At Your Service, Ma'Am!Chapter 2 free porn video

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For the remaining time before Sir Walter’s return from the United States, Lady Maude and I found the most difficult part of daily life to be maintaining the appearance of propriety during the day. Starved of what appeared to be real marital affection for so long, Lady Maude Erskine-Taylor now strove to stop herself giving away our clandestine relationship when in the presence of others. I do not know how circumspect she had been with William Fortescue, but cook may have known, or at least suspected, what went on in the house after she had retired for the night. I get the impression that Fortescue himself, valuing his position and status, would have played his part to perfection and been the very soul of discretion. But then I am also certain that he saw his situation as a surrogate lover as merely an opportunity to satisfy his own lustful proclivities. As for myself, I pride myself that I have always taken a lady’s feelings into consideration whenever I have taken her into my bed.

In her own right, and as the wife of the most notable local resident of the little community wherein Wilburly Hall was situated, Lady Maude had various social obligations throughout the parish. Her typical day, therefore, consisted of meeting and greeting the local residents and being a part of the Parish Council, the School Board, as well as sundry other responsibilities where her presence was required, almost as a necessity. After many years of marriage, these obligations sat easily upon her shoulders and I confess that by observing her diligence I learned much that I thought would serve me well in later life; and although I had always admired her grace and beauty, I now came to feel the same way about every aspect of her being.

Inevitably the time passed and the day arrived to drive to Southampton to collect Sir Walter. The night before, Lady Maude and I had made love into the early hours, but we spent equally as much time in quiet conversation and just luxuriating in being together and in each others arms. I believe that she had originally intended to accompany me to Hampshire, but in the end our night-time exertions had exhausted her and I had left her sleeping in my bed. I was also tired, of course, but I still largely retained my wartime practise of sleeping as and when I could, together with having to stay awake for the duration of the sometimes long and arduous flying sorties. Although things are getting back to their pre-war levels, the roads are still relatively free of vehicles and so motoring I find to be a relaxation and a time to gather my thoughts.

The Queen Mary had of course arrived on schedule, and I had only a brief time to wait until I saw Sir Walter together with the porter who was pushing the trolley with his luggage. After further assisting us by loading it into the Bentley, the porter departed after receiving his no-doubt generous gratuity.

“All well on the home front, I trust, Thomas?”

“Yes, Sir Walter, you’ll find everything as you left it, Sir.”

“Good man! And Lady Maude?”

“Yes, Sir; she has been keeping herself busy, as usual, and is no-doubt looking forward to your homecoming. Have you had a profitable time in America, Sir?”

“Indeed, Thomas. Those American chaps take their business dealings very seriously. What was it that former President Coolidge said: “The chief business of the American people is business.” They baled us out when our backs were to the wall during the war, and mark my words, they are going to have a big say in world affairs in the future. Yes, Thomas, you could say that my visit was very profitable, but I’ll tell you more about that later.”

Lady Maude greeted her husband with a peck on the cheek when we arrived back at Wilburly Hall. She also managed to give me a nice little smile when she saw me. It was a good job that I was fit and reasonably well-rested, because it fell to me to remove his luggage upstairs to the bedroom. As I picked up the first two pieces, he said to me:

“When you’ve done that you can take the rest of the day off, Thomas, I don’t think that I’ll be needing you again. I’ll see you at dinner.”

“Very well, Sir.”

It was too late in the day to do much else, so I retired to my room, to be greeted with fresh linen on a newly made bed, as Lady Maude had become in the habit of carrying out this action each morning. After hanging up my jacket, I sat down in the easy chair provided and resumed the somewhat aptly named Wodehouse novel, Money in the Bank, that I had been reading during those times that I was not otherwise engaged with my duties.

Time moved on once more and the household had settled back into its routine. The opportunities to make love to Lady Maude had naturally diminished, but it was still possible to enjoy each other at least on one or two occasions each week, although we both missed sharing a bed overnight; except on those occasions that Sir Walter happened to be staying the night in a hotel somewhere and my presence was not required to assist him.

Events, however, were due to take another unexpected turn; the circumstances of which were revealed to me during one of those infrequent occasions when Sir Walter was absent; this time staying in my native Scotland.

“Tommy,” as Lady Maude called me when we were alone for any length of time, “I need to talk to you about something, and perhaps to ask you a big favour.” As we snuggled up together I replied: “Maudie, you know that if it is at all possible, you only have to ask and it shall be so!”

“Thank you! it’s about my daughter that I wish to talk to you about. You’ve met Davina and Freddie on several occasions, and I know that she’s taken a liking to you, as has her mother. Well, she’s been married for just over two years now, and for all that time she’s been trying for a child. She and I are confidantes, Tommy, and from what she has been telling me, her problem is much the same as mine was before I met you. If anything it’s worse, because Freddie Atherton is still a young man and supposedly in the prime of life, but according to Davina he’s a damp squib when it comes to romance and hasn’t got much of a clue between the marital sheets. She’s even consulted her physician, but all he says is that these things sometimes take time and you have to let things run their course. Young Davina has even started to wonder if there’s a medical reason why Freddie is coming up short, but she knows that if she suggested that he see someone about it he’d turn her down flat: male pride and all that! So, we were wondering, Tommy—”

“I think I know where you’re going with this, Maudie, but I’d appreciate it if you’d spell it out for me.” Lady Maude lifted my hand off of her breast and onto her sex.

“Can that wait a little while, Darling, I need a little more loving from you first, if you don’t mind!”

It was the first thing the next morning, as the first rays of light appeared between the gap in the heavy bedroom drapes, that our conversation resumed:

“I want to invite Davina here to stay for a few days. Freddie works in the City and they have a place there where he can sleep, if necessary, so she’s left alone quite frequently. If it can be arranged, I’ll choose a time when Walter is also away, but if that’s not possible it shouldn’t matter, as I will be in his bed while Davina is in yours. I want you to show her what she has been missing Tommy, and I don’t think that she’d be too upset if you didn’t withdraw, if you know what I mean. You know that I think so highly of you my darling, that I’m willing to let you make my girl happy as you are more than capable of doing. Is that something that you think that you can do?” I needed only a little time to consider her proposal: “And there will be no jealousy from either of you afterwards?”

“Well, while I can’t in all honesty guarantee it, Tommy, I’m sure that I know myself and my daughter well enough to sincerely believe it won’t be so. I am also sure, however, that I will feel some envy while she is with you, as she has expressed similar feelings with regard to my situation. There is one more thing Tommy, darling: she has expressly asked me if you will shave her, too!”

It did indeed take a few weeks to arrange, but on the third week after Lady Maude and I first discussed it, a taxi cab containing Mrs Davina Atherton pulled up outside the entrance to Wilburly Hall one Tuesday afternoon. Mrs Atherton resembled her mother in many ways physically, the main difference being that she had inherited her father’s dark hair colouring; hers being a rich, deep, chestnut shade, whereas Sir Walter’s was now thinning and turning to grey. She also had her father’s longer and straighter nose and fuller lips, but these did not detract from the fact that she was still a very beautiful young woman. Her mother greeted her at the door, whereas I chose to discretely absent myself until she was settled in.

The next time I saw her was when we dined that evening. Her eyes quickly met mine when I entered the room, but apart from a somewhat brief greeting, she had very little to say to me; although every now and then she would glance in my direction. As the food was introduced, I first held Lady Maude’s chair for her and then her daughter’s, after which I took my seat opposite Mrs Atherton. There was perhaps a little more casual conversation than was usual, as father and daughter caught up on their lives since their last meeting. Then, after I had returned the dinnerware to the kitchen, I joined the ladies for a short while in the drawing room before we each retired for the night. I was not surprised that despite the temporary absence of Sir Walter no mention was made of the reason for Davina Atherton’s visit, although the lady herself seemed somewhat preoccupied in her thoughts I noted. When at last the consensus was reached that it was time to retire for the night, I tactfully held back while the two ladies ascended to their respective chambers.

After what I considered to be an adequate time, I followed suit. I suppose that it was about thirty minutes after I had arrived at my room, a period mostly spent in selecting my clothes for the next day, that I heard the expected knock upon my bedroom door, but barely loud enough to be heard by me but nobody else. In four steps I was at the door and opening it. In the doorway stood a somewhat nervous looking young woman.

“Miss Davina.” She managed a quick smile, and once again I noted another resemblance to her mother.

“Just Davina will suffice Thomas; after all, by the time that I leave here again I trust that we will no doubt be on much more intimate terms.”

She was wearing a three-quarter-length silken robe, tied by a matching sash at her waist, below which was visible a floor length nightgown, which from the portion of material showing appeared to be made of a much less exotic material. After a few minutes of hesitation, during which time her gaze never left my face, she untied the robe’s belt and allowed the whole garment to slide backwards onto the bed. Though the gown underneath was opaque, it was thin enough to allow me to make out the curve of her hips and the swell of her breasts, which appeared no smaller than Lady Maude’s and no less attractive; particularly as one could also clearly see the way that her darker nipples formed quite prominent peaks in the material. Davina also having that lustrous darker hair, it was possible to make out the luxuriant growth on her lower body.

At the same time as observing this, I was engaged in removing my own clothing, throughout which time we both maintained our attention on the others face. As I removed my undershirt, Davina, as her mother had done before her, switched her gaze to my upper torso, which appeared to trigger the act of unconsciously licking her lips briefly. This in turn hastened her actions in disrobing and in one continuous motion she had removed her final obstacle to nudity. Her next act was somewhat surprising to me, as she climbed upon my bed and parted her legs in what could be construed as a wholly unladylike, if not outright vulgar manner. It only took a short while for me to remove the rest of my clothes, save only for my undershorts.

I walked over to the bed and sat on the edge, about level with her hips. I was now within easy touching distance of her milk-white body, but I really wanted to talk to her first.

“Your mother told me of your request, Davina, shall we do that first?”

“Yes, please, Thomas!”

“There’s just one thing: how will you explain it to your husband? Your mother’s circumstances were slightly different to yours and he will have to be completely unobservant not to notice the change.” She nodded.

“You must understand Thomas, that despite my husband’s relatively young age of twenty-six—he was at school with my brother, which is how we first met—he is a traditionalist by nature. If you don’t know what that means, Thomas, he will only make love to me in the dark, and even then most of the time he doesn’t even remove his pyjamas! He is the type of man that perchance he was ever curious about either his marital duties or a woman’s body, he would never enquire about it, not even with his wife. Furthermore, I seriously think that he is possibly disinterested in anything of a sexual nature other than as the means of producing another male Atherton to carry on his family line. So, to answer your query, Thomas, while he is by no means unobservant, his behaviour borders rather on indifference. Perhaps now you can understand why I also seek what you have latterly provided my mother. I can honestly say that I have never known her to be so happy and contented with her life and I selfishly want some of that happiness and contentment in my life, too! I would also very much like at least one child in my life that I can love and nurture and if you can provide that as well, you will earn my undying gratitude.”

I won’t repeat the description of either the hair removal process or Davina Atherton’s introduction to oral pleasure here, as it was essentially the same as with Lady Maude, as was the outcome in terms of the lady’s satisfaction.

“Make love to me now, please!” she entreated earnestly, as she recovered from what was possible the first, real sexual climax of her young life.

I am always left in a state of wonderment by how the, to me, simple showing of respect and consideration for the sensibility of her feelings can serve to liberate the most fundamental responses in a woman; and particularly in a married woman. You may say that I am wrong to act in this way with ladies matrimonially enjoined, but I would mitigate my behaviour by stating that anyone that has been actively involved in a war will always come out of it with a different moral perspective to the one that they held when they entered.

In all of human history, I conjecture that what has shaped behaviour, both negative and positive, is the attitudes that are held by one set of people over another. This is true of all aspects of social life, albeit religion, politics, war, and of course, sexual intercourse. And furthermore because by and large the male of the species has nominally held the power in all these aspects, so too have they had the means to control prevailing societal attitudes. In my lifetime I have seen far too many women whose lives have been impoverished, in one way or another, by men, so I see it as both an obligation and a duty to try and change the status quo whenever I can and if at all possible.

Neither Sir Walter Erskine-Taylor nor Freddie Atherton are essentially bad men or bad husbands; they are merely, I feel, hamstrung by their own heritage. And while I cannot necessarily directly improve the marriages of my two lovers, I can perhaps help them to better cope with their lot in life. They are, of course, both ladies born of privilege, but that fact does not automatically guarantee nor exclude them from a life of possible happiness.

After we had made love, Davina lay in my arms sobbing quietly. I had seen this before and I knew that they were not tears of regret, but rather the opposite. Having been freed from the constraints of her hitherto sexual and emotional frustration, her body’s natural mechanism sought an outlet of expression, and what more natural an outlet than tears of joy.

Although I think I knew the answer before I asked the question, as I approached my own release, I asked my newest lover how she wished me to spend my seed. Davina’s response was to use her arms and strong legs to physically prevent my withdrawal. As she felt my manhood’s release and the presence of its product deep within her, she gave a little throaty laugh, then:

“You do realise that this is just the first of many times Thomas. If I leave here still barren, we shall just keep trying until we have made a new life. And even if I do conceive as a result of being here now, my darling man, we shall still carry on just for the sheer enjoyment it gives me. Oh, Tommy, I think you have ruined me for all other men! How long will it take to rouse the sleeping beast again?”

Same as At Your Service, Ma'Am!
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In Her Service 4

An adult story involving bd/sm/ds and forced feminization. If this offends, read no further. In Her Service #4 He is plunged into darkness as the hood is slipped over his head and quickly realizes the eye openings are covered by a blindfold. He begins to plead with her "please ma'am, you really don't need to do this. I promise I'll be better." Hearing his pleas as she pulls the hood tight, she can't help but smile a bit. Reaching for the gag she brings her mouth close to...

2 years ago
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Meri Apni Massage Service 8211 Part 1

Hello friends ye meri story ka 1st part hai. Har story mein har alag clients ke sath huye incident ke baare mein aap logo ko bataunga. Main ek massager boy hoon. Mera koi saloon ya koi particular place nahi hai. Main meri massage service pure India mein mere clients ki city mein unke ghar ya koi hotel mein provide karta hoon. Abhi tak 34 ladies (married) aur 13 unmarried girls ko apni massage service de chuka hoon. Jinme se 21 baar maine mere clients ko unki permission ke sath full hardcore and...

2 years ago
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Room Service

She knocks twice, then twice again and calls out “Hello, room service!” just like she has learnt during her half-day of training for this job. She has learnt to say “yes”, “right away”, “of course” and “not a problem”, followed by “sir” or “ma’am”, and she has mastered the art of being unfailingly friendly and polite even when she doesn’t know exactly what a guest really wants from her.Luckily, body language is pretty much universal. It helps a lot.Her job is simple but satisfying. This hotel...

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Distinguished Service

Distinguished ServiceGrowing up in a small hometown in Michigan it never occurred to me I might be ‘called to duty’, to provide a service to the military but such is the innocence of youth that there were many things of which I had no inkling that were to befall me. I was christened Veronica by my parents (although Daddy often used to call me ‘little Miss pretty blue eyes’) but I can only remember ever being known as Roni by everyone and anyone else, a name which has stuck ever since the day...

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Room Service Interracial Milf

Room ServiceThe receptionist looked up and smiled as Anne’s heels clacked across the terracotta flooring of the quiet hotel lobby. “Good evening, Miss Oakley, hope you are well.” “Yes, thank you Georgina, I’m fine,” said the blonde, stooping to place her briefcase on the floor and then hitching the long strap of her overnight travel bag firmly into place on her left shoulder. Georgina, still smiling, swiped a room key card and offered it to the guest. “Room 504 as usual,” she said. “Everything...

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Giglo Service To A Milf

Hi dosto main sachin ek bar fir se apni nayi story le kar hazir hu. Meri pichli story iss reader ki chudayi ko apne bhut pyar diya main uske liye ap sab ka dhanyawad karna chahta hu. Jo log mujhe nhi janta plz meri purani kahaniya pade. Aur main sachin hu punjab ka rehne wala hu aur gurgaon main job karta hu aur part time ek therapist bhi hu   Aur agar meri yeh story pasand aye plz mail me at aur agar kisi ko bhi meri service chahiye jarur btaye mujhe travel main koi problem nhi hai aur main...

2 years ago
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Gigolo Service 8211 Meri Pehli Client

Hi dosto ..My self rahul , west delhi main rahta hu..I m a gigolo boy who provide male escort service .Agar koi bhabhi , aunty , young apni adhuri pyas bujana chati ho to mujhe mail kare. Now jyada bore na krte hue apni story pe aata hu Mera name rahul hai , height 5.5 organ ka size 5 ya 6 inch kisi ko bhi satisfy krne k liye kafi hai…Ye meri sachi story hai isliye or story ki trh juth ni bolunga ki ..Size itna bada hai vagrh vagrh. Jo kbhi ni hota Now move on Ek din ghar pe bore ho raha tha....

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Male Escort Ne Dih Free Service

Hey dosto meh aapka raj firse hazir hun apni ek sachii kahani leke joh abhi kuch din phele ki hai meh surat se hun aur all india service deta hun aap mujhe mail kar sakte hai for escort service any where in India mera email id hai Abhi kuch din phele mujhe jaipur jana tha waha mujhe 5din alag alag ladies k sath escort service deni thi so meh nikal pada par chutiyo ka season hone k wajah se mujhe reservation nhi mila so maine surat se jaipur tak ki ac sleeper bus ticket book ki aur nikal pada...

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Lawn Service

Lawn Service I was living alone, cross dressing almost everyday and traveling quite a bit. As a result, I hired a lawn service to cut my lawn. In the beginning, I was happy with the results, however, as the summer moved along I became very unhappy with what I thought was horrible work. Many times I'd return home and wonder if my lawn had even been cut, however, I always received a bill. In late July, I arrived home after a trip just as my lawn service was leaving. Great I thought, a...

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Community Service

Community Service: Chapter OneBy Posing SomdomiteBANG. BANG. BANG.        "Sharon, get your lazy ass out of bed," Margo yelled between forceful knocks on the dorm room door. The fact she even had to go through this little charade agitated the young red head beyond words. There was no way in hell Sharon was still asleep, Margo was pounding loud enough to wake a corpse.  The Blackberry in her back pocket started to vibrate, indicating a text message was received. Margo cursed very softly as she...

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Service SocietyChapter 11 Money Matters

Dexter never did identify the time when he came to the realization that he was a multimillionaire. There wasn’t an ‘Aha!’ moment in which he suddenly realized that he was wealthy. He was considering a minor spending spree, until Charlie handed him a little report entitled, “Losing the Lottery.” It wasn’t about buying losing tickets, but about winning and then losing all of the winnings. The stories within the report were not pleasant. Relatives were hounding the winners for money. There were...

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Thank you for your service

In an alternate universe, much like our own, a genetic defect targeting the Y chromosome of straight men has afflicted society. This defect makes men incapable of reaching orgasm through self stimulation. Were that the only symptom, it would be a pain to society, but it wasn't society ending. Men must also orgasm on average 4 times per day or they suffer debilitating health problems, including death if left alone. Some require more, some require a bit less, but it is never safe to go less than...

1 year ago
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Service Station Mechanics

*** This story is fictional any comments you may have I would love to hear them. My day planner read, Monday July 10th. (Job interview at 3:30 CellAir) I was feeling pretty confident and prepared. But felt I could use a new pair of loafers to go with my slacks. So I left my apartment around 10:30 and headed toward the Mall, giving me plenty of time to find the right shoes. The mid summer heat was already up to a balmy 87 degrees and climbing. After several miles on the freeway my car started...

Group Sex
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Room Service

Someone was knocking at our door. Julie, my fiance, and I were enjoying our first night on the cruise ship "Horizon", about to set sail from Puerto Rico for other delightful destinations in the Caribbean."I'll get it," said Julie, sighing, as she lifted her head from my shoulder. Her beautiful brown-blond curls fell in front of her eyes as her head turned towards the door. She pushed herself up, and moved across the room.As I watched her do a cursory check in the mirror to ensure she was...

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Service With a Smile

I glanced into the mirror as I finished getting ready for my voyage into entrepreneurship. The face looking back at me exuded charm and confidence. The inner man did not match the exterior, but it was just a case of nerves, I told myself.I'm just over thirty years old, tall and built like a tight end. My body is toned, thanks to Uncle Sam and untold hours in the gym. My shoulders are broad, and my torso is tapered down to a waist which actually does show a six pack of abs. Narrow hips, long...

1 year ago
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Farmed Out For Stud Service

Farmed Out For Stud Service My parents had divorced when I was just ten years old. When I turned fifteen years old my mother bought me subscriptions to Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler magazines. She also gave me four boxes of stuff that my father had left behind when he departed. The boxes were full of older magazines of all kinds, paperback books, and even XXX-rated VCR tapes. It was the fucking mother load to a horny kid like me. Instantly I had a lifetime supply of material to jerk...

4 years ago
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Escort Service Enjoyed

Hi, all of the Indian sex stories dot net! This is Sabeel. Here I’m with my new and latest experience. I thank all the people who sent their comments and feedback to me. I really glad to see such feedback. Please, no one ask me to introduce me to as a male escort. Iss is a great platform to deliver my experiences. Now let me describe the story here. Myself is Sabeel from Banglore age 25 average body. I got a mail from a lady that she is interested to have fun with me by seeing an ad in Happen...

2 years ago
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Call Boy Service At Chennai

Hi all I am Karan from Chennai I am a call boy aged 29 strictly only for aged women’s above 32 to 50 so women who want my service can mail me to The payment depends upon the services you need from me. Going to the story once I got a call from one number the voice was very sweet and matured she inquired about my service . She told that she want complete body massage with mouth and hand I accepted she asked me to be ready and stand near Vijayanagar bus depo by 5 pm she told she want full night...

3 years ago
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The Answering Service

The Answering Service ? by: Ricky Hey, we're not in a recession! It says so on the news and of course I believe it. I get to listen to the news a lot lately, because the only job I can find is answering phones. "Hello, Doctor's office." "Hello, Mr. Pint's Emergency service." "Hello, Dale Plumbing." There's plenty of time to listen to the radio on the night shift. Actually, it isn't a bad job, in fact the training was a blast. I was the only man among six woman while I...

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In Her Service

In Her Service By X X They had written back and forth as well as met in person and discussed their views on power exchange. He expressed his yearning for helplessness as best he could, how he wanted a true exchange of power. That he wanted to be useful and didn't expect it to be all play. While her concerns were that she didn't want to invest time only to have one or two meetings. Not necessarily long term, but at least ongoing. He said that he would be willing to commit,...

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In Her Service

In Her ServiceBy X XThey had written back and forth, as well as met in person, and discussed their views on power exchange. He expressed his yearning for helplessness as best he could, how he wanted a true exchange of power. That he wanted to be useful and didn't expect it to be all play. While her concerns were that she didn't want to invest time only to have one or two meetings. Not necessarily long term, although that was possible, but at least ongoing. He said that he would be willing to...

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Fran in Service Ch 0304

Part 3 Fran woke the next morning after a fretful night. She must have masturbated half a dozen times during the night and yet could not seem to satisfy herself. All her dreams were constructed around the story. She was forced to entertain and have sex with a variety of people including her new friends in the neighborhood. The more she thought about the story, the more she wanted to have sex but even masturbation with her favorite vibrator was just not satisfying her completely. By 10:00, she...

4 years ago
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It was all my Aunt Mary's doing really. She was in Edinburgh for a week, and my sister and I were spending an afternoon taking her around the city centre shops. Mary was in her mid 70's and struggled a bit if she had to walk too much, so by the middle of the afternoon she was flagging and decided that she would treat us all to afternoon tea. However, she was quite clear that the delights of the shopping mall food court and other similar establishments in the city centre were not for her....

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Community Service

BANG. BANG. BANG. "Sharon, get your lazy ass out of bed," Margo yelled between forceful knocks on the dorm room door. The fact she even had to go through this little charade agitated the young red head beyond words. There was no way in hell Sharon was still asleep, Margo was pounding loud enough to wake a corpse. The Blackberry in her back pocket started to vibrate, indicating a text message was received. Margo cursed very softly as she fished the phone out of her designer jeans. sorry. sick....

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Exposing my Indian wife to the room service

Hello guys my name is Pratik and i am here to share a story of my wife which happened and hope you guys love it. Let me describe you my wife. My wife name is Shraddha and she is 29 yrs old. She is whitish brown and a curvy lady. She loves to wear casual dresses when we are out and at home she wears nighty and small dresses. Her breasts size is 36c and firm and have nice bottom with thick thighs and she doesn't have any belly fat as she is regular in her yoga. She is very reserved kind of a...

1 year ago
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Service Girl Stephie

Service girl Stephie does Deepthroat & More! Stomach tickling Deepthroat on her back Tied flat and tormented Whipped and Clothespinned Wax and Dildo’s Twitching Orgasms Several weeks later only exchanging smiles and glances with Stephie at the coffee house I finally get my drink and grab some napkins, I step back and brush a blond person and she goes “watch where you're movin”. I turn to her and I lean in and growl softly and she discreetly pats my ass then whispers she is...

4 years ago
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Unemployed Males Forced to Service Men in Sex Industry Part 2

Unemployed Males Forced to Service Men in Sex Industry, Part 2 Filed: 3/23/2026 by Pan Lives Reporter's Note: Part 2 of this exclusive series of reports tracking the fate of Jon Hermein, recently acquired by the enforced male-on male sex stable owned by Tatiana Ulyanova in Germany. This story provides some background to recent changes in the laws that will have a profound effect on the life of Hermein and others in his situation. Hermein's descent into a life of enforced...

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Massage Service Turns Sex Service 8211 Fucking A Hot Lady In The Hotel

Hey juicy babes. This is Harish from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. My age is 24. I am a normal guy with good looking. I am very much interested in sex but I don’t have any girlfriends to have fun. So I contacted many fake male escorts and left money. I was horny and desperate to have fun. So I posted an advertisement on a site saying I provide massage service for women in Coimbatore. I got calls from men but no women called. I felt bad on that day. On next day evening, I got a call from a lady asking...

2 years ago
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Room Service

Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 08:16:52 -0700 (PDT) From: Sharon Pinder Subject: ROOM SERVICEI'd worked at the Georgian, a 5 star hotel in London for the past three months. Three months since I had left school. Maybe not the best job in the world but one with perks which made it worth my while. I spent my days flitting from room to room with room service. Room service?  General dog's body may have been a better title.  As I say hardly exciting an exciting job, but it did allow me a pass key to all...

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