SylvieChapter 3 free porn video

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And then there was Sylvie. When I thought about her, in my eyes, she seemed to smolder with passion. I know she had been excited when I was with her at her condominium ... when I had undressed her she seemed to be completely on the same page as I was ... but when it came time to actually physically make love, she became distant, so reserved, and so cold.

I went to the office just as a formality and I only stayed at there a few minutes, leaving without even seeing Sylvie and started to head home. On the way home, at the last minute I decided to stop off and check the boat just to make sure it was ok. I like to check the moorings at least once a week, if not more; and if time permits, make a cup of coffee and just sit in the cabin, listening to the sounds of the marina around me. If it is raining, for me there is an enjoyment to sipping a hot cup of coffee and hearing the rainfall on the deck above me. If the wind is blowing slightly, the sounds of the boats shifting in their stalls and the staccato castanet rattling of the sailboat rigging all have their own peacefulness about them. I have never shared the location of the boat with anybody at work and it has always been my place to sneak away to hide as well as my best thinking place.

The microwave pinged, telling me the water was hot and ready for the coffee crystals. I filled my cup, added some whitener and climbed up onto the skipper's chair. As I sat there looking out at the marina, my mind started to wander again over last Saturday and the events leading up to the two of us going to Sylvie's place. I remembered the incident in the hallway in front of the copy machine and her reaction when I had slapped her bottom. Then it struck me, she had told me she liked a little BDSM in her lovemaking ... the spank on her bottom has elicited a reaction which had resulted in us going to her apartment.

I began to wonder if what she needed ... or wanted was for me to take charge. Did she need me to be more assertive in the bedroom so she could let loose? As I sat there sipping my coffee, it seemed to make sense; all daylong she was in charge ... did she yearn to release control and need for me take over? The more I considered things, the more I felt I was right. I remembered how she had liked it when I had been assertive with her breasts, the soft tone of her voice when I had commanded her to stand still and let me play with her ... but when we started to have "straight" sex, she seemed to draw away. At that moment, I decided if there was to be an us ... it had to come from me. I dug out my cell phone and celled her office number.

She picked up on the second ring, "Hello. This is Sylvia Johnson, may I help you?"

"Sylvie, this is Paul."

The concern in her voice was apparent when she talked to me, "Paul ... where are you? I was worried about you. What happened to the presentation you were... ?"

I cut in, "Sylvie ... it's OK ... don't worry. Listen, I want you to stop by my place after work."

"Well, I was going to..."

Again, I interrupted and in a strong voice, I told her, "Sylvie, you are to

stop by my place on your way home. Do you understand?"

"Paul, what is wrong?"

"Sylvie, please ... do you understand what I just told you?" I softened my voice a little and asked her, "Will you do that for me?"

There was a slight pause; her voice seemed a bit softer when she answered, "Yes Paul..."

"Good, I'll see you later." I hung up the phone before she could talk again, dumped out the rest of my coffee and headed out to the car. I had errands to run.

By the time I figured Sylvie would be stopping by, I was ready for her. My bedroom was full of lit candles and soft music. In the middle of the room now stood an apparatus where I could tie Sylvie's arms over her head and if I wanted, I could tie her up spread eagle on the bed. In addition, I also had a device in one corner that looked like a leather horse. I had purchased a coupled of paddles and some toys as well. As I was looking over everything, I heard my doorbell ring. I went to the front door, stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. It was show time and I felt I was making one of the largest gambles of my life. I opened the door and invited her in.

As she stepped thought the door, I could see the worry in her face and she started speaking at once. "Paul ... what is the matter ... you sounded so mysterious on the phone?"

I put my hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes, "Thanks for coming..." My voice lowered and my voice seemed to become a deep whisper, "I have a question ... do you trust me?" I asked.

She just stood there looking at me and finally I asked her the same question again. She looked at me with wide eyes and whispered, "Paul, what's going on?"

I asked her again, my voice taking on more of an edge to it, "Do you trust me? Yes or no?"

She just started at me, and in that instant I understood what it means by the saying, "a deer caught in the headlights". I wanted an answer and I asked her a third time, "Do you trust me?"

Her voice was soft and she nodded her head as she replied, "Yes ... why?"

"Good." I handed her a glass of special wine I had purchased which I had been told also had aphrodisiac properties. She took a sip and smiled, "This is good. What is it?"

I ignored her question. As she continued to sip the wine, I told her, "Come with me ... please." And I led her back to my bedroom. When we stepped into the room, I watched her look around and I heard her gasp. I turned to her, "Remember, you said you trusted me? Do you still feel that way?" Sylvie looked down, avoiding my eyes as she nodded her head. "Please finish your wine..." and she swallowed the rest of her glass in one gulp. I took the empty glass from her hand and sat it down.

From a table I picked up a leather mask and then stepped behind her. As I put the mask over her eyes and tightened it, Sylvie started to say something and I reached around and put a finger across her lips. "You will not speak again unless I tell you to. Do you understand? Please answer."

Her answer was a whisper, "Yes."

I replied, "Yes sir ... say it."

Her voice was something between a whimper and a whisper, "Yes sir."

Once the mask was in place, I walked around her a couple of times ... making sure she was aware of my presence. As I moved around her, I kept touching her body all of the time. One time I would lightly touch a breast and another time I touched her bottom ... each touch came from another place ... she never knew where the next touch would land. Finally, I instructed her to stretch out her arms in front of her, which she did. I saw her hands were trembling and I leaned forward to whisper into her ear, "I will not hurt you ... trust me."

Sylvie nodded her head but her hands continued to shake. I took one arm and placed her palm on my chest, picked up a leather cuff I had purchased earlier that day and fastened it over her wrist. Once it was on, I had her remove that hand and place her other hand on my chest. This hand seemed to be trembling more then that first one and as I placed the second cuff on her wrist, a small whimper escaped from her lips. I noticed her hands continuing to quiver and her arms were covered in goose bumps. Once both hands were cuffed, I led her to the center of the room and had her stand directly in the middle of the rack I had set up. I hooked one of the shackles to each cuff and then gently pulled on the ropes so now her arms were stretched out and over her head. As I was tying off the second rope, she spoke, "Paul..."

I stepped behind her; picked up one of the paddles I had just purchased and brought it down on one of the cheeks of her delightful bottom. It was not a hard spank, even though it was rather loud; it was just enough to get her attention. In a firm, deep voice I told her, "I told you not to speak unless I tell you too. Do you understand?"

She stood on her tiptoes and her answer was a hiss, "Yessss..." I spanked her one more time on each cheek, "That is to help you remember ... and yes what?"

She responded, "Yes sir..."

I came up to her and kissed her lips. She tried to bring her face forward and I stepped back. "Stand still!" I told her and then gently kissed her again. She stood perfectly still and I kissed her a third time. I put my lips against her ear and whispered, "That's a good girl now..." I wasn't sure, but I would have sworn I heard another whimper.

I stepped in front of her and started to unbutton her dress with deliberate slowness. Once it was open, I pulled it to her sides, revealing her bra and her slip. Lightly I ran my fingers and the backs of my fingers over her exposed chest. Occasionally I would touch the side of one of her breasts, which would elicit a hiss from her. I continued to touch and caress her chest and the sides of her breasts for several minutes until finally she whispered; "Please ... please..." I picked up the paddle again and smacked her once on each cheek ... this time a little harder than before.

"I told you to be still..." this time I cupped both of her breasts in my hands and then stepped back. I stood and watched her, her arms above her head, her full breasts heaving in her bra.

My cock was hard as it had ever been during my entire life. I was so turned on all I really wanted to do was to cut her down, take her to the bed and fuck her ... but first I wanted to see if I could get inside of the wall I had come up against the last time I tried to make love to her. I wanted to find the passionate woman who I had first seen when I played with her nipples that day in her condominium.

As I stood there looking at her, I noticed her chest was flushed and through the thin material of her bra, I could see her large nipples were rock hard and protruding into her cups. I picked up one of the nipple clamps I purchased during my afternoon shopping trip and stepped up to her. I moved the clamp over one of her nipples, this time she made no effort to hide the moan which escaped from her core and she pulled at the restraints. I opened the clamp as wide as possible and slipped the clamp onto her nipple, then tightened it. As it tighten, she continued to tug at the ropes holding her in place. When I placed the other clamp on her other hard nipple, she screamed.

I spoke to her, "Listen to me ... listen to me. Can you hear me?"

Her answer was so soft I only saw her lips move, "Yesss..."

"Good. Listen, I am going to give you a safe word. Do you understand?"

Again, there was a hiss... "Yesssss..."

"When I say to you 'green, green', you will answer me the same way if everything is ok. If you are experiencing something you do not wish, you will say, 'yellow'. Do you understand?"

"Green ... green."

"Are you OK?"

"Green ... green."

I left the clamps on her nipples, but tightened them just a little more. She rose on her tiptoes and yanked at the ropes holding her arms up. I reached behind her and unhooked her bra, leaving it still on, just unfastened. I ran my hands over her back, sometimes moving my hands to the sides of her breasts.

As I stepped behind her, I picked up the paddle and alternated between her cheeks, spanking her several time as she pulled wildly at her bounds. After a few slaps, I would gently rub the cheeks of her bottom and then resume spanking her.

I stopped and set the paddled aside and waited. I could hear her deep breathing and her soft moans. I stepped up to her and adjusted her bra and once I had her bra where I wanted it, I removed one of the clamps from her nipple, lifted the cup of her bra off that breast and took her nipple into my mouth. When I gently sucked on it, I felt her shudder, sob and then climax. I waited a moment and then did the same to her other nipple. This time I sucked a little harder and she squealed as another climax racked her body. When I released her nipple, she was breathing heavily with her mouth open. "Green ... green?" I asked.

Her response was a whispered, "Green ... green."

I told her to relax for a second and I left her tied up and went to the kitchen. I dug around in the ice tray for a small piece of ice and when I found the size I was looking for, I returned and asked Sylvie to open her mouth. I carefully laid the cube in her mouth and as she sucked on it, she thanked me several times. I felt that since I was the reason for taking care of her thirst, I should not punish her for thanking me.

I released one arm and once it was free, I removed the rope from the cuff, freeing that arm. I removed her dress and bra strap from the loose arm and then tied her arm back up. I waited a few moments and then did the same with her other arm.

Sylvie was now standing there, tied up with her chest bare, wearing a half-slip, stocking and shoes. Her large breasts were pulled up on her torso and she looked so sexy. I took a finger and moved my knuckle across her nipple, causing her to whimper. I instructed her to kick off her shoes and as she stepped down, her arms were pulled tighter over her head. Stepping behind her, I slowly pulled down her slip until it was a pile on the floor. Today she had on panties, which matched her bra and her garter belt. I slowly pulled down her panties, instructed her to lift one foot and then the other so now she was just wearing a garter belt and stockings. I noticed as I picked up her panties to move them, the crotch was soaking wet. I knew it was kinky of me, but I had to pick them up and smell them. Her womanly smell along with her perfume was like breathing the smoke from some drug. She smelled amazing. I slowly walked around her, trailing my finger over her body as I circled her. When I passed behind her, I slapped one cheek and then the other. "Green ... green?" I asked.

"Green ... green." She whimpered. I spanked her again on each cheek and this time she groaned, "Green ... green." I moved behind her and wrapped my arms around her body. Starting just about her pubic hair, I cupped her tummy, moving my hands up over her body, slowly, tenderly, enjoying the feeling of her skin under my touch. When I reached her breasts, I cupped each breasts in my hands, taking pleasure in the weight and heft of them.

I stepped away from her, picked up one of the paddles and slightly slapped it against one of her cheeks. If made a nice popping noise, she lifted up on her toes and I spanked her again. I moved to the other cheek and spanked it twice as well. After I had spanked both cheeks, I would take my bare hand and gently rub her scarlet bottom. I could not hear her, but when I looked at her face, I could see her lips moving, whispering, "Green ... green."

As I mentioned, I had also purchased a leather horse like contraption. It was about three feel long, high enough so that Sylvie's legs could not touch the ground and heavily padded on one end. I moved it to just in front of her and explained to her, "I am going to take off the ropes. I want you to stand there until I tell you what to do next. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir... "She murmured. After the ropes were off her cuffs, I had her move forward until her tummy was at the end of the stand. I helped her climb on top and had her lay on her stomach with her legs on each side of the horse and each arm on a side. There were shackles on the legs of the horse so I could tie her arms and legs to the legs of the horse. Her tummy rested on the heavily padded end which made her beautiful bottom pushed up and back to the end of the device. Now her bottom was totally exposed as well as her pussy. My God, her neither region was a thing of beauty. Her inner lips were thick and very long and they hung down between her thighs. I love large, meaty labia lips ... so much more to suck on and play with. Her clit was large and protruded from between her lips, partially hidden by her pubic hair. All I really wanted to do was step up and bury my erection inside of her wet passage, but I still wanted to play with her ... I had more things I wanted to do to her.

Slipping on a latex glove, I leaned forward and kissed one of the cheeks of her delightful bottom. With the gloved hand, I slipped my finger down the crack between her cheeks. When I reached her anus, I quickly moved over it, instead coming to rest just below it. I noticed as she tired to move her bottom down so my finger would touch her little star again. I took the paddle and slapped her once on each cheek. "Lie still!" I commanded her. I noticed the leather on the back of the horse was soaking wet beneath her vagina, so I slipped a towel under her tummy, covering the back of the horse. As I slipped the towel under her, I also noticed the tops of her nylons were soaked with her arousal as well.

Picking up a bottle of lube, I poured some on the gloved hand and made sure it was well covered. Starting at the top of her crack, I slowly moved my finger down between her shapely cheeks. When I reach her back opening, I gently pushed against it. My finger slipped in as far as the first knuckle and a soft sigh emitted from deep inside of her body. The tightness in her bottom was incredible. I was becoming ever more aroused due to the feelings of her anus holding my finger ... and with great difficulty; I pulled it out." Her reaction was immediate and she cried aloud, "No!"

I pushed my finger back in a little more. "Oh ... do you like this?" I asked, knowing full well the answer.

"Green ... green..." she chanted. I pushed my finger a little harder and the entire finger slipped in with ease. I wondered if she could feel how badly my fingers were trembling due to my arousal. Curving my finger downward, I felt around until I found her G spot between the membranes separating her bowel from her vagina and started to massage it. Sylvie lifted her bottom and pushed back against my invading finger. Her actions had caused her to lift her pussy off the horse so I slipped my other hand under her Mons, letting my thumb move gently over the top of her clit. Her body shook as she moaned, "Please!"

I wanted to leave my finger inside of her forever, but I pulled my finger out of her bottom and took away the hand cupping her mound. When she realized my hands had left her body, she cried and begged me to touch her again. I took off the gloves and picked up the paddle. Alternating between her cheeks, I spanked her several times, telling her she was to keep quiet unless I told her she could speak. As I spanked her, I kept asking her if she understood that I wanted her not to speak unless I told her to. She screamed she understood as she thrashed and wiggled on the horse, trying to hump her mound against the top of the device, crying as I warmed her bottom. When I stopped, her cheeks glowed a fiery red and I was very surprised at how aroused I had become. I didn't expect to be so turned on by what I was doing. My erection was almost painful and it was all I could do not to push myself into her inviting vagina.

Slipping on new gloves, I covered both of them in lube and returned one of my trembling hands to her anus. This time I rested two fingers against her opening and once she realized my fingers were back, she tried in vain to impale herself on them. Finally, I pushed two fingers into her backside, at the same time moving my other hand so it was touching her clit. "Is this what you want?" I asked. I was so turned on by her reaction I almost climaxed; if she thought she was turned on, it was nothing when compared to how horny I had become.

"Green ... green..." she squealed and climaxed. Before she had a chance to recover from her climax, I pulled out the two fingers and carefully inserted three fingers. As I massaged her clit quickly, I commanded her, "Cum ... cum now," Her body thrashed and she wailed with pleasure. I was sure had she not been shackled to the horse she would have fallen off.

Same as Sylvie
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. I heard his key in the door, checking myself in the mirror for the fiftieth time in as many minutes. He’d let me have the spare key after I’d promised to cook for him.  ‘Lauren?’ he called from the hallway. Taking one final look, I opened the door from his studio, into the corridor. ‘Wow! You look… stunning!’ I smiled, blushing. My hair had cost a fortune, and I’d taken my time looking my best for him. ‘Thank you, kind sir.’ He hung his jacket up and slipped his shoes off, then took the two...

1 year ago
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PART - 10 FAMILY SEX I had finished my college studies and now I was fully involved and was helping my dad and uncle in business. You all are aware that I was started taking interest in business when I was in college. By the time I finished my study, I become expert in export marketing of our product. I visited foreign countries even when I was in college and started dealing with foreign buyers at my own. One day, I was feeling very tired when I returned from our farm house in the...

3 years ago
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The Secret Game Part 2

CHAPTER 4: The Intro >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> K walks into the living room asking each of us standing scattered throughout the living room to meet her in the kitchen area. We all follow her to the kitchen and stand around the island. I finally get my first real glimpse at this perfect stranger standing beside me. K is a tall, White woman standing at about 5’11. She has a sexy physique with curves in all the right places. Her breasts are large, and she has a big phat ass. She’s a...

4 years ago
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Amateur video obsession part 2 The taming of Mandy

When the first of the new films had appeared I watched on my phone while my Tracy was watching something on tv. Apart from the odd occasion, we hadn’t ever really watched porn together, although I knew that Tracy sometimes watched on her own. I didn’t think that she would appreciate it if she knew what I was watching at that moment. The film, as per the others didn’t reveal anything about the identity of the couple, she was bent over the bed with her head down and her ass in the air, with the...

3 years ago
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Black Cock Warning Pt5

I get up and start to walk slowly to my room, having a difficult timebalancing on my high hells, my knees red and aching from being on the floorand weak from the pounding I just took, my ass throbbing and dipping cumall over my legs. Despite having swallowed as much as I could, I have somecum on my chin and on the sides of my lips, my hair all messed up frombeing grabbed, my nipples red from being played with, my thong wet from myown cum. I am thoroughly fucked and I look it. Everyone who sees...

1 year ago
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Caitlin and James Part three

Caitlin and James - Part three By Cherie Petersson Chapter nine James dozed off to sleep soon after we had sex. I lift up the covers and admire his naked body. It's not that muscular, but it is well toned, quite beautiful in a sort of androgynous way. The condom is hanging off his spent penis, threatening to fall off, I remove it and grab some tissues and wipe his penis. He stirs a little but stays asleep. Poor guy, he must have got up very early to get his hair done and...

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Maid to Please Chapter Two

"Maid to Please" By Jayne Chapter Two Victor had only just begun to wonder who "they" might be, when Jayne replaced the blindfold over his eyes and pulled him gently to his feet. He felt a tug on the leash and she slowly led him across the floor. The tightness of the hobble skirt and the high heels prevented him from moving quickly, but she seemed in no particular hurry. When he heard the door creak open, he realised to his horror that she was taking him outside the...

3 years ago
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Rent Per Rehne Wali Aunty Ko Choda

Hello dosto, myself prem or meri age 26 years hai and meri email id() hai.Ager koi girl ya aunty (only delhi and faridabad) mujhse sex chat kerna chachati hai ya mere sath sex kerna chahti hai to plz mujhe meri email id per mail karein.Or again thanks apne meri pichli story padi or mujhe email pe response diya abhi tak mujhe 659 email aa chuke hai or maine sabhi ko reply kiya or bahut si females ke sath sex bhi kiya. Ok to main chudai story per ata hu ye story abhi current ki hai jab main apne...

4 years ago
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Memoirs of a Bisexual Chapter 5 Fuck Buddies

I recommend reading "Memoirs of a Bisexual: Chapters 1-4" to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. This story is based on true events. Fuck Buddy: n. A sex partner to whom you have no special attachment. A person you occasionally have sex with who is not your significant other. Chapter 5: It was about noon when Felecia came knocking on the door. She gave her signature 2 knocks, then walked right in. I just got back from an 8am class and was cleaning up the kitchen. "Hey,...

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A Night for Creeps

“Please ... please. No more.” The young teen begged. She was a ripe nineteen. Her breasts were just budding into B-cups. Her ass getting rounder with new growth. Mr. Blank grabs her brown hair. Yanking her head back painfully as he thrusts into her from behind. The teen groans as he fucks her. One hand reaching beneath to roughly grope her small tits. Pinching and tugging at them. Her essence was nearly gone. Mr. Blank and his minions had fucked the girl countless times. Feasting on a little...

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NubileFilms Mona Blue Tiffany Tatum Ready Or Not

Mona Blue and Tiffany Tatum make the hottest lesbian couple around as they climb into the shower together. Between the warm spray of the water and their own tender touches, the girls indulge in a sensual bathing experience. As they wind down their wet fun, they look over to the bed where Matt Denae is watching the show and waiting for his chance to join in on the fun. The girls dry off and then join Matt in bed. They work in tandem, stroking Matt’s hard dick and dropping kisses on his...

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The Other Side of Me Part Six

The Other Side of Me - Part Six by Limbo's Mistress I grilled Katie about Danny while she styled my hair with a bit of a wave and showed me the trick to applying makeup. Spoiler alert! Less is more. "I've only met him a few times," she said, stepping back to admire her handiwork. "He came over a couple of times with Josie. Seemed like an okay guy." An okay guy? He was a bully and a terror. Even after he and his underlings decided that Jackson and I weren't worth the trouble,...

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Beatrice My Bar Girl Friend in Naples in 1986

Beatrice worked in a bar in the port district of Naples, Italy. The sailors called them “buy me drink” girls, since basically that’s what they did. They got sailors to buy them high priced drinks, the bar gets a big cut, the girl gets a cut and the sailor gets a hefty bill. The girls spoke English and for visiting sailors would be the first real woman contact that they had (women were just being allowed on ships since 1983). Some of the girls were nice, some were on hard times, and most were...

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AllGirlMassage Casey Calvert Maya Kendrick Rekindling Her Passion

Casey Calvert, a very bored masseuse, greets her next client, Maya Kendrick, as she arrives at the parlor. Although Maya is nothing but chipper and friendly, Casey looks like she’d rather be anywhere else but there. But a job is a job, so she soon sets to work. Maya definitely notices that something is wrong as she gets the most unenthused massage she’s ever gotten in her entire LIFE. Through small talk with Casey, she learns that Casey’s lost all passion for her work with...

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OyeLoca Sammy Peache Lusty Latina Lover

They say Latina lovers are some of the most passionate in the world. Well, Sammy Peache proves the stereotype right in this intensely intimate fuck sesh. She pants and moans as our stud caresses her cute tits. Her nipples get hard before he slips his chorizo inside her love oven. She gets on her knees and worships his cock, wrapping her wet lips around the head of his dick and working down to the base of his shaft. Then, she pops her juicy pussy and rides his pole, gasping as she feels his dong...

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The Adventures of Jock Crankshaft and the Feminine Wave Episode 1 The Pink Menace

The Adventures of Jock Crankshaft and the Feminine Wave Episode 1, The Pink Menace Jock bounded up the last three steps to Colonel Fixtures office, and flung it open. In a loud booming voice he said, "I'm ready for action." Colonel Fixture looked up and said, "Thank goodness. We have quite a situation developing near the Panoplen Expanse." He tapped the ash off his cigarette and said, "What do you know of the Feminine Wave?" Jock shrugged. "Not much. To tell you the truth I...

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Mick and KeriChapter 36 Mick and Keri and the Foundation of Failure

Keri is smart and money wise. She makes in excess of $1.7 million a year and her net worth in liquid assets is in the $30 million range. She keeps what she calls an “adventure account” of about $500,000 for times when she wants to take me and go somewhere on a plane. When we became serious, she talked me into letting me live off of her so that I could take my entire income and put it towards retirement. I know what you are thinking, why would I need a retirement account when she is set for...

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Rented Out Room PT7 Blacken

Outside the house the early morning had silenced the evening conversations of crickets. The moans from love-making that had occurred between Christy and Reggie much of the night had also ceased. In that quiet interval before the birds had yet to begin their songs, light slowly replaced the sleepy darkness in Christy's bedroom, causing her to wake.Her pussy felt all crusty. How could she keep doing this with Reggie? It wasn't an act she performed for him to protect her family anymore. She had...

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The No Strings ChallengePart 6 Service with a Swallow

I have a lot of explaining to do, but we're in the bedroom of a beachfront condo. Alix sits against a wall in a black bra and g-string set. She wears a pair of white high heels and she has the back end of a pen between her teeth and the yellow notepad in her lap. She's wearing reading glasses. A small remote rests on the left arm rest of her chair. The remote controls a track-mounted video camera just over the bed where I sit in a white terry cloth bathrobe. Dani's voice comes from the...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 13 Hogwarts Pimp

Chapter Thirteen – Hogwarts Pimp Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, Mf, ncon, x-mast, cream pie, grope, magic, mc, preg, spank, unif, The Triwizard Cup feast had gone off without any problems; Ron had used a wondrous little potion to seduce the beautiful Fleur Delacour, and Harry had finally picked up the trail of his missing Spellbook of Desires. Even...

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No name cleaner

Currently I am a temporary IT worker, I tend to work long hours meaning I can be the last to leave at night. The office where I work is cleaner by contract workers mostly the same people. I have noticed an Indian lady probably about 35 years old medium height long black hair tied back. She is slightly tubby with an amazing pair of large tits. I always try and speak to her and try to make her laugh as she has a beautiful smile with lovely white teeth. I have invited her out for a drink several...

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CADE Anal Fun

CADE Anal FunCat was hanging in Jade's room listening to music and talking. Jade watched the redhead with lust filled eyes. She looked so cute he couldn't resist.Cat was talking to Jade and before she knew it Jade was kissing her with such passion. Cat broke the kiss, "Jade.”Jade put her hands on Cat's sides, "Come on Cat I want to make you feel good. Just give in.”Cat felt her skin burn with lust where Jade was touching. "Jade.” She was planning on saying more but Jade kissed her neck and...

1 year ago
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Sex With Couple Turned Into Bisex

By: Tinku228 Hi everyone this is Tinku and I would like to reveal the story which happened unknowingly in my life. I am Tinku with height 5 11 and weight 80 not fair complexion and uncut dick. I have the habit of going online and chating for hours. Then one day when I surfed the internet and I met this couple were they shared there feelings and I also told them that I would like to meet them. They too liked me and accpeted to meet me. They asked me to get a bottle of whisky while coming. Then...

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Crossing That Line Part 1

This is my first submission. Please rate my story and comment freely. I always welcome constructive criticism as I aim to please my fellow Lush members! I woke up feeling content and refreshed, the memory of a steamy dream starring a very sexy Doctor still lingering in my mind. Not just any Doctor, but my boss—Dr. Cole McLaughlin. I would see him again today, and the thought made me smile. Cole and I had been spending pretty much every moment together these past few weeks—well, apart from...

Straight Sex
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ME 01

Beginnings . . . The Boy When he was sixteen he had big muscles and was tan all over from swimming in the nude. There was a reason why lecherous old ladies ordered from Adam’s Grocery. The Boy delivered more than food; he provided special services you could not buy in a store . . . The Girl When she was fourteen , men lusted after her. They thought she was the prettiest little girl that ever laid foot to ground. They would pay for her favors. She was proud that she had found out...

2 years ago
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The Evacuee chapter 4

The girls left quite early on the Thursday morning which left David and Mrs. Ellis alone in the house. Since his relationship with the girls David had given no thought to Mrs. Ellis herself, but Mary had certainly given a thought to David! In fact the next couple of days would prove the ideal opportunity to put her plan into action… David had agreed to help Mrs. Ellis in the garden that day, and luckily the sun shone brightly. There was quite a bit of work to do in tidying up and the pair...

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Computer Girl BBC Part2

This part of my story is what happened the rest of the week working with Shane. I got out of bed on Thursday morning my mind still reeling from what happened last night in Shane's hotel room. The guilt was racking me as my husband I were getting ready for work, but on the other hand I was so worked up thinking about how I had never been Fucked the way Shane fucked me. I was always a believer that size doesn't matter but was now finding that maybe it does! I picked up Shane at the hotel he got...

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Personal Professionals Vol 6 Personal Assistance

“Here's the last of it,” he grunted. With a thud, he plopped the stack of files down on the desk. “I swear to God, this case had better be worth all this hassle. Need anything else, Ariel?” With a sigh, the young woman behind the desk leaned back in her chair, rubbing her temples. “Besides a vacation?” She groaned, rubbing the back of her neck. Smiling softly, Jacob moved behind her and started kneading her shoulders, causing her to sigh contentedly and slump lower in her chair. “How's this...

Oral Sex
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Are you sure

The days had been really humid and the k**s had taken the xmas break but the weekend was over so most people had to return to their jobs, only some of us lucky ones had work from home, at this time of year I'm not that busy so I can take a leisurely couple of hours to get into the day, A swim in the pool then a nice coffee and on we go. The k**s next door would be using their pool and as they are all under 16, Dave their dad asked me to keep an ear out when they did for safety, Darth was the...

1 year ago
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The Geography Fieldtrip Part Three

Knock, knock, knock. There was someone at the door. Lauren’s head whipped around in fear, the silhouette of a person cast on the blinds. ‘Fuck, Ian! Quick, hide me,’ she said urgently through clenched teeth. There wasn’t much he could do. Lauren was standing in the middle of the room butt-naked and desperately looking for a place to conceal herself. ‘Quick, hide in the bathroom!’ he commanded. Lauren frantically dashed towards the bathroom and opened the door. She stepped into the...

1 year ago
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Mom On Fire In Rain

Hello, readers, I’m Karan 6ft, 6 pack with 7-inch toy and this is my first ever story about me and my mom it’s all functional story how I get my mom for sex. My mom Chhaya she has very tempting figure 5.3 ft tall with 36 size round boos and big ass. She is the slim fit sexy mom I ever seen. She is fair having sexy legs and sweet lips. It’s my fantasy to be my mom’s sex partner in this story I got that thing. It’s a fictional story. Let’s start it.   On a rainy day, I had just finished reading a...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 59

Dinah gulped. 216 possible tunes for her song! She hoped that at least some of them were easy on the ear. She was dreading hearing a load of machine-produced rubbish, trying to find a gem among the dross. She politely thanked The Personalia and downloaded their attempts at music. Not daring to make a start on these "tunes" without spreading the load, she sought out her sisters, and begged each of them, "Would you please help me out by listening to some of the tunes that The Personalia...

4 years ago
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Mother of the Bride

The organ struck up "Here comes the Bride" and my daughter walked down the aisle on her father's arm, up to where the vicar, groom and best man were waiting. The best man smiled and winked at me as the vicar began to speak. I was sitting in the front pew, painfully aware that I was not wearing any knickers, that my vagina was very sore with the fucking that it had endured, that my nipples had been sucked raw, and that dried cum was splashed across my thighs and stocking tops. As well as that, I...

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Loving AmyChapter 8

Brad started the car and Brad noticed that she was staring at him with a strange look on his face. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Don't you ever stop? How many people can you help in one lifetime?" Brad shut off the engine, "Well let's analyze this. First off, I have just made two good friends. One of these days I just might need a favor from them. Second, this is good business. Under the terms of the sale of my company, I get five percent of the net profits of the company for the next...

2 years ago
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Lustful Mom

To start off with, everything in this story is completely fictional.My name is Bob; I'm 18 years old and very athletic. I've had my share of girlfriends and they will tell you that I have a giant Cock (10 inches long and very thick). My cock just seems to stay hard all the time, especially when my Mom is around. If she has noticed it she never let on until I brought home my last girlfriend.Mom was at work and left a voice mail that she would be late and I should make my own plans for dinner....

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Taking Back Whats MineChapter 2 Punishment and Healing

That night, I made a very nice meal that surprised my guest. "Your wife has a husband at home who can cook like this and she still wants to go out and play. She must be nuts." "She has her reasons. She has not told them to me yet, so I don't quite know why as of yet. Speaking of which, she is probably getting hungry again. I better go down and feed her." "I can't believe what you're doing. I hope it works out." "So do I, listen, tomorrow, I would like to introduce you to her....

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