either? I glanced up, and she was looking down at me between her hanging breasts, eyes low, breathing heavily. I knew what she expected, and I complied, leaning in and pushing my tongue inside her. She let out a low, rumbling purr and placed a hand on the back of my head, pressing me deeper. Her familiar copper taste flooded my senses and I felt my stiff, almost painful erection pressing into the soft fat of her tail that still imprisoned me, she seemed to feel it too and gently rubbed against it as I traced her folds with my tongue, her occasional bucking and muscular contractions threatening to pull it from my head. I teased her for a while, sliding my tongue across her slimy walls, roaming deeper until I found the meaty papillae that lined the depths of her vagina with a forest of fleshy barbs, seemingly designed to drive her mate over the edge with little effort. She pressed one of her coils hard into my groin, and I groaned into her, which made her shiver and croon. I found a hard protrusion with my lips and sucked it into my mouth, flicking my tongue over it, she grunted, and took a handful of my hair, forcing my face into her groin. I felt the tip of her tail snake it’s way up my body and around my neck, I worried she might strangle me in her fugue, but it only applied a light pressure, keeping my head where she wanted it to be. The tapered end of it slid past my cheek and pushed it’s way into her opening below my mouth, it entered a surprising length, and then began to writhe rhythmically. I understood what she was trying to do, and began to suck hard and run my tongue in circles over her inflamed clitoris. She masturbated vigorously, and squeezed my neck, her squirming and bucking reaching a crescendo. Just as I felt as if I might be strangled, she came, every muscle in her body tensed, including the ones wrapped around me, and then in a slow, shivering wave she sank down into her bed of coils, murmuring in soft satisfaction.
Her grip on me waned, and I felt myself lowered gently to rest on her chubby tail, propped upright within the circle of smooth skin and muscle. Her chest heaved with exhaustion, her pert breasts bouncing with each inhalation as she eyed me, satisfied by my performance it seemed. Somewhat meek now, I rubbed her belly in circles with my hand, gliding my palm over her bunched abdominal muscles, now slick with a layer of sweat. She leaned her head back and rested her arms on her coils, reclining, and rumbled happily. As eager as I was for my turn, I was basking in the warm sensation filling my belly, I was back in the arms of my viper again as if by fate, and whatever happened next, in this moment I was utterly content. I leaned forward to rest my head on her stomach, and she reached a hand down to stroke my hair, the sensation sent shivers down my spine and I wriggled happily.
Our peace was broken by a buzzing and hissing from the viper’s communicator on her wrist. She snapped back into reality with a start and pushed a button on the holographic display, then chattered back in her indecipherable alien tongue. After a short reply she looked back down at me, her expression apologetic. She gave my hair one last ruffle then uncoiled, lowering me to the ground. I bent to pick up her breast plate and passed it to her, it felt metallic and was shockingly heavy, she clipped it back on and hoisted her giant rifle. They must be asking where she was, her patrol must be late reporting back to the checkpoint. I gave her a glance, concerned I might have caused her trouble, but she returned a sultry smile and prepared to leave. Almost as an afterthought, she turned and glided back to me, and crouched down for a farewell kiss, long and smooth. My mind clouded and I felt my knees go weak, as she pulled away she gestured using a phone’s touch pad. I understood and retrieved my phone from my pocket. She reached out a long arm and took it, she tapped on it’s screen for a few moments, then entered something into her wrist mounted communicator. She handed the phone back to me then leaned in and displayed her wrist’s screen to me. It showed a GPS coordinate, it must be my phone! Was she able to track my location now? Would we be able to stay in contact? I looked at her quizzically, but she seemed happy. She turned again and wound her way away from me down the alley to continue on her patrol route, pausing before she turned the corner to gaze longingly at me for a moment before disappearing from view. I tried to regain my composure, my legs were shaky and I was nursing a dissatisfied erection, it had all happened so fast, not fifteen minutes ago I had been ready to wipe her from my mind with prescription drugs, and now here she was again, never invited but always welcome. I didn’t care, I was euphoric, I eyed the discarded plastic bag containing my prescription, shrugged, then made my way home.
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"The storage place is ready for you to try it out," Storm Who Walks announced with some glee. It was almost as if it had been his idea, the way he was so anxious for Fire Bringer to try it out. "All you have to do is think of the item moving to storage, and it will do so. All you have to do to retrieve an item is to think of it being removed from storage. Try it out with one of your rocks." Fire Bringer imagined a rock he had been working on moving into the storage place. He was not sure...
Linda and her husband, Jack, had been married twenty-two years; she was just eighteen when they wed. He was quite a bit older than her; he was thirty-five. She'd always had a thing for older men, and when they met she was a mere sixteen years old, sneaking around behind her parents back to see Jack. Though he was against it, he couldn't be without his little skoolgirl at the time. For twenty-one years their sex life had been wonderful. Linda had always been highly sexual, and Jack matched her...
IncestChapter ThreeIt had been a month since Diana and Robert made it official that they were dating. They introduced each other to their friends as their girlfriend or boyfriend. Things were going well. Even when they didn’t see eye to eye on things they both respected each other to listen.As they sat on his couch one night, with a six-pack of beer, pizza and a movie that was playing but not really being watched, they were kissing and she giggled.“What’s so funny?” he asked nibbling on her neck...
Love StoriesHi I’m Kathir, finished my engineering in this May (2014). Well I’m from a good class Indian family. I’m fond of this ISS website; I love all these incest stories. Some maybe fiction and some may be real. Now what happened to me is real a month ago. She is my Aunt (Malathi), my mother side relation. I’m very attracted to MILF. She is that kind, I mean MILF. Coming to figure she is tall of 5’8 and structure of 36-34-36 a plump Aunty with fair skin tone. She will be looking like age of mid 30’s...
IncestCate Gradually over the next few weeks bookings came in and time became a precious commodity. Steve and his musicians were in demand for studio sessions, I was still getting bookings for Rock concerts and we had to get together to rehearse and refine our performance as Kat Lacey and the Stela Swing band. The visit I had promised Jack was put back time and again. He was golden about it. Constantly re-assuring me when I yet again phoned him to put off our few days together, that it was o.k....
I'm sitting in French class as I feel my phone vibrate from inside my pocket so I discreetly slip my manicured hand inside and pull out my phone. The buzzing pulsates against my palm and I feel my heartbeat quicken, hoping it was Shawn. I check and see his out of state area code and read over his intimate message. No phones in class was a rule strictly enforced by teachers so I knew I was risking myself but the thrill and excitement I got from talking to strangers I met online outweighed my...
The next three days were absolute torture. The sweetest, most devastating torture one could think up. Erin had somehow changed the dress code, and I was suddenly the only one running around buck naked all day long. This gave her and Bridget the opportunity to fondle any part of me that they desired. And they did that a lot. When I wasn’t sleeping, the longest I went untouched by them was perhaps half an hour. Everywhere I went, everything I did, the one thing I could be sure about was the...
Dec. 22, 2018 I meant to write this yesterday but life disagreed. Instead, I got to see my grandchildren for awhile. I have little to share but that little is a lot. My mind is becoming quiet. I’ve caught myself working on plot points for stories without realizing I was doing it. I do phone work and had to get off the phone yesterday because I started bawling my eyes out. A Hebrew song had started running through my mind and I was able to sing it. Passages and verses came in and out of...
Monday morning my day started off bad and from there went downhill starting with me going into the house to grab some fruit for breakfast. My mother was already awake sitting at the table when I entered. Asking her why she was up so early she said that she was still on east coast time and could not sleep. Suggesting that she go back to sleep she replied that she had too many things she needed to get done for Brodie's estate. I tried to correct her saying that Brodie's attorney, Mr. LeBois,...
I am Jacob and my sister is Sarah me and her have always had a close relationship we play together and go almost everywhere together. She is 16 and i am 16. I wake up to my sister shaking me saying Jacob Jacob wake up mom is making breakfast right now. And since it was a Saturday i figured i could sleep in i told Sarah give me a minute she goes but mom says she wants you up now i get up rub my eyes then my sister says come on and she leaves the room. I get dressed and go to the kitchen table...
This predicament that I have gotten myself into started out quite by accident. My wife and I have been married for about a year. We are both independent people and I have a pressure filled job. I have always done my share of the house work including cleaning, dishes cooking and my laundry. I had been working on a special project that consumed every waking second. I did not have any time to help out around the house and Mandy understood. So when I woke up that morning I realized that I...
Chuck got home just as his daughter was turning down the stove to keep the food warm. He gazed at her, noticing that she had dressed up for him. "I'm home!" he announced. When she turned around to smile and hug him her breasts were prominent, the nipples pushing out through the T shirt. "You look delicious," he said, taking her into his arms. "Thank you Daddy," she said, kissing him. "Supper is ready and it's hot." "You're what's hot," he said. "I want you." "Now Daddy,...
"Have I got a tale for you!" Weena exclaimed as I walked in. "Okay. You first." "Rick called." "Rick?" "Of Rick and Sue." "Right." "He said he'd been in touch with his friends and one of the men who spoke to Perk is ASIS!" The Australian Secret Intelligence Service (= CIA or MI6) is part of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Its charter says that it will: Protect and promote Australia's vital interests through the provision of unique foreign intelligence services as...
As they continued to talk in the kitchen over dinner, Luna asked, "Where are the children?" "Granny Weasley said they should come to her to give Harry peace to concentrate on his autobiography. But that was just her excuse as she loves to have them." They talked for a while about the reasons why Harry was writing his book. In the course of the discussion Luna asked if he had a publisher. When Harry said that he hadn't fixed one yet, Luna offered her services as an editor and if he...
Thoughts running in my mind with the sequence of events that took place from the time I saw these girls. I felt a great opportunity of my sex life. I have 3 girls and a woman to have fun with and that too with their consent if my plans work out. Also, it was a gift that a lady SI is in my hands. But I was also worried about the bad consequences and therefore planning every move in detail. I was restless and desperate to have sex with any of them at the earliest. I called the lady SI to come to...
Well Mom never did “deal with me later” that caused me to start thinking. I remember all the fights as my parents broke up. One of the things my dad had said was “you’re in charge of everything, but aware of nothing” I now realized what he meant. As time went on I only became even more and more aware of it. That was a Thursday that the most spectacular day in my life had taken place on. Friday turned out to even be better. Mom bitterly announced that night, when she was supposed to be dealing...
Renee had been wonder around the mall for the last 2 hours. She had the day off and it had decided to go shopping since her boyfriend had to work. After picking up a couple of shirts and a new pair of jeans she decided to just browse the stores feeling that she needed something else but not sure what. She had been wondering aimlessly for the last hour in and out of stores when she saw a guy go into the fitness store. WOW she thought as she admired his ripped body. He was wearing a pair of tight...
EroticBobby O’Malley was never going to impress anyone on the first meeting. Or maybe even the second, either. He was modest in all measures of a man and, in a few of those measures, even modest might’ve been a stretch. Pale, chalky skin, a slight slouch in his shoulders which made him stand a few inches below the six-foot-even he rose to when Doc Bannion told him to “stand up straight so I can getcher height, Bobby”. Mousy brownish hair that was thinning when he was in his early twenties. He...
Hi guys, I am Neha and this is my maiden contribution this site. If I make a mistake, please pardon me. I am a lesbian and am not ashamed of being one. Please don’t forward me proposals of “I want to fuck you” In fact I don’t have inclination for male female love at all. I am one of the characters in this story. So, guess which one. My email id is Sunita at the age of 40, was a faithful wife of Swami Prem Anand, the Head of a Brahm Kumari’s Ashram. Respected by the community, she was the image...
LesbianYou recently joined one of those gyms that are open 24 hours a day. Preferring to workout without large crowds, you are at the gym late on a Friday night. Normally you’re annoyed when others are at the gym, but tonight you are pleasantly surprised to see a beautiful blonde in a red sports bra who is running at a brisk jog on the treadmill. You’ve been in a bit of a slump with the ladies and your testosterone is raging. You have a hard time taking your eyes off of her. You had planned on working...
FetishMother was especially nice to me when I got home. Since it was her day off, we stopped on the way home for dinner. She had me tell her what I had done and seen in LA. I did not tell her about Shirley. When she pressed me for details, I said I was tired. She said she knew I was tired, so she told me that when we got home, I should bathe and go to bed. When I got in the tub I began to beat-off. I was about to cum when my mother walked in. Of course, I stopped and hid my boner in the soapy...
D and I had been together only a short time, about two months. We had met on an online dating site and surprisingly got along great. The let down came when I realized that he had an array of emotional conflicts, and try as I might he wasn’t going to be the fire blooded Dom I needed. My family loved him, my heart cared for him but I sensed I needed more. August came around and that is when things changed. I was trying to introduce him to my dark desires. Wearing more revealing clothing, buying...
I am AJAY, working in US based Pharma Company & currently live alone in Thane. Let me introduce first myself… I am basically from Rajasthan & 27 yrs Old with wheatish looking with a 7″ cock and I love so much sex. This is my True accident with my CHACHI (my father’s younger brother’s wife – Anajali). She is very beautiful and only 5 yr elder than me, her figure is 37-31-38 with brownish black eyes & has a oval cup shape boobs and long hairs like APSARAA. She has two small children, one boy &...
The Girlfriend Chapter Four “Well, what do you think, Joe? Do I look cute?” He winked at me. “Don’t look like that, I’m only teasing you. Come into the kitchen, I haven’t finished cooking yet. Open that bottle of wine and pour us a glass. Glasses are over there in the top cupboard.”I didn’t know what to do. Seeing Sam dressed as a woman had really startled me. I hadn’t expected him to pull a stunt like this, and part of me wanted to leave but I knew if I did, my assignment would be over before...
In the days following my loss to Dave, I was extremely sore from having my arms ensnared in the ropes and my legs tied spread eagle. I could've beaten him had he not trapped my arms in the ropes. I had never fought in a ring before and while I'd seen pro wrestlers do it on TV, I never gave much thought to how it works. Even if I had, I thought it was more for show than functionality. I was sure it would be easy to get out of. It wasn't.After the fight, I told Dave I could've beaten him had...
CuckoldHe saw a very ordinary bedroom with a youngish woman wearing a flowered dress such as many of his parishioners might wear at home. He breathed a sigh of relief, for he had been very apprehensive about this whole concept. "Hullo," he said, and then was completely at a loss as to how to proceed. The Merciful Nun was able, after well over a year in the College, to handle this situation, a young priest who was new to visiting her. She smiled and said, "Welcome. I am here for your pleasure,...
Walking to the diner this time Alan kept his eyes open it wouldn't do to get caught unawares again for the third time. Sitting at his usual booth, Alan nodded to a police officer that came in and sat with his partner."Did they get a preliminary report back on that homeless guy from yesterday we found?" the first one said."Oh yeah, this was a weird one," the second one said pulling a sheet of paper from his vest. "According to the M.E.'s report the stiff had been dead for a day or...
Frankie was on her usual Friday night out with the girls, having fun and chatting to everyone and anyone around her.The pub they were in was exceptionally busy and she kept getting pushed from side to side, she was starting to get pissed off with all the shoving, when she felt someone push her from behind she turned round quickly as she said ‘excuse me!’ just as she turned back towards her friends she heard a breath in her ear ‘you didn’t say that when I was licking that beautiful pussy the...
I woke up at about 7:00, remembering a series of vivid dreams. I took my time in the loo, knowing that I was likely to be sporting a silly grin most of the day and that mother and father were usually out of the house by 7:30. Downstairs, I had some toast and a cup of coffee and went on down to the dungeon. Yesterday's trials had pointed out a couple of minor problems in my coding of the machine. I had originally set things up to produce hard copy of the results to help record my...
Adventures on the USS Hornblower by Bad Irving and Maggie Finson Lieutenant Robin Fischer glanced nervously around the boulder that he had taken cover behind. Muttering to himself about idiotic ideas regarding contact with other, not always friendly races. And even more, muttering under his breath about being stuck with all the shit jobs just because he was the newest member of USS Hornblower's crew. This job had sure...
So last month, I was lucky enough to experience one of my favoritest annual events ever: my birthday party!!! Now, for those that don't know, I take my birthday VERY seriously. You see, I was only 12 years old the first time I played with a pecker...and I've been lickin' 'em and suckin' 'em and bouncin' up and down on 'em ever since :-) I suppose my love of being gangbanged and making guys cum on my birthday all began on the eve of my 14th...It was a hot night in June and I had invited about...
It had been over three months since Jason killed Monica and her two daughters in their home and he needed that rush again. He was sloppy and although the police had no idea of his identity Jason knew if he didn’t take more precautions it was just a matter of time before they would be knocking on his door. Almost every night Jason would relive the moment Monica realized he was going to kill her two daughters and make her watch and every night he would shoot a huge load of cum. Today he would...
Jesse and Kelly My name is Jesse. No, that isn't the name I was born with but it is the name everyone knows me as. First I am a slut, so I don't need anyone writing or calling me to tell me that is what I am. I know it and I can no more change who or what I am then the man in the moon can. I wasn't always like this once I lived a normal life and had normal dreams until I realized the truth. It is best to start at the beginning. I was sixteen and still a virgin. That is right, at sixteen I...
A baby for Sam PT 3 The women just fell about when they heard this. That'll teach her I can't wait a nice tight pussy for Sammy! Said Tina. Sam just sat sobbing thinking what the next few months would bring. Jackie continued I think we need a good sturdy bra for our little Mommy better get her measured doe any body have a tape measure? If we don't get her into one soon she'll be able to tuck then in her knickers after the birth. At this point Tina left the room to find a tape...
"Stay there Cindy, I'll get it" I grabbed a robe and opened the door. Looking down the stairs I could see who it was. "Cindy, your brother Johnny" "What's he want? Can he come back tomorrow?" John was standing inside the downstairs door out of the rain. "Hey Tim my car died a little way from here and I figured I could run over here until the rain stopped" Yeah, one problem John, it's Naked Day" "Oh damn, Sandy told me about that, I didn't believe her!" "She...
You might say I'm a bit older than average to learn to drive, I've just never got around to it... turns out I was damn lucky to leave it this long cos I met the most incredible sexy man I've ever seen on the day of my first lesson!He pulled up outside my house on a fairly bleak Thursday afternoon, I was so nervous as you can imagine (cast your mind back to your learner days!) but immediately he put me at ease. He had the most incredible sexy voice, which coupled with the position of authority...
It didn't take Jenny long to get Darlene to open up to her. They went to lunch twice and went out one evening for drinks. It was obvious to Jenny that Darlene had needed someone to talk to for a very long time. Darlene had been raised in a very strict and religious family. She knew nothing of boys or relationships. She wasn't ready to be in the outside world by the time she went off to college. In her second year Darlene was raped. She had been out on a date with a football jock when she...
“I can’t believe you.You’re such whore. My mom and my dad? Really? I can’t believe you’d fuck them, they’re my parents. You’re meant to be my best friend.” I was reckless, I sneaked a kiss from Sara and Kelly walked in on us. She saw us kissing, she saw my hand up her mum’s skirt. She could see what was going on and was not happy. After all, I had lost my lesbian virginity to her. We were sitting on her bed in her bedroom. She looked close to tears. It’s not as if we were exclusive lovers, we...
LesbianMy mother had me when she was very young. My mother was and is a very beautiful and sexy woman. She did some underwear- and swimsuit-modeling. My mother looked like and dressed like (usually more scantily clad) Daisy Duke from the old Dukes of Hazzard TV show. I am not ashamed to say that it was sometimes very pleasurable to notice my mother as a woman. We lived in a very rural section of the state I grew up in. In fact, our road would often get washed out or flooded so we had to be pretty...
IncestHi friends my name is rehan and I am from karachi pak my penis size is 7.5 and I am 24 yearz old with fair colour .Ye story meri aur meri cousin ki hai.Ye kahani us wakt ki hai jab mere 2nd year k exams chal rhe the aur me exams ke bad chutiyon me apne gaon jo ke lahore shehar se 170 km bahir ki tarf hai jata hun is bar be maine exams khatam hone ke 10 din bad apne gaon pohncha apni puphi ke ghar to wo sub muje dekh ke boht ke boht khush huey. Meri puphi ki family me meri pupha aur puphi ke...
December 13, 2000, Greater Cincinnati, Ohio After I left Rutherford, I called Donna’s house and caught her before she had to leave for work. We agreed to meet for lunch after my meeting with Doctor Mercer. After I hung up, I followed Route 50 from Rutherford to downtown Cincinnati, parked in a garage on Vine Street, then walked to the building which housed the offices of van Hoek, Mills, & Rice. “Steve Adams to see Ben van Hoek,” I said to the pretty brunette behind the reception...
Hi guys , this is the first time I am writing here, have been a regular reader here for a long time. Me and my girlfriend enjoy quite a few stories here and finally decided to share some of our experiences here and see what the world thinks about it. A quick intro, my name is Rahul and my girlfriend’s name is Anusha. We have been in a relationship since class 10 and after our 12th we both moved to Bangalore to pursue education in law. I used to live by myself in a rented room on the top floor...
Lauren kissed her lips lightly, tasting the suntan lotion on her tongue as she explored further, teasing her ears and neck and down quickly to her breasts. Nikki parted her legs and Lauren accepted the invitation to trail her tongue down her body, along her thigh and back round inside up to her vagina. Nikki grabbed her head and pushed her hard against her pussy, her actions rough and demanding as she bent her knees and Lauren knelt by her side. Lauren hadn't really thought about how she...
An hour after Don left the Three Generals' tent. "Big brother..." Second General and Third General said unanimously. "Be on your guard". First General respond. The Three Generals left their camp an hour ago and were already on the outskirts of camp three seventy-two. The short time it took them to reach the camp is a testimony to their unrivaled power in the UGNE's army. Sensing the two beasts' immense aura all Three Generals become tense, it was like a vast mountain and far more...
Lusty Adventures of a Horny Trophy Wife - 5 Don Abdul ©2010 Right after her sexually memorable visit to Giovanni’s office to wrap up their unfinished business, Lynda had become quite busy with a new account she had managing the comfort of a visiting Japanese business delegation. It was such hard work due to the language barriers involved but it was such a profitable venture she had no complaints; none that she cared to share with anyone else anyway. Lynda had also been seriously considering...
Straight SexThe train pulled into the station in a hiss of steam, all those around me grabbed their bags excitedly and hurried to get off, I could hear the cheers of the waiting crowds, they weren't for me though, they were waiting for their warriors, their heroes, I was neither.It took about ten minutes before the guard came in checking the carriages."We stop here sir," he said kindly, "You have to leave.""Yes," I said and smiled weakly, "Have you ever not wanted to go home?"He looked at me for a second...
HistoricalUgh. Left. Left. Ooh, right. Left. Left. Definitely right. Wait what? A match! Message him. “Hey there. What’s up?” The response was almost immediate. “Just moving into my new house. You?” “Just laying in bed. Freshly showered.” “Hmmm. You into older guys?” “I’m into you ;)” “Works for me. Wanna exchange numbers and set up a date?” “Sure” SCORE!!!! I might be getting some soon! We exchange numbers and he says pizza and movie at his place tonight. I told him my favorite pizza and he set the...
"I just can't believe what Hubert asked me last night," Terri said, as she lay on the beach next to her good friend. Both of them had their arms crossed on their bellies with their toes pointed toward the ocean.Margery, Terri's friend, replied, "Well, don't leave me hanging. What did your husband say?"At forty-two, Terri was still a beautiful woman, with long, silky black hair and brown eyes. She heard what her friend had asked, but now felt a little hesitant and said, "Forget I said...
IncestChapter 5About an hour after Brian left my house, after giving me the slut fucking I so desperately needed, my guilt trip kicked in, but thankfully it didn’t last too long.The guilt trip was somewhat distracted by the party I needed to organise for my teenage daughter and her exuberant friends. Neil had willingly offered to help out at the party, which I was most thankful for. Neil was very attractive and made a sort of pass at me at a dinner dance recently, which I was very tempted to respond...
The Car RideAs I followed Mona's Lexus to the hotel my mind started to wonder if her offer to kiss my balls was real or not. I know for a fact that Joyce would be willing to fuck and suck me in a heartbeat. Joyce made it very clear to me that she enjoyed a strange cock every now and then and that she was a willing slut to the right kind of guy. I found it also very erotic that both woman could not take there eyes of my cock as I stood there without anything to wear. Then Mona's offer to...