- 3 years ago
- 55
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The sex with their and their buddy’s moms had formed the three boys into a tightly knit group. Perhaps grownups wouldn’t have been so fixated on their bedroom antics, but remember these were teenage boys. Sex was powerful and even more so when they were fucking, not some teenybopper in the back of a car, but grown up women in a bed and then throw in the group stuff and it was impossible for then to not talk about last night or what they were going to do this weekend.
One day, George walked up to their lunchroom table and asked if he could sit down. All of a sudden three boys didn’t know what to talk about. It was up to him to break the ice. “Hey I heard you guys talking and maybe you can help me” Suddenly worried, everyone was listening closely. For George he couldn’t just come out and say it, So started another round of ten age tap dancing. Everyone knew what they wanted to talk about and no one was brave enough to start.
“Look I heard you guys, I think we’ve got the same problem, I’m seeing a woman, an older woman, I could never take her to the prom or anything, we’d probably get arrested.” When no one said anything, he swallowed and went on. “I think you guys got the same problem, you got any ideas for me? Sometimes cliches are the best descriptors, the silence was deafening!
It was Jim who finally broke the silence, “What about a drive in movie?”
“I guess I was wrong, I thought you guys were going with older women, sorry to bother you.” He started to get up.
Paul stopped him, “Tell you what, why don’t we meet after school? Maybe we can talk then.”
The threesome met between classes: “What does he want?
“Do you think he knows?”
“We can always beat the shit out of him.”
“Another woman would be fun.”
“Well let’s find out, remember nobody admits to anything!”
So, four boys met and no one knew how to start the conversation. Finally George took a gulp and said.” Hey maybe I misheard, but I thought you guys had older girlfriends, and I thought we might get together.”
“What do you mean, get together?”
“I guess double dates, maybe a small party? I got to tell you I know my friend would like to talk to some other gals about us. Hell I want to talk about what’s going on.” It took almost 45 minutes of dancing around the bush to finally get somewhere near the truth. First George admitted that his friend was a relative, then the boys admitted they were dating a relative.
Paul was tired of all the nonsense, “I don’t know if you want your gal to meet ours. we have sex, a lot of sex with ours!”
George was overjoyed, some fucking progress, “Well me too, isn’t it great?”
One ‘Yeah’, two head nods. It only took 15 more minutes to confess that all four were sleeping with their mothers. Actually none of the boys actually used the word ‘mother’ at best there was mom, strange because among themselves, ‘motherfucker’ was a badge of pride, they really were, the rest of the world was just talking!
So it was that next Saturday morning, promptly at ten AM George and his mother arrived at Paul and Marnie’s home. From Thursday when the boys announced to their mothers that there would be a party Saturday morning there had been 4 very serious conversations. For Paul, not only did he have to knock down all of his mother’s fears,, ‘No we checked them out, they’re just like us.’ I saw a picture she’s nice looking.’ ‘mom I’m sure you’re going to like George, if anything he’s a lot like Jim. ‘Of course, you can always say no.’
Jim’s mom was worried over their group getting too big. “Honey, I know another woman is more fun for you guys, hell for us too, but the more people we add the more likely somebody is going to get angry and spill the beans.”
All three had several phone conferences, somehow they felt that they were the senior members in this group. ‘Shouldn’t there b a pledge?’, ‘maybe an initiation, I don’t know, go down on everybody?’, ‘We got to figure out a way to say no, maybe we tell
them that we get to pick the next new member... ?
For Paul, not only the questions, but his mother went into a cleaning frenzy. Somehow he ended up vacuuming the house twice in less than 24 hours. Not only that but all the glasses and party dishes had to be washed and polished, As he told the guys, “Next time at somebody else;s place!” The only thing that saved the day for him was a shower for two and Marnie begged for a ‘quicky to take the edge off’.
John and Jim had been woken by 7:30 that morning with “How does this look?” There were two changes for Rose, Mary did three.
It wasn’t a lot better for George, for 4 full days he had to put up with a worried mom, the only thing that seemed to calm her was to let her suck his cock, inwardly he laughed, some pacifier! But it was a real struggle to hold his temper, from breakfast till their last kiss goodnight almost every five minutes he was telling her that she was going to enjoy the next weekend. “Mom come on, we both like a lot of different sex, you told me you never knew about screwing like we do it. You remember the first time you sat on me, boy did you come!” Jean, down deep knew her son was right, she had always enjoyed sex with her husband but now! Youth, her boy was so inventive, the first time he masturbated her to orgasm and then made her suck his fingers clean; boy that was so hot she just had to get his cock in her mouth. Look at that, she used to dole out oral sex, birthdays. Christmas, like that, now, damn it was good to have her own son’s prick in her mouth, she was so proud to have him!
Dressing started before seven AM. after several changes she came out with the perfect set, the bra and panties were a bright green, with her red hair she looked red hot, “Oh mom, if we had time, fuck you right here! She blushed with pride. He had to, a quick hug and a firm ass grab! On the way over, his mother clutched his hand, He was amused and pleased, she was scared but doing it for him ... what a good little cunt ... he couldn’t wait to watch her eat her first pussy!!
Marnie had fresh coffee and 10am was awful early to have a drink but who can refuse champagne? Between four women two bottles didn’t last long. The boys all noticed the effects, lots more laughter and touching
Jean was deep in conversation with Marnie, “Oh I know exactly what you’;e talking about! First time I was scared, scared my boy might drop me for one of the others, scared somebody would, I don’t know, rape me? But now It’s like I’ve got a couple of extra sons, and the,” she looked around to be sure none of the boys could hear her, “sex, it’s so good, and so much of it! I’m telling you, wait till you have three young cocks in you, I swear my boobs vibrate in excitement.” Seeing Jean’s empty glass she opened another bottle. The next day on the phone Rose said ‘ no more than 2 bottles in the future, my jaw still hurts.
Paul felt that as co host it was his job to get the party moving, Grabbing his mother he moved them over to Jean and George, with all the confidence of a George Clooney, he put an arm around Jean and, “George this is my mom, Marnie. I would appreciate it if you would fuck her brains out,” Marnie gave a little unnerved giggle while Jean wasn’t really sure of what she heard. “Go on mom, kiss your new date!” That Marnie understood, sex when there was sex around her son was always the boss. She turned and one arm around George pulled him close. No warmups here, his mouth was filled with tongue and there was a hand stroking the front of his pants! In a normal world George would have been scared off by any woman this aggressive, but for a week he had been dreaming, not only dreaming but beating off about this group thing. His hands just naturally went to Marine’s ass to pull her closer. When they came up for air there was his mother, Paul had pulled her skirt up and was holding her ass by those bright green scanty panties. God she looked good! Ten, no more than ten minutes and every woman was topless. George spotted two thongs, boy that Rose had long legs, then he felt Marnie unbuckling his pants. The rest of the afternoon was sort of a blur; Mary sitting on top riding him to at least two orgasms for herself, while right next to him his mom was on top of somebody, a food break eating with four naked women, EIGHT FUCKING TITS!!, doing Rose dog fashion when Paul? he thought it was Paul, knelt in front of her and she opened wide without being told and sucked him off while Harry did his best to make her forget that cock in her mouth, his mom eating pussy, no one forced her, she fell in with the others and licked the first pussy presented to her. That was so hot, his mom eating pussy and a well fucked one at that. He was so turned on he kissed her when she went to get up. Her lips, that pussy, the taste of cum from that puss, His cock was instantly hard again.
Rose got him next and pulled him into the standard missionary position, After all the sex he had had that day bland old missionary was very comforting. “Come on honey, lay on mommies tits, make me feel you, you and your very nice cock.” And her tongue was in his ear.
Jean got more than her share, everyone wanted some of the new, and a couple wanted it more than once. Her pussy was sore, but she was very pleased with that ache. Jim tried to ass fuck her and she stopped him. Honey, no, I’m cherry back there and I’m saving it for Harry, honest, as soon as he breaks me in, I promise.” Harry was willing to settle for a blow job and a very lively cow girl fuck.
Before they got up, he grabbed her by her sweaty boobs. “You know my mom loves anal, you want some help or pointers I’m sure she would help.”
One of things the mothers loved most about their sons was after one of those sex parties was their boys need to give them one last fuck that night! As Rose said one day, “You know after that party last week, when we were going to bed John was so horny for me and you all remember that was sort of a crazy day, I was sore and wanted to just go down on him. Oh no, he had, I mean had to fuck me! Well after all that stuff we did that day he was a slow cum. You know at first I was like come on lets get it over I need some sleep, but then when I realized my son had to fuck me, that it was important to him,. Like he had to leave his mark, next thing I know there I go, cum and cum!” The others smiled and nodded in understanding.
Three weeks later, Harry and Jean were at Jim and Mary’s. It had taken three phone calls and a coffee date to convince Jean that Mary would be a big help in her loosing her ass cherry. Jean asked for a second Tom Collins and Mary smiled remembering how at first she needed some Dutch Courage before open sex, now maybe just a glass of water.
Sitting at the kitchen table, Mary got right to the basics, “You know it would probably be best, if you both are first timers, for Harry to do me and Jim do you. I mean-”
She was interrupted by Jean, “Oh no, it’s going to be my first time back there and I want my Harry to get my cherry,” There was just a touch of a blush on her face as Jean said that,
Mary thought that was sort of sweet. Giving up your ass for the first time and you want your own son to be the one! “OK, I can understand that, how about this, You two watch Jim and I and then do your solo. I got to tell you, you want to make sure nobody gets hurt.”
With that the four of them were off to he bedroom, Mary was taking off her blouse when Jean reached over and kissed her on a nipple, “You don’t know how much we appreciate this.” Now there were two couples in bed making out, the boys were used to having sex with their own mothers but the proximity of the other couple had then rock hard in no time. Mary was up on hands and knees and Jim had a tube of Astroglide. As Jean and Harry watched they got lots of play by play from the other two.
Jim started pith a well coated forefinger, “See, now just put a little pressure there and soon the spincter will relax.”
Mary chimed in, “Since I started cumming back there, I’m a lot more relaxed.” As if on cue, Jims finger slid into her butt by maybe an inch.
“Now look. it’s important that you stop here for at least thirsty seconds and then slowly deeper.”
“Oh lover you know how to do it so good!” George and Jean were watching closely with arms around each other. Jean couldn’t believe how quickly Mary’s ass had opened, George could only think, soon, SOON! Jim slathers some more lub an hot only his forefinger but the next two, as they watched his single finger worked in and out of Mary very slowly and on each outstroke he added more lube.
After maybe 10 strokes Jim very slowly added one more finger. Mary gave a grunt, “Oh that’s the way baby, rip this ass.” Soon there were three fingers in Mary’s ass and she was grunting in pleasure. “Watch this”, and he pulled free, her ass hole actually gaped for maybe a second, he put his fingers back in his mother, “OK now watch how I do this,” he moved closed to her butt, fingers eased out and his cock pushed right in. Both George and Jean were shocked as how easily that cock found it’s home. Jean shivered in anticipation, while George’s cock quivered in excitement. They were holding hands and squeezing tight as they watched Jim’s cock push it’s way into Mary’s guts. Before the last inch was starting to disappear Mary’s grunts were changing from pained to pleasure. Jean, without thinking, pulled George in for a tongue filled kiss.
“Right there daddy, you got me now” It was almost a yell. Starting slow, within two minutes Jim had a nice steady fuck going on and
Mary was Oohing and Ahhing with every stroke, Jean couldn’t control herself, she crawled up and getting on her back and kissed Mary, “You are so beautiful, I hope I can be as good as you are. For the rest of her ass fuck, her bed buddy Jean softly caressed her hanging tits. Jean got to witness Mary overcome by her ass orgasm. By now Mary was dripping with sweat and she let out a small yell as she came and just before she collapsed onto the mattress, Jean saw Mary’s eyes glaze over.
By now George was almost in pain he wanted momma’s ass so bad, still Jean made him wait till Mary recovered. As she told George at home that evening. “ I mean she had such a great cum I figured we owed her some private time to recover.”
When it was finally time for Jean’s debut, Jim got up by her head and put a hand on one boob. His mother stayed back by Jean’s ass to supervise, she just wasn’t sure George could control himself and she didn’t want her girlfriend hurt.
It took a lot longer for Jean’s sphincter to relax, Mary had to reassure George, “Come on, I’m used to it, let you mother get ready. As she was talking she couldn’t resist softly stroking the nice rounded ass in front of them. Jean instantly recognized that it was not her son stroking her butt but her new best friend, she found that reassuring and suddenly there was an inch of cock in her ass. “Ohh! ... Stop! ... Wait! Let me get used to it!Oh Honey you are so big!’
Jim leaned in and softly kissed her ear, “It only gets better from here.” She almost wept, she had never had Friends like this. Meanwhile Mary was kissing George while she got come more lube, she re-greased his cock and said, “Now try another inch, slowly’
As his cock slowly invaded her ass, Jean gasped, god it hurt, but if hurt sort of good, She was giving her ass to her son, giving like a good mother should, she had to try, she shoved back a little, it wasn’t so bad. Three people almost simultaneously said it “Good Girl” She gad to smile, they all loved her. With that her ass suddenly relaxed and she was full of prick, all the way, she could feel her son’s balls bouncing off her butt. Jim kissed her cheek and Mary slid forward as her hand slid up her back and around to
caress and hold one dangling tit.
Once again Mary cautioned, “Slow. slowly now let the baby get used to it.” This was group sex at it’s highest level. George was going slowly because here were witnesses and they kept warning him. Jim was watching and caressing Jean even as he thought ... soon, soon, I’ll get some of that ... Mary was happy for her friend, besides, the more people she knew that were into butt fucking the more normal she felt. Just like the sex with her son, the other couples confirmed that they were not doing anything
wrong, Somedays she wanted to scream at her ‘straight; friends, “fuck your sons, the best sex you’ll ever have!”
George came way to soon for himself and not soon enough for his mother. She was amazed, her asshole felt his cock swell just before he came, she felt every drop of his cum as it blasted into her. With that extra lube the next strokes were sort of nice. Jean had sweat dripping from her face as she relaxed a little, she knew she could learn to like this. She had seen others cum on an ass fuck and she was determined to get hers! After a couple of post orgasmic strokes, George fell to his side emotionally wiped by what they had just done. He had a hundred thoughts running around in his head... ‘what a cock’... ‘Mom’s my cunt now’...
‘fuck all of them’... ‘rip this Mary a new one’ ... But most of all he was filled with a sense of his own immortality, ... me and my cock, forever!
It was maybe a month later Jean had her first cum on an ass fuck, she couldn’t wait to call Mary and tell her. Mary suggested they have an ass party and make the boys rotate on their butts.
“Mary come here.” Mary stood at the kitchen table, topless, she was standing next to Rose who was casually stroking her panty clad ass as she looked at the food ads in the paper. John, just finishing his cereal pushed the bowl away and cocked a finger at her. TRAINING DAY, the boys had come up with that one, no real schedule just a way to further turn out their mothers. At first all the mothers enjoyed obeying their sons, a few thought it was cure. to be bossed around by a son. a teenager! But down deep there was that thing, that special feeling when a child ordered them, do this, suck that. For Marnie, the time her son ordered her to go with him to a porno theater and in the darkened theater unbuttoned her blouse and pulled off her bra, she had to sit there topless for at least an hour and a half. Eight different guys sat in the empty seat next to her, not only did she had to let them paw and squeeze her, but then even the very first one grabbed her hand and put it on his already wet cock! She was jacking off strangers in a porno theater! She couldn’t believe how she blushed in shame. The fucking perverts would cum all over her hand and zip up and leave. As she told one of the girls, “You know, not even a thank you!” Her son had stopped at the candy counter and got extra napkins for his popcorn. As one creep would leave, her son would lean over and whisper, “What a good girl. what a great whore you’d be” She’d get a kiss and a fresh napkin, after the second guy the word must have spread, that seat was never empty for more than five minutes That thing about being a great whore really made her feel good!! ... He knows me, he’s right, I would be a great whore! ... She hugged that thought all the way home.
Now as Mary walked the short way to her temporary master, she had to wonder, what are these two up to. The way Rose had stroked her butt earlier had got her motor running ... They’ve got to see my nipples, hard, aching, give away... “Mary, I had a little spill here, can you clean it up?”
Looking down she could see milk and some cereal on his exposed cock, “I’d be glad to.”
As she sank to her knees, John started talking to his mother about shopping. “I need some more ginger ale, put that on the list. But you know I don’t need it today, how about after I get off, our little Marykins here does you, then a shower for all of us, then howabout a nap?” Mary who actually loved this kind of slave play had a slight tremble at the word Marykins, treated as a toy, she loved it.
Rose said, “OK but who gets in the middle? You, or our cunt for the day?”
Mary didn’t hear the answer as both ears were grabbed, “Come on cunt I know you can do better!” Now she was lips down on John’s pubic hair and a cock was throbbing at her throat. Sure that cock was battering at her throat, and yes it hurt to have her ears and hair pulled and she felt a touch of shame to be sucking a young kid’s cock in front of his mother, but God Damn she felt good! She hoped she might get spanked by Rose, this tine. Oh John was good at it but when a woman had her over her lap she felt so alone
so unprotected, so ashamed, she was always afraid she would start dripping and another woman could smell it before any man could.
After the shower it was decided that Mary would be in the middle. “That way either one of us can get at her.” And that was how it went, on her side facing Rose there was a hand fondling the top of one boob, while John snuggled up to her, lifted her top ass cheek and laid his soft cock next to her asshole and lowered that cheek. All of her senses were aware of that cock next to her asshole. She was actually a little sorry when John started softly snoring, ... how could he sleep ... with her ass so close ... She did manage to doze off but was woken by a now hard dick pressing against her delicate asshole. She gave a little backward push to
signal her willingness and apparently there was enough precum, she had the head of a cock in her ass!
With a whispered “good girl” There it was, that phrase. ‘Good Girl’ when said by a teenager to an adult and about sex. So demeaning! So shaming! Such a compliment! It was another thing that got her so aroused about this sort of relationship. She was a Good Girl but she was also a slave to her Cunt! John’s hands were on both hips pulling himself in to her. She bent herself to give him better access and that put her nose in Rose’s hair. That hair smelled so fresh as her ass felt so dirty, dirty but excited, she could never take a full time diet of butt fucking but once a week or so, and God Damn, John was a virtuoso on asses. Her kisses woke Rose.
“Nasty little tart, giving your ass to my sweet son. you will pay!” And she was kissed back as Rose’s hand found her clit. The threat was almost as good as a whipping, And there it was that uncontrollable cumming. these training day things were the only ones that got her off like this. She was sure that they were keeping her young!
That evening after dinner, Mary had to do the dishes and then while john and Rose sat on the couch and watched television, Then Mary had to switch every commercial, cock or pussy Mary looking up once she watched John kissing and fondling his mother, she was so happy to be part of the family. John stopped her once, “No over my lap I want to spank this sweet ass” After maybe ten hard swats, with his hand rubbing her butt he asked, “ There anything you’ve never done with Jim. you want to really cheat on him, now’s your chance!” She almost wet herself over that idea.
In the morning, as she was being kissed goodbye, Rose reminded her, “Now don’t forget, I’m waiting for an invitation from your Jim.” On the way home she felt cleansed, she was totally fucked out The taste of Rose’s puss filled with her son’ sperm. both Rose’s and Jim’s ass holes, cock, oh wondrous cock, cleaning it fresh out of pussy or out of Rose’s ass she would treasure those tastes forever She felt like such cheating cunt, to like it that much was cheating on her son in it’s own way, at a stop sign she gave herself a little hug and shivered with excitement. So fucking rotten, so good! She kept thinking about John’s idea of something new and unique to cheat on her son, oh so dirty, she’d figure out something new!
When she got home she couldn’t wait to jump her son, those ‘Days’ got her so hot!
The Guys were always amazed at how the moms could be so straight in the outside world and such man eating cock hounds with their clothes off. As George said, “I’m a fucking slave to my dick it gets hard and that’s it, mom says she just as horny but she doesn’t show it.” As usual, these kinds of conversations got the guys hot and they had to hurry home.
The boys never knew it but the mom’s got together and set some rules for their, MILF? MF? club For security purposes they ended up with ‘Mom’s Club’ It was Marnie who said they had to be careful if the group was to grow. otherwise somebody’s going to talk or just plain blow the whistle on us.
“How’d you like to be my secret cunt, still fuck your son come over for parties but then in private you and me with me totally in charge. Who knows, find you some young pussy to lick” Marnie wouldn’t believe herself, George just said that out of the blue and she felt herself wetting up over the idea ... What was she becoming...
“Unn, that might be fun.”
“It sure will be for me, don’t wait to long or I’ll get one of the other gals.” She marveled, these boys were getting so grown up!
After that first open fuck. a foursome or more, most of the women discovered they loved open sex. It was part show off, sort of ... I can cum harder than you do, part pure love, Marnie for one couldn’t believe the time she and Rose were getting it side by side and when their eyes met, Rose’s were sparkling, and when Rose winked at her it was their secret! She loved that. Mary had to smile at herself, she could remember how her first sex was always in a dark room, like it had to be hidden. Now she thought the sex was so much better when it was all out in the open, she loved showng off her cocksucking skills to everyone, to her it was a hell of a compliment to have someone grab her and start fucking while she was sucking, She was sure it was her skill at deepthroating that got the other guys hot, although they would never mention it, all the mother’s were competing with each other. Every one of them watched their weight and had joined health clubs to get ‘toned’.
Rose loved to show off how she would cum she was the most vocal. Marnie discovered she liked the taste of puss but more amazing she liked cum, never did before, she guessed that must be love. Both women admitted it was even better when fresh out of somebody. Dick or pussy, each one was good in it’s own way. But when you’re cleaning up some woman who your own son has just ravaged...
Rose, “Never thought I’d like to eat pussy.”
Marnie, “Don’t know what’s better being eaten or doing the eating; 69 is great, getting fucked by my son is great.” It was even greater to have people watch her son fuck her over the top, coming on son’s dick, so happy someone can see her coming. She was truly like a kid with a new toy, she wanted everyone to see how lucky she was! Looking back she couldn’t even recognize her old self, was I really that dumb?
Both moms were proud of how their sons could make the others cum, ... that’s my son ... I taught him that! And then, “Come here mom suck me clean!” To be ordered like that. So cute! So masterful! Fresh out of somebody’s ass was proof of how strong her love was, how strong her son was. She was made for this!! All the moms got more and more into showing off and fucking the boys, openly, in a month they didn’t care, their son, or one of the others, as long as they had to submit, submit to a young boy with a big cock ordering them. Life was good!
Besides the lust, the need to have each other, all the moms admitted they loved the inventiveness of their own sons. As one said, “20 years of missionary, I’d forgotten just ho much fun fucking can be.” That was another thing, the freedom they’d gained by their “Son Fucking Club” had loosened their vocabulary Everything was new and open; mouth, puss, and ass, all for fun. It was so good no one ever though any longer that they were doing anything wrong, it was sex for fun, not to make babies, not because they were obligated. Orgasms ruled their world! There was the time mom met big shot wife of their state senator and made her totally subservient. “Oh honey I was so proud the way you bent her to your will, you made that cunt ours!”
One day after school the boys were talking one says, this is too much, I’m horny, going home and fuck mom.
“Shit you don’t have to go, Let me call my mom. “Mom Paul here is horny and you, you what we agreed on.” Looking at three grinning boys she had to smile back,
“You want me to get undressed for just one guy?”
“Well if your mom’s doing Paul, would you mind,”
“Fuck no, come on the three of us. Jean here loves being watertight” She did, but she also wished it could be a little more romantic, Four o’clock in the afternoon and 3 boys fucking her like no tomorrow, her pussy, her mouth, her ass were alive she wished there was a mirror so she could see herself “Me I’m the boss cunt!”She knew her son was showing off his power to his friends but a please would have been nice ... It was Paul who whispered “I’ve fucked all your asses, and yours is the nicest, could we get together sometime just you, me and if you like my mom?” Who doesn’t like a complement... ‘best ass in town!!!...
Later told his mom about it, Hesitantly, “You know you want me to take care of your buddies all you have to do is ask,”
He laughed, “You mean tell!’
“You’re right,” she laughed.”you are the boss of this cunt!”
Another two couples, the thrill of group sex, if not erect, watching gets you up at once! To see my mother sucking, lips sliding up and down and as she got hotter. lips going deeper with each bob. Watching her cheeks hollow out as she sucks, her nose flaring as she starts to pant in excitement. She’d always sneak a look over to be sure I’d approved of the good job she was doing, if she couldn’t suck me, she’d do the best she could on his friends, somebody’s cock because I told her to ... I could be a pimp, get off on that shit.
Three months had now passed since what I call the unfortunate incident in our relationship. Without going into too much detail, I had been a little dishonest with Liz, and to sort of smooth over a very difficult period of time in our relationship, I had very reluctantly agreed that Liz could go out for a drink at an hotel with this young guy called Daniel. I didn’t want to agree to it, but our relationship was in danger, and as I caused the argument in the first place by being dishonest, it was...
This is based on a true incident. Names and minor details are changed for obvious reasons. If you have read my previous posts you'll know that I'm a cock loving cum slut. Can't get enough, no matter what shape size or colour. Have been a cum rag for real men since I was 12. Ever since my 50 odd year old neighbour taught me all about sucking cock.In all the 30 years of my life I've only been an absolute submissive bottom. Well one of the main reasons being my dick. If you can call a 3 incher a...
"Which hospital is she in?" I ask as I get into Stuart's car and fasten my seatbelt. "Queen Charlotte's," Stuart says, before a wide smile spreads across his face. "So... Did- did they, you know, say anything? About the kid?" "You're the one who Mikey texted," I retort, before my eyes go wide as I realise what- or rather, who- Stuart's referring to. "Oh, oh you- you meant-" "Yeah," Stuart nervously giggles. "Nearly put the baby seat in the car before setting off, I'm getting so...
Hello everyone this is my fourth time I am narrating my personal experiences at ISS. I belong to a middle class family and we use to live in small house with 3 rooms, in one room my parents use to sleep and in another we all siblings use to sleep. It all started when I was in my high schools. I will briefly describe about my family I am the only son and I have to sisters both are older to me; one sister is 5yrs older to and another 2 years older to me. I have already told in previous story...
IncestIden listened to her read for what might have been hours, quickly losing track of time. The tales of this de Mercier person were amazing, even if his poetry was a little flowery for Iden’s tastes. He had lived a long and fruitful life, exploring foreign lands, and fighting for noble causes rather than for coin. He was well-to-do, the heir to a noble house, and so putting food on his table was of little concern. Iden had to admit that he envied the man. Not for his devotion to justice, or for...
Christmas Story Two Here Kitty Kitty I was away at college during the holidays. My mother was home all alone, since dad had died earlier in the year. I didn’t have the money or anyway to get home so mom would have to face this first Christmas all alone. I missed being home for Thanksgiving and my roommate knew it. He tried to comfort me, he tried to get me drunk, and he even tried to get me laid too. As it got closer to Christmas I told him that my mother had been born on...
Hi guys, let me begin with a brief introduction. Soni was an 18-year-old girl who earned the name ‘sexy Soni’ because she would dress in very skimpy clothes. Many times she was minus a bra or panty or both. She loved being a sex symbol to the boys and men alike and had no inhibition with being nude. It was a huge turn-on for her, to let boys get peeks of her boobs and ass or panty-less pussy either by accident or on purpose. She had dated a few guys from college and was not new to sex. Mostly...
Hello my Dear Kerala erotic readers, I am very happy that I am one of you who read all the stories in this wonderful site Kerala Erotica. I am Sahar from Bangalore(as usual name changes to protect the identity) 24 years old working for a MNC and who is going to take you through the experience awaited a long long time. I got a friend request on Orkut from a girl named Rinutha (again a name change) which I accepted as it was common for any guy to accept a girl’s request. I got a call after a few...
How it Started. I’ve been punished every Saturday night for more than five years. And I don’t see that changing any time soon - at least I hope not. The ritual has gone through several changes. And the person doing the punishing has changed. First it was Poppa. He started not long after my mother ran away with the younger Martin boy. Then when his health was failing, Poppa convinced his sister, my Aunt Rinnie, to take over. But while she agreed with Poppa about sparing the rod and spoiling the...
IncestHello, my name is Reverend Townsand, or you can call me Richard. But never Dick! Yes I am a minister. Have a church that requires a lot of my time. Not just on Sundays. During the week there are services on Wednesdays. Children’s mass on Saturday. So you can see I am quite busy during the week. But that was before I took a permanent vacation, but I am getting ahead of myself here. I am married to the most wonderful woman in the world; her name is Sandy, for the past 18 years. We also have 2...
Just after college, I rented a small guest house in a up and cumming part of town. It was quant and quiet and none of my friends lived close by, so I had lots of time to watch gay porn and play with my dildo. I had gotten rather comfortable with so much privacy, a would forget to close the blinds. The old lady I rented from couldn't see the guest house from her windows, I was tucked away enough I would read outside naked. One day I got really horny and started to lube up. I put on my favorite...
I enjoyed giving my very first blow job and swallowing my first cum shot. I was hungry for more sexual experiences. I began to relive all the stories I’d overheard my sister telling her friends and every bit of porn I’d ever seen. I played with myself thinking about all of it. I was looking forward to trying them all out. Over the next few days after the blow job incident, every time we were out of earshot of other people, he would make subtle remarks and hints about how much fun he had. I let...
First TimeThe rest of the day was just a blur, I was trying to get my head round what had just taken place. Whilst I was incredibly turned on by the whole experience, I didn't know if I wanted more or I wanted to get my own back. Not only had she spanked me over my own desk and finger fucked my arse whilst wanking me off, she had not shown any emotion, it just felt like she had used me for her own pleasure. Thankfully we finished off the days figures for the day and Miss Cooper departed, saying that we...
ReluctanceAs a result, the poor girl was a freak by the age of 18. The strange potions made her very chubby and grow dull brown fur all over. She grew oversized breasts and long cow-like tail, which constantly got in her way. Her cute fuzzy face mostly kept human properties: large dark green eyes, small pouty lips and puffy cheeks. Soft tan fur covered her freckled face, but people never saw it because she hid behind her long brown hair. She strongly resembled a cow, and that wasn’t too bad....
Another true story of one of my many sex-capades:Late one night (more like early one morning) I met a trucker on Kik that was passing through my area. For me, nothing is hotter than getting plowed by a truck driver in the sleeper cab of his truck, so I had to make this hook up work! The problem was that I was horny now, but he wasn't going to be in my town for another couple of hours. So, I decided to hook-up with another guy from Kik. (A decision I would totally regret later on.) You can read...
Copyright © 1997 and 2002, Phil Phantom Cindy saw that the door to my bedroom wasn't all the way closed, so the knock-before-entering rule did not apply. She opened the door and said, "Mom, I... MOM! I jumped to place my back to the wall and yanked-up the bathing suit I was stripping out of, crying, "Cindy! GET OUT!" Ignoring the order, my curious sixteen-year-old marched in, saying, "Mom, what was that?" With the suit clutched in place but not tied, I said, "That was none of your...
Hello doston, Ye kahani mere dost ki girlfriend kalyani ki hai, wo 21 saal ki jawan ladki hai. Uski jawani ki charcha poore college mai hai. Boobs size 24B, kamar ki size 30, rang gora hai, 5’4″ height hai uski. Kalyani har hafte weekend mere dost se milne aati thi ghar aur saturday sunday sath mai rutkti thi. Hamare ghar mai ek bathroom ki window tuti hui hai aur chat se dekhne mai sab kuch dikhta hai andar. Kismat se wo khidki mere dost ke kamre ki hai. Ek din kalyani aur humlog sab bahar...
Hi to everyone, this is my first story so hope u guys and girls having fun while reading this story…Agar kuch galati ho gayi to maaf karna dosto our agar story acchi lage to some busy schedule se 2 min nikal kar muze email jarur kare…My name is karan, age 28, dick size average… Kuch logo ka 4 inch ka ho to bhi story me 8 ka likhate he….Don’t know unhe baddhapan karke kya milta he…Let it be…Jyada boar nahi karunga direct story pe ata hu… Ye story he meri our meri bajuwali aunty ki…Ab aunty k...
Memo: status- private. To: Dr. D. Roberts Fr: Dr. J. Williams Re: Mary Benson, case MB0004 Dt: April 21, 1980 Dave, I thought the following would be of interest. This is the summary of debriefing from the field agents combined with the thiopental sessions from the subject. This one didn't have the usual coven. Detailed reports from the agents and transcripts of the subject's and coven's questioning are only available here on site. Security will not allow removal of material from this...
When I was 32, I went through a very messy and expensive divorce and asked my parents if I could move back with them and share expenses. My mother was 53 and was (and still is) very attractive, dark hair with a touch of gray, womanly curves without being plump, and a pair of very nice round tits. My father was 60 at the time and had recently undergone prostate surgery and was still recovering from that and appreciated having the help around the house during his healing time. For several months...
IncestNothing is more fun than a shopping day for Asian chicks Eva Yi and Jade Luv. When they get home, they put on a little fashion show for each other, trying on all the skimpy lingerie they bought on their shopping spree. But all these goods come at a cost. The two have the same sugar daddy, and they are willing to fight for him! Luckily, when our stud shows up, he proves to the girls that there is plenty of him to go around. They whip out his girthy dick and proceed to pleasure it with all the...
xmoviesforyouHi, this is amay patel 21yr young guy an engineer student staying in Mumbai.I not muscular boy but I am good looking with decent height and well shaped body and I belong from a good family background. So any marry women, bhabhies and girls around Mumbai can mail me at Now coming back to story, this story is about my cousin bhabhi sanjana whom I dream of fucking her and which happened few months back. Talking about sanjana she is married 4yrs back with my cousin brother and they no children...
(This will be from the racer's prospective, than the coaches prospective.) Coach: I am excited, the race is this week, a week I have off from college, thanksgiving. I'm 25 and I'm at the terminal now, my client right behind me. My muscles bulged, as he strained to carry the gigantic packages. Airplane attendants asked me if I wanted help, and I declined it, wanting to show superiority. Danny: The entire flight through I snored, and when I awoke, my crotch had a nice warm feeling, the canvas...
FetishPart TwoI hadn’t heard from Rick for a three days and my pussy was throbbing. I worked out, took care of the c***dren, but it wasn’t enough. When I was busy it was manageable but when I was alone is when the urges crept in. I had grown used to the daily savage fucking and I needed more. And something happened when I came back to the gym. The men started looking at me more. It was as if they somehow knew that I became a slut. They flirted with me and I loved it, but they would just flirt....
The trip of about five hundred miles to Santa Fe should take them about twelve to fourteen days to make the journey. After much talking on who’ll go Mary decides Nellie and Sam will accompany Boone and he’s to hire three or four of the Apache as scouts. After the decision is made preparations are made for the trip, the three family members will share the gold between them in their saddlebags, and the ladies will lead two pack-horses carrying their camping gear and food supplies. To ensure...
Kassidy This takes place during the summer after Julie and I experienced our first time together. Although I was same age as Julie and a lot of our friends, I was only going to be a freshman, whereas they were all going to be sophomores. My parents had me start school a year later so that I would not end up in classes with my older brother who had been held back a grade. Pool time Since I was very young, I was involved in gymnastics. I spent many hours in the gym every week working out. Most...
Today's (Tuesday) morning and afternoon sessions had been the final two of the series of seminars Bill and his friends had flown to Sydney for. So while Charlie, Ivan and Jimmy made plans to enjoy the best of the nightlife Sydney had to offer Bill accepted an offer from Susan Johnson and Candy Booth to head to Bondi Beach, now clothing optional, for a spot of late afternoon sunbathing and an early evening swim. And both Susie and Candy had both insisted on going to a special sectioned off...
BB was on his way yet again, another week at sea with the other ten members of the crew. They hadn’t met up yet, most waiting till the last possible minute to climb aboard for what had to be the most physically demanding job on earth. Crabbing wasn’t an art, though the captain would like to glorify it and say “there’s magic in them boxes boys…haul ‘em up, get ‘em emptied and toss ‘em back to the sea…” he could hear it now as he walked from the not so modest house he called home when in...
My husband is in complete control of my body. He decides what I will wear, how I will groom myself, and who I will fuck. I love it that someone who loves me has complete mastery of my physical being. It is quite liberating, but terribly embarrassing at times. There are situations when I wish he would let me dress more modestly, but I love it that this lifestyle choice really turns him on. He knows that forcing me to wear a tiny top that exposes my breasts a bit, or lets my nipples pop out...
Alexa Chapter 24: Recuperation After the accident, rather than going to the apartment, Jenny brought me out to her father's house where she thought I would be able to recuperate better. I will admit it was much better than being in the apartment and I had spent enough time here that it felt like a second home. I felt like I was royalty since Jenny had everything she needed or wanted at her fingertips, but I still felt bad. She needed to continue with life and not be watching over...
Usual disclaimers: Fantasy, do not try this at home. Keep away from children. Void where prohibited or illegal. No good parts here. This is just a short epilogue on yesterday's events. Shall I continue? What say ye? We slept curled together that night, Candy and I, after I bathed her and tended to her bruises and burns. Robert took care of Vicky and Yukiko, he also bathed them both, and took care of their wounds. Yukiko's areolas looked particularly bad, since she had torn them a bit...
A loud buzz could be heard coming from the Creneths bathroom. People with knowledge of what more commonly happened within these walls would have their minds immediately turn to lewd matters but surprisingly it wasn't so. Markus Creneth...was brushing his teeth while wearing his pajamas . Making sure to get it done properly, he took his time, unware of the trap that had been laid for him in his bedroom. As he finished up he returned to see his lovely partner, Andrea, sitting in the middle...
‘ I would really love it if you came to Florida with me and my mother for a nascar race,’ Jason said to me, as we cuddled on his bed. I stared at him with an astonished expression on my face, my eyebrows slightly arching and jaw dropping open a little. He immediately noticed the reaction I gave and said ‘OK, fine, it was just a suggestion. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.’ I scrutinized him, gazing into his baby blue eyes I had so come to love and could tell that he really wanted me...
Taisha, with the aid of a few military types as well as Imperial Investigator Tillan, was observing the battle in a massive tri-dee cube which had been set up in the command centre of Tafta Station. “The Empire appears to be using a few innovative tactics to take out the slower alien fleet,” she commented to the group. “They have the weapons to deal with the semi-organic skin the aliens use,” Tillan replied. “That, along with the knowledge of their saboteur squads, they know where the...
My wife has always been a free spirt over sex and our relationship has been open. She worked at the time with a guy about ten years older than her. One evening she said to me that John was having a bad time at home his wife was not having sex with him and he was looking for ways to try to get her switched on again. She said she suggested porn DVD films and wondered if I would mind him borrowing some of ours. We had quite a lot at the time because I had a guy at work who used to sell them cheap....
Cheating WifesYou're name is lily iko you're 18, you have brown hair and hazel brown eyes, b cup boobs and a small butt. You can change your looks later in the story. You wake up in your one story apartment.
RomanceAs soon as we entered Reggie's house she ordered me to strip. Tara and Steph sat on the couch and watched me undress. Reggie went to her room and came out a couple of minutes later wearing shorts and a loose t-shirt. She's carrying that fucking cattle prod and her two cameras. She put everything down on the coffee table and turned to face me with that arrogant smile on her face. She waved me closer. When I was standing in front of her she pulled a black leather strap out of her back pocket...
The doctor along with his nurse Isabelle Deltore have just realized that they have two hours of free time due to a few patient cancellations. So, as they usually do when they have this amount of free time, the two start fooling around. First Isabelle breaks out her massive glass dildo and starts shoving it in and out of her asshole and pussy. Then the doctor starts doing it, before he switches the dildo out for his BBC. He then goes on to slam the petite blonde nurse in all of her holes before...
xmoviesforyouMy twenty four year old sister Jenny one month into her marriage to husband Bob but no one including myself could understand why they married and I’m only fifteen.Jenny had always been special I was upset when she went to University but totally devastated when she got married I had lost my one true friend I found it hard to think of the two together.What really upset me was thinking of him lying in bed holding Jenny.Jenny was talking to Mom when I came in from school I heard Mom say it would be...
Dear all I am regular reader of ISS, and many stories I have seen which inspired me to write my life experience when I was working in a leading telecom company in USA. I am RAJA, MALE, 38 YEARS OLD, any female, who need a good friend in USA, especially in California, who want to have sex with me can mail me at So here is todays story,,,,,,,,,,,, The reader will recall that on my return from England (for more arousing time read ‘Rama, the adulteress), I had given up my nine to five job and set...
The closest men’s room had two urinals and two stalls. Bradley chose the stall against the wall. After a halfway satisfying dump, he had flushed, pulled his pants up, and was almost ready to head out when someone came in the bathroom. He heard wet smacks and high pitched moans — wait, is that a girl? He froze inside the stall, as he listened to the sounds get closer, and then the stall door next to him banged open and two sets of feet shuffled in next door. One pair of feet wore bright...
Paul then told me that he had seen me pull up yesterday and get out of the car he could not take his eyes off me he wanted to fuck me then and there on the top of the hood of my car. That when he had walked over and saw my lips all he could think about was how they would feel around his hard cock he took his belt then and smacked my ass he said he could smell my cunt yesterday and had waited but I had done nothing. At this point my ass is on fire my pussy is dripping like a waterfall I beg...
Erika and I walked on the pavement along Bird Street. I walked ahead and she followed me. She wore a thick jumper and equally thick tracksuit pants. Both her hands were in her pockets as she walked. She wore a baseball cap and bowed her head down whenever she saw a car drive by. In a way I felt guilty. Erika had been indoors all her life and all of a sudden she was outdoors, so of course she'd be uncomfortable. Erika and I arrived downtown twenty minutes later. We were two eleven-year-old...
I broke up with Trish last September, due to reasons she’d know best. Then it was all booze and me. I was drowned in alcohol for the next month or so, trying to overcome my emotional breakdown. Trish has a friend, Nina. I met her approximately at the same time I had met Trish. She was a blessing in disguise for me. She has been a pillar of support for me. A source of motivation and encouragement, Nina is always ready with the perfect solutions, whenever I land in some soup. Meanwhile, I have...
The next day at sunrise all the zombies collapsed where they were, littering the streets and buildings with bodies. The dead, were gradually moved by the vastly reduced emergency services and city crews. The living, but dead to the world, were moved to makeshift shelters. There, they could be secured and questioned when they awoke. Still, there were so many, that unless they were in the road, or out in the open, they weren't picked up. Many others were simply locked in whatever buildings...
THIS HAPPENED IN 2011Hubby and I had gone away for the weekend, we go away a lot on weekends just to get away from the hum drum of normal life, we see different places, and have a shag in a different hotel, it also allows us to find other people for us to enjoy having sex with, strangers, we prefer people we’re not likely to see again.This time we’d booked for a Monday to Friday, week away in the South of England, on the coast, plenty of sea air and walks on the promenade. The day after we’d...
I woke before k and looked at her I was still reeling from the nights activity I couldn't believe the whipping k had taken I had spanked her before but nothing like she had taken last night she would be wear those marks for sometime and her poor pussy was swollen and gapped open and still leaking cum from the night before k started wakeing up so I kissed her on the lips which finished bringing her around she looked at me and gasp saying honey get your panties on Rob could be back anytime I...
Chapter 7 I made the tea and placed the 4 cups on my round silver tray, pausing to stupidly straighten my apron which, in reality, was just an attempt to delay before bringing it upstairs to them. Hesitating, I was terrified of what I would find in side, I eventually reluctantly knocked softly on their bedroom door. "Come in." Donna's voice was as authoritative as ever. I opened the door quietly, the three of them were sitting up in our king size bed Donna to the right in her...
This is a real sex story which happened during my stay in Gurgaon. I studied till graduation in another state and never stayed away from parents. As everyone is like, I used to watch porn movies whenever I got opportunities back at home. But, never got an opportunity to experience it, or for that matter at least get a view of a nude woman. When I moved to Gurgaon, I sensed that this is the opportunity to grab and enjoy! I, along with 3 of my friends took an apartment for rent. It was a 2-storey...
I recently ran an ad in a Swingers Magazine advertising myself as a cocksucker looking for preferably straight or bi guys looking for a no reciprocation blowjob. You're allowed to post phone numbers in the ad so I posted my cell phone to see what kind of response I might get. Monday afternoon my cell phone rang at work. I got a call from a guy named Paul that said that he and a buddy both wanted a blowjob. It sounded good to me so I asked, "When do you want it to happen?"He said, "Come over to...
I walk down the street that leads from the temple to the main square. I have spent the night at the temple, alone. I am naked, and I am shaven, body and head. I am cold, the morning sun has not yet warmed up the air and the stones. At this time of the morning, the street I am walking is usually a very busy place — men, women, children, doing business, strolling, playing, talking, watching, laughing — a bustle of life, to be seen, and heard, and shared... Today, though, the street is empty,...
Nothing In Life is Free By Radical Change As the taxi drew into the hotel car park I knew things weren't right. I had been promised a five-star vacation but this hotel looked more like a poor motel with faded signage and a complete lack of character. Having taken an age to check-in I made my way to the room, opened the door and was met with a sea of beige and windows looking on towards brick walls that cut out all the light to the room. As I walked into the room the floorboards...
When college cutie Nikki Fox applies for an internship to work under Kristof Cale, we learn that this naughty little cutie actually does her best work on top. The Hungarian beauty rides Mr. Cale’s cock like no other in this 4K Euro Teen Erotica premium glamour porn exclusive. Join the temptress and enjoy the show as she strips down to only her black lacy thigh-high stockings and high heels to ride her new boss’ big shaft right there in his office in reverse cowgirl guaranteeing her...
xmoviesforyouIt was a dark night ,black clouds covered the moon . You head up to bed after a long day at work. You live alone in a large house ,it is a good neighbourhood but there have been a few break ins as of late. Once you are ready for bed you crash down hard onto the sheets and fall into a restless and disturbed slumber. A faint sound of footsteps wakes you , was it footsteps down stairs you can not be certain . You lay there still and quiet thoughts of the news reports about the break ins filling...
FetishWinter was over and the first consistent stretch of warm days with temperatures in the 80s was here and it was time to enjoy the sun and back yard pool. Mrs Kodiak was in her new bikini by the pool waiting for the pool cleaning service to show up. Right on time there was a knock at the back gate. “It’s open - come on in” Jeremy opened the gate and came in carrying his equipment and had a younger guy with him. “I’ll be doing your pool service this year and brought my younger brother Josh to...
I grabbed on to Jill and pulled her mouth to mine. She tried to pull back with an "Uuhhmmmphff" but I persisted and kissed her. There was a foreign taste in her mouth. Something I could live with. I wasn't quite ready to give a blowjob to the next guy I met, but I could thank Jill with a kiss after she'd given me one. When she realized I was OK with it, she gave up the struggle and joined in. "I didn't think you'd want to kiss me after that." "I didn't kiss you after that. I...
I sat in the chair, waiting. Waiting as my wife was fucked in the room next door, and my cock was harder than I can ever remember it being. I checked my phone, and looked at the images some guy had sent me last night, images of my Elle being fucked by him, images of her laying on a hotel bed, her legs spread wide as she held her cunt open. Her wet cunt. Another image, of him penetrating her arse, another of her sucking his cock, her red lips around it, and so much of it in her mouth. Fuck when...