The Rich Brat. PART I. free porn video

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He laughed when he was told where he was to be sent, Mummy and Daddy would get him out of this,but what Chase did not know was that his parents had met with the Abbot at The Monastery of Repentance,and in their despair had begged the Abbot to take their son and chastise him.Chase had been out of control for a few years now,but each time he had done something wrong his parents were there to sort everything out ,but now that was going to change,Chase was finally going to get what he deserved,something he should have got along time ago,but as the Abbot always said, "It is never too late to learn a lesson".

Chase James would indeed learn a painful lesson.

The punishment of Chase James would be a special case;Chase came from a very wealthy family who begged the Abbot to make sure whomever punished Chase was very experienced and would take great care with their precious, but,spoiled son. The Abbot had admonished Chase's parents saying ,"Every penitent boy and girl who comes to the Monastery is well chastised by Nun's and Monk's who have extensive experience is administering corporal punishment to errant brats...your son will be dealt with,rest assured of that". A sizeable donation to further the good work of the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery was offered by Chase's parents,but this was refused by the Abbot who was outraged that these parents would try to buy a favour for their very naughty son. However the Abbot did have someone special in mind to administer to Chase. For offering the bribe,Chase's parents found themselves each receiving six of the best from the Abbot which caused both naughty people to become aroused,but once the parents had had been sent to another room the Abbot telephoned Bro.Deaglan to see could he spare sometime to meet with him and discuss the punishment of Chase James.

Bro. Deaglan was a middle aged monk,he had many years experience in punishing naughty boys and indeed girls,but Bro.Deaglan in particular enjoyed punishing naughty boys. The good Monk spent many hours each day with his cane in his hand bringing it to bear on the bare bottoms of naughty boys who were sent to the Monastery.Bro. Deaglan arrived at the Abbot's study. The Abbot greeted Bro.Deaglan and over tea and digestive biscuits the Abbot told Bro.Deaglan all about Chase James and the wicked antics he got up to.Bro.Deaglan listened intently.
"I am very surprised that this boy Chase has not been sent to us here before now,Abbot," Bro.Deaglan said.
"Yes,I too am dismayed that Chase has escaped our grasp for so long,but I am sure Bro.Deaglan that you will make Chase repent for many of his indiscretions," the Abbot said opening a file he had on Chase which contained a photo of a boy with a beautiful,sultry smile,wet hair and water glistening on his upper torso,the boy had clearly been swimming,Bro.Deaglan gazed at the photo,a slight smile on his stern featured face,he would love to have seen a full length photo of Chase,but he would soon see Chase naked and would not just be able to look at this beautiful,naughty boy,but also touch this boy and spank him and even cane him;the thoughts in Bro.Deaglan's mind were pleasant ones,he could feel himself getting erect under his long woolen habit at the very thought of Chase's naked bottom under the lash of the cane.
"Where did this photo come from,Abbot?" Bro.Deaglan asked,intrigued.
"One of our 'supporters' has been watching Chase and was waiting for the boy to misbehave again before telling us,he thought in the meantime we should have a photo of the boy we would be punishing."
"I thank you,Abbot,for the opportunity to administer to Chase,I will indeed endeavor to teach this boy a lesson he will never forget.," Bro.Deaglan said,still imagining what Chase would look like naked and over his knee.
"I chose you,Bro.Deaglan because you have a wide range of implements in the dungeon and I think you will be needing to employ many of those implements of punishment on Chase ,I know you will certainly have your work cut out for you," the Abbot said, " but I am more the confident that you are able for the task."
"You find me both willing and able,Abbot."
"Before Chase is sent to you I would like for you to meet his parents,I have them in rather a compromising position in my private chamber," the Abbot said smiling.

The Abbot led the way into a room which had one window high up on the wall,he moved out of the way to let Bro.Deaglan enter the room. Bro.Deaglan was met with the sight of a man and woman,both in their late thirties and naked from their waists down,bending over a table.A Nun,Sr.Ethel,was pacing behind them,holding a thin,flexible whippy cane in her hand,she was about to take careful aim at the naked,red and sore looking bottom of the woman when she noticed the Abbot and Bro.Deaglan.
"Oh,deary me,I was so engrossed in my task I did not see you standing there," Sr.Ethel said,looking flushed and with a nasty smile on her face. As Bro.Deaglan moved closer he could see that the bare bottoms of both the man and woman displayed raised welts,both were breathing heavily and clearly both had been thrashed severely. As Sr.Ethel stood ready to administer the cane again,the Abbot and Bro.Deaglan walked around the front of the table,Bro.Deaglan noticed that both the man and woman had their wrists tied to the 'WHIPPING BENCH' but raised their heads up when then noticed some standing in front of them.
"This is Chase,senior and this Tara;they are the parents of Chase," the Abbot said, "I did cane them both,but I decided it more prudent to have them punished for a longer period of time and so I enlisted the help of the good Sr.Ethel," the Abbot continued.
"I thank you for thinking of me,Abbot," Sr.Ethel said,displaying an evil grin.
"Bro.Deaglan here will be on charge of the punishment of your son,Chase,"the Abbot said,looking down at Chase,snr, and Tara.
It was Chase snr. who spoke first,his wife was clearly in a lot of pain and could barely bring herself to look at Bro.Deaglan and the Abbot,knowing full well what they were about to do to her spoiled,brat of a son.
"Please,Bro.Deaglan,deep down he is a good boy,we beg you not to be too harsh with him,we know you have a job to do and we are very sure you are very good at it like Sr.Ethel here,but please take it easy on Chase,a stern talking to is what he needs," Chase snr said.
"Your son needs a good spanking and perhaps many strokes of the cane,and Bro.Deaglan will decide on the boy's punishment,not you Mr.James," the Abbot said,nodding his head at Sr.Ethel who brought the cane down and across the bare welt covered bottom of Chase,snr. The man yelped out in pain and the Abbot quickly walked around to where Sr.Ethel was standing to see an ugly red,very sore looking, mark left by the cane.
"Oh,deary me,this will rise into a painful welt," Sr.Ethel said,slightly out of breath,but clearly enjoying her task.
"I will deal with Chase as I see fit ,and by the time I am finished with him,he will sorely regret his misdeeds,"Bro.Deaglan said looking down at Chase snr and Tara.
Sr.Ethel held her cane in one hand and with her free had was raising up the end of Tara's blouse which had come down, partially,over her bare bottom.
"Yes,indeed," the Abbot said," we will leave you to your work,Sr.Ethel"Bro.Deaglan was aware of his erection under his long habit,he would have loved to bring the cane down on Chase,snr. and Tara himself,but he thought it wise to conserve his energy for what lay ahead.

The Abbot returned to his study,clearly excited at the sight of the caning taking place in the next room,as he sat behind his ornate desk on his plush cushioned,ornate chair,he smiled at the sounds emanating from the room next door;Sr.Ethel is indeed making them suffer,he thought to himself. Bro.Deaglan descended . the wide staircase to depths of the Monastery;the lower levels of the Monastery had rooms which were dungeons,where naughty penitents were tied and whipped. Bro.Deaglan reached his room and sat on his chair.He knew that Chase would be on his way.Again the photo of Chase came into his mind,Bro.Deaglan was growing very excited at the prospect of having Chase over his knee.

The knock at the door he had been waiting for finally came and Bro.Deaglan prepared himself by smooting down his habit over his lap and taking a deep breath.
"Come!" he said.
The door opened a beautiful boy entered. Bro.Deaglan immediately recognised the boy from the photo he had seen in the Abbot's study. "You are Chase James,I presume?"" Bro.Deaglan said,trying,but failing to hide the excitement in his voice."I am Bro.Deaglan."
"Yup,I know;can we just get on with this and get it over with?" Chase asked.
"Get what over with boy?"
"You are going to slap my ass,so just go ahead,I have somewhere else I need to be," Chase said,while pretending defiance,Bro.Deaglan could hear fear in his voice.
Bro.Deaglan sat in silence for a moment,looking at the boy who was wearing a white T Shirt and and knee length. navy coloured Bermuda shorts.The boy was very fit looking and tanned,clearly a boy who enjoyed the outdoors,getting up to mischief.
"Come over here to me ,boy," Bro.Deaglan said, sternly.
Chase walked over and when he was close enough he suddenly was grabbed and dragged,unceremoniously over the Monk's knee. Before Chase could even utter and word of protest he felt the Monk pulling at his shorts,there was some success as the shorts came down to the tops of Chase's thighs,then he wasn't wearing anything under his shorts and so Bro.Deaglan was met with a sight he longed to see,the bare bottom of Chase James.
"Now I have you just were I want you,Chase," Bro.Deaglan said as he brought his right hand down firmly on the naked,white bottom before him.

"OUCH!" Chase yelped as the Monk's hand came down again and again.Chase tried to struggle ,but Bro.Deaglan had a firm grasp of his T Shirt and brought his hand down with more vigor than the previous time.
"Please,enough,please...please,enough!" Chase cried out,but his pleas fell on deaf ears,Bro.Deaglan was experiencing a number of intense emotions; while Chase had to be punished and deserved everything he got,Bro.Deaglan was dealing with what was fast becoming and explosive emotion under his habit,he felt his penis stiffen and pulsate and knew that he was about to cum as he brought his hand down again and again on the bottom of Chase James.Bro.Deaglan felt a beautiful warm feeling spread around his loins as he continued to bring his hand down on the naked bottom of this errant boy.The feeling of Chase over his knee,coupled with the cries of Chase was making Bro.Deaglan very aroused; he decided to strap the boy. He stopped spanking and order Chase to stand up and undress fully.Chase stood up and immediately rubbed his sore bottom. Bro.Deaglan stood up and ,keeping the hood of his habit up to try and hide the look of extreme satisfaction which he felt spread across his face,he prepared the Whipping Horse .

When Chase was naked he had to sit astride the Whipping Horse and lean forward ;his wrists and ankles were tied to the punishment contraption and Bro.Deaglan stood facing Chase for a few moments,catching his breath."You feel something you have never felt before,Chase," Bro.Deaglan said,smiling.
Chase could finally see the face of his tormentor,the round,fat face with the little goatee beard.Chase could see that the Monk was enjoying himself.
"Please,I have learned my lesson,I promise,please don't whip me,please," Chase pleaded in a desparate attempt to save his sore bottom from further pain.
Bro.Deaglan walked over to a large table and opened a drawer,he came back to Chase holding a short,leather strap,the strap was well worn,clearly from continuous use.Chase gulped, "Please,no,please,I promise I will never do anything wrong again. His pleas only caused the Monk to smile as he took up a position behind Chase and raised the strap up. In a moment Chase cried out as the Monk brought the strap down hard across his bare bottom.

"Oh,yes,that is what you deserve," Chase heard the Monk mumble. Again the strap came down,landing on Chase's bare bottom with expert aim.No matter how much he struggled,and he did struggle,Chase could not deflect the strap from coming down and striking the same parts of his bottom which were by now very sore . The Monk placed his hand on Chase's shoulder as he brought the strap down again and again. The room was filled with the sound of the strap landing on Chase's bottom and the resulting cries that were by now making Chase quite hoarse. He pleaded with the monk to stop,but again the strap came down. Chase was arching his body ,flexing his fingers and toes and struggling,while Bro.Deaglan was working himself into a terrific orgasm. Bro.Deaglan couldn't take his eyes of the bare bottom before him as he continuously brought the strap down. He had placed his hand on Chase's should and thus was aware on every shudder,every twitch the boys' body was making,this caused the excitement to rise and his hard erect penis under his habit to pulsate until he finally felt the warm liquid pour out,despite this Bro.Deaglan brought the strap down again. Chase had felt the Monk's hand grip his shoulder and guessed ,correctly,that the Monk was aroused and wondered had the Monk who was whipping him actually cum. Chase was relieved that the whipping had stopped and then became aware that the Monk had probably cum as he watched through eyes filled with tears as the Monk in the long brown,woolen habit took a seat on his chair and rested the strap across his lap."I am not finished with you yet,Chase,we have sometime to go yet",Bro.Deaglan said, with a broad grin on his face.

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Kaiser Friedrich II und Isabella

Die Hochzeit von Kaiser Friedrich II. und Isabella von BrienneDiese Geschichte ist nicht frei erfunden, sondern erzählt eine historisch gelegte Begebenheit! Die erwähnten Personen haben tatsächlich gelebt (siehe die Anmerkungen am Ende).Die Hochzeit und die Ereignisse in der Hochzeitsnacht haben wirklich stattgefunden. I. Die Verlobung Palermo, 1223Friedrich II. mit seinem Falken. Aus seinem Buch De arte venandi cum avibus („Über die Kunst mit Vögeln zu jagen“), Süditalien zwischen 1258 und...

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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Brat School Part 2

She would have driven all the way into Philly for the hell of it, but the equivalent of about three tequila shots had made their way into her system, so she parked the Maserati on the outskirts of Furlong and made her way into town. Her mind was awhirl with conjecture. What the hell had just happened?She’d been talking to him, that was all—letting it all out because he was there, hot and vaguely sympathetic. Had she been a fool? Was this somehow going to sink another bite into her English ass?...

3 years ago
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A Brat Gets A Spanking

Danni: Yes, it’s a simulated rape kinda thing. I’ve done this before. It’s not a big deal. Intimacy Coordinator: That’s great. I just want to make sure that you’re comfortable with the scene and everything it entails. You know you can “tap out” at any time, right? Danni: Yup, I’m all set. ------------------- Danni was the epitome of a brat. She wore short shorts even in autumn that cupped her butt like a well fitted glove. Her red thigh high socks were wrapped tightly around her long legs....

3 years ago
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Rockmount Brat Camp Part 3 part 2

oh and btw heres my email for anyone who would like to message about the stories with ideas or even criticisms or maybe just questions about something either way i'll gladly message back [email protected] Enjoy! *EDIT* Sorry all but this is the 2nd upload of part 2 due to me being a complete dumbass and somehow managing to underline the entire story making it hard to read for many - so I decided to simply re upload it without the underline problem so Enjoy! ...

2 years ago
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Rockmount Brat Camp Part 3 part 1

As always comments VERY appreciated as are criticisms (positive and negative) and enjoy -Mr.E.Nigma- Rockmount Brat Camp Part 3 - part 1 There we stood, me still smelling of his sisters juices, her halfway between us frozen in shock, and him just standing there in confusion. My mouth had run dry, but I still managed to choke out. "Wha... what...

3 years ago
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Rockmount Brat Camp

My train rattled along on it’s tracks with no more choice of where it was going than I did. My head rested against the cool glass of my cabin window, rain lashing the glass, blurring the world outside my window. “A few more hours kid, then you’re no longer my problem” came the gravely bark of my guard, Wilson, a dog of a man, his jowls quivered as he ripped in to a sandwich. “See this is why this country is going to shit” he growled in between bites, “some little shit like you who should...

3 years ago
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Spoilt Brat

I was dreading opening the door as I walked up the stairs to my flat. Let me explain; my 15 year old son was staying with me after having yet another argument with his father who he actually lived with. Freddie had become a real spoilt brat and it was our fault. From being a toddler we had given in to his every need and want. Unbelievably he had got even worse in the last six months since I walked out on his dad after years of mental abuse. Whenever my son stayed with me...

1 year ago
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Army Brat

Rebecca look at her self in the mirror, it no new thing she had been use to changing school seeing she always been a Army brat. As she look in mirror what does she see, she see a 4 foot 11 blonde hair blue eyes 115 lbs a set of 32 d boobs and a little tight ass . As she look down at her shave pussy she hear her Daddy yell u got to hurry up Rebecca if you want me to drop you off at school, she respond one minute daddy.

4 years ago
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She Was A Brat

She was a brat, always had been. The little one, who was always getting the others into trouble. But there was something special about her. I couldn’t put my finger on it, or at least I couldn’t before that night.She came to stay as she had done loads of times before, but something had changed, she was no longer the little annoying girl. Gone was the whine in its place was a lady, gone was the flat chested little girl who was an inconvenience to me as I grew up, now I saw a vision of beauty, a...

3 years ago
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Army brat first time

Well life can be hard being raise a Army brat my dad can be controlling in a bad way. After much begging from me and my mom my dad agree for me to go on my first date. Mike and I had been dating 3 months and at the time I was so in love with him. Mike was 3 years older then me about 6 foot 3 and about 220lbs, brown hair and blue eyes, he was on the football team and was in good shape. He had meet me as soon as I join the new school after we move to fort Campbell after living in Hawaii for 3...

2 years ago
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Taming A Spoiled Brat

Hi, Readers.. Its me Kritagya again. I am now 29 years old, married and still on the hunt for women, girls and housewives who have an appetite for hard core no strings attached sex.. For those who have enjoyed reading my stories : ” Finally Nailed My Aunt” & “Finally Nailed Shalini Bhabhi” (Which was not posted by ISS due to some copyright issues but is available online) here comes a new offering from my end. Trust me its not at all fiction and is based on true events. I hail from the city of...

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Fucking brat

There was a very dim trickle of light through the bedroom window. The alarm blaring for a busy day in gainesville. Her Sleepy eyes were opening slowly to meet his that were wide awake, watching her sleep. A smile parted his lips as he leaned in to kiss her. He put his arm around her. She laid there, still, listening to him breath and the sound of his heart beat. Her hand traveled into his shorts and grabbed his semi hard penis. "What are you doing?" He asked quizzically. ...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Richelle Ryan 3100 682000

Some decisions almost guarantee your daughter will end up in porn. For example, if you name your daughter after anything related to geology, such as Diamond, Crystal, Amethyst, or Amber.Porn College GraduateOverly strict parenting is another direct cause of professional cock sucking. However, perhaps the most significant indicator is religion. The more religious the upbringing, the more likely a bitch is to gargle cock for a paycheck.The actual dagger, though, is Catholic school. Between the...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

4 years ago
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The GirlsChapter 7 Richelle Pussy Wagon

Richelle sighed with boredom as her boyfriend, Greg Mac, droned on and on about his latest car. Greg was currently doing an apprenticeship as a mechanic, which suited him just fine; cars had been his passion all his life. Normally Richelle wouldn't be seen dead with a boy from her own school, but he was making good money, and he did have a nice car. They were sitting in the car as they spoke, up at the local "make-out" point. Richelle had suggested going up there. For some reason, she'd...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Rich Comes To Visit Part two

Bryan snapped his fingers and I returned to kneel on the floor beside him. Bryan discussed with Rich that tomorrow, we would all go out with Lisa. I worried this would be the second of Bryan’s friends she had seen me with. I assumed Bryan would work on a cover story. I also knew that she would have the idea not untrue that Bryan's friends were passing this young girl around between them.Bryan removed his pants and pointed to his cock. I knew to start pleasing him immediately with my mouth. I...

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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Jericho was Wild in the West

When the cowboy rode into town everyone knew it had to be Jericho. The silver studded, hand tooled saddle glinted the bright southwest sun into the eyes of the townsfolk as they stood watching him. High in the saddle, he rode down the main street of Dawson oblivious to the eyes of those who stopped and stared. Whispers from pious matronly women went from mouth to ear to mouth and back to the ear of the next person standing on the slatted wood sidewalk. Their hushed whispers kept pace with...

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Richa Bhabhi 8211 Part 2 Sex Investigation

Hey guys, back with another part of our beloved Richa Bhabhi and her investigation. Bhabhis always take a beat of our hearts away. Glad that Richa is loved by you all. So, I bring you the next part of her sex adventure. Before that a small note: Many of you want part 4 for Malaika Bhabhi, I understand you love her very much. I have to inform everyone that the first three episodes were the end of season 1. The next season of will come soon. Also, these stories that I write about Richa bhabhi...

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Richa Bhabhi 8211 Part 1 Fixing The Leaking Pussy

I am a lot attracted to married women. As per our Indian culture, we call such women ‘Bhabhi’. All male beings always wish to have sex with one such seductive bhabhi. Hello guys, this time I bring to you a new series based on a different bhabhi. You would have read my previous series of Malaika bhabhi. This one is based on a more cultural, seductive, horny, but also a bit naïve. If there are any bhabhis with this nature do message me. You will love her as you loved Malaika bhabhi. This story...

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