Her Unexpected Pleasure
- 1 year ago
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Those that did not get a chance to see the lathe last night came now. Sander did too even if he was going to go to sleep soon. He had been one of the men to originally build it with me and had a lot of pride in the crude device. His wife Geiri brought her two children but I think it was because she would have to leave them with the other children otherwise.
Sander was the one that set everything up. After being told what we wanted, he cut a dozen long blanks but only one complete spool. It took a few minutes to work one of the drill bits into the finished spool and the wood started to split. As long as it held together this would be alright. Spinning the spool by the bit I saw that it wobbled a lot.
We used the bow we had constructed previously and drilled holes through the centre of each of the blanks. We were not that accurate but that could be corrected. When the holes were complete, the rest of the drill bits were inserted into them. We had two blanks left over.
Two new holes were dug in the floor and the tailstock moved closer to the headstock. The first blank with the bit was put between the two without bits. This triple workpiece was turned and the blank in the middle turned on the drill bit through its centre. When the spool rotated, the metal bit kept the wood roughly where it was supposed to be. The outer circumference was now in line with that of the drillbit.
We turned all of the spools then Jón took a thicker piece of wood and cut the toy we had talked about before to the men by the gate. There was enough wood to make four large ones and a small version. They were better than what could be done with the knife but should have had a blunt piece of steel at the point.
Everything was carted back to the forge. Talk went back and forth between those that had gone and those that had not about what new things we had made. Jón took a thong and tied it to a short stick to make something like a whip. The other end of the thong was wrapped around the calendrical portion above the top of the toy. With me guiding his hand he threw the top across the floor and pulled back the stick. The top spun quickly and stayed upright. Everybody now was amazed. Jón and Forni were down on the floor too because they didn't believe their eyes either.
Jón said to me, "Why does it do that?"
"Loan me your voice so everybody can hear."
I said aloud, "When something spins quickly it has a special ability to remain where it is. If we spin a small wheel of metal with a pointed rod through it, you will find that it works even better. Put a ring around it with holes for the two points and it can be turned any way you want and the wheel will remain the way it was originally."
Jón was given the honour of giving out the tops and the adults were the ones that hogged the time with them. Jón had to get his turn but eventually I dragged him away to do some work. He drilled holes in the handles for our awls and file handles we had made earlier. The bits worked fine though the edges were not honed to the sharpness I wanted.
Two pieces of hardwood formed a pair of pliers and the awls were seated in the wood. We had nine of them in three sizes. They looked rough to me but they were still much better than anything I had seen in this century.
Sander had not gone to bed yet and was looking at the tops. I used Jón's voice to say. "A potter could make this if they are made strong and glazed. The tip has to be strong and smooth. The sides can be decorated with different colours."
He had to give up the toy but said, "Why would I want to make a toy?"
"For your children and many people will buy them."
"I will think on this."
I knew there would be competition with the wooden tops but they could still be sold to other cities or nations.
Jón left a little later with Forni at his side. Jón asked me privately, "Why are you making toys and not weapons?"
"All the things we make are strange. If we make toys then they are seen as nonthreatening and after a while they will be understood. I want everybody to get used to change but it has to be done in small steps. As time goes on the steps will get bigger and bigger. Eventually the people will not be able to stop us."
"Why would they try?"
"We are continuing what your father started. The Frisians have to work more and think more than they did before. Their culture will have to change and that will be hard to do. It never comes without pain and suffering but we can try to lessen it as much as we can."
Andsvarr was not at the stable but he was at his shop. The door was tied to the frame like all the other doors in the town. The castle though had iron hinges on at least half of the doors.
There were three other people in the room and they looked to be sons of the owner. Andsvarr's look was noncommital and he said, "What may I do for you?"
Jón bent over, because the man was sitting on the floor, working on the last saddle. "I want you to try these in your trade." He opened a small leather folder and extracted two of the awls. The man took one and looked at it very critically then took the another. They were of different sizes and in fact there were three sizes in this batch. The third type of awl was the same diameter as the sharp pin he had been using to push through the leather. The only difference being the eye and the hardness of the metal. Jón found this kind and handed it to Andsvarr as well.
The man didn't ask for help and it took a while for him to understand some of the basics. Jón said, "This usually requires two pieces of cord. Perhaps you can try with two pieces of scrap leather."
"This is just a toy."
"A while ago you were told where my knowledge comes from. Are you ready to turn your back on this so soon?"
The man thought for a minute and handed some scraps to Jón. "Use this and some cord. If you were shown then you could show me."
Jón, with some difficulty threaded the eye. With me guiding him he lined up the two pieces of leather and pushed the point through the two pieces. This was difficult because there was little material to hold on to. The awl was pulled back just a bit and this formed a loop on each side of the needle. A second piece of thread was put through one of the loops and the awl retracted. The awl was pushed through a few millimetres away and again the cord was put through. After a dozen stitches Jón handed everything to Andsvarr.
I talked to Jón and he said to Andsvarr, "With this tool you may be able to pull the stitches tight then turn the leather inside out. Another set of stitches could be put in. It is more work but makes the joint stronger and more waterproof. It can also be used for decoration. You would only put the extra stitches along the cantle where it doesn't touch the rider or the horse."
Andsvarr had been listening but he had been using the awl to continue the stitches. When he looked up he said, "This is a little faster than the way we do it. It might use more cord. Cord cost a lot of silver. My seam looks good without turning the leather backwards."
"I know it is not the way you usually do this but it may give you more time to do more boots or saddles."
Andsvarr was going to give some type of derogatory retort but must have decided to not do it. "I will see how they work out and tell you tomorrow when your saddle will be done."
Jón said, "I would like some boots made. A pair for me and one for Forni. There may be others."
"There are some new boots in the corner that we have made. Some others are here to be repaired. See if a pair fit."
Jón said, "Everybody including the Romans have a flat bottom to their boots. Some have hobnails for grip. I will pay extra but I want mine made differently."
"Again you want to give me grief with your new ideas?"
Jón was angry now. "You made money and learned to make both a different saddle and a horse collar. You got better tools as a gift and you call that grief. There are other bootmakers in this city. I am sure I could find one that is at least civil."
Jón turned to go because he was getting too angry to stay. Outside the door he spotted a small sign with a boot painted on it, and headed towards it.
Andsvarr was heard and must have followed, "I am sorry milord. Please come back and give me another chance. I have been feeling ill recently."
Jón stopped and turned around. From the middle of the street he said, "You are always ill. Your bile is so strong that it is making you lose customers. You are good at what you do but your pride blinds you."
Andsvarr made more pleas but Jón ignored him and entered the hut down the street. A thin man sitting in the dirt said, "How may I help you, milord?"
"I want two pair of boots made for a start. I may want ten more pair. They have to be made my way, not the way they are made now. Can we discuss this or are you going to argue?"
"Milord, I will discuss this all you want. Tell me how you want your boot made."
Jón and I gave him all the criteria. There was a great deal of it. I had made moccasins of various types when I was in training and I repaired boots. I had never made any from scratch but the repairs allowed me to see how they were made. The boots the Frisians wore were the same as moccasins with high tops to protect the legs. There was no heal and no arch support.
The man said when Jón had gone through everything twice, "That is a difficult way to make boots but I will do what you want. The price though will be more because of the added work and design."
"Your job will be made easier." Jón reached into the sac and extracted another set of three awls. Give me two pieces of scrap leather and two pieces of cord."
"At once milord."
Jón made a few stitches and said, "You can use these to make the boots. It will not take you long to see their benefit. Give me a price for a dozen pair of boots and all of them have to be made as I asked."
"All of them?"
We made a fair deal especially when the three awls were thrown in. Jón's foot was measured with a string and knots used to record the various dimensions. Forni's foot was measured next and the boy seemed to be happy about what he was to get.
Again we would have to help. This time it would only be the wood gage seen even in my time to measure feet. The aluminum version was more common but not everywhere.
Small jobs took up our day until noon when we found Fálki. He was again talking with some of his men and some of the Franks. I was not sure about letting the Franks see our advanced weaponry but if they were anything like the Frisians then it would take a considerable amount of effort to get their people to accept outlandish ideas.
"What would you like milord?"
"I want you to use the saddle we made. Another will be ready tomorrow I am told. Test them to find what alterations need to be made. It is easy to alter two and hard to alter hundreds."
"Hundreds? Surely there will not be that many? I know that most of the men like what they have."
"There will be more than that. The bootmaker will install the cup in the stirrup for the lance. The carpenter has run off to make a wagon and neglected to make the lances I asked for."
"What do they look like?"
Jón bent over and used his finger to draw the features and even included the extremes in length.
Fálki said, "That long?"
"You pick what is best for you. A long lance can be shortened though. If you intend to whittle a few then remember to put very blunt ends. You will still kill each other with those." The men laughed. Dying in battle even if it was mock battle was still a joke. It would just mean that they would go to Valhalla sooner.
Jón added for me, "Set a heavy pole firmly in the field. It has to be taller than a man's head while riding a horse. Put a bar on top that can swing. Hang a wooden shield from one end of the bar and a bag of sand from the other."
The men tried to figure this out and Fálki asked, "Why?"
"You charge at the shield as if it is held by an enemy. If you hit it the top bar will spin. If you are not careful the bag of sand will spin around and knock you from the horse." Now this was German humour and they laughed, thinking of this happening to others."
Jón added, "In a week we will have to travel to the stone quarry. Something is being built there and I have to help. We will need some sort of protection and perhaps a hunting party. I expect to stay there at least four days."
"What is to be made there?"
"Lime. It is what the Romans use to make mortar. It has many uses and all of them are important."
Fálki said, "I was told to stay here and guard the city."
"Then give us an escort and stay or give your job to somebody else."
Albrecht said, "I would be honoured to escort you. That is if you will allow us to leave."
"I see no reason why you cannot come. You should talk to Fálki and see how many Franks and how many Frisians should come. Be warned though that I will work you as labourers too. The stone cutters have cut the stone and you will help me move them into position. Wood has to be cut for a platform and for fuel."
"As many of us as you wish will accompany you."
I wondered about this but didn't see it as a ploy to escape, or worse yet, revenge. "Fálki is in command. I am just a passenger and then a cruel taskmaster that will change you into artisans. Remember that the Frisians tend to want to get the job done and party after."
"I have seen that over the years too."
Forni and I walked back to the stables and checked on our horses. The horse that had thrown Jón originally was not around and had not been since he had awoken. I doubted if Jón would now do anything to it but it was best that it was gone anyway.
Klaes the stableman was mucking out the stalls and Jón walked up to him. "Hello."
"Hello milord. What may I do for you?"
"Have you been exercising our horses."
"I have milord. Is there something wrong?"
Jón opened his purse and handed the man a small value coin. "Here, this is for your extra work."
"That is not necessary milord. It is a job I enjoy."
"Then you and Forni take the horses again, and see what your coin may buy." He turned around and gave Forni a similar coin. "You need practice and a chance to see some new faces."
"I am happy with you."
"I know that. I still want you to ride. On my oath I cannot do so with you. One day we will ride together with the new saddles."
"I would still want to stay with you."
"Go or I will switch your bottom."
Forni looked morose but followed Klaes' lead and saddled the horses. When they had left I said, "That was a nice thing to do. Forni is with you too much. There is a saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder. I think it is true."
After time to think, Jón said, "I think so too."
Much later Forni came to the forge with a big smile and a funny walk. I could feel that Jón was happy to see his friend back. I had been in control again and was giving a lesson on reading. Common articles were sounded out slowly and the letters found that fit the sound the best. My German had never been good and was not even the language they spoke here and now. I still tried to make the best fit possible. Very few languages, like English, had to have a spell check because they were all easy to spell.
Astrid and Dagmar had proud smiles when we ate. I had to assume that the prince was not faring as well. Jón or I didn't ask anything but I knew I wanted to find out what was happening.
We taught and had verbal tests during the afternoon with praise given to those that did well. With the right questions, everybody would feel that they had accomplished something.
Jón on his own moved his sleeping to the area with the other children. Forni staked out his place right after and I doubted if anybody would try to push him out. Aagt was almost as quick and again nobody objected.
The next day, one of the six jars was opened and the steel stacked and then welded to make one long bar. As with the others, it was folded and refolded to make the metal as homogeneous as possible. It theoretically took only a few folds to do what was needed but Jón wanted to do it more. It was his body and his sweat so I didn't object. It was also good exercise.
We formed a katana but it didn't have the soft core or the strong steel at the back. It was still better than any sword in existence. It was put aside to cool slowly while the rest got a chance to make knives with the rest of the metal.
Everybody got other pieces of steel to make things. They were given permission to make anything they wished with it. Finding a hammer and time on the anvil was difficult.
Time was made though because the other jars were opened one at a time and their metal formed into homogeneous bars. Two pieces on the bottom of each jar were saved. They were allowed to cool and then they were cold worked. Being at the hottest part of the jar they may have picked up more carbon.
Two were made into rectangles for the blades of planes. Other pieces were destined for other tools but one had to be a straight razor. The shape had to be worked hot and it was hard to get the way it was needed. It was late in the day before it was roughly done and a hole drilled in the tang. It was packed in charcoal and clay and put aside in the flames. It would pick up more carbon and much harder. When it was time all the tools could be hardened just a bit more to get the qualities we needed.
Rudi the carpenter came back after two more days. He had cut a number of trees and dragged them back to the town with a pair of oxen and three men. He came to tell me that he had returned and to see the quality of his lumber. The lumber turned out to be squared oak with one face being over a metre in size.
"I have six other trees cut and squared. You talked of not having seasoned wood so I decided to get some. You will need lots to complete the box and other wagons."
"That's a good idea. If these men know what to do I would send them back to recover what you have done and perhaps harvest a few dozen more."
"That is a great deal of work."
"Yes it is but when wood is needed it is nearby and dryer, it is better yet."
"I will ask if you wish."
Jón gave him some silver to pay his men for the work they had already done. Only one wanted to return but other help could be hired.
Forni supported a heavy sack and Jón reached in and brought out a bundled set of six wood chisels tied with a cord. They were not even that difficult to make especially when they were worked hot. He handed the bundle to Rudy and said, "These are yours. Try them on the log."
Rudi opened the bundle as if it were full of diamonds. It was layed on the horizontal surface of the log and he admired them one at a time. He went to his tools and came back with an adz. He used the back of it as a hammer and was amazed at how much material was removed with just a little effort. "These are the best chisels I have ever seen. Did you make these?"
"We all had a hand in their manufacturer."
Jón extracted two irons for the planes. They had been wrapped in cloth to protect them.
"What are these for milord?"
Jón tapped the two pieces of metal together and they tingled instead of the usual thunk. Forni handed Jón a slate and on it was the drawing of the wood plane. "I want you to make this. The chisels you are familiar with but you will find my metal much better. It is not only stronger, it is harder. If you think to bend these you will find they will break. With little effort you can smooth a piece of wood."
"I will do as you wish. I do not understand this drawing but I will study it."
Another wrapped bundle was taken out of the bag. Jón opened it and laid it out on the beam. The handles were similar to those on the chisels. "Push one of the files against the wood. Pick it up before you pull it back."
Rudi didn't know anything about files but did as he was asked. It took off little wood compared to a chisel but it could be controlled. Jón took the file and showed him the proper technique.
"These are wonderful milord but what are they for?"
"For taking small amounts of wood off. A chisel works well but against the grain it can be difficult. It doesn't matter much with the file."
He was looking at the sack because it still was not empty. An axe head and the head of an adz were again wrapped. "You will have to fit your own handles. My metal is hard and will stay sharp longer. Sharpen it on a piece of granite you rub on it. Don't use a hammer like you do on iron. This metal will not shatter but it is still hard."
"These are tremendous tools milord. Why have you given them to me?"
"They will allow you to work faster and safer. Your work will be more accurate and perhaps a thing of beauty. They are not quite free because I want you to work with them to make more wagons and other devices."
"I will do my best milord. With these tools it would be hard to not do such."
"Then the tools are yours. I am making a large saw now that will allow you to cut boards. You may have to dig a large pit under a log and have a man in the pit hold one end of the saw and another men above to do what he can."
"I have seen that done many times and have done it too."
"It is best if you hire men to do this while you work on the construction."
"I will do that if you wish. I do not have much silver for the men though."
"The wagon is needed and I will pay. You may consider making the front and the back portion of a wagon and putting your squared logs on it to transport them. The logs will act as part of the wagon."
"That is an interesting idea. I can see just how it will work."
"In a few days, we will be leaving for the stone quarry. I have a project there to make lime. We will need many barrels and the coopers are now making them. I am afraid that I have little money to spare. Their services do not come cheap."
"You make beautiful tools. Perhaps they will trade."
"That is where I was going tomorrow. I have two more irons for two more planes. If they are complete then I can show the coopers what I offer. I have other tools I think they would be interested in. Those are either complete or will be by that time."
"I have some old maple that may work. Come by my home late in the afternoon and I will try to have them done."
Fálki and Albrecht had been setting up our itinerary with the care of a campaign. Forni and I had a wagon and we were the ones that would be transporting the supplies. I had my own list of things to bring and needed another wagon.
We had checked out the wagons but doing any alterations to improve them was too time consuming. It was better to make good iron than retrofit an existing vehicle.
Yngvi had heated the tang of his sword and punched two holes in it for the handle. I had been there to make sure he didn't burn the carbon out of the blade. It had changed a great deal since I had first given it to him. It was honed but not like a warrior's blade but as a showpiece. The handle was not on yet but Yngvi was working on one that would suit the rest of the sword. He didn't like my idea of a metal hilt like the traditional calvary sabre but it was his blade now.
Modius had done a good job on most of the knife blade and had to be instructed more on how I wanted it to be sharpened. My way was a lot more work though. A cross guard had to be placed on the blade but provision for this had been made when the blade was constructed.
The handle though was carved to resemble a piece of clay that a man's hand had squeezed. It didn't fit Jón's hand quite yet but would one day. A bronze pommel had to be installed then filed down for balance. It could be thrown but it was heavy considering the amount of muscle mass Jón had. Hopefully it would be complete before I left.
The reason Modius was slow was because he and his men had too many of my other jobs to do. A set of four carving knives, a cleaver and a half dozen paring knives were made. They looked pretty good considering what century we were in.
Another job was to work on my katana. I could put a handle on but there were just too many other things to get ready. He and the men had not suffered for all the work they had performed. They had received two blades each of my best steel. One was short with a long shank so it should be used for some serious whittling. The other of course was for a good knife.
Modius was not a slave though he was forbidden to leave. He was treated no different than many Frisian veterans that had been hurt in battle and not fully recovered.
The stone cutters were not going to be left out of our tool making largesse. I made some impact drills that required a hammer to drive four edges into the stone. With a little bit of a twist by another man holding the tool, it could be struck again and work its way through the rock. We tested them and found they worked fine. It still took a long time to make a hole.
These stone chisels were of various sizes but usually they were long and heavy. All this necessitated good sledge hammers and these sucked up a lot of my steel. We had rock to break to fit into our kiln and the pieces didn't have to have neat square sides. Many other tools had been made too and all of my iron was now exhausted. The smith and I were waiting for his men to return with what we both needed.
Forni said, "I'm hungry. Is it time to eat yet?"
"Probably. Let's get the rest and see what there is to find."
"Are you going to give the knives out?"
"Did you get the wooden block?"
"It won't be ready until tomorrow. We can give the knives tonight and the wood before we leave."
"Do you really want to just give part of a gift?"
Forni had worked harder than most on this project. He had lavished a lot of love on the largest knife and the cleaver. When everybody else thought it was enough, he continued to polish the blades.
"We are going to have to wrap them."
"I already did."
"Sure of yourself?"
"No. It was just ready if you wanted."
We all could go because there was nothing being processed on the forge. We were also a bit early for supper. Helga was going to shoo us out when she saw all of our group standing formally. Dina and Aagt moved some things and then put down the bundled rags. The knives were unrolled one at a time and put in order like soldiers on parade.
Noise in the kitchen stopped completely as we heard the heavy thunk of the tools as they were put into place. The girls backed up and now everybody could see what was there. Helga came forward and even put her ever-present spoon down.
"What are these?"
Jón said, "They look like knives for the most part."
"I know that. What are they doing here?"
"I promised you something to help you work and this is part of it. These knives are special. They are made of steel not iron. They are just like the swords you heard of. They are very sharp and will stay sharp much longer."
"But... they're beautiful."
"Everyone here had a hand in making them. The veterans outside your door were good enough to put these beautiful handles on the knives."
Helga moved in now and picked up one of the small paring knives. She lightly ran her thumb over the blade then pulled it away to look at it. "These are sharp."
"They are all sharp. Wash them with care and dry each. A bit of olive oil will keep them from rusting. We have made a contract for a block of wood to hold them. It should be done tomorrow. A boy I know wanted to bring the blades here without it."
Helga smiled sweetly at Forni and said, "What are the small ones for?"
Forni was encouraged to answer what the woman already knew. She just wanted to hear from Forni. Some of the others were introduced and they talked of the tool that they worked on most.
Before we were done some of the cooks had to rush off to stir or do other things before the food burnt.
Astrid and Dagmar were still smiling during our meal but this changed later when Forni and Jón started to receive smiles and special attention from the staff. Now it was our turn to give facial hints.
During the meal Jón asked Astrid, "How is your guest doing? I see he is still unable to attend us here to have his meal."
"He still feels unsure of himself. His face has been damaged. He did go to the window and waved at his men to show them that he is still alive but it was almost too much for him."
"Sometimes a bedridden patient has difficulty using the chamber pot. Is that the case?"
Astrid gave a much larger smile and said, "Oh, he has no trouble in that. The muscles open quite wide now."
Jón conveyed my words now. "If this does present a problem, you can introduce warm soapy water. A tube connected to him may be necessary. This would be messy and he may have to be upside down. A funnel may then work but I am afraid it will be very messy."
"We will keep that in mind. He has not been eating though and it should not be a problem for a while."
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A flock of birds took off from a nearby tree. It was September. An hour later the sun rose from its horizon giving out it first rays of summer light that day. Everything was still. Sounds of people rising from the nearby house were distinguished from the sound coming from nearby places. It was the Burrow. House of one of the most ancient Pure-Blood families alive. The house was a crooked sight. The first 2 floors formed a perfect base, then there were crooked shabby additions which were...
Riley Reid wants to practice being a housewife, and who better to use as a practice partner than her stepbrother, Tony. Riley has had the hots for Tony for a while. What Tony doesn’t understand is that Riley doesn’t want to do chores or putter around; she wants to fuck him! She gets Tony’s guard down by sweetly agreeing to bring him some coffee. Then she sits on Tony’s lap, smiling and telling him that that’s what their mom and dad do. When Riley feels how hard...
xmoviesforyouCHAPTER FIVE ‘What is going on here?’ Danny wanted to know. ‘Cal is being a pig headed jack ass!’ Claire shouted. ‘And Claire is acting like being pregnant doesn’t change anything!’ Cal exclaimed, the vein in his shoulder pulsing, his anger coursing through him. ‘Of course it changes things, but I can still have a career!’ Claire said, her voice shrill. ‘You should be resting and taking care of yourself!’ Cal said. ‘This is insane! Jessica worked for YOU during the majority of all of...
How often,I would direct a movie and think about my sweet lover at home..She was a buxom beauty from Amsterdam.. We met on a film set, she was a writer and set director at the time..She had been with the porn industry since graduating film school.I did not pursue her for a while, I was a bit shy and reluctant... I was afraid that she was not a lesbian and the rejection would have devastated me and I had fallen in love with her, my beautiful, devoted Anna.I was editing a film at home one weekend...
There was no way for us to move the monster’s body out of the road. I know, because I tried. Other than his money, he had nothing that we wanted, so we turned around and headed back to Bob’s Knob. This time we headed for the livery stable. We talked to the owner, Edward Molsen. He had a wagon and a horse for sale, but both had seen better days. He insisted that the wagon was in good condition, but he did admit that the horse, Ned, might not last much more than a year. Mary was sure that the...
An envelope was handed to me by someone I didn’t catch the face of - its markings were striking and familiar. It was pink in color, with yellow decorative ribbons along the side, and sealed with a wax imprint of the most famous letter in Davinci High - K. I hurried into a bathroom stall and paused, staring at the letter for a moment, before, as carefully as possible. In my haste, I broke the wax imprint in half. Ms. Doe, We’ve been watching you for some time and we believe that you may have...
LesbianA Saturday afternoon, after a long week of work. I found myself in the shower with my wife. Washing each other. My cock was instantly hard, as I noticed her hard nipples. She tried soaping up my cock and stroking it but I refused as I told, today I'm gonna punish you. A smirk on her face as she agreed to what I said, although she had no real choice in the matter. I moved behind her holding her with my right arm, and as the hot water fell onto her tits and body, I turned it to completely cold...
One of my grandsons his name is Sid and myself He calls me Gramps were sitting in my living room just two days before his 18th birthday. Now my grandson is a very cute, very sexy young man. He has dark skin his mother is from the Philippines, he's 5ft. 6 in. tall, weighs 145 pounds, black hair, dark brown eye's, slim, some really nice eye-candy! We were watching a movie on TV that included a lot of nudity, I don't remember the name of the movie, but I do remember it was exciting Sid, I could...
IncestHey guys I am back with another story. In my previous story I told you how I got two neighbors Bhabhi to sleep with me. Now I am going to tell you how I fucked one of my school teachers. When I was in school there was this one teacher, her name was Surekha, she is married and has one son. She is 35 year of age. She is nice looking with fair skin, a bit chubby. But she has amazing pair of tits, she used to wear saree in school and look very hot. She has thick curly hair, she is 5’1” high, her...
Prequel: This is a story of misunderstanding, conflict, and two people’s journey to true love. * Introduction: A private corporation, accustomed to getting exclusive government contracts, the kind of contracts people never read or hear about except in the quietest corners of the Pentagon had run into trouble. Enormous sums of money, Federal money, unbudgeted money, and important highly secret information had disappeared. After a discreet internal investigation by key members of the innermost...
Nancy is a dear friend I have never met. An online acquaintance who became a sister. She told me about the baby she is carrying, her black lover's child. I cried when she told me of the love she had for another man and how he had broken their engagement when he learn of her carelessness. I shared in the joy of her decision to have her lover's baby, and I longed for the baby I had once miscarried, my own black lover's child. This is Nancy's story, and perhaps my own as well. Nancy met her...
I didn’t know how to respond! I mean, I had always fantasized about something like this happening, but now that it was, I got really nervous! I mumbled something about needing to take a shower and then went to the bathroom. I turned the water on and jumped in. I was standing in the shower trying to process all of this when the shower door opened. My s****r was standing there. She slowly got undressed, and stepped into the shower with me. She stood in front of me, completely naked, the water...
Es ist Samstagmorgen und Julia liegt breitbeinig auf dem Boden. Ihre Arme sind über den Kopf gezogen, so dass ihr Körper ein großes Y bildet. Es scheint es nicht, als wenn sie flüchten will, das wäre auch nicht möglich. Im Gegenteil: Die dunkle Farbe ihrer Schamlippen und der herauslaufende Schleim verraten ihre Geilheit. Vor einem Vierteljahr hat sie manchmal daran gedacht, dass SM spannend sein könnte. Hat sich zu einem Porno selbstbefriedigt in dem eine gefesselte Frau gefickt wurde – und...
BDSMGokuldham society mein sab sahi chal raha tha sab log maze se apne apne ghar mai khushi se apni patniyon ke sath sex kar rhe the. Par iyer aur babita ke sath kuch alag hi case tha bohut din ho gaye un dono ke beech ladai chal rhi thi aur sath hi iyer ko 5-6 dino ke liye bahar kahi office ke kaamse jana tha. Babita ko bohut din se chudai nhi mil rhi thi aur vo bas choot mai ungliya dalkar hi kaam chala rhi thi. To jaisa bataya iyer kaam se chala gaya to babita jethalal ke ghar jati hai. Vha...
I waited impatiently while he perused my latest story. He’s quite clever at catching typos and other minor goofs that slip by me. But the main reason I asked him to proofread this story was to give me the guy’s perspective and to judge the heat factor. I also wanted to make sure it didn’t drag on. If a story is going to be lengthy, I want it to be worth the time it takes to read it!He finished reading and smiled at me, “Excellent story!”I grinned shyly, “Is it hot enough? Is it too long?”He...
TrueInitially i use to wear my sisters dresses or my mothers bra,panties,saree,blouse,petticoat and see myself in a mirror and admire myself. Though i wasnt so good at makeup, i used to apply lipstick and put some jewellery items. It couldnt make me look like a girl but the feel of women’s clothes turned me on. And then i used to masturbate after my every crossdressing session, thinking about being fucked by a guy. But then as i grew up chances of being alone became less and i had to kill my desire...
We returned home from shopping and had another family business meeting. We made sure that Bosco and Teri would be in the loop for everything we did, now that we had the correct phone number and email address. It also went without argument that we would offer our home for their wedding. I also made sure that Dr. Grand and his family were on the regular guest list for all BBQs. After the family business meeting we left Bill and Gwen to watch the kids, and Blossom, Erin, Lynn and I went to see...
I always looked girly instead of a boy I had circlet lips and soft hands and also plump bottom I always wanted to be used by a dominant mistress with a big cock especially I always looked at ebony magazines seeing ebony Afro woman with big gigantic cocks they look delicious I always wanted bbc(big brown cock) in my mouth and ass so my mistress prepared for me to get fucked by one with a strapon that’s black and she took me to the room get me ready for it saying this cock is daddy your gonna...
Is there anyone else who fucked a woman and will never tell anyone else about it?My friend, Travis and I had been running out 10 K run as we normally do every other day. We biked and swam too, so our goal was to be competing in Iron Man races.It was early Friday evening and we got back to his house drenched in sweat. His parents had a big house with a swimming pool and gym in the basement of the house. They also had a sauna and a hot tub outside. Our legs were really sore so we jumped in the...
I had toiled in a low-end corporate job for over 2 years, and then one day, somehow, I managed to get promoted. I got my own office and the best part was that I was the one in charge of overseeing people. All of a sudden I was rushed with a feeling of liberation. So many times when I came into work, I had to run off to the bathroom when I felt my cock so hard, it was almost busting through my zipper. There was this hot latin k** named Rico who everyone (man or woman) wanted to fuck eight...
“And who is this counsellor, again?”, Disha asked Rohit. She was a bit confused and irritated. Although it was a good sign that Rohit wanted them to do couples’ counselling, he had been really sketchy about the details. “Oh, just this woman my colleague recommended at work. We’ve almost reached, though, you’ll find out soon.” After a few more minutes of silent driving, Rohit pulled up outside a bungalow in the middle of nowhere. “Where is this place?”, Disha asked, confused. Rohit told...
My pretty Asian stepsister, Lulu Chu, is always fooling around online, but when she films herself taking off her clothes on my phone, she’s gone too far. I tell her that if she wants to keep this a secret from our parents, she’s going to have to suck my cock in exchange. Later, Lulu needs to borrow my phone again, so for our second sex video, she slides her cunt up and down on my veiny cock. A couple days later, Lulu drops my phone in the bath. To make it up to me, she sucks my cock and lets me...
xmoviesforyouBefore we start, I would like to thank everyone who read part one and sent me their valuable feedback. I will try to be more regular with my stories, and I look forward to your emails. If you’re a shy woman looking for an open partner that can hold a naughty conversation, or if you’re looking for a break from the monotony of your daily routine; email me at I had just made my neighbour’s daughter Shreya cum while we hid under the bed. Her parents argued right outside her door, and then things...
Whoops! Kay just brought our conversation to a dead stop. My parents looked at each other and then looked at me to see if I was going to answer Kay's question. "Did I ask something I shouldn't have? Rob?" Kay had a puzzled look on her face as she, too, looked at me. "Kay, we don't have a Christmas dinner, per se. As Jews, we don't celebrate Christmas; December twenty-fifth is just another day for us. It's the same for almost all the homes in this community, that's why no one has...
First a little background.....so a number of years ago my gf at the time was just starting to explore her sexuality and one night we got to talking about fantacy celebs we thought were hot....hers was baseball/football star Bo Jackson. She told me that being black she imagined his rock hard body and figured his cock was long and thick.little did she know that i have always been a bit of a cuckold and this was shaping up to get very interesting. i started to probe a bit and after a few glasses...
Annabelle woke up disgusted. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the alarm clock on the raggedy nightstand. The time was five-o-three a.m. She lay back, exasperated. Beaten. She wiped the perspiration from her forehead before closing her eyes again. She looked over at her husband and cringed. Then she started to cry. Recent Past Annabelle was sixteen when she married Fred. He was twenty-one. At the time, she thought she loved him. When she found out she was pregnant, her parents decided they...
After the amazing crescendo of us both climaxing together, we were exhausted. Phillip's penis was wilting fast, cum was starting to trickle out of my satisfied pussy; it was forming a little puddle on the sheets under my ass. His hands were gently caressing my small boobs as he softly kissed me."Thank you," he whispered, "that was fantastic.""Thank you!" I murmured, "I needed that. You were incredible!"He rolled off me and lay next to me, his hand ran up and down my tummy.I felt completely...
InterracialMy Ex her 2 S*sters and Leeds Fest.Please read my other 2 stories about my Ex and her S*sters for a background for this story...........Comments and likes are most welcome........Kat, Marie, Emma and myself ventured to Leeds Festival in 2014. The girls had gone out dressed up in sort of sixties hippy flower power clothes with sexy short dresses and flowers in their hair and other such get up. They looked great and got a lot of free drinks bought all day by lots of horny lads. We danced and...
Let me begin by giving you an idea of who I am, or rather who I was at the time the following events took place. My name is Jack – well, it's not, but that is what I use for these accounts, my real name is a bit too uncommon to give me the comfort of anonymity if I were to use it. I was nineteen, two months into my second year of university in Birmingham (the UK one, if you haven't guessed from my British idiosyncrasies). I was (and still am) about 5ft 10 or 178cm tall, and skinny.I have...
First TimeI am an incest story lover. Unlike many stories I read in this ISS, my incest life started before I read or heard about incest stories. Introduction When I Hit Puberty When My Sister Hit Puberty Our Current Situation Introduction: All details in the story are real except that I have changed names. Mine is a 4 member middle class family. I will call myself Ramesh and my sister Soumya. I am 26 and my sister is 24 now. We live in Chennai, India. When I Hit Puberty: Our house had a hall, 2 bed...
IncestI was in the shower when the doorbell rang. I grabbed a towel and, without due regard to modesty, wrapped it loosely around my lower body. I left a trail of drips behind me. I made use of the front door as a protective block, however. I peered around the side to find Sherry (still in uniform) and Jenny. Jenny appeared to be crying. Modesty then totally neglected, I asked them inside. Other than my invitation, none of us spoke. Sherry placed a small overnight bag that she carried next to a...
The wild life in the ski resorts, yeah right, Matt thought. His only wild life in this godforsaken town was the occasional wild animal he saw. He hated it out here in the mountains of Colorado. He had been lured here by the prospects of making good money working the slopes only to find out the recession of the country had hit here as hard as everywhere else. His dream job lasted a few months and he was laid off.So, after months of just scraping by, he was delighted to get a response to one of...
ThreesomesI had seen Helen at one of my friend’s birthday party one year, running around and flirting with all of her brothers male friends. She had not shed all of her puppy fat yet, and was wearing a tight dress that was probably a size or two too small. I didn’t mind the view too much, but restrained myself somewhat since my wife was with me and I realize that Helen was still not of legal age. At the end of the party Helen gave me a warm and sweet hug that sent signals to all the wrong places. Almost...
Jay Romero goes to see the school nurse, Jamie Michelle, because he has an erection that won’t go away. Jamie seems sympathetic to his plight, and says the problem might be a semen buildup. She asks Jay if he’s tried… taking care of it at home? Jay confesses that he’s tried many things – jerking off, porn, even humping his pillow. As he talks about these sexual acts with more honesty, this clearly alights something within Jamie – a craving. But Jay...
xmoviesforyouHay there, beautiful people! Sorry for taking such a long time to bring you the story of a surprise threesome. You guys might know from that my girlfriend has been so obsessed with threesome lately. In the last part, I promised Asmita to arrange a threesome for her while having our first anal sex. She’s been so excited about this. I needed someone trustworthy and would get ready for this. I wanted to ensure her safety at the same time. When I had a threesome with Asmita and her sister, I had...
Frank closed the video, took it out of the tray and put it back into his collection. He leaned back in his chair and folded his hands behind his head. “I wonder if I should show this video to Brianna,” he whispered. At the same time he shook his head. “Nah,” he laughed, “I don’t think she would be interested to see her parents’ sex life.” Again Frank shook his head. “It’s beautiful to see how things develop,” he sighed and started to think back. He met Tom and Mary about fifteen years ago,...
Shuana set the plate in front of Ed with care. Following his normal behavior when presented with a new dish, Ed looked it over appreciating the presentation and then bent over to savor the aroma. With a smile, he picked up his knife and fork to cut a bite out of the meat dish. She held her breath, as he tasted the dish, hoping that he enjoyed it. Looking up at her, he was tempted to make one of his usual comments but realized that she was watching him with a seriousness that would make it a...
Goddess: First Contact By OblongMilk Part 1: The Anticipation: I sat in a very hot bath, soothing my prickly nerves. Relax the body, relaxthe mind, and it is easier to take heavy torture. The warm water worked itsmagic while images of Her danced through my head. A rigorous scrubbing, cleaning,and preening session followed in an attempt to get this body in shape for anaudience with a Goddess. The pictures of Her staring at me from printed photosscattered on my bed caught my eye over and...
--> war schon mal hier ... sorry.„Zeig‘ ihm doch mal Deine Fotze“, forderte ich meine Frau Martina auf. Wir waren mit unserem Kumpel Frank während einer Fahrradtour auf einer sonnigen Wiese zwischen zwei Waldstücken in der Nähe von Soltau gelandet. Wir Männer waren bereits nackt und hatten uns auch schon ein wenig geblasen – waren also geil. Martina, die im Sommer ihre Shirts so weit abschnitt, bis sie nur noch ganz knapp über ihre runden Titten reichten, hat in einem Café an der Ostsee auch...
"I guess you had a rough trip, Mr. Roaniki," the man said from behind his desk. Qi shuddered because the man looked like he belonged on the cover of Corporate Executive Zine and Letter. The blond hair, in a perfect, layered cut high above the ears, matched the genuinely insincere smile and the strong cleft chin. Qi wondered how much that surgery cost but he dropped the stray tangent immediately. He needed to focus. The man and his immaculate office had all of his internal alarms sounding....
Mein Name ist Heiko, ich bin 45 Jahre alt und ich erzähle euch heute von meinen Erlebnissen, die ich kürzlich bei der Physiotherapie gemacht habe. Schon länger hatte ich Probleme mit dem Rücken. Vermutlich verdankte ich die Probleme meiner sitzenden Tätigkeit. Genau wusste ich es allerdings auch nicht. Mein Arzt versuchte es zunächst mit Akupunktur. Geholfen hat die Akupunktur nicht. Schließlich verschrieb er mir eine manuelle Therapie beim Physiotherapeuten. Am nächsten Tag machte ich mich auf...
Dasha sat curled up in a ball on the cold cement floor of Karl’s basement. She had no idea how long she’d been there, 2, 3, maybe 4 weeks. Every day Karl came downstairs and showered her with cold water from a hose. He brushed her hair and made her stand on a scale (she was down to 95lbs). Then he gave her a half a cup of oatmeal. She was so starved that she didn’t even notice how terrible it tasted. And then, he would make her take a pregnancy test. Each day when it came up negative, he...
I had come home early one afternoon to pick up some paperwork from my home office. The car belonging to my daughter is parked out front, but that is not unusual, since she is a college junior and has varying hours for her classes. What is unusual however, is hearing loud moaning coming from her room that is just a couple of doors down from my office when I go into the house. Abandoning the purpose for my return home for the moment, I quietly walk down the hall to make sure that she is not hurt...
Hello, as you people already know, I only post stories of real sexual encounters in my life. So this incident happened 11 years back when I was a virgin. My first year of graduation and there I entered the lecture. A huge one indeed was in awe of the dream of becoming a doctor. There were many foreigner students too as I had gone outside India to pursue my dream. Arabics, Indians, Chinese and Srilankans. We were just talking to each other and having a good look at the fellow students. I was 18,...
(Copyright 2020 Kaizer Wolf) Submitted to Sexstories: March 17, 2022 Tags: harem, supernatural, shifter, big tits, redhead, blonde, MILF, succubus, explicit sex scenes, group sex ***** ---- BOOK 1 ---- - CHAPTER 1: Rescue - I got home from school, parking my silver used car in its usual spot, and went inside to begin making dinner for myself and my… Well, essentially, my housemate. The girl I lived with was five years older than me, and had practically been a part of my life since I...
Jennifer had always wanted to live out in the countryside, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. She often dreamed of sitting on the veranda of a homestead, looking down into the valleys on late afternoons when the cool breeze would refresh the land.She had discussed this with her husband on many occasions, only to be told, "You're dreaming, girl. We can't make money out there in the sticks. And what would we do for jobs?”Jennifer wasn't easily deterred though. Soon enough, she...
ReluctanceGreek Gods Zeus - King of the Greek gods Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister and wife of Zeus Hades - god of the underworld, brother of Zeus Poseidon - god of the sea, brother of Zeus Demeter - goddess of harvest and fertility of the earth, sister of Zeus Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus and Dione, Goddess of love, beauty and sexuality Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage,...
It was her first time having sex. She was nervous and shaking and i kissed her neck and started to suck it a little bit it started turning her on. she rolled me over on to my back and took my shirt off and started to kiss my neck and as i started taking her clothes of she said I want you to stick it in me now. so she quickly undresses herself, and then undresses me. She lays down on her back and says stick it in but when I tried to she put up a little fight. She was so tiny and petitie and...
Peaches and the Poolboy“Karma is a bitch” No truer words were ever spoken. Here I am, in my early sixties at an age that a few years ago I looked forward to. If anyone thought they were immortal, it was me. Now I’m an expert on amyotrotrphic lateral sclerosis, ALS, or more commonly known as “Lou Gehrig’s disease” It began about three years ago when I would trip on insignificant things. A crack in the sidewalk, a twig. It initially would be no more than a nuisance and would piss me off. As...
Marti and I noticed a short light skinned man enter the room, and Cici quickly introduced him as her landlord, Tomas. Leaving the door slightly cracked he mumbled said "something about a clogged pipe, or something like that" as he walked towards Cici in the kitchen. Marti and I were shocked, as we saw Cici kiss his torso, running her tongue along his stout body. Tomas whispered something, and Cici dropped to her knees without a word. She began unhooking his pants, while he towered over her...
Wife LoversCANADIAN COWBOY... A modern day cowboy has spent many days crossing the Saskatchewan prairies without water. His horse has already died of thirst. He’s crawling along the dusty ground, certain that he has breathed his last breath, when all of a sudden he sees an object sticking out of the ground several yards ahead of him. He crawls to the object, pulls it out of the ground and discovers what looks to be an old briefcase. He opens it and out pops a genie. But this is no ordinary...