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‘Mister La Salle’ a voice called from over Adam’s shoulder.

Turning, he recognised Jayne Essington, a friend of Amanda’s. ‘Good morning Missus Essington’ he said taking her hand, bowing and kissing it. ‘How lovely to see you. What brings you to Boston?’

‘I am here for my nephew’s graduation’ the plumpish but nevertheless quite attractive, black haired widow informed him, leaving her hand in Adam’s.

‘From Harvard?’

‘No Boston University. He wanted to study agriculture and Harvard didn’t offer such a course’ she replied.

‘Has it opened yet, I had heard it was being planned?’

‘Well its not officially a university yet’ Jayne flustered, mentally kicking herself for trying to show off.

‘Oh’ Adam said politely.

‘It’s the agricultural college that will become the university in the next year or so if the recession lifts’ she went on giving Adam the phrases the college had given to her. He wants to be a modern farmer and none of the major colleges offered anything in those subjects. Whilst Jayne was confirming the modern trend of ‘secondary’ colleges and universities offering more practical studies, she was also but clearly telling Adam that the family couldn’t afford Harvard. That reminded him how Amanda had always said that Jayne was a snob and a social climber.

‘And when does that take place, may I ask?’

‘The graduation? Not for a few days.’

‘So until then?’

‘I have no plans, I have time on my hands’ she said.

Whilst Adam didn’t know Jayne well, he knew that she and Amanda had been at school together and as young ladies had been fairly close friends. That had waned when Amanda moved to the North, then on to Europe and had, until very recently remained dormant, although the two similarly aged women had maintained a correspondence relationship. He knew that they had met a few times since Amanda’s return to Meldrim and the Bluff and recently he had been at a ball with his estranged sister and the widow Essington. They had got on quite well and had indulged in some mild flirting.

He had always had a penchant for her. He found her hugely sexy and for years they had flirted, both thinking, but not confiding in the other that in other circumstance after Hugo, her husband had been killed in a railroad accident that something might happen. The circumstances that might have made it possible had not however happened. ‘Until now’ Adam was thinking to himself.

‘So Adam, what, pray, brings you to Boston?’

‘Oh this and that, a little business, some old friends and some new ones’ he quipped. ‘Amanda and I are on a trip.’

‘Is your adorable sister here?’

‘No she’s in Washington or maybe New York, I don’t know.’

‘Don’t know?’ Jayne asked fluttering her eyelids. ‘Pray why not?’

‘Sorry, I should not have said that, but as you know only too well Missus… er Jayne, Amanda is difficult to keep up with.’

She laughed. ‘Yes I have spent most of my life trying to do that.’

Jayne had been sitting in the lobby of the Tremont Hotel that was reputed to be the first luxury hotel in the country, certainly it was in Boston opening some fifty years ago. ‘May I get you something, tea, coffee or a juice perhaps?’

‘No thank you Adam, I am meeting my attorney who is late, infuriatingly so I might add.’

‘All I can say Jayne is that I consider his tardiness to be fortunate.’

‘Fortunate, Mister La Salle?’ she asked raising her eyebrows and turning her head enjoying the flattery

‘Yes, for otherwise we may not have met.’

She threw her head back and laughed, her small, mostly uncovered bosom jiggling delightfully. ‘But we have met so many times Adam,’ she replied quietly.

‘But not in such circumstances, madam.’

‘Such circumstances as what may I ask sir?’ she said, holding his gaze.

‘Well… away from Georgia, in Boston, by ourselves and with time on our hands.’

‘Are you not busy then Adam?’

‘No not for a few days until I go down to Washington or New York.’

‘I see, that’s er… nice.’

‘Yes I think so,’ Adam said their gazes again lingering.

‘I do too sir, if I may be so bold to tell you.’

‘Oh yes madam, you may well be so bold and I thank you for that.’

‘Thank you too sir, I am indeed flattered you say such a thing’ she went on carefully using her fan to shield her eyes from his.

‘Not at all ma’am. Perhaps we could continue the conversation over dinner, maybe this evening?’

Adam knew he was chancing his arm. It was unusual for a man, albeit a single one, to ask a lady, albeit a widow, in person to dinner, etiquette required a written invitation. It was even more unusual to present any invitation with such short notice for that implied that both parties had a limited diary. Jayne Essington was as acutely aware of these social conventions as she knew Adam was and she knew that she should respectfully decline. But as he had conveniently pointed out they were away from home and they were in Boston. What had gone unsaid, but was clearly implied was that they were both single and that they had the time, the place and the opportunity if they were so inclined. They both knew that no one was checking on them, they were both clearly attracted to each other and it was dawning on them, they both probably were ‘so inclined.’

Before she could answer, a stunningly good looking young man came into the lobby. He was tall and slim with a full head of long, dark wavy hair that he wore in a fashionable, to Boston and New York, unkempt style. He was clean shaven and was wearing a deep burgundy coloured coat and pale grey, very tight trousers with a black, silk waistcoat. He cut a handsome figure as he strode purposefully across the marble floor of the huge lobby seemingly oblivious to the stares of envy from the men and admiration, verging on lust from the women.

‘Oh Adam,’ Jayne said, turning towards the man. ‘May I introduce you to William Ableforce, my nephew? William, this is a very old friend of mine from Georgia, Mister Adam La Salle.’

The two men held hands and each other’s gazes slightly longer than maybe they should.

‘Very pleased to meet you Mister Ableforce.’

‘Enchantee Mister La Salle,’ the young man said, with a Boston accent

‘I’m not French,’ Adam smiled.

‘And I don’t speak it really,’ William laughed.

‘Call me Adam, please.’

‘Of course, and I am William’ the beaming smile and the locked gaze the young man gave him sent heat rushing to his loins. It had been some time since Adam had been with any man other than a male whore.

‘Adam has just invited us to dinner,’ Jayne said with a mischievous smile. ‘Oh sorry sir, your invitation was to both of us, wasn’t it?’

‘Yes of course’ Adam lied, half disappointed that he would not be getting her to himself, but half elated that he would spend more time with William.

‘Ah aunt I have a confession.’

‘Pray what is that William?’

‘I have an appointment this evening.’

Adam liked hearing that for it meant he would have Jayne to himself.

‘I have agreed to play chemin de fer at nine this evening.’

‘Ah such a shame, but perhaps dinner with us first?’

‘I would be honoured Aunt, Adam.’

‘Until dinner then’ the young man said. Holding Adam’s gaze he placed his hands on Jayne’s shoulder and kissed her on both cheeks. Watching them Adam couldn’t help wondering whether it was rather too lingering a kiss for a nephew and an aunt? Moving away from Jayne he bowed slightly and said. ‘I am afraid I have to go I am meeting some fellow graduates to work on our speeches, very nice to meet you Mister La Salle and I look forward to dinner.’

The older man and woman watched the youngster amble confidently across the lobby before Adam spoke again. ‘A very amenable young man’ he said, looking at Jayne who appeared to be blushing. ‘
It should be an enjoyable evening. Where would you like to dine?’

‘Well we are staying here at the Tremont so perhaps here?’

‘That would be wonderful.’

‘We have a suite. That might be more convenient than a restaurant?’

Adam nodded, wondering why she had suggested her hotel, or included William, for that matter. Not that he intended protesting. ‘Until this evening then, madam, say seven o’clock?’

‘Yes Adam, that would be favourable, but please sir may I ask for your discretion.’

‘Of course, I am a Southern gentleman at heart,’ he smiled.

‘As I am naturally a Southern Belle,’ Jayne laughed back.

‘And the discretion madam? In which direction is that.’

‘In all directions, sir.’

His eyebrows curved in confusion at the flirtatious, attractive and very sexy woman. ‘Pray madam, why the need for such discretion? We are both free and unencumbered are we not?’

‘I have my reasons, Adam.’

‘May I ask if they are they for sharing?’

‘I would not wish for my friend, your sister to learn about us meeting here.’

They were silent for a few moments. ‘Is it me Jayne? Is it that you need discretion because of me?’

‘No not at all, but I have a reputation to preserve. I do not wish to be seen as a merry widow.’

‘Ah’ Adam smiled adding with a glint in his eyes ‘Are you, Jayne?’

With an equally beguiling smile and eye twinkle she replied. ‘Well Mister La Salle, that is not the type of question I am accustomed to and I must advise it is for me to know and you to find out, isn’t it?’

‘Yes true and I had hoped to do that at dinner with you alone this evening. Does William need to be there?’

‘That is part of the discretion. I would also not wish for Amanda to know about William.’

‘How is that? He is your nephew isn’t he?’

‘He is not blood Mister La Salle,’ she explained, staring deep into his eyes before being distracted by a black coated aging gentleman with mutton chop whiskers. ‘Ah Mister Quelch, at last.’


Adam quickly concluded his business in a private room of the hotel and went back through the lobby hoping that Jayne might be there or, as appealingly, William. Neither were. He took a cab to his quarters in Harvard, which the university provided free of charge to their alumni benefactors. Although they were rather Spartan, they brought back such wonderful memories that he always stayed there when visiting Boston.

He lunched in the post graduate restaurant, meeting a number of people he had known for years. As usual that resulted in rather too much wine and port and so he spent the latter part of the afternoon slumbering in his small room.

Waking rather later than he had anticipated, he had to rush his preparation before calling a carriage. Trundling along Massachusetts Avenue, across the bridge and turning left onto Storrow Street with the Charles River on his left, before reaching the Common, his head was a whirl of thought, hopes and considerations. Although he probably should have been thinking more about the sale of the plantation or, even more importantly his generally disastrous business ventures, his thoughts could not extend beyond Jayne, William and the forthcoming dinner with them.

He was thinking specifically about how he could get one of them into bed, but kept reaching a blockage that revolved around Jayne’s parting phrase this morning. ‘He is not blood.’ What could that mean and why was she so concerned for discretion especially with his sister who was an old friend?

He still had no answer when he arrived at the hotel.

He advised the flunky at reception that he had an appointment with Missus Essington and Mister Ableforce and was asked to wait as a page went to the suite and returned, advising Adam to follow him.

‘Good evening Mister La Salle,’ Jayne said, after she opened the door to the suite. ‘Thank you Morgan,’ she said to the page, who beamed adoringly at her as Adam gave him a quarter.

He was surprised, but hugely pleased that she was wearing a fashionably, almost European level of low cut dress. It had a blue top and pale yellow skirt with blue piping that was not hooped as was the norm. When in large company, the voluminous hooped dresses were de rigueur, but often nowadays America ladies were taking to dispensing with the frame under the skirt that produced the huge skirt. The practicalities of moving around, sitting down and generally being in modest sized rooms were beginning to win the battle with convention and etiquette.

She looked fantastic.

As she was wearing a French cut dress which had yellow lace round the low neckline most of her chest almost to the edge of her areolae were on view and although her breasts were modest her cleavage was spectacular, he couldn’t help thinking of his sister’s breasts as he stared at Jayne’s. She had arranged her black hair so that it was bunched at the back and had numerous curls and tresses tumbling down onto her bare shoulders the darkness of her hair contrasting wonderfully with the paleness of her Southern Belle flesh. Taking her hand and bowing deeply he kissed her and muttered.

‘You look wonderful Missus Essington.’

‘Thank you kind sir,’ she replied very aware that the focus of Adam’s attention was her bosom. As Adam straightened up still holding her hand neither moved. They looked into each other eyes and both could see the desire.

‘You are most welcome, ma’am,’ Adam replied as Jayne slowly and reluctantly removed her hand from his.

‘I have ordered dinner for seven thirty if that is agreeable to you?’

‘Of course it is Jayne. Where’s William?’

‘I don’t know, but he is often late.’

‘My lucky day then,’ he smiled, accepting the glass of red wine.

‘Lucky Adam?’ she said, looking across the rim of her glass.

‘To have the opportunity madam, to be alone with you.’

‘Thank you sir, but then by that measure maybe it is my lucky day as well?’

‘Do you think that Jayne?’ Adam asked, his hopes rising.

‘Indeed I do sir, indeed I do.’

‘Well that makes everything nice and dandy Jayne, that we both feel the same,’ Adam said standing up from the high backed chair and moving over to sit beside her on the long low chaise.

‘Yes Adam,’ she said as he took her hand.

‘What time do you expect William?’ he asked, wondering if there was any chance of some form of sex with Jayne before her nephew arrived. The situation was hopeful.

Jayne diplomatically pulled her hand away. ‘Adam there is something you need to know.’

‘And what may that be Jayne?’

‘I told you earlier, that he is not blood didn’t I?’

‘Yes Jayne, yes you did.’

‘I also told you that William needed to be part of your discretion didn’t I?’


‘And have you noticed that this is a one bedroom suite Adam?’

It hit him like a thunderbolt. William was Jayne’s lover. She was a forty something woman and he a twenty four year old man. He had heard of older women taking younger lovers and when at Harvard he had been one of the younger male lovers who enjoyed the pleasures of more mature women. But it hadn’t entered his mind that he was in competition with William.

‘I see, madam. You can rely on my discretion,’ he said, feeling and sounding disappointed.

There was an atmosphere between them as they chatted politely, waiting for the staff to serve dinner. Adam felt let down and Jayne apprehensive of what she had planned for later in the evening. It wasn’t too long before William arrived, just as the waiting staff was setting up the dinner.

The three of them chatted in a reserved way at first, but as they drank the white then red wine they loosened up and the conversation became more animated. The dinner was oysters followed by a choice of pumpkin soup or a beef consommé, a fillet of red mullet, a very rare rib of beef with potatoes and beans t
hen salad followed by cheese, a chocolate cake and coffee and brandy.

‘Jayne, thank you that was a wonderful dinner,’ Adam said, breathing in and wishing he had not worn the trousers he had bought in Paris two years ago before he’d put on a few pounds.

‘You are most welcome, Adam.’

They were sitting at a small round table. As the waiting staff were extremely attentive and cleared plates and other used crockery very quickly, the table generally had only the diner’s three plates and the condiments, salt, black pepper, brown pickle, red cabbage and mustard on it. It was now dark outside and several lamps and candles had been lit in the room, providing the suite with a flittering, dim and romantic atmosphere.

‘Gentlemen,’ Jayne said standing up. Adam and William also stood as she continued ‘Please enjoy your port.’

With that, she glided across the room and vanished through the floor to ceiling double doors presumably, into the bedroom. The waiting staff produced a carafe of port, a basket of fruit and a large portion of cheese and then cleared everything else away.

William and Adam looked at each other not saying much for a while as Adam lit a cigar and William a pipe. They chatted for a while about William’s studies and impending graduation and then about the worsening economic situation. Inevitably the question of the tension between the North and South came up and both of them agreed that some military action seemed more and more likely.

‘William, may I be bold and ask you a personal question or two?’ Adam eventually asked as the two handsome men, both of whom had deep set, moody eyes smiled at one another.

‘Please feel free to do so Adam’ William replied wondering where this might lead.

‘Jayne advised me that you are her nephew.’

‘Yes that is correct.’

‘Yet she also advised that you were not blood.’

‘That is also correct.’

‘Hmmmm,’ Adam mused, sipping his port and feeling even more confused. But before he could take it further, one of the floor-to-ceiling double doors leading to the bedroom opened, not fully, but just half way. Adam expected Jayne to emerge through the doorway, but instead he just heard her voice. ‘Gentlemen, I await your pleasure.’

Adam raised his eyebrows at William who immediately stood up.

‘I think she wants us both to wait upon her. Come Adam.’

Now more confused than ever, but equally hugely excited at the prospect of visiting Jayne in her boudoir, albeit with her ‘nephew’ in attendance, he followed the younger man across the sitting room and into the bedroom.

‘Welcome’ Jayne said.

The only light in the room came from a single candle on a table by the French windows and what shone in through the half closed doorway. As his eyes became accustomed to the dim light, he saw that Jayne was sitting on the edge of the high, wide bed. She had let her hair down so the black tresses tumbled onto and over her nearly bare shoulders for, amazingly and utterly surprisingly she was wearing just a white, broderie Anglais sleeveless nightdress.

Staring with incredulity, he made out the narrow straps of lace over her shoulders, her bare arms the low cut neck, the buttons from the neckline to her waist, the top one of which was rakishly open, the hem of the nightdress daringly only just covering her knees and her white stocking covered legs with no shoes.

‘My pleasure madam’ Adam stammered, feeling himself hardening.

‘And mine Jayne’ William added.

They were silent for a moment.

‘Thank you for attending me in my boudoir, my two most favoured men.’

‘Again you are of course most welcome, but Jayne what do you have in mind,’ Adam managed to blurt out as his confidence returning.

With a beguiling and very sexy smile on her face, she replied in a highly coquettish manner. ‘I haven’t simply asked you to join me in my boudoir, gentlemen.’

‘No, pray, where then?’ Adam asked.

Jayne stood, turned her back on them, pulled the sheet back on the bed and slid under it.

‘Here Adam,’ she said patting the bed on her right side. ‘And here William,’ she continued touching the bed alongside her left. ‘I wish you both to attend me in my bed.’

Adam was amazed at the temerity of the woman, amazed, but also incredibly aroused. He didn’t know for sure, though, what to do. Lay on the bed clothed, or undress first. Maybe because they had done this before, he conjectured, William seemed to know what to do. Already he had removed his cravat, taken off his waist coat and jacket and was undoing the buttons on his shirt.

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Disclaimer : The story has extensive homosexuality and unprotected gay anal and oral sex. This is just a story, in real life, always use a condom. If your name is used as one the character it is a coincidence. If you are against anything above stated please quit reading. I’m a frequent reader of many website so ideas for this story is taken from a lot of places. For any comments, ideas or any other “fun” stuff, I love talking to people, email me – Ye kuch hii dino pehle ki baat hai, mein Delhi...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Aidra Fox Aidra Wants That Cock Hard8230 Bulges Sell

Tyler Nixon is a professional model and his photographer Aidra Fox is making him feel uncomfortable. Is she taking pictures of his cock? What kind of professional shoot is this? He’s not shooting for a porno magazine is he? “Bulges sell” she says. “Get that cock hard”. How can he get his cock hard when he feels so degraded and uncomfortable?!? Aidra decides to help. What the fuck is going on? Is he getting a blow job AND getting paid?!? What’s a guy to do?!?...

1 year ago
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Phun Forum

Hello there pervs, The Porn Dude is back with yet another destination for y’all to find adult entertainment. It’s not your typical porn location, but you know damn well a site can’t appear on my site if it doesn’t take care of porn. So, yeah, you can look forward to a little bit of everything including plenty of porn, sex and nudity, soft-core and hardcore shit and other random stuff that will keep you thoroughly entertained. And how does interacting with other like-minded pervs appeal to you?...

Porn Forums
1 year ago
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Japanese Mob Days

She laid on her back, her legs wide as his head dipped between them. She was holding herself up on her elbows watching him eat her pussy. It was an erotic sight, especially when he rolled his eyes up to look at her. His eyes locked with her passion filled eyes; the sight so exotic she bit her bottom lip to keep from screaming, her eyes dark from passion. He hooked his arms under her legs and pulled her closer to hungry mouth as he plunged his tongue deep into her center, her core. His tongue...

2 years ago
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Never Too LateChapter 5

I woke early next morning with Jenny snoring softly on her back. My arm draped across her belly with the fingers of one hand resting on the gentle swell of her breast. Unconsciously, I toyed with the nipple, a plump stub of flesh that fascinated me until my mind suddenly allowed waves of guilt to wash over me. I groaned and closed my eyes as I realised how, despite the soul destroying scenes I'd witnessed at home, I'd fallen into the same trap. Jenny opened her eyes and placed her hand over...

1 year ago
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Revenge Best Served with a Twist part 2

After the whole thing with Brad, Annie walks back into the restroom, not yet ready to face her friends. She spends a few minutes crying, then taking a few shaky breathes, she starts to wipe my face and reapply her lipstick. Anything to kill a few minutes so she can regain her composure. She stands there taking a few steadying breathes, still feeling shaken from the whole thing, both from the pleasure but also the humiliation. She turns as the door opens and in walks the blonde. She looks at...

2 years ago
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That escalated quick Part 1 Five guys

"HOLY FUCK, you look hot," Sammy proclaimed. This is the first time I'd shown anyone how I looked dressed up as a girl. I'd chosen a tight, little black dress, modestly padded bra, stilettos and dark, but subtle, make-up. I've had plenty of time to practice applying make-up while home alone and had gotten pretty good at it. I'd also been keeping my body hair-free for a long time too. "You know," she continued, "I could probably give you you're fantasy?" I'd come out to her not long ago...

1 year ago
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BoundGangBangs Alexa Nova Samhain Slut

Alexa Nova is on location with her camera man Robby Echo, to shoot the next installement of her reality horror video blog. This Halloween, Alexa has chosen to investigate the story of Tommy Samhain and his band of sadistic surgeons. Although never apprehended, Tommy and his crew were known for carrying out acts of sexual deviance. Seeing the location where Tommy and his men committed all their perverted acts is making Alexa horny and Robby is more than eager to indulge Alexa in her fantasies....

3 years ago
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Aw Fuck MeChapter 14 Home

Did I actually say ‘engage,’ just before passing out? Returning to consciousness, I found there was none of the confusion of the other jumps: no blaring claxons, no spinning emergency lighting, and definitely no head injury. It was more like waking from a dream. Had it all been a dream? But then I was wearing this helmet, and I raised the visor to see more clearly. I had to smile to myself. I hadn’t fallen, and I didn’t have a head injury as I had before. That was all a plus. I heard...

2 years ago
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Guests part 2 Chapter 10

We continued with the idea of Monday through Thursday I would fuck the girls and Friday 5 PM the girls would  tie me down, ankles/wrists,  put the gag on my mouth and blindfold my eyes. Once again I was at their mercy. Although their mercy was my sexual pleasure. This Friday, as it was with so many other Fridays, the girls put a vibrating butt plug and I would go into this sexual pleasure that would have me thinking of sexual heaven. I do not know how long they were out but I fell them coming...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 876

Racial Profiling I was standing at the bar of Terminal C at Toronto Airport when this small Chinese guy comes in, stands next to me, and starts drinking a beer. I asked him, “Do you know any of those martial arts things, like Kung-Fu, Karate, or Ju-Jitsu?” He says “No, I don’t. And furthermore, why the hell would you ask me that? Is it because I’m Chinese?” “No”, I said, “It’s because you’re drinking my beer, you little prick.” This is compliments of J & B Hell Explained This...

2 years ago
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Golden Dragon a New BeginningChapter 6 Awakening

Jean couldn’t believe her eyes. Well, given the legends she could – but then again. What the fuck was going on. A petite Asian woman was going to town on that boy’s cock. It looked consensual, given the way his eyes were rolling back in his head. She was gorgeous, but surely way out of that boy’s league. They were sex demons for a reason, she supposed. Jean was perched in a vent above. It was starting to get uncomfortable, but she’d been in worse positions for longer, and besides, it was...

4 years ago
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My daughters friend

- Dear Milena…..where is Karem? - I asked wanting to buy time. - - I don't know uncle, she must have gone after some college man. Left me behind and now I'm bored. - Bored my eggs! It seems like you don't have a hand in this, my daughter is not at home, this brat is in my room. I have nowhere to go to her aid. And of course, even if I managed to get away she would still have a chance to scream causing some commotion fucking me in the process, not that she would. But I don't want to take...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Demi Sutra 24351

Trophies are proof that you’re the best, and Demi Sutra wants to the best. That’s why she’s meeting with Peter, her friend’s brother who’s a personal trainer. Demi’s done what she can to get her statuesque figure in shape for the body contest, but she needs a little more toning and fine tuning to get it where it needs to be. Peter’s more than happy to help her, but when he tells her the cost, including the discount, she’s dizzied by dollar signs. She knows he’s already about half mast after...

2 years ago
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my arab hijab wife with boss

Hai friends i am nico 35 year from Sacramento california , am working in softwere company ,i am white my wife is arab from syria she is 26 year, i given my wife to my boss...... my companies effect economic crisis , my boss protect my job, he is 48 year old man ,4 week befeore he saw my wife in my office and he told me, you ara a luky man you got a beautiful arab hijab wife ,and i am realy like ur wife, iam realy wanna meet ur wife and dinner with her ,ididnt say nothin,because of my situation...

4 years ago
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Going Dangerous

Okay, so I was pissed off and that probably wasn't the best time to suddenly accept an invitation to meet a stranger in a bar but frankly, I just didn't care anymore. My boyfriend was a no show for the third Saturday night in a row. He always had a good reason for it but enough was enough. We were on a downward slide toward a break up and the reality was that I had dressed up expecting a good time and I was stuck at home again. Well, no more I decided! If he thought I was staying at home...

3 years ago
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Masturbation Times Two well three actually

Introduction: A double-feature: a wife plays with herself day-dreaming about a recent adventure, and a girl wants to watch her brother jerk off I wrote two stories, each of which was slightly too short to be accepted for this site, then I realized they had a common theme (if masturbation can be considered a theme): the first one is a follow-up to The Second Weekend in August (Part 2), in which Susie fantasizes about what happened and what might have happened on Saturday night. The second one is...

2 years ago
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Faerie Wings Ch 03

Dawn was shining into the room, pooling on the soft white linens of the bed. Daisy sat on her knees, her long hair gracefully falling around her shoulders as she stared at the sleeping man. Daisy, that is what he kept calling her, and he was Falcon. It seemed strange to her to be assigned a specific name, but then again, there was very little about this big, new world that did not seem strange. But what confused her most were her own feelings, completely new and a little scary. When Falcon...

1 year ago
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My Mother and My Crush

So one saturday I was woken up by mother asking something that I didn't quite understand. But I agreed and a few hours passed and I heard a ring at the door. As I had done in the past, I acted as an usher to the gentlemen. I walked to the door, and slowly opened it, and saw a man of about 40 years asking if Tracy was there. Tracy was my mother, and I let the man in and watched him walk towards my mother on the couch. As I turned to close the door a foot caught the bottom and I looked...

2 years ago
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Spending Time With Mother And Friend pt2

My mom gasped as she saw my friend pumping his hard cock sniffing her fresh panties.He turned to her with his hard cock rubbing her thigh.He dropped her panties.She asked"What do you think your doing!?" He smiled then reached and grabbed her tits,my mother screamed "stop it this instance!!!"He then grabbed her turned her around and pushed her against the wall and started fingering her.As he did this I felt my cock grow and couldnt resist the urge to grab my own mothers panties and start...

1 year ago
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Ms First Tie Part Three

Saturday night. “Guess my name,” she replies playfully. “Hmmmmm, let’s see, Mary?” I say. “Nope,” she smiles and kisses my chest. “Martha?” I guess again. “Nope,” she smiles and kisses my lips. “Meghan?” I try again. “Nope,” she smiles, “You’ll never guess Gil. I’m too worn out to wait for you to guess.” M exaggerates an exhausted sigh. I playfully slap her bare ass and keep my hand on her ass cheek. “OUCH!” she cries out, and giggles. Her giggle does something to me. It embodies...

2 years ago
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White Wife Black Baby

I have something to tell you that will make you proud of me. My wife is a very fertile young lady, she has 1 k** from her last marriage and still has a hot body to die for. She has really light almost perfectly white skin. With bright lights on, you almost need dark glasses to look at her, her skin is that light. Both me and her ex are white also. Our story: We told my wife's doctor we are trying to have a baby together but she hasn't been able to get pregnant. He ran all the tests and both of...

3 years ago
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A Night at the Grand Hotel

Joe and Brian walked into the Grand Hotel on an autumn day. They had just eaten an early lunch, and they were eager to check into the hotel. Since they only booked a one night stay, they wanted to check in right away. They strolled up to a desk in the middle of the lobby. The woman behind the counter looked up at them and smiled. "Welcome to the Grand Hotel," the woman said before she took their reservation. "Have a nice stay. Everyone always does," she said to them as she...

2 years ago
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I was from Atlanta and use to living in the city but on occasion, I would take my little jeep up into the hills to drive around and have some fun. I was a small guy in size, only 5'4 and about 120 lbs and I haven't even had my drivers license more than a few months. I was VERY young looking even for a high school guy and I would get asked my age all the time.One day, I headed up into the hills just shy of the North Carolina mountains when my jeep started having issues, it was over heating and...

4 years ago
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Room Service

I suffer from a rare and little known neurological disease that requires frequent massage to relieve the pain. My job takes me to many cities and foreign countries and if I go more than two weeks without a firm massage the pain gets unbearable. I was at that point and needed help - quickly or I would be useless at tomorrow’s meeting. Since I was in a city I had not visited prior I was at a loss. Looking for a massage in a strange city was just inviting trouble. You were more than likely to end...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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Gaining a SonInLaw

Gaining a Son-In-LawWhen the phone rang it surprised Guy. It hadn’t rung in days, maybe weeks.He answered and a familiar voice said, “Dad, hi, how are you?”Guy was delighted. “Trish, my God, it’s great to hear from you. How are you?”She said, “I asked you first, but I’m fine.”“Me too. What’s new? To what do I owe this call?”“Dad, can’t I just call to see how you’re doing?”“Yeah, but what, once a year?”“Oh, come on, it hasn’t been that long. But yes, I know it’s been a while. But listen, I’m...

2 years ago
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Lorenas Double Pleasure Final chapter

After the wild threesome I had with Lorena and her friend Katherine, somehow, I felt I should compensate Lorena for the amazing night she had provided me with. One afternoon, we were lying in bed talking about things we would and would never do in our lives, and as we replied to our questions, I decided to ask her something."Would you ever have sex with two guys at the same time?"She looked at me suspiciously. Then, after a long pause, she replied."I guess that... If I like both guys, and...

College Sex
3 years ago
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A Ladys Home CompanionChapter 10

Well, at least one drug gang knew that we were after them. We met with Mr. Higgins to decide on our next move. We concluded that we were making an impression on the gang, so our best bet was to keep doing what we were doing. The gang probably did not know who was after them, so they really knew as little as we did. The longer we kept them in the dark, the better off we were. We hit those same street corners that we had hit twice before. This time, though, we were very careful to check each...

2 years ago
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The day we became more than roommates

I was living with this guy named Brandon we have been roommates for about 6 months now, Brandon was just over 6 feet very muscular and extremely good looking. I had no idea that he was gay until one afternoon I came home early and heard loud moaning coming from his bedroom his door was cracked open. I peeked in expecting to see him fucking a girl but to my surprise it was another guy I watched for a few minutes and then left, I got in my car and all I could think of was how I wished that was...

3 years ago
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Love Is Ch 03

As they passed the first village, they stopped for the horses to rest a bit before continuing on. Jeff seemed uneasy when they had gotten out, as though looking for someone. He laughed when she had told him this but seem reluctant to leave when they had resettled into their carriages. ‘Maybe he has a sweetheart in this village,’ Emma had volunteer when Kasey had passed her inner thoughts to her maid. They passed the second town without stopping and headed on to Greenwich. Greenwich was a...

2 years ago
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Crazy Shopping

Crazy Shopping By Kathi B. Johnson It was a long day at work. Mark stopped at the SuperStore to pick up a few things. He knew he needed some black socks and underwear. He was wearing his black business suit and entered the store. He began pushing his orange shopping cart around the store. Passing up the men's hosiery department, he soon found himself in the cosmetics section of the store. Slowly walking down the cosmetics isle, he was unaware of the clicking sound his...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 600

This is compliments of GEORGE You are going to have to think about this one!!!!! Two men applied for a job. One was a high school dropout, the other a college graduate. They took many tests and finally the HR interviewer called them both into the office and informed them they each had the highest score ever achieved on the companies requirements for employment. They were tied. The college grad spoke up and said he should get the job because of his education. The high school dropout said...

3 years ago
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My Daughters BFF

When we moved into town my daughter right away hit it off with the girl across the street. At the time they were both freshman and and since have done everything together.About two years after the move, my wife left us. It was now just my daughter, Mel and I. I worked alot and Mel learned to take care of herself. It seemed like every night I came home her friend, Bea was there. Which was fine. Bea and my daughter were very good looking girls. Both were 5' 6", brunette, and very slim. Bea had...

4 years ago
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Its My PartyChapter 6

Time: Saturday, December 22, 2018 1:49 PM Mark glanced at the time on his phone and frowned. Two and a half hours till sunset at most, and his earlier optimism for reaching the cars before dark was starting to seem ridiculous. But who could have foreseen a mall this crazy? “Certainly not me, that’s for sure.” Mark thought glumly. “Am I the best person to be leading this group? Fatimareminded me a while ago, not to make assumptions about this place. And did I listen to her?” He looked idly at...

1 year ago
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Guy at the bar

Sitting at the mirror, I put on my make-up, making sure my hair has that sexy bounce in the curls. I look at my figure in the mirror as I slide on the dress for the night and slip into my new Gucci heels. Looking in the mirror at this girl who is ready for another night on the town, I whisper aloud, “Will he ever come along?” The thought stays with me as I close my front door, ready to meet up with the girls for the night. Walking to the bar, we hear men whistling and howling at us; we giggle...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Family SecretsChapter 8

I walked into the kitchen expecting to see my brother but instead it was just my dad cooking breakfast. I sat down on one of the bar stool at the island. Just as I did my dad turned around and set a plate full of scrambled eggs and bacon I’m front of me. “Here you go, pumpkin,” he said. I grabbed a fork and dug in. “Thanks,” I mumbled between forkfuls. “Where is everyone?” The house felt empty on the way down to the kitchen. I’d figured since it was Saturday everyone would be up. “Oh, your...

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