The Making Of A Gigolo 13 Misty ComptonChapter 7
- 4 years ago
- 22
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Misty was mildly astonished when he drove the truck up to the mansion. That was what it was. There was no other word for it. The place was gorgeous, with carefully tended lawns and gardens, and trees all over the place. That he felt welcome in a place like this was obvious when, instead of knocking and waiting, he just opened the front door and walked in.
“Anybody home?” he called.
There was a muffled female squeal and Misty watched in shock as a uniformed woman ran and jumped up on him, wrapping her legs around his hips. Her uniform skirt rose to show a pair of black panties under it. She kissed Bobby firmly, for a long time, before pulling back. Then, the maid saw that he wasn’t alone and clearly panicked.
“Oh no!“ she gasped, as her face flamed bright red.
“This is Misty Compton,” said Bobby, smiling for some reason that Misty had no clue about. “She’s going to give a concert over in Hutch tonight. Is Felicity home?”
“Ohhhh you should have told me you weren’t alone!” moaned the maid, still blushing, and unable to look at Misty. With her eyes lowered she turned toward Misty, obviously mortified. “I’m so sorry, Miss. I’ll see if Madame is free.”
She scurried off, while Misty looked curiously at Bobby.
“She’s kind of sweet on me,” he said, grinning.
“I guess so!”
Things got more confusing when a blond woman perhaps in her late twenties, came into the hallway and began walking toward them.
“Wait!” came an anguished cry, softened by distance in the big house.
Two toddlers, a boy and a girl came running, in that almost falling down way that very young children have, that requires them to keep running, because they haven’t learned quite how to regulate speed yet, but they know if they try to stop they’ll topple forward. They passed the blond woman, who stopped, and then started up again, obviously trying to catch the two children.
Then, further baffled, Misty watched Bobby take a knee and hold his arms out. He caught the two children about the same time as the blond woman caught up with them, and scooped them up into his arms, standing up with them. They giggled and squealed as he began raining kisses on their cheeks and faces.
Misty looked at the blond woman, who was standing and watching too, smiling. The maid came running down the hallway.
“I’m sorry!” she wailed. “They got away from me!”
“No harm done,” said the blond woman, her voice throaty. “They just wanted to see their...” She looked startled, for some reason. Then she finished. “Bobby.”
Meanwhile Bobby was asking the children if they’d been good. Both proclaimed loudly that they had, as he lifted them into a more comfortable position, with their legs straddling his sides. Both began talking a mile a minute.
“Wait a minute!” he proclaimed. “I have to talk to your mommy,” he said, kissing the boy on the nose. “Then we’ll play, okay?”
In a surprising economy of words Bobby explained why they’d come. What made it all so mystifying was that, during the speech, he said, “I thought about that outfit you wore in Kansas City.”
Then he was gone, carrying the children off, and Misty stood there, her mouth open.
“Hi,” said the woman, holding her hand out. “I’m Felicity Chumley. Welcome to our home.” She grinned. “Bobby can be a little ... odd sometimes.”
“You can say that again,” sighed Misty.
“He thinks about things a little differently than most men. He wouldn’t understand how you might not want to wear another woman’s clothes.” She looked at his retreating back as he disappeared around a corner. “He means well, though.” She looked Misty up and down. “You’re performing at the festival over in Hutchinson?”
“Yes Ma’am,” said Misty. She recognized that she was in the presence of an important woman. She hadn’t seen much of Granger, but she’d seen enough to know that it didn’t have many houses like this one. No place, except maybe Hollywood, had a lot of houses like this one for that matter. She’d bought her mother a fine, fancy house, but this one made it look shabby by comparison.
“And your luggage was misrouted?”
“Yes Ma’am,” said Misty, feeling drab and plain beside this beautiful woman.
“Felicity ... please,” said the woman. “I could have someone go and see if they’ve gotten it back yet,” she offered.
“Um ... Bobby was going to take me shopping in Wichita, or to see if they found it, but we’re running out of time. I have a photo shoot, and I need to rehearse.”
“Ahhh,” said Felicity. “I see now why Bobby thought of me. He can be very clever sometimes.” She cast another appraising look at Misty. “I do have an ... outfit. I got it to go dancing in. I actually have two outfits, but Bobby doesn’t know about one of them. It’s not really my style. Not really. It’s a little fancy for me. Would you like to see them?”
What Felicity was talking about were the two western ensembles that Bobby had, in fact seen her in. He had picked them both out. The first, she had vetoed. It was a lavender sequined tank top, with a denim skirt with fringe on the hem. The skirt was very short and when she had complained that her panties would show if she bent over in it, he had calmly said, “That’s why you don’t wear panties with an outfit like that.” She had kept the purple boots and hat that he’d chosen to go with that outfit, but had made him choose something else for her to wear in front of her high school friends. Since then, however, her relationship with Bobby had changed drastically and she had returned to the store and purchased the original ensemble. She’d been holding onto it, with a somewhat vague and unformed idea that there would come a special occasion to spring it on Bobby when it was her turn to have him for a night in bed.
The other outfit was the one she had worn when she danced with Bobby at a western club in Kansas City. It was a doeskin shirt, with built in cups for her breasts to go in, but which left them free to wobble enticingly. It had almost no back, other than soft strings that crisscrossed the bare back of the wearer. It went with a dark maroon skirt with a weighted hem so that when the woman wearing it was spun, the skirt flared out and rippled, showing all of her upper thighs.
When Misty saw them, she had mixed reactions. Performance clothing, by and large, is cheaply made, and intended to be worn only once or twice before being discarded. While flashy and glitzy, the person wearing it can both see and feel the poor quality of the construction.
Felicity’s clothes, though, while skimpy, were expensive and well made. Misty could tell that instantly. While a part of her mind noted that she’d feel almost naked wearing either outfit, her performer’s sensibilities knew immediately that the crowd would love something like this.
“They’re beautiful,” she sighed.
“What there is of them,” chuckled Felicity. “You are most definitely aware you’re a woman while wearing them.” She grinned. “So is every man in sight.”
“I can see that!” sighed Misty as she held up the doeskin shirt.
She looked at Felicity, her critical eye running up and down the older woman’s body.
“You’re bigger than I am,” she said. “This would hang loose on me.”
“We can take care of that with a little alteration,” said Felicity. “The strings in the back can be tied differently. The tank top isn’t a problem. It’s really too tight on me anyway. It’s your choice, though. I’d be happy to send you in my car to Wichita. My driver knows all the right places to go.”
Misty tried to imagine herself, bare-backed, singing and turning on stage in these beautiful clothes. She couldn’t, but that didn’t stop her.
“No, I need the time for other things,” she said. “If you really don’t mind, I’d love to borrow these.”
“I’d be honored,” said Felicity. Her voice carried the truth of that comment to Misty, who felt the thrill of being honestly complimented. “Annie bought your album, and I’ve been teaching my husband to two step to some of your songs.”
“Really!” squealed Misty. “That’s great!”
“You’re pretty good,” said Felicity. “Not that I’m much of a critic of your kind of music. I never listened to it at all before Bo...” She stopped, and frowned. “Before I learned to two step,” she finished. “You want to try them on, so we can make the adjustments?”
That took only fifteen minutes, as it turned out. The tank top was snug, but didn’t crush Misty’s breasts, like it did when Felicity wore it, and the strings on the back of the doeskin shirt were easily retied to pull it tight against her front. Both skirts fit her perfectly.
“I’ve always had a big butt,” she said, arching her neck to look at how the maroon skirt fit her. She suddenly realized she had just suggested that Felicity had a big butt too, since this skirt fit her, and covered her mouth with her hand. “I didn’t mean that you...”
Felicity just smiled and waved her hand. “I don’t get any complaints,” she said. “I prefer to think of it as my mommy hips.” She grinned. “It looks good on you.”
That business taken care of, Misty changed back into her other borrowed clothes and Felicity took her to find Bobby.
They found him in the den, and stopped in the doorway, to survey what was going on. He was on his back on the floor, and had taken his shoes off. The maid was sitting on the edge of a chair near him. The little boy Misty had seen earlier was running around Bobby, while he held the little girl aloft on his feet, which were raised straight above his stomach. His legs were waving slowly to and fro and the little girl’s arms were stretched out as she giggled.
“You’re flying, Junior! Look at you!” Bobby sounded excited.
His leg movements got wilder. “Watch out!” he said, with false panic in his voice. “Turbulence! Turbulence! You’re going to crash!”
His feet suddenly snapped apart, and the little girl fell shrieking to be caught by his hands and pulled into a hug.
“Gotcha!” he laughed.
“Me, me, me” called the little boy, grabbing a foot and trying to pull himself up.
Bobby rolled the girl off of him and pulled the boy onto his feet, raising the boy up like the girl had been. The little girl levered herself up and toddled erratically toward the maid.
“I crashed Mommy!” she said brightly.
The maid scooped her up and pretended to examine her for injuries, kissing her on her hands and cheeks and head, while Bobby “flew” the little boy, like he had done with the girl. Again there was “turbulence” and Bobby’s feet went up and down erratically, until the boy, too, fell to be caught and hugged while he laughed.
“Anyway,” said the maid, obviously picking up a conversation that had been interrupted by the play that was going on, “when he just walked up to me and asked me to go out on a date with him, I didn’t know what to do!”
“I thought you said you went to school with him,” said Bobby, putting the boy back up on his feet. He held the toddler’s hands until he was comfortably arranged, and then began weaving his feet back and forth slowly.
“I did,” said the maid. “But he never even talked to me back then.”
“Is he a nice guy?”
“I think so,” she said. “He was in the model rocketing club, and I saw him around school. He was pretty quiet back then.”
“I think you should go out with him,” said Bobby, starting the “turbulence routine” with the boy on his feet. “Just get to know him a little and see what he’s like.”
“I haven’t been on a date in years!” sighed the maid.
“You’ll do fine,” said Bobby. He stopped to call “Turbulence! Turbulence!” and the little boy started shrieking “Ima crash!”
In the process of dropping and catching the boy, Bobby rolled and saw the two women standing in the doorway watching.
“Hi!” he said.
The maid turned her head and she looked pale, suddenly.
“That’s what I told her too,” said Felicity, stepping forward. “She never listens to me, though.” It was said with no anger or chastisement in her voice. To Misty it sounded more like what one friend would say to another, joking.
The little boy rolled to the floor and levered himself up, with a little help from Bobby. He, too, ran to his mother, squealing “I crash Mamma!”
“I saw that,” said Felicity, kneeling to pick him up and hug him. “Bobby caught you and saved you! Did you say thank you?”
“Tankoo,” said the little boy, turning his head toward the man, who was getting up off the floor.
“You’re welcome!” said Bobby, jumping up off the floor and landing with his knees bent and his arms out.
“Nooooooo,” squealed the little boy. “Mamma! Mister Buzz Buzz!”
Bobby extended one finger, pointing it at Felicity and her son. He began making a noise that was, basically “Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz”, and his finger began weaving around as he stalked toward the boy.
Then he poked the boy, making the “Bzzz” louder when he touched him, tickling him. Misty watched, almost in awe, as this man also poked the woman holding the boy.
“Stop that!” barked Felicity, slapping at his hand. “Misty is ready to go!”
Somehow, it seemed to Misty that her name had been used not so much to inform him she was ready to go, but to remind Bobby that she was actually there.
Instead of stopping, though, Bobby turned and advanced on the little girl, who was in the maid’s arms, and poked both of them too. Misty blinked as it looked like Bobby actually pinched the maid’s breast briefly!
“Bobby!” squealed the maid.
Then, almost as if magic was involved, he was suddenly standing and looking completely normal. He retrieved his shoes and pulled them on. Then he stood back up, looked at Misty, and said “Okay, where to now, Boss lady?”
Where-to-next turned out to be a house on a cul-de-sac, instead of a photo studio, like Misty expected. She glanced, a little dismally at the sign in the window: “Brown Photography”, but kept her silence. Several things Bobby Dalton was involved with had turned out wildly different than she had expected.
On impulse, she stood to the side, where someone opening the door would not see her. She couldn’t have explained why she did that, but that’s what she chose to do. She was therefore mystified when, as he had done at the Chumley mansion, Bobby simply turned the knob and walked into the house.
“Anybody home?” he called out.
Misty stepped in behind him to hear squeals of excitement, and saw two children, a boy and a girl, running toward Bobby. Again, he went to one knee and scooped the two children up into a bear hug that was made more real by growling sounds he made as he roughly nuzzled their necks. They squirmed, but held on to him as if he were a life raft.
Misty lay there, unbelieving. This wasn’t how it was supposed to work! She had seen the desire in his eyes. In fact, she had seen the kind of desire in his eyes that she had always dreamed of seeing in a man’s eyes. It wasn’t the raw lust of a horny man. It had been the look of a man who sees something rare and precious and wishes he could be part of that. She had seen romantic desire in his eyes. Her pussy was much more than just damp after that kiss. When she moved her legs she could...
The concert Saturday night went as well, if not better than the one the previous night. Misty saw a lot of faces in the crowd that she had seen the night before, waving photographs at her and seeking autographs. The fact that they were hearing some of the same music didn’t seem to bother them. After a set of five uninterrupted songs, Misty announced that they were going to play a home-grown song and introduced Jasper. She went through the rest of the band, too, something she had forgotten to...
“Don’t leave,” she said softly as he got out of bed. “If Mamma knew I did this with you she’d have my hide,” he said, picking up his shirt. “We’re both adults,” she pointed out. It was the first time she’d thought firmly of herself as an adult. “There are things you don’t know about,” he said. “Those other women?” she asked. “The ones you insist aren’t your girlfriend?” That had come to her between two orgasms. She had suddenly understood completely why all those women looked at Bobby...
Bobby took Constance home before driving Misty to Hutchinson. On the way she’d felt like moving over to sit next to him, like Constance had. She wondered what his hand would feel like, resting negligently on her thigh. She didn’t do it, of course ... but she thought about it. It got her worked up for the rehearsal. She pried more songs out of Jasper and did ask him if she could play around with some of his compositions, when she got back to Nashville. His Adam’s apple bobbed so much that...
Amanda looked across the table at Rodney. “So, is everything taken care of?” she asked. “No problems,” said Rodney firmly. “We got her a room at the Prairie Star Bed and Breakfast.” “Why not the hotel?” asked Amanda. “It was booked up,” said Rodney. “Everything is booked up. I had to call in a favor from Mattie, at the Prairie Star. I told her we’d work in some commercials for her.” “Is it a nice place?” “For a hundred year old stone house, it’s gorgeous,” said Rodney. “Plus it has lots...
Misty picked up the phone and looked at it. She was tempted to wipe the mouthpiece off before she used it. She sighed, remembering that what her crew, and almost everybody else in the whole tour had wasn’t communicable in that way. The reports she’d heard were that it was food poisoning. There had been a big party, after a concert in Austin, Texas. She’d had a splitting headache, and had made an appearance, before slipping back to the hotel to get some sleep. She hadn’t eaten...
The house was dark when they went in. “Where is everybody?” she asked. Mirriam and the twins had left before she and Bobby had, and she’d assumed they’d be home by now. “They’re probably over at Prudence’s,” he said. “They play cards on Friday night, as a rule.” “Oh,” she said, sounding disappointed. “I was looking forward to that massage you were talking about.” “Well, then, go lie down and we’ll get right to it.” “What?” She looked at him as he turned on a light. “Who’s going to do...
Hello to all the reader of ISS. Hi Girls / Ladies / Housewives of Rourkela Odisha, I am Bapi from Rourkela, Odisha. I am back here to share one more incident which took place recently. I would like to introduce myself to readers who dont know me. As informed earlier my name is Bapi,age 32, unmarried, located in Rourkela, Odisha. I am working in a private firm and serving as part time gigolo (male escort) for unsatisfied females. If you are lonely or unsatisfied with your sexual life or just for...
Hi dosto mera naam vinay hai or mai delhi se hun mai average looking hun mera lund 5.5 inches ka hai. Meri ek girlfriend hai jiska naam pooja hai or wo bohat achi ladki hai hum dono ek dusre se bohat pyaar krte hai. Ab mai apko pooja ka figure btata hun. 32,34,32 hai boobs ekdum bde or gol hai nippal tight hai or gand bhari hui hai gol gol or choot ke kya kehne choot bilkul saaf or mast mujhe toh pooja ki choot chatna bohat pasand hai or usko mera lund chusna acha lagta hai humne bohat baar sex...
Dear all, I love ISS site since from lost 9 year I am reading all story, here I could like write my own experience as a gigolo guy Please send your feedback and valuable though to my mail I’d and if any one want to chat mail me Story started like this Myself rahul from hubli working in hubli only, alone guy getting life bore so I started time pass along with work usually free time or weekend I ll be busy with my laptop while searching something I came to know gigolo world In gigolo world one...
Hello ISS readers, I am Pramod from Chennai. I am a professional gigolo in Chennai. Any woman wants to have wild sex with 100% full satisfaction or want to have just fun can contact me on All communication is highly secure and safe. Even though I had sex with many unmarried girls, but I am personally fond of married unsatisfied woman. Today I am going to narrate you a true incident which happened last month in Chennai. I am writing this experience with my client’s permission and willing. After...
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Hello iss readers, I am pramod from bangalore. I am a professional gigolo in chennai. Any woman wants to have wild sex with 100% full satisfaction or want to have just fun can hire me on All communication is highly secure and safe. Even though I had sex with unmarried girls, but I am personally fond of married unsatisfied woman. This story is continuation of the story know as chennai gigolo sex part – I . I heard a known voice calling my name in the bus stop. When I turned around I saw vishnu...
Hi everyone. Main haryana se hu or ye kahani mere gigolo encounter ki hai. Main apne baare mein bta du k main ek gigolo hu jo ladies ko khush krta hu. Meri age 22 hai, meri height 5’9 hai or mera lund 8′ ka hai jo kisi ko bhi satisfy kr skta hai. Main colleges pass-out hu, mujhe ye gigolo ki job achi lagti hai, mujhe bade boobs or bade gaand wali ladies bahut pasand hai. If any body wants my service then plz contact me, I will satisfy you 100%. My mailing address is Its totally safe. Now...
Hey ISS readers, this is Rajesh from chennai () back with an real life experience. And thanks for the overwhelming response for my previous story So once I graduated from college I joined a mundane 9to 5 job at an it company here in chennai. And I had an a breakup with my girlfriend shruthi whom I mentioned in earlier story . Being lonely was taking a toll on me and I was kinda bored. That’s when I met a person called sathish who happens to be my new neighbor .As a matter of we hit a bar in a...
Hello to all the readers of ISS. Hi Girls / Ladies / Housewives of Rourkela Odisha, BODY MASSAGE OR SEXUAL SERVICE OR BOTH : If you are lonely or unsatisfied with your sexual life or just for fun want to have sex or want your sexual fantasies brought to reality, then contact me. Especially bhabhi, girls, aunties and all females.I am fair, handsome, tall, well educated and decent male of 25 years of age. My services are available only in Rourkela. SECRECY is 100 % guaranteed. I provide sexual...
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Misty and her Master are settled comfortably into their respective roles within their chosen lifestyle. Although their relationship isn't a typical ordinary one, they compliment each other perfectly.Her Master, who likes to be addressed as Sir, is proving to be strict with house rules and there are consequences for Misty if these rules are broken. Misty has blossomed from a wayward teenager into a lovely young woman. Sir maintains authority with hands on discipline, and Misty, while a kind,...
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Hello naughty ladies and horny gentlemen. Ankur Roy is the name I’ll be using for posting stories. I’m a 21 year old man from Navi Mumbai. I’ve been reading stories on ISS from the last 6 years and it has truly widened my imagination and fantasies. I’ve read all types of stories here and it has made me even more horny and desperate for sex. I was a virgin until the last weekend but all that changed. My virginity was taken by a beautiful 31 year old lady called Nikita. Now, I’ve come across many...
A continuation from The Event: Part IMuch to my dismay, the jerk who had been clinging onto Misty returned. After Misty's brief but affectionate kiss and our brief flirtations, I had hoped to get better acquainted with this fiery, freckled redhead.Misty had on a form-fitting tank top which defined her full breasts nicely and which gave just a hint of her nipples. She also wore a knee-length loose skirt that billowed just enough to gently sway as her hips moved when she walked. I imagined it...
Hi readers My name is Vicky, 27yrs from Mumbai with an average physique.But i m goodlooking guy & well educated with great stamina to satisfy any female.(golden rule for ladies who hire me i.e. if ur not satisfied then no need to pay me),Now i m staying in pune & love to meet females in pune who like to hire me,i promise complete safety & satisfaction so if really interested then mail me @ / I am a great lover of this site and a regular visitor of this site. I was doing my 2 years MBA course...
Introduction: sorry, im trying to figure out the grammar and reading issues. Charmander, we need you! The white light flashed from the poké,ball in Ashs hand and the fire lizard Poké,mon appeared in front of him. Ash didnt like using his Charmander, but Brock insisted on trying out a new recipe and they were out of matches. The Poké,mon didnt mind at all. He enjoyed being out of his Poké,ball. He enjoyed it so much that Ash let out the others as well. The six...
“Alright, don’t go too far, and be back before those storm clouds get here! Charmander, don’t let your flame start any forest fires, okay? Be careful!” Each of them ran off into the woods and Ash smiled. They were a good team. The smell of sizzling peppers and stew drew Ash back to the fire and his friends. He eyed Misty as he sat down. They had walked a fair ways from the Pokémon center over the course of the morning, and the road led through a forest. They wouldn’t see anyone else,...
“Alright, don’t go too far, and be back before those storm clouds get here! Charmander, don’t let your flame start any forest fires, okay? Be careful!” Each of them ran off into the woods and Ash smiled. They were a good team. The smell of sizzling peppers and stew drew Ash back to the fire and his friends. He eyed Misty as he sat down. They had walked a fair ways from the Pokémon center over the course of the morning, and the road led through a forest. They wouldn’t see anyone else,...
138. A favour for Misty She is 70 now stands 5feet 7” has a body well overweight, a pretty face, nice personality, fantastic cook and a caring wonderful mum. A neighbour of mine for some years and a good one at that, she was never the sort of soul that a man had fantasies about being not what a chap would call attractive. However in view of the sexual desert in my house this last year, I must admit to feelings of any port in a storm and even the old bird on the school crossing get`s a second...
Misty and Thomas finally fell asleep in each other’s arms around four am. Thomas woke up at about eight am and had to piss so badly he wasn’t sure he would make it to the bathroom. He rolled over from Misty’s warm body and ran into the bathroom to relieve his needs. While he was in there he showered and used her razor to shave. He wrapped a towel around his waist and came back into the bedroom. He saw Misty lying on her back in the big bed still sound asleep. His cum was gone from her stomach,...
Misty and Thomas finally fell asleep in each other’s arms around four am. Thomas woke up at about eight am and had to piss so badly he wasn’t sure he would make it to the bathroom. He rolled over from Misty’s warm body and ran into the bathroom to relieve his needs. While he was in there he showered and used her razor to shave. He wrapped a towel around his waist and came back into the bedroom. He saw Misty lying on her back in the big bed still sound asleep. His cum was gone from her stomach,...
Interracial301 A favour for Misty 1 She is 70 now stands 5feet 7” has a body well overweight, a pretty face, nice personality, fantastic cook and a caring wonderful mum. A neighbour of mine for some years and a good one at that, she was never the sort of soul that a man had fantasies about being not what a chap would call attractive. However, in view of the sexual desert in my house this last year, I must admit to feelings of any port in a storm and even the old bird on the school crossing gets a second...
This is a long-term story with potentially an infinite life in it, and it revolves around a man (written from a first-person perspective) finding himself in deep financial trouble and finding money and enjoyment in becoming a high-class male hooker. This chapter, as well as the ones to follow, will hit on more than one particular genre, which is why it’s been filed here instead of anywhere else. If you are open-minded, like something different and are not easily offended, please read on and...
Four years into my time as a gigolo with Ron Vincent's business of providing escorts for the mature lady I had acquired quite a reputation. A good number of the clients asked for me on a regular basis.Having said that, I'd had a few occasions which had ensured I kept my feet on the ground. Like the buxom fifty-two-year-old lady, all blue rinse and chins who only wanted cunnilingus but refused to touch me in any way. It made for a very lengthy two hours of dipping my face in wet lard.Then there...
First TimeHi, its FOGG(my cover name as gigolo) bringing you my new experience as gigolo.I’m 27 M working in a reputed company in Hyderabad, apart from daily routine I also wanted of pleasure and money I made a choice of becoming a gigolo, I’m average looking south Indian guy, I have looked all over internet for suggestion and help but almost all of them are just fake and steal money. Tired of this I started my own advertising on Facebook and other different sites.Before getting into story, would like to...
Hi to all readers. I am a regular reader of ISS and thought to put my story here today. This story is about how I became a gigolo in Chennai and started providing services to girls and ladies on a daily basis. Without wasting further time let me introduce the 2 characters of this story. I am Raj from Rajasthan. I am basically a Jain boy bought up in Chennai. I am little on the heavier side and have a penis of size 5 inch long and 3 inches in diameter. (I’ll not brag like others who quote they...
I was doing my 2 years MMS course from Mumbai university and opted for self study hoping that I will get a good job so that I can help my family, as I belong to a middle class family. I tried searching for jobs and hunting various companies for 3 months, but failed to get one as I was studying none of the companies showed interest. One fine day I was returning from an interview from Nerul to Dadar(Two stations in Mumbai). I was as usual rejected, so I was bit sad. I decided to take a local...
Helo everyone this is sameer from Mumbai suburb(mira bhayander) I’m writing my first ever experience of being a gigolo. So please forgive me for any spelling mistake. Please send me your feedbacks on I’m 18 years old and this story is when I was 16. I think I’m the youngest gigolo from Mumbai. I’m 6.2 feet tall with a muscular body and six pack tool size 6 inches but very thick that any women will love to take… So coming to the story 2 years ago I passed my 10 th std and was admitted to a...
Hi there ISS readers. I am back after a long time. This time I am gonna share my new gigolo encounter with a hot matured lady. Thanks to Indian Sex Stories for posting my stories over here. Now coming to the introduction. My name is akhil. I am a gigolo. Meri current location Chandigarh hai. Meri age 23 hai or meri height 5″9 hai or mera lund 7″ ka hai. Mujhe bade boobs or bade gaand wali ladkiya zyada pasand hai. If any lady or girl or bhabhi or any female wants my gigolo service then you...
Hello to all readers. Girls/ Ladies/ Housewifes/ Widow/ Single Ladies, I am Bapi back again to share one more incident of a real story of a fabulous encounter of my gigolo profession. I would like to introduce myself to readers who dont know me. As informed earlier my name is Bapi,age 32, unmarried, located in Rourkela, Odisha. I am working in a private firm and serving as part time gigolo (male escort) for unsatisfied females. If you are lonely or unsatisfied with your...
Dear friends, this is Shiva again from Tamil Nadu. Thanks for all those who spent their precious time, sending feedbacks for my stories Lucky Journey With Lusty Lakshana and Pumping Plumy Padma. All your feedbacks and my experiences after publishing those stories, made me to write this story. Feel free to contact me via my email ids and to have a very safe, secret and enjoyable relationship. My KIK Id is : dazzlingshiva I always feel every girl/lady as a flower and they have to be treated...
Hi readers, my name is Joe from ,am doing my in a reputed college.Am basically from Kerala but live in Bangalore in pg.This is my first story in this site and forgive me if there is any mistake.I thank ISS for providing a site like this to share our story. This is actually how I became a gigolo for school teachers in Bangalore.The story will be in 2 parts & this part will tell you how a horny divorced teacher seduced me and made me a gigolo for her female friends in school. Please forgive...
Hello again everybody my name is Dev and I will be sharing my first gigolo service in Mumbai. I stay at a good locality in Mumbai having rich families around me. I completed my engineering degree so right now I am just having sex with horny ladies mail me at Coming to the story; during my engineering I thought that I should be a gigolo because people complimented me for good looks, height and body. As I know where gigolo start their business from so I went there. I noticed that three gigolo...
Hi dosto app asbhi ko mera mera Namaskar, mera nam Rohit he or me Rajasthan ki city ka rahne wala ho meri umar 34 sal he meri ye pahli kahani he assa karta hu ki app sabhi ko pasand ayegi me iss ka regular pathak hu or chahta hu ki me apni gigolo banne ki kahani app sabhi ke sath bantu dosto bat tab ki he jam me 31 sall ka tha mera ek dost jo kimeri hi umar ka tha us ko kucch sarir pe dad or khaj ki problem ho gai to Hum dono ek Dr ko dikhane chale gae joki ek bahut hi Mashur Dr thi Dr. Mamta...
Hello friends myself Raaz. I live in Delhi. I am sending my first story for you. It is a true story of my life. 2 years ago I came to Delhi for my engineering studies. As I belong to a small town so I didn’t know about the life style of a Metro City. Well now I am coming to my point. I have an athletic body as well as handsome. That is why I am demanded in girls. I lived in Dwarka at Delhi. In evening, sometime I got bored, as I was living alone at my room, so I used to go outside to make my...
First TimeDawn was back with the drinks before long and we sat on the couch waiting for Milton, drinking our drinks. I watched as Misty took a sip of her bloody Mary and I could tell from the way she make a face that either it was her first real alcoholic drink or that Dawn had make it very strong. Dawn and I watched as Misty drank almost all of it on the second sip. Then Milton came in the room and the reaction from Misty was the same as all the white girls that see him for the first time. Milton is...
Return to Misty By Kellie Cliffe My name is Dave. At least it is to my friends. To most people I'm Mr. Jones. I teach Social Studies at the local high school. Life is fairly routine, going from one lesson to the next, from one day to the next. Then some two and a half years ago life became really interesting and definitely NOT ordinary at all! That was the day when Misty Wright, one of my students (now ex- students) provided me with the time of my (or should it be HER?)...
THE SECRET LIFE OF MISTY WALTERS by Laika Pupkino )))=====> THE TRANSIT OF VENUS. I picked my honey up at the Lufthansa terminal at a little before midnight. After not seeing each other for over a month our reunion was passionate and intense, and I guess a bit more intoxicated than we'd intended because we wound up sleeping until after ten a.m. But since V. was currently between projects---her next film somewhere in the pile of scripts and treatments her agent had been dropping...
Hello, living in Jaipur, a dire financial situation three years ago forced me to look for ways to make money. A friend of mine, a seasoned gigolo (male sex worker), talked this 18-year old into joining his line of work and live a life of luxury. I’m paid big money for providing (and receiving) carnal pleasure. Money was what made me say “Yes” to my friend’s invitation to join the business. I get anywhere between ₹6,000 and ₹25,000 for one night, depending on who I spend the night with. The...
Robert The next morning he woke alone in bed. His dreams of the future seemed to have slipped away as quick as they came. He couldn’t figure out why she would have left and thoughts of her going back to Larry left his skin crawling. He quickly got up and threw on his robe before going to the phone to call her. Before he even heard the ringing on the other end it dawned on him that maybe she hadn’t gone home and he quickly hung up. Damn, where the hell is she! He made sure to look in her...
When Misty showed up at one of the local association meetings Thomas belonged to, he was full of lust for her immediately. She was very beautiful. She was dark skinned. She was Asian and Afro-American, with gorgeous results. She had long straight coal black hair and beautiful smooth silky skin. Her eyes were brown but very bright and she had a beautiful smile with a heart shaped face that would make your heart stop when she smiled.Her body was spectacular. The thing he noticed right away was...
InterracialRenee bent over and pulled down the covers, which she hadn’t even gotten under, because it was warm in the room. It was still warm but, despite the boldness of her behavior, there was still a residual level of nervousness in her that demanded she do something routine and normal. Turning down the covers served that purpose. “It really is a cute butt,” said Bobby, from behind her. She looked over her shoulder, to see him staring, where the shirt had ridden up to show her bare buttocks. Once...
Ujiah worked in the shop designing and building new and faster air cars and agricultural equipment. He missed Steve's input and companionship and now Tani had first become preoccupied with some project that she would not tell him about and then she had left. She had been polite with him but firm when she told him he could not go with her. Ujiah was at a loss, he missed her a lot. They had been together most of the time in the shop and they had been making love to each other for nearly a...
This was Renee’s first celebration of the 4th of July in Granger. She was a little shy, at first, but then began seeing people she knew. Children ran up to her for hugs, and their mothers and fathers smiled and waved at her. Mirriam also waved, from a line of tables set up on the grass. Lots of women Renee knew were at that line of tables too, and her nervousness disappeared as she walked over and was welcomed. She looked around for Bobby, but didn’t see him. She felt embarrassed, for some...