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Tuesday September 25

A little after five, I awoke to someone violently shaking my shoulder. Opening my eyes, I could just make out the shape of Chris. It was odd, but I could 'feel' her presence, too.

There was something wrong, and I didn't know what. The bed was wet on Kitten's side. Did she pee the bed? I urged Chris out of the bed and got out myself, then turned on the bedside light.

Kitten had a grimace on her beautiful face. This time, I knew it was not a smile. Something was definitely wrong. I pulled back the covers, and found the bed wet between her legs. There was no smell of urine though. An image of a baby was placed in my mind.

I had no idea she was even pregnant, she did not even appear that way, now that I knew the fact. A little pudgy perhaps, but not pregnant. If she was this small, the baby was probably a preemie. I could only think of rushing her to the hospital, almost an hour away. I had to stop a second and think. That would put her whole race in jeopardy. What doctor could I get that would keep the secret? None. The only one I could think of for help, would be Susan.

I asked Kitten as I held her hand in mine, "Are you in pain? Is there anything I can do to help?" I got back the idea that it came and went.

"How long till the baby arrives?" I tried to get across. We had no common time units, but I felt as if it were more than an hour.

"I am going to call a friend of mine to help. I trust her with my life, and I think you can trust her, too." She squeezed my fingers, as a spasm went through her.

My nervous fingers pushed the speed dial button, and I waited a long time.

"Hello," Susan said with a yawn.

"Hello, Darling. I need your help, as soon as possible."

"Hello, my hero," she yawned again, and continued, "What is the matter?"

"There is a young lady here, that is going to have a baby. Would you come over and see what you can do to help?"

"It would be quicker, and safer too; if you took her to the hospital, or the clinic," she said as she became more awake.

"You're right. But she can't go to either of them. We need someone we can trust. Not even a doctor will do."

"What is all this about? I only helped delivering a baby once."

"If you trust me, come and help. We have no other choice."

"Ok. I'll get dressed and be on my way. The roads are clear. I should be there in a little over an hour."

"Thanks, love, but be careful. I don't want you in an accident."

"Yes, I will. Bye." She hung up, and was probably getting dressed, right now.

"She will be coming soon. Do you want me go and get some help from your home? Do you want me to get the father?" As I said it, I felt a stab to my heart. I had never even considered a husband. My caveman emotions were coming out. No doubt, it had served my ancestors well, but it was not appropriate to relations between worlds.

I must have been broadcasting, because both girls did their odd smile, and Kitten shook her head, to a double 'no'. Good relations or not, I felt relief, but tried to hide it. I do not know how successful I was, but had my hopes anyway.

"When Susan comes, Chris, I would like you to go downstairs." I held both of her hands as I looked down into her eyes, thinking how much I wanted all this to work out. "She will have problems facing one issue at a time. I will call you, when I think it is the right time to come up."

Then I turned to Kitten and asked, "Is there something I can do to help out? I can get some hot water, and make some diapers out of a sheet. Can I help you to the bathroom, or get you something to eat or drink?"

She extended her hand, and I helped her to the toilet. She peed, but could not do anything else. I washed her in the bidet, and dried her carefully. This time she was not turned on by my cleaning.

I tried to think of the best place for the birth, and the master bed was the best I could think of. With Kitten sitting in a bedside chair, I stripped the bed, and put clean sheets on it. I then went for more towels, a sheet of plastic, and pillows to prop Kitten up. I helped her back into bed, with a plastic sheet and some towels under her butt, and pulled the clean covers over her.

The thermostat was turned high, as she liked it. Then I got a housecoat, and brought it back for Chris to wear, now that she was standing on her back two legs. Her arms were wrapped around her body, to keep warm in the chilly morning air.

The dirty sheets were put into the wash. A clean flannel sheet was ripped up, to make some diapers. Another was torn for bandages, if needed. Water was not needed because we had the hot water tank, and I doubted that sterilization was needed. Then I remembered the scissors in the first aid kit, and the small needles and thread, I'd found so useful in Nam for sewing up friends. Then I brought some cord, to tie up the umbilical cord after it was severed. Maybe the boiling water was needed.

My constant running around seemed humorous to the girls. When all the things were assembled, I sat down in a chair beside the bed. I was out of breath, and feeling helpless. I held one of Kitten's hands, and tried to send what reassurance I could her way. The vision of an expectant father popped into my mind. I did not think any one else put it there. In a way, all those scenes from movies where the father was fumbling around, and more than just anxious, had been comical, but not now.

When in Nam, I had seen childbirth in backward hamlets, but had never participated. More and more, worry started creeping into my thinking. It could not all be mine. A civilization like Kitten's and Chris's must have very good obstetrics. Why didn't she want help from her home? Or, for that matter, why did she not seem to care if the father was here or not?

A car pulled up in front of the house. I tied the housecoat around Chris, before directing her downstairs. "I will be a few minutes preparing Susan for this meeting. Just relax as best you can. I will take care of everything." This last I said, was more wish, than fact. The bedroom door closed behind me. I opened the front door to Susan, who came in with her purse, and a bag of things, she thought she might need.

"Hello, my hero. Where is the happy mother-to-be?"

"Hi, Darling," as I held her tightly, and gave her a kiss. "Thank you for coming. There is something I have to say to you, first." She could feel my concern, and perhaps my worry, too.

"What is it?" She said in a questioning voice. A forced smile came to her face, as she saw the expression on mine.

"The girl is not originally from around here. I met Kitten yesterday, and invited her over. The pregnancy may be premature, because she showed very little signs of it. We have to keep the birth secret. You can't even mention seeing the girl, or her friend, Chris."

"What is so important that she has to hide? And what is this about a friend?"

"The friend is another girl I met, the day before. As to why this has to be kept secret, you will soon find out. Her kind doesn't originate on Earth."

"That's a good one. Let's see the girl." She probably wondered why I was trying to make a joke of the situation.

"Susan, I love you. I have been truthful in everything that really mattered. Believe me, when I say, I am not bending the facts in this matter."

She looked at me very strangely now. Perhaps she started to believe the possibility of my statements. I took the large bag from her hand and put it down, before hanging her coat up in the closet. The bag went with me, as we opened the bedroom door.

Susan was behind me. She took a look at Kitten, no doubt looking for antennae or tentacles. What she saw was a Human looking girl, with perhaps larger eyes that normal, and an odd hair style. Kitten's hands were wrapped around an extra pillow, holding on, as if to a life preserver.

Susan walked around me, and stood by the bed. "Hi, Kitten. My name is Susan." She crouched down, and put her hand on Kitten's bare shoulder.

"I will try to help you, if I can. Can you tell me how far apart your contractions are?" Susan waited for the answer.

"Honey, you can talk to me. I will not hurt you. Are you afraid?"

She slowly got up, then sat in the chair that I had just vacated. Susan's hand travelled down Kitten's arm, to her hand. Susan's hand gently rubbed Kitten's, as she waited for the reply. A quizzical look came over her face, as her eyes fell to the hand she was holding. Five fingers, but in place of the pinkie was another thumb, almost as large as the one on the other side of the hand. On closer examination she noticed the extra knuckle on each digit.

Susan was empathetic enough not to drop the hand, as she turned to me. "How can this be?"

"Well, I think her boyfriend must have got lucky."

"You know what I mean."

"Yes, I do. I do not have many answers, only a lot of questions, myself. I am keeping it a secret, because if this gets out, her home will be invaded, or worse. If you want to find out, I am afraid you will have to work with me to get the answers. By the way, as far as I know, she does not speak. She can communicate by means of telepathy, but I am not too good with it, yet. I can make myself understood, but it is difficult to get complex thoughts."

"That's good. I thought I was going crazy with the images in my mind, when I asked her questions."

"I am glad you can communicate, too," I breathed in of relief. It would be much easier, getting answers, with two people able to speak. "You will find her a little different, around the area you will be working on."

Susan gave me a look that spelled serious trouble. She pulled the blanket back slowly, got Kitten's knees up, and inspected her mons and vagina. Kitten flinched as Susan's fingers delicately inspected her opening. The now dormant urethra hung down three centimetres, and was partially in front of the opening. Five pinker buds surrounded the opening, with fleshy skin protecting each. No inner lips were in evidence. A glance at her feet showed that they were different, too. Her toes were longer, coming close to being hands.

"Well, you certainly are different, Honey. But not that much. Is there anything you want to tell me? I can relax and try to do the receiving." Susan covered Kitten, and sat back in the chair with a look of deep concentration on her face. A few seconds later, her face changed to that of wonder. Her mouth opened, and her eyes opened wide. Eventually her face turned to me in an expression of awe, and then turned back to Kitten. I could tell that an inaudible conversation of sorts was taking place. They seemed to be able to communicate better than I could.

I watched for over ten minutes, as the silent communication took place, punctuated by occasional contractions. This ended with a moan of pain, from both. Susan looked at me and said, "She seems to like me. If I didn't know better, I'd believe she loves you, and only after one day."

"I only met her yesterday afternoon. The ability to read minds, must make things work much faster than it does with us."

Susan rearranged some of the pillows on the bed, to make Kitten more comfortable. Susan's hand came out, and gently caressed the short fine body hair, on the mother-to-be's arm and face. The face had no coarse hair, but did have a slightly thicker coat of fuzz than humans had. Kitten's hand moved to hold Susan's other hand tightly, as pains shot through her body. Their eyes were locked on one another. A lot of silent conversation was going on. The serious and even frightened expression on Susan's face, slowly dwindled.

As if in a trance, Susan leaned down and kissed Kitten on the lips. Their arms wrapped around each other, as only lovers would do. Susan slowly pulled back from Kitten's hands, and cupped her face, before returning for another embrace. Kitten's tongue came out and traced Susan's lips. I could feel an erotic surge at both the sight, and the images in my mind.

This time Susan pulled all the way back. She remembered me, and turned to see what I thought. I could only smile, and give her encouragement, for the lovely girl had captured my heart as well.

More pains came to Kitten, and both Susan and I could feel them, as if we were having the baby. The frequency was increasing, and I 'knew' that the time had come.

Susan crawled onto the bed between Kitten's legs, and inspected her pelvis. Kitten's knees were coaxed up to help. Again I 'knew' that the knees had to go higher to help Kitten deliver, but I knew she would have difficulty holding them up. I moved beside the bed, and held them as Susan tried to work. This was difficult to do, and gave Susan little room to work.

"Susan do you want another person to hold Kitten's other leg in position?"

"Yes, but where are we going to find them?"

"Call, in your head, for Chris to come up and help. She is a little different, but a very nice person."

Susan closed her eyes to do the call, and I heard the noise of someone coming up the steps. When she walked into the room, she looked no different from Kitten except the skin colouration. I saw Susan release a pent up breath. Perhaps she was wondering about how Chris was different, after seeing nothing apparent.

"Hello, Chris. My name is Susan. Thanks for your help."

Chris did her smile and moved into position, supporting one of Kitten's legs. Susan reached beside the bed to the floor, and brought up the bag and placed it on the bed, but not in her way. She opened it and got out some gauze to wipe up some leakage.

"Henry, give me some of those towels beside you."

I gave her what she wanted and said, "I have some things too. There are more towels lying on the dresser. Some medical instruments are beside them. I had no idea if you would need them or not."

She said, "I stopped at a pharmacy on the way over for some supplies. I hope I brought all the things I need."

I tried reassuring Kitten in a silent conversation, and her hand came up to hold mine. She looked into my eyes as she gave a grunt, and I knew something was happening.

Susan was talking, but I don't think Kitten or I really heard her.

Susan moved differently, between Kitten legs, talking to herself, I think. More minutes passed, with me still looking deep into Kitten's eyes, and her's into mine. I could feel a baby leaving my own body. More groans and grunts occurred, interspersed with a moment of calm.

Then a small cry, which was barely heard. A radiant smile came to Kitten's face. I felt as proud as if I were the real father or mother. Moments later, I heard a duet start singing. This was amazing! She barely had enough room for one. Then I heard another. Where did she get them all?

I took my eyes from Kitten, and looked at the tiny children. They were so small and wrinkled. They looked the usual blue to purple, and were perfectly formed, from what I saw. These must be preemies. I tried to shield my mind as I thought of their chances of living. Many preemies died, even in a well-staffed paediatric ward. What chances did they have, here? Plans for making incubators and ways of feeding them entered my head. How do we keep them as disease free as possible?

Susan sat up, after placing the individually wrapped babies in their mother's arms. She covered them with a soft cloth, then a small blanket. Kitten was so happy, that she almost glowed. Moments latter, the three placentas were expelled, one after the other.

Susan kept her head down, and I knew she was as upset as I was. She used more gauze to clean Kitten, plus a squeeze bottle of water. When she was dry, Susan removed all the damp towels and dropped them into a plastic pail beside the bed. She put a pad into a pair of clean panties and slipped them onto Kitten. We lowered Kitten's legs, turned her to a better position on the bed. Susan covered her, to keep all of them warm.

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Darren closed his eyes and rested his head in his hands for the umpteenth time that day. How could he have been so stupid? He’d always been the careful one out of every crowd he’d been involved with. Coming from a dirt poor background, he knew the smallest thing would mar his reputation and he would be screwed for the rest of his life. His whole life, he had been a straight A student. Before graduating high school a month ago, his scholarship at Princeton had already been confirmed. One night...

Gay Male
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Weekend Getaway

It was Wednesday, the weekend is approaching; Lisa and I had been planning a weekend getaway for some time now. She had been laying in the sun working on her tan, buying her some new clothes for the trip and we had been putting money aside to have a good weekend. Thursday rolls around, it’s time to take the car for an oil change, then to the car wash and finish up by topping off the fuel tank. That afternoon, Lisa had finished packing and we had everything staged by the door ready to go. That...

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Big One

I chatted with him online a few times, John is an older gentleman in his profile he describes himself as an aggressive top. His profile listed him as 8+ for cock sizeso like a rookie I assumed it was eight. I was off work and said hello, he asked if he was every going to get a chance to fuck my sweet ass.I'm very into playing with my ass when I jerk-off but only once have I been with a guy and that experience kinda turned me off.So this time I jumped at the opportunity I agreed to meet right...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 280 Dont Mess with My Friends

What sort of revenge has Elena been plotting? She doesn’t look mean, Elena looked scary. After we ate, including “David,” Elena laid out what was going to happen over the next two days. “David” was still an unknown to the people here other than he came here with Molly and Elena. Someone incorrectly assumed that Molly must be a fuck toy Elena brought along. There were going to be some rude awakenings. “So here is the start of the plan,” Elena told us. “Darren, you are going to be busy with...

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Jen Cheating Wife

Introduction: Jen meets her lover at motel. Jen put on her skin-tight, black workout-leggings over a thin thong. A sports bra and tight sports top followed as she examined herself in the full length mirror hanging from the back of her bedroom door. As she adjusted her hair with flicks of her fingers, she noticed how the stretchy legging material just barely silhouetted the mounds of her labia, as she turned sideways to verify that no panty lines disrupted the smooth round curve of her hips and...

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Fit 18 sounds like it might be a trendy store at the mall for hot young chicks, but nah, it’s a porn site. If they ain’t hawking skirts and sweaters under that banner, I bet you’ve got a pretty good idea what kind of babes are getting their brains banged out on this website, huh? That’s right: they’re fit as hell and at least 18, but never much older. The specialty at this paysite is truly ripe, healthy, and super sexy teens.Fit18.com hasn’t been around all that long. The domain was registered...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
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Sister in Law 7 entraps friend Part 3

Best you read the earlier parts before the following.About three days later Jennie got a WhatsApp from Jane: "Tonights the night. Are you clear what you should do?""I am but tonight I have to be at the choir practice. I couldn't do as you want me to do because I am the soloist and there will be no practice without me. Could I please do it on a different night?""No it has to be tonight but as a concession I will allow you to arrive later. In turn you will have to provide a concession - no two...

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“OK, last subject – turning professional and going on this tour. I am beginning to believe, that we are going to like dancing for people on this tour more than anything else, so I suggest we all turn professional right away, informing the NDCA at the proper time. We go on this US Tour, and maybe even Michaels’ World Tour as well.” “Then we maybe find out about going on the World Dance Council International Tour, or starting our own Tour, something along the lines of ‘The Claire and Special K...

1 year ago
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Bigger is better

My uncle commented, “Damn you’re tight.” As he worked his finger around inside of my rectum then, in and out slowly. I was gasping and moaning a little, not that it hurt, it felt good being finger fucked, I wanted more though, I wanted his cock. I wanted him to bury all nine inches in me…stretch my little ‘cunt’ good and give me a good fucking. A nice deep hard one.I thought he had about nine, close to it anyway.My boyfriend, of three years was good, very good. Ron was a year older, very nice...

3 years ago
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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 37

One day Edwin Newell was delivering supplies to the W&DS Club. After he and Sandra put them up, he took her to her room. A few minutes later the room was filled with loud grunts and sexual moans. Sandra was nude, on her back, with her smooth sexy legs spread. Edwin was in-between them. His hard cock was driving in-and-out of her hot wet pussy. As the permanent club slut for several months now, Sandra was gyrating her hips and giving the club member, Mr. Newell, a fantastic ride on her...

1 year ago
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Private Carollina Cherry Martina Smeraldi Hot Anal Threesome

The best gonzo action can only be found on www.private.com and we’re here to prove it in Private Specials, Anal Threesomes by Private 3 where Martina Smeraldi is joined by debutant Carollina Cherry for an incredible threesome you won’t want to miss! These teens waste no time getting horny as they masturbate and play with their dildos, getting warmed up and ready for the arrival of Nick Moreno. Then watch almost one hour of pulsating action as these girls show off their skills in a smashing...

4 years ago
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Amelias Surprise for Dean

I was very excited for my boyfriend, Dean, to get home from his business trip. One month apart, one month of no sex was almost too much for me to take. That wasn't the only reason I was excited though. I was excited because when he got home I had a big surprise for him. I loved surprising him, especially with sexy surprises. I looked at my watch. His plane should be landing any minute now. I was feeling a bit giddy. I couldn't wait to show him just how much I missed him this last month. The...

Oral Sex
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Kiss of the Dragon A Halloween Story

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any...

2 years ago
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Mimi 001 mit Bildern

Mimi kniet in einer Klokabine der Staatsbibliothek und kaut zärtlich auf einem halbschlaffen Studentenpimmel herum. Über ihrem ungeschminkten, leicht pickligen Gesicht trägt sie eine schmale, billige Plastikbrille. Der Student lehnt mit heruntergelassenen Jeans an der Tür und sieht verwundert dabei zu, wie das Mädchen seinen Schwanz liebkost. Ihre Klamotten sehen aus wie von der Resterampe, ein langweiliger grauer Wollpulli, eine enge schwarze Trainingshose und löchrige weiße Socken in roten...

4 years ago
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So You Want to be an Escort

Today, I was chatting online with a very special friend of mine. We are very close but recently, we have stayed away from fantasizing about each other. Sometimes in life, the friendship takes the greater importance and it is not a bad thing. We were talking about her career goal. She is in her 40's and back in college after raising her children. As a business major, she was considering the Hospitality Sector: hotels, resorts, etc. I teased her about becoming an escort. "Great job," she...

2 years ago
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Engaging The Babysitter

I opened the door and saw her through the glass storm door. She just smiled and waved for a few seconds, and I had to return the favor. I opened the storm door too. "Hello, Alli, you are looking well." "Hi, Mr. Fonpolous, thank you," she replied, strolling into the house. "How are you doing? Has the dating life been decent since the divorce?" "It has been okay, Alli. It is tough out there though, and please, call me, Rex," I corrected her, failing to part my eyes from her while...

1 year ago
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Private Tiffany Tatum The Season For Rimming

The year is coming to an end and that can only mean one thing, it’s Christmas! And there’s no better way to celebrate than with the rimming expert herself Tiffany Tatum. Santa Claus (Lutroo) has a special gift for her this year but it’s Tiffany who will give out the real treat! Watch as Tiffany gets on her knees and shows off her amazing skills, sucking, licking and rimming like the pro she is and offering up her pussy for a good festive fuck. But this sexy girl knows it’s the season of giving...

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My toys

I never was into toys. My first was a gag present after my first c***d was born. A black vibrator - nothing special. It was fun occasionally, but no big deal.Playing on here really made me think I wanted to try something else. I bought a dildo online (was pretty scared someone else would get the mail). It was more fun. It felt more real - at least in helping out some fantasies. I played with it for a while, sometimes while talking to people here.One day online I met someone who said she could...

3 years ago
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Gloryhole with Jo part 2

……………………… I got up and went and knelt in front of the wall took a cock in each hand, my heart was pounding so fast now I thought it would explode out of my chest, I leant forward and licked the head of this strangers cock as Jo had done it twitched as I did this, then I licked the head of the cock in my other hand and slowly sank my lips over it and started to suck and then back to the other one to do the same, I moved along to the next two which were both new ones and both softish, I took them...

2 years ago
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Old Women

For me it started in 1981, that is when I fucked my first old lady. I had gone over the friends house, his whole family were a bunch of drunks so we could drink the hard stuff and they were cool with that. And what I mean by the whole family I mean him, his older sister, his mom, his dad, his aunt, his uncle, his grandma. You get the idea. Well on this night I went over and we got to drinking with his mom and dad. We thought we would throw a few back and play some Atari. Hid dad had busted out...

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Vengeance of the Gods Pt 02

CHIDEBEM woke up suddenly from his sleep. In an instant, he was wide-awake, listening for the sound that woke him. He heard nothing for a while, but he did not relax. If anything, he became even more alert and tenser because he was sure he had heard something. He slept like a dog and the slightest sound would have him wide-awake in no time. Another instinct horned by seasons of hunting and warrior training. As he lay tense on the bed, waiting and listening, he looked through the little slits...

1 year ago
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Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 01

It had been a slow, lazy month since Béla’s judgement ended her month-long nightmare of mind-ripping interrogation by the Praetor. After all that mental torment, she still had difficulty believing it was over. Not only was she free, but the Praetor had determined that the ‘individual presently known as Béla was a random Quantum factor necessary to the survival of civilization. As such, her unimpeded…’ Béla didn’t remember all the elocutionary terms the Praetor had used, but her...

4 years ago
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Sexy Bitch

About a year ago I made contact with a woman of about 35 years old via a contact web site. We eventually exchanged mobile phone numbers and started to text and talk on the phone about our sexual interests and likes and dislikes. By some carefully directed questioning I managed to discover she was bi, liked the idea of seeing and being involved with bi males and also had a passion for anal.I knew then I had to meet her to enjoy her in the flesh but was unaware she had yet more sex secrets for me...

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USAChapter 11

A Slight Regression. Fall Colors across the northern United States are spectacular. However, unless one has experienced The Thousand Islands in the Fall, you ain't seen nothing yet. The colors are part of the natural progression of the life of some types of trees ... but. The 'but' considers the amount of rain necessary to the development of color. If it doesn't rain, the colors will be muted. The Thousand Islands don't need the rain. They have the St. Lawrence river for the...

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Victor shares me at his office

My loving husband called me that evening, telling me that he would be working late overtime during the night. I said it was a pity, because I was horny that night and waiting for him at home wearing just a brand new black sexy outfit…Then Victor changed his mind and told me I could join him at the office.His only condition was I should wear some sexy dress just for him…Two hours later I was there at the last floor of the building, wearing a short black dress, dark stockings and stiletto heels....

3 years ago
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P I And MagicChapter 13

It had been a lot to take in. The Dragon talked with me only for a short time more, then it asked to meet me at some distance away from the Keep, tomorrow. I agreed. Bel and his brood?, family?, children?, went on their way. "This is amazing! I can't believe that you would show up at all, but when you do, you show up here!" Marald exclaimed. "Why is that amazing?" I asked, curiously. "Well, everyone had assumed you were dead. I have to tell you that your mother and father died...

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Deadly Sex Games CH 5

After her last incident, when the man she was fucking was killed in the midst of orgasm, she knew these people were serious. Death was inevitable for her if she kept playing this deadly game. And that was exactly what drew her back. She was addicted to the danger. She never knew such ecstatic sex before. She had to have it one more time. Deathmaster met her at the abandoned prison again. She was stripped of her clothes, her hands were manacled behind her back, and she was marched between...

3 years ago
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Helping A Friend 8211 Dream Come True 8211 Part 3

Hello sexy people, I am Manas and I am back with the next part of the story. In the previous parts, I narrated my experience where in one of my friend’s asked for my help to fuck her as she was sex addicted and deprived for a month now. You can read the stories from the links given on top. Coming to this part, I was at sonam’s house since morning and I had fucked her 3 times till evening. We made dinner and were watching TV and drinking beer. I called my GF and spoke to her while she went out...

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Teresa Scalia Riot in the Ring

Mark Anderson and Dominic Scalia were meeting in Dominic's office planning a major fundraiser for their Men's Club. The club was providing financial assistance and support to construct a new recreation facility for the youth of their city. The event, catering to the more affluent male population, was to be a night of boxing followed by an auction of donated items. The donations ranged from restaurant gift certificates, auto service coupons, and works of art, up to the grand prize of a 10 day...

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