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Los Angeles, California. November 30, 2008
"It's not true!"
"What's not true?" the frumpy woman reporter asked, leaning close to the burly middle-aged actor she was interviewing on the TV screen.
"Evan Rachel Wood and I are not dating!" Mickey Rourke snarled. The former boxer's brown hair was sparse and disheveled. He wore a black leather jacket, white T-shirt and denim jeans. "Evan's a good friend, that's it. Tell that [bleep] wit who wrote that [bleep] in the paper I'd like to break his [bleep]-ing legs."
The well-dressed man seated behind the office desk clicked off the television. He then turned to the blond weasel-faced man in the gray suit in front of him. "Well, Gary, do you want to explain yourself?"
"I'm sorry, Mr. Pink," Gary Parker replied carefully. "I forgot Mickey Rourke had emotional problems. The source who told me about him and Evan Rachel Wood seemed plausible. I guess they weren't speaking truthfully."
"Maybe they were," Ted Pinkerton said with a shrug. His long curly black mullet shook as he laughed. "I've been a celebrity tabloid editor five years now, Gary. These people lie about their relationships all the time. Did you forget? You've been doing this longer than I have."
"I guess I did forget, T.P.," Gary answered, smiling. "Thanks for reminding me."
"No problem. Nadine, did you think Mickey Rourke was lying?"
"Maybe," said the plain brunette woman in the tan cardigan and slacks sitting next to Gary. Nadine Holliday pushed up her glasses and looked at the middle-aged hippie leaning against the wall beside her chair. "I really couldn't tell, though. Baxter, what about you?"
"Don't ask me," Baxter Page said. "You know I don't like to speculate about celebrities' personal lives."
"Come on, Nadine," Ted said. "You used to work for Weekly World News. Baxter, you were an embedded photographer for the military. I know you've both dealt with false stories."
"Yes," Baxter agreed. "I couldn't tell whether Mickey Rourke was telling the truth or not, though. I guess I'm out of practice."
"I never made up any of my reports for WWN," Nadine answered Ted's inquiry. "I checked my sources and avoided liars."
Gary frowned. "Nadine, I've read some of your articles. 'Benevolent Secret Society Runs the World'?"
"The Friendship doesn't run the world, Gary. They just try to influence it and inspire people to share knowledge, charity and freedom. They have members who are politicians, teachers, priests, doctors, even celebrities. There may be one of them sitting in this room right now."
"Nadine, your other stories can't be real," Baxter said. "What about your series on 'Living Stone Gargoyles'? Living stone gargoyles fight crime in London, Austin, San Francisco, Tokyo and New York City? Yeah right."
"They do. They're also hunting pirates in Southeast Asia."
"Why didn't you add that they were guarding the Amazon rain forests?"
"I heard rumors about the Amazon. I couldn't verify them."
"You want to believe that, fine. I don't though." Baxter hoped she would not catch the lie in his voice. "What about the story you did right before WWN went out of print? 'Descendants of Ancient Chinese Heroes Re-enact their Ancestors' Greatest Deeds'. Are you sure that wasn't just live action role-playing?"
"Yes. I've also interviewed aliens, Bigfoot, Bat Boy and the Loch Ness Monster. They're all real. I get my copy by letting controversial figures sell themselves and being nice."
"Wow," Gary said. "Hard to believe WWN folded with all your intrepid journalism."
"The other reporters used to call me 'Nutso Nadine'," his opposite replied with another sigh and adjustment to her spectacles. "They preferred to make up their articles. I have to say, though, that I've encountered more phony stories since I got into celebrity tabloids than in all my seven years at WWN."
"They could be true," Ted said. "They attract readers. That's why we print them. Whether they are real or not doesn't matter. Do you actually think Mickey Rourke should be seeing someone like Evan Rachel Wood?"
"No! He's almost three times her age! I agree we should discourage them. Is it real, though? I know Evan and Mickey just did a movie together called 'The Wrestler' but I thought Evan was dating Marilyn Manson!"
"She was until a week or two ago," Ted replied. "Our agency has heard conflicting rumors about their split. Some say Evan's brother Ira was living with them but Manson kicked him out for rent delinquency. Others say Manson was abusive towards Evan and tried to get her hooked on crack and heroin. Then there's this Rourke thing. Evan herself says the breakup was amicable, but is that going to sell?"
"I believe Evan, not the gossip," Nadine said. "Unlike Mickey Rourke, Marilyn Manson has never been in jail for intoxication or assault. Manson lives the role of a Satanic cardinal, but it's all an act to get attention. He's really an okay person."
"That's not what I've heard," Gary countered. "Manson has had two divorces and most of his fans' parents hate him. Religions dislike him also. Even I can't stand the man."
"Well, too bad," Ted inserted himself. "I have a new job for the three of you. Gary, TMZ loved the series you did on Evan and Manson. Nadine, they think the way you got Rourke to deny Gary's story about him and Evan was great too. I'm putting both of you on the Evan-Manson breakup. Find out what's really going on with that couple. Baxter, you're their chaperone."
"Excuse me, sir, but I don't think this is a good idea," Baxter said. "Manson doesn't like speaking to the press. We've handled his divorces very badly. Evan may not talk to us either. She's been saying she and Manson are taking some time apart to concentrate on their work. Gary's source was no longer an insider in Evan's life and he was very bitter. Evan described him as desperate and selfish. I think we should back off from her. She deserves her privacy."
"The heck with that!" Gary said. "This story is great! Baxter, tell Ted who our source on Manson and Evan was."
"I can't, Gary. Remember how he asked us not to identify him?"
"Come on, Baxter, we're free agent tabloid reporters! Who says we have to be ethical?"
"Why don't you do it then?" Baxter glared at Gary and mouthed the words "Eliza Dushku".
"Never mind," Gary said. He turned from Baxter and looked towards Ted. "What do you want us to do, Mr. Pink?"
"Manson is having a party at his Beverly Hills home tonight," the editor answered. "Evan should be there. The three of you will infiltrate and get some footage with these hidden cameras." He took three small devices out of a drawer and put them on the desk. They consisted of tiny microphones and lenses disguised as mirrored buttons. Hair thin wires connected them to small batteries and flash memory drives.
"Whoa," Nadine said. "Spying on people like this is illegal."
"We do it all the time, Nadine. I used to work with the Pelican before I started this agency. He was the famous private investigator who covered tabloid stories and celebrity divorces."
"Yes, and now Anthony Pellicano is in federal prison."
"So don't get caught," Ted told her with a shrug. "You do want to keep your job, right? You need more seasoning, Nadine. You can't get celebrities to give you the real dirt by being nice to them. Right, Gary?"
"Hell no, boss," Gary replied. "I've been trying to teach Nadine that. She disagrees, though."
"Is this true, Nadine?"
"Yes. I've found that people treat you better if you're respectful and don't put words in their mouths. I acted that way with WWN and it got me many good contacts."
"Well, I need you to tone it down some. You're going to work with Gary and learn to be different."
"On this Manson thing? Ted, are you sure it will profit? The print tabloids are sick of Manson and they think the Evan Rachel Wood story is over for now."
"Well, TMZ thinks otherwise. Harvey Levin wants us to examine it further."
"May I interject?" Baxter asked. "I read the Enquirer a few days ago that Evan is dating Joseph Gordon-Levitt now."
The editor shook his head. "I checked into that. They're just friends, it's not yet serious. You know how the Enquirer likes to amp things out of proportion. Can the complaints, people. If you don't want to do this, I'm getting someone else." Ted made an odd gesture at Baxter and then waved at the microphones. "Sound department assures me that these work fine. If the worst should happen, you can press this button here and erase all data recorded on the flash drives. I trust that won't be necessary. I have arranged for you all to have invitations with phony names and costumes so you can enter the party. I'll pay double your usual fee if you grab something good."
"That would be great, Ted," said Baxter, who had recognized the gesture. "But what if the wrong person spots us? Mickey Rourke knows Gary's face and byline."
"If he's there, you better avoid him. I don't want any confrontations. Get one on tape if you can't get out."
"What about Manson?" Nadine asked. "I tried to interview him last Monday and he started lecturing me before I could ask the first question."
"Let Gary coach you on that. He's great with religious nut-balls. Did you see him interview Kirk Cameron on Friday's TMZ?"
"Yes, but..."
"Nadine, loosen up," Gary said. "These guys make it so easy for you to crucify them before the world it's laughable. I could feel Kirk handing me the hammer and putting his hands in place on the cross while I pounded in holes."
"Gary, I don't like being mean to people."
"Get to like it," Ted ordered. "You're in a different industry now. Are you all free tonight? Can you do this?"
Baxter frowned. "Um, yeah. I just need to make one phone call."
"Gary? Nadine?"
"Sure, T.P.," Gary said. "You had me at 'well, too bad'."
"I guess I'll do it too," Nadine said. "It's not like I have a date or anything." She sighed, hoping more than she bargained for in getting into celebrity journalism was not waiting in the wings.
"Oh yeah," Evan Rachel Wood moaned, pushing her plastic stake harder into her loins. "Oh!"
The actress was tossing and turning on a bed, her nude body the one spot of color against the black sheets. Her pale skin and pink nipples shone in the room's dim light. Evan's limbs were long and firm, her muscles tight after the years of martial arts training she had undergone in adolescence. She still practiced and kept herself fit in the present. A scar on her belly was the one obvious flaw in Evan's perfection. Her pussy was shaven with a very prominent clitoris. Long waves of ash blonde hair fell about her beautiful face.
"Oh!" Evan hissed again as she jilled herself with the stake. Her other hand was roaming over her torso in pattern, pinching her nipples and tracing spirals on her chest and belly. Just over twenty years of age, exercise and experience showed in her movements. Evan's pale blue eyes stood wide open in her cherub's face as she approached orgasm. Her mind ran rampant, meditating on her past and current circumstances.
Since age twelve, Evan had slept naked and masturbated to orgasm upon awakening almost every morning. She liked to get up in the early afternoon now but there was no other difference in her resting and rising practices. Her ritual helped Evan steel her heart for the challenges she faced each day and remind herself that life was not all about pain. There was so much agony in Evan's world.
Evan had been involved in acting since childhood. Her parents owned a theater and she found her career there watching the people on stage. When she joined the theater's casts and Hollywood talent scouts in the audience noticed, a stream of film roles soon followed for Evan. She wowed fans and critics alike in movies including "Thirteen" and TV shows such as "Once and Again". It was known in the film industry that if you wanted a beautiful troubled teenager with a twist, Evan Rachel Wood was among your best cast choices. Evan took to her roles with relish, not caring about their repetitive nature. Performing was something she wanted to do.
Sex was also something she wanted to do. Her parents had grown up during the sexual revolution and continued it into the modern day. The Woods took Evan to a private camp called "The Pines" every summer where nudity and swinging were very much in evidence. Evan watched the people there with fascination, feeling both thankful and jealous as they left her out of their tantalizing activities because of her youth. At age twelve, things altered when all of a sudden Evan's newly awakened hormones overwhelmed her. Now she was clearly able to identify what she wanted from the gorgeous naked bodies she saw around her each day. However, she still could not achieve it.
People avoided Evan because her body was not yet fully developed and they were intimidated by her movie star status and precocious wisdom. Evan was attracted to a pair of Pines regular families named Hughes and Coulter, but all their interesting boys and girls failed to notice her attraction. They were too busy settling each other's urges. The same was true of all the other Pines patrons. Evan's adolescent yearnings constantly lit a fire under her loins and she was forced to satisfy it herself. She also researched sex heavily at libraries, wanting to know as much about it as possible when her time to have it came.
When she was cast in the TV drama "Once and Again", Evan was exposed to many concepts most shows about teens deemed too radical to explore. Divorce, sex, drugs — "Once and Again" depicted everything. Evan longed for real experiences to mirror her character's scripts and was frustrated when no one wanted to help her out. Then the third season arrived.
Mischa Barton, another young actress, arrived on the show to play a new love interest for Evan's character. The network executives wanted a ratings rise and figured putting in a bisexual teenage relationship was a good idea. The stunt did not work as well as hoped. Even so, Evan and Mischa still found themselves fascinated by the concept. Mischa had enjoyed a childhood like Evan's and starred in three foreign films that explored sexuality among teens. She was not innocent with either sex and was ready to show Evan all she knew. Evan was a very eager pupil.
Evan continued to find lovers among her co-stars as her career progressed. "Once and Again" was canceled and she split from Mischa, but then came "Thirteen" and Nikki Reed took over. Evan was shocked by the depths of the other teenage actress's fetishes and depraved mind. Soon she was open to and captivated by almost any sort of sex. The fact that she had yet to lose her heterosexual virginity was no concern. Evan knew she wanted boys as well as girls. Her role in "Pretty Persuasion" taught her much about manipulation and she entered her next film intent on seducing every cast member who drew her eye.
After an intense day of getting to know her and each other, Evan's fellow "Upside of Anger" actresses Keri Russell, Alicia Witt and Erika Christensen succumbed to Evan's advances. Their male co-star Dane Christensen followed a few weeks later. The discoveries that Alicia was holding back her own bisexual desires and that Erika and Dane were both flexible swingers despite being part of a controversial repressive religion added spice. Keri also taught Evan many new fucking techniques, learned through a maturing process similar to Evan's own.
Erika introduced Evan to a London nightclub called "Inside Out" and it was there that Evan met her first serious boyfriend. Jamie Bell was a young English actor who starred in the dance drama "Billy Elliot" and several other films. Evan already had a huge crush on him before they met. Finding out Jamie had a similar attraction to her incited their relationship. Erika and Inside Out's owner Doug Ramsay tried but failed to keep Evan and Jamie from taking things too far too fast. Both were over-eager, Jamie in particular since he was still a virgin. He was scouting the Soho dating scene trying to find someone worthy of being his first sexual partner. Evan was thrilled at Jamie's choice of her and gave him her heterosexual virginity in exchange.
They dated for nearly three years after "Upside" ended, traveling back and forth between England and the United States. Their couplings remained passionate as Evan matured and her mind expanded further with her continuing sexual research. Evan loved Jamie, her friends from "Upside", and many other people. In 2006, Evan got bored with Jamie, finding him no longer interesting. He was also quite possessive of Evan even though they had enjoyed many threesomes with Erika and other girls. This upset Evan and she finally left him. After the split, Evan looked hard for a different person she could love as much.
Memories of the older man she found came into her thoughts and her self-stroking increased in fervor. Evan squeezed her breasts hard and pushed the stake deep into her pussy, imagining it was Marilyn Manson's dick. The stake was much wider and longer than that organ, but it was still a good image. Evan breathed heavy as a tide of lust swelled under her skin.
Evan met the Gothic rock star Marilyn Manson at a Los Angeles nightspot named "Tech Noir" as she looked for a new mate. He was friendly towards her and disproved many of her preconceived notions about him. Evan had enjoyed Manson's music in the past, yet the public image of the man himself bothered her a bit.
"I am the Anti-Christ Superstar!" Manson told the world. "Be like me! Bow down to me! Fuck me!" He put out similar themes in his music and other work. Teenagers and college students cheered at Manson's homilies and entered the Goth culture to their parents' dismay. The press regularly swamped Manson with rumors about kinky sex, drugs and other indignities, increasing his infamy as the rock star refused to deny anything. He also appeared to ignore the scandals' other effects on his life.
"I've been engaged twice and married once," Manson told Evan when she asked after he bought her a drink at Tech Noir. "Both my wives were very kinky and in love with me. They couldn't take my lifestyle and reputation, though. Rose found her desires going in other directions. I was too much for her and being with me was hurting her career. I let her go before we even got married and now she's with some famous director in Texas. I'm told he has the same sexual preferences I do but he's not watched by the press as much. I've also heard gossip about a mansion in Malibu where Rose hangs out with other women. I don't know how true that is. I've never been invited to the place, nor do I know any man who has."
"What about your second wife?" Evan asked, enthralled.
"Dita and I are still married," Manson admitted. Then he held up two fingers an inch apart. "It's this close to breaking up, though. I try to keep things open but she only wants me for herself. I don't want that. She also wishes I would give up this whole persona." He indicated his leather pants and jacket and his long black hair and white-painted skin. "Dita forgot this is what made her fall in love with me in the first place. I don't get her anymore. Divorce will happen as soon as one of us finds someone new."
Evan went home with Manson that very night and his marriage ended a few weeks afterwards. Manson was very interested in Evan as a sexual partner and a person. She liked how he lived as himself without shame. From Manson Evan learned more kinks than she had ever known existed. Manson also aided her career growth by casting her in his music videos. All throughout, he stood by her side and listened to her dreams. Evan was shocked when Manson told her he was more in love with her than he had been with his wives. It didn't matter that she was half his age and they lived different lifestyles.
"You are my twin," Manson said. "You inspire me and make me long to fornicate with you. I want you in my life forever."
For a time, Evan also wanted that. Then she observed that all her friends were distancing themselves from her. None of them was interested in getting to know Manson, reviled by his infamy and the image he exuded. They accused Evan of turning into the same type of person. Evan disbelieved at first.
"Come on!" she tried to tell her friends. "I'm just in love. Manson's a great guy. It's not like I've been bitten by Dracula or possessed by the Devil!" No one listened to her. Even Erika, Evan's most tolerant girlfriend, turned away from Evan when she asked Erika to join her in Manson's bed. She grew isolated more as time passed and complained about it to the only one who would still listen.
"Never mind your friends," Manson told Evan with a strange tone in his voice. "They may be beautiful people, but if they don't like me, too bad. You want me, Evan, right? Forget them. Stay with me. I will give you everything."
Evan embraced Manson's words and allowed herself to drift far from everyone but him. She tried not to let her new closed world get to her. Manson was always there, soothing her horny body and uneasy mind.
"Oh yeah," Evan breathed, clawing her cleavage with long nails as she recalled one of Manson's favorite techniques. She stabbed her clit with the stake in the same motion, clenching her jaw and throwing back her head. Recollecting the changes in her life filled her thoughts with further joy.
Then she got to the recent developments and felt disappointment. The press became more interested in Evan than ever before when she began dating Manson. Evan had to work hard to avoid their attention. Fans took the opposite tack. "Why are you with such a weird older man?" they asked Evan. "Aren't you afraid of him?"
"No," Evan insisted. "I love Manson. He loves me. Accept us, please." Her fans turned away, shaking their heads just like her friends.
Movie producers did not follow this lead. Evan retained a strong independent film career and continued to wow critics as she picked and chose her roles. She preferred scripts that intrigued her and did not care about awards or money. Her true fans and friends would always be interested in her no matter what, Evan believed. Manson was such a person and supported her. She was content with that.
Evan's confidence was only on the surface, though. She was anxious inside, dismayed by the consequences of her new love life. Everyone but Manson saw her as a stranger now, even her own family. The press kept lampooning her too, making up rumors that Manson would not prove wrong. Soon it even affected Evan's work relations.
"You're a fascinating young actress," the Oscar winner Michael Douglas told Evan when they starred together in "King of California" and developed mutual respect. "You're perfect for your role in this film and I am certain more great parts lie ahead of you. You remind me of Erika when I first met her in 'Traffic'. You're someone whose talent can only grow. However, you need to ditch this rock star you're dating. Staying with him can only hurt you."
Evan rejected this advice and continued seeing Manson. "It's my choice," she said when asked why. "I know what I'm into and it's not as bad as it seems. I can live my life. Let me be who I want to be." Fans and friends alike continued to disregard her pleas.
It wasn't until her last movie, "The Life Before Her Eyes", that Evan found someone willing to give her sympathy. Uma Thurman and Evan were playing older and younger versions of the same character and this encouraged them to get very close to each other. They didn't sleep together since Uma was not into women, but Uma did give Evan much advice.
"Just live," Uma said. "You control who you are and where you're going, not anybody else. If you let them dictate your life for you, that's one thing, but you're not doing that. That's good. If you like Manson, stay with him and let it develop. Sooner or later people will get used to you. I've seen it myself with all my failed relationships and years of celebrity. You need to unwind and take things as they come, Evan. You didn't think fame would be that easy, did you?"
Evan smiled and quoted "Kill Bill", her favorite film of Uma's. "For a second or two, yeah, I actually did."
Settling down for a while, she resumed her enthusiastic relationship with Manson. He was happy she was with him but also seemed distressed by something. Evan probed and learned things she had never known. Manson admitted a cocaine habit. It was a rumor the press had long suspected but never been able to confirm. Manson had hidden it from Evan as well. "I'm getting off it now," he said. "I love you and I know that as someone who's performed in multiple anti-drug films, you wouldn't want to be with me if I continued doing cocaine. Therefore I'm quitting, Evan. I'm quitting for you."
Evan was overjoyed by this, yet disturbed that Manson had kept it from her. She helped her rock star through his withdrawal, using techniques from several Narconon texts Erika had given Evan over the years. Manson had been in rehab before but did not want to go again because of increased press attention. He asked Evan to aid his self-therapy instead and she agreed. Evan didn't want Manson getting hooked on some other drug while he got off cocaine and she also wanted him to find and face the causes of his addiction. Evan was knowledgeable enough about "cold turkey" drug-kicking techniques to use Narconon for this and separate the Scientology aspects from the programs. Evan was tolerant of Scientology, thanks to her friendship with Erika, yet she knew she did not want it as a strong force in either her life or that of her greatest love.
Narconon worked very well for Manson, better than all his prior stints in rehab. Thanks to it, he kicked both drugs and excessive alcoholism. A doctor attended Manson throughout, monitoring him with regular physicals. After three months on the vitamin and exercise regimen, his health was restored. "How did you know about this stuff?" Manson asked. When Evan told him, Manson demanded to meet Erika. "I want to thank her." Evan rejected the idea, believing Erika detested Manson. Then she remembered someone else she hadn't talked to in a while, Erika's brother Dane.
Dane and Evan were lovers no longer. She had stopped seeing him after his exit from acting and subsequent arrests. Upon contacting Dane, Evan was surprised to learn he had recently broken up with her older brother Ira. She always knew Ira liked guys and girls but he had kept his relationships mostly secret from Evan even as they acted together in several films. "I was forlorn," Ira explained when Evan asked him about Dane. "He was fun for a while. Then Dane got into his church and met this weird woman and he didn't have time for me anymore."
Evan called Dane back and invited him to visit her and Manson. She told Dane what she had done to help Manson and he was pleased. "It's good Narconon worked for you," Dane said. "It doesn't always succeed since you have to stick with it on your own and not be turned off by its closeness to Scientology. But if you are able to manage the program, you will never touch drugs again."
Invited to visit, Dane re-entered Evan's life and brought his friend Jessica with him. Evan was shocked when she met the Scientology cleric Jessica and her vile followers. Together with Jessica and Dane, the latter trio of nasty bull-baiters personified every horror story Evan had heard about Scientologists. The fact that Evan had never before known anyone like them worsened things. Evan was terrified beyond all reason that Dane was with such people.
As she visualized them, Evan shivered. The Wicked Witch's theme from "The Wizard of Oz" had played in her mind when she first saw Jessica and now it did so again. Jessica wore a black skirted suit and had her dark hair in a bob surrounding huffy wide-mouthed features. Evan thought her voice might be hypnotic if one did not already know the things it espoused. Her hazel eyes appraised the world and found it wanting. It was unnerving in particular that Jessica's left eye did not seem to follow her right. Evan conjectured that it was glass.
Jessica's snow-white skin and looming heavyset figure might be beautiful if not for the ugliness within them. Her three fat, short and lean minions followed her like an entourage in their bright-colored coats. Dane came along as well, a stocky young man with a hangdog face and a dark buzz cut. Jessica had a black falcon with her on the first day too, but Manson asked that she leave her pet outside his house and Jessica did not bring it again.
The group of Scientologists spoke much to Evan and Manson when first they visited, pleased that they had found success in Narconon and offering further church programs. Manson turned them down flat. "I got off drugs without all this," he said. "I don't want or need any of it. Thanks, though. No offense."
Evan's reaction was more confused. "Dane, I've been your friend and Erika's for five years now. You've never approached me about joining Scientology before. Why is it necessary?"
It was difficult for Dane to answer and he looked away whenever Evan brought up Erika or the rest of his family. Jessica and her three followers — by this time Evan had learned they were brothers named Feshbach — interposed snide commentary and scripture, irritating Evan further. Evan grew bothered by these fanatics and Dane's simpering acceptance of their presence. At one point she cussed out them all and threw their literature at Dane. The group admonished each other for their attitudes, then left. Evan and Manson were certain their self-reproach was false.
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MatureChristy Love is sorting through some laundry when she stumbles upon her stepdaughter’s panties. She’s about to put them in a pile when she stops, noticing something peculiar. Upon closer inspection, she realizes that they are wet, though doesn’t seem annoyed or disgusted by it at all. On the contrary, she appears… overjoyed? With a glimmer of excitement in her eye and a pep in her step, she scurries out of the room with the panties in hand. A few moments later, Christy...
xmoviesforyoumy first masturbation was when i was around 11 or 12 years old...somehow i ended up watching angelina jolie's original sin ... and i observed a strange sensation in my dick for a few days while watching the same scene... i wanted to do something about it badly...and finally one fine day when nobody was at home... i was watching the same sex scene from original sin movie.... i opened my shorts and started to play with my cock....aaaaaaaah it felt so good... i kept caressing it more and...
Frank was reading; sitting in the large front room of the near empty lodge in front of a cold, dark fireplace. The morning sun glistened brilliantly through the East windows, a few branches swaying in the outside breeze causing long-fingered shadows to move back and forth across the floor. He looked up as the double-wide front doors opened. Two couples entered, the bright sunlight shining on the hardwood floor and dancing amid the shadows of the people entering, then vanishing again, limited...
Lt. Tracy Parker crawled through the air vent from the power room of Aziz's compound. The way was gritty and grimy. As she crawled, her stomach, breasts, legs and arms became black with the dirt and filth that had collected inside the vents over the many months since the construction of the underground hideout. Enough light filtered through attached duct-work to light Tracy's way as she made her way towards what she knew would be a room close to the area where the bomb was suspected to be...
Hi this is venkat from Srikakulam. I do not want to waste your time. straight away going to recent incident of my sexual encounter…I am 42. but people think i am 35, well built, smart guy. I do not boast of 7 inch lund. but i am a sex maniac. I have several sex experiences with so many women. they all praised my manhood. my wife is a criminal lawyer, who also deals cases of family disputes. Recently, an apartment was built adjacent to my house. the watch man has a daughter who was married to an...
I figured we were now friendly enough that I could fondle her boobs, her very nice, firm boobs, as we stood there in the afternoon sun, chest-deep in the cool, shimmering water. "Why don't we dry off and I'll show you the rest of the pool area?" she asked and we got out and dried each other off. Then she took me around and showed me the hot tub and the outdoor bed that was under a canopy of trees. She held my hand as she got on the bed and I followed her. I laid back and enjoyed the...
I made the first time happen for me during my sophomore year in High School. Although I was sixteen, I stood only four foot ten and weighed ninety pounds. Most boys treated me like their little sisters, patting my on the top of my red head and cracking short jokes. Although I was short, I was well built. Some guys in computer class had gotten a hold of the band uniform list, and published the measurements of all the girls in school. In addition, they made a computer model of me at five...
Hai friends! It’s me jitu, back with my experience with a marvadi babe. She is my neighbour & both our houses were just behind each other. One can easily enter from my house to their or their house to mine with out notice of anybody. So, first let me explain about her. She was very equal to bollywood heroine rinkie kanna but, was more height than her. Her figure was very sexy with 36-26-34. Her age was about 30. She was very close to me because i use to take her to her parents home when ever...
By: Landbahadur Mai aapko apni life ki aise story bata raha hoon jo mere alawa kisi ko nahi pata. Mera naam Raju hai, meri umar 28-saal hai, height 5’10” hai aur mai healthy ladka hoon, hum log bihari hain. Friends baat aisi hai ki meri ek mausi hai jo meri mother ki apni cousin sister (chacheri bahan) hai, mausi ka naam Babita hai, unka umar 35 saal hai aur body sexy hai, unke body average thi chuchiyaan bade-bade, kamar patli aur gaand chauda tha, unki height 5’3” hai woh bahut gori Aur...
Goth goddess Alex Grey is lounging by the pool on an overcast day (her favorite kind), wearing smoking hot black lingerie over her creamy pale skin. Alex is a sensual sight to behold, so when Small Hands catches a glimpse of her, he can’t resist her charms. Taking Alex inside, Small Hands strips her down, sucking on her perky little titties hungrily. Alex sinks to her knees, gobbling his cock down, licking his swollen cock head with her pierced tongue. Alex is one fuck-crazed teen nympho,...
xmoviesforyouI’ve been living in the US for the past 16 years, but I’m originally from India, and for the past several years I’ve made it a point to go back and visit my family every winter when I have a month off from school. Its a pretty routine trip by this point, so I don’t think too much into it, and for the most part I know what to expect. A long flight, and hopping between two towns, staying with my aunt for a few days, with my uncle a few days, and switching back and forth. All the while getting in...
Bada-Bing! Bambino hit it big with his cryptocurrency investment and now he’s a millionaire. To floss his new lifestyle, he told his friend’s mom Richelle Ryan that he recently picked up some expensive Cuban cigars for her husband. Mrs. Ryan is quite impressed when she shows up at Bambino’s new chic bachelor pad and he’s dressed to the nines in a suit and surrounded by his riches. And now that Bambino’s no longer dabbling in child’s play, the made man is confident enough to admit that he, too,...
xmoviesforyouIt was less than two months later, a Monday night, December 21, 2009, 8:13 PM Santiago time. The thunder had been rumbling for hours. It was warm and sticky outside with frequent showers, but delightfully cool and dry in the house with the AC on. I was playing a game of chess with seven-year-old Isabelle in the play room. I learned chess early in life and loved it. I'm a U.S. rated expert, and played a lot in college. When Isabelle asked me to teach her the game during my engagement with...
Chapter 1 -- The Seed is Planted1This is the first chapter in the story of how I became a slave. Not in the traditional sense of the word of course, as I have a normal life with a job, a girlfriend, hobbies; I am certainly free in that sense. But unknown to my family and friends, I have sworn myself to serve a single master at his whim. Whenever he calls, I have to go to him and follow his orders, which are the same every single time. "Suck my cock, bitch". Yes, I am a cock slave. But let's...
Blame It On The MistletoebyIgnoble©It was Christmas morning and, like so many other families all around the world, the Ferguson's had risen early to meet it.Still dressed in her bathrobe and carrying a steaming mug of coffee, Polly made her way slowly through the house as she tried to shake loose the cobwebs. Why was it that the older one got, the earlier morning seemed to come? She chose to take the long way around her suburban home to give herself as much time as possible to wake up, but...
Doctor Phil had me in a small room similar to the larger one I was in earlier with the table. This one, the table was more form fitting, and he gave me something to drink. He said the new nanites would be starting to do the reconstruction so he would put me to sleep. It would take about 30 hours for all the work they needed to do on me. The most time needed was to tone my body up and metabolize the fat in my body. During the time I was asleep they would implant in my brain all the skills I...
The story begins as I find you in the shower, you hadn't noticed me standing in the door as you washed your self. After a while of watching you, I quietly walk up and opened the shower and quickly push my hand between your legs. I stroke your pussy a few times then quickly slide 2 fingers deep inside you making you gasp and moan. You look over your shoulder to make sure it's me before you fully relax, bracing yourself against the wall, hands flat, as I finger fuck you from behind. Without...
Straight SexTime: Thursday, June 28, 2007 6:40 PM Melanie gave me a beaming smile. "Ah, a great dinner sweetie, as usual. And I really liked the floral pattern on the plates tonight." I smiled and nodded. "Okay to clear then?" "Sure." A second later all the dirty dishes and utensils at our table disappeared, gone from the universe forever. Melanie asked for some music. I locked her selection from our collection and duplicated the CD in the player. Talk about instant requests! I had the music...
Diana had barely made it outside the front door when the bottle of wine that had been forced down her throat came back up. She bent over as she continued to vomit the contents of her stomach over the ground. It took all 4 of the guards holding her arms to keep her upright as the Amazon experienced her first drunk. Her feet were constantly tangling as she staggered between them. Finally, the Captain had 2 soldiers release her arms and seize her ankles. The men then picked her up and carried...
"One last place," Heather announced, heading further out of town after yet another rack choked with chiffon and packed with petticoats. "This'll be the one. I feel it in my bones." She had to have the most optimistic bones in the universe. I gave my new cell another workout, calling Mom yet again with another status report and, ignoring Heather's protests, asking her to set another place at the table. "Thank you," Heather said reluctantly to the dinner invite. She had yet to call...
Great concert. My boyfriend had taken me out for drinks before this show at a medium sized place with a stage and large dance floor. In the back of the room where booths and tables. We had a table, but when the band started we got up to the "mosh pit". I felt very happy after all the drinks. We danced and had a blast. The floor got more and more people on it. I bumped into a lot of people while dancing. A couple of times I felt someone grope my ass, I guess that it was the alcohol, because I...
Ellen and I started dating and spending time together in the whirlwind surrounding our separate graduations. I had been accepted at several universities in California, but had decided, for a combination of reasons, to sit out a year before continuing with my studies. Ellen declared that she was finished with her education, and had no desire to traipse off to some university, giving herself with lustful abandon, to an army of drunken fraternity strangers, when she could stay right at home and...
Cooper was one of Jet's best friends, a seemingly eternally relaxed boy who despite being a bit short and always dressing in dark colors had a pretty powerful presence wherever he went. Part of this was the fact that despite multiple comments informing him of this, he insisted on wearing far too much body spray. However, most of this was attributed to his powerful sense of observation and his willingness to weigh in on the personal matters of friends and strangers alike, offering advice to...
Be sure to know what you wish for By Tvstar My Roommate and I had been living together for 14 or 16 months, we both had landed in crappy jobs that barely payed the bills, but we were having the time of our lives. The good thing about crappy jobs is that the responsibility goes down to a minimum and that's good for the sloth. We both had business degrees, but he had the job of a sales man and I was just an office clerk in the headquarters of a big department store. We spent most of...
Sophie woke up in a daze, her headache from the previous night had gone away, and she actually felt kind of good. She shifted positions in bed and immediately noticed a wet, sticky substance right in between her legs. She pulled the sheets down, and immediately noticed the source of the mystery goo. A giant cock. Right between her thighs, reaching all the way down past her knees, and accompanied by a pair of testes about the size of tennis balls. It was slightly flared at the tip, like a...
FetishJeanette Brennan felt Bob ease her robe off while they kissed. Understanding why she was in a bad mood, he was being especially gentle and cherishing. She just didn't think that it would be enough tonight. When she was naked, Bob broke the kiss for a scattering of kisses over her forehead. She got into bed while he lit the candle and turned off the light. After he was beside her, he gathered her into his arms and rolled so that she was mostly on top. He simply held her for a while before...
It was some hours later when there was a knock on the door. After Mrs Waxerman’s statements, Doctor Hooker had decided he needed to process all that his fiancée had said. His plan had been to leave his fiancées purchases on the table, bags unopened until later, go home, water his plants, and sit down to write. He had after all promised to dictate the list of body parts, various sexual positions and general colloquialisms he expected Victoria and her niece to use. Many of these he knew he’d...
we i was at a party at my friend's home and after midnight we drunk a lot and girls started getting wild,i went to the kitchen to look for something to of my female friends came there,(i'll call her E.),she is a very thin girl,with sexy legs..she had a short black dress,black pantyhose and high heels.i was against the wall and she came in front of me and put a hand on my trousers with a very perverted gaze, and told me ''what about celebrate new year?''she closed the door with key, went...
The idea of fucking her Dad again definitely turned Judith on. She was thinking about that in the kitchen, when Ruth approached her and Matt. "You guys should know that I also fucked Dad since I was 16, the year you went to college. We broke it off too, but I would love to start it again. That is, provided that I got to keep fucking Matt as well," she told them. "Well, of course, dear Sis! The one does not negate the other!" Judith assured her. "Wow, so your Dad and I will be getting...
Euro Girls on Girls recruited two of our most lust-filled lesbians for part 1 of this steamy 2 part swingers series. Legendary lover and bonified sex goddess, Kira Queen, and her friend voluptuous vixen, Candy Alexa choose to play while their men are away, and you simply must join the babes in the bed in this XXX premium porn picture. The voluptuous vixens really dive into each other and get dirty, lapping and licking between one another’s legs and savoring each other’s tasty girly...
xmoviesforyouIt had to be somewhere around three in the morning. It was quiet, except for the occasional page over the intercom or the sound of someone pushing a cart down the hall. Heather’s room was dark. The curtains were drawn and the only visible light came from the overhead fluorescents in the hallway. I had been discharged earlier in the day but was going nowhere without my wife. The sling supporting the cast on my right arm had by now rubbed my neck raw. Being right handed, I instinctively kept...
I woke early the following morning before it was light with Stephen sound asleep beside me. I’d asked him to stay, as he’d given me two more wonderful orgasms with his tongue and was well on his way to achieving my third when I cut him off short and ordered him between my legs for a nice slow and sensual fucking. He’d risen to the occasion so to speak, and over the next forty minutes or so I enjoyed a very reserved but purposeful ride with his thick cock well inside me, never taking more than...
She hated the long trip home, but it was always good to see her family. The two hour trip home always wore her out no matter what time of day she travelled. Usually her train companions were just business men and women in suits who were too busy reading things on their phones and ipads to make conversation, but on this trip one of her companions didn’t fit the business man category. She peeked out from beneath her eye lashes at him. God what a fine specimen he was! His head was shaven and...
Straight SexB for BellaMr B yawned as he stared at the clock. Another hour of exam supervision. What a waste of time. He listened to the room. The sound of the clock ticking over and the soft scratching of pencils going over paper. He looked out the window. Mrs S was coming up down the hall to relieve the other teacher in the room. Not like they needed two teachers here. It was only five girls who were sitting the drama exam. Mrs S quietly opened the door and walked to the other teacher whispered into his...
Having been told I have to attend a conference in London this weekend, I could say I wasn’t happy about it but figured I’d make the most of an all expenses paid hotel room for a couple of nights. Worst case scenario is me pleasuring myself in the room which is like most nights anyway. First night of the conference and there’s a big meet and greet for everyone to meet everyone else from the other regions. No one really my age but then again I’ve always had a thing for older women. I see you...
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** Into the Looking-Glass - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop A cursed mirror begins our trilogy of an evil, vain young woman's trip into the unknown. Ending somewhere between there and here, where the known and unknown intersect. Only to play itself out...
The waterfront welcomed me home to Fort Lauderdale. The house was just as comfortable as it was when I was there before. Without Catherine, who died saving my life, it just wasn't the same. I'd brought Nicole and Leslie there to try and get over the loss of Catherine, but it didn't do the trick, so I decided to try a dose of tough love. I would stay in the house alone until it felt like home to me. The summer is hot in Florida, but Fort Lauderdale is temperate, and the ocean breeze helps...
Nadia rested in her new room, naked. She loved the body Alene gave her, it was perfect, her hips almost as wide as her shoulders, her breasts firm and wobbly, her skin a smooth, welcoming canvas. The room lacked her touch, but she felt content with it, it was much larger than her former room, almost three times bigger. Next to her king-size bed was a drawer, Nadia opened it and took out the two rings, “I can’t believe the day finally came...” she said quietly and left the room. The living...
This was the beginning of the episode on oral stimulation, but obviously, some issues had to be ironed out as it started to become routine in loveplay. The greatest one of all to me was having to transform oral stimulation into oral sex proper, and that mean't "going all the way". We discussed semen, taste, etc and finally agreed that experiment was the way to go, and will come soon. We still enjoyed normal sex tremendously. The crunch came when a few months down the line, we were bogged...
She had long, long legs, encased in sheer black nylons, and she sat opposite him with her knees pressed to one side. Her inner thighs brushed lightly together with each movement she made. Her pencil skirt had ridden up and he could see the darkness of her stocking tops where he wanted to run his fingers. He imagined his hands over the rough lace stocking tops, working upward, a delicious friction, and then finding her smooth skin and the heat of her arousal. She caught him looking and he...
Although Lukas crossed her mind occasionally that day, on the whole Clara was far too busy to give him much thought. Between administering the valdir and using her own powers to help the sick, she scarcely had a free second to eat, let alone ponder the mysterious Maharian. Her work was rewarding though, and she saw with relief that the valdir was doing its job. It appeared there would be no more fatalities from this plague, provided she continued her careful observation and care. By the time...
Hi, Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Bangalore now. I am fair in color, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8-inch dick. This is my real sex story. My wife had been to the US on a project work with our son and I was living all alone in my house right now. My younger brother Ramu and his wife Rajini used to come to my house to have dinner with me sometimes. They were a happy couple with no kids even after 2 years of...
Incest*** This story is fictional any comments you may have I would love to hear them. My day planner read, Monday July 10th. (Job interview at 3:30 CellAir) I was feeling pretty confident and prepared. But felt I could use a new pair of loafers to go with my slacks. So I left my apartment around 10:30 and headed toward the Mall, giving me plenty of time to find the right shoes. The mid summer heat was already up to a balmy 87 degrees and climbing. After several miles on the freeway my car started...
Group SexAlcohol should not have been how it began. But we were heavy drinkers then. A shot for laughs, and few more after that, plus the drinks in our hands. Who were we trying fool? Swapping cigarettes back and forth and praying it might taste of our mouths. It’s strange how I didn’t think of a****ls until you touched me. That night, on the hood of the van. Your hands over my own and on my neck. A phantom now, I still feel it. In my mind, like a shutter on a camera. Capturing bits and pieces of...
Angela's clearest memory of that summer was discovering her awakening hormones were raging. Angela decides because it's summer she needs to send the girls off to camp and tell Andy she needs to take care of her step-dad herself. She remembers one night when she was younger touching herself underneath my summer pajamas. I was fascinated by the intensity of my feelings. A few minutes later, step-dad crept into my room, and I pretended to be as1eep. He rubbed my back for a few minutes, and I...
I had to go to School, and my Big Sister who had been my legal Guardian since my Mom and Dad died My Sister name was Laura, and mine was Roy. She then asked for a hug before I had to go to school, of course sis I say. “Ok” I say as I give her a hug, and she then pushed her tits into my chest. I even think I saw a nip slip, I then quickly look away. Then my Sister breaks the hug, and I go to school thinking nothing of it. I then think about this all day while I’m at school. I kept thinking to...
IncestI’d see you come into the café every morning for coffee unable to take my eyes from your body, your ass straining your tight faded low cut jeans, your tits stretching the various t shirts you wore each day, your long, dark curly gypsy-like hair hanging loosely past your shoulders. Our eyes would meet briefly before you went to the counter to serve yourself coffee. You would turn away, pour your coffee, glancing at me over your shoulder with your dazzling eyes then back at the white mug you...
Straight SexThe Seduction of KateMy wife and I had been invited to the wedding of a distant relative of mine, I felt I had to make an effort to go and represent my side of the family, unfortunately my wife had another commitment and was unable to attend, so I had to go on my own. I had booked into the hotel where the reception was being held, when I arrived I went to my room and got changed ready to go to the church for the ceremony, as I didn’t really know many people that were there, I sat by myself in...
My lady boss and I were at her mom’s place as we were about to get married. Supriya took me to her home, where her mom was all ready to welcome me into her house and her hole. Her mom, Rupali, welcomed me inside. As I was touching her feet for blessings, she kept pulling up her saree to tease me sexually. Rupali said, “Beta, Supriya must have told you what I need?” “Yes, mom.” “So, come with me, baby!” Supriya said angrily, “Mom, stop it. Fuck my boyfriend at night. Let us...
I texted Nicole the next day at lunch to make the waxing appointment, but I really needed someone to talk to, someone who's doing something this, or just understands. "Hiya trisha from salon. Thx 4 holding my hand. U were right he loves them." And a single pink heart emoji. "YaY!!! Come get nu set :)" "Waxing full body next thurs or after?" I texted quickly, just to not lose my nerve, and she was all business... "At desk now hold" she replied. I waited silently. "Thu Fri...