AfricaChapter 10 free porn video

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Way too early the hotel phone awoke me. Helena grumbled for the both of us, making me chuckle. Even as an angel, she enjoyed a lengthy, undisturbed sleep. I had asked her about that, and she had told me it probably had something to do with her pregnancy. "Like my sister angels and Nick, I never really needed to sleep all that much before."

"Hello?" I said sleepily into the phone.

The voice I heard sounded way too awake as Lindy chirped, "Get your lazy but oh so cute butt out of bed and in the shower. I'll give you twenty minutes to meet us in the lobby. Do you happen to know where Eva is?"

I looked at the blonde beauty smiling, naked, resting her head in her hand.

"She's here, as if you didn't know."

"I figured, but she didn't say. See you guys soon."

Leaving Helena asleep in our bed, Eva and I quietly exited the bedroom. We showered together. Her horniness must have continued from the night before because, after giving me her usual deep throat head, I fucked her from behind, somehow holding her slippery hips as her torso draped low, while still managing to rub her clit rather abusively, until we reached climaxes, mine occurring near the end of hers. We still kept the shower relatively short since the fuck had been remarkably quick, and dried separately and dressed swiftly and arrived pretty much at the allotted time.

All but one of the people in the lobby I expected. "What are you doing here?" I asked my high school best friend.

Eva answered for him. "He saw Lindy and Miwa dance together and was mesmerized. I told him about Lindy's choreography and about the rehearsal this morning. What got him to come join us was..."

"Me dancing," I chuckled.

"I just had to see that," Bob shrugged, a wry smile on his face.

"You texted me that you were heading home," I said.

"I shamed him into staying," Eva grinned.

"Let me guess," I smirked. "The infamous implication of resembling female genitalia."

Eva chuckled. "I don't think he worried about that. He was on the fence about leaving. Mostly it had to do with a lack of dance partner."

Bob nodded. "I was having fun. I felt relaxed and not desperate when choosing a partner amongst strangers. I could take rejection. Ended up I didn't even need to worry about that. Women seem sensitive to the desperate, and I'm certainly not anymore. Thing was, I found a lovely French girl to dance with for a while, and we'd sit and chat. She spoke English pretty well and was bright. I had a feeling she saw me as a fun fling. And if my heart hadn't become completely taken, I'm certain the feeling would have been mutual. I even imagined her in bed, a not unpleasant image, and Michiko finding us there and joining us. A question hung on my tongue to ask her if she liked women. Instead I told her I was engaged. I realized I didn't want anyone else but Michiko. Eva and even Sheila had been distraction enough. The woman's disappointment surprised me. I noticed she looked at my fingers and found no engagement ring. She rushed off and disappeared into the crowd. I guess I fucked up her plans. After that, well, I just didn't have the heart to find some other stranger to dance with."

"But he could dance with a friend," Eva winked.

"Yeah," Bob smiled.

During the conversation, we had walked from the lobby and entered a crêperie next door. After eating the rolled up pancakes and finishing the coffee, a limo awaited us outside. The chauffeur looked regal and French.

I gave Eva my expression, surprised and suspicious.

"Yes," she told me, leaning against me and whispering. "Simon's."

We drove for a while, ending up on the outskirts of Paris in a place of large houses and chateaus. Perhaps the largest of all rested further back from the others, with a gate that opened for us. The house looked both austere and embellished, with flourishes at the attic roof and columns at the entrance, but otherwise flat and gray. It had to be at least two centuries old.

"Welcome to the Pereire Chateau," said the chauffeur with a deep voice and heavy French accent, the only words he ever spoke.

"The Jewesses," I said.

Eva nodded, telling me as we exited the limousine, "This is where the Double Q rehearse. In fact it is where they stay. The basement has studios, including a really great dance studio. The Pereire women have a fondness for the arts, especially music and dance."

"How did they survive the holocaust?" Lindy asked quietly.

"Money, influence and a way of staying in the shadows," Eva shrugged.

"Friends of your namesake?" I guessed.

"Something like that," Eva replied.

The large white door opened and a group of familiar women poured out, Helen and her four clones. One darted into my arms, the darkest of them both in hair and skin. After we kissed I asked her, "Where are the servants?"

"It's too early for them," she said. "Come on."

She led the way for the rest of us, me pulled along, and not to the grand entrance, but to a back one. It proved a long hike around the huge building. We passed a solarium and a greenhouse and even a large marble pool at the back, decorated ostentatiously and with an amusing embrace of the pagan with water nymphs and a large Neptune, also in marble. Walking across a vast patio that must have hosted hundreds of parties, we finally arrived at an incongruously modest entrance. The screen door and the mud room we passed through reminded me of many houses in my home town, a comparison I had never thought possible.

"So we're the servants," I said.

Consuela giggled. "In a way."

Just past the mudroom, she opened a door that revealed steps leading downward. We followed her down and through a heavily padded door, across a hallway and into a room lined with acoustic tiles where mirrors didn't cover the walls.

"They must value their quiet," I said.

"Use to be a dungeon," Consuela responded with less tongue in cheek than I might hope. "Better sounds become muffled, although some of Angie's music sounds similar sometime. Supposed to be the dungeon remain somewhere here. Maybe we use it?" she giggled.

The thought made me shiver and harden simultaneously. Harden?

"I go," she said, and darted with her half-sisters across the shiny wooden floor disappearing through a door. Only then did I notice Helen hadn't accompanied us.

"Of course," I muttered to myself.

"What?" asked Lindy.

"I noticed Helen hadn't come with us. It seems we're lowly servants."

Lindy chuckled. "Fuck her." She looked at the large dance space. "This place is pretty awesome."

"You don't feel intimidated?"

"You mean being in Simon's realm?"

I nodded.

"Surprisingly not."

"Me neither," I replied.

"Hey! Hey!" she shouted. "Wow, the acoustics are incredible. These must be special tiles."

"I wonder if Angelique designed them," I said.

"Probably," Lindy chuckled. "Let's loosen up."

I noticed Vance, Miwa and Eva had already begun doing just that. So I stretched my quads and hamstrings just as I had been taught. Meanwhile the half-sisters brought out various stringed and wind and electronic instruments, along with a kettle drum, setting up against the back wall at the center of the space.

"Too bad Sam and Barnaby aren't here," I said to Lindy stretching beside me.

"They could only join us for a week," Lindy said. "They'll be rehearsing with us starting Sunday."

"Cool," I said. "What are we working on?"

"Short pieces, no longer than ten minutes."

"For the encores," I said a little nervously.

Lindy chuckled. "Unh-hunh. Two to be precise, one for Friday and one for Saturday. Sunday we'll be working on a longer piece for Barnaby and Samantha."

"You commissioned music from Angelique."

"I think of it more as a collaboration. Speaking of which, do you think Helena might have her poetry with her?"

"She always has notebooks," I said.

"Good. Have her come to rehearsal on Saturday."

"I'm sure she'd be there anyway. You're going to put something together for Sam and Barny?"

"I know it sounds like not much time, but it's going to be like an improvisation."

"Cool," I said.

And speaking of cool, the first piece we worked on definitely was. Angelique and Lindy called it "Cloudburst," and it resembled one. It started with what sounded like sparse rain drops but soon became a deluge of sound which eventually lessened until the piece ended as it began. The kettle drum revealed its purpose, with rumbles of thunder or an occasional single loud impact which followed the bright flash of a strobe light that Angelique must have somehow programmed. The flash, which I could see in the mirrors, caused a brief frozen tableau of dancers. Yeah, really cool.

Despite the short piece, rehearsal proved exhausting. In order to make those tableaus interesting, Lindy had us fling ourselves around the space. It had to be the most violent of movements I had ever seen her choreograph, with that signature gestural movement she embraced writ very large. We jumped and tumbled, embraced the rain and shirked from it, opened ourselves completely with limbs spread wide as we jumped and closed ourselves as we cowered into fetal positions. It had acrobatics to it as well, as we tumbled inches away from each other, collisions barely avoided. In rehearsal they weren't, mostly because of me and my clumsiness.

"You sure you want me for this?" I asked after another collision.

"Do not fire him," I heard from one of the musicians. "He is the sexy in it." Guess who.

Laughter came from everywhere, including from our audience. The Jewesses and Helen had arrived most majestically with doors of an elevator opening like a clamshell revealing Venuses. Pereire Grandmère, mère et fille all had a regal beauty. In fact they defined the combination of those two words. Even the matriarch, and yes, four generations of women, all with twenty years between them, sat there looking like family as if the male part of their geneology had little to say about their looks, still retained much of that beauty. Her back, bowed by aging, and a graying of her gently wrinkled face and her hair, reduced both the regalness and the beauty, yet it remained, the pride piercing forth from her hazel eyes defiantly.

Pride and defiance could describe all of the Jewesses, and Bob got the brunt of it, arguing about Israel and history and heritage with his liberal, passionately Hebrew, extremely intelligent American perspective.

"That was disturbing," he told me in the limo heading back to the hotel. "Those four, especially the oldest, had to have the most conservative views of any Jews I ever met. The oldest never wanted the Jewish state established, at least not in the Middle East. Her parents actually argued against it. They wanted instead to buy an island either in the Mediterranean or the Caribbean large enough to be exclusively Jewish, to establish a large colony of Jews without all the enmity of the Moslems surrounding them. Since that never happened, they insist they should just blow the shit out of Palestine and Iran and any other country threatening them. It's like they're female Jewish Hitlers wanting to rule the world or something. But what's most disturbing was some of their ideas, not the most extreme of them of course, but some, I actually agreed with. It made me want to rethink everything just to try to understand how I could agree with anything they said."

"Then you probably don't want to come back tomorrow," I said.

"I'll be there. I enjoyed watching you bumping into everyone."

"You know he got better," Lindy said, though she did chuckle with the rest of them. "I just had to remind him how much more graceful he is than he thinks he is."

"No," Bob smiled at me, "you actually surprised me. You really have a presence on the stage, and Lindy's right about your grace."

"Thanks," I said.

"Then you should bring JB and Sheila," Lindy insisted. "I want Sheila to dance in the second piece."

"Not a problem," Bob replied. "We'll actually be there."

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"The Pereire ladies invited Michiko and me to dinner, and they accepted when I asked if my friend and his girlfriend could join us."

"I thought they disturbed you?" I reminded him, very concerned.

"They did, but they also proved to be incredibly charming."

I looked at Miwa and Lindy. Lindy didn't know about Michiko and the threat of rape Simon had given her, so she showed little concern. But Miwa understood. At least she did after her face went blank. "Shit," she said.

"What's wrong?" Bob asked me.

"Just a hamstring twinge," I lied.

When we arrived at the hotel, Miwa told Bob to move from one limo to another, transferring from one eternal wanderer's minion to the other, though he didn't know that, in order to pick up his lover at Orly in style. His face lit up at the suggestion, mostly I figured because he couldn't wait to see Michiko again.

Vance wandered off as well, ever the independent man, looking for the underside of Paris.

The rest of us, even Eva, headed straight for Nick's suite. "What's going on?" asked Lindy. "You looked worried."

"You'll find out soon enough," said Miwa.

As soon as we entered his suite, joining the rest of his angels, including Helena who greeted me with a kiss and a concerned face, Nick, sitting in his usual place in his black denim outfit, asked Eva in a low, thunderous voice, "Is Simon staying with the Jewesses?"

Eva, actually bowing her head and with quiet sadness, responded, "Yes."

"Fuck," said Naomi, looking worriedly at me.

"Michiko's going to freak out," said Helena.

"Maybe not," said Betty.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Grandfather?" Betty tossed it to Nick.

"Remember, Joe, we can look however we want to to mortals."

"I thought just in age," I countered. He suddenly looked much younger, about my age. "Fuck," I said.

"He'll probably appear to be the matriarch's husband," Nick figured, reverting back to his old age appearance.

"That would probably do it," I said.

"They've probably been intimate before. I bet he sired every other one of them. But I bet his voice would disturb her," said Naomi.

"I have a feeling it will be a disturbing evening no matter what," Rosa muttered.

"So, do you think that asshole will rape Michiko, successfully this time?" I asked, nodding to Lindy when she realized the situation.

"That fucker," Lindy seethed.

"No," said Nick. "I think he's happy with her choice."

"What!" I exclaimed. "You mean Bob's a minion of Simon?"

"Not a useful one until now," said Eva.

"Fuck," I said.

"And I don't think Michiko will be all that disturbed, at least not for all that long."

"Drugs?" asked Nick.

"Probably. And a certain young Jewess's seductiveness towards the fairer sex."

"Ah. Of course. She's due to become pregnant, and not by her father. So Bob's a smart guy?" Nick asked me.

"Brilliant actually. Maybe not quite a genius, but..." Then realization struck me. "Do you think the Jewesses' demented plans will become much more appealing to Bob soon?"

"Probably," said Eva.

"Shit," I said.

"And you know these plans?" Nick asked Eva.

"Nope. Like that spy shit, it's need to know."

"If you knew, would you tell us?"

Looking at Naomi, she responded, "I'd probably have a hard time with that."

Naomi nodded.

"I think I got an inkling of it from my not quite minionized best friend," I said. "I believe some horribly arrogant decisions may be made by the powers that be in Israel, with the Jewesses' hidden backing, that will play into Simon's hands. I don't know if it will reach the level of nuking the Arab world, but something close to it."

"That ought to do it," Nick nodded sadly.

"Do what?" asked Lindy.

"Make Simon and his minions look like heroes."

"By killing millions of innocent people?"

"Yes, but we're not talking about the Jewesses. They, and even the people they destroy, being a bunch of terrorists after all, will be the enemy, the villains."

"So Simon's heroic minions are the ones that look like him," said Lindy.

"And when the dust clears," I speculated, "Simon will stand above us all, proclaiming his godlike nature and ruling the world, his angels serving as his commanders to spread his gospel everywhere."

"Not if he's headless," said Nick.

"As will you be," his daughter, my wife, muttered. "Such madness."

"Bullshit," Rosa proclaimed. "This is all utter speculation and you know it. It's the problem with spies. You get plans from the ambivalent, from Helen and mixed minions. And in turn you supply plans to them. But perhaps Simon's plans are not plans at all, but hopes and fantasies. Yes, Simon's a megalomaniac and has been for millennia. A dangerous creature to have such madness. And yes, now, he has means more than ever for achieving his dream of being a god among men, of being the god whom men have been modeled, men who look most like him being inherently superior or some bullshit like that. He can destroy whole people with a press of a button. He can send armies in devastating numbers and with devastating capabilities to do devastating things. Or he can tear apart things from within, create and destroy scapegoats to make the destroyers feel that much more superior. He can do these things; has done these things. And he plans to do more, to finally succeed where he had failed before.

"But in the end these are all just visions. And you reflect those visions back. Like a reflection within a reflection within a reflection ad infinitum, you get stuck in the illusion of it, in the depth that has no real depth. A vision coalesces, of the end, of the death of immortals, of swords sweeping simultaneously to lop off heads, of chaos in the aftermath. It's a powerful image, seductive in its power. But it's just an image. Pure speculation. Pure bullshit. You have no true vision of the future, do you Grandfather? And neither does Simon. And yet you move pieces like some sort of apocalyptic chess game. Smallish moves such as making Helena and Eva and Natasha pregnant. Much larger moves in the creation and the motivating of larger and larger populations of minions. But neither of you really knows the results of these moves, do you? Neither can be certain the fetuses gestating in you two angels or in Tash will be some kind of replacements for you, Nick, or of Simon, or even if such a result will be necessary. Neither of you can really determine what the forces of humanity may do despite whatever control you may have over a small portion of it. I mean, Hitler obviously failed in his mission, as has every megalomaniac before him, proving humans are not and can never be chess pieces. They make mistakes or become surprisingly heroic. They fall apart or gain spines. They always end up doing whatever they end up doing despite any efforts from you or Simon to do otherwise. Just as creating a complete analog of a brain has proven impossible, having any control or determination of humanity becomes defeated by its complexity. Perhaps if humans acted like bees, had hive minds, Simon could just become the queen. And in a way both of you seem to think that ridiculous concept might even be true with your opposing minions and with us angels. But even minions have a way of surprising both of you. Even angels." She addressed Eva with her last statement.

"Are you saying I should ignore Simon, not counter his moves?" asked Nick.

"Of course not," said Rosa. "He has to be watched, and his dangerous decisions have to be countered. I'm just saying this apocalyptic vision you both seem to share isn't a fait accompli. Maybe the origin story of Cane and Abel won't become a circle where both brothers kill each other."

Same as Africa
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My Mother Wants me to what

"Laurie." "Laurie." "Laurie!" I woke up with a quick intake of breath, nearly choking in the process. "Laurie we're going to be late. I told Susan we'd be at their's for ten." Mum said, sitting on the edge of my bed. "Okay mum, I'll get dressed now." I replied. "No need sweetheart, just fix your hair, we don't have time, just go as you are." "I couldn't do that!" I said, with the shock registering in my voice. "Come on Laurie, there will only be us girls there, I'm going like this." She...

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HotwifeXXX Macy Meadows Macy8217s Husband Wants Pics Of Her Squirt

Petite wife Macy is spread wide on the couch rubbing her hot wet pussy while her hired stud Tyler speaks with her husband getting instructions on today’s fuck session. The only request from Macy’s husband is he wants pics of her cumming and spraying her sweet pussy juices. Tyler quickly slips her panties to the side rubbing out her first batch of squirt before she gets to suck his cock as far down as she can handle it. Tyler fucks her tight pussy deep getting her to squirt tons of...

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Evening At The CastleChapter 3 Diannes Initiation

Ushering me into the dressing room, she turned off the room lights and slid back a panel, revealing a window that looked out onto the stage. "This is actually a one-way mirror," she explained, standing so closely behind me I could feel her warm breath on my neck and her firm breasts pressing into my back. Reaching up she flipped a hidden switch and the low murmuring of the audience came clearly through a hidden speaker. "I'm a little concerned about Dianne," I said. "She doesn't seem...

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A Happy Hour to Remem

My pussy has been throbbing almost all day. Damn, I am so wet and that is just making me hornier. Sitting here at work like this is torture, I can't wait to see Chris at happy hour and get our weekend started. The last two weekends have been such a blast, exploring with a home sex video that we ended up putting on line. I can't wait to see what happens next. And even if it's just the two of us, no video or anything, it will still be great. Sitting at the bar waiting for Chris, my first drink...

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The Four Freshmen Part I Donna

They weren't exactly international supermodels. Mary, Patty, Barbara and Donna were Freshman roommates making the best of an overcrowded dorm. I met Donna at a mixer the first weekend of our Freshman year. Within an hour we were naked. Donna was eager and willing, but still very much a virgin. Some guys would have charged ahead. But I couldn't. Not with a girl I'd known for less time than it takes to finish a Physics Quiz. Still, I did everything else I could to please her. And I succeeded. As...

First Time
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My Sister Ravaged In The Tain

Hello friends I, AMIT and back with another story about my sister and me on our journey in the train , I have a younger sister who is really hot and i would like to tell this story to everyone ,this incident happened few months ago , my family was on a trip to north India , my mom and dad went to another place and left me and my sister in Delhi for two more days as we loved roaming around Delhi , we were supposed to go to Varanasi next day as our relatives lived there , we had to go by train...

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Soaking Up My First DP FUCK Folsom Weekend

Thursday, September 26, 2013It was a long and winding road on the way to getting my ass stuffed with two throbbing cocks for the first time, but bear with me. Here’s how it finally happened:After my girl, Alicia, got off her work early on Thursday, I went over to her apartment and we watched our 49ers kick some St. Louis Ram butt on TV.I should explain that I am in a semi-open long-term relationship (just over 8 years) with a stud of a man, named John. We enjoy the occasional sexual company of...

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Late night sex

This is an experience that happened not long ago. First, me and my girlfriend Shannon have been best friends since forever. We've been lovers since high school. We've shared everything with each other, including our boyfriends. Shannon started dating Rick and was excited for me to meet him. They had been together a few weeks when we finally met. We hit it off instantly and had great chemistry. I wasn't sure what was going to happen that first night, but we ended up having a very...

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Sandra assaulted

Sandra was watching TV and was bored. Her friend was out for a stroll, and naturally, there was nothing of interest on TV. For a time she enjoyed trying on clothes, but even that was no fun without someone there to appreciate it if she presented herself in hot, glossy PVC and leather. Now she sat there and waited, wearing only a glossy red PVC corset, bound very tight at the front, not hiding her small bosom, but lifting and highlighting it, with one leg in a long silk stocking, the other bare....

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A Dad seduce his little girl

It´s evening and i´m laying in my bed, thinking about the last saturday, when i come home late in afternoon and find my Daddy drinking some Whisky in the living room and in half-sleep a bit drunk. He was angry, because i come home so late and he was angry and i start to cry by his hard words. But then he said, sorry darling, it´s just because i´m afraid that something is happen to you, you know your are my little sunshine and i love you so much. I go to his arms and we watch TV. He had his Arm...

4 years ago
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Summer Nowhere Part Three Never Been Kissed

written by Nellieneska, edited by atrain_alex89 ” Colby pulled away from Isobel and quickly brought himself to his feet. The last thing that he needed was to piss her off more by over stepping whatever line he felt he had just crossed. She had been like a sister to him all of his life and he was sure that she felt the same way towards him. “I am so sorry.” he blurted out quickly, trying to think of a way to explain himself. “I don’t know what … it just happened.” Isobel looked over Colby...

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A Horny Teenager In My Block Part 2

I was resting in bed with handsome young Bobby in my arms and reflecting on the awesome sex that we had had just minutes ago. How lucky I was to have this barely legal boy to fuck and suck. My hand caressed his smooth butt as he sucked my left nipple until it was hard. Then he reached up and kissed me lovingly with his smooth tongue deep inside my mouth. I felt his stiff cock slide against my abdomen as he got on top of me and I realized that he wanted to fuck me back. And I was so ready to...

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Mirror Mirror 03 Errant

Mirror, Mirror 03: Errant By Ron Dow75 ([email protected]) The fraternal twins sat on opposite sides of the dining room table, looking at the broken hand mirror. "It's definitely busted," Deana said. "Yeah. Do you think the magic's busted, too?" Dinah asked. "Of course it is." "There goes our chance to be beautiful women..." "I'm already beautiful." "No you're not. You're a gawky fourteen-year-old, like me. This was our chance to become instant adults," she...

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Lara Croft The Tomb Raider

Droplets of water dropped from the sky as the long and narrow streets of downtown Prague became moist with natures generousness. Most of the people were happy and grateful because of this gift but some were not. Between those who were not happy there was a specific person who this rain was not pleasant at all to. The person was a pedestrian who was walking without a destination or purpose. Most people started running towards their houses after the rain started but the cold water pouring on her...

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My coworker part 1

I cannot begin to describe how much I wanted him: how much I physically needed him. I would see him from a distance and my head would spin, my legs fire my cock begin to throb. Should he pass me closely, it was all I could not to fall in a faint. There was a fragrance, a manly scent that flowed from his shoulders. The sight of his shirt as it gently outlined the roundness of his chest or the arches of his shoulders: how it fluttered loosely around his slender waist. His hips, how round and...

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Gails Fantasy

It was a difficult time for Gail. Her parents had been in a hostile divorce over the past few years. Every event, every conversation, every visit was laced with petty tactical ploys by both of her parents to win her loyalty and in a way, choose a side. Even now, eight months after her parents finalized their divorce, Gail found it difficult to feel comfortable visiting either of her parents. She wanted to enjoy her last summer vacation before graduating College. She decided not to spend her...

2 years ago
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Dudh Wale Ladke Ne Mujhe Choda

Hello devar ji ap sab kaise main apni kahani bata rahi hu ye meri real kahani h waise main bahut sare devaro se aur bahut sare ladko se chudwa chuki hu ap sab mujhe mail kariye main apse baat karungi apse gandi gandi baaten karungi mujhe apne devaro se gandi gandi baaten karne me bahut accha lagta h ap sab apki seema bhabhi ko mail kariye ab main apne bare me bata du main bahut hi sexy bhabhi hu meri figure h 38 32 40 aur sabhi ladke mujhe chodne ke liye taiyar rahte h aur sab log mujhe bhabhi...

4 years ago
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Babs Education

I For her thirty-fifth birthday Barbara was offered a job. It the best birthday present she could have had. In fact, it was the only one she got. Both her boys had forgotten all about her birthday. ‘Oh, well,’ she thought, ‘that’s kids for you.’ Her husband hadn’t remembered it either until he phoned from his office to wish her a happy day. ‘But I don’t care now. I’ve got some work.’ The way was open for her, at last, to pursue her own independent career. She was known as Babs at home....

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Hunky toilet surprise Mmmmmmmmmm

My name is Nic and I am 34 and every last Friday my BF and I go to our local pub. It’s always quite rough and boisterous as it’s a mans pubs really. It was busy as everyone has been paid and having a few liveners before going on there way. Even though I am 5’4” I am a lot taller in heels, I have a great bum and legs (or so I have been told or see my pics). Anyway I always try to look my best and I think my BF gets a thrill at seeing at all workman and guys in pub looking at me.We had a few...

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Masishen StrandedChapter 19

Deception and Evasion The charter helicopter lifted off with Yavinsky and two team members. Yavinsky sat beside the pilot; two sat behind with AK-47 assault rifles in scabbards stowed under their feet. The pilot was told they were flying to intercept a vehicle carrying rich ore samples. Yavinsky had a pistol in his pocket should the pilot become suspicious and need convincing to engage the chase. "Do you know the desert road from that Silver City ghost town to the Oregon village ... Jordan...

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Moms Bath

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was 18 years old. It was a lazy Saturday afternoon. My Mom had gone to a Ladies club meeting. My Dad and my brother had gone off fishing and I had pretended to be sick so that I could get a good look at my brother’s XXX videos that he kept under his bed I was going have a free afternoon of beautiful ladies getting fucked by huge cocks while stoking myself slowly to satisfaction. At the time we only had one VCR in the house and it was in the family...

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Space, what a great place to be. Humanity sure came a long way, now with transporting capabilities, we are able to ship cargo and other shit across the stars in literally no time at all. The idea of shipping other people's junk didn't appeal to me after a while, so I decided to keep all of it. Of course, the United Space Law Enforcement Agency for Space or the USLEA or 'useless', thought that me doing this was evil. So I was arrested and tried. The sentence, life on a prison planet on the rim...

4 years ago
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First Time With Sherry

I am generally a good judge of character and can tell who I can poke fun with and who to steer clear of. My house is in an area with very little traffic. On warm mornings I take walks down to a skimpy male bikini and like to tan on my fenced-in deck in next to nothing or completely naked. I also get to see ladies in well-fitting attire as I drive or walk to work, which is always a plus. Every now and then I come across a woman who is special in her own way and has a little devil inside of her....

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Our first MMF

First time we had threesome, my wife was 23 and we were not married yet. At that time we were not even in relationship, just fuckbuddying. We went out to the club to have a few drinks and fuck somewhere outside. She liked partying and having breaks for fucking, literally around the corner where people could pop up any second. She liked getting groped at the dance floor or at the table. If we had corner box, she wouldn't hesitate to take out her wonderful tits and let me suck on them. I liked...

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Embarrassed naked Adventures

before we begin you must first choose who will be ending up exposed today the choices right now are.. few.. BUT that will change when I get around to adding more (I'm only 1 girl don't rush me) the character you choose will change the story completely! some characters may do the same things like 2 characters might go to the park but the events that happen there will be very different (unless there fan made maybe) and no you cant choose me, perv EDIT: thank you everyone for all the likes and...

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My Fantasy

My Fantasy Penned by: Miss Deborah (Debi) Leigh Johnson One: I had never felt so utterly weak, so vulnerable or so completely humiliated before in my entire 17 years of life. The emotion was so intense, that there was almost a bitter sweetness to the moment. I knew that I would remember this moment for all time. I stood there, in front of the best friend that I had ever had. Brad Jamieson was just standing there looking back at me, but he had a smile that slightly curled the...

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Cat Fight 29 Mother

tinton - 2 1/2 seconds specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton - 2 1/2 hours minton - 2 1/2 days daycon - 2 1/2 weeks Malant - 2 1/2 months quant - 2 1/2 years galant - 2 1/2 centuries Metson - 2 1/2 inches maclon - 2 1/2 feet heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson - 2 1/2 acres unit - 2 1/2 ccs Tac - 2 1/2 pounds Mayan Terms p'uchik - spank nohchil - Chief Ahau - King k'aat - Claim k’iimil - Death taak’in - gold Characters Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan, Cit-Chac-Coh King Tomco...

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Kristine takes advantage of my having the hots for

Kristine had noticed me staring at her during the office party. How could I not the way she looked that evening, in that tight black dress and wearing fishnet pantyhose. To be fair, I’ve had the hots for her a long time. I suspect Kristine knew this, and enjoyed the attention. She often mad an effort to put her hand on my lower back when she spoke to me. More than once her hands have graced my thighs, I’m thinking deliberately, as she has leaned over my desk to point out something on my...

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The Pastors WifeChapter 6

Every Thursday night after piano lessons and rehearsal sixteen-year-old Garven Milroy walked home with Nancy Butler, making it a point to arrive after 6:30, just after her mother left to play bridge. Nancy’s father worked the afternoon shift. Though she agreed with Myra Cratterfield to introduce the teenager to sex she looked upon it as a favor. It was payback for a friend who helped her get an abortion. After their first night however, rather than being just a task, it quickly become a...

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Erotic Bus Journey

Hi I m Raj(Prince) from Bangalore working as a freelancer. I’m not the outgoing types, but don’t miss an opportunity to explore my fantasies. Once such happened during my bus journey about 6 months back. I was traveling back from Chennai to Bangalore. My family members shared seats and I sat alone next to a Window seat. The bus left about 7 in the evening. I was busy listening to music and was particularly inconspicuous when this girl about 24-25 with pleasant features sat in the seat in front...

4 years ago
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Lessons From My Cousin Part 1

I’m in my late twenties, an educated professional living in a loving, tolerant community on the east coast with my lover and, if the political climate remains as it is, soon to be my spouse. She is the most wonderful person that I have ever met and we fell in love immediately when we first saw each other and have since committed our lives to one another. She was attracted to me during a presentation that I gave in The City a few months ago so she came up to me afterwards and introduced...

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MILF Wife Gets No More Anal From Biker Boyfriend

It had been four months since I came home early from a business trip with the multi-million corporation I founded only to find my forty-three year old suburban housewife Debbie getting ass fucked by her young biker boyfriend in our basement. After that I began to notice my wife’s whole demeanor changed. She started swearing a lot; every other word out of her mouth was fuck, asshole, or bitch. She began to drink a lot at home and on occasion you could smell the aroma of pot around the house. She...

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First time sex on a yacht

“Hold the rail – I want to explore you.” he said. I held onto the rail at the front of the boat - I was totally naked, bent over with my pussy on show to the world and I didn’t care – I felt incredible. Invincible. Sexy. And alive. We’d been together a couple of months when Rob suggested a weekend away on his yacht – just the two of us. “The weather looks great Beck. Just bring casual clothes, swimmers and lots of sun-screen. We don’t want any exposed parts of you to burn.” he added with a...

First Time
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Me and Shubi Ch 05

We lazed off in the living room post lunch, eagerly awaiting Sneha. Shubhi was true to her word. She did not wear a piece of cloth on her amazing frame since declaring her intentions. We fell asleep in snuggled in an embrace. Though our bodies were twisted, the feelings of togetherness parried the discomfort. We woke to the sound of the doorbell ringing. Shubhi hid behind me like a playful kid as I went up to open the door. Glancing through the peephole I confirmed it was Sneha and opened the...

3 years ago
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Hard To Believe Well Maybe Not

I am still trying to figure out whether it was all a dream or reality.I remember thinking I was awake and being as hard as... and horny. I rolled over to spoon you and you moaned softly saying your tummy was rumbling and uncomfortable.Maybe you had too much to drink last night so I rolled away and left you alone. Rolling out of bed with a solid boner, I went to the shower and turned on the taps, as I gave my cock a wank. As the water temp was comfortable, I moved into the shower and rolled my...


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