Asquared Bsquared Csquared
- 2 years ago
- 59
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The darkness of the tunnel was banished by the bright pulses of laser fire, while the shrill screams of dying Kirrix rang in John’s ears. There was a momentary lull in the carnage as Irillith followed the ramp up and around the corner, her sister hovering protectively at her side. The insectoid troops lurking around the corner in ambush rushed forward, but Tashana’s twin Quantum pistols barked out their deadly song and they were blown to pieces in a hail of railgun slugs.
Irillith levelled the underslung Pulse Cannon at the rest of the screeching troops and blazing azure bolts scythed through their ranks, cutting the Kirrix down. The twins continued upwards along the tunnel, leaving dismembered limbs twitching on the floor, the severed joints glowing where they’d been sheared from each soldier’s thorax.
As John reached the turn in the tunnel, he looked down at the brunette he was carrying in his arms. “How are you doing, honey?”
Rachel glanced at the trauma bandage she’d applied to the wound on her thigh. “You can put me down now if you want,” she said with a brave smile. “The initial pain from the neutron bolt injury was only temporary, so I should be able to keep up.”
“The twins have got this,” John replied, watching the Maliri sisters ruthlessly carving their way through the Kirrix forces. “Besides, you’re light as a feather.”
She let out a happy sigh and snuggled into his chest. “Okay then, if you insist.”
Dana was walking alongside them and she laughed, shaking her head in amusement. “She’s making me wish I’d got shot instead, just so you could carry me out of here. How fucked up is that?”
“No more getting shot please,” John replied, giving her a stern frown.
Actually, unless Dana’s planning on melting any more tunnels, we can use the last of her psychic energy to patch Rachel up, Alyssa informed the three of them, the weariness in her voice obvious to all.
Dana nodded eagerly as she replied, “Sure, give her whatever she needs!”
Rachel’s body was flooded with a sudden burst of energy and her grey eyes began to glow with an inner light as she placed her hand on her injured thigh. The misty aura rolled down her arm then spread out to shroud her leg. She let out a gentle sigh when she felt that soft tickling sensation, as the nasty gunshot wound closed and healed.
That’s it, we’re all completely tapped out, Alyssa warned John.
The redhead yawned and went to cover her mouth with her hand, accidentally bumping her armoured fingers into the clear faceplate of her Paragon helmet. “Fuck me, I feel whacked...” she murmured, before turning to look at her lover. “Feeling better, Babes?”
“Much, thank you!” Rachel replied, giving Dana a grateful grin. Shining her bright smile on John next, she brushed her fingers against his faceplate and let out a sigh of regret. “I’d let you carry me all the way to the ship, but I’m fully recovered now. You should probably put me down, so Dana and I can go and help the twins.”
He did as she asked and Dana handed Rachel back the Quantum rifle she’d been carrying. They shared a quick hug before jogging ahead to see if the Maliri sisters needed any assistance. John turned around and glanced back at Sub-Warden Dhormun who was talking quietly with Chancellor Niskera as they followed in his wake. They were both watching him intently and their pupil-less amber eyes seemed to be studying his every move.
“Is everyone okay?” he asked, glancing behind at the group of diplomats and the dozen Trankaran Legionnaires that were shoving dead Kirrix out of their path.
Dhormun gave him a slow, deeply respectful nod and his rumbling voice had an odd catch to it as he replied, “Yes. Thanks to you, we are all uninjured, Gr-”
“Vice Admiral Blake...” Niskera quickly blurted out, cutting Dhormun off. “May I speak with you a moment please?”
John glanced back up the slope and saw that the girls had their evacuation well in hand. Dana and Rachel had taken point, allowing the twins a few moments to recharge their shields and for Tashana to reload her brace of pistols. “Sure, but we can talk at length when we return to my ship.”
The Chancellor turned and patted Dhormun on the shoulder, giving him a brief smile of apology for interrupting him. She hurried forward and matched John’s stride as she fell into step beside him, walking carefully around chitinous corpses. Niskera opened her mouth to speak, hesitated and closed it again, suddenly appearing intimidated by his presence. She turned to look at him out of the corner of her eye and John saw that same look of reverence shining in those amber orbs once again.
John gave her an encouraging smile and prompted her gently, “What did you want to talk about, Niskera?”
She bit her lip then asked in a hushed voice, “Is it really true? Have you returned to us after thousands of years?”
Looking at her sharply, John asked, “What do you mean?”
“You are the Great Maker aren’t you?” Niskera whispered, a look of wonder on her face. “I’ve seen the scriptures, heard all the stories from the years of darkness ... The time when the gods themselves fought in the heavens!”
John was stunned and he gaped at her in surprise.
“You’ve returned to my people in our time of greatest need!” she continued, the light of a true believer in her eyes. “I was blind not to see when we first met ... You swept in and effortlessly ended the rebellion with barely any loss of life, reuniting our people and averting civil war!”
Niskera suddenly looked horrified and before John could reply, she blurted out, “But it was a test, wasn’t it?! We failed you and left ourselves vulnerable to the Kirrix! I begged the Senate to overcome their differences, but they were unable to decide on anything! I’m so sorry, Great Maker! Please don’t abandon us again!”
John shook off his shock and the Chancellor gasped when he reached out to place a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “You have nothing to apologise for, Niskera. I wasn’t testing you, and I’m not going to abandon you, but I’m also not Mael’nerak. That’s the name of the Progenitor your people knew of as your Great Maker.”
Her face ran through a gamut of emotions. When Niskera heard that he wasn’t upset with her, she looked immensely relieved at first, but that relief quickly turned to confusion at his firm declaration that he wasn’t the Great Maker. Eventually her face lit up with understanding. “But you are another ‘Progenitor’? A fellow god, just like our Great Maker was!”
He opened his mouth to reply, when Tashana called back to him from further up the tunnel, “John! We’ve reached the surface! Sakura’s here...”
John turned to face the Trankaran Chancellor. “We’ll talk later, Niskera, I promise.”
She bowed to him reverently and he hesitated, torn whether or not to stop and clarify things with her now.
We’ll sort everything out with her later, Alyssa prompted him. We need your help dealing with the Kirrix on the surface.
OK, I’m on my way, John replied, striding purposefully up the last of the tunnel, stepping over and around steaming Kirrix corpses.
The four girls had fanned out at the tunnel entrance to cover possible avenues of attack. Over to their left, about fifty metres away was the segmented ochre hull of a Kirrix hive ship, the huge vessel dark and lifeless. A large chunk had been ripped out of the underbelly and Trankaran civilians were climbing out of the hole in the hull. Directly ahead of them was the Valkyrie, it’s weapons trained on the hive ship.
John grimaced when he saw the damage the mech had taken. It had been hit by heavy neutron bolts in dozens of locations, and the once gleaming white armour plating was now gouged and blackened. As he continued his inspection of the mech, he spotted the ugly crater on its shoulder where one of the Pulse Cannon turrets had been destroyed in an explosion. Finally, the Valkyrie’s feet and lower legs were dripping in sticky green blood, as was its massive sword.
He activated the comm in his HUD, picking up the mech. When Sakura’s beautiful face appeared as an image inside the helmet, he asked in a shocked voice, “What the hell happened?! I thought you were supposed to stay out of trouble? Are you alright?”
Sakura’s face was fraught with worry. “Forget the Valkyrie! You guys look like you were torn to bits! Are all of you okay?!”
John paused and glanced down at his own body armour and then that of the girls. He knew they’d taken a lot of hits in that nightmarish slog through the Kirrix forces, but he hadn’t realised how bad it had been. They’d all been struck by scores of neutron bolts, their white armour a tattered shadow of its once pristine glory. Rachel aside, he was amazed that the armour had been able to take that much abuse and that more of them hadn’t been injured.
Looking back up at the mech’s cockpit, the head was tilted down towards him and he spotted the Asian girl through the clear-crystal canopy. “It looks a lot worse than it is. Only Rachel got injured, but she healed herself.”
Sakura nodded, then looked a bit guilty. “I’m sorry to ask, but I could really use your help. I took down all the Kirrix hive ships to stop them from abducting the Trankaran civilians. I’ve also killed all the Hivelords to stop them infesting any more Trankarans, but there’s still Kirrix troops inside keeping their prisoners captive.”
“You need our help with a sweep and clear?” John asked apprehensively. “I don’t think we’re in much shape to handle multiple boarding actions.”
“We just need to free the civilians!” Sakura replied in a rush. “You don’t need to scour the ships of all the Kirrix troops.”
Before you do anything, come and get some fresh armour, Alyssa insisted. Faye will bring the Raptor around for you once you’re ready to hit the hive ships. Heads up, we’re incoming to your position.
John glanced up and smiled when he saw the Invictus looming overhead, the battlecruiser dropping down through the cloudbanks with retro-thrusters flaring to slow their descent. His smile faded when he saw the state of the armour, with ugly furrows from a multitude of beam weapon hits crisscrossing the hull.
“Holy fuck!” he swore under his breath.
Alyssa sighed. Don’t worry, I’ll fix it...
I don’t give a shit who fixes it! John swore, his worry for Alyssa and Calara making him sharp with her. You weren’t supposed to be slugging it out with their capital ships! Are you both okay?
I’m exhausted, John... Alyssa replied patiently. Can we discuss it later please?
His eyes narrowed as he gazed up at the descending ship. Fine, but we need to have a talk, young lady.
Turning to make eye contact with Sakura in the Valkyrie cockpit, John gave her a thumbs up, then looked back at the tunnel entrance. The Trankaran soldiers had fanned out to form a firing line between each of the girls, while the diplomats huddled together just outside the tunnel entrance.
He pointed upwards at the Invictus and forced a warm smile onto his face as he looked at the assorted alien dignitaries. “My ship will be landing in a moment. If you’d like to follow me, you’ll be safe once you’re inside.”
Niskera walked over to him, her face a mask of concern. “The citizens of Mulbharum ... I can’t just abandon them to the Kirrix!”
“We’re not going to,” John said, meeting her anxious gaze. “Trust me.”
Faye banked the Raptor around in a tight turn, flying to intercept the remnants of the Kirrix reinforcements, who were pouring out of a tunnel to the south of the city.
“Sakura, we’ve got Kirrix troops emerging from two tunnels,” she informed the Valkyrie pilot. “I’ll take the one to the south, the one closest to you is three-hundred-and-nine metres from your position, on a bearing of seventy-two degrees.”
“Got it! Heading there now,” Sakura replied, pivoting the Valkyrie and setting off with long loping strides.
The purple sprite was high above the city, with half of her avatars performing scans of Mulbharum and checking the city for any signs of Kirrix forces. The other half were back in the Invictus, either manning the Pulse Cannons to provide cover for the thousands of Trankaran civilians boarding the battlecruiser, or coordinating her boys who were assisting with the rescue mission.
At least fifty Kirrix troopers had emerged from the tunnel ahead of her, looking like angry ants pouring out of a disturbed nest. They were reinforcements from the closest hive ship; hundreds of soldiers that had nearly made it to the underground cavern, before Dana had collapsed the pillar-lined gallery. With no way ahead of them, they had simply turned around and backed up the sloping tunnel, intent on returning to their hive ship.
Faye Primary brought the Raptor in low, weaving through the monolithic Trankaran skyscrapers. She marvelled at how much more exhilarating flying was when she was able to make course corrections almost instantaneously, rather than having to allow for a couple of seconds of signal delay. Executing a lazy roll, just for the sheer thrill of it, she opened fire with her Photon Lasers, blasting an emerging Kirrix Juggernaut in the torso and vaporising everything above its bulbous abdomen.
The Pulse Cannons blazed away, hosing down the fleeing Kirrix troopers with streams of azure laser bolts. Each of the six turrets tracked from port to starboard, her avatars calculating the most efficient path to sweep the hail of fire through the insectoid forces. As the Raptor neared the tunnel entrance, she reduced power to the engines to bring the ship to a halt, then activated retro-thrusters to upend the gunship, so that the nose was pointing directly into the broad tunnel entrance. Just as she had with the last two entrances, she opened up with the Photon Laser beams, slashing them back and forth, and melting large trenches through the walls. With a rumbling crash the tunnel caved in, throwing dense plumes of dust skyward as the rubble settled, entombing hundreds more.
“Very nice, honey,” John said, nodding his approval. He pointed over to the section of ragged hull where Sakura had previously carved her way into the belly of the hive ship. “Put us down over there, same drill as before.”
Faye beamed at his praise. “Okay, John!” she readily agreed. “I’ll start an active scan immediately and update your HUD with the results!”
He winked at her, then left the cockpit, unshouldering his rifle as he stepped into the grav-tube. Faye brought the gunship down at the point John had requested, while keeping a vigilant eye on the sensors to look for any more Kirrix sightings. She watched John, Dana, and Calara jog towards the jagged tear in the hull, their new sets of pristine white armour gleaming in the moonlight. Faye Tertiary noted that the Active Scan was complete and she began to upload the sensor results to their Paragon HUDs. There were still a couple of hundred Trankarans inside that vessel, closely guarded by a dozen Kirrix soldiers.
Faye Primary didn’t have time to worry about John and his two young companions, because Alyssa contacted her a second later. “We’re ready for a pickup, Faye,” the blonde said, giving her a tired smile.
“On my way!” the sprite replied, ramping up power to the Raptor’s retro-thrusters and launching the gunship skyward.
As she pivoted towards the eighth Kirrix hive ship – where she had dropped Alyssa and the Maliri twins ten minutes earlier – a bright holo-projection filled the sky above the city. It had been replayed every ten minutes for the last two hours, with Faye broadcasting Chancellor Niskera’s kind face as a huge, hundred-metre-high image across the clouds.
“Citizens of Mulbharum! Please assemble at the central plaza! We are evacuating those in most need from the city; the injured, infected, or mothers with young children. Any citizens fit and able to fight, please report to Sub-Warden Dhormun who is rallying a militia until large-scale relief arrives. Republic forces will return and protect you from the Kirrix, you have my word as your Chancellor!”
The image winked out and Faye glanced down at the Invictus as she raced overhead. Orderly queues of Trankaran citizens were being loaded into the battlecruiser’s Primary Hangar, where her maintenance bots were helping to sort the civilians into their various categories. Faye Octonary was in charge of finding the most critically injured and bringing them to Rachel’s attention, while the bots controlled by Nonary through to Duodenary were helping bring those Trankarans infested with Kirrix eggs for treatment.
Faye Primary marvelled at the calm, orderly manner with which the Trankarans behaved; so unlike the chaotic groups of Terrans she’d helped rescue on numerous occasions. Not that she disliked Terrans of course! Aside from a certain Progenitor who she liked very much indeed, Terrans were her favourite species. Thinking of Dana activated her special ‘best friend’ subprogram and she felt giddy as she began to think about times they’d spent together in the Grand Engineering Overlord’s Workshop.
A new ‘guilt’ procedure kicked in when she spotted her wonderful Creator by the hull of the hive ship. Faye flushed, realising she should really have considered Maliri to be her favourites. Irillith was standing beside her sister by the tear in the flank of the grounded Kirrix vessel, gunning down any insectoid soldiers still attempting to pursue their fleeing prisoners. Alyssa was busy outside the Kirrix hive ship, directing the Trankaran civilians they’d just liberated from captivity. A number of healthy Trankarans were helping to carry their infested rock-brethren to the loading point, those dazed civilians bloated with Kirrix eggs were too weak to stand themselves. All the rest who were unharmed, were running towards the rallying point in the centre of the city.
Faye brought the gunship down to a clear space on the nearby road, rotating the gunship so that the injured and infested could be loaded into the big compartment at the rear of the Raptor. As soon as she touched down, she activated the rear-loading ramp, then waited patiently for Alyssa’s confirmation that they could evacuate those in urgent need of care to the Invictus.
“This will feel a little odd, but you won’t be harmed by the procedure,” Rachel said, giving the burly Trankaran a kind smile.
Chancellor Niskera clasped his hand and squeezed it tightly. “You’ve been so brave, but this nightmare is nearly at an end, you have my word.”
He looked up at her and slowly nodded, shame, fear, and revulsion warring for dominance on his blunt features. The Trankaran was lying on a platform underneath a cargo loading arm, the grasping claw removed and replaced by a Sonic Cannon that was pointed at his bloated abdomen.
Rachel clicked the button on her console and the specially modified Sonic Cannon opened fire, sending pulses of sound into the rockman’s belly. He groaned and shifted slightly on the raised plinth he was lying on.
“Any pain?” the brunette asked, her finger hovering over the button to shut down the sonic weapon.
He shook his head and rumbled, “No Doctor ... as you say, it feels very ... odd.”
Rachel patted him on the shoulder. “Nearly done, Theldroc. The vibrations from the Sonic Cannon are liquefying the eggs. You’ll be clear of all infection in a matter of minutes.”
Five seconds later she glanced at the body scan results and nodded with satisfaction. She pressed the button to cease fire with the Cannon, then beckoned over a couple of Trankaran Legionnaires who had volunteered to act as orderlies.
“I thought you said a few minutes?” Theldroc asked, looking up at the Sonic Cannon in surprise.
Rachel smiled at him, then gestured to the Legionnaires. “These men will help you to the bathroom. It’s over Theldroc, you’re safe now.”
His amber eyes welled up and he clasped her hand in his massive paw. “Thank you so much, Doctor.”
“You’re quite welcome.” She smiled at him and added, “Please hurry though...”
The Trankaran’s stomach rumbled ominously and the two Legionnaires quickly helped him to his feet.
“Quite astonishing,” Chancellor Niskera murmured, watching the three of them hurry away. “Normally, invasive surgery is required to save someone from Kirrix infestation. It would have taken weeks for the medical facility on the Anvil to treat all these patients!”
“Any questions about how to operate the Sonic Cannon?” Rachel asked, gesturing towards the console.
Niskera shook her head, but looked apprehensive. “Are you sure this is wise, Doctor Voss? I’m not medically trained.”
“It’s either you or one of the maintenance bots,” Rachel replied with a smile. “I think your people would much prefer your gentle bedside manner.”
Glancing at one of the floating robots with its disconcerting grin, Niskera nodded. “I agree, I’ll take over for you.”
“Just call me if you run into any problems,” Rachel said, before walking over to the second station that a pair of Faye’s maintenance bots had just finished assembling.
Sakura watched Alyssa and the twins stride up the Raptor’s rear loading ramp, the trio following after the last of the infested Trankarans they had just rescued. Alyssa waved at her before she disappeared inside, knowing that the Asian girl was looking her way. The ramp closed after the blonde and the gunship lifted off the ground, with Faye transporting the civilians to the Invictus in the centre of the city.
“We’ve cleared the potential blast radius,” Faye informed Sakura a few moments later.
The Kirrix hive ship still had power on one side of the vessel, but the other was as dark as the night’s sky. The Valkyrie was standing facing that darkened side, safe from retaliation now that all the weapons on the hive ship’s port flank had been shut down. Sakura lined up her targeting reticle over the rear of the huge ochre hull, studying the tactical overlay that Dana and Calara had created from the results of their active scans.
The four muzzles of the Valkyrie’s Photon Lasers followed her crosshairs, until they were pointing towards the middle of the ship, near the rear. The Asian girl took great care as she aimed her shot, because accidentally triggering a power core explosion would demolish several blocks of the city. She lightly squeezed the trigger and short pulses of azure beams lashed into the stricken Kirrix vessel, burning through segmented armour plating and rupturing the fuel cells. The liquid hydrogen ignited, setting the hive ship ablaze in a conflagration that she knew would leave the vessel a charred derelict, having already done the same to a dozen others.
It didn’t take long for the Kirrix hive ship to become a raging inferno, fire licking up around the hull in a dozen places. The dancing flames lit up the sky above the city, joining the other insectoid funeral pyres in a bright ring of fire around Mulbharum. Sakura nodded with satisfaction as the remnants of the Kirrix forces were methodically incinerated.
John lined up his crosshairs on the Kirrix soldier’s mottled brown carapace, ignoring the sickly green neutron bolts that were causing rippling impacts on his shield. He gently squeezed the trigger and the hyper-accelerated bullet slammed into the insectoid soldier’s chest, catapulting it backwards. The Kirrix exploded with the force behind the round, its thorax completely obliterated in a thick spray of green blood.
As its lower body sprawled onto the deck and its arms and head bounced back down the corridor, John glanced over his shoulder to the breeding room. “That was the last of them near here,” he said to Calara, who was freeing a Trankaran from a multi-legged sled. “According to Faye’s scan, there’s dozens more soldiers on the upper levels, we should be able to evacuate the Trankarans before reinforcements turn up.”
The Latina nodded, her face tense and alert. “I’ll start guiding everyone out.”
With Rachel treating the infested Trankarans, it would have just been John and Dana in this fireteam, so Calara had asked to assist with the evacuations. While she was a very good shot and followed his orders to the letter, she was far more relaxed at her Tactical Station, manning the Invictus’ massive guns. By contrast, John found the thought of trying to aim and shoot that obscene amount of firepower to be a daunting prospect, especially when equally destructive ship weapons were being fired back at them.
“Hey, John ... I was just wondering about something...” Dana asked, rousing him from his thoughts. Her tone made it clear that she was going to ask him to do something he’d rather not.
John watched as Calara helped the wounded Trankaran off the sled and pointed him towards the hole in the hull. “What’s up, Sparks?”
“I know this mission’s already gone miles off-tangent already, so I thought, fuck it, why not one last thing,” she suggested, arching an eyebrow to see if he was intrigued.
He rolled his eyes at her but couldn’t help smiling. “Come on Sparks, stop beating around the bush! What’ve you got in mind?”
“Well ... it’s Rachel’s birthday coming up soon, and Sakura’s already got her something nice,” Dana continued, making sure the ground around the bush was well and truly beaten.
John looked at her in surprise. “I thought she was only joking ... Are you really making her a Pulse Cannon for her birthday?!”
The redhead laughed as she nodded. “Big weapons have started getting her all hot and bothered. I blame you!”
His answering grin slowly turned into a frown. “So what did Sakura get her and when’s the big day?”
“A Hivelord head and three days time,” Dana explained, counting off her answers with two fingers. She nudged him with an elbow and continued, “If you can bag her a Broodmother’s head to complete the set, she’ll love it!”
John glanced back up the long corridor at the heavy doors beyond. With his enhanced hearing, he could hear the eerie chittering sound from the Kirrix grubs and knew the Broodmother would be near her foul spawn.
You might as well, Rachel might be able to learn something from it, Alyssa encouraged him, her thoughts drifting into his mind. You’re in the last hive ship, Faye and Sakura have destroyed all the rest. Irillith and Tashana are with me, and we’re already on our way to help out with the Trankarans.
“You okay for ammo?” John asked, looking back at Dana.
“Fuck yeah!” she agreed, her face lighting up in a grin. She turned back to look at Calara and yelled, “Come on, gorgeous! I told you he’d go for it!”
John looked at them in surprise, having not heard any conversation from either of them. “When were you discussing that?”
“A couple of minutes ago,” Dana replied with a nonchalant shrug, tapping her finger on the side of her helmeted head.
It’s lovely the girls get on so well, Alyssa informed him wryly. But I do sometimes wonder if they think I’ve got nothing better to do except pass on all their messages...
John ejected his half-spent magazine and slotted in a fresh one. They’d all stocked up on ammunition when they’d changed into new Paragon armour, but this was the fifteenth hive ship they’d breached and he only had three magazines left.
“Alright, let’s move,” he declared, stepping over the mangled corpse of the soldier he’d shot only a couple of minutes earlier. “This is the only way into the breeding chamber, so any Kirrix coming after the Trankarans will still have to come through us.”
Calara and Dana reloaded their rifles as they followed him down the eerily-lit corridor. Power had been knocked out on the left side of the hive ship and one half of the central corridor was pitch black, while the other side pulsated with light, illuminating the glowing hexagon tiles that formed the walls and ceiling.
“This place is really fucking creepy,” Dana muttered, as she heard the warbling chirrups of the Kirrix grubs through the door.
Calara gripped her Quantum rifle tighter as she darted a glance at the pulsing walls and could only nod her agreement.
John pointed to the arched set of double doors ahead of them. “Get ready, the nest is through there. That’s where we’ll find the Broodmother.”
He walked up to the doors and placed his hand on the glowing button on the wall. Nothing happened, so he backed up a few paces to look at the door frame. Waving the girls back, John aimed at the frame with his rifle and snapped off several rounds in quick succession, blasting gaping holes out of the frame and the door mechanism behind it. With a short run he shoulder-charged the door and it toppled backwards into the room, landing with a deafening boom.
“Fuck me!” Dana yelped, eyes widening at her first sight of the Broodmother.
The fourteen-foot-tall Kirrix monstrosity whirled around, two sets of compound eyes glaring at the intruders, its mandibles thrashing madly in the air as it let out a furious screech. It had twelve long limbs, six of which ended in thick chitinous legs to keep its big body stable. Its abdomen ended in a bloated, semi-transparent dome, and they could see hundreds of eggs shifting inside its body, under its yellowy-brown hide. The Broodmother’s thorax had another six limbs, the first two pairs ending in long scythe-like foreclaws, while the last set of short-clawed segmented arms were kept tucked close to its body.
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Stefanie knew that stripping down to her underwear was not the brightest thing to do in a secluded wood, in the dead of night, but, hey, she did what she needed to do for art. She stepped up to the rock where she had trained two lights and her tripod-held camera set on time-delay. In between each click, telling her that the camera had taken a picture, she struck and held a pose with a katana a friend who was into swords and knives had leant her. Her poses were those of a warrior. In one, she...
“What was that?” Alyssa gasped. “We’re picking up an emergency distress beacon” John replied over the din of the klaxon. He pushed a button reducing the volume to a much more subdued level. John looked at the monitor for more information. “It looks like it’s a freighter experiencing engine trouble. They need a tow or spare parts.” “Are we going to help them?” Alyssa asked, excited at this unexpected turn of events. “It could be a trap” John frowned. “They might be genuine though!” Alyssa...
Jade stepped out of the grav-tube then jogged down the ramp into the Combat Bridge in a smooth loping run, greeting the girls with a warm grin. “Welcome back, stranger,” Irillith said to her with a smile. The Nymph trailed her green fingers down the Maliri girl’s arm as she breezed past and took her place at the Pilot’s Station. “Hi!” Faye said with a bright smile. “Do you want to take over as Pilot?” “Yes, please,” Jade replied, taking a firm grip on the Invictus’ flight controls. A...
By PenKnave193 When I was in junior high school in the mid 1970’s the administration made the progressive move of making, on a trial basis, two of the ninth grade PE classes coeducational. One was to be taught by one of the boy’s PE coaches, and the other by one of the girl’s PE coaches. The boy’s coaches were very selective in their choices for this project: they only picked the best behaved boys, not necessarily the best athletes. I was one of those boys chosen. While my buddies and...
Calara stepped out of the armour-equipping frame in the Dojo’s armoury and hurried into the corridor, breaking into a jog as she headed for the grav-tube. She’d heard a brief summary of the disastrous confrontation with John’s guide from Alyssa, but after discovering that her girlfriend had been injured, all she wanted to do was rush to her side. She leapt out of the blue anti-gravity field on Deck Two and caught up to Rachel, Sakura, and Alyssa in the corridor, the blonde being supported by...
John wondered what could be the problem. The After Action Report he had submitted to Federation Command last week, had made it pretty clear what had happened aboard the Corvette. He was unsure what kind of trouble the young Latina could be in, as there was certainly nothing in the AAR that implicated her being responsible in any way. “What kind of trouble?” he asked Alyssa. “Calara said she was being accused of ‘dereliction of duty’. She mentioned something about a possible court martial!”...
Dawn at their island on Oceanus was a spectacular affair. The golden sun slowly crept up above the horizon and sent out bright spears of light, illuminating the rapidly brightening sky. John and the girls felt the warm glow of the sun’s rays, and they woke up at the same time, stretching languidly in the extremely comfortable bed. Jade was on the western edge, and when she rolled on to her other side, so that she was facing the sun, she sat up abruptly with a startled gasp. “Oh, John, this...
“I don’t recall seeing Irillith around here before.” John mused, addressing Ceraden, who sat behind his desk, drumming his fingers on the glossy surface with irritation. “No, thank heavens. She’s a ‘guest’, and I only have to put up with her for another week, then it’ll be glorious peace and quiet once again,” Ceraden replied wistfully. Ceraden looked over the desk, and tsked with annoyance at the mess the shattered device had made on the floor. A few second later a pair of cleaning robots...
Copyright 1999, 2002, 2003 by Wanda Cunningham. There is no actual sex or transformation in this chapter, but I guess it should be rated R for context. So, nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 15 "Triangle Square" By Wanda Cunningham "I need to go for a walk - or something," Kelly said. He stood near the edge of the glass...
Ularean’s image faded away, the Senior Councillor closing the call abruptly and leaving John and Calara exchanging frowns. “Any idea what Ularean was referring to with his ‘preparations’?” John asked, a pensive expression on his face. “He was doing that same slow blinking mannerism as Talari - I’d love to know what that means.” The Latina shook her head, turning to gaze at her listings of the Ashanath’s fleet assets. “I hope they’ve got something significant planned because they’re going to...
Dawn over Drastin’s Fall was an eerie affair. The dim white sun crept over the horizon, illuminating the city in a ghostly pale glow – locally this time had come to be known as “corpselight”. Considering the nature of the city, the name was quite appropriate. For over one-hundred-and-twenty-years, the planet Nobruna in the Beta2 Sagittarii system had been the primary source of Titanium for the Terran Federation. The vast bulk of the Terran fleet was plated in that resilient metal, so the...
We are meeting in Federation square. You're wearing a dress that hugs your figure as you walk toward me. When you hug me I slide my hands down your body and squeeze your arse enough you make you jump a little and give me that little smile. I let you get ahead a little as we walk to a bar by the river and order drinks so I can admire your figure.We sit beside each other looking out over the river and talk about nothing, as you lean in closer I pick you up and put you in my lap. As we drink I run...
"Bastard!" I turned to see the plastic cup exploding on impact, spilling a vivid red stain on the wall's white. A clean shaven man in a Tuxedo gawped at the remains of the missile that had been intended for him. Finding the assailant did not take very long. She was out on the balcony muttering obscenities under her breath. The snow had driven the rest of the party back indoors but the crowds below were preparing to welcome the new year with barely diminished spirits. The balcony had never...
Quickie SexSquare Dance Panties By Margaret Jeanette Sara Long stepped out of the truck stop restaurant door and got into her car. She had stopped at the edge of town for breakfast -- she needed her coffee to get going for the day. She was very happy, on her way to surprise her best friend Sally Morgan. They had been best friends in college. Sally had been maid of honor at her wedding five years previously. But they didn't see each other real often, as they lived 110 miles apart. Sara...
“They were in Times Square, for New Year’s Eve.” “Never understood that, celebrating New Year’s with all those strangers, standing in the cold, in a place so fucking crowded.” “And how did it happen?” “I don’t know ... He just said his parents got pissed on by somebody.” “I assume it was a man.” “You never know.” “It was so clotted with people that the pisser probably couldn’t reach a bathroom, was stupid drunk, I’d guess.” “It was New Year’s Eve...” “I wonder how it went down. Did the...
You are naked except for a slinky thong and high heels. Very high heels. You can barely walk in them. I have made you wear the thong to keep it inside you. You don't know what it is, except it's something. Is it a dildo? It vibrates... continuously. But there's another feeling too. Some kind of irritant has obviously been applied before I inserted it. You didn't notice it at first but the itch is maddening. You'd like to scratch it, but your hands are tied behind your back. You totter to...
Finally Charlotte was taken from the hated cage and put into an abaya. Quite a lot of the other women were also taken and they were all loaded on to a lorry and driven through the town. On arrival in the main square, Charlotte realised with horror that she was to be auctioned in public with the rest of the captives. It was over an hour in the hot sun that she waited and watched as woman after woman was rapidly sold. Then she was dragged to the rostrum herself, and stripped of her...
The elevator swished open quietly and John, Alyssa, and Calara darted into their respective positions on the bridge. Sparks turned to face them as they arrived on the Command deck. “We’re getting an incoming distress call from a freighter. They’ve been disabled by pirates and are being boarded!” Sparks said with alarm. “Alyssa, plot a course to their location. Calara, shields up and weapons armed, we’re going to need to strike quickly,” John ordered decisively. The girls sprung into action...
Alyssa smiled to herself as she listened to John and Dana chatting on their way out of the Legacy. He was trying his best to concentrate on the detailed technical benefits of the new Progenitor tech that they’d just acquired from the ancient ship, but he was more than a little distracted by thoughts of the Maliri twins. The blonde girl was currently floating in the air, her body shrouded in a soft white light as she set about systematically repairing the damage to the Invictus’ armour. She...
Permission is given to do whatever you want with this story, I'm not picky. Fair warning before reading, when I write stories I'm a writer, and a bad one at that. I am not a businessman, lawyer, doctor, theologian or hair care expert. Though I do have a working knowledge of many of these fields, I am an amateur not a professional. So, there is probably a whole bunch of factual errors in this piece. I did what research I could, but the primary goal was to tell a story, not write a...
John took a deep breath to calm himself and glanced at the holographic image above Dana’s engineering station that showed they at least had their shields up now. “Ok Alyssa, you’re with me. We’re going to have to repel boarders.” he ordered brusquely. “Dana, try and get the damage to fire control repaired.” “Calara, send out a distress call. Don’t fire back unless they continue attacking, they might think they knocked out all our weapons. They know we can’t get away and they’ll probably...
The war had been long between the changelings and the Ventari, the origins of the war were from concern that the changelings were breeding out their species as they had done to the Clemon on their homeworld centuries earlier. The changelings were a genderless race that should never have been evolved or increased in numbers to the level they did. How they evolved is unknown, perhaps they were made as a genetic experiment but noone knows. They live for hundreds or thousands of years barring...
Mind ControlDana slapped another magazine into her railgun, and hurriedly snapped off a three round burst at the Fulmanax warrior that was charging straight towards her. The high velocity rounds slammed into the right side of its head, blasting out huge chunks of white, fibrous material, until the third round punched through to the nerve ganglia. The eight foot tall Fungoid creature crashed over lifelessly, skidding across the ground, and coming to a rest at her armour plated feet. “I’m getting low on...
‘Bastard!’ I turned to see the plastic cup exploding on impact, spilling a vivid red stain on the wall’s white. A clean shaven man in a Tuxedo gawped at the remains of the missile that had been intended for him. Finding the assailant did not take very long. She was out on the balcony muttering obscenities under her breath. The snow had driven the rest of the party back indoors but the crowds below were preparing to welcome the new year with barely diminished spirits. The balcony had never...
They called themselves the Magnificent Seven, but only among themselves. They consisted of four guys and three gals, all in their late twenties. They had met in college, some as roommates, some as classmates, a couple as former sweethearts. Now they were a tightly knit group of friends. Some of them roomed together and others lived nearby, so they were constantly together in the roommates’ apartment or their favorite hang-out joint – a Starbucks.Over the years lovers have come and gone, but if...
BisexualAlyssa looked down over her lovers and saw that she had their undivided attention. They listened to her eagerly, intrigued to learn more about the beautiful blonde girl they cared so much about. “As you know, I grew up on Karron. It’s a bleak inhospitable place, a massive asteroid that’s been gradually hollowed out as the mines have dug deeper. Slums have built up in the old abandoned tunnels and there’s thousands of people living there now.” Calara didn’t know much about Alyssa’s history...
John stretched and then sat up, leaving the girls curled around him in bed. “You ladies have a rest then come and join me in the officers’ lounge in 30 minutes” he said “I owe you girls that celebratory dinner!” He manoeuvred his way out of the bed, being careful not to accidentally lean his weight on Calara as he climbed over her. The girls snuggled up together, watching him get dressed before waving him goodbye with smiles on their beautiful young faces. John strolled down the corridor...
Ailanthia stretched like a cat on the soft black sheets, letting out a deeply contented sigh. She felt the wonderful heavy weight at her waist and one of her light-green hands slid down over her gloriously curved abdomen. She bit her flushed lower lip and let out a low moan, her skin feeling so sensitive where it had stretched taut to accommodate her cum-stuffed womb. She let out a quiet, disbelieving laugh, awed by memories of the heated coupling with her Master this morning. He’d been...
To the waters and the wild With a faery, hand in hand, For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand." -WB Yeats, "The Stolen Child" *** William didn't tell anyone that the baby spoke to him. Who would believe it? Instead he ran away. His parents would probably be angry, but what else could he do? The Menskrs had lived in the apartment downstairs for years and had been trying to have a baby for as long as anyone could remember. So William’s mother insisted...
"Come away, O human child!To the waters and the wildWith a faery, hand in hand,For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand."-WB Yeats, "The Stolen Child"*William didn't tell anyone that the baby spoke to him. Who would believe it? Instead he ran away. His parents would probably be angry, but what else could he do? Not stay, certainly. Not with…whatever it was, still in the room.The Menskrs had lived in the apartment downstairs for years and had been trying to have a baby for...
SupernaturalWe waved bye to Forrest’s and my parents as they drove off. It was summer break and they would be gone for several days. My friend Forrest and his 9 year old sister, Scout, were staying at my house for the time they were gone. None of our parents wanted us to be home alone, but they were fine if we were together. I was 15 and Forrest was 14, but he looks 10 or 11. I live in the middle of nowhere, but we found plenty of things to do during the day, but my favorite time was at night. My...
"There's a man here to see you, Mr. Forrester; he says he's a detective from the Denver Police Force." Oh-oh, thought John. "Ok, send him in, Angela." "Hello, Mr Forrester; my name is Paul Donohue, I'm a detective from the Denver Police Force." "What can I do for you, Detective Donohue?" as I pressed the intercom so Angela could listen in discreetly out at her desk. "Well, Mr. Forrester, sometime last year I was handed a case in Denver that has us all baffled. It seems that two...
John stood aside to let Jade enter the room first and she smiled at him in appreciation of his gentlemanly manners, as she sashayed into the room. John followed in her wake, enjoying the view of her spectacular dark green body as her hips swayed in front of him. He smiled to himself when he saw the hand print on the perfect round curve of her bottom, the evidence of their shared lust where she had encouraged him to spank her beautiful asscheek. He stopped leering after the Nymph to look up...
The Invictus slipped effortlessly out of hyper warp in Epsilon-Eridani, and the crew watched from their places on the bridge, as the holographic map displayed the bright yellow star at its centre. There were two wide asteroid belts that ringed the system, and one single huge planet that was labelled Jericho. “Nearly home Calara,” John said with a smile as he watched the brunette’s reaction. “It feels like so long ago when I last visited, but it’s only been a matter of months!” she replied,...
John sat with his back against the headboard and Alyssa, Sparks and Calara sat on the bed in a semicircle in front of him, watching as he began his tale. Jade lay curled up comfortably on her side, her beautiful dark green body rippling with the ethereal bands of light that were radiating out from her swollen belly. “Now gather around little girls and let me begin...” he said in a creaking voice, as though he was a wizened old storyteller. The three teenagers giggled and the room echoed...
“So, where do I begin?” John wondered, blowing out the breath he’d been holding. “Why don’t you let me start you off?” Alyssa asked, as she rose and glided down the room to pick up the remote for the holo-projector. She returned to her seat and then pressed a few buttons on the remote, displaying several images in the centre of the table. The girls are all okay with this? John asked Alyssa considerately. Of course, I asked them a few minutes ago, she replied reassuringly. “Thanks, I’ve...
“John...” the soft voice murmured, penetrating his subconscious. “Lilyana wants to speak with you...” He opened his eyes and found himself looking up at a dazzling view of the stars, the crystal dome in the Observatory so clear he could have been floating out there in the black. The next realisation was that he was buried under a pile of girls, with his ravished harem sprawled over him on the oval bed. They’d all been especially loving and affectionate after the orgy, wanting to be as close...
The Invictus dropped out of hyper-warp at the edge of the Alpha Centauri system, its huge engines blazing to life before the tachyon particles even had a chance to dissipate. Following a familiar path, the battlecruiser roared towards Gravitus, a volcanic planet that had been terraformed by the Federation into a spectacular jewel of the Core Worlds. However, the warship’s destination wasn’t the planet itself, but Olympus Shipyard, the vast six-armed space station in high orbit above. The...
John led the girls down the corridor to the room adjacent to the Firing Range. He pressed the button opening the door and ushered them into the Armoury. This vast room was originally used to store weapons and armour for the cruiser’s compliment of three hundred marines. With no need to store that much gear any more, row after row of empty weapon racks and armour lockers filled the room, looking forlorn and abandoned. Sparks looked around, wondering why he would bring her to such an enormous...
“I take it that’s bad then?” Sparks asked, startled by John and Calara’s shocked reaction to the mystery ship. “Who are the Kirrix exactly?” “They are kill on sight to all species in the Galactic League” John explained briefly. “They’re a parasitic insectoid species that use other life forms to incubate their young. When their larvae hatch, they eat their way out of their victims!” he said, his mouth twisting with disgust. “I can’t believe these pirates would capture slaves for them. That’s...
John stretched contentedly as he awoke, feeling full of energy and ready to go. He looked down to see his four girls curled up sound asleep on the bed with him, and he smiled and stretched again. Not wanting to disturb any of the young women, he lay back, closed his eyes and just revelled in the close physical contact. With his eyes closed, he suddenly remembered the odd dream he’d had while he’d been sleeping. He recalled being embraced by radiant figures, a glowing nimbus of light had...
Tossing and turning in bed, the blue-skinned Maliri girl whimpered as she suffered through a terrifying nightmare, one of her more frequently visited horrors from a broad and grotesque catalogue. She was standing legs parted and arms upraised, shackled to the floor by her ankles, and to the ceiling by her wrists. Stripped entirely bare, she was exposed and horribly vulnerable to violations by the repulsive monstrosity that lurked with her in the darkness. Her sharp, pointed ears heard it...
Matriarch Tsarra Perfaren nibbled apprehensively on her thumbnail as she stared at the holo-map projection of House Perfaren territory. Biting her nails was an unfortunate new nervous habit she’d acquired, but considering the stress she was under, such weakness was understandable. She had bags under her eyes from lack of sleep, and her exhausted dark green orbs flickered over the holographic images, darting from one enemy fleet insignia to another. Large fleets from Houses Valaden, Loraleth,...
The door to Sarinia Baelora’s quarters slid open and Myrdina burst into the room. “You’re leaving?!” she screeched, bristling with anger. “Welcome, dear sister,” the eldest daughter of House Baelora said dryly, turning to glance through her bedroom’s open door into the lounge. “Please accept my apologies for not inviting you in, I was preoccupied and must have failed to hear the door chime.” Myrdina ignored her elder sister’s sarcasm. “I just got your message! What do you mean you’re going...
“Holy shit!” Dana blurted out, her eyes like saucers as she stared at the shattered bed. “How hard were you fucking her in the ass?!” John was sitting on the mattress in the middle of all the destruction and protested, “Not enough to break the bed!” Irillith kissed him on the shoulder and gave him a dreamy smile. “Actually, it was all very sensual and loving.” “Everything was,” Tashana murmured, looking up at John with a doe-eyed expression of absolute devotion. “I don’t think I’ve ever...
The crew of the Invictus sat in the Officers’ lounge, cuddled up on a big sofa watching the stars. John sat in the middle, with Alyssa sitting sideways across his lap, Sparks and Calara sat to either side of him. The evening had been a great success, with the girls loving the delicious dinner that John had whipped up and they relaxed sipping wine together. “To our new chief engineer!” John said, raising his glass. “Welcome aboard Sparks, it’s great to have you here!” Alyssa and Calara...
Alyssa walked towards Rachel with open arms, but then paused as she looked down at her glistening black Phalanx armour. “Maybe this would be more inviting if I wasn’t wearing power armour!” she said to the brunette with a smile. Rachel laughed and ran over to her, giving her a hug regardless. “I thought my time was up! I’ve never been so relieved to see anyone!” she exclaimed happily. “We flew all this way to see you,” John said with a smile. “It was rude of the Kintark to interrupt our...
Jade brought the Raptor in to land inside the Invictus, while John and Alyssa sat with Rachel. The young woman was still overcome with grief, the traumatic events of her past raked up once again due to their unfortunate recent encounter. I’ve let Calara and Dana know what happened, Alyssa thought to him as she stroked Rachel’s light brown hair comfortingly. John nodded approvingly. We could use their help getting the passengers settled. What’s the situation with the pirates? he asked her...
“When we were back on Irillith’s homeworld, you mentioned that you wanted to catch up with Ceraden. I’ve got through to him,” Rachel said to John, as they all sat up on the Bridge. “He’s coming through on a secure channel.” They were only an hour away from Geniya Space Station, and John had been about to ask the tawny haired girl to reach out to his old Maliri friend. Impressed with her initiative, John smiled at her and said, “Thank you. Put him through.” Ceraden’s handsome blue-skinned...
The first thing Admiral Lynton did when John agreed to destroy the Kintark base was to supply him with the location of his target. As his exceptionally gifted Tactical Officer had already deduced, they were tasked with travelling to the Mar’Katrach Nebula to seek out and eliminate the hidden resupply station. John had bid Admiral Gabrielle Lynton farewell, and with her assurances ringing in his ears that they weren’t going to be facing significant defences, they were now on their way. The...
The Raptor raced through the city, weaving through the skyscrapers with what a casual observer might consider to be reckless speed. Alyssa rolled the gunship to the right around a huge well-lit arch, then slammed back the throttle, retro-thrusters on the front of the Raptor flaring in an orange blaze to slow its speed. The sparkling white ship dropped towards the ground, another orange burst at the last moment bringing them to a perfectly controlled stop on the tarmac. John was running...