AfricaChapter 11 free porn video

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My ladies and I had a wonderful time being tourists in Paris. With three beauties, hand holds and arms draping shoulders, exchanged amongst the three, though Helena and I always remained in physical contact so Eva and Lindy traded, I got my share of envious glances. The bolder gentlemen even attempted flirting, especially with Eva. It never bothered me. It made me feel proud or at the worst confused that such incredible women had chosen me as their lover.

The exchange that ended Lindy's and my lovely shared shower earlier, accusing Nick of misrepresentation of my father's true minionship, didn't really bother me all that much either, but it did compel me to confront Snake as soon as we arrived at his suite for the evening's Tales.

"You lied to me," I said.

"About what?" he asked.

I wondered if he meant to say, "Which lie."

"About my father being Simon's and not yours."

"Are you sure?"

"Eva confirmed it."

"And you trust her over me?"

That threw me a moment, but I remembered the cause of the doubt. "Why would Helen want her clones impregnated by me if she intended them to be anything but Simon's?"

"You're asking me to figure out Helen?" he chuckled.

"You yourself consider her Simon's. You may have raised her, but she chose your enemy."

"Didn't you yourself convince me she's swaying my way?"

"Damn," I thought. "I'm arguing against someone thousands of years older than me." But I persisted.

"I think you know Helen's thoughts more than you claim. She's been your reluctant spy for millennia. But besides that, who chose me to impregnate Eva? I know you have no sway over her. I figure Helen wouldn't either. It could only have been Simon."

Snake chuckled. "It's a game we play, Simon and I. Don't forget Natasha and the way he tried changing the fetus's DNA. And what about that woman of his in San Francisco back in the 19th century. I managed to sway her, and he had quite a grip on her both genetically and environmentally. And what about Helen? You see how Naomi reacts when Simon's pawing at her brain."

"I think it has to do with your strengths," I speculated. "You know how to access Helen without her even knowing it, with subtlety and finesse which you have in spades, whereas Simon has a more blunt method, going along with his absolute arrogance. But in a way that very arrogance turned Helen in the first place. And that woman in San Francisco. You're a far better seducer. He seems to use the rapist method."

He grumbled, "Yes he does."

"So ... You're saying it's like a dare. I have given Helen's clones and Eva your DNA, and he's going to change the resulting genetic results to favor him."

"Kid, you're a stud. You got smart, healthy genes and powerful sperm. You're an impregnation machine. That makes you useful to him as well as me. But don't forget, all those women are Simon's. Eva is first generation along with being his angel. So their children..."

" ... will be more his than yours."

"Exactly. But it's a tease as well; maybe even a trap."

"You mean he wants you to try to go after them."

"Of course. An angel's child? Angelique's child? I don't think I'll be able to resist."

"What would make it a trap?"

"That I won't get into," he replied, his head subtly gesturing towards Eva while his eyes made brief contact with her.

I nodded. "So my father?"

"Call your mother."

"Would he even know?"

"No. But your mother would."

I sighed. "My mother would know whatever you want her to know."

"You think I have that much sway over her?"

"Don't you?"

This time Snake sighed. "I suppose I do, but I'm not big on such controls."

"But what about Helena and me with Eva?"

"What about it?"

I looked at Eva. She smiled at me. My heart skipped a beat. Such beauty. Such sexiness. So adorable. So perky. So bright. "Never mind," I said.

He chuckled. "Take your seat," he said.

I did, beside that exquisite blonde creature with Lindy on the other side of her on the couch, Miwa sitting on the floor between her legs just as Helena sat between mine. All were dressed in a comfortable and alluring minimum of clothing just like the rest of the angels. Seeing the diversity of races, the pinnacle of beauty for each, wearing clothing that only added to the sexy perfection of their bodies, never could get old.

Snake began to tell his tale.

A careful walk in the darkness, pairs of warriors separately approaching the southern African village with several minutes between each embarking and all in different directions, find no guards watching out for the enemy. A trap has definitely been set, but the plan works against its planners. And the quiet warriors, even if from different people, feel relief that murder of what would probably be at the least ambivalent guards has not been necessary.

Stealth and quickness prove to be just two examples of the exemplary nature of these warriors, the finest of the jungle people and Nick's clan. They also know how to kill with efficiency in a way that prevents any alarm from the victims. A shout will definitely cause problems for their mission. The blades used have a diversity of material, stone and wood and metal, but all have been sharpened to fine edges and cut through throats disabling the source for alarms.

Timing also serves their purpose. The invasion occurs about an hour before sunrise. Those that have made hostages of the villagers have fallen asleep, often in bed with the women they have raped. So two of these assholes, even when they realize the threat, too late to defend themselves but early enough to yell, albeit briefly, find no ears awake and receptive to their warning. Except for one.

The youngest hostage taker, and ironically the one left in command by his father, stumbles out of the second largest hut, the one containing wives and offspring of the village chief. His loin cloth his only clothing, it hides genitals wet with rape. Seeing strange men darting from one hut to another, he yells back at his second in command, the one supposedly guarding his uncle but who has gladly helped in his rapes, bringing the chief to watch the outrage and humiliation in horror. The shout awakens the man.

Immediately afterwards he watches two men, similar in attributes to the ideal warrior, leave the chief's hut and approach him. He takes a defensive position with his long knife, his proudest possession, suddenly more frightened than he has ever been, having never known any real threat to his life before. He has been well taught in its use, and bravery has been expected of him. Yet fear takes over and demands him to run. That those two majestic warriors, after glancing at him and looking past him, suddenly ignore him and enter the hut with blades ready, does nothing to allay his flight instinct.

But he takes barely a step before being enclosed in incredibly powerful arms, the one across his neck has a hand that squeezes his wrist until holding his blade becomes impossible. And then a man a year younger than him steps into his sight from behind him.

"Hello cousin," the young man says, smiling viciously. "The sick followers of your sick father have been dispatched quickly, barely knowing of their death. You, though, deserve worse." In horror, the rapist watches his cousin pick up his blade and measure its sharpness. "Very nice," the cousin says, sheathing his own blade and bringing the tip of the newly acquired one to press against the groin of his cousin, piercing the edge of his scrotum and the flesh beside his genitals before slicing upwards and cutting off the loin cloth while cutting him deeply. Grabbing the piece of fur, he stuffs it into his cousin's mouth before thrusting the sharp blade deeply into his abdomen. The Leader's first son loses all tautness in his muscles, including those that control his piss and shit, and it is a stinky sack of flesh that Salomé holds.

"Bring him to the central pyre, please," the young man asks Salomé.

Looking around, seeing her fellow warriors standing in front of huts no longer seeking hostage takers, she nods at him and at those warriors, who begin carrying the recently killed to the same location.

"I thought you wished to watch him die slowly," she questions the young man.

"I didn't think he'd stink so much," the bright teenager responds.

"Such is death," Salomé replies. "Especially such quick death as found in battle."

"How long will it take for him to die?"

"By midday probably."

"Good. Good enough."

They nod at each other and separate, Salomé carrying the dying young man to the central pyre accompanied by her two warrior kin, one bearing an older man with a wide, bleeding cut at his throat who, unlike his young commander, has ceased living.

When the youth steps into the hut, his eyes suddenly brim with tears. He chokes out curses at his cousin and his uncle through a tightened throat while cutting away the leather straps attached to posts at the top and bottom of the bed which have held his mother and her sister wife spread open and naked. He can't help seeing milky liquid seep from his mother's pussy and the reddened and painful looking orifice just below it.

Staring into her traumatized eyes, he tells her while cutting away the straps, "I have killed the monster, but he does not die. No, he suffers, and death will never come quickly enough for him."

She nods and only looks a little less traumatized.

By the time he has freed everyone, including his four siblings and his father, Nick has arrived in the hut along with his oldest uncle. His father kneels before Nick and scrapes the ground in front of him.

Nick sighs. "Get up, chief. We have too much to do for you to grovel."

"I have failed to protect my wives," the man mutters. "I should have seen my brother's malice and madness. I should not have let him and his men in. I should have never been ambivalent. I am weak."

"Nonsense," an unexpected voice responds, high, almost squeaky. The surprise in the chief's face makes Nick chuckle. "Your mad brother made your village weak, not you," Chintoo continues. "He extracted all your best warrior, including those meant for you and your wives' protection. Instead of protecting you, he made you vulnerable while keeping the best for his own protection. Some leader."

"Speaking of protection," Salomé says, having entered the hut seconds before, another bow from the chief annoying her. "Stop that. Do not bow ever again. You must show strength for your village. We intend arming them all, including your women and the older children. I know that is against your ways, but it has become necessary. Your defenses have been too depleted to do otherwise, and arming those who had never been armed before will surprise those who make it to your village. I and a young warrior woman will help train the women."

The chief actually laughs. "I only know one warrior woman who could do such a thing." Looking at his son, he sees the love and the embarrassment. "Myo is here?"

"Yes Father. She escaped her village just as I did ours, but with greater secrecy. Unlike me, I don't think the Leader even knew. Arm your wife and I will my mother and brothers and sisters. Show her how to stab and how to retreat from stabbing."

"Good," says Salomé, kissing the young man's head. "I must go help Myo." The chief chuckles again at his son's loving glance at her, continuing the glance at her departure. A second woman has entered his heart.

"Son, you seem to have a thing for warrior women," the chief remarks.

His son shrugs. "Who can blame me? She's amazing, and she's gorgeous."

"Won't Myo be jealous?"

"What?" Shaking his head, seeing his father's wisdom and insight preventing him from lying about a recently developing love between him and his best friend, he sighs. "I think she has found someone much more deserving of her affection."

"Impossible," says his father.

"He looks like Nick and Salomé, and he's an incredibly effective warrior."

"So you're both jealous," his father chuckles.


"Look to your heart, son," says the chief, bringing his sight to his first wife, his son's mother. The pain he sees in her eyes burns into his soul. He manages to finish his statement, "Feel the depth of love from a lifetime of friendship and imagine her having the same feeling."

He enters the bed, kneeling before his wife. "I'm so terribly sorry," he tells her. "I failed you."

Somehow the wife lifts her body from supine to kneeling before her husband, taking him into her arms. "You must be strong," she murmurs. "We must be strong. We must transform shame into anger and revenge. We must use the disgust and humiliation against them. We will tear your brother and his men limb from limb for what they did to us, to me, to you, to our village."

Nick chooses to interrupt the intimate moment. "Revenge will make you stronger, but only if restrained and calculating. Blind fury only makes you blind and foolish. Focus on your purpose, on not just defending against your mad brother, but in his utter defeat, on his humiliation. Success is the greatest revenge of all."

"And how will we defeat him?" the chief asks. "He does have a formidable army."

"We actually have two forces to defeat," his brother, the hopeful heir as leader, informs him. "They approach from two different places."

"The great village and our youngest brother's," the chief nods. "They are heading here?"

"They will arrive late this morning," Nick tells him. "But we have advantages he has no idea about. He thinks he will finish his supposed trap, but of course it will be the opposite. We will trap him. And even before he arrives, he will be facing what the hostage takers in your village have faced, the stealth of my warriors. Many will be eliminated before he gets close, murdered in their sleep. I have warriors already heading out to do this. And we know from your warriors where his favorites lay."

"Can you get to him?" the chief asks hopefully.

"I wish, but unfortunately no. Unlike the captors here, he is surrounded by vigilant guards, and too many to not set off alarms. Though a decisive assassination, it would be too costly, too dangerous, too much risk that it would be unsuccessful. Targeted attrition, perhaps not as effective as cutting the head off the monster, will definitely wound it significantly."

The chief nods. "But how do we defend the village?"

"We don't," Nick smiles. "Like I said, his trap has become mine."

The village en masse head in the direction Nick's spies and assassins tell him will be unlikely to be passed as the two forces move in to take possession of the village.

When the force from the main village enter the smaller one, anticipating battle after losing many of their best warriors mysteriously, they find the village empty, at least outside the huts. The fire at the center still rages, and the smoke has strong odor, but not of death. In fact the green herbs cast upon it hides the stench.

They find it soon enough inside the huts, where their former comrades lay upon pallets and under blankets, corpses only warm from the warmth of the day.

Not long after their disturbing discoveries, a supposedly triumphant force ready to finish things up, but unsettled as well from their own loss of their best warriors, finally walks into the village, the Leader near the front, always well protected.

Seeing the leader of the first force looking worriedly at him while standing in front of the chief's hut, he brushes the man aside despite the warning.

A familiar older man leans over his dying son. He hears his son murmur an apology to him. "Can you save him?" he asks the healer.

"No, Your Magnificence."

"Then go," the leader orders decisively. "Now! Let no one enter."

But even alone with his son, his mourning sobs become known outside the sticks and grass that create the door, an undignified, surprisingly feminine sound.

And that light door even lets the listeners hear the son plead for his death.

"I cannot," they hear their mighty leader speak.

Moments later, looking weaker than any had ever seen him, he topples out the door and grabs his most trusted guard. "He suffers," he tells the man. "He must not suffer any longer."

The guard nods stoically and dispatches the son, the only one to see his death.

Outside the hut, the Leader takes several moments to pull himself together. Finally he looks at his commander. But before he orders anything, he hears the telltale sounds of battle, yells of pain. Though distant, there are many of these yells so are easily heard. "Attack!" he yells, pointing in the direction of the noise, the direction from which he has entered the village.

Two forces converge into one and head towards the pointed way. Suddenly getting his sensibilities back, the Magnificent One realizes his error. "Wait!" he yells at the last of his men. He runs to one and pulls him aside. "Gather as many as you can and defend the village." When the young man looks indecisive, he roars his frustration. "Find a leader amongst you and give him my command," he says. The man nods and disappears within the mass of warriors. Finally a clump of them returns. "More," he orders the man being followed. The man nods and heads back, running into the mass.

Looking at his guards, he sighs. "Spread them out to the edges of the village," he tells them. "Make it known from whence the attackers come."

"But..." his most trusted one begins, the one who has killed his son.

"Only you stay with me," he tells the man, to the man's great relief.

Moments later, too soon for protection, the expected attack comes, and from all sides, excepting the direction of the battle, instead of one. The village's size makes a single direction unnecessary. Further surprising the Leader, it's composed of his people and not those of the jungle or of the God Warrior's people as he has been expected to see. Except for two ferocious specimens of the latter. In fact, they seem to be the God and Goddess in the flesh. And the thunderous, earth shaking roar emanating from the warrior god seems to prove it. He watches his warriors immediately tumble to their knees.

"Get up, damn you," he yells.

"If they do, they die," the God roars.

Though the promise proves true, those that do stand manage to kill as well, as does, more frequently, his own guards who have never fallen to their knees. But the villagers swarm. The fact that the Magnificent One realizes they are the villagers is the final surprise of the onslaught. At least half, and maybe more, are women. And though they can hardly spar well against his well-trained warriors, their anger seems to make their attack that much more vicious. And perhaps worst of all, their aim tends to be low, emasculatingly low. And they being women make his men hesitate to a fatal degree. "Kill the bitches!" he yells.

That command seals his fate. "No!" yells one of his better warriors, in fact the one who has brought back the warriors to fight the rear attack. The man immediately drops his weapon and kneels. "No," others yell, following his lead. Maybe a third left, those who do not join the rebellion soon lose their lives.

Meanwhile, as the battle nears its end, the tall, beautiful goddess with a young woman dressed like a warrior on one side of her, and his nephew, the son of the chief of this village, stroll towards him and his guard. The guard barely makes a defensive move before getting skewered by the goddess as if he had never trained as a warrior instead of being the best of them.

"Damn that hurts," says Salomé, rubbing her belly, but otherwise seemingly unharmed.

The Magnificent one looks at the wound closing up and at the bloody weapon in his dead guard's hand. He drops to his knees and bows, scraping the earth, his hand no longer bearing his blade. "You really are the Goddess Warrior."

Salomé chuckles. "Something like that. But I'm afraid your abjection comes a little late."

"Should I kill him?" asks Myo. "He's not blood."

"I killed my cousin," the young son of the chief reminds her.

"You had every right. The asshole raped your mother. But the gods may not forgive your soul for any more killing of your blood."

"But my uncle," the youngster spat, "left him with my mother. The monster begetting a monster knew what would come of it. He might as well have raped her himself."

Realization strikes the Magnificent One like a slap to the face, and fury replaces groveling. He grabs his weapon and rises, meaning to kill his nephew to revenge his oldest and most treasured son, the son he trained to be an even greater leader than even he has been.

An instant later, he finds himself lying supine on the ground, weapon somehow stripped from his hand which is held down by the goddess's hand, her butt keeping him from moving, feeling like a great weight on his abdomen. He sees her other hand holding the wrist of the female warrior which still holds a blade.

Both anger and sadness appears on the pretty young woman's face. "Why didn't you let me?" she muttered. "He threatened my..."

"I know," Salomé chuckles, the pause quite loud in what the word unspoken must be. "And I understand completely. But unfortunately, the asshole's more useful alive."

The handsome warrior who has been uncomfortably close to the chief son's love approaches them, but the chief's son becomes silently ecstatic when she barely gives the incredibly handsome man a smile, returning her gaze to him.

"Tie him up," Salomé orders. "In the same bed as his son. But make it quick. We need to return to the fight."

Beckoning a couple warriors of the southern clan, the handsome warrior suggests to Salomé and the two teens, "You three go on ahead. Your skills are needed for the fight." He winks at both youngsters who grin at his complement. "We'll be along soon."

"Good," says Salomé. "You come celebrate with us when it's over?"

"If it's okay with everyone," he responds, glancing at the young man.

"It will be," Salomé chuckles.

As they take off at a slow run, the chief's son asks Salomé, "What was that about?"

"How much do you two know of lovemaking?" she asks them.

"We..." the young man hesitates.

"We have only kissed and touched each other," says the braver warrior, the female.

"Is that true?" asks Salomé.

"Yes," the young man admits.

"But you're yearning for more."

"She ... I..."

"I think he's afraid, and maybe I am too," the female warrior says.

"Afraid of what?"

"He thinks I'll laugh at him or something. And I think I won't please him as well."

"Your lust for each other will end your love and, most importantly, your friendship," Salomé guesses.

"Yes," both youngsters respond breathlessly, less from the running than the speaking aloud of their deep concerns.

"But what if you had some training, like training to be great warriors? What if great lovers, with experience and talent, trained you like old warriors train the young?"

"But," the chief's son stammers.

Salomé chuckles. "Jealousy."

"He's so much more handsome than me, and so much more ... capable."

"But I don't love him," says the young woman. "Do you love Salomé?"


"You lust after her, and you're quite fond of her. I feel the same about him. But in the end, who do you see beside you in bed every night, making love, making babies?"

"You?" he says, too much of a question.

She slaps him on his shoulder playfully but with surprising power. It barely alters his course. "Are you sure?" she says with a grin.

"Absolutely. Absolutely sure. No question. You? You ... you want to be my wife?"

"Of course. A wife of a future chief, niece to the leader of our people. Who wouldn't?"

"So it's just power that you're after. You're just using me."

"They say power's an aphrodisiac. It would make me a very horny wife."


"I'm teasing. I'd be your wife even if you were a lowly soldier. Who else's would I be?"

"True. What with your teasing and your mean streak, not to mention you being a better warrior than any man. Every other man would feel threatened."

"And you don't?"

"I think it's hot."

"I ... do too. You don't know how horny I am, and it looks like I'm about to get hornier."

They were yards from the battle in full and bloody swing. "So afterwards?" asks Salomé.

"Expert training sounds good," says the young man.

"Yes," said the young woman, drawing her blade. "I can't wait."

Salomé chuckles just before the three of them enter the fray.

Demonstrating her capabilities, she has to be the only warrior able to fragment concentration into three equal foci, her two young protégés and of course the enemy. Both hands hold weapons, and at least one keeps its use as guard over those two, although they prove not to need it except for a couple times.

She marvels at Myo's quickness at both lunges and dodges, and the young man reveals both strength and cunning in his fights, moving perfectly in defending against thrusts and countering them with his own well-placed thrusts. Both also use two blades with impressive skill.

"I wonder if the chief would let me borrow his son as guard," Salomé wonders to herself, "along with that remarkable future wife of his. Their youth could prove useful in disarming future threats by greatly lessening expectations, always a great strategy. And they're both so fucking cute."

Not long after those thoughts occupy her mind, a familiar booming voice ends the battle. It makes Salomé curse, though, because its distraction threatens her two young friends. She has to suffer another wound to defend them both when they lose their focus. Her three quick kills end up the last casualties of the battle.

"Stop fighting!" Nick bellows. "Your Magnificent Leader has surrendered, no more Magnificent, nor Leader. Speak asshole!"

"Lay down your weapons. No more death on my behalf. Kwicknick speaks true. The most powerful god, the greatest warrior of heaven and earth, favors my oldest brother over me. I have misguided you, not heeding the message given to me with our various defeats lately. They have been through Kwicknick's hand, these defeats, through his command for my abdication. He has left me alive long enough to bring you this message." With that, the former Magnificent One shifts his body, even with bound hands, until the blade of the soldier, kin to Nick and trainer of a young female warrior, enters below his ribcage, piercing lungs and heart as the man collapses onto it.

"I thought you needed him, Grandfather?" Salomé asks.

"He wanted to die," Nick shrugs.

"You could have stopped him."


"Do you need his head?" asks the warrior, removing the bloody blade from the corpse.

"Allow me," says Nick, the warrior handing him his blade. Unlike anyone else except Salomé, he decapitates the man with little effort. Removing his fur shirt, he plops the head into it and ties up the bottom.

"You can stop gawking," says the young man to Myo.

"He's even more gorgeous than my warrior," Myo sighs.

"And a much more experienced lover," Salomé chuckles. "Unfortunately I avoid bedding down with my grandfather. Perhaps you two would prefer to join him this evening."

Noticing the plea in her best friend's face, and realizing the fairness of it, Myo decides, "Not necessary. Besides, I want to play with you, too."

"Good, because the feeling's mutual," Salomé grins. "You should know if you decide to learn from the master, there may be important consequences."

"What would they be?" asks the chief's son.

"He's very good at impregnating women. It's sort of his reason for being."

"Why's that?" asks a very interested Myo.

"His children, he can talk to them and have them do his bidding. He can do it without really talking. They communicate through their minds." Salomé taps her head.

"Would they ... be like him?"

"You mean like a god? No. They would be as mortal as you. But they would be healthy and more likely attractive, though that depends on the mother. They take on more of the mother's features, but would tend towards being more handsome or beautiful than her. They tend towards the smart side as well, but that again depends on factors such as being taught things as they develop, but would be more receptive to teaching than others."

"When he talks to them," asks the chief's son, "does he command them?"

"Good question, future chief," Salomé smiles. "I'd say he more influences their actions rather than commanding. Minions, those he fathers, do have an obeying nature towards him. They often think of him as their master. But my grandfather hates being thought of like that. He believes they should have a mind of their own, even question his influences."

"Do they question him?" asks the son.

"Probably not as much as he wants them to, but yes. I'm especially good at that," she chuckles. Her face goes blank and returns to animation. She chuckles again.

Same as Africa
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The MacDonald croft was on the edge of the village in a spectacular elevated spot, set back from the road and looking out to sea. I had just started walking up the long track leading up to the croft as a Land Rover appeared from one of the fields and turned towards me. Iain MacDonald leant on the door and smiled a greeting to me. “Young Angus! Fine day it is! You’re up and about early for being on your holidays, are you not? I thought young lads didn’t see much before early afternoon surely?”...

3 years ago
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My Summer WifeChapter 6

“Okay, Mom and Dad. Jimmy, we wanted you here, whatever the issues between us, because we wanted to ... make amends somehow for how you were treated, and yes, how Robert was treated to an extent. He took it better than you did, but it was ultimately a bit ... dishonest of us. We should have given you the choice, laid it out for you. Something as big as this. Yeah, we should have been candid, upfront with you. Don’t you agree, Mom, Dad?” Sandra opened up the discussion with her parents...

3 years ago
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One Day With Nisha8217s Mom

Hello, friends, this is Rahul again with a new story. I hope you are doing well and enjoying at home in the lockdown period. I am also enjoying the same at my home. The main lead of this story is my Facebook friend Nisha and her mother. Nisha is living exactly in our opposite apartment in which I was living. So I usually stare at her in free time from the balcony. She also stared at me sometimes and giving an attitude look. So this looking at each other went on for a few days. After that, as I...

1 year ago
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The Revenge of the Latexdoll

The Revenge of the Latexdoll By LatexBondageBoy Chapter 1 Making of the Latexdoll Dr. Lex Hunter has a fasiciation with latex and women. Something about a woman in latex turns me on in the worst way. Due to his working long hours, his social life suffered. One day he was looking at a latex magazine, he got an idea. He thought to himself, " What if I created a latex woman of my dreams?" He thought what he need. First he need a person. So the next day, he put an ad in the paper,...

1 year ago
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Madi After School A Madi Story

I was sitting at my desk, grading papers, as the last bell of the day rang. A few moments later, I heard foot steps coming down the hallway and looked up to see Madi standing in the doorway. Madi was one of my students, standing at 5'8", long golden brown hair coming almost half way down her back. She was well known for her after school coaching activities with the younger kids, which kept her looking amazing with her atheletic figure. "Come in Madi, and close the door behind you." "Yes,...

3 years ago
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A Real Lady

It doesn’t matter to me in the least. I just love it. Sex, that is. I love it all. Well, I don’t suck cock, and I don’t take it up the ass, except from a beautiful woman, after I have screwed her ass hole, and every other hole she has. Turn about is fair play for the ladies. I don’t play that game with the guys. She was a pretty little thing in a red dress. I was sitting at the bar. We were both drinking bourbon, neat. That attracted me to her. So I slid down and gave her my smile. It works...

4 years ago
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Cousin k sath summer vacation

Hi….Kese hain ap log????Main dua karta hoon ap log bilkul theek hoon aur enjoy kar rahe hoon….ap log plz sex par pora dehaan de…tnxs…. Main apse maafi mangta hoon k ap k liye itne dino se koi story nahi le kar aaya….thora buzy tha collage main lekin aj aik real n hot story le kar ap k liye hazir hoon….. Mujhe khushi hogi agar mujhe apki mails mile aur mujhe batayain k main kis kisam ki chudai karoon????Mera id hai mailz zror karain aur pakistan ki koi bhi aanti aur larki mujh se chodai kara...

1 year ago
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JamesDeen Jade Jantzen First Time With James Deen

Jade Jantzen is super fucking pretty. I think that is the only reason James Deen scheduled this scene. They seem to hit it off pretty well. Jade looks awesome and starts talking dirty to the camera about her love of anal sex. She gives pretty clear instructions about how to get her off. James walks in and shoves his face in her butt and proceeds to grant every one of her requests. The pair fuck for a while and Jade cums a lot from both her pussy and asshole being penetrated. She then asks for...

4 years ago
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Too Close To My Girlfriend 8211 Part II

Its San again! I said I will meet you soon, but I never knew I would meet you this fast. Today I am writing about what happened two days ago. Remember my gf Krithika? I had sex with her again unexpectedly. I made love with her 6 times in the past two days! It was a month since we met on bed. Our first date was real good that we lost our virginity. After that we could not go out dating like we went before although we went out for dinner or hangout. A lip lock is a common present from her after...

4 years ago
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Effet Papillon Part 5

Effet Papillon. 5e partie. 9. L'introduction de petites culottes toutes plus f?minines les unes que les autres ne fit qu'intensifier notre vie sexuelle. Maintenant que je portais des strings de ? salope ?, qualificatif qui revenait de plus en plus souvent au cours de nos d?bats sexuels, Franck n'h?sitait plus ? me traiter comme telle. Tout se fit progressivement, un ?l?ment ? la fois. Mais aux caresses, sodomies et fellations de nos premi?res semaines, vinrent s'ajouter de nouvelles...

4 years ago
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Kama Veri Piditha Auntyai Oothom

Hi friends, naan oru catering cook, ippozhuthu thaan malaysiyavil irunthu vanthu irukiren. En sontha uuruku thiruvizha paarthu rasikalam endru vanthu irukiren. Enaku oru nerungiya nanban irukiraan avan peyar sathish en vayathu thaan aagugirathu 25. Naan eppozhuthum en nanban veetil thaan irupen, avan veetirku ethire oru sexiyaana thirumanam aana aunty irunthaal. Aval vayathu 34 irukum, naan muthal murai paarkum pozhuthe aval meetu kama aasai vanthu vitathu. Naan malaysiyavil ilamaiyaana...

1 year ago
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Well, I guess everybody knows what they'll find at Taboo Porns? Have you ever fantasized about fucking your step-sister? How about your stepdaughter? Maybe you’ve verified Freud’s theory and have always dreamt of fucking your mom (ya sick fuck). If so, there has never been a better time for you to be alive. The adult industry is ablaze with taboo videos. In fact, if you aren’t into taboo “incest” porn, then you are kind of shit out of luck.This genre of porn has quickly risen to prominence and...

Incest Porn Sites
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First story about my first time

It was my first real job, a summer job actually, and I was 18 and am a male. At my workplace, I was placed in the department that worked with field work. My partner was a college. Man she was hot. She was about my height, with fairly long, brown hair that curled behind her head, sexy. She wore tops that showed her figure nicely. Her body was rugged, she was a hiker like myself. She had played soccer, so her fucking hot muscles were amazing. Anyway, I worked with her for about 10 weeks, where...

First Time
2 years ago
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Sweet Christine a Sexual VoyageChapter 2

Fresh water was usually made with a power hungry desalinization unit; the norm on this sort of boat was to run the generator for an hour or two a day to make water, charge batteries, and run the deep freezer. But now with our shortage of fuel, things would be tricky. I talked with Mike; he told me there was an old towed dynamo in the engine room. I hunted around and found it. I cleaned it up and got it working; it would make a few extra amps while we sailed. With the new solar panels that had...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love Part 3

Day One of my fishing trip with my brother Benny couldn’t have gone any better even if I would have written the script. I got to give him some road head, dress in some very sexy femwear, and I lost my mancunt virginity all in one day!The second day started out just as good as the previous day, with me in silky camisole waking up spooning with my naked brother who was sporting some morning wood! I pressed up against it and wiggled my pantied-ass against it. I got even harder and I knew I had to...

3 years ago
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Novel Idea

My name is Penelope. Some say I have that sexy girl-next-door thing going for me, though I don’t really see it. I guess you can be the judge of that. My auburn hair falls a few inches below my lightly-tanned shoulders. My eyes are a dark chocolate color with hazel flecked within each iris. There are a handful of freckles tossed lightly around my nose and cheekbones. My height is average, as is my weight. My breasts are nothing special; they fill the smaller side of a C-cup. As you can tell, my...

Straight Sex
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 25

Shapeliness The next day was memorable chiefly for Yvonne. I had invited her to Fran’s flat at lunchtime. It seemed only a courtesy to mention this to Fran at work the next morning when I apologised for again failing to return her keys. She told me not to worry, she had assumed I meant to retain them and had had another set cut on the way to work. ‘So keep them,’ she smiled. ‘You’ll need them if you’re going to keep using my flat as a handy knocking shop. How many girls this time, darling?...

2 years ago
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Three Can Be Company Too

Nancy and Sarah sat on one of their dorm beds. They had met two weeks ago as freshmen roommates. They hit it off immediately realizing they weren't into getting blind drunk and being idiots like a lot of the other freshmen girls were doing.Sarah was the first to initiate a conversation about sex. They were sitting in their dorm room, dressed in light t-shirts and bikini panties. They had just seen each other nude for the first time. After jogging for five miles together, they both proclaimed a...

4 years ago
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The Preparation of Helena VoutrakisChapter 2 The Importance of Variety

"I apologise if I shock you," Julian went on. "But in some ways my mission is a shocking one. My Office exists in order to promote genetic variety in our royal line while maintaining the strengths of an inherited monarchy. It is, we believe, the most reliable way of providing our country with its head of state. Your republican views will at least allow for the fact that the system has worked for some time?" I was intrigued by the fact that he knew of my opinions regarding such...

2 years ago
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Close Knit Family

Close Knit Family As I lay there next to her I couldn’t help but remember our past year together… It all started when I turned thirteen years old and mom told me about our ‘Close Knit Family.’ At that time it didn’t seem all that close knit to me. After all I only had mom and grandpa. My father was nowhere to be found and grandma had moved out with her son soon after I was born. I had a cousin Valerie that I hardly knew. All that was soon going to change. Mom told me just how...

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Elizabeth Grey Part 3 I Must Confess I Like It

Elizabeth Grey - Part 03: I must confess I like it. By Carmenica Diaz It wasn't until I finished my face the next morning that I realised I did it without looking at the instructions. The wardrobe was full of clothes supplied by Jeremy and Angela and, as we were going out, I chose a simple grey wool skirt, matching jacket and blouse. Jeremy knocked on the door and poked his head in. 'Decent?' I laughed. 'I think you've seen everything I have, Jeremy,'...

1 year ago
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The Awakening of a Vengeful Phoenix Part 09 Chapter 14

A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life? Thanks go out to Marina Kelly and Kelly Ann Rogers for their very valuable editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story. We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you. Chapter 14 Reality came back to Rob a little bit at a time. Sleep was a...

3 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 55

Brent awoke the next morning, momentarily disoriented. He felt something soft rubbing his chest and it took a minute for his eyes to open enough to realize that he was staring at Emma’s ass. The “something soft” was her belly. A moment after that, more details filled in. He was erect and felt Emma’s soft, warm mouth on his member. She was on all fours above him, but her stomach hung down enough to rest against his skin. She was facing away from him and, obviously, sucking him off. Her cheeks...

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My First time

Snuggling close to you, your arms pull me closer, even in your sleep. I kiss your lips softly, smiling to myself. My heart, mind and soul are full of you. I’m happier than I’ve ever been, more content. All is right and wonderful in my world. I lay next to you, thinking of the things we have shared, everything that you have done for me, taken and made the time to do. Images from the video you sent last week linger in mind and I am instantly filled with desire. I try to settle and lay still,...

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my wife escort stranger pickup in bar fantasy

My wife and I are both in our 40’s. She was quite reserved sexually went I met her but over the years she has slowly expanded her outlook and we have become more adventurous.lately we have started to dabble in role play just simple things at home but coming up to my birthday she said I could pick any fantasy and she would go along with it. so we agreed and here how it played out:we agreed to meet a Friday night after work in the city centre in a bar I know but never go to. It’s quite upmarket...

2 years ago
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Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 36

Rob, Jenny, Kelly, and I got up early on Sunday morning. We took turns in the shower, dressed, and went down for breakfast. After we ate, Rob, Dad, Vince, and I went to Rob’s house. The women took Vince’s Suburban and went to Jenny’s house. Rob and I connected the trailer to the truck and went to the basement to get his gear. Dad and Vince sat in the kitchen with Rob’s dad, talking. In the basement, Rob showed me his Thompson/Center Encore. He showed me how easy it was to exchange the...

3 years ago
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Hannah Gets Cock

I arranged for Hannah to come up to London for the weekend. She was at that age where girls need cock. Proper man's cock. Hannah has used her hairbrush to break her virginity, but she is now craving warm, hard cock forced in her.I picked Hannah up at the station. She was showing her long legs bare, with a short slutty denim skirt on, white top. Strappy sandals. She was carrying a small suitcase. She looked the picture of innocence. During the car ride we chatted about this and that. I reminded...

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The Farmers Wife

Christine was the youngest daughter of Bill Gates and his wife. He had two other daughters older than Christine, both happily married and producing lots of grandchildren. They lived on a farm in the South West of England in a small country market town. Christine had been a difficult child from the day she was born and having been brought up on a farm she learned all about sex at an early age. She had a natural beauty, a good figure and a vivacious temperament and she had lost her virginity at...

1 year ago
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The Dinner Party Sharing is caring

The Dinner PartyI like to train twice a day. Every day I wake up at 05:30 face the horror of another day and drag myself out of bed. Even Sundays suck, I’m so busy in the week I have to spend the only day I’m not busy doing all the things I never had a chance to sort out during the work or getting ready for the next week. Then I train again in the evenings and chill on my own happy I achieved something.I’m in the gym as soon as it opens. I like to feel strong and healthy and I admit the female...

3 years ago
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Fucking Sister

Hi Friends this is kiran 22 male. Am hear with a story which happened in my life about an year cousin sister name is rani (name changed) 24 years 5′ 5” height with 38 boob size. She is very nice to look have good body structured. This happened on the day when my sister visited my home for small trip. As she likes we very much she shares every thing with me and spend lot of tie with me.I have good software skills so my sister asked me explain some doubts she had PC. While i was...

2 years ago
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Eden RescueChapter 33

"You say that name of this ship, Ark, has much meaning to you," Gagugakhing remarked to Heisinger. "Would you tell us this meaning?" The younger woman had quickly adopted the practice of alternating with Meiersdottir in interacting with the Edenites on their voyage. Actually the brunt of the effort fell on Heisinger; the old woman was increasingly feeling the ravages of her advanced age and the efforts she'd put forth in their visit to Eden itself, and as little as an hour was enough...

1 year ago
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Selfish MomChapter 4

Jane Mensch had just gotten home from her duties as platoon commander when she received a call on her cell from Matt Kendall, son of her new submissive, Debbie Kendall. "Hello? Jane Mensch here. Oh, hi, Matt! How are you?" Jane's voice went from commanding to charming in an instant ... she was actually a little wet at the thought of what might happen soon. "Oh, hell, ma'am. I am fine. How's Mom?" Matt asked her nervously. "Well, first of all, you don't need to call me 'ma'am',...

2 years ago
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BBC first time not as expected

My wife and I had fooled around in a few MFM and her going on dates, flashing, letting strangers feel her up and sometimes sucking them off in a car or some other risky place,but she had never been with a black man, she is fair skinned natural blonde with blue eyes, I'm hispanic with a brown cock and black hair, when we would make love in front of a mirror the contrast between our complections was a turn on for us, I aways enjoyed how her hand looked wrapped around my cock, we didn't go looking...

3 years ago
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Guardian AwakeningChapter 17 Sicceia

Aesia landed the craft in a small flat area in front of the main house. She shut down the ships systems and opened the main hatch. Tristan walked behind Aesia as she had instructed him to and followed her to the house. Traditional slave garb included a hood that could be pulled forward to cover the eyes. A slave should not make eye contact with any of the masters. For Tristan, the outfit added to the anonymity and covered the differences between him and the known species. They had landed on...

1 year ago
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The aftermath0

"So was I good at that?" Jason asked. "Hell that was the best I've had." I said, "Never had a lass that managed to get the whole thing in." "Ha! Thanks." he replied "You're not half bad neither for a straight guy." I laughed. I was getting turned on again by the video. I turned to see that Jason was already rock hard. He grinned, looking slightly embarrassed. I went and sat next to him, and he sat up. Absent-mindedly I started to jack him off as I watched the computer...

1 year ago
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Sister Brother Lover 4

Chapter Four My sister Pat seemed to be handling her condition OK. I, on the other hand was a bit confused. On the one hand I had spent last night enjoying a nice set of tits and getting a double blow job. I was feeling pretty good about that. But too much good luck makes a person wonder if it will suddenly turn as bad as it was good. My sister might go bonkers. My parents might catch us. The entire school might find out that I had been fooling around with my sister who was really...

2 years ago
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Summer School Slip

Sophomore year. Summer school&hellip, great. Its not that Im not smart, I just dont try, nor do I give a damn. In fact&hellip, I give a damn so much, that Im faking going to summer school. How does one do that? Well, not easily. The alarm rings as I roll over to shut it off. I struggle to get out of bed and hobble downstairs to the bathroom. I think to myself, washing my face, how completely pointless this whole act is going to be just to avoid 15 minutes of conflict with my father. I...

1 year ago
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Paying the Coach

He lay on his back and summoned me to him, his rock-hard cock bounced from side to side as he adjusted himself up towards the headrest of the bed.“Time to pay the coach, Dave,” he said, continuing, “If you do a good job, I might even give you an extra treat.”I hesitated a little, I looked at his glistening muscular body, his broad chest, his flat stomach, and his throbbing erection. I paused to take it all in for a moment. When we made the deal and he promised me that I would have a body just...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Tied down

I was over one day and had a surprise for you.I told you to lay down on the bed. I pulled out some rope and cuffs for your hands and feet. You had promised me to comply what I had in mind but still tried to protest. I threatened to leave if you did not comply. You quickly got on the bed and let me tie you down. The straps went under the bed and soon you were on your tummy with arms and legs spread apart. We had never done anything like this and you were getting excited already. I stood at the...

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stoned cum slut

Upon putting their second movie of the evening in the DVD player, "Kill Bill," she rolled up a marijuana joint, knowing full well what smoking a joint does to her. They shared a joint together, and tried to settle on focusing on the movie. She turned to him and said, "I can't focus on this movie right now. I'm too stoned and this movie is requiring too much concentration. Let's go to bed." He complied and they turned the T.V. off. While he was in the bathroom, she quickly took her clothes off...

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Asha College Ki Topper

Ye baat aj se lagbhag 8 saal pehle ki hai, jab asha apne college ke aakhri saal mein thi. Asha dikhne mein sundar thi, kad lagbhaj 5’ 4”, gora rang, figure 34-28-36 ke lagbhag. Asha padhne mein hamesha se kafi achi rahi thi, par jaise ki aap pehle ki kahaniyon mein hi padh chuke hain ki asha ka dhyan pichle kuch samay se padhai se alwa aur cheezon ki taraf bhi jar aha tha, par college mein ab bhi wah bahut hi padhaku ladki ke naam se jaani jaati thi, college ka akhiri saal chal raha tha aur...

1 year ago
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Maid8217s Family Shares My Cock 8211 Part 1

This sex story is about my dominating maid Geeta. She is a 50 year old woman. She has a dark complexion, hanging boobs and a chubby body. I am a 22 year old boy who has recently got a job. Prior to my encounter with my maid, I have had sex with my Aunt Sona. It was a Thursday evening and my mom got a call from Geeta. After speaking with her for some time, my mom handed me some cash and asked me to go to Sanjay Hospital and give the money to our maid Geeta. She asked me to stay with her. Without...

4 years ago
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Everyone Once in Paris

Paris was just as preserved as it was even before the war, no matter how strong the Germans pushed towards the city the French and British troops always pushed them back near the border. It was all too depressing that Paris fell without a shot, but then again, it was just as it was even during The Great War even if the swastika hangs around the landmarks of the artistic city. Though many of the Jewish establishments and the Jews themselves were gone, business for collaborators, or even the...

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1 day until Revelation

Jared was ashamed. He had let his Lady down, but how could he help himself. She had opened up a new world of pleasure for him. He was sure now that he wanted to serve her. He went downstairs the next morning, after being dismissed last night with the promise of punishment come morning. With a fluttery heart and a stomach in knots, he knocked at her door and waited for the command to enter. Jared heard her soft voice, telling him to enter. “Pet, come in. At least, you are dressed...

1 year ago
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The First Sex Timer

Brianna shut her locker door with a slight slam, and shouldered her bag which contained all of her books. It was that stupid Brendan again! He was always getting in her way, and teasing her. What did he know? She thought angrily, and headed off towards her next class as the bell rang. Brendan passed her by on the way, and slapped her in the butt. She ignored him. It was the end of the school day. Brianna got in her car, and turned on the ignition. Right before she switched to drive, the...

First Time
2 years ago
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Samuel Pt 3

Note: This won’t make much sense without having read the first two chapters. Sleeping with Sam curled around me was… well, if I use words like “dreamy” I’ll have to make fun of myself. Let’s just say I enjoyed it. Didn’t do much actual sleeping, of course. Tough to drift off with a new lover’s bare skin all over yours. And it was the same for Sam, he spent a lot more time nuzzling my neck than he did snoring. Which meant we went to class horny the next day. First bell was a signal to Sam to...

3 years ago
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Twinks virginity taken by a twink

Before I start this story I have to tell you that all parties involved were 18 years of age or older lolz, this is so I cant get my cute ass thrown in jail and ****d cause then my ass would be looser then brittany spears after a line of cocaine and a night in vegas and I ant have that. This all started fromn a myspace chat I had with this one k** and we had a little argument about how cute Justin Bieber was and we bacame good friends and then really good friends once we realized we only lives...

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Meine Kollegin Sarah die billige Schlampe

Zugegeben, in deutschen Verwaltungen arbeiten nicht gerade die hübschesten Frauen, aber es gibt sie eben doch - die Ausnahmen. Eine solche Ausnahme arbeitet bei mir in der Stadtverwaltung mit 200 Mitarbeitern. Sarah. Als ich vor 8 Jahren als Beamter zur Stadt kam, arbeitet Sarah bereits dort. Sie war gerade mit Ihrer Ausbildung fertig geworden und war 1 Jahr jünger als ich. Sie arbeitete in einer anderen Dienststelle und ich kannte sie nur vom flüchtig gesehen haben. Aber sie war mir...

4 years ago
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An Anniversary I Didnt Expect

On the eve of my Master's and my sixth anniversary we laid in bed talking. We talked about everything from how we met, and how things went from friendship, to dating to our Master – pet life. Neither of us had truly been in the lifestyle before each other, but it appealed to the both of us. When it became clear that he was extremely dominant and I was so submissive we did some searching and began our life in the lifestyle. We haven’t looked back. It took us a year of dating to get to the point...

3 years ago
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Hidden Fantasies Part Two Naughty Girl

Previously: “Are you comfortable enough? Is this alright?” he asks me, a hint of compassion in that deeply arousing and authoritative voice. I nod, holding back yet another lust filled moan, wishing the blindfold wasn’t over my eyes so that I could put a face to the voice. “Good, I’ll see to you in a bit. I have some errands to run first. If you have been good when I get back, you will be rewarded, if you have been bad you will be punished. Do you understand?” he says, all authoritative, no...

1 year ago
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My former mistress from hell Part 1

She took it too far! I was in my room one night, just lying in bed lightly petting after watching my neighbor slowly undress herself, she always knew I was watching, but still she pretended to be oblivious. It became a weekly ritual, my very on peep show as it were.All of a sudden, we were interrupted by a phone call. I knew straight away it was my mistress. You would never think to look at her that she was capable of such a role, she was quite petite with big blue eyes, long blonde hair and a...

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