Blue Wicked
- 3 years ago
- 31
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When Alan arrived home he wanted to do only one thing, and that was to take a huge nap as soon as possible. For once, he was actually concerned instead of hopeful that his mother, Susan, would waylay him and demand to suck him off.
But to his surprise, she greeted him dressed conservatively, relatively speaking. She wore a green terry-cloth bathrobe. Lately, when he'd seen her in a robe, that had usually been a very promising sign. For one thing, simply knowing that she was naked underneath was extremely arousing. But this time seemed different. For instance, she actually had the robe so tightly wrapped around her that he couldn't even see any cleavage.
That disturbed him. He knew how much she'd come to love the "bounty of her chest." Furthermore, she rarely missed a chance to help him with "visual stimulation." He figured that if she deliberately wasn't sharing any glimpses of her cleavage with him, something had to be very amiss. Even more disturbing was her rather bland, almost dour, expression, instead of the joyful, loving attitude she usually had upon seeing him return home.
He thought, Oh no. Here we go again. What now? Just when I think things can't possibly get any stranger, they go and get stranger yet again. What's going to happen? Did someone get busted breaking the rules again? Is she having second thoughts about the double blowjob this morning? Or did Ron call and make her nervous or something?
"Hi Tiger," she said, happily enough despite the lack of a smile. "Don't worry; you're not in trouble or anything. You probably noticed the way I'm covered up. I'm sorry, but I just want to cool things off for a little bit, okay? I think we all need to cool things down after what happened this morning. Not to mention last night."
"Um, okay." In truth, Alan was so worn out from so much sexual stimulation in the previous twenty-four hours that he actually welcomed the respite. Anyway, Glory's strange spanking prank had driven him to new heights of pleasure, but somehow it had also turned him off to sex, at least for the moment. He was still too freaked out to want to be aroused.
Susan, totally unaware of his overwhelming experiences at school that day, explained, "It's just that I'm wondering where all of this is going. I'm wondering what the long-term effects of all this sexual activity will be on each of us. So we're all going to see a psychologist about it. Don't worry; she's an old friend of Suzanne's. I've been assured that she's very understanding and professional. Her name is Xania - spelled with an 'X' but pronounced like 'Z', with a long 'aaah' sound. So, phonetically, it's like 'Zaaah-ni-a.'"
The two sat at the dining room table while Susan told Alan everything else that she knew about Xania.
He had no idea what to make of it, but his brain reeled at the idea of seeing a psychologist. He had to cradle his head in his hands because he thought he just couldn't take any more new developments. He had a very, very bad gut feeling about it. All the sexual activity in the Plummer house had taken place in a complete cocoon, isolated from the outside world, so to let an outsider in on anything could lead to a complete disaster.
" ... So until the psychologist sees us, I think we need to keep things cool a bit," Susan said as she finished her explanation.
Alan was particularly upset when she told him that the appointment would be during school hours on Friday, because he had some big tests at school that day, as well as an appointment with Akami that afternoon after school. But Susan explained that they planned for him to take their second car to the appointment immediately after his last test, which was Glory's class, and that he could reschedule his appointment with Akami to the following Monday. Doing all this on Friday would end up cutting it close for his trip with the Boy Scouts that evening, so he'd need to have everything ready before he left for school that morning. In the end the two mothers had concluded that his scheduling would be tight but doable.
Alan grumbled and tried to raise some objections, but in the end he didn't find any way out. He could have discussed it more, but he didn't want to think; he just wanted to sleep. He'd have to process it all later.
At one point, his mother told him, "Don't worry. I know what you're thinking - that maybe everything will change. But Suzanne has already talked to this Xania person. She understands your medical need for stimulation, and that you need to get lot of your help from us. I'm not going to stop helping you that way, no matter what she says. But I'm just afraid of things here at home going too far. I mean, I get urges that I think would shock you. That has to change."
The mention of those urges caused them to start resurfacing again. It wasn't anything that she'd said or done; it was the mere fact that she was in such close proximity to her son. Also, she was naked under her robe, and the feeling of the terry cloth rubbing against her nipples reminded her of him pulling on her boobs. It was all she could do to remain calm and keep the robe closed until their discussion was over. She reminded herself that it was this very type of urge that necessitated seeing the psychologist. At the very least, she had to be able to deal with him in non-sexual contexts at least part of the time.
After some more chitchat, Alan was happy to retire to his room. Despite his mother's assurances, he was afraid everything would change because of this appointment. At the very least, he figured that his mother talking to a psychologist would dash his hopes of sleeping with her. He was extremely upset about that, but couldn't figure out what he could do to stop it.
Chapter 2Alan slept a long time. After his nap, he went looking for Suzanne. He had all kinds of things he wanted to discuss with her.
First on the list was his worry that he was slowly turning into an arrogant asshole, some kind of cruel "master."
Second, he wanted to discuss his concern that he was losing touch with the mundane, nonsexual world. He felt that would soon cause him to drop out of school, drop out of his social life, and basically drop out of everything that didn't involve sex.
Third, he wanted to discuss his spanking experience with Glory and figure out what that meant (although he had to figure out how to do it without revealing her identity).
Fourth, he wanted to talk to her about what was happening with Heather. Things with her were not going as planned.
Finally, and with the timeliest urgency, he wanted to discuss this appointment with the psychologist and what that could mean for their special family situation.
But he was unable to discuss any of it, because Suzanne wasn't there; she was still in L.A., making arrangements to pull off the psychologist charade.
He considered talking about some of this with his mother. Normally he might have done so, but these weren't normal times. He figured she was so heavily into her own weird mental trip, with all her own sexual concerns that had triggered this visit with a psychologist, that he didn't want to burden her with his other problems.
So instead he sought out his sister. The two of them commiserated in his room for a long time, mostly about Susan's decision to see the psychologist. Naturally, Katherine was as unhappy with the appointment idea as he was. She was very happy to have sex with her brother, and had no desire for someone to psychoanalyze her about the evils of incest. Just like him, she realized they had an unusually good thing going, and the odds were high that the visit to the psychologist would screw that up.
She pointed out to Alan, "Hey, life goes on. For instance, no matter what happens at home, at school you still have the cheerleaders, and they're bound to just get wilder and wilder. I mean, I heard what a big success you were today with Joy, Janice, and Heather. They're all raving about you."
She added, "At cheerleader practice, Heather was like a zombie. I figure it's 'cos you fucked her good. Am I right? I am right; I just know it! You're nearly guaranteed at least one good cheerleader fuck tomorrow. You can take your pick. And no one can prohibit you from being with Aunt Suzy. And then you have me, your own Number One Fuck Toy. We may just have to keep sneaking around, but so what? We've been doing okay with that. So this doesn't mean the end of the world for you. You know how many guys would kill to be in your shoes? They should make a porno movie of your life! They could call it 'Six Times a Day'." She giggled.
"Thanks, Little Sis. You know how to cheer me up. You're right that I have an incredible sex life and I should count my blessings. But I'm concerned about Mom. I don't want her to do something she doesn't want to do, but she's seemed so changed, so okay with everything lately. I'm puzzled."
"It's all going to work out, Brother. And here - I know another way to cheer you up." She unzipped his shorts. Afraid that Susan might hear, she whispered as she bent down and put her face in his crotch, "It's the duty of your fuck toy to keep your dick happy."
Alan was in no mood for teasing, or for physically intense sex, but he figured that kicking back and enjoying a nice blowjob would help reduce his stress.
Katherine worked hard to give him a loving blowjob. As it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, she didn't ask permission from Susan, but she also didn't ask for fear that Susan would say no, given her mother's newly cautious mood.
Alan had meant to talk to Katherine about her recent submissive comments, which he found disturbing. For instance, he wanted to know what was really going on in her head when she repeatedly called herself his "fuck toy." Was that just a game, or did she really mean it? But the blowjob felt too good to interrupt.
He looked forward to a talk with Suzanne and a chance to settle some issues. He figured that if she'd set up the appointment with this Xania, she probably knew things about it that he didn't, and he wanted to be reassured.
But before he could reach his climax, he heard the clicking of high heels on the floor outside his door. Then he heard his mother knock on the door and say, "Tiger, telephone for you."
He was surprised. He didn't have that many friends, and he'd been ignoring the few he had for the last couple of weeks, so he didn't get a lot of calls at home anymore.
"It's your friend Sean," she explained.
Alan considered what to do: ignore the phone, answer the phone, or answer the phone while his sister continued to suck him off.
He decided that he needed to make some sort of effort at a social life. He knew that he couldn't concentrate or speak without breathing heavily if Katherine was slurping on his erection, so he reluctantly pushed her head away, which ended the blowjob.
He talked to Sean for such a long time that Katherine gave up and left the room before he was finally done.
For dinner, Susan trod a thin line between extremes by wearing something that was both sexy and conservative. Aware of Alan's love for costumes, she dressed up in a silky Chinese mandarin dress, known as a cheongsam, that was slit way up the sides. It thoroughly covered most of her skin even as it ably displayed her big tits and gave glimpses of her long legs.
But as much as she tried to take a "cool it down" approach, her emotions weren't ready to always obey her intellect. Not only was she addicted to Alan's cum, she was also now addicted to being naked or loosely dressed so that she could flaunt her body to her son at nearly every opportunity. She wore a worried expression, uncertain if she was doing the right thing, but her incestuous lust still drove her into wearing something sexy.
She didn't wear any underwear. The idea of going back to wearing bras and panties all day long was now completely absurd. She even disliked leaving the house because it meant that she had to dress up and put on at least a bra. She rarely wore panties outside the house anymore, as long as she was wearing other clothes that let her hide that fact.
Amy joined them for dinner. Now that she was Alan's official girlfriend, she hoped to spend even more time at the Plummer house than before.
She kissed Alan for many long minutes after she walked in the door - long enough for their kiss to turn into an all-over body grope.
Susan had to put a stop to it when Amy started to undo Alan's shorts. The conflicted mother pointed out that a blowjob or handjob wasn't part of Alan's official "getting of attention" method for Amy.
But Amy was in one of her infectious, bubbly moods, so that temporary obstruction hardly fazed her. It appeared that she still couldn't get over the fact that she was now Alan's official girlfriend.
Susan tried to impress Amy and the others with the seriousness of her concerns, telling of her new-found desire to see a psychologist. She found that difficult, because it was hard to be severe and serious in the face of Amy's infectious enthusiasm.
For instance, when Susan said to her, "Now, Amy, we have to sort of take a pause with Alan," Amy replied by asking, "Do you mean we should pause for air when sucking his thingy, or pause for air during a big French kiss smooch?" Then she broke into laughter.
Susan laughed along with the others, though in her current mood she didn't find it all that funny.
Amy steamrolled over Susan's worries. Changing the topic completely, she said, "Aunt Susan, I'm so psyched to be a full member of the cocksucker club. Finally! But I have so much to learn from you guys. You were super awesome showing me how to lick his thingy last night, but how do you get him in the mood in the first place? I'm not good at all with that flirting stuff. Can you teach me? Please? Super double duper please-y, please-y, please?"
Chapter 3Susan was proud of her ability to get Alan's penis erect just about any time or place she wanted. That pride compelled her to answer Amy, and soon she was explaining in great detail the techniques that she used.
Katherine joined in with her own advice as well.
It was interesting information for Alan to overhear. He hadn't realized all the thought and strategizing that went into their flirtatious actions until he heard them described so clearly.
The women talked a lot about clothing. Susan said, "Amy, the key is what you wear, or, more importantly, what you don't wear. Now that you're one of Tiger's elite cocksuckers, and his official girlfriend to boot, no doubt you're going to find yourself naked and on your knees quite frequently."
"Rad! I love being naked!" Amy bent forward and listened more intently to discussions of one of her favorite subjects: nudity.
"We've all noticed that," Susan said with a smile, but some chagrin as well. "However, sometimes it's sexier not to be completely naked. Your mother was just talking to us about this yesterday, and I think she was spot on. You know the saying 'It's not the having; it's the getting'? Well, it's kind of like that. It's sexy to reveal yourself bit by bit. That's why stripteases are so popular. So you don't have to always throw all your clothes off right away, even though we all know how much you love to do that."
Susan continued in a motherly manner, "Remember that our goal, and now it's your goal too, is to keep Tiger's penis hard all day long, so he can achieve his six-times-a-day target of prolonged stimulations, getting his penis pleasured for hours on end. Preventing that dangerous sperm buildup through hours of sucking and stroking; there's nothing more important than that."
Amy nodded but asked, "Why is his cum so dangerous? I don't get it."
Susan lectured earnestly, "Amy, perhaps 'dangerous' is overstating it a bit, but for a superior male like Alan, blue balls are a painful, dreadful thing. We've got to get that cum out of his balls and into our mouths, or on our asses, chests, and faces, or he'll suffer something awful. If this psychologist understands anything at all about superior men, and your mom assures me she does, she'll see why all of us have to help with this never-ending task."
"I really don't see what the big deal is with blue balls. It's not that..."
Amy's voice trailed off, because Katherine was furtively waving at her frantically from across the table. Katherine certainly didn't want anyone to correct Susan's notion about the dangers of blue balls, and neither did Alan.
Before Susan could go off on a big lecture, Amy quickly corrected herself. "Well, actually, now that I think about it, that does sound pretty bad! Gosh, all that cum trying to get out of his swollen balls - that's scary! It's a good thing we're all working so hard to keep his thingy well drained." She spoke very convincingly, with wide, frightened eyes, as if she were talking about a dreaded disease like the Ebola virus.
Then she quickly changed the topic, hoping to stop Susan from continuing her blue balls rant. "But Aunt Susan, what do you mean about not going naked? Should I just walk around in only my miniskirt? Is that what you mean? That would be a total bummer!"
Susan answered, "No, no, no. Not like that. The keys are flaunting your assets and having variety. For instance, look at this dress I'm wearing. This is a bit of a tough one, because look how caged my tits are."
Susan grabbed her tits through the dress, lifting them up and to the side several times. "You see? There's no way for them to escape - unfortunately. But there's more potential down below."
She traced her hands along a high cut in the cloth that went up her side past her hip. "You see this here? I can use this to my advantage. Look what happens when I bend over."
The voluptuous mother got out of her chair and bent down until her face nearly reached the seat of her chair. Her ass hung high up above the rest of her body.
"My ass is still thoroughly covered. But if I sway a little bit..." - she did so - "the cloth falls to the side and half my ass is exposed. And from where Tiger is sitting, he can not only see one completely naked ass cheek, but he can see my shy kitty peeking out too. Can't you, Son?"
Alan spoke up from across the room. "As a matter of fact, I can. Not that I would be looking, because that would be impolite."
They all laughed.
Her pose was making Susan so wonderfully horny that she stayed bent over. She could feel pleasant tingles all throughout her body, but especially in her nipples and pussy.
Katherine added more advice. "So you see, Amy, how wearing some clothes can be sexier than just total nudity?"
Amy nodded, seemingly paying very close attention to every word.
Katherine explained further to Amy, "Not only that, but there's something that isn't Mom's forte, at least not yet, and that's verbal innuendo. For instance, since Mom serves us dinner, it would be nice if, while she's bent over like that, she asks him, 'Tiger, would you like something to eat? Some of your mother's pie for dessert, perhaps?'"
Amy appeared confused by that, so Alan pointed out, "Some of these things are clichés. A 'pie' or 'hair pie' is another name for a hairy pussy. But hey, the funny thing is, clichés work every time. At least they do for me. Just like I could never get tired of the view that Mom is still giving me."
Susan wiggled her naked ass in Alan's direction, but then stood up. "Now Amy, Tiger may say that he'd want to stare at my ass forever, but variety is the spice of life. You have to keep doing new things. Don't stay in one position too long, if you want his cock constantly hard and yummy - er, I mean - well, you know what I mean."
She added as she spread her legs, "Remember that you always have lots of tough competition for his visual attention, from Angel, your mom, me, or whoever else is around. Since Tiger is such a well-hung yet kind and loving stud, there will always be plenty of sexpots eager to guzzle down his seed. At home we're all friends, so that's not a problem. But at school you've got to stay one step ahead of all the big-titted babes to keep your official-girlfriend position."
Amy frowned with apparent worry.
Susan straightened up as she went on with growing enthusiasm and arousal, "Keep an eye on his package. His dong. His willie. I'm learning lots of new names for it lately, and I love 'em all! See how hard it is. Half the time it's out of his shorts anyway, and then you can really keep an eye, or even better, a hand, on it while you flaunt your body." Her excitement and arousal were growing by the second.
She said saucily, "And another thing. I may not be good at double meanings, but one thing I've learned is that it's good to play the innocent. For instance, if I bend over like I was before" - she did it again - "it turns Tiger on even more if he thinks that my display is accidental."
Amy asked, "Is that true for all men in general, or just him?"
Susan shrugged, unconcerned. "Who cares about other men? I just know what works for my sweet boy." She beamed in Alan's direction.
Amy asked, "But how can we play innocent when he knows we're all a bunch of horny nymphos who are dying to get our hands or mouth on his thingy at all hours of the day or night?"
"Good point," Susan said, treating this topic as seriously as an impending heart attack. "That is a problem. You have to be more creative. Like right now, we're pretty much pretending he isn't here. That can be sexy. It makes it seem as if he's a fly on the wall, like a guy peeking through a hole into the girls' shower or something."
She continued, "Actually, as an aside, that's a good idea. Angel, don't you think we should drill a hole in the wall so Tiger can spy on us while we're showering?"
Katherine's eyes lit up. "Oooh. Excellent! Even if he didn't use it much, I know it would get me all hot and bothered every time I showered, just thinking that he might be watching. Unfortunately though, his room is across the hall from the bathroom."
Susan frowned. "Hrm. Let's think about that. I'm sure we can come up with something ... Where was I? Oh yes. Knowing that something isn't completely real doesn't take away the fun. For instance, if I dressed up as an innocent schoolgirl and protested loudly while he took advantage of me, I bet that would turn him on."
"You know it would!" Alan agreed wholeheartedly. "This whole lesson is such a turn-on. Not that I'm here in the first place."
The others giggled at that.
Katherine chimed in, "We're lucky that he loves role-playing so much. Actually, we all love role-play. So, really, the sky's the limit. You saw the fashion show. Dress up as a nun or, I dunno, an astronaut. Anything! The key is creativity. Don't get in a rut and do the same thing over and over. Be creative."
Amy nodded. "M'kay. This sounds like fun, but it's also kinda tough. Why not just get totally naked and get down to business? Wouldn't that be even more fun, and a lot easier?"
"Sometimes, yes," Susan conceded. "But Tiger has a flair for drama. We all do here; it seems to run in the family. You have to compare the brute force method with creativity. Right now, all three of us could just drop to our knees, shuck off all our clothes, and beg that he fill us up with his sweet cum. That's the brute force method. It may be good once in a while, but as I said before and I'll say again, variety is the spice of life. To keep my Tiger erect and spewing cum twenty-four hours a day, it takes a big bag of tricks and techniques. Do you understand?"
"Yeah, I think so."
Meanwhile, Alan was so aroused that he was driven to unzip his fly and pull his hard-on out of his shorts.
Susan continued explaining to Amy, "Remember what I was saying before, how an accidental display can be more fun. It's also fun to act like you're being forced to do something. Here, let me demonstrate."
After some fussing about, she managed to open her dress just enough to leave her topless. She stood there and said, "Amy, you can see how showing off my big hooters gets him excited. Look. His eyes are glued to my chest. That's good. Since you're a big-titted babe, you can take full advantage of that. But watch this."
Susan put on a tormented expression. "Oh no! What happened to my shirt? Where did it go? Here we are in the middle of a crowded, fancy restaurant and my shirt has ripped completely open and fallen to the floor! What'll I do? This is so embarrassing! Somebody help me! Doesn't someone have something I can wear? No?"
She put her hands near her chest in a protective gesture, but in fact, purposely, her hands didn't manage to cover the bulk of her tits.
She wiggled her whole body as if in great agitation. "Look at how everyone is staring. Please! Don't stare! It's not my fault. I was just wearing a sexy top, but when my nipples got hard, they strained the fabric too much and it ripped open like tissue paper. Oh dear. Look. People are taking pictures! Tiger, please! Help your mother! Quick. Come here and cover my tits with your hands! They're all staring at your mommy's big bosom!"
Alan was so inspired that he got up and put his hands on his mother's tits. He didn't cover them up so much as tweak her nipples. His shorts were low on his thighs and his erection bounced all over.
He was a sucker for role-plays and immediately got into the spirit of this one. He asked with grave concern, "But Mom, don't you think all the people in this restaurant will find it strange that a son is touching his mother's big tits?"
"Oh, you're right. Then let's not let them know you're my son. Quick! Kiss me on the lips so people will think I'm your girlfriend."
The two of them lip-locked for a few minutes, throughout which he continued to maul her tits. Meanwhile she placed a hand on his exposed erection and began jerking him off.
When Alan broke away from the kissing, he looked around at the imaginary audience in the pretend restaurant and commented with mock doubt, "I don't know, Mom. They're not buying it. They're still staring. They think you're my mother because you're older." He deadpanned, "Not to mention the fact that you mentioned that you're my mom a couple of times."
"Oh! Dear me." She pulled his shorts down further until they fell to the floor. She announced in a loud voice to their imaginary crowd, "If I were his mother, would I be doing this?"
She began to jack off his projecting boner openly, using two hands in a way that everyone could see. As both fists slid up and down his erection repeatedly, she exclaimed, "I'm just his girlfriend. One of many!"
She squealed in delight at that thought, at the idea of being a member of what was essentially his growing harem. "He can have an older girlfriend, can't he? Would his own mother jack him off so eagerly? Or do I also need to suck on his fat stick to convince you all?"
They could have kept going in this manner, but, in a sense, she was too successful. She bent down to take his shaft in her gaping mouth, but Alan had to stop her and pull away because he was about to cum. He made it clear, though nonverbally, that he needed to take one of his strategic breaks, which caused their role-play to come to an end.
Amy and Katherine applauded Susan's expert performance, clapping loudly.
Susan took a prolonged bow, which she used as an excuse to flaunt her heavy swaying tits even more. Then she finished with a few more words for Amy.
"See how effective that was? Note that the fantasy doesn't have to make complete sense. Of course something like that could never happen in real life. But look at how much more aroused he is than he would have been just from me flashing my tits. He literally couldn't help but come over here and explore my body after the way I enticed him. Not only that, but it got me so hot, too, that my whole body feels like it's burning up, even now. I was imagining being naked in front of a crowd of people in a crowded restaurant, with my Tiger ravaging me like a feral beast..."
She closed her eyes and drifted off into a mental continuation of her fantasy. Her recently voiced concerns and her desire to see the psychologist seemed completely forgotten, at least for the moment. She was in thrall to her lusty desires.
Although Amy appeared to be very impressed with all of this, Katherine was secretly miffed at just how good her mother was getting at arousing Alan.
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IncestChapter One: Wife's Wicked Plan By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The bathroom door opened right as I reached for the doorknob. I froze. A cloud of steam washed over me as my eighteen-year-old daughter stepped out, still damp from her shower, her brassy hair wrapped up by one towel, another towel wrapped about her budding body. I blinked at the sight of her swelling cleavage and then noticed how sleek her legs were. They glistened. The towel hardly fell down low enough to cover her...
My hands gripped the bathroom counter like my life depended on it, my very sore ass pressed into the sharp edge of that same counter, which hurt. I’d just taken a bunch with the ‘Wicked One’, Hatch’s thick leather belt. I’d deserved it, I’d been bad, gotten another speeding ticket, and Hatch hadn’t been happy about it. I was due for another spanking with the Wicked One after dinner. Hatch had sent me and my dear friend Lucy to the downstairs bathroom to get me cleaned up and presentable for...
SpankingWendy’s eyes opened slowly in the pre-dawn light coming through her window. Her first thought was, “oh my god, I sucked my uncle’s cock! He came in my mouth!” Her second thought was, “oh my god, that was so fucking incredible!” The memories flooded back, the silky feeling of her lips sliding along Nelson’s penis, the spongy cock head mashing against her tongue, the sudden presence of warm, thick, salty fluid filling her mouth. She remembered her sense of awe and panic at the realization that...
IncestMy wife and I were getting ready to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary. I wanted to do something a little different and something that we would remember the rest of our lives. I just didn't realize then just how much it would change of lives. Jennifer is a teacher at the local elementary school. We have two little tow-headed boys, Timmy & Andy. They are two and four. It's the end of summer just before school starts. We had always wanted to go to Jamaica for a vacation but couldn't...
Rachel Ray’s emotions were in an uproar. She’d only been married about a year and was finally getting to where she enjoyed sex but never initiated it. When she learned about it in school her biggest question was how she ever got conceived since the subject seem to be taboo at home. Her mother was overly religious and overly protective. Thank God her five-year-older husband had hidden his limited experience from her parents so somebody knew how to make the wedding night anything but a...
Everyone says you should not travel these roads alone, but I am not a helpless old fool. In fact, I am shy of 20 cycles old. They say these parts are ridden with trolls and goblins. I have also heard stories of a wicked witch that lives in the woods beyond. All tales told by old fools to frighten children. I have seen some truly beautiful things on this journey to and from the dwarven kingdom. Mountains that touch the sky, valleys that go on forever. Sunsets that fill the sky with color. And...
The Wicked AngelsKeri(1)Part-1As everyone knows one of the easiest things to find on the Internet is porn. I happen to like reading the wide variety of erotic stories that can be found on the Internet, and one day I came across a website that was nothing BUT stories. As I began to read, I realized that I had stumbled across a BDSM story site. I had always been fascinated with BDSM and I never failed to get excited by the graphic descriptions of torture, punishment and sex. My favorites were of...
Chapter Two: Futa's First Wicked Speech By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “What was your favorite part of campaigning for president?” Adelia Tash asked me. I shivered, and the answer came immediately to my lips. “The rallies.” It was so interesting to talk about the most public part of my life: my bid to become the first futa-president of the United States. I was popular. Almost every woman in America wanted to have my daughter. The all loved me. I just had to keep them...
Chapter One: Futa's First Nubile Intern By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “I love it when you just demand my cock,” I moaned to my pregnant, young wife. I was twice as old as her and so lucky to have found her. All those years aching for that relationship her parents had, the one I almost had before my transformation. I never thought I would find it with Kurt's daughter. “Mmm, I know,” Sharron said as she grabbed my futa-dick had hiked up her own skirt, revealing her...
Chapter Two: Becca's Naughty Promos By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “What are you doing here, Jenna?” I gasped, staring at my twenty-year-old daughter as she sucked the last of my futa-cum out of my new clit-dick. I shivered, her lips drawing up it, her sandy-blonde hair spilling about her face. Jenna's mouth popped off my dick. Her cute, pixyish face stared up at me, her blue eyes twinkling. “Well, I'm your fluffer, right? I keep your futa-dick nice and hard, and let you cum...
‘What the….?! You question, raising your hand up to uncover your eyes. She slaps the back of your hand and grips your wrist pulling you out of the kitchen. Being blindfolded you’re disorientated and loose your balance, almost tripping up as she drags you up the stairs. Your girlfriend’s snappy conversation and rough attitude leaves you apprehensive as to her intensions. You hear the bedroom door creak as she pulls you inside. ‘Now strip naked!!’ she tells you, you’re surprised at...
Introduction: A follow-on from CHAT ROOMS, as a girlfriend finds out her husband has played away…. Its been a week since you played away with a hot girl you met via the internet chat room You get home after a long day at work, you take your coat off and head to the kitchen for a beer. As you open the fridge door, your girlfriend approaches from behind covering your eyes with a blindfold. She ties it tight being a little rough Ive got a bone to pick with you!! she snaps at you. What...
The small alarm clock buzzed insistently and Wendy’s eyes opened. Her first thought was, “oh my god, I let my uncle masturbate me!” Her second thought was, “oh my god, that was so incredible!” Her third thought was the awareness of the gathering wetness in her panties. She always set her alarm ten minutes fast, so she could attend to her morning ritual of masturbation. On this particular morning, she needed it desperately. She clicked on her bed lamp, flipped the covers off and doubled a...
Incest"A Most Wicked Headmaster" by Jay Merson.Copyright Jay Merson. The right of Jay Merson to be identified as the author this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights and Patents Act 1988. Downloaded from: The little slut was simply delightful. Her crisp white school blouse pulled tightly around her slim waist and harshly under the swell of her ample breasts. At the open neck and front, the blouse buttons were pulled under...
Wicked Ends, Fucked Up Means - Part I (Prologue) Her insides were soft, warm, and damn tight... But what was really making me crazy was her shaking body... Or her whimpers, her wails, I couldn't say for sure. Nah, it was the way she was helpless, the way I was the master of her body. The way I owned her. The only two things she could do, the only things I allowed her to do, were scream and feel what I wanted her to. Erika's little body was squirming under mine. Her thin wrists were cuffed...
Wendy got a thrill out of calling herself “Wicked Wendy”. She’d been married seven years. It was that mythical time when folks strayed. It hadn’t taken nearly that long for her. She’d married after a wild post-prom night when her date and his two buddies took her virginity with repeated copulations and she’d loved it. In spite of birth control, she’d gotten pregnant and her date, Warren, stepped up to that responsibility. Months after they married she miscarried but they decided to stay...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Four: Daughter's Wicked Command By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! My thoughts whirled as I squirmed atop my cousin—my sister!—bound to her body. Her eyes danced wildly from the revelation that she was my father's daughter. She moaned about the dildo gag. Our flesh rubbed together. Daddy's cum ran out of my pussy and dribbled to hers, my clit caressing hers, my nipples kissing hers. The...
Disclaimer: All active characters are legal age, but no ones age will be mentioned, so you can imagine anything you want. As for me, I like to watch horror movies, but it does not mean I want to hurt anyone. After all... in our minds we are all free... Chapter 2 After morning shower, Tom entered kitchen. Besides the table were sitting his father and both of his sisters. His mother, Joanne, was cooking breakfast. Tom looked at her. As always, she was wearing mini bathrobe whitch was...
She was really horney at the moment and hoped that her friend and lover Jenna would be home alone so she could get off. Kelsey knocked on the door then took a step back. Some moments passed before she heard Jenna's mom call out "Just come on in." Kelsey reached out and opened the door, then went inside, closing the door behind her. She headed for the stairs, and then went upstairs. She was going to Jenna’s room looking forward to her kiss her fingers in her tight pussy. As...
Introduction: Mom seduces her daughters teen fuck buddy to get to her daughters cunt. Kelsey was a teen knock out. A gymnast since she was six, Kelsey was the hottest girl on the Junior Varsity Cheer team. She had short ginger hair and brown eyes, she had a perfect tight little body, that was so flexible and in balance she could do a split head stand like no bodies business. Her bubble but was a head turner and her tities were firm and stood straight out form her body, she never saw a need to...
I know that you know what it’s like to have wicked thoughts. The ones that run around in your head, constantly popping into your conscious mind when you know that you can’t act on them, or worse, shouldn’t. You know all about those thoughts that start as a trickle and grow and grow until they hurt so much.I’m talking about thoughts that are wrong, in some ways. Well, perhaps not wrong just downright dirty. But the more you think about them, the more they grow inside. You know you are going to...
WatersportsI know that you know what it’s like to have wicked thoughts. The ones that run around in your head, constantly popping into your conscious mind when you know that you can’t act on them, or worse, shouldn’t. You know all about those thoughts that start as a trickle and grow and grow until they hurt so much.I’m talking about thoughts that are wrong, in some ways. Well, perhaps not wrong just downright dirty. But the more you think about them, the more they grow inside. You know you are going to...
WatersportsSonya was receiving the most unusual introduction to a professional partnership in history. Not only has she been well not quite seduced but invited to sleep with he younger of the partners but was now sitting wearing just knickers and blouse with the said partners mother and sort of mother in law. “This is somewhat surreal though I am finding it rather fun. As I suspect you know I am bi and the idea that you all seem only bothered by what is legal rather than what society thinks is moral is...
Ella got to St Pancras station with her passport, ticket and a small bag of clothes. When she boarded the train the seat beside her was empty. Ella felt nervous as to whether Anna had been caught and intercepted however shortly before the train left a dark haired girl politely asked for her to move so she could get the inside seat.Now the trick was to strike up a conversation and ever more interesting insert the phrase 'Wicked step-mother.' Bloody Quentin she thought trust him to be clever...
Chapter 10 -The Wicked Weasley Witches Coven Hermione sat at her desk reviewing a thick case file when there was a knock at her door. Mundungus Fletcher had been picked up the night before, and this time he had stolen goods on him. She was trying to decide which one of the prosecutors under her would be the most appropriate to handle the case. “Come in,” she answered as she closed the folder and set it in the center of her desk. The tall woman who entered her office was striking and...
Chapter Twelve: Futa Mommy's Wicked Discovery By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I had done it. I had fucked the reverend's wife, and my mom had no idea. The proof was smeared over my futa-cock stretching out my black miniskirt. Mrs. Matthews's cream drenched my cock. I felt so naughty as her daughter, Georgia, held my hand as we left the house for our date tonight. I was hoping by the time we got back, Mrs. Matthews would be dying...
Chapter Thirteen: Futa's Wicked Mommy Plan By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow I ripped my cock out of Mrs. Spencer's pussy, anger boiling through me. I felt so hurt. Betrayed. Sky was lying to me. I didn't know why that was shocking. She had been lying to me since Sunday while I had believed that she had changed. That things were different now. That we were finally close. Bonding. That she could trust me. “What's wrong?”...
Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “This is going to be an amazing dinner,” my twin sister said as we walked up the street with our mom to Clint’s house. “Minako thinks so, too,” I answered, the pair of us speaking our native Japanese. Kimiko gave me a naughty grin, a smile spreading across her delicate lips, the corners of her mouth spreading wide. She gripped my hand, squeezing it. We both wore dresses, mine sleeveless and blue, the skirt falling down to a few inches above my...
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Sixes and SevensChapter 16Copyright© 2018 by Always Raining
So it was my 19th birthday coming up and Diana's dad Knowing I loved to suck Dick had asked me how I felt about sucking multiple dicks in which I had told him hell yes I'm game. He said good because I'm having some friends coming over for The Vikings game and if you would like to suck some dicks they would be more than happy to feed them to you. Instantly I began fantasizing about these guys with their dicks in my face taking turns fucking my mouth. I couldn't wait for the opportunity to look...
ZARDOZ CHAPTER FIVE OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL ‘A long night Culane?’ I asked sarcastically when that wicked man entered the dining hall in the morning. ‘We had a rather painstaking job before us,’ he replied breezily. He looked well rested, the bastard, and he was kitted up ready for battle. Galinda trailed in behind him looking very smug and more relaxed than I had ever seen her, obviously she had been fucked good and hard, and had betrayed her oath just like the rest of us. ‘Don’t forget...
Sean woke up dazed and confused, his head pounding, and suddenly he found he couldn't move. That was when he realized he was tied tightly to a chair facing the bed.Fiona sat on the bed looking almost just as dazed yet for some reason she wasn't freaking out or trying to help him.Finally, she spoke. "How long were you standing there?" She wasn't sure why she was asking. Clearly, at this point, it didn't matter but she wanted to know.Sean cleared his throat before replying. "Long enough to know...
Wife LoversChandra was so excited to finally be able to go to the prom that year. She was 16 and just a junior but, got asked to go to the prom by senior Daniel Kentwood, who was not only popular but a major babe. Chandra lived with her elderly father and her three brothers, Mark, Andrew, and Jared. Her mother had passed away when she was just twelve in a car accident. She grown up alone not knowing many things that woman should know. This was going to be her first date ever. She was nervous and tense....
Chapter Three: Becca's Wild Talk Show By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “I just can't believe it,” my twenty-year-old daughter Jenna moaned as we lay in bed. “That's me with your cum running out of my cunt, Mom.” “I know,” I groaned, my pussy so wet, my clit itching and throbbing, wishing it were a futa-cock right now. But the sun had set hours ago, returning my dick to the little bud peeking out of my soft petals. “You just look so yummy. I'm gushing out of you.” “Want to know how...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Daughter's Wicked Education By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah I...wanted to be a slut. To please Mom. She was so right about me. I had all these whorish desires bursting through me, inspired by Clint's antics with his girlfriends, his cousins. The way he strutted around college. The way he enjoyed his cousins and other girls. I wanted to be one of those girls. I masturbated my...
Chapter One: Becca's Hot Interview By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Dr. Rita is waiting for you in her office,” the Hispanic nurse said. She had a nametag that read Pita pinned to her lilac scrub top, a bright smile on her face. “Just this way.” “Lead on,” I said, masking my yawn. I needed to be perky and energetic despite the early hour. The sun wasn't up. Yes, in late November that wasn't too early, but still... My camerawoman didn't bother hiding her tiredness, Hosannah...
No, if he had seen her before the event, he would have probably ripped her clothing off and fucked her until she couldn’t walk, let alone skate. Knowing that he would see her soon, Will picked up the magazine and flipped through it, hoping to see more of Kate in that naughty outfit. Though the pictures of her did not disappoint, it was the pictures of Kate’s hot young sister, Pippa, that made Will become a little harder. Philippa Charlotte Middleton, better known as Pippa to her...
Introduction: With Kates hot little tities out there I felt inspired. I have to say Pippa is so hot! As William stood in line at the convenient store checkout with his few items, he noticed that his girlfriend, Kate, was once again, on the front cover of a tabloid, this time for attending the Day-Glo Midnight Roller Disco. He had not seen the outfit that she worn for the event, but now that he had it was probably a good thing he didnt. Even looking at the pictures of her caused his cock to...
I am an elf. My name is Willmar Snowflake, but almost everyone calls me Willie. Those who know me well call me Wicked Willie. I am 111 years old, which is just at the beginning of elf adulthood. I am tall for an elf, almost 5 feet in height. I have bright red hair and a ruddy complexion. I'm fit and trim, no cookie belly for me! Those who have come to know me well have come to realize that my most outstanding feature can be found inside my pants; my cock is a thing of beauty – almost 10-inches...
. a quick recap of part 4 Wendy showed her wicked side as she dealt with Pamela and Paula for not following her instructions of helping Terri become the women that Wendy wanted her to be . After the bobbsie twins helped Terri become more feminine by purchasing wigs and make up also having a sexual encounter with Warren and Raul told Terri that they would be at Terri's place at 6:30 A.M. Terri greeted the bobbsie twins at the door clad only in a red baby doll night gown and matching red thong...
This is a re-post of an earlier version following revision.The next day was a rush of activity, as a large dinner party at less than twenty four hours notice took some preparation. However it was made a lot easier since the catering job Margaret and Nicola had booked in had been cancelled. Apparently the couple had broken up a few days before the wedding.“I am glad we got a hefty deposit off them and hadn't bought all the food. Your going to benefit from some that we did buy. The two of us are...
Ella had woken up in the morning to find her lying next to Crispin in the bedroom of her luxury hotel. Crispin was not very experienced with women as he had pointed out but he was a very quick learner. Ella smiled to herself it was a new experience being the seductress. It was only months ago that she had been a virgin schoolgirl yet now she had experience of both men and women sometimes together. What she had discovered was whilst she still managed to look demure she really wasn't.Crispin...
Ella had been shopping with her step mother Sal before but not like this. They were visiting some high designer stores in London's West End. Some of the shops did not have prices displayed. They were getting her outfits suitable for posh parties and weekends away. Not that her present clothes were not smart as Ella was pretty wealthy and liked her to be well dressed. Mind you Sal acquired a few items herself.As they were going home on the train Ella challenged Sal. “OK your cover as an Essex...
I watch you walk from your car into the Wicked Pleasures store and decide to follow, just to see what tickles your fancy tonight…you seem to be in a rush and I can tell as you walk past the light, by the way your voluptuous butt jiggles and the bounce of your braless big breasts that you have been in a hurry…my my..insatiable baby must be extra horny tonite, I smile…I enter behind you and watch you go inside the “100 lashes spanking room”…right up my baby’s BDSM alley I think, just as the night...
SRU: The Wicked Stepmother part 1 of 4 By Morpheus The clear sound of her high heels clicking against the hard floor was comforting to Stephanie Miller as she walked through the crowded mall, grimly intent on her purpose. The sound repeated in her head, soothing her with its steady repetition. Keeping her eyes open for whatever it was that she was looking for, she continued walking through the mall. Stephanie was a beautiful blonde woman who knew how striking she was, and...
WICKED WICKED By C PART I We came out early to the customer?s house:? one of the larger and more elegant in an upper-class suburb north of Chicago.? It was just Dad and me, none of our employees.? I wore my backpack; Dad held in his arms what looked to all the world like a very large box, covered with a white sheet. ?Lizzie,? said Dad, ?you might act as if you?re thirteen years old and ring the door for me.? Knowing that I could carry passive-aggressive only so far, I did. ?Coming!? we...
My name is Charlie; I’m sixteen years old, a little over six feet tall, with bottle-blond hair that’s got a greenish tint from the chlorine in the pool. I have the broad shoulders, muscular torso and powerful legs of a swimmer. In two weeks I’m off to the training centre to see if I can make the cut to compete for a spot on the Olympic swim panel. My mom is super proud, and also super strict.She told me I can go for this weekend but I absolutely can’t take any girls, it would be dumb to risk an...
Outdoor“I just can’t believe it,” my seventeen-year-old daughter Jenna moaned as we lay in bed. “That’s me with your cum running out of my cunt, Mom.” “I know,” I groaned, my pussy so wet, my clit itching and throbbing, wishing it were a futa-cock right now. But the sun had set hours ago, returning my dick to the little bud peeking out of my soft petals. “You just look so yummy. I’m gushing out of you.” “Want to know how that hot cum got in her underage snatch?” the me on TV asked, my face looking...
April 17th, 2047 “What was your favorite part of campaigning for president?” Adelia Tash asked me. I shivered, and the answer came immediately to my lips. “The rallies.” It was so interesting to talk about the most public part of my life: my bid to become the first futa-president of the United States. I was popular. Almost every woman in America wanted to have my daughter. The all loved me. I just had to keep them energized, and I would win. “Why?” Adelia asked. I could feel the studio...