Whores and Pimps Part IV
- 4 years ago
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"Well now, let's take a look." The doctor placed the lubricated proctoscope at Alex's puckered anus and slid it easily up his rectum.
Alex grunted. After two months of nearly constant sex with Chris, Alex was beginning to worry about his health. First, he was now in constant pain during sex. Pain so bad that sex had pretty much ceased to be enjoyable.
Second, he was bleeding. It didn't bother Chris at all, he just wiped his dick clean. But it bothered Alex ... a lot. It seemed like he lost an awful lot of blood any time he went to the bathroom and so he finally worked up the nerve to see a doctor.
"Hmmm, OK ... Uh-huh ... Wow." The doctor moved the scope, basically a long metal funnel with a clear lens at the tip, this way and that, inspecting the tissues for tears and rips. "Very good, we're done." The doctor pulled out the device and put it away to be sterilized.
"Let me ask you a personal question Alex, and it would be better if you were completely honest. Do you engage in anal intercourse?"
"Um..." Alex hesitated, "yes."
"And do you have intercourse this way frequently?"
"Yes, like more than once a week?"
Alex was stunned. That was his definition of frequently? He felt all hope of an easy solution slip away. "Yes..."
"How frequently?"
Alex gulped, "One ... well, I guess more like once or twice a day."
"Oh goodness," the doctor gasped. "And is your partner ... how shall I say ... well, is he, uh, 'energetic' with you?"
"I guess..."
"Well, I think that explains it. Alex, you have several anal fissures - tears in the sphincter that are bleeding and are causing the pain you mentioned whenever you pass a stool. I will give you an antiseptic, but I'm afraid the only real cure is to refrain from having anal sex for a period of not less than 3 months, and then to have it no more than once every two weeks thereafter."
"Three Months?? He wouldn't ... I mean, I couldn't..."
"Listen Alex, some anal fissures take years to heal, because the blood flow to the sphincter is typically not so great. If you keep this up, then you will need surgery. In the worst case, the damage and surgery could leave you incontinent. You might have to wear diapers the rest of your life."
Alex opened his eyes wide in horror.
"That's right. Alex, you're young, so I have every reason to expect that you can recover with only minimal impact. But, frankly, the anus was built for solid waste disposal. It was not built for sex, unlike the female vagina, and to continue to abuse it as you've done will certainly cause permanent damage."
"So, what did Chris say when you told him?" Janice was worried about her friend, he had been on edge all day. They were at lunch in a local pizza parlor where they could talk in private.
"Oh, he was angry and upset ... said I was only half a woman and what's the point in having breasts like that if you couldn't enjoy them." Alex shifted his back brace, trying to get comfortable. He had purchased an actual back brace and had padded it out to make the breasts look less noticeable.
"Alex..." Janice paused, knowing that this was dangerous territory for a friend to broach, "Chris is not healthy for you. You need to leave him. He doesn't love you ... he just wants you for your tits."
"I know, I know!" Alex burst into tears. "But I can't, I just can't ... I love him. That bastard!" Alex slammed a hand on the table.
"Shhh, shhh," Janice moved over to join Alex on his side of the booth. She held him and placed his head on her shoulder, stroking his hair.
After a minute of choking sobs Alex eventually returned to normal. Janice wiped his eyes with a paper napkin.
Alex gave Janice a fierce hug. "Thank you so much for being my friend. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"I don't know that I'm being much help," Janice shrugged. "If you can't leave him, what are you going to do now?"
"There's only one thing I can think of."
"Now, tell me again, exactly what is it that you want?" Alice was befuddled. She had never heard anything like what he was suggesting.
"I want a woman's vagina instead of..." Alex hesitated, "well, where my anus is." Alex looked away, embarrassed at the request. His gaze caught one of the many mirrors that decorated the walls and his image was reflected back. It was strange to see himself from the outside ... confused and embarrassed. He felt like a child.
"Why don't you just transform yourself into a woman? That is a much easier spell, since it covers the full body I don't need to worry about adjusting so much plumbing."
"No! I couldn't do that. No, this is what I want. Can you do it?"
Alice rolled her eyes. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. Totally unnecessary! The delay was annoying since she knew that she didn't have much longer. 'Every time, ' she thought to herself. 'Every damn time there is some new situation that I have to worry about and work around.'
Alice sighed, "Yes, I can do it. But, it will be a very complicated spell ... I'll be adapting other spells to fit this one," Alice paused and gave a significant glance at Alex. "All I'm saying is this: I can't predict the results ... not 100 percent. You may get a bit less or more than you asked for."
Alex gulped, remembering what had happened last time. Of course, it had worked out like a dream, but still...
"Are you sure you don't just want to transform all the way and become a woman? That would make much more sense to me. And your friend, why would he want 2 parts woman and not the whole thing?"
Alex just knew that he couldn't. He wouldn't be Alex anymore! He would be ... well, he would be someone else, that's all. He wouldn't be a gay male, that's for sure.
"No, thank you," Alex said, convinced. "Please, I just want something more durable ... you know, back there, and that's all."
"Well, alright. If the spell doesn't work out like you want, come back. Remember that this is permanent. Your only choice after this would to transform all the way."
"Thank you, I understand."
That night, Alex looked at the three blood-red pills that he was given to take. They were small, each about the size of a pin-head, and they stared back at him, daring him to take this dangerous step.
'Do I really understand what I am doing?' Alex wondered. He had taken a $2000 advance on his credit card in order to pay Alice. Now, not only were his savings wiped out, but he was also deeply in debt. Where would it end?
He looked over at Chris, who was sleeping soundly in the bed next to him. He looked so innocent when he was asleep, completely unlike when he was awake. 'What would Chris be like if I was a real woman?' Alex wondered. 'Would he treat me better if I had all of the working parts? Would I be more in control?'
Alex paused to think about it. He had never seriously considered transforming all the way, but in some ways it made sense. During the past two months, he and Chris had come to a certain ... procedure ... more like a ritual regarding sex. Alex was forced, face down, into the bed, and Chris rode his ass and abused his breasts until he climaxed. Often, pressed against the bed, Alex would orgasm too, but not always.
What made it worse was that all of Alex's attempts to be more intimate were rebuffed. If Alex was facing front and wanted a kiss, Chris would just turn him around and kiss the back of his head. If Alex so much as turned his head to the side while they had sex, Chris would roughly turn his head away, pushing it face-first into the pillow or sheets.
This was completely unlike any other gay man that Alex had fucked. Most of them wanted Alex face forward and they fucked that way. But that would have been too gay for Chris. "I'm bisexual," he kept saying. "I'm not like the rest of the faggots that you've had."
'So, it's true, ' Alex thought to himself. 'Maybe he does just want a woman to fuck. Maybe he just wants me because I'm a freak ... because I'm different.' And Alex had to admit that all this business of having sex behind his back made him feel like a mere object.
But still ... Alex knew there was no other choice. He really wasn't about to relinquish his manhood - it meant too much to him and his lifestyle. And, as he looked at Chris, he recognized the ache inside, and knew that it would impel him to do anything to keep his lover.
Alex reached over, grabbed a pill and carefully placed it at the back of his tongue where he felt it burn as it dissolved. Quickly he washed it down with water, and then repeated the procedure with the other two pills.
"Unh!" Alex jerked awake. He had been dreaming that he was being eaten by the witch, Alice. She was literally biting off piece after piece, until he felt all of his pieces stuffed into her stomach, dissolving into fluids and being absorbed by her body.
Alex shook his head to clear away the nightmare. He looked around the room. Moonlight filtered through the Venetian blinds making white stripes across the floor. According to the alarm clock, it was 4 AM. Gentle snoring told him that Chris was still sound asleep.
Alex reached over to turn on the nightlight, but something was wrong. His legs gave way! His legs were broken! He stumbled over the night stand and fell roughly to the floor.
"Ohhhhh..." Alex moaned, reaching down for his leg, trying not to move anything, trying to assess the damage. 'What has that witch done to me?' his mind was whirling.
Alex steadied his breathing, still holding his leg. Strange, but it didn't hurt at all, except where it bumped the floor when he fell off the bed. Slowly, he tried to flex his leg ... first a little bit forward, and then back...
and back...
and back...
"Oh fuck..." he muttered, "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck." There was no limit as to how far back his leg would go! "Shit! I must have dislocated my hip!"
Alex froze, too paralyzed to do anything. But then, not knowing what else to do, he pulled himself over to the window where the moon provided some light, and inspected his legs.
Strange bulges and valleys. "Is this what a dislocated limb look like?" His hips were bulging in front and flat in back.
Alex felt down over the bulges at the front of his hips, but they weren't bony and protruding ... they were fleshy, and round ... like ass cheeks.
"Oh no..." Alex quickly felt down with his hands some more, then leaned over and pulled down his jockey shorts.
Two ass cheeks ... in front.
"Shit!" he hissed, "breasts in back, ass cheeks in front! Shit! Shit! Shit!" Alex burst into tears, ashamed of what he had done to his body, ashamed of how reckless he had been.
Sobbing, he felt down to his behind ... and felt nothing but hip bones, his old ass cheeks had disappeared. His entire pelvis had been turned around by the witch's capricious pills.
More explorations, more groping. There was his penis, in front, nestled between the two cheeks with testicles hanging down between his legs where they should be.
Between his legs on the other side - a woman's vagina. Puffy lips, folds of skin, and pubic hair, it was all there. He reached down and tentatively inserted a finger ... it slipped in easily. To Alex, it felt like he had inserted a finger up his ass, sort of. Certainly the feeling came from his backside, but it wasn't quite the feeling he was used to. At least it wasn't painful anymore! 'That part worked, ' he thought wryly. It was lubricated and definitely feminine. "How do I go to the bathroom now?" he wondered ... and then quickly decided to worry about that later.
As Alex explored his vagina, reaching back, he brushed his hand against the top of the pussy lips. "Whoa..." he hissed. Gently feeling with his fingertips, he located the clitoris, and gently rubbed it.
"Huhhhhh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh," Alex sucked in his breath. Man, it was so sensitive - like rubbing the tip of his penis when fully erect - only more concentrated - and back there. Alex gasped at the sensual thrill which ran through his body.
Alex rested his arm for a second. Then, he reached behind again and, holding his thumb and forefinger to each side of the folds of flesh at the top of his new pussy, he pushed them apart, stretching the skin between them and exposing the nubbin of flesh that he now knew to be the clit. Then, gently, he touched it with an index finger.
"Huh! Unh!" His hips lifted slightly off the ground, as he jerked under the intense stimulation. He tried again, this time slower and more gently. Easing into it, he found that he could get used to the touch, and began to feel a warm reaction building and suffusing his entire body. His cock was now hard, trapped as it was between his buns and the carpet. He lay face down, reaching back.
Just then, he felt lips on his breasts.
"This must be a dream," Alex heard Chris mutter, "my bitch now has a pussy and is playing with herself."
"Himself," corrected Alex.
"Whatever, bitch."
Chris lay full on top of Alex now, his penis on the small of his back, his balls brushing against Alex's pussy. Alex was again forced face down, nose in the carpet, hard penis smashed between his buns and the floor.
Chris reached down and ran a finger through the pussy lips, causing Alex to moan against his will. "Like that, huh?" Chris pushed a finger in deep - it slipped in easily. Pushing a second finger in, he scissored the two fingers apart, pushing out and massaging the vaginal walls.
The potion had worked! Alex felt absolutely no pain whatsoever, just two fingers pushing into his vagina, in a place where no vagina had a right to be.
Alex, face down in the carpet with Chris pressing down on him from behind, was quivering from the manipulation. With anal sex he had felt a fullness, but nothing like this. He could actually feel the inside of his new vagina being massaged as Chris violated him.
Chris rubbed the head of his penis up and down Alex's wet slit, lubricating it. Next he rubbed the head against Alex's new clitoris, teasing it side to side, causing Alex to gasp and quiver, before he finally placed it at the entrance and then slowly, exquisitely, pushed in further...
... but it wouldn't fit!
"What's that?" Alex asked, turning his head to look back.
"I think..." Chris groaned, pushing forward again, "I think that my bitch is still a virgin back here! Jesus! I've never deflowered a virgin before!"
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Benjamin McGregor sat fuming in the lobby of Intax Corporation's beautiful sales and technical center. He owned large machining company that had recently purchased three heavy-duty lathes from Intax. The damn salesman who had visited him last month had been convincing and Benjamin had thought that he was getting a deal of a lifetime. However, the machines were not worth the paper that the Intax contract was printed upon … in fact, the fucking machines were not even worth the paper that Benjamin...
My name is Drew. I’m going to share the story of how my sex life began and the romance that was never resolved. I wasn’t the best looking kid or the most popular. I just always found a way to get it done with girls. I am 6 ft. 165 pounds. I have big muscled arms and legs and a solid 4 pack. I have a thick 7 ½ inch cock and a nice ass from what I’ve been told. My story began when I was in seventh grade. I met a beautiful half Asian half white girl named Robyn. She is 5’3 and maybe 100 lbs....
Lisa answered, "It's not really as bad as all that, Harold. Meredith and I were having a great time this afternoon hanging out naked in the pool." "It's just not my cup of tea," he said. "I don't see any value to it." "Well, there are many studies out there that show that people who practice social nudity in a positive setting reap the benefits for their entire lives," Lisa replied. "What kind of benefits?" "For one thing, being with people who are not afraid to show their...
Jolee Love is with Bang Bros today for the first time ever and it’s for one reason only. She heard we have some of the biggest cocks in the industry, and there’s nothing she loves more than a big cock. We thought a Monsters Cock episode would do her justice. She shows off her amazing body for us before we bring in Freddy to give her what she wants. He really wants to put it in her ass and she loves that idea. He fucks her in the ass for multiple positions before giving her a huge...
xmoviesforyouMy name is Raj. I’m 20 years old still in college. Well, I’m a virgin but I relieve off myself sexually by watching Porn and masturbating. It is actually with Porn movies when I came across with Incest. I belong to a conservative family background, so initially, the thought of having sex with my mother freaked me out. However being a sex-craving guy I fell into its trap and started enjoying watching incest porn movies. As mentioned I’m a virgin but it doesn’t mean that I’ve not had...
IncestE mera pehli publish hai aap sab ko zaru pasand aayega.Mai suvam 19 saal ka bengoli ladka hu,kolkata mai rehta hu. Story begins………… Mai humesa se he mature aurato ko pasand karta hu ku ke mai mature auroto mai he bada hua hu.Meri ghar mai hum teen log rehte ha mai,maa(43),mousi(39).Baba humesa he bahar rehte the kaam ke wajese.Jawan hote he maa mujhme physically&mentally change dekh liya tha.Chote umar se he mai mousi ko man he man mai chata tha aur unhe apna banana chata tha.Mousi ka figure...
Sandi wiped tears from her eyes while Murielle sat beside her, consoling the girl after explaining how her sister, Kristi, had died. “I never thought she was so ... adventurous,” she said after several moments of silence. “She probably thought her new friend would protect her, but she got eaten, too.” Murielle nodded, silently acknowledging that sad fact. The sad part, and something she hadn’t explained to Kristi’s sister, was that her mentor, Lisa, had been unable to recover Kristi’s...
my girlfriend and her mom. We just went in city for shopping, food, ect. At Walmart, after I walked off from my girl to go piss, I came back and she hadn't seen me. I wanted to see how she would react to this. I walked up behind her and grabbed a big handful of ass and rubbed my hand down her thigh. She was wearing some extremely short shorts, yes jean daisydukes pretty much. She freaked at first and then realized it was me and then she was ok. I continued to give the little gestures of getting...
CHAPTER 3We did have that conversation with Sylvia after. We all adjourned to the larger cottage. I thought it was another excellent indication about the group that everyone, including Sylvia, picked up their clothes and carried them to the cottage without putting them back on. The conversation Sylvia wanted to have was about the function of the resort relative to the fantasies of the guests. I had argued to the senior management group that we could anticipate that creating an open environment,...
Riley Star makes her JJV Debut in this hot & heavy scene with Manuel. This chick is brand new to the industry and is quickly making a name for herself as one of the biggest sluts in town. Riley’s got that ‘girl next door’ feel to her, but make no mistake, this whore loves rough sex. She’s dressed in plaid mini skirt with white knee high socks and a white button down shirt that barely covers her at all. Riley strips down and plays with her tight pussy as she waits for...
xmoviesforyouI left Julia feeling frustrated and angry. Angry at Lisa for setting me up for failure. Angry at myself for falling for Kenny. And especially angry at Julia. Why? I don't know. Maybe because she had to ruin what I thought was a good thing with Kenny. Maybe because she made me rethink sixteen years of friendship with Lisa. Maybe because, I don't know, she wasn't entirely wrong. Anyway, I decided to work off my frustrations in the gym. I would've gone for a run, but the sky was cloudy and...
by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. NOTE: I detest the “N” word, however viewing this story without the use of the “N” word, the story did not show the true prejudice of the wife. Rachael was southern born and raised that black people were inferior to white. Her husband has spent years since their marriage to change her mind. That deep southern bigotry, instilled...
The afternoon when I received a call to reach Ranaji’s farmhouse I was waiting for it. I was dressed in my best see thru black saree and sleeveless blouse that accentuated my firm a bit heavy breasts and the saree was wrapped so tight that the shape of my buttocks was inviting too. I had shaved my thighs and arms today itself and even my chut. Now I was getting ready to go to Ranaji and get thoroughly fucked by him. The driver was giving me lusty glances as he drove me to Ranaji’s farmhouse and...
The Hunters wove through the settlement, reminding everyone about the upcoming expedition to the lake. Though small parties traveled there frequently, catching what they could for personal use, the Wolf Clan’s annual fish ‘hunt’ consistently drew nearly all of the Camp’s residents. Even with the great amount of work it demanded — catching, cleaning, preparing and then hauling home the bounty — a celebratory quality surrounded the informal outdoor gathering. Entire families participated, the...
She grabbed her aviators as we pulled out from the house. We decided to head up to one of the beaches further north, rather than our usual hangout. As we drove and the breeze kicked her ponytail up, I just kept thinking about how insanely lucky I was to have her. When we stopped at a stop sign, she caught me looking and leaned over to give me kiss. Not just a peck, but a full on lip biting kiss. Horns blared behind us and we burst out laughing as we continued on our way. We arrived at...
‘Fall out! One more taste, one more time. I just can’t help it. Fall out! I need it all, hanging from the edge of heaven.’ The bright morning sun spewed into my window, interrupting me from what seemed to be a rather peaceful dream. I’d been in a meadow, moonlight illuminating the dark strands of my hair and entwining them with soft, silver light. In the dream, my vision seemed enhanced. I could see the smallest drop of dew upon the leaf of a plant, a tiny ant as it scurried to its home, and...
Winterset, Iowa is a small town thirty seven miles southwest of Des Moines. Mary Ann McCree was born and grew up there. After graduating from high school she took a secretarial course so that she could learn shorthand. Her typing was excellent, and she felt with the addition of shorthand she could find a job easily.The soldiers had returned from the war and businesses were expanding rapidly. Mary Ann had an older sister named Beatrice who had married Silas Greenfield, a soldier stationed at...
InterracialEverything wasn't perfect, there were the normal arguments. Such as when Michaelina wanted to go to a teen dance club with her friends. "Mom, Dad, there is like this party at Ladybugs (a teen dance club that caters to teens and young adults) this Saturday and I have been invited to go. Can I?" Michaelina expected to be allowed to go. She just asked as part of a play for her mother. Alisa said, "I don't know? What do you think Jack?" Alisa had been giving up more and more of...
I was having lunch with my brother Tom. It was one of his rare trips downtown and since it had been close to noon he had called and asked me to join him at Mario's for lunch. I love my brother and I would do anything for him, but he can be such a pill at times and this was one of those times. After a suitable period spent on the pleasantries he launched into the real reason for his wanting to have lunch. His wife Kathy had been at the Hilton Tuesday for one of her Mary Kay things. "Still...
She pushed the document across the table to me and without hesitation I signed it. There were of course doubts in the back of my mind but these were overridden by my longing to me owned. I handed the document back realizing belatedly that that might not have been anything like the original document she had emailed me. From her bag she produced a pink rubber bit gag and handed it to me. I knew she wanted me to put it on, but here in the diner! I looked around nervously whilst she...
Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace...
Story I'm all grown up now I am in my forties and my and mum and I still sleep together. I have had a few women over the years but no one special so I went onto a dating site and I started chatting to a woman on there for a month.We got on like a house on fire then one Sunday out of the blue she said about meeting up, so we sorted an evening out that was good mutually and I went round to her house.I was so nervous I struggled to hold my cup of tea lol but she soon put me at ease. I surprising...