Three Square MealsChapter 133: A Battle Of Wits... free porn video

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This is incredible! To think that this citadel has been in existence since the time of the Kyth’faren! Tashana gasped, gazing up in awe at the majestic high-arched ceiling as they walked along the corridor of the Kyth’faren castle. Yet it still looks like construction was only completed a matter of days ago!

How old is it exactly? Alyssa asked in a hushed voice, gazing at the elegant architecture that precisely matched the design of the fortress in her pocket plane.

John shook his head. Rahn didn’t know. The archives do describe the final days of the Kyth’faren Empire, but he said there was nothing indicating how long it’s been here.

There was no obvious source of illumination around, but the airy hallway was pleasantly bright, the pale stone walls gleaming as though they were in direct sunlight. The trio walked along the corridor to the grand set of doors at the end, their eyes drawn to the intricate patterns traced in its marble-like surface.

Are these Kyth’faren Runes? Tashana asked, brushing her gauntleted fingers over the swirling shapes.

John hesitated then shook his head. I don’t think so ... or at least they’re not psychic runes. They’re probably just ornamental.

They’re beautiful... she whispered, gazing at them in fascination.

You can study them in detail later, he said, pushing the doors open. I think you’ll find this even more interesting.

Tashana’s breath caught as she stood bathed in multi-coloured shafts of light, the spectacular illumination coming from a row of stained-glass windows set high in the walls. However, it wasn’t the bright colours that had her entranced, but the glowing sphere of hexagons in the centre of the room.

Is this it? The Kyth’faren archive? she asked reverently, taking a faltering step forward.

John nodded. Yes, according to Rahn.

The Maliri archaeologist held out her hand towards the polygonal shape, then glanced back at John for confirmation. Is it alright to touch it?

He hesitated, then strode over to her side. Let me try first, just to make sure it’s safe.

Tashana moved aside, letting John bring his gauntleted hand closer to the glowing object. He touched its surface then felt a flash of sensation, his mind flooded with shapes, words, and images.

Woah! he gasped, wobbling unsteadily.

Are you alright?! Alyssa blurted out from behind him, a shrill edge to her voice.

He nodded as the disorientation passed. It was a bit of a headrush, but I feel fine now.

Gazing around in fascination, John felt like he was standing inside the sphere, with vast volumes of information filed away on each of the surrounding hexagonal tiles. He picked one at random, focusing on the word “Maedhane”, then he was tumbling down an endless well with images facing him on all sides. The pictures were spectacular, from sweeping mist-shrouded mountain ranges to enchanting emerald forests, giving him a breathtaking glimpse of the ancient Kyth’faren planet. The world was definitely alien, but there was an aching familiarity to the natural beauty, the flora and fauna not that dissimilar to the plants and creatures found on any Gaia-class world in the Terran Federation.

Reluctantly pulling himself out of the eldritch construct, he turned and gave Tashana an encouraging smile. It’s disorientating at first, but it seems safe enough.

Biting her lower lip with anticipation, Tashana held out her hand to touch the orb. She gasped and wavered for a moment, her eyelashes fluttering wildly. John held her upright, watching her face for the slightest sign of distress.

Oh! You weren’t exaggerating! she blurted out, holding onto him for support.

Maybe you should stop? John suggested, flicking a worried glance at her trembling fingers.

No, I’m okay, Tashana quickly replied, shaking her head. Wow ... this is incredible! I can’t believe how much information is stored here!

Alright, you can keep looking ... but sit down while you’re studying it, John said, guiding her to the curved benches that closely surrounded the data repository. And I want you to stop if you feel any kind of distress.

Yes ... I will, she murmured, already captivated by the ancient relic from an extinct civilisation.

Satisfied that the Maliri didn’t seem to be in any immediate danger, John patted her shoulder, then turned to look at Alyssa. His smile faltered when he saw her fraught expression.

I’m fine now, there’s nothing to worry about, he said to reassure her.

There’s so much pain here... she whispered, her face pale with fear. An eternity of bitter rage and heartbreaking sorrow...

John looked at her in alarm. The whole castle, or just this room?

I-I don’t know... Alyssa muttered, the blonde turning to dart an anxious glance down the corridor behind them.

Are we in danger? John asked, looking at the jittery blonde with concern. Is something getting ready to attack us?

She shook her head helplessly. I’ve never felt anything like this before ... I just don’t know.

John narrowed his eyes and activated his X-Ray vision, then carefully swept his gaze over the interior of the castle. He was able to make out the dimensions of rooms and corridors inside the fortress, but there was no sign of any living entities that might pose a threat.

Drawing his sword just in case, he muttered, Alright ... we’ll keep our eyes peeled while Tashana studies the archive. If there’s any trouble, we’ll leave immediately.

Okay... Alyssa agreed, shivering involuntarily.

The Kintark officer paced back and forth on the Bridge of a heavy freighter, staring at the holographic Sector Map that floated above the command table. The bulky cargo hauler had been commandeered by the Imperial navy and was now at the forefront of a dozen similar ships, all heading towards the invaders. The freighters weren’t alone in their mission as a second group accompanied them, this one comprised of ponderous mining vessels.

“Prelate Rentak?” the freighter’s helmsman asked, his stubby tail twitching nervously. Turning in his seat to look at the military officer who had replaced his old captain, he continued, “We have reached your desssignated navigation point.”

Rentak stared at the red and purple swirls of cosmic gases they had passed on their port flank, and felt a flicker of apprehension. Anything could be lurking inside the brightly-coloured astral hazard, even a Brimorian warfleet if they were operating on minimal power, and he would be none the wiser until falling into their laps. Instead of answering the navigator, he strode over to his command chair and activated the display to recap his orders. After double-checking that the coordinates were correct and this was the correct nebula, he rasped his teeth together to catch the helmsman’s attention.

“Change courssse to heading 245 and proceed inssside the nebula. I will Inform half the fleet to follow our lead,” he declared, before designating a point on the map a short distance inside its murky depths. “Hold at thisss posssition and begin jettisoning our cargo.”

The helmsman shot him a worried glance. “But Prelate ... the sssteel ssstanchionsss we are carrying will be undetectable with all thisss background interference. Deliberately creating a flight hazard inssside a nebula isss a crime punissshable by-”

Slamming his scaly palm down on the armrest of the command chair, with a crack like a plasma pistol, Rentak silenced the civilian. “If the Brimoriansss have any complaintsss, they can contact the Empresss herssself and asssk for recompenssse!”

After jumping in fright at the loud bang, the helmsman broke into a grin, finally understanding the purpose of their secretive mission. “Sssetting courssse, Prelate Rentak!”

Acknowledging him with a curt nod, Rentak began transmitting his orders to the rest of the freighters in his fleet. With that task done, he turned to watch the cluster of cargo haulers make a ponderous turn and head towards the nebula. Several of the lumbering ships held back, dumping out a number of nasty surprises for the invading enemy.

While the freighters went to work, the fleet of mining ships plodded onwards. Rentak didn’t envy them, as they had an even more dangerous task to complete, those brave souls heading even closer to the invading enemies.

How are you getting on, Tashana? John asked, placing his hand on the Maliri girl’s shoulder.

This is fascinating ... simply fascinating... she murmured in reply, the wonder quite clear in her voice. There’s so much information here on almost every aspect of the Kyth’faren civilisation. It’s going to take me months just to sift through it all and find out what’s here, but studying it in detail would take a lifetime.

That doesn’t surprise me; these archives have kept my father entertained for over nine millennia, John noted with a grimace. Have you found anything useful so far?

Tashana nodded, her violet eyes flicking back and forth as she stared at something only she could see. Take a look at this. I found a collection of images taken from Aeraldhaim, a Kyth’faren planet in what they called the Segaeth spiral ... on the opposite side of the galaxy from us.

How far away from Terra is that? John asked Alyssa, who was watching the corridor behind them with a wary eye.

If it’s located on the Scutum-Centaurus arm ... at least 60,000 light years, the blonde muttered distractedly.

Before John could ask any more questions, the polygonal object in the centre of the chamber began to glow. Light beamed out from a hexagonal tile, then pictures blossomed into existence on one of the walls, offering him a tantalising view into the galaxy’s distant past. Beautiful pale-stone cityscapes appeared, the elegant Kyth’faren buildings interspersed with broad tree-lined streets. Amidst the majestic splendour of the city was the tell-tale glitter of advanced technology, old and new integrated seamlessly in a way that John had never seen before.

The image suddenly burst into life, movement occurring within the city as small vehicles raced between the gleaming spires. It was surreal to see the same fantastical architecture that they’d only encountered in the Astral Plane, but as it had originally existed in Kyth’faren cities millions of years ago. John found it sobering to think that the beautiful megalopolis before them had been destroyed, its population devoured by Xar’aziuth to feed his insatiable hunger for power.

The imagery shifted, showing a view of the planet itself, with a gleaming orbital ring surrounding the world in low orbit. Like the view of the city beforehand, the picture smoothly came to life, with scores of unfamiliar spacecraft approaching the colossal docking facility. Each ship possessed a beautiful grace that made it quite obvious they’d been designed by a species who had mastered interstellar travel.

The picture panned back from the space station, revealing a gigantic hoop hanging motionless in space. The steady stream of traffic was coming from the glittering structure, with more of those mysterious spaceships heading back towards the enormous hollow disc.

Wait a second! What’s that? John called out, pointing to the circular device.

It’s the reason I showed you this image, Tashana replied, her unfocused eyes turning in that direction. I’ve seen multiple references to a hyper-gate network ... and I think this is one of their gateways.

John studied it in fascination. Is this the same kind of hyper-warp gate that Larn’kelnar was talking about?

Tashana turned away from the picture to look at him. I don’t know, but the Kyth’faren obviously used a similar kind of technology to travel across their Empire. Maybe those original gateways still exist and the Progenitors have taken over the network?

After considering it for a moment, John shook his head. Larn’kelnar talked about building his own and taunted me about not having constructed one yet. My father also mentioned that he expected me to have used Mael’nerak’s hyper-warp gate to fight the Progenitors; he gave me the impression that Mael’nerak built it rather than found it. I think we can safely assume that Progenitors construct their own before they start fighting any wars.

That makes sense, the Maliri archaeologist agreed.

What else have you found so far? John asked, tearing his eyes from the compelling images so that he could look at Tashana.

I’ve been reading through personal accounts of the collapse of the Kyth’faren civilisation, Tashana replied, her expression turning grim. They didn’t know what was happening at first. People seemed to be dying at random, their corpses discovered in their dwellings as little more than desiccated husks.

Husks? Like what Progenitors do their thralls? Alyssa interjected.

Tashana nodded. Exactly the same ... the bodies had the life force drained out of them. The Kyth’faren didn’t realise the threat they were facing until it was too late; Xar’aziuth was using dreadful psychic abilities that no one knew even existed. The death toll increased exponentially, until their civilisation dissolved into anarchy, whole worlds going silent as their terrified populations were consumed.

John experienced a disturbing flashback to one of his Astral nightmares, recalling the sight of a carpet of husked thralls lying withered and twisted at his feet. He shivered at the thought and shook his head to clear the horrible memory.

Have you found anything on Kyth’faren runic knowledge? he asked, eager to change the subject. Rahn said he discovered how to construct my runeblade from one of these archives.

The Maliri archaeologist shook her head and gave him a guilty look. I’m sorry ... I haven’t started looking yet. I was so excited by the opportunity to actually see Kyth’faren worlds and read first-hand accounts from their people that I got distracted.

John gave her an understanding smile. I guess this must be like finding the Holy Grail for you.

Tashana nodded enthusiastically. It really is! This place is an absolute goldmine of priceless information! She hesitated and her expression turned rueful. I’m sorry I let myself be distracted though. I’ll let you know as soon as I find out anything about Kyth’faren runes or runic weapons.

He patted her on the shoulder. Thanks, honey. Keep focused on that for now and we can come back to study the rest later.

Will do! she replied, her violet eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Turning away from the Maliri, John studied Alyssa, who was still deeply unsettled. Are you sure you’re alright? If it’s getting too much for you, we can all leave, then I’ll come back with just Tashana.

Alyssa immediately shook her head, but her wary gaze flicked to the corridors again. No ... I’m not leaving you.

John watched her for a long moment, then swept his gaze through the fortress again. There was still no sign of any hostile threats, but that gave him small comfort in the face of Alyssa’s troubling reaction to the citadel.

High Prelate Zorlin stood on the sweeping observation gantry overlooking one of Mar’Trinark Shipyard’s huge docking bays. His reptilian eyes followed a munitions train as it emerged from a tunnel in the side of the hangar, its open-topped trucks stacked high with hundreds of newly constructed EMP warheads. The vehicle rumbled along raised rails towards his flagship, the battlecarrier Breklan’tohok, which looked resplendent with its iridescent green armour glittering in the light.

While the train was huge, it was dwarfed by the colossal warship that dominated the hangar. The Breklan’tohok seemed to effortlessly swallow up the munitions convoy, which disappeared inside a loading bay below the battlecarrier’s starboard missile launchers. Zorlin knew that his munitions teams would now be working frantically, rushing to install all those EMP warheads in repurposed plasma missiles as they prepared for war with the Brimorians.

The High Prelate grimaced. He couldn’t help worrying that they were actually preparing for the largest collective suicide in Kintark history.

A piercing shriek reached his ears, the terrified wail fading away as if the owner of that voice was falling from a huge height. Zorlin caught movement out of the corner of his eye and he spotted a flailing figure arc across the hangar before landing in a crumpled heap. The Kintark engineer made no attempt to get up, but that wasn’t surprising considering the mangled state of his corpse.

Before he could do or say anything, the High Prelate heard the ominous approach of thumping footfalls and he turned to see the perpetrator of that unlucky engineer’s doom. Empress Tamolith stalked menacingly along the metal gantry, her massive maw twisted into a snarl of irritation. Several more Kintark engineers rushed to get out of her way, literally running for their lives as they sprinted past him.

“Zorlin!” Tamolith snapped, her amber eyes blazing with anger.

Fighting down his natural urge to flee in terror from the furious dragon, Zorlin managed to keep his clawed feet rooted to the spot. He gave the leader of the Kintark Empire a low, respectful bow. “Your Imperial Majesssty ... how may I be of ssservice?”

Tamolith towered over him as she came to a halt, her baleful gaze staring down at the leader of the Kintark defence fleets. “What is this nonsense about me abandoning the throne?!”

“Begging your pardon, Empresss, but you wouldn’t be abandoning the throne,” he stammered, wondering if he was risking death by contradicting the temperamental dragon. “Thisss isss merely a precaution.”

“You want me to cower like a whipped cur and flee from the treacherous Brimorian scum?” she rumbled indignantly.

Zorlin forced himself to meet her piercing stare. “Evacuating Kinta will ensssure your sssafety, Empresss. The oddsss are heavily ssstacked against usss.”

“You told me that Blake’s defensive plans would give us a fighting chance,” she growled, her reptilian eyes narrowing. “Have you changed your tune?”

The High Prelate shook his head. “No, Imperial Majesssty. We do have a chance ... but our forcesss are ssstill heavily outnumbered. If the battle should not go our way, I do not have a fleet ressserve to guarantee your sssafety.”

Tamolith scraped her claws across the gantry, accompanied by the shrill screech of mangled metal. “I thought the Brimorians were planning to target this shipyard, not our homeworld?”

“That’sss what Admiral Blake believesss isss their most likely courssse of action and I am in agreement with hisss asssesssment. If I wasss in the Enclave’s posssition and intended to cripple our ability to defend the Empire for decadesss to come, I would make dessstruction of the Mar’Trinark Ssshipyard the highessst priority. Having sssaid that, I do think that your withdrawal to the far reachesss of our territory would be wissse ... at leassst until the invasssion isss dealt with.”

“What kind of message would abandoning the Imperial capital send to my minions?” she snarled, lips curling back to reveal a terrifying set of huge fangs. “I’m already having to deal with widespread dissent after ceding half the Empire to the Terran Federation. If I appear any weaker, the planets I have left will start openly defying me!”

Zorlin spread his hands in a gesture of helplessness. “Pleassse accept my humble apologiesss, Empresss. I cannot advissse you on sssuch mattersss ... my area of expertissse is fleet tactics.”

The Empress’ tail lashed back and forth, revealing her anxiety. She was quiet for a long moment, her amber eyes shadowed with worry. Tamolith blew out her breath in frustration, the wind whistling between her huge teeth as she exhaled, then the imposing dragon turned and headed back along the gantry.

Finally allowing himself to relax, Zorlin’s shoulders sagged with relief. He actually felt safer facing impossible odds against a highly-advanced alien menace than he did in an audience with the draconic Empress. His relief was short-lived as Tamolith’s long serpentine neck twisted around so that she was staring at him once again.

“I wish you good fortune in the battle, High Prelate. You carry the future of the Kintark Empire in your hands ... do not fail me.”

“I will do my utmossst, Empresss,” Zorlin replied with a respectful bow.

He watched the huge dragon depart, then turned on his heel and entered the elevator that would take him down to the hangar below. The fleet was nearly ready to depart and they had additional surprises to prepare for the Brimorian invaders.

I found it! Tashana blurted out, grinning with delight.

Found what? John asked, surprised that she’d already discovered something useful.

The schematics for your runesword! she replied, her eyes darting from side to side as she studied the information in the archive.

That was quick! Nice work, he said, patting the Maliri girl’s shoulder. Can I take a look?

Tashana nodded, already activating the Kyth’faren polyhedron. Of course ... let me just display it for you.

One of the hexagons blazed with light, then a technical schematic for his runeblade appeared on the wall of the chamber.

Kyth’vindathys, John murmured, reading the title written in Progenitor runic script. He glanced down at the gleaming ethereal weapon he clutched in a gauntleted fist, which was an exact replica of the one he held back on the Invictus.

Those runes ... I don’t recognise them. What are they? Alyssa asked in fascination, momentarily distracted from her misgivings about the Kyth’faren fortress by the surprising discovery.

John stepped closer and studied the intricate runic phrases needed to forge the weapon. Looking at the complex structures made his head spin, but he could sense the formidable power contained within those incantations. Like Alyssa, he didn’t recognise several of the elaborate sigils, which were not part of the Kyth’faren eldritch alphabet that he was familiar with.

I don’t know, he admitted with a puzzled frown. I’ve never seen them before either.

Then how did you forge your sword? Alyssa asked, waving a hand at the razor-sharp blade. You must’ve used all those runes to make it.

He gave her a helpless shrug, then glanced down at the rune-embossed weapon, turning it in his fist and watching as it reflected the light. I wasn’t even trying to create anything like this at the time. I was reshaping my sword to make it stronger, but I got distracted and made this runeblade before I realised what I was doing.

Dana’s runic affinity is a mystery as well, Alyssa reminded him. Maybe there’s another whole outer ring of runes that we’re missing?

Tashana turned to look at John over her shoulder. Or at least we’re missing them ... but you must have them locked away in your head.

John grimaced as a sudden thought came to him. My guide must still have control over all those runes ... that’s why I didn’t even know they existed. Shaking his head in frustration, he continued, Even when he’s locked away, my guide’s still a thorn in my side.

Alyssa slipped an arm around John and gave him a sympathetic hug. Not for too much longer.

Very true. After a lingering look of regret at the runic script, John turned to face Tashana again. Alright, why don’t you see what else you can find. We’ll have to come back for another look at the runesword schematics when I know what all those runes mean.

Okay, I’ll keep looking, the Maliri readily agreed, submerging her subconscious into the Kyth’faren archive again.

He felt Alyssa tremble beside him and glanced at her with concern. What’s wrong? Did you sense something else?

The blonde glanced warily over her shoulder. I just can’t shake this weird feeling that we’re being watched...

I haven’t seen any sign of movement here besides us, John said, his voice calm and reassuring. I’ll keep checking, just to be sure.

John’s eyes glowed with a blue light and he gave the fortress another perfunctory sweep with his enhanced X-Ray vision.

God fucking dammit! he swore, tightening his grip on his blade. I don’t believe it!

Tashana jerked herself out of the polyhedron’s telepathic construct when she heard his outburst and turned to look at John in alarm. What’s the matter?

My father ... he’s here. I just spotted the asshole landing on the battlements, John snarled, stalking towards the door behind them. I’ll go tell Rahn to fuck off. Call me immediately if you two get in any kind of trouble.

John, wait! Alyssa protested, striding after him. I’m coming with you!

He paused and shook his head. Rahn’s not any kind of threat ... I’m much stronger than he is now. Stay here and keep watch over Tashana while she studies the archive; I won’t be gone long.

Her shoulders slumped when she saw the fierce look of determination on his face. Alright ... but please be careful.

Stay safe, Baen’thelas, Tashana said softly, her expression filled with concern.

I will, he replied, giving them both a warm smile. Don’t worry, I’ll be right back.

As John left the girls and the Kyth’faren knowledge repository behind, his smile faded and a cold, hard edge appeared in his eyes. He was sorely tempted to ignite his runeblade with Eldritch fire and deal with Rahn’hagon permanently, but his mother’s desperate plea for his father’s life still rang in his ears. Gritting his teeth with tightly-suppressed fury, he stormed down the corridors of the ancient citadel, bracing himself for the impending confrontation with his father.

It didn’t take long for John to reach the battlements, the use of psychic speed hastening his arrival. He burst through the imposing doors that led to the outer fortifications before Rahn’hagon had even managed to cross the battlements to reach the keep. His father froze as the doors slammed open, shocked by the sudden appearance of his son only a dozen paces away.

What are you doing here?! Rahn’hagon gasped, falling back a step.

Trying to find out what you stuffed inside my head, John growled, advancing towards him. Now leave before I make you.

Rahn’hagon bristled at his son’s scathing tone, never having been so casually dismissed before. He glared at John, torn between his anger and instinct for self-preservation. I showed you this place! You can’t order me to leave!

John gave him a grim, humourless smile. You’re not coming inside while I’m here ... but you’re welcome to try and force your way in. Let’s see what happens when you can’t hide behind my mother’s skirts.

What do you mean? his father said, looking at him in confusion. Jessica isn’t wearing a skirt.

It’s an old Terran expression, John explained, looking at his father with contempt. It’s what cowardly children do ... they taunt someone, then hide behind their mother when that person retaliates. The only reason you’re still alive is because you cowered behind Jessica.

Rahn’hagon flushed indignantly at the explanation behind John’s insult. Despite his anger, he eyed his son’s runeblade with trepidation and backed away, not wanting to antagonise John any further.

Alright, I shall depart, the ancient Progenitor grudgingly conceded. He paused, studying John curiously. Actually ... the only reason I’m here is because I was seeking answers about the nature of your abilities. Perhaps we could discuss that for a moment before I leave?

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 133

When Insults Had Class... These glorious insults are from an era before the English language got boiled down to 4-letter words. A member of Parliament to Disraeli: "Sir, you will either die on the gallows or of some unspeakable disease." "That depends, Sir," said Disraeli, "whether I embrace your policies or your mistress." "He had delusions of adequacy." - Walter Kerr. "He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire." - Winston Churchill. "I have never...

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Family LettersChapter 133

Dear Brother, Whatever you do you better get home to Marissa. She needs you and the fact that you are gallivanting across the universe is almost criminal. Yes, I did use a big word. Your sister has been sitting in on some college level lectures. Fine, I cheat on that. I've written that we have several former college professors in the unit. Well, a couple of them confessed that they actually enjoyed teaching, so ... we now have Trinary University on Wadi. It's not a big school. We have the...

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“What is the Prefontayne family doing when you girls get home from this tour?” Janice asked. “I don’t know, actually,” Joanie said. “I haven’t heard anything.” “Would you like us to come over and stay with you again?” Anna asked, with her sisters giggling. “I will have no time of my own, ladies. I have a lot to do, The Mansion, songs to listen to, a wife to listen to, a mother to listen to, and I need to double the size of the entire Gold Standard Society.” “Wow, you are going to double...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 133

The wind had died down to an occasional hard gust, but they could still hear almost constant thunder in the distance as the sky to the south lit with multiple lightning flashes. The power was off and would remain so through the coming day as the power company repaired many downed lines throughout the area, and installed new transformers to get the substation back on line following the lightning strike. "Oh, shit," Kayla said, hissing in a breath when she saw the result of the multiple...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 133

All in all, Laura did not regret her night with The Boys. Her asshole was sore for days after the rough reaming they had both given it, but the rest of her was none the worse for wear. And being sandwich-fucked twice by those monster cocks had brought orgasms she could still almost feel the power of when she remembered them. There was a lot to be said for huge, insatiable young cocks. Though I wouldn't give up a beautiful, wet, black pussy for one, she smiled to herself. In fact, the very...

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Six Times A DayPart 133 Youve Really Got a Hold on Me

Alan, Susan, and Katherine gathered in Susan's bedroom, so they could have a really big bed to use. All of them were surprised to discover that the "stealth fucking" idea actually more or less worked. Susan and Alan lay naked, face-up and side to side, while Katherine was face down, on top of Alan. His erection poked up into Katherine's pussy. She nestled her head into his neck and closed her eyes. Susan managed to snake one of her hands under Alan's thigh, so that she could hold his...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 133

These are compliments of Fmwarmac A boy says to a girl, “So, sex at my place?” “Yeah!” “Okay, but I sleep in a bunk bed with my younger brother, and he thinks we’re making sandwiches, so we have to have a code. Cheese means faster and tomato means harder, okay?” Later on the girl is yelling, “Cheese cheese, tomato tomato!” The younger brother says, “Stop making sandwiches! You’re getting mayo all over my bed!” A man and woman had been married for 30 years, and in those 30 years, they...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 133

The party began in earnest when the sun set a few minutes later. By midnight they were telling tales that ran all the way from an Embassy in Somalia to a pirate ship off the coast of west Africa. Different people told of different events. Then from out of nowhere the pilot from Bolivia appeared. He told the story of me dropping the mortar shells out the window of his plane onto the drug lord's home. He ended it with, "I was scared shitless, but Sylvia threw those shells out and cursed. She...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 133 Ether Bunny

What did Molly’s text mean? Ghost is not in the shell? Lost key to what door? Was she somehow talking about the “man in the machine?” I didn’t get to ask because as soon as we got home mom took Molly off to show her around. Dad took me out by the pool. “I see all of the deliveries arrived. Not quite sure what you are trying to do with the colored vinyl webbing, but I’m sure you have some master plan. The tables aren’t quite as cheaply made as they looked in the pictures we were shown. Did...

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Runaway TrainChapter 133

I heard a snort of disgust from the lounger beside me. “Let me guess, ” she said, “you want your car and fifty bucks for gas.” “Pretty much, ” I said. “If this … if we can’t make this work then I walk out with what I came in with.” “It’s not going to work that way and I think you know that, ” she told me. “I think it should work that way, ” I noted. “Maybe it should, ” Liz said. “But it doesn’t. Do you know where I’d be right now if I hadn’t run into you again?” “Anywhere you wanted to...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 133

The night proved interesting; I spent time with all my mates talking, holding and making more decisions as to where JBG and we were going. I knew where I was going to be for the next year, at least. Breakfast was really interesting with the kids, Mom, Dad, Jason and Lisa. The boys ate everything they ordered. I was impressed and surprised. The helicopters were going to carry them back to the island in an hour. I delayed my routine until they left. At the security meeting the Iranians were...

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Double TearsChapter 133

“Beware of more powerful weapons. They often inflict as much damage to your soul as they do to your enemies.” —Greg Cox, The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh Over the next few days, I spent intense loving time with each of my girlfriends. It wasn’t all spent in bed, but a lot of it was as I focused on reconnecting with each one. I spent some quality time with Cindy, too, some of which wasn’t even about music. I took her to get a burger for lunch one day just for a chance to talk where...

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08 TogetherChapter 133

Six years in the future – Jens and Ben – Back at the cabin How time flies when you’re having fun! If you remember the last time I talked to you, I was having problems with PT and the run. I finally shocked the heck out of Ben when I told him I was pregnant. Like a typical man, he was flustered and blurted, “How did that happen?” I giggled and said, “Well, we had sex...” Ben interrupted, “ ... But I thought I couldn’t have children.” I smiled at Ben and explained, “I guess it’s one of the...

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There and BackChapter 133 Captivated

The fight began about as expected – with flights of arrows. The soldiers deflected the missiles with their shields, but one or two of the archers got lucky, and the first soldier fell, an arrow protruding from his neck. The emissary began casting – some sort of lightning spell, from the feel of it – and I wrenched its mana away before it could do any damage. Faren engaged with a number of hurlocks, swinging his longswords in arcs, cleaving indiscriminately, and a few of the soldiers went...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 133

As with Ekaterina, Irena was gone by the time Adam emerged from the shower. The site owner was happy with the scene and Adam and Karlie went on their way. "What a weird set up," Karlie remarked on the drive home. "What do you mean?" Adam asked. "The translator is Irena's aunt," Karlie said. "I mean, that's just odd, don't you think?" "She's probably part chaperone, too," Adam guessed. "That part makes sense. But I'm not sure I would be cool with my aunt coming to a...

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Oval Office: Me: Madam President, how are you coming along at signing the bill that hit your desk this afternoon? You: I am a little reluctant to sign without fully understanding some of the boilerplate and technical jargon, yet I'm getting that oh so familiar itch. Me: That's highly inappropriate and besides, this desk has probably seen its fair share of christenings. Voters are looking forward to your speech you have been drafting up for tomorrow You: Well, maybe my chief of staff...

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Pulaski Square

Chapter One: Jaivon Johnson As I crossed the square from the Casimir Inn, on the south side of Pulaski Square, to the General’s Café on the north side, I shuddered as the big brute of a landscaper, Caleb, rose up from a flowerbed and glowered at me. He too? Would he too make me bend to his will as if by right?—not that I deserved better. But then I saw that he was looking beyond me, at Miz. Muriel standin’ at the service door of the hotel. Lookin’ at her like he’d like to eat her up. Still not...

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BONEHEAD SQUARE Upon my arrival, there didn’t seem to be a lot of activity, so I stayed at the counter and conversed with the clerk. Few words had fallen before I heard footsteps, looked to my right to get a visual on a man walking toward me from the area where I should have gone right away. The look of longing on his familiar and handsome face as he walked toward and then past me with a nod of acknowledgment told me I’d arrived too late to attend to the needs of his thick and uncut seven inch...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 16The Battle

After dinner Jason changed into cockroach form, dressed in his armor and wrote to Lauren. He spoke briefly with Yoyo, Cassius, Jacques, Marduk and several other leaders. Philippa decided to stay with Jason and Valsam. Zafa joined her fleet. Jason went to look outside. Tens of thousands of troops, tanks and gunships surrounded the palace. Jason spoke to Andrea and Linda. Razza and Julia returned to their rooms. Finally, Ooryphyon did so as well. Jason meditated and spoke to Porquenta and the...

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Champions of the Square Dance

CHAMPIONS OF THE SQUARE DANCE By Annie James As he was about to pull their motorhome back onto the highway after gassing up at a truckstop John Heywood's concentration was interrupted by an exclamation from his wife. "Wait, John! We can't leave that poor hitchhiker just standing in the rain. He's only a boy." John halted the vehicle, leaned out his open window, and waved to the figure huddled under the shelter near the gas pumps. That person came running up to the side of the...

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Three Square MealsChapter 26 Dana works on his ship and Alyssa works on his body

Dana bounded out of the Invictus, leaving Alyssa and Jade behind her, as she hurried to meet up with High Councillor Rathus and the dozens of Ashanath engineers who were staring at her expectantly. She was surprised at her surging confidence, having previously hated being the centre of attention, especially when there were more than a handful of people watching her. Instead of feeling the familiar crippling fear of public speaking, she was eager to get started and speaking to everyone at...

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Chatham Square

Chapter One ‘I should have brought a newspaper or a book or something.’ Nearly unpacked, having already survived her first class at the Savannah College of Art and Design in the old Barnard School building across the square, and feeling the itch to get back to her dolls, Ginny had eschewed the thought of fixing her own breakfast of burned toast and weak coffee this morning and ventured out onto the square to William’s Café at the corner at West Taylor. The serious and mournful-looking young...

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The Battle of Khartoum the Violation of the

This story is fantasy. The actions described herein, did not happen, However, it is based on an actual 19th Century battle that took place between soldiers of the British Empire and an army of Muslim rebels. The story includes cruel treatment of young males, castration, enslavement and humiliation. If such a fantasy story or its sexual elements offend you, please read no further.The Battle of Khartoum: the Violation of the British Empire(Being an unauthorized account of the battle of...

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The Empire Book 3Chapter 22 The Battle for Charassa

Jason arrived at Charassa before the invading fleets. He informed his own Generals and Admirals about what he had been doing and why, so that they could convey this to the most senior Admiral and General directing the battle. “I can’t get over this, Jason! You constantly seem to manage to surprise me,” said Ouma Chatzke. “We now have a second extremely ancient race on our side, and their unique defense against planet and star system missiles is a true blessing. “These are trying times for...

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The Battle Of A Lifetime Ch 1

As the trumpeter’s call split the early morning silence, it found Dakkoth moving through the intricate practice maneuvers that his craft demanded. Clear on the other side of the arena, Silvaeya was just waking up. She rolled out of her meager bed, and reached for her weapons and armor and began to suit up. One of the unspoken rules of the arena was never to be without a weapon of some kind at all times. Accidents happened all the time, and the more prepared that you were, the better your...

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BackscatterChapter 20 Battle Royal

One day later. Time: Wednesday, May 26, 2055 11:30 PM UMT It was two hours before dawn, but both armies had already been positioning themselves for hours. Hannibal stood with his second-in-command in the situation room deep within Urushalim Express. Around them were a number of the ship's officers, watching the displays with them. Captain Silva cleared his throat. "Hannibal, to preserve some semblance of neutrality, I'll have to ask you and Edom to leave the ship soon and return to your...

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The Battle for Hyaline

Author Note: This is one I wrote years ago when I first started writing and just recently found again on a disk. I thought The readers of Literotica might like it. ************ The Roamers had just finished their lunch and set off for Hyaline for supplies. As they neared Hyaline they could hear the sound of battle and as they got closer they could see that Hyaline was under attack from an army of wastelanders. These were those that had been affected by the radiation of the Great War and...

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Sharing my Wife Another Fun Square Dance

We had a square dance weekend planned in Baker City March twelfth. We’d had it planned for a long time, to go with our square dance friends, Jim and Joan. We’d made hotel reservations at the Best Western a month earlier for Saturday night for a room with two queen beds as we enjoyed sharing a room with them. We’d been friends with them long before we started our sexual odyssey and our relationship with them was purely platonic, other than a little sexual teasing. They had no idea of how we’d...

Wife Lovers
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The Empire Book 3Chapter 23 After the Battle

The enemy in the battle had been much more effective and dangerous than had been expected. Their shields technology and weapons were very much more powerful than had been predicted. Jason was shaken by the events. This was the first time for a long time that he had felt threatened and at risk. Jason felt that he was back on a treadmill that was going faster and faster. There was a great sense of relief that the battle had been won. It could have so easily been a loss. Each of the allies...

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SRU The Battle of the Sexes In Rhyme

This is my second attempt at a story so I hope you like it. Not much TG, but it's somewhat humerous. I give permission for you to place this story on your non-profit site as long as you e-mail me first. Read my other story on Fictionmania. SRU: The Battle of the Sexes (In Rhyme) by Mysterious Stranger "Women are better than men!" yelled Wanda over and over again. The arguing was getting bad, and there was no answer to be had. The women claimed to be superior to all, while...

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The Girl With No NameChapter 17 The Battle of Horkustk Ris

The Grand Duke and his entourage left the capitol and crossed the Rika Chorna river in a fleet of ferries. He commented to his commanders that, if he survived the upcoming war, he’d have to build a bridge to span the river closer to the capitol. It was ridiculous to have to cross like this, in boats like common cargo. The Danubian Royal Army already was encamped on the south bank, opposite the city. As soon as the sovereign showed up, the men began their trek southwards. There were 9,000...

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My Daughter and My Battle Within

My Daughter and My Battle Within   For the last five years, I have fought a major battle of morality within my own mind. My daughter, now 17, has developed into an absolute gorgeous young woman. My secret desires have remained within my mind for so long now, explicit taboo thoughts of incestuous lust. This is a story, an account of how I fought this battle and how this battle was ultimately lost. I know there are many men, fathers out there that also fight this secret battle within and I admire...

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GSP Chapter 1313 Final Battle for the GSP

G.S.P Chapter 13 Final Battle for the G.S.P * * * "Thank you agent for arranging this meeting," agent Hawk said. He was presented on a video link from Washington and most members of the team were assembled. Those absent were Avalanche at school and Mindeye on a trip to Washington. "A meeting is essential given the nature of the problem. Has Mindeye arrived to provide you with assistance?" agent Anderson asked. "Mindeye is here in Washington and will arrive here in a short while....

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Battle for the Planet a Karl and Merry Adventure

Prologue The bulbous grey ship winked out of hyperspace and swung into orbit around the blue and green planet. Selecting the largest land mass it decelerated, flamed through the atmosphere, found a secluded location and settled to the ground on antigravity beams, it's landing pads crushing trees like matchsticks. The need for the UR-Metal had become critical and the Hive Mind was becoming desperate. It had been repulsed from this source before, this time it would not fail. 'I have heard...

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OstafrikaChapter 5 The Battle Begins

The Etrich Taube bumps down after it's second reconnaissance flight. Gerda Carpentier bounds down from the cockpit, her cheeks flushed with excitement. Striding purposefully over to the shed she asks where Leutnant Spangenburg is. "Gone with his men," I tell her. She shivers with concern for her absent lover, perhaps even now fighting for his life somewhere out there. Collecting herself, she gives her breathless report to me. "Still in column... near that village by the twin...

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The Destroyers Book 3 Civil WarChapter 6 Battle for Mars

Mars Base: Federation Side Thirteen-year-old Mitchell Young sat back from his computer screen, looked at the final design of the APES, and watched the simulation run. Within seconds, they had devastated a unit of T'Lari warriors. Reaching over to the keypad, he typed in a few commands and watched the T'Lari change to battle Mechs and it took a little bit longer but they were able to wipe out the twenty Mechs for the loss of only five of the APES. With a grin, he said, "It's going to...

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Star ChamberChapter 10 The Battle

“What is twenty miles?” Heaty asked. John showed Heaty what an inch is by using the back of his thumb. Twelve inches equal one foot. Heaty asked, “Are feet and foot the same thing?” So, he understood foot/feet. John then went big, “Yes, feet is the plural of foot and 5,280 feet make a mile.” Heaty took the next step, “20 miles are 105,600 feet. Good!” No doubt Heaty could figure on his feet. We were back with Lady Ada in the control, “Lady Ada, My Jenny wants to heal you. Is that...

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The Angel of Times Square

The Angel Of Times Square By Bluto I graduated from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in 1981 after nine months at the New York City campus. It was not my first visit to New York, but it was by far the longest time I've ever lived in Manhattan. A one school year master's program requires a lot of concentrated work and most of my time was spent in classes or choosing, researching and writing a thesis or practice reporting and more. However, in spite of all that I...

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Gabatrix the First PeaceChapter 11 The Battle of MJJ12

“Come on! Come on!” one of the crew members yelled to another as they walked as fast as they could to the airlock passageway. “The Atra is already setting up the gate probes. Move your ass now!” A female officer quickly looked behind her. There was no one else that she saw. Kane was inside the Atra by the airlock as the crew of one hundred was being rounded up. Some Yutilians and a few Shal’rein had all met up with the evacuating crew. Ifra was helping others in their rapid adjustment to the...

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The Dragons BackboneChapter 6 The battle

As the sun set, we stood on the top of the narrow pass on the main trail through the Dragon's Backbone. Behind us a valley led to the plains of our home. Before us a valley led down the steppes across which the main enemy army had come. We were watching them coming up the valley not far from us now; they would start crossing the pass on the next morning. The captain spoke to us, only a few words, but even now, as I write this, they give me shivers in my bones. "Soldiers of Livia. They are...

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The Last of His KindChapter 7 The Battle with the Zentas Hue

After resting for about half an hour with the two women doing the same beside him Mev sat up. It was time to prepare to meet the Zentas Hue; he could feel the pattern of his spellcraft previously applied to the ship was fading fast. It would not be long before the Zentas Hue trio was able to return to the ship and do whatever they wanted with it. Mev looked at Sheila who was still sitting back against the wall. After a moment her eyes opened and then a look of wonder came over her face as...

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Star ChamberChapter 14 A Galactic Battle II

John looked to the Captain of the Lulu, “Battle Stations Captain! Plan A-1 defend earth.” “Yes Sir! Plan A-1 defend earth.” The two men had worked out communications with the Captain’s limited English, “Sir our sensors are telling us of intruders in the flight bay.” John heard what could pass for a marching song on earth. Some more men and women coming to man the guns on Lulu. “Willa was standing next to John, “They won’t let me do battle up close,” Willa said as she patted her...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 48 Dec 1944 the Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes

Surrender? “Nuts!” Gen. Anthony McAuliffe’s 1944 Christmas Message to his Troops In mid-December 1944, Allied forces were surprised by a massive German offensive through the Ardennes Forrest that created a “bulge” in the Allied lines. Caught in what would become known as the “Battle of the Bulge,” the 101st Airborne Division of the United States Armed Forces was holed up in Bastogne while German armored divisions encircled the town. Outnumbered, outgunned, and running out of food, ammunition,...

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Town Square

Stefanie knew that stripping down to her underwear was not the brightest thing to do in a secluded wood, in the dead of night, but, hey, she did what she needed to do for art. She stepped up to the rock where she had trained two lights and her tripod-held camera set on time-delay. In between each click, telling her that the camera had taken a picture, she struck and held a pose with a katana a friend who was into swords and knives had leant her. Her poses were those of a warrior. In one, she...

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Semper FiChapter 15 The Battle

Mortars exploded no more than thirty seconds after his daughter had departed. Hitch and Kieu-Linh quickly donned helmets and flak jackets, then rushed out to find protection. Old instincts had Hitch rising for a fight, his mind already taking in every detail and craving more. Plumes of dust were close by, and more impacts pounded within a hundred meters. Hitch heard shouts around them, the rattle of a .50 caliber exploding to their east. "We're being overrun!" a man shouted with...

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Three Square MealsChapter 5 The long journey comes to a close

“What was that?” Alyssa gasped. “We’re picking up an emergency distress beacon” John replied over the din of the klaxon. He pushed a button reducing the volume to a much more subdued level. John looked at the monitor for more information. “It looks like it’s a freighter experiencing engine trouble. They need a tow or spare parts.” “Are we going to help them?” Alyssa asked, excited at this unexpected turn of events. “It could be a trap” John frowned. “They might be genuine though!” Alyssa...

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The Battle of Hastings

Author Note: This is one I wrote years ago when I first started writing and just recently found again on a disk. I thought the readers of Literotica might like it. * ‘Come on Granddad, Tell us a story of when you were young.’ Badgered my grand-children. Let me see now, it was October 1066 and the Norman invasion force were advancing towards us, they looked pretty fierce. William, the Duke of Scum, sat astride his horse as if he’d already won the battle but us Saxons knew that he’d lose but...

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Let Battle Commence

I am not by nature a confrontational soul, indeed show me a conflict and generally by the time you have turned your head back to say to me, ‘see that conflict?’ you will be faced with an empty space where previously I stood. Alright, maybe I exaggerate a tad, if Master is there I will have moved behind him and be peering around his shoulder with a determined look of ‘let them try and get past Master!’ I guess it all relates to my stormy upbringing, Master knows my father now, not the father...

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