Six Times A DayPart 14: Slippin' Into Darkness free porn video

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When Alan woke up on Monday, the main thing on his mind was the thought of painting Katherine's butt and pussy again, and painting Kim's as well.

Every day for the past week or so, something had put him in close proximity with his sister's pussy. First he'd watched her frig herself, then he'd put suntan lotion on it, then he'd painted it, then he'd rubbed it with a brush and soap and fondled it, then he'd fingered it at the movies, then he'd shaved it and fingered it some more. And now today he was sure that things would continue, or go even further, even with Kim there.

He stroked himself while he thought about that. It didn't take him long to cum. What mental barriers he still had against incestuous fucking were collapsing rapidly.

Katherine was doing everything she could to help speed that collapse. For instance, after Alan had showered that morning, he'd heard his sister call for him from within her room. So he went in to see what she wanted. She lay nude on the floor, on top of the clothes she had set out to wear to school.

"Brother, I was just changing my clothes, but I suddenly got soooo tired. I need some help putting them on. I've got an energy problem too. With my energy problem, you're going to have to give me six orgasms a day from now on to get my energy back," she joked.

Alan had under-appreciated his sister's body for so long that now every time he saw her in a compromising position, he was staggered as if he were discovering her beauty for the first time. But still, his responsible side forced him to say, "Sis, what's come over you?" He was worried about both their parents, who were milling about elsewhere in the house at that very moment.

Katherine stared him in the eyes intently and replied, "You. You're what's come over me. I love you, Big Brother." She ran her hands all over her freshly shaved pussy. She dropped her seriousness, and giggled, "You could cum over me, but I'd rather you cum inside me." She moaned needfully and suggestively, "I need your love!"

"I love you too, Sis, you know that, but there's a right way and a wrong way to express that. Now please get dressed! There's also a right time and a wrong time to be sexy as hell and this is REALLY the wrong time! I've got to go." He left the room, not waiting to hear her sounds of frustration.

That incident hardly surprised him or freaked him out (although it did give him a hard-on). Strange things were now happening to him on such a regular basis that he was starting to take it all in stride. His heart would still pound wildly at such occurrences, but intellectually his mind was now better at handling surprises of that nature.

Katherine left for school early because Kim had called the night before and told her that she wanted them to meet before school to talk about something important.

Katherine was not looking forward to that meeting, but she really had no choice. As Kim had put it on Friday, she was Kim's "bitch" now because of what Kim knew.

As soon as Katherine left, Alan went back into the bathroom and shot another load while thinking about what she'd just said and shown him.

Kim saw Katherine walking from the bike racks and intercepted her. "Hey, Katherine. How goes it? Why don't we take a little walk?"

"Okay." Katherine was unhappy. She just wanted to get this over with, whatever it was.

Kim waited until they were headed to one of the grassy sports fields, far from anyone who might overhear. "Relax. Don't look so glum. I'm not out to get you."

"That's what it feels like," Katherine muttered unhappily.

"Look. This isn't your trial or anything. I've been doing some thinking. The other day I said some things like 'You're my bitch. You're my slave.' I'm not too proud of that. I'll admit that I got a rush out of having this power over you. But then I got to thinking: W-W-H-D."


"'What Would Heather Do?' I realized that if Heather were in my shoes, she'd take full advantage of her secret knowledge and make your life absolutely miserable. So I don't want to do that. I want to be the anti-Heather! If I go the blackmail route, that'll make me into her evil minion or something. I don't want to be that. I hate her! Besides, I'm just not cut out for blackmailing people; I'm too nice. I see how you look at me resentfully and I don't want you to feel that way. I'd like for us to be friends."

Katherine's hopes soared, but she was cautious. She was very mindful of how she'd gotten into this predicament in the first place, by revealing too much about activities between herself and Alan. So she merely said, "I'd like that too."

"Here's the thing. I know that you and Alan have a sexual relationship."

Katherine came to a complete stop, forcing Kim to stop too. She played dumb, very dumb. "Whaaaat?! I have NO idea what you're talking about."

"Oh, come on. The evidence is obvious. First off, there's the painting of the fake panties. That's pretty odd. Then there's him watching you in your fake panties with his binoculars."

Katherine cut in. "He was just-"

But Kim raised a hand and interrupted her in turn. "Hold on. That's just for starters. I didn't say more before, because I still didn't know where I wanted to go with this, and I certainly didn't want people like Heather to figure things out. But the fact is, you've been way too careless. Actually, I don't blame you much because you probably don't even realize what you're doing. But ever since this painting-of-panties thing started, whenever his name comes up, you should see your face every time it does. Girl, it's like the words 'I'm in love with my brother' are written in big letters all across your face!"

Katherine decided it was safer not to say anything.

Kim pointed at her face. "A-ha! See? Right there! You didn't say anything, but your face just did. You couldn't look any more guilty. Every time he's mentioned, you look damn horny. There's like this HUNGER in your eyes."

Katherine realized that she'd been caught. She tried to minimize the damage. "So ... maybe I have a secret thing for him. Big deal. You knew that already. He's handsome and an all-around great guy. It would be kind of weird NOT to have a little harmless crush on him. Besides, we're not even genetically related, since we're both adopted. Did you know that?"

Kim shook her head 'No'.

"So that's all it is: harmless!"

"Fair enough," Kim said. "But I also had a chance to talk to him on Friday. I wanted to see if my hunch was right. So while I asked him a few questions about some meaningless stuff, I mentioned your name. And guess what? He had that SAME hungry look! Furthermore, he wears those short shorts that don't hide too much, and seconds after I said 'Katherine' he had a full-on boner! The two of you have the hots for each other!"

Katherine realized her face was red with an embarrassed blush. She knew that was another clue; she hated how her body kept giving her away. Still, she was determined to admit as little as possible. "Have you ever heard the word 'unrequited'? He's handsome and I'm beautiful. Okay? I know that's boasting, but it's true. So I've got a crush on him and he has one on me. But that's ALL IT IS! Okay? We're siblings! To do anything about it would be sick!"

Kim said, "Very clever. I have to admit that I can't prove anything beyond that, but I just know. Even a week ago, you weren't like this. It's not like you both just discovered you're attractive people in the last week. Something happened!"

Katherine stayed silent but gave her a withering look.

Kim shook her head in exasperation. "Look, I'm sorry if it seems like I'm accusing you. Let me come at this from another direction. I know the truth, no matter how you try to deny it. But I'm not your enemy! I'm not going to blackmail you or tell anyone about it. I swear! If that was my plan, I'd do things in an entirely different way: I'd keep my mouth shut and wait until I had some really damning evidence. I'd probably even be able to get photos, if I was really nosy. Then you'd REALLY be my slave! And Alan would too. But by telling you what I know now, I'm tipping you off so you'll be extra careful around others. Not exactly smart, huh?"

Katherine stood there stone-faced. She was very frightened, fearing that anything she said could be used against her.

Kim could see Katherine's fear written all over her face and body, so she tried to dispel it. "But I'm NOT trying to blackmail you. Like I said before, I don't want to turn into Heather. I'm not a mean person. I'm going to free you now from any hold I might have had over you. You don't have to do ANYTHING for me, and I really mean that!"

Katherine looked at her through narrowed eyes. "I don't get it."

"That's because I acted like a jerk before, and now you rightly think I can't be trusted. I wish I could somehow prove to you I AM a good person, and I can keep your big secret. You see, the thing is, even though I don't have a brother or sister of my own, I think sibling incest is really HOT!"

Katherine frowned skeptically.

"Maybe because I don't have any real siblings who act like total dipwads all the time, I can idealize it. Let me tell you a little bit about me to help even things out and kind of balance the scales, if only a little bit. It's not easy being a lesbian. I've had a pretty frustrated sex life. It was only relatively recently when I came out, so prior to that I had to go through the motions of dating guys, which didn't do anything for me. So for my sexual excitement I turned to the Internet. Pictures didn't do much for me either, but I really got off on the erotic stories. It didn't take me long before I found that the incest stories were the hottest! I swear, you can take any random crappy story, change it a little so it's between siblings, and suddenly it's hot as FUCK!"

She grinned. "Sorry. I was getting a little carried away there. But just thinking about some of my favorite stories gets me really excited. Naturally, I prefer the sister-sister ones, but to be honest there aren't a lot of those. So I read the brother-sister ones and just change it in my mind so it's between two sisters, because the better brother-sister stories generally are hotter than the run-of-the-mill lesbian stories. My point here is, I get off on incest in a big way. But I didn't know how I'd react to real incest. If you'd have asked me, I would have guessed it probably would have turned me off. But seeing how you and Alan are so hot for each other is just about the hottest thing EVER! I love it!"

Katherine, still trying not to give anything away, just asked skeptically, "Where are you going with this? I still don't get it."

"To be honest, I don't know exactly. But I don't want to be your enemy; I want to be your friend. Your confidante, even. I want to help you and your brother get it on! What I'd love most is to be allowed to watch. You probably don't have anyone you can talk to about this. Well, you can talk to me. I want to earn your trust so you can tell me everything! We could have so much fun! I could help deflect suspicions, help you dress extra sexy for him, and all kinds of other stuff!"

Katherine remained determined not to admit anything. Still attempting her best poker face, she said, "You know what? I think this is all some kind of elaborate trick. I know you're not a bad person like Heather, and that's why I was surprised when you came up with this 'you're my bitch' crap. But I still don't trust you!"

Kim said, "I figured as much. And that's smart. But don't worry; I'll earn your trust over time. I pretty much know the truth, I think. Just what you've admitted to is pretty damning, if I wanted to use that. But in time you'll see that I haven't told anyone else and I'm not blackmailing you or anything, and you'll start to see I really mean what I say."

Katherine was frustrated. Her gut instinct told her that Kim was being honest, but she'd been burned already with loose talk around Kim. She wracked her brain, trying to think of some test that would show that Kim was being sincere.

Then an idea came to her. "So ... you really love those sibling incest stories, do you?"

"I do. Some of the good ones I've read over and over again."

"Have you ever heard of a story called 'Big Sister Is Horny?'"

"Sure! I love that one!"

"Okay, tell me about it."

"Let's see. I think the sister's name is Mindy. Mindy Masters, as a matter of fact. She's home for the summer, it's a small town with nothing to do, so she's bored out of her mind. And she's a sex maniac who's just gotta have it, if you know what I mean. Before long, she happens to see her brother masturbating in the bathroom. I think his name is Eddie. And-"

"Hold it right there," Katherine said in a new, more relaxed tone. "You're for real, aren't you? That story is pretty obscure, and you even got the names right! There's no way you could know that if you weren't..."

"Really into incest," Kim completed her sentence. "I told you, I'm for real. Test me some more. Even now, I spend way more time getting off from Internet stories than actual sex with girls."

Katherine smiled for the first time. "Don't worry, I'll test you. It just so happens that I know those sibling incest stories pretty damn well myself. Do you know a story called 'Reciprocal Needs?'"

"Do I ever! That's one of my favorites. Not only does it have lots of hot sib' sex, it's got love. It ends with Carrie and her brother Darrin getting married. So beautiful!"

Katherine shook her head in disbelief. "My God. This is too bizarre. Reading those stories has been my secret shame. Well, one of them, anyway. What if ... God! What if I can trust you?"

Kim stepped forward and hugged Katherine.

Katherine bent down and hugged her back tightly. She said, "Fuck it! You've already figured everything out anyway. I'm going to take a risk and confide in you. We've got a LOT to talk about!"

Kim giggled with glee. "Cool! It's a good thing there's still a lot more time before class starts!"

They talked. Katherine actually didn't reveal much in the way of specifics, because she still wasn't sure just how much she could trust Kim. But just confessing her incestuous desires in a general way was a huge relief for her. She literally felt like a heavy weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

Chapter 2

On Monday morning, Suzanne again decided it was time to begin a new effort to push Susan's sexual awakening forward. It had been five days since Susan declared a new resolve to back off from anything sexual with Alan. Susan had been extremely restrained, but even with Suzanne usually restraining herself from trying to further indoctrinate her with her usual sexual spiel, Susan's resolve had slowly weakened. Ron's presence served as a restraint, but not as much as Suzanne had expected it to be.

Suzanne figured that she could nudge Susan along so she'd be primed for action when Ron left. Suzanne still didn't know if Susan was bisexual or not. Susan had never showed any signs of being so, but Suzanne had a feeling that she likely had the potential to become so.

Suzanne knew that her own body was extremely sexually sensitive. Furthermore, she knew that Susan's body was very similar to hers, at least from the neck down. So it stood to reason that Susan could be aroused just as easily. In fact, the evidence was that Susan's breasts were even more responsive than her own. So Suzanne theorized that once Susan's prudish barriers and beliefs fell away, between the great love they had for each other and their easily aroused bodies, it would be surprising if they didn't get physically intimate.

Suzanne could hardly wait, but she knew Susan would have to completely give in to her lust for Alan first. Susan's belief that homosexuality was a sin was so strong that she would need to completely rethink her ideas on sex and sin before Suzanne could make progress on that front.

Susan had told Suzanne that she was going to make another effort to be intimate with Ron on Sunday night.

So as soon as Suzanne came over that morning, after she'd checked to make sure they were in the house alone, she said, "Susan ... I take it from your silence that things didn't work out too well in bed between you and Ron last night?"

Susan had seemed happy as could be, but she broke down and started bawling almost immediately. She buried her face in her hands and cried and cried. Between sobs, she said, "No! Not at all! Nothing on Saturday, as I told you. He looked so darn weary, and I couldn't stop thinking about my cutie Tiger! Am I a terrible wife, or what? Then, last night, I psyched myself up to do something with him, but he went to bed as soon as the party ended, saying that he was still very tired and needed to get onto a California time schedule because of jet lag! It's like he's not attracted to me!"

Suzanne let her cry for a while. She figured she didn't need to spell out explicitly any of the conclusions that Susan was reaching on her own.

As Susan's sobs started to diminish, she finally added, "I think he's cheating on me. No, I know it! He was feeling fine enough to play golf yesterday afternoon, but he had no energy for me last night!" That led to a new bout of gut-wrenching sobs.

Once Susan had calmed down, more or less, Suzanne had a long talk with her. Suzanne encouraged Susan to believe that Ron was having an affair. Suzanne had no doubt that Ron was cheating; she had evidence that she didn't want to share at this point in part because it would make Susan feel even more miserable. So she was trying to break things to her best friend slowly.

However, she'd also been delaying sharing the full truth of what she knew about Ron until it served her larger strategic purposes. Now she decided the time was right, so she began setting some more wheels in motion and revealing a little more. She hoped that by getting Susan to see the light about Ron, that would open the door for Susan to have more sexual fun with Alan, which was the key to Suzanne's bigger dream of a new sexually intimate family.

She suggested, "You know, you shouldn't feel bad about your sex life with Ron. Even before he started cheating on you, the problem wasn't with you; it was with him."

"What do you mean exactly?"

Suzanne was tempted to reveal that Ron was secretly homosexual, but she didn't feel Susan was ready to hear that, at least not until after Ron left again. She hinted obscurely, "Well, let's just say I have reason to believe he's the reason for any sex problem you two might have had at any time throughout your entire marriage."

"What? You mean his low sex drive?"

"Yes. Well, that's part of it. But maybe also he's just not the kind of guy who is attracted to someone like you." Suzanne didn't want to reveal the whole story right away, but she wanted Susan to start to realize that something was very wrong, and that it wasn't just simply what she expected.

"Suzanne, are you saying I'm unattractive? I can't see it myself, but everyone says I'm some kind of raving beauty. Even you tell me that from time to time."

"You are, you are! You're gorgeous! He couldn't ask for a more beautiful and desirable wife. You should hear how your Tiger raves about you."

She lifted her head with hope. "Really?"

"Really! He rhapsodizes about your breasts in particular in a way that's nearly poetic. And the other day I accidentally caught him masturbating, and I heard him muttering about his 'big-titted mommy.'"

"Oh dear." Susan was starting to get aroused hearing that, but the (fictional) mention of catching him masturbating reminded her of how she'd rushed into Alan's room last night after hearing him cry out her name in ecstasy. Thinking about that incident frightened her much more than aroused her. "He's still committing the sin of Onan?"

"He is. Do I need to remind you of that well-known Christian saying, 'It's better-"

Suzanne was cut off, because Susan finished the saying for her. "'It's better to shoot your seed down into the belly of your mother than on the ground.' I know. Believe me, I know; I tell myself that many times a day."

Suzanne secretly smirked, since that wasn't the actual saying, but rather a version she'd altered for Susan's sake. She plowed forward. "Good. Never forget it. He loves your gorgeous face too, and everything about you from head to toe. And think about how often random yahoos on the street shout lewd things at you, or how pushy guys can be to you at parties. You're a total knockout, and you know it deep down. Your looks aren't the problem at all. What I mean is, different people like different things. You know?"

"No, not really."

Suzanne was frustrated because Susan was completely missing her subtle hints. Besides, things were getting too heavy and depressing and her attempts to arouse with talk about Alan seemed to be having no effect at all. So she suggested a break. "Susan, regardless of the situation with Ron, everyone's still counting on you to provide visual stimulation for Sweetie. Look at me and then look at you. Couldn't you try a little harder to let your beauty show?"

"But what about Ron?"

Suzanne grabbed Susan's hand and pulled her up. "Here, let's go upstairs and play dress-up. I'll show you how you can dress conservatively and not show much, but still give off a sexy vibe."

Chapter 3

So they went to Susan's bedroom and tried on different outfits for a while. Susan had never cared much about clothes before; for her, deciding what to wear was just another daily chore like brushing her teeth. But Suzanne made dressing up fun and exciting, plus Susan now had the powerful incentive of trying to get her son to have an erection as frequently and for as long as possible. As a result, Susan's depressed mood slowly passed.

However, after an hour or so of that, the conversation eventually drifted back to Ron. They discussed Susan's future and the possibility of her divorcing him. Susan grew panicky about money because she didn't think she could make it financially without Ron. She had never held a paying job in her life, plus her children were about to start college, which would be very expensive.

Suzanne, however, had the facts behind her. "Susan, first of all, no one is saying that a divorce is a must at this point. We're merely thinking about options. But if you did divorce Ron, you wouldn't have to worry. I know your finances probably better than you do, since I spend so much of my free time managing my investments and helping you with yours. True, almost all of your family's money is in Ron's name, but that doesn't matter because it's a community property state, so you'd get half of it in a divorce. And it's a lot of money - about five million dollars, plus the value of your paid-off house, all of it earned during your marriage. And you'd get alimony. Based on what Ron earns, that would be at least a hundred thousand a year."

Susan asked, "But what if Ron were to stiff me? I know it's not like him; he's basically a nice guy and his parents would never forgive him. But what if?"

"True," Suzanne conceded, "it's good to consider a worst case scenario. But he has an equity interest in his business, and he won't give that up - it's worth a lot more to him if he keeps it than if it was liquidated by sale to his backers. He'd end up screwing himself a lot worse than he would you, so he won't just abandon you and stay in Asia where our courts can't get to him. But more than that, there are things you don't know. Things that would disturb you. Unfortunately, I can't tell you just yet."

"Again, you're being too cryptic. What do you mean?"

"Never mind that for now. I need to confirm some more information before I start making big claims. But the long and the short of the financial picture is that I can guarantee with 100 percent certainty that you and your children won't suffer financially from a divorce, if it comes to that. I swear to God as your best friend I would never lie about something like this."

Susan looked at Suzanne curiously. "Please don't play games with me. Why can't you tell me about these mysterious things you're hinting at? They sound like things I need to know!"

"And you will. Soon. Very soon. But I just need to make sure of a few things first. Can you wait for that? I'd rather avoid telling you something that might turn out to be untrue."

Susan nodded reluctantly.

Suzanne got uncharacteristically sentimental, because she felt she needed to express how much she was willing to help her best friend out if need be. "However, there is another secret I can tell you that'll help your financial future. Susan, I love you. I really do. You know I'm an only child - you're like the sister I never had. Hell, you're closer than that."

"I love you too, Suzanne. I feel the same way. 'Best friends' doesn't even begin to cover it. But how will that save me in a horrible divorce?"

"Do you think I'd leave my best friend twisting in the wind? Not to mention your kids, whom I love almost as much as if they were mine. As successful as Ron is in business, Eric's in a bigger league. You know my family has more than double the fortune yours does. You know I spend hours almost every day researching and wisely managing my investments, Eric's investments, and even yours and Ron's. You know how well I did getting in early with the Yahoo stock, for instance. The bottom line is, the money I have in my own name is worth a very large chunk of change. If you were to divorce Ron and didn't have enough to keep your current lifestyle, I'll make up the difference! I really will. Just the interest on my separate property is about equal to the alimony you'd get from Ron. Sending Tiger and Angel through college and whatever else comes up, we'll tackle it together."

Suzanne had been deceiving Susan a lot recently, but she figured that was okay because she was doing it for Susan's own good. But on this, she meant every word.

Susan was so moved she stood up and smothered Suzanne in a great big hug. "Oh, Suzanne! You're just the best friend I could ever have! What would I do without you?!" But then she stared into Suzanne's eyes aghast. "But I can't accept that offer from you! That would be wrong. A horrible imposition! It just wouldn't be fair to you!"

As they stared into each other's eyes from inches away, their big racks pressing together, Suzanne replied, "Hey, it's my money, and I get to choose how to spend it. Besides, I'm rolling in dough. I'm worth almost as much as you and Ron put together, and that's not even counting my share of my community property with Eric."

She continued, "Face it: both of us are filthy rich. You live the fairly frugal lifestyle that you grew up with, but not me. For instance, I easily have ten times the clothes you do, and I always buy the best of everything, while you shop at Costco and Walmart. The fact is, I have more money than I know what to do with. If I want to spend it to make you, Sweetie, and Angel happy, why can't I do that instead of buying a hundred more pairs of shoes I'll only wear once or twice?"

Suzanne grinned impishly. "You wanna turn me into Imelda Marcos or something? I know Sweetie loves seeing us wobbling around in high heels, but to him one pair of high heels is the same as the next! All that matters is that our calves are shapely, our asses are firm and lifted up, and our big breasts wobble when we walk. You know what happens then, don't you?"

Susan did, since Suzanne had been touting the advantages of wearing high heels so frequently lately. Plus, playing dress-up had put her back in at least a semi-sexy mood, and the way their racks were rubbing together certainly didn't hurt. "Mmmm, I do. Tiger's gonna have a stiffy!"

"That's right. If I had more money, I seriously wouldn't even know what to spend it on. The best things in life, like Tiger's thick and tasty stiffies, can't be bought with money. Come on, let me help you! If the tables were turned, wouldn't you do the same?"

Susan thought about that, then replied, "You know I would. But still, I'd feel horribly guilty accepting your money."

"Well, it's all just a hypothetical anyway - IF you get a divorce, and IF Ron doesn't pay enough alimony. Frankly I don't see how he could stop from splitting the community property no matter what he tried, because my power of attorney to manage it means that I have to sign off on any changes! And then there are other things I'm working on that'll only help the financial situation even more. Trust me! The bottom line is, you have enough worries on your mind; you don't need to worry about money. I won't let you down."

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My Darkness

Within my darkness there is of course a dedication… So to the one known as ‘derfauster’ this one is all yours… * You talk of darkness but do you have any thought to base this talk on? Herein lies darkness of the most terrible kind. Because you see my friend, this darkness was once lightness in and of itself. It was a real person. It was a person who had so much to give, and sadly she chose the wrong one to give it to. She mistakenly thought she’d met her dark soul master… You want to know...

2 years ago
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The Rise of Darkness

Once upon a time, there was a land called Theras. A prosperous land that was home to the elves, humans, dwarves and gnomes, the four races living in peace and prosperity with one another. At least that was how it was until their land was assaulted by a dark force, a being of evil that would rain death and destruction and darkness upon the land for a century before finally reaching a stalemate with the "heroic" forces that were defending Theras. The Dark Lord would throw up a barrier to protect...

3 years ago
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Taken In Darkness

As she disembarked from the plane at JFK airport, Sara Manning couldn't help thinking how relaxed this flight had been compared with two years ago. Waiting to pass through security, she had time to focus on the reasons why that should be. First, she knew exactly what to expect, and what her duties would be. As head UK representative for one of the leading book publishing companies in the world, her last visit had given her confidence. The boss on this side of the Atlantic was the charming...

Straight Sex
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Strangers in the Darkness

Stuffy…. officious… prude! Lauren ran through the list of insults in her head. Her Vehement hatred blazed clearly in her eyes. Overpaid! She brushed brusquely past an office secretary, who made a slight sound of protest, which was stifled by Lauren’s incredible rage. Lauren reached the elevators at long last and pounded the button for the bottom floor, which was, in fact, underground. The building was made on some soft dirt, or something, and all the entrances had been moved up a level, but...

1 year ago
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Fallen Angel Chapter 14 The Road through Darkness

Chapter 14: The Road through Darkness Lightning flashed, illuminating the darkened room. Opening one bleary eye, Cal looked over and saw Tawny looking at him lovingly, her arm around his stomach. Althea was still asleep. "How'd you sleep, love?" Cal whispered as he slowly sat up and wiped the sweat off his brow. Tawny moaned and sat up, kissing Cal on the lips. "It was great!" she whispered eagerly, shivering from the chill bedroom air. Seeing the shudder, Cal pulled his blanket up...

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Sixes and SevensChapter 25

Sam sat in silence, allowing him the space to think, and within the silence, he gained perspective and understanding of his own reaction to the sudden suggestion from his business partner. He pondered over the task he would be faced with, and the workload, the overtime needed and its effect on Sam. Julie couldn’t cope with his long hours, and he wondered if Sam could. Now settled in the living room, side by side on the sofa, Sam remained silent, and Aidan knew the depth of self-control she...

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Darkness and LightChapter 27 Of painful Light and vengeful Darkness

Athea watched Feya’s daughter riding away through the thousands of risen dead. The dead ignored her and continued clawing their path in the opposite direction. Farther in the west, the Norgar were chasing the Manthakin army towards the mountains. Tomorrow they could close them in, and end the battle with the biggest massacre in the history of Calmyra. Bigger even than the massacre in the north, where fifty-thousand Ogusi riders were ready to trample down the Ghallan Clans. The slaughter of...

2 years ago
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The Darkness

       Alexia awoke slowly, though she wasn’t sure if she was fully awake if at all.  She tried to open her eyes and either couldn’t or was in complete darkness.  She couldn’t hear anything, not even her own breathing.  There was something in her mouth, a hard bar held between her teeth.  She could feel her ankles and wrists cuffed.  Then she realized what was happening and her breath caught in her throat, then she started to struggle and whimper, for she remembered what her Master had done to...

4 years ago
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Caught Playing Badminton

We take turns locating a suitable victim and then we spend lots of time researching and planning. By the time we’re ready, we know all about her habits. We map out how to catch and rape her without being caught, leaving no useful evidence behind. Sometimes, though, we leave a few red herrings. Red herrings like a few years ago when we watched a girl’s boyfriend fuck her a few times so we would know what she liked. Then, we took her (blindfolded) and fucked her in the same way as her...

1 year ago
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In Darkness

My girlfriend and I are both relatively young in respect of trying new sexual stuff although my g/f is the more adventurous. I am 22 and she is 21 years old. We had been together about a year when she told me her ex boyfriend used to like her to wank his friends off. They would sit on the sofa in the dark and she would wank 1 of them off. I kind of couldn’t get my head round it to start with but then got to liking the idea. She said they would go out for drinks, then come back and put on a cd....

2 years ago
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       Andra screamed into her ballgag. She screamed as my whip hit her beautiful ass again. She'd been screaming herself hoarse since I started working my way down her back with the horsewhip. She screamed when I hauled her up by her bound tits, her wrists tied to them and they tied to a pulley fixed to the ceiling. Her ankles were tied together with cruel handcuffs, almost too tight for her. Her big toes were tied with wire to a D-ring in the floor and her head was covered in a gag and...

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Darkness Porn! It’s time I let you, horny bastards, into the back room. It’s time to peel back that crusty curtain and give you true degenerates access to the most fucked-up shit I could find that was still, well, legal and all of that. I’m not trying to get my door caved in by some trigger-happy fucks with riot gear. I’m not about that life. But I know that loads of you fappers like the darker shit. So, it’s time that we take a look at the kinkier side of porn. And, man, this content isn’t...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Through The Darkness

Stefan lies on his back upon the ground, surrounded in darkness. Cool, soft blades of grass hold him aloft; they make for the most soothing blanket for his bare skin. Above him, high up in the summer night sky, he thinks of the millions of distant stars that are keeping silent watch upon him. How many countless hours had he spent in his youth looking up at those stars, mapping out their patterns in his mind as if they possessed a silent message only for him? It still strikes him with awe: the...

Love Stories
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Screaming Darkness

Screaming Darkness by Nikita ? 2005 Screaming Darkness by Nikita ? 2005 The fan moved slowly, circulating the warm air over the two lovers in the war torn bed.? The air was heavy with sex, candles, and cigarette smoke. While the soft rays of sunlight slipped through the curtains, the white sound of the ocean lulled the spent ones to sleep in between bonfires of passion. Nikita moved first.? Dreamily, her cuffed hands stroked her puffy pink pussy lips.? The brief attention stiffened her...

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Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness by Arcie Emm The child awoke to the silken glory of norm, in a room larger than a Duke's dining room. But the child did not arise, for it was not yet time, instead the child continued to lie under silken and satin coverings upon a mattress of swan down, a mattress upon which even the largest man would be dwarfed, little alone a child. Awake, but abed, the child could only pass time in the same way as every morning, by studying the intricate painting upon the bottom...

1 year ago
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Season of Darkness

Posted by permission of Tigger Season of Darkness By Rose Too Clouds darkened the afternoon sky as the long, black limousine idled in front of the boutique. Darla sat in the driver seat awaiting the arrival of Jane Thompson. She was dressed in her chauffeur's uniform with her cap sitting on top of her long blonde hair. The sharply-tailored uniform on her very female shaped figure was eye catching in the extreme. Jane Thompson emerged from the boutique, and was helped into the...

3 years ago
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In the Darkness

It is that time in my life. So many questions. So many new alien feelings burning inside of me. Troubled dreams seem to haunt me, even in the daylight. My mother went away so long ago I have virtually no memory of her. I don't ask my dad about her anymore because it always makes him sad when I ask about her. All I really know about her is that she is gone, and it's unlikely she will be back. She never calls. My older sister is now away to college. She calls at least once a week and talks to...

1 year ago
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A Badminton Game Turns Us Horny

Hello ISS readers! This is my second story. Thank you everyone for the overwhelming response to my first story. Here, this is JD, back again with my second story. This is a real story but with certain nuances added to make it a good fun. I was studying in a reputed medical college in Chennai. The heroine of this story is my classmate Sanjana. She is a slim, tall girl with a busty figure. Right from the day I entered this college, I had an eye on her figure. Though not so fair, she looks...

3 years ago
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Hot Sex After Badminton Match

Tags : shower sex, hot friend, kissing Hello, everyone, this is Raj is from Pune. You can contact me at This is the story where I and my friend Trisha had sex after a badminton match. Trisha is one of the hottest girls in my college. She carries any outfit with confidence and looks great(as she was athletic). We met on the first day of college and have been friends since. She is a flirt and was single and I was too. I enjoyed her company, sometimes we used to chat a lot but none of us fell for...

3 years ago
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Love in the Darkness

The room behind the door was...interesting. It was a rather large room. The walls were covered in red wall paper that, upon running my fingers over, I found to be made of velvet. The floor was carpet with lush maroon carpeting. A fireplace stood in the center and it appeared as though it hadn't been used in a few years. The only light in the room were the flickering candles making shadows dance on the walls. The only other thing in the room, was a king size bed with 4 tall looming bed posts....

2 years ago
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Ana in the darkness

My loving wife liked that particular club.It had a dark secluded parking lot, where Ana had been fucked several times in the past; so, she loved the place…That evening I came home from a meeting with some friend, finding my sensual babe was getting dressed to go out. Anita was going to wear her usual tight slutty dress and I then asked if this time she would allow all guys in the club to fuck her.My wife giggled, saying that it sounded like a good playing game.Once in the club, we grabbed some...

1 year ago
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Crackling, sizzling, booming, pouring through the air, there was little doubt that there was something going on, something neither one could have predicted or accounted for, let alone understood. And they stood there like dragons, breathing and snarling as though it was the others' fault. They both knew better, but that changed little. Breathing fire, they circled each other watching waiting for whatever might come next, knowing whatever it was could ultimately destroy them; caring not. As the...

4 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 3 I Cant Get No Satisfaction

Late at night, Susan found herself dreaming. In the dream, she was wearing the same French maid outfit that she'd worn after losing the bet with Suzanne. She was cleaning the dining room table when Alan came in, dressed in his usual T-shirt and shorts, and sat down next to her. "Nice outfit," he said as he reached out with one hand and caressed her nearest butt cheek. Since in her dream Susan was wearing neither panties nor a bra, his fingers found nothing but firm yet somehow soft...

2 years ago
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Serving My Master In The Darkness

My world shrouded in darkness, its vastness a comfort to my troubled mind.  My senses heighten with anticipation of things to come.  My master has given his commands. My body is humming like a tuning fork to each syllable. He coats my ears with the most vulgar of words, only to be transformed into honey within my thoughts. I can feel my body starting to ache; it is a welcome sensation. I feel his fingertips rest upon my shoulder. His tongue traces the curve of my neck sending shivers to ripple...

2 years ago
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Serving My Master In The Darkness

My world shrouded in darkness, its vastness a comfort to my troubled mind.  My senses heighten with anticipation of things to come.  My master has given his commands. My body is humming like a tuning fork to each syllable. He coats my ears with the most vulgar of words, only to be transformed into honey within my thoughts. I can feel my body starting to ache; it is a welcome sensation. I feel his fingertips rest upon my shoulder. His tongue traces the curve of my neck sending shivers to ripple...

1 year ago
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The Darkness

Darkness is an odd thing to see. Sometimes darkness can be scary, but not this kind. This was self-induced. The sun shone from above onto my neck and head—a spectacular feeling. It just couldn't overpower the feeling of nerves; and yet sexual excitement I felt. I felt, as I can only put it, like a slut. I'd never felt this way before and I wasn't too sure I liked it. Sure, I had done this before but not like this. As I had woken from my slumber that morning, I decided to check my emails....

Gay Male
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The Tower of Darkness

Arwen picked glanced frantically behind her as she ran as fast as her tired legs could carry her. Gondor had fallen, all was lost as darkness overwhelmed middle earth and the world of men came to an abrupt end. The Orcks had overunned her village and she watched in horror as they raped, plundered and tortured the survivors. Sauron's power was spreading like a cloak of darkness over middle earth. On and on she ran through the night, but it was useless. The Orcks had picked up her scent and were...

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 131 Signed Sealed Delivered Im Yours

Another problem Alan had was that he'd forgotten just how far away Stephanie's lingerie and sex shop was. It had been chosen precisely because it wasn't the closest sex shop around, so there was less of a chance of running into someone they knew. (Unfortunately, other people used that same logic, which is why even Christine had gone there.) He knew it would take about another fifteen minutes to get there, even driving fast, so he consoled himself that he should make it there by six...

2 years ago
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A Fresh Start EpilogueChapter 2 McCain and Clinton

2010 - 2011 For the next couple of years, things went relatively smoothly. I didn’t have to provide much more than routine guidance in Washington. John had a compliant Congress after both the 2008 and 2010 elections, and he got most of what he wanted from them. He really did turn out to be a third term of the Buckman administration. The American Renaissance Initiative, Adrianopolis/Stouffer, and The American Impact Project all worked together to push a moderate Republican agenda, and...

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Six Times A DayPart 86 Good Times Bad Times

Alan had gone to sleep quite late, due to all his homework. It was nearly three in the morning when he finally went to bed, and he fell asleep instantly. Normally he was quite a deep sleeper, especially when he was so tired, so he was surprised to wake up a short time later. He was even more surprised to realize that he wasn't alone. He could tell it was Katherine merely by her smell, but he opened his eyes and looked at her body in the darkness just to be sure. He couldn't see any more...

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SixX Candles

I wrote this as a new style of writing, it is not my normal genre. Please read it with an open and accepting mind. Thank you. The cool night of early summer had set in fast as I walked home from work. My feet aching and my thighs burning from standing stationary all day helped the short walk seem longer. With my book tucked under my arm, my M&Ms in my hand and the night thick around me, I studied my surroundings carefully as I came off the main sidewalk and entered the apartment complex. ...

1 year ago
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Sixtees Mein Pehla Experience

By : Gupta.Prem760 Hi readers, this is Prem prakash Gupta from Punjab. This is my first story and is a true story. You people don’t believe that now I am 63 years old and this homosexual experience is my first one which happened about two months back. About me I am 63 years old retired teacher. I am a dark and still active baniya. My height is 5.7”, average built. I always remained sex maniac, but always thought about females and always had sex experience with females only. Though I didn’t...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Sixpack of Hecate

Hecate was so excited! She was finally going to meet Katie McN. H could hardly believe that Katie would be able to arrange for the Space Shuttle to land at Heathrow just to pick her up and take her to Texas. And yet, here she was landing at Midland International Airport at the start of her exciting adventure. H was the only passenger on the Shuttle this trip. So, she was able to sit up front in the copilot's chair for the entire flight. How wonderful! When the shuttle finally landed at...

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cmsix and the Lapdance

Copyright© Russell Hoisington 2005 This here tale is an eeerotic fantasy of the humorous variety which I done writ in the vernackulary style of th' area where it all took place. So, if'n you don't speak Redneck, y'all are gonna be lost, 'n' y'all got my deepest sympathies fer bein' so poorly educated. The characters, cept'n for th' famous eeerotic writer cmsix 'n' the briefly mentioned eeerotic writer Naive, 'n' the situation are purely th' product of my overactive imagination....

1 year ago
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Ready for Desi XNXX porn, aka Desi52, aka Desi49? As a lifelong fan of pornography, I’ve always thought India should put out more of the stuff. They’ve got one of the highest populations in the world, which means more people to fuck on camera. Still, it was downright impossible to find Desi smut in most parts of the world before the Internet. Sites like Desi XNXX aka Desi XNXX 2 make it a hell of a lot easier than a random shitty Indian sex (or is set up like...

Indian Porn Sites
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What the fuck is Mzansi XXX? I’ll be honest; as an American, I had no idea what to expect when I got the link in my inbox this morning. Pardon my ignorance, but even after seeing all the amateur ebony porn on the front page, I still had to google Mzansi. Language is a funny thing, so the first definition I got was “a low-cost national banking account.” The deposits and withdrawals I’m seeing are all semen and cock, with no money exchanging hands, so I don’t think that’s what they’re referencing...

Black Porn Sites
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Six Times A DayPart 50 Under My Thumb

A few minutes later, the phone rang again. As Susan went to answer it, she grumbled, "What does Brenda want now? Do I have to walk her through ANOTHER fantasy blowjob? Good grief!" But it turned out to be one of Susan's cousins, living in Chicago. That was a real cold slap of reality for her. That cousin, like almost everyone else in Susan's extended family, was very religious and uptight. Susan was grateful that for once she was actually fully dressed, more or less - she quickly...

4 years ago
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Darkness Adriana crouched at the tap and turned it on. Water trickled out, she scooped some with her hand and splashed it on her face. It felt refreshing. She was very hungry as she hadn.t eaten since before her capture. They had only been given some water during the ordeal. In the six weeks that they had been on the loose, they hadn.t gone too far. They had followed the river in a northern direction. Sometimes it seemed like they were being set up. For instance they found supplies meant...

3 years ago
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He Hides In The Darkness

Jack enjoyed the sunny day in Florida as he removed debris from the gutters on his modest home in the suburbs. While he stood on the ladder’s top step, Jack noticed his new neighbor as she got out of her car. Even though he had never spoken to her, being a good neighbor, he gave her a hearty wave. Something caused the ladder to shift, and Jack fell back awkwardly, his arms flayed in the air until the back of his head hit the concrete sidewalk with a sickening hollow thud, like a pumpkin...

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Six Times A DayPart 46 Show Me

After Suzanne left to make dinner at her own house, Katherine, Susan, and Alan continued to hang out. Once again, Alan was driven to distraction by the clothing, or lack thereof, on Katherine and Susan. Eventually, Susan insisted to Katherine, "With dinner coming up, I must insist you at least wear something to cover up your privates." Katherine griped, "And are you gonna keep on wearing that erotic apron?" Susan sounded indignant. "No, I'm going to change into something else too....

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 56 Bad to the Bone

"Sheesh! That Brenda is too much." Katherine was lying on Amy in the middle of Katherine's bed. They were both still naked after spending a long time shaving each other's pussies and "checking for bumps." Their dildos had gotten a lot of use as well. "Yeah." Amy was feeling sleepy after her big orgasm a few minutes earlier. Her eyes were closed and she was in no mood to move or talk much. Katherine was feeling sleepy as well, since she too was floating after a nice orgasm, but she...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 13 Saturday Night at the Movies

Early the next morning, Alan woke as usual to damp, sticky bed sheets. He jacked off in bed, then took his shower where he jacked off yet again. Suzanne came into his room shortly after that, dressed in normal clothing. She closed the door and whispered to him, "Sweetie, I'm not here, okay? Let's be very quiet because your mother would get mad at me, and right now she's down in the dining room. But I thought I should risk it, because your father will be arriving soon, so this might be the...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 6 Sweet Dreams Are Made of This

Friday at school, Alan was impatient and distracted, as was par for the course lately. All he could think about was the prospect of Suzanne giving him another handjob later that afternoon. He didn't realize that she was planning something new, even though she'd dropped some not-very-subtle hints about it. Suzanne and Susan continued their ritual of talking about their dreams and recent sexual experiences while doing their morning workouts. Susan had handjobs and blowjobs on her mind to...

2 years ago
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Voices in the Darkness

VOLUME ONE — VOICES IN THE DARKNESS * Chapter 1 All eyes turned as my attorney called our witness: ‘The plaintiff calls Michelle Liu to the witness stand.’ The entire courtroom fell silent in anticipation of Michelle’s appearance. The distinctive sound produced from a woman’s high heel shoes walking on a marble floor could be heard approaching. The sound from each step grew louder as she approached the imposing double doors of courtroom number two. Michelle Liu was the star witness in...

1 year ago
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The Edge of Darkness

Sitting at my desk, wearing a long cotton bathrobe and a pair of bedroom slippers, I jotted down notes for the class lecture on consciousness studies that I was to give on Monday morning at UNLV. The subject of my lecture dealt with the different levels of alternate realities that could be experienced by taking psilocyben mushrooms, doing long periods of sitting meditation, and practicing sensory deprivation. All three methods could be effectively used to expand human consciousness, offering...

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Badminton club

Hopefully erotica for those who would like to be titillated.Sorry to run off early ladies, but I have to get home to put the little ones to bed. See you all next week” shouted Amanda as she ran out of the changing room. I sat on the bench in the old school changing rooms, absolutely shattered. It had turned out to be a really lovely evening, with three other mums, from my k**s school, playing badminton. I hadn’t played since I was a teenager, and I used to love the game. Sadly age, ch*****n,...

3 years ago
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The Badminton Match

                         The Badminton MatchThe sports club usually closed at ten thirty in the evening but this had been a grudge match between two girls who did not particularly like each other and therefore neither would agree to a draw or a postponement when closing time came and as a result they were the last two in the gym.Jane was tall and fairly slim with long blonde hair, tanned legs and arms which were shown off to advantage by her white skirt and blouse. In contrast Alice was a...

3 years ago
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Steamy hot fucking of best friend in badminton court 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, this is a continuation of my previous asstr story. So, do check it out, guys. This is the event that took place after the badminton court. My best friend Kalpana and I took a shower in different bathrooms. I wrapped a towel and sat on my bed. Kalpana came out wearing a towel and her hair was still dripping wet and it was just so beautiful. I moved my towel a little bit and started stroking my dick as she was drying herself. She saw me and turned away as she was shy. I went near her...

1 year ago
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Steamy hot fucking of best friend in badminton court 8211 Part 3

Hey guys, this is the third part of the events that unfolded after our badminton session. To know more, read the previous parts. It’s been a week now, I and Kalpana would make out in college whenever we got the chance and I would slap her ass when no one is around. Sometimes, I would squeeze her ass when we were in a crowd. She sucked my dick dry many times in the college washroom and would swallow my cum. Now, we were friends with benefits. One day, I got a call from Mani (my badminton coach...

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 83 Glory Days

Back at school, Glory still had one Televibe vibrator in her pussy and a smaller egg-shaped one in her ass. The cell phone allowed Alan to remotely control the vaginal vibrator with the press of a single button in his pocket. He'd put the Televibe to good use during the first two breaks between classes, but during the break between third and fourth periods he'd had an unpleasant run in with Heather. All of his troubles with her put him in a bad mood, so now that his fourth-period class...

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