Dinner for Two
- 4 years ago
- 27
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I was over at Paul’s place. I always found it kind of strange that even though he had his own place, we spent at least one night a week or so at Riverfront Park. Maybe because it was romantic, or because it was close to his work and half way between his apartment and my house. But either way, this night we went to his place.
I was bent over the seat of his couch, my knees on the floor and his cock sliding nicely in and out of me. My fingers were doing a lovely dance on my hard clit, and I was almost there. Finally I shuddered, and came. I was pushing my face into the cushion, my orgasm making me shiver with release. And I felt something wet and fat sliding into my ass.
I moaned, and thought he had licked his thumb and slit it into my back door. Anal was never anything I really considered before, but this felt kinda nice. I felt his fat thumb in my ass, the digit moving around inside. I moaned, and whispered that felt surprisingly good.
I felt his thumb leave, and his fingers reach under me, gathering some of the wetness leaking out of me with his fingers then spreading it around. Then they returned, and did it again. Finally he slid his cock out of me, and pressed it against my asshole.
I tried to loosen myself, and I felt him press. I felt the tip of his cock start to penetrate, and then all I knew is it hurt! It hurt way to much to be enjoyable, and I asked him to stop. And he started to pull out, and then pressed in yet again! I screamed, and tried to pull away from him.
He pushed again, and I could feel he was all the way in my ass! I screamed again, feeling my hole rudely stretched, feeling even bigger than any shit I had ever passed out of that hole. I then screamed at him to stop and pull it out, but he just kept going.
And I woke up shuddering. What the fuck? This time I did not wake up Gloria, she was actually curled up on the other side of the bed. And this was a bit unusual, because she was normally cuddled right against me. I took a deep breath, and started to relax. This was obviously one of the other kinds of dreams, because I never allowed Paul to fuck me up the ass. Not ever, not even once. Every time he tried to even touch me there, I pulled away.
And it is not that I hate that area. Guys could squeeze my cheeks, play with them, even kiss them. I found out that a finger caressing my ass cleavage, running up and down the soft skin in between my cheeks was a major turn-on for me. However, I wanted nothing lower. I had even tried it a few times a year when masturbating, either with a finger or once the handle of my hairbrush. Nothing, nothing but “Nope, I don’t want that!”
Thankfully sleep was not long in coming, and before I knew it my alarm was waking us up. We shared several kisses, then Gloria went to shower as I made us breakfast. I was eating my half of the french toast as Gloria came out, and when I finished I gave her a tender kiss on her with syrup covered lips and took my own shower.
We worked together in the shop until 2, and several of my regulars were saying how nice it was that I was back. I said that I had been spending a lot of time working with new distributors and with my doctors, but Gloria was helping me a lot. And they all had praise for how great she was in running things in my absence.
There were 2 people in the shop when it was time to go, so I kissed my fingers and pressed them to her fingers. She then brought them to her lips and did the return, which I again copied.
Down to the bunker, and a tram ride later I changed and dressed for battle. I still had the asps I had grabbed on Monday, and tonight I think I was going to need them. At 5:30 I climbed into the back of Di’s truck, and saw it was disguised as a FedEx truck. And in front of me was Blackie, and Clint was behind me. As soon as it stopped we hopped out, and Di ordered it to go to the Navy dock.
And we came under immediate fire. Blackie and I charged, as we heard Clint grunt in pain and Di take cover behind a nearby truck. I took several hits, but between Blackie and I we took out the Mafia guys with AK’s that had shot at us. Thankfully Clint had a high pain tolerance, and a high healing factor so he was still good to go. And my new armor was a bit worse for wear.
As we pushed west, we saw all the whores and pimps fleeing before us. But we largely ignored them, because it seemed like at every other corner there were more Wiseguys. Finally we hit the first massage parlor, and the backup crew was right on our heels. Clint and I covered the entrances as Di and Blackie went inside. Gunfire rang out, then a growl and scream.
Finally about 20 girls came out, and were hustled right into the vans. At least eight of them looked to be teens, mostly black and Hispanic. Di dragged out a body, the right arm missing. And Fang had a bloody muzzle. I called out “Good doggie!”, and he howled.
Next block, we found a pimp hiding in a car, three girls with him. All put in vans and hustled away. Next block we met of the first elements sweeping towards the river from the north, and they had pushed about 15 people in front of them. Hookers, pimps, and dealers separated and put into vans, we continued west.
Then some of the Wiseguys made a tactical mistake. We saw two of them, taking potshots at us from about 50 yards away, hiding behind some young hookers. I crouched and ran at them, Fang right beside me. I took a few bullets in the chest then extended and let fly my first asp as I was still running. It tumbled end over end, and hit one of them right in the forehead. I snapped out the second, and as I jumped over two girls I did a flip, smashing on the back of his head with all my might.
I can still feel his head shatter under the blow. two down, one permanently. All four of the hookers were from 15 to 17. Into the vans, sent to safety. The one I killed was their pimp, the other was his muscle. No fucks given.
Finally I could make out the lights of the Cockeye’s sign in the distance. Like a beacon we were heading right for it. Then one of them let fly with a fucking molotov cocktail! I got some splash on my arm and it hurt like hell! I ran through the pain and saw he was on the roof of an apartment. I whipped out another asp and let fly, hitting him in the leg. He fell three floors to the ground, and crunched when he landed.
Clint and I covered the doors again as Di and Blackie went inside to secure it with help from Vision, a guy that had x-ray sight. Three more bad guys pulled out without a fight, and 30 girls! At least 10 were minors. Apparently this was one of their rooming houses. Thank you for being idiots! If they had not attacked us we would have just passed it by. But by attacking we had “probably cause” to enter and clear it.
Then I heard a car engine rev up, and the screaming of tires. I turned around just as a large red SUV with a light bar on top plowed into Blackie! I saw her go flying and crash into a parked car. And then it was driving right at me! I started running at it, then right before it hit me I jumped into the air and aimed my feet at the driver. I felt my body hit then pass through the windshield, and saw my feet connect with the driver. Face crumpled, and head snapped way too much to be natural.
I climbed out of the car just as the paramedics were arriving at Blackie. I watched them check her over, checking vitals. Then they pulled a packet from one of their bags and were putting a sheet over Blackie.
Then I got mad. And it was not just anger, I think I actually went more than a little insane.
The final five blocks were a blur. I had images later of bodies, blood, and Wiseguys finally falling to the ground in surrender. I finally became aware that the other element was already there and waiting for us. The club was secured, and the girls were all sitting in the parking lot, with the men that worked there sitting next to them in zip-ties.
And Sarge was giving totals over the radio. We had six KIA, and 22 wounded. Blackie, and two guys from Security, and three from the CCPD were among the dead.
Bad guys, 55 KIA. 75 in custody to be transferred to the Navy, 112 others in custody. And another 140+ hookers.
And 102 children! Apparently one of the places the other team hit was a staging area, and had 35 girls and boys being held. With the guards often taking turns on them, trying to make them compliant and accepting of their future “jobs”.
I directed Security to start loading vans and taking the strip club girls to detention. And for some reason, there were too many girls for all the vans, so a second trip was needed. I even sent some of the girls to the West Side detention area.
By then the head of Security for the operation was there, and asked why I was doing that. “They are not involved, they will be released tomorrow.” I ignored him, and finally the last van was full and driving away, nobody noticing that one girl was left behind.
Kim came up and hugged me tight. Then she gasped, and started to cry. Then hugged me even tighter, as Di came up and hugged her from behind.
Clint was walking up looking puzzled, and I said “You done good Flinx, time to come home.”
We were sitting inside the club, and Control agents were pouring over everything. Kim went and grabbed a bottle of scotch and poured us all drinks, saying “Just settle up your tab at the bar as you leave.” I raised my glass, and once the rest were up high I said “To Paladin Blackie, she gave her life to help others.” Everybody echoed the toast, then threw their glasses at the bar once they were emptied.
“Bo, you need to know this. You got Roberto.”
“We did? Where in the fuck is he, I want to interview him personally.”
“You can’t, he’s dead. The guy that hit Blackie, I saw it. That was Roberto driving. You crushed his face and broke his neck, he’s gone for good. And that is the good news. The bad news is that Paolo is still out there. He was doing a pickup of heroin from the triads at the time, and I can guarantee he’s gone to ground.”
Fuck! “Does he have enough clout to bring the organization back together?”
“Nope. He’s only half Italian, the other half is German. He is not a made man, he is only an associate. Nobody will follow him other than his own crew, and you snagged most of them tonight.”
“OK Kim, you go to Control and go to ground also. Guys, we are hitting Chinatown tomorrow night.”
As before, we headed to Sister Clarissa’s. The mood there was both celebratory, and somber. Nuns and children were scrambling to process all the new children. I looked at the new building, they were working on the third floor. And I sank to my knees and started to cry as I saw the sheet of plywood propped against the front with spray painted lettering.
Sister Francis came up behind me and rested her hands on each shoulder. “When we heard the news, we took an immediate vote. And it was unanimous. We can never repay what she did for us, but we can show our thanks and gratitude.”
I continued to cry as I read the sign again. “Paladin Blackie Memorial Dormitory”.
She would have loved it.
I held Alicia for a while, and sat in a chair in the cafeteria as she sat in my lap. I felt her hands stroke my head as I cried. I was both glad I had killed Cavallo Pazzo, and mad that I could not rip him apart piece by piece. I had only met Blackie a few times, but she was a fine lady and a great hero. We would all miss her. Finally, I had regained control, and Alicia was asleep in my lap. Sister Francis broke the rules as she let me carry her upstairs and tuck her into bed.
She then blessed me, and I held her tight. “Bo, you have now saved over 150 children. And there are more raids to come, right?”
I nodded. “We are going to clear every district in Compass City. Every single one before we are done. Expect a lot more kids, we are going to take them all out. But I did not save them. Blackie saved them, Clint saved them, Di and Fang saved them, it was a huge team effort, I was just part of that team.”
She nodded sadly, and blessed me. “You know, you seem to be completely unable to ever accept praise. You either deny that you do anything, or you pass all of the credit off to others. That’s admirable, but it’s also so frustrating when I try to thank you. But go home, grieve, and hold your girlfriend. You need her most of all tonight, I think.
As I left the home, I realized I was numb, and simply pressed the button on my phone for my car and walked outside to wait for it.
For the first time, I did not drive home. I just sat there and let the car do all the work. I was sitting in the garage for several minutes before I realized I was even there. I walked into the shower fully clothed, and when I looked down to kick off my boots I realized the water pouring off of me was tinted red.
All of my clothes went into a wet pile, and it took ages until I felt clean. I picked up the wet clothing and dropped them all into the large trash can in the garage. And naked I took the tram home. Gloria moaned when she saw me, naked and still damp. “I heard baby, I am so-so sorry,” is all she said, then enfolded me in her arms.
At some point she must had taken me to bed, because I awoke sometime in the night with her sleeping next to me. I was able to fall back asleep, and finally awoke as daylight was just starting. Chris walked into the living room naked and turned on the TV.
The first report was on the life of Blackie. The number of people she had saved, her arrest record. That her identity was secret, but it was believed she was an immigrant from Panama or Columbia. She appeared for the first time a little over a year after the Night, so some believe she took advantage of the blanket amnesty all Paladins shared once they registered.
I did not care about any of that, all I knew was I lost a friend. I had only worked with her a few times, but I was actually looking forward to doing so again. And she was so gentle with the children she helped us rescue.
Gloria finally joined me, and I did not even notice what she made us for breakfast. All I know was I ate it. The news was reporting the death of Ricci, and at least three of his top leadership. Over 70 were imprisoned by the Marines on the Navy ship. They then reported on the first children being moved into the first floor of the Paladin Blackie Memorial Dormitory. I cried again, and they talked about having so many children rescued this time that the original building was over capacity.
Finally I snapped out of it enough to go to Gloria and hold her tight. Thankfully my burns had already healed, and we held each other for what felt like an hour. Then I softly kissed her, then changed. “Where the fuck are you going?” she demanded.
“Baby, we’re hitting Chinatown tonight.”
“Tonight? You are not taking a day off?”
“Paulo the Punisher was reported to be in Chinatown. We’re going to try and put him down before he tries to escape.”
“OK, I understand. But you better come back to me, you hear me!”
I kissed her again, then went and got dressed. This time the only kevlar item I had was the knit cap, the rest of it was largely destroyed in the fighting the night before. But I did not care, I was going to stop that bastard no matter what.
I had just opened the garage door, and saw Elijah standing outside. He ran up and handed me a note then took off. I opened it and read.
P the P is in the Golden Dragon Apartments, top floor, Penthouse B. He has heavy firepower.
I saw red. Fuck Control, fuck everything. I told the car to drop me off 1 block away from the Golden Dragon Apartments. I took a photo of the note, and just as I was pulling in front I sent it to Di. I then put my phone in airplane mode. There was no way I was going to risk her trying to talk me out of this.
I carefully walked to my destination, staying in the shadows as much as possible. Finally, I was there, and the back stairwell door was locked. I shoved my fist through the steel door, then opened it from the other side. Then I carefully went up the stairs, floor by floor.
I had just opened the door to the penthouse floor, when I heard a loud boom and my right side erupted in agony. I fell to the ground behind the wall, but knew this was of little use. The gun he was using would go through a cinder-block wall like it was paper. Then I heard a voice yell out.
“Why am I not surprised that you are such a stupid coon that you would show up here alone! I have no idea how you found out where I am, but my cameras picked you up before you even got to the building, asshole. And my guys are blocking the exits, you are dead!”
I know that voice, but from where?
I got as low as I could and peeked around the corner, all I saw was a blonde-brown haired head poking over the top of what looked like a room service cart. I pulled out an asp and quietly stood up. My side still hurt, but I held it in my left hand and as I jumped to the other side of the doorway I let fly. I heard Paolo scream, and then another shot, this time through the wall, barely missing my head.
“Come on nigger, I can play this game all day! Come on out and fight me like a man, so I can send you to fried chicken and watermelon hell! I’m gonna fuck your ass up!”
I jerked at that. I closed my eyes and thought of what he said. And what I saw of him as I had opened the door, then jumped across the doorway. I closed my eyes, replaying what I had seen. Slender build, about 5’9”. A face I realized that I knew very well, along with the rest of him.
“You say you gonna fuck my ass up, you Kraut-Wop bastard? Is that gonna be both of us, or just me?”
“I know you are alone in there Bo-coon. I watched you come in, you were alone.”
“I grabbed one of the girls from downstairs. She was in a room, and I brought her here because I wanted at least one person to see me put you down!”
There was a long silent pause, then I heard him yell “I don’t give a fuck. All that’s down there are Chink whores, most barely even speak English!” He then fired another shot, barely missing me as he shot through the wall again.
I closed my eyes, pulled my last asp out of my pocket, then changed. I stepped out of my clothes, and stood there a moment naked. My right side still hurt.
“Paul? Is that you?” I called out.
“Who are you? Are you the whore he grabbed?”
“Paul, I loved you, did you never love me? Why did you run away from me that night?” I yelled, trying to keep from crying. “Why did you leave me all alone?”
“Who the fuck are you?”
“It’s me, Christina!”
I took a chance, and stepped around the doorway. Asp hidden behind my back, naked. “Why did you leave me baby, I thought you loved me! Do you not love me?”
“Chris, oh it is you! What are you doing here?”
“I was staying on the floor downstairs. I had just gotten out of the bath when I heard the noises and tried to get away, then this big black guy burst in the room and grabbed me and told me to follow him! He said he wanted me to distract you, but then he got hurt, I think you shot him. He is hurt bad, the last shot hit him in the head I think. He’s just laying there.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes! Please, can you protect me? I have been so alone for so long. I want you to protect me, I need you to protect me! Please, make me safe again, baby! Please let me come so you can take care of me.”
I could see his face, he was a little confused, but he was also listening.
“Baby, I will do anything you want, just take care of me. Get me away from that nigger and you can do anything you want with me!”
I took several more steps closer, I was now just 5 feet away. “Anything baby, just keep me safe. Take me out of here, protect me, and you can have all of me. Can you give me a place to live? I live in a horrible little apartment, if you are here you can take care of me, right?”
I was now three steps away. Then two. Each one agonizingly slow. This time I looked down at my feet, and forced myself to think of what I was about to say. And I think my body responded with the blush I wanted.
“Paul, I, I, I will even let you do me in the ass if you want.”
“Chris, really? I can fuck your ass?”
“You can fuck anything you want, just protect me. The world is evil, I want you to protect me from it. I know you wanted to fuck me in the ass, if you take care of me you can do it. If you let me be with you I will never refuse you anything ever again.”
I was now a foot away. The muzzle of the gun was behind me, impossible to shoot me with it now. I took one more step, almost in front of him now, then when I put my foot down I screamed! I screamed like I was in horrible pain.
“Chris, what’s wrong?”
“Glass! I think I stepped on a piece of glass! Oh it hurts baby, it hurts! Get it out, please get it out!” And of course he bent over to see if he could take it out of my foot.
And I swung with all of my strength. Hitting him in the base of his skull with the asp. I heard the crack, I felt the shock through my arm and hand. I saw him hit the ground, out cold. I looked, his ears were bleeding. I changed and then staggered back to my clothes, and painfully got dressed again. I moved back to Paul, and knelt down. I pulled out a zip-tie, and saw his eyes were still open. I pressed my fingers on the side of his neck.
Well, if he was ever going to fuck me in my ass now, it would only be in hell. And I was already realizing that I was gonna make up a lie for how this all ended. I was not about to ever admit that my power to influence mutants to do what I say was what I used as a tool to kill somebody. And that it not only worked when I was Bohica, it also worked when I was Chris.
I took the phone off airplane mode, and it rang immediately. “Bo, don’t you dare go in there alone! Backup is two minutes out, I will be there with Fang in five. Where are you at so we can meet up?”
“Di, target is down, KIA. Bring medical, I got shot but I should be OK in a day or so. Oh, and we need to update the file before we close it. Paulo the Punisher is, or I should say was, born as Paul Muller.”
Di was pissed when she arrived, but I expected that. The medic examined my side, cracked rubs and deep bruising. He put my arm in a sling and told me to take it easy for a day or so. When Clint arrived with Sarge, they both whistled as they saw what I had been shot with. Sarge walked up and asked one of the CSI technicians to eject the magazine.
“Bo, that would have killed almost anybody else it hit. Even I would have been hurt bad if that thing hit me. That is an M82.50 caliber sniper rifle. And it’s loaded with black tips. That means armor piercing. It that had hit a regular person it would almost rip them in half. This guy was gunning for you hard.”
I nodded. “Yea, it’s gonna be impossible to test now, but I bet we share some of the same powers. Strength, and at least partial invulnerability. That is when I realized I had to take him down with a blow to the head. I guess I just hit him harder than I expected.”
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I did know that I would be wearing restraints all day long. I did not expect – though maybe I should have – being woken from a sound sleep as he laced my arms into a binder behind my back.We had discussed what would be happening. Sort of. On our planning day a couple weeks ago I probably asked a hundred questions or more, but the activities he had planned were a surprise, so I had to try to cover everything. We hashed out dozens and dozens of little specific details. What he was allowed to do...
BDSMCassie Fire would do anything to get Nick Ross’s attention. She starts by putting on a sheer bra, makeup, and boy shorts. Then she struts into the bedroom and does a striptease for Nick’s pleasure. When that still doesn’t get Nick to put down his book, Cassie goes to plan B: She crawls onto the bed and slips her puffy lips over her guys dick. Once Cassie finally has Nick’s attention, she crawls up his body and slides her creamy snatch down onto his long fuck stuck. Her...
xmoviesforyouMary was just hoping that the jar of seeing his family would be sufficient enough to bring him back. Finally she saw that the Rear Admiral had left Abrir Oculta heading toward the imperial planet. Opening a channel Mary needed a progress report, "Rear Admiral," she started slightly startling the bridge crew, “Did you have any problems?" "Uh no, by the way what do I call you?" Hartwell asked Mary. "At present my current title is imperial advisor and head law holder. Also I am at...
The crowd in the club was all made up of girls! I traipsed dizzily behind Anne, looking around with wide eyes and letting her guide me towards one of the round cocktail tables, where we hopped onto bar stools. She saw my surprised stares and giggled. “Took you long enough to notice.” I pouted. “Everything’s happening so fast. How is a poor little country girl like me supposed to take it in all at once?” I made a gesture of desperation, and Anne caught my hand in the air. She pulled it to her...
BDSMI Can See For Miles By Tyrone Slothrop Author's Note: This is the fourth Angel story and he needed lots of help for this mission. Even when I threw in characters from my previous work into the mix, we still needed more. I then reached out to other authors who had created heroic figures with a similar purpose. You will see a series of works attached to this story, all launching off the same assignment detailed in chapter 20. I can tell you we had fun doing it- Tyrone...
Things rested on the razor's edge after Daniel's death. The sponsors at the school wanted it to be over. After a mad flurry of test-drives, a lot of them had a full complement of concubines. My classmates urged me to complete my choices so the remaining sponsors would make their final selections. Most of the county stayed inside at night as Earth First and Pranay's playmates escalated hostilities even further. The difference between the two groups was in tactics. Earth Firsters killed...
The interview was going well.The questions had all been handled very well. The interview panel had nodded in all the right places, all her right answers.Apart from a few glances down to her extremely short skirt (Jo did feel like maybe her stocking tops were maybe just visible beneath the hemline of that skirt…) everything was just fine."So, all that leaves me to ask is… er, can we see those tits?” The interviewer calmly stated.She was slightly taken aback. Did she hear that correctly?“Yes. We...
We just moved into a new neighborhood and I was standing in the bedroom looking out the window when I saw the women next door fucking her pussy with a dildo out back by her pool. It looked like she had a huge dildo in her pussy and she didn't know anybody was watching. She fucked herself for a good five minutes I had to stop watching because my wife came in to the bedroom, she looked down at my tent I had in my pants and said; take that big, hard cock out and...
The sun shone from a blue sky. She lay near the pool, visible to everyone. She was naked, of course she was. She was gorgeous, her dark hair shone. My eyes ran down the length of her body, her back slightly arched, as she rested on her elbows, her breasts resting lightly on her ruby red nipples, her back long and slender. Her bottom, a perfect peach, the cleft between her cheeks slightly parted, a glimpse of her sex, sphincter, below it, her pussy, swollen, the outer labia parted, her inner...
November 23, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio On Monday morning, just after breakfast there was a knock at the door. I got up from the couch and went to open it. “Phil?” “Hi, Mike. Can we come in?” “We?” “This is Mrs. Laramy from Family Services.” “Hang on a second.” I went to the kitchen to get my dad, who followed me back to the foyer. “Hi, Phil,” Dad said. “What’s up?” “This is Mrs. Laramy from Family Services.” “Mr. Loucks? I have an order here to take custody of Elizabeth.” “What?!...
It was a cool after noon, i was coming from kingston and heading home to my sweet sexy lady, who had text me earlier telling me how much she wanted some hot,nasty sex when i got home. I was sitting on the back seat of a bus and reading the dirty texts which made me super horny. As I reached my gate i text her and told her that her waiting was over. When i got inside I saw her in a nice black mesh lingerie. I quickly went to the bathroom and took a shower, as it is better when clean bodies fuck...
Tara was cleaning up the kitchen when Brock came back in the house. "Quite the domestic," Brock said. Tara knew he was kidding. She hated to clean. In fact, she had a maid service for her downtown apartment. "Up yours, Hotshot," Tara responded. "Seriously, I can take care of this," Brock said. "I'm sure you have other things to be doing." "Not a one," Tara replied. "Really?" Brock asked. "I'm doing research for a couple of analysis pieces I'm taping on Friday," she...
It was a hot day. I told my mom, “I'm going to cool off in the pool.” My sister, Jan, was already out there sunning herself.Mom eyed me over. “You know, Mark, that swimsuit of yours is getting kind of old. You should get a new one. I'll look online to see what I can find for you.”Mom and Dad divorced several years back, but the split was amicable. Jan and I stayed with our mother as Dad traveled a lot. Mom did well working as an executive in a local company. Jan and I each had jobs elsewhere. I...
CrossdressingI was driving us home after a get together with all of our friends at one of their places. We enjoyed ourselves as usual, catching up on the gossip within our friend’s lives, sharing in their new successes, and of course our own rendezvous where we would find a room of the house that wasn’t being used at the time for a little make out session. Sometimes more… but not tonight. You’re bent over in the passenger seat, your skirt hiked up showing off your lush thighs and wet panties, your head in...
Straight SexWhen Nelson woke up his first thought was to check his recordings. It looked as if his dad and Stacy will still sound asleep, but Amy’s room was a different story. She was sleeping now, but had left him a lovely recording. When she got back from her friend’s place the night before she undressed entirely and then gone into the bathroom naked. She had sat on the toilet and this time, with no jeans in the way he had a great view of her hairy cunt. His morning wood gave an appreciative...
I just graduated from high school a couple of weeks ago. I don't know what I wanna do with my life. I live in a small town that's not exciting at all. Just one mall, one movie theater, and no good clubs. One day I was in my room watching The Girls Next Door on the E! channel and it got me thinking. I want a life like that. A life where I can party with friends and just be myself. I was so facinated by sex. I mean like I'm still a virgin but it didn't look like I was. I had big 40 D sized tits,...
Erotic FictionMourning Routine She ran her tongue along the smooth skin as she stroked him. Her mouth pulled as she sucked her way up and then back down his length. Her mouth drew him deep and then deeper still into her. On her knees before him, she performed the task designed to please. Little drips of spit ran along him as she sucked on his member. Plopping noises as she drew back the large head coming free from her suction, she drew her tongue along the length and watched him shudder and look at her...
"It shouldn't have been that easy," Mike thought. "Something's wrong. What is it?" With Carrie gone to the Woman's Club deal, and with Webb at Rotary, they were going to be shorthanded in the back room, so Mike left Sally back at the shop once they'd finished with the Spearfish Lake and Albany River drops, offering to make the country run solo. At least no inserts this week, he thought. Even though they brought in part-timers to help with the inserting when needed, inserting on top...
She met her guide Eloa, because being only 19 and in a strange country. She wanted to be sure, she didn’t get lost and end up in a dangerous area. Eloa was 24 and your classic Brazilian beauty. 5’6”, 125 lbs, curvy and she wore clothing that showed them well. Chloe was very conservative and had never thought of being with another woman. But, something about Eloa, made her stomach jump. She just brushed it off, to being in a strange land and around unfamiliar people. The first days were as...
Being no ordinary reality show, these contestants were chosen for their sexual appeal and desire. With one million dollars at stake anyone on the show were willing to do almost anything to get their hands on that cash. "Today we have a new challenge." intoned the host. The winning team gains immunity, while the losers will be eliminating one of their team tonight. "Each team must pick a male and a female. "The male must lay on their back and maintain an erection for this challenge. The girl...
Straight Sex“Ladd, you stay here. I’m going to see if Dad has time to talk with you and me tonight. If he does, I’ll wave for you to join us,” Lilly Beth said as she leaned over in front of him before walking over to where her dad was. Eli saw Lilly Beth stand and look his way, then bend over to whisper to Ladd. When she started toward him, she was smiling. “Hi Dad. I hope you have a few minutes. I need to talk to you and I’d like you to get to know Ladd better. I really like him and he likes me too,”...
I met Brenda about 5 years ago on-line. We were both in a chat room discussing our favorite music. After a few weeks we went private and our conversations became steamier.Brenda described herself as a buxom woman in her late 20’s. She was married and her husband was a successful businessman in Seattle. Consequently they had little time together, so she ended up online a lot.I am 6’4” about 270, Basically a defensive tackle in a suit. I’m married also and I work for a large restaurant chain as a...
Vic knocked on my door, “Dude!” He yelled. “The pool will be filled tomorrow!” He could barely contain his excitement. “Make sure you let your cute, little lady friends know.” He winked his eye at me, then headed back down to the patio.“Hey Vic, I’ll be down in a minute,” I yelled down to him.Not much happens on this street that Vic doesn’t know about. I’ve been his tenant here for the last three years. I’ve got to know him really well. He’s come up to a couple of my parties and even got lucky...
CuckoldI am Sudhir, aged about 36 year and married for last 10 years, my wife Priya, aged 34 is a good housewife and does all her duties very diligently. She is bit fat with large body (large boobs and butt) to be played with and not very good looking, however she is very good in bed and crazy about sex. She is very horny in bed and she would need 2 men to satisfy her at the same time. I know I am not able to satisfy her since my dick is only 4” (when erect) and most of the time does not get erection...
Like most young men, I wasted years of my life obsessed with small waists and small asses. It wasn’t until I was in my mid-twenties that I learned to appreciate a woman with curves. Unfortunately, the woman I appreciated was off the market.Jennifer and I met online on a blogging site. The idea seems absurd today, but this was 2004 and the whole world wasn’t on the internet yet. It was easy for people in their twenties who shared interests to connect and develop a real relationship.It was a...
TrueQuasi Cielo (Almost Heaven)Forward: Thank You Lady C for the title and inspiration for this story, and for one of the best cups of coffee I have ever tasted. This is all fantasy as much as I wished it could be real, it is something that can never be, only in my mind. Whether it was drug induced while I was in the ICU or something else, it still can never be. I had just gone through my annual CAT scan and MRI of my neck for a cancer problem from several years ago (All signs were gone and it had...
IncestIn the dingy motel room where my life turned around in such a short time is where this story begins but the beginnings of this story were many years in the past, a past in which dressing up, spanking, bondage, cocksucking, public outings and humiliation had occurred in bits and pieces. I was not so much a real submissive as much as someone who felt like it was edgy to see how far I could come to the precipice of my fantasies that aroused me so much without becoming trapped by them. In the end...
By Sunday morning I was almost glad to be getting rid of my niece. I guess "rid of" isn't the right thing to say but I didn't want to get in trouble and I really didn't think it was my place to take her virginity, even though I almost had a few times over the past two days.But she was such a doll! Who wouldn't be driven to distraction by her curly red hair, tight little tits and, now, hairless pussy! What a treat it had been to enjoy her youthful body, especially her tight little asshole! Yes,...
Several months later I was out to visit my cousin at college and on the way back late one night we stopped at a road side rest not to far from where I lived to go the bathroom. I went into the bathroom and realized there was writing on the wall with phone numbers and all sorts of smut...I wrote some of the numbers down. I went to a pay phone on night and called one of them and this deep voiced man answered on the other side. I said that I found his number and immediately he asked if I was a...
This story that came to pass in a certain city known as Tapalque, in the province of Buenos Aires , Argentina . The story includes myself and my female 65 yo, an adventurous partner. She also was my Italian neighbor at that time in that particular town. I've always lived in my hometown next to Ofelia's house. She appeared to have a gorgeous body, about 1.90 tall, ever since I first met her. She also had wide hips and, of course, a tremendous, gorgeous ass, like globes, impressive, the size...
AnalShe thinks I'm a hooker! Nicole realized, a few sentences into the conversation. She blushed, but the darkness hid her embarrassment, and the blonde didn't notice. "It's an easy trick," she said. "I've got this john upstairs who wants two girls, and that rotten bitch Daisy has fucking vanished on me. She was supposed to help me, but I can't find her. She's probably blowing somebody's dog for pocket change. She's such a cunt!" She smiled and ran her fingers up and down Nicole's...
"What do you think of us now? Do you still want to be our friend?" All I could do was nod my head up and down, letting her know that I still did. Grace looked down at Jane's head and began caressing it, lovingly, satisfied, for the moment at least, and giving herself over to the pleasure of their shared intimacy. I waited a few moments, watching the two of them together, before getting up and taking off for the bedroom. I called Gerta, asking her if it would be too much trouble for her if...
Dieter was at the gym at 7:00 a.m. on Friday working out hard. The week had been a hard one. He wasn't a spectator type and it had been frustrating to sit on the sidelines. The weights he was lifting hurt, but he enjoyed the feeling of the strength in his muscles, the competence of his body when faced with the simple physical challenge.Friday watched him from a stationary bike across the gym. He was truly well built- he had a sense of how to build his body to pleasing proportions. He'd been...
ExhibitionismSilvia Saige walks into her living room to ask her stepdaughter Joseline Kelly what she’s up to. Silvia’s had a long day at work and wants to know how her day at school went. Joseline looks at her and responds in a bitter tone ‘What do you care?’ as she plays with her cellphone. Silvia walks towards her and sits down on the couch next to Joseline. With a sympathetic voice, she tells her that of course she cares about her. Joseline responds that if she cared so much she...
xmoviesforyouBefore I begin, I would like to thank all of you for encouraging me, and sending me your mails. I really appreciate it. This update is a bit longer than the others, and hopefully, you will like this as well. Enjoy! :) Mom stopped her paper correction work for a couple of days, and since it was my holidays, I too took a break from studies. It had gotten increasingly hard for us to keep our hands to ourselves after that night. Every night mom and I would be in each other’s embrace, kissing and...
IncestDave and Reba were good neighbors. Over a period of several years, we got to know each other very well and on occasion, we’d share a dinner on the patio or a stew of some type whenever it was chilly outside. Dave and Reba had kids but there were older teenagers who were often very happy to be gone from the house and doing their own thing.Sammie and I were parents of a three and five-year-old, so we loved to hear the war stories from Reba and Dave. Reba was a kid lover and she volunteered to...
SwingersAs a Wall Street attorney, I have to dress the part. Believe me, if it was up to me, I'd wear jeans and polo shirts all day everyday.Please let me introduce my self. My name is Kevin Provocante. I am 30 years old and just over 6 feet in height. I have black hair which I keep short to maintain my professional appearance, and I have green eyes. I keep in shape by working out probably three times a week, plus a good run on weekends when I can find the time. At 175 pounds, I keep myself in pretty...
Sunday, May 1, 2005 (Continued) It only took a few minutes to get home, by which time Carol was VERY eager to get me inside. As soon as the car was nearly stopped, Carol was opening her door and demanding, "Come on! Hurry up!" "Haha. I'm coming; I'm coming. I'll just get the pizza out of the trunk." (I didn't bother writing earlier that I'd taken the pizza when I'd left the Williams'. You should know by now that there was no chance was of me leaving it behind. Julia had put it in...
My legs shook as I nervously waited in the Biology room near the window. My peach book bag was slung over my shoulder while I clung my textbook to my chest.“Are you waiting for someone?” I snapped my head up at Mr. Scott who was now standing in the doorway across from me. “Yes,” I said, snapping my head to look over my shoulder and out the window in an attempt to hide the blush that was creeping across my cheeks. I always got weak around Mr. Scott.“Might I ask whom?” I turned my head back to...