Your ChoiceChapter 2 free porn video

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Waking up the next morning I wondered if I had been dreaming. Had I really found the love of my life, was I now engaged to be married and would this incredible creature be back in my life (hopefully to stay), later that afternoon?

I always get up early so I arrived at the printing company around 7 am. I knew I had a lot to do today and wanted to try to get most of it done before Deena called me, sometime in the early afternoon.

My first customer was a fellow deputy (though full time, not part-time like me), who was there to pick up his business cards. As the largest and second oldest printing company in the county, we did most of the printing for local government agencies.

“Man, you really missed the excitement last night,” he said after I handed him his cards.

“What happened?” I asked.

“They arrested a 17 year old girl for murder after she killed her Mom,” he answered.

I really didn’t think anything about it, after all, there are lots of 17 year old girls in our county.

Like most cops, I assume, our world can be defined in three words: Means, Motive and Opportunity.

Did the person who allegedly committed a crime have the opportunity to do so, meaning was he or she there when the crime occurred.

Did they have the means to commit the crime? If the murder weapon is a knife, there should be a knife nearby. If a gun, then there should be some evidence the perp had access to a gun.

And perhaps most important, but sometimes the most difficult to prove was Motive. Why did the perp commit the crime? Was it a crime of passion, or a well thought out plot?

That last was how I made my next question. In fact I only said one word.


“Ah, Man, you are not going to believe this,” my buddy said, “They think she had been stealing her Mom’s disability checks and buying stuff with the money.

“When she was arrested, she was wearing new sneakers, designer jeans and one of those North Face hoodies. One of those that cost way over a hundred dollars.

“She also had nearly $400 in her pockets and was wearing a big diamond ring.”

When my fellow deputy started with “new sneakers and designer jeans”, I still really didn’t think a lot about it.

The reference to the North Face hoodie, however, pretty much did the trick.

And yes, even at the outlet mall, the hoodie cost well over $100. In fact, Deena pitched a small fit that I would buy something so expensive for her. I knew, though, she had gotten a little cold on the ride up to Helen. The only things she was wearing were her shorts and her old, threadbare hoodie, and I insisted she have a new hoodie for the ride back. Plus the jeans to keep her legs from getting too cold.

The additional references to “nearly $400” and that she was wearing “a big diamond ring” merely emphasized there could be no doubt this was Deena he was talking about.

“You don’t ... you don’t remember her name, do you?” I asked the deputy.

“Watson or Wilson, or something like that,” he answered.

“Watkins?” I asked.

“Yes, now that you mention it, I believe it was Watkins,” he replied. “Why, do you know her?”

I brushed that question aside.

If I live to be 100 years old I don’t think I can ever forgive myself for my next thought.

And no, my first thought was NOT, “Deena couldn’t have done this,” or “Deena couldn’t hurt a fly.”

When I later tried to apologize to her for what I was actually thinking, Deena insisted that an apology was not necessary and she really couldn’t blame me for thinking what I had been thinking.

It was still less than 48 hours since I had received, up close and personal, evidence of Deena’s temper.

Remember what happened when I turned my back for two seconds in the hotel room, and then turned back to her? I had about 125 or so pounds of redhead rage hurtling directly towards my head and upper body.

I didn’t know then if that had been an anomaly or did my fiancée really have such a bad temper at other times.

No, to my eternal regret, my first thought was, “What did her Mom do that pissed Deena off so much?”

I am afraid I could easily imagine a scenario where Deena and her Mom got into a verbal altercation that turned into a physical altercation with Deena’s Mom even pushing or striking Deena.

I could see Deena reacting by trying to push her Mom away, and “Mom” stumbling and hitting her head on something and being killed. Especially considering how much Deena had told me about her Mom’s drinking and drug use.

I also knew, as a deputy, it was not all that unusual for a suspect to initially be charged with everything they could think of, plus the kitchen sink, as the old saying goes.

It is always easier to drop a murder charge down to involuntary manslaughter, than it is to upgrade an initial charge of involuntary manslaughter into murder.

I was thinking about that so much, I nearly missed the deputy’s next comment.

“We are pretty sure we even found the gun she used in her panty drawer,” he offered.

Gun? Deena?

I knew then Deena could NOT have killed her Mom.

Yes, I could understand how a physical altercation could turn out wrong, but Deena using a gun? Not NO, but HELL NO!

First, let me begin by explaining I am NEVER unarmed. Whether I was on duty as a deputy or not, I was packing.

In fact, that is how I met the Sheriff and became a reserve deputy sheriff.

After my discharge and after moving back home, the first thing I did was go to the Sheriff’s Department to see about having my concealed carry North Carolina permit (I had been stationed at Camp Lejeune) exchanged for a Georgia concealed carry permit.

While I was talking to the deputy at the desk, Sheriff Wayne Reynolds walked into the office. Although I had never met Sheriff Reynolds, I knew who he was since he had been sheriff almost as long as I had been alive.

I knew my father’s printing company printed all the campaign brochures, etc., for every election, plus almost everything else the Sheriff’s Department needed printing.

I had my Military Police badge, plus my North Carolina concealed carry permit on the desk, showing it to the deputy. Technically, I think I was supposed to turn the MP badge back in, following my discharge but they didn’t ask ... and I didn’t volunteer to turn it over.

The man I knew as Sheriff walked over and picked up both and looked at me and said, “MP in the Marines?”

I nodded yes.

“Have you considered coming to work for me?” he asked, “We can always use good deputies.”

I explained I was coming back to take over the printing company since my grandfather wanted to retire.

The Sheriff knew my grandfather and had known my father before his death, since, like I said, our printing company did all his, and the department’s printing.

“How about becoming a Reserve Deputy Sheriff?” he asked. “Usually we ask for two weekends a month but in exchange for that you get to keep your POST (Police Officer Standards and Training) certification and we actually pay our reserves on a one to two basis. For every one hour you work, you get two hours pay.”

I am thinking to myself, work eight hours and get 16 hours pay? Work a full weekend, 16 hours and get 32 hours pay?

Before I left the Sheriff’s Department, I had my Georgia concealed carry permit and had been sworn as the county’s newest deputy sheriff.

Anyway, like I said, I am NEVER unarmed.

And I wasn’t unarmed on the drive up to Helen with Deena sitting behind me. I was wearing a holster that fit in the small of my back (butt holster) and my favorite weapon, a Colt 1911 Military .45 was in the holster. No, it is not comfortable. And the gun kept digging into Deena’s stomach.

When we stopped for a few minutes to get something to drink at a convenience store, Deena asked what I had in my back pocket that kept sticking her in the stomach.

When I lifted my jacket to show her, Deena turned pale. Deena HATED guns, and started talking about how “guns kill people.” I immediately asked if pencils misspelled words and if spoons made people fat.

“There hasn’t been a single case in history where a gun just spontaneously killed anyone,” I told her. “In fact, just the opposite. Guns save hundreds of lives every year by allowing people to protect themselves.

“Guns DON’T kill people. Only people kill other people and it doesn’t matter if it is with a gun, a knife, a baseball bat or a car. And I have responded to every one of those situations just within the past year.

“Almost every lawman I know wishes more people carried guns, but only if they know what they are doing,” I continued, “The only lawmen who are anti-gun stopped being lawmen long before and are now just politicians.”

We argued the point for several minutes before finally agreeing to disagree.

She still refused to get back on the motorcycle with me unless I removed the gun and holster.

I finally had to put the holster and gun into the saddlebags on the cycle before resuming our trip.

Unbelievably, I had forgotten to retrieve the gun from the saddlebags when we went into the hotel, otherwise the gun would also have gotten a soaking when Deena and I forcefully hit the water. It wasn’t until later I remembered it, and Deena really didn’t like me to carry it at all.

She said it made her really nervous. When I tried to show it to her (after removing the magazine and unchambering the round inside), she didn’t want to touch it.

So the mere thought of Deena using a gun simply did not fly.

“Her Mom was shot?” I asked the deputy.

“Twice, in the heart!” he answered. “Actually pretty good shooting since there were no powder burns on the Mom’s body.”

The closer you are to the person you shoot, the more likely they are to have powder burns on their body. It can vary with different weapons, but generally the shooter must be within two or three feet to show powder burns.

The farther away you are, the less likely that will happen, but then that assumes you are a pretty good shot.

I considered it impossible Deena could accurately fire a weapon, striking her Mom twice in the heart and not be close enough to leave powder burns.

“Of course we won’t know if it is the actual murder weapon until ballistics tests come back,” the deputy continued, “but the daughter had enough sense to wipe the gun clean, but then tried to hide it in her panty drawer. But didn’t even close the drawer all the way!

“Pretty stupid, huh?” he added.

I knew Deena was anything BUT stupid. In fact, I already knew she was a lot smarter than me and if not a certified genius, she was so close it really didn’t matter.

“What does the ... the suspect say happened?” I finally ask.

“Oh, she is claiming she wasn’t even there Saturday night, but refused to say anything about where she was or who she was with,” the deputy answered.

“Saturday?” I asked, “Saturday?”

“Yes, the Mom was killed Saturday night,” he said, “Neighbors heard some loud voices and then gunshots about 9 pm Saturday.”

Deena and I were having dinner with Bob and Sue Saturday night and didn’t get back to the hotel until a little after 9 pm.

After that I couldn’t get the deputy out of the shop quickly enough.

I yelled at one of the other employees I would be gone for a few hours then ran outside and jumped into my truck.

Never in my life had I wanted to do anything more than I wanted to drive straight to the Sheriff’s Department and demand ... DEMAND ... that they let Deena go.

I also knew, however, THAT is not the way to get anything done.

As soon as I was in the truck, I hit the talk button on the steering wheel and said, “Call Bob.” The truck automatically dialed the number and as soon as Bob heard my voice he started to tell me a Marine Corps joke.

“Bob, Deena is in trouble and I need your help,” I interrupted.

Bob didn’t ask what was wrong, he just asked, “What can I do?”

“Deena ... Deena has been arrested and charged with murder,” I told him. He gasped and repeated the words and I could hear Sue in the background cry out as well.

“Bob, get this ... Deena’s Mom was murdered Saturday night ... around 9 pm,” I said.

“But ... but ... but you and Deena were here with us Saturday night,” he cried out.

“Do you still have the video cameras in the lobby and in the halls,” I asked. Bob had complained a lot about having to install the cameras in the hotel, but his insurance agent had insisted in case any guest ever claimed to have gotten hurt while on the premises.

“Yes!” Bob cried out, understanding immediately.

“Put together any videos of Deena and me from the time we got there Saturday morning until we left Sunday morning,” I asked. I knew that would probably be some huge files so I asked him to email that video to me.

“But first,” I said, “find the video of when we all came back from dinner and do a screen capture of that image and text it to me.”

I knew the security system put a time and date stamp on all the video, so that would prove we were in Helen when Deena’s Mom was killed.

Bob was already working on it before we even ended the call.

Once I arrived at my house, I started going through all my paperwork.

I have to admit I am sometimes obsessive in keeping up with receipts. If I stop and buy a coke, I demand a receipt. Anywhere I go and anything I buy, I demand receipts.

I also keep an accordion folder in my truck and usually file those receipts immediately in the appropriate place.

I had once been asked, by someone who saw the folder, if I suffered from OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).

I told him, “No, I have CDO.”

“What CDO?” he asked.

“That’s like OCD but the letters are in alphabetical order ... like they should be,” I answered.

That need to keep all the receipts can actually be traced back to my Dad since he had been audited several times by the IRS and the receipts showing the purchases he claimed as company expense had been the only thing that kept him from having to pay a fine and penalty on his taxes.

Yes, I had learned that lesson well from my Dad.

Obviously I couldn’t file the receipts while in Helen, since I was on my motorcycle, but as soon as I got back home Sunday night after dropping Deena off, I brought the folder inside and filed away every single receipt from Saturday and Sunday.

I found the receipt for the sneakers (time and date printed on receipt), and found the receipt for the designer jeans and hoodie, all showing time and date purchased.

Every meal we ate (except Saturday night since Bob and Sue paid), the receipt for the engagement ring, and even a receipt for ice cream cones we ate Saturday afternoon.

I also had both the actual pictures, plus the receipts from having the old timey photos taken Saturday afternoon as well.

While doing this my phone beeped and when I checked it was the image from Bob, clearly showing Deena and I in the hotel at 9:13 pm, Saturday night.

I sent that image to my printer, then took everything I had and put in an old leather briefcase that belonged to my Dad.

The final thing I did was open my safe and remove my department issued leather holster, my department issued service revolver and my department issued deputy’s badge. I grabbed a large rubber band and neatly rolled up the holster and revolver and put the badge on top, before securing all with the rubber band and put that in the briefcase as well.

Then I sat down and tried to prepare myself for what was coming.

The second worst day of my life happened about a month after my 17th birthday. My Dad was in Savannah attending the yearly meeting of the Printing and Imaging Association of Georgia (PIAG). In fact, Dad was one of the keynote speakers that year.

He left Friday morning and by Saturday evening I was bored out of my mind.

So much so, that I “borrowed” his prize possession. Dad found it sitting in a junk yard in Dahlonega, Georgia. No tires, didn’t even have an engine nor transmission.

Dad spent years, and untold thousands and thousands of hours (not to mention probably the same amount of money according to my Mom), but when he was finished he had a fully restored 1977 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am, just like the one Burt Reynolds drove in the movie, Smokey and the Bandit.

That was the year Dad was born, and the car was identical to the one HIS father (my grandfather) bought that year, only to total the next year. Before he totaled the car, however, he had taken dozens of photos of my Dad sitting in, on top of, and beside the car and even sitting in the trunk.

Obviously Dad didn’t remember the car since he would only have a little over a year old when my grandfather wrecked it, but he grew up looking at the pictures and dreaming of having that kind of car when he got older.

Yes, I “borrowed” the car, which is a lot nicer way of saying it than I took it without permission or even stole it.

And within 30 minutes, wrecked it. Actually, it wasn’t that bad of a wreck. I was burning rubber when the rear end drifted more than I thought it would and I hit a parked car. Crumpled the left rear quarter panel.

Then I panicked. I jumped out of the car and ran. Never even considered that people had seen me, both driving and leaving the scene of the accident.

I ran all the way home, turned off all the lights and pretended no one was at home when deputies came to the door.

When Dad and Mom came back Sunday morning and noticed the car was no longer in the garage ... I lied.

When the deputies came back later Sunday, and had witnesses that I had been driving ... I still lied.

When the deputies came back WITH those witnesses ... I finally told the truth.

“That car is just a heap of metal and glass,” my Dad said and was speaking so softly I had to strain to hear the words. “The car can be fixed. But I don’t know if we can ever fix the fact that you lied to me. My own son ... my own son lied to me.”

By that point I would have given anything if Dad just took off his belt and beat the shit out of me.

He didn’t. He just looked at me, shook his head and walked off.

THAT hurt worse than any beating ever could have hurt.

For the next almost two weeks, Dad just ignored me. He would say “Good Morning,” in the morning, and “Good afternoon or Good Evening,” when he came home, but that was all.

For those next almost two weeks, I drove myself like a madman. After school, I mowed our yard, I mowed all the neighbors’ yards (and we had NO close neighbors), I weed-eated, I worked in the garden, I emptied the entire garage (four car garage) and painted inside and outside, then organized everything and put it back neatly.

I did everything I could to try to make it up to my Dad.

Finally, on Friday, the 13th day after the wreck, Dad asked me a question while I was getting ready to go to school.

“Do you have any plans for this weekend?” he asked.

I didn’t have any plans, but even if I had planned dating Miss Teen America, it wouldn’t have mattered.

“No, Sir,” I said.

“My old friend Burt said the stripers are really biting now.” Dad said. I knew “stripers” were otherwise called striped bass.

I knew Burt had been one of my Dad’s buddies while they were in the Marines together. Burt owned a fishing camp at Santee-Cooper in South Carolina. The Santee and Cooper rivers were part of the federally funded New Deal construction projects under Roosevelt. Two huge lakes, Lake Marion and Lake Moultrie, were formed and the damns built provided electricity for large parts of South Carolina.

A historical note: Lake Marion is named after legendary Revolutionary War hero, Francis Marion, who is otherwise known as “The Swamp Fox.” Never heard of him? If you have ever seen the Mel Gibson movie, “The Patriot,” then that is a very loose retelling of the Swamp Fox legend.

“Would you like to go fishing this weekend?” my Dad asked.

I am 17 and I will not cry. I am 17 and I will not cry. I AM 17 AND I WILL NOT CRY!

And I didn’t. Yes, my voice broke when I said, “Yes, Sir, I would like that very much.”

“Good,” Dad said, “can you get all our fishing equipment together after school and make sure everything is ready?”

“Yes, Sir!” I answered.

I made it as far as hearing the sound of his truck door slam before I broke down completely and bawled like a baby.

That day, which began on so positive of a note, would soon become THE worst day of my life.

Shortly before lunch I heard my name on the intercom, telling me to report to the principal’s office.

When I walked in, my mother was there – crying. My grandfather was there – he wasn’t crying, but you could tell he had been.

I heard words like “massive heart attack,” and “he’s gone.”

“No, NO!” I screamed. “We’re going fishing ... we’re going fishing ... we’re going fishing.”

I never really got to make it up to my Dad. I will never know if he had actually forgiven me, not for wrecking the car, but for lying about it.

And I swore I would never lie again ... about anything. I later had to amend that some. If someone asks you how their clothes or haircut looks, it is generally not a good idea to answer that it “makes them look retarded.”

Especially if it is a girl! Guys can take it, guys even expect it. Girls don’t seem to understand though.

The three people I most respected in this world are, in order, my Dad, my Grandfather ... and Sheriff Wayne Reynolds.

I had already disappointed my Dad with my lies, and now I knew I was about to disappoint Sheriff Reynolds with the truth.

That I had been with a 17 year old girl.

Yeah, the Sheriff’s Department takes very seriously the notion of a “person of authority” becoming involved with a young girl – regardless of the circumstances. I have attended more than one mandatory training class about “improper contact” with young girls.

Before I knew it I was sitting in the parking lot at the Sheriff’s Department.

I walked inside and told his secretary I needed to see Wayne immediately.

When I walked into his office, Wayne stood up and stuck out his hand, asking, “Hey, what’s up, Jack?”

I could see the surprise in his eyes, after we shook hands, when I said, “Sheriff, we need to talk.”

The department had always been very informal. Usually, it was always “Wayne,” and “Jack.” My using his title, instead of his name, tipped him off that this was anything but normal.

“You are holding Deena Watkins on suspicion of murder,” I began, and he nodded.

“Before I go any further, there is something else I must do first,” I said.

I opened the briefcase and pulled out my holster, gun and badge and placed them on his desk.

He had a somewhat stunned look on his face.

“This is so you won’t have to ask for it,” I said, then added, “Deena ... Deena is now my fiancée and was with me all weekend in Helen.”

He turned somewhat pale.

“Jesus, Jack, she is only 17!” he exclaimed.

“I know that now,” I offered, “but she told me she was 18 at first.”

Then I remembered my pledge to not lie.

“But, yes, I knew how old she actually was before ... before we became involved.”

Item by item, I went through everything I had, starting with the print out from the security camera Saturday night showing the four of us, Bob and Sue, me and Deena, and pointed out the time and date stamp in the upper right hand of the photo.

“Bob, the owner, is sending me all the actual video from Saturday morning, when we arrived, until Sunday morning, when we left,” I continued.

I showed him the receipts from all the clothes, plus the receipt from the purchase of the engagement ring.

“I also put the $400 in her purse,” I added.

“I can’t believe this,” Wayne finally said, “you willfully became involved with a 17 year old.”

“Age of consent in Georgia is 16,” I reminded him.

Now Wayne’s face flushed red.

“Don’t quote the law to ME,” he said, rather angrily, “I was Sheriff while you were still wearing diapers. We are lawmen and held to a higher standard than civilians.”

He turned even redder.

I couldn’t help but remember all the times we had gone fishing at his cabin on Lake Lanier.

From almost the first day at the department, Wayne had been not just my boss, but also my friend. In fact, one of my best friends.

“I will not apologize for becoming involved with Deena,” I told him. “I am sorry for disappointing you, but I am not sorry for falling in love with Deena.”

He looked at me for a minute or two before finally nodding his head.

“What’s done is done,” he said. Then to my surprise he held out his hand and offered congratulations on my engagement.

“I am still not happy that you would become involved with someone so much younger than you,” he added, “but I know that sometimes the heart is beyond our control.

“I’ve watched part of the interrogation through the two-way mirror,” Wayne added, “and I knew she was protecting someone ... I just never imagined that ‘someone’ was you.”

I explained my unfortunate comment to Deena that she “held my life in her hands,” and that if anyone found out that I was becoming romantically involved with a 17 year old it could cause me trouble.

“I never ... I never imagined she would take it to heart so much ... that she would try to protect me even while she was facing a possible murder charge,” I added.

“Where is Deena?” I finally asked.

Wayne said she was in Interrogation Room A, along with Ron and Jeff. Ron was Captain Ron Harris, Chief of Detectives, and number three in the hierarchy of the department. Jeff was Sergeant Jeff Bates, also with the detective division.

“She hasn’t budged an inch from her story,” Wayne told me. “Insists she was not home and had, in fact, spent the weekend with someone but absolutely refuses to reveal who that someone was.

“We put her on ice for a while, until four this morning, then Ron and Jeff have spent (looking at his watch) the past six hours trying to get her to confess.”

The “put her on ice” remark was indicative of one of the most successful moves to get a person ready to talk. When a person is first arrested, they are often angry and defiant. A few hours in solitary has a remarkable effect in making a person feel hopeless and alone.

Often, not always, but often that person will be so happy just to talk to someone they will forget themselves and admit to whatever they have been charged with.

Wayne buzzed his secretary and told her to have Ron and Jeff immediately report to his office.

Ron was probably in his late 50s or early 60s while Jeff was closer to my age.

Like I said, Wayne ran a very informal department. When the two detectives entered his office they both shook my hand amid a couple of “How’s it going, Jack,” and “How’s it hanging.”

I think they were both surprised with my responses of “Captain Harris” and “Sergeant Bates.”

I think they also both noticed my holster and badge, still sitting on the Sheriff’s desk.

“How is the interrogation going,” Wayne asked.

“Damn, she is one tough nut to crack,” answered Ron. “In fact, if it weren’t for the physical evidence ... the gun, the clothes, the money and ring ... I would actually tend to believe her when she said she was with someone all weekend. That she wasn’t even home.

“I just can’t imagine why ... why she would continue to try to protect this person while facing a murder rap.”

“I can answer that,” I said. “She is trying to protect her fiancé because he made the incredibly stupid statement that if anyone found out he, a law enforcement officer, was involved with a 17 year old, it could make things very difficult for him. He even used the unfortunate term she ‘held his life in her hands,’ while explaining about young girls becoming involved with a ‘person of authority.’”

Incredibly, Wayne made the comment, “but she first told him she was 18, not 17.”

I couldn’t believe it. Wayne was actually trying to protect me!

“If you haven’t figured it out yet,” I added, “I am Deena’s fiancé and the person she is trying to protect. And yes, we spent the entire weekend together. Friday night at my place, and all day Saturday, Saturday night and Sunday morning in Helen.”

Then, for the next 30 minutes, I went through all the evidence again, this time with Ron and Jeff, proving we were in Helen. All the receipts plus the screen shot showing we were at the hotel at the time of the murder.

We also discussed the fact someone had obviously tried to frame Deena for the murder, assuming the gun in her panty drawer was, in fact, the murder weapon.

Deena had repeatedly stated she had no idea who might have wanted to kill her mother.

We decided that there wasn’t much else to discuss. At least until the forensics test came back on the gun.

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Youre Mine

Standing in the shower, soapy hands in my hair, absentmindedly working the lather as I think of all that we’ve shared, and your words echo through my mind as I lean back against the wall. ‘You’re mine.’ Reaching to finger my clit as I remember your face, only inches from mine, and your breath against my skin, as you hissed, ‘You’re mine. Only mine.’ and I know that I am… that it’s all I ever want to be. I press one finger into my tight, hot pussy, already longing for you in ways that I’ve never...

2 years ago
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Youre gonna make me cum again

I can see the steam escaping from the bathroom and know you’re in the shower. Just imaging about how you’re soaping your body up makes my folds ache. I can literally feel my heartbeat making my clit pulse. Moving as silently as the wind, I creep to the bathroom door. It feels good to be naughty. Your bathroom door is slightly open, a ray of golden light shines on the floor. I’m a guest in your home. I shouldn’t be invading your privacy, after all the kindness you have bestowed on me. It’s...

4 years ago
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Youre beautiful to me

This is an earlier work with some tweaks. What would happen, I wonder, if I watched you… well, watched you touch yourself? Could you? Would you like it? Would you start out slow and gentle, music, soft candlelight? Would you wear something comfortable, silky on your smooth skin? Maybe you’d enjoy a glass of wine perhaps, maybe two just to lubricate the moment, the tangy taste of the wine waking up your senses. Maybe you’d begin long before I got there with a soaking bath, the tepid water...

2 years ago
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Youre My Bitch Now Chapter 7

You're My Bitch Now Chapter SevenRick kept his eyes closed and jumped as he felt Chris touch his chin with his fingertips, but he almost swooned as he felt the lipstick slide across his puckered lips. It felt soft and slippery and exciting and he felt dizzy as Chris rolled the lipstick across his lips. ‘How does that feel, Rikkie? It looks so sweet on you. Open your eyes now and come have a look.’ Chris took Rick gently by the hand and led him across to the mirror. Rick opened his eyes and...

4 years ago
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Youre A Fucking Good Whore

It was a Saturday night. Wearing my short dress with nothing underneath, I was dancing on the dance floor in a club. Men were coming closer to me, talking to me, touching my ass. I was enjoying it all, but for the past few minutes, I was constantly making an eye contact with the man sitting at the bar. He looked like he was in his early thirties. He was tall, with short black hair and beautiful eyes. He was wearing a black suit with white shirt. We smiled looking at each other. A man came...

4 years ago
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Youre a Treasure

The first time you finally get physical with a new partner is always a little surprising. Sometimes it’s set up. Sometimes it just happens. But however it comes about, it’s never what you expect. Take my first time with Jeremy for example. He and I had been dating for a couple months, and it was going extremely well! I had met him in my English Literature class during my sophomore year in college, and his insightful opinions had immediately caught my attention. He’d seemed to me the type of guy...

2 years ago
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Youre the first woman Ive ever

You’re the first woman I’ve ever.. It had been raining all morning and Karen hadn’t been feeling well. She had stayed home from work for the fourth time this month. As she lay in bed she tried to convince herself she was unwell with a cold or something due to winter setting in, but deep down she knew the truth was she was lonely and becoming depressed. The phone rang and although numb she answered, ‘Hello?’ ‘Karen? It’s Martin. I’ve just come into the store and Margaret tells me you’re...

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Youre Joking Right

She timed her moment to perfection. Brad was idly sifting through a bunch of magazines looking for something to read while she watched a TV program he wasn’t interested in when she matter-of-factly delivered the bombshell. Ashley just grinned wickedly when she told him. She looked smug and superior, but she also knew things about Brad. She knew he thought she didn’t know about it, because she hadn’t mentioned it in the month that had passed since it happened. She knew that he would be shocked...

3 years ago
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Youre a little shit you know that

I get home from work and I can’t wait to drop into my bed. Another day … another dollar. But sometimes it’s hard being the bread-winner. The newspaper is lodged in the bushes. Shit, I can’t reach that, I think. Opening the front door, I’m greeted by the smell of burnt food. Waffles … bread … muffins? Whatever it was, it’s burned to hell and another waste of the groceries I just bought. Walking into the kitchen, I’m greeted by a pile of dishes in the sink. Plates, cups, roasting tins, and the...

2 years ago
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Youre Fired

‘Mark!’ Olivia shouted her secretary’s name from the corner of her office. Her head was buried in a file cabinet. Olivia was in her 40s and was a senior account manager at Wilson and Oldsten, the most prestigious advertising agency in the state. She was tall and blonde, with striking nordic features. She had a hard driving personality that, combined with her good looks, had fueled her meteoric rise through the company. Mark walked into the room. He had been Olivia’s secretary for only two...

4 years ago
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Youre Not Naughty Boy

She stared into the computer, a 40 year old woman, and asked herself, ‘What am I doing?’ She was dirty blonde, with light olive skin and average size for a plus size model – though she was only 5′ 3”. 190 pounds of sexual hunger with 38DDD’s so she didn’t need to… But she still went on to type up a meeting place near by. She was still really hesitant to be doing this at all so she picked a place near by where she could easily hide and see what he looked like and run home and block him if he...

3 years ago
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Yours And Mine

I woke up this morning and wished that we were back in that first apartment of ours. Back when I watched you sleep during my favorite time of day... those first moments when dawn has just barely introduced herself to night. I lie there dreamily and watch her overpower the darkness with her seductive strength. Seeing the way she steals into our bed and kisses your features, lighting them (and me) on fire. I need you most in moments like those. Now, I slide closer, the swish of silky sheets your...

Straight Sex
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Yours Is Not To Say

The following story contains some strong language, persons bothered by such are advised to skip it. It is not, strictly speaking, a transformation story, but then little of what I write is. It does deal with T* issues, such as they are. This story didn't come out nearly as well as I'd hoped, but I'm not sure what else to do with it so I present it here. It does have the saving grace of being, as far as I know, a unique concept, for whatever that's worth. Comments and...

2 years ago
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Yours to Share

Introduction: Im a 21 year old queer woman who loves being dominated by men, women and anybody in between. This is just a glimpse into a fantasy I have. Ive been yours for a few months now. Ive been yours since I lost funding for school, and had to come to you, an old high school friend, to help me with the money. My days are pretty much the same. Im studying English at a local college, and you told me I had to arrange my classes so that you could have me for days at a time. Now, all of my...

4 years ago
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As you require, I am naked, kneeling in the centre of the room, knees apart, hands on the back of my head. I am on complete display, for your eyes only. I hear you come up the stairs, in no hurry. You know that I will be doing just what you have instructed, so why rush? Finally, you open the door and come into the room and walk over to stand in front of where I wait, for your pleasure. “Those knees should be wider, slut, you know that,” you order. Chastised I spread my legs wider, completely...

2 years ago
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Yours lovingly

Hello there, this is your jj this time submitting a narration with a difference. S very different and only meant for the female readers, read on to learn how i would lick you off when we get a chance to meet. The images that flashes in my mind’s is that of a woman who is on the edge, edge meaning nearing menopause a perfect south indian in her late forties inspire my imagination. His short story of how i would eat your pussy was written just for you. Read it and enjoy it while stroking your...

2 years ago
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I never liked plain vanilla ice cream - or chocolate, for the record.Take me to the Caribbean with a few scoops of creamy coconut with crunchy frozen chocolate bits, chewy candied pineapple chunks, I’ll sprinkle spiced rum and squirt cream on it, then we’re talking.Garnish my summer evening with strawberry ice cream, made of fresh strawberries with the tiny seeds and juicy fruit-flesh, dark chocolate chunks, floating in a coupe of prosecco.Or pure, innocent vanilla with fresh mint and roughly...

4 years ago
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Yours to Share

I haven’t been allowed to wear panties for weeks, ever since I forgot to get on my knees one night when you came home. That rule is simple: when you walk through the door of any room I am in, I must get down on my knees and open my mouth to you. Sometimes you use my mouth, and sometimes you don’t. Either way, you don’t care my mouth desires you or not, you take what you want. It’s Tuesday today, so I come home from class expecting you to have a five day week planned for me and my holes....

4 years ago
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Yours to take

You have been reborn. Whatever you did on earth, it was surely spectacular to warrent the reward you are recieving, but that is no longer relevant. You have been placed on a world where there are no men- every single living thing is female. This world contains countless species, ranging from human to alien to monsters to mythological beings. The darkness fades from your eyes, and you realize that you are falling- clouds rush past faster than you are comfortable with. As the green landscape...

4 years ago
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Your TV Adventure

AN OPEN LETTER TO THE READER FROM "c.c." Author of "TV for a Week", "Evelyn's TV Dance" etc... Dear Reader, The other day, I heard someone say that for a writer to take his work seriously, the characters he creates must be Important to him. It was a pretty innocuous statement, but it got me to thinking. Over the last few years, I have created several characters, and put them into painful and embarrassing predicaments just so you, the Reader, could laugh at their antics and enjoy...

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Your Treat

You opened the front door softly, hoping to surprise me with your early arrival from work. You stepped through the entrance way slowly, making sure to shut the door behind you with care. You unbuckled your tool belt from the waist of your jeans, carefully setting it on the door mat. Around the corner, you see that the door to the study is open, and you can hear me click-clacking on the computer. You know that I have been extremely stressed lately, and you hope that what you have in mind will...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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your need My whip

your need , My whip by Midnytedreams I enter the shop and see that two woman are by themselves looking at the novelties and lingerie in the store, with the lone female cashier behind her counter. I walk up to the counter and tell her My name and ask "Has My package arrived yet ,  I special ordered it"?. She looks on the computer and says. "Yes Sir, if you will wait one moment I will get it". She walks walks around the counter and into the back, and goes to gets it. I wait and  I feel the two...

2 years ago
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Your rape part 1

Please give me some feedback. The day has come, I have been watching you for a while. I have plotted your movement, your schedule. I know when you are home, when you are school, when you work, I know what you had for lunch today. Your roommate just left for the weekend, right on time. You are alone for the weekend, just like last weekend, and the one before. Sitting in my car I check my equipment one more time, while I rehearse everything in my mind. The coil of rope around my waist,...

4 years ago
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Your Trip For Women

I am 20, and live in Barnsley a small town in Yorkshire, near the North of England. You had to look at all sorts of maps but finally found me. We had met on the web on a site that you put your picture and rated others on how sexy you thought they were, you had seen my pic on there and instantly hit 'contact me' I had looked at your picture and instantly hit it too, you were very attractive and there was no way I wasn't going to click back to you and rate you a perfect 10 Finally we...

4 years ago
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Your First Threesome

After 23 years and three kids, things are bound to get stale. But one night can bring the fire back from smoldering coals to a raging inferno, and a single dream can turn our lives around. Waking together in bed and you are horny as hell. Your pussy is dripping wet as my fingers find your heat. ‘Good dream?’ I ask. ‘Oh yes, I dreamed you were eating me while another guy was holding my hands and thrusting his cock down my throat!’ you reply. Now I know you have had dreams and fantasies about...

2 years ago
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Your First Threesome

After 23 years and three kids, things are bound to get stale. But one night can bring the fire back from smoldering coals to a raging inferno, and a single dream can turn our lives around. Waking together in bed and you are horny as hell. Your pussy is dripping wet as my fingers find your heat. "Good dream?" I ask. "Oh yes, I dreamed you were eating me while another guy was holding my hands and thrusting his cock down my throat!" you reply. Now I know you have had dreams and fantasies about...

Group Sex
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Your Master

You just received a call from your Master that has just set you on edge with excitement and curiosity. He has told you to meet Him at His place, the instructions are very specific. you are to arrive at the house at 4:30, let yourself into the shower and dress in the clothes He has left you in the bedroom. Wait for Him in the front room until He arrives. You are not to do anything else. You arrive at the house and let yourself in, the anticipation is killing you so you head directly to the...

4 years ago
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Your Master

You just received a call from your Master that has just set you on edge with excitement and curiosity. He has told you to meet Him at His place, the instructions are very specific. you are to arrive at the house at 4:30, let yourself into the shower and dress in the clothes He has left you in the bedroom. Wait for Him in the front room until He arrives. You are not to do anything else. You arrive at the house and let yourself in, the anticipation is killing you so you head directly to the...

2 years ago
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Your Trip For Men

I am 20, and live in Barnsley a small town in Yorkshire, near the North of England. You had to look at all sorts of maps but finally found me. We had met on the web on a site that you put your picture and rated others on how sexy you thought they were, you had seen my pic on there and instantly hit ‘contact me’ I had looked at your picture and instantly hit it too, you were very attractive and there was no way I wasn’t going to click back to you and rate you a perfect 10 Finally we...

2 years ago
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Your fantasy comes true

I'm in my hotel and I'm both nervous and excited. The thought of our last meeting keeps running through my head. Recalling the scene as it played out: you two coming to my hotel and putting on a show. It was incredible. Just the thought of watching you two make love is enough to place me in the moment. I can feel the energy and excitement that we generated. As I'm lost in the memory I hear a knock at the door which snaps me out of it. I answer the door and greet you both. Your easy-going...

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Your Day

So far it had been a long day for you – work sucked, your body was so sore it hurt just to move. All you really wanted to do was take a shower and sl**p, but little did you know how true that was or how you were going to get it. Small hands ran up and down your back, slipping under your shirt in the process to press flesh against flesh. Somewhat surprising you, but letting you know that your lover knew what your day had been. Stroking your back, and then moving to your waist to gently pinch the...

3 years ago
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Your first woman

You pour me another glass of wine, the night air is cooling but the water in the hot tub is keeping us from getting chilled. The party has moved inside but there are still three of us left. You sit snuggled up beside me, legs intertwined under the water. You have one leg over mine and the other spread out to the side, exposing your pussy without being too obvious about it. S sits across from us, we are talking quietly, enjoying the sounds of the night. I had turned off the lights earlier so we...

4 years ago
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Your Birthday Present

I called you from work today and asked you if you felt like eating Chinese or Spanish tonight... You said you felt like Chinese, I said okay, I'll bring some home for you. Next I told you how I wanted you to be ready for your present that I brought for you... I told you that I would be home from work at 6 and by the time I got home, you were to be freshly showered and perfumed, nude on the bed with your legs wide open, cuffed to the bottom corners of the bed, your blindfold on and your...

4 years ago
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Your Going to Love It GayMaker

Hey Baby,It's been a long time since we've been together alone. I'm glad to hear that your wife is out of town. I have been so horny thinking about you.... I've been thinking about this moment... for so long... and what it would be like when I got you all alone... away from your wife... and all to myselfBaby... I have brought you a present... and I think you are going to love it. But first... I want you to get naked. Take off all of your close. That's it... strip all the way down. Take off your...

3 years ago
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Your Story

I'd been away for six days. You'd started a new job and we hadn't fucked in over a week. Our longest drought yet. Your filthy messages and hot pictures whilst I was away had not exactly dimmed my lust and need for you. Just this morning you'd sent me your latest fantasy and a story idea from a dream you'd had.When I arrived home I sat down to write it for you as a surprise and now an hour later the first version is done as I hear your keys in the door and then it swings open. Sitting in...

Straight Sex
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Your wife tries black cock

Laura and her husband had been enjoying a bit of a renaissance in their sex life, going out more and trying out new things. It was on one of their date nights that you admitted to Luara that it turned you on when she dressed up a little especially when the other guys checked her out. Laura was a little taken aback at first, taking herself off to the restroom to freshen up. On her return to the bar Laura strayed to the other end of the bar, taking a bar stool and showing off some thigh as she...

2 years ago
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Your Fantasy

This is my dream fantasy ..if any woman , girl, couple wants to be part of it..most welcome. Please read it slowly & imagine the woman as you..Happy reading We check into a beach resort somewhere in Mauritius. Our room is very spacious with all amenities like a mini pool, Jacquzi, Shower panels in bath room. The two big couches in the rooms were giving a tempting invitation to have some naughty fun on them. The bed is king size round in shape with as many as seven pillows of different sizes...

2 years ago
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Your Master Requires Your Presence

Your Master RequiresYour Presence Cathy leaned back in her seat, resigned to her fate. Inhindsight, it had been foolish and stupid, she knew better. But she had doneit anyway, and now she must pay the price. If she had only stopped to think,listened, made the effort to understand, none of this would have been necessary.As she sat there, under the guard's watchful eye, she thought back, wasit really only a day ago ? It had been a Friday afternoon. Cecilia had called aboutthe party, all their...

4 years ago
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Your first holiday together

You are on your first real foreign sun holiday with your wife, the place you have picked is everything you thought it would be. The scenery, the restaurants, the pool, the beach, the only thing your wife has found to complain about is that her bikinis are a bit out of date and she needed to buy some new ones. Shopping for new bikinis wasn't your thing but you could go and find a good place ot eat and meet back with your wife back at the square in a half hour or so.Your wife was a little lat,...

4 years ago
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Your New Toy 8211 Fantasy Of A Slave

Hello everyone, my name is Nikhil. I am an 18 years old virgin guy in his first year of engineering in bangalore. I have a 5.5inch uncut cock and a bubble ass. Yes im a bisexual,but more than that, i love to be girlish and serve women. Especially older ones. This is my first story which is fictional. It is told from my mistress’s point of you. Hope you all like it.I patiently wait for you in the room, sitting on the bed for your arrival. When you come in, you see me sitting on the edge of the...

2 years ago
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Your Move Part 2 Kallis Turn

Seven years since you’d last seen your sister’s husband, Evan, when you were an eighteen year-old starting your last year of high school. Seven years since you had watched the way he confidently led your sister across the dance floor at the wedding reception. Seven years since you had (somewhat) guiltily fantasized that he would be consummating a relationship with you, not Alyssa, and that you would be joining him on the honeymoon to St. Lucia.As you worked your way through another set at...

3 years ago
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Your Birthday Surprise

When you walk in the door, the kids pounce on you with their wrapped gifts. "Here Dad, happy birthday!" "Open mine first!" You chuckle, thinking "Now this is more like what a birthday evening should be." "Ok, ok. Let me at least put my stuff down." You sit at the kitchen table and unwrap the trinkets. "Dinner smells good, babe. What is it?" "Crispy chicken and rice. Only the best for my sweetheart." "That's what I thought." You wink at me and go back to being delighted over...

3 years ago
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Your Weekly Massage

A substitude masseur strokes your fantasies.Laying on your tummy, naked, you wait for your weekly massage. Much toyour chagrin, in walks a substitute for your normal masseur. You quicklytry to cover up with a towel but fail as it is caught under you. Totallyembarrassed, you give up, as he greets you with a smile. He is tall anddark, broad shouldered, with intelligent blue eyes, strong looking armsand hands.He asks, "What will it be today? Shoulders? Full body or somethingspecial?" Again he...

2 years ago
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Your Weekly Massage

Laying on your tummy, naked, you wait for your weekly massage. Much to your chagrin, in walks a substitute for your normal masseur. You quickly try to cover up with a towel but fail as it is caught under you. Totally embarrassed, you give up, as he greets you with a smile. He is tall and dark, broad shouldered, with intelligent blue eyes, strong looking arms and hands.He asks, "What will it be today? Shoulders? Full body or something special?" Again he looks at your naked bum with a smile. You...

4 years ago
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Your First Taste

When you walk in you are instructed to strip and drop to your knees as I hood, collar and gag you. I pull out the key to your cage and release your poor trapped cock as it slides out I blow creating a gentle breeze and tingle over it as I gently cup and caress your balls massaging them for the first touch of skin to skin contact they have felt in weeks….I fill the palm of my hands with a warm vanilla oil and the scent fills your lungs as you take a slow deep breath in while I slowly but firmly...

4 years ago
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Your fantasies

I booked a hotel near you, and when i arrive i call you up and tell you that i am there. i invite you over, and you agree to meet me.When you arrive at the hotel you find a message to just come up to my room. At the door of my room you see a blindfold hanging at the first you are scared a little and you understand the meaning of it.but out of currioussity you putt the blindfold over your eyes and you enter the can hear me closing the door behind you and how i come standing...

4 years ago
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Your Sexy Body

The Memories Live On.To that special someone, with my endless gratitude./ /( You know whoyou are )Yes, I'm indeed grateful to you.Grateful because you showed me, or should I say reminded me, of theabundant pleasures and delights that the body of a sexy lady offers tothe attentive man.Let's start with your hair.Memories of being treated to the tantalizing way your hair so lightlybrushed over my skin and teased me while you gave me the best oral sexI've ever had, lives vividly in my mind. All I...

5 years ago
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Your Sexy Body

To that special someone, with my endless gratitude. ( You know who you are )Yes, I'm indeed grateful to you.Grateful because you showed me, or should I say reminded me, of the abundant pleasures and delights that the body of a sexy lady offers to the attentive man.Let's start with your hair.Memories of being treated to the tantalizing way your hair so lightly brushed over my skin and teased me while you gave me the best oral sex I've ever had, lives vividly in my mind. All I could do was lay...

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